#you deserved much faster for suggesting such a great pairing
auras-moonstone · 11 months
i can see you — ethan landry
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word count: 2,623
pairing: non-gf!ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: i can see you by taylor swift
summary: y/n and ethan work at a summer camp which has very strict rules—relationships between the staff is completely forbidden.
author’s note: this song is the epitome of horniness, so there are some suggestive things in this story. no smut, but there are sexual activities implied.
part two
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ONE OF THE FIRST RULES YOU’RE TOLD ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF WORK AT THE GARDEN GATE SUMMER CAMP IS: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STAFF MEMBERS ARE COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN. At first, Y/N didn’t mind that rule at all. No one on the staff has ever caught her attention in the two years she had been working there. But then, he bursted into the room—breathless, red cheeks (probably from running), perfect curly hair, big brown enthralling eyes, tall and broad shoulders, absolutely mesmerising features—and she knew she was utterly and absolutely fucked.
“Sorry I’m late… flat tire” he said, trying to catch his breath. And his voice was irritably hot, just great, Y/N groaned internally.
“It’s okay. I had just explained a few rules. The most important—and if we found out you broke it, we’ll have no choice but to fire you—no romantic relationships between staff members, got it?” Jessie, their boss, said. The guy nodded in understanding.
Y/N tried not to look at the mysterious new guy for the rest of the meeting—but it was impossible, his magnetic field was a little too strong. It was going to be a cruel summer, she could feel it.
Ethan, even though he didn’t show it, felt her gaze ever since he walked into that room and it excited him. He had been crushing on that girl ever since Chad showed him a picture of her. He had told her how funny and sweet she was and let it slip that Ethan was exactly her type, so that’s why he ended getting a job at Garden Gate Summer Camp—to meet her.
“Y/N! It’s so nice to see you!” Tara hugged her tightly. Y/N and the group —Tara, the Meeks-Martin twins and Sam—met the previous summer, on their first day of work at the camp. They went to different colleges, but they still texted and face-timed a lot.
“Oh, by the way, Y/N/N, this is Ethan, the roommate I told you would be joining us this year?” Chad introduced her to the personification of a daydream.
“Oh, yeah! Welcome to the nightmare, Ethan. A job at a summer camp is not cool as it sounds” Y/N looked at him with a smile.
“Oh, okay. That makes me feel so excited” he said sarcastically. “But thank you. Hope you heard all good things about me”
“Don’t worry, man. I told her you are a shy, dorky nerdy boy” Chad said, patting his shoulder. Ethan rolled his eyes at him, of course he said that.
“Don’t feel bad, Ethan. Shy, dorky, nerdy guys are cool… jocks, on the other hand…” Y/N faked a gag, and the tall boy laughed.
“Okay, okay I deserved that” Chad laughed too.
That night, both Y/N and Ethan went to bed with excitement filling their chests, trying their hardest to sleep early just so tomorrow would come faster—they couldn’t wait to see each other again.
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THE WEEKS PASSED AND THE TENSION THE TWO TEENAGERS FELT AROUND EACH OTHER WAS BECOMING MORE AND MORE UNBEARABLE. Y/N never thought she would hate that fucking rule Jessie set so much. She despised the fact that all she could do was enjoy the way he brushed past her in the hallways. It was getting so hard to retain the need to touch him.
And Ethan… no one would believe the things that went through his mind everytime he saw Y/N. Like right now, she she was waiting down the hallway—to lead him to the closet they were tasked to arrange—and the image of Y/N up against the wall with him, kissing her into oblivion, crossed his mind. Holding back from her was a complete nightmare.
“Eth? Everything okay? You look a little flushed” her sweet voice invaded his ears. His thoughts had been so loud he wondered if she could read his mind.
“The day feels hot and heavy today” was his excuse. The day was indeed intolerable, but that was not the reason he felt like that. It was totally her—the way she made that ridiculous camp shirt look hot, and the shorts that showed her beautiful legs.
“I told you. This job is not as cool as it sounded. Everyone is having fun at the lake and we are stuck in this closet” she laughed “And how is it even hotter in here? My god”.
“Let’s just hurry so we can leave” he said. “Hey, I heard you’re transferring to Blackmore, right?” Ethan tried to make conversation as they worked.
“Yup. I’m rooming with Mindy and her girlfriend. So, you’ll be seeing more of me when the summer ends”
“Thank god” he said. Y/N looked at him in surprise, and then a smirk formed on her face. Ethan widened his eyes and tried to explain himself. “I mean, with Tara and Chad, and Mindy and Anika being couples, I’m kind of always fifth wheeling… now I have you. In the group, I mean, n-not as in… my g-girlfriend”.
“You’re adorable, Ethan” Y/N told him. Ethan held back a sigh. Of course he was the adorable one, the cute one, never the hot one. He didn’t know how he could’ve thought it would be different with Y/N. “I like adorable, for the record”.
Yeah, as a friend, I bet, Ethan said to himself. “Done” he said, already wanting to get out of the closet to drown himself in his own disappointment.
“Right” Y/N stood up, cursing herself for having messed up. She totally meant it as a compliment—yes, Ethan was hot but he was also really sweet and adorable and she liked him a lot. But clearly the boy had been teased about being dorky, nerdy and adorable so much that he started to hate it.
The curly-haired boy turned the handle and tried to open the door. “No, no. No way” he said shaking the door with force. “Y/N it’s not opening”.
“What? Let me see” she said, pushing him aside. “Shit. It must be stuck”.
“Do you have your phone?” Ethan asked. Y/N shook her head. “Fuck, me neither. What do we do?”.
“Well, we’ll have to wait. I mean, they’ll eventually notice we’re missing, right?”
“But that could take hours” Ethan groaned.
“Yeah, we don’t have any other choice so, get comfortable”
The minutes passed and the little room turned warmer and heavier. Their shirts were soaked in sweat and the fabric of Y/N’s jean shorts was starting to feel hot against her skin.
“We’re going to die” Ethan muttered. They were sitting against a wall next to each other. “The shirt is sticking to my skin” he said, trying to create some air by shaking the fabric with rapid movements. “I need to take it off”.
“Please don’t take it off” by his muscled arms and broad shoulders, Y/N could tell Ethan spent some considerable amount of time at the gym. That means that he probably had abs and the last thing she needed at the moment is her body to turn warmer.
“I’m sorry but I might melt if I don’t” he said before getting rid of the dark blue Garden Gate Summer Camp shirt.
Y/N really did try not to shamelessly look at his body, but she was just a girl with only so much self-restraint. “This is torture”.
“I know, let’s just hope they’ll notice soon” he said.
She was, definitely, not talking about the hot room, but the hot, shirtless boy next to her. But she just said “Yeah”. After a couple of minutes, she couldn’t take the heat any longer so she followed Ethan’s actions and took off her shirt, leaving her in only shorts and a black bikini top.
“What are you doing?” he asked in panic, trying to look anywhere but her chest.
“The shirt was so sticky it disgusted me. Chill, it’s just a bikini”
“It’s not the bikini, it’s who is wearing it” the words left his mouth before he could even process them.
The blood rushed into her cheeks, making her even warmer “Ethan, fuck, you’re making this harder” she cursed.
“I could say the same about you” he accused her.
“Ew” Y/N teased him.
Ethan widened his eyes “No! That’s not what I meant!”
“I know, I’m just messing with you” she bursted out laughing. Her shoulder accidentally touched his and the laughter stopped. Their breaths hitched at the contact. “Maybe we should… try banging the door? Someone might hear us”
Ethan nodded frenetically. He needed to get out of this room before he did something stupid. “This is useless” he said after a couple of minutes, leaning against the door.
“I’m sorry for what I said” she blurted out, making him look at her in confusion. “About you being adorable. I can tell you didn’t like it, and I’m sorry”.
“I know it’s silly, I mean getting offended by a harmless compliment, I just… I’m kind of tired of being the one who stays in a corner at parties because I’m not enough confident or hot like Chad or other frat boys. I’m the cute guy, the adorable one, the one that girls want as a friend not a hookup”.
“That’s not how I feel about you, Ethan. God, you have no fucking idea, do you? The effect you’ve had on me since the first day? You don’t know half the things I see inside my head when you are near me or even when you’re not” she didn’t even notice she was pinning him to the door. But Ethan was well aware of it, and he loved it “So yes, Ethan, I think you’re the sweetest and most adorable guy I’ve ever met, but you are also so fucking attractive. I like you and want you so bad, it drives me absolutely insane”.
“What would you do if I went to touch you now?” Ethan asked in a low, raspy voice.
He was so irresistible. “Keep taking to me in that voice and I will do anything you want, let you do anything you want” he definitely had her in the palm of his hand, and she didn’t mind at all.
“Y/N, Ethan? You’re in there?” they heard Chad’s voice on the other side of the door.
“Are you kidding me? They appear now?” Ethan groaned in a whisper. Y/N grimaced and shrugged. It was probably for the best. “Yes! We’ve been stuck here for hours!”
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A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE THE CLOSET SITUATION and while they managed to keep everything professional, they both felt something had changed between them now that they knew they were attracted to each other. They now exchanged seductive smiles, brief teasing touches, and shared meaningful glances only the other was able to decipher—it kind of became their secret language.
But the thing was ultimately treacherous, those little actions just made the situation worse because if they had trouble holding back from each other before, now it felt physically draining.
“We have night patrol, who volunteers?” Sam asked, no one raised their hands. Everyone hated night patrols. “Oh, please”.
“Fine, I’ll do it” Y/N spoke up.
Sam sent her a grateful smile “Who else?”
Ethan faked a defeated sigh and said, “I’ll go too”. Y/N held back a smile.
“Perfect!” Sam exclaimed, giving them the lanterns.
“Good luck, guys” the rest of the group said before entering their respective cabins.
“So, are you going to make a move or are you going to keep eye-fucking me during every fucking meeting?” Ethan asked.
“Mmm, I don’t know. I kinda like seeing you clench your jaw, how you discreetly adjust your shorts, how you try to look away from me but totally failing” she whispered in his ear.
Ethan groaned, gripping her waist tightly “You temptress… you drive me insane. You know it hurts, right? Like, a lot”
“I’m sorry… maybe I should make it up to you?” Y/N smiled innocently, while dragging her hand from his shoulder all the way down to the waistline of his shorts. “Follow me” she grabbed his hand, leading him towards a secure place, very well hidden.
“You’re so gorgeous” he said, pressing her against the wall. He was so tall that she had to look up at him. “Are you going to let me kiss you, Y/N?”.
She looked at him with begging eyes and nodded. As soon as their lips touched, they could see themselves being each other’s addictions. There was so much urgency and neediness in the way their lips moved, they couldn’t imagine ever wanting to pull apart. Hands wandered everywhere—chests, cheeks, jaws, necks—wanting to feel and memorise every inch possible. Nothing could ever be enough though, they wanted more and more of each other.
“I want to make it up to you, Eth” she whispered once they had to pull away.
“Whatever you want. I am okay doing whatever you want” he whispered against her neck, the smell of vanilla and coconut blurring his senses.
“You’re going to keep quiet for me, pretty boy?” Y/N asked descending her kisses from his neck down to collarbone.
“Yes, I promise. Just… please”
So Y/N got down to her knees and Ethan totally broke his promise.
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ETHAN LANDRY, Y/N FOUND, WAS THE MOST TRANSPARENT PERSON SHE KNEW. Or at least when his emotions were on edge. The next morning, when the girl joined the rest of the group for breakfast, Ethan almost fell out of his seat. And it certainly caught the attention of their friends.
“Are you okay?” Sam asked him confused by his sudden behaviour.
“Y-yeah, I just thought there was an insect on my leg” he laughed nervously. Y/N wanted to kill him, they were going to find them out if he continued to act like that.
“Well, we are at a camp… in the woods. There are a lot of insects, so you have to get accustomed to them, Ethan” Y/N said.
“R-right, yeah. Obviously” he nodded.
“Man, do you feel alright? You’re acting weird” Chad asked his friend.
“We stayed up late last night” Y/N said, and Ethan choked on his coffee. “-patrolling. And Ethan here is basically a grandpa who wanted to go to bed like ten minutes after we started. So, maybe he just needs a little rest”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what is wrong. I need more hours of sleep” Ethan nodded.
“You’re the worst partner ever” Y/N said sending him a look that said ‘act normal’.
“Yeah, I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but we better get to work” Mindy said.
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Y/N AND ETHAN DECIDED TO HAVE THE LEAST INTERACTION POSSIBLE DURING THE DAY. The group did not buy the sleepless excuse at all, they knew something was going on between them. So, looking around to make sure no one was near, Y/N casually walked past Ethan and left a note on his hand.
meet me tonight at my cabin
make sure no one sees you leave your cabin
“You really need to start behaving, Ethan” she said as Ethan entered her cabin, closing the door behind him.
“I just… I keep replaying you on your knees and looking up at me with those fucking beautiful doe eyes and I can’t help it. You make me fucking nervous and flustered”
Y/N smiled, even the thought of being annoyed at him was impossible. She just had a soft spot for him.“Maybe I should get you accustomed to the feeling of me… of all the things that haven’t happened between us yet. And maybe then you’ll start behaving like a normal person around me” she had pushed him to her bed. He looked at her with wide hungry eyes, pulling her to his lap.
“I really like the sound of that… like a secret mission. But first, I need to return the favour. Then, we can do anything you want” Ethan said kissing her collarbone.
Y/N smiled, grabbing him by the jaw to kiss him softly “It’s okay, Eth. You don’t need to”
“I don’t need to, but I want to. There’s nothing I want more” he said, grabbing her tights to switch positions. Now, she way lying on the bed, and he was kneeling between her legs.
“They suspect something, though, they had been keeping watchful eyes on us. So, just in case, we need to be fast. You can’t spend much time here” Y/N said, the feeling of his hand on her tight sending her electric shocks all over her body.
“I can be fast. Just keep quiet, gorgeous”
And soon enough, her hands were in his hair and the rest of their clothes ended up splattered across the room.
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archivallyfound09 · 2 years
Entering the Villain Era pt. 3
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (f)
Summary: The one where she can dish more than he can handle. And, oh, does he deserve it.
Warnings: Swearing (as per usual), drinking (reader is of age), potentially some suggestive situations in the future (none here). SO much angst.
Part One. Part Two
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You sat in your Jeep, tongue running along your teeth as you sucked in a tight breath. Storms this time of year weren't unusual, but with the tenacity of these winds, you knew they weren't going to be flying today. You sneered and got out of your car, jogging to the hangar. Maverick gave you an acknowledgement nod as he continued a conversation with Rooster and Phoenix. Neither of the two pilots moved, fully aware you were stalking in behind them.
You placed each step definitively as you stood behind the podium. You checked your watch for show- you were fully aware it was start time for today's briefings. You steeled your glare to the metal on the wall in front of you, hands gripping the sides of the podium.
"Since some of you think I should fucking say something," you began, all heads snapping towards you and mouths slamming shut as the few standing aviators made their way to their seats, "Then I'll start fucking talking." You glared directly at Hangman and saw his head drop to the pencil in his hand. You lifted your head and started pacing behind the podium.
"For the past 144 hours, I have clocked every decision, every hesitation, every execution each of you have made in every simulation. My job, as someone so eloquently put it," you tossed a look to Maverick, "is to keep you all alive. I'm in the control seat and you will receive all orders and updates through me. I will" you emphasized the word, locking eyes with Rooster, then Phoenix, then Bob, "think faster than you and I will," this time you caught Coyote, Fanboy, and Hangman, "know your decision before you've even calculated it. Understood?"
The room was dead silent as heads barely nodded an affirmative. "Great," you mumbled, stepping back to the podium and pulling out your notes. "Then let's go over the collective decisions in the last 144 hours, shall we?" You looked up anticipating a groan or an eyeroll, but every head was down, eyes plastered to their hands in front of them. You looked over at Maverick with an eyebrow raised and he gave you the eyeroll you had anticipated as he mouthed 'enjoying too much.'
The storms had significantly picked up since the morning. Your briefing had been anything put, going through each decision as a collective and picking apart the thought process. If they could start to understand where you were coming from, they'd understand why you were so hard on them. You held their lives in your hands.
You squinted as you started out for your Jeep, sprinkles of water splashing in on you, immediately soaking your uniform. You walked to the vehicle, not seeing the point of running when you were wet to the bone. Once inside, you wiped your face and blinked, trying to get the water droplets off your eyelashes and out of your view. You pulled out and headed back to base, grateful for a shorter day overall.
Once back at the base housing you had barely stepped in from the rain, rolling your eyes at the lack of awning or porch at the front of your door. You had just bent down to untie your boots, socks starting to slide down in their heavy, soaked state, when a knock hit your door. You spun around, combat training kicking in, as you quietly stalked to the peephole. You weren't anticipating anyone and the fact that they waited until you were inside- chances were it wasn't good. You couldn't make out exactly who it was, but it was clearly a male. You bit the inside of your cheek and opened the door.
"Can we talk?"
You looked at Jake Seresin standing in front of you, soaked completely through, his normally perfectly coiffed hair wet and sticking to his forehead, his eyes pleading with you. In that moment, you knew this was the time for the confrontation. You knew the wind was blowing in some rain through your front door, but you held firmly to the inner doorknob, hand braced against the doorframe. You looked at him completely expressionless, refusing to start the talking that he apparently had to do. You were not going to make any part of this easy on him.
"Okay, that's fair," your eyes locked onto his as they dropped to his feet. He knew you were going to keep freezing him out and he knew he deserved every second of it. He took a deep breath and you saw his shoulders slump.
"I'm sorry. I know you deserve more than that. Everything I've tried to think of to say is cliche and nothing hits the mark. I've been trying to find the words since-since I saw you there, in front of the door. If I could, I would give you anything you asked for. I will drop the program. I will leave the Navy. I will crash my car and-" he swallowed thickly, "I will go away if you never want to see me again." He knew he was rambling and he knew you weren't going to stop him.
And he was right. You stared at him blankly, afraid to look behind the wall that you had constructed. The wall that kept you safe from everyone, especially him. The wall that you swore would never allow anyone to get near. The lightning flash jolted you out of those thoughts.
The rain poured down and plastered your hair to your cheeks and shoulders as you started out towards your car, your keys slippery in your palm. You dared a look back and saw him standing in the window, watching you wordlessly. Your eyes begged him to run down the stairs, to wrap you in his arms, and hold you, to kiss you, to choose you. Your heart broke further as you saw him turn his back and leave the window.
A lone tear mixed with the wetness from the rain on your cheek as your consciousness clicked back into your lock on Jake's face. His eyes begged at you and you knew he was standing before you with his heart in his hands, fully giving you permission to smash it in the same way that he had done to you. You pulled your eyes skyward and you wrinkled your nose, the rain hitting you in the face, Jake's eyes still boring into you. You sighed and brought your gaze back to his.
Jake didn't know what he was thinking. He knew he had to talk to you. He knew he needed to do this, but as his eyes pleaded with you silently, he didn't know what he was pleading for. He prayed to every god he could think of that you would know and that you would tell him what he needed, just like you always had. Every memory with you hurt like a hot poker between his ribs. It made his chest heave and tighten.
You saw the pleading look. You felt the wall you had been clinging to for years fall in one fell swoop. Your knees buckled. The years of therapy completely ignored. You arms dropped from the door to your sides as you head tilted and looked, really looked, at the man in front of you. You inhaled harshly, forgetting how to breathe normally, your mouth no longer being controlled by your brain.
"You destroyed me."
The words hung thick in the air, your voice barely audible. Both of you knew that every word you said would be a barb, jabbed deeply into him, regardless of your intention. He bit his lip, brow furrowing with anguish starting to appear more obvious on his face. You took in a shaking breath, feeling your hands start to twitch, the anger of the situation flooding back into you.
You had dreamed about this moment- having Jake Seresin squirming in front of you while you had the power in this struggle. You quickly realized there was no joy, there was no winner. It was simply two broken people, soaking wet in the rain, who had completely dismantled each other.
"It destroyed me, too." Jake's hand hesitantly reached out to you, but you remained completely stoic, blinking as more drops ran down your nose and cheeks. His hand held out in the cavernous empty space between the two of you. Your eyes dropped to the ground behind and off to the side of him.
"Yes, but you chose to do it."
You accusation was nothing more than factual. He nodded and his hand dropped back down to his side. You knew your defenses were down. You knew you didn't have the willpower to withstand him if he kept standing here in the rain in front of you. The whole interaction felt like it had been hours of agony, but only a few minutes had passed.
"What do we do now?" Jake's voice caught in his throat, your arms aching to wrap around his neck and hold him tightly against you. You held out a hand in truce. He looked disbelievingly at you and then decided to grasp your hand in his, worried you would second guess him and pull back.
The electric shock you felt as his hand touched you was accentuated by the thunderclap that happened simultaneously. You went to drop his hand, but he held on tightly and, in one swift movement, he pulled you tightly against his chest, allowing the rain to fully soak you as you were encapsulated by his arms around you. His nose pressed into your now wet hair and you felt his chest heave under you. You stood frozen and too afraid to hug back.
"I'm sorry," came the whispered, broken sob. Your hands reached up and around his neck, tears fully falling from your tightly shut eyes as you held onto him like there was nothing left in the world. Your head was swimming with thoughts of what this meant and how this could hurt you again, but everything was drowned out by the overall, enraptured feeling of him.
"I am so. fucking. sorry."
Part Four
Taglist (request if you'd like to be on it!): @alldaysdreamers @ponyboys-sunsets @hopefulinlove @wannabepoe @maverooster @rosiahills22 @ancabifi @multifandom-fangirl4 @dempy @luckyladycreator2 @chlo-feigh @sopheeg @kkrenae @blue-aconite @angirlofallthings22 @rln108 @pricklepearbloom @natasharomanoffisbaebby@loveforaugust @mizzy-pop @lizzie-rdj @mavswife @quackwackfawck @obiwankenobis-lap
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furys-mercy · 11 months
- | Brother | -
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Word Count: 1,173 Characters: August Mercer, Sebastian de Vairemont
“Get yer arse up!” 
Sebastian had always been rather particular about his morning rituals, a fact that made his brother’s gutter drawl even more grating than usual. “Who let him in?” The question was barely groaned loud enough for Mercer to hear, much less the footman he’d left in the hall, shaking in his immaculately polished shoes. 
“I let m’self in.” The machinist ripped back the velvet curtains, allowing light to spill in. 
Sebastian hissed as he rolled away, covering his head with a pillow. “I am not in the mood for your games today, August.” 
“My games? Well tha’s fuckin’ rich ain’t it? Comin’ from the fella who left m’arse sittin’ on the deck’a m’damned ship fer three fuckin’ bells. Damned near froze m’arse off.” Mercer’s boot collided with an empty bottle of wine, sending it skittering across the marble floor. “Started ta wonder if ya were ill or somethin’, so I made m’way up ta tha gods forsaken Pillars ta find ya sleepin’ off a hangover? Nah. Get yer arse up, put on some fuckin’ pants, and lets get goin’. I ain’t gonna be late cause ya can’t hold yer liquor.” 
“And why, pray tell, did you not simply… leave? It would have been quite easy. In fact, it still is…” Sebastian waved a hand in the direction of the door. Or rather, the direction he assumed was the door. It was lucky for him that Mercer was too busy throwing open his wardrobe to notice that he’d suggested he leap out the window. 
“Unlike some folks I know, I happen ta be a fan’a keepin’ m’word.”
The rustling of silks finally spurred movement in Sebastian. He sat up to offer his counterpoint only to be stunned into silence at the sight of the clashing fabrics now piled at the foot of his bed. 
Mercer, on the other hand, looked rather proud of himself. “Get dressed.” 
Sebastian’s mouth hung open for several moments before he managed to huff out a response. “Absolutely not.” No one in this world could convince him to pair an emerald brocade with a cravat the color of sunrise.  
Mercer’s brow furrowed as he reached down, grabbed a pair of pants from the floor, and hurled them directly at his brother’s face. “I ain’t in tha mood fer…” His expression shifted as his gaze snagged on the piece of parchment that slipped free of the pants. The crest atop it made him visibly shudder. “Wha’ do those arseholes want with ya now?” Scarred fingers reached out to grab the paper before it settled fully into the folds of Sebastian’s velvet duvet. 
“It is nothing for you to worry with.” Sebastian launched himself forward, attempting to reclaim the parchment, but seeing as Mercer had not been sleeping off what appeared to be three bottles of wine, he was faster.
“Is this why ya tried ta drink yer whole damned wine cellar?” Mercer peered up at Sebastian from over his black-rimmed glasses. 
“Do not start with me, August. I am well aware of your feelings on the matter.” He reached for his dressing gown, tugging it on. “So, if you are inclined to congratulate me on my great fortune, do keep it to yourself.” 
“Hey, hey… tha’ ain’t…” Mercer was interrupted by Sebastian snatching the parchment from his grip. “Look, I ain’t gonna claim ta I understand any’a tha’ noble shite. But I ain’t ‘bout ta stand here an’ add ta tha pile’a ‘bo shite ya’ve been dealt.”
Sebastian stepped towards the fireplace, pausing to look back at his brother. “No? And why not? Is this not exactly what you have wanted since the day you learned of me? For me to choose a side… or be forced to.” He turned back towards the flames, contemplating if the edict in his hand might serve everyone better as kindling. 
“I… I didn’t want ya ta choose a side. Tha’ ain’t it. It’s…” Mercer stammered as he did his best to compose his thoughts. “It’s tha’ I wanted ya see tha’ you deserve better’n this shite. Tha’ there’s people an’ places where no one gives a shite who yer parents were. Tha’ ya’ve got other options. Ya always have, ya jus’... ya didn’t have anyone ‘round ta tell ya tha’.” 
“And what would you have me do? Take your name?” Sebastian didn’t know what answer he was seeking, but he knew he’d failed to tame the venom in his tone. 
“I wouldn’t ask ya to.” The Machinist didn’t even wince. “I know wha’ names mean ta people. I ain’t got much left of ‘em, ya know? M’parents, I mean… jus’ tha name they gave me. An’ I’d put up one hell of’a fight before I’d let someone jus’ take it. It don’t matter wha’ tha’ fancy shite says. If ya say yer Sebastian de Vairemont, then tha’ is who ya are. Ain’t no one got any say in tha’ other’n you.”
Sebastian sagged against the mantle, feeling the weight of his brother’s words. “Is it… is it truly that simple?” The touch of his brother’s hand on his arm surprised him. Had they been this close since that initial awkward handshake? 
“Ain’t nothin’ in life simple, but there’s satisfaction in fightin’ fer it, in buildin’ it with yer own hands, in tellin’ folks like tha’ ta shove it.” Mercer nodded towards the now crumpled parchment. “He ain’t got any bearin’ on you. Tha’s wha’ tha’ paper says. Ya don’t have ta play by ‘is rules anymore. He ain’t yer lord. Yer free, Sebastian. Free ta do an’ be whoever ya want.”
“And what of you? Will you not continue to wish for me to be something else?” Sebastian wanted to believe him. More than anything. But trust was a risk, as Akhutai had once noted. And while it was a risk he very much wished to take, he needed to be absolutely certain.
“I only get ta make choices fer m’self, not fer you. An’ I’ve already gone an’ made m’choice. I made it tha day ya walked in m’front door smirkin’ like ya were an’ holdin’ those damned letters. Part’a me wanted ta kick ya out. Ta tell ya ta shove off back ta wherever ya came from, but tha rest… tha rest jus’ wanted ta know ya. An’... I still want tha’. Cause yer m’brother. An’ I ain’t sayin’ tha’ cause we share blood. Blood don’t make families. Choices do. An’ I choose you, Sebastian. Today, tomorrow, an’ everyday after tha’.” 
“You… you…” For the first time in his life, The Bastard of Vairemont had been rendered truly speechless. There were simply no words for what he felt. Or if there were, he did not know them. So, he did the only thing he could think to do. He reached out for his brother, tugging him into a tentative and hesitant embrace. 
Mercer quirked a little smile before wrapping his arms around the taller man. “I love you, too, Sebastian. I love you, too.” 
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Exactly How to Buy Shoes Online
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Purchasing shoes online is a practical method to purchase new footwear. You can locate a variety of designs and brand names at low prices, as well as you can shop 24-hour a day from the convenience of your own house. However, there are some things you must remember before purchasing footwear online. First off, it is necessary to understand what size you must acquire. The sizing of shoes can differ dramatically from brand to brand, in addition to in between the various sorts of shoes.
