#spider verse related or not
murdockmeta · 1 year
also maybe none of you care but sitting in a movie theater in florida as a trans person and seeing "protect trans kids" plastered across gwens wall on a giant screen was. so powerful. I didn't expect it to hit me that hard cause I knew it would be there but. yeah.
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creamecafe · 1 year
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I just want to say in advance, I apologize the type of person I will be when I see this man in theaters
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miishabean · 1 year
he’s so fun to draw man
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iwasbored777 · 8 months
Remember how suicidal Peter and Gwen were in the first movie...
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whaliiwatching · 11 months
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gradual closing of the gap
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peachypizzicato · 11 months
listen not to blow smoke but some of you bitches really just do not understand that sometimes characters are not villains but are functionally antagonistic and meant to evoke something complex.
no, miguel is NOT a villain. he’s an antagonistic force in the story who is meant to be complicated, you aren’t meant to just cleanly agree or disagree. his methods are SUPPOSED to be questionable at best and his motives are supposed to be understandable on some level. for the love of god please just learn some fucking media literacy i can’t take this anymore
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
i know this has been said tons of times already in different ways but,
i just love the way Miguel and the Spider Society forcing everyone to follow the “canon” and telling Miles that he is not allowed to change the predestined story because “everyone else had to go through it” is an excellent metaphor for older generations re-enforcing to younger generations the ideology that the suffering they have to go through of whatever kind is normal and expected.
it’s like that saying “if i had to grow through hell, so do you.” but the thing is, Spiderman is the hero who is typically the one saying, “i’ll make sure you never go through hell like i did.” it’s such a cool way to show the conflict and disconnect between the two ideologies that Miles struggles with in the film
just….like the fact that Miguel and Jessica sort of symbolize the kind of parents who worked their asses off to make sure the world you live in will be better than theirs then feel upset and betrayed when their child who has the privilege to live a life they might have desired in the kid’s age. definitely didn’t find any relatability to that aha
I just love that it’s the fact that Spiderman’s story of losing Uncle Ben, losing the police chief, losing Gwen, are things Miles is told he cannot fight (the whole parallel between being told life = suffering and desiring a happier outcome won’t work). BUT THEN, Miles says fuck that! he says “no, why should i have to put up with that when i know i can change it!” and just 🫠
idk i love this movie and i hope this makes sense
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phntmeii · 9 months
hi! i love ur fics. if ur comfortable with it, do u think you could please write anything about miles Morales (1610) finding out about the reader s3lf h4rming? its totally okay if your not comfortable with it. thank you so much, have a great day!
♡ Miles Morales Discovers Reader Self-Harms
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[ SFW + No Gendered Terms]
General Warnings: Descriptions of Self-Harm, Mentions of blood, Suicidal Ideation
A/N: Ty anon for the request!! :) And ofc to everyone reading, this is meant to be comfort/fluff (can be read as platonic or romantic) but if you practice self-harm, please confide in someone you trust to assist you in straining away from such behaviors. I believe in you! :)
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❌ Miles was on patrol at night, rooftop to rooftop with the lights of New York lighting the streets. He found comfort in the familiarity of the smells, sounds and lights.
❌ But hey, he knew you'd probably be up and he wasn't too far from your place. Why not swing by?
❌ Coming to your window, you kept it unlocked since Miles had made a habit of coming through and using you as an excuse for why he'd be late all the time. And that's when he saw.
❌ It took him a moment for him to realize what you were doing. All he could see was the red liquid seeping from your wrists as your back was to him.
❌ Without thinking, he stumbled into the room, startling you and making you drop everything to look at him.
❌ He quickly gathers himself onto his feet and raises his hands in surrender. "Woah! Woah! I- Uh- Hey! I didn't mean to... Um."
❌ You felt embarrassed. Caught doing something that you knew was wrong and yet it was all routine. A habit of hateful comfort. You had slinked into yourself, attempting to hide what you already knew he had seen.
❌ And Miles was a panicked mess. He wanted to help more than anything but this was... sensitive. This wasn't saving people from a robbery or anything. This was someone close to him hurting themselves.
❌ He wanted to ask why. Wanted to magically make the wounds disappear but he lowered his hands and stepped closer.
❌ "Hey... I just... Let me see."
❌ You hesitated again, looking aside. Shame and regret filled you at what you had done. There was that adrenaline in the moment but the shattering sadness once that second was gone. And being caught made it all the worse. You reluctantly let your arms fall to your side as you felt the blood trickling down your arms.
❌ Miles didn't know what to do other than slowly approach. You didn't know what he'd do. If he would yell at you, scold you, look at you in disgust. But all he did was pull you in for a hug. He didn't ask for a reason, he didn't yell, no words came out. He just held you and everything poured at once.
