#sorry. my own head is in a strange spot rn so the writing is like this
balladetto · 7 months
there is a time, as a child, where stones or sticks or a pot over fire are warm not just for the flames, but for the way it is about learning how to look after yourself. and how to look after others, in turn! do the kokiri cook? i believe, yes. does link cook? i believe even more, yes. nature gives — lushly — and the children of the forest take — reverently. the act of hunting is that of respect. the act of feeding is that of love. the act of cooking is that of trust.
when link cooks, even by the bare definition of it as a meat-over-fire sort of thing, it's so easy to do in the face of words he can't seem to find. he doesn't need to use his voice for this care at all, and the words will be conveyed anyway. in a place like kokiri forest, where everyone always knows when the fruits are just ripe enough, home tastes like the earth: like chestnuts still warm from the fire, berries with a tart aftertaste, lemongrass on game meat.
castle town brings with it new foods and textures — he likes sticky rice the best. over the course of his journey, he looks to street foods and inn/home-cooked meals. lon lon ranch brings with it lon lon milk, and i imagine creamy soups. zora's domain is where the fish are really juicy, and there are things like shellfish, molluscs, hard things that can be cracked open the way forest nuts are. he can't eat rock sirloin or roasts on death mountain, but goron spice is a kick he enjoys for its newness. the riches and dishes of the desert, all eaten with whatever sense of camaraderie the gerudo are willing to build with him — he enjoys these, too.
i think he's someone who likes eating when his head is in the right place for it, or when he's with the right company. he tends to just go through the motions after everything.
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cherryonigiri · 3 years
nanami kento [evenings with you]
nanami kento x reader || cw: descriptions of blood/injuries, light angst
a/n: this is just self-indulgent writing for me but i'm v stressed about school rn and this is the result. just imagine that y/n is a bio/medical phd candidate lol.
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Nanami can tell that you're stressed. Usually you savor the nights he's not on overtime, asking him about work and refusing to leave his side for most of the evening. He's used to you being attentive, so the fact that you've asked him the same question twice within the last ten minutes is already setting alarm bells ringing in his head. You're constantly fiddling with something, or flashing furtive glances towards the bedroom when you think he's not paying attention.
It only gets worse after dinner. You insist on washing up, something about how you want him to 'enjoy his night off.' Nanami compromises, silently grabbing a towel and drying the dishes. It's clear that your mind is elsewhere. Your hands scrub the porcelain on autopilot, and he can hear you muttering under your breath.
Every now and then you'll mutter a list of tasks under your breath. Nanami remembers you mentioning that things were hectic in lab. You're almost always still working when gets home from work, even when it's well past when you eat your dinner. It's clear that you've had a busy day-- the apartment is far more cluttered than it usually is. There are post-it and pieces of scrap paper stuck to every single surface, and a forgotten pile of folded laundry rests on the couch.
An intense burning sensation across your palm causes you cry out. "Shit!" You drop the knife you were washing in favor of cradling your already bleeding hand. Nanami is instantly by your side, firmly pressing the dishcloth against your cut. There is a worrying amount of red seeping into the fabric, so he silently ushers you to the bathroom.
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It's a strange reversal of roles. He's used to being the one leaning leaning against the counter while you bandage his wounds. Instead, it's you who is perched on the marble surface, wincing as he dabs an antiseptic soaked cotton ball against your injury. "Sorry, I'm almost done," he says when you let out a loud hiss.
"It's fine," you reply, sheepishly looking away. "I should have been paying more attention."
Nanami chooses to only respond with a nonchalant hum, focusing on cleaning your palm. The two of you sit there in comfortable silence while he applies ointment to the cut, adding gauze once he's finished. It's only when he reaches for the bandages that he decides to ask. "What's stressing you out?"
Your eyes widen as you realize you've been caught. Nanami is rarely home early these days, especially since he's been mentoring Itadori on behalf of Gojo. (Not that you mind - in the few times you've met Itadori through video call with Nanami, the pink-haired student's sunny disposition has never failed to cheer you up.) When he'd texted you saying he'd be home by dinner, you'd jumped at the opportunity to spend some much needed time with him. You'd pulled out the stops, cooking something a little fancier, and intent on spending the earlier part of the evening cuddling with him. Secretly, you had planned to sneak out of bed after he'd fallen asleep (he always goes to bed early on days like these) and finish preparing for the gauntlet of meetings and presentations you had tomorrow. It was your fault for putting off the tasks, and you didn't want to let your own bad habits get in the way of some quality time with your boyfriend.
"It's nothing, I just have a lot on my plate tomorrow." You do your best to laugh it off, but quickly trail off once when you catch Nanami's deadpan expression. He's always been too good at seeing through your white lies. "I put off some work..." A raised eyebrow from him prompts you to continue, "And I was planning on doing it after you went to bed..." You can't help it when your face scrunches into a pout. After all, now your carefully-laid deception has been revealed.
When Nanami bursts into amused chuckles, you're momentarily surprised, but quickly go back to sulking. "Stop laughing at me Ken!" you whine, "I'm a--"
"Self-aware procrastinator," he finishes your sentence with an amused grin. "I know love, I know. I've seen you write far too many papers within 24-hours of a deadline to be surprised." He presses an affectionate kiss against your wrist.
You scowl at your boyfriend, snatching your bandaged hand away from his grasp. "I'm glad that my suffering is entertaining for at least one person." You stomp back to the bedroom in faux-anger, smiling when you hear Nanami's footsteps not far behind you.
When he steps into the bedroom Nanami drapes his frame over your shoulders, his warm torso nestled against your back. "It is one of your more...endearing traits," he murmurs into your ear before pressing a kiss into the crook of your neck. You can feel your cheeks and ears tingle at his words of affection.
"Sometimes you can be such a sweet talker," you mumble to yourself while you change into your pajamas. This week it's been an old Jujutsu tech hoodie and a pair of well-worn athletic shorts.
"Only for you," Nanami replies while he undoes the buttons of his outfit, chucking his tan pants and blue button up into the laundry basket in the corner. He dons a pair of sweatpants before returning your side to recapture you in another affectionate hug. It's a well kept secret of the Kento-Y/N household that Nanami Kento likes to lounge around shirtless in the privacy of his apartment. (You've been sworn to secrecy, but only because your boyfriend claims that Gojo and the students would have a field day teasing him if this information were to be made public amongst the jujutsu sorcerer community.)
Turning around, you wrap your arms around his waist, burying your nose against his torso and taking in his comforting scent. It's been so long since the two of you have had a moment to yourselves, and for once your hectic thoughts are silenced in favor of sharing a moment of calm bliss with Nanami. He hums in appreciation, thumbs rubbing soothing circles against your hips.
"Do you want to watch anything tonight?" you ask after a few seconds of silence.
"No," he replies. "I was actually planning on reading the briefing Ichiji just sent me. Gojo apparently has another scheme up his sleeve." You giggle when your boyfriend lets out a pained sigh. On more than one occasion, your boyfriend has ranted to you about Gojo's unorthodox approach to exorcism. "I swear that idiot shaves a year off my lifespan every time I go on a mission with him," Nanami complains. "He's taking away the years I could spend in Malaysia."
You hum thoughtfully before responding, "Then do you mind--"
Once again, Nanami already knows what you're going to say. "Just remember to bring your laptop charger, I know you have a thousand tabs open on your computer right now," he says while exiting to the living room. After a few moments you join him, overburdened laptop and charger in hand. You both take your usual spots in the living room, him resting comfortably in the center of the loveseat and you sitting on a floor cushion, nestled between his legs. Soon you've fallen into a groove, fingers steadily typing on the keyboard. The warmth of Nanami's presence next to you brings a sense of calm, giving you the grounding focus you need to finish off the last of your tasks.
As he thumbs through the printouts Ichiji gave him, Nanami can't help but let his eyes drift towards you every now and then. You look so adorable when you work. From the way your brow furrows whenever you reread a line, to the way you unconsciously chew on your lip when you scrutinize your draft for any errors. Every now and then he'll gently run his fingers through your hair, relishing the content sighs you let out in response.
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It only takes about another hour before you're (finally) closing all your tabs (he still doesn't know why your laptop hasn't crashed yet). As you scroll through social media, your head begins to droop. Soon enough you've fallen asleep, breaths coming in soft and even puffs as you rest against his thigh. Smiling to himself, he puts down his papers and gently lifts your body from the floor. He's careful not to wake you as he slowly makes his way back to the bedroom.
Setting you on the bed, he tucks you under the blankets before lying beside you. The moonlight coming through your window softly illuminates your relaxed features, and he softly traces the outline of your face with his thumb. As he continues to caress your cheek, his eyes are drawn to the dark circles under your eyes. He rarely falls asleep after you these days - between his physically demanding occupation and the ever growing number of things you are responsible for at work- he's often the first to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion while you work well into the night. Not to mention that he's had to spend an increasing number of nights away from you, either on challenging missions or accompanying Gojo's students. And while he knows most of your stress comes from being a student, he can't help but feel guilty about all the additional distress his status as a jujutsu sorcerer has caused you.
When you started dating him, you insisted that Shoko teach you how to suture. He hates how much your stitches have improved since then. The neatness of your stitches is a constant reminder of how much you've endured because of him. When he hears you trying to muffle your sobs into a pillow, he swears he can feel his heart crack in his chest, hurting more than any kind of physical wound from battle. Those nights end with him holding you tightly to his bandaged chest, murmuring reassurances and affection into the crown of your head until you've calmed down enough to fall into a fitful sleep. Even when you're unconscious he'll still continue, words morphing into apologies for the sadness he's inflicted upon your shoulders.
Feeling his eyelids being to droop, Nanami presses one last kiss against your forehead before laying down. He wraps his arms around your waist, surrounding you with warmth, hoping that his presence will be enough to keep your nightmares away, at least for tonight. I love you, y/n is the last thought he has before he drifts away, ready to dream of a tropical sunset and a peaceful future with you by his side.
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chibi-beaver · 3 years
I'm in a bad batch kinda mood today and decided to write some Hunter & Omega fluff/angst!
Rating: General
Warnings: none (this is pretty wholesome)
Summary: After Hunter loses his cool with Omega, he remembers what Cut and Suu told him and tries to make things right
Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, domestic fluff, parenting, father daughter relationship
There will be Bad Batch spoilers in this so don't read if you haven't watched the latest episode (episode 4)
Honestly, I'm pretty proud of this rn 😁
Story is also attached under the cut if you wanna read it here, if you like it I'd appreciate the notes here and/or kudos on ao3 😁
Edit: I forgot to add some fic tags 😳
Omega had gotten herself into yet another jam. All they had to do was get supplies on Tatooine. It certainly wasn't the nicest planet but it was in the outer rim and for the most part, off the radar of the Empire.
All Omega had to do was stay close to Hunter as they went into Mos Espa. It was supposed to be an in and out supply run but when was any supply run in and out? He should've known that something had to happen but why did it have to happen to Omega?
She had gotten herself into the hands of yet another bounty hunter. Hadn't she learned her lesson after the encounter on Pantora? Hunter thought to himself as he ran through the sandy "streets" of Mos Espa in search of Omega.
"Wrecker, Tech, Echo! I need help finding Omega!" Hunter yelled into his comm.
"I'm on it!" Wrecker replied.
"I'm finishing the ship's repairs but I've sent Echo," Tech said.
"I thought Echo was repairing the ship with you," Hunter said.
"He was, but we're almost done," Tech replied.
Hunter was relieved that he got two of his men helping him find Omega.
Hunter tripped over his feet. The grains of sand were making his feet slide everywhere. Just when things couldn't get any worse, Hunter noticed a Tusken Raider running off with something. Upon closer look, it was his blaster.
Hunter was conflicted on what to do but he eventually ran after the Tusken Raider and tackled it to the ground before ripping the gun out of his tiny hands. Some more Tusken Raiders surrounded Hunter, weapons pointed at him. Probably stolen weapons, he thought. He looked around, looking for an out. He knew if he shot one, he'd subsequently get shot by another, which could incapacitate him, but he couldn't waste any time. If their encounter with the bounty hunter on Pantora taught him anything, he knew that they were cunning and fearless. They would do anything to keep their hands on Omega and would harm anyone who got in their way. Almost like what he would do for Omega. He just wished that she would stop getting into trouble.
Suddenly, they all ran off at the sound of something. Hunter was unsure of the source of the sound until his comm went off.
"You can thank me later, Tuskens hate Krayt Dragons," Tech said.
"How did you know I was-"
"I got my repairs done and I started watching the camera feeds around Mos Espa and noticed some Tuskens bothering you in the background of one," Tech replied.
"Now I'm glad you record the sound of every animal you've heard of," Hunter said, relief permeating his voice.
"I can see the bounty hunter!" Wrecker said into the comm.
"Transmit me your coordinates!" Hunter said.
"How do I do that!?" Wrecker asked.
"I got this, you focus on finding Omega," Tech said as he transmitted Wrecker's coordinates to Hunter and Echo.
Hunter immediately ran to them, meeting up with Echo on the way. Just as they got there, Wrecker got knocked out by Bounty Hunter who seemed to use the weapon he knocked Wrecker out with as a hat.
"I got Wrecker, go find Omega!" Echo said as he tried to help Wrecker.
Hunter obliged to what Echo said as he continued running after the bounty hunter. He was led to a dead-end street where he saw an anooba cornering Omega. Hunter took out his blaster and shot the anooba in the leg, causing him to yelp. Omega was distressed by the sound, as was the bounty hunter who retaliated by throwing his hat like a frisbee at Hunter. Hunter ducked just in time and avoided being hit by the hat. The bounty hunter then took out a weapon of his own and began shooting at Hunter with it. Hunter continued running towards the bounty hunter, to tackle him. It was successful until the anooba came back to tackle Hunter, causing him to drop his blaster.
Omega slowly made her way towards the blaster, but the anooba must have smelt her because he got off of Hunter and jumped on Omega. Hunter took the opportunity to pick up his blaster and pointed it at the bounty hunter's head, just as Echo and Wrecker arrived at the scene. Cornering the bounty hunter. He called his anooba off of Omega as he searched for a way out.
"What do you want with Omega?" Hunter asked, keeping the blaster pointed at the bounty hunter's head. He started speaking in an unknown language.
"Where's Tech when you need him?" Echo muttered as he turned on his comm but didn't say anything.
Hunter repeated the question as Omega approached Wrecker and stood behind his leg, she was trembling.
"He's trying to say that he was put off to it by an unknown client, it's just a job to him, a good-paying job at that," Tech whispered as he listened in.
The bounty hunter didn't answer the question as the anooba brought back his hat. The bounty hunter took the hat and hit Hunter with it before running to make his escape, pushing Echo and Wrecker out of the way.
"What were you thinking?!" Hunter said frustratedly to Omega.
"I-I'm sorry," Omega said.
"I thought you would've learned not to talk to strangers or touch strange animals after Pantora!" Hunter continued.
Omega said nothing in return as she stayed at Wrecker's side.
"You could've gotten yourself killed again! These situations are why I wanted to send you with Cut and Suu! So that you could be safe!" Hunter said. He saw the sad expression on Omega's face immediately after he said that. She looked like she was going to cry.
"Lay off her!" Wrecker said as he took Omega's hand and started back to the ship with Echo.
Hunter quickly began to regret what he had said. The regret kept itself on his mind as he walked back to the ship.
When he got back to the ship, Omega was in her room with the curtain closed.
"Let's get off this desert world," Tech said as he plotted a course for Idaflor. Maybe this time they would actually make it there without needing to repair the ship or to get supplies.
Hunter began to grow concerned as hours passed and Omega had still not left her room. Usually, she wouldn't stay in her room long. Her curious mind always kept her on the go, even though she had seen the inside of the ship countless times. Even if she wasn't feeling curious, she would usually leave to use the fresher. Tech looked back from the pilot's seat at Hunter
"What's wrong?" Tech asked.
"Nothing that you can fix," Hunter said, glancing at Omega's room.
"Well, that's a lie because I know a way to fix most things," Tech said.
"Yea, you can fix ships but you know about as much as I do about parenting," Hunter replied.
"Ah, it's about Omega. Hmmm, well maybe you should talk to her, perhaps discussing whatever happened might help things," Tech said.
Hunter didn't reply. Rather he sat back into his chair while Tech turned back to whatever device he was building. He remembered Tech telling him what it was but he had forgotten. As Hunter thought about what he could do, his mind went back to Cut and Suu.
"Easy, she's not a soldier."
Cut said that to him the first time he lashed out at Omega.
"You're safe, that's all that matters."
Hunter reminded himself that Omega was on the ship with them and not in the hands of that bounty hunter but at the same time, she shouldn't have touched that anooba. They didn't know the animal, it could've been diseased, or as it was in this case, connected to someone dangerous.
"Children will always find ways of getting into trouble, Hunter. It's what they do. Protecting them is what we do".
Hunter thought more about what he had said on Tatooine. Even if some of it was warranted, he shouldn't have brought up Cut and Suu. It was a bit of a sore spot for Omega, knowing that Hunter was going to pawn her off on Cut and Suu, even if he thought it was for her own good.
Hunter decided to approach Omega's room. He climbed up a couple steps of the ladder.
"Omega?" Hunter said.
"Go away!" Omega said.
"I just want to talk," Hunter said. "No yelling this time. I'm not mad." Hunter continued in a gentler tone.
"Fine," Omega said.
Hunter pulled the curtain to side slightly. She was sitting in her room with Lula held in one of her arms as she looked out the window at the whizzing of hyperspace.
Hunter sat in the small face, doing his best to fit. Wrecker clearly designed this space for someone of Omega's size. He eventually sat horizontally in the room, with one leg hanging outside of the space for his own comfort.
"You're gonna get rid of me again, aren't you?" Omega said.
"What? No. You said you wanted to be with us, I promised you that if you wanted to be with us then you will be with us."
"But I screwed up again," Omega said.
"You said it yourself once, you have a lot to learn. But so do I and I realize I was a bit too harsh today. I'm sorry."
"I can't help that I'm curious sometimes," Omega said, thinking back on how it was her who wanted to pet the anooba.
"I know, but sometimes it's better to watch from afar," Hunter said.
Omega didn't say anything in response. Rather she clutched the Lula.
"I'm not going to get rid of you. We want you here just as much as you want to be here. I'm sorry for bringing up Cut and Suu and I'm just glad you're okay," Hunter said.
To Hunter's surprise, Omega moved closer to him and put her arms around his shoulders, hugging him. Hunter was initially taken aback but he soon returned the hug. When they eventually pulled away from one another, Omega smiled.
"Now let's agree to put what happened today behind us," Hunter said.
"Ok," Omega replied.
Hunter made his way back down the ladder and extended a hand out to Omega,
"wanna come down and hang out with us or explore the ship or do whatever you want?" Hunter asked.
"Sure!" Omega said as she came out of her room and started asked Tech various questions about the ship and the controls. Hunter watched and smiled at seeing Omega feeling a bit better.
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asteriismos · 4 years
Tear You Apart -- Bill Denbrough
Authors Note : wooo this was a whirlwind to write. self quarantine is slowly starting to eat me alive, but I hope everyone is doing good! stay healthy and wash hands! also, if anyone wants to be on the tagging list, just shoot me a message or an ask! I also changed around the request slightly but it’s pretty much the same thing. Requests are still open.