This can make it difficult to establish what dimension is best for you. The very best method to identify your shoe dimension is by measuring your feet and also making use of conversion graphes from the brand names you buy from. Procedure your feet frequently to ensure you are constantly getting the best dimension. Your feet may transform in size with time as a result of weight gain or loss, injuries, maternity, and numerous other factors, so it is necessary to take the time to measure them every so often.
This will certainly assist you to prevent purchasing shoes that don't fit. Another handy suggestion for purchasing shoes online is to examine the return plan of the seller you prepare to shop with. AnkleAndFootCenters.com will aid you to know if they accept returns as well as the length of time you have to do so to get your money back. You can likewise try to buy footwear from a brand name you recognize with. This is a great concept because brand names usually have a far better understanding of their very own sizing than others. The following action is to make certain that the brand name offers a huge choice of sizes for their shoes.
This is specifically real for sports-related footwear where a bigger choice is required to fit a range of athletic tasks as well as physique. Finally, make certain to inspect the delivery costs and also shipment time for each and every shoe you want. If you need your shoes by a certain day, it deserves shopping around for the very best shipping prices. You may additionally have the ability to save even more money by getting your footwear on Daily Deals or with cashback apps that give you an additional 2-8% off your acquisition. Buying shoes can be a little tricky, yet it is feasible to discover the ideal pair of shoes for your demands and also budget.
The adhering to ideas will certainly make the procedure a great deal simpler as well as faster: When you are buying footwear, it is very important to check out evaluations from specialists that have experience wearing the footwear. Best shoes for your foot type will certainly help you to figure out whether they fit and resilient. It will also let you understand if they are suitable for the tasks you mean to do in them. If you are seeking a high-grade set of footwear at a fantastic cost, there is no much better place to buy them than online. You can discover a wide variety of brands and designs at fantastic prices, including the most up to date fads from heavyweights like Nike and Adidas.
Check out this post that has expounded on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slip-on_shoe.
0 notes
I return from the dead! Have some fluffy Alyanette :)
Read on Ao3
“Okay,” Alya said to the assembled group of grade school girls, “I don’t care if you don’t fall asleep, but I shouldn’t be able to hear you at all, and unless you’re going to the bathroom, you should be in this room. If you adhere to these rules, I will make chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes in the morning. Agreed?”
“Agreed!” Ella, Etta, and their friends said at once.
“Alright! Have a good sleepover, ladies.”
Marinette marveled at Alya’s ability to work with children. She had no doubt the girls would keep their noise low enough (though probably not quite as inaudible as Alya had requested) for the rest of the night. Alya was amazing.
“So, Ladybug anime or video games?” Alya asked, flopping onto the couch next to Marinette and laying her head on Marinette’s thighs.
“Uh, feither’s ine. Either’s fine!”
Alya jumped up and put on the anime, curling up against Marinette again.
“You okay?” Alya asked when Marinette tensed up on contact.
“Uh, yeah! Just cold.”
“Your face is red,” Alya said, reaching a hand to each of their foreheads. “You don’t feel too warm. You’re sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” She resisted the urge to squeeze her eyes closed in embarrassment.
Alya reached over to the other section of the couch and grabbed a throw blanket. She wrapped it around Marinette and left her arms around her, leaning her head on her shoulder.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” Marinette said, squirming out of Alya’s grasp.
She retreated down the hall to the bathroom and leaned her head against the door when she closed it. She pulled her phone from the pocket she had sewn in her pajama pants and dialed a familiar number.
“Help,” she whimpered.
“What’s up?”
“So I’m pretty sure I’m in love with Alya and remember how I couldn’t function around Adrien before? I think this is worse.”
“Yeah, I told you that when you said you’d be staying over at her place this weekend,” Nino said.
“Well, I didn’t think you were serious!” Marinette said, the arm not holding her phone flailing. “What am I going to do? I’m stuttering, and she’s really cuddly tonight and she’s so soft and warm and I just want to spend all my time staring at her, sketching her, making her pretty outfits to wear so everyone who sees her in them knows she’s mine, and-”
“Okay, I’ve got a simple plan for you,” Nino said. “A scheme worthy of the time you forced the Gorilla to leave Adrien so you could try and get him in a rickshaw.”
“Oh my gosh, Nino, that was one time,” Marinette complained, turning to slide her back down the door until she was sitting on the floor.
“You know it wasn’t just one time. Anyway, the plan,” Nino said. “You ready?”
“Anything to get me through this night,” she said, clutching her phone tighter in anticipation of something to solve this situation.
“Okay. Dude, grab her face and kiss her. That’s it, that’s the plan.”
“…You are no help.”
“I’m exactly the right kind of help! If you need me to, I will show up with a sick mix and you can use it to serenade her.”
“I’m serious, Nino, I need some way to not lose my mind while my crush is cuddling and playing with my hair and magically getting small children to do as she says.”
Nino sighed. “I’m not going to change my advice. You really should be direct.”
Marinette groaned and flopped on her side, staring at the base of the tub in front of her. “I just like her so muuuch.”
“Then show her that.”
“I can’t. She’s my best friend. I could ruin the best relationship in my life.”
“Nothing would be ruined even if she didn’t feel the same,” Nino said. “You and my best bro are still good friends. Better, even, than back when you were a mumbling fool that said weird things to him and confused him to no end.”
“You don’t know nothing would be ruined,” Marinette said, completely sweeping aside her strong, platonic relationship with Adrien as a fluke in her mind.
“D-C, I love you, but it’s time you face the music. Either learn how to deal, or learn how to speak up. You got this.”
“I most certainly do not got this.”
“Good night.”
“Uuugh. Good night.”
Marinette went through her night time routine even though she knew she and Alya would be up for a while. She felt better with her face washed and her teeth brushed. She gave Tikki a cookie and went back to the living room.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Alya asked. “Something’s off. You can’t fool me, girl. Even if I wasn’t one of the best investigative reporters under the age of twenty-five, I’m your best friend. I know when something’s going on. I know when something’s bugging you.”
“No, I don’t- I can’t- you wouldn’t-”
“Hey,” Alya said, grabbing one of Marinette’s hands in both of hers. “You can tell me anything, okay?”
Marinette stared at Alya’s wide, concerned eyes and felt the words clawing to get past her clumsy tongue. She opened her mouth, and words came out. Coherent, clear words.
“I’m kinda tired is all. Do you mind if we go to bed soon?”
Marinette watched Alya deflate before her eyes. Her shoulders hunched, her head nodded and stayed down, her eyes fell to her lap, her hands withdrew.
“Yeah, of course. After this episode?”
Marinette nodded and as Alya settled a good foot away from her on the couch, she wondered what she had done wrong. Maybe Alya could tell she was lying, but she hadn’t meant to lie so much as withhold the truth. Didn’t Alya get, after all this time, that if she was keeping a secret it was for the greater good?
The episode ended without either absorbing what happened. They cleaned up the living room and went to Alya’s room and discovered that there was a problem neither had realized until that moment.
“The sleepover took all the sleeping bags and blankets,” Alya said as they stood side by side staring at her twin bed.
“Yes, it did.” Marinette was surprised her heart could beat this fast while standing still.
“So we only have my bed.”
“And my set of blankets.”
“It’s not like we haven’t fallen asleep on each other before.”
“Many times!”
“So… So we’re sharing the bed?”
Alya turned to Marinette. She was biting her lip and worry lines crossed her forehead. All Marinette wanted to do was kiss her until all her stress and anxiety melted away. She dropped her eyes from Alya’s lips to where her hands were knotted together.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. I can use the throw blanket from the couch on the floor if-”
“No way, if anyone’s sleeping on the floor-”
“-but if you want to-”
“-and I don’t mind-”
They both stopped for a moment and took a breath. At the same time they said, “We can share?”
They smiled.
“Okay,” Alya said. “Get comfy, I’ll be back in a minute.”
As Alya went to brush her teeth, Marinette sat on the edge of the bed. The sheets had that distinctly “Alya” smell that she loved, and it calmed her racing heart just a bit. She tried to decide which side of the bed to take. The outside would mean if she woke up in the middle of the night she could get up without disturbing Alya, but she probably would fall out of bed at some point, knowing how things usually went for her. If she took the side against the wall, she couldn’t fall out of bed, but if Alya moved too close there wasn’t anywhere she could go. She decided that getting sleepy-snuggled by her best friend/crush wasn’t the end of the world and slid into the corner, stretching like a cat once she was settled.
“Don’t you look cozy.”
Marinette jumped and turned to see Alya leaning against the door frame.
“You said to get comfy.” Marinette fiddled with the blankets for a moment.
“I did. And you did an excellent job.” Alya sat on the bed next to her. “You’re okay with this?”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, feeling her cheeks heat. “I like being near you.”
Alya nodded and curled up on her side next to Marinette, her knee brushing Marinette’s thigh and her lower arm against Marinette’s.
“Goodnight, M,” Alya said as she shut out the light.
They lay there, slowly relaxing. Marinette was half asleep when Alya spoke.
“Did I make you uncomfortable earlier?”
“No, I’m just nervous because every time you touch me I want to kiss you.”
Marinette jolted to full consciousness. She had not meant to say that! This was a disaster! Maybe she could play it off as weird sleep talking? Say she hadn’t meant it? But she had meant it, and that would be just another lie to add to the pile of them accumulating between the two of them, and that was the last thing she wanted.
“Marinette?” Alya reached out a hand, touching her hip lightly.
“You want to kiss me?”
Alya’s hand slid across Marinette’s stomach along her waistband, feather light until she had reached her other hip, tugging on it to pull Marinette onto her side, adding many more points of contact between them. Marinette was cataloging all the spots where Alya was touching her (toes to shins, knee to lower thigh, hand to hip, other hand grabbing her fingers, their, um, chests, her forehead leaning against hers) and internally freaking out that she had just said a lot of things she didn’t mean to say when she realized Alya had asked her a question.
“Can you repeat that?” Marinette squeaked.
Alya laughed. “Do you like me?”
“So much.” Damn those ninja reporter interview skills!
“You have a crush on me?”
“So bad.” She tried to bring her hand up to cover her face, but Alya’s hand left her hip to grab her hand and bring it to rest between them. “It’s all I think about.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Marinette squeezed her eyes closed. “Not if you don’t mean it.”
“If I don’t mean it?”
“If the kiss doesn’t mean something, I don’t want it.”
Alya licked her lips and released Marinette’s hand to brush dark hair behind her ear.
“You tell me if I mean it,” Alya whispered. She reached up to cup Marinette’s cheek and gave the softest kiss to her best friend.
As Alya pulled back, Marinette felt too much at once. Her heart racing, every place she and Alya were touching, the blanket falling off her hip, Alya’s breath rushing across her face. There was only one thing to do.
She kissed Alya, her arms coming around her waist and pulling her close. Everything she felt fell to the back of her mind as she focused on the kiss, on just one point of contact, their lips meeting over and over and over. When the back of her mind had finally processed I am kissing Alya, the most beautiful woman on the planet, and she likes me, she likes me, she likes me! she pulled back giggling.
“What?” Alya asked, giggling too.
“You knew! You knew, didn’t you?”
“That you like me?” Alya asked. Marinette nodded. “Of course I knew! I’ve known how you act with a crush since, like, the first week of school! But I knew if this was ever going to work, you had to say it first. I couldn’t take that step until you were ready.”
“I wouldn’t say mumbling it half asleep was ‘ready’ exactly,” Marinette said, giggling again. “But I did say it first. And you… you like me.”
It was almost a question. Even with the joy fizzing around in her chest, she had to hear it, had to be sure.
“I like you,” Alya said, leaning forward to kiss Marinette’s nose. “I’ve liked you for so long.”
Marinette buried her face against Alya’s neck, smothering more giggles.
“Is this real? This is really happening?”
“I hope so,” Alya said. “If not, it’s the best dream. The kind that makes your heart ache when you wake up and it’s not real.”
Marinette nodded. “And either way,” she said, pulling back a little so she could see Alya’s face. “In the morning I still get chocolate chip pancakes.”
Alya kissed her again. “I’ll add extra chocolate, just for you.”
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
snapshot | jhs x reader
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summary: after a day at the beach, hoseok has some surprises in store for his longtime love
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluff OH MY GOD SO MUCH FLUFF y'all i apologize
word count: 4.7K
notes: this fic is a commission fic for the lovely @wwilloww as part of the @armyadvocates fundraising initiative to stop hate crimes against AAPI. miss willow asked for an old house, candles and soft smut as well as a mystery box. i did my best to deliver on all counts because willow is amazing and deserves all good things.
thanks go to @hobi-gif @ladyartemesia and @btsarmy9593 for beta reading parts of this story, thanks so much for keeping me on track ladies! a very special shoutout to @sahmfanficbts who helped me come up with a very *key* part of this plot.
warnings: no one dies? no one is in danger of dying? who am i? standard smut, unprotected sex. liberal sunscreen use. low air quality due to paint fumes and sawdust. references to yoongi, who we can assume is cranky offscreen, references to @untaemedqueen first suggestion of what was in the box.
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Hoseok is so warm right now, inside and out. He stretches his long body out on the length of his beach lounger, enjoying the feeling of the sun beating down on his skin. His buzz is mellow and pleasant. He lets his eyes drift shut, lulled into a lazy calm by the sounds he can hear all around him.
The steady lap of the waves against the shore. Kids laughing as they run around on the sand. Off in the distance, a bluetooth speaker thumps out a song that’s too far away for him to recognize. And after a few minutes, another sound.
Your bright laughter, carried to him on the breeze.
God, he loves that sound.
“You are such a lightweight,” you tease. Hoseok can hear the smile in your voice. “Two beers and you pass out on me.”
He cracks one eye open to find you standing beside his lounger. The early evening sunlight streams through the strands of your dark hair and warms your bronzed skin, bathing you in a kind of golden halo. He gazes up at you, languid and content.
“I’m not passed out,” he argues with a slow grin. “I’m relaxing. Come relax with me.”
Hoseok doesn’t give you a chance to accept his offer, leaning up to grab your hand and pull you down into the narrow space beside him. You laugh when he wraps his arms and legs around you like a starfish, pulling your back flush against his chest.
“I’m just enjoying the perfect day,” he murmurs, nosing at the back of your ear, “With my perfect girl.”
Hoseok can’t see you rolling your eyes, but he knows you’re doing it anyway. Just like he can’t see the way you flush and he knows you’re doing that, too.
“We should eat,” you say after a while, shivering when he strokes the pads of his fingers up the soft skin of one bare leg. “Grab something before we have to take the bikes back.”
Hoseok hums under his breath as he slides his palm up the curve of your thigh, boldly searching for trouble under the hem of your sundress. You bat his hand away and he laughs, hugging you tighter.
“Alright,” he agrees in a whisper, ghosting his lips down the nape of your neck. You jolt in his arms when he sinks his teeth into the curve of your shoulder, nipping playfully. “Just a quick bite.”
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There’s not much difference between a sundress and a négligée is there?
Certainly not from where Hoseok is sitting, anyway.
He studies you as he rides close behind, watching the way your hair whips in the breeze as you pedal. One delicate sundress strap slips down your sun-warmed shoulder, exposing just a bit more of your back. Then the wind grabs a hold of your sheer skirt, lifting it just long enough for Hoseok to get a glimpse of the pretty white panties underneath.
God, he loves those panties.
Could stare at them all day, really.
But instead he forces himself to pedal faster and take the lead, grinning when you take note of his advance and glare. It’s for the best because while you think this is just some meandering evening ride, he’s the only one who knows where you’re really headed. For the best because if he falls off his bike and breaks his face because he’s too busy staring at your ass, the entire night will be ruined before it has the chance to start.
It’s quiet on this street just a few blocks from the shore.
Dolmeori Beach is rockier, more wooded than the beaches preferred by most tourists and that’s always suited Hoseok just fine. When he was a kid, he’d steal away when the weather was warm and hop the train here from Gwangju any chance he got.
It’s always felt like his place, his personal piece of sea and sand.
Pine trees loom high over the pavement, canopies so dense they block out much of the waning sunlight streaming down from above. The shade beneath the leaves makes the heat bearable, but it also makes it hard to judge the time. Hoseok steals a quick look at his watch.
Right on schedule. He hopes Yoongi followed his instructions to the letter.
“Hurry up, slowpoke,” he teases over his shoulder, and he chuckles at the sound of frustration you make as you pedal faster to catch up. It takes a few seconds for you to coast into position at his side.
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” you fuss, “Wanna clue me in?”
Hoseok turns his head to smile at you, sly like a fox.
“You’ll find out when we get there.”
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The realtor had said the place would need a little love.
Turns out, it needs a lot more than a little. But Hoseok was able to see right past the weathered wooden porch and salt air-worn paint right away. When he found this place online, he knew it was the one.
He slows his bike to a stop as the two of you make your approach, taking note of the warm light that glows just behind the frosted glass pane in the front door. Looks like Yoongi came through.
“What is this place?” you ask, skidding to a stop beside him. You stand over your bike on tiptoes as you survey the house, brow knit in confusion.
“It’s a surprise,” Hoseok grins, hopping off his bike. He shoves the kickstand into place and offers you his hand, which you accept with a suspicious smile. “Wanna go in?”
“Yeah sure,” you shrug. “We’ve probably already stolen these bikes. What’s a little breaking and entering on top of that?”
Hoseok laughs, leading the way to the front door.
He cringes when the porch floorboards creak loudly beneath his feet, making a mental note to put that project next on his to-do list. You stand with arms crossed, watching silently as he crouches down to lift the mat at the front door, fingers feeling beneath for the concealed key.
You stop him with fingers wrapped around his forearm when he gets to his feet.
“Wait,” you whisper frantically. “We can’t just walk into someone’s house, Hoseok.”
He chuckles before leaning down to kiss the adorable confusion right off your face. Then he slides his key into the lock and pushes the door wide open.
“Not someone’s house,” he corrects, watching you peer skeptically inside.
You step slowly through the threshold and scan the candle-lit front room before turning to him with wide eyes.
“Our house.”
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“You bought a beach house.”
It’s the third time you’ve said it by now, and not once has the hushed observation been directed at Hoseok. You said it when you brushed your fingertips over the freshly-dried spackle on the living room wall, said it again as you passed your hand over the base coat of stain on the mantle over the fireplace.
You say it again as you turn to him, jaw slack with disbelief.
“You bought a beach house.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok admits sheepishly, uncertain of your reaction. He tries to see the room the way you must see it now, candles and tools scattered across the tables, floors covered in drop cloths, cans of paint and plaster stacked up in the corners.
Yoongi had done a decent job of clearing up most of the clutter before he left, but judging by the astonishment on your face, he’s probably been romanticizing the mess in here.
He’d really hoped to have a lot more done the first time he brought you here, but he’s learned the hard way that some home renovation projects don’t go as smoothly in real life as they do on YouTube. The process has been a bit of trial and error, with a lot more error than he’d originally counted on.
“I know it doesn’t look like a whole lot right now,” he says, rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck, “But it’s going to look great when I’m done. Yoongi helped me sand all week.”
You shake your head like you’re coming out of a daze.
“Oh my god Hoseok, no -- ” you vow with a shaky laugh, “ -- no, this is incredible. This is amazing. I’m in shock.”
“Yeah?” Hoseok grins, relief melting over him. “I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted -- ”
“ -- Wait,” you interrupt, one brow quirked high as you step closer. “You said… you said something important. You said this was our house.”
“Did I?”
You narrow your dark eyes at him and he chuckles uncomfortably, nerves kicking in for the first time tonight. The feeling -- and the occasion both call for more booze. Which he’s prepared for.
“Are you going to give me a tour?” you ask.
“Later,” he says. “After.”
“After what, Hoseok? You’re killing me slowly with all this suspense.”
“Hang out here for a second,” he instructs, ducking into the small kitchen. “I’ll be right back.”
It takes him no time at all to find the bottle of Moet he’s stashed in the fridge and the clean champagne flutes tucked away into the corner of his dutifully-dusted kitchen cabinet. He double-checks the contents of the box on the counter, making sure everything is in place.
Then he takes a deep breath.
Your brows lift in surprise when he walks back into the room with that box in his hands. You watch him set it down on the floor, saying nothing when he turns back to retrieve the champagne and glasses.
When he finally returns, you’re on your knees -- examining the package. Lips pursed thoughtfully as you press your fingers to the gold flecks on the fabric lid.
“Hoseok,” you whisper, flicking your gaze up to find his. “I have so many questions right now.”
You look so damned beautiful in this candlelight -- like you brought your golden glow from the beach indoors. Like you absorbed the sun’s rays and you’re emitting them now like some kind of superpower.
“Have a drink with me,” he murmurs, “And I’ll answer them.”
Something in the room shifts then; the temperature changes. The silly fun of the afternoon evaporates, leaving behind something heavy and heady. Hoseok knows you feel it too, when your half-smile slowly drops and you pull your lower lip between your teeth.
“Okay,” you agree softly, “Let’s have a drink.”
You watch him with those focused dark eyes as he pops the champagne. The drink bubbles over the lip of both flutes as he pours, on account of his haste and shaky hands. Then you take one of the glasses in hand and offer him the other, which he quickly accepts.
“To this surprise housewarming,” you declare, raising your flute for a toast.
Hoseok clinks his glass against yours, taking note of the way you watch him carefully over the lip of your glass as you’re tilting back the flute to take a sip. He decides he can’t keep you -- or himself -- in suspense any longer.
“You know how special you are to me, right?”
You make a face.
“Did you bring me to your new house to break up with me?”
Hoseok’s startled laugh turns into a cough and tears prick his eyes as champagne bubbles blaze a path up his sinuses.
“Yes,” he says dryly, once he’s managed to collect himself. “I figured dumping you by candlelight sounded like the most romantic option.”
You tip your head back when you laugh, light playing off the curve of your neck, your collarbones, the tiny gold pendant that sits in the pretty dip at the base of your throat.
God, he loves your skin.
Hoseok looks at you long and hard before lifting his flute to take a long drink.
“This is for you,” he says quietly, acknowledging the box out loud for the first time.
“What’s in it?”
“A human head,” Hoseok snorts, flinching when you reach over to pinch his leg. “Don’t be a pain. Just open it.”
Your eyes light with excitement as you smooth your hands over the lid and Hoseok can’t help but smile. But your excitement turns into confusion the moment you open the box and find the neat row of plain white envelopes inside.
“What is this?”
“Quit asking me questions,” Hoseok deadpans, pouring himself another drink. He tops off your glass, too. “And start at the front.”
You shake your head with a wry smile as you work the first envelope open, slipping your fingers in between the paper folds to fish out the contents inside. Hoseok sips his champagne as you produce the polaroid photo, head cocked to the side as you study it.
It was cold that day, he remembers that. You’d been bundled up in a pretty scarf and matching belted coat. In the photo, the mid-morning sun flares behind you, illuminating your profile as you squint up at a display of laminated menus.
“This is me,” you murmur, mouth quirking into a disbelieving smile, “At the coffee truck outside of work.”
“We’d just started dating.”
“How did you take this without me noticing?”
“Easy,” Hoseok laughs. “You stared at that menu for five minutes straight. I’ve never seen someone take coffee selection so seriously. Thought you were gonna order the most complicated drink in history.”
You roll your eyes but you laugh. So does he.
“Turn it over.”
You flip the polaroid over in your hands, eyes moving over the neat block handwriting on the back.
coolest girl i ever met
“This is the day I knew I liked you,” Hoseok murmurs, “Like, really liked you.”
Your eyes are a bit glassy when you look up at him now, the corner of your mouth tugging into a soft smile.
“You were that sure that fast, huh?” “Yeah,” he admits, scratching self-consciously at the back of his neck. “Yeah, I was.”
You move onto the next envelope, this time prepared when you pull out yet another polaroid picture. This one is harder to place, taken in the dark, mostly black but for a few splashes of vivid light.
“I don’t know this one,” you frown, ghosting your finger across one particularly colorful blur of red and gold. “I can’t make it out.”
You turn the polaroid over, looking once again for Hoseok’s neat block letters.
she’s into me
You laugh out loud.
“That was the lantern festival in Cheonggyecheon,” Hoseok explains. “I’d invited you, but you’d had plans, remember? And I was just going to get Yoongi to go with me but you called me last minute to say you’d decided to come.”
“I remember,” you say with a smile. “Yeri invited me to a movie, but I cancelled on her. I wanted to hang out with you instead.”
“Yeah, well that’s the night I knew you really liked me.”
“Cocky,” you smirk, reaching for another envelope. “But warranted.”
Your eyes light with recognition the moment you pull the next picture out. You’re crouched down at the edge of his mother’s koi pond, one finger making ripples on the surface of the water.
“First time we ever went to Gwangju together,” you muse quietly. “First time I met your parents.”
You flip the polaroid over.
pretty sure my mom loves her more than she loves me
“Okay, this might actually be true,” you tease, taking a sip of your champagne. “Your mom and dad love me.”
“Yeah, well that was the day I decided I loved you, too,” Hoseok chuckles. “The point where I kind of knew there was no turning back.”
You look up from the photograph then, eyes glassy with emotion when they find his. Candlelight flickering across your face as you look at him fondly.
“You still feel that way?”
“Hell yeah, I do,” he laughs, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Keep going.”
The next polaroid is a selfie of Hoseok in bed but it’s by no means sexual. There are dark circles under his eyes and his skin has a sallow tint. Next to his pillow, the bedside table is littered with cold medicine and empty cups.
“Is this when you had the flu?” you ask, flipping the polaroid over. The neat block lettering on the back confirms your theory.
she took care of me
“You were so pitiful,” you laugh, shaking your head at the memory. “Wrapped up in your blankets like a burrito. I swear, men have zero tolerance for discomfort.”
“I nearly died,” Hoseok protests dramatically. “But you dropped everything to come take care of me. That’s the day I knew you loved me, too.”
Your smile is brilliant now, open and sweet as you reach for the last remaining envelope. Hoseok takes another swig of champagne, slugging it down as you pull out the polaroid and study the image.
You are wearing your delicate sundress, leaned up against the wooden railing that separates the sand and rocks. Standing just next to your bike, nose in the air as you breathe in the salt carried on the wind.
“This is today,” you murmur, brows knitting together when you flip the picture over and find the back side blank. “And you haven’t written anything here.”
“Yeah, well,” Hoseok starts and stops, clearing his throat. “I haven’t had a chance to write it in yet.”
“That’s the day I asked you to marry me.”
You blink. Once, then again. Hoseok can hear the shaky breath you take in when your mouth parts in surprise. He sets his champagne flute down, sufficiently bolstered by the booze.
“So that’s what I’m doing right now. I’m asking you to marry me.”
You’re still mute with shock, eyes wide as they go from Hoseok to the picture and back to Hoseok again.
“But uh, the longer you don’t say anything, the less confident I feel about this entire plan,” he chuckles awkwardly.
You take him off balance when you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your thighs around his waist. He keeps you both from toppling over with a palm flat to the floor, laughing as you pepper his face with kisses.
“So is that a yes?”
“Yes,” you sigh, pressing your lips to his temple, his neck, his jaw. “Yes. To you and to these amazing pictures and to this beach house. Yes to all of it.”
You pull away from him to grab the champagne, eyes flashing mischievously as you take a drink straight from the bottle. “Yes to champagne, too.”
Hoseok feigns shock. “Naughty.”
You kiss him deeply then, thoroughly, enough for him to feel the remnants of the carbonation on your tongue. You tease him with a barely there roll of your hips and his cock responds instantaneously, at the mercy of the warm friction he can feel straight through the thin material of his board shorts.
“You know what I’m thinking?” you murmur against his mouth.
“I think I’ve got a pretty good idea, yeah,” Hoseok chuckles, sucking a breath between his teeth when you bite the skin just below his ear.
“We have a lot to celebrate, right?” you reason, tone light. “But we came here for a housewarming.”
You lean back just far enough to pull your sundress over your head, tossing it carelessly aside, leaving you in nothing but those pretty white panties he loves so much.
“So we should warm it.”
Hoseok grins, pulling the champagne bottle out of your grip. He turns it up just like you did, finishing what’s left before setting it back down.
