agirlunfilteredsblog · 3 months
Own who you are.
Be true to yourself, always. Your values, your heart and your soul are your most treasured attributes. Don’t ever think you need to change for others and fix yourself in order to please. You are worth far more than what you give yourself credit for. Keep on striving in your skin no matter how easy it seems to just mold into the crowd. Your uniqueness is what makes you glow.
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prad-ugh · 2 years
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When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone and challenged yourself to do something new? To re shape yourself, to broaden your knowledge of what you’re really capable of?
As we grow, our ideals and desires change; but how much are you actively prioritizing a healthy evolution? Or are you stuck in the same cycles and patterns, limited by the circumstances of yesterday?
Think about it…
With love 🕊
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somewayoutofhere · 1 year
Sometimes you need 5 mins to brush yourself off and stand tall…
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timikaschambers · 2 years
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The bars are often illusions tied to your thoughts. Focus on cultivating a free mindset instead of hammering away at the bars. #freedom #mindset #mentahealth #purpose #lifestyle #life #health #healing #breakthecycle #ConsciousPlanet #SpiritualAwakening #meditation #consciousness #inspire #thoughtoftheday #empower #family #mother #legacy #artist #medium https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPcHmTLT58/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justsimplelife · 2 years
How to Cope During this Pandemic: Mental & Tips for Student
Been worried this pandemic over Online Classes, or Mental Health? Worry no more!
3 Key Points
The COVID pandemic has resulted in increased loneliness, stress, anxiety, and depression, among many Americans, including college students.
Students can use a variety of coping strategies while at home to improve their mental health.
There are local and national resources to help students receive further support.
What is happening?
In line with the social isolation effort to help flatten the COVID-19 curve, colleges across the nation have closed their campuses and dormitories, forcing students to leave their campus community, friends, classes, and familiar routines. While many students may be happy to reconnect with family again, some have returned to abusive households, others to an empty fridge, and others to no home at all. Coursework was quickly transitioned to online for the remainder of the year. Much-anticipated culminating end of the year events, including commencement ceremonies, have been canceled. Many students have lost their on-campus or local jobs, and likewise, the job search for seniors has been severely disrupted. All the while, college students are experiencing these sudden and unexpected changes while physically separated from their familiar on-campus support systems.
Impact on mental health:
It is well studied that college students are especially prone to feelings of loneliness, and they experience higher rates of anxiety and depression compared to the general population. During this period of social isolation, uncertainty and abrupt transitions, they are prone to further worsening of these feelings. Removal from their social support system and extracurricular activities at their school can cause students to feel less connected with their friends, organizations, and hobbies. In addition, they are facing uncertainty about their future, their own health, and the health of their friends and loved ones. The situation they are living through is stressful and anxiety provoking, as there is a constant fear of the unknown in addition to a loss of control, making them especially vulnerable to developing mental health concerns.
Tips for Students:
1. Know that it is okay to feel how you are feeling. It is normal during this crazy time to experience feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, or all of the above. You are allowed to feel this way and to communicate with others how you are feeling. It is also okay to sit with these emotions. If these feelings worsen to the extent that you are no longer able to function like your normal self, reach out to one of the resources listed below for additional support.
2. Maintain a routine. Start your day at about the same time each day. Set a goal for coursework to be completed for each morning and afternoon. Maintain adequate nutrition by eating three healthy meals per day; now is a great time to try new recipes!  Try to get in at least one physical activity each day. It is very good for your mental health to get some fresh air and go on a walk, run, or bike ride.
3. Practice good sleep hygiene. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. The goal should be 7-9 hours per night. Limit screen time in the evening, and avoid caffeine starting in the afternoon.
4. Connect with others. It is easy to quickly feel lonely and secluded from others during this stay-at-home period. Make an effort to stay socially connected by engaging in regular video or phone calls with friends and family.
5. Take a break. Take time for yourself each day. Step away from the news and from your coursework to do something you enjoy and that you find relaxing or rejuvenating.
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plottwistedstory · 3 months
„Ich bin nicht nur nicht müde & ich kann nicht nicht schlafen, ich kann meine Gedanken davor nicht ertragen. Ich schließe die Augen und erinnere mich an so vieles, was ich vergessen will.“
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bubblejellybean · 5 months
Menemukan Suara Dalam Hening: Perjalananku yang Kesulitan Mengungkapkan Perasaan
Sebagian dari kita mungkin merasa sulit untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kita dengan jelas. Entah karena rasa takut akan penolakan, ketidakpastian, atau hanya kebingungan mengenai apa yang sebenarnya dirasakan.
