#tw: dwi
ask-the-dweets · 6 months
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I did a redraw of a piece I drew last year for the killer event!
I felt like drawing Dwi and hecking up some boys so it was the perfect 2 for 1!
[old version here]
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bitchliteraria1906 · 16 days
Alright, question.
You guys remember The Grandmaster, right? From Thor Ragnarok?
Well, if you are a Loki fan who really likes this movie, chances are you remember Frostmaster. The ship between him and Loki.
I used to be big on them when I first watched the movie, mostly because Loki was a character I really liked (still do lmao) and the interpretation/characterization of The Grandmaster I rolled with at the time was just "Quirky guy who doesn't understand boundaries very well but is sweet despite that and would spoil his love interest a lot", and the idea of Loki being with someone like that felt nice at the time.
Anyways, whenever I searched for fics of them I was always bombarded on the face with a LOT of rape/non-con/dubious consent. Specifically, The Grandmaster being an abusive piece of shit to Loki. And yes, I know there's dark fics for pretty much every ship, but in this case, it was an almost overwhelming majority. And most of them were actually well written and seemed to be trying to be a representation of trauma instead of just dead dove porn.
My reasoning at the time (as a 12 year old, I think?) was "Okay, these people are weird as hell and have a really different interpretation of the character than I do. Whatever, there's some soft fics too, I'm just gonna stick to them." But now that I'm older, having rewatched the movie some times...
Yeah, I can see where these people were coming from with the "Loki did what was necessary to survive on Sakaar and that bitch took advantage of him for it" headcanon/theory. Their scenes are uncomfy, and you can’t expect a guy who owns slaves and melts people to have a great moral compass, can you?
I have nothing against characterizing him differently, I just... grew out of it, I think?
So, here's what I want to know:
Btw, when I say "ship", I'm mostly talking about enjoying the pairing, not wanting it to become canon.
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devilscastle69 · 2 years
talkie/singie. Tw for m/r wor//l//dwi//de 🌎🌎🌎
My phone screen got so fucking sprayed that I couldn’t use my phone after 🙃 ocean 2 ocean ig
MINORS GO AWAY pls don’t rb to non kink blogs
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jakebark · 2 years
🩸 TW: Torture / Guts
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Boy Dwi is nothing if not one ruthless son of a bitch, ain’t they? based off the killer!event rp with @ask-the-dweets
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mahijaanstasia · 10 days
Dokter, kenapa menjadi influencer juga feminis?
Sebab saya mulai menyadari, dunia ini kejam untuk perempuan.
“Ketika aku menyadari bahwa aku perempuan, semua tempat menjadi tak aman bagiku, ketika aku mengadu pada ayahku, ia menjawab ‘laki-laki memang begitu,’ lantas aku menjadi lebih takut lagi ketika aku menyadari—ayahku pun sama, ia seorang laki-laki.”
Plot on: menggunakan sudut pandang orang ke-3 serba tahu.
Sebetulnya—ia lahir atas ikatan yang telah dipersatukan oleh Tuhan, pun sebetulnya sang dara adalah konsekuensi dari dua orang yang “bersenang-senang,” lahirnya memang atas kehendak semesta, melalui konsen antar dua anak manusia yang melebur bersama ego mereka. Tetapi nyatanya, surga pencemburu dan mengutuk eksistensinya.
Semula, seluruh dunia bergemuruh menyambut lahirnya, seorang anak perempuan dengan sisi wajah yang merona, seolah bunga yang mekar di tengah terik yang membara. Hadirnya diberkahi oleh sang Adiwidia, hujan lantas membasahi semesta bersamaan dengan menggemanya tangis sang dara. Sang ibu diberi selamat, “selamat atas lahirnya putrimu yang cantik ini.” Terlebih sang ayah yang jelas tak memiliki kontribusi apa-apa selain menyemburkan spermanya ke leher rahim sang istri.
Ah! Betapa bahagianya lelaki berusia 25 tahun itu, tawanya menggema seolah Aprodhite memberkahi mereka, seolah sang dewi kini berada dalam peluknya, menjadi menifestasi atas segala bait dan puisi yang indah merayu. Gelak tawa si kecil jadi sihir, semua orang terpanah—dalam pandang mereka seolah ada pola yang meranah hingga tak lepas dwi manik mereka mengobjektifikasi bayi yang masih menggeliat dalam peluk ayahnya itu.