“I like the way you think.”
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The only bedroom in this house is buried beneath a two-inch thick layer of sawdust right now.
Not that making it to a bedroom seems high on your list of priorities.
The fact that you’re both sitting on top of a drop cloth on Hoseok’s living room floor isn’t stopping you from threading your fingers into his hair, slipping your tongue into his mouth, grinding against his lap.
“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” you laugh, pressing your bare breasts to his chest once he’s managed to untangle himself from your limbs long enough to shrug out of his shirt. Your pebbled nipples drag across the lithe planes of his chest and his cock jumps in his shorts.
“That’s me,” Hoseok murmurs against your lips, deft fingers slipping beneath the damp cotton between your thighs. He slides the pad of one long finger across your wet slit and you gasp, rocking against it.
“Gotta get you out of these panties,” he laments, pulling one nipple into his mouth and working it with his teeth. You shudder in his hold. “Quick.”
“What are you in such a hurry for?” you tease, circling your hips to chase the perfect pressure of his fingertips. “We have all night.”
“We have about three more minutes if you keep grinding on me like this,” Hoseok laughs, shifting your bodies to lean you back onto the floor. “So give me a break because I want to enjoy this.”
You lie back for him dutifully, dark hair spilling onto the drop cloth around you, skin gleaming in the candlelight. Your gold pendant twinkles at the base of your neck.
God, he loves the way you look like this.
Flushed with excitement and anticipation. Like a feast laid out just for him. He rids himself of those pesky board shorts as fast as he can, leaning over you on hands and knees.
“You’re gonna marry me,” he muses, burying his face into the soft skin under your jaw. “You already said yes, can’t take it back now.”
Your laughter is echoing in his ears as he trails hot, open-mouthed kisses along the curve of your neck, across the bronzed planes of your shoulder. He can taste the day on your skin; the ocean salt and sunscreen mixed with that flavor that’s so uniquely you.
“I don’t want to take it back,” you sigh, whimpering when Hoseok kisses a path down the velvety skin between your breasts. He travels lower, kissing just below your bellybutton as he starts working your panties off with one hand. “I’m gonna keep you.”
Hoseok chuckles as he tosses your panties away, off to somewhere unimportant. What’s important is the way you take a deep breath and hold it when his mouth hovers coyly over your cunt.
“Look at me,” he directs, peering up at you from beneath heavy eyelids. You open your eyes to meet his gaze, candlelight dancing over your pretty face.
“I love you,” he breathes, lowering his mouth to make contact with your clit. The air leaves your lungs in that moment, a soft exhalation of air that makes the hairs on the nape of his neck stand on end.
“I love you too,” you sigh, hips jerking at the contact, fingers digging hard into his hair. “So much.”
He knows you by now, knows how you like to be touched. Your rhythmic panting goes a bit ragged, when he slides two fingers into your cunt, crooking up to stroke you the way you like while his mouth works your clit.
God, he loves this part.
The part where you lose any semblance of control. The desperate sounds you make when you start to come apart beneath his mouth and hands.
“Hoseok -- “ your voice is strangled when you call out, “ -- Hobi, I’m gonna come.”
Something about the way you say his name goes straight to his dick. He grits his teeth when your nails dig almost painfully into his scalp as you start to tremble, shuddering against his mouth.
“That’s it, baby,” he soothes, pinning your hips down with his strong hands, keeping you from pulling away from the pleasure that borders on pain. “That’s it. Sound so good when you come for me.”
Hoseok stays face first in your cunt, nose and tongue pressed against you, until he’s certain the last wave has come and gone. Between his own legs, his cock pulses painfully, leaking pre-come at the thought of finally being inside of you.
Your body twitches with the aftershocks of your release as he slowly kisses his way up your thighs, your mound, your stomach.
“How was that?” he asks with a teasing tilt to his mouth, stealing your ability to answer when he kisses you deeply, fitting his slim hips between your legs. He reaches down to grab his stiff cock, sliding it across your slick entrance. You clamp your thighs together to tighten the drag and he groans at the friction.
“Amazing,” you sigh, dragging your nails over his ass, up the lean muscles of his back. “Perfect. You should let me return the favor.”
His dick practically jumps at the suggestion, stomach contracting hard at the prospect of feeling your pretty mouth wrapped around it. But Hoseok is too worked up, too riled up by the alcohol and the excitement.
“Can’t tonight,” he pants, arousal shooting up his spine when you wrap one hand around his now-wet cock. You pump him lazily, trailing soft bites from his jaw to his shoulder. “Need to be inside of you.”
“Yeah, I’m ready for that too,” you admit, guiding the blunt head of his cock to your entrance.
He surges forward then, pushing past the tight grip of your fingers, groaning as he’s enveloped completely by your warm cunt. You whimper at the stretch, locking your legs around him, gasping when he bottoms out.
He pulls back to the tip only to drive in again, earning another strangled moan. You’re squirming beneath him, breathless and dewy, looking like some kind of wet dream.
“I’ll never get over how good it feels to be inside of you,” Hoseok admits, burying himself as deep as he humanly can into you.
You’re so wet he can feel you spilling out onto the base of his dick and for one fleeting moment he wishes you knew how good this feels for him. How wet and hot and tight you feel around him. How being inside of you like this makes his brain go haywire, reduces him to only instinct and need.
You lift your hips to meet each snap of his, the wet sound of your joining echoing off the walls in this mostly empty house.
He hears you moaning his name in between the other sounds you make, in between the panting and mewling that makes his balls tighten. You grip his forearms as he grinds against you, kissing you in between desperate breaths.
“I think I’m gonna come again,” you gasp against his mouth. “Don’t stop.”
“Oh, fuck,” Hoseok groans, pulling back to get to his knees. He hooks one of your legs over the crook of one strong forearm, using his one free hand to press a thumb to your clit. His rhythm falters as he watches himself slide in and out of you, hypnotized by the sight of his body joined to yours.
You lift your ass off the floor, back arching as you chase the pressure of his fingers. Hoseok strokes you desperately, feeling his orgasm looming menacingly at the base of his cock. It takes just a few more strained pumps of his hips to set you off.
The second he feels you clamp down around him, Hoseok folds back over you, arms braced on either side of you as he thrusts through his own orgasm. He shuts his eyes and groans as he empties his cock inside of you, thrusting until he can’t anymore.
He collapses onto you, heart racing as he tries to catch his breath.
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“Don’t leave me,” you groan when Hoseok peels his damp skin away from yours to get to his feet.
He strides across the room, completely nude, grinning when you turn onto your side and go up on one elbow to ogle him.
“Just for a second,” he calls out, pulling out every unorganized drawer in the kitchen until he finally comes across a pen. “Gotta finish something.”
He makes a show of holding it in the air as he walks back into the living room, opening the gold-flecked box, and pulling out the last unmarked polaroid photo.
You’re smiling the entire time you watch him pen the last caption on the last photograph.
she said yes
tag list!
@japzalileo @dionysusrage @hey-itsmina @myimaginationsrunningwild @hauntedlilies @spring2787 @suppbeccc @veronawrites @minyoongiboongi @katbonv
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thetaleoflevi · 3 years
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Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Content Type: SFW
TW: Season 3 spoiler, Blood, Profanity, Suicide (For a split second), Suggestive
Description: Reader distances herself from Levi, strongly believing her feelings are not reciprocated by him, causing Levi to miss her.
Word Count: 5.3k+
Please go away, Captain. Or at least end me. I don’t like the way you make me feel when you’re around. I can’t breathe. Please stop walking my way. Stop looking at me with those eyes.
“Y/N, I need that paperwork on my desk by five o’clock today. Not a minute late, understood?” What are you even saying? Stop looking at me like that. His brows creased with impatience at your nonexistent response. “Hey, focus, brat.” He snapped his fingers at you, making you flinch out of your daze. “Yes, Captain! Right away.” You saluted messily and paced toward the door, returning when you figured out that you didn’t know what you were ordered to do.
“What are you agreeing to, brat?” God…that delicious word was cracking your last bits of sanity. “Repeat what I ordered you to do.” Levi demanded, not having moved an inch from where he was standing. He crossed his arms in annoyance. “Um, y-you… You said to-” “I told you to jump off of Wall Maria without any gear on.” Your eyes widened, and you felt as if all the air in your lungs got punched out of you. So this was your end. This is how you die? Your Captain found your expression to be almost as funny as a shit joke. He didn’t show it on the surface, though.
“Relax, idiot. I was kidding. I want you to finish the paperwork I gave you earlier and hand it in to me by five. Pay attention, or next time it won’t be a joke.” He walked toward the door of the meeting room and turned to face you you when he heard you yelling your affirmation like an annoying parrot. “Yes, Captain! It won’t happen again!” You gave him your best salute only to have eyes rolled at you.
Levi left the room not having a clue that you almost threw up in front of him. You felt that stupid after the situation. Usually, you always felt like the rest of the world went pitch black, with only a spotlight shining on you and him, whenever he talked to you. Even when he scolded you for not doing something to his liking, you couldn’t help but focus on his devastatingly gorgeous silver eyes and how they squinted occasionally in fury, or his lips that never seemed to curve upwards and spat the ugliest words at you sometimes. It was tough love. At least that’s what you made of it.
“What happened in here? Did somebody spike the Captain’s tea? I’m very concerned.” Armin had walked into the meeting room where you stayed, replaying the conversation you just had with your handsome superior. “What are you talking about, Armin?” You ask curiously, having just seen the man acting as unfazed as always. “He smiled, Y/N. He genuinely smiled.”
You were in just as much shock as Armin was. He smiled? And I missed it?! “What were you guys talking about?” Armin sat in one of the chairs next to you. His crystal blue eyes gleamed with curiosity, wondering what was so great that it could cause the most solemn man in the scouts to crack a smile. “I zoned out while he was giving me an order, and then he told me to kill myself—not in those exact words, but, he told me to jump off of Wall Maria without any gear on. I think I made a stupid face or something, but I really thought he was ordering me to die. Then he told me the actual order.”
Armin chuckled at your retelling of the story, knowing he would have reacted the same way as Levi. “Whatever it was that you did, keep doing it! We’ve only seen Captain Levi smile once, and it’s been forever since then. Historia was crowned queen when he last smiled in front of us.” You smirked dumbly and got off the desk you were sitting on. “I’ll try my best. I gotta go, Armin. I have some paperwork to get done before Captain Levi reigns even more hell down on earth.” Armin chuckles and waves a goodbye as you leave.
It was four forty-three, and you had barely gotten anything done. With all the time you were given, you took it upon yourself to leave your work until the last minute—the procrastinating prodigy that you are. You watched everyone do their work with no thought about your own. Four forty-eight. Four fifty. Four fifty-six. Four fifty-nine. Five o’clock.
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” Levi asked Sasha, Connie, and Jean. “No, sir. She was sitting with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa when I last saw her.” Connie replied. Fucking hell, Y/N.
It was five thirty-two when you finally knocked on Levi’s door. “How nice of you to show up on time.” You heard directly inside your ear. You gasped with fear and quickly turned around. Your Captain did not look pleased at all. “Can you tell me what time it is?” You checked the clock on the wall. “Five thirty-three, sir.” Your eyes looked at everything but him. “Okay, good. Come on in.” He unlocked his office door and waited for you to walk in before slamming it shut.
You bounced slightly at the harsh sound. “You better have a damn good excuse for why my paperwork is thirty-three minutes late.” He slowly walked over to you and the stack of papers you held tightly to your chest. “Did you even do it correctly?” He snatched the stack away from you, a few papers nicking the area between your thumb and index finger. You were quick to suck on the area that bled. He looked over the work you had done, keeping the compliments he would have rewarded you with to himself. The brat is good. If only she worked faster.
“It’ll do. It’s not extraordinary work, but i’ll take it because it’s not the most important work that needed to be done.” You stopped sucking the blood from your hand and looked at him when he went silent. “Tch, use your words. Ask for a bandage or something.” He walked over to his desk and pulled out a white roll of gauze.
“Let me see.” He unstuck the beginning of the roll and returned to his spot next to you. “I can do it, sir.” You reached your undamaged hand toward the roll he held, only for him to pull it away from you. “Let me see it.” He urged, waiting for you to show him the cuts. They were surprisingly deep. You put your hand palm-up in front of you, only for him to adjust the position so that he could wrap the material around your hand correctly. The white wrapping began to turn red when it touched the blots of blood emerging from your open skin. With every layer he wrapped, less color was seen until it was just white.
Warmth was emitted through his fingers which soothed the pain in your hand a little. He let you retract your hand, watching you as you stared at the dressed wounded area. “What? Do you want me to kiss it or something?” He looked at you with an ordinary uninterested expression. Yes, please! Kiss it better. “I-I mean-“ You managed to stutter. Your cheeks flushed with heat when you realized what you had started saying. “Stop that, brat. Just stop talking.”
He walked to his desk and continued to look over the work you had done. He silently admired your considerably neat handwriting. It was as if you had typed it—the letters being all equally sized, no streaks out of line. “Right. I’m sorry.” You whispered, walking in the direction of the door. His words hit harder than usual for some reason. It was nothing to be upset about, yet you felt an unwelcome lump start forming in your throat. Maybe it’s you finally realizing that your love for him would never be reciprocated. Just being in the same room as him in that moment had you feeling more vulnerable than ever.
You mustered up the small amount of stability you had in your voice and said,”Well, if you don’t need me to do anything else, I’ll be on my way.” “That will be all.” He mumbled, not looking at you. No thank you? You saluted and left the room.
Unlike times before, Levi didn’t make your heart soar, he made it sink to the pit of your stomach, despite him touching you more than he ever has. It made you question your reasons for loving him so much. Is he worth the confusion your heart goes through when talking to the different versions of him? You’re not sure.
Weeks went by with you treating Levi like he was anyone but the person you longed to be with before. You still gave him the respect he deserved as your Captain, but you only talked to him when he talked to you or when you needed to deliver something to him from another one of your superiors. When he ordered you to do something, you would simply give him an affirmation and walk away. No small talk or questions. You didn’t smile like you usually did for him, and your heart wasn’t beating erratically when you accepted the duties he assigned to you.
Levi caught on to this act of yours when he started missing the way your doe eyes lingered on his as he talked to you. Now you would barely look him in the eyes. He missed the way you would try to make him laugh with a joke that had you in pain from laughing so hard. Now you only talked to him about work-related matters. He missed the way you stuttered after saying something dumb. Your voice is so steady now, and your words are chosen more carefully. He missed the clear adoration you had for him. He missed you.
Another day passed, and Levi had no excuse to talk to you. He didn’t have orders to give you. At that moment, he would’ve done anything to go back to when he would scowl at you as you laughed to your heart’s content. He would do anything to see you for more than two minutes. He would have taken the boring job of completing a pile of paperwork if it meant you were the one giving it to him and he would be able to brush his fingers against yours.
His head rested in his hands, frustrated with his inability to stomp on his pride and just walk over to wherever you were. He missed you so, so much, but he would never let you know that you were the best part of his days.
A knock came from the other end of his door. “Name and business.” He stated with his head still in his hands. “Y/LN Y/N, sir.” He perked up at the sound of your voice and he raised his head, quickly fixing the strands of hair that had moved out of place. “Commander Erwin asked me to get your signature for an important document.” He walked over and opened the door for you. “Come in.”
You entered his office and stood in front of his desk until further instruction. He shut the door quietly and walked to where you were.
“You can set the document down on my desk. I need to get a new container of ink. I’ll be back shortly.” He went to his bedroom, which connected to his office, and went through a drawer that seemed to have different supplies in it. He returned with a clear glass cube filled with black ink. He sat in his chair and read the document quickly before scribbling a beautiful rendition of his name onto the blank line at the bottom of the page.
“Here.” He flipped the paper so that it was upright to you. “Thank you, Captain.” You took the document and saluted. As you were about to leave, Levi’s voice stopped you in your tracks. “Y/N, can you sit for a minute?” He asked, hoping you weren’t in a rush to get those documents to Erwin.
“Of course, sir.” You answer, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.
He looked slightly sad. His eyes were completely softened, eyebrows curving inward slightly. “Why haven’t you come to see me as often as you used to?” All you could think was, does it really matter whether you see me or not? “I’ve been busy. I have duties entrusted to me by others. You are not my only superior, Captain Levi.” You were okay with giving him a piece of your mind in the most respectful way possible.
“I understand that, but why are you choosing to completely avoid me unless the subject is work?” Can you be anymore needy? “I’m not.” You simply respond. That is the ugliest lie you have ever told. You are avoiding him. You are keeping yourself busy to avoid even thinking about him.
“I see. I never took you for such a shitty liar.” You suppressed the need to roll your eyes. No answer will satisfy him until he hears what he wants to hear. “Well, i’m sorry to disappoint you, sir. I’ll try not to make a habit of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Commander Erwin said that this document needed to be returned as soon as possible.” You stood up from the wooden chair and saluted before exiting your Captain’s office.
The sky went dark without you realizing. You were busy all day and after the talk you had with your Captain, you were both physically and mentally tired.
As you arrived to your bedroom, not caring for the darkness that veiled your room, you let yourself fall backwards onto your bed as exhaustion creeped through your body. With your eyes closed, you lifted each of your legs and removed your boots one by one before tossing them to the ground. “Why does he suddenly care about the amount of times he’s seen me throughout the day?” You whisper to yourself as if someone would hear you.
The sound of knocking fills your ears and you pretend to have fallen asleep. “Y/N, are you in there? Are you awake?” Not now. Please. You stay silent, hoping Levi will leave you alone.
Three more knocks sound against your door. After a few seconds of complete silence, you hear the doorknob turn and the door swings open, shutting after Levi steps inside the room. “Tch, you didn’t even take your straps off.” He whispers in consideration to your ‘sleeping’ state. He sits next to you on your bed and watches your chest mimic dormant breathing. He reaches for the strap that loops around your chest and undoes the small buckle. Your chest was released and moved more freely.
By now, your act of pretending to sleep was no longer an act. You were breathing in a set rhythm through your nose.
He softly and slowly pulled your arms out of the leather that enclosed around them. You stirred a little bit before returning to the position you were in previously, on your back.
“I’m going to take care of you, my Y/N. I don’t want your skin to bruise.” He whispered while he undid your belt buckle and lowered down to work on the bands that curled tightly around your thighs. He slowly slid the rest of the leather down your calves and off completely. He got off of your bed and organized your things neatly so that you would find them easily in the morning.
“Y/N.” Levi called, shaking you softly by your arm. When you didn’t respond, he tried again. You opened your eyes slowly and squinted, furrowing your brows when you noticed someone else was there with you. “What?” You grumble, annoyed at the inability to go back to sleep. “Sorry, I need to talk to you.” That voice. You tried to spring up off the bed to salute respectfully to your Captain.
He grabbed your forearms and brought you back down to your bed. “Calm down. You don’t have to be so formal after hours.” You weren’t even asleep ten minutes, yet the drowsiness embodying you was extreme.
“Do you want me to light a candle? It’s pretty dark in here. I wasn’t expecting you or anyone else to come see me this late.” “No. I think the dark will allow courage to seep through me better.” You raised a brow in confusion. “Courage? Since when do you lack courage, Captain-“ “Levi. Just Levi between us.” “Le..vi?” He nodded with reassurance. “Since when do you lack courage in anything, Levi.”
He put his hand on your shoulder, surprised when you tensed up against the contact. He didn’t pull his hand away at the gesture, though. “I hate having to admit that I have a weakness for you, believe me, but you’re invading my thoughts every day, all the time.” This isn’t like you, Captain.
“I’m not adjusting well to this change between us. I miss the way you used to be with me. Even when I didn’t reciprocate the energy you gave off, you always managed to make feel better inside. Now that you’ve distanced yourself from me, I feel even more dead inside than usual.” His fingers stroked the fabric on your shoulder of your white button-up shirt.
“I can’t be that way with you anymore. It took me a while to realize that we’re not here to make relationships that last forever. We have the hardest job anyone could ask of us—saving humanity.” You sighed, thinking of a way to prevent yourself from hurting his feelings. “Though the thought of having you by my side is delightful, I don’t think I can go back to worshiping the ground you walk on like I did before. Our relationship should remain that of superior and subordinate.”
Levi’s head lowered. The agony he was feeling in his chest was excruciating. This last attempt to get you was sadly his final one.
“Then I have one final request.” You couldn’t help but wonder what he would want from you that he can’t get from anyone else. “Can I kiss you?” His hand that was set on your shoulder slowly made it’s way to caress your cheek. His eyes softened at the familiar look in your eyes that peered into his soul. Though you felt you should have removed his hand from the side of your face, the warmth was comforting.
“If you don’t feel anything, I promise I’ll swallow my feelings for you and leave you be. We’ll be strictly comrades, no emotional feelings involved.” He swiped your soft skin with his thumb, eyes locking with yours as he seeks a response that isn’t developed yet.
Finally. “Only once.” You whisper. He nods in acknowledgement of your instruction. His left hand attaches to your waist while his right finds your cheek again. You tremble at the foreign feeling of someone’s touch on a part of you that wasn’t an arm, a shoulder, or your back. His eyes never left yours as he slowly leaned in. God, he smelled so good. The aroma was dangerously attractive. You hoped to never come across someone that smelled the same way, that way his smell would only make you think of him.
The closer he got, the deeper his fingertips dug into your side, as if trying to pierce holes through your shirt to feel your skin.
Darkness, light—you saw both somehow. The entanglement of lips on lips was a good feeling that both of you felt mutually. He held on for as long as he could, not wanting this moment to ever end. After all, this is the first, and possibly the last time he would ever be this close to you again.
You tried to break the kiss but struggled to when you felt Levi pulling you back to connect again. It wasn’t enough for him. It was never going to be enough.
“Le..v…” You murmured indistinctly, stopping the movements from your lips completely. “No. Please…” He mumbled against your lips continuing his one-sided kiss.
It felt desperate, which was strange coming from a man like Levi who’s never begged for anything from anyone. “Come on. Kiss me.” He said with his lips pressed against yours. The feeling was undeniably good. It brought life back to the heart that stopped longing for specifically his affection.
You started moving your lips again, synchronizing quickly. His bangs tickled your forehead, causing your lips to twitch upwards.
He picked you up and placed you on his lap. Just as you were about to reach for his hair, he broke the kiss.
“I want to touch your skin, Y/N. Not in an inappropriate manner, I just need proof that this isn’t just another one of my dreams. I can’t risk going insane over another night of me just fantasizing about being your one. This shirt is the only thing standing between my hands and your soft skin—reality. I won’t touch you like that if you don’t want me to, though. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” His mouth said something, but as always, his eyes said something else. They were begging for you to allow him to feel you. His hands rested on your hips. Maybe this was going too far. What if you did let him touch your bare skin, and it progressed into something inappropriate?
With that single doubt in your mind, you responded to his request with,“Unbutton my shirt, then.” The light in his eyes was shining brighter than you had ever seen. He was visually shocked at your consent. It was clear that he was grateful to have you that night in his hold.
His hands lowered to where your shirt tucked into your pants and pulled out the fabric. Before he could move onto the buttons, he searched your expression for any signs of doubt or uncertainty. None that he could see—you were that good at keeping your thoughts to yourself.
He undid every button, not missing his chance to sneak in a brush of his fingertips here and there, on your collar bone or your sternum.
Soon enough your shirt was left wide open, revealing your black bra and newly formed goosebumps brought on by the cold wind. You turned away from Levi, flustered by his eyes on your exposed torso.
He tugged on one of the loose halves of your shirt, signaling for your attention. “Eyes on me.”Goosebumps resurfaced your skin when his knuckles brushed against your stomach. “You’re beautiful.” His soothing voice assured you as his eyes explored the unknown sight.
You were brought close once again, his lips dying to return to where he knew they belonged. Goosebumps rampaged through your body as he pulled your body closer to him by your waist. The feeling of his hands wrapped around your bare sides was absurd. You were now up against his chest. His hands traveled from your sides to your back to keep you pushed against him.
If you had to remain like this for the rest of your life, you’d do it in a heartbeat, if possible, less time.
Though it wasn’t meant to be sexual, he was leaving you breathless—quite literally. His touch made your heart pound in your chest, which he surprisingly didn’t feel, even with you pressed so tightly against him. By the sound of it, he was breathless as well.
“Mmm…Levi.” You mumbled. “Hmm?” He hummed not stopping his lips from devouring yours. “We have…to…mmm...breathe…at some point.” He snickered, smiling slightly, giving you the chance to break your lips away from his. You were able to see a slight shade of pink on his cheeks in the moonlight. Whether it was from the suffocation or the steamy moment remained a mystery.
Soft pants came from both of you, and though he let go of your lips, you weren’t fully released from his grasp. His ring and middle fingers on each hand poked at your back dimples, while his thumbs did light circular motions on the sides of your abdominal area.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes glistening in the moonlight.
“I need to know what you intend to do with me, Captain. From now to…” You sigh heavily, not finding it as easy as you thought it would be to fit this conversation into the moment after what had just gone down.
Levi picks up on how tense you’ve become, seeing how stressed you suddenly look. “Hey, I’m going to listen to every word you have to say. I’m all ears, right now.” He squeezes your waist gently.
“Okay, what i’m trying to say is…I don’t want to have to mend my wounded heart every time you push me away.” You look toward the window, looking at how a cloud slowly moves in a direction that makes it collide with another cloud. To be honest, it kind of reminded you of you and Levi. The way your lives collided with each other’s, then separated, only to find each other again.
He held your chin softly between his thumb and index fingers, shifting your gaze back to him. He didn’t say anything but nodded for you to keep going. “I also don’t want to have to apologize for fulfilling my everyday duties that can lead to days of not being able to see you.” His hand released your chin and returned to the spot it was on previously, your side. It was as if he was comforting you and himself at the same time. He was hoping you wouldn’t get off, leaving him incomplete without your body weight on him.
You did exactly as he feared, almost as if you read his mind. You wanted this conversation to be as serious as possible, no distractions. You released your grasp on his shoulders and slowly began lifting yourself off of his lap. He subconsciously began letting go of your body, until he caught himself and tightened his grip, bringing you back to where you were, on his lap.
“Levi? What are you-“ “I want—no, I need you, Y/N. You know how bad it’s been on my end since you stopped talking to me like we’re the two closest people on earth? It’s been hell. Fucking hell.” His hands brushed past your sides and pushed on your back, bringing you to an embrace. Your chin landed on his shoulder and his face nuzzled into your neck. Your arms stayed by your side contrary to his which wrapped around you, brushing past the straps of your bra and settling on your upper back. You felt breaths of hot air tickle your neck as he kept talking.
“You have no clue how sad I’ve been. This is what I need from you. I don’t care if it’s something occasional. I don’t care if I only get to see you once a week, month, or year. I don’t fucking care at all. I just want you, Y/N. Please. Please, just hold me.” You could hear his calm breathing close to your ear. You lifted your arms and wrapped them around him. One hand caressed the back of his head, and the other held the mid-section of his back.
He was breathing in your scent discreetly. Black hair tickles your bare shoulder, exposed by your sagging button-up shirt. You ran your fingers through his locks of hair, smoothing down any strands that stood out.
“This feels right.” He mumbled before placing a gentle kiss to the side of your neck. “I want to feel your heartbeat and your warmth against me like this whenever I can.” His lips continued to brush against your skin slowly.
Minutes went by, not a word was spoken. When you tried to escape his caging hold to continue your conversation, he would just pull you close again nuzzling back into your neck. He was being really clingy tonight—not that you were complaining, it was just a odd.
“We can keep talking like this.” He mumbled. “Okay.” You whispered running your hand across his undercut.
“Are you sure you want a relationship where we won’t have every minute of the day together? I know it’ll be hell for me.” You could feel him smiling slightly against your neck. “Yes, Y/N. I know we won’t have much time in the day together, but we haven’t been taking nights into consideration.” Goosebumps crawled throughout your body when you felt his lips latch onto your neck again.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Relax. “I’m willing to be even more nocturnal for you. I also wouldn’t mind waking up next to you every morning.” He dragged his thumb across the damp spot on your neck where his lips rested before. “That s-sounds good.” You stutter noticeably. “What’s wrong?” He holds your face in his hands, clearly unable to fake concern. A smirk tugs at his lips. This man knows what he’s doing.