Warning(s) : smut ( obviously ), seventeen! bill denbrough, choking, this is kinda just filth but what’s new, im going to hell
Request : 
Loved your last bill smut you posted! Can you do one where the losers all have a sleepover and Bill has to share an air mattress with the reader and they end up having really hot sex while trying not to wake up the losers yet fail bc the reader is loud asf and maybe the reader has a choking kink and tells him while they’re making out to choke her harder. and the next day they have marks all over? (Sorry my thirst for Bill is unreal rn 😂). Ok so I also wanted to add to my bill x reader smut where he tries to push the reader to her limit and see how many times she can cum and it gets to the point where she’s screaming and crying at the same time bc oof 🥵 that’s hot (again I apologize for my horny ass I just wanted to add a little to my request)
When Richie Tozier gave the suggestion that the friend group should have a sleepover over Labor Day weekend, you were one of the first to scream yes. It was the beginnings of your senior year and you weren't going to waste a second of it, you wanted to spend every second you could with your friends and boyfriend, Bill.
The only problem was that it took a while to find the house you all should sleepover at. Though Richie had the idea, he said that his parents were planning something Saturday night, which meant a no from his end. Eddie’s mother wouldn't allow anyone over because of germs, and Bev’s aunt was not about to have eight teenagers in their apartment. 
Luckily, Bill’s parents were out of town for the weekend because of the holiday, so you all finally could take the plan for action.
The rest of the day was dedicated to getting supplies for said sleepover. You and Bill went to the dollar store on the corner for snacks, Mike and Stan went to get as many blankets as they could, Eddie and Richie got movies, and Ben and Beverly set up the spare air mattresses in the large living room.
Once all of you got back, the party finally began.
“We have to watch Jurassic Park. It just came out on to VHS tapes,” Richie begged to the group. “And it’s so good, you gotta admit.”
“Richie, no, come -” Eddie’s rejection sentence got cut off by Richie already putting in the tape. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, obviously. “Fine, whatever.”
All of you laughed at the two bickering and settled in for the movie. You were sharing an air mattress with Bill, the giant bowl of popcorn sharing both of your laps. You two were all snuggled and cozy under two blankets. As the movie got started, you felt his left hand land on your thigh. It wasn’t unlike him to put his hand there, considering you two weren’t prudes to types of PDA, but for some reason it felt different this time. It felt like there was a motive behind it. 
You looked at your boyfriend, and even in the dim lighting of his living room you could see a smirk on his face. 
Well, you thought to yourself, two can play at this game.
Your own hand came down under the covers and laid on his thigh, giving it a good squeeze. Bill tensed up under your touch, breathing in a very big amount of air as he kept his eyes on the movie. He wasn’t going to give up without a fight, that was sure.
A good ten minutes passed with no other touches from Bill, maybe he had stopped for the night in fear that your friends would start to notice the strange behavior between the two of you. You two weren’t all that good at being subtle, to be honest.
However, your previous thoughts seemed to be wiped away when you felt his hand go to your waistband of your sweatpants. Your legs tensed up for a moment and your stomach churned, looking around at your friends to see if they noticed. They hadn't, all of them were focused on the movie, since it was getting to the good part. That was a good thing, considering if any of them found out about this ( particularly Richie ) you two would not hear the end of it. 
His hand slipped under the waistband and stilled for a moment, almost as if he was asking permission. You grabbed it and squeezed it, signaling that you were okay with it. And with that, he proceeded up go under your underwear lining. You breathed in sharply, causing Ben to look your way.
“Popcorn kernel,” you whispered his way. He nodded and turned his attention to the movie once again. From the corner of your eye you could see Bill laugh a little bit. Glad to see he was enjoying this. You tried to keep your face from reacting when his middle finger entered you. 
But it felt really fucking good.
He stayed with one finger for a while, pushing in and out slowly, with rhythm. You turned to look at him and awkwardly held up a peace sign, signaling that you wanted another finger. Bill happily obliged, slipping another finger into you. That was enough to start changing the pace of your breathing, your focus at the bowl of popcorn on your legs. The movie was playing in the background but you couldn’t even think about it. Instead, you were thinking about the earliest you could fuck the shit out of Bill.
Which was now. You couldn’t take it anymore. You had to feel him inside of you, all of him. The want and desire was enough for you to quickly grab his hand, stand up and say, “We’re going to go make some more popcorn.” The Losers nodded, their eyes still fixated on the film. You pulled Bill by the hand into his family’s kitchen, not wasting a second of the limited time you two had before one of them would get suspicious.
His lips caught yours first, his body pushing you up to the top of the island counter. You obliged, scooting so that your butt was seated on the edge of the island, your legs wrapping around his torso. There wasn't an open space between you two as you kissed, the air in the room got hotter and hotter. It was the thrill of you two doing this in his kitchen, but also the thrill that someone would come in and witness the very unholy thing that was going down.
Bill pulled away from your lips, his kisses instead going on your cheek and along your jaw. They got up to your ear and he whispered, “I want to see how many times you can cum.” It sent shivers down your spine. You two probably only had about ten minutes or so before someone got suspicious and would investigate. The thought made a pool begin in your panties.
His hand went back to where it had previously been prior to the kitchen, two fingers reentering you. You moaned into his shoulder, the soft cotton proving to be quite helpful in muffling your moans. But that didn’t seem to be enough for Bill, he was not looking to be caught early. So his hand came up to your throat, squeezing a little bit. Instead of pain, you felt pleasure. Bill had complete control over you and you loved every second of it.
The first orgasm came soon after that, your moans being stifled by his hand and his shirt. You thought that he would stop so he could have some action of his own, but he didn't. Instead his fingers kept going in and out at an even faster rate. It felt good to ride out your high, but now you were so sensitive to his touch.
“Bill, I’m still pretty sensitive,” you choked out against his shoulder. He just nodded his head and kept going. The dominance he was showing was unlike everything before, and you hated to admit that it was turning you on so much.
His lips attached themselves to your neck, his teeth almost expertly biting in just the right spots to get you closer and closer. You counted all the spots that he reached, but lost count in your second orgasm after seven. You’d have to do a lot of damage control with makeup the next day.
Both of Bill’s hands left your body, and for a moment you thought that he was leaving. You opened your eyes and reached out to him, putting your hands on his shoulders. He wasn’t leaving, he was just taking off his belt and unzipping his pants, quickly getting himself out of his boxers.
It didn’t take long for him to enter you, his pace slow as you adjusted to his length. Despite your past two orgasms, you still felt yourself moaning in pleasure from his actions. His hand went back to your neck, repeating the same squeezing motion every time he would thrust into you. You looked past his shoulder at the clock on the wall, seeing that about eight minutes had passed. You were praying that your friends didn’t find you in this position. 
“Bill,” you breathed out quietly, feeling the same fire in your stomach grow with each thrust. “I think I’m going to-” Your words were cut off by your third orgasm, hitting you like a tidal wave. He kept thrusting into you faster and faster, then finally reached his own peak, his thrusts becoming sloppier as you both rode it down. 
He kissed your forehead, pulling out of you and getting a rag to clean up the mess you two had made. Once you two were moderately clean enough, he redressed and helped you off of the kitchen counter. You semi felt bad, considering you have helped Mrs. Denbrough prepare dinner on this counter many times before and done homework with Bill here too. 
“I would just try not to think about it too much,” Bill said, obviously thinking the same thing that you were. Both of you laughed and hugged, your breathing coming to a safe pace again. 
When you two walked back into the living room, the movie was showing it’s credits. Both of you tried to seem as normal as possible, but it was inevitable that someone would ask something.
“You two said you were going to get popcorn, where is it?” Eddie asked, his eyebrow raising. 
“Yeah, we also didn’t hear the microwave on in there,” Richie added, a smirk plastering his face.
A blush creeped onto Bill’s cheeks and soon your own, realizing that you hadn’t been that quiet and discreet as you two thought. 
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yolkyeomie · 4 years
Iced Americano | lee jeno
summary — you don’t even like coffee anymore, so why do you have an iced americano in your hands now?
word count — 2k words
pairing — jeno x gender neutral!reader
genre — coffee shop + college au, my sad attempt at humor but really it’s just me kinda losing my mind in the middle of writing this
disclaimer — this was originally made for a close friend of mine so reader is heavily based off of her! also ignore any and all typos thank you
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You'd like to say you’re rather good at talking to people
Sure you may have a rather small friend group, but still
The size of your friend group doesn’t equate to how good at socializing you are
Besides !!!
Everyone finds it really easy to approach you and you're really kind back to them !!
That is if they come to you with the right attitude
So it’s not hard to say you’re known very well throughout the campus of ur university
I mean you’re not like POPULAR POPULAR but you’re nice attitude makes people just gravitate towards you a lot
And you liked that!! The attention made you feel validated and loved
was today one of those days where everyone is just super nice to you?
Yeah !!
haha no it wasn’t really
you tolerate a lot of stuff okay
You juggle a lot of responsibilities on your back while still trying to keep in touch with your friends so they don’t feel like you’ve abandoned them or something
but it was REALLY hard tryna keep up with everything
especially when your close friend group was full of boys who didn’t know the exact meaning of organization
trying to keep them situated before they went and burned themselves out was HARD
and then trying to manage yourself at the same time??
sometimes you were ready to throw yourself off the top of fifty story building
and unfortunately for you
today was just one of those days
thankfully it wasn’t because your friends are a genuine mess but
Uni is HARD
as a college student you must put up with a lot of… stuff
I mean some professors can be,,,,, UNKIND to say the least
But usually they were rather lenient and understanding !!
Except for this one. professor.
They always seemed like they were on the verge of losing their mind
And toda must have been the perfect day for them to do that
because your professors summoned the LITERAL devil from within to torture everyon in your clas
But especially you
so let’s just say you’ve been scolded a lot and given wayyyy too much work for no absolute reason
you’re about this close to bashing your head against the wall but you gotta hang on
so you find yourself absently complaining about how much work you have to do today and your friends are like
“That’s tough,,, I’m so sorry [y/n]”
what else can they say really??? they aren’t in your major and they can’t really understand your struggles even tho they wish they could
Well scratch that
they don’t want to understand because that’s ANOTHER work load of information that would constantly be rattling in their heads
Haechan had decided to become a computer engineer when he decided to pick up a major, so his brain was just always fried
Jisung was still trying decide what he wanted to go into and chenle was very serious about becoming a business just so he could accumulate as much money as he possibly could
You always forget what Jaemin had decided to major in, but it wasn’t very interesting to you in the first place
And renjun had decided to major in some form of art, the easier out the four majors mentioned before
Or at least you thought they were easy
Either way TRUST AND BELIEVE if jaemin knew just a little about your major and was able to witness the unfairness in front of him
he’d probably get expelled
anyways renjun had noticed you just getting ready to cry in the corner about how overworked you were
and for once in his life decided to try and help out, not with work tho
why would he ever help with work
“do you want something to eat??? Maybe drink??? I know this place near us that we can go to”
“Thank you so much I’d love to eat and drink and pass out and do nothing about this work when I get home”
yes that’s exactly what you wanted to and nothing was about to stop you
anyways you two were hanging out with each other either way, so it worked very well in ur opinion
You walking down this street towards some restaurants and stores while you were chatting
trying to decide where you wanted to settle down and rest like renjun has suggested
but you uh
notice something strange
you’re passing all the places you usually like to eat at because
renjun kept saying no?
he didn’t want to go to ANY of your usual hangout spots?????
They were hangout spots for REASON.
good atmosphere, good food, nice people??? they’reperfect !!
so why was he declining every single one of them???
“Hey renjun,,,, where are we going”
“?? To get something to eat and drink??????”
“No like WHERE ARE WE GOING?????”
you two started getting into a small argument, you being annoyed that he was declining every suggestion you through and him being annoyed that you kept question his choices
that was, until he finally stopped
“Oh perfect!! we’re here!!”
You turned to look at him and find that he’s standing in front,,,
,,,, a coffee shop
COFFEE shop????
well your parents drink coffee and all no doubt
and when you were a kid you used to drink coffee ALL OF THE TIME
you always had to get your own cup because you’d drink all of your parents’ under ten mins
but uh as you got older
it started to taste
you started to lose the taste for coffee as you got older and it was just downhill from there
it really surprised your parents
and jaemin
but no one ever wants to drink jaemin’s coffee
please you watched renjun and haechan almost DIE from drinking it, coffee and choking and everything
when jaemin asked jisung to try it as a joke he bursted into tears
when chenle was presented the opportunity he cash apped him money and ran for it
please you almost PUNCHED jaemin for even thinking of making you try it
maybe it’s partly jaemin’s fault you can’t drink coffee anymore
“renjun uh,,,,, I don’t want coffee,,,?? You know I don’t drink that stuff. do they have like anything but that”
“yeah they have coffee coffee and coffee”
“literally,,, you’re the worst”
“No thanks :D”
yeah so you got dragged into the coffee shop
it wasn’t vsco girl Starbucks level inside
it was really small
only a couple of tables scattered about with white cloth covering them and little lights strung up along the walls to make the ambience of the room nice and cozy
There was a small chalkboard menu on the counter as well, with the day’s special and little drawings of flowers and animals around the words.
it was really cute you can’t lie
There was an even larger menu behind the really cute cashier at the cash register that detailed all of the drinks they sold as well
there was also— wait what
“[y/n] you there”
“[y/n] move you're blocking the door”
listen you’re not HORRIBLE at communication, it was definitely one of your strong suits in life
But this???
You were practically malfunctioning at this point
seriously you felt like you were in a romance show
you made eye contact with him and nearly tripped over your own two feet
how did you fall so head over heels for this guy so quickly???? He hadn’t even said a WORD
“Can I take your order?”
“Can you what?”
wait he’s supposed to do that it’s his job
your eyes looked down towards the name tag pinned onto the apron he wore
lee jeno
wow… you could say his name for hours and never get tired of it
renjun is just kinda,,,, staring at you to get a move on
oh no did he already order
“excuse me? are you ready to order?”
he gave you an amused smile and god it felt like the sun was shining down on you
Jeno was getting more ethereal with every word that came out of his mouth
but you couldn’t keep him waiting you were embarrassing yourself
you stared at the board above him and just blurted out whatever you saw first
“I-I I’ll have a uh iced americano…”
What's even in americanos?????
you hoped it wasn’t gross,,,
if it was it would REALLY awkward having to ask for a bunch of sugar packets to sweeten it
but then jeno smiled at you
“okay! can I have your name please?”
“,,, uh [y/n]”
“[y/n].... what a pretty name for a pretty person”
please god you are about to explode
anyways you’re losing your mind if you can’t tell
and renjun thinks your brain might be on emergency mode right now
and that’s not what youneed is it now?
so he decided to save you the embarrassment and pay for the drinks himself and push you towards one of the tables
you’re seated away from jeno so that you don’t melt into a little puddle if he catches you staring
which you did a lot more then you’d like to admit
“okay so he’s definitely flirting with you”
“uh yeah? you’re supposed to feel better after knowing someone is genuinely flirting with you”
you love renjun but rn you wanna punch him because HNG YOU DON'T KNOW BOW TO HANDLE THIS RIGHT NOW
“please let’s not think about this right—“
“He’s staring at you”
“He’s WHAT”
please renjun is laughing so hard this is incredibly funny to you
no he wasn’t looking at you he was making someone’s coffee
perhaps your coffee???
or whatever the HELL renjun has ordered
but you saw jeno stop for a moment and glance at you
and the minute he realized you were looking at him too he started BEAMING
“I’m right here calm down”
“Miss [y/n]?”
your name sounds really nice coming from him
how did you not notice that before !!!!
“[y/n] your Americano“
you move like a robot over to jeno
He’s all smiley and giving you the SWEETEST SMILE and jeno’s like “your americano !! I hope you enjoy it, I made it with a lot of love !!
someone send help right now
he made yours with a lot of LOVE
“ ahh !! Thank you!!!”
“I advise you to not drink americanos tho,,, they don’t suit you”
???? what does that mean
“You should try our caffe mocha, it’s sweeter than what you’re drinking now. Just like you !! I’m jeno btw”
I c what u did there
you’re so stupid he already knows your name
well you already know his name you were staring at his name tag
but you’re having a sensory overload so it’s okay
renjun snickers from the back, tho highkey realizing he hasn’t received HIS DRINK YET AND MIGHT THROW A FIT
though eventually he got his drink so he was happy then, tho still a little annoyed with how love struck you were with jeno
you did have to drag him out of the coffee shop because he was going to make a complaint flirting cuz he was getting tired of it
oh and you?
After a few (many) visits you can say you definitely like caffe mochas now
but you did keep getting iced americanos every time you visited
the sweet boy who makes them the drinks always makes yours with lots of love
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mhafiction · 4 years
Out & About (PT. 1)
Read Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
Pairing: Bakugo x reader
Fluff/Friends to Lovers (?), lots and lots of pining.
Synopsis: Reader is very close friends with the Bakusquad, except for the aloof and mysterious Bakugo. He still intrigues them however, and a night out with the group might actually be the the push they need to really get the ball rolling on transitioning their awkward comradery into something a little- more.
Note: this is the first fanfic I’ve ever written, I’m very spooked. There’s a ton of stress out there in the world rn, and I’m trying to find comfort in writing. I hope you enjoy. (Also I’m sorry abt the formatting of this fic I don’t have a laptop to post from :0) -K.
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“I’m so glad we could do this, guys!”
You beamed at your friends, excited to set out for the evening. The major exam everyone had been studying diligently for all week was finally over, and the Bakusquad agreed to celebrate by going into the city to enjoy the night life. To be completely honest, in the week leading up to the test, you had been strangely on edge-but not just because of the workload. The dormitory had become oddly quiet, with everyone either off in the library or retreating to hit the books in the silent comfort of their rooms. You missed the hustle and bustle of everyone chatting, eating Sato’s latest confectionary masterpieces, and most of all, the unbridled energy your friends provided. Well, most of them, anyway.
At least now you could finally relax for the weekend and enjoy a good meal with them.
“Right? It feels like forever since we’ve done something like this,” Mina groaned, leaning her head on your shoulder. Her spikey horns jabbed into your chin. The murmur of the station felt familiar, a calming setting for you and your friends.
Kirishima flashed one of his bright smiles. “Aw, it’s only been a couple of weeks!”
“Yeah but you know I’m clingy,” Mina pouted. “I need my favorite peeps or else I get sad and droopy.”
You chuckled, pushing her playfully off your shoulder. “You’re so dramatic, Mina.”
You were thankful for such cheerful and enthusiastic friends. They were all energetic, happy, and extroverted. They really brought you out of your shell at the beginning of the year, and you had gotten to know them all so well over late-night movie marathons or afternoons at the arcade. You surveyed your little group, watching Kaminari begrudgingly charge Sero’s phone, Mina laughing uproariously at his some joke Kiri cracked, and their general bubbly aura. Then, your eyes caught on a familiar pair of piercing red ones.
Scratch that. You had gotten to know most of them pretty well.
What could you say about Bakugo Katsuki? Well, he was impulsive. Talented. Aloof. Angry.
That was about it. How such a grumpy, quiet boy had attracted these walking rays of sunshine was beyond you. Not to say you hate Katsuki or anything. In fact, one might say that you like him.
He had that extreme sort of passion that you’d never seen before, in anyone. He had a keen eye for people’s strengths and weaknesses, both in combat and just in genral. He encouraged you through those traits to go beyond your limits. And though he was cruel and rude to others, the worst he had been to you was a little standoffish. You knew Bakugo was going to be a really great hero someday, and you wanted to get to know him better. Most days, it felt like you were getting to him; becoming something a person would call friends. Then he’d look you in the eye with those dark, stoic eyes and it felt like you knew nothing about him all over again. If eyes were the windows to the soul, Bakugo guarded his with a legion of soldiers and an iron gate.
It’s okay you mused to yourself. Nobody really knows him, to be fair. Except maybe Kiri and Deku. But he’s known Deku for years! And Kiri can get anyone out of their shell. Why would Bakugo want to be good friends with me? He’s not obligated to. I shouldn’t pester him. But I still want to get to know him! Damn.
