#me: so you're gonna burn up every good thing in your life and everyone who has been good to you for the past 2 decades
docholligay · 9 months
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Full review tomorrow or maybe Friday but
Short: I wanted to like this book more than I think I actually liked it (I kept checking my phone through the last quarter, which is unusual for me) and I need to think a bit on why. Horrible Garbage Traitor Petty Bitch Ouyang forever tho.
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
The Mask Trope, and Disfiguremisia in Media
[large text: The Mask Trope, and Disfiguremisia in Media]
If you followed this blog for more than like a week, you're probably familiar with “the mask trope” or at least with me complaining about it over and over in perpetuity. But why is it bad and why can't this dude shut up about it?
Let's start with who this trope applies to: characters with facial differences. There is some overlap with blind characters as well; think of the blindfold that is forced on a blind character for no reason. Here is a great explanation of it in this context by blindbeta. It's an excellent post in general, even if your character isn't blind or low vision you should read at least the last few paragraphs.
Here's a good ol’ tired link to what a facial difference is, but to put it simply:
If you have a character, who is a burn survivor or has scars, who wears a mask, this is exactly this trope.
The concept applies to other facial differences as well, but scars and burns are 99% of the representation and “representation” we get, so I'll be using these somewhat interchangeably here.
The mask can be exactly what you think, but it refers to any facial covering that doesn't have a medical purpose. So for example, a CPAP mask doesn't count for this trope, but a Magic Porcelain Mask absolutely does. Bandages do as well. If it covers the part of the face that is “different”, it can be a mask in the context used here.
Eye patches are on thin ice because while they do serve a medical purpose in real life, in 99.9% of media they are used for the same purpose as a mask. It's purely aesthetic.
With that out of the way, let's get into why this trope sucks and find its roots. Because every trope is just a symptom of something, really.
Roughly in order of the least to most important reasons...
Why It Sucks 
[large text: Why It Sucks]
It's overdone. As in — boring. You made your character visibly different, and now they're no longer that. What is the point? Just don't give them the damn scar if you're going to hide it. 
Zero connection with reality. No one does this. I don't even know how to elaborate on this. This doesn't represent anyone because no one does this.
Disability erasure. For the majority of characters with facial differences, their scars or burns somehow don't disable them physically, so the only thing left is the visible part… aaand the mask takes care of it too. Again, what's the point? If you want to make your disabled character abled, then just have them be abled. What is the point of "curing" them other than to make it completely pointless?
Making your readers with facial differences feel straight up bad. I'm gonna be honest! This hurts to see when it's all you get, over and over. Imagine there's this thing that everyone bullied you about, everyone still stares at, that is with you 24/7. Imagine you wanted to see something where people like you aren't treated like a freakshow. Somewhat unrealistic, but imagine that. That kind of world would only exist in fiction, right? So let's look into fiction- oh, none of the positive (or at least not "child-murderer evil") characters look like me. I mean they do, but they don't. They're forced to hide the one thing that connects us. I don't want to hide myself. I don't want to be told over and over that this is what people like me should do. That this is what other people expect so much that it's basically the default way a person with a facial difference can exist. I don't want this.
Perpetuating disfiguremisia. 
"Quick" Disfiguremisia Talk
[large text: "Quick" Disfiguremisia Talk]
It's quick when compared to my average facial difference discussion post, bear with me please.
Disfiguremisia; portmanteau of disfigure from “disfigurement” and -misia, Greek for hatred. 
Also known as discrimination of those mythical horrifically deformed people.
It shows up in fiction all the time; in-universe and in-narrative. Mask trope is one of the most common* representations of it, and it's also a trope that is gaining traction more and more, both in visual art and writing. This is a trope I particularly hate, because it's a blatant symptom of disfiguremisia. It's not hidden and it doesn't try to be. It's a painful remainder that I do not want nor need.
*most common is easily “evil disfigured villain”, just look at any horror media. But that's for another post, if ever.
When you put your character in a mask, it sends a clear message: in your story, facial differences aren't welcome. The world is hostile. Other characters are hostile. The author is, quite possibly, hostile. Maybe consciously, but almost always not, they just don't think that disfiguremisia means anything because it's the default setting. No one wants to see you because your face makes you gross and unsightly. If you have a burn; good luck, but we think you're too ugly to have a face. Have a scar? Too bad, now you don't. Get hidden.
Everything here is a decision that was made by the author. You are the one who makes the world. You are the person who decides if being disabled is acceptable or not there. The story doesn't have a mind of its own, you chose to make it disfiguremisic. 
It doesn't have to be.
Questions to Ask Yourself
[large text: Questions to Ask Yourself]
Since I started talking about facial differences on this blog, I have noticed a very specific trend in how facial differences are treated when compared to other disabilities. A lot of writers and artists are interested in worldbuilding where accessibility is considered, where disabled people are accepted, where neurodivergence is seen as an important part of the human experience, not something “other”. This is amazing, genuinely.
Yet, absolutely no one seems to be interested in a world that is anything but cruel to facial differences. There's no escapist fantasies for us.
You see this over and over, at some point it feels like the same story with different names attached.
The only way a character with a facial difference can exist is to hide it. Otherwise, they are shamed by society. Seen as something gross. I noticed that it really doesn't matter who the character is, facial difference is this great equalizer. Both ancient deities and talking forest cats get treated as the same brand of disgusting thing as long as they're scarred, as long as they had something explode in their face, as long as they've been cursed. They can be accomplished, they can be a badass, they can be the leader of the world, they can kill a dragon, but they cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to peacefully exist with a facial difference. They have to hide it in the literal sense, or be made to feel that they should. Constantly ashamed, embarrassed that they dare to have a face.
Question one to ask yourself: why is disfiguremisia a part of your story?
I'm part of a few minority groups. I'm an immigrant, I'm disabled, I'm queer. I get enough shit in real life for this so I like to take a break once in a while. I love stories where transphobia isn't a thing. Where xenophobia doesn't come up. But my whole life, I can't seem to find stories that don't spew out disfiguremisia in one way or the other at the first possible opportunity.
Why is disfiguremisia a default part of your worldbuilding? Why can't it be left out? Why in societies with scarred saviors and warriors is there such intense disgust for them? Why can't anyone even just question why this is the state of the world?
Why is disfiguremisia normal in your story?
Question two: do you know enough about disfiguremisia to write about it?
Ask yourself, really. Do you? Writers sometimes ask if or how to portray ableism when they themselves aren't disabled, but no one bothers to wonder if maybe they aren't knowledgeable enough to make half their story about their POV character experiencing disfiguremisia. How much do you know, and from where? Have you read Mikaela Moody or any other advocates’ work around disfiguremisia? Do you understand the way it intersects; with being a trans woman, with being Black? What is your education on this topic?
And for USAmericans... do you know what "Ugly Laws" are, and when they ended?
Question three: what does your story associate with facial difference — and why?
If I had to guess; “shame”, “embarrassment”, “violence”, "disgust", “intimidation”, “trauma”, “guilt”, “evil”, “curse”, “discomfort”, “fear”, or similar would show up. 
Why doesn't it associate it with positive concepts? Why not “hope” or “love” or “pride” or “community”? Why not “soft” or “delicate”? Dare I say, “beauty” or “innocence”? Why not “blessing”? “Acceptance”?
Why not “normal”?
Question four: why did you make the character the way they are? 
Have you considered that there are other things than “horrifically burned for some moral failing” or “most traumatic scenario put to paper”? Why is it always “a tough character with a history of violence” and never “a Disfigured princess”? Why not “a loving parent” or “a fashionable girl”, instead of “the most unkind person you ever met” and “total badass who doesn’t care about anything - other than how scary their facial difference is to these poor ableds”? Don’t endlessly associate us with brutality and suffering. We aren’t violent or manipulative or physically strong or brash or bloodthirsty by default. We can be soft, and frail and gentle and kind - and we can still be proud and unashamed.
Question five: why is your character just… fine with all this?
Can’t they make a community with other people with facial differences and do something about this? Demand the right to exist as disabled and not have to hide their literal face? Why are they cool with being dehumanized and treated with such hatred? Especially if they fall into the "not so soft and kind" category that I just talked about, it seems obvious to me that they would be incredibly and loudly pissed off about being discriminated against over and over... Why can't your character, who is a subject of disfiguremisia, realize that maybe it's disfiguremisia that's the problem, and try to fix it?
Question six: why is your character wearing a mask? 
Usually, there's no reason. Most of the time the author hasn't considered that there even should be one, the character just wears a mask because that's what people with facial differences do in their mind. Most writers aren't interested in this kind of research or even considering it as a thing they should do. The community is unimportant to them, it's not like we are real people who read books. They think they understand, because to them it's not complex, it's not nuanced. It's ugly = bad. Why would you need a reason?
For cases where the reason is stated, I promise, I have heard of every single one. To quote, "to spare others from looking at them". I have read, "content warning: he has burn scars under the mask, he absolutely hates taking it off!", emphasis not mine. Because "he hates the way his skin looks", because "they care for their appearance a lot" (facial differences make you ugly, remember?). My favorite: "only has scars and the mask when he's a villain, not as a hero", just to subtly drive the point home. This isn't the extreme end of the spectrum. Now, imagine being a reader with a facial difference. This is your representation, sitting next to Freddy Krueger and Voldemort.
How do you feel?
F.A.Q. [frequently asked questions]
[large text: F.A.Q. [frequently asked questions]]
As in, answers and “answers” to common arguments or concerns. 
“Actually they want to hide their facial difference” - your character doesn’t have free will. You want them to hide it. Again; why.
“They are hiding it to be more inconspicuous!” - I get that there are elves in their world, but there’s no universe where wearing a mask with eye cutouts on the street is less noticeable than having a scar. Facial differences aren’t open wounds sprinkling with blood, in case that's not clear.
“It’s for other people's comfort” - why are other characters disfiguremisic to this extent? Are they forcing all minorities to stay hidden and out of sight too? That’s a horrible society to exist in.
“They are wearing it for Actual Practical Reason” - cool! I hope that this means you have other characters with facial differences that don’t wear it for any reason.
"It's the character's artistic expression" - I sure hope that there are abled characters with the same kind of expression then.
“They’re ashamed of their face” - and they never have any character development that would make that go away? That's just bad writing. Why are they ashamed in the first place? Why is shame the default stance to have about your own face in your story? I get that you think we should be ashamed and do these ridiculous things, but in real life we just live with it. 
"Now that you say that it is kinda messed up but I'm too far into the story please help" - here you go.
“[some variation of My Character is evil so it's fine/a killer so it fits/just too disgusting to show their disability” - this is the one of the only cases where I’m fine with disability erasure, actually. Please don’t make them have a facial difference. This is the type of harm that real life activists spend years and decades undoing. Disfiguremisia from horror movies released in the 70s is still relevant. It still affects people today.
"But [in-universe explanation why disfiguremisia is cool and fine actually]" - this changes nothing.
Closing Remarks
[large text: Closing Remarks]
I hope that this post explains my thoughts on facial difference representation better. It's a complicated topic, I get it. I'm also aware that this post might come off as harsh (?) but disfiguremisia shouldn't be treated lightly, it shouldn't be a prop. It's real world discrimination with a big chunk of its origins coming out of popular media.
With the asks that have been sent regarding facial differences, I realized that I probably haven't explained what the actual problems are well enough. It's not about some technical definition, or about weird in-universe explanations. It's about categorizing us as some apparently fundamentally different entity that can't possibly be kind and happy, about disfiguremisia so ingrained into our culture that it's apparently impossible to make a world without it; discrimination so deep that it can't be excised, only worked around. But you can get rid of it. You can just not have it there in the first place. Disfiguremisia isn't a fundamental part of how the world works; getting rid of it won't cause it to collapse. Don't portray discrimination as an integral, unquestionable part of the world that has to stay no matter what; whether it's ableism, transphobia, or Islamophobia or anything else. A world without discrimination can exist. If you can't imagine a world without disfiguremisia in fiction... that's bad. Sad, mostly. To me, at least.
Remember, that your readers aren't going to look at Character with a Scar #14673 and think "now I'm going to research how real life people with facial differences live." They won't, there's no inclination for them to do so. If you don't give them a reason, they won't magically start thinking critically about facial differences and disfiguremisia. People like their biases and they like to think that they understand.
And, even if you're explaining it over and over ;-) (winky face) there will still be people who are going to be actively resistant to giving a shit. To try and get the ones who are capable of caring about us, you, as the author, need to first understand disfiguremisia, study Face Equality, think of me as a human being with human emotions who doesn't want to see people like me treated like garbage in every piece of media I look at. There's a place and time for that media, and if you don't actually understand disfiguremisia, you will only perpetuate it; not "subvert" it, not "comment" on it.
I hope this helps :-) (smile emoji. for good measure)
Mod Sasza
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nyx-is-missing · 5 months
Or early summer!
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Clarisse La Rue x Cassandra De Young (oc! Apollo's kid)
Summary: When Cassandra gets involved in a scandal early in the day, she goes to camp early.
Warnings: men....thats all i could think of actualy.
First read this!
Part 2 is here!
Cassandra De Young
Im fucked.
That's it, that's all i can say.
I knew it as soon as my hand reached his face and stinged, as soon as i heard a camera's flash, and as soon as i stepped into my mom's apartment.
Let's just rewind a bit, okay?
My family own a big business, that you already know by now, the thing is, when they reeaally want to do business with someone they go extreme, the most common technique is to get on the good side of everyone in the family, everyone.
They research, pretend to have things in common, to like the same things, to have the same views of life, and to make it more believable they always go for the person who is closest in age with them.
