#marvel idea
s10127470 · 1 year
Thoughts on the Return of Ultimate Marvel
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As some of you have probably heard by now, the Ultimate Marvel universe is officially returning for the first time in 8 years in the upcoming event “Ultimate Invasion”, coming this June. 
And while many people are excited for this universe to finally return after not being used for so long, there some, myself included, that are a bit more split….
But before I can explain that, let’s give a bit of a history for some more context. 
In late 1990s, Marvel had barely manage to survive bankruptcy by selling off the film rights of many of their characters to various studios. 
Around that time, they felt like a reason for their declining comic sales was because of how difficult it was for newcomers to get into their comics, given how many relaunches and runs they had going on, combined with the 60 years of history they had under their belts at the time. 
So as as result of this predicament, Marvel came up with the idea of doing an all-new comic run that would run adjacent to the mainline comics. 
It would revamp the iconic Marvel characters for the 21st century and help introduce them to an all-new generation of readers.
And so, Ultimate Marvel was born! 
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Launching in 2000 with Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Marvel would become a smash-hit! 
It helped launched Marvel back into the relevance and had a strong presence in the comic book industry, which was helped by other series like Ultimate X-Men in 2001, The Ultimates in 2002, and Ultimate Fantastic Four in 2004.
The series was successful financially wise, but quality-wise….not so much….
Ultimate Spider-Man was great and is often regarded as one of the greatest takes on the Spider-Man mythos. 
But the same can’t be said for the other series. 
A major problem with the Ultimate universe from the beginning was the lack of stylistic focus and cohesion between the titles and creators. 
With Ultimate Spider-Man, while striving to be somewhat different, Brian Michael Bendis still wanted to say true to the spirit and style of the classic Spider-Man comics, but just slightly updated for the modern era. 
However, most of the other Ultimate titles fell into the trap of trying to be too different from the mainline universe.
This was the result of these titles either being placed in the hands of writers who had a style that didn’t really fit with the intention that Marvel had for this universe, or just weren’t very familiar with the characters they were working it. 
As a result, this led to the universe being riddled with ill-fitting characterization and shock-centric storylines. 
It’s the reason why this universe is known as the one with the overly-edgy writing and where nearly everyone is an asshole (with some exceptions like Peter Parker). 
Probably the best example of this would have to be The Ultimates 1 and 2, which featured a reimagined version of the Avengers.
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Written by Mark Millar (who had never written anything of actual good quality until about 2012), the Ultimates was created as a satire/commentary of the somewhat ridiculous Bush-era jingoism that plagued the United States not too long after the September 11th attacks, with the Ultimates being portrayed as a superhuman task force created by the government in order to defend America.
While not a bad concept, it really did not fit for a modern reimagining of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. 
Apart from the comic runs being made horribly dated through its political commentary and abundance of pop culture references and hard to read thanks to Millar’s formerly trademark style of writing like an edgy teenage fanfic writer, it featured undoubtedly the worst takes on the Avengers. 
The Ultimates were basically flanderized versions of the mainline counterparts.
Captain America was an overly jingoistic numbskull, Iron Man was a sleazy alcoholic who was almost never sober, Giant Man was an actual domestic abuser, Wasp was an abuse victim who constantly flirted with other men, and The Hulk was a literal monster who frequently engaged in cannibalism. 
The only remotely likable characters in those runs were Nick Fury, Hawkeye, and especially Thor. 
This was done as an attempt to make the Avengers more grounded and realistic….
Saying the Ultimates is grounded and realistic is like saying Star vs. The Forces of Evil actually had a good series finale.
The main problem was the fact there was barely anyone who you could like or root for.
And in all honesty, it seems that it was the intention while also…..not being so…..
Since there are some moments where they do want us to sympathize with the characters, but due to how most of the series comes off as portraying them as people who don’t deserve sympathy, combine with how unlikable they are, it makes the whole thing pretty confusing.
But other than that, things were fine for Ultimate Marvel until about the late 2000s, when sales started to steadily decline. 
