mymlenhp · 8 years
Just a heads up that I’m not using this side blog so much anymore. Most of my Harry Potter stuff goes on my main blog now (maaske-egnet.tumblr.com), which is mostly hp and trc anyway.
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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Is that a threat, Draco
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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Professor McGonagall could have a statue built in her honour, a quidditch stadium named McGonagall Stadium, a cat adoption centre built for her, she could have a goddamn planet named after her and it still wouldn’t be as much as she deserves.
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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Her mi on e
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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hp!au where hermione wasn’t talking about ginny
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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This is so cute!!!
Credit: batcii
#harrypotter #wolfstar #padfoot #moony #siriusblack #remuslupin #yes #cute #beautiful #otp #iminlove #ohmygod #perfect #yaass
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mymlenhp · 8 years
Okay, lemme tell you about one of my cooler flippin’ fandom moments. Getting this email:
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Being on a panel! Being on that panel! I am VERY DETERMINED not to fangirl during. At least not visibly. I will have smart things to say! I mean, I do have smart things to say. But also am going to be so excited to listen. Merlin, that lineup. And being in a roomful of people who want to talk about that. I mean.
And just in case you were curious!!!!! The rest of the panels in that email are:
The Importance of Being Different: LGBTQA Narratives & Fannishness
Femmequixotic, dictacontrion, Noeon, Mark Oshiro, Aja Romano, Lilah Vandenburgh Friday, 3 PM As LGBTQA fans, many of us are struggling to find our experiences represented in wider popular culture. This can be challenging both in the source material and in transformative works and fan discourse. This panel will address fan narratives from LGBTQA standpoints and examine the importance of our perspectives to the stories we tell and choose, as well as question the lack of representation, stereotyping, and queerbaiting within much of source media.
Going from Fanfic to Profic: the path from Slash to Original M/M & F/F Publishing
Diana Copland (oldenuf2nb), Sassy Cissa Saturday, 10:30 AM The transition from writing fanfiction to writing a book can be a daunting prospect, but, particularly as the market for m/m and f/f ebooks expands, more and more fanfic writers are finding a place in the publishing world. In this panel, slash writers who’ve made that jump discuss the following: how they got into original writing; why that ‘Fifty Shades of’ book may have been the best thing to happen to fanfic writers in years; whether you need an agent, what publishers are slash friendly and how to submit your manuscript to them; the steps to go from query letters to finished manuscript, and everything in between; the difference between the synopsis and the cover blurb; what to expect after you’ve sold your book; and how writing fanfic gave them a career. Join us at this panel and discover that it’s absolutely possible for your publishing dreams to come true!
Snarry Past, Present & Future
Alisanne, DementorDelta, lilyseyes Friday, 1 PM Panel discussion led by three Snarry writers on the progression of Snarry stories from the early days of fandom through today and in the future. This includes the various tropes, genres, and typical cliches invoked in the Snarry fandom.
Adversarial Slash Relationships & Why We Love Them
Bicrim, Femmequixotic, Elizabeth Minkel, Aja Romano Sunday, 9:30 AM Friends to lovers is a great fic trope, but what about those ships where both individuals canonically despise each other? What is it about enemies falling in love that makes our slashy toes curl, and why is it that some of us consistently find our OTPs not in the warm and comforting sides of fandoms but rather in their more hostile, wands out, swords drawn environs? Join us as we explore the snarky, difficult aspects of slash ships where Our Lovers’ path to True Love is a bit rockier–and more likely to involve a well-placed hex or two along the way. 
Harry Potter and the Quest for Family: Heteronormativity & Homonormativity in Canon and Fanon
Emily Roach Friday, 9 AM This paper will explore the heteronormative aspects of both primary and secondary canon, exploring the marginalisation of queer identity within the Potterverse. The paper will queer the canon and discuss some of the influential applications of queer critical theory to the Harry Potter series. It will examine how Harry’s journey through the books might have influenced Rowling’s decision to close the series with the Epilogue, in order to give Harry’s quest for family a resolution. Finally, the essay will consider the extent to which transformative works reclaim the canon to give a voice to queer characters, together with questioning how far transformative works break down (or reinforce) heteronormative and/or homonormative constructs.