“Kamu sangat mencintai bayi perempuanmu, ya?”
“Kamu tak lepas dari anak perempuanmu, ya?”
“Kamu adalah ayah yang penyayang!”
Semula, baik istrinya maupun anak perempuan yang kini telah tumbuh menjadi remaja cantik tersebut pun percaya pada pujian yang dilontarkan oleh banyak orang terhadap Dewangga, sebagai ayah—tak pernah lepas indranya dari tubuh sang anak, tak pernah lepas jemarinya menari memberi kasih pada permukaan kulit anaknya—pun ranum semerah delima sang putri kerap basah ia cumbui.
--dan, bukankah itu cinta?
Bukankah itu semestinya?
Mengapa menaruh terlalu banyak curiga pada ayah yang penuh hatinya oleh bunga-bunga seindah puterinya?
Ternyata—kekhawatiran itu memang nyata adanya.
Ternyata, curiga itu memang beralasan, sebab pada malam yang pengap—sang dara kerap berakhir sesak oleh jemari yang berupaya menjamah tubuhnya, ia masih menjadi bunga yang didamba oleh setiap orang, tetapi ayahnya berubah menjadi kumbang pencuri madu hingga sang dara penuh oleh peluh, ia basah oleh cairan teratai merah. Lantas tak ada yang tersisa darinya selain kelopak yang perlahan berguguran.
Rintik hujan pada malam itu menjadi bising yang meredam desahnya mengalun—menggema memenuhi kamarnya. Tak ada yang tersisa darinya selain tubuh yang menjadi sehelai kertas penuh bait-bait taksa. Ayahnya menggubah banyak kalimat penuh cacian disana, hingga sang dara sesak dalam tiap jarak antar bait, meringsuk, meringkuk. Melahirkan narasi-narasi penuh penghakiman, penuh stigma.
Banyak hal berubah sejak hari itu—ayahnya bukan lagi lelaki yang dikenalnya penuh kasih, ia berubah menjadi orang lain. Ia berubah menjadi mimpi buruk yang kerap menghantuinya.
Tetapi, di antara segala perbuatan keji yang ditorehkan sang ayah pada lembar kertas berbuku sendu miliknya, yang paling menyedihkan adalah—ia harus terus diam, ia tak boleh bersuara ketika tubuhnya dijamah, ketika ia dirudapaksa atau ibunya akan tahu perihal ini.
Bahwa suaminya adalah adalah seorang pemerkosa.
Bahwa anaknya adalah korban rudakpaksa ayahnya,
Bahwa sang suami telah ingkar.
Bahwa sang anak telah lama mati—terbelenggu ketakutannya.
“Dan mengapa aku terlahir memiliki vulva? Dan mengapa aku lahir sebegai perempuan? Dan mengapa tubuhku dijamah? Apakah ini dosa ayahku? Atau tuhan memang membenci anak perempuan? Sebab—aku baru saja mendengar kabar bahwa aku bukanlah korban pertama ayahku. Sebelumnya, ada perempuan muda yang jua harus diam ketika liang senggamanya dipenuhi oleh superioritas ayahku. Perempuan itu—ibuku, korban rudapaksa ayahku yang berakhir terpenjara bersama pelaku pemerkosaannya dalam sebuah ikatan yang direstui tuhan, jua akhirnya merasa bahagia sebab sang pelaku berjanji menikahinya.”
Ah, sial. Mengapa begitu sakral pernikahan hingga tumbuh benih cinta pada akhirnya?
Dan demikian deretan kata yang menggambarkan hidup dari Anastasia Mahija, seorang anak perempuan yang harus diam ketika ia dirudapaksa ayahnya selama bertahun-tahun. Sebab dunia ini pilu dan keji bagi anak perempuan, sebab tak ada tempat baginya untuk mengadu tanpa dihakimi. Akhirnya—ia membenci laki-laki, akhirnya, ia membenci hubungan pernikhan juga pada akhirnya ia membenci tuhan.
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colbcrts · 5 years
hi there !! my name is cas & i am so excited to be a part of this wonderful rp !! xavier is v special to me & i am so excited to delve deeper into his bg and create some wonderful connections !!