Usually i dont get involved in this situations because im younger than everyone else, the only teen in the family.
The thing is, this family also had someone around my age.
A 18 year old guy.....eighteen.
Let me tell you, i really wasn't going for trouble today, i tought he may be a normal guy, just with a little money, someone i could have a conversation with, drink some coffe, laugh and go back home and think "hey, not so bad"
All he could talk about is how much money his family had, where he went for winter break, his pure blood horse, that only ate (attention to this one) IMPORTED GRASS.
Overall a huge dick.
But that i could handle, i've met people like this, i could handle a shitty talk for some hours, what i could not handle was having to go through all this with his hand on my knee bellow the table.
And here i was, spending one of my last days of spring being tortured by the fates.
"You're not paying much attention to the conversation are you?" He said, and gods that accent was almost making me want to jump out of a cliff, or push him out of a cliff, both would work.
"Oh sorry i was-"
"No need to apologize, people get bored i know" Not that he did something criminal by not letting me finish my sentence but, my gods every action coming from him its making me want to die right now "Its okay, i could find some way to make you focus"
Okay, im done
"Im gonna need you to stop saying odd shit" I looked him dead in the eye with a bothered look, and by the surprised look he gave me back i was 100% sure nobody ever told him to shut up when he was saying nonsense.
"C'mon, dont be like that-" he said trying to get his hand a little but upwards, and i only realized i slapped him when i felt my hand burning.
"Oh my gods im sorry i-" And then i heard the camera flashes.
Im going to need you to imagine the scene, my hand was still up, his hand was till on his cheek, and he had a scared look in his face, as did most of the people at the fancy coffe shop.
Do i smile now? Strike a pose? This one is definetly getting front pages at every place.
I chose the safest choice, got out of that straight to my house.
No..i did not payed the bill.
The whole way home i was trying really hard to think of something to say that was not going to make my family mad, especially my grandfather, but considering whe has always mad with something, that felt like a impossible mission.
First thing i saw when i opened the door of the penthouse was my mom, standing in front of the television, and sure enough, my face was on it.
She turned to me, but before she could even say something i started to explain myself.
"Its not what it looks like mom, i swear, i didn't do it on pourpose, let me explain please-" i couldnt actually read the look on her face, but she didnt say anything, so  i took that as a go ahead.
When i explained her what happened her face relaxed a bit, but not completely, and she had a look that said your grandpa is getting in my nerves because of this.
"I'll talk to your grandfather about this, but you need to know that the way you acted wasn't appropriate, there is cameras all around and you need to be careful...lets just thank the gods you didnt pulled out a dagger right?" She walked closer to me, and i knew she was trying to comfort me, its a pitty actually, i knew she didnt wanted kids when she had me, i knew how grandpa treated her when he found out, to me, it was enough that she at least tried to love me enough.  "You already have your things packed to camp right? I know you have some more days of school but ill call them and tell them you are sick, its best for you to leave earlier this year, then your grandfather wont talk your ears out...you okay with that?"
"Yes mama, ill just finish packing some small things...do i leave today?" I felt her hands on my shoulders, and heard a silent im sorry.
"Yes, but dont be like that, think that you at least wont have to see the news talking about you..youll just be there, with your siblings, eating strawberies and..whatever else demigods do daily, right?"
Like i said, it is enough to me that she tries, even when she isnt great all the time, i know people who dont even have this.
I nodded and went to my room, making sure not to accidentally hit a new sculpture, placed in the corridor.
I didnt wait for her when i finished packing.
I knew she wouldnt be the one to take me there, she never is, she has things to do with the family business, its what ive always heard.
So when i got to the underground garage with my bags i automatically searched for one of the family drivers, sure enough, he was there.
He was a nice guy, but quiet, i knew that he probably had orders not to talk to the family members unless spoken to, grandpa did this with all of them, i also knew he never actually knows where hes been taking me, he takes me there almos every year, but always stops at the road in front of the forest, maybe this sad look he has on his face its because he thinks he is taking me to one of those crazy wilderness therapies as a punishment.
Granpa would absolutely do that if he hadnt had to live with a great public appearence.
"Miss? We are here" He looked at me in the rearview mirror, i only realized i had doze of when my eyes met his and i blinked. "Hold on tight, im going to help you with your luggage okay?"
"Oh..thank you mr bell" He opened the trunk, and then the back door for me, extending his hand to help me get out of the car "thank you, again"
"Sure miss, just let me take your bags out and we are all set okay?-"
Another car dor noise made us both look to the right, to find Clarisse La rue, closing a taxi door, with just one big suitcase in hand.
Now, my story with Clarisse is kind of complicated, i've met her when he were, eight i guess, her family bought some shares in the family business and we saw each other very regulaly, and ever since then everything everyone told me about her is that she is a troublesome girl, that i should stay far.
But she was the one who realized i was a demigodess, and took me straight to camp when a monster found me, and she was the one who, many times when we were little, comforted me when my family made me cry.
It seems like she forgot all of that because she never even looks at me.
If you ask her, she has never even met me at all actually.
"Clarisse, you're early"
"Cassandra, you too-"
"Cass actually, i prefer cass" i corrected her, to wich she just rolled her eyes and muffled a whatever. "Thats all you are taking? One suitcase?"
"And you are taking all that? How do you plan on walking the whole way with all that? Im assuming he wont go with you" she said looking at mr bell, and its true, he could not walk the whole way with me, and i could not walk with all that alone...fuck
"....you could help m-"
"No, dont even think about it"
"C'mon Clarisse!" She didnt even answered me this time actually. "Arent you a Ares-" i looked at the driver taking the suitcases out. "A ares...type of kid? You will pass on the oportunity to demonstrate your muscles or whatever?"
She started to walk away with a bored look, did i already said fuck?
"C'mon ill do whatever! I- i dont know.. 20 dracmas!, no?, ill help you with the cleaning duty you'll eventually have when you fuck it up? I..ill do that AND ill cure you anytime you want, everyday, no matter the time!"
She stopped walking.
Yes! I knew it, one of the many problems clarisse had its that she likes to go out at night to train alone, and when she gets hurt she cant ask anyone to help her, because she would get caught
"Give me those suitcases already and shut up-" she was interrupted by a very happy me hugging her.
I felt her hands on my arms and realized she was going to push me away, so i took a step back
"Geez Clarisse, you could've just told me to back off, dont be like that... just take these and ill take those"
I said pointing to the suitcases, and saying goodbye to mr bell.
Can i already welcome summer and his crazy energy? No? Okay.
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whumpofalltime · 9 months
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friends, enemies, lurkers, we've made it to the
Whump Of All Time Finals!
What's the whumpiest whump of all time? Help us decide!
Find links and propaganda under the cut. Quarterfinalist and later match-ups are untagged, so your votes and reblogs matter! Make sure you click through to the main blog to find the run-off poll to crown third place, as well!
(spider attack, rescue)
"The Lord of The Rings, when Frodo gets bitten by a giant spider and left for dead by Sam at the end of The Two Towers, and then when Sam finds him in The Return of the King being held prisoner and whipped by an orc."
The Young Blood Chronicles (Save Rock and Roll's music videos, Fall Out Boy):
"Everyone gets bloodied, bruised, beaten up, tortured, rescued, limbs are amputated - it's brutal. Alone Together is particularly strong."
sorry for being late, but you want YBC propaganda? then you're getting YBC propaganda. I know you're a FOB fan, but I will be writing this for the benefit of those who don't know what YBC is, for better propaganda purposes! and yeah this is gonna be LONG. sorry.
So! The Youngblood Chronicles (shortened to YBC) is a series of 11 music videos made by the band Fall Out Boy, for their album Save Rock And Roll (you know this album, it's the one with My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark on it). The whole thing is quite short, less than fifty minutes long (even shorter if you don't count the uncut version's credits!!), and every single music video has some element of whump in it. This propaganda is gonna break down each individual music vid, and at i'll also talk a little bit about the irl context the album was written in, and why even THAT can be a little bit whumpy if you're insane like me!
(note: i'm going in the original release order over the uncut order, hence why i'm starting with MSKWYDITD instead of The Phoenix)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark: Arguably the least whump-y out of all of them, but man, seeing all of Fall Out Boy's discography and memorabilia be burnt while people are dancing around the destruction? Man, when you know the real life stuff (the reception the band had in 2009, leading to them to take a three year hiatus)... and at the end, you see four guys bound in the back of a van!! And that van is getting burnt!! Burn everything you love and burn the... ashes.
The Phoenix: NOW here's the first of MANY whump tastes you'll get. Patrick Stump, the singer/cutie of the band, gets kidnapped, tied to a chair, has his hand CHOPPED OFF and mailed to his bandmate/best friend Pete Wentz, then gets tied down and utterly tortured by women who are laughing at his misery the entire time, getting prodded and stabbed by tools for... well, you'll see. By the end of the video, Pete and the other two members of FOB (Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley) have been kidnapped by these mysterious women too, with Pete specifically getting kidnapped by the blonde woman he was in bed with when Patrick's hand got delivered to him. If you enjoy cute boys getting tied down, covered in blood, and writhing around like worms while getting tortured... well you'll enjoy all of YBC but specifically you'll enjoy this!! I did :D! The war is won, before it's begun, release the doves, surrender love...
Young Volcanoes: Good news, FOB has been reunited! Bad news, by the women who dismembered Patrick! And now all the band members are tied to chairs, hooked up to IVs full of god knows what types of drugs, and blindfolded (all except Patrick). They are then forced to drink, snort hard drugs, and are force fed Patrick's organs! Yep, all four of them are forced to eat their lead singer's guts, and are so fucking drugged up they don't even realize what's happening (and now you know what the women were doing to him in the last mv, and you even get a nice little shot of the hack job of stitching him back up)!! Patrick hallucinates everyone having fun, but of course, at the end, all of them are knocked out because of the drugs. Americana, exotica, do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?
Alone Together: This is the song the OG propaganda mentioned, and for good reason. All four of them are shipped off into little personalized torture rooms, and, well, tortured! Pete is able to break out and even steals the hook from the girl who was torturing him, but little does he know that'll be his own undoing... also, in general, this song has some whumpy elements, specifically the line "my heart is like a stallion/they love it more when it's broke-in"... but notice how easy it is to hear "broke-in" as "broken"! At the end of the video, Pete is at least able to find Patrick (Joe and Andy have NOT been having a good time, either!! But sadly, they aren't found by Pete, but Pete DOES find Big Sean), and is even able to attach the hook to the stump (ha!) where his hand used to be. But something is clearly wrong with Patrick now. His eyes are yellow, and as the song ends, we hold on him, sneering and twitching. This is the road to ruin - and we're started at the end...
The Mighty Fall: First off if you say this is the worst song off of SRAR I will hunt you for sport. OKAY ANYWAYS, chronologically this comes after MSKWYDITD, and yeah, the four guys are the members of FOB. Pete is able to free himself with Patrick's new hook hand, and is able to get the other three out while Pete is hacking up a lung from the fire they just barely escaped. But they're not done getting their shit rocked yet. A gang of children show up (the leader being the kid Patrick waved at right before he was kidnapped back in the Phoenix MV), and proceed to separate them and beat the living shit out of them. The leader kid who's chasing Patrick plays something on a boombox... which triggers Patrick to go yellow-eyed again (from here on out i'll call it "going Youngblood" or "Youngblood self"). It was confirmed in the commentary track that ANY music would cause him to go Youngblood. And knowing Patrick IRL fucking loves to create/compose music... yeah! Take something he loves and turn it into something that drives him insane!! I'm normal!! And also the irl parallel you could draw to his solo career doing the same thing to him (on a less uh Dramatic level but you know)!!! Ouch!!!! Big Sean is able to save Patrick, but at the cost of his own life (and a killer rap verse... HELL YEAH I'M A DICK GIRL, ADDICTED TO YOU). Oh, how the mighty fall in love...
Just One Yesterday: The last vestiges of comfort you're gonna get for a WHILE. The four are separated, getting even more beaten up, Pete vomits up a snake, Andy gets his shit rocked by a homeless guy, Joe has to use white sheets as a makeshift tourniquet bc his leg got fucked up in The Mighty Fall MV, and Patrick is picked up by a kind stranger (hi Foxes! you have a very pretty voice! PLEASE KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL!). And finally, finally we get a hope spot. Fall Out Boy is reunited (the part where Andy just grabs onto Patrick's arm, in disbelief they're both alive... augh!!! AUGH!!!!), and for a moment, it seems they've been delivered to a hospital... before Foxes' eyes go completely black, looking at Patrick... and turns on the radio. She's able to trigger the Youngblood. And now Patrick is gone. The other three scramble into the hospital, Patrick not far behind, determined to kill them to stop the noise in his head. If Heaven's grief brings Hell's reign, then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday...
Where Did The Party Go: Patrick, now fully consumed by the Youngblood brainwashing, is now stalking his bandmates in a hospital. Patrick is seeing visions of the hospital as an abandoned party, Andy has to painfully disinfect the wounds he's gotten, Pete is able to call for the police, and Joe... oh, poor Joe. He barricades himself into a room, but not well enough. Patrick finds him, and kills him, slitting his throat with the hook hand, showing no remorse at all... until Andy and Pete find them. The Youngblood wears off, and Patrick looks to what he's done, and is horrified at what he's done to his friend. And, bad news for him, the police are here, ready to arrest the murderer. All Andy and Pete can do is watch as tears roll down Patrick's eyes. And for the extra IRL context, this was the first song written for the album that made Pete and Patrick realize they had to get FOB back together... so lets match that with a music video where the member who helped get the band together in the first place dies. By the hands of the kid he found. Let's fade away together, one dream at a time...
