indo-kindo1 · 1 month
But one fateful day, something inexplicable happened. A sudden and intense surge of overwhelming emotions engulfed Thomas's psyche. Anxiety, usually the most cautious and vigilant of them all, was caught off guard. Morality, Logic, Creativity, and the rest of the characters found themselves in a state of turmoil they had never experienced before.
Anxiety, despite being the oldest and the most anxious, was unable to offer any reassurance. Logic struggled to make sense of the chaos, while Creativity's once vibrant ideas became tangled and distorted. Even the Dark Sides, who had been a source of conflict, were overwhelmed by this inexplicable wave of emotion.
The Gray Sides, Sleep and Pinici, tried to provide comfort and respite, but they too were swept away by the emotional tempest raging within Thomas's mind. It was as if a storm had descended upon their world, and they were powerless to stop it.
One by one, the characters began to lose their memories. Anxiety's constant worrying faded into uncertainty. Morality's guiding principles became a haze. Logic's rationality was replaced by confusion. The Dark Sides lost their edge, and even Malice's bitterness started to dissipate.
Sleep and Pinici, the last to succumb, could do nothing but watch as the memories and personalities of their fellow inhabitants of Thomas's mind dissolved into nothingness. The house of imagination that had been their home for so long began to crumble, its rooms fading into obscurity.
In the end, there was only emptiness within Thomas's mind, a blank canvas where once a vibrant community of characters had thrived. They had all lost their memories, their identities, and their purpose. It was a bittersweet farewell, for although they were gone, their absence left Thomas with a newfound sense of clarity and peace.
As Thomas moved forward in life, he no longer carried the burden of his past emotions and conflicts. The characters that had once inhabited his mind were but a distant memory, a part of his history that he could no longer recall. And so, he journeyed on, unburdened by the complexities of his inner world, ready to face the future with a fresh perspective.
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indo-kindo1 · 1 month
Villain origin story
What's the point of being a hero? I found myself thinking that since I was young. Why is it that the heroes are praised for their work while the villains get tossed into the background never to be saved? Their stories never to be told. Well, that's all about to change very soon.
Stars that's all he could see when he first woke up, then a cold dampness on the side of his face warm to the touch and thick against the hard concrete digging into his small legs. (this is when they are kids Virgil is 14 Deceit is 20 and Remus is 18)
He heard hash intakes of breath next. And the feeling of a hand wrapped around his torso that's when he registered what was happening.
"Dad!" Tears streamed down the boy's eyes as he looked to his left seeing his father's blood covering his skin. The father looked at his son with fleeting strength, his voice weak with effort "Run Virgil!"
A laugh of pure evil came from down the alleyway freezing Virgil from moving an inch forward. His eyes widened as he watched the rubble of the ground shift tearing up as he clutched onto his dad's shirt holding onto it like a lifeline. As the villain laughed getting closer.
"Did you see that Dee? I slaughtered that guy!" Remus the second worst and most feared villain in the region, is known for his impulsive choices dangerous behavior, and murders.
Deceit smiles crookedly at the body that Virgil was trembling next to and turns to Remus bloody hands and all "How many is that this week twenty? I'm not impressed"
(Of course, being the personification of a lying being you have to perceive everything as the opposite of what he means so I will use bold italics for indicators of lies.)
Remus smiles wildly "Aww thanks Dee Dee that's so sweet!"
Virgil could not possibly understand how these villains could just talk as if they did not just kill his father and just stared at them in disbelief. Anger blocking out his fear he yells "Who are you people! Why did you do this!"
"Who are we, don't ask hmm. Well, you must not have heard the news were the villains and you Virgil well I haven't heard a lot about you." Deceit leans against Remus. Deceit may be young but has a lot of connections in the villain world that keep him at the top in their region full of teens and young adults.
I got to run but my legs won’t stop shaking! Virgil thinks to himself and flinches when the yellow-gloved man grabs his small shoulder “W-what do you want from me?!”
