lameravigliadoro · 2 months
Seeing footage of the aftermath of the flour massacre in Gaza is so painful
"Where is my daughter? Tell her I don't want flour anymore"
"My brother was shot holding a bag of flour. He kept holding on to it so they kept shooting him"
"Why does flour have to be stained with blood?"
Over 100 have been killed. Every single one of them hungry. Every single one of them has someone waiting for them to come back with the bag of flour.
Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war against innocent civilians. Israel ambushes starving Palestinians and shoots them. Israel is not fighting a war to defend itself. This is another episode of Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza.
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lameravigliadoro · 5 months
never let anyone tell u how many commas can go in a sentence, u measure that shit with ur heart
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lameravigliadoro · 8 months
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Luffy gets some new kicks
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lameravigliadoro · 10 months
French conversation starters…
if you like your coffee with lots of cream and sugar in it
est-ce que vous pouvez rajouter du lait s’il vous plaît ?
c’est possible de mettre plus de sucre ?
vous faites autre chose que des expressos ?
un café crème, merci
→ bonus point : your friend wants to make you coffee!
moi j’aime bien quand y a beaucoup de lait et de sucre
rajoute un peu de lait…
tu peux me passer du sucre s’il te plait
if you’re afraid of making mistakes in french
je parle pas super bien français (i don't speak French that well)
corrige-moi si je me trompe, mais… (correct me if i’m wrong, but)
je vais sûrement dire une connerie, mais… (i’ll probably say something dumb, but)
j’ai commencé le français y a pas longtemps (i started learning French not long ago)
… putain mais c’est dur aussi comme langue! (it is a hard language, for fuck’s sake!)
(note de la rédaction : never apologise for making mistakes, but if you really made a huge mistake, like if you misgendered bread, you can just say “désolé.e”)
if you want to impress your friends and order in french at the restaurant
alors du coup, euh, (-> gap fillers are important too) moi j’vais prendre (insert name of food on menu), avec juste de l’eau en carafe (tap water)
c’est quoi le plat du jour? (what’s the meal of the day?)
mon ami.e va prendre des tagliatelle (my friend is taking the tagliatelle, pronounce /ta-KLI-a-t-è-l/, sorry Italians)
le pain, il est gratuit? (is the bread free?)
le poisson, il est d’aujourd’hui? (is it the catch of the day?) 
et vous le faites en végan? (do you have a vegan version?)
on peut r’avoir de l’eau ? (more water please)
le café gourmand, y a quoi avec? (what sort of mignardises/pastries/sweetmeats do you put with the expresso?)
ah bon… on va prendre le moelleux alors je pense… ah vous faites juste un fondant, bah va pour fondant alors… (so, uhm, I think we’re gonna take the spongy chocolate cake, ah you only do a chocolate fondant, well, we’ll go with the chocolate fondant then…)
on peut avoir l'addition ? (could we have the bill?)
(note de la rédaction : always say s’il vous plaît, it doesn’t hurt a fly to say it, so say it! even if the waitress/waiter doesn't seem very nice, they have to deal with French people on a daily basis, show some kindness…)
if you go to thrift shops
c’est quoi la taille ? (what’s the size?)
elles sont à combien les lunettes/bagues ? (how much for the glasses/rings)
ils sont à combien les bérets/bonnets/bijoux/foulards/pin’s ? (how much for the berets/beanies/jewelry/scarf/pin’s)
vous la/le faites à combien ? (how much for this?)
vous auriez des salopettes ? et des pattes d’eph ? et des dos nu ? (do you have dungarees? flared trousers? halterneck?)
regarde ce que j’ai chopé en fripe l’autre jour! (look what i got at the thrift shop the other day!)
if you like to talk about politics
t’as vu les infos ? (did you check the news?)
putain t’as vu ce qu’il a dit (insert name of Minister, President, MP, political figure) ? (did you see what they said?)
ce projet de loi c’est n’importe quoi de toute façon (this bill is nonsense anyway)
c’est qui les candidats aux :
Européennes (for the European Parliament)
Municipales (Local)
Régionales (Local too)
Sénatoriales (Parliament, but with the old white men)
Législatives (Parliament, but with the younger white men)
Présidentielles (also white men)
c’est quand la prochaine manif ? (when’s the next protest?)