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name:  xavier james colbert label: the miscreant  traits:  candid, magnetic, cantankerous & boisterous superlative: most likely to actually be banksy  post-graduation plans: take a gap year to travel the world summer plans: getting as far away from the hamptons as possible  aesthetic: the sound of music coming from another room, bloodied knuckles and bruised eyes, fingertips stained with vibrant spray paint, and worn skate shoes with printed socks. 
xavier comes from a wealthy family that owns manufacturing and licensing companies for HUGE skate apparel brands ( vans, odd future, burton, obey, etc. ) 
he’s been a troublemaker since inception. even as a kid, he’s been in trouble with his private schools for starting playground fights, stealing school supplies, and even pulling off a few elaborate pranks. 
TW: DWI / DRUGS / VIOLENCE since high school, he’s been in trouble for driving while intoxicated, property damage, possession, assault, and has been suspended for truancies and rough housing. all of which gets swept under the rug by his parents. 
xavier is a competitive skater, who is sponsored by exclusive brands. he’s won a few prominent competitions but has no plans of pursuing it as a future career. 
with a little over a half a million instagram followers, it’s easy to collect ad revenue and support the brands his parents help create and mass produce. in fact, xavier doesn’t really imagine doing anything else but this after high school. 
known for his parties that are project x style. throws one every few weeks, where trouble is bound to start. 
he is a political activist and extremely talented artist. no one really know who’s behind some of the art that shows up on white walls around the town, but xavier isn’t afraid to boast when asked about it. given his knack for spray painting, he has considered applying to art school but hasn’t committed to anything. he’s leaving things up in the air during his gap year.
xavier would hate to admit it, but he’s actually pretty s*ft. he is extremely loyal to his friends and would do just about anything for them.
he is fairly sensitive and somewhat of a minefield. one wrong move and BOOM! he has an extremely short fuse, which means that he can be set off pretty easy. he loves to fight and argue and will do just about anything to get tensions to rise.
TW: DRUGS extremely amazing artist, huge skater, and even bigger pothead. loves all things that cause trouble and loves to throw parties. he has a surprising stash of alcohol and drugs especially for the ragers he throws.
has a very particular style. consists of black dickies, vibrant socks, graphic tees, skate shoes, and graphic print button ups. loves anything that’s remotely strange in the fashion world.
even though he’s an extreme rule breaker ( chaotic evil to the MAX ), he also has a sense of morals that he sticks to. there are certain things that he just doesn’t tolerate, and he’s willing to go to war for them and the people he loves.
seems super unapproachable, but actually fairly charismatic. he’s pretty funny and intellectual when he wants to be. very much a class clown, and doesn’t mind sparking small talk. nevertheless, catch him in the wrong mood and forget it.
actually very smart. although his gpa doesn’t reflect that, he knows economics and marketing pretty well from his parents. 
first off, for those who play MILES, CATALINA, FINN & CLARA -- i’ll be comin’ to you so that we can work out the logistics of our pre-established connections. below are connections i’d like besides those ( which can be filled by ANYONE ) !! 
FIRST TIME: i imagine this could go one of two ways: (1) they had a one night stand to just get it over with at a party or something or (2) they were getting serious and xavier genuinely wanted his first to be special. 
NEIGHBOR: someone he’s lived next to since a little kid. they could’ve been really close, but grown apart. or maybe they’ve never really been extremely close, but hangout on his roof every once and a while. 
UNREQUITED: someone he’s extremely s*ft for but doesn’t explicity say that he is. he’d never admit it, but there is something more there. 
GOOD INFLUENCE: someone that sees beyond his bad boy exterior and recognizes that he’s actually a real good person. keeps pushing the limit to get him to open up. as much as xavier complains, they mean a lot to him.
i’m down for anything with anyone...i had more ideas but i’m totally drawing a blank !! please LIKE this & i’ll come to you !! 
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napsfor-technoblade · 3 years
I declare that Raising Tubbo chapter 9 is George Appreciation Chapter cause goddamn this boy is a WRECK
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lycheecreature · 3 years
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My attempts at creating various human and human-adjacent ocs in artbreeder. Accuracy varies but I tried my best lmao. I couldn't figure out how to give anyone big ass eyebrows without also giving them a beard which was very sad
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Could you do being scott mccall's boyfriend from teen wolf headcanons
Hi, lovely anon! I’m not really inspired for this one, as I’ve lost touch with writing for Teen Wolf. Sorry that I can’t accept your request 😢
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frostmaster-is-lit · 5 years
//Okay so now what about this,
I read about all these posts about Loki being mind influenced by the scepter in A1 and pretty much made his PTSD worse. I'd like to imagine how this goes through during the relationship with the Grandmaster, since En Dwi's place could cause some triggers of these past events.