Death Valley: Joe gets... uh, a little comfort? I mean, he thinks he's getting sent to heaven but goes to hell, buuuuut I think doing drugs in rock and roll hell with Tommy Lee is actually a pretty sweet deal, better than the deal the other three got! Pete and Andy are being interrogated while Patrick is in a jail cell. We find out that the cult that kidnapped them, Silence the Noise, is lead by Pete's girlfriend from WAAAAY back in the Phoenix MV, Courtney Love. And at the end of the MV... Patrick is bailed out of jail by Silence the Noise. They have him again. And this time, they're not gonna let him walk out until he's fully under their control. 'Cause tonight it's just fire alarms and losing you...
Rat a Tat: Silence the Noise has Patrick, and they utterly brainwash him, A Clockwork Orange style, with electroshock stimulation to keep him from looking away or closing his eyes, until there is nothing left. Patrick Stump does not exist anymore. Only the Youngblood, pliant under the control of Silence the Noise, tasked to destroy what he once loved; music. Andy dies at the hands of the cult, and now Pete has to protect a briefcase, the thing that got them into this mess, and keep it away from Silence the Noise, all while his best friend hunts him down. Are you ready for another bad poem?
Miss Missing You: THE WHUMPIEST OF THE WHUMP. What if we were best friends but you've been driven insane and I know the only way to stop you is to kill you and it was my fault you got into this mess and I was the one who gave you the weapon that will be my own undoing. What if we both died at the same time. What if we died, both of us failing the mission we had before us. What if that was a reference to one of their first music videos. What if this song was originally written for Patrick's solo album but he realized it was more of a Fall Out Boy song so it was scrapped until now. What if there's a legit argument to be made that half the lyrics for this song was written by Patrick. What if we were both boys. Grips walls, yeha i'm normal. If you don't watch ANY other music vid, watch Miss Missing You. Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger. The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger.
Save Rock And Roll: And our final track gives us a final bit of comfort. Patrick is able to overcome the Youngblood, and gets into heaven, where all of FOB is finally, finally reunited. God (aka Elton John) gives them new instruments and brings them back to earth, so they can do what they love; play music together. Which just so happens to release people from the control of Silence the Noise! But, because we can't have nice things, a cult within Silence the Noise got a hold of the briefcase, and summoned a spirit that starts to kill everyone. FOB stands together, and blasts the evil spirit, the blood coming up to the gates of heaven and covering Elton John in it. And... that's how it ends. No true resolution. Just Elton John covered in blood, as the song fades out. Oh, no! Wherever I go, go! Trouble seems to follow! I only plugged in to save rock and roll!
UH. AGAIN I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH. but i really wanted to express just how much WHUMP they manage to fit into less than fifty minutes, all backed by an amazing album colored by the three years they were apart. colored by how they grew, colored by how bad the hiatus was for Patrick specifically, colored by how Confessions of a Pariah got Pete to reach out to help him, and this album came out of it, Fall Out Boy came back out of it, and now here we are, ten years later, with the title track being performed every night for their concert, with all the band singing the final lines together, and the line you are what you love, not who loves you hitting every single night.
SORRY. LISTEN TO FALL OUT BOY. thanks for letting me rant.
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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jessource · 2 months
prompts: ttpd, the anthology by taylor swift.
your location, you forgot to turn it off.
the only thing that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores
could it be enough to just float in your orbit?
quick, quick, tell me something awful, like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy.
i just don't understand how you don't miss me.
now and then she rereads the manuscriptof the entire torrid affair.
if you wanna tear my world apart, just say you've always wondered.
if comfort is a construct, i don't believe in good luck.
i move through the world with a broken heart.
they killed cassandra first, 'cause she feared the worst.
don't want money, just someone who wants my company.
say it once again with feeling.
even statues crumble if they're made to wait.
we here-by conduct the post portem.
what doesn't kill you makes you awake.
they tried to warn you about me.
i'm not a doner, but i'd give you my heart if you wanted.
i got cursed like eve got bitten.
i hate it here so i will go to secret gardens in my mind.
i feel so high school every time i look at you.
I look in people's windows like i'm some deranged weirdo.
there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you.
she wrotе headlines in the local paper, laughing at each baby step i'd take.
one bad seed kills the garden.
when the truth comes out, it's quiet.
you see, i was a debutante in another life.
you have a favorite spot on the swing set.
the empathetic hunger descends.
i'm addicted to the 'if only'.
he said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was, soon they'd be pushin' strollers. soon it was over.
oh, we must stop meeting like this.
way to go, tiger.
i built a legacy that you can't undo.
you said some things that i can't unabsorb, you turned me into an idea of sorts.
i may never open up the way i did for you.
he was a cad, wanted her bad just like any good trophy hunter.
tell me about the first time you saw me.
they knew, they knew, they knew the whole time.
i don't think you've changed much.
you have no room in your dreams for regrets.
they set my life in flames.
i thought it was just goodbye for now.
i loved you the way that you were.
you're a just ruler covered in mud, you look ridiculous.
i'm there most of the year, 'cause i hate it here.
you saw my bones out with somebody new who seemed like he would've bullied you in school.
how did it end? i can't pretend like i understand.
this place made me feel worthless.
i wanna find you in a crowd, just to hide from you.
quick, quick. tell me something awful.
i won't confess that i waited, but i let the lamp burn.
i can't forgive the way you made me feel.
Buried down deep
out of your reach the secret we all vowed to keep it from you in sweetness.
splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless.
old habits die screaming.
i'm lonely, but i'm good.
in my fantasies, i rise about it.
forgive me, [name], please know that i tried.
if i sell my apartment and you have some kids with an internet starlet. will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon?
behind her back, her best mates laughed.
you needed me, but you needed drugs more, and i can't watch it happen.
she's the albatross, she is here to destroy you.
i'll tell you one thing, honey. i can tell when somebody still wants me.
were you makin' fun of me?
nostalgia is a mind's trick.
i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child.
does it feel alright to now know me?
excellent fun 'til you get to know her.
life was always easier on you.
tell me all your secrets, all you'll ever be.
it wasn't a fair fight.
if i die screaming, i hope you hear it.
i can confirm she made a curious child, ever reviled by everyone except her own father.
are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me?
i'm bitter, but i swear i'm fine.
all that time you were throwin' punches, i was buildin' somethin'.
one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.
i'm hearing voices like a madman.
you said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me.
but i can't forget the way you made me heal.
they nicknamed her 'the bolter'.
wise men once said 'wild winds are death to the candle'.
now i wanna sell my house and set fire to all my clothes.
i'm gonna get you back.
push the reset button, we're becomin' something new.
i'm watchin' american pie with you on a saturday night.
i'm an aston martin that you steered straight into the ditch.
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wordsbyrian · 1 year
Royal Navy - Alessia Russo x Reader
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Summary: Royal Navy!R was childhood friends with Less and things ended sort of poorly between them, they meet again. years later.
A/N: Alright so I don't know a lot about the Royal Navy but I do know a lot about the US Navy so everything in here is a combination of research and filling in the blanks with American military knowledge.
Sometimes, life doesn’t give you everything you want.
Correction, most of the time life doesn’t give you anything you want. This explains the conversation that you’re currently having while sitting in your girlfriend’s room.
“I just don’t know why you would want to volunteer to join the army,” she says, flopping back onto her bed.
“I’m joining the Navy, Less,” you tell her for what must be the one-thousandth time. “Besides, there's not anything for you to understand. I don’t understand why you're going to school in America but I’m not trying to stop you.”
“I’m going to play football and learn,” Alessia says, “Not signing up to get myself killed.”
“Yea, well, we all can’t be the next Kelly Smith, can we?”
“Don’t get smart with me Y/N, I don’t want to argue with you,” she says, finally sitting up to look at you.
“But you do, because if you didn’t we’d be making out not having this conversation the day before I leave for Dartmouth,” you respond, getting up from your seat at her desk, “I won’t be able to use my mobile so often I’ll  write you but don’t bother answering if you’re gonna keep at it like this.”
With that, you walk out of Alessia’s room and as a result her life.
You do hear her calling after you but you know she hasn’t changed her mind so you don’t bother turning around.
That was over 5 years ago and while you did keep your promise of writing and calling her; after your first three letters received no response, you gave up.
That doesn’t mean that you stopped cheering her on, you’ve seen all her major moments, no matter how far away you were.
Over the summer, you along with practically every other sailor on your ship watched as she along with the rest of the Lionesses conquered Europe.
And now, you’re standing on the touchline at Kingsmeadow in your dress uniform for some surprise your sister planned with Chelsea.
But if you had known they scheduled it for the weekend the Blues welcome United, you probably would’ve waited a little longer to take some leave time.
Anything would be better than having Alessia attempt to burn holes in you with only her eyes as you carry the ball out for the coin toss.
You can’t tell if she recognizes you with your hair cut so short and your body so stiff but when you hear the PA ask everyone to turn their attention to you, you know that she’ll figure it out soon if she hasn’t already.
“Everyone please join us in a round of applause,” the voice says over the speakers, “as we welcome back former Chelsea youth player, Lieutenant Commander in His Majesty’s Royal Navy, Y/N Y/L/N. Thank you for your service.”
You allow yourself to smile slightly as Emma Hayes hands you a Chelsea shirt with your name on it before a stadium hand comes to lead you to your seat.
The match is good and you enjoy it as much as you can with strangers coming up to you every two minutes.
When it ends, 2-1 Chelsea, you make your back pitchside having agreed to speak with the players in the small window of time Hayes and Skinner have managed to get them to give up.
When you're led to a back room you’re shocked to see both teams there intermingled but you quickly remember that women's football has always been much more cordial than the men’s game.
After another quick introduction from the assistant who led you there, you stand alone in front of the two teams.
“Hello,” you say, standing pretty stiffly with your hands clutching your cover behind your back. “I’m not going to introduce myself again but now seems like a good time to mention that since my dad is from Newburn, I’m a Newcastle fan.”
That gets a few scattered laughs that help to break some of the tension and ease your nerves.
“I’m supposed to be talking to you about leadership, team building, and morale but I watched the game and I can definitely say that neither team needs to hear from someone whose idea of team building is sticking people in the middle of the ocean for months at a time and seeing who can get passed their problems long enough to survive,” you say plainly, not bothering to hide your disinterest for the situation. “So I figured you can just ask me questions until they let us leave.”
Murmurs of agreement go through the group so you press on, alternating between teams to ensure you’re being fair.
Most of the questions are the normal ones you get when people find out you're in the Navy. So you explain what it means to be both a Lieutenant Commander and a Surface Warfare Officer.
There are a couple of shocked faces when you tell them that you’re trained to operate all the heavy artillery on the ships and a couple of faces that fill you with more than a bit of concern because of how glee-filled they are.
When you tell them that you joined the Navy because of family tradition you can see Alessia roll her eyes and whisper something to Toone but you divert your attention to Millie Bright, who you recognize from the time you spent training with the full team.
And based on her question it seems like she recognizes you too.
“You made some appearances with the full team, why’d you choose the Navy over football,” she asks.
Laughing a little you answer her, “I played 30 minutes in the Conti Cup and was in Hayes’ office the next day quitting. That was literally the worst half hour of my life and I almost drowned in the sinking ship exercise.”
It’s then that you notice Alessia put her hand up to ask a question and considering you want nothing more than to not have to interact with her, you ignore it getting through a few others before you notice Ella with her hand up as well.
So you make the mistake of calling on her.
“Are you ever going to let Less ask a question,” she says with an unbelievable amount of sass.
“I suppose I have to now,” you say, “Crack on, Russo.”
Alessia doesn’t take this well because she glares at you and asks in the coldest voice you’ve ever heard from her, “How’s your sister?”
Never one to be outdone when it comes to being petty you respond in kind.
“She’s fine. Your family?”
It's your words that seem to spark a realization in some of the players’ faces that the two of you know each other but before any of them have a chance to say anything the same assistant from earlier comes to tell you that you’ve completed your time agreement.
For your part, you can’t get out of the building fast enough, barely stopping by the manager's office to tell Emma bye.
Getting to your car, you rush home probably breaking a few minor traffic laws in your haste.
When you do get home, you rush past your sister, Sarah, and her husband straight to your room, where you make quick work of changing into comfy clothes so that you can hide away for the foreseeable future.
You manage to go a full two days before your sister gets sick of your bullshit and barges in opening the blinds to let light into your cave of despair.
“Alright, it’s time to get up,” she says, pulling the blankets from on top of your head.
“Fuck off,” you say, turning away from her.
“I won’t," she replies, "You’ve been locked away in here, not eating, for days. All because you had to see the girl who broke your heart at 17. Grow up.”
Rolling back over you glare at her harshly but she continues speaking before you get the chance to tell her to go away again.
“Don’t make that face at me, it won’t work,” Sarah says, plainly, “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to take a shower and then when you’re done, you’ll come eat lunch before going to walk Magpie.”
Her tone leaves no room for argument and if we’re being honest, you’ve always been appropriately cautious of pissing her off. She did practically raise you after all.
So you did what she asked.
You showered, you ate with her and her goofball husband, and now you're sitting at the park with her idiot dog that is named after a bird.
“Oi, Magpie,” you call out, getting the dog’s attention, “Stop trying to eat that rock you berk, it’s bigger than you are.”
Somewhere to your left, you hear a familiar burst of laughter that has you panicking more than a little bit.
