can you do a fic where elide gives birth? just wondering your well good at elorcan fics
Thanks, I’m glad you like them. I’ll give it a go but I’ve got a couple more planned to do first so might be a while. Thanks for the idea :-D
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Ten Years of a Better World Part IV - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
Elide is jolted awake by a sharp pain in her ankle. The bed shakes with the bouncing crawl of a little one climbing into her parents bed. Lorcan is awoken by a hand to the face and a quiet voice. “Oops, sorry Daddy,” Lorcan’s dark eyes cloudy with sleep open to find Mary’s dark eyes and rosy cheeks filling his vision. Even now, when he’s just awoken, Elide can already feel his power, a firm brace around her ankle. She smiles, rubbing her eyes against the pull of sleep. “Good morning, beautiful,” she says to Mary. “Good morning to you too,” Lorcan replies fluttering his eyelashes at his wife. “Da-ad. She meant me. You’re too ugly.” Mary laughs. “Och, I’m not beautiful?’ Lorcan feigns hurt, “What about my flowing locks?” He flicks his hair over his shoulder dramatically. Mary giggles grabbing his hands to stop him, “Okay, Dad. You are beautiful,” she laughs again, “But not more than me.” Lorcan howls lifting her in the air, “Your right! How could I, even with such dashing hair, be more beautiful than you, my gorgeous girl,” 
Elide’s heart swells. Her warrior husband always surprises her with his gentleness. He sheds his armour with family though it makes an appearance when with their friends. Armour really is the only way to survive around them, she supposes, especially Aelin. Lorcan’s name and title is not something the Queen will drop, not even after ten years. But even so, Lorcan is more loving and openly affectionate than she ever would have hoped when they first married. And he melted when Mary was born, he cried, he will do anything for her. Which is great, although sometimes he goes a bit too far and Elide has to be the tough parent. But even then he always backs her up at a seconds notice.
“Come on, Tiger. Let’s get some breakfast.” Lorcan says getting up. Mary bares her teeth, dark eyes glinting. She growls, the animalistic sound a low rumble in her chest, obviously inherited from Lorcan. She pounces on her father giggling as Lorcan catches her, swinging her around before falling back on the bed. “My tiger truly is a fearsome predator,” he says then promptly dies. Elide laughs. Mary certainly is a dangerous mix of both of them. Quiet but ruthless. Shy but deadly serious. Strong but… strong. She’ll lull you into a false sense of security then attack. Lorcan winks at Elide as he takes Mary out of the room. Elide winces as she drags her ankle from under the covers. The pain is near unbearable these days. Bone grinding against bone with every movement. She dreads the pain of Yrene fixing it later this month but she also dreads every movement. Every step she takes. Every morning getting out of bed. But mostly her motivation is Mary. She’s nearly five and so active. It kills Elide to not be able to play with and look after Mary as much as she wants. She feels like a bystander in her own daughter’s life. The smell of bacon draws her from her thoughts. Mary’s giggles drift from the kitchen as Elide reaches for her salve. Before she can dip her fingers into the sticky paste Lorcan appears at the door holding two plates. He places a plate of bacon, eggs and potatoes on her lap, taking the salve from her. “Now,” he says as Mary clambers onto the bed, “be careful. I don't want to have to sleep in your breakfast tonight.” Mary nods seriously as she receives her breakfast then starts digging in like the wild animal she can be. Lorcan kneels beside Elide. “Eat,” he says softly. She rolls her eyes at her fae husband. So overprotective and fussy but she loves it. Lorcan massages the soothing ointment into her ankle. It doesn’t provide much relief anymore but she will take what she can get until Yrene heals her.
The next morning is an early start. Mary is barely awake as Lorcan dresses her in her riding gear. They’ve got a full days ride to Orynth ahead of them. Elide is packing food for the trip while Lorcan tries to get some breakfast into a now dressed Mary. He patiently spoons porridge into her mouth like he had to when she was a toddler. Once everything is ready they head out to the horses. Lorcan helps Elide into the saddle and straps her ankle in. “Don’t push yourself too much, okay. We don’t have to make it there today, we could stay at Lysandra’s or Evangeline’s.” Lorcan says gently. “We’ve done it in a day before, even with Mary.” “You know that’s not what I’m worried about.” His magic pulses pointedly around her ankle. “I’ll be fine,” she smiles, “I’ll tell you if I need a break. Now you’d better strap that child in before she goes to sleep right there on the grass.” She laughs, looking fondly at their child curled up in prime napping position on the dewy grass. Lorcan scoops Mary off of the ground a sleepy smile crosses her face quickly erased by a deep yawn. By mid-morning Mary is fully awake. “Faster, Daddy! Go faster!” she giggles her raven-black hair flowing in the wind. Lorcan looks to Elide, the unspoken words clear on his face. Are you okay? She nods. Go. “Hold on, Tiger!” Their horse races ahead of Elide, Mary’s screams of delight carrying back to her on the wind. A short while later Elide catches up to where Lorcan and Mary have set up their picnic lunch. The horses drink from a small creek while they sit in the shade of a few trees. Elide rubs her aching ankle absentmindedly while she watches Mary chase the butterflies. Lorcan startles her as he slips off her shoe and sock to rub ointment onto her ankle. “Don’t push yourself,” he reminds her. She shakes her head, “I’m fine.”