Based on T H I S post
Loki suffered torture and certain touch and mood could cause a bad flashback. En's place is loud, crowded with people. A perfect place for a sensory overload. That and the fact that Loki never went through mental help to process the events. I do not see En like some other as a complete “Kink Lord”, I also see Frostmaster as very romantic on an erotic level. Strong sexual activity based on mutual respect. Certain sexual practices, certain words, even the volume of a voice could trigger certain fears in Loki and letting him think back of the bad time, perhaps even to Asgard when he remembers the loud voice of Odin shouting at him. I'm not saying that it's completely impossible to sleep with En, but I think on some days, in some moments, they need to be careful. Loki's trauma is deep and I do not see En as someone who knows how to deal with such situations, as his partners have a normal mental health level. And that's how I see their relationship. I see them in their deep romance as well as very connected in a mutual bond.
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castelleve · 2 years
I'm making dinner rn but once I eat it's over for all of you
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mcrrisons · 4 years
wooo hi friends!! s here FINALLY dropping this intro, you’ll now know that i’m late to everything O:) i have insane muse for this type of character so i’m sooo excited to be here! any questions lmk but now ........... *rubs hands together like a fly* let’s get to plotting
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『 travis fimmel. fourty-six. cismale. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that WELLS MORRISON from CHESTNUT DRIVE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -BELLIGERENT & -CONTRITE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool at COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +CAPTIVATING & +OPEN-MINDED. i hope i see them around again! 
full name: wells irving morrison
age / birthdate / sign: 45 / november 18, 1974 / scorpio
gender / pronouns: cismale / he/him
orientation: hetero
height: 6′2″
hair color: dirty blond, some gray growing in
tattoos: a lot of drunken tats over the years, either cheap ones or ones that his buddies did for him for free. most of the actual WANTED ones covered up some scars he chose to ignore
drinks / smokes / drugs: big yes to all, no one left behind - but alcohol and cigarettes daily as those are more acceptable and easier to get
occupation: although collecting unemployment from the government, he often has plenty of odd jobs to make money under the books. 
residence: mapleview, born and raised. still lives in the same plot of houses his great great bought / built years ago.
alignment: chaotic evil (but he tries his best............ ok)
parents: hank (deceased) & caroline morrison 
siblings: 2 brothers (jeremiah & tucker) and 1 sister (addison) that he KNOWS of
children: lane morrison (intro here), and probably a few others but that’s for future plots!!
wells’ blood runs thick through this town to a long line of morrisons, and they sure as hell make SURE everyone knows it. rumors have flown around about the morrison family for generations, eyes roll when they enter a space (at least in wells’ experience) & they own a reputation of chaos. scaring away newcomers just by being themselves. and of course, like it was in his dna, wells’ actions would align with those that preceded him.
he grew up on a plot of land bought many moons ago by his great great ... grandfather / uncle /  (the story changes every time he hears it) w/ a few trailer-like one story homes with broken screen doors & random “antiques” in the yard aka things that people in fair lane were throwing out that everyone THOUGHT would be needed one day. (still lives here btw!!!)
growing up around family was FINE but it reminded him of his destination - what he was going to end up like anyway, DESPITE being kinda smart in school & having larger dreams. the family was scrappy, deceitful; wells learned at an early age how to manipulate people to get what he wanted. he was taught how to STEAL, lie, charm, and how to get by with what they had.
wells spent most of his childhood at his uncle’s home, just a few minute walk away on the plot bc his own home wasn’t ideal. he looked up to the guy A LOT, but hasn’t spoken since he left mapleview for bigger and better things when wells was just 15.
his father, a returned drafted vietnam vet, took out the anger of what he witnessed / how he was treated / how life was UNFAIR out on his family, and often times physically. he wasn’t involved in wells’ life all too much, only when he needed something or wanted to let off some steam. 
his mother was a caring & loving woman, also mapleview grown (the two had been high school sweethearts), but loyal to a FAULT, always choosing her husband to back. 