You do your best to ignore it, hoping that she would choose any of the other benches to go sit on. But that doesn’t seem to be in the cards for you as Alessia takes a seat right next to you, her dad’s dog coming to rest at her feet.
“Hey,” you say to her, not wanting to be rude before you turn your attention to the dog, “Sup Rocco, getting up there in age, aren’t you old boy?”
Alessia laughs again and you feel your heart skip a beat and a fluttering feeling begins in your stomach.
The two of you sit in relative silence for a while, the only words spoken are from you, usually a shout at your sister’s idiot dog.
You get so used to the silence that you almost miss it when she starts speaking.
“I owe you an apology for the way I treated you at the game,” Alessia begins, “It wasn’t fair of me to treat you like that, especially in front of so many people. -So, I’m sorry I did that.”
You’re not sure what you were expecting her to say but it definitely wasn’t that, so it takes you a moment before you respond.
“I can’t accept your apology,” you tell her after you finish processing. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see her shocked reaction so you continue before she can spiral too far. “Mostly because I was definitely a bigger dick than you were that day. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted that way, not in front of your team.”
You can see a small smile tug at her lips and you grin at her in response.
“We were both pretty big idiots, huh,” she says.
“Proper bellends,” you respond, “You’d think we would’ve done some growing up I guess not.”
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you and you let it stay for a few moments before you speak again.
“I think if we had been better at communicating, we probably would’ve been back on speaking terms at least four years ago,” you tell her seriously albeit with a joking tone.
“Are we?”
“Are we what?”
“Back on speaking terms,” Alessia clarifies.
“Obviously,” you say, “I don’t watch Magpie try to eat all the inedible things in sight with just anybody.”
The smile that had been threatening to break out on Alessia’s face is out in full force now and you can feel the fluttery sensation in your gut get stronger.
With that seemingly settled, the two of you fall into a pattern of conversation that is both familiar yet different.
In the past, most of your conversations centered around school, football, and making weekend plans. Now, it’s more of a catch up session but the vibes are the same.
It's perfect.
You don’t know how long you sit there but you’re eventually interrupted by the sound of both of your phones going off.
Your’s a call from Sarah telling you to bring her dog back and her’s a reminder from her dad about family dinner.
You stand up ready to try and catch Magpie and go when Alessia stops you.
“Y/N,” she begins, “Do you know where you’ll be stationed once your vacation ends?”
“Headed back to Dartmouth for five months to train the next batch of SWOs,” you tell her, “Then probably gonna be on shore duty for a while so might end up in command of a URNU. Depends.”
“On what?”
“Lots of things but mostly where the open postings are,” you explain.
“Two more questions but one relies on your answer to the other.”
“Will you be able to make and receive phone calls while at Dartmouth this time around,” she asks with a slight blush.
“I’ll be in charge so I can do what I want.”
“So would you be opposed to giving me your number so I can call you?”
Unable to resist teasing her a little bit, you let a coy grin spread across your face.
“Alessia Russo, are you trying to get back in my pants,” you ask her.
You watch as the blush on her deepens and she begins to sputter trying to defend herself.
You laugh a little and continue, “I mean it’s fine if you are but I’d prefer to know so that I don’t fuck it up like I did last time.”
“Y/N/N,” she says, still blushing and stuttering.
“My number is the same,” you say, taking pity on her, “so you better call me.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“I am but now I’m an asshole that you’ve got to call.”
“It’d take the entire Royal Navy to stop me.”
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velvetydream · 28 days
꒰ :🥀 [ The start of a new journey - Welcome to Aurora ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Part 3 - The start of a new journey
Summary : After leaving your kingdom hell breaks out, while you are trying to get used to the life on the sea with the crew.
Pairing : Pirate! Hongjoong x Fem! Reader
Word count : 1952 Words
Genre : Fluff, Romance, Slow Burn
Warnings ➵ None
a/n : Next part of our journey on Aurora! I'm so hyped to continue this story since this and the next chapter are ones I wrote in 2021, but I got so many ideas for this story!♡
《 Masterlist 》
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Hell broke loose in your kingdom, after your maid wanted to wake you up, finding the bed empty and cold. She immediately started to search your room but couldn't find anything, now in a panicking state, she rushed out and into the thrown hall, where the king and queen were talking to the young and handsome prince.
"The princess! She is gone!" Screaming as she entered the room, everyones attention now on her. "What do you mean she is gone?!" The king speaks up, an angry tone in his voice. "I wanted to wake her, but she is gone! Her bed is empty and cold! She must've left the night!" The maid explains to her king, who was by now furious about that information.
"Every guard search the whole entire kingdom! And do not stop until my daughter is found!" He was mad to say the least, he was embarrassed that her fiance had to hear about this, this could be the end.
"Me and my guards will also help find her your majesty, she is my fiance afterall." The prince exclaims, making his way out of the castle, followed by his guard. Leaving behind a furious king and a desperate queen, who was by now crying for her daughters safety.
Meanwhile you were following Seonghwa around the ship as he starts to speak up again, : "You will be starting to train in hand to hand combat today, including the sword and other hand-to-hand fighting. Of course we'll also teach you how to shoot, but one step at a time. Your teacher for this today is Yunho, Jongho will help the two of you." Seonghwa explains, as you two arrive by said two man, one smiling at you, the other one not that much.
"Hope you're ready, I won't be gentle, just because you're girl." Yunho says, after that he pulls out a sword from his belt and hands it to you. The handle felt quit cold at first, the sword heavy in your hand. "We're gonna start with the sword, we'll learn more about daggers later." Now teaching you how to hold the sword, how your stance should be and a few others things. Right after teaching you, he threw you in the cold watter with saying that you should try to fight Jongho.
"I won't hold back." Were Jonghos words and he definitely didn't, you werent injured badly after the training but had a few scratches from falling to the floor and a few slits from his blade. At some point Yunho stopped the two of you, Jongho didn't even have one little scratch, while you were full of them. "Go to Yeosang, he'll help you clean those up, it's enough for today." Following his directions, you make your way to Yeosang, who was currently in the kitchen.
"You don't look so good, let me guess Jongho was your training partner." Was heard from Yeosang, as soon as you entered the kitchen, making you groan slightly at how obvious it was. "Come sit down, I'll help you clean up, newby." Sitting down on one of the chairs, you look around the kitchen for the first time now. It looked pretty chaotic, the middle of the room stood a large table, probably for preparing the food, behind it were a lot of counters and a oven, to the left was also a door, probably where they keep the food and supplies.
Yeosang now stood in front of you with a bowl of water and a rug in his hand, starting by cleaning your hands and arms, going up to your face. "I hope he wasn't to harsh on you, but those cuts look pretty mean, maybe you should get Seonghwa or San as a training partner next time." Yeosangs words made you smile slightly, you weren't hurt by those cuts but rather by your sore muscles. Never having to learn how to fight had it's downsides. It was always your brother Jae learning how to fight in battle, along side his two best friends Wonpil and Brian, who were both in training to become guards and later on being your brothers personally assigned guards. A small tear rolls down your cheek thinking about your brother, he was the only one you were missing from the castle.
"I think someone needs a piece of pie, it normally is for the main crew, but you really need my piece now." After cleaning up your face, Yeosang hands you a piece of pie, making you smile slightly. "If you want to talk, just talk, it's probably hard for you." Yeosang tells you, while getting back to preparing the food for the dinner. "I don't miss my parents, but I have to admit I miss my brother and his friends, they were the ones I considered family, I just hope they are alright." Opening up to Yeosang about these thoughts made you feel a little bit less sad. "I don't know him, but I think he would want you to be happy and if this ship is your happiness, then I bet he is happy for you." Smiling back at Yeosang you give him a little nod.
He was right, your brother would want you to be happy and if that meant to be with these people, who by now were a better family than your old one, then so be it.
Bidding your goodbye to Yeosang, you make your way up again, breathing in the fresh sea breeze.
"You don't look so good little princess!" San calls out to you from behind the steering wheel, getting out a little laugh from you. "Yeah Jongho really didn't hold back one bit." Making your way up to San, you sit down on the railing of the quarter deck. "I can see that he didn't hold back, hope you're not to hurt." Shaking your head, you instead answer how your sore muscles are way worse right now, making the man in front of you laugh.
"Yeah it's hard at the beginning, but you'll get used to it sooner or later, we all did." Sending you a warm smile, while having his hands on the wheel. Your eyes glide over the ship, it looked lively and warm, not how you imagined a pirate ship. You always though they would be just bad people, but this crew made you change your mind.
"How long are you on this crew already?" Curiosity is getting the better of you again, you were really curious to hear how long each of them was on this ship already. "I've been on this ship for around a year now, Jongho is the newest before you, he still is only been here for half a year now. Yeosang and Wooyoung came on this ship together two years ago from what I heard. The captain and Seonghwa are here the longest, they were the ones to start this crew four years ago." Understanding a bit better now, you nod your head. You didn't know that this crew has already started to form four years ago, always gaining a new member.
"You two seem to enjoy each other." The voice of the captain and also the clicking of his boots against the little staircase was heard, before he was standing next to you and San. "I'm taking over for now, go and help one of the others, Yeosang needed help if I remember it right." Changing positions now, San made his way down, leaving you and the captain to stay back. Not knowing if you should stay or not, you stay seated and start to fumble with your fingers slightly.
"If I'm being honest, I don't know if this was the right decision or not, but I set my trust in Seonghwa and Wooyoung." Hongjoong speaks up, making you look at him. You had a feeling he wasn't really fond of you, same as Jongho for a reason. "I'm still very thankful, that you allowed me to stay." Your voice was quiet, his words still in your head, knowing that he probably wanted to say no to you, but said yes for the sake of his two crew memebers. "I can see that, but you probably also didn't think this through, you will never be able to go back, also . . The sea and life of pirates is no buisness for a princess, it's going to be dangerous and bloody." A shiver runs down your spine again from his words, it's know that pirates aren't the most morally right people and that they plunder and murder. Just now realising that you in fact, really didn't think this all through. But it's better this way, than to be sold of and locked away in a unfamiliar castle and kingdom.
"I can see the look on your face, you're not sure about yourself, maybe even regret your decision. Or maybe you're even scared of us little princess." Spoke the captain in slight mocking way, making you frown. "I am for sure not regretting anything, nor am I scared of you, Captain." Speaking the last word with venom in you voice, you stand up and march away from the captain.
How could he say that, he has no idea who you are or what you're feeling, what and asshole of a captain.
Meanwhile in your kingdom the search for you continued on. "We are sorry my king, but we couldn't find the princess anywhere. Even her jewellery is gone, we searched the whole kingdom." A guard speaks up to his king, who was sitting on his big throne, his queen pacing around, while the young prince stood a bit off to the side. "What if she was kidnapped? Or . . Even murdered! My poor daughter!" The queen crys out, worried for her only daughter.
"So. . How is the princess holding up?" Wooyoung asks you, shoving another spoon full of his food into his mouth, making you smile slightly. "Beside Jongho and Hongjoong being a pain in the ass, everyone seems to be nice, even the other man on this ship are quit friendly." Your answer gets you a laugh from Wooyoung again. "Jongho can be like that at the beginning, maybe he is also jealous of not being the youngest and newest anymore, as of for Hongjoong, he knows the danger of bringing a princess on board. . You know . ." Wooyoung started to talk, as another voice was heard in a disapproving tone. "I don't think Hongjoong would like for someone to spill out his secrets Wooyoung, show a bit more respect for your captain." Seonghwa scolds the man approaching you two, taking a seat beside you on the railing, a plate of food in his hands. The three of you were sitting a bit further away from the rest of the crew, longing for a bit quietness.
"She is not dead, we'll find her." The older child of the queen spoke up. A tall and handsome prince, who would rule this kingdom in the future. "Maybe she is on board of a ship trying to flee out of despair, Brian is getting a ship ready, we'll set sail and search the ocean nearby." Jae tells his mother softly, wiping away her tears. "I will also get a ship ready and help with the search of the princess." Chris now speaks up, wanting the princess, his fiance, back just as much as her mother wanted, but getting worried that they had not one clue of the whereabouts of the young princess.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung definitely awakened the curiosity inside of you again, what kind of secret did the captain hold, that only the main crew was allowed to know.
"Don't break you pretty little head over the captain, he will warm up to you." Seonghwa smiles, patting your head slightly, before he continues to eat again. Keeping quiet now, you did the same, the thoughts of the captain not leaving you though.
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jvnluvr · 1 year
torn lies ; itoshi sae ♡
author’s note: i came up with a something on a whim today after my lovely follower @uvbnr21-killer requested so i'm sorry it took a bit. nobody saw the first post, i forgot to add tags so i deleted it and now am rewriting it. kaiser angst would hurt my soul, but sae fits this perfectly. i'm so nervous & scared because i never write angst so i hope this is okay.
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itoshi sae couldn't, wouldn't and will never understand you. maybe that's why he keeps coming back into your life.
itoshi sae x f!reader
notes: foul language, implied toxic relationship, reader has anxiety and hand tremors, sae acts like he's innocent when he's not, ft. isagi and rin
"i understand. now say it with me, we're gonna be okay.”
that was the last lie itoshi sae could say to you.
how long had it been? with how busy your life had become, itoshi sae was just a distant thought in the back of your mind. a man you wished you had never met, never wanted, or never had been with. how could a man, even like him, be so heartless? you knew him, you knew that wasn't him, but that doesn't mean he was going to change.
as much as you could have dwelled upon it, cried about it, have gotten angry about it, and all these other complex emotions humans could feel, there was simply no point. itoshi sae has been long gone, and life had made other plans. you became a professional athlete, just like itoshi-. wait, you just said you would stop thinking about him.
see, that was the entire problem. taking the same career path of the man who was once yours just made you think about him more. your mind was tainted with the thought of sae. you couldn't keep living like this, life was already miserable as is. you couldn't go out in public without having to hide away like you were an embarrassment. nobody knew, but they knew. they knew from the way you would rarely come out in public anymore, the way cameras caught your hands tremoring trying to talk to interviewers.
