chloasiajones · 15 days
I think you'd like this story: "DFF Alternate Ending" by loveswritingchlo on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/367161803?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button
I'm sharing it to here as well for easier access
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chloasiajones · 15 days
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To anyone reading this story of mine I had to add it to my Wattpad, I know it won't get very much, but Tumblr wasn't working well with trying to get the story parts posted and it was irritating me so anyone who wants to read it it's all on Wattpad, I might still try to post it on my Tumblr if it stops being stupid. But for now the next three chapters are up on my Wattpad, thanks for understanding🥰
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chloasiajones · 18 days
DFF Alternate Ending
Chapter 2: Broken Solutions Part 1
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Fluke's P.O.V.
I didn't want to think about anything. I didn't want to think about how all because of one person, our entire group had been screwed up. Ever since we were saved, nothing has been the same. Tee and White are off in their own little world. They barely contact me. The last time I heard from them it was White saying hi and it was only a brief conversation. It makes me think that Tee doesn't even want him to contact us. He's been so protective and controlling over White since all this happened. A part of me can't say that I blame him, but does he have to shut all of us out? I haven't even heard from Jin and Phee since two weeks after the hospital. It's been two months, what could they possibly be doing to ignore me like this? I couldn't care less about Phee, I know he still has ill intentions. Jin can't seem to see that. I question why he had to go and fall for someone like him. What bothers me the most is Jin hasn't contacted me. I would have at least expected out of all of us left that he would at least be willing to try. He hasn't even bothered, not even a hello. The only one who ever bothers to text me is Top, but I don't talk to him. I have been meaning to block him, but for some reason whenever I try, I can't do it. I wonder how none of us could have seen this. Wasn't it obvious? We should've questioned why two new students joined in the middle of the school year and all of a sudden started to ask us questions about Non. How could we have been so stupid? We lost one of our best friends because of it. That was their intention all along. Every single one of us fell for it. If I could go back and change it, I would stop us from ever letting them into our group. I know I have never been one to speak out much, but I didn't trust them from the beginning. That's when I asked myself if any of them would have listened to me. Especially Jin. He seemed to be drawn in by Phee the first moment he saw him. I think it was too late for him from the beginning. The ding from my phone made me jump away from my thoughts. I picked up my phone thinking it was maybe from Jin or Tee, only to be disappointed that it was Top again. I sighed as I looked out the window while I sat in my wheelchair. I set the phone on the table again, and turned it screen side down. I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted nothing more than to pack up everything that I could and leave. I didn't want anything to do with this place anymore. Now that graduation is right around the corner, I'll be moving up in school. I've set up to move to America to finish my study of medicine in four months. By that time my leg will have fully recovered and I don't have anything weighing me down anymore. My parents have barely even bothered to do anything for me. I've had to hire a nurse just for personal help with this broken leg. They think I'm wasting my life away by wanting to become a doctor. I'm gonna prove to them that I can do anything. I don’t think they’ve ever seen my true potential. Sometimes I barely believe that I even have any. I didn’t care how they saw it, I was going to make them proud of me even if it killed me. I rolled my eyes as I heard my phone bling for the second time. I didn't want to hear anything from Top anymore. I wanted to forget he even existed. Yet I can't seem to understand why whenever I think that, I feel guilty. I looked at my phone and saw a message from my mom. I sighed a little disappointed.
"What the fck is wrong with me? Am I disappointed that it wasn't him bugging me again for the millionth time?"
I cleared my throat gently as I shook those thoughts away. I looked at the text and instantly became even more annoyed.
Mom: Fluke, we know you've had a hard time adjusting to your broken leg, and we can't afford to pay the nurse anymore, so we found someone who is willing to spend the next four months with you until your leg is fully healed. The best part is, he knows exactly what you're going through, it should be easy for you two to get along. He should be arriving at your apartment sometime this afternoon
I rolled my eyes as I triple-read the message. I couldn't believe my mom was doing this to me. Doesn't she understand that I want to be left alone? If they can't bother to help their own son, then they shouldn't care how I get better. I'm doing everything the doctor told me to do and I go to physical therapy every week. It's a broken leg, not a terminal illness. I grunted out of frustration as I threw my phone on the bed. That's just another thing I have to deal with. My parents don't trust me so they assign me a babysitter. All I have to say is he better not be annoying either, I'll make him leave. I don’t need help. I sighed as I sat there thinking. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Why can't I make them understand that? I grunted in annoyance as I heard a knock on the door. I debated on whether or not I wanted to answer the door or not. Maybe if I'm silent they'll go away. I sat there not moving or making any noise. It was silent for almost a minute straight then I heard the knock again. This time it was almost pounding. I jumped fifty feet and jerked my leg, which caused me to grunt in pain. I groaned out of frustration as I rolled my chair over to the door. I rolled it out of the way so I could open it. He gave me the widest smile that he possibly could as he moved to come into my room. My eyes became wide, and my stomach dropped. I immediately slammed the door shut as hard as I could. My breathing was uneasy as I had my hand resting on the doorknob.
"Ahhh! Dudeeee you just closed the door on my foot! Just because I can't use it yet doesn't mean I don't cherish it!" Top complained from the other side of the door.
My heart was racing and I couldn't understand why. Could it possibly be from anger? Maybe it's from hatred? I haven't seen him in two months. Could it be because I thought that I would never see him again?
"What are you doing here??" I panicked.
Top winced through his teeth as I heard him move his chair away from the door a little.
"Thriving in pain," he replied with a grunt.
I rolled my eyes as I stared at the floor.
"Go thrive in pain somewhere else…"
"I don't know! And I don't care, just...Anywhere but here...You can go roll down the stairs and break your other leg for all I care!"
"Ouch, that was harsh! Why don't you want me here?!"
"You know why!"
"Still haven't forgiven me for that?..."
I wasn't sure that I was hearing this right or not, but the tone of his voice almost seemed to change from happy to depressed in an instant. He should feel that way after what he did, but why do I feel guilty for treating him this way?
"No, and I don't plan to either, just leave..."
I spoke to him with a calmer voice. Is it out of guilt? I heard him sigh.
“Fluke please, can’t we just-”
“I said no! Now…Go away!...”
It's like I could feel the burning in my heart as I spoke these harsh words to him, but they needed to be said, didn’t they? I held my hand on the door as I stared at the floor. A part of me knew that I should open the door and talk to him, but the other part of me felt like I had to stay away from him. At the moment the part I wanted to listen to was the lonelier option. I don’t need him. I don’t need anybody. I can't excuse what he did. I don’t care what he was on.
“Just open the door,”
“Whether you open the door now or later I’m not leaving. I’ll sleep out here if I have to,”
“Do whatever you want Top, I will never open this door for you,”
“Never say never, I’ll get you to open the door for me somehow,”
I grunted quietly in frustration. At that second I kind of wanted to open the door and punch him in the face, but there had been enough violence between our group.
“Can’t you go annoy somebody else?!”
“No, the others won’t talk to me either, at least you’ll look at my messages,”
“And what are you gonna do if I block you?”
“If you were going to block me, you would have done it already,”
I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
“I’m gonna be having someone coming over anytime to share my apartment with for the next four months. You’d better leave before he shows up,”
I didn’t care how I sounded to him. The feeling of betrayal and hatred that I feel towards him doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I truly feel towards him.
“He’s already here,”
My stomach dropped after I heard this. In pure frustration, I rolled my chair away from the door to open it. The only person I saw was Top sitting there in his wheelchair with a stupid smile on his face. I sighed out of irritation as I looked out the door.
“Told you you’d open the door for me,” Top smirked as he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and looked out the door more.
“The only person I see is you,” I raised an eyebrow as I glared at him.
I sat there in silence as I looked at him. He didn’t stop smiling as he stared back at me.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, your mom talked with my parents and set it up for me to live with you for the next four months-”
My stomach was in my shoes and my heart practically jumped from my chest.
Top almost jumped from how loud I shouted. I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I grabbed at my chest with my hand. He was just staring at me in question. He let out a gentle sigh as he stared.
“They said it would be easier for us to take care of each other while our broken legs finish healing. We could make sure neither of us miss our physical therapy once a week-”
“You mean you??” I looked at him with pure anger buried deep behind my eyes.
“Okay, turn it around on me, anyway, and Mom suggested that you could tutor me to help me graduate, it's a win-win situation,”
“I don’t see any of this as a win situation and I’m not letting you into my apartment!”
Just as I tried to slam the door shut, Top stopped it with his foot on his broken leg.
“Ow…” He sighed, “Do you honestly hate me that much that you’re not willing to help your own friend graduate from college?”
“You’re not my friend anymore,”
“I know you feel that way now, but it’s only four months,”
“No, there is no way in hell, I am allowing you to live with me even for that long,”
I tried to roll my chair away from him to close the door again.
“You don’t have a choice,”
“Who says?!”
“Your mom, and mine”
“I’m an adult now I don't have to do anything she tells me,”
“Oooo I never saw you as a rebel before, kinda hot,”
My stomach did a 36o after I heard that. I wasn’t even sure that I heard that right. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear that right.
“I'm sorry what?”
“Uhh, never mind, you have to let me in Fluke,”
“No, I don’t,”
I turned my chair in the opposite direction and faced away from him.
“My mom already kicked me out, if you don't let me live with you then I’ll be living out on the streets…With a broken leg…Probably sleeping in an alley…In a dangerous part of town…Who knows maybe something would eventually kill me…”
I didn’t say anything as I kept myself turned away from him. I didn’t know why, but I felt bad for him. Was it pity? Guilt? Friendship? Or maybe something else? But what else would it be? I let out a gentle sigh as I wondered if he was going to say anything more.
“Fluke…” Top calmed his voice down to almost a whisper.
In all the time that I have known him, I don’t think I have ever heard his voice so serious before.
“I’m not going to apologize again, because…You’re right…Saying I’m sorry isn’t enough…I know what you told me that I did, but I honestly can not remember it. If I did I would…Well, you probably wouldn’t want to know what I would do…”
Does he think I’m stupid? I can put things together, but why did it bother me so much that he was even thinking about this?
“I hate everything that happened and I wish we could go back in time and change it to when…The only bad thing that happened was when I accidentally broke Por’s camera and blamed it on Non…I can’t help but to think…You know maybe all of this can be traced back to me…If I…”
I could hear how much he was struggling to speak. Why do I feel so bad for him? I didn’t say or do anything as I listened to him.
“Maybe if I had told Por the truth about the camera in the first place none of this would have happened and he would…He would…Well, you know…”
I could feel a small tear trying to escape my eye. I quickly wiped it away with my finger.
“But unfortunately I can’t change anything that happened…I won’t say I’m sorry to you anymore…But please…Don’t make me have to sleep outside in a town like this…My mom already told me she wouldn’t let me come back until my leg was healed, if even then…I feel like she secretly hates me too…And I know you hate me too, but living with you would probably be better than my mom for the next four months…”
I didn’t say anything as I stared at my hands. I didn’t know what to say.
“I know you don’t want me here, but it will be good for both of us, neither of us will have to do anything alone and…After our legs are fully recovered, I promise that I’ll move out and…I…I…Will never bother you again,”
I felt like I could hear the pain in his voice as he said this. My heart was racing so fast that I still felt like I could barely breathe. Why was I even contemplating this? I didn’t want to be around him. I didn't want to reconcile with him. Would it be so bad if I did? How can I even think that after what he did? I let out a soft sigh as I gripped the arms of my chair for a moment. I sat there in silence for what seemed like three minutes. Top tapped the arm of his chair anxiously with his fingers. I turned my chair around to face him. I looked him directly at him for the first time in two months.
“Promise you’ll leave after we’re fully recovered?”
Top anxiously looked at me. He almost seemed hurt but also overjoyed at the same time.
“Wait, are you serious?”
I rolled my eyes at his response.
“Just answer my question,”
“Yes, yes I promise,”
I let out another sigh as I moved my chair out of his way to let him inside.
“You can sleep on the couch”
Top smiled from ear to ear as he rolled his chair inside. He stopped it directly beside me.
“Thank you,”
I rolled my eyes again. I didn’t respond to him as I looked away. My heart started to race as I felt him lean over his chair to get closer to me.
“But a lot can happen in four months,” Top said to me with a smirk.
I suddenly could feel my face warming up and shivers ran up and down my body from head to toe. What is happening to me? Is it just because he is extremely annoying? I’ve never felt this way around him before. Maybe it's because I’m still so angry with him and I don't want to be around him. I heard him chuckle as he leaned away. I cleared my throat and kept my face turned from him.
“Don't get any bright ideas,” I still refused to look at him.
“Who’s getting any ideas? What ideas?” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes again as I rolled my chair away from him. Top followed me and closed the door behind him. I sighed as I rolled my chair back over to the window. I refused to look at him. Maybe if I continue to ignore him I’ll be able to get through these next four months without a problem. Top looked around the apartment and didn’t say anything for a second.
“I’ve never been inside your place before,” he spoke in curiosity as he looked around.
“You’ve been to my parent's house, but not my apartment near the college, it’s more convenient trying to get to school because the complex is only two minutes from the college. I can say this is the one good thing my parents actually did for me,” I sighed.
I could feel Top looking at me.
“Don’t you have a sister too? I thought I met her once?” he asked curiously.
“That was my cousin, I’m an only child,”
He was silent for a second. I could feel his stare, and again I felt like I could feel my face turning slightly red. What is wrong with me?
“You don’t talk about your family much,”
“Ever think there’s a reason for that,���
I rolled my eyes and started to get annoyed again. He let out a soft sigh as he looked around again.
“Why is there old textbooks underneath a glass table top? Could you not afford a new table?”
“Why do you keep pestering me with these annoying questions?”
“I’m trying to pass the time,”
“Then go find something else to do, I’m going to go do some homework,”
“Right now?”