“Oi, Y/N!”
You snapped out of your thoughts. Bakugo glared at you. Or maybe it was just the way his face naturally was. Maybe it was just you, but those red eyes seemed to soften a bit.
“C’mon, train’s here.”
You nodded following behind your chattering group. The car was nearly empty, and most of your friends darted for the seats. Kaminari laid across three, spreading out as if her were royalty. Chances are, he probably felt like it.
“This is the most luxurious thing I’ve ever experienced,” he sighed. Sero flicked the back of his head, causing Kaminari to shoot up with a yelp. “That’s sad, Denki. Scooch over.”
Kaminari turned to you, rubbing the his head where Sero had flicked him. “Not sitting, Y/N?”
“Nah. I’ve been sitting at a desk all week, I’d like to refrain from it for now. I’ll bet my postures’ shot.”
Denki shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he splayed over Sero’s lap. “But just know you’re missing out.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, Sparky,” Bakugo growled. “It’s almost rush hour. By the next station, this place’ll be packed.”
Bakugo took his place by one of the seats, opting to stand by the pole next to the door. He was close enough to the seats so that it was clear he was part of the Bakusquad , but just far enough to isolate himself from the conversation. You stranded almost directly across from him, allowing yourself to face the group so that you could converse with all of them, rather by being in a row side by side. Your hand gently held the plastic ring above your head. You all had fallen into a comfortable chatter, laughing about how well you did on the exam and the latest slip-up Kaminari had made in training. The train swayed gently, and all was well. Then came the next stop.
You gaped at the crowd that had accumulated at the doors, dreading when they’d open. All tired looking folks dressed in smart suits and clutching their briefcases. You were silently impressed by their sheer numbers. Living in isolated school dorms with the little student social bubble you had had made you forget how vast the city was. It made you miss your morning commute a little bit. But, when the doors finally opened, that feeling completely evaporated.
It was as if a sea of black ties, dress shirts, and loafers had washed over you. You looked down, determined to contain your bewildered expression. The others were not faring so well in that department. Their cartoonish expressions were accented by quiet (and sometimes loud) yelps at the office people trampling their toes. Bakugo remained unfazed. In the chaos, you loosened your grip on the plastic loop to check your phone. 5:00 PM on the dot. We really are kind of dumb. You wondered to yourself why Bakugo hadn’t said anything when you suggested the outing after class. He was usually so outspoken when it came to stuff like that. And it’s not like he hadn’t known. You sighed, putting your phone away. I should have checked the time before we left... if I had just suggested to go a little later, the crowd wouldn’t be this bad. Well what’s done is done.
As you slipped our phone into your pocket, you found yourself being sharply pushed by the crowd. Another swell of people had entered, and your loose grip didn’t serve you well in such a circumstance. Naturally, you fell forward. Right into Bakugo. Your head collided with his and you tried to reel backwards in pain- but Bakugo pulled you closer to him, grabbing your wrists with an impressive grip.
“Shut up, you’re making a scene,” He hissed, eyes scanning you with... worry? As if suddenly becoming aware of this, Bakugo quickly returned to his usual cold demeanor.
You groaned. “It’s not as if it’s my fault that I got pushed. Or that you have a such a hard skull.” You suddenly realized how close you two were. Most of your friends were pretty physically affectionate, and you had no discomfort hugging them or cuddling with them. But Bakugo was not a “cuddle” person. Hell, his if his attitude wasn’t enough, his hair said it all. He did not like being touched. But here you were, chest to chest, his hands gripping your wrists, faces just a nose apart.
If it bothered him, he didn’t show it. You turned to look at the spot you were just standing in, craning your neck just to get a peek. It was tough.
“It’s useless,” Bakugo sighed. “There’s three extras in the place you were. Bastards are glued to their phones.”
You shrugged, peering up at him. More and more people were cramming into the car like sardines. “Guess I’ll have to stay here for now. Sorry.”
Bakugo averted his stony gaze, a gentle agony lining his face. “S’okay.” The rest of your group seemed to take no notice of the state the two of you were in. Mina and Kiri has pushed themselves up against the wall in an effort to be as small as possible, Sero’s gangly frame was not doing him favors, and you swore you heard Kaminari sobbing somewhere, though his shock of blonde hair was out of sight. Somehow, aside from the awkwardness of being near Bakugo, you weren’t uncomfortable. He had stopped holding your wrists and instead kept his hands hovering near your waist in order to keep you from falling over or accidentally bumping into another passanger. Not that you needed it our anything. You knew it was because he felt uncomfortable putting his hands anywhere else. Your own arms were similarly placed, and in a weird way, it was as if you two were embracing. Probably as close to a hug from Katsuki that you’d ever get.
With nothing else to look at, you observed his features. You knew already that his eyes were something else altogether, but you released a short intake of breath. Bakugo was handsome. You had thought that when you first saw him, but you truly had taken it for granted. This close, his features were rendered beautifully. His jawline, the way his hair fell- it was sort of ethereal. He kept his eyes trained on everything but you, as if he were trying to forget you were there. But on top of all that...
“Bakugo, you smell like caramel?” His eyes darted back to your own, that vulnerability you had only seen recently shining through. It stayed a little longer than last time.
“Tch. It’s my quirk,” he tried to look away, but you pressed him further.
“Oh? I didn’t know that,” you hummed, trying to keep your composure. Talking this close to Katsuki was beyond your skill level. You patted yourself on the back internally for at least making it this far. “Does it have something to do with your parents’ quirks?” He flinched, and you worried you had gone too far. He never had been one for small talk. But he obliged, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “Kind of. My mom sweats glycerin and my dad can make explosions with his hands. I sweat nitroglycerin, and it lets me make explosions. And nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar, or-”
“Caramel,” you finished, grinning. That was probably the most he had ever said to you in one sentence. And, to your suprise, he smiled back. But this smile melted your heart. It was sweet and unassuming and he didn’t even seem aware of it. You tried to hide your shock. “Heh. Smart Y/N. You’re such a know-it-all.” He tapped your forehead with his fist, right at the spot you two had collided. You flinched. The injury was still tender. Bakugo’s face changed, but still remained vulnerable and kind. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He knelt to see you eye to eye, and examined your face. He had asked with a genuine concern you had never seen before. Those words seemed like they weren’t meant for his mouth. You felt your face flush. If he was just an inch closer you two would be-
What the fuck?? No way. No fucking way.
There was no way. It wasn’t possible that you could be falling for Bakugo fucking Katsuki. The explosive boy who cackled maniacally whenever he got to punch someone. The sport festival victor who beat up Uraraka, the human equivalent of a cinnamon roll, without an ounce of mercy. The student so notorious for his mean streak that the League of Villains had tried to recruit him.
But that internal part, deep within you knew that he was more than his surface-level outrage. That’s why you liked him so much, right? That’s why you wanted to be his friend. He was a boy who was passionate, ambitious, and honest. Not many could see that. Still, more than this, he displayed a tenderness you didn’t think he was capable of.
A tenderness that was only a nose away from meeting your lips.
“I’m fine, Bakugo.” You attempted to subtly scooch backwards, hoping to increase to distance at least by a smidge. If you stayed in a position like this after a revelation like that, you’d truly implode.
Bakugo was no idiot. He saw you squirm at the proximity, and drew back, his usual aura returning. Internally, he smacked himself. Idiot, idiot, idiot. How could you forget? At best, you two are just friends. Most of the time, you’re just acquaintances. Control yourself, Bakugo.
You two kept this awkward silence until your stop, cheeks ablaze. After what felt like forever, your destination was announced, and Mina gave a shout of joy and relief so loud it seemed like it shook the entire train. You and Bakugo squeezed past the suits, you offering up enough apologies to compensate the both of you for a lifetime of sin. When you reached the door, it felt as if you were finally getting your head above water. You sighed deeply, talking in the rhythms of the station.
“Wow. That was awful,” you breathed. Bakugo grunted. His eyes refused to meet yours, and your heart sank. This was the Bakugo that everyone knew. The grumpy and angry Bakugo and nothing more. Not the sweet boy with the soft eyes who had asked with the gentlest tone if you were ok. But you still liked him. What is wrong with me?!
Mina flopped on the floor like a beached whale. “Ughhhhhhhh.”
“Mina, get up! That’s so gross,” Sero stepped over her, disgusted.
Kiri checked the group, making sure everyone got off. “Where’s Kaminari?”
A distant screech sounded from the train, and Kaminari burst through the doors just as they were about to close, talking his place on the station floor beside Mina. You laughed. This happiness made you forget about Bakugo, if at least for a second. But his eyes were trained on you, watching you toss you head back in joy and look at everything with such a deep love.
You saw, for one second as you turned back towards him, that soft smirk he almost never had. And your heart beat faster.
“Okay everyone! Let’s go!”
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my-fanfic-library · 4 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [32]
A huge thank you to newheart97 for the beach scene ;D also sorry it’s short, I’m just having trouble writing rn and I didn’t want to break my promise to you guys
Warnings: A very jealous Drac, wet Drac, implied oral (f receiving) 
Strolling onto the sand, you looked back at Dracula who was taking in the heat of the day. You had opted to buy a black cover-up to conceal your suit before sunbathing, since you weren’t entirely sure how Dracula was going to react. He looked so at peace. He had changed into some beige/green shorts and a black polo shirt. You haven’t ever seen him so casually dressed and you had to admit that you liked it.
Finding a spot a little out of the way, you placed your bag down onto the sand and pulled out your towel. You didn’t know where Dracula had gone, but you didn’t really care. Once your towel was down, you turned your head.
Dracula was staring out to sea, watching the waves lap over each other, the sun sparkle down onto the cyan waters.
You sighed in content. It was already so hot. There wasn’t a cloud in the aquamarine sky. Tugging at the bow on your cover-up, you let the material open and you slipped it off of your shoulders. Your bikini was a simple black and you hack picked something small enough that would give you a lot of skin to catch the sun. Once more you sighed as you settled down on your towel, listening to the waves and the occasional chatter of people a little way down the sand.
It was nice for a moment; the sun heated up your body and you began to truly relax for the first time in a long time. Well, until there was a sudden darkness, blocking out the sun. Your eyes snapped open to see Dracula towering over you, a look of displeasure written across his face. Oh.
“You know, the point of sunbathing is to bathe in the sun, which is what you are stopping me from doing.” You retorted.
“I don’t care what it entails, why are you wearing your undergarments?” He hissed.
“Because I’m sunbathing...?” You pushed yourself up with your elbows, “really, Drac, I thought you were a fast learner.”
“Don’t you think that you’re a little exposed for being in public?”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, “Dracula, sweetheart,” you began, “this is how people dress at the beach. I’m just following current social protocol.”
“Well, I don’t want anyone seeing you so... so bare. Here. Put it back on.” He was fast to get on to his knees and push your cover-up back into your chest.
“Dracula!” You hissed, “I’m not putting it on!”
“Would you prefer my shirt? No other man can see you so bare. It’s mine. You are my treasure for my eyes only.”
“Ok, first, that’s very sweet, but second, I’m literally in my bikini. Dear god I can’t imagine how you’d react at a nudist beach.” You rolled your eyes.
“Should you ever attend such a beach, I will have no choice but to drink you again and leave another one of my marks on your skin. And mark my words, next time, I won’t be so chaste with the placement of it.” He warned darkly.
“If i want to go to a nudist beach, I will. Now, if you’ll move I want to sunbathe.”
Five minutes later, you were sat up with the deepest scowl on your face. Dracula, who was lying back on his own towel, appeared to be oblivious to your poisonous gaze. His chest was bare, sun practically bouncing off of the pale expanse. You were sat with his much oversized t-shirt pooling around you. He had somehow managed to wrestle it on you and warned you not to take it off. You were so hot!
This was so unfair!
The heat was really beginning to get to you now and you could feel the sheen of sweat building on your skin. Your eyes moved to the sea, which looked so, so inviting. It was as if the waves were beckoning you to come to them.
Would just a quick little dip really hurt? Besides, you were a big girl, you shouldn’t need to be told what to do by anyone. Except maybe your father.
You looked once more at Dracula. His eyes were shut. You looked at the sea. It would take maybe five seconds to sprint to the waves. If you were fast enough, you could whip off the shirt as you ran... Fuck it. You shuffled a little, so that when you stood your shadow wouldn’t cast over him. You rose, pretending to stretch. Your eyes wandered down to him and he seemed to have not bothered in checking up on you.
You ran.
As you did so, you tugged the material off of your body, the feeling of a cool breeze easing your hot body. You heard Dracula call your name, but it was too late. His shirt was discarded, you had made it to the sea and you were laughing victoriously. You turned to look at Dracula who had sat up and was glaring at you. You couldn’t help but stick your tongue out at him.
The water was lukewarm. Not cold enough to cause a shock to your system, but an easing cool that licked your skin and sent pleasurable chills down your spine. The contrast of the hot sun and the cool water was euphoric. You were pleased that you had decided to defy the vampire.
“Come back!” He called.
“No!” You laughed, wading backwards into the water. It slowly creeped up towards your thighs and you shivered when it hit your core.
Dracula didn’t respond again, he simply stood and you immediately knew you were in trouble. His walk was slow, his eyes were locked on you. You looked... well, you looked fucking hot. And he knew other men on the beach were looking directly at you. It drove him crazy. You stood there, watching him near you.
It was like the world had stopped as your eyes locked upon him. It was only him. Him and you. He was by you in an instant, hands grazing over your bare waist.
“I thought I told you to keep the shirt on?” He hummed, voice low and a little gravelly. Immediately, you felt a heat flood your body.
“I was hot.” You whispered, your hands moving up his arms.
“Everyone’s looking at you now. At what’s mine.”
“Let them look, Drac. I’m not with them.”
Walking along the small and winding streets, you marvelled at the beauty of the architecture. Dracula’s hand was in yours. He’d gone with a white shirt and some black trousers, and you had gone for a pale blue knee-length summer dress.
The sky was beginning to darken, a navy slowly spreading from the crown outwards. You had been in Italy for a week now. For the first time in forever, you had been able to just relax. You found yourself often sitting on the balcony of your beautiful Italian villa, just looking out to sea and forgetting all of your troubles for a moment.
You had just been out to eat with Dracula and you were finally making your way back for the evening. There was a nice cool breeze coming in, a nice bite to the end of a hot day.
Dracula was acting a little strange, keeping a little closer to you than usual. You didn’t know what he had planned, but you were a little nervous. It was a slow walk back to the villa and once you crossed the threshold, Dracula had you tight within his arms and seas pressing sweet kisses to your neck. You giggled.
“What’s going on?” You breathed.
“You’ve already eaten your dinner, it’s time for mine.” He pressed more kisses to your neck.
“How about you go onto the balcony and I’ll meet you in a minute?”
You nodded, pulling yourself free from his grasp and making your way upstairs. The sky was bursting with orange when you finally got up, the sun beginning to dip down past the horizon, igniting the bottom of the blue with a hot and fiery mix of colours. You sat down on the table, looking out at the waves which seemed to be frozen in place. You knew they weren’t bevause you could hear them down below.
A few moments passed and you heard Dracula curse followed by a loud bang. He cursed again. You chuckled.
Another minute passed and then you finally heard his footsteps.
“Right,” he began.
You turned and almost chocked when you saw him. He was soaked, raven strands falling into his face, his white shirt see-through and clinging to his body.
“What the hell happened?” You chuckled.
“I may have forgot to put the ice bucket back in the freezer before we left.”
“Ice bucket?”
“I did have some champagne for you, but as you can see, it’s not going to be cold.”
“Forget the champagne. Come here.”
You were drinking in the sight of him, ready to tear the wet cloth off of him the moment he was near enough.
“My goodness, [First], what’s gotten into you?” He tutted.
“Not you.” You playfully mumbled.
“Shall we change that?”
He was quick with his movements, leaning over the table and yanking your legs, spinning you around so that you were facing him. He looked down at your face, looking for any hint of protest in your features. When you displayed none, he leaned down, pressing a very soft and tender kiss to the skin right below your earlobe. You hummed at the contact. Your fingers dipped into the hair at the nape of his neck, bone dry compared to the strands at the front. 
It had been too long since he had touched you like this. Fire was burning in your blood and you knew it wouldn't take much for you to completely succumb. The way his lips slowly caressed the skin of your neck, his fingers working at the hem of your dress which had ridden up your thighs, it was unbearable. 
“Drac...” you whined quietly, just as his lips ghosted the scar on your neck.
“Yes, darling?”
“Please what?”
“Do something.”
He bit down. Not hard enough to draw blood but the sudden shock that pulsated in your body had you crying out. Your hands pulled him closer, legs flying up to lock around his waist, connecting your cores through thin layers of fabric. You could feel his smirk against your skin. Your hands pulled him closer as his teeth finally gave your skin some mercy, but only for a second. His lips were on yours in a moment. Heat, passion, pure ferocity in his kiss and then you were falling into a dream.
A blistering heat, a burning light. This was not like the other places you had been before. There was no pretence of comfort here. You could feel eyes lingering on you, but where from? It was strangely dark, like the moment of twilight. A little light to guide your eyes, but too many shadows, too many places for things to hide. 
You tried to call out, but your voice did not leave your mouth. Something was very wrong. 
For a moment, you thought you saw something in the shadows and moved forwards to pursue it. A sound resounded behind you and the shape that loomed over yous familiar... no...
You were gripping onto Dracula’s collar, breathing heavily. He must've mistook your utter fear for the racing a passionate heart, because his lips did not cease on your skin. You tried to push the thought of the dream to the back your mind, but you were certain that your mood was all but deflated.
Well, five minutes later, Dracula found himself devouring you, your sundress strewn aside, body glistening with sweat and glowing with the light of the setting sun. What a sight you were, chest rising and falling, hands threading his hair. Beads of water would occasionally drip from the ends, but he didn’t really mind. He was still fully clothed, though his shirt was open - you had asked him to stay like that, obviously liking the way the material stuck to him. 
Your lustful sounds swirled the air, rebounding off of the cliffs and carrying out to sea. 
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288 @labelladrama @frankcastlesgrunts @angelicdestieldemon @quakerlasss @aliisa-jones @wolverinexmenn @clairedragonessbaker @cryiner @mitsukatsu @piratewhore @your-pixels-are-showing @tardisnesss @ladydovahkiin180 @catwomom @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes @th3rah @viper-queen @mephdcosplay @greghouse7 @faeprinces @kokoro-no-yami @trishaferdream @therealmoni @crazytxgradstudent @sansthelonelypunster @crowley-needs-a-hug @girlonfireice @wasntpriscilla @ivanna6026 @savebensolo-ordie
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acciostorian · 4 years
mae reads the kane chronicles: the serpent’s shadow the red pyramid
(aka we see mae go through many emotions in the space of 2-3 days)
holy fuck ive only got to the contents and the chapters have those classic pjo click bait titles i’m so happy rn
WAIT IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT- the serpent’s shadow is the THIRD BOOK. uh-oh i almost fucked this whole series over lemme change the book real quick....
i’m literally on the first page and i’ve already been sent on a mission, so the kanes are THOSE bitches
SADIE AND KANE ARE BRITISH???? omg yes please
never fucking mind they’re from LA
oh wait sadie was raised as a british kid. that’s very sexy of her.
carter be like, “you wouldn’t be interested in my dad’s lectures.” SHUT UP CARTER I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT EGYPTIAN PUNISHMENT
so sadie was raised in east london???? THATS SO SEXC BECAUSE ME TOO BOO
sadie has a british accent. a b r i t i s h a c c e n t.