“Nothing. I’m okay.” You assure with a soft smile. “Okay, just making sure. You know…” He starts leaning in again, aiming for your neck. He knows your weak spot now, and you can’t even hide it.
“…I really like…” He kisses the sensitive skin lightly, basking in the way you shudder. “…spending time with you like this. How about you?” As you open your mouth to answer, he leans in again.
“I…fuck.” You grab onto his arm as he nibbles on the flesh that became more and more sensitive with every second that his lips spent on it. “Hmm?” He hummed against your skin. “I didn’t catch that.” He tilted your head to his left to give him more room. More room to litter you with his markings. “I do…” You inhale sharply when he bites the area under the bruising skin he just sucked on. “…too.” He soothes the imprinted skin with his index and middle fingers.
“Good. Tell me, sweet girl, what’s your favorite time of day?” The movement of his fingers slowed, as he pressed gently on the sore parts. His gaze focused intensely on your peaceful features as sighs escaped your lips with every delicate prod of his fingers. He hoped you would say nighttime, knowing he wouldn’t be able to give you all the daytime with him that you wished for. Also, nighttime would be the time he would spend with you, making sure you were feeling every good thing you could feel. Happiness, pleasure, excitement, pleasure, love, satisfaction, security, domination, care, submission. You know? The good things.
“Nighttime. That’s my favorite time of day.” He smiled, satisfied with your answer. “It’s my favorite now, too.” The movement of his fingers on your neck stopped. He looked outside at the moon, remembering the important work he left behind when he decided to look for you. “I should get going.” You frowned slightly which he quickly took notice of. “I know, I wish I didn’t have to, but I ditched a lot of my work to come find you.”
You dragged your thumb across his half-swollen lips before closing the space between you two and kissing him once more. You released him and said in a whisper,“I understand. Thank you for being here with me tonight.” You got off of his lap and transitioned to a cross-legged position on your bed. He caressed your cheek in an endearing manner, before saying,”I’m glad things are the way they are for us now.” He let you go, and began walking to your door. You fixed your shirt so that you looked presentable again.
“Levi, wait.” “Yes?” He asked, holding onto the doorknob. “Did you take the straps from my uniform off of me?” He let out a low chuckle. “Yes, I did. They would have bruised your beautiful skin if I hadn’t taken them off.” “I could have done it myself, but thank you for that.” You felt cared for. It was such a soft concept to think about. He nodded and continued his exit, a small smile on his face as he shut the door behind him.
I’m the only one who should be wrapped around you and leaving marks in those areas at night.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Uhhh, a part 2 of the AweSamDude story. I don't know, maybe the court case would be cool! If requests arent open, then ignore them
um yes! I have wanted to make a part 2 for so long but had no clue where to start and this just makes perfect sense!
{Locked Up Heart pt 2} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
pronouns: were originally not mentioned, but now are she/they
word count: 2987
trigger warnings: mention/talk of rape and murder, court cases, somewhat angsty 
a/n: the law I mentioned is a real law but I can't remember what the law is actually called so roll with it
part one
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You stared at yourself in the body mirror. You haven't seen yourself look like this in years. All dressed up and ready to impress. You wore a gorgeous black suit with a purple inside along with sleek black pants. You looked into the body mirror, admiring yourself.
Sam let you live with him “until you could find your own place” but neither of you had intentions of leaving. You looked at apartments once online, but you knew with this on your record that you were going nowhere but some run down ghetto, and Sam knew that too. 
He knew that you would be able to take care of yourself there, he wasn't scared for your safety or any of that. He was scared that you wouldn't be able to support yourself. Finding a job was hard, all that there was these days for someone like you was online surveys that were not reliable.
Staying with Sam was the best of the both of you. He has been without a roommate for years now. He felt less alone with you being there. The first couple nights were awkward. You slept on the pull out couch and didn't have much clothes. You felt terrible about the amount of washes you did, but eventually you started to get more comfortable with Sam. 
The first sign of progression was when he offered you his sweatshirt instead of a blanket. It was a sweet gesture, you gladly took it. Later that night instead of returning it, you cuddled it to sleep. Now, its your version of a teddy bear. Nice and warm and flourished with Sam’s scent.
You only started sleeping in his bed with him a week ago. It was a purposeful accident. He offered to watch tv in his room since you two deep cleaned the couch. You've planned on falling asleep on him, but you didn't plan for it to be that day. 
It was the best feeling in the world: waking up to being wrapped around and held tight and safe. You must've laid there when you woke up for an hour before Sam got up. You pretended to be asleep so that you could play the innocent girl card. It worked.
You felt a pair of large hands caress your waist. You jumped and had a little fear-induced hiccup.
“Sorry!” Sam took his hands off and backed away. “I’m still getting used to sensitive areas.”
You two have been working on okay areas to touch. You taught yourself to be extra alert while in the prison and certain touches trigger your reflexes and others cause panic, like hips.
Because of your high murder count, you were sent to the normal prison, the non-all woman prison. It wasn't the worst in the world. You only saw males during eating times, but it was common to get grabbed like that. It happened to every single female, every eating hour. The guards did nothing about it, not that they really could. 
Sam has seen it before, not you, but to other women. He had an idea of areas to stay away from, but he is such an affectionate guy and sometimes he forgets.
“You’re okay, Sam. The more you do it, the more comfortable I’ll get with it,” You explained.
Sam was so good to you. He’s helped you through it all. Everything that you needed to heal, he gave to you. 
“Well then maybe after the trial we can get some practice in...” He swooned. 
You chuckled, “If we win. There’s a chance I won't come back here tonight. I’m lucky enough that they gave me stay at home orders in the meantime.”
He nodded, “We’re gonna win.” He kissed your cheek, “How could anyone that looks as scrumptious as you right now lose? There is no way. We have the evidence, and we have your perfect prison record. Not a single misdemeanor! They might not drop all chargers but you’re coming home tonight.”
“Home?” You questioned.
You've avoided that word for the longest time. You always said ‘the house’ or ‘your place’. Not because you didn’t want this to be your home, not the exact opposite. You wanted this to be forever home, but you never wanted to overstay your welcome. 
“Yes home,” Sam laughed. “Why wouldn’t this be home... you feel safe here don’t you?”
“I do!” You exclaimed, waving your hands back and forth in denial. “I just didn't realize you wanted this to be my home.”
Sam offered his hand out to you; you gladly took it. His soft hand gently squeezed yours as he pulled you slowly into him, embracing you, “Of course I want this to be your home. I couldn't imagine anywhere else I would want you to be. This never felt like home to me, until you came home with me.”
You breathed in his scent, instantly relaxing into him, “I like it here. A lot.”
He pressed his lips to your forehead, “Now have that same attitude in court, we got to go.”
The court room was filled, more than you expected. You looked around, not recognizing a single face except for a few prison guards who were testifying on both sides. You noticed the media set it up in the back. Your story hit the news faster than expected. You did have a great story: warden falls in love with murder. 
“Hands out,” The officer directed.
You obliged. You opposed no threat to anyone and no intentions too, but if putting you in handcuffs made them feel better, then handcuffs it was. You looked back at Sam as the cold metal locked around your wrists. He replied with a frown, which quickly turned into an encouraging smile.
His bipolarness was the vibe right now. You noticed people having a hard time deciding where to sit. There were a lot of people on both sides, but no family members of yours. You gave up on them a long time ago when you noticed they weren’t writing letters and ignoring your calls.
You didn't need them, all you needed was Sam. You have everything you want right now, except for freedom.
“All rise!” 
You stood up from the wooden bench. The judge walked in wearing the classic black gown and had a book in his hands. He nodded at a few of his guards before taking a seat. He opened up his book and looked around the room, landing on you.
“Good afternoon everyone, and there are a lot of you,” His voice was so deep that it bounced against the walls, making an eerie echo. “Calling the case of State Prison vs y/n. Are both sides ready?”
The representative of the prison and your lawyer both replied with a yes. The jury then stood and raised their right hand and made their oath, returning to the bench. 
The representative stood up and gave their opening statement: “Ladies and gentleman of the court, Your Honor, the Jury. You will find that the defendant has been charged with four accounts of murder and convicted by confession. The defendant has taken accountability for all the murders committed and has given detail about how she killed those four men. It is ridiculous that we are here in court today deciding if we can release a serial killer back into the public. With a strong motive to kill, there is no reason why the defendant should be let back into the public eye.”
Serial killer. That is what you are. No one has ever said it that way, but he was absolutely right. You fit the definition perfectly, you had a type and more than three victims. It already wasn't looking good for you.
Your lawyer took center stage, “A martyr is the perfect word to describe the defendant. They have given their life to the state to save the lives of many to come. The strength that my client displays and ownership prove that although they are guilty of the crimes, they are still human and deserve a second chance.”
The judge called you to take the stand. You sat down after taking your oath and folded your hands neatly in your lap.
“Miss l/n,” He started. “Today you are trying to get your case dismissed after confessing to your crimes. That is very interesting. Let’s go back to before the crimes were committed, what were you thinking, what were you doing in your life at the time?”
You shook your head, “Many years ago I was an activist. I enjoyed speaking to the public about issues facing the community and the world at the time. If I wasn't outside with a sign, I was inside posting on social media. I was in college, I was studying Political Science.”
“And what were you planning on doing with the major?”
You paused. It’s been so long that you had a hard time remembering why you wanted to study and what career you wanted, “I was planning on becoming a political journalist, Your Honor.”
He shuffled around his papers, “I’ve looked at your latest credit that you were working on. It was a Sociology class. Do you remember what topic you were discussing in class?”
You nodded, “Rape. The number of rapes in a year and the number of rapists convicted was the last assignment I was working on.”
You remember that assignment like it was yesterday. That one assignment got you so worked up and so mad at the world, that you just had to do something. There was no way that you couldn't. Women’s voices were being ignored and cases rose every day; repeat offenders increased everyday.
“Now to my understanding all the men that you murdered were accused of rape.”
You nodded, “Yes, Your Honor.”
“The attorney may ask questions to Miss l/n.”
The attorney stood up and adjusted your jacket, “Miss l/n, did any of those men physically harm you?”
You shook your head, “No.”
“So you took advantage of the fact that you were young to persuade the men into being alone with you just to kill them?”
You shook your head, “No, I didn’t persuade them at all. All of them suggested going back to their place.”
“But you did stalk them to find out where they were going?”
“No,” You answered. “They had their location public on their phone. All I did was look up their name and I knew where they were.”
“So these men did nothing to you at all except invite you over to their house. And you accepted the offer under no influence or threat. You killed four innocent men and you want to be let back out on the streets? This woman is a danger to society. She seeks out innocent men to end their life for no reason.” He nodded his head and went back to his desk, looking at his notes. He looked back at you and nodded, “That will conclude my questioning.”
You looked back at your lawyer, they gave you back a look of relief. Then you searched the crowd for Sam. Once you found him he gave you a thumbs up. It seemed like you were already on top of the case.
“Miss y/n,” Your lawyer started. “We all know that you killed those men, but why?”
“They raped multiple women. When brought to court, they were given a light sentence and did not do proper justice to the woman. These woman went day to day fearing for their life that they ever spoke out about the terrible things that happened to them. I couldn't let myself live knowing that there was a reason for women to be scared because their government had failed them.”
“Those women were scared? Why were they scared?” “Because they feared that they would get raped again. All of those men were repeat offenders. They would only take more victims and never be punished.”
“So you killed those men to prevent others from being hurt with evidence that it would happen again.”
You nodded, “I would never hurt anyone that had no intentions of causing harm.”
“Miss l/n just described public defense. Under the public defense law, anyone can defend the public with reasonable cause. It’s like self-defense, but for others. She shouldn’t have been committed in the first place. If those men were still alive, they would have kept raping until they were killed. Miss y/n saved lives. That concludes my questioning.”
You were dismissed from the stand and went back by your lawyer. They smiled at you, knowing that with that alone, they had won the case.
The attorney called Sam to the stand; he took his oath and sat down.
“So, Sam. You were the warden in charge of the wing that Miss y/n was being held in?”
“That prison is a tough place to be, she must’ve fussed around a lot.”
Sam shook his head, “Not one bit. She does not have a single complaint against her. Everything that was asked of her, she did with speed and efficiency. She didn't have one lash out in her time.”
“Nothing at all?”
“Like I said, not one complaint.”
“To my understanding you have a relationship with Miss l/n, is that correct?”
“Objection!” Your lawyer yelled. “Irrelevant to the case. Sam was called because of his position and his professional opinion, not his personal life.”
“That concludes my questioning.”
Your lawyer stood up and nodded. You could feel that they were about to lay down the last blow.
“Sam, did this prison have any rapists?”
He nodded, “All kinds of rapists, of all ages and target groups.”
“Did Miss l/n ever have contact with these rapists?”
“Yes. Most of the time during eating hours and the occasional passing in the hall.”
“And how did that interaction go?”
“Miss l/n was given a hard time by these rapists. While waiting in line she was often sexually grabbed. During passing she was cat called and teased at.”
“And what was here response to the sexual assault?”
“Stone faced, emotionless. Every time it happened it amazed me how she would just stand there and wait to be given a direction. The most reaction she’s ever had was lightly shuffling her body to get them off, but she never lunged or reached at them.”
“And what did the other guards do when they noticed this behavior?”
“Nothing. Sometimes they yelled if it was getting close to rape, but overall nothing. We were under instructions not to react because in the past it only caused encouragement of the assault. Prisoners love any excuse to fight a guard,” Sam looked over at you. “I am so sorry that there was nothing I could’ve done. Everyday I watched as you were touched and I wanted to give it to them, I wanted to make sure that I would see them every day of their life, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk hurting you more.”
You smiled, almost tearing up at his words, but you kept yourself composed with a small sniffle.
“The main concern of Miss y/n going back into the public is that she will kill again. As said by her and concluded by a court, she only killed rapists,” Your lawyer pointed out. “As stated by the warden in charge of looking over her, she had the opportunity to kill. She had the opportunity to hurt them, but she never took it. Even after being sexually assaulted, she still kept to herself. This is undeniable evidence that Miss y/n is a changed woman. In her file it is stated that she did more than required community service and went above and beyond with helping other cellmates. Her actions within the prison prove that she is a well-rounded and caring individual. She has changed her ways and is ready to go back into the world. She did justice to the world and it is time for the world to her justice.”
You waited anxiously for over an hour to find out what the jury had decided. You and your lawyer talked about possible outcomes. They told you the sooner they made the decision, the better chances that you had. You had no error in your case and said everything that you wanted to say. The opposing side’s evidence was all proven false.
You got called back into the court, the jury had made their final decision. You rose for the judge and took a seat when prompted. You could feel your leg bouncing.
“In the case of the State Prison vs l/n...” the judge started. You looked over your shoulder at Sam. He had his hands placed in a praying position with his head resting against them. “Miss y/n is found not guilty of all charges and her remaining sentence will be dismissed. She will compensated for her time falsely spent in prison plus be rewarded another trial for her sexual assault. This case is adjourned.”
You could feel emotion flood through you. Pure happiness and joy leaked from your eyes. You tilted your head back in relief and squeezed at your heart. All of these years of the bullshit you put up with was all worth it. You hugged your lawyer and thanked them up and down, the emotion so strong in you that you almost dropped to your knees. You were caught by familiar hands: Sam. Sam pulled you up and into him. He was practically jumping up and down in excitement. He calmed down for a second to lock eyes with you. He couldn't help but smile and cry with you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you into a deep kiss. It was nothing extravagant, just a simple deep and meaningful kiss that said all the words that he wanted to say.
“I’m coming home!”
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Lovin’ Kind
Chapter 9
Pairing: Riff x Latina! Summary: A month later things seem to be going relatively well but, how long will that last with two angry gangs walking around? A/N: Hello!!! Welcome back! Thank you again so much for all the love and support on Lovin’ Kind. It truly means the world to me! As always my DM’s are open for feedback and conversation 😊!!! ————————————————————————————
Riff Pov
About a month has past and the girls have started their night classes while Tony and I work, until it is time to meet the girls at 8 pm sharp to walk them home. Things have been relatively quite in the streets at least to my knowledge, the Jets come around Doc’s again and it’s all the usual things but, Diesel stays away knowing what’s good for him. They try to question my lack of presence but, I manage to jump around the subject.
I glance up at the clock and it was 7:30 which meant Tony would be around soon so we could go to the community college to get our girls. Things with Catalina have been amazing I spend nearly every night with her, and both of us working keeps us out of trouble which is new for me but worth it for her, after our last major fight I’ve decided I never want to be without her again.
That night Tony and Maria locked us in the room though I was quite grateful for them pushing us to talk. Seeing her though…my heart jumped at the sight of her with a hint of twisting in my stomach due to nerves.
Now with everything better we can move on and be happy, or maybe even gather enough money to run away together no Jets, or Sharks; just us. She’d never leave Valentina though.
“Riff ya ready?”, Tony interrupts my inner dialogue coming into the Pub. “Yeah just let me finishing wiping up.”, I say pulling the rag off my shoulder to clean. “See ya tomorrow!”, I tell my manager before walking out with my friend.
“Busy day at the pub?”, he asks me. “Sorta but money is money.”, I shrug. “It’s great seeing ya like this buddy boy.”, he says sounding like a father proud of his son.“What can I say Catalina is worth it..”, a smile creeps up my lips.
“I know the feeling. I was thinking since we can’t be out publicly aside from this what if we drop them off at Docs and then we go get some dinner and treat them? They deserve a decent meal no?”, he suggests. “Yeah I like that. Catalina has been going on about craving french fries.”, a chuckle escapes my mouth.
“Maria too I swear those two are in perfect sync for some reason.”, his laughter joins me. The rest of the walk filled with nothing but a soft wind humming through the streets. ———————————————————————————— Once we arrive at the college we wait a few minutes before the two emerge from the doors immersed in an intellectual conversation I have no idea about. Waiting till most of the other students have abandoned the property before meeting them.
“What are you two ladies talkin’ about?”, Tony asks. “Just stuff from class. How was work?”, Catalina inquires politely. “Busy but good. I missed you though.”, I admit;thank god for the dark of night tiger wise she’d a’seen the hint of pink on my cheeks.
We are always careful not to be too affectionate in public just because we don’t know who is watching and we ain’t tryna start nothing. Least not till we can find a way to make this not end in war.
“We was thinkin’ that you two go to Doc’s and we will pick up some food from the diner before they close and we can all have dinner together?”, I explain Tony’s idea. “Sure sounds good. I told Anita I was staying the night at Doc’s with Alta.”, Maria says.
“Alta? Who is that?”, I ask. “Oh umm..i’m Alta..”, Catalina raises her hand like a student being asked for attendance. “But your name is Catalina.”, my voice laced with confusion. “I think we should walk a bit faster Maria. We will meet ya’ll at Doc’s.”, Tony ushers his girl along while she gives my girl an apologetic look.
“So ya gonna tell me what’s goin’ on or am I gonna have to assume that you live a double life?”, I joke though my mind is racing. “No I don’t live a double life weirdo.”, she giggles.
“My full name is Catalina Altagracia De la Rosa. Since you guys always made the cat jokes as kids and even now I chose not to add fuel to the fire by telling you my whole name. But, my puertorriqueño friends and Tony as people who mean most to me call me Alta or Altagracia…”, she explains nervously.
“May I ask why you didn’t tell me? I mean like why tell me now?”, my eyes focusing on the ground picking up every last detail.
“I know we are in a better place and everything…I wanted to tell you. Honestly, i’m not sure why I didn’t I mean Tony didn’t even find out till after the dance and we’ve been best friends for ten years though I swore him to secrecy.” Her fingers fiddle with her books in hand.
“Oh okay..”, I say trying to pass the awkwardness. “You could call me Alta or Altagracia if you’d like. You are the love of my life after all.”, her voice is soft and sweet.
“Though I prefer to call you my girly girl I am honored for the privilege of calling you by your middle name.”, my voice sounding like a prince who just found his princess. “I love you.”, she giggles. “Ahora y siempre girly girl.”, I wink. ————————————————————————————
We all eventually make it to Doc’s, Tony and I leaving the girls to homework as we run to the diner. I think back to the last time I bought Cata- Altagracia food from here…it was the night of our first kiss, when I knew I loved her even if I couldn’t admit it to myself.
In the middle of waiting for our order the jingle of the bell signaling a new presence knocks me out of my thoughts. My attention now on the new human I realize it’s Baby John. “Hey i’ll be back grab my food if they call yeah?”, I tell Tony; he nods.
I meet the Baby Jet about halfway towards the door. He has always been the little brother that I never had and I wanted only to protect him from the shit the Jets caused sometimes. As the baby and most innocent he was easy to trust plus he had proved his loyalty time and time again. Though i’d never give him proper status in the gang out of protecting him.
“Hey Baby John”, I greet kindly. “Hiya Riff what ya been up to haven’t seen ya around the guys lately.”, he says. “Just busy working buddy boy.”, my answer is quick.
“The Jets are starting to lose faith in their astute leader. We are all just lost ain’t no plans to even go to the courts anymore but, I say that you are just making a great plan to get rid of the Sharks for good.”, he puts a lot of faith in me causing some guilt to churn in my stomach
“Y’know maybe the Sharks are the least of our worries at the moment.”, nerves clear in my words; my hand rubbing the back of my neck. “What are you tryna say?”, his face contorts with confusion. I quickly give in to his innocence feeling badly for lying to the kid when he didn’t deserve it.
“Okay look the truth is…”, I hesitate. “I can’t be a Jet anymore. I’ve been seeing Catalina for about a month now and we don’t want to cause anything but, we also can’t help our feelings. The Jets only want to hurt the Porto Ricans but, it’s pointless we are losing the turf anyway there is something better for all us out there. Don’t get me wrong the guys still mean something to me but, i’m startin’ ta see something more.” I explain.
“So you bailed on us for a girl?”, he is taken aback by my explanation. “I mean sure you can look at it that way but, you gotta know things are better without wreaking havoc on everyone for no reason. Catalina has shown me that…she’s worth it all. I love her Baby John”. my honesty quite out of character.
“Something outside of the Jets? Outside of possible arrest? Loving someone?”, he can’t fathom the idea for himself let alone me Mr. Born to die young and alone.
“Crazy I know but, you’re a smart kid you can find that thing you’re looking for as long as you distance yourself from the guys. Find that girl worth everything. I heard Tessie been eyein’ ya”, I say noticing Tony walking out with our food.
“I gotta go but, think about what I said.”, I pat him on the back and run off.
Catalina Pov
It feels like ages since the guys left…nothing but the grumbling of our stomachs fill the silence in the store until my Tia comes out to check on the shop.
“Hola niñas! Todo bien? (Everything okay?), she asks us. “Sí, solo esperando que Tony y Riff regresen con la cena. Se han ido un tiempo (Yes, just waiting for Tony and Riff to return with dinner. They've been gone a while.), I groan.
As if god heard my prayers the guys walk through the door locking it behind them. Valentina lets out a laugh while Maria and I are quick to shovel some fries into our mouths the boys staring at us mouths agape.
“Dos chicas hambrientas a las que no has alimentado en horas te dan. Novias infelices. También resulta en esta escena aqui mismo. Buena suerte y buenas noches. (Two hungry girls you haven't fed in hours gets you unhappy girlfriends. Also it results in this scene right here. Good luck and goodnight).”, My tia says waving off and going to her room with a small laugh.
“What did she say?”, Riff asks Tony who is still focused on how quickly we managed to feed ourselves. “How would I know. Altagracia only taught me a few phrases. I think I picked up girls out of all that.”, Tony is offended by Riff’s assumption he’d know.
Maria and I exchange a look before bursting into laughter. Our giggles fill the room as our boyfriends look at us like we have lost our minds. My stomach begins to ache from laughing so much I force myself to calm down. We compose ourselves before taking a seat acting like nothing happened.
“So ya gonna tell us what she said?”, Tony asks handing Maria her full meal. “She just said that this is what happens when you don’t feed us then wished you luck and said goodnight.”, Maria explains a giggle escaping her lips. “Dually noted.”, Riff jokes.
“We were starving okay we haven’t eaten since before leaving to class.”, I defend. “Next time we will bring a candy bar to hold you over.”, my boy interjects.
We all laugh at the past few minutes then engage with our meals. Talking about our days was a quick conversation before Tony and Maria disappear downstairs leaving Riff and I to throw out the trash.
“You staying tonight?”, I ask him. “Only if you want me to.”, he kisses my cheek.
After tossing the trash we go to my room careful not to wake my Tia. Following our usual routine Riff lays down to face the wall allowing me to change and while removing my clothes from my body a quick thought passes my mind.
“Mi amor?”, I grab his attention. “Yes girly girl?”, he asks;his back still facing me. “You’ve been….intimate before haven’t you?”, my voice laced with nerves. “Where is this coming from?”, his full of concern.
“Just curious. I’ve never done anything. Uh actually you were my first kiss…mi mama raised me to save myself for the man I love and married. Never to engage in anything really before wedlock.”, I explain. “May I turn around?”, his voice is now gentle. “Yes.”, I allow him.
His blue eyes glance over my body as I stand in a white undergarment slip dress nothing to be seen but, his expression is unreadable as he takes in the sight. His feet slowly carry him to me and the soft skin of his hands grazes my arm.
“I ain’t gonna lie to you I have been intimate with others, but none of them ever meant anything to me it was something to keep me busy. I never stayed the night with them or let them stay with me. I love you so much and I’d never pressure you into anything you weren’t ready for.”, his hands rub my arms in comfort, eyes locked on mine.
“I know you wouldn’t. The reason I brought it up is because it’s you Riff…the man I love and want to marry someday.”, he tenses a bit at my words.
“Someday mi amor not anytime soon. What matters to me in this moment is you and my love for you. You’re my ending and i’m one hundred percent okay with that.”. my word provide him comfort some tension now released.
“I’ve said this before but, I will say it again for the first time in my life I see a future and it’s always with you. With that, you don’t need to feel like you have to give yourself to me.”, his reassurance makes my heart jump.
“I don’t feel the need to. I want to. I want you.”, I let a hand drag slowly down his chest keeping eye contact. “I don’t want you to regret me.”, his hand stops mine holding it to his heart. “If you don’t want me then that’s okay you can tell me.”, my palm takes in his heartbeat.
“I do want you baby I just wanna make sure you are ready? I didn’t ask to get to be your first kiss but, I do get to make sure that I am who you want to be your first..”. his soft spoken words make my heart swell and I decide what comes next.
I answer his question by slamming my lips onto his engulfing him in a passionate kiss. He is taken aback at first but, then quickly reciprocates my motions. I let my hand finish its trial to the hem of his shirt removing it in one swift movement; his long, slender fingers trial down my sides to my thighs.
“Jump.”, he demands.
He pulls me up from my thighs as my feet leave the ground wrapping around his torso. His soft lips move from mine and begin nipping at the skin of my neck causing a soft sound to escape my lips as he gently places me on the bed before continuing his work.
My hands take the chance to explore his now exposed chest and his draw up my legs, I begin to feel a little apprehensive as his fingers approach my hips. He quickly senses my change in emotion and pulls away.
“Are you okay?”, his eyes glossed with concern. “I’m okay just go slow at my hips please.”, I plea. “I promise. I’ll go as slow as you need me to. I want you to remember your first time. You’re safe with me..may I show you that?”, he asks. I suck my teeth between my teeth and nod. “Out loud. I need verbal consent”, he is stern but still sweet. “Yes Riff”. I state.
Knowing my concerns he is cautious as he begins to slowly lift up the white cloth keeping his eyes locked on mine. I help him remove the fabric from my body leaving me completely exposed to him, my nerves heighten as he takes in my body.
His pupils dilated with lust and love tracing my figure and taking in every curve as if he would be told to draw me afterwards.
“Te vez hermosa.”, his words cause heat to rush to my cheeks. “Gracias mi amor”, I smile softly. “I’m so grateful for your love baby”, his fingers intertwine with mine. “Show me your love.”, a sensual tone seeps through my words.
A smirk creeps up his lips as my fingers leave his and slowly unbutton and unzip the denim barrier between us dragging them down his legs, he provides me some assistance by pulling his black briefs down joining my dress on the ground.
We take a moment just to be in this moment admiring the others emotional and physical nudity before joining our lips once more laying me back down so his body hovers over me.