I rolled my eyes as I was slowly becoming more annoyed. I couldn’t seem to understand why I couldn’t ignore him. I wanted to ignore him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking we had gone back to being best friends. Why can’t I stop myself from answering his ridiculous questions? I sighed as I rolled my chair away from him. I rolled myself over to the desk and started to get out my papers. I leaned over the desk and grabbed a pencil. All I have to do is get through these four months, graduate, and I’ll be set free to go finish my medical study in America. I can deal with this for the next four months, can’t I?
Top’s P.O.V.
I sat in the corner of my darkroom in my wheelchair. I was trying to recall everything that happened over that weekend. Ever since Fluke reminded me of what I did, I can’t stop thinking about it. I have been trying with everything that I have to remember what I did. I can not remember it no matter how hard I try. Maybe it’s best if I don’t remember it. Then I think maybe it will be better for me if I do remember it. Wouldn’t I be able to move on that way and live a normal life again? Or at least as normal as it can be after everything that happened. I couldn’t seem to understand why it had been bothering me so much that Fluke was acting towards me the way that he was. Not even Tee, White, Jin, or Phee have treated me this way. They don’t contact me, but at least they forgave me. At least I think they did. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that Fluke hates me. He ignores all of my messages. I’ve tried to call him several times, but he ignores them too. I’ve been thinking about him non-stop since the night at the hospital. Could it be because I’ve always been so used to him being my friend for so long that it bothers me when he doesn’t respond to me? However, if that were the case, wouldn’t I be feeling this way about the others as well? They haven’t messaged me in two months. The last time I talked to them was at the hospital the day after we were saved. After that day, they stopped coming to visit me. My mother barely came to visit me. My little brother came to visit a few times. More than my mom, but it still wasn’t enough. I don’t even think my oldest brother knows what happened to me. He was the one I was closest to as I grew up. He was the one who would always stick up for me when anyone in our family treated me like shit. He always tried to be fair to me, no matter what our parents said. I was heartbroken when he left because I knew that I would have no one after he did. I haven’t seen him in five years. He’s studying in England and he has tw0 more years. It’s been so long, I don’t think I’ll ever see him again. I was alone. I’m still alone. No one cares enough about me to worry about me. No one cares enough to want to know if I’m okay. I sighed as I picked up my phone and started to look through old pictures of me and my friends. I chuckled as I looked through them. A tear slipped from my eye as I found a picture of me and Fluke. Fluke was always the one that I was the closest to out of all of them. To this day I’ve never seemed to understand why. At least until the day he pushed me away. Ever since then, I feel like things have been becoming more clear to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. If I’m being honest, it scared me a little bit, but I was also curious. I always thought he was just like a brother to me, but we grew closer over the years and it turned into more than that without me even realizing it. I’m still not quite sure of my feelings. I could be mismisinterpreting them, however, the more Fluke ignores me the more determined that I feel to reconcile with him. I couldn’t explain how much I missed him. I couldn’t put into words just how much I wanted to hear from him. Even if he replied to my messages and told me to leave him alone, it would make me happy. At least that way I would know that he looks at them. I let another sigh leave me as I went to my messages with Fluke. I started to read through them as a couple more tears fell from my eye.
Top: Fluke, I can't say I'm sorry enough for everything
You're really gonna ignore my messages too
How does it help if I can't remember anything
Just tell me how to make it up to you
Come on man just talk to me
Dude I just saw a squirrel climb all the way up a tree with an arm full of nuts and dropped them after he got to the top. Reminds me of myself, remember how you used to make fun of me because I'm so clumsy🤣
You're not even looking at my messages
I stared at them and contemplated whether or not I wanted to send him another one. Would it even be worth it to try anymore? I shouldn't give up on him, right? If I care about him, I wouldn't give up on him no matter what he does. He already hates me so there isn't much more that can already be done. I shrugged as a soft smile came to me. I stared at his picture for a moment before I sent him more messages.
Top: How are you?
Have you eaten today?
How is your leg?
Mine is still broken🤣
I knew there was little hope, but I knew that I had to try. Fluke doesn't have anyone either. Unless our friends talk to him and not me. It wouldn't surprise me if Fluke had them all turned against me at this point. Not even that was going to stop me. I was determined to get him to be my friend again. There was nothing that would stand in my way. Not even the words I hate you.
Top: How are you?
Have you eaten today?
How is your leg?
Mine is still broken🤣
Read 12:23 pm
My heart started to pound so hard that I feared that it would jump out of my chest at any second.
“He looked at it! Yes! I am one step closer to wearing him down!”
I couldn't contain my excitement. I raised an eyebrow as I sat there and thought for a moment. Why am I so excited about this? He never even replied. Is it because I'm hopeful that the reason he opened it is because he wanted to try to open up to me again. Maybe he says one thing but he means another. Maybe he says he doesn't forgive me, but he does. Maybe he says he hates me but he means he loves me. I let out a soft chuckle as I shook the thoughts away. I couldn't stop smiling as I pulled the picture of him back up. I couldn't look away from him. I still didn't understand why even the thought of him made me smile, but it was the only smile I'd had in months. I don't want to lose it. My stomach dropped as a sudden image flashed through my head. I screamed in fear as I threw my phone across the room. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't make out what it was, but through the blurriness it looked like Por and me. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I sat there. My aunt and little brother ran into the room and over to me. My aunt was more panicked than my brother, at least from what I could see. My vision was blurry and I couldn't even make out what they were saying. I couldn't catch my breath as I gripped my chest. My stomach was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick. The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think. I barely made out what it was, but it looked like Por dying and I was the one holding the stake. I kept moving around frantically in my chair. I was still trying to catch my breath. Through the blur in my vision, I could faintly make out my brother picking up my phone. My aunt was trying to hold me down and keep me calm. I couldn't focus on anything. I tried to make out what they were saying but it was still faint. All I could hear was yelling, crying, screaming, and ringing in my ears. I tried as hard as I could to tune into their conversation.
“Don't just stand there Ton, help me with your brother!”
“He's been like this for several weeks Auntie Palm, it's better to just leave him like this,”
“I know you don't mean that now put down that phone and help me calm him down,”
“Oh there isn't anything that's gonna calm him down now, you know he hasn't eaten anything in about two weeks. He lets the food pile up and makes me secretly take care of it. It's like he's depressed about something,”
“I wonder why, do you know what your brother has been through? You would be depressed too, now get your ass over here and help me!”
“What's the point, Auntie Palm, we aren't gonna be able to calm him down. From what I recall the only thing that will calm him down is this guy-Fluke I think his name is. I think it's his boyfriend or something,”
I suddenly felt like I could make out everything around me. My site was back in focus and my heart rate went back down to normal. I saw Ton holding my phone and showing the picture of Fluke to our Aunt. I quickly snatched the phone away from him.
“Give me back my phone you little rascal!” I demanded in annoyance.
Ton rolled his eyes.
“What are you doing in here?!” I asked him annoyed.
My aunt sighed as I jerked myself out of her grip. She stepped away as she kept her eyes on me.
“You were having another episode dumbass-” He slapped me upside the back of the head. “Me and Auntie Palm were helping you, though you're still an unappreciative jackass,” my brother replied.
“Fck you….Wait…Another episode? What do you mean another episode?”
“Sweetheart, do you really not remember your previous episodes when you were like this?” Auntie Palm asked me with concern in her voice.
I looked at her and slightly shook my head.
I sighed, “I'm sorry Auntie Palm but I don't,” I replied as I looked at the floor.
“And we go through this every single time, you think we'd have the answer by now. The only thing that pulls him out is hearing his boyfriend's name. Maybe we should just ship him off to stay with his boyfriend for the next four months, we can't take care of him like this,”
“Shut up and get out you little fcker…”
My stomach was spinning a million times per minute at just the thought of staying with Fluke. My brother rolled his eyes but he didn't move.
“You're not denying that he's your boyfriend,’’
I rolled my eyes and started to get annoyed with him.
“He won't even talk to me jackass, how could he be my boyfriend?”
“Ohhh so you were an ass to him too, what a surprise,”
I let a soft sigh leave me as I leaned back in my chair. I looked away from him and didn't say anything.
“Alright that's enough Ton, can't you see you're upsetting him?” Auntie Palm asked my brother calmly as she tried to rub my arm softly.
I moved my arm away again. I didn't want to look at either of them.
“Like he cares, you try to baby him too much and he still won't let us do anything. He's hopeless,”
“That's enough just go downstairs and set the table for supper! I'll deal with your brother!”
He rolled his eyes again as he left the room. I still refused to look at her as I stared at the floor. I didn't want to deal with anything from either of them.
I didn't respond to her as I continued to stare at the floor. I heard her sigh as she knelt on the floor in front of me.
“Top sweetie?”
I still didn't say anything.
“You've been losing too much weight son, you need to start taking better care of yourself. You don't go to physical therapy for your leg, you don't get nutrition, how do you expect to get better if you don't start taking care of yourself?”
“I don't,” I spoke to her coldly as I still refused to look at her.
“Don't you want to get better?”
I refused to answer her question as I sighed.
“You can't stay like this Top,”
“Watch me,”
“What is it going to take for you to want to get better?”
“Nothing you can offer me,”
My aunt sighed once more as she looked at me. I didn't want to be cared about by anyone. There was only one person I cared about. And I still question why I care about him so much. Is it just because I miss him being my friend? Or is it so much more than that? Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as my aunt pulled out her phone. I sighed out of annoyance wishing she would just go away.
“Well, would it make it better if someone else were to take care of you and your broken leg for the next four months until you're fully recovered?”
“I told you I don't need to be taken care of! Just go away and leave me alone!!”
“Even if you'll be living with Fluke for the next four months or longer?”
My heart rate went up higher than it should as I slowly lifted my head to look at her. My stomach had dropped to the floor and I felt like all my thoughts cleared at once.
“Longer? What do you mean longer?”
She gave me a soft smile.
“I've been talking to your mom and we both think that it's a good idea for you to go stay with Fluke until you're fully recovered. For him, it will take about four months but for you, it could take a little bit longer since you've refused to take care of yourself, you might need longer and since you two are friends, your mom and I don't think it will be a problem, even if he doesn't talk to you. Maybe this will give you guys a chance to talk,’’
My heart wouldn't stop racing. I felt as happy as I did when I saw that he read my texts. I looked at my aunt and smiled. Her face lit up as she saw me smile.
“When do I leave?”
She chuckled with a soft sigh of relief.
“Today, pack your things, I'll go get the car ready,”
I said nothing more as I hurried to get a suitcase. I should feel bad that my family just suddenly wants to ship me off to someone else because they don’t know how to take care of me, but I don’t. I couldn’t care less about what my family does. I’m the oldest out of me and Ton and they still treat him better than me. Tong hasn’t contacted me in months. I feel like I’m not as important to him anymore. I’ve always been the odd one out. I’m always picked last for everything. It doesn’t matter what it is. After Ton was born, I turned invisible to everyone in my family except my oldest brother Tong. My parents and Ton didn’t even bother to come to my high school graduation. I just barely had enough credits to graduate. I’ve always been a failure in their eyes. They even think going to college for sports science is a waste of time. All they do is joke around about how stupid they think I am. They make fun of me by telling me that the first team I coach won't respect me because I can't take things seriously. I’ll show them. I’m going to graduate college and get my degree. I'll prove to them that I can make a difference in someone else's life. I'll prove that I can successfully lead someone to a possible future. Not that they would care about anything that I do. I never felt like I belonged anywhere until I met my friends. They made me feel like I could be a part of something. Believe it or not, I met Fluke first. It was our first day of class and I was the last one to come into class. I know being late on your first day of school doesn’t show the best initiative, but in my defense, I slept over my alarm. I know that’s not a valid excuse either, but I did my best. Luckily I stayed in one of the dorms so getting to class was no problem. After I got to the class late there was only one seat left and it was directly next to Fluke. He was such a nerd sitting there with all his textbooks open and notes taking up two full pages. Now that I think about it, he looked pretty cute with those glasses on. He still does. I was the more laid-back kind of guy. I just wanted to have fun. College is supposed to be fun right? That’s why I chose to study automotive engineering. It had to deal with cars, which in some cases can be very fun. I wasn’t sure how much the nerdy kid would like me or not, but I didn’t care about what others thought about me. I gladly took the seat beside him. I didn’t mind getting to know him. Later that day I came to find out that Fluke was my roommate. I was flattered, at least it was someone that I already kind of knew. The next day Fluke introduced me to his other friends and that’s how I became acquainted with them. To this day I can’t imagine my life without them. That’s how it's turned out. We lost one of them, probably by my hand. The other four don't bother to talk to me, and Fluke wishes he had never met me. I sighed as I thought that maybe it would have been better for them if they had never met me. Maybe Por would still be alive. I shook away the thoughts as I started to pack my clothes. I was hoping that maybe living with him again would rekindle something. The friendship that we once shared. I wouldn’t complain if it turned into more than that. I wasn’t too confident about my feelings yet, but I knew that I felt something more than friends for him. All I cared about at that moment was having him back as my friend. As far as anything else, I’ll worry about that later on.
~Time Skip~
I sat in my wheelchair just outside Fluke’s door. I sighed as I contemplated knocking on the door or just turning around and leaving. I already knew that Fluke didn't want me here. I didn't even have to see his face for me to know that he didn’t want me here. I tapped my fingers anxiously on the arm of my chair as I had my elbow up on the other. I rested my fingers against my cheek as I stared at his door. I probably sat there staring at his door for a good five to ten minutes and I still didn’t knock on the door. I let out another sigh as I went to turn my chair away. I kept thinking about how I felt when I saw that he read my texts. Should I turn around and leave when he is the only thing alive that can make me smile like that? I took in a deep breath before I knocked on his door. I wasn’t sure if he would open it or not, but my stomach was spinning in a thousand different circles. Was I feeling butterflies because of him? I was a little disappointed as I sat there for almost two minutes with no answer. I didn’t truly understand why I felt so determined, but I wasn’t going to give up on him that easily. I knocked on the door again, but this time louder than I had before. A bright smile came across my face as I watched him open the door. He stared at me as I turned my chair more towards the doorway. I felt a sudden sharp pain shoot through my foot up my entire leg as the door slammed closed. I cried out in pain.