A major reason for that was because the quality of writing of the titles began to somewhat decline, along with the Prime Universe gaining more prominence in the comic book world.
Granted, their writing was not exactly good to begin with, but it was definitely better back then that it was now. 
The biggest offender to this was none other than Ultimates 3. 
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Ultimates 3 is unanimously regarded as the worst of the Ultimates series and one of the worst titles from the Ultimate universe. 
The run was written by Jeph Loeb, who was not very familiar with the Ultimate universe to begin with.
Plus he was not in the best mental state at the time, having recently lost his son and close friend to cancer. 
While Ultimates 1 and 2 were not….ya know…..good, but at least they were leagues better and had something to say when compared to Ultimates 3. 
Ultimates 3 basically cranked the overly-edgy writing style to the fucking max, literally being the only thing this run had to offer.
It was pure style over substance.
Along with that, it introduced some of the most infamous moments in this universe. 
With the crowning achievement being the reveal of Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch being in an incestuous relationship.
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Yes, you heard me right. Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch were in an FUCKING incestuous relationship! 
Around the time as well, Marvel began to feel that the Ultimate universe was starting to become too bloated and convoluted. 
Ironic how the whole point of this universe was be more simplified than the mainline universe.
So as a result, Marvel decided they want to do a clean slate for this universe and how did they do it?
With Ultimatum! 
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Ultimatum is unanimously regarded as not only the worst storyline in the Ultimate universe and one of the worst in Marvel history, but also one of the worst comic books of all time! 
And it’s all well-deserved.
Long-story short, Ultimatum was about the heroes of the Ultimate Universe having to band together in order to defeat Magneto.
Speaking of which, in Ultimates 3, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are killed by Hawkeye and Ultron respectively, and as a result, it drove Magneto to insanity. 
This led him to steal Thor’s hammer Mjolnir (which in this universe doesn’t have a magical enchantment to it), and combines it his magnetic powers in order to alter the magnetic poles of the Earth. As a result of this, it sends a massive tsunami that floods New York City.
Basically, Magneto wants to destroy the entire world as revenge for the death of his children. 
Ultimatum was an overly-edgy, cynical, and just flat-out depressing and mean-spirited mess. 
Undoubtedly the most notorious element of this comic were the deaths. 
This comic featured the deaths of many notable heroes and villains. And unlike in the mainline universe, death in this universe was much more serious and most of all, permanent.
Most of the time….
 Not helping was how many of the characters either died off-screen, in ways that didn’t make sense, or in rather gruesome and overly graphic ways. 
Some of the best examples include Nightcralwer drowning despite being able to teleport, Doctor Strange having his head exploded by Dormammu, The Thing crushing Doctor Doom’s head with his own bare hands, and perhaps the most infamous, The Blob eating Wasp alive. 
Seriously, what was up with the Ultimate universe and cannibalism?
The only remotely good things in this event was seeing Spider-Man going out of his way to save as many people as possible instead of joining in on the edge-fest and J. Jonah Jameson actually finally seeing him for the hero he really is.
Before I move on, I do want to bring talk about the X-Men real quick.
Out of all the heroes in this event, X-Men by far got screwed over the worst. 
In addition to losing more than half of their team and many of the characters associated with them (even including the Big Four of the X-Men), the origins of the mutant gene were also revealed to them….
In the Ultimate universe, instead of being a natural phenomenon caused by evolution that’s been around since the early days of humanity, the mutant gene was instead the accidental results of a failed attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum during World War II. 
Oh yeah side-note, the Super Soldier Serum was a major element in this universe, with often being tied to the sources of many of the heroes’ powers, most notably Spider-Man and The Hulk. 
But back on topic, this revelation has gone down as one of the dumbest twists in Marvel history. 
Everyone has already said it, but it completely misses the point of the X-Men and the mutants as whole. 
They’re suppose to represent minorities and oppressed groups who couldn’t help the way they were born. 
