#tv: iron fist
roennq · 26 days
Was completely baffled by the opening of Daredevil 3x01 so I looked it up and found out that The Defenders connected Seasons 2 and 3.
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While not as great as Daredevil, it has its moments and is overall an enjoyable series.
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"Who are you people?" – 1x03 Worst Behavior
Love that I get to watch characters I used to read in comic books come to life in such a spectacular way. (Read a lot of them at my uncle's house but my cousin didn't own any Jessica Jones so she's a 'new' character to me.)
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"I'm just saying, y'know. I'm glad we found each other." "I'm not hugging you." – 1x08 The Defenders
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kevinfeiges · 2 months
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Sacha Dhawan as Davos IRON FIST SEASON 1 (2017), created by Scott Buck
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pendovah · 9 months
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We've been raised to fight someone else's war. // When you're raised in something like that... when they've formed the foundation for who you are, breaking away is like… I feel lost.
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nellarw95 · 26 days
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Happy Birthday Rosario 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
Rosario Isabel Dawson
May 9,1979
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
9 Maggio 1979
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lizlives · 4 months
Everyone being like, "Oh we don't know how much the Netflix shows are gonna be canon yet!" like... guys... guys... they put it on the official MCU watch order on Disney Plus... there's no going back lmao. It's done, it's there, anyone can check, give up, aren't you tired?
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Hypothetical MCU show: “Shang-Chi and the Hawkeyes”
A few months after the events of “Hawkeye”, Kate Bishop has been living on the Barton family farm in order to finish training with Clint Barton. Despite a rough adjustment period due to city girl Kate moving into a farm, the training has been going well. Kate is ready to start her superhero career, but Clint is hesitant, especially since he’s started viewing her as his daughter figure. Since the two Hawkeyes have been doing nothing but training, the Bartons decide to take everyone on a vacation to San Francisco.
Around the same time, Shang-Chi has been working with Wong to figure out what the origins of the Ten Rings are. From what they found, they learn that Wenwu stole the rings from the mystical lost city K’un L’un, home of the Iron Fist. Shang-Chi learns this the hard way when he’s confronted by the current Iron Fist, Colleen Wing, who wants the rings back (this would be the first major fight scene of the show).
Shang-Chi and Colleen’s fight is interrupted by a group of mercenaries who are also after the rings. The mercenaries are being led by the main villain Kenuichio Harada (also known as Silver Samurai), the most powerful crime boss in all of Japan and Wenwu’s most hated rival. This leads to a massive chase scene, which ends with Shang-Chi running into the Bartons.
So, unfortunately for Clint and Kate, they’re forced into the fight now that they’ve gotten involved with Shang-Chi. But we’re also hit with a twist; Silver Samurai, upon learning that Clint Barton is helping Shang-Chi, puts all his resources into play to stop our heroes. This is because Clint killed Harada’s twin brother Akihiko, the same Yakuza boss from “Endgame”.
Thus, we have multiple arcs for our heroes to deal with:
1) Shang-Chi trying to make peace with Colleen Wing, as well as trying to prevent the Silver Samurai from stealing the ten rings
3) Clint Barton being forced to deal with his Ronin past once again since his killing of Akihiko has come back to haunt him
4) Kate Bishop on her first rodeo as the newly minted Hawkeye, as well as facing off against super-powered people for the first time
5) While all this is happening, the Barton family and Katy Chen find themselves being targeted due to their ties to Shang-Chi, Clint, and Kate
Of course, we have our returning characters Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, and Xu Shang-Chi.
Laura Barton and the Barton kids will likely have more prominent roles in this series, especially since they’ll be paired up with Katy Chen.
Wong comes back as a guest character.
Since Akihiko is Kenuichio’s twin, Hiroyuki Sanada is brought back to play Silver Samurai.
Jessica Henwick reprises her role as Colleen Wing.
Tony Leung briefly reprises his role as Wenwu, specifically to show how Wenwu stole the ten rings from K’un L’un.
1) The season’s story can be split like this: Group A is Clint, Kate, and Shang-Chi / Group B is the Barton family and Katy / Group C is Colleen Wing on her own / Silver Samurai is the main threat to all three groups.
2) I pictured the main trio’s dynamic to be that Clint relates to Shang-Chi due to them being men who are trying to escape their past. Shang-Chi and Kate get along as newbie heroes. Maybe this isn’t a perfect comparison, but think of them as Batman, Batgirl, and one of the Robins.
3) Show ends with Clint giving his blessing to Kate to join the Avengers, as well as inviting Shang-Chi to join. Clint ponders retirement, but then says something about how being in San Francisco has made him consider moving out to the West Coast (obviously a nod to a potential West Coast Avengers team).
4) Colleen and Shang-Chi make peace at the end and it’s implied that Colleen will continue to appear in the Shang-Chi movies. It’s also implied she knows the secret behind the rings (the signal that it sent out at the end of the first Shang-Chi movie).