screams, crashes, fights, fires - you name it. needless to say, that plot of morrison homes never had it quiet, easy. cops knew everyone by first and last name and could drive the route from the station to the morrison’s home with their eyes closed.
wells’ father DIED when he was 19 (although wells hadn’t considered him alive for a while) & no one knew HOW so there was never any closure for him, his mother, his fam... all his death provided was another source for the rumor mill surrounding the morrisons. was it a bad bar fight ? did he have a bad fall ? wrong pills ? some say his mother was a killer but he knew better than that.
wells’ mother is still live & somewhat well, living with his brother in a house about 20 minutes away. at her old age, it’s hard for her to do things on her own and it was decided that wells - the youngest of his generation - wouldn’t be able to care after her, let alone care for himself. she’s been there for about 10 years now and still complains every minute.
ok back to our boy. somehow wells managed to destroy every good thing that ever came his way. self-destructive due to self-hatred and REGRET which never got better as he got older and continued to well, destroy things. a slippery slope, for sure.
alongside his uncle, always dreaming of getting out of this small town, wells was good ENOUGH at school and that was his way. but of course it didn’t happen: 1. he fell into fulfilling prophecy of his predecessors, 2. he had not a PENNY to his name to leave (i.e. gambling addiction), 3. he had a child in his early twenties, 4. he tried to fight the admissions counselor at the nearby community college
having some sort of love in his life. didn’t happen: 1. he pushed/pushes everyone that dare get too close (mostly selfishly), 2. couldn’t change his addictive personality (i.e. alcoholism), 3. began to resemble his father, 4. has 0 emotional intelligence and cannot touch feelings/emotions
to get a job and be a normal person in society. didn’t happen bc: 1. has a narcissist complex, 2. would steal from the cash register, 3. would hit on customers, 4. doesn’t understand paying “taxes”
more to add here
BASICALLY, he’s lived a life. he acts as though his life is already over, there’s nothing to lose, nothing to gain and this is just how it will be for the rest of his time on earth. he’s despondent and lives far too much in the PAST, blaming himself for everything that came his way (but ok he’s not too far off tbh).
although MANY a regret linger in his mind before sleep, his largest regret is losing his family - the love of his life who LEFT the two high and dry just after about a year together and his son who moved out at just 16. the mother of his child was the only person he remembers that saw him for more than rumors, his facade and became a good influence to him - but OF COURSE he fucked that one up and she left. he blames himself big time, but would never show that. only hatred her way aloud. 
his son, lane, left while still a boy just like himself, and it HURT to think that the apple hardly fell from the tree above, not able to be a good father. never TAUGHT how to be one. manipulative to a fault, wells would always say the younger was never appreciative, never UNDERSTOOD... and he’d convince himself that his son hated him as much as he hates himself. he’ll also say he’s the only reason he’s still alive. LOVE / HATE seems to blur so often for the old man here. always did.
the only constant throughout his life has been alcohol. the morrison’s start off early of course, and wells was drinking/etc on his own by the time he was 12. UNLESS you count the bourbon his father would feed him to sleep as a baby. what started off as social and partying as he grew older, became something much more ugly. his body didn’t just crave it, it NEEDED it to function by the time he was in his early twenties. it was easier to hide it then, all young and into a good time but it wouldn’t just last for weekends. he’d need a drink to get by mentally, and physically and became fully dependent. a depressant to match his mental illness.
he has a DEEP southern accent with a hard RASP that sounds as though he smokes a pack a day (because he does). 
despite graduating high school (i KNOW, believe it), he doesn’t have a vocabulary too wide and will use larger words incorrectly all the time.
can have a bit of an old grumpy man aesthetic, easily belligerent, even though he’s only in his 40s and can be charming as hell too (that smile!!!! ok!!! knows how to manipulate.)
he doesn’t trust the government at ALL and is a bit of a conspiracy theorist, despite collecting money from the government each week for unemployment. he refuses to pay taxes so only does jobs under the books. will go on a tangent about how the government is creating diseases, hiding aliens; eat the rich, etc... he also doesn’t trust cops at all, despite being picked up and taken home by them at least once a week.
grew up on rock and roll! had a band in the 80s where he could’ve SWORN they’d be rich and famous. long hair, tight pants, acting out - wannabe motley crue.
drives (ILLEGALLY) an old ford from the 70′s that somehow still works, after losing his license years ago from too many DWIs. 
i assume all of the town knows him as the town DRUNK. maybe it used to be funny back in the day, but now it’s just really SAD. he’s a nuisance. 
y/c HIRED him for some odd jobs, must be under the table.