❌ For so long there was that lone struggle. That lone desire to have all that you've lived for end but there was always that glaring reason not to. For a friend, for that one family member, for something. But day by day, selflessness was becoming the desire to be selfish. But here was Miles, seeing you at your worse and he didn't back away or run.
❌ For a minute or two, nothing was said. Just being held in his arms while you cried so much that your forehead was pounding in hurt. He sat you down in your bed, moving away for a moment and returning with a cloth to pat down the mess. Miles looked up at you with soft eyes, speaking quietly.
❌ "We don't have to talk about it. But I'm always gonna be here for you, y'know? I... I don't want you to think you're alone."
❌ Miles didn't make you promise anything back. He didn't shame you or make your harm about him as he carefully patched up the wounds. All he knew was that someone he knew was hurting and he wanted to be there for them.
❌ From that point on, you noticed Miles made more of an effort to check in on you, hang out with you more, swing by to your place more often.
❌ There was never judgement in his eyes. Miles was going to be there for you always. He was the proclaimed hero for New York but he was your own personal hero in a way.
❌ He kept a specific day of the week where it was a promised day to hang out. Watch your favorite movie, gossip and share the same snacks.
❌ You knew it was all in an effort to make you feel better. And a part of you felt guilty in knowing that was why. But Miles was an earnest and caring person. Everything he did, he did for you. And there was never a point where he'd let you feel alone again. Even if you slipped back into old habits, he'd be there to hold your hands and lead you back to him.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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oldmemoria · 2 months
Does anyone else think that the people who treat miles morales like he’s the purest little bean are missing the point of both into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse entirely
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Theory: Miguel isn't the original anomaly, it's Olivia Octavius
In ATSV it's not stated when other-universe Miguel is killed and current-Miguel takes his place, and we know it's been over a year since Miles became Spider-Man and defeated Ock/Kingpin and Olivia was sucked into the multiverse
Given that Miguel, presumably, set up the entire Spider society, we can assume some time has passed between when his "daughter" disappears and when he becomes the Spider society leader. But again, the movie never says how long. It's possible that Olivia set up her presence in dead-Miguel's universe first, hired some henchman, and one of them killed that universe's Miguel and was replaced by 2099
Wrong fandom but I'm listening
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creamecafe · 1 year
This right here...has to probably the best Miles Morales edit I have ever seen
Source: notagility on TikTok
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chaos-and-sparkles · 8 months
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Prowler Pavitr <3<3
Here's Pavitr's design in my Prowler Pavitr au akjdskjdskjkskdsk! It's my au where Pavitr is a fallen hero who used to be Spider-Man and becomes the Prowler, fueled by rage against a world and a system that forced him to pretend at perfection and then only hurt him and the people he loves.
I love him so much,, I have so much stuff in progress about him rn (working on the fics too). Gonna have chaipunk front and center, and like four separate plot arcs, I'm so insane about this au actually -
Anyway here's some infodump about his design inspirations and symbolism I put in it, I loveeeee talking abt him:
Hair -
Okay so this is after some time, like a couple months since Pav became the Prowler, and he's grown his hair out a bit now. It's kind of a mix of rejection of the "masculine" standard of short cropped hair by flaunting his longer curls that he's always been proud of and even had to grow to love He also dyes his hair purple! Bc he didn't wanna cut his hair but he wanted to do something to set himself apart from his old identity and also he's literally an impulsive 17-18 year old and wanted to do something that felt like owning his own self and asserting autonomy over his body etc etc
Something Borrowed -
The tie that he's using to tie back his hair is his original blue headband!! It doesn't go with his outfit at all but It's the original blue headband that Maya Aunty got for him all those years ago that he's been wearing forever and it snapped and broke in the battle that preceded what happened to her, and he still keeps it and ties his hair back with it instead The nosering (nath) used to be Gayatri's, they used to try out her jewelry on him and he loved that one so much she gifted it to him, and since he's basically left his old life and gone no contact with her it's all he has left of Gaya too
Main Outfit -
His jacket is loosely based on Krrish's leather jacket from the Bollywood movie series that's about a superhero named Krrish. I just think it has the dramatique and vibe Pav would like He binds his chest bc he still hadn't had top surgery but he's way more open about it, with the binding showing through the neck of the jacket now where he would have never dared to hint at it before,,, another thing about how he doesn't care about people's opinions and perceptions and standards anymore, he wants to say fuck you as much to everything in the system as he can and also piss people off while he's at it and a trans antihero/villain is a surefire way to do that. His dhoti is basically a dhoti pant, modified a bit bc i liked it
He has payals on his feet that make a faint chhan chhan noise when he approaches which has creepiness and cuteness potential imo I basically turned the prowler logo into his dhoti belt buckle askjdsjk
It's also slightly modified to mimic a trishul or even a diya shape, up for interpretation either way, bc trishuls are a symbol of Shiva, god of destruction, and diyas are a symbol of light in the darkness and the need to find it Also the chain around the dhoti at his hips is both a reference to decorative dhoti chain accessories and the lil things on it are his modified grenades that he uses for arson, bc Prowler Pav is big on arson and murder ajajsjsj
Prowler Claws -
His bangles/claws were hands down my favourite part to design!!