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reputationslaylor · 2 years
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Marvel Tv Characters mirroring their Comic counterparts (pt 1)
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jolikmc-thoughts · 2 months
I really need to do more reports regarding what I've been watching…
I recently finished watching Ultimate Spider-Man from 2012. It starts off kind of annoying, since it ditches the whole "Spider-Man doing his own thing" pretty early. It also kind of tanks in the middle of Season 3, but I'll get to that.
The initial premise is "what if S.H.I.E.L.D. made a team of teenage heroes and trained them to their 'ultimate' potential?" Well, Nick Fury does exactly that, tossing an eclectic team of Spider-Man, Nova, White Tiger, and Iron Fist head-first into training and being super. I wasn't on-board at first, since I kind of prefer how other series did Spider-Man and his day-to-day life, but it didn't take long for the other characters to grow on me.
Nova is a dork. White Tiger is pretty cool. But Iron Fist? He's simply the best of the team, aside from Spidey. He's the best of both a "surfer dude" and "zen martial artist" and is often the voice of neutrality when problems within the team pop up. He has his issues, of course, but he's just a joy to have around!
So, around the middle of Season 3, the series shifts dramatically and starts focusing almost exclusively on the "Web Warriors" of Iron Spider, Kid Arachnid, Agent Venom, and Scarlet Spider. And… the show quickly goes downhill from that point on. There are still a few good episodes here and there, but the shift to the "spider-clones" just makes for a really uninteresting and unappealing show, to me. Why they thought this was a good idea is beyond me. 'Cause it wasn't.
Anyway… while it's not as absolutely amazing as Spectacular Spider-Man or even Spider-Man (2016), it has its charms. For example, it absolutely loves… loves… to make shout-outs to Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends from the 1980s. I was kind of surprised Iceman and Firestar didn't show up at some point, even if just for a cameo. They did bring back the worst villain from that series: Swarm, but made it way more interesting, so there's that. Beetle is there, too, though I don't think he originated from Amazing Friends. I digress, though.
Flaws aside, it's a pretty decent watch and I'd recommend it. Just don't let this very strange interpretation of Dr. Octopus turn you away too hard. It's… unique.
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verysaltynik · 5 months
Danny "I don't even know what I'm doing or saying until it's taken the wrong way" Rand
Like i said, autism man
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roennq · 5 days
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Sensing a theme here...
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wibbley-wobble · 1 year
Danny: Ward I’m so sorry I’m the reason your dad got killed I’m so sorry
Ward, who just killed his dad: yeah, you’re right it is your fault! Don’t talk to me or my family ever again! Actually, you should stay away from the company entirely!
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dragon-hoard · 7 months
finally the beast (big bang theory) is defeated (its not on tonight) and yet I am I am subjected to something worse (christmas movies)
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Danny Rand from Ultimate Spiderman-Gay
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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Imagine this as the mid-credits scene to “Ms. Marvel”:
The day is saved, we get a tease to “The Marvels” movie (Carol Danvers makes a cameo appearance), and Kamala Khan begins celebrating her new life as a superhero with her friends. As the group celebrates Kamala’s win, Wong suddenly appears and tells Kamala to follow him back to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Kamala follows Wong, who proceeds to asks to see her bangle. 
This is where we learn that Kamala Khan’s bangle came from the same place where Xu Wenwu found the ten rings of power. Shang-Chi (Simu Liu making his cameo appearance) is there, having been summoned by Wong as well. When Kamala and Shang-Chi asks where their magical items came from, Wong says that he believes they came from the mystical land known as “K’un L’un” (where Iron Fist came from). 
Mid-credits scene ends. We then get this:
Kamala Khan and Shang-Chi will return...in “Ms. Marvel and the Master of Kung Fu”, which will be a buddy-cop miniseries along the lines of “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. In terms of placement in the MCU timeline, I pictured this miniseries taking place after “The Marvels” but before “Shang-Chi 2″. 
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deafblindshorty · 7 months
I'm either procrastinating or bored. But either way, I am going to list all the fictional characters I know who have either evil or ambiguously evil parents
Star Wars:
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Dathan Palpatine
-Rey Skywalker
-Kazuda Xiono
-Zorii Bliss
-Allana Solo (Star Wars Legends)
-Peter Quill
-Kate Bishop
-Daisy Johnson
-Ward Meachum
Harry Potter:
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black
-Pretty much half the kids in Slytherin House
-Jacob and his sibling (Player Character) from Hogwarts Mystery
-Barnaby Lee (Also from Hogwarts Mystery)
The CW:
-Logan Huntzberger (Yes, I'm counting him. He's from Gilmore Girls)
-Christopher Hayden (Also from Gilmore Girls)
-Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl, 2007)
-Nathan and Lucas Scott (He redeemed himself, but still) (One Tree Hill)
-Neal Caffrey (White Collar)
-Jack Bauer and Josh Bauer (24)
-Regina Mills, Zelena Mills, Cinderella, Ruby Lucas, and Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
-John Locke and Penny Widmore (Lost)
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
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Daughter of the Dragon 💖💖💖
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