c’est des polémiques à la con (these are bloody stupid controversies)
moi, je suis d’accord/pas d’accord avec :
les verts (green MPs, called EELV)
les insoumis (“the unsubmitted” from “La France Insoumise”, they’re a left/far-left leaning group, and the biggest left-wing group at the Parliament atm, called LFI)
les macronistes (Macron’s group, right-wing liberals)
les républicains (traditionally, they're the right-wing group, called LR)
les communistes (pretty transparent, they're call PCF)
les socialistes (same here, called PS)
le RN ("Rassemblement National", the far-right group, heirs of the French version of the Nazis and Vichy France)
les macronistes et républicains sont d’accord sur (insert typical right-wing policies)
les députés RN sont des fachos, t’es pas d’accord ? (the National Rally MPs are fascists, don’t you agree?)
j’ai écouté (insert name) à la télé/radio/sur twitch/au meeting, c’était pas bête quand elle/il a dit que…
if you want to chat in French with your cat
t'as déjà mangé tes croquettes toi ? (did you eat your kibble already?)
t'es trop mignon comme potichat (internet slang for "petit chat") toi ! (you're too cute a kitty)
il est où ce sale chat ?! (where's the bloody cat?!)
descends de là Félix/Biglouche/Garfield/Caramel/Noireau/Tigrou/Gribouille/Minette/Blanchette/Mistigri/Minou/add other typical French names for cats ! (get down from here!)
miaou (meow)
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à la prochaine!
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lameravigliadoro · 10 months
I'm a English native and I'm learning French I can have a short conversation in French but I'm really slow and takes time to understand some words. I used to be in French classes in highschool (I'm going to be a senior in highschool when it starts up) what would you recommend for me to use to help learn more? I'm currently using droplets and Duolingo for studying (Droplets for vocabulary and Duolingo for grammar, reading things like that) what would you recommend for me to use thats free or doesn't cost that much? It would help a lot thank you
Duolingo and Droplets are good resources for starters.
there are several things you can do if you want to go further.
Check out RFI (Radio France International) : You'll find free listening and reading resources abt French speaking news. I highly recommend you listen and then read the podcast episodes of LES MOTS D'ACTUALITÉ (words that are the news - they will explain the origin and meanings of 1 word that is relevant these days in France). but be curious and check out the rest, they have lots of good stuff.
Read news articles for free on official news website France Info, RTBF (Belgium). you'll find some free articles on Le Monde, Libération, Le Parisien, etc.
find lessons and exercises on Francaisfacile.com to get a better understanding of grammar, conjugations, tenses, etc.
Read 19th Guy de Maupassanant's (King of French fantastique genre) short stories on Wikisource. Highly recommend "La Main" ("The Hand", kinda horror, but really famous)
-> when you're more confident abt reading novels in French, just search for any 19th writer + Wikisource and you should be able to find their works in full for free. My favs are Zola, Balzac, Victor Hugo (Les Misérables' writer !), Flaubert, Dumas (Les Trois Mousquetaires' writer !), George Sand, Stendhal (esp La Chartreuse de Parme) etc.
if you have doubts about how to say something like a native, ask someone on HiNative you'll always have some French speaking ppl to help you.
- Familiarise yourself with spoken French with youtube/podcasts/etc (anything that's material for listening skills). If you're on youtube you can check channels like
Vogue France and their street style, with subtitles and lots of fashion and slang vocab! I used it in my French lesson and it worked quite well.
Yes Vous Aime was a comedy skits channel, with French subtitles. They did parodies, you can check it out!
Paul Taylor is a British stand up comedian. He's doing skits and specials in both French and English, and he's honestly perfect at grasping and vulgarising French oddities either in the language or the french society.
Clément Viktorovitch and his weekly analysis on French politics/news on Franceinfo. As you may already know, we're very passionate about our political life in France. so you can get used to the vocab have a gist of it with these chroniques radio.
Karambolage - it's a bilingual channel (German & French - l'amitié franco-allemande is a big thing! 🙂) that explains social, cultural differences between the two countries. You can find illustrated explanations of Le Verlan, expressions like "Monter à Paris" etc etc. It worked so well with my students! they found it easier to understand.