"can't you just leave me the fuck alone?”
"i’m your girlfriend for fuck's sake! you can talk to me for 5 minutes a day if you're really that busy."
"yeah? 'know what, you aren't worth those 5 extra fucking minutes.
what came after that was more yelling, then it came to tears, and finally, you left what you had once called home, what you had once called your forever. you slammed an awakening in itoshi sae's face before you left, for good.
"[name]! tell us how you feel about the upcoming match." an interviewer asked, shoving the mic close to your lips. "i think it'll be good." you let out a very monotoned voice, signaling that your anxiety was starting to get worse again. "ah, please share some more thoughts with-"
"oh look! it's itoshi sae!! why is he here?" your eyes widened as you followed the voice, and it came from all across the area. " think she'll leave with us, thanks for your time." a smooth, yet deep voice replied near your ear before you were dragged away. you already knew who it was, so you looked back once last time, seeing the interviewer run off in the voice's direction.
"everyone is obsessed with him, it makes me sick." you sighed out, your breathing starting to get shallower. “thanks for dragging me out of there.” the man let you go, letting you sink to the ground and hug your knees. "stupid media people, forget them. how are you feeling?” isagi yoichi asked, crouching down to meet your pained eyes.
"'Il be fine, jus' hope this fuckin' tremors stop before i have to go on." your hands were burning. not because of the tremors, nor was it because of isagi. because every single thing you did reminded you of itoshi sae. you were more than just frustrated because of this, so you couldn't help but try and rip your hair out as your eyes watered.
"fuckin' asshole, how could he say that even 5 minutes for me was a waste of his time," you mumbled, not wanting to lose your composure in such a public place. "sae-san will never change, [name]. you deserve a lot better anyway. c'mon, the other guys are waiting for you." he held your hands as he helped you get up, but it was all mindless movement in your eyes. walking into the stadium, across the bleachers, everything felt blank.
itoshi sae is the worst.
how could he do such a thing?
was that really the sae you fell in love with?
no, he'll come back, right?
he didn't mean it.
whatever, fuck him anways.
an inner monologue with yourself that always bought you to shreds. what point was there in constantly being in a stage of denial when the evidence was right in your hollow eyes? you so desperately wished for your feelings to change, for your heart to not crave, desire, to want to love itoshi sae. but he always walked away. away from his friends, his family, from you.
"[name?] is it sae again?' itoshi rin snapped you out of your trance again. you blinked widely a couple times, before your tired eyes met rin's. '''t wouldn't usually be this bad, stupid fuckin' guy decided to waltz into here today." you grumbled to him, in which he sighed.
"sorry, [name.] even i don't know why he keeps coming back. it's best if you just ignore him though. sae doesn't actually care, we've seen."
yeah, itoshi sae doesn't care about you.
then why his is gaze so warm?
you're on the field, staring into the crowds of people when you see him. you could only manage a second of eye contact, but immediately you felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest.
"don't do that."
"do what, [name]?"
"don't look at me like you still care.”
"good game out there today, [name]."
"you don't mean it. why are you back?" you could feel the tremors coming back, despite your best efforts to control them.
"tch, i'm not allowed to tell someone 'good job?"'
"should you fuckin' be allowed to break someone's heart? no! but ya did it anyway. now get out of my sight, stupid egoist." it's vicious, but it's also been long overdue.
[name], it's been so long, why are you still hung up-"
"you're an asshole who ruined my life, all because you're a narcissist, self-centered and close-minded. you want me to spell out more?"
for once, your voice stood against him.
his eyes widened, an unmistakable look in his eyes saying that he didn't expect that, not out of you.
and for the first time, you walked away from itoshi sae.
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howlingday · 5 months
Harley Quinn arc: Pyrrha gets her therapy session
"Um, hello? Dr. Quinn?"
"Pyrrha!" Harley sang, waving her arm towards herself. "Come in, come in! I was wonderin' when you'd get in here!"
"Well, Nora, Ren, and Jaune all said you were good."
"Oh, that's so great! I'm glad to see my reviews are so high. Now, would you like to take a seat for your first session with Dr. Harley Quinn?"
"Is there a form I need to sign?" Pyrrha asked.
"Ya know, you're the first person to catch in the middle of the session." She began to rifle through her desk. "I get so caught up in these sessions that I always forget until the session is over to get these papers signed." She giggled. "Of course, I'd nevah breathe a word about my patients, paper or no paper."
"Oh, well, if it's not too much trouble..."
"It ain't, Ms. Nikos." She pulled up the non-disclosure agreement from the cabinet and handed it to her. "If anything, I'd get in more trouble because I wasn't catching these soonah."
Pyrrha looked over the paper carefully, pen in her hand and ready to sign. Once she did, she handed the paper back over to Dr. Quinn, who took the paper and placed it delicately on the desk. She gave a giggle, then slid her notebook in front of her.
"So, I take it this isn't your first therapy session."
"Er, no, it isn't." Pyrrha shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "After a... falling out I had with one of my agents, I was recommended to seek counseling."
"Ooh, juicy~! Care to share?"
"It wasn't anything too serious. My agent just made some suggestions that I didn't feel comfortable with. When he pressed the issue, I may have... threatened him."
"Oohoohoohoo~!" Harley quickly caught herself. "I'm sorry. That was unprofessional of me. I just didn't expect you to be the threatenin' type."
"I... guess not."
"What was it yer agent tried to get ya into? Somethin' sleazy?"
"Yes, it was... It was a swimsuit photoshoot."
"Ick! And at your age?"
"Mhm," Pyrrha nodded, "my new agent was concerned of 'lingering issues' and recommended I receive counseling to ensure I'd be able to compete."
"I know just the type." Harley shook her head. "Where I come from, there's a lotta folks like that, tryin' ta get ya to do things ya don't wanna. Thankfully, ya ain't gotta deal wit the creeps like them."
"I... guess so." Pyrrha sighed. "Still, there are times when I think about what he said would happen if I didn't do it. Things like how I'd 'fall out of the spotlight,' that I'd 'get replaced in no time'. Things like that."
"Mhm, and do ya think that may have affected yer sense of self-worth?"
"Would it?"
"It did fer me. See, when I was younger, I met a guy and he made me feel special. When I left him, or he left me, he'd find someone else to take my place. Then I met the gal he replaced me with."
"Yuh-huh, and some piece of work she was!" Harley sighed. "I tried to talk some sense into her, but all I got for it was this nasty scar on my neck and my current beau's home getting burned down."
"Oh my!"
"I doubt something so drastic happened to you, but let me tell you something I told myself when I was going through it. Something that literally save my life. Every voice in my head was telling me this new gal was supposed to be the newer, better, hotter version of me. And I admitted to some facts."
Pyrrha leaned in.
"One, yes, she was younger than me. And yeah, maybe she was hotter than me. And sure, I went to easy on her and she whooped my butt. BUT there was one thing she didn't have on me. She'd NEVER be Harley Quinn, and I made sure she never fucking forgot it!"
Pyrrha leapt at the profanity.
"Sorry, sorry!" Harley waved. "Totally unprofessional. But maybe you should try it out sometime. Next time you feel like you could be replaced, just tell yourself this one thing. Look in the mirror, and say 'I'm Pyrrha Nikos! And ain't nobody gonna replace me!' Got it?"
"Y-Yes, Dr. Quinn!"
"Call me Harley, sweetie. Everyone already does."
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fandomfuntimem · 6 months
Second chances: a fnaf au
Part 2
CHAPTER 1: Wake Up
Fire. Blazing fire.
Despite the dire circumstances Michael actually felt quite calm. It was over, he and Henry had succeeded. They rounded up all the animatronics, and burned it all down. Now it is time to rest, and he was all too happy to do so...
Michael shot up. Fire. There was no fire. Where was the fire? He wasn't in his office anymore. He was in a bedroom. His bedroom. Not his adult bedroom, his childhood bedroom. Before he could fully process anything he heard knocking on the door, "MIIIIKEEEEY!!!! TURN THAT ALARM OFF! IT'S ANNOYING!" Elizabeth? No that can't be. Michael swung his legs off the side his bed and slammed him hand down on the clock. Was it all just a dream? He wondered, no. This is a second chance.
Michael jogged down the stairs. If this really is a second chance he won't waste it. No more fox mask, no more scaring Evan, no more pranks. Besides, William was barely around anyways, his siblings need someone to step up and be the parent.
The house was just as he remembered it. Neet with only a few toys here and there. Family photos decorated the walls, not a single smile found in any one of them. If you're visiting for the first time you would think its a cozy average home, but it really wasn't. Michael will never forget just how cold it felt, with each life lost the house only got colder. Well that's just going to have to change, Michael thought.
Walking into the kitchen Michael saw Elizabeth trying to reach for a box of cereal. She was right there, alive, not some phsycho clown animatronic. She's alive, He's alive, Evan's alive. Everyone is back, and he could save them all. For now though, he had to act natural. So he did. He totally did. "Haaaay Lizzie. What uh... what are you trying to do?" He said, god, this was harder than he thought. It's not every day you burn in a fire and wake up in your childhood home.
Elizabeth turned and gave him an odd look, "whats up with you? Got a stick up your butt?" She proceeded to give him a snarky grin.
"Haha very funny. What are you doing?"
"Trying to get to the cereal," she pointed up at the cereal box. Cinnimon charm puffs? Michael thought, didn't those get banned in the 90s?
Michael glared up at them, they deffinately did. "Why those? Don't we have something better," he muttered walking to the fridge. Yup there was a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon. If he's gonna do things right he is gonna do them right. No more cinnomon lucky cherrios or whatever they were called. He could have sworn they got banned for having vile levels of caffiene in them. Who even puts caffiene in cereal?
Elizabeth glared, "Daddy said we aren't allowed to use the stove."
"Yeah well, father isn't here to stop me," Michael snarked, "where's Evan? He's gonna miss breakfast."
"He's in his room. This isn't some elaborate plan to scare him again is it? You arent hiding that dumb Foxy mask anywhere are you?"
Oh right. That. First thing Michael did before coming down was throw it under his bed. He didn't want to see that nasty thing anywhere near him ever again, "no. I'm uh... I'm done with that. No more pranks. No more foxy mask."
Elizabeth looked skeptical, but she went off to Evan's room anyways. Evan. Michael's gonna have to be prepaired to see him again. Will Evan cry? He doesn't want to see that again. He'll probably cry too! He has to hold it together. It's hard enough to explane his sudden change in personality, but to explain why he broke down in ugly sobs the moment the kid he bullies enters the room? Yeah, there is no good explanation for that.
"Oh. He didn't hide'" Elizabeth said behind him. Michael turned, she was holding a small bat, and behind her was Evan. Poor Evan. He looked terrified.
Michael tried to look as friendly as possible, but that only seemed to make him more uncomfortable, "I uh... I made breakfast. You can go sit at the table." The two kids seamed skeptical but sat anyway. Michael placed down three plates with some fresh bacon and scrambled eggs, "you guys uh... you-you want toast??" He asked with a grin. Elizabeth gives him a suspicious glare, meanwhile Evan held his fredbear plush close and refused to make eye contact. Silence. Ooooh the uncomfortible silence. "Oookkk," Michael muttered, "no toast I guess."
Michael drums his fingers on the table. "You know what? I could go for some toast, yeah, toast, toast sound good," he said, shuffling back to the kitchen. While rummaging through the kitchen he hears Elizabeth and Evan whispering, he couldn't make anything out, but they sounded concirned. As he placed the toaster on the counter he felt a tug on his shirt, "whats wrong with you? You're being weird." Michael looked down, it was Elizabeth. She was giving him a frustrated and pouty look. "Nothings wrong," Michael said, "am I not allowed to be a good brother for once?"
"No, but it's still weird. You're usually mean and scary. THIS IS WEIRD! What did you do to our actual brother??"
"I am your actual brother Lizzy. I just decided to be better."
"Oh yeah? And what brought on this 'realization'"
"Fire. Blazing fire."
"It was a uh... a dream. A lot of fire. I was in hell. Definitely hell."
Elizabeth glares at him again before sitting back at the table and begrudgingly took a bit of her eggs. Upon seeing this Evan cautiously took a bite and seemed pleasently surprised when nothing was tampered with. Michael started buttering his toast, glad that he atleast made a proper and enjoyable breakfast. It's been decades since he was able to eat so he wasn't too sure if he could make something that would actually taste good. Come to think of it. It's been decades since he needed to cook at all. How did he manage this? He was litteraly a zombie living alone. How in the world did he manage to retain the skill to cook?
Just as a was beginning to get a little too deep in thought he heard a small voice call from the dinning table, "Mikey. Can you make me some toast too?" It was Evan. Holding his plush close, he timidly did his best to look at Michael. Progress, Michael couldn't help it but have the biggest goofiest grin plastered on his face. Evan spoke to him and he didn't cry or stutter. He even called him Mikey!
"Sure! You want butter too?"
Evan nodded. Its not much, but its progress. Evan is still scared but he asked Michael for something! That's deffinately progress right? No matter. He's being a good brother. Sitting at the table he handed Evan his toast and began to eat. Food! Aaaaaah finally food! He was a corpse for so long he almost forgot what eggs and bacon tastes like. Everything is going right. He's alive, Evan's alive, Elizabeth is alive, he got exactly what he wished for, a second chance.