“Dudeeee, you just closed the door on my foot!! Just because I can’t use it yet doesn’t mean I don’t cherish it!!” I shouted through the door.
I rubbed my leg through the cast as I winced in pain. I let out a soft sigh as I stared at the door. I still wasn’t going to give up that easily. His words hurt more than this does.
“What are you doing here?!”
His voice sounded like he was almost panicking. I raised a curious brow.
“Thriving in pain,” I grunted.
“Go thrive in pain somewhere else!”
“I don’t know! And I don’t care. just…Anywhere but here…You can go roll down the stairs and break your other leg for all I care!”
I felt my heart physically ache as I heard him say that. I closed my eyes for a brief second before I cleared my throat. No matter what he did or said to me, I still wasn’t going to give up.
“Ouch, that was harsh! Why don’t you want me here?!”
“You know why!”
My stomach dropped as he brought this up again. I feel like he brings this up whenever he has a free chance just to try to make me leave him alone. This only makes me want to be around him even more. I want to prove to him that this is not the kind of person that I am.
“Still haven’t forgiven me for that?...”
I sighed as we both fell silent. A part of me just felt like I should leave, that’s what he wants anyway right? Then the other part is the part that wants to stay and fight for our friendship.
“No, and I don’t plan to either, just leave…”
I let a soft smile pass me as I heard him speak to me with a calmer voice. Maybe there is hope, even if it’s only a little.
“Fluke, please, can’t we just-”
“I said no!-” I jumped a little hearing him shout again. “Now…Go away!..”
My heart was pounding so hard from holding back the frustration he was causing me. I tried so hard to contain myself with him. I could physically feel the tears that wanted to stream from my eyes. I wanted to remember what I did so badly as to understand the full reason why Fluke hates me so much. Then there’s still that part of me that doesn’t want to remember any of it. I sometimes wish that I could forget everything and everyone, maybe it would be better.
“Just open the door,”
“Whether you open the door for me now or later, I’m not leaving, I’ll sleep out here if I have to,”
“Do whatever you want Top, I will never open this door for you,”
“Never say never, I’ll get you to open the door for me somehow,”
I chuckled as I heard him grunt out of frustration. I knew he was getting more annoyed with me, but I had to admit that his acting this way with me only drew me even closer to him.
“Can’t you go annoy somebody else?”
“No, the others won’t talk to me either, at least you’ll look at my messages,”
“And what are you gonna do if I block you?”
“If you were going to block me, you would have done it already-”
I feel like I could feel Fluke rolling his eyes. That just made me chuckle a little more.
“I’m gonna be having someone coming over anytime to share my apartment with for the next four months, you’d better leave before he shows up,”
The fact that he sounded like he hated every part of me, just made me want to stay even more. I couldn’t stop the smile that came over me. I chuckled as I thought about what he just said.
“He’s already here,”
Fluke became silent. I wasn’t sure if saying that would work or not, but I waited anxiously to see if it actually would or not. I was hoping more than anything that he would open the door and give me a chance. He wouldn’t exactly have a choice now anyway, but I was hoping that he would be okay with me staying with him. If I could at least hear him tell me that he was okay with it, then I would feel even better about this. My stomach dropped as I watched the door start to open. I couldn’t stop the smile that crossed my face as I looked at Fluke.
“Told you, you’d open the door for me,” I smirked with a chuckle.
He rolled his eyes as he peaked out the door. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at him.
“The only person I see is you,” He raised an eyebrow as he glared at me.
He didn’t say anything as he sat there staring at me. I couldn’t stop smiling as I stared back at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, your mom talked with my parents and set it up for me to live with you for the next four months-”
I practically jumped from how loud he shouted. I watched as he looked like he was struggling to breathe. I let out a gentle sigh as I looked at the floor. All I wanted to do was rush over to him and help him try to breathe, but I knew he would never accept this kind of help from me. I looked back up at him.
“They said it would be easier for us to take care of each other while our broken legs finish healing. We could make sure neither of us miss our physical therapy once a week-”
“You mean you??”
He looked at me with pure anger buried deep within his voice.
“Okay turn it around on me, anyway, and Mom suggested that you could tutor me to help me graduate, it's a win-win situation,”
“I don't see any of this as a win situation, and I’m not letting you into my apartment!”
Just as he went to slam the door, I moved my chair and stopped it with my foot on the same leg that was broken. I took in a sharp breath as the pain radiated from my foot up and through the very core of my leg. For a moment I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I let out a low hum in pain as I cleared my throat.
“Ow…” I sighed, “Do you honestly hate me that much that you’re not willing to help your own friend graduate from college?”
“You’re not my friend anymore,”
“I know you feel that way now, but it’s only four months,”
“No, there is no way in hell. I am not allowing you to live with me even for that long,”
A soft sigh left me as he turned his chair away from me. A part of me still felt like trying was pointless. I didn’t think that he would ever forgive me for what happened. It didn’t mean that I still wasn’t going to try. It just meant that it would be harder to prove myself.
“You don’t have a choice,”
“Oh yeah, who says?”
“Your mom and mine,”
“I’m an adult now, I don't have to do anything she tells me,”
I couldn’t stop myself from smirking as I looked at him.
“Oooo, I’ve never seen you as a rebel before, kinda hot,”
My heart started to pound a million miles per second. Did I just say that about my best friend? What am I thinking? What will he think of me now? Though he already hates me, so I guess I don’t have anything else to lose.
“I’m sorry what?”
I cleared my throat as I felt my cheeks warming up a little. I looked at the floor. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it again.
“Uhh, nevermind, you have to let me in Fluke,”
“No, I don’t,”
I sighed again as he turned his chair away from me more and tried to roll away from me.
“My mom already kicked me out, if you don’t let me live with you then I’ll be living on the streets…With a broken leg…Probably sleeping in an alley…In a dangerous part of town…Who knows maybe something would eventually kill me..”
He didn’t say anything as he kept himself turned away from me. I kept wondering if I would ever be able to get him to see the good side of me again. I know how goofy that I used to be and I honestly miss it more than anything else in this world. There is one thing that I miss more than that. I want what we used to have. That would be enough for me. I wouldn’t mind just a hello and goodbye every once and a while. Even that would be enough for me.
“Fluke…” I calmed myself down to almost a whisper. I made sure he could still hear me, but I couldn’t help being serious this time. “I’m not going to apologize again because…You’re right…Saying I’m sorry isn’t enough…I know what you told me that I did, but I honestly can not remember it, if I did I would…Well, you probably wouldn’t want to know what I would do…”
I thought back to what my aunt and brother told me. I probably shouldn’t mention to him about my apparent frequent episodes that I have. Not that he would care right now anyway. I shook those thoughts away as I continued:
“I hate everything that happened and I wish we could go back in time and change it to when…The only bad thing that happened was when I accidentally broke Por’s camera and blamed it on Non…I can’t help but to think…You know maybe all of this can be traced back to me…If I…”
I didn’t expect this to be this hard to talk about. I never expected to talk about this with anyone, but being around Fluke makes me want to just open up about everything even if I irritate him right down to his core.
“Maybe if I had told Por the truth about the camera in the first place none of this would have happened and he would…He would…Well, you know…”
I couldn’t even say that dreaded sentence. Am I still in denial that he is dead? Maybe I'm still trying to deny it because I’m the one who killed him according to Fluke. I felt a slight tear trickle down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as I continued:
“But unfortunately I can’t change anything that happened…I won’t say I’m sorry to you anymore…But please…Don’t make me sleep outside in a town like this…My mom already told me she wouldn’t let me come back until my leg was healed, if even then…I feel like she secretly hates me too...And I know you hate me too, but living with you would probably be better than my mom for the next four months…”
He was still silent as he stared at his hands. Another tear tried to escape but I forced it away.
“I know you don’t want me here, but it will be good for both of us, neither of us will have to do anything alone and…After our legs are fully recovered, I promise that I’ll move out and I…I…will never bother you again…”
Why did I just say that? I don’t want to lose him. Why would I promise something that I don’t want to do? I sighed again as I looked at my hands as I anxiously awaited for him to tell me his answer. I felt like he was beating around the bush because his answer was no. If that’s the case then why doesn’t he just come right out and say it?
“Promise you’ll leave after we’re fully recovered?”
I quickly lifted my head to look at him. My heart was racing a million times faster and I felt the butterflies again.
“Wait…Are you serious?”
He rolled his eyes in annoyance at me.
“Just answer my question,”
“Yes, yes I promise,”
Again, why would I promise this? I’m not going to want to leave his side. He’d probably happily kick my ass out. I watched as he moved his chair out of the way.
“You can sleep on the couch,”
I smiled from ear to ear as I rolled my chair into his apartment. I stopped my chair right beside him as I looked directly at him.
“Thank you,”
He rolled his eyes again as he looked away from me without responding. I quietly chuckled as I smirked. I leaned closer to him the best that I could.
“But a lot can happen in four months,” I told him with a smirk.
I watched as his face turned bright red. I chuckled as I realized that I couldn’t look away from him. I don’t know when he became so adorable to me, but I never want to look away from him. Am I staring at him? At Fluke? I let out a content sigh as the smile on my face grew wider. He cleared his throat as he kept himself turned away from me.
“Don’t get any bright ideas,”
“Who’s getting any ideas? What ideas?” I chuckled.
He didn't say anything to me as he rolled his chair over to the window. I softly chuckled as I looked around. I rolled my chair over more towards the living room.
“I’ve never been inside your place before,” I spoke in curiosity as I looked around.
“You’ve been to my parent's house, but not my apartment near the college. It’s more convenient trying to get to the college because the complex is only two minutes from it. I can say this is the one good thing my parents actually did for me,” He sighed.
I was silent for a second as I looked at him. I felt like I could see a sadness behind his eyes that I’d never seen before. I wanted to try to comfort him, but even if he would let me, I don’t think I would know how. Mainly, because I don’t know what he is thinking.
“Don’t you have a sister too? I thought I met her once?” I asked him curiously.
“That was my cousin, I’m an only child,”
I went silent again for a brief moment. I wanted to know more about him. I felt like I knew he wouldn’t tell me, but I felt like I had to try. The whole time that I have known him, he has never really talked about himself much. I only know enough brief stuff to know him as a friend. At least I think I do. I couldn’t truly and fully understand this strong desire to get to know more about him but I didn’t want to let it go.
“You don’t talk about your family much,”
“Ever think there’s a reason for that,”
He rolled his eyes and I could tell he was starting to get annoyed again. I let out a soft sigh as I looked around again. I gently smiled as I found everything in his little apartment to be quite adorable. I snickered as I saw a coffee table made from a glass tabletop and old textbooks.
“ Why is there old textbooks underneath a glass table top? Could you not afford a new table?”
“Why do you keep pestering me with these annoying questions?”
“I’m trying to pass the time,”
“Then go find something else to do, I’m going to go do some homework,”
“Right now?”
I sighed as I watched him roll his eyes again. I could tell that he was becoming more annoyed with me by the second. This still just made me want to try even harder. I’ve always been the type to go after something that I want. I don’t give up very easily, especially if it’s something that I’ve set my eyes on. I feel like Fluke has always found at least a small part of me annoying, but he was willing to look past it to be my friend. I hope that he is willing to do that again. I feel like maybe there is hope because he is talking to me. I know that I’m going to be living with him for the next four months or longer, but he could still ignore me completely. Maybe this is a small start. If I can just keep him talking to me, even if he gets annoyed with me, then maybe I’ll be able to get him to open up to me again. I watched him as he rolled his chair over to his desk and started to work on his homework. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at him. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen during my time here, but I knew one thing was for sure; I wasn’t going to give up on him. I know he is just reflecting his anger about that weekend onto me because I’m an easy target. That just makes me want to try even harder. He may hate me now, but a lot can change in four months. I’m going to prove that to him even if it kills me.
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chloasiajones · 24 days
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This is an Alternate ending I'm writing for DFF because I loved the show and hated how it ended. So I decided to write my own adaptation to how I feel one of the other possible ways that it could have ended. Now this is just how I feel one of the ways that it could have ended, with who I shipped in the show
Chapter One: Led From Tragedy
Phee fought as hard as he could to break free from the ties of his hallucinations. The drug-induced smoke made everything fuzzy. It turned reality into fiction, but it was so effective it made fiction feel like reality. Deep down he knew that and he had to find a way to escape back to real life to save his friends. His breathing grew heavier as many versions of Non haunted him as he fought his way back. The pain of losing his first love was turned to the guilt of wishing death upon him. He knew his feelings for Non weren't the same as they had been before, but he didn't wish death upon him. He wouldn't wish death upon anyone. Especially those who turned out to be his friends during his investigation for the truth. One of them whom he had grown the closest to, he was scared to lose the most. He didn't truly understand his feelings for him yet or how deep they went, but all he knew was that he couldn't let him die, especially at the hands of a psycho like New. Phee thought hard of the one most special to him, the one he'd sacrifice anything for. The next second he looked around and he was back inside the cabin. His friends were still lying on the floor passed out from the drug. His breath grew more heavy as he stepped back, staring at Jin with tears in his eyes regretting every second of their plan.
"You're awake?" He hears New, speak from beside him.
Suddenly he felt as if an anger he had never felt before ran through the very veins inside his body. It made every drop of blood boil as he clenched his fists. He turned to look at New with the utmost hatred.
"You've gone too far New!!" Phee shouted as he dug his nails into the palm of his hand almost drawing blood.
New smirked as a devious chuckle left him.
"This is what we hoped for Phee, we finally learned the truth about what happened to Non. Not even you can tell me you regret learning the truth," New spoke to him casually looking around at his handiwork almost seeming to be proud of it.
This seemed to only make Phee even more angry. His cheeks turned bright red and his body warmed from head to toe as his anger rose.