Basically, the Ultimate universe decided to turn the mutants into the goddamn Inhumans, minus the advanced civilization.
And more I think about it, this might’ve been foreshadowing to what would try to do with both teams in the coming years. 
Think about it. Remember during the 2010s when the X-Men’s existence was heavily downplayed and ignored due to everyone at Marvel being forced to do so in order to keep Ike Perlmutter happy, since he was being all huffy about Fox still owning the film rights to that team, while also constantly pushing the Inhumans.
I’m throughly convinced that he somehow read this comic, and as a result, it gave him the idea to replace the X-Men with the Inhumans. 
Anyway, Ultimatum left a nasty mark on the Ultimate Universe.
In addition to permanently killing off many characters, readers somewhat gave up on the series.
Although the Ultimate Universe did continue for another six years, it never reached the level of popularity that it saw in the early 2000s.
And even though this era of Ultimate Marvel was much more tame when compared its earlier years and especially during Loeb’s time, it never caught many people’s interest.
The only thing in that universe that was really worth anyone’s time was Ultimate Spider-Man, which remained great throughout its run and even its relaunch thanks to Brian Michael Bendis stick with the project until the very end.
And since many of characters were permanently killed off (some even before Ultimatum), they attempted to make up for that by introducing many new original characters to serve as replacements for the dead characters.
These included the likes of Jimmy Hudson (Wolverine), Ray Connor (Daredevil), Derek Morgan (Angel), Mach Two (Magneto), Monica Chang (Black Widow), Theodore Allen (The Blob), and Tyrone Cash (Hulk).
Unfortunately, these characters were met with a resounding “meh” and have gone on to either be killed off permanently or just flat out forgotten.
The only original character from the Ultimate universe that manage to make a name for himself and resonated with readers is Miles Morales, who took on the mantle of Spider-Man after Peter Parker was fatally wounded during his finale battle against the Green Goblin.
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After about six years of not much to note, Marvel decided to finally end the Ultimate series with the Secret Wars, which saw the Prime Universe and Ultimate Universe crossing paths for the very first time.
It also saw the entire Ultimate universe being destroyed as well, with the only survivors being Miles, Jimmy Hudson (who get forgotten pretty quickly), and Reed Richards, who during the last years of Ultimate, became a super-villain known as The Maker.
Although the Ultimate universe was revived at the end of the event, the three Ultimate survivors have become main-stays in the Prime Universe.
And yeah….that’s basically the history of Ultimate Marvel
Ever since 2015, Marvel hasn’t really done anything with the Ultimate Universe apart from some occasional cameos and references.
But with "Ultimate Invasion", we'll not only be seeing the Ultimate Universe being utilized in a major way for the first time in nearly a decade, but it also possibly means that the Ultimate Universe might be returning for an all-new comic run.
And it does seems to be in good hands, with the two brains behind this project being Johnathan Hickman as the writer, who's already established himself as one of the best writers currently working at Marvel, and Bryan Hitch, the artist behind the first two volumes of the Ultimates.
And while people are excited to see the return of this once-influential universe, most people are curious on how it will be presented.
Continuity-wise, Ultimate Invasion will either be....
A. An direct continuation of where the universe left off.
B. Pretty much the same as A., but with some notable continuity retcons (such as the removal of Ultimatum).
As for tone-wise, that's where things get tricky.
One of the main traits of the Ultimate Universe was its overly edgy nature and use of shock value.
And while that may've been niche back in the 2000s, in the 2020s, that kind of style is generally looked down upon and seen as tryhard.
Not to mention people are just sick of seeing cynical and mean-spirited media nowadays, due to how over-abundant it has become in recent years. Thanks in part due to everybody desperately wanting to be the next Family Guy or Rick and Morty.
If they're gonna bring back the Ultimate Universe, it can't have an edgy and cynical tone.
However, on the topic of an all-new Ultimate run, a lot of people are hoping that the possible run that's spawned from Ultimate Invasion will be a full-on reboot of the Ultimate Universe, rather than a continuation.