“six years in london and she thinks she’s james bond” LMAO
sadie’s so emo/alt i love it. does rick always write his characters like this??
sadie pronounces it “mum” and carter says “mom”
it’s so refreshing to read mum ngl
sadie said bloke omg
i’m feeling carter’s pain. little sisters are shits and honestly sadie has the same vibes as my little sister and me and carter are quite similar. i hate this.
oh wow they really said sadie was too white for their family...
sadie did not HESITATE to be like, “yeah dad we’ll lock that guy in his office. mint.”
sadie telling the story is an experience
sadie said “maths” and “mates” in the same sentence. this is some refreshing shit.
sadie’s friends saying carter is hot is fucking hilarious. like it’s a classic piss-off to thirst over your mate’s sibling
LMAO AMOS WAS LIKE, “yeah we don’t talk about manhattan. they’ve got their own problems. *cough percy jackson cough*”
i read thoth the god of knowledge as thot the god of knowledge
carter is right, amos has undeniable swag
philip of macedonia. the crocodile. cool.
i love how the greeks and romans be like “if we don’t honour the gods we’ll get SLAUGHTERED” and the egyptians are like “you know what? fuck the gods me and my homies hate the gods”
sadie kane would stab you in a back alley and dance to mcr as you bled to death and carter kane would take you to a museum, tell you everything about everything and then commit a terrorist attack
amos really went “don’t touch anything, the cats in charge and peace out bitches” and then fucking jumped off the balcony of his five storey mansion
sadie made that door go BANG
that fucking clay statue came to life and not one of them screamed. I WOULD SHIT MYSELF.
i’m giggling, all the greek/roman gods have really long/scary/cool sounding names like tartarus and chaos and nyx but the evilest guy in egyptian myth is called set. S E T.
please make muffin some crazy badass animal like crookshanks or swiftwind.
i love carter sm, even tho he’s scared as fuck he still picked up that ancient sword and was like “ig i’ll bash some heads in whilst sadie holds the cat”
every cat in new york is helping them
bast jacked that car like it was nobody’s business
i used to think the greek gods were stupid for having so many things to control but honestly the egyptians are taking the piss, do you really need a whole scorpion goddess?
the kane siblings are written so well. like i actually BELIEVE they’re siblings
i think carters gonna become a comfort character now... like i relate on another level. little siblings always take the spot light and you have to act level headed and calm because the younger ones start shit and you’re like “i gotta be the good one because my family would fall to shit if i didn’t behave.” so big kudos to carter, i love you
zia was like “king tut?? ugh he was such a boy, there were waaaaay cooler tombs out there x x”
i read “nectanebo II” as “nintendo II” and i was like ??? when was that a thing
i drinking camomile tea whilst reading this and i feel so peaceful uwu
sadie really can do magic like THAT like bitch be like “i just copied what zia did and yeah it worked lol”
okay so i’m sorta feeling bad about sadies life rn but i’m still very pro carter
set’s laugh makes me uncomfortable. because when most villains laugh it’s usually described like “their laugh was like a knife, cold and sharp. i hates it.” but when sadie discribed set’s laugh she was like “it was warm and friendly. beautiful.” LIKE AAAA THATS A RED LIGHT
set: the god of theatre because gods dam is he a good actor
sadie saw some hot emo guy and was like “omg marry me”
iskandar be like “lmao imma speak in alexandria greek all the time but this girl bouta die? i switch to perfect english for dramatic effect”
woooOooaaaah SLOW DOWN THERE BUDDY, tongue tattoos???
zia: you guys will probably suck at this at first but oh well we all can’t be great
sadie: *makes fire first time* wooosh
sadie and kane: *doing cool shit* me and my tea: sluuuurrrp
bast is so sassy i love it
me when it’s a sadie chapter: okay ig :/
me when it’s a carter chapter: HOLY SHIT CARTER HEY OMG YOURE DOING CRAZY STUFF???? COOL. i love you.
bast: so yeah, you’d be stupid to teleport to paris, this is desjardin’s home territory
sadie and kane, lying in the streets of paris: oh cool cool
sadie: like i might die rn but i don’t care, as long as it doesn’t get filmed and put in youtube, that would be embarrassing
like ???? sis get your priorities together smh
sadie: *sees hot emo guy again in her spirit adventure, he hints that’s he’s dead or something*
also sadie: so will i see you again?
“no, an egyptian drink. you’ve heard of hot chocolate? this is rather like hot vanilla.” dam now i want some.
carter is an amazing older brother. he’s written perfectly and he’s a great character to relate to for me. even though sadie can make his blood boil, he dropped everything to calm her down when she was panicking about not being able to change back from a bird. i too have to do that for my little sister - sadie and ava are ironically the same age - so i find that very comforting that there is someone like me to relate to!
‘a businessman with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. his eyes widened when he saw me. i must’ve looked pretty strange — a tall black kid in dirty, ragged egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other.
‘“how’s it going?” i said. “i’ll take the stairs.” he hurried off.’ LMAO THIS IS WHY CARTER BABY I LOVE YOU
highkey pissed that carters like “i’m always edgy around the police. once i turned eleven they started giving me the Look. when it doesn’t happen it’s always a pleasant surprise.” LIKE FUCK NO HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WALK AROUND UNHASSLED WHATS WRONG WITH HIM
lmao bast be like “imma jump off this national monument. see ya at the airport in my finest clothes and jewellery x”
FOOD UPDATE: i’m eating a chocolate covered waffles and having some tea and i feel so happy rn sorry i know you don’t care but like aaaaaaa
bast called carter her little tomcat and my heart exploded
bast really likes convertibles huh
thoth: i hate rereading my old writing, my present self would never write like this now!! SOMEONE GET ME A RED PEN
are they... are they going to dig up elvis presley?
might put some elvis in for this part, y’know, to set the mood?
i cant stop reading ‘thoth’ as thot even though i know how to pronounce it
the captain with a axe for a head: my name is bloodstained battle axe 😸
yuh bast did some shit ...
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cxmetery-gates · 3 years
SUMMARY: With teases and friendly banter, Lynn can’t help but fall under Mr. Hiddleston’s charming spell. WORD COUNT: 2.1k NOTES: Thank you to everyone reading! Dark!fics get a lot of criticism and though the story has not turned into one ((yet)), I’m very humbled by all the likes and reblogs :) WARNINGS:  dark!tom hiddleston, teacher!tom hiddleston
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"I'M NOT ONE FOR COMPLAINING," I pant– while simultaneously lying with a straight face– dragging my feet up another flight. "But can I ask which floor your room is on?"
Only a step ahead of my slow pace, the male teacher smirks. "Not fond of stairs?"
I shrug. "Not really fond of anything involving exercise."
"I would agree," he glances back, a grin marking his face. He makes a huff, more than likely on my same page, but perhaps better off. He appears to be fit so I'm doubting three flights of stairs is killing him like it's slaughtering me. "But, a morning run isn't the worst way to start the day."
My nose wrinkles. "So you're one of those guys? Gotta make those gains, hm?" I'm not sure where my overly confident attitude is coming from. It's not like me to make comments like these to my teachers, Mrs. Gibbons being the exception but even then I am reserved. Something about being close to Mr. Hiddleston has completely altered my professionalism around people of a higher authority. Hopefully it doesn't last long and I don't run into the principle any time soon.
Finally, after what seemed like climbing Mount Doom, we reach the last step. Pausing, Mr. Hiddleston looks down to me. "You've got quite the nerve talking to your superior like a classmate."
It's obvious he's teasing, so I go along. "My superior? What, because you're a hundred thousand dollars in debt thanks to a fancy piece of paper and you've got a couple more decades on your shoulders?"
"'A couple decades?'" He repeats, quite amused.
I shrug with sass coating my entire being. "Give or take. What are you, forty? Nearing fifty?"
His gives a chuckle. "Try thirty-three."
"Really?" I ask doing a small run down while he looks away. I don't find myself in the company of thirty-somethings all that often but I can't lie; he's looking really good, especially from the backside. Mr. Hiddleston hums, and I'm not sure if that was a positive or negative sound. "You sure? Because I could have sworn I saw some grays up there."
"Oh, ha ha, you're so clever," he mocks, voice suddenly raising just a couple octaves. It causes me to jump but I giggle, feeling a strange girly feeling arise from my stomach. All I can do is tell myself not to throw up from nerves, over and over in my head.
Feeling just as confident, I reply with a whisper. "Shh! There are classes in session! You're going to get detention!"
He shakes his head. Mr. Hiddleston attempts to be serious but there's humor and teases filled between each word. "Funny you mention that: I happen to be the teacher in change of detention this week. And don't think I won't put you there because you're helping me: any other teacher would have landed you a weeks worth just from your comment on my age."
My eyes roll. "As if. You're too nice."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Positive," I reply, a smirk hanging on my lips.
He looks down, given my lack of height, and I move my face towards him comically. There's a smirk playing on his thin lips, the corners desperately trying to form a smile. Eye contact remains steady, but I see it more as a funny, friendly game of domination. A moment passes before he looks away, a small sigh parting his lips. "We'll see about that," Mr. Hiddleston retorts, causing me to chuckle.
From his belt, he wears one of those mini extendable cables that can hold all sorts of keys and chains. I'm honestly not quite sure what they're called. Fumbling with the keys, Mr. Hiddleston flips through several before find the the right one and pulling it towards the door, a thin wire keeping a hold on the instrument. When I was much younger, my mother would wear one clipped to the pocket of her scrubs, but hers was smaller, only allowing another clip for her RN tag. Each night consisted of me as a toddler pulling on the name tag and watching the cord return to the circular piece of plastic, unable to see the thin cable coil within. The small piece of nostalgia sets a comforting warmth in my chest.
Despite the insignificant memory, I snicker at his device. The sight of such a young and handsome man keeping his keys together with such an instrument is dorky, and definitely cute.
"Welcome to my humble abode," he sighs, flipping the fluorescent lights on. I follow him in while getting a look around his classroom.
It's relatively simple and mundane, surprisingly enough. Not like I was expecting red velvet walls or a jacuzzi, but maybe something with a bit more personality. The walls are neatly littered with the typical English teacher posters, from "Best Shakespeare Quotes" to the differences between "to," "too," and "two." There's a blank white board in front of rows of desks and a projection screen pulled down over it. Across the room are a few book shelves consisting of dictionaries, thesauruses, and books worth reading. From the distance I can easily spot several of my own favorite books, instantly earring couple brownie points from me.
I follow Mr. Hiddleston who takes a left, as a wall with a pencil sharpener blocks the right. We walk parallel to a wall which is entirely ceiling high cabinets, all closed to the curious eye. His desk sits catty corner and is much like his classroom: mess free and boring. I consider making a comment but stop myself when I notice a few photos on the filing cabinet. One is him with a graduation cap and gown, his hands bearing a diploma. The next looks like a guys night out with Mr. Hiddleston wearing a (distractingly tight) black shirt and two other men accompanying him. And last, and the one that is set before the others, is a picture of the teacher with an older woman. I can only assume it's his mother. This causes a heart warmed smile to etch across my face. It's always lovely and precious to see older men respecting and appreciating their mothers. My own tells me "mama's boys" are the worst type of man to date because in her mind, they are still children who cling to their mothers for support, emotion and financially. I have to remind her that it's not the case for every man, just for the guy she chose to marry.
"Please, set the books wherever you like." My random tangent gets interrupted by a voice, causing me to jump six feet. Mr. Hiddleston places his stack of books on his desk. I would follow suit but looking at the small space, I decide to give his personal bubble some room and I move to the nearest student desk.
Brushing my hands over my black jeans, I turn around. While the teacher shuffled through stacks of papers, I awkwardly and silently stand close to his desk. Only a few second pass do I actually realize my situation: me with the hottest teacher, all alone. I can only imagine all the jealous teenagers clawing at this chance. However, I have a job downstairs waiting for me. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. Hiddleston?"
His eyes quickly shoot up. "Oh, uh no. No, thank you." Mr. Hiddleston pauses a moment to set his papers down. "I'm sorry for keeping you. I was looking to see what hour of the day I have you, but it appears there isn't one."
My eyebrows knit together at his comment. "Well, you'd have to look for a "Carolyn" if that were the case." I pause for a moment, confusion riddling my face. "Wait, whaddya mean?" Almost instantly, I'm repulsed by my southern slang, despite myself not having any drawl to my words. My voice is basically that of an incoherent cave woman compared to his smooth, charming accent. Aside from this, I feel myself floating; he's looking for a time to see me again. I have to contain a girlish squeal just as reality sets in. He's probably just curious if he actually has me or is considering making a "see you at this time" comment. Nonetheless, my heart skips a beat or two.
"Most seniors take my course as their final English requirement. Are you not a senior?"
I feel myself dimming at his comment. Unfortunately, it would appear reality strikes again. But it was honestly quite ridiculous for me to even consider the reason why he was looking for my name was for something other than educational. However, I simultaneously feel my body lighting up. "Oh, no, I definitely am a senior. I chose the writing class for my English elective. I, uh, want to be a writer so I figured it would help in the long run."
Mr. Hiddleston seems interested in what I have to say. Most tell me writing isn't a career or I have a one in a million chance in making it big. Well, if George Lucas can write the three prequels all alone and still make bank, I think I've got a pretty good shot. "Fascinating! What is your preferred genre?"
With some hesitation, I blurt out, "Fantasy, but also some horror and thrillers. I've tried sci-fi once; didn't work out too well."
"I love a good scary story," he comments, giving me a wink. I take this as a small gesture, but my insides are literally screaming. Never has a friendly wink turned me into a flustering mess. Part of me say he knows what he can do, and if that's the case, he's quite the cocky bastard.
Playing along, I give my shoulder a shrug and coolly reply, "Perhaps I can run a rough or final draft by you."
"I wouldn't mind that at all."
How does such a small statement cause all my organs and two hundred and six bones to turn into jelly?
Brushing my long hair from my face, I peek over at the clock. It's been a bit longer than I expected, the hands informing me I have five minutes left of my first class period. "Well, I ought to get going if there isn't anything else I can do for you?" I make sure to say this in the form of a question. I wouldn't mind being late to my next class just to see a gorgeous face a while longer.
Mr. Hiddleston's lips part for a moment just before clamming shut. The look in his blue eyes tell me he wants to say something, but doesn't. I'm not sure what would constitute such a hesitation; initially, I thought he would have asked me to help shelve the twenty-or-so books. The look is intense, or appears to be, just for a flash, less than a second. My own anxieties begin to shake just as a kind smile grows along his lips. "No, but I do appreciate the offer. Thank you, Carolyn."
I visibly cringe at my legal name, this look not going by the teacher so easily. He bursts a small laugh. "Not a fan or your name, are we?"
Shaking my head, I say, "No particularly. It's a bit vintage. Well, not terribly so, but I'm not over the moon about it." I pause awkwardly, my flustered nerves getting the better of me. I croak out some sounds before finishing my tangent. "I go by Lynn, though."
"Lynn it is then," Mr. Hiddleston announces. "I'll let you get going then. The bell will ring soon and I don't want you to be late on your first day back because of me."
I smirk while crossing over to the door. "Nah, I don't mind." Instantly I want to smack the back of my head. To anyone listening it would sound like I had been flirting with a teacher. Well, to be fair it would have sounded like it not matter what time someone were to jump in at. Even so, this comment I naturally came up with put me in a case of "oh fuck." With reddened cheeks, I take a look over my shoulder so see Mr. Hiddleston unfazed by my comment, thank the holy lord, except a ever growing smile. He takes his eyes off the paper in front of him, meeting me with his pretty blues.
"I'll see you around, Lynn."
"Likewise." And with that, I part down the hall, this time invested in taking the elevator.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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baekhyyun · 4 years
Accused Love | KNJ
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» pairing: kim namjoon x reader (ft. lim jaebeom and byun baekhyun)
» genre: angst(???), cause it ain’t fluff children rn, sfw, mystery, stranger to semi-lovers
» rating: PG13
» word count: 3.3k
» Warnings: strong language, the lack of namjoon's name being used, jaebeom and baekhyun got more screen time than the damn main character i’m sorry
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a / n: THIS IS ACTUALLY A NAMJOON FIC JGSKVSDS , even tho i mention his name like 5 times (ITS NOW 8) throughout the whole this fic (!!!!!) , this is also my first full fic so bare with my shitty writing and it's debuting after 5000 years. This beauty is apart of the Luv Library Project under the mystery category! There will be more than one part !!!! I wanted to post something before we got to the good part jfksnkvjdfkj. Thank you to everyone who has helped me and encouraged me with this fic!
Special thanks to @jungtaeyoongles for being there with me from the beginning, bouncing ideas off with, helping me plan this whole story and beta reading as well! Thank you to @meowxyoong for bouncing ideas with me too! Thank you to @thinksshesawolf and @ dee-ehn for beta reading this mess and clowning me in the process. We know who the real main character is in this fic.
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The night sky was pitch-black, making the stars shine bright like diamonds against the darkness. Being located in the heart of Seoul, the stars shined brighter than the lights hopping off all of the tall buildings in the quiet, busy city. Jaebeom, one of the many infamous mafia leaders in South Korea, found himself waiting in the night for his next crime. Being the head meant sending someone under him to do the crime itself without getting his hands dirty. Yet with bad timing, he was out of luck for the night. All of his men found themselves in different missions committing different sins to bring in the money that the head wanted.
 After becoming the head boss, he stopped going out and living life to protect his own, his hands never touching anything besides the gun strapped to his chest hidden from the public eye or the money that was earned by his henchmen. He felt like he was on top of the world again after being away from the scene for so long. Jaebeom, believing his skills were rusty, turned to money laundering to build up his skillset again. Oh, was he wrong.
 He was on a hot streak and subsequently oozed cockiness from each movement he made. Every step Jaebeom took felt like pure muscle memory. He was a greedy man that wanted money. Money made the world go round. You could buy anything and anyone with a couple of hundred-dollar bills. The man had an insatiable desire for money. $100,000 was not enough to sustain his need for money.  He wanted more. He wanted $500,000. It felt right to him. Not bothering to double-check his work, he just went for it as his life depended on it.
 Never in a million years, would he have thought that he would be wiring money from a gaming company. Tencent, one of the largest Asian companies and known worldwide, did not scare him. He felt that this job was easy. Getting access to this place was a piece of cake, he thought. His charming personality is what got him the keys to the records room, housing every transaction that the company has ever made.
 Jaebeom thought everything was going smoothly, but he could not be more wrong. After being here for three hours wiring this money, he realized that he made a rookie mistake. How could he use his ID card to get access to the files? Why did he not use his boss's card to open up the files? All these questions went through his head at lightning speed that caused his heart to start racing, he felt like his ears were going to burst from the sound of his own heart. The world around him was crashing down at a fast pace that he had to think of something fast.
 "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jaebeom hissed to himself. How could I be so reckless? I can't let myself get caught over this shit. I gotta get out of here!"
 His senses went haywire where he couldn't think straight. Getting caught in this building around this time was the least of his worries. He needed out and that's what he was trying to do with his mind racing.
 As the clock ticked, Jaebeom rushed out the building to his car that was parked 5 blocks down the road. His only thought was to find a solution to this shit show that he had created the minute he walked in that building. His luck ran out.
 "Fuck me, man!" he continued to tell himself while running as fast as he could.
 "T-this is the o-one that f-fucks me o-over, and it's the simplest-t s-shit that gets me," he stuttered trying to control his breathing.
 Relief washed over him as he spotted his car hidden behind a dumpster. He still wasn't out of the clear. Slowing his pace down, a new thought popped in his head: should he have called someone to help him out? He thought it was best, but he didn't want to feel embarrassed at the thought of his underlings catching a whiff of the mess he created doing a simple job. He was the mafia boss for crying out loud. Making a mistake was out of the question, getting help was out as well. The more he thought of calling someone the more he got frustrated with the idea.