Mary’s head lolls from side to side as they ride alongside the sunset. Lorcan’s magic propping her upright as she sleeps. As the sky dims they can see the lights of Orynth. Flickering firelight in the castle windows and The Lion’s Gate, imbued with Aelin’s magic, permanently shines. The Lion’s eyes glint and glisten as though in firelight. The thirteen’s statue also glows but not like flames. The statue glows bathed in bright white light, Rowan’s magic. They stop to pay their respects to the thirteen, bowing their heads for a moment. They move on stopping just short of The Lion’s Gate. Here they bow their heads again, this time to remember Gavriel before they pass over the ground he died on. Lorcan’s eyes glisten in the moonlight when he finally lifts his head again. When they move forward again the gate swings open revealing Aelin and Rowan waiting for them. Lorcan hops off the horse and gently plants Mary on his hip, careful not to wake her. “Long day?” Rowan asks in a hushed tone, nodding at Mary. Lorcan nods, “But she loved it. I think it was a longer day for Elide though.” They both glance over to where Aelin helps Elide out of her ankle straps.
“How are you?” Aelin asks as she helps Elide to the ground. “Fine, but I’ll be better when Yrene heals this rutting ankle.” Aelin nods sympathetically, “The pain must be unbearable by now.” “I suppose, but the really unbearable thing is Lorcan’s damned fussing.” They both laugh. “Damned fae bastards,” Aelin chuckles knowing full well both males can hear them.
“Here they come,” Rowan says as they wait in the stable for the girls, “Oh, I forgot to mention-“ “Lord Lorcan Lochan!” Aelin drawls, “What a pleasure to have you in our home.” “She’s been rehearsing,” Rowan finishes. Elide chuckles from behind Aelin as Lorcan’s eyes turn black and his jaw clenches. “Aelin,” he somehow manages to grind out between clenched teeth. “Lord Lochan, as lovely as it is to lay eyes on you I notice you’ve a little one in your arms. Perhaps I should layoff and later we’ll have a lark once you’ve laid this little lady down to sleep.” Aelin smirks, her eyes sparking at the muscle feathering in Lorcan’s jaw every ‘l’ sound she makes. “Lady Elide, shall we cease loitering and head inside?” Once Aelin and Elide have gone Lorcan says, “I’m about ready to kill your wife, Rowan.” From down the corridor comes Aelin’s voice, “Just try to lay hands on me Lord Lorcan Lochan. We’ll see who has the last laugh.” “Is she a heavy sleeper,” Lorcan asks menacingly. “Light as a feather,” Rowan chuckles as Lorcan groans.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Ten Years of a Better World Part III - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
Yrene knocks gently on the oak door, “Yafa? It’s time to wake up, we need to leave soon.” The door swings open to reveal Yafa’s sleepy face beaming up at her mother, “To go see Daddy? Is Dad coming today?!” “Yes, yes, I told you yesterday.” Yrene laughs, “Dad’s coming with Aeson and Manon… Now, go pack! We are leaving soon.” Yafa grins excitedly and bounces back into her room to pack.
Rifthold looks beautiful as they ride to the palace. Both ride small mares, one named Belle when Yafa got her on her seventh birthday. The city is a far cry from what it used to be. There are few beggars, prostitutes and thieves on the streets and no known brothels or assassins guilds. Dorian has made a peaceful kingdom, a happy place for all its citizens. Of course, Yrene and Chaol helped but mostly Sartaq and Nesryn guided him. The new Adarlan is heavily influenced by the Khaganate’s rules - as taught by Sartaq and Nesryn on their occasional visits. Dorian has learnt much from them and become good friends through their visits and constant written correspondence between the two kingdoms.