Deceit smiles down at him his scar riding up to show his fangs his scales glistening in the moonlight the drops of water making his umbrella seem more of a prop that compliments his black and yellow themes “I don’t want you to come with us we will be your… teammates!”
The purple-haired boy looks at them shocked “What? You killed my father and expect me to just go with you?!”
Remus giggles waving his mace around “We could take you with a few fewer limbs attached but we won’t be healing yah!” his face contorted to a vast smile, his mustache and hair in his face, his green outfit a very strong royal green fit for a duke!
With fear clawing inside Virgil's heart he gives in and goes with the villains.
Deceit smiles and teleports them to a house. Virgil will forever deny the yelp that came from his mouth
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indo-kindo1 · 1 month
Thomas’s mind palace
At the heart of this extraordinary realm was Anxiety, the eldest of them all. Anxiety had always been there, even before Thomas could remember. His constant presence made him the de facto leader, though he was also the most anxious of the bunch.
Around two weeks after Thomas's birth, a tiny giggle filled the air, and Morality came to life. Morality was a cheerful and earnest character who took it upon himself to guide Thomas's sense of right and wrong, always encouraging kindness and empathy.
As Thomas approached the end of his first year, Logic emerged, countering the whimsical creations of Creativity and the formidable Duke in his mind. Logic brought order to the chaotic world of imagination and served as a voice of reason.
In the shadowy corners of Thomas's mind, the Dark Sides lurked. They were born when Thomas was first told "no," and that raw emotion ignited Rage. Another incident, when Thomas broke a plate and lied out of fear, gave birth to Deceit.
Then there was Malice, created when Thomas's best friend from first grade betrayed him for a simple sucker. Malice was a brooding character, fueled by the pain of betrayal.
Amidst this turmoil, the Gray Sides watched from the sidelines. Sleep, the personification of Thomas's need for rest and respite, coexisted with Pinici, his childhood dream friend. Together, they symbolized the longing for moments of calm amidst the cacophony of emotions and experiences.
All these characters, each with their unique personalities and roles, lived together in Thomas's head, not as one, but as a complex tapestry of thoughts and emotions, shaping his actions and decisions throughout his life.
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indo-kindo1 · 1 month
Parenting is hard.
Virgil is the oldest of all the sides nobody knows this not even patton who is considered the oldest of the whole group
Everyone has emotions that develop over time a baby usually starts off with fear or happiness they can come out crying or laughing
Thomas was always told he was a happy baby by his parents so he never questioned who the oldest was “well it has to be Patton he has a lot of my happier emotions then Logan because after the split it would make Roman and Remus younger then Janus would be a bit older then the twins right?”
Virgil always thought it was fine because he was younger bodily than everyone else he was created from the very beginning of Thomases journey in the Void of his mind aimlessly walking around sides can’t be baby’s so he was around the age of 7 it was just him and Thomas for about three minutes then…
“Wow he is so cute!” A blond boy with freckles and dirty blond hair showed off his soft baby blue eyes full of hope. “Hi my name is Emotion but you can call me Happy!” He stuck his hand out to the fear filled boy.
Fear looked at the hand and shook it the world became a lot more busy after that Brain and Creativity joined in just a few months after Thomas learned his first word.
A house appeared once Thomas became the age of 4 looking exactly like his childhood home Fear and the others grew a lot slower than regular since they need to be a bit more mature than that of the host and since Fear is the oldest he was in charge of very emotional kids.
Fear worked the house, taught Happy cooking and cleaning skills, helped Smarts with homework and even got him a book of astrology noticing how he would go back on Thomas’s memories of the night sky. Lier looked up to Fear as a father figure and loved playing with Creativity Fear had to warn them when there games would get to morbid though!
Above all Things were going good in the house.
“FEAR! Help!”
Fear leaped out of his normal looking room into the living room and seeing Lier on the ground near Creativity who is pale and passed out.
“What happened?” He rushed to his kid and kneeled.