Once my head hits the pillow behind me his lips begin traveling down my body leaving sweet, tender kisses upon my chest and abdomen causing me to shudder and my eyes flutter closed. A feeling of pleasure begins to course through my body.
His hands find my thighs giving them a gentle squeeze of appreciation while his lips show my hips some love replacing the bad memories and filling my senses with nothing but, him. When his kisses move to my thighs my breathing hitches in satisfaction.
My fingers lace themselves into his brown hair as soft, quiet moans fill the air. We quickly grab protection from his jeans on the ground before continuing.
Our moment together full of exploration, completely gone for each other, only passion and love guiding our motions. Taking in every part of each other never knowing just how much was left to learn.
“I love you so much Altagracia”. he says breathlessly. “I love you Riff.”. my voice just as short-winded.
Our bodies immerse into the others when we reach our respective highs pure euphoria filling us both. He falls next to me instantly pulling me close snaking an arm under my body as my head falls onto his chest.
“How are you so perfect?”, he asks me. “I am not.”, I giggle. “What we just shared was perfect baby and meant everything to me just like you.”, his voice low and soft.
“You gonna stay?”, I ask sweetly. “As long as you will have me girly girl.” He places a soft kiss on my head.
“One day when we are married you’ll never have to go anywhere.”, my voice was low and sleepy. “When we are married I ain’t ever leaving your side.”, I can hear the smile within his words.
“One day amor de mi vida”, I reassure him dozing off. “Ahora y siempre” is the last thing I hear before I am swept away to dreaming about our future. ————————————————————————————
Baby John Pov
After talking to Riff I begin to wonder if he is right..about a life without the Jets. They are the only family some of us have, I mean I love my Ma more than anything but, she is a single woman who works all the time although I know she loves me and she’s doing it to provide for us.
I stopped at the Dock’s to think about his words and my Ma when I hear footsteps behind me. ‘Not again’ I think. “Hiya Baby John”. Diesels voice shakes me. “Oh hey Deez.”, I say.
“What ya up to?”, he asks me. “Nothing much. I talked to Riff earlier.”. I answer honestly and slightly mindlessly. “Oh the king is alive?”, he jokes. “Very much. He said he just been workin’ a lot but he is also been with Catalina.”, I am only half-heartedly paying attention to the conversation.
“Been with Catalina? What ya mean by that?”, he questions leaning into the conversation. “Like he loves her man. Riff capable of love maybe that means we all could be even with a Puerto Rican.”, my voice complex.
He inquires more pulling answers from me one by one; my words like vomit just exiting my body leaving me daunted knowing Riff confided in me as a brother.
“Riff in love and dating a puerto rican…interesting.”, his voice trails off.
I think I fucked up.
@whisperofsong @theforgottenmcrmy @roythespeedy @mikefaistwasinnewsies @mikefaistmiamor @dellaspinstales @belenchies @inkandpen22 @riffheartsgraziella
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meteorrogers · 3 years
the secret charm of forbidden things | a. b.
summary: you piss off your professor 
pairing: professor!andy barber x reader
warnings: professor/student relationship, student humiliation (nothing serious), fluff, smut (+18 pls), daddy kink, spanking, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (and like the most unoriginal plot); let me know if i missed something!
word count: 3,478 (approx)
a/n: i really tried to avoid writing this shit but my brain just wouldn’t let it go, so i’m really sorry for this. also, i’m not a smut writer so this couldn’t be more poorly written. sorry for that too *nervous laughter* i hope there are some readers out there who enjoy cliché stories lol. oh and i know nothing about criminal law so i just skimmed through the Mass. laws and picked the easiest thing i could create a question of. anyway, if you do read this, i hope you’ll enjoy it and let me know what you think! every kind of feedback is appreciated!! 
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You’re browsing the internet, looking for some quality e-shop that would offer lingerie you’d like. Or more importantly, he would like. And since your focus is completely on the phone that is hidden from the professor’s eyes (or so you think), you miss the call of your name.
“Miss (Y/L/N)!” the stern and this time louder sound of a male voice brings your attention to the man that it belongs to, standing only a few feet from your seat, thanks to its place in the front row. His expression is hard, a clear sign that you’ve been caught and you shrink into your chair, your cheeks becoming warm. “If you want to pass my class, I suggest you turn off the phone and focus on the lecture.”
You do as you’re asked and put the phone away but you don’t expect him to address you again.
“So since you seem to have enough knowledge that you don’t even need to listen to me,” he pauses and comes closer to you, crossing his arms. “Tell me what the punishments for organ trafficking are.”
You hold your breath, not even realizing it as you’re trying to think of the correct answer, however, that’s a little difficult with him towering over you, and your eyes can’t help but flicker to his crotch that is aligned with your vision. When you look up again, there is an amusement painted over his face which you almost miss to notice. 
“Um, imprisonment?”
The professor keeps looking at you expectantly and when you don‘t say anything more, his chest heaves in a deep sigh, and his eyebrows rise as he looks at the floor in disappointment. “You’ll be having a hard time getting clients, Miss (Y/L/N),” he tells you and goes back to his desk to lean his backside on it.
Okay, you weren’t paying attention but you also thought that the times when professors publicly humiliated students had been left behind. So, now you are not only embarrassed but also pissed.
You just roll your eyeballs and slightly shake your head, taking a pen and doodling in the open notebook laying on your desk in order to calm yourself down and trying not to think about the judgemental stares being sent your way.
“Does anyone here want to remind Miss (Y/L/N) the consequences of organ trafficking?” he asks, before fucking Amelia raises her hand with her all too sugary may I, professor Barber? and you nearly lose it. You watch him as he sweetly smiles at her and prompts her to answer. She does, correctly so, and while she’s going into details, he lets his eyes wander and rest them on you from time to time. You never avert your eyes, glaring at him, hoping he takes notice of the annoyance written all over your face, but he just smirks when she finishes talking and he looks back at her.
“You’re a brilliant student, Amelia. I think you deserve a reward for the hard work.” When he stresses the word reward, he gives you a glance, and you can’t keep your eyes from rolling, again.
“Alright, class, that’s it for today. Don’t forget to send in the paper that’s due Sunday. Enjoy your weekend.”
You pack your things, shoving them into your bag before storming towards the exit, but you don’t make it too far when the professor’s voice stops you in your tracks.
“Miss (Y/L/N), a moment, please,” he says as he gathers his things. You sigh, closing your eyes as you mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come. Turning around, you make your way towards him. 
“I believe we need to discuss your work ethic.” when you remain silent, he continues. “Great, since you don’t have any objections, you can follow me into my office.”
You do as you’re told and while you wait for him to unlock the door in the corner of the auditorium, you catch a glimpse of Amelia giving you a smug smirk. Mr. Barber finally opens the door and extends his arm, letting you in before him. You enter and stop in the middle of the office, nervously fiddling with the hem of your pleated black skirt as you hear a soft click signaling that the door is now closed, followed by the snap of the lock.
You gulp, your heart beating faster as you continue to stand there and try not to give away your nervousness. The only sound that follows is the echo of his footsteps as he walks past you and to his desk, putting his stuff on the wooden surface. He doesn’t say anything, unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling the sleeves of his moss green dress shirt up to his elbows and the veins of his forearm are left on full display.
“Mr. Barber, I—“ you finally speak up but he cuts you off, making his way towards the comfy-looking couch sitting alongside the wall opposite of you. 
“You wanna tell me what that was about? You know I have a no-phone policy in my class, right?” he sits down and spreads his arms on the back of the sofa.
“I’m sorry, I was just—“
“You were just what? Looking for some skimpy underwear to tease me with during the lectures?” the blood rushes to your cheeks and you look to your left, not able to hold his gaze anymore. “As much as I’d enjoy that sight, I’m still a little disappointed in you. The question wasn’t that hard.” He’s closely watching your every reaction as your body squirms, your thighs discreetly rubbing against each other. “You know, Amelia truly is a great student. She’s slowly becoming better than you since you seem distracted for most of my classes. What reward do you think I should give her?”
And that is what causes you to run out of patience and your head to snap to where he is sitting. Bingo, Andy thinks.
“Are you fucking serious, Andy?” you say with a raised voice. If you blinked, you wouldn’t even catch the smirk that formed on his lips for like a millisecond.
“Hey!” he scolds “Watch your tone.“
You ignore him.
“Since when do you humiliate your students in front of the whole class, huh?” you confront him angrily “It was a dick move, Andy, you know that! And then the bullshit with Amelia? If you want her to wet your dick, just ask her, I’m sure she’ll be up for it.”
“Come here,” he says calmly which unsettles you because you expected him to be furious given the way you’d lashed out at him, but you roll your eyes anyway and turn to leave, however, the sound of your name coming from his lips stops you. “(Y/N).” you inhale deeply and turn back to him. “I said, come here.”
You come up to him, still keeping your distance so you don‘t stand between his spread-out legs. “What?” you bite.
He huffs out a laugh. “You’re walking on very thin ice, sweetheart.” He says and you feel your belly doing flips at the nickname. “How about you lose the attitude and come here like I instructed you to.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“How about you go fuck yourself.”
And that’s the last straw. Andy Barber is a very patient guy but when it comes to a bratty behavior like yours right now, he tends to lose his temper pretty quickly.
He swiftly leans forward and grabs your wrist, yanking you between his thighs. You have to catch yourself on his broad shoulders as you stumble from the firm tug, your stomach flush against his chest. His hand grabs the strap of your bag, putting it on the floor before his fingers fall to the back of your thighs, sliding up and up until they rest just below the cheeks of your ass, holding you against him.
“You wanna be a bad girl today, huh?”
You frown and click your tongue. “Jesus, Andy, I’m not in the mood for this.” You start pushing against his shoulders to put a distance between you, failing miserably.
“Sweetheart, you’re not even trying. You think I’m stupid or what?”
“I’m serious, let me go,” you say, but you don’t even sound convincing to yourself.
“You’re not in the mood, you say?” he asks and you nod your head. “Then why do I smell you all the way here, hm?” his fingers creep higher, playing with the lacy hem of your panties. He snorts. “You’re desperate to get fucked, aren’t you?”
By now, your panties are drenched. After what he did to you in the class, you tried so hard not to be turned on by him, but it’s impossible. Andy is a very attractive man, very intelligent and in combination with his sinful mouth, you just can’t bring yourself to not want to be fucked by him.
He doesn’t break eye contact when he hooks his fingers into your underwear and slides them down your legs, until he leans forward, his cheek brushing your hip so he can pull them all the way down himself. You step out of them and his back straightens up, putting the piece of ruined fabric into his pants pocket.
“Get over my knee.”
“Andy, come on. We’re in school. Can’t you just fuck me now and spank me later?”
“Oh, so suddenly you are in the mood?” he raises his brows “Get over my knee. Now. You don’t wanna piss me off more than I already am.” He says sternly.
You unhurriedly move from in between his legs but you’re too slow for his liking. Before you can react, he’s once again yanking you by your wrist, twisting your body in a way that makes you fall over his thick thighs. One hand gently settles on your throat, holding your head up, and the other starts tickling the back of your knee before slowly creeping up your thigh, tucking up your skirt, until you feel the cool air of the room brush against your wet pussy.
You clutch his pants in your hands, and when his palm leaves your skin you prepare yourself for the first blow. Instead, he gently sets it down on your butt again just to caress it, but even that unexpected touch has you jerking forward. He laughs and before you know it, the hand lifts itself up and strikes your right cheek. This time your body jerks rightfully but the fingers around your neck tighten, preventing you from moving too much.
“Not so tough now, huh?” he strokes the sore skin. “How many do you think you deserve?” you shrug as best as the restraint allows you to. “If I remember correctly” he pauses, just to brush his fingers against your pussy lips, smiling to himself when he feels the arousal leaking out of you “You weren’t paying attention in the class.” He spanks your other cheek. “You were using your phone even though it’s forbidden.” For that, the next hit lands on your right cheek again and you don’t think before you dare to open your mouth.
“Really? You are gonna lecture me about what is and isn‘t forbidden? You’re fucking your student for God’s sake.”
“Just for that, I’m adding 5 more to the ones for raising your voice at me, lying to me, and disobeying me.”
He spanks you for everything he listed, caressing your sore butt in between each hit and you are on the verge of crying, the tears in your eyes about to fall down your cheeks. When you think he’s finished, you release a relieved breath, but suddenly, he strikes you three more times, without any break and you cry out, squeezing your eyes shut, the tears finally rolling down.
“That was for the eye rolls I received throughout the day.” He says angrily before leaning down, brushing his lips against your ear as he whispers. “Now, what do you call me when we’re alone?” You just need a minute to catch your breath to reply but he’s not having it. “Answer me right now, or I’ll spank your ass raw, you won’t even be able to sit right. What do you call me?” he asks again.
“Daddy.” You whimper quietly and he smiles.
“Good girl.” He forces your body up with the hand on your throat and throws you on the couch, but before you can make yourself comfortable, he flips you on your stomach and grabs your hips, pulling you up so your ass is in the air.
His touch disappears for a moment and when you adjust your head to be able to get at least a little peek at him, your cheek pressed into the couch, you see him loosening his tie. He grabs your arms and crosses them at your wrist on the small of your back, tying them together with the piece of fabric.
He kisses each palm and then continues up your bare arm, licking, sucking, and biting, until his lips reach your shoulder covered by the short sleeve of your white t-shirt. “You okay, sweetheart?” He knows you are, but just to be sure.
“Yes, daddy.” You smile and he tugs the neckline of your shirt away for a second just to kiss your skin.
Then, he kneels on the floor behind you, coming face to face with your weeping cunt and he needs to adjust himself at the sight. He curls his fingers around your thighs and starts kissing them, getting closer to your core and his eyes close on their own accord when he inhales your smell. His lips finally make contact with your lower ones, his tongue licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance before he pulls away and hums, leaving you trembling. 
“Andy!” You whine from the loss as your frustration grows, and he bites the tender skin of your ass.
“Baby, call me Andy one more time and you won’t be coming for a very long time.”
Your breath shudders when you exhale. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
If it was any other time and any other place, he would take his time to properly punish you, but someone could knock on the door any second and he’s honestly been dying to devour you all day.
He spreads your cheeks and leans forward, finally burying his face into your cunt, his tongue finding the little bundle of nerves and you moan, your eyes rolling in your head from the feeling of his soft tongue relieving the ache combined with the feeling of his rough beard scratching your inner thighs.
Andy takes the bud between his lips, sucking harshly and you buck your hips, causing him to grunt and the vibrations go straight into your clit, more slick dripping from your hole. He doesn‘t let a single drop go to waste as he licks up to your entrance, slurping the juices along the way before he starts plunging his tongue in and out of you. You bite your lip, trying not to make too loud sounds.
“That feel good?” he pulls away to ask, replacing his tongue with his thumb as he waits for your answer, rubbing your clit in quick circles.
“So good, daddy. Let me cum, please,” you whimper and he smirks.
“You’re lucky we’re in my office right now, otherwise I’d take my sweet time to take this sweet pussy apart,” to emphasize it, he thrusts his thumb into you and pinches your sensitive clit between two fingers, another moan escaping your lips. “I wouldn’t let you cum until you were crying and screaming out apologies.”
He slides his thumb back down to your clit, quickly circling it as he dives into you again, massaging your walls with the soft muscle until the knot in your belly starts tightening and you bite on the cushion to prevent yourself from screaming as the dam finally breaks and you’re cumming, Andy drinking up everything your pussy has to offer and he needs to force himself to pull away, your taste almost too addictive.
Before you know it, the sound of his belt clanking reaches your ears and a moment later, you feel his hand on your hip while the other gets a hold of his cock, positioning the tip at your entrance before pushing himself slowly into your heat. He groans while you mewl, filling you to the hilt and giving you some time to adjust to his size.
He starts with slow thrusts once he feels you constrict around him and the hand that isn’t bruising your hip grips the knot that holds your wrists together, giving himself leverage when he begins to quicken his pace.
“Fuck, you feel so good, baby. So tight.”
And he feels amazing, too, his cock reaching all the right places, the familiar tingling reappearing again as your thighs start to quiver. He leans over you, his chest to your back as his hand on your hip slides down and starts rubbing your clit.
“You gonna cum, sweetheart?” his warm breath hits the shell of your ear. “You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel your pussy squeezing around me. God.”
“Please, daddy.” You mewl and he growls at your innocent voice, picking up his pace even more so, his thrusts becoming harder and your tied hands grasp his wrist. 
“Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.” He nips at your ear and with a few more thrusts, you’re cumming again, not able to hold in the moans anymore. He rides you through it, chasing his own orgasm and when you feel his hot cum filling you up, he stills, his breath brushing your cheek as he pants.
Once he comes down from his high, he kisses your jaw and stands up, pulling himself from your heat and you hiss at the feeling. He puts his cock into his boxers and zips his pants before he unties your hands, revealing the light red marks on your wrists. You stretch your hands a little before you bring them under yourself to lift yourself up, your skirt falling back down around your thighs and covering your now-glistening intimate parts.
Turning around, you stay kneeling on the couch, looking up at Andy with those big eyes that make him weak in the knees. The corner of his mouth lifts at the sight of your fucked out state, your hair is messy, there are imprints from the cushion on the cheek you were lying on, and the wet trails from your tears are almost dried.
He leans down and kisses you slowly and deeply as his fingers tangle themselves in your hair, his other hand gently cupping your cheek. Jesus, he doesn’t know how you do it but his dick is already twitching in his pants so he breaks the kiss because otherwise, he’d have to fuck you again. He pulls you up on your feet and bends down to pick up your bag, slinging it over your shoulder before his hands fall to your hips. You smile and adjust the strap.
“So, when will I see you in the new number?” he smirks.
“Well, I didn’t even get to pick any,” you reply with a smile and a raised eyebrow. “And I have Mrs. Harper next and I wouldn’t dare to use my phone during her class since her punishments are actual punishments.”
“Are you saying my punishments are ineffective?” he feigns shock.
“I’m just saying if you fucked every student for using their phone, they’d be doing it on purpose, professor.”
He laughs and pulls you closer. “That would be exhausting. But those kinds of punishments are reserved for my favorite student only.” 
“Should I be worried? You seemed pretty delighted with Amelia.” you joke, but half of you is a bit insecure because Amelia is a pretty girl with glowing skin and a brain big enough to impress him. And like the amazing person Andy is, he sees right through you and gives you an adoring smile before his lips touch your forehead, your eyes fluttering close. 
“You are my favorite student. Nobody else,” he assures you once he pulls away. 
Your smile widens and your belly twists at his sappiness, but you wrinkle your nose when you suddenly become aware of the slickness between your legs.
“I need my panties back.”
He snorts and shakes his head.
“I’m gonna keep them.” Your jaw drops. You have two more classes today, you can’t go that long with Andy’s cum leaking out of you! “Oh, you thought your punishment was over? I want you to come over to my place right after school. And don’t even think about going home to change.” His stern voice is back and he takes your chin between his fingers.
“I hope you finished your paper. We have a long weekend in front of us.”
the end.
a/n2: thank you for reading!!!!!❤️❤️my other works can be find under #writer luci !☺️
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violet-knox · 3 years
heyy :) I saw that your asks were open and of course I read your rules before coming here and I was wondering if you can write an adult snape fic where the reader is a fellow professor that he’s know from his childhood and they start to rekindle thier relationship
thanks in advance and keep up the great work !! <33
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Gifts of the Past
Pairing: Snape x Professor!Reader
Summary: Severus thought his week couldn’t get any worse after finding out he’d need to teach his Slytherin’s to dance until Dumbledore announces the arrival of a new Professor joining the staff.
Word Count: 6207
A/N: So when I read these requests, this idea formed in my head and I couldn’t help but merge them (side note: as the first request didn’t specify a gender while the second did, I adhered to the first). I hope both requests were satisfied while also providing a unique piece to the ever growing list of snape x reader stories on here and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to both anons (I’m assuming you’re two different people) for your asks and your kind words!
Also I know the gif I picked is suggestive but the reader is gender neutral which I’m proud of because it was very difficult to keep it that way with the dancing scenes. I just thought the gif was so beautiful when I found it, just look at that cuff 🤤 but the gif choice doesn’t hint to the reader’s gender or race as it may appear. 
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Nothing could have brightened his mood more than the thought of him walking into the Great Hall and finding the entire school deserted. It was really the only way Merlin could make up for the hand he’d been dealt this year and every other year since Potter invaded Hogwarts. This year however, the boy was clearly attempting to test his natural gift to bring trouble as the past three years hadn’t provided him with sufficient danger to prove his talent. It was bad enough he’d brought such a dangerous tournament to the school, but of course he had to go and get himself picked despite being underaged. Severus felt like he hadn’t gone a day without stressing since Dumbledore first made the announcement about the Triwizard Tournament and just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, the old Wizard had to instruct the head of houses to prepare their students for the Yule ball, as if the schools only Potion’s Master didn’t already have enough on his plate. 
He’d spent the rest of the day sulking after his attempts to persuade the Headmaster someone else should take up the privilege of teaching his Slytherin’s to dance failed. Sleep could barely find him last night as he kept hoping he’d wake up from this nightmare, that the universe would cut him a break, but it was clear as he walked by the tables housing the school’s guests, his eyes shooting Dumbledore daggers as he passed the smiling man on his way to his seat at the high table, that he wouldn’t rest so long as Potter slept under the same roof as him. He slouched in his seat and waited for the day to begin so he could look forward to its end, staring so hard at the table before him, he was sure it would eventually catch fire if food didn’t replace his rage soon. 
Dumbledore stood and cleared his throat to make his morning announcements, Severus finding himself focussing his anger towards him the more he rambled on about the first task and the current status of the tournament. His resentment towards the man only grew as he mentioned the Yule ball until he introduced the new professor who would replace Septima Vector for Arithmancy until the end of the year, a very familiar name washing away all his anger and replacing it with absolute horror. His head snapped to the side as he watched you stand with a smile, waving at the students who clapped for you. Severus’ eyes widened as he forced himself to join them, giving a few shallow claps but finding himself unable to slip out of the astoundment he found himself in. 
You smiled and looked over towards Severus as you sat back down, sensing everyone’s anticipation for breakfast to begin. You caught his eye and saw the shock written all over his face before breaking your stare and shifting your eyes to your lap. At least the expression on his face told you he hadn’t tried to ignore you when he’d walked right past you this morning to his seat at the high table. There were no words to describe how you’d been feeling today. Nervous about your first day as a professor at Hogwarts, concerned about being accepted into the family of staff, anxious to see Severus again after all these years and absolutely heartbroken when he didn’t even acknowledge you as he walked past you like you meant nothing to him.
The food appeared in front of you not long after you sat down, but you could hardly find your appetite as you felt Severus continuously glancing your way every chance he got. You did your best to chat with your new colleagues, keeping up polite conversation as they ate while you picked at your food. You watched Severus chug whatever beverage was in his goblet as he left his own plate completely untouched. He was the first to leave the table, watching with a frown as he slinked away behind some side door with no idea where it led. You let out a small sigh as you sat back in your seat, beginning to wonder if this career choice was a good idea. When Dumbledore approached you, mentioning Severus was now teaching at Hogwarts, serving as Potion’s master and Head of Slytherin, you felt excited. You’d missed him over the years since graduation, finding yourself regretting a lot about your relationship as time went on. But you’d taken this job offer as a sign to reconnect, a second chance to do what you didn’t have the courage for back during your school days.
You were so naive back then, thinking letters would be enough to keep you in contact with him after graduation, that you were closer to Severus than it seemed, but it was nothing more than a silly illusion created by your imagination. Looking back, you’d found yourself always claiming there was no good time to tell him how you felt, that you really liked him as something more than just a friend, but that was just an excuse for the fear you held onto every time you thought of him rejecting you. After seeing how close he was with Lily, how he buried himself in his schoolwork and made new friends when their friendship burned to the ground, you’d tried to push yourself, to be there for him and show him there was still someone in his life who thought he was worthy. But no matter what you did, you felt nearly as invisible as you did now, and perhaps in all these years since the war had ended, nothing had truly changed. 
One by one, professors and students began to file out of the Great Hall and as the room emptied, you slowly began to find yourself in complete distress, unsure of what to do about Severus, about this job and your possible conflict of interest. Pushing through, you tried to ignore your feelings and all thoughts of the Potion’s Master to focus on your classes. The day went by faster than you’d initially thought, each class easier than the last as the students seemed to accept you and your teaching style. Before you knew it, dinner had rolled around and knowing Severus had skipped lunch, eating nothing at breakfast, you anticipated seeing him already seated at the high table when you entered the room. Pausing a moment, you debated on what you should do, but your heart had already decided for you, your feet walking faster than you could process until you found yourself taking a seat next to him. 
“Hi Sev.” You spoke in such a low voice, soft yet reserved, like you were introducing yourself to a complete stranger. It saddened you that you felt so nervous with Severus when you used to be so close once upon a time. He looked back at you with those wide eyes of his and the more you stared into them, the more you felt like you didn’t know him at all. 
“(Y/N).” He stated your name with just a hint of surprise in his tone like his child-self was introducing you to him. He’d spent the day with such a headache thinking about what happened this morning, about you and everything that’s piled onto him. When he thought of you, he remembered the childhood friend who’d stuck by his side, who he’d taken for granted and who he could talk to about anything. But he struggled to feel that way again, to feel comfortable enough around you to open up to you and he wished that wasn’t the case. He needed someone to talk to, he needed someone there by his side these past few miserable years, but he could see now that he truly wasn’t deserving of such a thing, that he’d forever spend his life alone because that’s the card he’d dealt himself all those years ago and he had no right to try and get back what he’d lost.
“It’s nice to see you again.” You smiled, hoping this dense air between you would lighten with a bit of small talk. You wanted to tell him how much you missed him, his friendship and how close you once were. Everything was so much simpler back when you were eleven, still new to Hogwarts and oblivious to the world’s problems. Now, everything was different. You were both grown adults with responsibilities, changed as people and you weren’t even sure you’d mix well with him anymore.
“You too.” Severus happily retorted your attempt at making small talk, desperate to clasp at anything that could restore your lost friendship. Even as food appeared before him, he made no notion of filling his plate, his attention instead lay completely with you. “I-I had no idea you were joining the staff this year.”
You broke your gaze from his eyes and looked down at the table filled with food, your goblet was full and ready to be drunk, every other person in the room already indulging themselves in a well deserved meal. Looking over at Severus’ plate you found it as empty as yours, like he hadn’t even noticed the food had appeared as his eyes continued to study you while you slowly began to fill your plate, feeling less and less hungry as the seconds ticked by.  
“It was a last minute decision,” you said, continuing to avoid his eyes as you began to nibble on a muffin. Severus watched you a moment, feeling comfortable enough to eat for the first time that day as he picked up a sandwich.
“I’m glad you decided to take the job,” he said, keeping his gaze on you as much as he could before munching on his food. His tone sounded so sincere and you couldn’t help but stare at him, wondering how he truly felt about you being here. This morning, you’d felt so hurt by his cold shoulder, almost ready to quit if things didn’t go as well as they did during your first lesson for your classes throughout the day. Now, here he was claiming to be happy you were sitting here beside him, and you so badly wanted to believe that.
“Oh?” you asked curiously, hoping he meant what he said, hoping there was a chance to at least regain your old friendship. “Because it didn’t seem that way this morning.”
Severus’ eyes suddenly took on the weight of the world as he looked down at his lap. You could feel his own disappointment in himself, his shoulders slouching, his hair falling over his face in the same way it always did when you were kids. Clearly things hadn’t changed that much, and you were almost happy to see you still knew him as well as you did. 
“I apologize. I admit, you’ve caught me in a rather unpleasant mood,” Severus stated, feeling guilty for how he’d acted this morning. You were right. He should have said something to you, noticed you before Dumbledore spoke your name or at the very least came to find you earlier in the day to apologize sooner.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked him, relieved his stiffened attitude wasn’t the doing of the fact you’d re-entered his life. You turned your body towards him and began to feel like a child again, meeting Severus outside in the courtyard to talk about your day, to let him unburden his issues on you as you comforted him.
“There was a Head of House meeting yesterday. We were told by the Headmaster the responsibility of preparing the students for the Yule ball lay in our hands.”