Cobbled streets clack under horse hooves as Yafa asks, “What time will Dad get here?” “Well, darling, it’s a long flight from Anielle so probably in the afternoon or evening.” Yafa makes a sad face, “But we will get to see Dorian and Tristan at the palace.” Yafa’s bronze eyes spark at this, she love playing with little Tristan.
Dorian carries Tristan through the castle. The boy’s wails echo down the usually bustling halls, now empty, the workers given the week off in celebration of the New Year. Dorian bounces Tristan as they walk, his cries quiet as they reach the gardens. Dorian puts Tristan down to run through the sun dappled grass. Soon, the sound of hooves on cobblestone fills the air. “Horsies!” squeals Tristan his sapphire eyes lighting up. Dorian smiles as he follows Tristan’s moon-white head of hair bobbing towards the stables. “Rene!” Tristan starts running wobbly towards Yrene. Dorian races and scoops him up before he runs right under the horses hooves. Tristan squeals in delight as he’s swung into the air and onto his father’s shoulders. From here he is eye level with Yrene who smiles at him as she swings off the horse to embrace Dorian. “Happy New Year, Dorian.” “And to you, Yrene.” Dorian smiles then turns to Yafa still seated on her horse, “Would you like some help?” “Yafa!” Tristan squirms on Dorian’s shoulders reaching for Yafa. Yafa pokes her tongue out at Tristan as Dorian helps her off the horse. Tristan stops wriggling to stick his tongue out too. A string of glistening drool slips into Dorian’s hair. “Oops,” mutters Yafa. “What?” Dorian asks. Yafa smiles sheepishly, “You’ve got some dribble in your hair.” Dorian laughs and runs a hand through his now slightly damp hair, “Oh, well it’s a mess anyway, maybe this will help.” Yafa and Yrene laugh as they all head inside.
Tristan is just up from his nap when the sound of hooves again sounds from the courtyard. Manon, Chaol, Ansel, Ilias, Petrah and Bronwyn have arrived. Yafa races ahead of the others, barreling down the staircase to leap into her fathers arms nearly knocking him over. “Daddy!” Chaol squeezes her tight against his chest lifting her off the ground slightly, “I’ve missed you so much.” He releases Yafa to unstrap a sleeping Aeson from the horse. He was awake the whole flight and passed out as soon as they started riding. Yafa takes Aeson as Yrene arrives. Chaol’s bronze eyes glisten as he sees his wife. Any time away from her feels like an eternity. He closes the gap between them in swift strides and sweeps her into his arms. She pulls back to press a kiss to his lips and whispers, “Happy New Year, Chaol,” she kisses him again, “I love you.” Chaol kisses Yrene back, “I love you too.” “Come on, guys, not in front of the kids,” Dorian pulls a face as he walks from the palace carrying Tristan. Manon’s heart skips a beat as she lays eyes on Dorian for the first time in over a month, his dark hair glistening in the sunlight. He grins, eyes sparking though tired, as he sets a flailing Tristan on the ground. Tristan runs to her in a stumbling fashion, his little legs moving faster than his body. Manon lurches forward and catches him from face planting at the last second. She balances him on her hip as he says, “Mama’s back, Daddy missed you,” and snuggles into her neck. Her heart warms at the words and at how similar to Dorian her son is. He has the same sapphire eyes and warm smile but with her moon-white hair. She never wanted to be a mother and may not be the best mother but she realises as Tristan hugs her, he’s her son and he’s perfect. Dorian embraces both wife and child, kissing Manon’s lips then Tristan’s forehead. “We missed you.” Dorian says quietly “Your Highness, such a display of affection,” Manon drawls smirking to hide her elation at being near him again. Dorian smiles, a cruel smile that tells her he’s going to make her pay for that. She starts to swagger past him but a phantom hand stops her. Dorian’s breath is hot on her ear as he whispers, “What do you say?” “Oh, please, wonderful King Dorian of Adarlan let me go.” Sarcasm oozes from her lips. “Try again, Your Majesty.” “Fine.” Manon sighs and turns to Dorian, “I missed you, too. Happy?” “Very.” Dorian pulls Manon into a deep kiss then releases his phantom hand. She rolls her eyes at him at she walks away, the greeting basically routine at this point. She goes to greet Yrene, who’s now holding a drowsy but awake Aeson. “Tris!” he shouts. “Ace!” Tristan shouts back. The two boys squirm in their mothers arms until they are put down to immediately start brawling on the ground. Yrene smiles at Manon as she watches the two boys intently, eyes bright as she sees how fierce Tris is. Just like her. “I don’t know where Aeson got his attraction to fighting but it’s obvious Tris gets it from you, Manon.” Manon looks up, “Really? You think he’s like me?” “Of course, just look at the way he fights. He’s all nails and teeth. If he were older then Aeson he’d have probably killed him by now.” This makes Manon laugh, “But he’s like Dorian as well. He has figured out how to use his cuteness to manipulate you into giving him sweets.” “His luck is over. I’m immune to that trick,” she smiles fondly, “Dorian tries it all the time.” They both laugh and head inside with the others close behind.