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expired-applejuice · 1 year
Incorrect quotes part 4
Javert: hold the fuck up!
Les Amis: *hugs Grantaire aka their fuck up*
Valjean: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Valjean: *turns around and helps Cosette through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Cosette.
Cosette: Okay.
Combeferre, trying to get Enjolras out of bed: Don't make me get the water bucket.
Enjolras: You wouldn't.
Courfeyrac: *walking past dripping wet* Yes, he would.
Montparnasse: What if fairies were real?
Jehan: What?
Montparnasse: Faries. What if they were actually real?
Jehan: W-wait...faries aren't r-real?
Montparnasse: Of course they're not-
Jehan: "tearing up*
Montparnasse: HAHAHA TRICKED YOU FARIES ARE REAL JUST KIDDING! Please don't cry I love you
Bossuet: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Grantaire, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Courfeyrac: ooh can I have some?
Courfeyrac: there was cookies?!
Bossuet: yes. And you ate them
Courfeyrac: no I didn't
Bossuet: then where are they?
Joly, walking in: *mouth full* these are some good cookies
Bahorel: I'm going to bed.
Feuilly: It's noon.
Bahorel: Time isn't real.
Enjolras: Grantaire, you risked your life to save me!
Grantaire: And I'd do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it. <3
Javert: Alright. Time for a new team-building exercise. We're going to put everything we love into this box.
Montparnasse: Can I put Jehan in the box?
Javert: No.
Courfeyrac: Can I put Jehan in the box?
Javert. No.
Grantaire: Can I-
Javert: No one can put Jehan in the box!!
Enjolras: This is a terrible team-building exercise!
Grantaire: So, you like cats?
Enjolras: Yeah, I do. They're cute.
Grantaire: *slowly pushes a glass of the counter*
Enjolras: Combeferre, I told you to take out the trash.
Combeferre: Oh, right! Sorry!
Combeferre: Courfeyrac, will you go on a date with me?
Combeferre: Okay, I'm going to get the wedding cake.
Courfeyrac: Perfect, while you do that I'll check on the ring bear.
Combeferre: ...
Combeferre: You mean ring bearER, right?
Courfeyrac: ...
Combeferre: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Musichetta: Isn't it amazing what friends learn from one another?
Joly: I learn a lot from Grantaire because he makes so many mistakes.
Grantaire: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Bahorel: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Feuilly: everyone could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS theme song every 25 minutes.
Grantaire: Whoa, you're being a little-
Combeferre, who hasn't slept in 4 days because he was studying: Truculent? Obstreperous? Recalcitrant?
Grantaire: I was gonna say "cray-cray".
Courfeyrac: You know you've made it when you see your picture up everywhere you go.
Enjolras: Courfeyrac... Those are our wanted posters.
Grantaire: The Ocean is a soup.
Combeferre: Do elaborate.
Grantaire: What are needed for something to be a soup?
Combeferre: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine.
Grantaire: *Tilts head*
Combeferre: The Ocean is a Soup.
Grantaire: The Ocean is a Soup.
Bossuet: Okay, it's obvious that you're not over this whole "Grantaire, you are incapable of believing, of thinking, of willing, of living, and of dying" thing, yet.
Grantaire: What makes you say that?
Joly: We found you in the park throwing rocks at children.
Musichetta: How did you break your leg?
Eponine: Do you see those porch stairs?
Musichetta: Yes.
Eponine: I didn't.
Grantaire: Hey Apollo? If my apartment burned down would you let me stay with you?
Enjolras: Yes of course I would!
Enjolras: Wait... Grantaire?
Enjolras: Grantaire come back!!!
Bahorel: We both look very handsome tonight.
Feuilly: You know you could have just said looked good and I would have said "So do you?"
Bahorel: ... I couldn't take that chance.
Courfeyrac: What's the word for when your hands are bisexual?
Combeferre: Do you mean ambidextrous?
Courfeyrac: I'm in love with you.
Valjean: so I have this rock, it's very beautiful. Javert gave it to me.
Fantine: I watched him throw it at you
Valjean: he's very sweet.
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hail-brod · 4 months
A Chance and Beyond (6)
Previous chapter: (Chapter 5)
Series Masterlist
Loki x FReader
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A/N: Yes, 2 weeks delay. Again. I guess that's gonna be my new sched if it gets too busy.
Listening to a Norwegian folk song made this even fun to write. Man, I love upbeat folk songs. (edit:) Just figured the song's about a man in love with a woman who's betrothed to another man (note at the end of chap). It fits sm for a certain god here ehem ehem—or just in general lmao. The coincidences in life mah man.
(Ok, this is honestly my fav chap.)
Please enjoy and tell me your thoughts! >&lt;
Warning/s: Light angst, drinking, being alcoholic to a viking level, mead, a bit of self deprecation?, mention of missing body part, nothing else probably (please tell me if I missed something!)
WC: 4.4k
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Just some Viking activities at the edge of a cliff. Or like they say in Midgard, 'Let's parteyyy. Hit it, Freddie!'. In which you spin around like a record baby, right round, round, round.
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When nightfall came, it didn't take long for everyone to start drinking as early as they can.
Instead of the usual drinking horn tankard, metal mugs clinked at each other, along with the merry cheers of wobbly ballads clashing in every chatter. Half an hour in when the sun had set down, there we're already drunk men dancing with their sons and daughters, mothers mingling with their husbands, and people gobbling down roasted meat. And on the center of it all stands the grand lit bonfire that sheltered light to the smiles of every person. You can hear the crackling and bursting flames joining the fun of your kin's roaring laughs, its shadows flickering like a raves' night befitting the dances of the other asgardians.
Just like you remembered when you we're in your early days in Vanaheim and your home-world, bonfire feasts are always a celebration never to be missed.
It almost feels like you've never truly left Asgard...
But of course, what is a night's feast without a pleasant conversation? Because when you sprung your eyes at a certain young prince being entertained by a woman offering him a mead—with a smile that you're consequently aware is intended to be suggestive, you've never felt so pleasant in your whole life.
No, you we're not glaring at the ground. No, you we're not burning a stare at the said woman. No, you we're not sulking on your wooden seat.
No, not at all.
You decided to just let yourself drown in the company of your mead, gulping it for ten straight seconds. That should do it, you think. not enough to do me in though. And in all honesty, you think of the truth. You we're never the first one to fall in in a drunken state; for as much as the people underestimate you at these things, they always lose when they challenge you so.
Maybe it runs in the family since, well, they we're almost as tolerant as you do.
But you honestly wish right now that you weren't.
You can see Loki giving out a pleasant laugh at the woman, mead weighing down on his hand as he mentioned something to her, making her shrug tentatively in a coy manner. You also soon noticed a few women eyeing Loki, both in hesitation and....desire?
Wait, what?
"Oh, mine brother! Finally, a flock of women ogling at him rather than me." Thor's voice pulls you out of your brief bewilderment as he made himself comfortable beside you. "You see, I knew he'd gain recognition amongst our people after that final battle in Asgard. I'm very proud I've proven him right, hah!"
Oh. "That's...good." you comment, trying not to let your displeasure lace out. "Does your people hate him, before all of this?"
"Hate, you say?" he says, eyes shifting to a light grimness. "My brother is many things and thus he makes many...'decisions'. Very various different ones. I wouldn't want to tell you that he was hated but, he had proven to our people that he should be. Alas, he has change their minds." he lifts up his mug over the form of his brother, who's now talking to a different woman, but you do notice his attention is placed on the singing men near the bonfire.
He has indeed.
Though, you let yourself deviate to something else now that you remembered. Some things are left to be asked later, such as, the voice in your room—well, if you ever find the chance, that is. Or if you'd even open up the courage to.
"Did...Did Loki actually vouch for me after the interrogation?" you asked.
Thor widened his eyes followed by a nervous laugh. "W-Whatever do you mean, my lady?"
"It's okay, I'm aware of your little 'spying'."
"Oh." he lets out, eyes darting back and forth between his brother and you. "Well, odd it was, but kind of him I guess. He may act stingy but there's a softness in there, and it seems like he's taken by you."
You raised a brow at that. "I doubt that. He looks rather keen on avoiding me." you say, though, the thought of him being taken by you feels a tad bit nice.
He eyes you in wonder. "Does that irk you?"
"What? Of course not. I'm- merely curious."
"Hmm," he hums, but you can almost mistake it for a scoff. "of course, curious. You know, I never got to ask you if you're somehow well acquainted with my brother in your....universe? Or was it timeline? Either of those."
You freeze, there's a sudden feeling of déjà vu. "What...makes you think that we are?"
"Ah, that my friend, that I can see." he answered. "It may not be my specialty but I can tell if someone is at least taken by someone."
Right, your mind echos. he has a flock of women over him. Your past self is certainly a proof of that.
Well, some things would've been actually different if he had learned your fascination towards him back in your Asgard. Actually, not some but everything. Because if he did, you would never be here. You would have never created that bloody Nexus event. You would have never learned about how much dominance time rules over countless of universes.
"No, because you we're meant to fall for Thor." the imposing judge towering in front of you says after stating your name. "Not his brother, not anyone. The moment you recognized your feelings on the wrong person, god, brother—whatever you call him—is when you're taken out of the equation. Pretty common mistakes of your variants, apparently. Don't force it, miss. It doesn't always end well for both you and..." she reads down on the file and mocked a smile at you. "...the 'Loki Laufeyson.'"
The past TVA made it sure to shove it on your own reality that you we're the problem for falling for the younger prince. Somehow, you're feeling sorry for doing so, for dooming your home. But you also truly don't want to regret it
You won't.
The TVA doesn't have the right to dictate that. Not anymore.
"Are you insinuating that I'm openly swooning over your brother?" you asked, playing along with him.
He laughs. "Bin-gow." you're quite sure its supposed to be 'bingo'. "I've first noticed you we're very tolerant of his antics, which many not do, so I guess I can assume."
"I'm certain I don't swoon when I'm being tolerant."
"Uh-uh. Maybe not, but don't jump just yet, my good lady." he swigs a drink from his mug. "I've never seen someone else so adoringly at eased when at the resoundingly mysterious presence of Loki other than me and- "
He stops.
You can't deny the growing fluster emanating within you when you catch his first few words, but his sudden halt confused you for awhile. His expression fades down, his mirthful smile daring to fall but it fights to keep it up. Though, you somehow feel that you know who he struggles to mention.
"The All-mother." you finish.
He flinched, eyes flying randomly at you and inhales. "Yeah." he sighs out a light chuckle. "You know your thing, my lady."
Your heart cracks.
Seeing him react that way at the subject of his mother, its inevitable to feel dread at what could've possibly happened. Just the absence of his father as the overlooking king is more than a proof of the tragic fates that have doomed Asgard. Queen Frigga was far from a stranger to you and you can proudly say that she became your second mother. Well, if you and Loki we're bound together purely from deeper sentiments, she would have been more of a close mother rather than formally your queen mother.
But you also can't imagine how that would've affected Loki.
You have much to learn in this reality. And, maybe its about time for you to let them know yours.
Even just by bits.
"Yes.... I've actually been quite acquainted with the queen herself." you humbly inform, smile tipping up. "Which I'm very lucky to have been."
"Hold on, so you are well acquainted with Loki. Well, not just him anymore but also the royal family?" he quirks his head to the side. "You're definitely not just a noble. Let me guess, a daughter in court."
You nodded.
At least he knows his princely court lessons.
"Hah! I knew it." he cheers, mug elevated high up. This caught a few eyes from the crowd which was also followed by their own cheers. Some asgardians flew their eyes over to you doing the same as you muster up a pleasant smile, an attempt at matching their jovial attitudes. Your mind wanders back to someone as you try to spot the area where you last saw him. Granted, he was still there, eyes intent on you.
And then immediately looked away with not so much of a reaction.
You certainly have your fill of mesmerizing cerulean eyes all over you today and you can't help but blush. And at the least, he wasn't handsomely giggling anymore with some woman or herds of them.
Beside you, Thor mutters something, and you catch your name. Odd it was how he managed to divert his attention on his own little world so fast."...I've surely heard that name before...where...Asgard...?"
He looks like he's partially drunk, but you know he isn't that easy to bring down. No doubt his random ramblings are just a product of nine or fourteen mugs full of mead; there's much more action than just slurring words when it comes to these gods.
The darkness clocks deeper into the dead of night and you had already downed your third round of mead. Honestly, your usual would be at six or seven before you would start to either cry or be overly social to anyone—of course, you prefer the latter. At this point, all you can feel is the faint pounding of your head and the lightweight of everything.
Feather. you think, describing. Featherful light. How very light.
You decided then and there, this would be the last round. You're very aware that your drunken state is resoundingly unsightly and you don't want that coming to life tonight. Or any night.
So as you downed your mug to the last drop, the distinct sounds of singing started to spread from another man to another. When you looked around, their chants start to gradually get louder, infectious smiles being thrown at anyone as their hands begin to clap along the beats with a bob of their heads. You yourself could not contain the jolliness they emitted as you meekly bounced your head along.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med list,"
This, of course, had awaken the presence beside you.
He jumped on his feet, mug still gripped tightly on his hand as he sang along and his other hand waving around to the tune. Just as the crown prince joined in, this boosted the morale of the other asgardians, adding more people to the high spirited singing. His eyes rest on you and he kept nodding to you, urging you to stand up and do the same.
How could you refuse?