 The car roared to life, one hand reached the gear shift and set the car in reverse then back to drive. Hitting the gas pedal, he drove off with nothing but a dust cloud left behind. For being a mafia boss, he sure is fucking stupid, never once did he think that he would be making a mistake like that.
 Reaching a red light at an intersection, he noticed that the city was waking up to begin their day. He only had a couple of hours to come up with a solid cover story until he was supposed to show up at work again. Looking out the window he noticed the cars pass by; one car caught his attention. He thought this was his chance that he couldn't miss. It was a perfect idea from his point of view. Framing someone else was a bit of a bitch move but if he got out the clear, fuck, he would do it a thousand times over.
 He thought that using his rival would get rid of him for good so that he could be number one and rule Seoul from behind the scenes. Having everyone shirk in fear brought such joy to Jaebeom that he needs to go through with this plan. Becoming power-hungry made him crazy. He was thirsty for it and was going to do anything to get it. 
 Realizing that the light turned green, he makes his way back to the company for damage control. Who knew that bringing an end to his rival would make a man smile like a mad-man, but he thought it was so worth it to do so.
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 The ride back was fairly quick for Jaebeom. As he got closer to Tencent, the police were there parked in the front of the building. He had to find a way into the building without being spotted. Circling Tencent, he decided to go through the backway. He still had his ID card on him, so if the police caught him right there he for sure would kiss the $500,000 goodbye.
 Parking his car in the alleyway behind the company, Jaebeom made his way to the back door cautiously. The perks of being named leader, it showed that you can handle any situation no matter the outcome, finding a solution to the mess he created was ironic.
 Slowly making his way up the stairs, he avoided any main hallways, not wanting to draw unwanted attention. Climbing twenty flights of stairs was not something Jaebeom planned for. He felt more guilty with each step he took for messing up a simple thing. He wished he had powers to reverse time and start over from the very beginning, but alas, he was never going to get that wish.
 Reaching the eighteenth floor, Jaebeom noticed no one near the entrance to the stairwell. He silently thanked the gods above to have come all the way up without getting caught. Twisting the knob to the door he slowly opened it and peaked his head to see if the coast was clear and surprisingly it was. Closing the door again, he stayed put in the stairwell. He found it strange that no one was guarding this floor, the floor where Jaebeom was located a couple of hours ago.
 Jaebeom's suspicions grew more as he stayed put, thinking of all the possible outcomes of this situation. None of his answers made any sense, the dots were not connecting at all. This pissed him off more than it should have.
 Deciding to give up, he moved on to the top floor where the CEO's office was, along with his own. Jaebeom's job title wasn't much, but that charming personality of his got him that spot on the top floor alongside the CEO. Everyone hated that Jaebeom got special treatment because he came here with no experience. He created enemies, did he care? No. It made him mad with power. He enjoyed that idea of people hating what he had and what they couldn't get.
 There was a scream that pulled Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Where is he?! What do you mean you can't find him?!" one of the cops said into his phone.
 This is where it became challenging for Jaebeom, finding a clear path into the hallway without getting spotted by anyone. Peeking through the crack of the door, he noticed a tall man with a tan trenchcoat dressed up in an expensive suit. The realization hits him when he notices who the man was. It was none other than Kim Namjoon, a leader in the underground business and upper business, but to Jaebeom he was just a rival.
 He wondered why Namjoon was here, he had no business being here. Yet here he was waltzing into the company like he owns the place. The confidence that Namjoon gave off made Jaebeom sick to his stomach. How could someone just act confident all the time?
 "God, he's so infuriating, like can't this man even act normal," Jaebeom muttered to himself. "I just want to punch that stupid smirk off of his face."
 The wheels were turning in Jaebeom's head that after everything, he was getting some luck after the morning he had today. Reopening the door, he noticed Namjoon walking away from the coat closet. This was his opportunity to get rid of his ID card.
 He couldn't go out into the main hallway, he would get spotted quick. He needed to find a way to get himself into that coat closet. He had to think of something fast, there wasn't much time to waste. Looking back to where the officer was, Jaebeom couldn't find him.
 "Where did he go? He was just there," he told himself. Another voice caught his attention and it was from the CEO, Baekhyun. He was talking to the officer that Jaebeom was looking for. He felt so blessed to have him occupied. Looking left and right, he noticed that the coast was clear and booked it straight to the coat closet.
 Closing the door behind him, he was met with darkness, looking for the light switch with his hands. As he found the switch, the small closed space lit up. "Now where is that trenchcoat of yours," he whispered. "Ah, I found you, my dear sweet savior. Oh, how you are saving me from so much work."
Grabbing his ID from his coat pocket, he quickly placed it in Namjoon's trenchcoat and turned back around. Opening the door, he made sure the coast was clear once again and stepped out. Jaebeom made his way to the CEO's office and knocked on the door. Baekyhun and the officer turned their heads, noticing that it was Jaebeom.
 "There he is! Get him," Baekyhun loudly spoke.
 The officer was charged towards Jaebeom and before he could utter a word his hands were behind his back and his body slammed against the door. Groaning out loud from the impact Jaebeom asked, "What's going on, why am I getting slammed on a damn door by an officer?!"
 "Quit playing coy, Lim, what did you do with the money you stole from the company?" Baekhyun asked.
 Facing the man who asked the question, "I don't know what is going on, I just got here," Jaebeom's voice dropped a few octaves deeper.
 Baekhyun darted towards Jaebeom pushing the officer out of the way and turning Jaebeom around to face him. "Lim, I won't ask you again. Where is the money?!" he yelled, stressing each word as he spoke.
 "And I'm going to tell you again that I don't know what you are talking about!" Jaebeom rebutted back to the CEO.
 Baekyhun was just fuming with anger from Jaebeom's answer. Baekyhun swore that he was just bluffing and acting dumb, but the confusion on his face made his story more believable. Letting go of Jaebeom, Baekyhun walked towards the window of his office that gave him the best view of the busy city below. He was at a crossroads, not knowing what to do. He wanted to believe Jaebeom but the evidence was right there.
 Jaebeom silently watched his boss freak out, trying to understand the words that he spoke. His boss was at war with himself. Jaebeom thought he could use this as an advantage; to confuse the man more than he was.
 "Baekhyun, you know that I would never do anything to harm this company or to betray your trust," he spoke out loud.
 Baekhyun just stared at the man, his expression unreadable. Jaebeom couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Was Baekhyun figuring out that everything he's said was a lie? Jaebeom couldn't go down like this, this was not going to be the end.
 "Baekhyun, please I don't know what is going on, but I can tell you that I haven't seen my ID since yesterday. If that can help my case in any way," he hopelessly said.
 Jaebeom silently pleaded with Baekhyun to give him a chance to hear him out, which reluctantly he did. Baekyhun gave a hand signal to the police officer to leave the room and give the men privacy. "You have five minutes to tell me your side of the story or I'll ask the cops to take you away from here," he insisted.
 "As I said before, I haven't seen my ID since yesterday. The last time I saw the thing it was on my desk in my office. After that, I couldn't find it," Jaebeom lied through his teeth.
 "You lost your ID and didn't bother telling anyone about this?" Baekhyun questioned him.
 "Listen, I didn't think much of it when I couldn't find it after I left work. I thought I could find it when I got here today, but here we are." Jaebeom briefly paused.
 "I was planning on telling you today if I ended up not finding it!" he continued, "I can show you where I left it in my office and you can let the officer search too."
 Baekhyun was hesitant on taking Jaebeom's offer on searching his office, he was stressed and he was doubting everything that was said by this man. His trust in him was dropping rapidly, but did he have another choice? He had to go for it even if he ended up looking like a fool.
 Rising from his seat, Baekhyun walked around his desk and stood in front of Jaebeom and just stared him down. "If I found out that you are just fucking around and we find that ID of yours, you are out of here and out of my sight," leaving Jaebeom in his seat, Baekhyun walked towards the door and looked back, "Hurry up, we don't have all day. I have to do damage control because of you."
 Jaebeom quickly got up from his seat and followed his boss from behind, making their way to his office. The officer trailing along asked where they both were heading, Baekhyun quickly answering, "To his office, we are going to search for that ID card of his that supposedly was lost."
 "But sir, we don't have a search warrant to partake in this. We will not be able to assist you," the officer explained.
 Baekhyun continued to make his way to Jaebeom's office, telling anyone that walked past him to follow. Not a word was uttered when he spoke to anyone. The workers just simply followed like mindless slaves, not questioning his orders.
 Walking into the office, Baekhyun strolled quickly to the desk in the middle of the office and began to rummage through the files that laid on top neatly. Everyone that followed along began to do the same, going to different parts of the room and not leaving a corner unturned. Jaebeom just stood by the door not knowing what to do with himself besides watching the disaster unfold.
 Looking up to face the man that caused all the distress, Baekhyun spoke out loud, "Lim, it is best if you stepped outside and just stood by with the officer. You are truly not needed here."
 Jaebeom was offended by the words that the man spoke to him. It never crossed his mind that he would be pushed out of something that involved him. "To be fair Baekhyun, I don't think that is a good idea. What if one of the workers here is the culprit and trying to frame me over what happened? I'm sorry but I am not leaving this room until you all leave with me." His voice roared across the room.
 Baekhuyn rolled his eyes at his subordinate's stubbornness, it made him feel sick to his stomach that he did not want to walk. This was something that Jaebeom took very seriously. Never once did this man raise his voice at anyone during the job. He took everything that was handed to him without a single complaint. It scared Baekhyun that Jaebeom stood his ground and didn't budge one bit.
 "If you won't leave then stand by the door and don't get into anyone's way, Lim," he spoke with venom in his voice.
 Pleased with the response from his boss, he walked back to the door and just watched. No one knew what was to come at the end of this search. It was entertaining to watch everyone look through his belongings. They were never going to find anything and it made him ecstatic to have this type of knowledge over people.
 "Sir, we couldn't find anything in the cabinets,"
 "Sir, the bookshelf is clean,"
 One by one each person that Baekhyun brought with him ended up not finding anything. This made his blood boil, that not only could they not find anything, he as well couldn't come up with anything. His whole office was clean. Countless thoughts came to mind that gave him a migraine. Where could that ID of his be? Who took it? All these questions came to mind and none of the answers that he came up with seemed logical.
 With a huge sigh, Baekhyun told everyone to go back to work, this was a huge blow for his ego. Being proven wrong was his least favorite thing in the world. Being right about everything made his day, the power he felt was his drug. It was intoxicating to him. He needed this. Slamming the folders that laid on the desk, Baekhyun paced towards Jaebeom with anger in his eyes, he was not pleased when everyone came up short in their findings.
 "I don't know where you hid that ID of yours but if it's not found in the next twenty-four hours, you are on your own." he spat.
 Jaebeom wasn't shocked that his boss was worked up over not finding the missing ID. It actually made his day. Playing coy was his strongest suit; he enjoyed playing clueless. This was a win for him, the sight of his boss losing hope little by little. Everything was falling into place on how he imagined it, sweet victory was close. All he needed was the last piece to fall into place.
 Baekhyun sighed out loud, finally releasing Jaebeom from his grip and walked out of the ruined office. Jaebeom looked around and just smirked like a mad man and decided it was time to wrap things up. Shouts could be heard from his office, which made Jaebeom run out to where the commotion was. All he saw was three cops surrounding Namjoon, who was confused with everything trying to explain.
 One of the officers quickly grabbed hold of Namjoon and roughly pushed him against the nearest wall, "Kim Namjoon, you're under arrest!"
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 Copyright © 2020 franklytae. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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Meteors dot txt
A/N: this definitely got to a point i just took the characters and setting and did my own story with it but uh. its fine. no idea if i’ll ever come back to this but?? im running out of writing spoons rn so! you get this as is with its really choppy ending :^) nothing’s been proof read by someone else but i tried my best so uh. enjoy lmao
word count: 3,420
"Today's broadcast reports there will be a meteor shower raining over Pelican Town this evening! Make sure to take an umbrella with you! Hehe." The meteorologist quips before the broadcast goes back to the news about the latest about the Gotoro Empire. Rayzan sighs and shuts the TV off, sipping at his coffee.
"What's so important about some damn meteor shower? It's... what, space rocks? Big whoop." He mutters to himself, shoving a rather... strange (to put it lightly) tasting cheese cauliflower into his mouth. It's what he gets from buying food from Joja - hopefully he wouldn't start glowing or something as a side effect. With a grunt he pushes himself off of the floor, throwing the plastic container to the side. He'd clean it up later. Probably.
He jumps as there's a rapping on the janky screen door, and he instinctively grabs his gun from behind a potted plant. Pulling the door open, he aims it directly between the other's eyes.
"What the fuck do you want." His tone is harsh and cold, and he never breaks eye contact with her.
"Oh!" Maru stumbles backwards on the porch, holding her hands up. "I'm sorry! I just- uh-" She falters over her words, clearly taken aback.
"Spit it out."
"Can you put down the gun? Please?" Maru chooses her words carefully, keeping her hands in the air.
"I thought I made it perfectly fucking clear I didn't want anyone bothering me." He moves the gun downward, but his gaze still seems to burn through her.
"Well, yes, but..."
"But you wanted to anyways, right? You decided your high-fucking-horse is more important than my privacy."
There's a long pause before Maru says anything. She just stands there, gawking at him. "I just wanted to tell you about the meteor shower tonight. Everyone's going to be gathered at the beach, if you wanted to come." She speaks simply before turning around and stepping off the porch. "Yeah. I'm aware." He slams the door, the screens rattling as he locks it. "Yoba damn everyone in this fucking town." He grumbles and hides the gun once more.
Grabbing whatever clothes he could find from his dresser, he stares at himself in the mirror. So much for keeping up appearances, huh? He takes a deep breath and runs some hair gel through his hair, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. He gags and spits into a bucket of lake water. His plumbing hadn't worked for, well, what felt like months now and he wasn't about to go ask Mrs. 'Oh how are you? Where are you from? How is the farm? Do you have any family?' Robin for help any time soon.
Pulling a shirt over his head he makes his way outside, staring at his rather sad attempt at a garden. He was supposed to be a farmer and he couldn't even keep a few peppers alive, let alone an entire farm's worth. Deciding to water the crops, despite them being... well, very dead, he tosses his farming tools aside and heads into town.
The walk always felt long and tedious. He had looked into getting a car before, but the walk to even GET to a dealership was way out of the question, and with the only bus in town out of commission, he was pretty much stuck in town and on foot. The sun beat down on him endlessly, almost taunting him for daring to move during the summer.
As soon as he reaches town he instantly heads for Joja. The saloon wouldn't be open for another few hours, and he sure as hell wasn't going to sit in Pierre's and listen to his badgering about how the farm was doing. Instantly being hit with the a/c of Jojamart he takes a deep breath, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"Quite the walk, isn't it? You should take a sip of the latest JojaCola flavor! NuBerry - a delicious combination of raspberry and cranberry thrown together by our team of talented scientists! Joja is not liable for any injuries or side effects that may occur while drinking NuBerry. NuBerry - Fresh and full of smiles!" Morris spews off like a recorded advertisement, making Rayzan roll his eyes. He instead heads back towards the freezers, holding it open and just soaking in the cold as he sinks to the floor.
“Probably shouldn't stand there with it open like that.” A voice comes up from behind him, leaning over his shoulder.
“You and I both know you don't care about their electric bills.” Rayzan smirks as he looks up to see Shane leaning over him. “Unless you've suddenly had a change of heart?” He puts a hand to his heart, leaning back.
“Nah. Last I heard there was some freezer monster back there. Snatches up kids that don't know better.” Shane quips and stands up straighter. “Besides, I gotta put these in there.” He motions to a palette of frozen pizza boxes.
“Mind if I nab one of those to go?”
“Hey, if you can get it past Morris be my guest.” Shane pauses, “But if you get caught I didn't see shit.” He grins before going back to restocking the freezer.
“You underestimate me greatly.” Rayzan snatches a box off of the pile, waiting until Morris was busy doing who-knows-what until stealthily stepping out the door with it.
“Oi, watch it kid.” Pam exclaims as Rayzan runs directly into her, almost dropping his box.
“Whatever.” Rayzan grumbles and rushes past her, wondering where the hell he could keep this for the time being. There was no way he was walking all the way back home for just this. Looking around he exhales before checking his watch. 10:04 am. Fuck. What was he supposed to do for at least another two hours before the saloon opened?
He could go to the mines... but that didn't solve his pizza dilemma. He groans before staring down at the river. Maybe... No, that would make it soggy. Shit. He settles on hiding it behind a rock in the shade – at least it would stay cool there. Wiping his hands off he heads past Pierre's, only to get stopped on his way.
“Hey, Rayzan! How is the farm coming along? You know, if you need anything we-”
“Yeah, yeah. You sell seeds and shit. I'm thoroughly aware. It's the only fucking shit you sell.” Rayzan interrupts her, turning back around with his arms crossed.
“Well... Pierre and I have discussed expanding our stock recently. If you have anything you'd like to see feel free to let us know!” Caroline smiles, holding up a small basket of tomatoes. “These are freshly grown from our garden, they're rather fresh, too. We were thinking about selling these, would you like to try one?”
“...I'll pass.” Rayzan rolls his eyes, continuing up the path.
“Oh, well, I'll see you later at the meteor shower then!”
“Doubt it.” He picks up his pace, running up towards the mountains. The air always feels crisper up here, fresher. He takes a moment to breathe as he reaches Robin's house, then immediately ducks by it. There was no way he was sticking around for more pleasant conversations with the townsfolk. ESPECIALLY Robin.
As he ducks into the mine, Marlon looks over at him and just laughs. “What, are you planning on starting an earth quake and almost killing yourself again? Didn't have enough last time?”
“Shut up. I didn't even bring my gun this time.”
“You didn't bring your sword, either. Or a pickaxe... What exactly are you planning on doing down there?” Marlon points out, nodding towards him. “May be half-blind but even I can see that's not a good idea.”
Rayzan takes a moment to look over himself, realizing he didn't actually bring any tools. “...Fuck.” He sighs in exasperation as Marlon laughs at him.
“Get out of here kid. I'm not in the mood to rescue you again.”
“Shut up.” Rayzan repeats himself, leaving the cave with a roll of his eyes. He heads past Linus' tent with a nod of his head, shoving his hands into his pockets before heading up towards the train station. Oh how he wished he could hop on the train and get the hell out of here. Instead he pushes the door open to the spa, heading for the locker room. With any luck no one else would be there.
Unfortunately, this wasn't his lucky day. Alex sits up from the weight bench as he waves at him.
“Hey man, didn't think I'd see you up here again.” Alex grins. “That offer to spot you is still open. You know, so you don't drop your weight on your foot again. How's that doing, by the way?”
“It's fine.” Rayzan says simply, yanking at his locker door.
“You gotta pull it up first.” Alex speaks up after a few moments of Rayzan fighting with the locker.
“...I knew that.” Rayzan responds, moving the handle up before pulling it open properly.
“Oh! Uh, are you going to that... that shower tonight? Haley's dragging me along. Don't know, might be pretty cool.”
“Wasn't really planning on it. Everyone keeps asking me about it.” He grumbles and grabs a towel, heading for the showers.
“Well, it's just, basically everyone in town goes to these things. It's kind of a big deal, these festivals and all.”
“Yeah, I got that. Now, do you mind? I'm sweaty and I'm not going to wash myself off at home with lake water.”
“You don't have a shower?”
“Why don't you-”
“I'm not asking anyone to fix my shit.” With that, Rayzan pulls the curtain to the shower shut and tosses his things down. What's with everyone in this town being so damn talkative?