The next day they return to the aerie and all depart for the flight to Orynth.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Ten Years of a Better World Part II - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
Chaol paces, his legs stiff but not worsening. With Yrene often away teaching at the Torre he has to manage with stiff legs, sometimes a cane, but Yrene knows she can’t drain herself too much. She is well aware of how energetic three-year-olds are and how easily you need to move to keep track of them. Thankfully, Aeson is sleeping at the moment giving Chaol a well deserved break and time to pack a few things for their trip. Manon should arrive tomorrow and then they will depart to Rifthold the next day. He will get to see Yrene and Yafa. It’s been a month since he last saw them and he misses them terribly. His wife and daughter are at the Torre in Rifthold, the former teaching classes and preparing the school for the new year, the latter attending classes. Yafa goes to school at the Torre attending both healing classes and the regular classes provided.
Chaol looks down at his sleeping son. All he feels in his heart as he looks at Aeson is love… and tiredness but mostly love. No matter how exhausting a toddler is he wouldn't trade this for anything. He is so peaceful when he sleeps. His long eyelashes fluttering as he dreams and he cuddles his little toy wyvern, he never sleeps without it. They had to get him that toy because he wanted his own wyvern so badly he wouldn't stop crying. Chaol smiles fondly at the memory as he tucks the blanket around Aeson.
In the evening the next day Chaol takes Aeson out to the aerie to meet Manon, Petrah and Bronwyn. When they land Aeson squeals and struggles in Chaol’s arms until he is forced to put him down. Aeson makes a beeline for Abraxos. Chaol would freak out if it wasn’t Abraxos. Abraxos has already met Aeson and Yafa, when she was younger. He is very gentle with the children, letting them stroke him and pat his snout. Even tolerating grabby and pokey little hands. Manon and Chaol embrace, they’ve become good friends over the years. Their spouses are both mostly, or frequently, in Rifthold so they often make this trip there together.
At dinner they all catch up on the past few months while Aeson climbs all over the table. He won’t stop asking about Tristan. He loves Tristan. They are only one year apart and are inseparable when together. But the adults talk of more grown-up things, not that having children isn’t grown-up but Chaol knows that Manon isn’t the most motherly person ever and feels a bit guilty about it. So, they talk of politics and their kingdoms, and of course the stresses of long distance relationships - they see their spouses frequently enough but time apart is always tough. Petrah and Bronwyn leave, volunteering to put Aeson to bed, when the relationship topic comes into play. They know how long these sessions last. Chaol and Manon talk all night, through several bottles of wine and until the candles are burnt low. They lean heavily on each other as they stumble up to their respective bedrooms both missing their spouses and wanting nothing more than to go to sleep so they can wake up tomorrow and fly to Rifthold.
Manon and Chaol wake up in the morning with splitting headaches but only the desire to get to Rifthold. They beat Petrah and Bronwyn to the aerie after breakfast and wait impatiently in the skies for the two witches. Aeson sits strapped into a child’s saddle in front of Chaol. Heavy hangovers call for a silent flight but not if Petrah and Bronwyn can help it. The two talk as much as possible knowing perfectly well how Manon and Chaol are feeling. Not to mention Aeson’s excited babble about flying and seeing Mummy.