HIGH SCHOOL BUDDIES who also stayed around mapleview. they can be friendly, enemies now, distanced, a lot to do here.
a BROTHER / step (which i might submit to the main :))
a ONE-NIGHT stand
a GOOD INFLUENCE who tries their best to get him working towards something better. fair warning, this would 9.99/10 times not work.
where wells is the BAD INFLUENCE to y/c, convincing them to drink a ton, giving horrible advice when they’re in their most vulnerable state.
a STORE OWNER that has banned wells from entering their establishment due to a prior mishap.
a DEALER of all things wells shouldn’t, but does.
THE HILLS by the weeknd - a plot where these two are hooking up or together but only in secret. whether that’s because they’re in different socioeconomic classes, have a bad history, the other is cheating... they have to hide.
WHITE KNUCKLES - they’ve previously had a bar fight, are known enemies. could’ve been something said about his family, his past.
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xanaxxx-aunt · 5 years
Life update:
So in mid December I got drunk and decided I was going to drive to the lake and shoot myself in the head. I was not doing well, obviously. I blacked out while driving and wrecked my car, spent three days in jail, and now the next year or two of my life is going to be a huge pain in the ass. And I haven’t even been off probation for a year. I’m an idiot.
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So, it’s been a really stressful few months. I hate not having a car and having to depend on Shane and my mom for rides. Car shopping is one of the most stressful things ever and I always just get really frustrated and give up. Thanks to Shane’s handsome ass, I’ve finally found a car that I like, looks clean, and has a good history report. (I love him.) Soooooo here she is
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I’m still working on naming her. I’m enjoying this feeling of happiness and freedom as much as I can right now, because soon I’ll have to get a breathalyzer again, get an SR-22, and get an occupational license. It’s going to be an expensive year.
BUT, we’re just going to look at the positives right now. I wasn’t hurt at all in the wreck, not even a bruise or any type of soreness (I don’t know how.) The cop that came to the scene and arrested me didn’t hit me with the three possession charges I could’ve gotten for assorted pills I had in my car when they searched it, felony possession of a firearm while intoxicated, and felony theft of a firearm (my friend was asleep and I found the key to his gun lock and took his gun from his house.) So, I got pretty lucky that he was a nice guy and knew that stacking charges would only worsen my mental state. I know I’d have gotten out of jail and killed myself if I had even one felony. I’m glad my friend didn’t press charges, and I’m glad that day showed me how toxic that friendship was and we no longer speak. Also I got lucky I didn’t make it to the lake, because that definitely would not have been a good situation.
Most of all, I got lucky that Shane didn’t break up with me and was and continues to be supportive and loving. That was a friendship he didn’t like or trust, and I had promised I wouldn’t be seeing that friend at all (he’s an ex from years ago that I’ve off and on slept with between relationships so I understand his issue completely,) and personally I would’ve flipped shit and ended it most likely. We fought about it but we’ve worked through it. He truly is the most incredible thing to happen to me.
So, there have been many lessons learned over the past few months. I am NOT looking forward to being on probation again but at least I’m alive and have a wonderful boyfriend and mother and now I have a car again and I can move forward, face my punishment, and hopefully grow up. And get my meds changed because they are NOT working.
OH and I’m not drinking anymore. When that happened I said I was going to stop but that only lasted about two weeks. But now that I’m losing weight, I can see immediately the direct effect alcohol has on my weight and I just have no interest anymore. I don’t even remember when I last drank. It just doesn’t sound good to me anymore.
SO. This year I will be broke. I will be thankful for my life. I will be under the annoying, watchful eye of the State of Texas. I will be thin again. My relationship will continue to grow stronger. And I will be sober for the first time in twelve years. A nice mix of good and bad, and a few important lessons learned.
2019! My year of GROWTH! (and probably some very serious growing pains, but I deserve it. I was an idiot, and it could all be so much worse.)
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commodifiedsouls · 7 years
This may make me a bad person, and if so, I don't give a fuck, but I will ALWAYS celebrate when the drunk driver dies in the wreck they cause.