And I wholeheartedly agree for a few reasons.
Trying to continue the Ultimate Universe from where it left off would be pretty difficult. In contrast to the Prime Universe, which had been continuously running since 1939, the Ultimate Universe ran from 2000 to 2015, and is only now returning after 8 years of hiatus.
2. Having a clean slate would do wonders for this universe. Ultimatum cannot be understated in how much it affected the Ultimate Universe. As I previously mentioned, many of the iconic heroes and villains were brutally killed and never seen again, and trying to continue the universe without them wouldn't feel right. Technically the Ultimate Universe already did that during its final years and it didn't work out well. Along with that, heroes and villains could actually be written like their other iterations but with some unique quirks rather than edgy, flanderized, asshole versions of themselves.
3. I think it's just time to give another go at an new Ultimate Universe. Next year, Marvel will have 85 years of history under its belt, and your telling me that nobody thinks trying to compress that history into something more digestible isn't a good idea. I mean, that's basically what the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been doing for the last....15 years?!
Good God, I am old...
And funnily enough, it was heavily influenced by the Ultimate Universe.
Well that's all for now. I'm currently planning on sharing my ideas for how I think a new Ultimate Universe should play out.
Let me know what you guys think about the upcoming Ultimate Invasion, and how you would do an Ultimate Marvel reboot.
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venator-signum · 7 months
kamala khan would have the most horrendous ao3 author's notes known to man
"hey guys sorry the update is late i switched places with an avenger (ajdgrhsh literally crying) and a really cool space scientist lady and then got into a fight and some alien dudes wrecked my house and then I met Nick fury and I was literal space it was crazy and I had to help save the universe and saw said scientist lady give up her life to save all of us... anyways hope you like the new fic, branching out with an arranged marriage au for this one!!!"
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ikarakie · 1 year
it's so funny that pavitr was like: "look. the secret identity thing is incredibly important to me, HOWEVER, putting my hair in a mask would be a crime. it's my best feature!!!" and therefore is the most conspicuous spider imaginable. whether this is due to vanity or stupidity is yet to be determined
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obiwan · 10 months
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#S2 of Loki annoying Mobius <3 
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plutonicbees · 1 year
with gwen and hobie being friends in across the spider-verse and hobie being so super cool i do hope that there is some acknowledgement of the origins of their friendship
aka - hobie brown is a gwen stacy fanboy and is immediately excited to meet her and then they play some world-saving punk rock music together
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nounaarts · 2 months
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*queue 80’s music*
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Here’s all their crimes listed :)
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atlcscp · 1 year
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First time drawing the sillies pleasce excuse the inconsistencies </3 ^_^
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annabelle--cane · 16 days
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his childhood neglect swag
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acnologias-ass · 5 months
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aterfish · 4 months
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Best puppers✨
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
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If it’s all the same to you… I’ll have that drink now.
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wandaslittlepsycho · 1 month
dare I say… obsessed!wanda who messed with your life so you had to rely on her for everything. talking to your boss and having you fired, reporting false things to your land lord, as well as sabotaging your marriage.
she’s ashamed to say this all came to be because of a simple glance across the room and a shy smile you gave her at church. it was the first time she saw you. your floral dress accompanied with your soft and bubbly demeanour rose an unhinged desire within her. the powerful urge to control you and crush that innocent aura was difficult to ignore.
the same night she talked to your land lord, you were already crawling to her for help. crying at her doorstep saying you had just gotten thrown out of your newly brought home. lost and confused, you couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.
“I don’t get it! I’ve done nothing wrong, the things that were said to my landlord weren’t even true…”
almost every aspect of your life had gone wrong, and just having moved to the little town you only knew one person. Wanda. a friend you met in church. after getting you kicked out of your house, convincing you to move in with her was step two.