When he had offered you his hand, you took it and stood up, finally letting yourself sing the familiar song.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med gny, Hei fagraste lindelauvi alle"
You clapped and jumped along them and laughed in joy, the pounding of your head replaced with the upbeat tune you clap unto. You also didn't waste a second drifting your eyes to Loki, who was actually gone in his spot.
Had he left? You know he's quite fond of festivities so why...
Only then did you see his form singing and clapping with the said flock of women...and men. You really have to tone your emotions down because he has every right to mingle with anyone. Your own personal feelings on the likeness of him is hardly something you should be bringing about now. Soon enough, your attention gets shifted when Thor took your hand, halting your claps as he leads you near the bonfire. You we're quite baffled, but when you realized a circle of asgardians we're forming around the flame, you know you're going to be very out of breath.
"I hope you aren't too drunk to do this." Thor grins at you, hands free of his mug and secured his hand on yours much fittingly. You feel your other hand being snatched the same way by one of the asgardians beside you as you all form in a wide circle.
"I'm more than awake and sober than you." you replied, grinning back with the anticipation of the dance, your adrenaline gradually going up.
"For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
Little by little, you all move to your right, letting the circle turn in a loop. Another step and another one, the pace of your steps starts to move faster as you follow the rhythm of the song. The footwork of the certain dance begins to come naturally to you and everyone else, lifting it down and back at the moving steps to the side. One cue in the song indicates a twirl, so you turn and clap, and another clap, and so on.
"Men då steig trolli upp or djupaste sjø,"
You can't seem to think straight anymore as your laughter and giggles along the singing fogs your brain. Then comes a chant, and more clapping, and you don't know anymore.
Everything just started to feel natural.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
When the other asgardians outside of the circle started to join and slip inside, dancing; you almost didn't catch Thor leaving your side to enter the circle. And as you still moved along the loop, the said god reemerges from the jolly crowd, feet bouncing, and clutched at his side is his confused brother. It only happened in a second before you realized Thor had just threw his brother on his previous spot beside you, Loki's hand securely gripping your own through the revolving circle of people, not daring to let you trip with his sudden intrusion as he got swarmed into joining the loop.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and he couldn't even look away from you. As you we're kept being pulled to your sides, it was evident that he was also enjoying himself. He brings up the widest smirk at you and continues to sing with everyone else.
Oh, you we're not going to back down as well.
You squeezed his hand much more affectionately than you intended to, but fortunately he didn't whack it away; he tugs up a teasingly lofty smile and squeezed back.
You don't even know how to react anymore as you just distinctively felt the pulling of your heartstrings. You couldn't fight the widening smile on your lips any longer.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
The adrenaline of moving around and the constant claps to the beat, lungs catching the words to sing and the twirls between the loop of people, have had you all elevate for boldness as the beats starts to rapidly pace up; one step faster than the other and faster it goes, leaving you all lost in the moment of chanting breaths.
"Hei, hei, hei, hei, hei,
It goes higher and higher, constant and louder and as your voices reach the peak of the song, you're sent flying to Loki's side as soon as the circling loop of people broke off, tumbling to their sides with crazed smiles and cheers.
Though, as you tumbled beside Loki, heart ringing with laughters, his grip on your hand never left. You couldn't care much and your vision is clamped shut from all of the movement so you can't make much of anything. You we're panting hard and you know he is too—the very close distance between you has you hearing his pacing breaths. Suddenly, what made you open your eyes and look up to the said man was the dawning realization of why you feel so warmly secured.
Oh, he was holding you close, one hand snaked around your waist.
And don't even forget about how his other hand is pretty much locked with yours, as if letting you go would result in you being snatched away.
As you slowly wake up from your moment of daze, your eyes would not tear away from his own. His rising chest and yours synced like no other, and how dares he study you so intently with those gentle eyes, almost like a plea. The moment felt too long and too mesmerizing to break as your hand slowly curl further on his own, caressing.
Belonging. your heart screams between breaths. The shared look you had had you reminiscing a lot of things, a mixture of lifts and crashes dawning on your emotions. He himself contorts to a frown, taking in your conflicted demeanor—as well as your longing eyes.
I love you. you wanted to say, but you know that's bound to crush you, so you just reveled in the silence. The thought of not being able to say it clenches your heart, and you feel like tearing up.
But you resist. Contain it, woman. you order yourself. He's not even the Loki you know...
"I..." you start, wanting to get away.
But before you could gather yourself up once more, something catches Loki's eyes as he feels over your hand—he looks down confusingly. You realize his attention is directed on your hand once you felt the shift of his fingers on your own, specifically on a certain finger, one that's been severed and adorned with your golden ring.
You we're so out of it all until he breathes out his words, "You're married."
Your eyes snap to him, heart racing. He didn't waste a second catching your surprised stare. You don't know if the look he's giving you is concern or just curiousness. "N-No, I..." you stutter.
You we're not married yet—but will you ever be? Though, it seems like he believes otherwise.
"Don't." he sternly says. "Don't lie. I know that kind of ring anywhere and looking closely on it, it's a royal one."
You feel a lump in your throat as you try to swallow. It's only a matter of seconds before he's wondering which of the two princes in Asgard you we're bound with. "It is...yes. But no, I'm not married." you weakly say, feeling all of the adrenaline rushing out of you. "We never got to..." you hesitantly shrugged, trying to point out your unspoken words. "You could say I was whisked away by the TVA before it could even.... possibly happen."
You don't know what expression he's wearing but Loki seem to have caught on on your change of demeanor as your defeated form melts between his arm. You felt him stiff when he realized he hasn't distanced himself away from you, so he gently pulled his arm from your waist, leaving you to stand on your accord as you felt his other hand slipping away from yours.
Your heart longs even more.
Somehow, he had trusted his instincts once again to detect any lies as he accepted your words. "Would you have wanted that marriage?"
You fold your brows up to him, surveying his expression. But he's wearing that neutral mask again. You linger your words in your head, debating, lest you risk spilling any unnecessary sentiments. I would have love to. You open your mouth yet it closes again.
You can't do it.
"I don't know." you shake your head, letting your eyes wander away towards the mellow atmosphere that has become of your bonfire feast.
That's all you heard from him before he followed your gaze. You both shared a moment of silence, relishing in in the calmness of the aftermath of the celebration. It felt comforting—somehow.
Each and everyone have settled down on the ground, either sprawled from exhaustion and the mead, or wobbling on their seats, leaning shoulder to shoulder with one another. You don't see Thor anywhere, but when you heard your name slipping out of Loki's lips—which you wish you could hear again—one bulky arm gathers you from behind, pushing you closely next to Loki.
Thor's voice imitates his brother, saying your name.
Honestly, you much prefer the former one saying it.
You realized Thor had also wrapped his brother on his other arm, encapsulating you both in a semihug. "I can't stop thinking how familiar your name is, my lady." he says, both you and Loki stiffing at his pull. But you also felt Loki tensing at his brother's words. "I don't know why. Granted, I've surely never met you before, nor anyone like you. Must have I just forgotten then?" he scrunches his face in thought.
"Given that you are an oaf, there's no doubt your depictions of reality are just nonsense." Loki says, narrowing his eyes on Thor.
"You wound me, brother."
You awkwardly witnessed their banter; though, you can't help but tug up a light smile. "I would be wounded as well if you just bore my name in your mind but not my face."
The God of Thunder chuckled. "My bad, my bad. Although truly, that's no fact. How could I ever not bear a fairly stunning maiden in my mind such as you?"
You we're flattered—though underneath that, you can't help but cringe. You really didn't meant for it to go that way.
And Loki doesn't seem too pleased about it. "Can you not do this in front of me?"
"Do what?" Thor asks.
"Just..." Loki tries to wriggle out of his brother's embrace as he breaks away from the two of you, dusting his shoulder off. He points his brother a glare. "Don't ever bring your flirting in front of me."
"What? I am not flirting. Or maybe, I have barged in on one?" Thor eyes you worryingly and flies it to Loki, cautiously untangling his arm around you.
You we're dumbfounded for a second before it processed in your mind.
"No." you and Loki uttered at the same time, exchanging glances.
"Definitely not."
"Yes, why would we do so?"
"Exactly. Nothing of the sort."
"Alright, alright. Calm down." Thor instructs, amused by your reactions. You we're quite glad he didn't press further. "Although admittedly, your name does ring a bell—and no, I am not drunk. I am rarely drunk." he says to you.
You nod, not doubting him. "But if you say such things about my name, then I guess it's rather possible that...you've probably met a variant of me."
When you think about it, it's weird. It also feels much more awry for you to be here. If there's another you in this universe, then you can certainly feel like you're upholding your self-accusations of being an imposter. You shiver.
"But I've never seen nor recognized you, ever." Thor says.
Even as though it had prickled something in you, you just shrug. "Well, variants don't always look like a duplicate of yourself." you mention, two certain variants come to mind. "In truth, even genders could be altered."
Thor lights up with interest. "My word, that's interesting and it actually makes much more sense."
Loki hasn't said anything. It was quite odd as you noticed he stood rigidly as he listened, hands clamped over in front of him—his stance shielded, almost like he's hiding something.
That's suspicious. you think.
Thor had gone into his mind, trying to recall something, albeit in a forceful manner. He narrowed and glared at a spot before it contorts into a smooth unfolding of realization.
"Actually- "
"Brother, why don't we let the lady tire her exhaustions out for tonight?" Loki cuts him off, letting him deceive you with his composed countenance. "It has been quite the feast."
You tread on his point, concealing your suspicions. "Then, where shall I stay?"
Thor recovers, leaving his unspoken thoughts. "Of course! You can stay on either of our tents tonight," you almost break your neck snapping your eyes on him as he continued. "since I asked not to start on the royal quarters unless our people have gotten their own. So, I hope a tent would suffice?"
"I don't mind a tent but, I would hate to intrude his royal highnesses' abode." you defend, baffled.
You soon noticed even Loki had given his brother an unapproving look. "Hang on, why am I included on that?"
"Oh, come on. Aren't you a prince? Wouldn't hurt to be a gentleman from time to time can it, brother?"
Loki hesitates to speak. "You..."
You try to diffuse. "I'm alright if it's alright for...either of you. Surely, that would also mean I am to sleep separately...?"
"Yes, yes." Thor confirms. "Do not fret, my lady. I will be sleeping somewhere else. Be it a couch or a wooden skiff, I do not mind."
That doesn't make you feel any less guilty for taking a prince's bed.
You we're about to retort but the raven haired god beat you to it. "You are terrible." he mutters, directing it at Thor. He then trails his eyes on you, soft cerulean ones touching your heart. "My tent is open for intrusions. Though, I do not take kindly to people with nosy skittering hands."
"Well, would you look at that." Thor preens. Loki shoots him a stern look.
"O- Of course..." you reply, quite baffled once again. "But, what about you?"
It takes him a while to respond. "You shan't bother knowing." he says, lifting up a feigned smile. "Besides, you won't be staying here long, will you?"
Somehow, you catch his point. And you're once again pierced with the dawning remembrance of your timely task. This will only be a single night of intrusion, nothing to fuss over; you are temporarily existing amongst them. It doesn't matter who you're mending a bond with, you're not supposed to be here.
And it almost sounds like he's intending to shut you out, and that cuts something deeper in you.
"You're right." you agree.
You've been enjoying yourself too much that you forgot you'll be leaving this all behind. Once again, just another memory to be stored in your mind.
You don't belong here.
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Song inspired: 'Villeman Og Magnhild' (Villeman And Magnhild)
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Previous chapter: (Chapter 5)
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'A Chance and Beyond' taglist (you can ask/comment to be tagged!):
@oscarissac2099 @lcolumbia1988
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26 notes · View notes
lucifersresources · 2 months
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taylor swift // the tortured poets department : the anthology rp meme. part one. part two here.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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i was a functioning alcoholic.
i hope you're okay.
no one here's to blame.
but what about your quiet treason?
for a fortnight there, we were forever.
i wanna kill her.
all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february.
i took the miracle move-on drug.
the effects were temporary.
i love you, it's ruining my life.
my husband is cheating.
i wanna kill him.
the tortured poets department.
i think some things i never say.
you're in self sabotage mode.
i've seen this episode and still loved the show.
who else decodes you?
who's gonna hold you like me?
who's gonna know you, if not me?
this ain't the chelsea hotel.
we're modern idiots.
you awaken with dread.
i chose this cyclone with you.
i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me.
everyone we know understands why it's meant to be.
who else is gonna know me?
that's the closest i've come to my heart exploding.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
here we go again.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys.
i'm queen of sand castles he destroys.
i should've known.
we could've played for keeps this time.
i know i'm just repeating myself.
he runs because he loves me.
i knew too much.
there was danger in the heat of my touch.
he saw forever, so he smashed it up.
once i fix me, he's gonna miss me.
i felt more when we played pretend.
he stole my tortured heart.
told me i'm better off, but i'm not.
down bad.
did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust, just to do experiments on?
i was the chosen one.
this world is bigger than us.
i knew cosmic love.
for a moment, i knew cosmic love.
now i'm down bad.
everything comes out teenage petulance.
fuck it if i can't have him.
fuck it if i can't have us.
they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you.
for a moment, i was heavenstruck.
i was heavenstruck.
i loved your hostile takeovers.
how dare you think it's romantic.
fuck it, i was in love.
fuck you if i can't have us.
so long, london.
i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift.
i pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
my spine split from carrying us.
i stopped tryna make him laugh.
how much sad did you think i had in me?
you'll find someone.
so long.
i didn't opt in to be your odd man out.
i founded the club she's heard great things about.
i left all i knew.
you left me.
i stopped cpr, after all, it's no use.