“I Know what happened, we were just p-playing a game! And he gave Thomas an idea but he got yelled at by his mom? And then this happened!” Lier is a bit better than his future counterpart because he can control a bit when he talks.
Thomas is at the age of good and evil; the result ends up with Fear witnessing his kiddo splitting into two different people.
“Fear what just happened?” Happy came in at the wrong time.
Fear looked up and said in a soft shaking voice “nothing go back to sleep ok kiddo?” Happy did as told, tearing up for the first time ever and Fear looked back at Lier who was trembling his yellow scales shimmering from the tv screen.
“Man that fucking hurt!” Dark Creativity woke up then Light Creativity woke up to “don’t say that!”
Fear now had a lot on his hands working with five children. Happy was well… different. He took on cooking more than usual as Fear worked on helping Dark Creativity with his mental health Smarts and Happy got glasses after coming to Fear one day when Thomas was 10 saying there eyes hurt and Light Creativity has always wanted to be a prince.
Lier grew to be more of a problem he started to lie a lot in sentences and make it a issue for people to trust him Fear and Dark Creativity quickly picked up on the issue and learned the way he spoke quickly so misunderstandings can be quelled before they started.
More and more rooms opened around the mindscape and the twins claimed it was the appropriate name of the place they live!
Thomas walked down the corridors of school and there he was his first crush. That's when his mind changed and everyone upgraded.
Lier became Deceit Happy became Morality Dark to Intrusive Light to Creativity Smarts to Logic and finally Fear to Anxiety all in one month.
Things changed Deceit couldn’t change the way he talked making Creativity to lash out one day and cut Deceits scaled cheek making Intrusive mad and lash out Logic said they should be separated and Morality didn’t want that they just needed to talk it out!
This caused a issue as Anxiety tried to help them where he could but Intrusive made a side comment one day during movie night that impacted Logic “didn’t you know Logic works best not showing emotions they get in the way! Like a cock block!” Making the Logical side to become stoic and unfeeling. Making Morality more emotional. Affecting everyone else.
In the end it was Thomas that changed the mindscape forcing the place to split apart at the age of 14 so much fighting occurred it caused Anxiety to go into his first panic attack and he would never forgive himself for separating his family at the cost of Thomas.
At that moment the ground shook and everyone stopped talking seeing the oldest break shadows around the whole mindscape with his power “STOP FIGHTING!” In a flash there was a dark version of the house they live in and Deceit and Intrusive was put in there by Thomas’s mind.
Anxiety was wiped from everyone’s mind the medicine that his doctor was giving him worked and he was able to get rid of the bad panic attacks causing Anxiety to wake up in the dark side mind palace seeing this broke his heart because his only family sees him as a weak useless side.
He found it interesting that the sides all remembers things that he taught them Janus was good and calming people down and thinking things threw he was always level headed while he wondered where he went wrong with Remus he spoke his mind and most of the time made Virgil uncomfortable he loved Remus’s Dream scape a world under the stairs it made Virgil sad and happy knowing they still have a piece of each other with them.
The house in the dark side was very bad broken unsound and unclean barely any food and he was stuck with the two he never taught to cook and if he started to act like he did they might get suspicious so he stuck with whatever could pass as mildly cooked or over and avoid the kitchen when Remus tried to cook.
The only thing that made him more sad was when there was movie nights it started back up in the dark side when he woke up they sat together on the broken couch and watched some show that Thomas seen.
“Do you guys ever miss the light sides?” Virgil asked softly. Remus sitting upside down on the armrest eating a deodorant with hair in it looked up “why would we miss them? There was as wet as a dog going down an alleyway just for some gang to come up and take his legs off and leave it there for mice and rats-“ deceit interrupted “Absolutely not why would I ever?”
When Virgil met Thomas for the first time he was surprised and confused he reacted quickly making himself as intimidating as possible bringing in his dad anger also as he snapped at Thomas while also hating himself but knowing it was for the best
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indo-kindo1 · 5 months
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indo-kindo1 · 8 months
I don’t know what I can do in this app please tell me ideas! 💜
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