“you don’t even have to get a job. I’ll pay for everything and you can just clean for me. does that seem like something you can do, sweetheart?”
you were completely oblivious to what her goal was. in your eyes it was such an innocent and generous offer, so you were quick to accept.
she loves having control over you, financially but mostly mentally. she’s in fact a little proud of herself, turning someone as independent as you into someone who can’t live without her.
she’s as sweet as can be, but when you act like a brat shes mean and can become cruel just as easily⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x Dc wherein learning magic is similar to learning how to play music. 
So basically, the creation of a summoning spell is like a full composition/song made of smaller components or ‘notes’ for things like gravity shifting, and geolocation, and transportation etc. which is why Magic can be taught and spells can be man-made. 
Danny, however, is the equivalent of having Perfect Pitch. He can compose entire songs of spells without really thinking about it due to his royal titles (ambassador/king/high prince) but doesn’t really know how to be specific which lands him in some trouble with Clockwork. His portals are coming along a lot better with the help of Wulf but its critical that Danny learns how to control the range of his magic *something something, for the timestream something* *blah blah according to the will of the ancients blah blah*. 
So put on the course to learn Magic, Danny decides to hunt down the House of Mystery and study up by himself. He’s doing community college online, what could a little bit of Magic self study really do to his schedule? This place has literally every magic resource he could need! 
Turns out he has a roommate in the House of Mystery- John Constantine does not take well to the fact that half of the spells Danny is creating are causing him issues with the JL. Random shit appearing, random shit disappearing, portals everywhere and don’t get him started on the fucking ICE present on every bloody thing the magic reaches. Not to mention there is no reason a normal human kid should be able to have this much power behind his spells. 
John attempts to teach Danny the basics like a little kid gets stickers placed on the keys of a piano. The problem is Danny has the ability to compose entire scores of Magic all on his own, and absolutely abhors the training wheels John is putting on him. 
Danny: You’re patronizing me! 
John: You deserve to be patronized. 
Just like, Danny learning Magic in various ways that you might teach kids to play musical instruments from the various Magic users in the JLD. Causing chaos along the way, found family, the whole nine. Stickers on the instruments for notes, taking away guitar strings that are ‘more advanced’ and replaying Twinkle, Twinkle little star over and over again. 
Danny can play the Magic equivalent of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake but cannot play Chopsticks. 
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cirrocula · 27 days
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nibeul · 1 year
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if ke huy quan played peter parker..
[id in alt]
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
(5) a bad decision *** | I got a bad idea series
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—> masterlist
southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: SMUT MDNI, top wanda, top natasha, bottom reader, strap in v (n giving;r receiving), fingering (w giving;r receiving), grinding (w giving;r receiving), overstim, exclusive relationship but no dating title, n is packing whoops sorry yall
a/n: I’ll come back and edit later bc omg idk how this is but I hope you enjoy lmfao
Wanda held you close, a blanket strewn over the two of you to keep warm from the cold. Her attention was on another, a familiar face you recognize as a neighbor down the street from them. Your attention was on the fire in front of you, on how the flames flickered in the wind and the small pieces floating into the sky.
She had a hand propping herself up, the other laid spread out on your thigh. You would remember her placement often when she rubs her thumb across your leg, her hand inching closer towards each time.
You’re entirely too bothered by it which is why you’re trying to focus on anything else as a distraction.
A summary of that night would be, ‘hot and bothered.’ After you climbed into bed, your thoughts ran wild. This time Wanda didn’t stop at her small comforting touch. Her hand got closer, even touching where you wanted her to. Soft kisses on your chest as she grinds her hands into your heat.
It was a dream. You realize soon enough because you woke up. The only realistic element from your dreams was the feeling between your legs. You felt it wrong to take care of it, so you showered with your head on the shower wall, replaying the dream over and over. It didn’t help.
Sure, you three were exclusive. There was a chance you could ask, but the chances of that happening are extremely low. That’s because those chances are gone, you would never ask.
Not to mention, have you even asked how they’re feeling? It’s been a day since your so-called exclusive relationship, one day.
