firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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The Shiver of the Vampires (Jean Rollin, 1971)
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Modern Witch Tip 🌬🔮
Time to wash your bedding? Add drops of essential oils to your wash.
• Lavender & Jasmine - Prophetic Dreaming
• Lavender & Chamomile - Restful Sleep
• Lavender & Cedarwood - Wards off Nightmares
Happy Casting
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Everyday witchcraft tips
Have an intention bath { like a salt bath for cleansing or a bath with lavender & rose petals for self love..}
Tend to your plants {look up the spiritual properties of your plants }
Save fruit peels for spells {save fruit peels like oranges, lemons, ect dry them out and use in your craft}
Use your incense ashes for black salt {put some black salt under your door matt to protect your home}
Go for a walk {keep an eye out for anything you can use in spell work, like feathers, shells, random plants ect}
Tidy up your space {clean your home & while your doing that imagine you also cleaning all the negativity & stagnant energy away}
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Types of salt magick
Himalayan salt -
love & cleansing. Protects relationships, removes negative blockages & curses.
Table salt -
All-round good cleansing properties
Red salt -
Home protection. Blocks negative energies
Black salt -
Powerful protective properties
Sea salt-
Purification, good for cleansing. Helps balance emotions
Green salt -
money & blessings. Good fortune
Blue salt -
Evil eye protection, cleansing & healing
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Spell casting basics
Intention -
What is the purpose of the spell, what are you trying to achieve?
Who -
Who is the target for the spell, is it for yourself or other people?
Location -
Where will you be preforming the spell or ritual, it needs to be a safe place where you will be uninterrupted.
Materials -
What do you need for your spell?Crystals, incense, herbs, candles.
Timing -
What time of day should you cast your spell for best effect and power.
Casting -
When it comes time to cast the spell use everything that you have gathered for the spell with intention.
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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Rain water or moon water
One drop of rosemary essential oil
Two drops of lemon essential oil
One drop of peppermint essential oil
One drop of lavender essential oil
An empty cleansed mistime spray bottle
NOTE: make sure you get a decent sized spray bottle, not a super tiny one because you need enough space for a good amount of water for the oils to evenly disperse in! You don’t want too little water and too much essential oil! If you need to, cut down on the oil drops you’re putting into it if it’s a slightly smaller bottle than the one shown in my picture.
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
hey. don’t cry. crush three cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in pasta of your choice ok?
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Witchcraft: Storm Correspondences
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Credit: Unknown
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
common outdoor items & their uses
a guide to common outdoor items and their magickal uses.
acorns- luck, protection, wisdom, power
walnuts- healing, protection, self care
pinecones- fertility, masculinity, growth, nature
pine needles- cleansing, healing, strength, banishment
pecans- employment, protection, success, abundance, prosperity
grass- growth, learning, healing, new beginning, grief, recovery
maple leaves- feminine, travel, change, decisions, healing
oak leaves- truth, justice, knowledge, steadfastness, protection, guidance
birch leaves- protection, cleansing, fertility, purification
dandelions- calling spirits, divination, healing
dandelion seeds- divination, wishes, manifestation, dreams, luck
dandelion leaves- defeating negativity, steadfastness, growth, purification
2 leaf clovers- love, luck, courage, cleansing
3 leaf clovers- protection, luck, fidelity, divination
4 leaf clovers- spirit work, luck, psychic ability, attraction
5+ leaf clovers- wealth, luck, attracting money, sanity
wild clover flowers- animal magick, blessings, breaking curses, luck, love
apple seeds- love, secrets, knowledge, gateways, divination, prosperity
tree bark- protection, binding, banishment, cleansing, purification
rocks- many rocks have crystals hidden inside, the most common is quartz types. if unsure, rockcs can represent strength, stability, protection and banishing. if you suspect its a crystal, look it up and discover the correspondences that matter to you!
will add more as i can, feel free to add your own!!
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Witchcraft: Magic after a Hiatus
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Credit: wiccantips
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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♡  made a little spread for a new met crush for yall  ♡
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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The power of water.