Mengapa Aku Kesulitan Mengungkapkan Perasaannya?
Rasa Takut akan Penolakan: Aku seringkali takut bahwa jika mengungkapkan perasaanku, akan ada risiko penolakan atau ketidakpahaman dari pihak lain. Hal ini bisa menjadi penghalang utama yang membuat aku memilih untuk merahasiakan perasaanku
Ketidakpastian dan Kebingungan: Tidak semua orang bisa dengan mudah mengidentifikasi dan mengungkapkan perasaan mereka. Salah satunya aku. Aku terkadang merasa bingung atau bahkan tidak yakin apa yang sebenarnya aku rasakan. Ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam berkomunikasi.
Pengalaman Trauma: Aku pernah mengalami trauma jadi aku mengalami kesulitan untuk mempercayai orang lain dan secara terbuka berbicara tentang perasaanku. Aku merasa bahwa membuka diri adalah risiko yang terlalu besar.
Perjalananku yang Kesulitan Mengungkapkan Perasaan:
Pencarian Identitas Emosional: Bagi banyak orang, dan salah satunya aku. Dalam menemukan suara emosionalku sendiri bisa menjadi perjalanan panjang. Karena kurasa ini melibatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang perasaanku, mengidentifikasi akar penyebabnya, dan mencari cara untuk menyampaikannya dengan jelas.
Mengatasi Rintangan Komunikasi: Ada berbagai rintangan yang aku hadapi, mulai dari ketidakpercayaan diri hingga ketidakpastian. Aku rasa aku perlu belajar teknik komunikasi yang lebih efektif dan membangun kepercayaan diri dalam berbicara tentang perasaanku.
Dukungan dan Empati: Aku merasa sangat penting untuk merasa didukung dan dipahami oleh orang disekitarku. Keluarga, teman, pasangan dapat memainkan peran penting dalam membantuku membuka diri.
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Mental health matters and #STOPBULLYING
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heealsorg · 7 months
Teachers are also human beings and their emotional well-being matters because without teachers there are no students.
we don’t talk enough about the mental health of people whom society depends so much on- about people who build lives through sharing and creating knowledge and these people are none other than our teachers.
Read Full Article At https://volunteerheeals.blogspot.com/2023/10/no-one-talks-about-teachers-mental.html
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partnershipsforimpact · 8 months
Two Red Herrings, 4 Serious Health Problems
In Parliament’s tumultuous monsoon session, focus briefly turned to the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, with the presentation of a CAG report. It covers the implementation of PMJAY from its inception in 2018 to early 2021, which overlaps with my tenure as its founding CEO. Here I set the record straight on what I consider are misinterpretations in some media reports and suggest the future course for the scheme in light of the CAG findings.
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t5ltherapy · 9 months
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 4 months
Hi girls! Today we are going to get a little more personal and talk about mental health. I’ve always found it crucially important to raise awareness on it, no matter how big or small my platform is. Two years ago, I was sent to the emergency room after suffering a severe depressive episode and through a grueling challenge and error process, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder six months later. Now I know what I’m going to talk about isn’t necessarily EVERYONE’S experience with this disorder, but I still think my story will resonate with some, and talking about it may help.
It was when I was about 8 years old that red flags started presenting themselves. I went through something traumatic within my family and after that incident, I wasn’t the same individual. Because I was just a child, I would mask it. My parents always described me as a happy and light child, though on the inside it was the total opposite. In reality, I would see busses and cars and wish I could jump in front of them. But I was too scared back then. Instead, I would turn to self-harm. By the time I turned 15, it had become a full blown addiction. I couldn’t stop hurting myself, almost like it had become part of my routine. It was systematic in my brain, a lullaby that would not stop.
It was around this time my mother noticed something was wrong. She begged my father to put me in therapy, but it wasn’t something he believed in, so he refused. I don’t hold any resentment towards his choice; he might have simply refused to accept that I was mentally ill. After what seemed years of suffering, I gathered the “courage” to go through with my attempt. I will not go into details about it, as I know how triggering it may be. However, it is important to note that the moment I felt like I was dying was the moment I had a huge chunk of regret for what I had done.