Damon Dominique is a language American youtuber and he's good at explaining and vulgarising French grammar and slang. Sometimes you gotta look at a foreign point of view :)
Konbini (especially their Club Lecture, Vidéo Club where famous authors/film directors show their favourite works, their inspirations and talk abt it, you probably won't find any subtitles tho)
and ofc you have dozen of french youtubers like Squeezie, Seb, Lena Situation, Aurélien Prévaux, Zen (talkshow) etc.
And when you're more confident, you can pick a day when you'll try to think only in French, another day when you'll translate what's written on your food package/friends convos/emails etc etc
put your phone settings in french, follow vocab accounts on Instagram, follow French ppl on social media so that you get accustomed to read in French on a daily basis.
and find a book to read in french, or fanfics if you're into it, anything that'll make you read in French :)
I hope that answers your questions! and sorry if it looks like too much, I'm getting back at a language I used to learn in high school too, it's not easy and it takes time. so take your time with French, I just put everything I thought might help in the first months/first year!
good luck! bonne chance !
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lameravigliadoro · 10 months
my langblr introduction! hallo!!
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age : 22 yo stress ball
name : klara (you can call me klar)
pronouns : she/them
my target language during the 2023 summer : german
languages i know : italian (advanced), chinese (beginner to intermediate, french (native), english (fluent) (i hope)
centres of interest : linguistics, politics, impressionism, arts and crafts, cinema, queer history
i'll post my german journey as much as possible. i'm going to live for at last one year in germany, so i need to get back to german and get better at german. like a lot of french high schoolers, i studied german as part of the compulsory course but did not actually enjoy it nor did i learn anything from it. so the main goal here is to reunite with my inner teenager and make peace with them ⁀➷
what i like to do when studying languages is journaling/writting in TL, revising lists of vocab and going through the grammar points one by one.
then, i'll look for podcasts in german and youtubers, radio broadcasts, free online newspapers and TV series so that i can practice my listening comprehension.
anyway, don't hesitate to interact, and if we share a common TL/language, get in touch, i love to make friends and getting to know more abt this world <33 also i don't wanna let my italian die, quindi raga, parlami in italiano!
see you soon! a presto, tschüss!ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years
one of my favorite and seemingly underrated exchanges in heartbreak high is darren offering to get malakai something gayer to wear and malakai saying “oh Yes PLEASE” 
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years
Okay I don’t want to hear a single person ever say again that having representation is too much on a TV show or not realistic because heartbreak high had autistic representation, lesbian representation,  non-binary representation, asexual representation, Aboriginal representation, and Asian representation all in one show and not for one fucking second did I think this is unrealistic, especially in a Sydney based school. That is exactly what kids are like and is exactly what real life is like!!!!!
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years
looking for Italian speakers! I can help you with your French!
i dont know if this post will reach outside of my social circle but im searching for some italian speakers to have convos in italian! i need to better my italian conversational skills! im french so dont hesitate to reach out if you also want to improve your french! id be more than happy to have bilingual conversations :)
im also here if you need advice and help with french, whatever that is, if you just started learning and you're lost, or translating a sentence, a complicate colloquial phrase, academic papers or homework, etc. as a modern language assistant i hope ill be able to help you! looking forward to chat with you :)
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lameravigliadoro · 2 years
oh so you're learning french, Twitch edition : 5 french streamers
you have some kind of basis in french, but you want to go further with fast-paced, advanced level vocabulary? here's a non-exhaustive list of some of the best french speaking streamers to improve your language skills and understanding of the language in a native context, as well as discover interesting people and expand your knowledge on french culture and history!
domingo : video react, most popular talkshow on twitch & League
fun, easy-going livestreams! he hosts a talkshow every Tuesday evening (8pm-10pm, +1) called "Popcorn" : in fact, it's the most popular talkshow on the french twitch and you can get introduced to most of the streamers with interviews of singers, actors, or even a football player, games, worldwide news ("les actus de PA" --'PA' is actually Domingo's real name alias, Pierre-Alexis --'actus' means 'news'). He talks clearly most of the times, though is pretty fast-paced.