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bloom-alana-archive · 4 years
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tw: drunk while driving, alcoholism, drug use, religion
basically, noah was raised in a religious home by a well-known artist and a private investigator. he was the favorite out of his siblings, up until he started acting up in his teens while they decided to stay in their lane. he got a dwi when he was sixteen (which almost killed a family of three) and didn’t learn from it and somewhat did whatever the hell he wanted - pickpocketing, selling drugs, the whole nine yards - for a long ass time. then one day, in a car crash that wasn’t caused by him, but was caused by another drunk driver, his mother passed so he decided to clean up his act. 
he still has difficulties with drinking though. he doesn’t drink as heavily, but he does drink from time to time. and even though he’s kind of a depressed bastard, he puts on a happy face and is considered one of the ‘cool’ preachers the city has to offer? like he’s not really judgmental and is good at playing therapist. he will have a drink with one of the church goers if they’re at a bar he’s atm too.
but he honestly has no idea what his purpose is, and whether or not he’s on the right path after all? like part of him thinks he could be doing something more, part of him wants to have more fun. it’s confusing. 
(maybe has one ride or die wife), who he should be divorced from, but like, he just couldn’t let her go even though she drives him bananas. he tries to keep on the straight and narrow with all the vampires, werewolves, and more, he just finds himself losing his footing a lot. i don’t think she’s helpful in that aspect of things.
(best friend who’s a supernatural creature) i’ve been watching preacher and someone who’s basically his ride or die would be so much fun!
(people he tries to help) he tries to help people but that fails sometimes and it’s a bit hard on him but like? he does his best
(friends) just cause he’s a preacher doesn’t mean he’s lost his sense of fun. he is a cool dude. so i can see him having some friends from all walks of life (and death) 
(siblings) he was raised in deer park, texas originally, but moved to las vegas because some of his siblings live there. so like, if anyone wants a sibling connection with a family with a good amount of money and a healthy upbringing, his family is a good place to start.
hit me up at idiotsandwich#4968 if you’d like to plot <3
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rowankingsley · 3 years
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NAME: ROWAN ELISE KINGSLEY NICKNAMES: Ro, Winnie (close friends only) AGE: 28 PRONOUNS: She/Her OCCUPATION: Published Author/Freelance Baker HEIGHT: 5′1 BIRTHDAY: May 11th, 1992 ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus PARENTS: Cassandra and Tony Kingsley SIBLINGS: TBA ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good MBTI: ISFJ
TW: domestic violence, sexual assault, anxiety, eating disorders, mention of death, illness, drugs
Rowan was born to Cassandra and Tony Kingsley in the early summer of 1992, at which point things were already strained between the two-some because of Tony’s alcohol problem and Cassie’s generally meek personality. Rowan’s brother took a leading role in her care from a very young age, not just because her dad was useless, but also because their mother was so distracted by her need to please Tony that she dropped the ball often. Both her brother and her saw things they certainly shouldn’t have, were told things that no children should be told, and occasionally went without for no reason other than Tony liking control, but he never hurt them physically.  However, he did hurt their mother.  
Less than a year after her brother turned 18 and moved out of the house, their mother died of an aneurysm suddenly and unexpectedly.  Despite how Rowan’s father treated her mother, the loss of her broke him and send him on a 3 month bender that only ended because he was booked with vehicular manslaughter and his 3rd DWI.  This led to Rowan being unceremoniously dumped into the system while her father’s trial pended and they attempted to find family members that didn’t exist to take her on.  Luckily, Rowan only spent a few months in foster care before the court allowed her brother to assume custody over her.
Her brother had been living in Augusta since leaving their parents’ home, working as a tattoo artist and had found a family within a non criminal motorcycle club that had welcomed him with open arms.  From the moment she joined her brother in Augusta, the Valencia became her family.  The women, wives and daughters of the organization were the people who taught her everything she knows about being a girl, doing make up, doing her hair, navigating boys.  (This is probably why she went through a blue eyeshadow phase at 17).
Rowan is a textbook overachiever and perfectionist, she always had all As, was always in 6 clubs, and held officer positions in every single one including the dance team.  While she did hold officer positions, she never really was one to take front and center–she prefers the positions of the people behind the scenes keeping things together.  (secretary, treasurer, anything that has to do with organizational skills.  