"I didn't mean for anybody to die!! I wanted to find the truth about Non, but I didn't want any of this!!"
"You left him the first chance you got! Don't act like you actually cared about my brother!!"
"I loved Non! But I couldn't abide by cheating..."
"You moved on and dropped him, finding yourself a new partner! I'm the only one who cared enough to do something about finding out the truth! And now that I have...They're all gonna pay for it-"
New suddenly looked at Phee with such hatred. He felt like he had been betrayed and left by everyone. He knew he had no one left. He felt that he had nothing to lose. Phee stared back at him with the same amount of hatred. It was almost as if he was waiting for the right moment to stop him. New looked at all of them lying on the floor still passed out and he smirked again.
"They're all gonna know how Non felt soon enough–Including you-"
Before New could make any more movements towards Phee, he hadn't noticed how he had put the gas mask on and aimed the drug-induced gas at New. He turned it on directly facing his direction not caring how close he was to him. At this point Phee didn't care what happened to New, there was only one person he cared about the most. He knew that he was the first person he had to help before any of them no matter what the consequences. New tried his hardest to fight off the effects of the gas but he knew even he wasn't defeated. Once Phee knew that New was unconscious, he picked up the gun and searched for the antidote on New until he found it. \He hurriedly made his way over to Jin who was still completely out of it. Jin screamed the words "I'm sorry, it was my fault" over and over again as he cried out begging for forgiveness. This almost made Phee tear up as he saw the one he loved having to go through this because of him. He knelt and gripped both Jin's forearms with his hands.
"Jin, Jin, Jin," he called his name repeatedly but still couldn't get an answer from him.
This panic made his heart race and he almost lost focus. He wasn't sure what to do next as his mind suddenly went foggy and all he worried about was Jin's safety. He knew the only way was to get Jin out of there. He took in a deep breath looking at him with as much confidence as he could muster.
"Jin!! It's not real, it's just a hallucination, I'm real look at me, wake up, and look at me!"
He wasn't sure that shouting was the best idea, but he knew that was the only way to wake him up enough to get him outside. He shouted his name one more time before Jin finally turned to look at him.
"P-Phee..." Jin seemed confused as he stared at him.
Phee smiled at him softly as he touched the side of his face gently.
"It's me, I'm real, focus on me, it's gonna be okay now," Phee told him confidently and calmly, even though he didn't truly believe it himself.
Tears streamed down Jin's face as he threw his arm around Phee's shoulders pulling him into a hug.
"I'm sorry it's my fault...It's all my fault...I didn't mean to..."
"Shhh, it's okay now Jin-" Phee put his hands on his back to return his hug for only a moment. "Let's get you out of here, we'll talk about this later,"
Jin didn't do anything but nod. It was almost as if he understood what he heard and what was right in front of him but reality was still confusing for him. Phee helped him stand to his feet and placed his arm around his waist while he had Jin using his shoulders as a crutch. His heart was racing in a panic as he tried to hurry him outside knowing New could find his way out any second. He knew he had to stop New somehow but he was honestly scared of the outcome, and what would become of him.
Phee helped get Jin outside and to the drive of the cabin. He stared at him trying as hard as he could not to tear up. He couldn't stand seeing him like this. He couldn't handle the thought that he was only like this because of him. He knew that New completely changed the plan on him but he still couldn't help but blame himself, even partly. Jin still couldn't comprehend where he was or what was going on. His reality was still shifted. He didn't know what was real and what wasn't. Phee frantically searched for where he had put the antidote. He hoped that it wasn't too late to save him. In his state of panic, he tried his hardest to light the antidote that New had rolled up into a homemade cigarette. He took a hit from it getting closer to Jin and blowing the smoke in his face. He did this several times until Jin looked at him curiously.
A soft sigh of relief left Phee as he relaxed a little and leaned back, but left his hands on his forearms close to his shoulders. He looked directly into his eyes. For a moment all he wanted to do was kiss him, but he knew saving their friends was more important than anything else.
"What's...What happened?"
Jin was still in a slight daze as he tried to fully come back into his surroundings. Phee placed his hands on the sides of his neck as his heart raced from anxiety.
"We can talk about that later," He looked into his eyes worried. Fear could be seen behind his eyes, "Just stay here until I get back-"
Jin was almost in a state of panic as he gripped Phee's arm tightly. He didn't want to be left alone. He wasn't sure what was going to happen if he was left alone. He wasn't sure if he could trust anyone anymore. Phee rested his forehead on his forehead as he cupped his face in his hands.
"Just please stay here and wait for me, it's safe out here, Jin please," Phee couldn't help but beg him. He felt that Jin was all he had left and he refused to lose him.
A soft sigh left Jin as a couple of tears fell from his eyes. Phee was still trying hard not to completely break as he saw the one he cherished the most with tears trickling down his face. He knew he had to stay strong if he was going to help the others. He wiped the tears from Jin's face.
"I promise, I'll be right back, I have to save our friends," A light tear dropped from his eye as he gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead.
A couple more tears fell from Jin's eyes as he looked directly at him. He nodded in a silent promise to do what he asked him. Phee gave him one last longing look before he turned away from him and rushed back into the house. Jin stared as he rushed back into the house, hoping all of them turned out to be okay. He didn't care what any of them had done, all he cared about was that the ones who remained got move on with their lives.
Phee rushed back through the house and back up the stairs. He knew he had no right to help them after he helped with part of this plan, but he couldn't leave them like this. Not after New went behind his back completely and changed the plan entirely. He couldn't let them die. He looked toward Tee and White, just as Tee had stabbed White in the side without realizing who he had stabbed. Phee rushed over and in a state of panic, he pulled out the antidote and lit it again as quickly as he could. He knelt beside them both, blowing the smoke directly at them. He did this like three times until Tee looked at him, seeming to know who he was. White was breathing uneasily, as he looked at Tee with tears streaming down his face. Tee turned his head to look at his boyfriend, a little scared to find out what was wrong with him. He looked at the blood on his hands, moving his gaze to the knife in White's side. His heart raced, as his stomach dropped. Tears quickly streamed down his face.
"White! White, no!! Fck what did I do?!" Tee shouted as he quickly his hands on his side around the knife.
White winced, "I-Its...I-Its...F-Fine..." he found it hard to breathe, but he was still aware of everything around him.
More tears streamed from Tee's eyes as he moved closer to him.
"I'm so sorry White, I...I didn't mean to...I..."
Phee placed his hand on Tee's shoulder in comfort. Tee turned his head to look at him and tried to speak through his tears:
"Phee...What do I do?... I can't lose him...This is all my fault..."
"No it's New's fault," Phee looked at White and sighed, "White will be fine, the knife only penetrated his side, and it looks like it didn't hit any major arteries. But leaving the knife in could cause an infection, so here's what you need to do-"
"What?? I'll do anything?!"
Tee was in a state of panic. He didn't know what to do or how to help his true love, but he would do anything for him.
"You have to remain calm to help him, Tee. Take off your shirt,"
"Once we take the knife out you're gonna need to use something to put pressure on it to keep it from bleeding. You should be able to wrap your shirt around his waist as a bandage until we can get outta here and take him to a hospital-"
Tee couldn't say anything as he looked at him. His heart couldn't stop racing and he was terrified that something was going to go wrong.
"You have to do this Tee, you don't have any other choice,-"
Tee's heart jumped as he felt someone grab his arm as tightly as he could. He turned to look at White, who was staring at him. White couldn't say much, but he seemed to understand what was happening around them. He nodded to Tee as a couple of tears fell from his eyes.
"The longer you wait the more of a chance he'll get an infection,"
Tee looked at him still in panicked. White tried to mutter the word "please" almost in a silent whisper. He wasn't very good with pain. He was trying as hard as he could not to focus on the pain. That was a little hard to do with every breath he tried to take. Tee quickly turned his attention back to White.
"Please Tee...I...I...need you," White managed to speak out before leaning his head back on the wall.
He was trying hard not to pass out from the pain. Tee looked at Phee again.
"Okay, what do I do?"
Phee nodded to him as he placed his own hands around the knife.
"Take off your shirt and get ready,"
Tee took his shirt off in a hurried panic, holding it in his hand.
"Now what?"
"Hold his hand and I'll take the knife out,"
He was confused as he looked at Phee. He took hold of White's hand and moved closer beside him. A couple more tears fell from his eyes as he watched Phee get ready to remove the knife.
"How do you know how to do this?"
Phee didn't look up from what he was doing as he responded:
"Let's just say I had a long boring conversation with Fluke about knife wounds-" He looked up at Tee for just a moment, "I guess it's a good thing I paid attention."
Phee turned his focus back to the knife.
"Hold his hand tightly,-" He started to very slowly withdraw the knife. White winced in pain and jerked himself sideways. This made him cry out as he felt the knife jerk a little inside him. "White, hang in there, it's gonna hurt but you can't move,"
Tee put his arm around White and held him as close to him as he could. He pecked his forehead gently as another tear fell from his eye.
"It's gonna be okay baby,"
White cried out softly as he held Tee's hand tightly.
"It hurts Tee,"
Tee couldn't stand to see his baby like this. He wished he could do something to take away his pain but he wasn't sure what to do. He felt useless at this moment because he didn’t how to help him. He gently started to stroke his arm with his hand as he rested his head on his.
"I know, I know it does baby, it's gonna be over soon. You just have to stay still okay,"
White nodded as he clung to him tightly. Phee sighed as he watched them and turned his focus back on the knife. He tried to keep his hands from shaking as he took hold of the knife again. Tee took in a short breath as he held White to himself tightly. He watched Phee intently as he tried to keep his breathing steady from how fast his heart was racing. Phee wasn't doing anything yet as he stared at Tee waiting to make sure they were both ready. Tee gave him a gentle nod as he held White tightly. Phee sighed again before he started to slowly withdraw the knife again. White whined and jerked away again. This made the knife jerk to the side again. He cried out once more. Phee pounded the floor with his fist in frustration.
"Dammit!!" He cursed.
White cried as he clung to Tee tighter.
"I told you not to move!" Phee shouted from fear.
Tears streamed down White's face.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
"The more you move the more of a chance the knife is going to go deeper. Then I won't be able to get it out! Is that what you want White?!"
"He's trying his best Phee!! How would you feel if it was you?!" Tee shouted in anger.
He glared at Phee as he hugged White possessively.
"He wouldn't need this done if you hadn't stabbed him in the first place!!"
Tee's stomach dropped. It was spinning so fast, that he almost felt nauseous. He didn't know how to respond to him. He had to force himself not to start crying. Phee sighed again as he looked at them. He instantly regretted saying that, but he knew he couldn't take it back.
"Tee, please find a way to distract him so I can do this. I feel like we've already waited long enough,"
Tee sighed softly. He was quiet as he thought. He wasn't sure how to distract him. He was trying not to panic. He kept looking back and forth between Phee and White, frantically thinking of what to do.
"Tee?" Phee impatiently spoke up.
All he wanted to do was help them. He couldn't tell if it was more out of guilt or being their friend, but he didn't care about that right now. All he knew was that he wanted to do right by them from that point on. Tee didn't say anything as he looked at White. He suddenly had an idea, but he wasn't sure if it was going to work or not. He looked at Phee and slightly nodded to him. Phee raised an eyebrow as he watched him. Tee took White's chin between two of his fingers and his thumb. He turned his head up towards him and stared into his eyes. White wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a feeling what Tee was going to do. He leaned closer to White and touched his lips to his. White knew it was coming but he was still a little surprised. This didn't stop White from melting into his kiss like he hadn't kissed him in months. He placed his hand on Tee's chest and started to deepen their kiss. He wanted to forget every ounce of pain that he was in. Tee took his hand in his and held it tightly against his chest. He deepened their kiss more in the hope that it would keep him distracted enough so Phee could help him. Phee stared at them for a moment. He was terrified of messing something up, but he knew he didn't have a choice. He placed his hands on the knife and once again started to slowly withdraw the knife. White whimpered against Tee's lips, but he didn't move. Phee smiled very gently as he thought they might be able to get somewhere this time. After hearing his whimper Tee moved even closer to him. He held his hand even tighter as he kissed him even harder. Phee breathed out softly as he looked at them again for only a second. He was still beyond terrified. He tried desperately to keep his hands from starting to shake again. He closed his eyes for only a split second. 'You can do this' Phee thought. He turned all his of focus onto the knife again. He slowly and carefully withdrew the knife from White's side. He sighed in relief as he sat back on the floor and let the knife drop. Tee and White turned their attention to him.
"It's over?" White asked in relief but also fear.
Phee gave him a gentle smile as he nodded. Tee wrapped the shirt around his boyfriend's waist to dress the wound. He smiled gently in relief.
"Yes, it's over"
"Not quite,"
Phee's heart jumped, but before he could look, he was hit upside the head with something knocking him to the floor. He landed on his side and he could barely make out what was around him. White quickly clung tightly to Tee and spoke his name out in fear. Tee held onto him tightly as he watched the scene in front of him. Phee grunted as he moved and began to search around for the gun. He placed his hand on his head and winced as he felt some pain. He looked at his hand and saw some blood. He was starting to become angry again. He didn't even have to look to know who it was. He became more frustrated as he searched around for the gun but couldn't find it.
"Looking for this?" New asked with a smirk.
Phee slowly turned to look at him. He tried not to panic as he saw the gun being at him.
"You think you're such a hero don't you Phee? You saved three lives tonight so far," New deviously chuckled, as he stepped closer to him. "Too bad your efforts will be for nothing," He held his finger on the trigger and smirked.
Phee held up his hands in surrender to him.
"I...I...I know you wanted revenge on them for losing Non, but you heard the stories, they didn't actually kill him-"
"It was their fault!! They led him to his death!!" New shouted as he waved the gun around.
He aimed it at White and Tee for only a second. White clung tightly to Tee as he cried a little in fear. Tee watched them as he turned his body toward White. He glared at New as he held his boyfriend tightly. Phee got onto his knees. He didn't look away from New as he tried to turn his attention back to him.