For all you know they could be against moving your relationship further, if they even found you attractive sexually. You kept it from them. Since your dream, your body burned everytime they were near.
You found yourself in a similar position to that night. Under a blanket, beside Wanda, her hand on your thigh. Only difference being you were inside, the TV on with a random old 2000s movie playing. The time spent by the campfire awoke something in you. Since then you’ve had plenty of time mulling over them, craving for anything they give.
“They have a beautiful kid, huh?”
“Oh yes I agree,” you answer, turning towards her.
“I knew you weren’t paying attention,” she grins playfully, leaning to kiss your cheek, “they don’t have a kid.”
You continue to face her after, eyes darting around her face and dropping to her lips. The moment she begins to lean in your eyes are closing shut, waiting. It’s the first one you’ve shared. She brings her hand off your leg, pulling you deeper into the kiss with a hand on your cheek.
A gasp spills from you when her tongue brushes your bottom lip. She pulls away to look at you with your lidded eyes and glossy lips. A mumbled curse sounds from her as she’s slinging you to straddle her. She brings your face down again, kissing you with more ease. This time you’re making an effort to stay quiet. Proves difficult when Wanda trails her attention down your neck, especially when her hands come to grab at the bottom of your thighs.
She’s pulling you until your chest to chest, lips finding yours again. Your minds begin to melt, feeling like you’re floating with each ounce of attention she gives you. You actually whimper into her kiss, pressure building from within you as she moves you to straddle one leg. She breathes your name, a finger tapping your face so you open your eyes.
“Do you want to go further?”
You only give her a nod, frustrating her so she playfully pinches your hip, “words, angel.”
“Yes,” you breathe, “please.”
Her hands are gentle on you as she holds your waist, guiding your hips down onto her leg. It’s all too much. Her hand teasing you a day ago, the dream you had. Now you’re hypersensitive to every touch, soaked already after kissing.
“Ride my leg,” she whispers, jerking your hips forward as an example.
You start a rhythm, taking anything that’s given to you. Head in her shoulder, looking down at where you were grinding so sensually. You keep your mouth shut to muffle your sounds, moving your hips against her with need. She brings her finger to hold your jaw, her breath tickling your ear.
“Don’t hold back.”
That time her pants rub against your clit, the pressure building after causing you moan out loud. Your heavy breathing and occasional whine driving her mind into the same space yours was heading. When you lean your head back, sounds hitting directing in her ear she’s laying you down on your back.
“Wands,” you breathe, getting cut off by the feeling of her kissing you into the couch. The pillows behind providing comfort, pushing you back against her. You bring a hand to grip at her shirt, tightening your hold the rougher she begins to kiss you. You take it all. Every touch, every kiss, every action that brings you into a floaty mindset.
“Can I,” she asks, fingers dipping under your pants. Half of her face is illuminated by the tv screen, random colors showing the deep lust in her eyes.
You mumble your confirmation, lifting your hips to help her drag your clothes off. A hand draws your hip open, spreading you open. You grow shy, scared of seeing her reaction of your body’s eager response to her touch.
When you look over, she’s looking down with a small smile, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Absolutely,” she gives you a short kiss, using it as a small distraction from her finger sliding up your heat to rub onto your clit. You pull so hard on her shirt you think you’re going to rip it. You swear you hear a ripping sound after she’s pressing her middle finger into your soaking cunt.
She moves slow, giving you time to relax and feel comfortable before she’s adding another and increasing speed. The blankets being discarded, lying half on Wanda’s back and half on the floor. It covers enough when Natasha’s opening the front door, shutting the door faster when she sees you.
You’re too far gone, shaky sounds escaping you, entirely too focused on the feeling between your legs than the presence walking near you. You only notice her when Wanda’s saying her name, greeting her normally.
You’re pulled back down onto her fingers after your attempt to get away. Mind turning numb when she thrusts her fingers in deeper. The scene was filthy. You’re a mess under her while she hold a normal conversation with Natasha.