You smiled, surprising a giggle as you remembered the night of Slughorn’s party, Severus tripping over his own feet when you asked him to dance with you, though you didn’t blame him for it after he’d just gone through his growth spurt. He had no such excuse now of course, but you could tell he hadn’t danced since that day, that he worried about how a lesson may go with his students, especially after the reputation you heard he held as a professor at Hogwarts. 
“If you’d like, I could help with your lessons,” you offered without a second thought. 
“You would do that?” Severus looked at you in awe, rather stunned by your selflessness after how he’d treated you. He couldn’t believe his luck, how you’d shown up just in time to help him with a secret he’d been dreading would be the talk of the entire school after he failed to teach his students to dance. He could only imagine the loss of respect he’d gain after working so hard to earn it all these years, how the students would make fun of him, how he’d never be able to step foot in the staffroom again without being ridiculed. 
“Of course. Anything for an old friend.” You sounded almost hurt as you spoke, knowing he’d likely see you as nothing more than an old friend. But if the universe had placed you in this new job, pushed you to him, perhaps you were meant to take the second chance and risk your current relationship with him. You were after all being trusted enough to help him develop his dancing skills, something you were sure the scary professor of the dungeons wouldn’t easily entrust to anyone. “Care to begin after dinner?”
Severus nodded with a smile, a look of content settling on his face and for a moment, you could have sworn you saw his eyes twinkle, something you hadn’t seen since the first day he’d stepped foot on Hogwarts grounds. You both continued your meal, Severus feeling calmer as he continued speaking with you, catching up on what you’d been up to all these years. Thoughts of the tournament, the upcoming war, the Potter boy’s knack for finding trouble slipping his mind if not for a brief moment. He allowed himself instead to turn back the clock to a time much simpler than his current life, a time where Lily was still alive, where he still had a friend who cared about him. He’d taken for granted so much of his life as a boy, so much of his younger years spent filled with hatred and resentment towards those he blamed for making him miserable that he’d missed all the good parts he could only hope to regain now as an adult. You were the one constant in his life, the one thing that didn’t complicate his life, the one person he could count on and he’d completely dismissed what you had to offer. He was a fool for focussing on what he didn’t have rather than what he did have, a greedy teenager who should have seen what was right in front of his eyes. 
Finishing off your food, you followed Severus down to the dungeons once the crowd of students had scattered throughout the castle. You walked alongside him, unable to help yourself from smiling at how easily you’d both settled back into your old selves, back to when your only concerns involved grades and who would win the next Quidditch match. You felt oddly nostalgic as you looked around the potion’s classroom, the layout exactly the same as when you were a student. You took your time to look around as Severus wove his wand and cleared some space. Walking up to the desk at the front of the room, you picked up the old quill sitting next to a pile of scrolls in the corner.
“You still have this?” You smiled as you ran the tips of your fingers along the feather, still intact and preserved rather well after all these years. You could still remember the look on Severus’ face when you’d given him the quill set you’d spent the majority of your money on for Christmas in your seventh year; complete shock with a dash of regret that he couldn’t afford something equally as stunning. He’d promised that one day he’d repay your kindness, that when he’d made something of himself, he’d buy you something worth ten times as much as the quill set that had gotten him through his Potion’s Mastery and all his days as a professor. 
As time passed, the memory the quill held began to fade and slowly, he’d forgotten the promise he made. He walked over to you and took the quill from your hand, realizing just how much he truly had to make up for after all these years. He set it back down on the desk and began to wonder if Merlin had sent you here for a reason, if his redemption wasn’t just about protecting Lily’s son, but about reconnecting with those who’d supported him, who he’d brushed away and to take the second chance at a normal life he was being offered. 
“I never thanked you properly for that gift,” he said under his breath as he stared at the quill, now the centerpiece of his desk, a new reminder for what he owed you. His eyes filled with longing, the sparkle you saw earlier slowly dwindling away as he hung his head low. You looked at him with such awe. Life had not been kind to him since graduation, that was clear through the weight he carried. He frowned when you asked him what he’d been up to since you last saw him, flashes of all his mistakes, all his sins passing before him. You could see it and it pained you to know that he hadn’t lived through the dreams he’d once shared with you as a child. 
“You don’t need to thank me Sev, that was a long time ago,” you told him with a smile, beyond touched that he’d kept something as simple as a quill when you knew he could afford much better now. He’d taken care of it, even kept the original nibs that came with the set and the inkwell which no doubt had to take a chunk of his time just to clean it out and refill. 
Taking his hand, you led him to the center of the classroom, turning to face him, gently positioning his hands to begin your first dry run of the dance you would soon share with him every evening before bed. His limbs obeyed you as you took his hand and pressed yourself to him, closer than you’d been all those years back when he’d first danced with you.
“Just, take it slow and let me lead. And then we can switch,” you whispered to him as you began to sway across the floor. The room fell into a soft silence as you led him, his feet struggling to follow yours at first, but he was a quick study as usual. Eventually, you felt confident enough in his movements to let him lead, switching position as you continued to sway in silence, Severus’ eyes lost in yours until the minutes passed by, turning into days. Before you knew it, you’d spent every evening after dinner for the past week with Severus, dancing with him for hours until it was time for bed. 
You’d never felt so close to someone as you did with him now, like that missing part of your soul had finally found itself again. A week had passed, yet you felt like you’d lived here for years as he had. Every time he held you in his arms, your heart slowed to match his even beat, your eyes flickering between his and his lips. You wanted to tell him how you felt about him, how much you’d admired him, how you’d always loved and cared about him even when he didn’t notice you, but every time you tried, your heart collapsed in on itself, stopping you in fear of ruining what you had now just like it had when you were kids. The emotions you felt when he pulled you closer were too much, when he looked deep into your eyes and gave you that smile like he was trying to bring you both back to that night at Slughorn’s party, how different things may have turned out if he’d known how to dance. Perhaps you would have had the courage to tell him how you felt then, kissed him before he’d tripped over himself. Time was such a delicate fragment in the ensembled artwork of the universe, affected by every movement, every word spoken by every human being on earth. 
Looking into his eyes, you saw that same twinkle he seemed to only let shine for you. It had been him who’d insisted he needed to practice again and again every night. It was him who’d always led you to his classroom, locking the doors and even bringing music to keep you both company as you danced the night away. He was as mysterious as the students had said, as lonely as your colleagues had told you, but you didn’t want to believe it. He was still that boy you met in the library in first year no matter the life he lived.
“Severus?” you whispered, his face so close to yours, his hands holding yours tightly. He looked at you with wonder, waiting for your words, for the question he knew you’d kept on the tip of your tongue since the day you'd arrived. He feared it, worried about what you may think of him if he answered it truthfully. He had yet to share everything about his life, how he’d betrayed your memory, his promise to you, that he was to blame for the death of their friend. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
You sounded so nervous, your eyes shifting down to look away from him and his concern suddenly grew. He stopped his motions as he held you still, waiting for the words he feared would slip your tongue. His hand tightened his hold on you, needing you to stay with him, to keep him company. You’d become the only thing this past week that kept him at peace, that kept him alive. He looked forward to your evenings together, the thought of simply swaying through the classroom the only thing keeping him whole. 
“What is it?” he mumbled cautiously, a bit of resentment present in his tone. 
You’d terrified him, you could see your words worried him to no end. You couldn’t tell how he would react if you told him the truth and you weren’t sure if you could handle it. You’d both cherished every moment you had together again, cherished the past, the present and the future you could see alongside one another, but you weren’t sure how much you could bear the days if all he saw in you was an old friend. Thoughts of how happy he’d seemed the last few days roamed in your mind, playing on repeat, bleeding into your childhood memories. You could almost feel your emotions reciprocated as you looked at him, your chest pressed to his as you leaned in, Severus frozen in his place, his mind blank with awe. 
Words could never be enough to describe how you felt, to tell him how much he meant to you. But Severus was never one with words anyways, never caring for them as he always read people better through their actions and as he did so now, he wondered why of all the people in the world, why of everyone you’d met in your life, he was the one you wanted to be close enough to press your lips to his. He wondered what made him so special, why he was so lucky to have you showing your affection for him through the gentle touch of a kiss. Your lips were barely parted, moving slower then he had when he danced with you. He could feel your nerves as you kissed him slowly wither away when he kissed you back. 
Your hands grasped at him, and for a moment, when he felt you pull your hand away from his, he thought the moment had ended, only to be snapped back into it as your fingers were buried in his hair. Your free hand tugged at the ascot he wore, Severus finding himself pulled into you as you walked backwards, your lips never leaving his. You moved your lips eagerly until your back hit the wall, pulling Severus closer as you encouraged him to press himself into you. He moaned into your kiss, his hands wrapping around you, one pressed into your lower back, the other between your shoulder blades. His senses heightened as he tried to memorize the feeling of your kiss, of your figure under his fingertips, your chest against his, your legs entangling themselves with his. 
You were almost disappointed when you both parted for air, huffing as you tried to catch your breaths, but the look on his face was more than worth the loss of contact. He looked as if he was still questioning reality, like he wasn’t sure about your intentions and of course, as before, words couldn’t help him make sense of the situation. Your hand slipped out of his hair instead and cupped his jaw, your thumb swiping across his cheek as he nuzzled into your touch. You could see the weight of the world returning as his smile weakened, his eyes closed as the soft sound of the music filled the room. 
It broke your heart to see him like this, like he found himself unworthy of love, like he thought himself destined to be alone. You began peppering him with light kisses over his cheek, his nose, his jaw, what little skin of his neck you could reach until you finally saw his smile returning to his face. He opened his eyes and held his hand up to press against yours, still nuzzling into your touch as the twinkle in his eyes sparkled brighter than before. 
“I’m not the same person you once knew,” he whispered, his heart breaking with every word, his instinct to push you away overtaking his need to have you as close to him as possible. He could hardly believe you felt this way about him, that after all these years, he’d been blinded by his own hatred to see what was in front of him and here he was trying to ruin what had yet to even be explored.
“Well, I’d be willing to get to know the new you if you’ll allow it,” you said softly, smiling as you showed no interest in running away from the spark between you. 
“(Y/N), there’s something about my past you should know-”
“Sev,” you interrupted him when you saw the hurt in his eyes, the pain he brought on himself during such a sweet moment. You’d waited years for this day, and you weren’t about to let him ruin it when you knew he needed a moment like this. A short period of time to simply exist in the presence of someone that loved him, to forget the rest of the world and live in the moment. “You don’t have to tell me anything now.”
You knew he wasn’t ready, that he was only pushing himself to tell you whatever it was weighing on him because you’d kissed him. But you could wait until he was comfortable enough to share, until the time was right and now was not that time. You’d learned a lot this past week, how truly stressed he was, how the Yule Ball was far from the only thing that had him stressing every second of every day. He needed a chance to relax, to find harmony in his life and whatever secret he wanted to tell you would do the exact opposite. 
Severus smiled as he felt the tension ease off his shoulders, the sound of the music returning to his ears. He reached down and took your hand, slowly stepping away as he led you back to the center of the room, offering to finish your dance, unable to thank you enough for all your patience, for everything you’d ever done for him. You happily obliged and danced the night away once more, looking forward to repeating your new routine tomorrow and the day after that until the holidays finally arrived. 
He couldn’t count how many times he’d danced with you, how many kisses you shared in between, yet this morning felt nothing like the last few weeks. Today, he was to dance in front of his entire house with you, to teach them what you’d taught him and though he was utterly grateful for your lessons, he couldn’t stop the shaking pressure he felt for his reputation and the reputation of his house. He wanted to make you proud today, to help his students excel and to keep the school from spreading awful rumours like it had when he was young. 
Tightening his ascot, he smoothed over his robes and ran his fingers through his hair a few times, sighing as it lay as flat as the pancakes he’d never managed to master whenever he cooked for himself. He held his head up high as he left his chambers and walked down the hall to his classroom, met with the majority of his house already waiting outside his door. You were nowhere to be found and he could hardly wait for this day to end. He let his students shuffle inside as he prepared the room for the lesson to come, minutes passing by as more students passed through those doors, but you had yet to arrive. Time was nearing and he was beginning to worry you had decided against aiding him in this particular lesson. He looked at the clock and sighed as the seconds hand passed twelve, indicating time was up. 
“Gather around,” he commanded the room as silence fell around him, all eyes gleaming at him with anticipation as he felt his heart pounding with fear. “The Yule Ball, is a celebrated event taking place on the night of Christmas Eve; a tradition carried out for centuries and as students of the hosting school, students representing the house of Salazar Slytherin, I expect nothing less than an adequate performance from each one of you when the night arrives.”
Severus spoke to each of his students, walking down the classroom, eyeing each and every one of them. He did his best to keep his mind off of you, trying to stay focused on the task at hand instead, but you’d been at the forefront of his mind for so long and as much of a skilled legilimens as he was, even he wasn’t susceptible to the effects of the love you had for him. 
“Now, the core event of the evening will of course be the dance. As such, today’s lesson will concentrate on the development of your dancing skills,” Severus froze in his place, losing his train of thought as his eyes met yours. You stood there with a smile behind all the students, closing the door behind you. “A demonstration will be presented, and you are each expected to pay attention as none of you will leave this room until you’ve performed well enough to uphold the reputation of your house.”
You pressed your lips together as you watched him address his class, rather taken back by his dominant presence. You couldn’t believe this was the same shy boy you’d met all those years ago, the same one that would rather be left alone than be placed in front of a room like this but you felt oh so proud of him and everything he’d accomplished thus far. “Professor (Y/L/N), if you may join me.”
He held out his hand for you as you stepped forward, the students parting like the sea as they stared in awe. The shock on their faces shouldn’t have surprised you, since you’d had many of them come complaining to you about all the Potion’s assignments they were being dealt, but you’d known Severus for so long now, you couldn’t imagine having any other relationship with him than the one that had blossomed over the last few weeks.
Severus led you to the centre of the room, waving his wand and allowing the music to fill the room before positioning himself waiting for the right moment to begin gliding across from floor with you. His eyes never left yours, his feet moving so elegantly. It felt nothing like the dry runs you’d done with him over the weeks, like he was almost trying to impress you. You missed how close you were to one another as you danced now, eyes all on you. But most of all, you missed the twinkle in his eyes, the smile he wore on his lips as he held you so sincerely. 
“Pair up and start practicing,” he ordered and immediately you watched his students obey. It wasn’t at all like what everyone had said about the Potion’s Master. It wasn’t fear that commanded them, it was the respect and admiration they had for their Head of House that pushed them to follow his instructions without question. You smiled at him as you both continued to dance, the students following your movements, many of whom continued to look over to you as an example. 
“I’m sorry I’m late,” you whispered to him. Slowly throwing your arm over his shoulder to get as close to him as he’d allow in front of the students. “I was looking for this.”
You showed him your wrist and watched him let his guard down if not for a split second. His eyes analyzed the old green ribbon you had tied around your wrist, almost as well preserved as the quill he kept on his desk. He watched it disappear as you placed your hand back over his shoulder, memories of the first time you’d wrapped it around his wrist for good luck when Slytherin was playing Gryffindor in his first year during the Quidditch finals swarming his mind. That was of course, the one and only time he saw his team win the Quidditch cup during his days as a student, his first and only time to have worn that ribbon, giving it back to you in complete dismissal after the game. He’d abandoned you that night, choosing to party with his housemates who he hoped to fit in with over the simple celebration you’d invited him to. You looked so hurt the next day and it took a long while before you spoke to him again. But despite the horrible memories, the guilt he felt now, you’d still kept that ribbon and it warmed his heart. 
“I thought since you were so nervous about today, I’d wear it for luck,” you told him, hiding the fact you’d tossed the ribbon in the bottom of your trunk after he so rudely dismissed you, never to see the light of day until now. You’d debated tossing it out throughout the years, but you could never do it. It served as a reminder for what you’d almost lost, for the love you still carried and the potential your relationship with Severus had.
“(Y/N), I-I’ve been meaning to ask you,” He whispered in such a low voice, you could hardly hear what he was saying, his words spoken for your ears and yours alone. “Would you accompany me to the Ball?”
“Of course, I will.” You happily accepted his proposal as you continued to sway in his arms, your conversation coming to an end as a new song began. Severus stepped away from you, his hair covering his smile as he composed himself to address the class, instructing his students to continue practicing. You both spent the remainder of the evening helping the students, waiting to be alone once more as rumours spread throughout the school of Professor Snape’s dancing and his surprising partner. Many had looked forward to the sight, wondering how he may fare on the dance floor, though no one expected to see the grace in his movements and the chemistry between you. 
He’d spent all those nights with you in the hope’s rumours wouldn’t spread through these walls, but he supposed there was no avoiding it and if talk had to have spread, he was at the very least glad it didn’t tarnish his reputation. You and he would of course never hear the end of it from your colleagues; the first of the Hogwarts professors to have a chance at maintaining a relationship whilst holding a job at the school, many of whom still remembered teaching you as students. None of it mattered to him though. They could all talk as much as they liked, he would forever keep you close to his heart, safe from the rest of the world and cherish every moment he had with you so long as you allowed him in your life. He was utterly grateful for the second chance he was given, the one good thing to appear in his life amongst the sea of never ending darkness and he couldn’t have imagined any better way to combat it than to do it with you.
A/N: Can you tell I’m not a dancer? 😅
So this didn’t turn out exactly as I’d hoped. It doesn’t feel as organic as I wanted it to be, but then again, I can’t really expect it to feel organic since the dance lesson wasn’t in the books. Still, it was fun to write and I found myself restraining myself from going on forever with this story. I hope you found it refreshing and entertaining nonetheless. And who knows, maybe I’ll do a part 2 one day with the actual Yule Ball 😁
As mentioned previously on my schedule update post, I’m discontinuing my tag list so this will be the last time I tag anyone on any one-shots. Thank you all for sticking with me, your support truly means the world to me and I hope you’ll continue to read what I have planned for the future 💜
@sleepysnapesnake @wanderingtrails @darkthought15 @bush-viper-cutie @fluffymadamina @dracos-mudblood @mitchiesdungeon @severuslovebot @ravenhopeflyte54 @cuddlebunny0330 @flowerdementia
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frostedfaves · 4 years
For the Love of A Daughter
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: The mom friend (or girlfriend) sometimes needs a mom, too.
Warnings: strained relations with a parent, emotional trauma mentions, a bit of angst, very unedited fic because I refuse to reread this
A/N: surprise Natasha fic as a result of my unresolved issues so I hope you enjoy! also I feel very exposed posting this so excuse me while I hide away.
It was no secret that you were the ‘mother’ of the group despite being the youngest, and you were astonishingly good at it. 
You were the only person able to convince Tony to sleep at some point during the night. You protected the tower from a few Code Greens by simply knowing exactly how to bring Bruce back to the front lines of his own mind. When Thor visited, you helped him unwind with Earthly snacks and movie marathons. You also helped Natasha get in touch with her emotions more, which played a small part in the two of you getting together. 
Anyone from the Red Room knows that emotions are for children, which is why Natasha despised you at first. The first moment you noticed a crack in her hard exterior, you touched it and suddenly the whole thing was shattered. She hated that you read her so easily when her job called for being a closed book. 
Unfortunately for her, there were only so many times you could place your warm hands on her heart before she gave into the comforting heat. A few minute talk one night turned into four hours and suddenly you understood why she pushed you away so often. From then on, she leaned into your caring eyes until she fell too far forward and pressed her lips to yours. She’s been glued to you ever since. 
As time went on, the rest of the Avengers got used to you lovingly patching their wounds on the jet ride home, bringing a mug of tea to their rooms when JARVIS alerted you of nightmares. Your kindness easily slipped right into their routines, a part of you that everyone eventually and quickly grew to love.
When everyone besides Thor arrived at the tower that evening, an unsettling feeling of dread filled their senses at the silence of the main floor. You’d been out to visit your mother for the first time in a while due to missions, but you promised the group you’d be home before them to make dinner. It wasn’t that they were incapable of feeding themselves (or ordering takeout to feed themselves), but you never broke a promise. 
“JARVIS, where is our tiny mother?” 
“She has not returned from her outing, sir,” the AI quickly answered Tony and Natasha sighed. 
“I’ll call her.”
“Agent L/N has arrived, sir,” JARVIS cut in before she could pull her phone from her pocket.
“And all's right with the world again,” Clint commented with a smile, earning himself a punch in the arm by Natasha. 
“Maybe she stopped at that local bakery she likes on the way home. You know, the one that sells the Hulk-shaped cookies,” Bruce suggested as the elevator doors opened. 
Your steps seemed to echo as you entered the room until you were greeted warmly by the others, and Natasha only needed a few seconds to look you over and realize you were not yourself. You were a pro at painting a comforting smile on your face but Natasha knew an artist when she saw one, especially one she loved. 
“Boys, give us a minute.”
You watched everyone slowly file out of the kitchen to find another room to hang around in, turning to Natasha with a frown. 
“Is everything okay, Nat?”
“You tell me.” She stepped closer to you, hands landing on your shoulders and sliding down until your fingers locked together. “Something’s bothering you.”
Your instantly quivering lip and tear-filled eyes left you no room to lie, so you didn’t.
“My mom’s getting married again.” You took a deep breath to prepare yourself to open up farther than you’d ever done before. “I’m actually really happy for her because her partner is a perfect match, but they have kids.”
“Are they little demons or something? I can take care of that, you know.”
“No,” you laughed a bit, the smile falling away quickly after. “No, they’re perfect little angels and I love them...and so does my mom. Probably more than she ever loved me.”
“Don’t you two have a great relationship though?” Natasha questioned, freeing a hand to wipe away an escaped tear.
“Yeah, she likes me now, but she didn’t when it really mattered. When I was their age, I would’ve killed to receive the positive attention and compassion she shows them now, and the more I watched them together, the more I felt like maybe there was something wrong with me.”
The tears fell more frequently now, faster than Natasha could wipe them away, and the waves of hurt emitting from your expression when you locked eyes was enough to wreck her heart.
“I reached out to her so much as a child with my arms opened as wide as they could go, and every time she just stepped around them. It only motivated me more to take all the love I was deprived of and share it with someone else, but sometimes I wish it was just who I was, and not a coping mechanism that turned into a personality trait.”
Natasha pulled you in flush against her, rubbing your back and squeezing a bit tighter when you began to shake in her arms. She held her tongue as she waited for you to calm, only pulling away when your sniffles were few and far apart.
“I know the world hasn’t been fair to you, but I’m proud of who you’ve become, so proud. I love that you were able to turn something so negative and hurtful into something that not only helped you feel better, but has absolutely done great healing wonders on the people around you.”
“What?” You scoffed instantly. “Nat, I didn’t do--”
“Yes you did, babe,” she pressed. “This team wouldn’t function as smoothly as it does without your gentle guidance, and I wouldn’t feel so damn warm inside when I wake up next to you.”
A grin spread across your lips as you pulled her in to kiss you. “Well when you put it that way, I guess I do something around here.”
“You do everything and then some. But don’t forget that you deserve someone to look after you, too.” She pulled out of your embrace, keeping a hold on one of your hands. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?” you asked curiously as she led you back to the elevator. “I have to get dinner started.”
Natasha simply shrugged as she pressed the button for the ground floor. “They’ll figure it out. We’re focusing on you right now.”
A short walk later, she watched with a smile as your eyes seemed to find their light again. You were approaching your favorite bakery, and you could tell even through the windows that new items had been added to the cookie section.
“Last time I was in here, I bought one that looked like the tower--” You suddenly gasped, pulling your girlfriend along with you before she could even ask what was wrong. “Look!”
Peering into the glass, she spotted her likeness in cookie form, beautifully dressed in her Black Widow suit. It was pretty flattering to see, but she couldn’t fight the cocky smirk that formed as she leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“If you wanted to eat me, we could’ve just stayed home.”
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
April Fools//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Silly pranks and a little angst, a tiny bit of small language
Summary: April 1st was a special day for many reasons, and it’s about to get a whole lot more special once Fred asks an important question.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Here’s a special fic for the twins birthday, as well as April Fools’ Day!  Fourth fic in Abby’s Week of Weasley. 
~Abby’s Week of Weasley Masterlist~   ~Masterlist~
Message me to join the taglist!
March 31, 1995
For the third time that night, Angelina Johnson rolled her eyes at you and hit you with her pillow. Hard. So hard that you ended up toppling off of your bed due to the excited, unbalanced position you were in, practically standing at the edge of your bed. 
“Angie!” you screamed from the floor, your smile cracking through the angry façade you were putting on. 
“Oh you deserved it Y/N!” your roommate yelled. “If I have to hear you talk about Fred for one more minute I swear...”
“I second that,” said Alicia Spinnet from her bed, rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time that night. “Just grow a pair and ask him out already!”
 “You’re crazy, absolutely insane,” you replied, climbing back onto your sheets only to be knocked down by your friend once again. 
 “Ok I swear I’m done now,” Angelina said through her giggles. “But Alicia’s right. It’s been two bloody years, why don’t you get up off your timid ass and actually do something? What could go wrong?”
 “What could go wrong?” 
 Alicia groaned at your incredulous tone, knowing exactly what Angelina had just started. She covered her ears with her pillow, hoping to drown out the next barrage of rapid fire words from your mouth.
 “Would you like the possibilities listed alphabetically or by order of significance?” you quipped, not giving either of the girls any time before you started again. “First of all, he would laugh at me. Then he’d realize how sad it was that I thought I actually had a chance with him and he’d make fun of me to the entire school. And you know that Fred can’t keep his damn mouth shut!”
 The girls murmured in agreement, knowing firsthand to never tell Fred any secrets unless they wanted the entire student body and population of England to know as well.
 “So he’d tell everyone,” you continued, “and they’d all make fun of me and talk about me behind my back. ‘Oh there goes poor Y/N, she’s so sad that she thought that the hottest guy in school would be interested in her! What a stupid stupid girl.’”
 “I personally think his brother is hotter, but to each his own,” Angelina murmured.
 “Bloody hell they’re identical twins, they’re practically the same,” said Alicia.
 “They’re not the same,” you and Angelina replied in sync, turning to each other and giggling before you finished your rant.
 “Anyways, the whole school would think I’m a moron, all of Fred’s family would think I’m a moron, and I’d probably be a laughing stock at The Burrow and I’d be too embarrassed to spend another summer there with everyone making fun of me! So that is why I will not be confessing my feelings any time soon.”
 Your friends just sighed and rubbed their temples, used to hearing this kind of talk from you. 
 “You know you’re hot as fuck, right?” said Alicia, gesturing up and down and seeming to check you out.
 “I know that,” you replied confidently. Something about being friends with Alicia and Angelina had brought out your confidence and you knew your self worth, but not when it came to the love of your life. “But there’s plenty of girls here who are hotter and haven’t had their hair held back by him while they threw up their guts into the toilet.”
 Alicia choked on the drink she was sipping, remembering that party a few months ago. “Yeah, remind us not to let you have firewhisky again you lightweight.”
 You tossed your pillow at her, making her spill her drink and grumble in your direction. 
 “Alright if you won’t tell him, why don’t you hint at it and hope for him to make a move?” Angelina suggested. “His birthday’s tomorrow, what did you get him?”
 “I, umm, I didn’t have that much money, so I had to be more... creative about it.” You pulled a sweater from one of your drawers, a deep purple color with orange stitching along the sleeves and collar. “Molly taught me how to knit over the summer and I’ve been working on this ever since. Do you think he’ll like it?”
 “That is the sweetest thing ever, Y/N,” said Angelina. “And Fred doesn’t care about money or wealth, I’m sure he’ll love it. Trust me, give him this and flirt with him all day tomorrow and I’m sure he’ll get the hint.”
 “He hasn’t gotten it yet, and I’ve done nothing but flirt all year!”
 “Then flirt harder,” said Alicia. “Give it all you have, and if it doesn’t work out then he’s a good for nothing prick. That’s how I live my life,” she said shrugging.
 “Great advice, thanks,” you drawled. “But alright, I’ll try harder. Tomorrow’s gonna be a day to remember!”
 April 1, 1995
 You and your roommates slowly snuck out of your room the next morning, being as quiet as humanly possible. On a normal day you wouldn’t bother to be this careful, but today was not a normal day. It was April 1st, the twins’ birthday. Also know as their favorite day of the year, April Fools’ Day. 
 Alicia stubbed her toe on one of the steps and let out a small peep, making you and Angelina turn to her in horror. Your cover was blown. 