"But they didn't actually kill him, you heard, he tried to stop it, he tried to help him but it was too late, it wasn't their fault...New just think rationally...Would Non want this? Would he truly want this?"
"He told me to kill them!! He told me to avenge him!!"
"That wasn't real!! It..." Phee took in a soft breath and tried to speak calmly to him. "It was just a hallucination, the real Non wouldn't want this, think about it,"
"It wasn't a hallucination!!! Non told me to avenge him!! He told me who was responsible for his death-"
White started to cry out more as he started to become more afraid. New became more annoyed as he heard White’s crying and Phee’s talking. He started to pace in frustration as both of them were talking. Phee kept trying to convince him to put the gun down while White was crying and begging Tee to make him stop. He couldn't focus as his brother's voice played in his head. He heard his brother repeatedly telling him to kill them. He felt as though his head was going to explode with all the voices he was hearing all at once.
"Shut up..."
The voices around him kept getting louder and louder. Non's voice grew louder in his head. He slowly became more and more frustrated as his pacing became more frantic.
"Shut up!!!" He shouted as he aimed the gun at White.
Phee took this opportunity while he was distracted to kick his knee as hard as he possibly could. New cried out in pain at the feeling as he felt his knee crack. Phee quickly stood to his feet and grabbed the gun. He aimed it directly at New. His hands shook as he began to sweat from head to toe.
"Enough!!" Phee shouted.
New breathed heavily, as he lifted his head to look at him. He smirked as he chuckled. He winced in pain as he moved slightly.
"So this is how it ends? You really gonna shoot me...Phee?...I'm your only friend...I'm all you've got!!" New laughed.
"I don't care if they see me as their friend or not...All I wanted was to find out the truth about Non. None of them deserved this...No one deserves death,"
"Don't tell me you actually care about them?"
Phee didn't say anything. He held his grip on the gun tightly.
"You're a traitor Phee!! You're choosing them over me!!??" New was offended that his only friend betrayed.
"I'm choosing myself!! I won't become like you!!"
New became angrier as he clenched his fists tightly while he knelt there. He knew that he had no one left. He had nothing left to live for. He smirked as he looked at the knife on the floor beside him.
"Well, if you're truly genuine to them, now's your chance to prove it,"
Phee raised an eyebrow in question as he watched him. New picked up the knife and charged it directly at White. Phee suddenly felt a ringing in his ears as the shot of a gun went off. He didn't even think as he pulled the trigger. All he thought about was saving his friend. White and Tee were breathing heavily from the sudden jump scare. Phee didn't even know how to think. He had just killed someone. He has betrayed everyone in the cabin. At that moment he wasn't sure if those two would testify for him or not. He didn’t care about that. Even if they didn’t and he was arrested, it would’ve been worth it for him because he saved them. He shook his thoughts away as he dropped the gun. He looked at them again.
"Why would you do this for us?" Tee asked him as he stroked White's arm gently.
White tried to steady his breathing from crying so hard. He clung tightly to Tee's jacket. Phee let out a gentle sigh.
"Because... Despite what anyone may think of me now...I'm not like him or his brother," he replied as he walked over to them.
White was visibly shaking as he turned his head to look at Phee.
"T-Thank you..." White stuttered from being completely worn out.
Phee offered him a light smile.
"Don't mention it,-" He looked at Tee. "Can you walk?" He asked him calmly.
He wanted to try to ignore what happened. He knew that as soon as this reached the police he wouldn't be able to ignore it. Tee nodded in answer to him. He nodded back in response and went to the other side of White.
"I'll help you get him up,"
Tee didn't say anything as he nodded again. He stood to his feet and they both carefully helped White to his feet. He whined quietly from the pain. Phee and Tee both looked at him with concern.
"Can you walk?" They asked him at the same time.
White tried to step forward but it was too painful for him. He winced again as he stepped back. He shook his head and felt a little embarrassed. Tee looked at him and instantly hated himself. He knew this wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for him.
"I've got him," Tee spoke as he gently cleared his throat.
He tried so hard not to let the tears fall. He wondered if White would even want to stay with him after this. He couldn't help but recall how he had felt so much happier ever since White walked into his life. He hated thinking about what his life would be like without him now. He hated himself because he knew if he lost him now it would be all his fault. He shook away his depressing thoughts as he picked White up. He held his legs over one of his arms and supported his lower back with the other. White held his arms around his neck tightly and rested his forehead against Tee's. All he wanted to do was rest, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea yet. Tee walked him outside and over to where he saw Jin. Jin almost panicked seeing his friend like this.
"What the hell happened??" Jin asked them as he rushed over to them.
"It doesn't matter what happened, all that matters is he's safe," Tee responded, avoiding the truth.
He didn't know how his friends would see him after they learned the truth. To be truthfully honest all Tee cared about was the opinion of the man he loved more than life itself. He held White close to him as he sat on a rock. He held him on his lap and clung to him tightly. He let a single tear fall from his eye as he sat there quietly. All he wanted was for this to be over.
"Where's Phee? I heard a gunshot?" Jin asked with fear in his eyes.
Tee didn't look at him as he responded: "He's fine, New...Tan...Whatever you wanna call him...Is dead...Phee is checking on the others."
Jin sighed in relief as he looked towards the cabin again. He couldn't help but worry about whether or not any of them would be okay after this. Would any of them be the same after this? Would their friendships be the same? Would any of them be able to move on from this? His mind was crowded with these thoughts as he worried for the one he truly loved the most. All he wanted was to be with him. He didn't care about anything else.
Phee let out a soft sigh as he walked over to Top and Fluke. They were still unconscious from falling over the railing. He panicked as he rushed towards them. He knelt in between them and checked to make sure both of them were still breathing. He breathed out a soft breath in relief. He stared at them for a long moment. He wondered how he could wake them up. He thought for a long while before an idea came to him. He stared at them before he raised both of his hands. He sat there like not doing anything for several seconds. Without a second thought he brought his hands down and struck them extremely hard on the face. They cried out in pain as they quickly sat up. Neither one of them could move their legs. They didn't realize that they had fallen across from one another at the bottom of the stairs. They turned around the best that they could after they heard each other. Both of them raged with hatred.
"You shot me!!" Top shouted to Fluke in anger.
"You pushed me over the railing!!" Fluke fired back with more anger.
"You could've killed me!!" They yelled out in sync.
They tried to wave their arms at each other. It was the only way they could go at one another other than with words. They both tried to move towards each other and cried out as they jerked their legs. Phee rolled his eyes.
"You both have a broken leg and you're still trying to fight," he slapped his forehead in annoyance at them.
He took out the antidote and the lighter. He was actually kind of happy that this was the last time that he would have to use this. After lighting it he took several hits from it, blowing the smoke directly at their faces. Top and Fluke didn't say anything as they looked at Phee and then at each other. It was silent for about a minute before they started at it again. Phee was slowly becoming more annoyed. He hated to see two close friends like them at each other’s throats. He was used to them being happy and goofing off with one another, especially Top. He hated that because of all of this he may have caused a quarrel between friends. He may be the cause of ruining their friendship. He hoped they would reconcile and work it all out, but he wasn’t very confident. In his annoyance he smacked them both on the backs of their heads.
"Would you two quit fighting long enough to realize that neither of you are actually dead?! You just broke your legs. Stop and look around you long enough to realize we're gonna make it outta here! If you continue to fight like this, I'll knock you both out again Might make it easier to get you both outta here," Phee rolled his eyes as he stood straight to his feet. "Now, I'm gonna go get Tee to help me get you outta here, try not to actually kill each other while I'm gone,"
As soon as Phee started to walk out of the cabin they immediately started to bicker again. Phee sighed annoyed as he shook his head. 'Idiots' He thought. As soon as he walked down the driveway to his friends, Jin was almost overjoyed to see him still alive.
"Phee!" He anxiously exclaimed as he rushed to him.
He threw his arm around him. Phee didn't know how to react to this. He never expected Jin to do this. He thought that even though they made up, Jin would ever forgive him. He didn't want to waste another second. He didn't want him to think that he didn't want this. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. He buried his face in his neck and tried not to cry from the stress of everything that happened.
"I thought..."
"I'm alright, don't worry, we're all gonna get outta here," Phee reassured him.
Jin leaned back to look at him.
"What about Top and Fluke?" Jin asked him, worried.
"They're alive, bickering like always, they have a broken leg, both of them," Phee looked at Tee. "If you wouldn't mind helping me get them out here?" He asked Tee.
Tee nodded to him. He moved to set White down but stopped as soon as White started to freak out and whimper. Tee ran his hand soothingly over his back. He lifted his face to look at him.
"Shhhh, baby boy it's okay. I'm just going to help our friends, I promise you that I will come back to you. The danger is over, we're gonna be okay now," Tee placed his hand on the side of his face and he gently ran his thumb over his cheek. "I promise it's gonna be okay my love,"
White didn't say anything. All he did was nod in response. He winced as Tee placed him gently on the ground. He stood to his feet and gave one last look at White. He softly sighed. He didn’t want to leave his side but he knew it would only take a moment. He cleared his throat before he finally looked away.
"Will you look after him while we go in to help Top and Fluke?" Tee asked him calmly.
Jin nodded in answer to him and walked directly over to White. He knelt on the ground beside him and placed his hand on his back gently in a comforting gesture. Phee looked at Tee before they turned and headed inside the cabin. They walked over to their friends, who were to Tee’s surprise actually arguing. He wondered what Top’s dumbass could’ve said this time.
"Seriously?" Tee asked with a cocked brow.
"They've been doing this since I left them," Phee replied as he slapped his hand to his forehead.
Tee sighed annoyed as he walked over to them. All he wanted to do was get back to White. He didn't want to care about anything or anyone else. He leaned down and slapped both Top and Fluke's foreheads as hard as he could. They both complained out in pain as they looked at him.
"Quit arguing! Be thankful you're both still alive! All you've got is a broken leg! Some of us weren’t that lucky! You two should be lucky we don't make you two crawl outta here!"
Phee couldn’t stop himself from snickering.Top and Fluke didn’t say a word as they looked at Tee.
"Why are you shirtless?" Top asked Tee with a raised brow.
Tee didn't say anything as he looked at him.
"You're so nosey Top! Maybe he's shirtless cause he's hot, after everything that's happened tonight, I'm hot myself," Fluke said to him as he rolled his eyes.
"You're hot too? Then take off your shirt," Top suggested.
"You pervert, I'm not gonna go shirtless in front of you guys, especially you," Fluke raised an eyebrow as he glared at him.
Phee and Tee both rolled their eyes. They completely ignored their arguing as they picked them up. They held them the same way Tee held White previously, to carry them out easier. Both of them were so tempted to knock their heads together as they walked them out. They may have been their friends but they found their arguing to be extremely annoying. As they approached the others outside Jin stood to his feet and helped Phee set Fluke down carefully. The two were still arguing over.
"What are they fighting about?" Jin asked in question.
"Whether or not Fluke will take his shirt off or not," Phee replied as he tried not to laugh.
"I'm sorry what?"
Phee couldn't stop himself from chuckling. For a brief moment after he saw Jin acting even slightly normal with his friends, he felt like everything was gonna be okay. He wished more than anything that he could believe that, but he wasn’t so sure that it would be. While Fluke, Top, and Jin discussed the shirtless topic, Tee shook his head. He was still annoyed. He walked back over to his boyfriend and sat down beside him. White gently whined from the pain as Tee carefully pulled him into his lap. He wasn't sure that he could make up for what he did, but he wasn't going to give up. No matter what happened.
Phee looked towards the sky as the sun began to rise over the cabin. After everything that happened, he couldn't believe it was finally over. He couldn't believe they would all be free. He didn't have to worry about the pain of not knowing what happened to his ex following him everywhere. He wasn't sure he would ever get over the guilt, but now he had another reason to keep going. He looked directly at Jin who was laughing with Top. He was surprised to see any of them laughing. For a moment it's like nothing happened. All of them wanted to forget. It was like they were back to normal. Except Fluke. He stared at the ground with pure hatred that could be seen deep within his eyes. He wasn’t sure if he could ever move on. That’s all Tee wanted to do. The only thing he cared about was White. He didn’t want any reminder of that weekend. White just wanted to be with Tee. He wanted to keep the others as his friends, but he wanted the environment around them to be safe. Jin wasn’t sure what he wanted. He kept thinking that they had that party for his farewell. He was still tempted to pack up and leave to study in America. Even if things were sort of patched up with Phee, he didn’t know if they would ever move past being friends. He thought it might be better for him to pack up and leave. Top was confused more than anything else. He knew he wanted to move on, but he wasn’t sure that he could. He knew that none of them would be the same. He feared that this was the end of their friendships. After so many years could it really be over? Phee was only focused on one thing. He didn’t care about any of the others. His reason for living had changed. He wanted a new outlook for himself. One where he could live surely with his friends around him and not have to worry about being questioned about trust. There was one question that remained over any others. Could they all forgive him for being a part of New's plan? Could Jin forgive him? What if his nightmare had just begun?
~Time Skip: Several hours later~
Phee stood directly beside Jin, who was sitting on a hospital bed. The nurse was on the other side of him. Jin was a little nervous as she was filling out the last of her paperwork for him. He took in a deep breath as he watched her. His heart started to race as he felt Phee move some hair out of his face gently with his finger.
"I told you, I was going to bring you to a doctor when this was all over," Phee told him with a soft smile.
"Yeah, well, Tan's betrayal made me wonder if we were ever going to see daylight again," Jin said to him with a sigh.
Phee didn't know whether to be happy or concerned that he didn't mention his name. Jin knew that Phee never wanted anyone to get hurt. He felt as though he was genuine towards him. He was confused about how Phee felt. He questioned why he never said anything back when he confessed his own feelings for him. Then he wondered if maybe Phee was mad at him for posting that video of Non, but he wasn't saying anything. He sighed as he looked at the floor.