As I woke up from my attempt, the first thing I felt was shame. The look on my mother’s face was enough for me to feel guilty for life. It was also the day I realized I NEEDED to help myself. My mother also divorced my father around that time and gained full custody of me and my sister. I started intensive therapy, and it truly saved my life. Therapy was amazing for me, I was lucky to have a psychologist who truly cared and with her, I surmounted years of trauma and even subconscious trauma I didn’t even know existed. I finally felt a sense of light and peace. Once I started feeling better, I foolishly believed that I did not need therapy and I signed out of the program. At first it was all okay, but soon, symptoms started to present themselves. I would get angry at little things often, I would lock myself in a room, I cut off a majority of my friends out of paranoia and I started lacking basic empathy for people I cared about (I still had empathy, don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t care about hurting people’s feelings if need see fit).
When I had refused to leave my room for 2 weeks and wouldn’t show up to class, my mom got extremely worried and attempted to take me outside for some air. She knew immediately something was wrong, I was laying down sobbing relentlessly and no matter what she did, I truly could not stop. She saw the fresh wounds on my legs as well. Out of fear that something might happen to me, she rushed me to the hospital.
From there on, I promise, my life got better, and for real this time. After I was diagnosed, I started learning how to manage it with a combination of therapy and anger management classes. I grew back, not into the person I initially was, but a new person. Some days are better than others, but I am grateful now for every blessing I have. I celebrated one full year of sobriety from self-harm a while ago as well! I have a great circle of friends who keep me grounded and make me feel valued above all else. The constant ringing of thoughts of death has ceased and I truly live a life filled with gratitude. Life may not be the same after an attempt, that is true, but I’m grateful I get to live a life. So many people do not get that opportunity. I know it is hard to reach out when you need help; but trust me, it’s worth it in the end. There is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dark it may seem.
so much love,
a girl unfiltered 💋
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myfemalechronicles · 1 year
Food for the heart🧡
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timikaschambers · 1 year
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Not everyone experiences a heart attack. There are ways 2 care for your heart & your body even if you have had a heart attack or experience other heart issues. #mentahealth #purpose #life #lifestyle #healing #freedom #legacy #parenting #ConsciousPlanet #spiritualawakening #mindset #darknesstolight #heartdiseaseawareness #heartdiseaseprevention #hearthealth #transformation #transcendence #empower #inspire #motivateyourself #energize Make this lifetime great because you still can! Timika Chambers https://www.instagram.com/p/CrIuDnkLlFL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gardenofyoga · 2 years
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It’s World Mental Health Day! 🌱 Sometimes I see mental health presented as an individual problem rather than a human response to everything happening in the world today (past present and future). 🌿 While practices like yoga and meditation can help us navigate hard times, deepen our understanding of ourselves (and each other) and experience the beautiful aspects of life, we also need structural changes to how our society operates. 🌼 I’m super grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn more about mental health through #theflowartistspodcast and I’ve compiled these conversations in a Talking About Yoga and Mental Health blog post (link in bio). It also includes a list of support services because managing mental health is often more than listening to a podcast or going to a yoga class. 🍃 I love this illustration by @alyseruriani - there is so much going on underneath the surface which shapes how we might be feeling. Here’s their original text: Posted @withrepost • @alyseruriani Happy World Mental Health Day! My hope is that we can push up our sleeves, grab a shovel and some friends, and dig deeper—past the superficial conversations, pathologizing lenses, and approaches that ignore environmental, cultural, and societal impacts. My hope is that more people can see and understand that mental health is multifaceted, complex, and not as simplistic as some campaigns and frameworks make it seem. Mental health is a social justice issue, because injustice affects mental health. 🛒 Print and digital download in my shop! 👇🏼What do you hope people will understand about mental health? How could we dig deeper? #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #worldmentalhealthday #worldmentalhealthday2020 #mentalhealthmatters #mentahealth #mentalillness #mentalillnessawareness #socialjustice (at Garden of Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjhN1PlviAJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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plottwistedstory · 3 months
Was keiner sieht, ist, dass es mich manchmal soviel Überwindung kostet jemanden gern zu haben, in Momenten, in denen ich nicht weiß, ob ich zu überreagiere und es meine Krankheit ist, oder wie ich darauf eigentlich reagieren würde.
Und wie viel Kraft es mich kostet, die kleinsten Fehler nicht als Ende zu sehen, als etwas Riesiges, denn für mich fühlt es sich so an. Doch die, die genervt ist, ist immer die Böse & die will ich nicht mehr spielen.
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