He spends the next several hours in the pool, ignoring Penny and Alex talking about who knows what. His day is rather quiet after that, deciding to head to his usual place in the saloon – where, yes, he does get Gus to put his pizza in the freezer for him for the time being. He ends up falling asleep in one of the booths, nursing his glass of beer. He's only awaken by Shane poking him in the side.
“Wha-? Ah... Mm..” Rayzan murmurs, stretching his arms out. “Thought you'd have more courtesy than to wake a sleeping man.” He grumbles drowsily.
“Didn't want to, but otherwise it'd be Gus and I figured you didn't want that. He's locking up here to go see the meteor shower thing. Jas wanted me to go with her.” He doesn't sound very enthused about it either. “Want to go keep me company?”
“Yeah. I know.” He frowns, but steps aside as Rayzan gets up.
“Guess so.” He sighs, then looks over at Gus by the door. “Can I get my pizza after? So I'm not holding it the whole time?”
“Of course! I'll leave the door unlocked for ya.” Gus beams before heading outside, Shane and Rayzan soon following after.
“So did Morris say anything about the missing stock?” Rayzan glances over, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Hah, no not really. Don't think he even noticed you leaving. Lillian didn't either, or at least she didn't mention it.” Shane ponders as they walk the rest of the way in silence.
They pick a spot that's far enough away from everyone else to not be bothered, but close enough that Jas wouldn't complain to Marnie that Shane didn't show up.
“You ever seen one of these things?” Rayzan speaks up after awhile, looking up at Shane.
“Nah, I'm not really... into space stuff. There's enough to worry about on this planet, you know? Never mind worrying about whatever the hell aliens out there are getting up to.”
“Agreed.” Rayzan nods, pushing his hair up out of his face before staring up at the sky as the meteors begin raining by. Everyone is quiet other than the “oohs” and “ahhs” and other noises spoken in awe of the event. As Rayzan looks around he sees people making various wishes, Robin and Demetrius kissing, and Vincent and Jas playing astronauts off to the side. A faint smile grows on his face as he leans back, letting the sand seep between his fingers. This was nice, despite his many protests against it.
Eventually, the shower ended and the crowd started dying down as everyone went home. Shane said his goodbyes as he carried a very sleepy Jas off, and Rayzan was left alone. Rayzan sat there for a few more minutes listening to the ocean. Everything was peaceful, until a loud crash roars through the beach. The sound shakes through the town, and Rayzan jumps from his spot.
“The f-?” He suddenly wishes he had literally any weapon on him. He hesitantly makes his way over to the right hand side of the beach, staring at the smoldering pit among what used to be small tide pools. “Uh.” He mutters to himself, looking back towards Elliott's hut. No reaction. Was he already asleep? How did he NOT hear that? He shakes his head and grabs a stray stick from by the trees, poking at the object in the middle of the pit with it.
“Uh...” Rayzan repeats to himself, looking down at his hands. If he did end up burning himself Harvey wasn't asleep just yet, right? He'd probably be fine. He cautiously picks up the object, finding it to be - surprisingly - not as hot as he thought. It was fairly large, having to be held with two hands, and seemed to be glowing a soft blue aura. It's exterior was rather dark, with dull white spikes protruding out the sides. Although he tried to pull it apart it was no use – whatever it was, it was rather sturdy.
“Damn you're heavy.” Rayzan mutters as he stares at the egg-shaped object in his hands. He looks up, pondering to himself about what to do with this thing. He begins heading back up towards town, only to be interrupted by Maru.
“Oh my yoba – I could hear that crash from across TOWN! To think something actually hit the ground! And you're holding it!” Maru begins rambling off, clapping her hands together. “Can I see it? That doesn't look like any meteor I've ever heard of, but of course space is really vast and there could be plenty of different-”
“Whoa, whoa. Listen, if you want this thing take it. I don't know what to do with it.” Rayzan begins trying to hand it off, only for it to stab him in the arm. “What the fuck?”
“Oh- Oh dear, are you okay?” Maru widens her eyes, frantically trying to grab it again – only for the object to protest yet again.  Rayzan grunts in pain, nodding.
“Maybe we should... not. Do that.” He hisses as he carefully sets it down – thankfully it lets him do that – before rubbing at his wrists. “Fuck, what is that thing?”
“Well, I'm not entirely sure... It seems at least somewhat sentient though, don't you think? Exciting!” Maru grins before turning her attention back to him. “...Right, we should get you to the clinic.” She reaches down to pick it up off the floor, only for it to spray some form of mist into the air. “AH!” She exclaims as she stumbles back, holding a hand over her face. “Okay! You pick it up!”
“I'm not touching that thing again!”
“We have to at least move it somewhere no one else can get hurt.” Maru insists, rubbing at her eyes.  Rayzan grunts and picks up the foreign object, carrying it in his arms as he follows her to the clinic.
Harvey looks up from his paperwork as the door opens, raising an eyebrow. “I thought I locked... Oh, Maru, hello- Are you okay? What is- Rayzan are you bleeding?” He gets up frantically, moving around the counter.
“I'm fine, he might need stitches. Don't... touch that thing.” Maru aggressively points to the object. “I need to go wash out my eyes.” She motions vaguely in the air before walking off. Harvey blinks a few times before looking back towards Rayzan as he sets the object in a waiting room chair.
“Alright... well, let's get you sorted. I'll... call Gunther and let him know about this also.” Harvey furrows his brow, walking Rayzan back towards the examination room. “What happened, exactly?”
“I don't know. That thing fucking... Grabbed me when I tried to give it to Maru.” Rayzan hisses in pain as Harvey looks over his wounds.
“These look pretty deep – did it get you anywhere else?”
“Not that I can tell.” He shakes his head as Harvey frowns. “I feel kind of... sick, though.”
“Hopefully that's just from blood loss and it didn't inject you with anything.” Harvey notes before gathering everything necessary.
Rayzan wakes up in one of the hospital beds in the morning and groans as he sits up. “...So that wasn't a dream. Fuck.” He looks down at his bandaged arms with a frown. Harvey comes in with a smile, holding a clipboard close to his chest.
“Well, good news, you aren't going to die.” Harvey smiles before continuing, “You ended up passing out last night so I set you up here. As far as I could tell, there's nothing lethal in your blood stream either. Maru and Gunther are in the waiting room discussing the...” Harvey trails off for a moment, “Well, if you'd like to talk to them, you're free to. Be sure to keep those bandaged though, alright? And I wouldn't advise any excessive movement... If you need any pain killers, let me know.”
Rayzan nods, pushing himself out of the bed. “Yeah, thanks doc.” He mutters and heads into the waiting room.
“Oh! Mr. Rayzan, it's always a pleasure to see you. This is certainly an interesting specimen you've found here!” Gunther smiles as he stands up straighter.
“Yeah, and it tried to fucking kill me. Can't you take the yoba damn thing to the museum or something where I don't have to look at it?” He glares at it, crossing his arms over his chest before wincing and simply putting them down by his sides.
“Ah... I was looking into that, actually. It seems it's imprinted on you somehow and is rather territorial about it.”
“It's done what? I'm not a damn mother duck or something! If that shit turns out to be an alien I'm not taking care of it.” Rayzan protests angrily, leaning against the counter.
“If it would let me I'd take it off your hands after it hatches or... whatever it's going to do, but until then no one can touch it.” Maru frowns as she looks over at him. “I guess you could just drop it off somewhere, but there's no guarantee it still won't try to find you once it hatches...” There's a pause. “Though I'm absolutely open for helping you out with it as much as I can! Maybe we can be co-parents of it!” She laughs, though it doesn't last long as she sees Rayzan's expression. She clears her throat as she looks away. “Up to you, of course.”
“I'm probably just gonna drop the thing in the river or something. Maybe it'll float off to wherever. Or better yet, drown.”
“Mr. Rayzan, sir, if I may interrupt, I don't think that's such a good idea.” Gunther speaks up. “We don't know anything about this creature – it could be invasive to the local environment. It's better to keep it close so we can learn more about it.”
“Then you take it!” Rayzan picks up a wooden crate, then sets the object inside of it. “There. Yours now. Have fun with your murder egg.” He shoves the box into Gunther's arms and storms towards the door.
“Rayzan!” Maru shouts, but frowns as she turns back towards Gunther. “I think we're on our own here.”
Gunther nods, “It seems so...” He looks down at the object, then nods towards her. “I'll take this over to the museum for now and try to figure out what it likes... Perhaps find a sun lamp.”
Rayzan rolls his eyes as he slams the door behind him. He heads towards the saloon, grabbing his frozen pizza out of the freezer before making the journey home. He'd be glad to sleep in his own bed again.
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momtemplative · 4 years
A COVID mammogram.
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I hadn’t stood among people in so long that the idea seemed ludicrous. And terrifying. I hadn’t been out in a public place in over six weeks. (Jesse does the weekly grocery shopping.) When Jesse asked if I was nervous about my mammogram appointment, I said, no. But I was nervous about going to a hospital—germ kingdom—and being in such close proximity with people who are in such continuous close proximity with sick people. I’m most certainly not alone with those concerns; I had just been reading about how it is becoming more common for people to avoid medical care due to fears of COVID, and how dangerous this can be. So, reluctantly, I kept my appointment. 
When it was suddenly the day before, it occurred to me that I needed a little practice run. I needed to see that people in small, spread-out groups were not so scary, just people and not vicious germ-spreaders. (Hopefully.) So I geared up with hand goop, sani-wipes and my cloth mask and headed to Home Depot for some flowers. My nerves rattled steadily from the moment I left my driveway to the moment I pulled into the parking lot. 
There were a ton of cars. Why did I think it would be empty? My shoulders hiked into my ears as I pulled into a parking spot. I video-chatted to a friend as I sat there, as if I were making a recording for myself: “You can do this. All these people just want plants like you. And mulch. You are all here for the same reason. Get on with it!” (A teacher of mine from long ago used to make herself motivational self-talk videos. I recently watched quite a few, so that concept was fresh on my mind.)
The sky was doing a heavy, melancholy thing—purple-grey clouds swirling like low-hanging thoughts. The wind hit me with an obnoxious gust as I exited the car, like when Ruth sneaks up on me and guerrilla-attacks my hair, leaving me looking disheveled and dumb. I returned to my car twice before I finally committed to a cart.
There was a young kid, probably college-aged, sitting alone in his car, with his windows up, as I walked through the parking lot. My first instinct was annoyance that he didn’t have a mask on, then logic slowly caught up to remind me that he was indeed, in his rolled-up car. I instantly changed gears to take pleasure in seeing his chin, his full-face, rather. I had the instinct to yell through his window, “Nice to see your face!” with a thumbs up, while wearing my mask, but I thought better of it. It isn’t until now that I write this that I step back to look at myself, thinking, dear god, what has become of this woman?
I’m pleased to report that everyone had masks on. Good thing, because this was one of those particular outings that I guarantee I would’ve straight-up judged someone’s character based on whether or not they were wearing a mask.
There was not much inventory in the outdoor section and that was just as well. I  only wanted a few pretty things to plant. And to be out in the world again. I grabbed a few small pots of blue-purple plants with tiny petals, a few magenta snapdragons for Ruth, and for Opal, the most insanely violet peony I have ever seen. (It reminded me of the African Violets my grandmother, Lenna, used to always have in little pink plastic pots in her sunroom. Same eye-straining shade of purple.) Then I broke my back on two bags of soil.
My Home Depot experience was lack-luster and underwhelming, as I suppose, is optimal. The outside cashier had a tag on that said, “I CARE about you, please stand 6-feet away.” This was impossible to pull off while paying. Two humans, (at least one with very conflicting feelings), two masks, two feet away. For the record, the cashier was wearing shorts and had a tattoo of a giant spider that covered the back of his entire right calf muscle. I had the thought, “He had the tattoo before COVID and he’ll still have that sucker after it’s all over.” 
On paper: a success. Like taking a newborn baby to Target for the first time, or coming out of a long illness to get back to work. But I could feel a headache creeping up from the base of my skull. I wanted to just curl up in my car and recover.
The next day.
Signs that read HEROS WORK HERE lined the entrance of Avista Hospital like political signs during a campaign.
The main entrance was closed, a printed sign pointed me to the ER entrance. What did I envision behind the closed doors?  A bustling scene of gun-shot wounds and blood-sodden bandages, dozens of people bent over coughing like they swallowed gravel? The mind is an amazing thing. And more than ever, I am seeing the power (and danger) of speculation.
What was behind the sliding door to the ER was, in fact, a quiet scene of two ladies behind a counter, staring at oversized computer monitors, wearing masks. There was also an RN named Justin (as said his name badge), in a face-mask, standing close to the entrance. I took a moment to absorb it all, and as I turned his way, he was already pointing a purple thermometer at my forehead. “Oh, hey—” I said, muffled behind the mask. I must’ve passed because he handed me a green circle sticker that said something in Spanish. I liked these people. 
Next stop was the lady who had me sign all the papers—also named Heather. I remembered her from my last mammogram because of her name. And her hair, which was sprayed solid into a perfect 80′s feather, on the top and sides. The back, however, was long and straight and hung free of chemicals. This time, her facemask cut perfectly between the calcified feather-layers, which I took in as a delightful detail.
Side doors led me to the main entrance of the hospital, where it is usually bustling like Union Station. But it was empty, quiet like the streets of a ghost town, save for a janitor in an orange vest and surgical mask.  
Typically, the mammography office is stocked with magazines of the sort I would never purchase on my own accord—People, Us, Vanity Fair, Oprah—so I purposefully neglected to bring anything to read. But today, the magazine rack was empty, except for one laminated sign saying “No Magazines Due to COVID.” I also forgot a bottle of water (I’m out of practice for packing for the outside world) but breathed a sigh of relief when I remembered the basket of bottled water the mammography office keeps by the door. However today, no water. The Keurig machine was covered in a white sheet as if it had died. I was instructed by Jesse to touch my phone only when absolutely necessary, so I sat quietly and looked at the wall.
The sum total of ladies in the waiting room was only me, unless you count the woman ahead of me who barely sat down before they called her name: “Hi-roo?” Then as they walked down the hall, they said, “Oh, sorry, it says here you go by Lucy.”
I sat by myself in the waiting room for near a half-hour. I’m not sure what Lucy had going on but it took a while. NO complaints, I was happy as a clam to just sit on my ass and think about filling the four corners of my torso with breath. There were four chairs in a row on each side of the room, but the two middle chairs of each were caution-taped off with scotch tape, so people could only sit on either end. 
After the mammogram—which is uncomfortable to begin with, but throw in wearing Jesse’s N-95 mask and it was downright obnoxious—I sat for another 20 minutes in the examination room and waited for the results. No magazines, no phone, only the hum of the radiology machine and the shwoosh of the waves that played in a relaxing nature video on the wall behind my head. 
I turned my chair around to have a better view of the waves and considered the strange and unexpected calm I had felt in my body since the moment I entered the hospital—in spite of the boob-smooshing mammo, uncomfortable mask, and being in very close proximity to other (highly exposed) nurses. 
My assessment: this was the affect of clear-enforced protocols. 
It made me think of how we, as a culture, have been children without a parent (or with one highly dysfunctional one) in this pandemic. We are given unclear rules that some of us follow, some of us rebel against, and that leaves everyone in a state of high-alert exhaustion and confusion.
The radiology tech returned and said, “It all looks great!” before promptly excusing herself so I could get dressed. What a fucking relief.
I slid my mask off and put in on the counter in order to put my shirt back on. Then, I realized what I had done, and lurched for it with a slow-motion grab—Nooooooo—and the peace and perspective I’d just been cultivating shattered in an instant. I was mortified.
But then, I wasn’t. 
I laughed, quiet but out loud. Softening with myself, at the utter inconceivability of getting it all right. The troubling impact of the hyper-germ-awareness boot camp we’ve all undergone over the last 6-weeks-plus was apparent. 
Then I thought of an image I saw in the Washington Post, of people on the beaches of Florida that reopened this week. One beach in particular was teeming with scantily clad people, holding beers and standing too close, and not a single mask in sight. It glared with the phrase FUCK IT ALL, WE’LL DO AS WE DAMN WELL PLEASE.
It makes me think of the kids at the park, back when we went to parks, who run amuck and fend for themselves while their parents are absorbed in their phones. Poor dears, scrambling for guidance.
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likeshipsonthesea · 5 years
I just saw that post about what would you do if you became disgustingly rich and the one indulgence, but can you imagine that sort of conversation taking place between the frogs? Or even the house occupants? I feel like it would be an interesting avenue for a character study! Especially since recently you mentioned the whole low income to ivy league feels you can get out of Bitty and Dex!
{hey so sorry i took so long to respond to this! work got crazy andthen i moved my entire life back home in a nissan ultima that did not have enough room and then i spent theremaining time cuddling my cats.. so yeah, just watched kingsman for the firsttime, am IN LOVE, and ready to respond to an ask.. i don’t understand my braineither}
the above? written three days ago.. to you and to everyone who’s sent in asks/prompts, please know that i DO want to respond, but my brain has been half-dead recently and i’ve started a bunch of things but can’t seem to finish them (my drafts are unfortunately filling up and my desktop has like seven starts of wips and i am Tired) so i am going to do my best here to respond to this ask now
(also the link for the post referenced above is here and for my amended thoughts on bitty’s relationship to wealth see this add on to the post you mentioned in this ask)
i was going to write out a whole fic but it’s going to have to be a fic outline kind of thing because my brain is not in the Make Words mode rn so this is what we get..
i think the conversation starts on a random night when all the boys are in the haus, let’s set it during bitty’s softie year (so zimbits and shardo are not yet together, frogs are still in their first year, jack is still captain, you get it) and let’s make it a random night where they’re all hanging out but it’s not a kegster
maybe it’s the night after a kegster, a weekend, no game or anything, and there’s leftover tubjuice to get rid of so they cut it with some orange juice (a Bad Idea) and sit on the floor of the living room and just, like,, talk for hours. the kind of meandering, heavy-and-then-not kind of talks, where you feel comfortable and languid and forget what time is, for a bit. maybe you break out into showtunes for a while, maybe you play truth or dare. who knows. it’s great. and when you notice the sun has risen and you’re well and truly fucked, well. at least you have the memories to get you through the following day
so it’s one of those nights, yeah, and it hasn’t reached morning quite yet but it’s late, sometime after yesterday (”it doesn’t count as tomorrow until you fall asleep” shitty asserts, at six a.m., leaning heavily between jack and nursey with a joint hanging out of his mouth) and they’re all sitting around, in somewhat of a lull in conversation, where everyone’s relaxing somewhat into their seats and thinking about the last topic of conversation (top hats) or maybe the one before that (family dinners) and emotions are flowing strangely and nothing seems exactly real
and then someone, we don’t know who, puts it out there, says, “what do you think you’d do if you were rich?” and yeah we’ve got a bunch of college students in this economy in the room but, well, we’ve also got a room full of ivy kids (we know, at least, that shitty and nursey and jack are not strangers to this concept) so when people blink at the asker all, ‘i dunno man’ they clarify and say, “if you were stupidly rich, like, what would be the ridiculous thing you’d do? that the tabloids would report on, people would be outraged about, you know?”
and, well, that takes a moment.
after some thinking, bitty decides he’d want a ridiculously decked out kitchen, with a rotating pantry that’s always fully stocked (either by magic or a 24/7 team of shoppers, he hasn’t decided yet)
jack frowns for a long time (probably busy storing bitty’s idea for an anniversary present at a latter date, though he doesn’t know he’s in love with bits at the time) but eventually comes up with his own private hockey rink, except the ice is made of maple syrup.