"Thank you for staying with me Phee,"
Phee lifted his chin to meet his gaze.
"I also told you that I would always protect you, didn't I?"
Jin couldn't help but smile shyly as he looked away. Phee gave a gentle smile. After spending this time with him again, Phee knew that he never wanted it to be anyone other than him for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure how to tell him this, but he knew he didn't want to lose him.
"Okay, Mr. Sukmek, I have to reset your shoulder, unfortunately, if it stays like this it will be set off and could cause you pain, almost like a constant ache everyday," the nurse explained to Jin.
"Would it really be every day?" he asked her nervously.
"The pain might not be so bad, but there are a lot of things you wouldn't be able to do like you could before,"
Jin let out an anxious sigh as he looked at her. He gave her a slight nod. All he wanted was for his life to go back to normal. He wasn’t sure that was even possible after everything that had happened. He wanted to forget all the bad and move on with his life. He wasn’t completely sure that he wanted him to be a part of that life or not. He knew that he had a lot of thinking to do. He knew how he felt about him, but he wasn’t sure how he felt and that bugged him more than anything.
"If it makes you feel any better you can hold your boyfriend's hand," the nurse offered him a gentle smile.
Phee's stomach dropped upon hearing this word. He knew that it wasn't true but he hoped it would be and hearing it from an outsider was enough to confirm what he truly wanted.
"Oh, he's not my-"
Jin looked between the nurse and Phee for a second without saying anything more. He quickly took Phee's hand and gripped it tightly. Phee didn't know how to respond. He felt disappointed that Jin would probably never look at him as his boyfriend, but he was happy that Jin was willing to hold his hand at a time like this. The nurse gave them a knowing smirk. It was almost as if she could see what they couldn't. Jin's stomach was practically in his feet as the nurse grabbed a hold of his arm. She looked directly at him.
"Are you ready?" She asked for confirmation.
"Not really," he responded a little shaky.
Phee gripped his hand tightly.
"Just do it, don't count, just do it. It's almost like ripping off a bandaid," Phee added for encouragement.
"It is not li–" Jin suddenly cried out from a sudden sharp pain. He looked back and forth between the nurse and Phee for a moment.
She was smiling as she removed her gloves. She grabbed the sling and wrapped it around him and placed his arm inside. Jin winced a little in pain.
"All done, now just keep your arm elevated in this sling for several days to a week and you should be as good as new, any questions?" She asked him sweetly.
"Uh no...I think I'm okay," Jin replied a little stunned.
"Make sure not to lift anything too heavy for a while, you don't wanna aggravate the dislocation,"
"I'll make sure he doesn't nurse, and that he gets plenty of rest,"
Phee offered a kind smile as he still had hold of his hand. The nurse returned his smile kindly, before she looked at Jin.
"You're so lucky to have someone take care of you like he does. Don't take him for granted, he's special and deserves someone to show him that,-"
Jin's face turned bright red as he gently squeezed Phee's hand. He looked away from them, and silently cursing himself for becoming so shy. Phee couldn't look away from him. His reaction was the best thing he'd seen all night. The nurse chuckled as she looked between them.
"Have a great night you two," she kindly said to them before she walked away.
Jin was still embarrassed as he looked at Phee. He cleared his throat lightly as he looked at their hands. He was trying to look everywhere other than directly at him.
"Come on, let's go home, I'll get us something to eat," Phee offered with a gentle smile.
Jin quickly looked at him. He stood there and thought for a moment before he sighed.
"Phee, thank you for your help, but I can take care of myself," Jin responded.
He tried to speak as calmly as he could. He didn't want Phee to know how much he wanted him to come home with him. He wasn't sure he wanted to be alone, but he would never admit that.
"Jin, you have a bad dislocated shoulder, there isn't much you can do by yourself right now. And you need to eat, I happen to know you haven't eaten in about a couple of days,"
"I'll be fine Phee, you don't need to be worried about me. I can take care of food for myself and I don't need someone to look after me. Besides you've had a long few days you need to rest. You don't need to worry about taking care of me when you need to rest too,"
Phee couldn't stop the small smile that crossed his face. Jin raised an eyebrow as he looked at him.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because the boy I like is worried about me,"
Jin's stomach dropped after hearing that come from him. His mind drew a blank and he didn't know what to say. It was like he couldn't even move, let alone think clearly. He had wanted to hear him say that for so long. Now that he has, he couldn't believe what he heard. It was almost unreal to him. His heart was racing as he tried to keep his breathing steady.
"Who says I'm worried about you? I'm just concerned you won't get enough rest to pass the final exam and have to retake the last course. I don't wanna hear you complaining to me for a year,"
Phee chuckled lightly, "Then let us rest together, please Jin-"
Jin sighed a little annoyed. He was more annoyed with himself than anything else. He wanted to let himself open up completely to Phee, but he was scared that if he did, he would get hurt. He felt like he had to protect himself.
"I won't rest at home very easily, I wanna be with you to make sure you're truly gonna be okay. Please let me stay with you,"
Jin was surprised to hear Phee begging like this, but if he was being truthfully honest, he enjoyed every second of it.
"Fine, you can stay with me, but don't get any ideas,"
Phee smiled at him brightly.
"I wasn't even thinking about that,"
Even though he had thought of that and their time together several times, he had no intention of making a move until Jin was ready.
"Okay, sure,"
Jin hopped off the bed and stood in front of him.
"Come on let's go," he offered.
Phee couldn't stop smiling.
"Can I still hold your hand as we leave?"
Jin took his hand from him as he started to walk.
"Oh come on Jin, please," he tried to take his hand again but he moved it away.
Phee sighed slightly and wondered if Jin would ever actually warm up to him completely.
"Just this once?"
Jin rolled his eyes, "No,"
"Please, I won't ask again?"
"If you annoy me too much, I'll make you go home alone,"
"Okay, sorry, I won't ask anymore,"
Phee threw his hands up in surrender as he let out another sigh. He wasn't sure if he could ever get Jin to open up to him again. He knew he screwed up, but all he wanted to do was make up for it. He wanted Jin to know that his feelings for him have changed. Or had they always been the same and he was just now realizing it? All he could think about was how much he wanted him to know his true feelings. He wanted him to know how much he truly cared about him. He wanted him to know that he loved him. He wasn't sure if he could ever say those words to him. He didn't know if Jin would ever want to hear them. All he knew at this point was that he wasn't going to give up. He would continue to pursue Jin until he realized his true feelings for him.
Tee sat on the stool beside the hospital bed. He held White’s hand tightly in his. His heart hasn’t stopped racing since they arrived. White had passed out in the ambulance. Tee knew it was only from the pain but he couldn't help but to worry about him. He constantly wondered if the knife had gone deeper than he thought it had. He wondered if when White jerked from the pain, the knife hadn't done more damage than they thought. The doctors told him that he would be okay, but he couldn't help but be worried that he wasn't waking up. He gently ran his thumb over the top of White's hand as some tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he needed him. He didn't want to lose him. He couldn't live without him. He was terrified that White would look at him differently and want nothing to do with him anymore.
"I am so sorry for everything that's happened, White. This is all my fault...The stabbing... The...This never would have happened if I hadn't made you come with me. You never wanted to come with me in the first place. I was just scared to be without you. I wanted to have fun with you and instead I....I brought you into this mess...I have caused you so much pain...I don't know how to make it up to you...I don't know if I can...But I'm going to die trying..." Tears streamed down Tee's face as he talked to his unconscious boyfriend. He wasn't sure that he could hear him, but he knew he had to try. "I honestly don't know if I have ever said this to you before, but...."
White stirred in his sleep lightly. He could hear Tee talking and he wondered what he was going to say. He hated to hear him cry. His eyes were still closed but he knew he was crying just by listening to him. He kept completely still, pretending to be asleep as he listened. Tee struggled to find the right words to finish his sentence. White could feel his heart start to race. He was anxious to hear what he had to say, but he didn't want him to know he was awake yet in case Tee got scared and didn't finish.
"I don't even know if you can hear me...I hope that you can...I don't know why this is so hard to say...Maybe it's because I know that I don't deserve you..." More tears fell from his eyes as he looked directly at him. "I love you, White...I love you so much-"
White's heart started to beat so loudly he was afraid that Tee could hear it from where he was sitting. A single tear fell from White's eye. He honestly didn't know how to respond to this at first. He had been waiting for Tee to say this for so long. He knew how he had always felt for him but he wasn't sure that Tee shared his true feelings. He knew that he liked him but he wasn't sure how far it went.
"And I know that I don't deserve you to love me back, and I know that I have no right to beg you to love me, but I won't give up on you. Even if you reject me, I'm gonna-"
"I love you too,"
Tee quickly looked at White as more tears streamed down his face. His heart was racing a million miles a minute as he looked at him.
A soft tear fell from his eye as he looked at Tee.
"I knew I loved you from the moment you decided to give me a chance to get close to you," White explained to him as he looked directly into his eyes.
Tee squeezed his hand as he moved closer. He sat on the bed beside him.
"But I don't -"
"I don't care what you did Tee, it's in the past, and I know you haven't had a real chance to explain it all to me yet, but I can't make you open up to me. I may not know who you were back then, but I know how you are now and that's the Tee that I fell in love with. I know you have a past you don't wanna talk about and I don't know if it's because you think you're protecting me or because you don't want to tell but what's most important to me is how you feel about me. You said that you changed after you met me. That you felt happier. Like you wouldn't know what to do without me-"
Tee couldn't look away from him as his heart started to beat even faster. He felt like he was falling even more deeply in love with him with every sentence he said.
"Well....I feel the same way Tee..."
White looked at their hands for a second and locked his fingers with his. He smiled gently as another tear fell from his eye. He looked at Tee again as he continued:
"I've been happier since I met you. I don't know how to live without you either and I don't ever want to find out what that's like. Your past doesn't define who you are, you do...You have to ask yourself, what kind of person do you truly want to be Tee?"
Tee couldn't stop crying as he looked at him. He hadn't recalled ever crying this much in his life, but when it came to White, he would do anything for him. Even the slight hint of losing him in some way scared him more than anything else in the world. Tee moved closer to him as he saw a couple more tears run down White's face. He used his other hand to gently wipe the tears away. He gripped his hand gently.
"I wanna be the person that loves you for the rest of our lives without any indifferences. Without anything getting in the way. I wanna be the person who takes care of you over anyone else. I wanna be the person you can rely on no matter what the circumstance. I wanna be the one you love above all others. I...Wanna be yours,"
White's gaze never left Tee's eyes. He couldn't stop more tears from falling.
"Then what's stopping you?"
Tee couldn't stop the smile that passed his lips. He couldn't look away from him. He couldn't comprehend how happy he actually felt.
"Can I kiss you?"
White's heart started to beat a million miles a minute. He knew how respectful Tee was of him but he never expected him to ask this. Especially since White was the one who instigated their first kiss, to begin with. White could physically feel his face turning bright red as his cheeks became extremely warm. He couldn't even find the words to tell him yes. All he could do was give him a gentle nod. Tee smiled so brightly, White thought that he could light up an entire room. Seeing Tee smile was everything to White. He couldn’t help but to feel happier whenever he saw his smile. With everything that has happened over that weekend, White wasn’t sure how things would turn out. Seeing him smile like this told him that everything was going to be okay. He knew they would never be the same but they would still be together. He knew they would be stronger. Tee couldn't stop smiling as he leaned over. He placed his hand on the side of White's face and moved in closer. He touched their lips together and his smile grew even more. He kissed him slowly and passionately and couldn't stop the last couple of tears that fell from his eye. White placed his hand on Tee's arm. As they kissed, White's stomach was spinning in a thousand circles. It didn't matter how many times they had kissed, whenever Tee kissed him he fell in love with him all over again. Even with everything that has happened, and everything White has found out, Tee is still the only one he has ever wanted. He has never loved anyone as much as he has Tee. He doesn't want that to change. He didn't care what he had done in his past. All he cared about was them. He cared about their future and nothing more. All he wanted was to be with him. Tee's smile grew as he rested his forehead on his. He breathed very gently against White's lips. He looked directly into his eyes.
"Will you stay with me here tonight?" White softly asked him.
He didn't want to be away from his side no matter where he was. Tee took his hand and softly stroked White's hair.
"I'm not going anywhere," he replied with a gentle smile.
White blushed as he stared at him. He couldn't believe that he had found someone like him. He never thought that anyone could love him, let alone want to be with him. He didn't think he was cool enough for anyone, especially someone like Tee. He may not know everything in Tee's past yet, and he wasn't even sure he wanted to know everything. It wasn't because he would look differently at Tee, it was because he didn't want to see how tough Tee had it growing up. No matter what he found out about him, he knew that it would only make him love him more. He cared about him so much that hearing about his bad past would only make him cry. Then there was that part of him that wanted to know everything about him. He wanted to know what he went through so that he could be there for him the best that he could. Even if he didn't understand what he truly went through, he was still going to try to be there for him. Neither of them could stop smiling as they looked into each other's eyes. All they knew at this moment was that they had each other and that was all they needed.
Fluke sat on the hospital bed directly next to Top's. Not by his own choice, the doctors put them next to each other. Even though Fluke specifically told them he didn't want anything to do with him, they didn't seem to care. He couldn't even look at him. He wished more than anything that he could get up and walk away. He rolled his eyes as he thought of his broken leg. He sat up against the pillows with his arms crossed. He stared at the floor the opposite direction Top was. He tapped his thumb on his arm and was getting more annoyed at the very presence of him.
"Are you seriously not gonna talk to me?" Top asked him with a sigh.
Fluke didn't respond to him as he breathed out a heavy sigh. Top rolled his eyes at his response.