“Your client any less annoying now? Goodnight, these people are infuriating.”
Natasha agrees, sitting herself down nearby to watch you, “what’s happened while I was gone.”
Wanda looks down at you in all your glory, “couldn’t help myself.”
A much louder moan voicing from you when she rubs at your clit again. Strings of pleas and begs as your high builds. Natasha coos, “she’s sensitive.”
“Should’ve seen her after a single kiss, she was soaked.”
Natasha tuts, coming to stand over you, “such a sweet thing.”
The way she kisses you is overwhelming. Wanda’s kisses are passionate while Natasha’s are gentle, little pecks. She pulls back to tell you how good you are, how well you’re taking her and it’s all you’re wanting. Wanda’s fingers push up against a spot that has your back arching.
“Fuck,” you reach to clench Natasha’s hands, “Wanda, I’m—“
You’re barely able to get the words out, a whine coming from you as you come down from your high. The warmth of Wanda’s replaced by a cold, wet body.
“Why’re you wet,” you question, shaky hands coming to squeeze water from her coat.
“You’re insufferable.”
She picks you up, frowning when you shiver at the cold water hitting your skin. It wasn’t long before she’s laying you down on their bed, growing nervous at the sight of her removing her outer layers of clothing. She’s climbing over your body, soft touches running up and down the sides of your waist.
“Are you okay if I touch you?”
You hum, a grin on your face as you brush her wet hair out the way. She rolls her eyes dramatically, pulling her hair into a bun.
“Hmm better,” you laugh, your light sounds covering the room even as she tries to shut you up with a kiss. She tries something else, wrapping your legs around her so she can grind her hips into yours at a better angle. You’re much more sensitive, every touch already pushing you over the edge.
Natasha slides her shirt over her head, the jeans around her waist following. You realize what’s happening, heat rising to your face as you realize she’s strapped. She spreads you further, pressing her hips into you to hear how prettily you gasp.
Her eyes trained on you when she presses in. Your chest feels like it’s being squeezed with each inch. Natasha winces at your nails digging into her biceps, so she pushes your wrists into the mattress. It’s infuriating watching you squirm beneath her, hips pushing up to get more than what she’s giving you.
The pace she sets off to start with is dizzying. Your back is arched off of the bed, loud cries escaping you. Natasha removes her hands off of yours so she can wrap one around your waist and pull you down the last two inches with each thrust.
“What a good thing you are. Taking us so well.”
With your face turned into the bedsheets, you babble about nothing, only her name coming out in repetitive whimpers. Anything she says falls into the back of your mind, attention focused on the way she’s driving her hips into you. You don’t have to say anything because she’s already done it.
The sheets twist in your hold, back arching even further if possible. A choked moan finding its way from you when you topple over the edge suddenly and recognize that Natasha hasn’t stopped.
You gasp, “more?”
Wanda presses on your bundle of nerves and you jolt, “do you want to stop?”
“no! need more.”
Natasha shakes her head to express her answer, droplets of water falling down and onto your body. You pant, breathing fast to deal with the blinding pressure. Wanda brushes the water off your face gently, contrast of how Natasha was handling you.
“Your eyes are still all glossy, angel,” Wanda coos.
“Please,” you cry, “please don’t stop.”
Natasha pulls your hips further up, hitting into at you a different angle. You’re almost thanking her, tears forming in your eyes.
“I know, I know, sunshine. Breathe.”
You’re coming again for the third time that night. You’re quiet, lips slightly parted as you try and take a break. Natasha’s pulling out, letting Wanda you close to her as she brings you to their bathtub. You can feel the soreness in your hips already, a relaxed sigh coming from you when you hit the water as it takes some of the pressure off.
“How’re you feeling?”
Natasha questions as she walks in behind you two. Your head is rested against the wall of the bathtub, “sore.”
Wanda laughs then, light and airy. Natasha doesn’t pay her any mind. You reach a hand out, a pitiful pout on your lips, “join me?”
Who were they to say no?
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