At 18 she received a full scholarship to NYU and left Augusta and her brother for the first time to go to school first time.  She lived in the dorms all 4.5 years and graduated with a degree in English, minoring in Psychology.  While over her high school years she wrote a lot, and even published one of her short stories in a local newspaper, she didn’t write her first full novel until she went away to college at 18.  No one ever read that novel, and it hit the trash during its 5th round of editing. If you ever ask Rowan what she’s afraid of, she’ll tell you losing control again.  She notes two prominent times of completely losing control over her life, one fairly recent, and the other while she was away at college.  While she was away, she went out fairly often with her friends and one night someone slipped something into her drink.  
Nothing happened, she made it home without incident, but the way it made her feel, the way she felt victimized or the potential of being so set her off.  She had two drop three of her classes and extend her time in college an extra semester because of how hard she spun out, trying to control things that she wouldn’t typically even think about.  She started her senior year 20 pounds lighter with 0% of the friends she had started her Junior year with. While she was away at college her brother became a father, which meant frequent trips home to visit and help out with her niece who quickly meant enough to her to be her own.    
She returned home from school at 23 and worked in a bakery until she could live off of her cookie business (at 25 her cookie business was self sufficient).   While she was growing her bakery cookie business, she began writing her first professional novel and completed it the same year she quit her job at the bakery.  She used contacts she had gained while attending NYU and by the time she blew out birthday candles the next year she had sold the book and was dropped into the whirlwind that was publishing and promoting her first book.  While it changed her life or the better and got her foot in the door with the publishing world, publishing her book also led to the the single most traumatizing thing she has ever experienced.  
While she was marketing her book, the marketing manager became very demanding of Rowan and her time, which often led to them being together very late at night.  One night, while out of town for a book reading, he pushed himself on Rowan.  Without going into detail, this assault led to the second occurrence of Rowan losing complete control and her life suffering because of it.  After the assault, Rowan threatened to blow the whistle, and in return he threatened her career so he still holds his position with the company and up until her departure he was still her marketing manager.  Speaking of her departure, it came as she finished her second book and the marketing department of the publishing company she had been with all but demanded another book tour with the same marketing manager that had violated her.  At that point, Rowan essentially threw everything to the wind and has been hiding out in the little beach town her brother and her had frequented for vacations over the years.  The woman spent her profits from her last book to buy a little beach house that she would spend her days fixing up while she spent her nights trying her damndest to write something good enough to sell anonymously.
Because of how contentious Rowan’s early childhood was, she has a pretty anxious mind that is always running on 100.  Her thoughts come a mile a minute and they can be pretty difficult to stop.  Melatonin is her best friend.  
When she loses control over things in her life (hELLO we meet again control-less childhood) she controls everything she can, and that manifests differently every time.  Controlling what she eats to the point of malnourishment, controlling every single word of what she’s writing, putting herself on lockdown until whatever she’s working on is      p e r f e c t.  
She fixates on her mistakes, in high school if she answered to the wrong name during roll she would be thinking about it for the rest of the day.
She bakes in excess when she’s trying to think through something, the measurements and muscle memory movements help calm her brain into being able to process whatever is on her mind.
She’s always been a writer, from the very first time she had to write in her 4th grade ELA class.  That only grew through Middle and High School creative writing classes.  She’s always loved exploring the stories and that it was something that she could perfect through six or seven round of editing.
Sticky notes cover her bedroom walls because of how quickly her thoughts come and go, her ideas for books do NOT come in order and she can often be found starring at her walls with her little scribbles trying to figure out what order they should go in.
For someone who would be considered the ‘bright & shiny’ type, she has a thing for researching and watching shows about serial killers.  She can rattle off facts like its her day job.  
Because of how quiet she can be, sometimes folks assume she’s innocent or that she doesn’t know anything, but in reality the opposite is true.  She’s spent so much time watching and analyzing everyone and everything that she knows much more that she lets on.
She learned how to play guitar in college (not very well) and is a pretty damn good singer, but she’d never be the type to want to be front and center in front of a crowd.  She mostly uses these talents as a means to an end in writing mini stories with lyrics.  It appeases her in the in between period of having finished a book and being able to start a new one.
All floral, all the time.  Enough said.
GENUINELY afraid of birds and giant frogs
**ex boyfriend, who she really fucked up with.  message for more**
neighbors who take her under their wing
people with kids for her to spoil
drinking buddy
someone to suck at badminton with
a visceral romantic connection that sort of requires her to step out of her overthinking
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