"Okay, if I haven't apologized, I'm sorry for pushing you over the railing, but in my defense, I was drugged," Top leaned over the best he could without hurting himself and spoke this last part in a quieter voice. "And you never apologized for shooting me, so you have no right to be mad at me,"
Fluke still didn't say anything in response to him. He refused to give in to him. He didn't want to talk to him. He didn't want to look at him. He wasn't even sure that he wanted to be his friend at this point. He knew one thing was for sure after he was released from the hospital, he never wanted anything to do with him ever again. He was hoping the others felt the same as him. He didn't want to see him again. He almost felt a strong hatred towards him that he couldn’t explain.
"Come on dude, you can't just stay mad at me forever-"
"Watch me!" Fluke burst out in frustration.
The tone of his voice made Top jump. He didn't understand why he was treating him like this. He was trying to think of what he could have possibly done to make Fluke hate him so much. He just couldn't understand it.
"What did I do to you?!" He shot back more annoyed.
"You're such a dick Top," Fluke rolled his eyes. He still refused to look at him.
"I have never done anything to any of you guys. Are you seriously blaming me for the things I did on that night?! I don't even remember half of it and the things I do remember are way too blurry to make out!"
"Of course you of all us would say that,"
"You're acting like a child Fluke! Okay maybe I shouldn't be mad at you for what you did to me because of the drug, but I already apologized to you, what else am I supposed to do?!"
"Apologies aren't enough this time!!"
"Then what do you expect me to do?!"
"Nothing! I expect you to do nothing! Because after this, I never wanna see you again..."
Top couldn't seem to understand why this statement got to him so much. He didn't know whether to feel hurt or angry. He was confused about feeling both.
"We're friends Fluke! Or do you not want to stay friends with me just because of what happened?!"
Fluke turned to look at him in anger.
"Do you honestly not remember what you did?!"
"Do I have to repeat myself?! All I remember is what you did to me and us both falling over the railing! I didn't think you were deaf Fluke, damn I thought we would at least be able to…"
"You killed Por!! And I don't give a damn if the police already cleared you or not for being drugged by New! I don't care what evidence they have from those cameras! I will never forgive you for what you did to our friend!"
Fluke turned away again He waited anxiously for the doctor to come back over to them. All he wanted was to get away from him. He didn't care how, he just didn't want to be near him. He would crawl away from him if he had to. Top was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't know what to do. His heart couldn't stop beating uncontrollably and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Being drugged so many times in one night, made him lose the one key important memory of what he did. Fluke was right, he may have been drugged, but it was still his fault.
Fluke looked at the doctor as he stood between the two beds. He was writing some stuff down on the paper on the clipboard in his hands.
"Excuse me, Doctor?" Fluke spoke up.
"Yes, Mr. Thianthong?"
"Please call me Fluke," he sighed, "I'd like to be moved away from him, this patient is bugging me and I'd like to rest,"
Fluke gave Top the side eye. It was almost a glare of pure hatred. Top still didn't know how to respond.
"Okay no problem, I have some nurses getting you guys' rooms ready, they should be done in a few minutes, we'll get you separated shortly,"
"Thank you, doctor,"
The doctor nodded to him and left them alone again. Top tried to find the words to speak to him. He knew he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. He could feel the tears behind his eyes, but he forced them back and cleared his throat.
"Fluke...I know... Saying I'm sorry isn't enough...I know saying that I…"
"You're damn right it isn't enough! What you did is unforgivable! Don't expect anything less from any one of us! Especially Por's parents!"
Top's eyes widened upon hearing that. His heart started to race even faster and his stomach started to spin so fast he felt nauseous.
"Y-You're not gonna tell them are you??"
"Maybe…Maybe not… I haven't decided yet…But if you keep bugging me, I might just call them right now,"
Top stayed silent for a moment silently begging that he keep this between them. He felt like there was nothing he could say to make this better between the two of them. He didn't know why he cared so much about losing a friend like Fluke, but for some reason, he wanted to fight as hard as he could not to lose him.
"Fluke...Are we...Do you still want to be..."
"I stopped looking at you as my friend the minute you killed Por,"
Fluke was so cold to him. Top couldn't blame him for this. He hated every part of himself. He couldn't recall any point in time in his life when he cried, but as he sat there looking at his cold friend, who refused to even look at him, he could feel some tears falling from his eyes. He didn't understand why Fluke's hatred seemed to hurt him so much. He wanted to make amends with him, but he didn't think that would ever be possible. He wondered if he should just give up or keep fighting for what he wanted. He wasn't even sure if his efforts would be worth anything. Fluke was right, his actions are unforgivable and he wouldn't be surprised if he lost everything because of this. He grew up a middle child with parents who cared more about his brothers than him. He never felt like he belonged anywhere until he met his friends. After what he did, he was afraid he was going to be alone. He wondered if he deserved to be alone. After what he did, maybe he shouldn't be here either. Maybe it would make it better for all of them if he just disappeared and was never heard from ever again. He watched as one of the nurses came over and started to roll Fluke's bed away. A couple more tears fell from his eyes, as he wondered if he was even worth it anymore.
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chloasiajones · 6 months
Final Family as TikToks pt. 47
Jake and Devon are the first couple and Junior and Lexy are the second couple.
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chloasiajones · 6 months
if devon evans has one million fans i am one of them. if devon evans has one thousand fans i am one of them. if devon evans had a hundred fans i am one of them. if devon evans has one fan then it’s me. if devon evans had no fans then i am dead. devon evans is my livelihood. if the world is against devon evans then i’m against the world. devon evans IS MY WORLD.
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chloasiajones · 8 months
Series Finale Part 31
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This is my brand new Avater Smau. It's a ZukoxF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On...
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen, Zuko, at her sisters pre wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get  too close. She decides to follow her advice but keeping him at arms length proves more difficult than she expects...
This is the final part. Guys I am so sorry that it took so long to make and finish this. If anyone is curious as to why I have it on my page. I will have it pinned at the top. Thank you so much for enduring till the end with me for those of you who stayed🥰 And to anyone who is interested I will be making a brand new Zuko smau, with a new story plot and new characters and plot twists. To anyone interested I can add you to the tag list. If not that is okay too❤
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chloasiajones · 8 months
Next Smau for Zuko
Forbidden Love
Azula and Ozai are working together to keep Zuko away from Y/n who is a waterbender
Zuko falling in love with someone from a different nation was highly unexpected for not only him, but his father. Not that he cares what his father thinks. At first he doesnt understand why the waterbender draws him in so much but he couldnt stay away from her. He wasnt going to let anything stop him from loving her. That is until his father finds out. Can Zuko keep his father from ruining the best relationship he's ever had?
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chloasiajones · 8 months
Hey guys this is an update about myself. I have been super busy over the past year. Trying to focus on getting my mental health better. A year ago I left a very bad situation. I actually moved to a different state to get away from it. I can tell you guys I have been much better lately. Thanks to a couple friends of mine. They are everything and helped me to see that I am worth something. I just wanted to explain to you guys that, this is why I havent been posting but I am doing better. And I will try to start posting a lot more, thanks for being patient with me🥰
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chloasiajones · 8 months
Special Edition part 30
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to finish these, I've been very busy and I also have har major writers block with this. My next Smau is gonna be much different
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This is my brand new Avater Smau. It's a ZukoxF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On...
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen, Zuko, at her sisters pre wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get  too close. She decides to follow her advice but keeping him at arms length proves more difficult than she expects...
Zuko's P.O.V.
As Naomi watched my daughter I couldn't help but to pace back and forth outside the temple, with one of my hands on my hips. I was trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. Was she really gone? No she couldnt be gone. Could she? I was also scared to lose her to my sister, but over her giving birth I never dreamed. Maybe she was too stressed. I know we both were. In which case Azula technically did kill her and I'll be planning my revenge against her.
   "Uncle dont try to talk me out of anything because it wont work. Azula did this to her and I'm gonna make her pay"
I could hear the anger rising in my voice as I spoke.
    "I wasnt going to nephew, I was just going to say I have laid Y/n down to rest on her final resting place if you would like to say goodbye to her"
Once again I started to pace.
    "No....I can't say goodbye to her...I won't just...let me get back at Azula for what she did"
    "Get back at me, yeah right I'd like to see you try,"
He mocking tone sent fire coursing through my spine and I didnt even notice how I had made fire daggers appear in my hands.
     "You did this!!" I shouted in pure rage.
    "Guilty" she smirked with a mocking laugh.
I shot a fire blast at her throwing her back into the pole.
    "I should've ended you when I had the chance!"
    "But you didn't, why is that I wonder. Must be the good heart you got from mother. I'm glad I took after father"
I could feel the anger boiling hotter within the second and all I could see was the hot orange fire blast I had now aimed directly at my sister. Of course she had to immediately defend herself with her blue fire. At that moment I didnt care. I was determined to win. I breathed heavily from the rage and the will power it took to keep from  breaking my end. Azula knew I was in a weakened state and unfortunately used this to her advantage. She made her flame larger, dissipating mine knocking me to the ground.
     "Face it Zuko, you've never been as strong as me and never will be" Azula laughed mockingly as she stepped closer.
I rested up on my elbows again as I looked at her. I could see out of the corner of my eye Mai and Jett staying back and out of the way. Smart choice on their end. I stared at my sister directly.
     "What are you waiting for then? End it,"
    Azula smirked, "Oh I will and I'm gonna enjoy it,"
My heart raced as she made lightening come from her finger tips. Though I could feel at that moment a slight sense of peace because I knew I would see Y/n again.
      "Zuko no!" My uncle called out.
    "Stay back uncle its okay,"
My uncle tried to go after my sister but all she did was knock him down and smirked back at me. I knew she was enjoying this too much. Just as she made the lightening bigger a large amount of air was shot directly towards us and my head turned so quickly to the side I almost gave myself whiplash.
    "How many times have I told you Azula??? Leave me and Zuko alone!"
A bright smile came to my face.
Despite not wanting to tears actually came to my face seeing her. Not to mention even more pure joy seeing the look of anger that crossed my sisters face.
     "What?! That's not possible!" Azula cursed in anger.
     "Surprise bitch-"
A blue fire blast was shot her way but it was quickly extinguished with air. I smirked watching her feeling ever so glad to have met her.
Y/n's P.o.V
I laughed looking at Azula. A part of me honestly couldnt believe how pathetic she was.
     "That all you got" I taunted.
It was worth it to see how angry she was becoming. She shot another fire blast at me and once again I blocked. Once the fire was diminished, I kept an air circle going and Naomi shot fire directly into the air circle causing it shoot directly at Azula. She looked shocked and a little scared. Again a fire blast from the girl only made this more fun for me. Noami threw a bucket of water into the air circle. I was able to manipulate the water and knock her directly onto her feet with it. The surprised look on her face actually made a laugh escape my lips. However she didnt give up as she stood to her feet shooting a larger blue flame at me. I made a side ways cyclone to dissipate it being knocked back a few feet. Naomi turned it up a notch and threw in several rocks, catching her off guard knocking her down again.
    "Had enough yet?"
I smirked proudly.
She stood to her feet, forming lightning in her hands aiming it directly at me. I didn't hesitate for even a second making a larger cyclone appear. Noami took charge, throwing fire, water and earth into it allowing me to manipulate all elements giving it everything I've got making Azula fall weakly to the ground. She panted as I stepped closer.
    "I may not be the Avatar, Azula, but I am an Airbender and I know how to manipulate other elements, so yes I am stronger than you. Deal with it. Now I am going to take Zuko back to Ba Sing Se where our family is and you are never and I mean never going to hurt my family or friends ever again!"
    She chuckled, "You'll never get Mai and Jett on your side," she mocked.
    I snickered, "Sorry to tell you sweetheart but they took off...together, so you're on your own"
I turned my back to her laughing as I walked over to Zuko helping him stand up.
    "You alright Zu?" I asked him softly.
    "Yes I'm fine but...How are you alive?" He asked dumbfounded.
     "I didnt mean to scare you love but it was the only way I could think to defeat Azula, please dont be angry with me"
He just looked at me for a moment before quickly wrapping his arms around me holding me tightly.
    "Angry? I could never be angry with you. I was just scared,"
He buried his face in my neck as gentle tears fell from his eyes.
     "Its okay I'm here my love, you didnt tell any of our friends I was dead did you?"
His eyes widened as he looked at me.
    "They had a right to know and I thought you were gone,"
I couldnt help to smile softly at him.
     "I guess they did," I chuckled, "Come on we will go tell them together as we check on our daughter together,"
I took his hand smiling gently as I walked inside with him. I wasnt sure how today was gonna turn out but I can tell you one thing I'm not disappointed and now I dont have to be afraid anymore. I can finally be happy with the one I truly love.
Part 31 Series Finale will be out today...
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chloasiajones · 8 months
I am literally geeking out sooooooooooo muchhhhhh😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
there was a video posted by IGN that features an interview with the producer of LN 3! it gives some cool information about low, alone, and the game itself.
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chloasiajones · 1 year
Decided to try something new. Let me know if I should make a part 2....?
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Possible Supernatural!Smau!CasXFemale.Reader
If I should make a part 2, reply and let me know
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chloasiajones · 2 years
Yo! Where's all my Supernatural Castiel lovers at😏😏😍😍🤭🤭😂😂
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chloasiajones · 2 years
Special Edition Part 29
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This is my brand new Avater Smau. It's a ZukoxF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On...
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen, Zuko, at her sisters pre wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get  too close. She decides to follow her advice but keeping him at arms length proves more difficult than she expects...
Zuko's P.O.V
My stomach was spinning in so many circles as I held Y/n's hand. I honestly felt like I was going to be sick. I tried being as strong as I could be for Y/n. Just the thought of being a father is terrifying to me. I've always hoped that if I was ever lucky enough to have a child one day that I could teach them, and raise them better than my father ever did with me. I never thought that I'd be a good father. I've always been terrified to be one. I've never had a good example, unless you count my uncle. After everything I've been through, I've never felt good enough to be one. Now that it's actually happening, I honestly don't know how to feel. I'm happy because it's with the one person I'm truly in love with, but I'm also scared I won't be a good enough father. I was ripped from my thoughts as the sound of crying filled the room. Naomi gave the baby to my uncle. He took my child in his arms and smiled as he walked over to clean them. I watched eagerly waiting.