here's a video extract in which Ponce (brown-haired, rond glasses), Baghera (blond girl), Simon Puech (brown-haired, black t-shirt) and Domingo (on the far left, black beard and beige sweatshirt) talk about alcohol consumption in France as well as regional clichés and their own relationship with alcohol.
littlebigwhale : singer & pubg
she actually livestreams in english sometimes! she mostly plays PUBG and other games, and on sundays she sings during her karaoke. she doesn't talk that fast so don't hesitate to go and see for yourself! if you want to sing and have fun, she does karaoke nights every so often with another streamer, Zerator, (available on youtube too, just search "littlebigwhale zerator karaoke and you should find two or three streams).
here's a stream from a among us night when pokimane joined some french streamers! littlebigwhale is the one wearing bear ears and glasses.
etoiles : culture & smash bros
smash bros player and host. also, he has a thing called "la nuit de la culture/la nuit de la cult'" (= the culture night) during which he watches a "Question pour un champion" episode (="Going for Gold" french version on the national channel) and tries to answer the questions to perfect his general knowledge skills and he spends hours looking up stuff he doesn't know --a very fun and smart way to actually get more knowledgable on french culture and history, expand your vocabulary in sciences, gastronomy, botany and just be in a friendly, positive mood on saturday nights! the culture night is every saturday from 8pm to midnight or even more. ==> fun fact : the Question pour un champion host (called Samuel Etienne) is actually livestreaming on twitch too after Etoiles showed him! his channel is samueletienne and he reads french press every morning, it's very fun and interesting if you want to be in touch with french news in an easy way.
jean massiet : french politics expert & pilot
he's one of my favourite streamer! he's a specialist in the french political life as he worked for several secretaries of state (in french, des "ministres") as a parliamentary attaché. he often does news roundups, livestreames every wednesdays debates at the Assemblée Nationale (national assembly), and is careful about democratizing politics to the youth, making it easy to understand. he's been hosting a political talkshow on his twitch channel too (named "Backseat", every thursdays, starting at 19:30, though the season finale was in last june, let's hope it gets renewed in september), i highly recommend you try and watch some episodes! they invite french politicians (ministres, députés, chefs de parti, porte-paroles) and interview them. when i say they, i talk about the commentators who are on the show with Jean and who are all knowledgable, politicised and funny and come from different political backgrounds to respect a sort of 'neutrality' : this way, ideas and visions from the far-left, left and centre-right are freely expressed on the show. another thing i appreciate is that, nevertheless this neutrality, they refuse to invite far-right politicians and fascists, even when it comes to popular candidates for the présidentielle.
rivenzi : sport games, history & all kind of nintendo games
he's famous for broadcasting and commentating sport matches (football, rugby, he also commentated the Olympic Games in Tokyo!) so if you like sport games go check him out he knows a lot and can make everything interesting! rivenzi also organises history lives as well : the one i've linked below is one amongst many on his channel in which he invites a french historian to talk informally and in-depth about subjects like nazism (like this one), the Algerian war, etc. there's more history live replays on his Spotify account so don't hesitate to check it out! i love these history lives because rivenzi is also knowledgable (he went to the uni to study history) and interested in history, so these conversations are gold mines, especially for people who know nothing about the subjects, the goal is to democratise and vulgarise difficult and heavy topics!
+ he's one of the funniest people on this platform (according to me) + he's also Breton and is very proud of it (we all are)
for this history live, rivenzi invites the historian and college lecturer Nicolas Patin to talk about his book, "Kruger, un bourreau ordinaire" (= "an ordinary executioner"), a biography about the nazi chief of the S.S and police in Poland during the WWII and is responsible for the mass deportation of Polish Jews.
don't hesitate to ask for clarifications, i tried to be as clear and consice as possible! for most twitch lives, you can find a lot of free replays on their twitch channels or even on their youtube channels, don't be afraid to do your own digging! also, i know it can be intimidating to watch un-subbed videos in french, but the more you'll hear spoken and native french, the more you'll get used to the natural speaking flow and internet slang vocabulary. finally, i restricted the list to 5 streamers, but i'm sure that if you watch a few of these streamers' videos or even catch them on live, you'll hear about other streamers as they pretty much all know each other and are friends, like Mister MV, Ponce, Zerator, Ultia, AngleDroit, Gotaga, Maghla, DFG, RebeuDeter, Aminematuer, Squeezie (most famous french youtuber and streamer), Horty, BagheraJones, etc.