 “Well, well, well,” came a voice from down the stairs. “What do we have here?”
 You shoved Angelina in front of you, clutching the back of her uniform for dear life. “You go,” you whispered. “You’re the strongest.”
 “No,” she said quickly, “Alicia’s the fastest, she can outrun them and cause a distraction!”
 “You know I wouldn’t even make it out of the common room,” Alicia replied. “Y/N can go first, she can talk them out of doing anything.”
 “Yeah, right,” you scoffed. “Like that’s ever worked before. I ended up going to bed to find a giant snake my sheets.”
 “Well, someone has to go first!” Angelina hissed. 
 The three of you continued your argument in low voices, none of you wanting to be the first to face Fred and George's wrath. You were so caught up in your conversation that you didn’t even notice the figure behind you until they cleared their throat.
 You all screamed and you tripped over Angelina, causing you all to tumble down the few last stairs. The second you made it to the bottom, you felt a warm, gooey liquid dripping down your head. Reaching your hand up to touch it, you saw that it was a green goop that was now covering you and your friends. 
 Laughter erupted from both sides of you. The person who had been standing behind you, who you now realized was George, was holding Colin Creevey’s camera and snapping a picture. Fred, standing practically over top of you, was doubled over clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.
 You sighed and looked down, already defeated. “Happy birthday, Freddie.”
 “I think you mean,” he said through giggles, “happy April Fools’ Day!”
 Angelina and Alicia were shooting daggers at the twins, who were still laughing and snapping photos.
 “This makes quite the pretty picture, doesn’t it Freddie?” George asked, showing him the camera.
 “Ah, yes it does! Y/N, you look beautiful as ever darling, even covered in goo.”
 You put your hands out, expected for him to help you stand up. Once he hoisted you to your feet you threw your arms around him, wiping as much substance as you could onto his clothes. 
 “Hey!” he said, trying to escape your death grip. 
 “What?” you asked innocently. “Can’t a girl hug her friend on his birthday?” You emphasized your words by grabbing some goo from your hair and reaching up to ruffle his, spreading it through his ginger locks. 
 “You’re a handful, love,” he said, finally giving up on escaping the revenge. 
 “But you can handle me, can’t you?” You winked at him and let him go, turning around to see George pinned to the ground by Angelina, face covered in green. 
 “I give, I give! I’m sorry!” She got off of him and offered him a hand up. You looked around at everyone to see that you all were a mess, covered head to two in Fred and George’s prank. 
 “Well,” said Alicia, “this is not how I wanted my morning to go, but I didn’t expect anything less. I’m gonna go get changed.”
 “Me too,” said Angelina and George nodded as well, heading to their respective dorms. 
 This left only you and Fred. Your heart started pounding. How were you supposed to flirt even more than you usually did? Were you supposed to make a move, maybe confess your feelings?
“I, umm, I have your present upstairs,” you said finally. “It’s not very good, but I can go grab it for you now if you’d like. After I’m clean that is.”
He bumped your shoulder with his, making your heart beat even faster. “I’m sure I’ll adore it, love. And actually, I was wondering if I could ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course, what is it?”
Fred avoided eye contact, fidgeting with his messy uniform. “Umm, why don’t we hang out today and I can tell you then. We could maybe, go on a picnic for lunch? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
A large grin grew on your face, spreading slowly but surely. Maybe you didn’t have to be the one to make a move after all. “Of course I want to, Freddie! It’ll be fun.”
“Great!” he said relieved. “I’ll see you then.”
You nodded as he ran to catch up with George. As soon as he left the common room you nearly fell over, having to hold onto a wall to keep yourself up. You sprinted to your room, mind racing with exactly what you were going to wear this afternoon. 
“Hey, love,” Fred called from across the entrance hall. “You look great.”
You blushed a little, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and trying to subtly look him up and down. Fred had dressed a little nicer than usual for your picnic, which made you feel better about putting in so much effort yourself. 
He came over and grabbed your hand in his, linking your fingers together and pulling you out the door. You wished your hands weren’t so clammy, and you hoped that Fred couldn’t tell. 
He took you to a secluded part of the courtyard, the corner where most kids would go to make out. Was that what was happening? Did he want to kiss you?
Fred spread out a blanket and opened the picnic basket, containing both of your favorite foods. 
“Looks so good Freddie,” you said. “Snuck into the kitchen again, didn’t you?”
“What can I say,” he shrugged. “Guy’s gotta eat.”
“You said like Ron.”
“Don’t ever insult me like that again, woman, or I will never speak to you”
You rolled your eyes at him and leaned back on your elbows. “Having Fred Weasley actually leave me alone for five minutes? That would be absolutely horrible. What would I do, not being able to hear about your pranks and projects?”
He leaned forward to tickle your sides, making you flail around and kick him away. “You’d be so desperate for me back, you’d probably lock yourself in your room all day.”
“Oh I’m sure,” you replied, sarcasm dripping from your tongue. 
The two of you continued to eat and talk, mostly about his plans for his birthday and how he was going to terrorize his mum once he got home for the summer because he could now legally do magic outside of Hogwarts. After what felt like forever of laughing and rolling around on the blanket and grass, your curiosity was finally getting the best of you. 
“Alright Fred, enough’s enough,” you said, turning partly serious. “Why did you ask me out here with you?”
Fred got nervous once again, grabbing some more food to shove in his mouth to buy him some time before answering. 
“I’m waiting. What, you wanted to ask me out but got too nervous? Huh, is that it?” You were completely joking, but Fred didn’t seem to correct you. He just turned to you and gave you a small nod, shocking you to your core. 
“What?” you asked, needing clarification. 
“Uh, well, Y/N, there’s something important I need to say.” He looked jumpy and excitable, but there was also a cocky gleam in his eye, which was always present with the boy. “I’m madly in love with you. I have been since we were 15, and I just needed to let you know. I want to hold you and kiss you and grow old with you, my darling princess. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
You sat there in complete surprise. This couldn’t be real, could it? Fred Weasley had loved you since you were 15? The tingles you always got when he said something to yo couldn’t compare to what you were feeling now.
Fred opened his mouth in a wide grin about to say something, when you cut him off with a hug. “Oh Freddie, you don’t understand how happy that makes me! I’ve loved you for forever, you’re perfect. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
You held him tighter, burying your face in his neck and soaking in the feeling of being Fred’s girlfriend. But Fred had a completely different feeling running through him. 
He made eye contact with George, who was hiding in the bushes with his camera ready. He mouthed a question but Fred just shook his head in confusion. This wasn’t supposed to happen. 
You were supposed to laugh at him, become super uncomfortable. Fred knew that you only saw him as a friend and flirted with him jokingly. He’d never in a million years expect for you to confess your feelings back to him. 
He didn’t know what to do. You were just so open and vulnerable, confessing everything you’d been holding back. So, acting against George’s frantic suggestions, he completed the hug, resting his head on the top of yours.
What was he supposed to do? You were his best friend, he couldn’t bear to see you get hurt. How was he supposed to tell you, that this was all an April Fools?
Tag List: @famdomhideout @amourtentiaa
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1987vampire · 4 years
All Yours | Tomura Shigaraki
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Word Count: 5k Warnings: Smut. Kinks include: A/B/O (Omega!Shigaraki x Alpha!Reader), FemDom, Mommy Kink, Bratty Shigaraki (in the beginning), light bondage, face riding, spit kink, cockrings, praise kink, light degrading kink, choking, pegging, crying kink, overstimulation, etc. Request: I just really wanted to write a Shigaraki fic. A/N: This is just me being horny on main. I love this lil dude, and there are not enough Sub!Shigaraki fics around here.  Extra: @babayaga67​ and @imuziawi​ asked me to tag!
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I almost hadn’t recognized the smell as I turned onto my street. At first, I wasn’t quite sure where it was coming from, and I thought I might have just been delusional. After all, he had disappeared for quite a bit, but he had a distinct smell, a mix of citrus – the scent of his body wash -, smoky ash – a side effect of his quirk -, and vanilla cake - a sweetness that came with every omega in heat. I was surprised that there weren’t alphas lined around the block with how loud the smell was, but I was certainly glad I wouldn’t have to fight anybody off to get home.  
I fumbled with my keys for a few moments once I reached the door, mixing up and trying to unlock it with the wrong key multiple times. Once I finally opened the door, though, I was hit harder than I had anticipated, his pheromones coating every inch of my apartment. Hell, I thought walking here was terrible, but this was on an entirely different level.
Had he stopped taking his blockers? Being a villain and omega at the same time was certainly not a great mix, especially when he was the leader of a significant group, so he had taken to blocking off any indicators of his status, claiming to be a beta whenever someone asked. Something must have changed if it got this bad.
I closed the door and locked it in a fluid motion, dropping my keys and bag on the floor right after. I shuffled through the house, trying to figure out where he had holed himself up. I assumed he had made a nest somewhere, but I wasn’t sure where. He never kept it in the same spot, claiming it got uncomfortable being in one place for too long, and he always chose the strangest places. Once I had found him and half of my closet in one of the lower cabinets in the kitchen because ‘everywhere else was too goddamn loud.’
I looked through each room thoroughly, and after a few minutes of not finding him, I entered my bedroom. I was surprised at how much louder the smell had gotten. It wasn’t normal for him to choose such a basic place. My bed was missing half of its usual blankets and pillows. My clothes were strewn across the floor, ones he had ditched after not liking them enough, I guessed. I checked around the dirty area for a moment before approaching my closet.
I knocked quietly on the door, listening intently. A quiet groan met my ears, and I dropped to my knees in front of the door. He was in there. There was no doubt about it. “Tomura,” I called out quietly, not wanting to hurt him if he had a headache. He usually did during this time. “Tomura, may I come in?”
There was the sound of him shuffling and pushing a few things around before he made a noise of affirmation and pushed the door open a bit. I opened it the rest of the way and let out a sigh at the sight of him. He looked worse than usual, new scabs over the already scarred skin of his neck. Something had been stressing him out immensely.
Still, he looked pretty, his eyes half-lidded from being tired but still bright as ever, and his ordinarily messy hair even worse than usual. He wasn’t wearing much besides a pair of sweatpants, his chest bare and sweaty, new scratch marks crawling down from his neck. He was panting, practically drooling, but his lips still quirked up into the smallest of smiles when he locked eyes with me.
I hesitantly placed a hand inside his nest, afraid he would kick me out at the movement, but he stayed still, almost coaxing me into his area. So, I continued, crawling in slowly, trying not to mess up any of his work. He had to have been here for a while by how it looked. I wasn’t sure when he had gotten here, but I had been at work for ten hours before coming home, so there was no telling.
Tomura curled up to me almost instantly, letting out a low whine as he pushed his face into my chest. His arms wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer. I instinctively wrapped mine around his head, leaning down to press a kiss to his matted hair. I had almost gotten comfortable, ready to just sleep it off with him – after all, that’s what he seemed to want to do – but the thought was interrupted by him opening his mouth, pressing his rough flattened tongue between my breasts, and licking a fat stripe up to my neck.
The change in my mood was instantaneous, and I switched our position from both of us laying sideways to me kneeled above his chest. He moved to try and pull me down onto him, but I grabbed his hands and held them above his head, grinning as he let out a loud whine, his eyes growing wider as he stared up at me.
“You do know that it’s rude to do that without asking, right,” I mused. His face flushed red, and he turned it to the side, avoiding eye contact. Oh god, when was the last time he had acted like this. I was getting excited at just the thought. “Now, why would you do that without permission. Did you miss me that much?” When he didn’t move to answer, I chuckled and grabbed his face with one of my hands, pulling it to look at me. “Come on, babydoll. I need your words. Talk to me.”
He huffed loudly but complied. “You weren’t doing anything, so I had to.”
I tutted and shook my head. “You can’t just get things without asking. You have to tell me what you want. Staying silent gets you nowhere. You know that; we’ve talked about it, baby.” He stared up at me, biting back words. I sighed. “Well, if you don’t want to talk, then I’ll just let you take care of yourself.” I let go of him and began to lift myself off of him, but he moved faster and gripped my thighs, pulling me back onto him harshly. For someone as skinny as he was, he could sure be strong at moments. His nails dug into my skin harshly, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re needy today, aren’t you.” I quirked an eyebrow and leaned down so we were face to face. “Come on, Tomura, tell me what you want.”
He took a shaky breath before replying. “I want you to make me cum,” he grumbled, blinking up at me. “I hate being like this, but nothing I do helps it.”
I shook my head. “And what have you done to deserve me giving you that pleasure? You’ve disappeared for the past two months – I only knew you were alive because they talk about you on the news – but because you hit your heat, suddenly you’re running back with your tail between your legs. Hell, I should leave you to take care of yourself - you obviously don’t need me.”
“I didn’t come back just to listen to you bitch.” His words were bitter, and I could tell he regretted them as soon as they slipped past his lips, but the damage was already done. His eyes widened, and he scrambled to try and escape from underneath me. I let him climb to his feet before pushing his knees out from under him as he tried to run out of the room. He stumbled and fell face-first onto the floor, groaning loudly.
“Are you serious,” I yelled, standing over him. He flipped onto his back, and I pushed my foot onto his chest, holding him steady. “Are you seriously trying to piss me off, you asshole?”
He grinned up at me. “And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?”
I pulled off of him, practically shaking from anger. “Get up.”
“Or what?”
I let out a deep snarl. “Tomura, get your ass off of the fucking floor before I turn it beet red.”
He licked his teeth suggestively and stood slowly, taking as much time as he could. Once he was up, a grabbed his shoulders roughly and pushed him onto the bed. He let out a loud laugh as he fell back, propping himself up on his elbows and watching me as I rolled my eyes. I moved towards my dresser, opening it and moving aside clothes covering what I needed. Ropes were the easiest thing to find considering how many I had, but the other toys took a bit of digging.
Once I was satisfied with my finds, I moved back to the bed and straddled him, grabbing the rough skin of his wrists and pulling them up to the headboard. There was a small hook drilled right above it precisely for this. I wrapped the rope around his hands, knowing the knots like the back of my hand from how often I had done it.
When our relationship first started, Tomura wasn’t too keen on bondage or not being in control, but once I had convinced him to try it, he had never wanted anything else. I knew he found some comfort mixed with the anxiety of being completely at my mercy, and I certainly enjoyed it. I could sit and stare at him in this position for hours, hands bound above him, eyes looking at me with apprehension but excitement, pants already straining even though I hadn’t done anything. It was a beautiful sight.
He tugged gently on the restraints, testing them, and he let out a shuddering sigh once they didn’t budge, settling into the bed. I picked myself off of him and stood to the side, humming lowly as I tried to figure out where to start. Then, he spoke up. “Well, are you going to do anything?”
“Not if you keep up that attitude, I won’t,” I snapped back. “You sure do love using your mouth tonight, might as well put it to use.”
He furrowed his brows in confusion only to perk up as I began to shed my shirt, popping button after button of my blouse until I was able to throw it onto the floor, adding to the mess he had already created. Then came my shoes, which I kicked off to the side, followed by my pants, leaving me in only underwear. Then, I climbed onto the bed again and grabbed his face harshly, squeezing his cheeks so his lips were puckered. His eyes widened with excitement, and it made me chuckle a bit.
“You’re certainly eager tonight, even with that mouth of yours,” I said, placing a kiss to his lips, “miss mommy that much?” A high-pitched chirp passed his lips, and I grinned. “Now, are you going to work for your reward, or are you going to make this hard?” When he stayed silent, I continued, my voice low as I moved to kiss the rough skin of his throat. “Are you gonna let mommy ride your face?”
Tomura nodded, and it was much more excited than I’m sure he intended it to be. I moved and placed my knees on either side of his head, and I had barely had enough time to run my fingers through his hair before he lunged forward, licking a stripe up my clothed pussy. I let out a shuddering sigh of content followed by a low, deep moan when he did it again. When was the last time he had helped me get off instead of my own hands and toys? He was so warm underneath me, his cheeks flushed and breathing heavy enough to send heat up to me.
Before he could move forward again, I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pushed him down into the bed. He whined, but I ignored it. “Give me a second, baby. Just one second.”
He stayed still, and I let go of him. I then reached down and pushed my panties to the side, giving him new skin to touch. He loved it when I still wore underwear when we fucked, saying it ‘just added something to it.’ I certainly didn’t mind the extra coverage, even if it wasn’t anything sexy considering I had been at work.
Once I was comfortable, I grabbed his hair again, softer this time, and lowered myself onto his mouth. He stayed still, knowing not to move, and when I mumbled to go, he wasted no time in getting to work. His tongue found my clit almost immediately, circling it at an excruciating pace that made me groan quietly. I should have known he would try something like this, I thought as he moved down, pressing a flat tongue against my opening before dipping into it slowly. The wet sounds that came from the action made things so much better, but I could already feel myself getting fed up. I didn’t want to wait, I wanted him to work, so I vocalized it. “Tomura, baby, if you don’t go faster, you’re not cumming tonight.”
He chirped in distress and pushed farther up, lapping at me like he was a starving man and I was the only meal in sight, and when he began to get tired, I ground against his face, making him moan onto me, a deep groan that sent sparks through my stomach.  When we had first started, he was completely inexperienced, only knowing the basics from the porn he watched, but porn was nothing like real life, and I was there to teach him that. Luckily for me, Tomura was always up for eating me out whenever given the opportunity, he loved to serve me as much as he loved to take, and he showed his devotion like this. He took his time, but moved quickly, pressing all the right spots. He had my body memorized at this point, and when I came, he didn’t let up until I pulled away, making sure I reached the utmost pleasure.
When I finally did pull away, the sight was something worthwhile. He laid gasping up at me, his face thoroughly flushed a pale red that crawled down his chest. His lips, chin, and nose were covered in a thin layer of my fluids mixed with his spit. His eyes pled for me to praise him, tell him that he was doing good, and I was happy to oblige.
“You look so pretty like this, doll,” I said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as I traced my hand along his bulge. “Are you all worked up just for me?” Tomura nodded hastily, letting out a sigh of content as I rubbed him softly. “You’re mommy’s little boy, aren’t you, Tomu?” He nodded again and kissed back feverishly when I pressed my lips to his. “Say it, then. Say it for me, baby.”
“I’m your little boy, mommy,” he cried out, letting out a high-pitched moan as I drew him out of his pants, my fingers dancing along the head of his dick. “I’m all yours, I promise.”
I laughed. “All mine? Really?”
He nodded, his breath hitching as I moved down and took him into my mouth. “All yours- ah- ahh-“ He pulled at his restraints and let out a chirp as I pressed forward until my nose touched his hipbone. He bucked up to match my movement, but I grabbed his hips and pushed him down.
I pulled off of him with a pop. “Stay still,” I growled and moved back down. He let out a full-body shudder, and when I looked up at him, his eyes were rolled back, lips parted in a silent moan, and his arms pulling against his ropes to no avail.
“Please, I just-“ he bucked his hips again, and I growled lowly with his cock still in my mouth, making him cry out in ecstasy only to whine when I let go of him.
“I told you to stay still,” I grumbled as I reached for one of the toys I had brought out. He stiffened at the sound of something vibrating and watched me as I slid a pretty, pink cockring down to the base of his cock. He tensed and then let out the prettiest sound, throwing his head back at the stimulation.
I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. He panted, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he stared up at me. I pressed my thumb against his jaw and opened his mouth a bit more. He blinked blearily, confused, and then let out a surprised chirp when I spit directly into his mouth.
“Swallow it.” He complied, making a show of closing his mouth and swallowing loudly. He looked away out of embarrassment, making me chuckle. “You said you were all mine, babydoll. Are you going to listen to me now?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy,” I cooed. He preened at the statement, arching his back up towards me. I slid my hands up his chest to his throat and held the sides, restricting his blood flow as I pressed another kiss to his lips. He hummed lowly, a low whine of need. “Alright, you get to choose now. Do you want me to ride you or fuck you, Tomu?”
I let go of his throat so he could speak easier, but he didn’t respond, merely staring at me, conflicted. “I- I don’t know-“ he choked out. “I-“
A plan set itself in my head, and I gave him a devious smirk. “Do you want both? Do you not want to choose?” He stuttered, not knowing what to say. “Just a yes or no, baby.” He paused before nodding. “I need words.” I dragged my thumb across his bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it pop back into place.
“Yes, please, mommy, both.”
I grinned and pulled away, climbing off the bed. My strapon was a thick, blue one that I had finally decided to buy after eyeing it for a few days. I never really used it on myself, preferring to make Shiggy a sobbing mess underneath me with it. Once I had even convinced him to ride it; the images still sit in the back of my mind every time I grab it, his soft whines as he rode slowly only to yelp when I bucked up into him at a pace faster than he would have been able to handle.
After stepping in and strapping it to myself tightly, I pulled Tomura’s pants off completely, letting them fall to the already dirty floor with a soft thump. Then, I moved back to my dresser to grab a bottle of lube, flipping it a few times as I watched him. He was panting as his bright red eyes met mine. He was trembling faintly, tugging lightly at the restraints as his cock twitched at the stimulation from the vibrations.
I walked over and climbed between his legs, grinning as I spread them to fit me. He was already leaking slick – something I had forgotten he produced during this time. I didn’t even have to lube my fingers before pressing at his entrance. He moaned lowly and then shut his mouth, looking away as I pushed a finger in. The warmth he provided was incredible, practically inviting me in. It made a loud, wet sound when I pulled out, and I watched him for his reaction.
He let out a shuddering breath but refused to meet my eyes, his face flushing even deeper with embarrassment.
“What’s wrong,” I mused, dipping into him again but this time with a second finger. “What are you embarrassed about?”
He didn’t answer, so I slapped his outer thigh with my free hand. “I- I don’t know,” he grumbled, glancing at me before looking away again.
I raised my body, moving my face towards his while pushing my fingers in until I was knuckle-deep, pushing slick out as I went in. “Look at me, baby.”
He hummed out an ‘uh-uh.’ I curled my fingers, and he let out a moan, his mouth still shut.
“Look at me, baby,” I purred. When he still refused to look, I took to grabbing his face again, forcing him to look at me. My fingers began to move at a steady pace, pumping in and out of him. “Do we need to do the mirror exercise again, or are you going to look at mommy while she fucks you?”
The mirror exercise in question was an exercise in self-confidence that he was subjected to quite often. I would set us in front of a floor-length mirror and fuck him while forcing him to watch so he could see how pretty he looked like this. I was quite a fan of it; he was not so much.
He shook his head. “I don’t want to.” Insecurity laced his voice, and I paused my movements, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek, followed by his forehead, nose, and then mouth.
“Please, bub,” I whispered, pressing another kiss to his jaw. “Let me see your pretty, red eyes. Be a good, little boy for mommy.”
His eyes flickered to mine and then away a few times before he huffed and nodded. “I’ll be your good boy.”
I grinned, moving back down. “Then, let me see those eyes, and let me hear your moans, babydoll.”
I surged my fingers forward, and he let out a loud moan at the action. I sucked a hickey onto his inner thigh as I added a third finger, prepping him fully. When I pulled out, noticing how close he looked to cumming, he followed my moves, silently pleading with me to go back, to let him finish. In response, I lined up my cock to him.
My soaked hand crawled up him and pressed against his lips, slowly forcing their way inside. “Open up,” I said, and he did, opening his mouth wide. I pushed my fingers in, curling them around his bottom teeth before letting go. “Suck.” He complied, and I watched, mesmerized as he pulled them farther into his mouth, sucking slowly and running his tongue along my fingers. “Good boy,” I cooed.
He chirped before mumbling something against my fingers. I pulled them out, grinning at the pop they made. He mumbled something again, but I still couldn’t hear.
“What do you need, doll?”
He hesitated before responding in a quiet voice. “Can you spit in my mouth again?”
My brain took a few moments before what he said registered fully. I let out a loud laugh and nodded enthusiastically. “Open your mouth, then.”
He paused and then opened wide, encouraged by my thumb helping drag it open. My other hand gripped his throat as I made him wait in anticipation. He looked like he didn’t believe I would do it before I raised myself off of him a bit and spit, smiling when I watched it hit the back of his throat.
He instinctively shut his mouth and swallowed, a small smile climbing on his face that was quickly replaced with a lewd look as I pushed the tip of my cock into him. He cried out and pulled roughly on the ropes. I almost wanted to take them off, wanting to feel his nails dig into my back, but this sight was nearly as good.
I braced his hips with one hand, the other still pressing against his throat, and then I snapped into him completely. He let out a broken moan followed by a sob, and tears gathered in his eyes at the feeling of being so full so fast. I pulled out slowly and then snapped in again, receiving the same reaction.
Then, I paused, waiting until he sighed, telling me that he was ready, and then, I set at a brutal pace, plunging into him again and again, reveling in the sounds he made. His cock twitched and twitched, and so I wrapped my hand right above the ring and stroked him to the pace of my thrusts.
“Aghh- ahh- mommy-“ he mewled, “please, please, please, let me cum, mommy, please. I’ll do anything! I’ll be your good little boy, please.” I put my fingers in his mouth again, holding his jaw open as I slammed into him again. He cried against my fingers but kept his eyes open, though they kept fluttering between open and closed. Then, I hit something inside of him that made him throw his head back, clenching his fingers into fists as he yelled. “Please,” he whined against my fingers, “please, mommy, please.”
I hummed and chuckled lowly, leaning forward to nip against his jaw. “Go ahead, doll. Cum for mommy.”
The reaction as instantaneous. He violently shook as he came, spurting strips of cum onto both of our stomachs as a chorus of ‘thank you’s were yelled against my hand. I didn’t stop fucking him though. If anything, I picked up the pace a bit, hitting that little spot in him again and again if his reaction was anything to go by.
Tears began to gather in his eyes, and he shimmied his hips, trying to get me out, but I persisted. He cried out again as I started stroking his cock again, his recovery period nowhere near done, but he still hardened after a few moments, though tears began to stream down his face at the same time. I mumbled praises against his neck as I went, sucking hickeys into the scarred skin. “You’re doing so well for me, baby. So, so good.”
He sobbed loudly and thanked me again, closing his eyes as more tears fell.
“You’re mommy’s good boy, right, baby? You’re all mine?”
“Ye-e-es, mommy,” he whined against my fingers.
“Are you going to let mommy ride your cock?”
He chirped and shook his head. “It’s too much. I can’t take it.”
“Yes, you can,” I purred, pulling out of him slowly. “I know you can, darling, because you’ve missed me so much. When’s the last time you’ve been inside me? I know you’ve missed it.”
He choked out another sob and nodded. “Anything for you, mommy. I’m all yours.”
I switched the cockring to a higher vibration setting, and he tensed his entire body. “You look so pretty like this, Tomu. You’re such a pretty crier.” He shook his head at the statement and sniffled. “Yes, you are, so pretty, and all for me.” The strapon was easy to slip off, and the thud it made against the floor alerted him of what was next. I straddled him effortlessly and lined him up to my entrance, rubbing him gently against my lips. “Such a little whore. Mommy’s little whore.” He preened at the name and sucked in a deep breath as I sunk onto him. “Let me see your eyes, baby.”
His eyes fluttered open and practically rolled into the back of his head as I began to ride him. It wasn’t a fast pace, relatively slow compared to the last activity, but he came in only a few seconds without warning, yelling apologies as he did so. I only laughed in response and then moaned as the vibrating cockring hit my clit in a delicious way.
Tomura was shaking his head again, crying as I rode him and tugging on the restraints to no avail, but he hadn’t said our safeword, so I knew he was fine. “I can’t take anymore, mommy. I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can, doll,” I replied, gripping his throat again. “I just need you to cum one more time for me. Just one more.” He shook his head, but I nodded, picking up speed. He felt so fucking good inside of me, and the vibrations added just the right amount of pressure to where I knew I wouldn’t last long. I was just waiting for him. “You feel so good in me, baby. Do you like how I feel? Do you like being my little whore? My cumslut?”
He nodded. “I do! I do!”
I leaned down and kissed him forcefully, pushing my tongue against his and moaning around his mouth. He chirped loudly and pulsed, and I could tell that the wet sounds we were making were getting to him. “Are you going to cum in me? Going to let me cum around your cock?” He nodded quickly and chased my lips when I pulled away. Strings of saliva connected the two of us, and the sight of it made me even more excited. “Let me feel you, Tomu. Cum for me, baby.”
