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Meet the “Messi of the Carpathian Basin”, the greatest vicar of Bray or turncoat,  Hungarian politics has seen in the past 100 years! Viktor Orbán, or as many like to call him, the Viktator. (He has many nicknames one of them coined by his former and oldest allies who was later dumped by him over a dispute about the state of the media. The name is O1G, an abbreviation for “Orbán egy Geci” meaning “Orbán is a Spunk”) 
He started out a liberal democrat in the late ‘80-s, now he sports a far-right wing illiberal system called NER (System of National Collaboration), where he as PM has no official savings but works from the Castle District of the capital, has a stadium built in the backyard of his home in his hometown - he is a passionate football fan so why the hell not? In the past 11 years he managed to tear down all checks and balances, his cronies occupy all seats in all major institutions. He managed to bend the majority of media outlets to his will, has his private oligarchs, one of them a former gas-man from his hometown who is currently his own personal wallet with a fortune enough to be listed among the Fortune 500! He attacks the EU verbally on a daily basis yet keeps his pockets wide when it comes to funds being distributed by the EU. Just recently during the Covid-19 pandemic Hungary managed to have highest death toll RATIO in the world yet he boasts about the successful efforts mitigating the effects of the pandemic. Anybody who has a different opinion than him is seen as a lesser person, period. Also it’s worth mentioning that he is one of Putin’s pets and his Trojan Horse in the EU. 
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Brazil’s PM has earned his nickname by letting the coronavirus pandemic sweep the country. Honorable mentions are  trampling on indigeneus people’s rights mixed with a pinch of fascist rhetoric, wrecking the environmental politics thereby causing an enormous damage to the Amazon rainforest AND thereby to the whole World. He achieved all this in two years since he was elected in 2019.
Now he could face charges in the international criminal court (ICC) in Hague after being accused of crimes against humanity.
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Xi Jinping aka “The Great Accelarator”
He is the president of the People’s Republic of China since 2013, first man of the Chinese Communist Party. He is by definition a dictator. 
Under his tenure there has been an increase of censorship and mass surveillance, a deterioration in human rights, the development of a cult of personality around him, and the removal of term limits for the leadership under his tenure. 
According to activists, "Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982", and according to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China, has involved "destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith"
Following several terrorist attacks in Xinjiang in 2013 and 2014, Xi launched the "people's war on terror" in 2014, which involved mass detention, and surveillance of ethnic Uyghurs there. Xi made an inspection tour in Xinjiang between April 27 and April 30 in 2014. As of 2019, China is holding one million ethnic Uyghurs in internment camps in Xinjiang. Various human rights groups and former inmates have described the camps as “concentration camps”, where Uyghurs and other minorities have been forcibly assimilated into China's majority ethnic Han society. Internal Chinese government documents leaked to the press in November 2019 showed that Xi personally ordered a security crackdown in Xinjiang, saying that the party must show “absolutely no mercy” and that officials use all the “weapons of the people's democratic dictatorship” to suppress those “infected with the virus of extremism”.  The documents also showed that Xi repeatedly discussed about Islamic extremism in his speeches, likening it to a "virus" or a "drug" which could be only addressed by "a period of painful, interventionary treatment.” However, he also warned against the discrimination against Uyghurs and rejected proposals to eradicate Islam in China completely, calling that kind of viewpoint "biased, even wrong".
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One of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s best nicknames is the “Puppetmaster” (кукловод) and I would say he earned it. 
Former KGB officer turned politician, he is currently serves his fourth presidential term and will do so presumably until his death. He has built a  vertical political structure where he really doesn’t have any serious opposition. Those who try to oppose him or turn against his version of Russia, have to deal with smear campaigns, prosecution, incarceration, assassination and sometimes poisoning with Novichok. Since 2012 Russia has enacted many restrictive laws, started inspections of nongovernmental organizations, harassed, intimidated, and imprisoned political activists, and started to restrict critics. During his tenure violence against LGBTQ people has risen due to a law that was passed. His meddling with the 2016 U.S. elections in favor of Donald Trump is a widely known assumption that many people view as fact. Both Trump and Putin have denied any interference in the U.S. election.
But this video tells all there is to know about Putin:
Yesterday he started a WAR against Ukraine based on false accusations. He just might have started World War 3 but we don’t know yet for sure.
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Perhaps the most famous leader of our time, the one and only Donald Trump. What can you say about this man that hasn’t been said before? 