(”how would that even work,” holster asks incredulously. ransom just fist-bumps jack solemnly. o’canada plays vaguely in the background)
holster decides he’d want to be carried everywhere (”what about the dudes from wall-e bro?” ransom asks, wide-eyed, and holster pats his shoulder. “i’d come down for leg day, bro, don’t worry.” dex is ignored in the background, throwing his hands up, utterly done)
ransom wants a smart-house, completely decked out with ai, and when shitty points out that movies say that ends with the house murdering him, ransom says that if he didn’t do everything a movie told him was bad, how would he ever have any fun in life? shitty frowns for a moment, confused, but eventually proceeds without questioning too hard.
shitty, on the other hand, wants his entire house to be a library. “i don’t know exactly how i’d organize it yet,” he says, “hopefully something clever, like shit books in the bathroom or something, but i have time to work out a system.” books would be stored in ridiculous places, like the microwave, or inside the couch, and finding them would be either a delightful surprise or a frustrating adventure. dex laments to no one in the background while nursey fist-bumps shitty in solidarity.
lardo says she’d buy housing developments, lower the rents to next-to-nothing, and paint ridiculously sized murals all over the walls, make sculptures out of skylines and left-behind furniture. (”hey that sounds nice, i thought the rules were we had to be ridiculous,” ransom protests. lardo grins. “let me finish”) she would eventually amass so much wealth and real estate that she would eventually buy entire countries, until she could rule the world as a benevolent dictator.
everyone in the room shivers, because they know it’s a possibility.
nursey, mellowing the tone, says he’d get a jetpack. he hates flying but he thinks he’d be okay knowing he’s in control, and he could travel anywhere he wanted without going through the hassle of an airport. “all i’d have to pay for is the fuel,” he says, grinning, and dex rolls his eyes. “yeah, and all the inevitably property damage resulting from you operating a flying machine.” nursey, very maturely, sticks his tongue out at dex in response.
dex, for his part, doesn’t really know what he’d do. he can’t imagine having enough money to spend it irresponsibly, at least not to that degree. securing his family, with houses and cars and savings accounts, securing himself. maybe going on some fun trips. buy a nice pair of shoes. “come on poindexter, one thing.” nursey pokes dex in the side and he squirms. “if you could pick one stupid, ridiculous thing to do with your money, what would it be?”
dex thinks, trying to be outrageous but also something he thinks he would enjoy. after a series of long moments, he decides. “i’d have a swimming pool installed in my house so i could swim from room to room without having to get out once.”
the room blinks. nursey grins and pats dex on the shoulder. “there ya go, you nerd.” dex smiles, pleased, and also now wanting exactly that.
chowder, who’s been waiting patiently the entire time, finally bursts out, very quickly, “i would buy the san jose sharks and an aquarium and once a year i would make them switch places.”
“how would that even…” ransom shakes his head. chowder is beaming too much to dim his spirits.
“on that note, y’all, i think it’s time to head to bed.”
the night sky is steadily lightening and a series of yawns disperse across the room. and then the team, like their author, rises from their spots, stretches, and leaves to find their bed, dreams of stupid wealth dancing in their heads.
thank you, and good night. ;)
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codevassie · 5 years
Hi (ノ^o^)ノso i saw ur post about accepting one shot request and i was hoping if you could make a fluff one where Ash and Eiji are somewhat internet friends and their friends made a plan that would make them both see each other for the first time. :3c btw love your works ☺☺
CV: I don’t know what I wrote. Please, just take it.
I’m so sorry this took so long!! School is destroying me but I’m trying to do things that I enjoy so I can keep stable. Hence, this one-shot was So Much Fun to write. This turned out nothing like I thought it would though, tbh. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything like this. Which is weird bc I’ve wanted to do internet friends au for a while, and now, with the chance, I turned it into a crack fic. RIP. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thank you for the fun request!
And, thank you so much! It’s so funny to see when people find me who already like my stuff lol. It warms my heart
Bringing his phone’s camera up, Ash took a quick picture of his shoes, kicked up on the table, to send to Eiji. It wasn’t anything special, anything significant. It was a conversation starter, because Ash was bored out of his mind and, hopefully, Eiji wasn’t too busy with class to reply.
“Nadia’s not gonna like that,” Shorter said from the table next to his in the Wong’s family-owned restaurant. His table, in contrast to Ash’s which held only his dirty red converse, was scattered in papers, covered in an incomprehensible jumble of symbols in light and harsh pencil, two different handwritings. Surprisingly, the lighter was Shorter’s, while the heavier, harsher handwriting was Sing’s, the kid from Shorter’s neighborhood he was helping with homework.
Ash shrugged, but slid his feet off the table, glancing toward the boy next to Shorter. He was frowning down at his paper, scratching his head with a cheap mechanical pencil that had the tip almost chewed completely off. He was short and had a billowy-looking jacket on. It was hard to believe he was a high school student, to be honest, and Ash wondered what it must be like to see him in his university classes. He dual-enrolled at one of the colleges close by. Sing was a smart kid. It made him wonder why he’d go to Shorter, of all people, for help. Most people didn’t typically see Shorter as the “smart” sort.
But Sing had known Shorter for most of his life, apparently. And he looked up to the guy a lot. Not that Ash, as Shorter’s best friend, knew him that well because of it. To be honest, Ash could count on a single hand how many times he’d met the kid over the years.
The kid was weird too. He didn’t really talk to Ash, and refused to look at him when Ash tried to make eye-contact. The second Ash looked away, though, he could feel the kid staring. It was a little unsettling, but he could tell Sing didn’t mean any harm, so he pretty much ignored it.
Ash’s phone buzzed where it was still safely clutched in hand, and his eyes snapped away from the two at the other table. When he looked at the screen, he confirmed his hopes with a slight leap in his heart, and clicked eagerly into his messages where a picture had been sent in response. It was of a pair of tennis shoes, walking along a sidewalk, going by the slight blurriness of the picture. Surprisingly, it was a pretty ugly picture.
Ash: i thought you said you were a photography student damn
Eiji: Meanie! For your information, I am carrying twelve hundred pounds of textbooks in my bag rn so leave me alone >:(
Ash: >:P
Eiji: >:P
Ash chuckled, about to reply again when Shorter’s voice carried over, sounding amused.
“Hey, dude, stop making kissy faces at your phone and come help with this problem.”
Ash looked up, a frown on his face. “I was not making kissy faces,” he said, defensively, shutting off his phone anyway.
“Oh, really?” Shorter asked, voice teasing. “So that wasn’t Eiji you were texting?”
Sing looked up, curious now and suddenly able to look at Ash. It took him aback for a moment. “Eiji?” he asked.
It was Ash’s turn to avoid Sing’s gaze, getting up to move over to the table. He pulled the paper toward him, looking at the problem in question while Shorter took it upon himself to explain.
“Eiji is Ash’s online crush,” he said. Ash sent him a death glare. “Online friend,” he corrected, not sounding too serious about the correction, truthfully. Ash gave up, taking a pencil and scratching out the steps to the problem on a blank sheet.
“Really?” Sing asked, sounding surprised. Ash’s pocket vibrated and he reached for it immediately. Shorter laughed.
Eiji: Natto for lunch! I know how much you like it!
Ash rolled his eyes and got to work typing out a reply. He didn’t notice the contemplative look Sing had adopted as he watched him.
To tell the truth, Eiji really didn’t like his statistics class. Math had never been his forte, no, but that wasn’t even the worst of it. His professor kind of sucked. In that way where he goes insanely fast through the material, doesn’t work any of it out on the board, and gets irritated when a student has a question. Eiji usually tried to keep an open mind about people, especially math professors, who get bad reps just for being math professors, but this guy really got on his nerves.
But, at least he had friends in this class. When Eiji entered the lecture hall that day, Yut-Lung was already sitting in his usual spot, carefully unpacking materials from his bag and placing them one-by-one on the table. When Eiji approached, he greeted Yut-Lung with a big smile.
“Good afternoon, Yut-Lung!”
Yut-Lung looked up, already sighing. His shoulders were both tense and resigned at once. With an annoyed eye, he observed Eiji moving into the seat, Eiji’s usual spot as well, beside him.
“Eiji Okumura,” he greeted, nothing but cordial. He placed a few pens neatly beside his notebook, then a calculator.
Eiji wasn’t stupid. He knew Yut-Lung wasn’t his biggest fan. But Eiji thought that maybe with a little patience and respect and kindness, he could crack that cold exterior. He wanted to be friends with Yut-Lung, and, believe it or not, he’d already made tremendous progress. It was a little dissuading at times, especially when it was almost the end of semester and Eiji couldn’t think of any reason Yut-Lung would continue seeing him when this class was over, but he wouldn’t give up.
“Hey, guys,” another voice joined and Eiji perked up. When Sing took the seat on the other side of Yut-Lung, Eiji waved. Yut-Lung even spared a ‘hello’ for the boy. Sing was, apparently, a lot better at getting to know Yut-Lung. Instead of dissuading Eiji further, however, it gave him hope. Yut-Lung could be befriended. This was the proof. Plus, Sing was a good friend of Eiji’s too and he couldn’t be mad at him for something like that.
“How are you today, Sing?” Eiji asked as Sing plopped his bag onto the table in front of him and unzipped it. Before Sing could respond, however, Eiji’s phone went off. Though he knew it was rude, Eiji couldn’t help but take it out immediately. It was a text from Ash.
Ash: good luck in hell class today
Eiji beamed at the message as his heart warmed. He’d complained about stat to Ash plenty, who even helped with his homework and studying a lot. The guy was some kind of genius with his double major, double minor, and insane knowledge in the STEM field and politics. If only he could pick what he wanted to do and stick with it.
“Who’s that?” Sing asked and Eiji looked up, blinking, having been too immersed in the phone to pick up what he’d said.
“He asked who you’re texting after you asked him a question,” Yut-Lung explained, raising a single eyebrow in his direction. Eiji’s cheeks colored.
“Oh, it’s just Ash,” he explained. Yut-Lung rolled his eyes, but he could see a certain softness to them. Eiji had told Yut-Lung about Ash before. It was one topic that seemed to amuse him enough to carry on a conversation with Eiji.
“Ash?” Sing asked, sounding a little off. When Eiji looked over, there was a strange, thrilled look to his face. Eiji furrowed his brows, confused.
“Yes? He’s a friend online. I met him through my blog,” he explained. Sing laughed incredulously. “What?” Eiji asked.
But Sing just shook his head. “Nothing.”
Eiji, confused, looked over at Yut-Lung, but he ,himself, was looking at Sing with narrowed eyes. Eiji opened his mouth to ask again, but, just then, their professor spoke up, starting class. Frowning, Eiji sat back and accepted his fate. He’d just have to ask again later.
Out of sight, Sing began typing on his own phone under the table. Beside him, Yut-Lung’s phone went off in his bag. Elsewhere, Shorter’s buzzed to life.
Sing: Yut-Lung, Shorter, I think I’ve discovered something great.
It was odd how receptive Yut-Lung had been towards him lately. In class, he nodded a lot more when Eiji spoke to him. He walked with him after class until they had to split, asking questions and even calling him just ‘Eiji’ instead of the dreaded full ‘Eiji Okumura’ which made his name sound like a sin. Yut-Lung had even asked him to lunch a couple times these past few weeks.
He was a huge gossip, Eiji came to find, and used to his advantage in conversations. Eiji could gossip, and Yut-Lung loved hearing it all. For someone who liked to keep to himself, he sure liked to know everything about everyone.
One topic that Eiji already knew was a favorite of Yut-Lung’s came up quite often. But, of that, Eiji was a bit more reluctant to talk about. Ash was… special. He was Eiji’s friend. He trusted Eiji with all he told about himself. But Yut-Lung didn’t seem too interested in the personal stuff. Mostly, well…
“You haven’t told Ash how you feel yet?”
“What? How-” Eiji had squeaked, eyes wide, but Yut-Lung had waved it off.
“It’s very obvious,” he said. “Painfully.”
So. There was that. But there was also a lot of questions about the two in general. How did they meet? Did they know where one another lived? Did they know each other’s full names or what they looked like? The answer to most of these was no. Eiji and Ash didn’t talk about the surface personal things. But, they had shared pictures of themselves once before.
“So he knows what you look like?” Yut-Lung had asked, looking very interested.
“Yes?” Eiji had responded, feeling like he was missing something from the look in Yut-Lung’s eyes. But it was never explained.
As odd as it all was, Eiji was mostly just happy that he was finally getting through to Yut-Lung. And sometimes even without Sing around. Eiji was finally allowing himself to believe that maybe their friendship could survive past the semester.
So, when Yut-Lung invited him and Sing to lunch after yet another horrible statistics class, it wasn’t a surprise. Eiji cheerfully packed up his things and they headed out, walking to a simple cafe. It wasn’t Yut-Lung’s style but, having gone to lunch with Eiji and Sing, two horribly broke normal college students, he’d learned to adapt.
Today, Sing was very excited for some reason. Even Yut-Lung allowed a small smile as they walked along the sidewalk of busy lunch rush Manhattan. When Eiji had asked them about it, however, they brushed it off, leaving Eiji a bit put off. He frowned, but allowed them to continue on, walking without conversation.
When they arrived at the cafe, they approached the line and Eiji scanned the menu above the counter, outlined in chalk. Usually, Eiji just ordered a soup, but he might go for a sandwich today.
Eiji was standing directly behind someone who was taller than him, with a yellow hoodie and purple mohawk. It was a pretty cool mohawk, but Eiji knew better than to stare, so he shifted to the side in order to look up at the menu. The movement, though, was enough to bring the guy’s attention to him.
His eyes lit up as he took him in. When Eiji noticed, he looked behind him, wondering if it only looked as though the stranger looked… excited. To see… him. Eiji, however, didn’t find anything behind him to warrant the reaction. When he turned back, the guy was giving Sing a thumbs up. “Heya, Sing.”
“Shorter, what’s up, man?” Sing asked, looking behind and around the guy for a second, as if for something specific. Something missing.
“Nothing much. Just stopping by for lunch with my bud,” Shorter said, and somewhere in Eiji’s mind the name sounded familiar. Maybe Sing had mentioned him before? “He stepped into the bathroom, but he’ll be back.”
“Perfect,” Sing said. And that was a weird thing to say. But then Eiji’s phone buzzed and, for a second, he hoped it was a text from Ash, until the buzzing continued, signaling it was a call. He slipped it out of his pocket, checking the caller ID.
“Crap,” he cursed, pressing answer immediately. “Hi, Ibe. I’m sorry; I forgot I said I’d help you today. I’m on my way right now.”
Listening to Ibe’s reply, Eiji nodded, reassuring the man it was no big deal - that he could make it. He hurried to get off the phone, embarrassed at his blunder, and ready to rush over as quickly as he could.
When he did get off the phone, he turned to apologize to his friends. He was surprised to find they were already standing, watching him. Sing looked a little panicked. Even his friend Shorter looked like he had swallowed something whole, the uncomfortable feeling stuck in his throat. Eiji, however, didn’t have time.
“I’m really sorry, guys. I totally forgot I had something scheduled.”
Yut-Lung, ever the quickest and most snappish, immediately spoke up. “Now. It has to be now?”
“Yeah, I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you guys,” Eiji said, already backing away and checking the time. He could make it if he hurried. The shoot would be starting soon. “Bye, guys!”
And, with that, he darted out the door.
When Ash came out of the bathroom, he took in the scene. Shorter, Sing, who he hadn’t expected to see there, and one other guy he didn’t know, staring blankly out the door, a large empty gap between them and the register, and the employee behind it looking irritatedly their way.
“What did I miss?” he asked.
Ash was content to scroll through his phone for the rest of the day if he could. Over and over again through the same five photos. Because Eiji had uploaded new pictures to his blog, and Ash loved Eiji’s photography. It had been the reason he’d first found Eiji’s blog, spamming his own with reblogs enough that Eiji had actually reached out to say thank you. It had been a little embarrassing, but one of the best decisions of his life. If he hadn’t gone all stalker mode on Eiji’s beautiful photos, they probably would have never talked and then where would Ash be?
Not only were the photos beautiful, though, but they were completely new. Since coming to university in America, Eiji hadn’t posted anything. These were the very first, and they were of a city so alike New York that Ash held onto the tiniest hope that it was. Hence, why he seemed to determined to stare at them all day. Why he scanned them for anything familiar; why he took in every detail he could. It was a stretch. He knew that. There were plenty of cities Eiji could have gone for university. But it didn’t stop that incessant little hope.
One picture was of a tree in a city park, framed with green grass below and grey buildings above. Another was of a bakery display, the colors of each pastry popping with Eiji’s brilliant use of angles and light. Ash didn’t know much about photography, but just by how pleasing it was to the natural eye, he could tell Eiji was good.
“Let’s go out to lunch,” Shorter said.
“Are we going all the way across town again?” Ash asked. When Shorter hummed, Ash sighed. “You own a restaurant. Why do you want to go so far to grab a sandwich?”
“We don’t serve sandwiches!” Shorter protested. Ash continued to examine the photo he was on for the umpteenth time, committing it to memory. It was a street corner. No street signs. It actually looked like a dump, to be honest. It showed an alley with some trash and crumbling brick walls, but the color in the setting sun was vibrant. The red of the bricks and paleness of the sidewalk. Somehow, Eiji had directed a unique lens on the scene, as if he was looking on it all with a tender gaze. How he could see the alley with such tenderness mystified and enthralled Ash.
“The place up the street serves sandwiches,” Ash responded absently. The picture was so like New York. Ash hoped it was New York.
Maybe he should just ask Eiji…
No. That was a horrible idea. Why would Eiji trust him with that information? He was just some random dude online.
“I told Sing I’d meet him after his class, though,” Shorter argued and Ash sighed, giving up on the image for now. He put the phone in his pocket and stood up.
“Fine,” he conceded. Shorter whooped and they left. They took the bus and chatted a little. Shorter told him they were meeting Sing at a food stand, then heading to the park to meet with some of Sing’s friends. Ash grumbled a bit about meeting people, but mostly looked out the window for the ride, watching the Manhattan landscape slide past.
That was when he saw it.
He jumped to his feet, hand on the rope above their heads and calling for a stop. Shorter was already asking what the hell was up, but Ash just darted off the bus when it stopped, hoping his friend would just follow. He couldn’t explain until they were there. He didn’t want to say his suspicions out loud until he knew for sure.
It probably wasn’t anyway. He was getting his hopes up.
Ash ran until he stopped in front of an alley beside a shoe store. It wasn’t sunset, the trash had shifted and changed a bit, but, if he stood just so. Yes. That was it.
“He’s in New York,” Ash breathed.
That was when Shorter caught up. “What the hell, man?” he yelled, out of breath, but Ash was still standing, transfixed.
He was right. Eiji was here. He was right.
But he still couldn’t bring himself to tell his friend. Suddenly, the knowledge felt too big, too much. It was real, so real, but it was too big for him to speak of. Shorter was his best friend, but he couldn’t bring himself to share his elation.
Because this brought on a whole new dilemma. Was he going to say something to Eiji?
“Ash, come on dude,” Shorter begged now. “I told Sing we’d be there. His friends are going to be waiting at the park.”
But Ash shook his head. “I’m not going.”
“What?” Shorter asked, voice suddenly strangled.
“I have to go,” Ash said, tearing his eyes away from the alley.
“But- Ash!” Shorter protested, but Ash was already walking away. He felt his friend keeping pace beside him, hand gestures wide and voice incredulous, demanding to know what was up, trying to persuade him to turn around, to come with him. Ash shook his head again and again.
In the end, he got Shorter to go without him. He had told Sing he’d meet up with him; he should go.
When Ash boarded the bus headed back to their end of town, Shorter cursed.
“Damn it,” he sighed, watching the bus pull away.
That night, Eiji posted a picture of a park full of people and a grey sky.