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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Source: Conventum
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Weekly Reflection Spread, with 2 extra cards that fell out during shuffling 🖤🤍
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Spread found here
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
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Law of Attraction spread
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firewithinthewitch · 1 year
Ultimate Deity Communication Tarot Spread
This is my own spin on the Ultimate Deity Communication spread. I combined two spreads when originally trying to identify my deities, and it resonated really strongly for me. This and this are the originals I combined. I did NOT write the bulk of the descriptors, that goes to The Tarot Guru who has some AWESOME material! The numbers on the cards are NOT a strict order to lay them in, they are simply for identification with the meanings. I lay them in different orders depending on where my intuition is calling me. Make sure to consider the interplay of different cards in this one! I always wait to flip the middle card until the very end because I want a good picture of the deity before I prejudice myself. I prefer to do this spread with my most neutral deck, specifically a Rider-Waite, because I have found that my deities have very different preferred methods to communicate with my but all of them can make this work. I only use this for identifying spirits, I use other spreads once I have identified them.
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1. Past Relationship
This may not have been the first time that you are receiving either communication or an outside influence from this particular deity, you just may not have been aware of it. This card will inform you whether they have influenced your life previously, as well as the instance that they involved themselves in. If you experienced a moment in your life that you did not understand, or if something happened with no explanation, you may finally get the answers you were seeking.
2. Present Relationship
Similar to the previous card, this one will inform you of the current influence that this deity is having on your life. Again, this may provide you with an explanation of events currently occurring in your life, or clarify any confusing feelings you may have. This card will, more than likely, relate to the influencing sphere of the deity.
3. Sphere of Influence
The third card to be drawn will represent that deity’s sphere of influence. This will provide you further insight into the identity of the deity, as each deity has its own specific spheres of influence. The sphere that has been represented on this card may relate to the conversation or advice that the deity wishes to share with you, usually meaning that this sphere is going to change or is changing within your life.
4. Personality Traits of the Deity
Now that you have an overall image of what the deity is like, the following card will inform you further on their specific personality traits. This card may represent the deity’s most overwhelming personality trait, alternatively, it could symbolize a personality trait that the deity shares with yourself. The personality trait could also be one that you should either develop or become more attuned to.
5. Why work with this Deity?
At this point of the tarot reading, you may be wondering why you should work with this deity, this card will provide you with the answer. Perhaps you have been seeking help relating to this deity’s influencing sphere, or maybe change is coming in this sphere within your personal life. Either way, the deity will know whether you need their help or support. They are here to help you, and you should absorb and understand the guidance and advice that they are giving you. Remember that just because a deity wants to work with you doesn't mean that you have to accept.
6. What They Desire From You
Most of the time, deities will wish to communicate with you when they want to give you advice relating to their influencing sphere. This card will inform you of what they wish you to do after understanding the conversation. This could be an action that they wish for you to complete or inner contemplation and reflection that you should partake in.
7. How to Respect the Deity's Wishes
If the previous card confuses you, or you require further information, then this card may help. With all the information that the deity has provided so far, it may confuse you on how you should proceed. This card will provide you with insight on how you can respect the deity’s wishes and follow their guidance to the best of your ability.
8. How This Will Improve Your Relationship
This card will symbolize how you can improve your relationship with this deity. Whether you already have a strong relationship, or if this is the first time you are communicating, every relationship always requires work to either maintain its high level or improve it. This card will inform you on what you can do in order to improve the relationship, whether that is following their advice or opening yourself up to further communication.
9. Past Lessons
What lessons have I learned from you in the past that can benefit me now?
10. Present Impact of Past Lessons
What is the best way to learn this lesson? How should I use what I gained from these lessons?
11. Signs
What signs should I look for from you?
12. Preferred Offerings/Service
Do you have any preferred offerings or things you would like me to do for you at the present moment, or in general?
13. Card Representing the Deity
The last card to be drawn will symbolize the deity themselves. This will be the strongest card to provide an overall representation of the deity rather than a specific part of their personality or attitude. You must remember, however, that this will not directly identify the deity but will simply provide you with a deeper insight that will allow you to trust and bond them.
Additional Cards
I often lay additional cards to get further clarification or additional details. Where that card is placed in relation to the others is very much based on your intuition. A few cards I usually lay are a card that they will use to represent me, and my other deities. I usually lay the one to represent myself crossing the 13 card, and the deity cards also go in the center. These give perspective on how the deity will work within and with your current pantheon and life.
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