He is the american dream personified, inherited his fathers wealth and real estate empire, skipped army recruitment multiple times, he’s illiterate, a narcissist, a failed business man who knows the art of the deal, a con man, a sexual predator, grabber of womens’ pussies, a professional liar, he made more than 20.000 false claims since his inauguration, has no respect for any other people, families, minorities etc. and of course his inability to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic cost the USA more than 200.000 lives. Oh and don’t forget his tax returns! He proclaimed himself to be the greatest president of the USA ever, who has done more for the americans than any other president before him. Except maybe Lincoln, he ended the slavery thing...
The elections are one week away. I really hope that the american people can vote him out of the White House! Because if not, they will know what it really means to live in an authorian state.
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1. Create an ideology
To justify your actions, use or invent an idea and make it a brand
2. Extend executive power
Dissolve the system of checks and balances by occupying and weakening federal institutions
3. Repress citizen efforts to hold government accountable
Limit public protests, obstruct information of public interest, avoid clear answers
4. Rise your own oligarchs
Make a deal with the elite, reduce their taxes, make the underclass pay instead
5. Undermine public education
People will be less able to think critically for themselves
6. Control the flow of Information
Seize control over media, broadcast propaganda at home, misinform abroad
7. Divide society by creating enemies
Appeal to nationalism, dehumanize migrants, LMBTQ, ethnic and religious groups
8. Cripple the opposition
Infiltrate their ranks, use smear campaigns, detain and prosecute them if necessary, make them loathed by the public
9. (Covertly) Manipulate elections
Change voter districts, election and voter eligibility rules, place allies in electoral commissions
10. Play the emergency card
Declare a state of emergency, keep it ongoing at any cost while tightening public control
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What is FEAR about?
It’s dedicated to the despots, dictators and autocrats of the 21st century. People whose decisions affect billions of lives in the wrong way. The purpose is not to elevate or deify these people it’s quite the opposite. It’s rather a hall of faces of the most sordid fear-mongers of our times.
My name is STYGAI and this is my graphic project.
Fool Everyone And Rule
When I was a kid I was taught that an elected political leader of a country is supposed to be some kind of role model, a beacon of light, who is for the people and with the people. This is a nice utopia. As an adult I had to learn that politics is a lot more complicated and the meaning of “for the people” and “with the people” is always relative and changing.
For me it’s very simple when it comes to politicians:
don’t use politics to your own benefit
admit when you screw up and take responsibility
don’t threaten peoples’ lives and livelihood
After a relative peaceful 60-70 years the political landscape is shifting into the wrong direction. For long many people believed that democracy and liberalism is the answer to the opposing threat of communism. In the last 10 years it turned out that democracy is prone to fail and it’s rules can be bent and used at will, provided the right people are sitting in the right places. And so new types of hybrid regimes have emerged. 
The pillars of the liberal world are shaking. Most people don’t even realize what is happening. Maybe liberalism isn’t the best solution to our problems but I’m sure that an oppressing system isn’t one either. History has shown us a few examples of this.
I’ve read some months ago that politics has basically two messages to offer to voters: HOPE and FEAR. I agree on this but the worst part is that most of the time these are just two sides of the same coin. This coin is called POWER.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
We have to be aware that the decisions we make as humans affect our environment and other people around us and - even people we don’t know about. We have to be aware of the fact that currently we are all living on the same planet and if we make it unhabitable we would be simply screwed because we have no other place to go to. Planet Earth would be fine without the human plague for billion years to come.
People with absolute power don’t care about the future they only care about their legacy. All the other people are mere tools and products to achieve their goals. When they disregard science, common sense and basic humanity for the sake of their own short term benefit  we can be sure that they don’t act for the best interests of the human race: SURVIVAL. 
The prospect of wars to come and the changing climate will decimate humanity if we don’t act.
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Historia est magistra vitae
History is the teacher of life. Therefore you should learn from history as it provides many lessons.
The lines between good and evil are blurred by the overwhelming consumption of content we have to face day by day through the news, television and social media. We are in a constant bubble and the time for fact checking is basically non existent.
How do you recognize an emerging autocrat? A system of oppression? It’s simple: keep your mind open, educate yourself, learn to read between the lines, check the facts and connect the dots. 
Whatever happens don’t fall for the FEAR! Because FEAR is the MIND KILLER! FEAR is the only DARKNESS!
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