“I’m getting real tired of their shit,” Sing stated one evening when the three of them - him, Yut-Lung, and Shorter - met up.
“You’re getting tired?” Yut-Lung cried. “You don’t have to deal with them directly. Do you know how many times Eiji has looked the wrong way at the wrong time? Had to run off? Been lost in his thoughts? They’ve stood three feet apart on the subway and there was nothing I could do to get them to actually see each other!”
“And they haven’t even been texting each other all that much lately,” Shorter said. “I ask about Eiji and Ash gets really weird these days.”
“Do you think they know?” Sing asked, looking alarmed. Sure, that was their goal, but they’d worked so hard for it to be a surprise.
“Eiji is oblivious. I ask him constantly for updates on Ash. He doesn’t tell me much either, but he does say enough that I know he doesn’t get how close they are.” Yut-Lung said, flicking a piece of hair out of his face.
Shorter just shrugged. “Like I said, Ash gets weird when I ask about Eiji. I don’t know anything.”
“You don’t think something happened between them?” Sing asked, looking back and forth between Yut-Lung and Shorter, gauging their reactions. The two looked at each other, frowning.
“Time for more sleuthing?” Shorter asked. Yut-Lung gave a flat look, then shook his head.
“I say we continue. Seeing each other’s stupid faces will be enough to solve whatever petty feud they have.”
“Our plans aren’t exactly working though,” Sing pointed out, to which Yut-Lung sent a less than pleased look.
“It’s time for a more direct route then,” he said, whipping out his phone. “I am done with this scheme.”
Eiji: Hey! How are you today?
Eiji spent a tremendous amount of time looking at their chat after sending this message before giving up and putting his phone away. He looked out the window of his apartment, noting the soft light and gentle sky. It really was picturesque. It was one of the reasons he had gotten the apartment, other than the fact that it was close by the university and was kind of affordable-ish. He wasn’t in the mood for photography at the moment, though.
It had been a week since he’d had a real conversation with Ash. He supposed it wasn’t that long, really. He didn’t even contact home weekly. But, when it came to Ash, the absence was like an ache in his chest - in his heart.
He tried to reassure himself that it was just because Ash was busy. It was close to midterms, after all. It wasn’t anything Eiji had done. It wasn’t… right? Or, worse, Ash couldn’t have been getting tired of him?
Eiji shook his head, ridding his mind of the thoughts. It wouldn’t do him any good to lose himself in them. Instead, he stood and grabbed his camera bag and wallet, heading for the door. Maybe he was in the mood for photography. Just not here.
He wanted to calm down and forget the world through the lens of his camera. He wanted to stretch his legs throughout the city of New York. New York was beautiful, from its most beautiful buildings to its most rundown alleys. Everything there had character, had a story, and Eiji wanted to discover that story.
So, swinging his camera bag over his shoulder, Eiji stepped into his shoes by the door. He shrugged on his cardigan, patted himself down for his keys and phone - his hand rested on his phone, imagining the annoying chime lighting up his day with a reply from Ash.
He hoped he heard from Ash soon.
Then Eiji stepped out the door. Before he even heard the thump and click of it shutting behind him, before he could turn to lock it up and be headed on his way-
Eiji saw black.
Ash wasn’t putting up with this shit. He didn’t know why Blanca was even here, but it was bullshit that he could still subdue Ash so easily. When he came to in a strange place - elaborate decor, but not of the fashion Ash was used to; he really had no idea where he was - he was fuming when he saw Blanca’s face first. The bastard had made the mistake of leaving him unbound, though, and he was about to learn exactly how much of a mistake that was-
But then-
“What the hell, Yut-Lung?” a familiar voice exclaimed and Ash’s head snapped in its direction. Shorter was walking into the room, straight for Ash. “This is not what I had in mind when you said a more direct route.”
“This way there’s no chance for them to not see each other.”
“You’re insane,” Shorter stated, turning back to him suddenly, but Yut-Lung just rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to squabble further until Blanca cleared his throat, silencing them both.
“He’s awake,” Blanca announced. They both turned suddenly to Ash.
“Ash!” Shorter exclaimed, rushing up to him. “Are you hurt?”
Instead of answering, Ash blinked once. Then twice. “Shorter,” he said. “What. The. Fuck.”
“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know that bastard was gonna-”
“Excuse me?” Yut-Lung exclaimed from not too far away. Shorter turned back ready to argue again. While they were arguing, Ash had a short stare down with a blatantly unamused Blanca. He sat forward in the chair he had been thrown into, a simple fold-out one - not very comfortable.
That’s when a new voice joined the mix. And this one was one Ash had never heard before. He turned toward the door where two figures had come in, Sing and another boy, looking groggy and rubbing at his head. Ash furrowed his brow, examining the boy. Something about him looked familiar.
“What’s going on?”
All faces turned toward him. All went silent. Then, there was a lot of back and forths, shaking heads. They seemed to be looking between him and the boy. Ash, puzzled, looked again at the other.
The boy, too, seemed to catch on, looking to where everyone else was, and his eyes connected with Ash’s. Suddenly, Ash could piece together why the boy looked so familiar. How could he have not seen it before? This was- This was-
“Eiji?” Ash asked, incredulous. Eiji’s eyes widened and something clicked in his eyes too.
“Ash!” he said, rushing forward. Ash leaped up just in time to catch Eiji in his arms. “Oh my gosh! How are you here?”
“How are you here?” Ash asks back, setting Eiji back down to look at him, to really take in the fact that he was here - right in front of him. Eiji still looks surprised, but he’s beaming up at him, laughing.
“I- I don’t-” he laughs, then turns back to Sing. Ash looks towards Sing too, one eyebrow raised, while Sing rapidly starts to turn dark and darker shades of red.
“It- it was Yut-Lung’s idea!” he exclaimed.
“You said it was fine!” Yut-Lung argued.
“You said what?” Shorter asked, looking betrayed.
“I thought he was joking!”
“Wait,” Eiji suddenly spoke up, and everyone looked over. He was looking right at Shorter. “You’re Sing’s friend from the sandwich shop!”
Everyone went silent. Shorter’s eyes went a little wide. Ash looked between them all, his own gaze landing on the one occupant in the room he probably knew the least.
And- that guy-
Yut-Lung must have noticed his stare, because he looked toward him with a raised brow. He looked like he was waiting for something.
Then, it clicked. Oh.
“Oh my god.”
“Twelve different attempts to have you two meet,” Yut-Lung said. “You’re welcome.”
Ash and Eiji looked at each other. Something seemed to pass through their gazes and they burst into laughter. The rest of the room looked on, Shorter smiling, Sing looking a little shocked. Yut-Lung sighed, but there was the smallest trace of a smile on his lips.
“Can I go?” Blanca asked from the corner.
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anony-phangirl · 6 years
Idk if I sent this or not but prinxiety request Virgil doesn't like hugs he refuses them, so why does he get so mad when he sees Logan or patton hug Roman. Logan and patton are sick of it especially since they keep offering hugs and virgil refuses them. They are in the common room doing there own thing and cuddling Roman, Virgil walks in and makes a disgusted sound and patton confronts virgil about what's wrong Virgil without realizing yells I don't want hugs from you I want them from roman
Pairing: Prinxiety (can’t help myself, turned romantic by accident XD), and maybe hinted Logicality??? And some platonic loving from LMP (because cuddles!! I live for it.)
Summary: Virgil wouldn’t accept a hug from you unless you’re Roman.
Warnings: Maybe some swearing… And a kiss… Tell me if I need to add something!
A/N: Well, hope you like this!
—– —– —– —– —–
Virgil didn’t like being hugged.
It wasn’t like he minded physical contact though, he doesn’t, it’s completely fine to touch him, but hugs? They were completely off limits. And both Logan and Patton had no idea why.
But that’s the thing though, apart from himself, he also seems to not like it whenever Logan and-slash-or Patton hugged Roman. And it raised Logan’s suspicions…
Which is how they ended up here, in Logan’s room.
“Lo, what exactly are we doing? And what are you trying to prove?” Patton innocently asked from his place on the bed, a small teddy bear, that suspiciously looked like Logan, clutched by his gentle hands.
“Well Patton, we are about to find out why Virgil strangely dislikes being hugged by us, and that also applies to finding out the reason behind his odd dislike towards us hugging Roman. There must be a connection.” Logan explained, looking at his paper-filled, still somehow organized, desk. “Now, I have two hypothesis. One is that Virgil may have had trouble with trusting this particular contact with us because of previous events, possibly because Deceit and that other guy. But with that, I do not see a probable reason for him disliking us hugging Roman. Which lead to my second hypothesis, which is Virgil having feelings for the creative facet.”
Patton gasped at that before happily exclaiming, “You mean Prinxiety could sail?!”
“Well, if by ‘Prinxiety’ you mean Roman and Virgil, and by ‘could sail’ you mean they could possibly end up together, then yes. Prinxiety could indeed sail.” Logan clarified, making Patton happily squeal. “But for that to happen, we will need confirmation from the anxious facet himself. And I know he won’t just up and admit it, so… Here’s the plan…”
Virgil dragged himself out of his room, stomach rumbling. A sign of hunger.
Maybe he could payback Logan for stealing, or as Lo would put it “borrowing, only without permission”, his iPod that one time by eating a bit of his crofters.
Virgil smirked at the idea. Yeah, that works.
As he was about to head to the commons, he saw a couple of people cuddled up on the couch in the commons… Actually, those aren’t just two people… It was three, which meant Patton and Logan were both cuddled up against Roman, and oh God, why does the kitchen entrance have to be in the commons?
Virgil tried to supress his obvious dislike towards the actions of the other three on the couch, with Roman’s arms wrapped around both sides. Logan head, resting of the prince’s shoulder as an arm was obviously wrapped around his waist, while Patton was full on hugging the other side.
Virgil wasn’t able to help the noise of disgust that left his lips, immediately grabbing the attention of the three sides.
All three seemed somewhat confused, and Roman’s cheeks tinted a hint of pink after spotting the Anxious side. Patton was the one to break the silence.
“What’s wrong kiddo? Is something bothering you?” He asked, an eyebrow raised while he tried to suppress his smile.
“Hugs…” Virgil muttered under his breath, before silently praying no one heard him.
“What about hugs?” Patton asked, feigning confusion. “Do you want one? Because I thought you didn’t like them but if you want I can-”
And at this point, Virgil had no control of his own voice as his thoughts slipped off his lips.
“No! I don’t want hugs from you! I want them from Roman!” He exclaimed, before clamping a hand to his mouth. Crap. He dun fucked up now.
A moment of silence passed between the four, with Logan internally celebrating with the grateful fact that his hypothesis was indeed, correct! And Patton already internally squealing for his possibly already sailed ship. Meanwhile the other two were blushing like mad. Just before Virgil, feeling completely embarrassed, left the scene and decided to hide in the kitchen.
Once he was gone, Patton let out small squeals as he visibly shook with joy, and Logan smirked.
“Well then are you going after him or not Prince Charming?” Logan rhetorically asked, snapping Princey back to their reality.
Roman nodded, quickly going into the kitchen to find his anxious bean sitting on the counter top, Peanut Butter Jelly sandwich in hand, and a wine glass of Gatorade next to him.
“Hi…” Roman shyly greeted, to which Virgil responded with a nod, before silence fell upon them once again, only the shushed sound of the tv from the commons and Virgil’s mostly-silent eating.
“So about awhile ago…” Roman decided on, breaking the unbearable silence. “What- What were you implying?”
Virgil sighed, there’s no escape anymore, is there? Well, he knew it was inevitable, he had to tell Princey someday.
“I- I like you, okay Roman?" Virgil softly replied, placing down his partially eaten sandwich. “A lot… And I have for a long while now… And I know it’s highly impossible that you’d retur-”
“I like you too Virgil!” Roman happily exclaimed, his face graced with a large smile. "Have for a while now, and at this point, I could even say that I’m falling for you!”
Virgil’s eyes widened in surprise, because, WHAT!?! ROMAN LIKED HIM BACK!?! Well then…
“I- You- You like me back?” Virgil asked in disbelief.
“Of course I do!” Roman exclaimed in a hushed tone, as he got closer to Virgil until their faces were inches apart. “I can prove it if you’d let me…”
Virgil’s eyes dropped down to Roman’s lips before going back to his gorgeous passion-filled eyes, then he nodded a bit just before Roman connected their lips. Hands and arms wrapped around each other as they kissed a soft gentle kiss.
And Virgil felt content.
—– —– —– —– —–
Alriiiight! That sucked!
Anyway! Eyy!! Hello!! Sorry if Helplessly In Love is taking a while! But I’m working on it, so no need to worry on that. :)
Anyway hope you enjoyed this, and I hope this was what you were looking for anon! Thanks for reading!! Now Imma go get some shut eye. ^-^
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
Hi um that princess diaries thing was perfect and I'm obligated to ask, would you please please pretty please with a cherry on top write more?? I'm just like in love rn???
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finally getting around to this hahahaha. oh god. there’s so much. -whispers- so much. oh and also, reminder that yurio’s approaching 21 in this series because let’s be real. why would you let a 16 year old rule a country.
The Midsummer Ball has barely started, and Yuri Plisetsky, ward and heir to King Viktor Nikiforov of Petersburg, already wants to leave it. 
By Petersburg custom, as an unwedded heir, he is obliged to dance with every single eligible person on the guest list. The problem with that is, of course, that a significant number of guests are eligible. And many of them are… well. Viktor would probably disapprove, but Yuri would rather stick out his eyes and chop off his legs than have to dance with another one of these chucklefucks for another moment.
It had started out innocently enough, with one of his partners speaking absolutely no English or Russian. The lady had been an okay dancer, even if all she spoke was Greek to Yuri’s ears. 
(No, really. She spoke nothing but Greek.)
Then there had been the English nobleman who had been counting his steps the entire time they danced (and Yuri had to roll his eyes every time his miscounts threw them off the beat), and then the too-boisterous French business magnate who danced like he was trying to land a plane, and the American steel tycoon who believed that dancing fell under the purview of the Ministry of Silly Walks. After a while Yuri had moved away from the dance floor in order to regain his wits, and is now standing off to the side, surreptitiously cutting himself a slice of cake. In the shadows, he could see Agent Porker – Yuuri Katsuki, head of security and the King’s personal bodyguard – muttering something into his earpiece. 
“Sneaking food already?” he hears, and turns around to see a diminutive Chinese man, sharply dressed in a suit with a glass of punch in his hands.
“Guang-Hong!” It comes out a lot more enthusiastic than Yuri might have liked, but in truth, he’s too relieved to see his old classmate from Georgetown to care. “You made it! Is Leo here, too?”
“Yeah, he’s helping himself to the pear and brie crostini,” says Guang-Hong, gesturing over his shoulder. “Is the party treating you well?”
“If someone could shoot me in the head right now, that would be a small mercy,” mutters Yuri. Guang-Hong laughs at that, albeit a little hesitantly, and pats his forearm.
“Well, at least the food is good,” he reasons. Yuri nods, biting into his cake and leaning against the table as he does so, ignoring the strange looks directed at him by some of the older guests. 
“When I’m king, I’m never going to invite old people to my parties,” he mutters. “Too much judgement.”
“Sounds reasonable,” remarks Guang-Hong as he sips his punch from next to him. “I still can’t believe you’re going to be king by the end of the year. Why’s King Nikiforov stepping down? He’s still pretty young himself.”
“Don’t let his age fool you,” says Yuri with a snort. “He’s practically decrepit. Going bald and everything.” He pauses. “It’s probably because he and Agent Porker have some sort of understanding, and part of that understanding includes not getting married while Viktor’s still king.”
“Really?” asks Guang-Hong, wide-eyed. 
Yuri shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m just guessing, based off the way they can’t stop sending googly eyes at each other from across a fucking crowded ballroom.” That last part is slightly louder than appropriate, and directed right at Viktor, who’s currently greeting Prime Minister Feltsman with his usual public smile. 
Viktor catches wind of it, and raises an eyebrow at him, the spoilsport. 
Yuri sighs, and returns to clearing his cake. “That’s my theory, anyway,” he says, and Guang-Hong laughs.
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” he says. After Yuri finishes up the last bites of his cake, Guang-Hong begins to lead him over to where Leo is examining the other refreshments, and Yuri takes the opportunity to drop his plate and fork with a passing server.
He then collides with someone, the quiet ‘oof’ and feeling of stepping on a foot jolting him back into the present. 
The person he’s trod on is tall. Not too tall – coming up only half a head or so taller than Yuri himself – but fairly broad, with a carefully chiselled face and dark hair in an undercut. Yuri balks a little at his stony expression, and takes a step back. “Sorry,” he says. “I didn’t see where I was going.”
The man looks at him. “I’m sorry I was in the way, Your Highness,” he replies, his voice smooth and deep, reminding Yuri strangely of standing in a waterfall. He quells the shiver down his spine, and nods.
“Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” replies the man, managing the faintest of a smile. A little spot of pink has appeared in his cheeks. “As I said, the fault was entirely my own.”
Yuri raises an eyebrow. “Don’t want to exchange licenses or proof of insurance?” he jokes, and the man chuckles at that. 
“These shoes were a little big,” he says with a shrug, and Yuri tries to focus harder on the medals pinned to the man’s suit, instead of how nice his face is when he smiles. “Swelling should make them fit a little better.”
Yuri’s heart races a little faster. “How about a dance, then? To break in your new feet?” he suggests.
The man considers it, and then extends a hand. “The honour would be mine, Your Highness.”
“Yuri,” says Yuri immediately. “I prefer Yuri.”
“And I prefer Otabek,” replies the man. “Just Otabek.”
They step out onto the dance floor together, Otabek’s hand coming down to rest lightly on the small of Yuri’s back. Yuri puts his hand on Otabek’s shoulder in return, and steps with him in time to the waltz. It’s almost perfect. 
“I’m glad to see the swelling hasn’t affected your dancing, Otabek,” says Yuri after a couple turns. The words sound stupid even as they come out, but for some strange, miraculous reason Otabek seem to take them in stride.
“You could step on my foot any time you want, Your Highness,” he replies, and had it been anyone else at this moment Yuri would have gagged at that sentiment. As it is, he just smiles a little, and looks down at the medals on Otabek’s suit, and wonders why a man who looks so young seems to be so well-decorated.
But he doesn’t have long to wonder, because suddenly Otabek stops, and Yuri looks past him to find a little girl who couldn’t be more than twelve, waiting impatiently at Otabek’s shoulder.
“It is Princess Alex’s turn!” she declares, and Yuri sends a tight-lipped smile at Otabek, who shrugs and steps away to let Yuri dance with the newcomer. 
“Alex,” says Yuri, looking down at the girl as she tries to lead him in the waltz. “Don’t you have the Nishigori triplets to play with at this party? They’re usually here.”
“I’m almost thirteen,” she snaps in response. “They’re just eleven. They’re boring.”
“You’re twelve,” Yuri points out, trying not to wrinkle his nose at the smell of her perfume. “You’re not turning thirteen until the end of the year.”
Princess Alex completely ignores the comment. “If this were my party, we’d be kissing by now,” she declares.
“I’m twenty-one,” Yuri states, sending a baleful look over at where Guang-Hong and Leo are clearly laughing at his misfortune. What friends.
“Can I blow in your ear?”
Yuri raises an eyebrow. “Can you reach it?” 
Alex glares as she tries to step on her tiptoes to reach, and in turn, Yuri’s almost grateful for the end of the song. He glares over at Guang-Hong and Leo, before scanning the crowd for any sign of Just Otabek, but to his dismay, there is none.
With a sigh, Yuri resigns himself to dancing with everyone else, hoping that maybe, at least before the night is over, Otabek will come back for another dance.
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