He yelled out, shook forcefully, and then came, and the feeling of him filling me, the warmth of it all, sent me overboard. I was cumming, too, clenching around him and sucking him dry as my face dropped quickly, and I bit him on the juncture between his neck and shoulders where his scent glands were, sealing that he was mine. My property. He sobbed loudly but smiled into me when I pulled up and kissed him again, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away. My hips finally came to a stop, and when I pulled off of him, fluids dripped out of me and onto his pale skin quickly. Then, I turned off the ring and pulled it off of him, much to his relief.
Tomura sucked in a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, sniffling every now and then as I moved to clean the both of us up. I dragged a towel against his skin gently first and then wiped myself off. Next, I reached over and untied the ropes around his wrists. His arms dropped limply once freed, and he didn’t move them. I had almost believed he was asleep for a few moments, but then, his red eyes peered open and met mine.
“Thank you,” he croaked, reaching his hand out to mine. I took it and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
“Come on, do you want a shower? It’ll make you feel better.”
He nodded and lifted himself slowly, groaning at the feeling. “Can you help me,” he whimpered.
I wrapped my arm around his waist and led him up. “I certainly could have gone nicer on you.”
He chuckled, and I did too. “No, I enjoyed it. Thank you.”
I rolled my eyes and kissed his shoulder, leading him to the bathroom. “Maybe a bath would be more relaxing.”
“Either way, I think you fucked my heat right out of me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
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damn-stark · 3 years
Lightning pt.2
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Thor Odinson x Odinsdottir!reader, Loki Laufeyson x Odinsdottir!reader (platonic)
Summary: After the death of your brother Loki, and Frigga, things in Asgard change drastically, just like your father. Where he was cold and distant before, now he’s caring and attentive. And you didn’t mind his change, in fact you loved that he had this new time for you, yet when you find out the truth behind his actions, how will you react?
Warning- Fluff, violence, angst
“Come on just listen.”
“Hmm,” you turn to your older brother Thor and ignore the one that was supposedly now alive and trying to get a word in. “Thor, did you hear something?”
Said man shakes his head and plays along with you. “No, it was just the howl of the wind.”
You nod in agreement, “I think so.”
“Just listen to me!” Loki bellows, making Thor and you stop halfway to Himinbjorg and turn to face him. “Just,” he sighs and calms down, “listen to me.”
“No,” you remark as you take a step towards him and point your finger at him, “no you don’t get to talk because you lied! You lied to Thor and me! You made us believe that you had died when it wasn’t true, when you were here the whole time!” Angry tears fill your eyes and your lips curl into a scowl, but also falters and threatens to turn to a frown. “You could’ve said something to me.”
“And if I had said something, tell me you wouldn’t have run to Thor, the moment you could.” Loki argues, matching the anger in your tone.
You scoff and step away from him, your tears dry up and you speak in a calmer and softer tone, “maybe because we care about you, Loki, is that so hard to believe?”
Loki parts his lips to argue, but all he does is take a small breath and stay quiet as his eyes bounce between Thor listening and agreeing, and you pouring out your frustration.
“Not only that,” you add, hearing your voice crack again, “but you made me believe that father had changed and truly cared for me and didn’t just talk to me when it was convenient for him.”
“What?” Thor interjects as he lets out a nervous chuckle, “what are you talking about, y/n? Father does care about you. You’re his only daughter and his youngest child.”
You scoff and slowly tilt your head to look at Thor, who looked utterly surprised at your revelation, that to him was unbelievable to hear, yet it was the truth to you. “Maybe deep inside his heart, but the only time he showed any type of fatherly affection was when Loki was disguised as him.” You lower your gaze and avoid both Thor and Loki's gaze. “Father has never loved me like he did you, and that’s all I wanted, for him to at least show any type of care that he showed you.”
Thor laughs nervously and crosses his arms over his chest whilst he shakes his head and dismisses the truth he didn’t admit. “Father loves us all equally, he doesn’t have favorites.”
“Uh,” you breathe out before Loki and you meet each other's gaze and share a knowing look at Thor’s clueless comment. “Okay,” you scoff, “whatever I’m done with this,” you spin back on your heels and storm towards Himinbjorg. “Let’s go find father. Our real father.”
“Hey, don’t turn your back on me,” Loki calls after you as Thor and him continue towards Himinbjorg. “I’m not done yet.”
You stop in your tracks and turn halfway to throw your hand out and shoot him a bolt of lightning. “I’m done.”
Thor looks down at Loki and snickers. “You deserved that.”
“I swear I left him right here.” Loki says as the three of you watch the rubble of what used to be a building was being picked up.
“Right here on the sidewalk, or right there where the building is being demolished?” Thor remarks. “Great planning.”
Loki shrugs nonchalantly, “how was I supposed to know? Can’t see into the future. I’m not a witch.”
“No? Then why are you dressed like one?”
As they both continue to argue, you finally give yourself a moment to examine Midgard for the first time. After all the good things Thor had said about this planet, it wasn’t living to your expectations; it was crowded and loud. The clothes they wore were comfortable, but so far that’s about it. The air smelled odd, there was a mixture of different scents, like new food, their was this bitter smell, the scent of trees and dirt, but also something you couldn’t identify. It made you wonder why Loki and Thor seemed to like this so much.
You turn your head away from the building and look at a pair of girls walking up to Thor, with a long rectangular things in their hands and big grins on their faces.
“Would you mind taking a picture with us?”
Thor doesn’t hesitate to agree and the girls giggle with content as they gather around him to take a...picture?
“How odd, yet fascinating.” You muse, you turn to Loki and smirk, “maybe they’ll take a photo with me? Considering I’m in their little history books.”
“Start figuring out where he is.” Thor tells Loki before he smiles at the gadget.
“Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you.” A girl says before they walk off, making you turn to Thor and raise a quizzical brow.
“I thought you said—”
“She didn’t dump me, you know,” Thor interjects before you could finish, “I dumped her. It was a mutual dumping.”
Loki pats Thor's shoulder and you simply smile wider and nod as you hear his excuse, albeit not lasting too long in this happy state as around Loki’s feet a gold sparking ring begins to circle around him, making Thor, you and even Loki confused on what was suddenly going on until Loki, suddenly falls down into the gold, sparkling ring and disappears. Leaving behind a piece of paper in his place.
“What just happened?” You mutter as you tap the paper with your foot.
Thor taps the paper with the point of his umbrella and whispers, “Loki,” before he picks it up and you both read the words on it and he finishes with, “an address.”
“Is it one of your superhero friends?” You ask curiously, “your work friends?”
Thor shakes his head and puts the card down, “no. At least I don’t think so. Let’s go see what they want.”
You hum in agreement and begin to blindly follow beside him, looking around at the passing buildings to take everything in.
“So how are you liking earth?” Thor finally asks, “it’s not the trip I promised, but it’s earth.”
“It’s,” you begin slowly, lifting your hand to stroke your chin, “it’s very….what’s the word, average, disappointing, uh, mediocre? I can’t believe Loki really wanted to rule here.”
“Yeah well our brother is weird.”
You grin, “do you think if I did like a lightening show, you know something scary, they’d like bow to me?”
Thor’s gaze narrows and his expression twists into one of concern. “Uh, I think you’ve been under our brothers influence a bit too long. Let’s not do that.” He grabs your shoulders and continues guiding you to where the card instructed.
You shrug, “just something to laugh at.”
You sigh in disappointment and see him step to your side.
“You’ve got to try this drink these mortals call coffee, it’s delicious.” Thor adds with excitement, “after we find Loki, and father of course.”
“And this thing about Father, you know...”
There it was. Yep, you knew he was going to bring that up.
“...he does care right.” Thor continues, causing you to frown and feel that frustration all over again. “He just has a hard time expressing it.”
“Yeah,” you nod slowly, “sure.” You pull away from his side and before he could blink, you speed around a couple blocks until you find the right address and return to Thor in a flash and just create a sudden gust of wind when you do so. Causing Thor to react in a shock.
“Did you just?”
“Yep. I’m faster now. Fath—Loki has been teaching me how to improve my powers…” you trail off, quickly choosing to change the subject before he could question it. “The place is just around the corner.”
When you finally reach the building in question, Thor is the first to knock, albeit as soon as he does you’re both magically transported inside. Being welcomed into a fancy dimly lit room that gave this magistic type of vibe.
“Thor odinson.” A sudden voice boomed and cut through the silence that had greeted Thor and you, making you jump and fist your hands to produce lightning sparks that you were prepared to turn into full lightning bolts in any given second, as this floating figure began to float towards your brother and you. “God of Thunder. You can put down the umbrella.” The man that greeted your brother from the shadows finally lets his face be seen; showing an older intimidating man that looked to be a wizard with his red cape and yellow gloves. His hardened gaze shifted from your brother and then to you to continue nonchalantly, “and turn off any hostility.”
Thor and you meet each other’s gaze and silently come to an agreement to do as this wizard said—you retract the lightning and let your fists unfold, while Thor sets his umbrella down and suddenly makes the room change as the object hits the ground. You don’t question your curiosity out loud, instead you keep it in your mind.
Thor on the other hand, did the opposite and also began to mess with items that weren’t his. “So, Earth has, uh, wizards now?” He chuckles and as he sets what he had been messing with down, making it all tumble and make a mess.
“Oh.” You breathe under your breath.
“The preferred term is “Master of the Mystic Arts.” You can leave that now.”
“All right wizard,” Thor clicks his tongue as he leans by the counter, “who are you? Why should we care?”
“My name is Doctor Stephan Strange,” the man finally reveals. “And I have some questions for you. Take a seat.”
Suddenly, seconds after he said that, Thor and you were magically swooshed to a different room, this time where you were now sitting down on comfortable seats.
“Tea?” Doctor Strange suggests, having teacups magically appear in your hands.
“Oh,” you smile, “thank you.”
However Thor doesn’t take the offering and has his drink changed to beer, letting the Doctor carry on with his own questions.
“So I keep a watchlist of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother, Loki is one of those beings.” The man chuckles.
“He’s a worthy inclusion.” Thor remarks after finishing and getting his drink refilled. “Hmm.”
“Then why bring him here? And why bring your…” his eyes drift to you and you knew what he was going at with his waiting silence.
“Y/N Odinsdottir,” Thor introduces with a small smile, “my little sister, the Goddess of lightning and speed. Far from a threat. Regarding our brother, well we’re looking for our father.”
“So if I were to tell you where Odin was…” the man interjects, “all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?”
You nod after taking a sip of your tea. “Promptly.”
“Great! Then I’ll help you.”
“If you knew where he was, why didn’t you call me?” Thor questions, making Doctor Strange answer with a not so surprising answer. “I have to tell you he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said had chosen to remain in exile.”
You scoff at the comment and think ‘of course, he always was such a caring man. It’s his nature. Ughh please.’
Regardless, just as the wizard had said, he helped search for your father, using magic to do so, and to magically transport Thor and you from room to room, leaving him unstable, while you didn’t think much of it and remained stable—it was fascinating magic.
It wasn’t until some minutes later where the wizard finally left you in one room to most likely send you off with pleasure, after making a gold, sparkling ring that led to Norway. Albeit something was missing.
“Uh,” you mutter out as Thor waited for his “umbrella” to come to his hand, “could we please have our brother back?”
“Oh, yeah, right.” The wizard says before he waves his hand to make a portal appear from above your heads that dropped Loki behind you.
“I have been falling for thirty minutes!” Loki complains.
“You can handle him from here.”
“Yeah,” you agree as you pull your attention away from your upset brother, “of course. Thank you very much for your help.”
Thor takes his hand and you notice as Loki falls by your side and bitterly remarks to The wizards comment. “Handle me? Who are you?” Loki pulls out his daggers and Thor begins to try and calm him down, albeit Loki was stubborn and proud. “You think you’re some kind of sorcerer? Don’t think for one minute you second-rate…”
Before Loki could swing his dagger and try anything, Doctor Strange sends the ring your way and you’re all fully embraced by a beautiful, green and peaceful land. Some where at end, where the greenery stopped and the view of the ocean began, stood your father.
Unlike Thor who was quick to approach him, you hesitated behind, just staring at the man that hours ago you had thought you’d shared a bond with. You saw him and you thought the feelings of that bond were there, but when you really got to thinking, as you saw him on the horizon, you saw a stranger.
“Let’s go.” You hear Loki’s voice tell you.
When you look at your brother, even if seeing him still felt strange since you’d thought he had died, the feelings of that bond were with him. Oddly enough he felt more like a father than your actual father felt.
However you couldn’t forgive Loki just yet, it wasn’t that simple.
“Father it’s us.” Thor tells your father, who keeps his eyes on the beautiful ocean ahead. “My sons, my daughter. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“I know. We’ve come to take you home.” Thor explains.
“Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?”
While you stand the furthest side away from him, you narrow your gaze on him out of concern.
Something was happening with him that you couldn’t admit.
“Loki, lift your magic.” Thor snaps, which Loki only disagrees to.
Your father on the other hand chuckles, “took me quite a while to break from your spell. Frigga would have been proud. Come sit with me. I don’t have much time.”
You all do as he asks and slowly you come to agreement with what was coming.
“I know that we failed you. But we can make this right.”
“I failed you.” Your father rebuts Thor’s comment, pulling your full attention. “It is upon us. Ragnarok.”
“No I’ve stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur.”
“No.” Your father continues, “it has already begun. She’s coming. My life was all that held her back. But my time has come.”
Your siblings and you all share a concerned look at what you were hearing.
“I cannot keep her away any longer.”
“What? Who?” You finally voice. “Who are you talking about?”
“Goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn. Your sister.”
Of fucking course! Even in his very last moment he has the time to reveal something else. Another secret.
“Your what?” You scoff.
“Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn’t stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard...and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless.”
“Whatever she is, we will stop her together.” Thor shakes his head, tries to reason with him and keeps himself in denial to what was obvious. “We can face her together.”
Your father shakes his head. “No, we won’t. I’m on a different path now. This you must face alone. I love you my sons, my daughter. Look at that.” Your father points beyond him, yet you don’t look, you keep repeating his words in your head. It’s the first time you had heard it and it was when he was dying. After he revealed another huge secret.
“Remember this place. Home.”
With that last word, your father is no more, he turns to gold dust and floats away into the horizon—you don’t cry however, you felt sad, but not as upset as Thor.
Thunder rumbled, the wind howled and electricity crackled in his hands. Growing Loki concerned “Brother.”
“This was your doing.” Thor seethed as he began to get in a fighting stance. Stopping however as a black and green cloud brewed in the sky. You all went closer to it but stopped before you could get far. Instead you all proceed to change into your armor, all of you in your different ways.
The black and green cloud was now before you and out of it came out a tall woman with black hair, and a black and green uniform—Your sister you assumed. Half sister.
“So he’s gone.” She said. “That’s a shame. I would’ve liked to have seen that.”
You narrow your gaze on her and clench your wrists, creating lightning in the sky and sparks of it in your hands.
“You must be Hela,” Thor said, “I’m Thor, son of Odin.”
“Really? You don’t look like him.”
You snicker at her comment and hide your threatening smile behind your hand.
“Perhaps we can come to an arrangement.”
“You sound like him.” Hela points to Loki.
You don’t butt in and create a lightning bolt on your hand, earning a smirk from Hela.
“You act like him.”
You scoff, “please don’t compare me to him.”
Hela smirk widens and she looks at all three of you. “Kneel.”
“Peg your pardon?” Loki scoffs.
Hela makes a sword appear in her hand and she repeats herself in the same nonchalant voice. “Kneel. Before your queen.”
Wait. Wait a minute.
You hold back your laugh that threatened to come out and you just smile to the ground. You knew it wasn’t the right time, but you had to say it—“so who's the adopted one again?”
You receive a warning glare from Thor and an amused look from Loki.
“I don’t think so.” Thor remarks to Hela before he throws his hammer, that she catches with ease, making you finally grow serious and shocked.
Even more so when she broke the hammer into pieces, causing a big lightning explosion that made you duck down to cover your head and face before you stand up straight to take all of it in.
After the lightning had disappeared you look back at her and see a helmet on her head, and weapons in her hands.
A smirk grows on your lips and with the lightning you collected by the explosion, you grow lightning bolts in both hands and levitate off the ground, you swing your hand back and before you could shoot her, Loki regrettably stops the fight.
“Brings us back!”
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 4
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break. 
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life 
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
If you were to be completely honest, you'd wanted to wear a dress you’d been allowed to keep after a photoshoot. However, it wasn't a good look for someone of your status to re-wear outfits, especially statement pieces. You couldn't remember who had designed it, but it had been mostly tulle and made you feel like a princess... all things that could not be used to describe what you were wearing now. For your dinner plans, you chose to wear a simple yet smart-looking bodycon dress, one that you were regretting as you stepped out of the car. You pulled at the hem from over the long coat you wore, conscious of the fact that there could potentially be paparazzi waiting to snap a photo of you from an unfortunate angle if you weren't paying close attention. Unlike American paparazzi, reporters here didn't flock at the entrances of exclusive clubs or restaurants, but it never hurt to be cautious.
"I won't need a ride home," you told Ichiro, who nodded stiffly and then shut the door of the car after you got out, “I can get a ride home."
You adjusted the sunglasses on the bridge of your nose, aware that you looked out of place in the nightlife, and then walked to the doors of the hotel. A concierge opened the door to greet you and Ichiro, who trailed behind, scanning the area. "Welcome, Miss. Your party called ahead and made us aware of the arrangements to be made. You can follow me to the elevator, where I will escort you to your destination."
"Thank you," you said coolly, then took after them. While in the elevator, the concierge spoke nervously, emphasizing how much of an honor it was for someone like you to visit their establishment. You smiled politely, silently willing the elevator to reach the right floor faster.
A restaurant specializing in molecular gastronomy, Kuroo had explained to you on the phone the night before. He'd sounded probably the most excited you'd ever heard him. You had looked it up yourself after the call had ended. It was on the 29th floor of a luxurious hotel, one that you had never been to yourself. Only eight people max were allowed to dine in, and the chef made all of the food in front of you, four courses.
You were dragged out of your thoughts when the elevator finally dinged and the concierge guided you to the glass doors of the restaurant, where Ichiro recognized the occupants and left you alone to be greeted by Kuroo, Lev, his sister Alisa, and, surprisingly, Kenma. You took off your sunglasses and slipped them into the pocket of your coat before that too was taken by a waitress, who calmly swept them away from you and into a closet, presumably.
"Hi, guys!" you gave a bright smile and then slipped into the empty seat in between Kenma and Alisa.
"We thought you might want to sit next to Alisa," Kenma explained quietly, tugging on the collar of his dress shirt.
You smiled again, settling into the chair. "Thanks," you nodded your head. "You look nice, too, Kenma! You're all dressed up!"
Kuroo leaned back to make eye contact with you, laughing. "He almost cancelled on dinner plans with us when he heard that he couldn't wear his sweatpants. He lives in sweatpants exclusively."
Kenma sighed, muttering under his breath, "Maybe I wouldn't if you didn't make a big deal about whenever I'm not." Only you heard his comment, since he was on the edge of the table, but you didn't have any time to reply because the head chef came out of the kitchen, accompanied by a couple of workers behind him, holding the ingredients.
One by one, each round of dishes came and went. Earlier, you'd been worried about wearing a bodycon dress because of the impending food baby you were sure to conceive, but with only dessert left, your stomach felt hardly filled with the sizes of the previous dishes. The process of making each one was mesmerizing to watch, and the flavor profile of each small bite was beyond anything you could have initially imagined when the plates were gently placed in front of you-
You watched the chef spoon generous amounts of black caviar onto the dish. Not dessert, you corrected yourself. Why did you assume to get a deconstructed piece of fried dough when they had called the dish "Donut"? You eyed the tweezers which carefully placed tiny, delicate flowers on top of the spread. A single waiter poured out flutes of champagne and then distributed them to you and your friends, the only noise in the room the fizzing of bubbles in your drink. In fact, the entire affair had been silent aside from the head chef, who explained each meal to your group.
Once the waiter and chef cleared the room, Lev was finally the brave soul to break the silence, who cleared his throat and then, turning to you, asked, "So Y/N, you're moving back home, huh? Is there anything to even do there?”
You knew Lev didn’t mean to say anything offensive, but it still stung a little. He was just blunt to a fault sometimes, you reminded yourself, instead giggling and sending some witty remark back at him which made everyone burst into laughter. You shivered a little, finished the last of your remaining champagne in one undignified gulp, then stared out at Tokyo's skyline, shining and glittering like stars. It was cold in the room, you decided. Ridiculously air-conditioned to the point where you would be glad when you got your coat back and could leave.
The rest of the get-together flew by, only spending a little longer in the restaurant before exiting into the lobby. Kuroo had agreed to drive you back to your apartment, since he'd taken his own car and hadn't drank a lot. Lev gave you a bear hug and told you he would miss you, and that he would try to visit if his modeling schedule worked out in favor of it, but he wasn't sure. Alisa also hugged you tightly, telling you to take care of yourself in the countryside, to which she wrinkled her nose at playfully. When it came to Kenma you refrained from a hug, knowing that he didn't like physical contact. He gave a small smile, appreciative. "I might visit sometime; we can play Animal Crossing."
Then, just like that, the three of them left, Lev and Alisa taking the same car and Kenma having a driver. Kuroo turned to you and raised an eyebrow. "Well? Ready to go?"
You nodded, following him to the front where a valet had already pulled Kuroo's car to the curb, waiting for the two of you. Once inside, you pressed your forehead to the cool window, your breath fogging up the glass. Kuroo made no comment, the only sound to be heard the traffic in the streets.
For what seemed like a few minutes later, you felt yourself being gently shaken awake. "Y/N?" Slowly, you roused, rubbing at your eyes sleepily. You froze, sitting up. Shit, you'd had mascara on.
You turned to see Kuroo looking slightly concerned, but you just waved your hand at him. "I'm awake now. Thanks for the ride."
He stared at you, opened his mouth, then shut it promptly, stopping you from opening the car door. You rarely saw him speechless or without something to say. "What's wrong?" You frowned, trying to think of what could be worrying him or making him act like this.
Kuroo shook his head then leaned back in his seat. He scratched the back of his head and looked down. "I'm not sure how to say it, so I'm just going to say it." Immediately you felt dread in the pit of your stomach. Oh, god. Did he have, like, a middle-school crush on her? Was he tongue-tied? You did not want to lose one of your closest guy friends; plus, if you weren't friends with him anymore then you couldn't really be friends with Kenma-
"I'm worried about you, Y/N. Just... take care of yourself in Hyōgo, alright? You're there for a reason; to take a break." He ran a hand through his hair again, nervously. "You know what I'm saying? So just take care of yourself. Don't eat junk food all the time, it's not good for you. Also don't stay indoors all the time, it's good to get outside. You need to synthesize vitamin D," Kuroo rambled, "it's good for your skin, too-"
Finally you broke your silence, smiling and laughing at him. "Aw, Kuroo, you nerrrd," you socked him on the arm, evoking an 'ow' from him. "You're so sweet, what the hell? And don't worry, I'll be fine! I'm great at taking care of myself!" You gave him a thumbs up. When he looked at you dubiously, you added on, "Kaa-san and Tou-san don't live too far from where we used to live, so I can go to them if I need to, too." After a pause, more giggles bubbled out. "I thought- I was really scared that you liked me," you cackled, going into hysterics when he made a face. "I know, I know- I just got worried because I didn't know what you were going to say."
Kuroo rolled his eyes. "Uh, no, I don't like you. Not even platonically, after this," he grumbled, already getting into his theatrics. "I can't believe you're harassing me for caring. You're awful, Y/N!"
You opened your car door, still laughing. "Ok, ok, I'm awful, I'll admit it." You shut the door, and Kuroo rolled down the window.
"Whatever. Just make sure Osamu is driving safely. And text us when you get there. And," he levelled his gaze with yours, "do whatever you feel is best about Kita. Hopefully you take this break to sort through your feelings." Without giving you any time to retort something, Kuroo peeled off in his car, leaving you alone.
Quickly, you made your way into your apartment and finally took off your heels, leaving them near the entrance and sighing when you could walk flat-footed on the cool floor. Next you took off your coat and threw it on the couch, and instead of getting ready to sleep, jumped into your bed and face-planted into the pillows.
You fell asleep in less than five minutes.
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You sent your Hyōgo address to Kenma and then flopped on your bed, accidentally banging your head on the headboard. “Fuck,” you hissed, clutching the back of your head. You sat there for a few moments, lamenting why you had to jump onto the bed and how the consequences of your action hurt so bad.
Then your stomach rumbled, begging to be filled, and you forgot everything you had been thinking about, making your way into the kitchen. You opened the fridge, peering in at the contents- or rather lack thereof. At least you didn’t have to worry about clearing your fridge by tonight, right?
Your stomach growled again as you shut the door, instead looking to the freezer. What did you have in there…? It slid open and you were glad to see that it wasn’t as empty as your fridge, rummaging through the frozen meals you had for a late-breakfast-early-lunch.
You pulled out a twelve pack of frozen gyoza and set it aside on the counter, pushing all of the other stuff back into the freezer. When you finally slid it shut again, you sighed in relief, and turned back to the food in question. You read the instructions on the back even though you were pretty sure it was easy to heat them up, and then turned the stove on. Pulling out a pot from your cabinet, you filled it with water and then set it on the stove, topping it with a lid to make the process faster.
Then you got to cleaning. Your apartment wasn’t all that messy since you didn’t spend a lot of time in it before going on hiatus, just a few stacks of paper filled with lyrics: some you’d tried working out, others hadn’t fit your two previous albums, but most you just didn’t like.
You checked on the pot of water to make sure it wasn’t boiling, and after seeing it wasn’t, you continued cleaning, moving into the kitchen once more. You scrubbed the plates and bowls you’d left in the sink for a couple days. Most of the stuff in the sink was silverware from eating takeout or having frozen meals, though.
When you heard and saw that the water was boiling, you added the gyoza and lowered the heat before going back to drying the dishes. By the time you were done with the task, your dumplings were ready, and so you turned off the stove and took the pot off. With a pair of chopsticks, you scooped up the gyoza and placed them onto a plate. You’d eat six and then leave the other half for dinner, you decided, putting them in a bento box for storage and then the fridge.
“Ah…” You sat down on the couch with your food and then turned on the TV, watching mindlessly and eating your gyoza one by one. After a couple of hours, you got up, washed and dried the dishes you’d just used, and then finally went to your room to pack.
Should you take all of your clothes with you? It’s not like you knew how long you were planning to stay in Hyōgo, so should you just pack everything, then? You opened up your closet all the way, clearing out the sections of your regular clothing and placing them on your bed. You turned back to your closet, now significantly emptier. All that was left were things you’d worn on tours or designer pieces you’d been allowed to keep. Most of them you could look at and remember the venues you’d worn them to; recall the quality of your performance and how big the crowd was. It would be pointless to take them with you, right? You couldn’t wear a custom Versace piece to the middle of nowhere.
You sighed and shut the closet door with a resounding thud, and then turned to face the monster pile of clothes you were going to try to fit into two large suitcases…
Ah shit, and you hadn’t even begun to think about shoes.
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a/n: help the chapters keep getting longer even though i outline for this fic????? h o w
taglist (pm me to ask to be added): @papiibuprofen​, @duhsies, @succulentmom​​
some ~fun facts~ 
- lev and alisa are models, as in canon
-the food was served in test tubes and other scientist apparatuses LMAO (kuroo got really excited because he’s a chem nerd)
- i based the restaurant off of an actual one in japan but changed some things about it... so for legal reasons™️ all similarities are a coincidence 🧍‍♂️
- i hope y/n doesn’t sound whiny but i find molecular gastronomy to be super esoteric,,, reminds me of that bar scene in parks and rec lmao
- kenma tucks his sweatpants into his socks like the wrestlers at my old high school do... this is unfortunately also canon... 
- yaku couldn’t make it to the dinner event because he’s still in russia, playing volleyball there. he will be coming back to play for japan in the olympics!
- kuroo drives even though he drank a little... don’t do this
- kuroo is NOT interested in y/n romantically 
- i made two kita shirts with my friends during a haikyuu watch party we had… my favorite one got a little messed up and i’m sad 😃 edit: i fucking hate it here they got put in the dryer without my consent and now they’re both ruined ❤️
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