have fun! :)
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
oh so you’re learning french
and you struggle finding good french/francophone podcasts that aren't language learning podcasts, so here's your starter pack, podcast edition
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●●●●● fluent level+fast paced/ sometimes specific vocabulary
○○○○○ literally in english or part english
a bit like MBMBaM, these podcasts here are conversations between host.s and their guest.s talking freely about their works, their life experience as minorities (poc, women, LGBTQ+people) and/or artists (standup comedians, musicians, actors/actresses and more) in a very cool and friendly atmosphere. they’re all on Spotify! Radio Nova or FranceInter's radio chronicle extracts are just monologues tho, but very well written and intended to be funny +and you’ll find them all on youtube :) it's a very great approach to french slang, its fast-paced conversations and french cultural life, social life and political life viewed and discussed by actual experts or just friendly screenwriters -it might be hard to find english subtitles tho
floodcast ○●●●● actresses/actors, filmmakers, comedians friends telling anecdotes, lots of bad puns, cool and interesting conversations about the cinema industry
radio nova’s Édouard Bear ○○●●● an iconic comedian doing funny and/or touching monologues, 5 min of pure poetic bliss +French subs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji8bTNuww_A
FranceInter's Thomas VDB,    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JPFFX9h1eo   Marina Rollman,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJN7Nap7hsM   Paul Mirabel    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bKl-iAu0Dw   ○○●●●
kiffe ta race ○○●●● deconstruct systemic racism, misogyny and misogynoir in the french institutions, system and cultural life through conversations about POC people, especially women, with a specialist, author, fellow journalist guest +they did some episodes in english! you can listen to it too to see what you understood from the french version
les couilles sur la table ○○●●● like kiffe ta race, they deconstruct the institutional sexism and structures of oppression
un bon moment ○●●●● hosted by Bref. creators (a very very famous mini series, very well written, 2min long episodes, all on youtube with subtitles -check it out!)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOY3pCViCz8&t=5081s 
à bientôt de te revoir ○●●●● logical nonsense
la suite au prochain épisode :)
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
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Riva San Biagio, Venice, 1899, Maurice Prendergast
Medium: watercolor,paper
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
ok but legitimately i think the reason why kids aren’t taking internet safety seriously is because the people who are telling us not to put our personal information out seem so out of touch. no one acknowledges the possibility of meeting very real teenaged friends online, they always say that everyone you meet is a 40 year old white man in disguise. because they aren’t acknowledging things we know are true, it becomes a lot easier to dismiss the rest of what they’re saying as well. internet safety lessons absolutely must keep up with the times and acknowledge the internet’s capacity for good if you want kids to take to heart warnings about its capacity for bad.
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
today i am thinking about what we leave behind. in the store, on all of the bath mats, someone has drawn a heart or left a handprint. in the pen aisle, each page of the test paper is covered in names and little drawings and fuck covid and over and over again - hello hello hello hi hello. on the street i live, three houses have perfect hopscotch lanes carefully transcribed with rules and everything - jump here! now do a spin! graffiti of a deer on the side of a building, names scrawled into setting concrete. initials carved into park bench seats. n the bathroom, in silver sharpie - i hope you’re okay out there. i love you, you’re beautiful, keep trying. geocached tubes of trinkets, jackets left out in case somebody needs it. a note on my windshield - closed your door it was a little open have a great day and stay safe! my friends and i, fully grown adults, build a sandcastle on the edge of the ocean. 
inside of returned schoolbooks. inside of little secret pockets. hi hello hello hello. what a beautiful calling. you and i are in different times, and will never meet, but here is the greeting i’d owe you. if you never get to see this person, what do you say? hello! i love you. be good out there. be safe.
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
by poet NOOR HINDI
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lameravigliadoro · 3 years
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The Church Porch, East Bergholt, John Constable, 1810, Tate
Presented by Miss Isabel Constable 1888 Size: support: 445 x 359 mm frame: 640 x 555 x 70 mm Medium: Oil paint on canvas
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