From Guns & Handcuffs to Fit Aurors and Receding Hairlines: Harry, Draco and the Art of Shipping Through the Years
Femmequixotic, dictacontrion, pir8fancier, oldenuf2nb Saturday, 2:30 PM In movies and books, we’ve watched Harry and Draco go from ickle firsties on their first trip to Hogwarts to meeting on the same platform 13 years later with the next-gen kids. As fans, we’ve shipped them in Hogwarts-era and eighth year, in countless AUs, in Epilogue-compliant and in EWE scenarios, and many other ways besides! Join a panel of enthusiastic H/D fans as they discuss the origins, the evolution, and the current trends in this enduring HP ship.
The H/D Meet Up! The Roundtables!! Programming about betaing and femmeslash and omegaverse and so many pairings! And that’s just the slash track! There are five more! With slashy events and writing events and fandom events and so much flipping things I…I just…keysmash.
You can see them all here!  And you have five more days to register for the whole thing here!
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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who gaf about who wins quidditch when u got a cute gf am i right???
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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inexplicably fond
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mymlenhp · 8 years
One thing I will never understand is how in hp, Hufflepuff is supposed to have the worst quidditch team at Hogwarts? It bothers me so much because, like, let’s look at the qualities associated with each house:
Ravenclaw: Intelligence, knowledge and wit.
Slytherin: ambition, cunning, resourcefulness.
Gryffindor: bravery, daring, nerve.
Hufflepuff: hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, fair play.
So for Ravenclaw, that’s where the nerds and the bookish people and the ones who care about school and their grades go, and not to say that intelligent, bookish people can’t be good at sports, but in my experience there is generally not that much correlation between the two. The team seems to be average, that makes sense, although I would argue they are the most likely to have the shittiest team since it seems the house most likely to have the fewest jocks/sports-interested people.
And Slytherin is ambition which could equal competitiveness, so yes, that is important when it comes to being good at sports, but also seems like it would be a problem to teamwork? Everyone wants spotlight? People competing with each other within the team in a not-so-friendly way, just generally seems like there would be so much conflict there.
And then we have fucking Gryffindor, which is canonically The Best Team (because Harry is a wonderchild and the main character) but seriously?? Bravery, daring and nerve means people taking stupid chances, and like we’ve all played sports with those boys that are like “my skill level is so beyond that of everyone else and also I just keep seeing these great chances so I will just play myself against the other team, not pass the ball to anyone else, look at me go,” and they usually do well on an individual level because they are good, but it makes for a shitty team. Being brave and daring means playing solo and doing dumb, dramatic shit. Not good for teamwork. Not good for team sports. Same as Slytherin, too many ego-moves.
And then there is Hufflepuff, the beacon of team spirit and friendship that also values HARD WORK as their central, most important house characteristic, how can they be bad at sports? It makes no sense - okay so maybe more competitiveness in S and G, but wanting to win shouldn’t be enough when everyone who actually practices really hard and also knows how to be on a team in a fucking team sport is in Hufflepuff.
It just...
I know it’s dumb, but it bothers me so much and I don’t even care that much about quidditch.
(And of course we all know it is this way because the game is rigged, the only player that actually matters is the seeker, 150 points+ending the game is the sole responsibility of one player basically making scoring points in any other way unnecessary, teamwork is irrelevant, beaters sort of have a purpose but only if they hit the seeker, chasers and goalkeepers are just there to look good, there is no point to them, rumania vs. ireland was an exception to the rule that the snitch determines the winner, quidditch would be a better sport without it, it would be a sane sport without it.)
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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“Scared, Poddar?”
“You wish.”
Because my last HP / Avatar thing was so popular (*crickets chirping*) here’s Avatar Hari Poddar and his rival, whose Avatar-verse name has yet to be decided, in their pro-bending uniforms. Based very obviously on this screen-cap of Korra and Tahno, which immediately reminded me of these two idiots.
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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Harry Potter x Malcolm in the Middle. Insp. (x)
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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‘No - No - I didn’t -‘
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; page 489.
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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♬  ♫  Somewhere Safe
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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the chamber of secrets
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mymlenhp · 8 years
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“-or a confundus charm.”
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