So his claws are of course his original spiderman bangles modified into the prowler claws But i based them on three weapons, each of which means something interesting for Pavitr
The first is bagh nakh. Literally translates to "tiger claws", famously used in a legend of Shivaji Maharaj They usually curl into the palm instead of going between the fingers like they do for Pav, but they're basically metal claws wound secretly around your hand for a sneak attack It's associated with bravery and righteous rage bc of Shivaji Maharaj but it's also really associated with stealth and an attack from unexpected quarters, being stabbed from a side no one saw coming. Which. Pavitr. The perfect hero, becoming the Prowler. Come on
Second is the trishul, aka trident That's the reason there are three prongs to his claw Trishul is the symbol of the god Shiva, and as i mentioned he's the god of destruction, as in he's part of the main triumvirate of gods who focus on creation preservation and destruction He also is really really associated with rage, especially destructive rage; he has a whole dance called the tandava for his rage which is a Huge Deal I can't stress this enough And because Prowler Pav is a being fuelled by rage against a system that has hurt so many including him that he wants to destroy and see burned, it is perfect for him The trishul is also seen as a symbol of goddess Kali, who's similar in the destruction goddess aspect and also is literally an embodiment of rage and violence that cannot be controlled which is more the theme I started out with, but whichever you notice first, it works either way. There's a whole myth in fact where Shiva had to lie beneath her feet to stop her destructive rampage before it ended the world.
And lastly, the urumi, aka the whip sword from Kerala Basically each of Prowler Pav's claws extend into whip swords when he does the swing/slash/whip motion This is really interesting at least to me, bc it means 2 things: 1) Pav still remembers and is actively using some of his skillset from swinging around as Spiderman. He does use the urumis to curl around distant objects and swing too, and they are very lethal weapons when used right, and that use requires a lot of skill, huge parts of which he built up by his experience 2) This is a weapon which requires an unimaginable amount of control, precision and strength And Pav is doing all that So all of his actions, every movement, is very deliberate and thought out. He's not doing any of this - turning away from heroism, becoming the Prowler, using these lethal weapons - on a whim. They are all very very deliberate.
Also one more thing - the blades of his claws are all retractable ofc But they are not protected or anything They slice up his palms and the in-betweens of his fingers whenever he uses them,, especially when he uses them as urumis And it would be so easy to fix the design or make gloves or smth so they don't do that But he doesn't ever do it He could make it so his hands don't bleed on using his claws But he doesn't want to
He is an angsty boyo...
Mask -
The eyes are ofc like the prowler mask design except I made them more curved and curled at the end bc that's a kind of shape often seen in traditional art of the headdress of Kali, goddess of uncontrollable violence as I've said before Then the part between them is meant to be based off a third eye, which is something both Shiva and Kali have. It opens at the height of their rage, it's meant to symbolise destructive fury for them both Although it's also used in an all seeing context otherwise but a lot of whitewashed bullshit is also there that dilutes sources to find connotations His theyyam-based tusks from his Spider-Man mask, I wanted to keep
The shape below the eyes is based off the noses in masks in various regional Indian tribal and traditional masks,,, a lot of them tend to have a very distinctive curly nose shape that I wanted to keep, a lot of these masks also depict rage or are intimidating and are very emotive And then ofc you have the bottom of the mask, I made the curved-ish cut based on the peacock-feather-y shape i was using but it's also based on the general shape of Kali's lips in traditional art where she has her tongue out, it's a big symbol of her rage and rampage I tried to put the tongue too but it looked awkward and honestly i thought it would be cooler to jsut leave the bottom half of the mask open and you can see Pav's mouth and his expressions through it a bit instead, in the spirit of that And also it's based a little bit off Krrish's mask, you can never escape the Krrish design Also there's the lil teeth. Those are often used in art for demons and animals,, and Prowler Pav is very cat coded in his behaviour in general tbh. He's like if an orange cat's fur got burned to black.
Anyway, so yeah, that's him!
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iwasbored777 · 9 months
I used to think that I'm not seeing it right but no I'm 100% sure that during the class scene when Gwen and Miles met, after he sits down and they're watching the video he turns to look at her until he realizes that she's about to look at him and he looks back at the video so that she wouldn't catch him looking at her
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milogoestogreendale · 11 months
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not my usual content but. spiderpunk cosplay??
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tragedykery · 11 months
this disability pride month I am begging people to please a) add descriptions to stuff you post, b) look through the notes for like. fifteen seconds to find an ID, and c) for the love of god, tag flashing lights/images
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I know spiderman....
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