the spirit was gone.
i'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.
two graves, one gun.
i'll find someone.
you say i abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it.
my friends said it isn't right to be scared every day of a love affair.
every breath feels like rarest air when you're not sure if he wants to be there.
how much tragedy did you think i had in me?
just how low did you think i'd go 'fore i'd self implode?
you swore that you loved me.
you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
i died on the altar waiting for the proof.
you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.
i'm just getting colour back into my face.
i'm just mad as hell coz i loved this place for so long.
but daddy i love him.
i forget if this was ever fun.
these people only raise you to cage you.
these people try and save you coz they hate you.
they slammed the door on my whole world.
but daddy, i love him.
you should see your faces.
floor it through the fences.
no, i'm not coming to my senses.
i know he's crazy, but he's the one i want.
growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.
he was chaos, he was revelry.
stay away from her.
the saboteurs protested too much.
i'd rather burn my whole life down.
i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'.
i'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace.
i don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing.
god save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me.
they think it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me.
you ain't gotta pray for me.
it's just my choice.
scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer.
we came back when the heat died down.
fuck em, it's over.
time, doesn't it give perspective?
no, you can't come to the wedding.
he's the one i want.
fresh out of the slammer.
i'm running back home to you.
he doesn't understand me.
handcuffed to the spell i was under.
it's gonna be alright, i did my time.
now that i know better i will never lose my baby again.
my friends tried, but i wouldn't hear it.
he kept me going.
i swirled you into all my poems.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up.
ain't no way i'm gonna screw up now that i know what's at stake here.
they said i was a cheat.
this city reeks of driving myself crazy.
your home's really only a town you're just a guest in.
can i use you up?
me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.
i'm haunted but i'm feeling just fine.
i did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
i need to forget.
tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable.
love left me like this and i don't want to exist.
guilty as sin?
this cage was once just fine.
am i allowed to cry?
what if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh only in my mind?
i keep recalling things we never did.
without ever touching his skin how can i be guilty as sin?
there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk.
we've already done it in my head.
i've screamed his name.
they're gonna crucify me anyway.
what if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly.
i choose you and me religiously.
who's afraid of little old me?
you don't get to tell me about 'sad'.
if you wanted me dead, you should've just said.
nothing makes me feel more alive.
who's afraid of little old me?
who's afraid of little old me? you should be.
the scandal was contained.
at all costs, keep your good name.
you don't get to tell me you feel bad.
is it a wonder i broke?
i was tame, i was gentle, till the circus life made me mean.
don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth.
they didn't do it to hurt you.
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me.
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
i'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
i'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong.
you caged me and then you called me crazy.
i am what i am coz you trained me.
i can fix him (no really i can)
the jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud.
i can fix him.
i can fix him, no, really, i can. and only i can.
he had a halo of the highest grade.
good boy, that's right.
i'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel.
trust me, i can handle a dangerous man.
who's gonna stop us waltzing back into rekindled flames?
we were just kids.
i thought i was better safe than starry-eyed.
i felt aglow like this never before and never since.
you and i go from one kiss to getting married.
we're never quite buried.
you told me i'm the love of your life.
you blew in with the winds of fate.
you took me to hell too.
you shit-talked me under the table.
i wish i could un-recall how we almost had it all.
should've let it stay buried.
our field of dreams engulfed in fire.
you're the loss of my life.
i can do it with a broken heart.
she's having the time of her life.
i can show you lies.
i'm a real tough kid.
i can handle my shit.
you gotta fake it till you make it.
lights, camera, bitch, smile, even when you wanna die.
he said he'd love me all his life.
he said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short.
all the pieces of me shattered.
the crowd was chanting 'more'.
i was grinnin' like i'm winnin'
i was hittin' my marks.
i can do it with a broken heart.
i'm so depressed i act like it's my birthday every day.
i'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague.
i cry a lot, but i am so productive.
you know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
i keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing.
try and come for my job.
the smallest man who ever lived.
was any of it true?
now you know what it feels like.
i don't even want you back.
i just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal.
i don't miss what we had.
could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
you hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins.
you didn't measure up in any measure of a man.
were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
were you a sleeper cell spy?
in fifty years, will all this be declassified?
confess why you did it.
good riddance.
it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden.
i would've died for your sins.
i would've died for your sins, instead i just died inside.
you deserve prison, but you won't get time.
you said normal girls were boring.
you were gone by the morning.
in plain sight you hid.
you are what you did.
i'll forget you, but i'll never forgive.
the alchemy.
this happens once every few lifetimes.
what if i told you i'm back?
i'm coming back so strong.
i'm the one to beat.
the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me.
who are we to fight the alchemy?
clara bow.
did you know you'd be picked like a rose?
i might die if it happened to me.
this town is fake, but you're the real thing.
the crown is stained, but you're the real queen.
you're the new god we're worshipping.
beauty is a beast that roars.
it's hell on earth to be heavenly.
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fullstcp · 2 months
"The Tortured Poets Department: Standard Edition" by Taylor Swift Sentence Starters
"I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me."
"All of this to say, I hope you're okay."
"But what about your quiet treason?"
"And for a fortnight, there we were, forever running."
"All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February."
"I took the miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary."
"I love you, it's ruining my life."
"Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up."
"I think some things I never say."
"You're in self-sabotage mode."
"I've seen this episode and still love the show."
"Who else decodes you?"
"Who's gonna hold you like me?"
"Who's gonna know you, if not me?"
"I chose this cyclone with you."
"Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me."
"Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be."
"That's the closest I've come to my heart exploding."
"We're modern idiots."
"I should've known it was a matter of time."
"There was a litany of reasons why we could've played for keeps this time."
"I know I'm just repeating myself."
"Pull the string and I'll tell you that he/she/they run(s) because he/she/they love(s) me."
"You should've seen him/her/them when he/she/they first saw me."
"I knew too much."
"There was danger in the heat of my touch."
"He/she/they saw forever, so he/she/they smashed it up."
"Tell me I was the chosen one."
"For a moment, I knew cosmic love."
"Fuck it if I can't have him/her/them."
"I might just die, it won't make no difference."
"Fuck it if I can't have us."
"They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you."
"I loved your hostile takeovers."
"Fuck it, I was in love."
"Fuck you if I can't have us."
"I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift."
"Pulled him/her/them in tighter each time he/she/they was/were drifting away."
"My spine split from carrying us up the hill."
"How much sad did you think I had in me?"
"I didn't opt in to be your odd man out."
"I stopped CPR, after all, it's no use."
"The spirit was gone, we'd never come to."
"I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free."
"I'll find someone."
"You say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it."
"My friends said it wasn't right to be scared every day of a love affair."
"Every breath feels like rarest air when you're not sure if he/she/they want(s) to be there."
"How long did you think I'd go before I'd self-implode?"
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?"
"I forget if this was ever fun."
"I just learned these people only raise you to cage you."
"I just learned these people try and save you cause they hate you."
"They slammed the door on my whole world."
"I'm not coming to my senses."
"I know he's/she's/they're crazy, but he's/she's/they're the one I want."
"Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all."
"I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'."
"I'll tell you something about my good name; it's mine alone to disgrace."
"I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing."
"You ain't gotta pray for me."
"If all you want is gray for me, then it's just white noise."
"We came back when the heat died down."
"I'm running back home to you."
"Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be."
"It's gonna be alright, I did my time."
"My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it."
"No matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway."
"Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake here."
"You can beat the heat if you beat the charges too."
"They said I was a cheat, guess it must be true."
"This city reeks of driving myself crazy."
"Little did you know your home's really only a town you're a guest in."
"Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time."
"Yes, I'm haunted, but I'm feeling just fine."
"No one asks any questions here."
"I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have been on my body."
"Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable."
"It's one hell of a drug."
"Love left me like this and I don't wanna exist."
"This cage was once just fine."
"Am I allowed to cry?"
"Am I bad or mad or wise?"
"Oh, what a way to die."
"I keep recalling things we never did."
"How can I be guilty as sin?"
"There's no such thing as bad thoughts. Only your actions talk."
"We've already done it in my head, if it's make-believe."
"Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?"
"They're gonna crucify me anyway."
"What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?"
"They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly."
"I choose you and me religiously."
"You don't get to tell me about sad."
"If you wanted me dead, you should've just said."
"Nothing makes me feel more alive."
"Who's afraid of little old me? You should be."
"The scandal was contained."
"The bullet had just grazed."
"At all costs, keep your good name."
"You don't get to tell me you feel bad."
"Is it a wonder I broke?"
"So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?"
"They say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did?"
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
"I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?"
"I'm fearsome and I'm wretched and I'm wrong."
"You caged me and then you called me crazy."
"I am who I am cause you trained me."
"I can fix him/her/them, no, really, I can."
"I could see it from a mile away."
"I'll show you Heaven if you'll be an angel, all mine."
"Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man."
"Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?"
"I don't mind, it takes time."
"I thought I was better safe than starry eyed."
"I've felt a glow like this never before and never since."
"If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary."
"You and I go from one kiss to getting married."
"You told me I'm the love of your life."
"You said I'm the love of your life about a million times."
"Who's gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate and told me I reformed you?"
"You took me to hell too."
"You shit-talked me under the table."
"I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all."
"It was legendary. It was momentary. It was unnecessary."
"Should I let it stay buried?"
"I'll still see it until I die."
"You're the loss of my life."
"I can read your mind."
"I can show you lies."
"I'm a real tough kid. I can handle my shit."
"I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day."
"I'm so obsessed with him/her/them, but he/she/they avoid(s) me like the plague."
"I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art."
"You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart."
"I can hold my breath. I've been doing it since he/she/they left."
"I'm sure I can pass this test."
"I'm miserable and nobody even knows."
"Was any of it true?"
"Who the fuck was that guy?"
"They just ghosted you."
"Now you know what it feels like."
"I don't even want you back."
"I don't miss what we had."
"You didn't measure up in any measure of a man."
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?"
"It wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden."
"I would've died for your sins, instead, I just died inside."
"You deserve prison, but you won't get time."
"You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing."
"But you are what you did."
"I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive."
"This happens once every few lifetimes."
"What if I told you I'm back?"
"I haven't come around in so long, but I'm coming back so strong."
"What if I told you we're cool?"
"I'm making a comeback to where I belong."
"Ditch the clowns, get the crown."
"The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me."
"Who are we to fight the alchemy?"
"We've been on a winning streak."
"There was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league."
"I'm not trying to exaggerate, but I think I might die if it happened to me."
"This town is fake, but you're the real thing."
"You're the new God we're worshipping."
"It's hell on earth to be heavenly."
"Them's the breaks, they don't come gently."
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM ANGELS IN AMERICA *  assorted dialogue from the play by tony kushner, adjust as necessary
in your experience of the world, how do people change?
we can't even talk about that.
i usually say fuck the truth, but mostly the truth fucks you.
i dreamed we were there.
i looked for you. i've been everywhere.
well, that's a stupid thing to do.
can you tell me where i am?
i'm gonna have a baby.
can i come with you? this isn't working anymore.
you fell out of love with me.
i have emotional problems.
now we both have a secret.
i burned dinner.
if you have something you want to ask me, ask me!
it was a joke.
i'm a shell. there's nothing left to kill.
i go there all the time. free movies.
i think if you touch me, your hand might fall off or something.
i don't know what will happen to me without you.
that's not purple. that color up there is mauve.
i never imagined losing my mind was going to be such hard work.
the body is the garden of the soul.
for god's sake, there's nothing left.
i've lived through such terrible times.
i have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
you do not live in america.
i can't. i'm scared of you.
how on earth did you know?
there are no gods here.
he loves... but his love is worth nothing.
it's like throwing darts at a glob of jello. there's no satisfying hits.
death usually has to take life away.
if i can find hope anywhere, that's it, that's the best i can do.
it's so inadequate.
worse things have happened to people who have touched me.
i want more life.
will the past release us?
you are amazingly unhappy.
we won't die secret deaths anymore.
you can't live in the world without an idea of the world, but it's living that makes the ideas.
the world only spins forward.
sorry, wrong room.
the time has come.
you only think you know all i know.
are we doomed?
you are fabulous creatures, each and every one.
i hate america. i hate this country.
it isn't easy. it doesn't count if it's easy.
stop it! stop it! i'm warning you!
what do you want from me?
you didn't have to do that.
only you love me. out of everyone in the world.
you're a battered heart, bleeding life in the universe of wounds.
it's no fun picking on you. you're so guilty.
i don't even know what all i know.
that was deliberate.
maybe a queen can forgive her vanquished foe.
it can be very hard to accept how disappointing life is, because that's what it is, and you have to accept it.
i live in america, that's hard enough.
you have to keep asking.
i don't have to love it.
i wish i could go traveling.
there's something creepy about this place.
everybody's got to love something.
no such place exists.
you'll find, my friend, that what you love will take you places you never dreamed you'd go.
i think i have a copy.
god won't talk to me. i have to make up people to talk to me.
half the time i just make it up, and it still turns out to be true.
good. i was worried it'd be a garden. i hate that shit.
i don't understand why i'm not dead. when your heart breaks, you should die.
one wants... but one so seldom gets what one wants.
life is confusing enough.
in the new century, i think we will all be insane.
that's how people change.
you reach a point where... the disappointment doesn't hurt as much, and then it gets easy to live with. quite easy.
i'd even pray for you.
so what the fuck is the matter with me?
we won't die secret deaths anymore.
don't you think it's depressing?
it's all been done before.
this is why, [name]. this is why i shouldn't be left alone.
you wanna destroy me, but i am not gonna let you do that.
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