"Someone's an eager daddy," Naomi said to me with a soft chuckle.
"I just want to make sure my child is okay," I told her anxiously.
"Your child is fine, my impatient nephew,-"
My uncle walked over to me.
"You have a beautiful baby girl," he said to me as he handed her over to me.
I was amazed as I looked into my daughters eyes. Is she really mine? Is this precious little girl actually my child?
"Y/n, she has your eyes," I said my fiance not being able to look away from my child.
No sound came from her as I stood there.
There was still no response. I looked at her and she was making no movement, no sound, and she was barely breathing. Fear overtook me as I just stared at her.
I gave my daughter to my uncle rushing to her side.
"Y/n, wake up please!!" I pleaded as tears filled my eyes.
Fear filled both Naomi and my uncle's faces.
"Uncle do something! Please!"
"There is nothing I can do Zuko. I am sorry...."
"No! I won't accept that! Fix her now!"
"There might be something, that I can do, but I don't know if we have the time,"
"Please Uncle, you have to try!"
"I will be back, try to keep her as comfortable as you two can,"
I said nothing as my uncle left me and Naomi alone with an unconscious, barely breathing Y/n. Naomi now held my child as it was just the two of us. My mind was crowded fog as I sat beside my fiance barely being able to breathe. I just get her back, and I'm on the verge of losing her again. I don't know how to fix her. I don't know how to fix this. I can't lose her. I can't live without her. Now I'm afraid I won't have a choice.
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Part 30 Coming Soon.....
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chloasiajones · 2 years
Sorry if this story has seemed like it was going no where. I was trying to write it to where it made sense. I guess it didn't work😂 I'm almost finished, probably only 2 or 3 more parts. I hope you guys have enjoyed this one otherwise
Part 28
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This is my brand new Avater Smau. It's a ZukoxF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On...
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen, Zuko, at her sisters pre wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get  too close. She decides to follow her advice but keeping him at arms length proves more difficult than she expects...
Part 29 coming soon....
(Also it will probably be a special edition)
Hey guys I'm sorry again for the late posting. I was in a really bad situation and I wasn't okay mentally and I had a hard time focusing on anything. I could barely focus on anything at all. But I moved away from it so I'm much better now. And my posts will start becoming more frequent again. I am going to say that this smau will be ending soon, however I'm going to be staring a new Zuko smau right after that. So if you're interested in a new adventure let me know and you'll be added to that tag list on the first post
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, just reply here or message me directly. I'd be more than happy to add you🥰❤
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chloasiajones · 2 years
Part 27
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Several Months Later
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Part 28 Coming soon.....
Hey guys I'm sorry again for the late posting. I was in a really bad situation and I wasn't okay mentally and I had a hard time focusing on anything. I could barely focus on anything at all. But I moved away from it so I'm much better now. And my posts will start becoming more frequent again. I am going to say that this smau will be ending soon, however I'm going to be staring a new Zuko smau right after that. So if you're interested in a new adventure let me know and you'll be added to that tag list on the first post
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chloasiajones · 2 years
Special Edition Part 26
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This is my brand new Avater Smau. It's a ZukoxF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On...
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen, Zuko, at her sisters pre wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get  too close. She decides to follow her advice but keeping him at arms length proves more difficult than she expects...
Y/n's P.O.V.
I held onto the strap of my bag as I walked over to Iroh, who stood by the docks. A tear slipped from my eye as I looked at the airship.
"I know this is hard to except, but it is the right thing to do," Iroh said to me as I stood before him.
"The right thing to do is to run away and not face the one person trying to keep me and my true love apart?" I spoke in the most sarcastic tone I could possibly find.
Iroh knew I was upset and angered by this.
"As of right now, this is the only thing you can do. If you were to face Azula right now in your condition, one little slip and you could lose what is most precious to you and my nephew. The most important thing to do right now, is to keep you and the baby safe from harm, and getting you away from Azula is what is best for both of you," Iroh explained to me.
I already knew all this. I didnt need any explanation. I knew he was right. I just didnt want to leave all of my friends. 
"He's right,-"
I looked just as Zuko walked over to me.
"Keeping you and our baby safe is the most important thing," Zuko said to me softly.
I couldnt help but to smile softly as I saw him. Being near him was everything to me. Knowing that him and I could be together again was everything to me. Then the reality of it all hit me again. Zuko and I may be together again, but we cant be happy with our friends. We cant be happy together in the one place that makes us the happiest. My smile dropped as reality hit me again. I looked down as a tear fell.
"I know," was all I could say to Zuko.
Zuko stood in front of me, placing two fingers on my chin, lifting my face towards him. He gently rested the palm of his hand against my cheek.
"I promise you this wont be forever Y/n. We're going to stop Azula and we'll be able to be with all of our friends again," Zuko reassured.
I wanted to believe him, but I saw the look in his eyes. Not even he believed himself. He didnt know how long we'd have to be away. He didn't know how long this would go on. He didnt know if we'd ever be with our friends again. Zuko pressed his lips to mine softly. I sighed as I looked at the airship.
"Come on, we shouldn't stay here any longer. They could be searching," I told Zuko as I walked to the ship.
He said nothing as he nodded following me and Iroh to the ship.
Several Days Later. . .
I rested my hand on my stomach as I bent over, trying to take in some deep breaths. Zuko hurried over to me kneeling down to look at me.
"Y/n, are you okay?! Is the baby okay?!" He asked me in a panic.
"Yes Zuko, the baby's  okay, I'm just a little nauseous, from the flight," I responded feeling my legs buckle.
Zuko held me in his arms, helping me to kneel on the ground.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me again, a worried tone to his voice.
He knelt in front of me.
"Yes I'm fine!!-"
Zuko went silent from my snapping. I sighed as I stared at the ground.
"I'm sorry - I just dont want you to see me like this," I told him calmly.
"I signed up for that the minute I decided I wanted to marry you," he told me.
"Zuko, you broke off our engagement four months ago, so that ship has sailed,"
"So has that one,"
He gestured to the airship. I tried not to chuckle as I slightly rolled my eyes.
"Dont be a smart ass,"
"That's all I know how to be,"
"Maybe that's why we get along so well,"
Zuko chuckled.
"Listen Y/n, I know I wasnt fair to you, and I'm sorry. I know I dont deserve this, but I'm asking you for another chance-"
I couldnt help myself as I looked at him.
"Everyday that I was with Mai, I was miserable. I couldnt stop thinking about you. Whenever I would look at Mai, I wished it was you. If I learned anything from being with Mai again it was how much love I have for you. I never loved Mai as much as I love you. I was afraid you would never forgive me, that thought hurts more than anything-"
Zuko was looking at the ground. I gave a gentle smile before I turned his face to look at me.
"But I do forgive you Zuko,"
"Marry me Y/n,"
"If I know anything it is how much I love you. And I want to spend everyday of my life with you. That one morning we woke up beside each other after first making love, I cant get the look you had on your face out of my head. The smile you gave me. Your cute morning voice-"
I scoffed slightly trying not to smile and let tears fall as I looked away from him. Zuko turned my face to his. He slipped his hand to the side of my neck, resting his forehead on mine. He now had a few tears falling from his eyes.
"The feeling of your lips on mine first thing in the morning-"
Zuko's lips were just an inch away from mine. I wanted to kiss him. I just wanted to get him to shut up and kiss me, but I wanted to listen to what else he had to say.
"Your arms wrapped around me when I made you breakfast-"
"Zuko you burned that,"
He couldn't stop himself from chuckling.
"I know, I almost burned the house down-"
"And I had to use my Airbending to put it out otherwise I wouldn't have had a home,"
"I want that everyday with you-"
I couldn't stop myself from laughing softly.
"You want to try to burn our house down everyday?"
"As long as you're there to put it out and no one else,"
I sighed not knowing what to say at this point. At this moment I couldn't help but to fall in love with him all over again, except this time it was deeper. So much deeper than it ever had been.
"Marry me Y/n,"
He leaned away from me only slightly.
I could see the excitement in his eyes.
"Yes Zuko I will marry you,"
He said nothing as he looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but to chuckle as he quickly pulled me closer to him smashing our lips together. He kissed me in a heated passion. All I could do was smile against his lips. As we kissed Zuko helped pull both of us to our feet. He rested both of his hands on the sides of my neck, looking into my eyes once again, resting his forehead on mine. We were both slightly out of breath from kissing.
"I love you so much Y/n,"
"I love you too Zuko,"
Just as he was about to kiss me again, I heard someone say:
I looked to see me and Zuko's best friend Naomi standing there. A smile crossed me as I rushed to her and hugged her.
"I can't believe you two are actually here!!-"
As Zuko hugged her, he held her tightly gently picking her up before setting her back down. Zuko knew Naomi back in the Fire Nation. I met her while on my journey helping the Avatar and them. We became fast friends. She's always been like a little sister to me and Zuko. Though what was weird to me was that she was all for helping Zuko teach Aang Firebending, but when it came to us leaving for the Fire Nation, she refused to go. She wouldnt tell us why, but I figure something bad must have happened. I didnt want to question her about it because I dont know how bad it was. I figured she'll tell me when she's ready to tell me. At least I hope she does. She couldn't stop smiling as she looked at us. In her excitement she hugged me again.
"I mean I knew you guys were coming, but I was just so excited! I havent seen you guys in so long! I was afraid I would never see you again! But now you're here and we're together and its the best day of my life!" Naomi spoke out of her excitement.
"We're happy to be here to hon," I told her with a soft smile.
"How did you know we were coming?" Zuko asked her curiously.
"It was Iroh, he messaged me and told me to make sure everything was ready for you guys. He also told me what went on between you two, and I wasnt sure if you two wanted separate rooms or not. Though seeing as what was happening when I came out here, one room might be fitting-"
Naomi was giving us a knowing smile. Zuko looked a little irritated.
"How long we're you standing there before saying anything?" He asked a little annoyed.
Naomi chuckled, "Long enough-"
She leaned closer to me. As she pointed her thumb back at Zuko she said to me:
"I see he's just as grumpy as he was when the three of us would hang out."
"That he is," I agreed as I looked at Zuko.
I tried to keep a straight face as Zuko spoke defensively:
"I am not grumpy!"
Naomi laughed as she grabbed my hand and Zuko's, placing them in each others. Zuko and I couldnt help but to smile as we looked at one another. He took his fingers locking them with mine. I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks. I hate that Zuko still has that affect on me.
"Congratulations you two," she told us, happy with what she did.
I pressed my lips together as I looked at her.
"Thanks Little Bird," I spoke softly.
"So, separate rooms or one?" Naomi asked again.
Zuko looked at me directly as he said:
"That's up to Y/n."
I sighed softly as I looked at them.
"I'd kind of like my own room-"
Zuko had a disappointed look cross him.
"I'm sorry, but right now I just want to be alone. And it has nothing to do with you, it's just everything that's happened. I'm having a hard time processing it all and I just need to think," I explained to him.
He was silent for a moment before he nodded and said:
"I understand. As long as you're happy that's all I want."
I pressed my lips into a small smile as I nodded to him.
"Okay separate rooms it is then. Oh! I almost forgot, congratulations on the baby!" Naomi stated with another excited smile.
"Zuko!!" I exclaimed as I face palmed myself.
"What?! I didnt do it this time!" He defended.
I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms looking at him.
"I didn't,"
Naomi laughed softly, " Actually it was Iroh who told me-"
"Of course it was," I stated looking at the ground in defeat.
"I think someone owes me an apology," Zuko told me.
"Not gonna happen asshole,"
All Zuko did was chuckle.
"Come on you guys I'll show you where you'll be staying for now," Naomi said to us before gesturing us to follow her.
I sighed as Zuko and I grabbed our bags starting to follow her. I didnt want this to be my life now, but I didnt have a choice. I wish I did, but Zuko and Iroh are right. I have to keep this baby safe and the only way to do this is to stay away from where Azula and Jet are. I have to accept this.
Later that night....
I sat on the edge of my bed staring at the light of the moon as it shown through the window. With all the thoughts going through my head, I knew I wasnt going to be able to sleep. All I could think about was how much I didn't want to be alone when I slept. The only person I slept next to for the past four months was Jet. All those times when I slept next to Jet, I always wished that it was Zuko. When I would wake up seeing Jet laying next to me. I wished more than anything that it was Zuko. I wanted it to be Zuko. From the moment I first laid my eyes on him. I wanted it to be Zuko. I knew it had to be him. It has to be him. It cant be anyone else. Whenever I think of love, all I see is Zuko's face. I sighed as I stood from my bed walking to my door. I didnt think twice before opening the door and walking down the hall to Zuko's room. I knocked gently as I spoke quietly:
"Zuko? Are you sleeping?"
There was no answer. I sighed gently disappointed. I knocked again this time a little louder.
"Zuko? Please?"
I sighed turning away when again there was no response. It's the middle of the night. Of course Zuko would be asleep. Only an overthinker like me would still be awake. I went to walk away, until I heard the door open.
"Y/n, you okay?"
I turned to see Zuko standing there with no shirt, driving me absolutely wild. I knew I couldnt think about that now.
"I couldnt sleep," I told him softly.
"You too huh?" He said in the form of a question.
I nodded to him softly. He stepped aside gesturing his hand.
"Come on in," he said to me softly.
I gave him a soft smile before walking into his room. He closed his door before taking my hand, walking me over to his bed. Neither of us said anything as we laid down together. Zuko laid behind me, wrapping me tightly in his arms.  He moved his hand, taking mine in his. I held onto his hand tightly honestly afraid that he would disappear. I let a tear fall from my eye as I snuggled closer to him.
"I miss them Zuko,"
He sighed before placing a gentle kiss to my ear.
"I do too my love,"
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Part 27 Comin soon....
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, just reply here or message me directly. I'd be more than happy to add you🥰❤
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