Early afternoon they approach the Rifthold aerie. While feeding their mounts they are surprised by a familiar voice taunting them. “Slow pokes, I’ve been here for half a day at least waiting for you.” They all turn to see Ansel and Ilias grinning at them. Chaol greets them both warmly while Manon punches Ansel in the shoulder and gives Ilias a quick wink. Ilias, still very much silent, leads a horse over for each of the new arrivals. They all depart for the palace together.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Ten Years of a Better World - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
The Wastes
Manon stands in front of the people of the Wastes, both Witches under her rule and Assassin’s under Ansel of Briarcliff’s rule. “Denizens of the Wastes, I am sure you’ve all heard about the upcoming absence of both I, Ansel of Briarcliff and the witch clan leaders, Bronwyn and Petrah, leaving Giuliana Yellowlegs and Eira Blackbeak in charge.” The witch clan all look to their respective leaders, the Crochans to Bronwyn, the Bluebloods to Petrah, the Yellowlegs to Giuliana, and the Blackbeaks to Eira. “We are departing tomorrow for a gathering of the lands rulers in Orynth to commemorate ten years of a better home. It is especially significant to us, the Witches, because it has also been ten years since we broke the curse and regained our homeland.” Cheers breakout through the crowd but are quickly hushed as Manon continues to speak at the same volume. “When we are back from Orynth there will be a week long festival to celebrate the defeat of Erawan and Maeve, and the reclaiming of our homeland.” Manon turns around and walks back to where Ansel is standing behind her and mutters, “Ten years of this and I still hate having to act regal, and respectable.” Ansel smirks at her as she walks forward to address her assassins, “Good evening my handsome rogues. I am not going to repeat everything our lovely Queen Manon has just said,” she flashes a grin at Manon, “but what I am going to say is… Play nice, meaning keep your hands and knives to yourselves, sparring is acceptable but no brawling. I’m looking at you Derrick,” Many assassins turn laughing to one particularly red assassin, “anyway, I’m leaving you under the authority of the witch clan leaders as well, so basically don’t kill anyone and I won’t kill you when I get back.” Ansel throws Manon a smug grin as she swaggers towards her wyvern.
The sun barely peeks over the horizon as the four women prepare their wyverns and brooms. Ansel buckles a saddle onto her wyvern, Arya, as Petrah and Bronwyn check their brooms for imperfections - they have a long flight ahead of them. Manon, however, is already in the skies eager to abandon her queenly duties to the wind. Flying is the only time she can just be herself, not a queen. She breathes the chill morning air and closes her eyes. Dorian used to be freeing like the wind but now there’s another duty, parenthood. Time alone with Dorian is hard to find with a two-year-old running around. She opens her eyes and looks at the land beneath her. The once infertile wastelands now lush with green grass, forests, farms and flowers. She did this. She brought life back to the wastes. Manon’s thoughts are interrupted as the others join her in the skies.
As the sun reaches its crux Ansel peels off from the group to pick up Ilias, also on his way to Orynth. The others lift a hand in farewell before Ansel shouts, the wind carrying her voice back to them, "Race you to Rifthold, losers!" Arya beats her mighty wings launching them faster into the distance.
As they fly they talk of the time they are about to commemorate, the time when they were just allies not friends, when they didn't know if they could trust each other.  Manon was never a very trusting person, she had her thirteen and that was it, but now they're gone. She had no one for a while but in this time of peace Manon has grown, she's opened herself up, and learnt to trust because of it. Her, Petrah and Bronwyn are as good friends now as they had once been good enemies and she is glad of it.
Petrah's tears are whipped away by the wind as she talks of Keelie. Her wyvern. She loved Keelie and no longer felt life was worth living when Keelie was killed. Once she had avenged Keelie and the war was over there was no one forcing her to ride a wyvern, so now she doesn’t. She could never choose to ride another wyvern. She loved Keelie and will never love another as much as she had her. Even Manon sheds a tear as Petrah talks. She thinks of Asterin and wonders if Abraxos is thinking of Narene as they fly towards the place both rider and wyvern died.
Finally, the Ferian Gap comes into view. The three witches are ready for a warm meal and a good nights rest after their long flight. Chaol stands waiting for them in the aerie when they arrive. He smiles wearily as they approach, he looks tired but happy. Manon knows she will see the same expression on Dorian’s face when they arrive in Rifthold tomorrow. One night in Anielle and then see will see him again, Dorian.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Hey Guys,
I’ve got some fics for the New Year coming out within the next few days. Hope you had a great 2018 and are having an awesome 2019 so far.
Happy New Year!!
- ramblings-of-a-gen-z-teen
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Does anyone have any post Kingdom of Ash scenes they want me to write? I've got time on my hands but no ideas...
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The Ashryver Cousins Part II - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
Dressed in the prettiest dresses in the princess’s wardrobe, the girls run through the castle in search of their mothers. Of course, they find their mothers in the training hall, sparring. They had tracked the sounds of blades clashing from corridors away.
Aelin wields twin daggers, using one to deflect Lysandras sweeping blow upwards and the other to attack the shifters now undefended side. “Ah, the girls have arrived just in time to see me win, how lovely.” Aelin drawls at Lysandra as she tucks her blades into her belt. Lysandra, seeing the mischief sparking in Aelin’s eyes, decides not to ask what she means by ‘girls’ as she turns towards the children. “Harry,” she gasps, “my little girl, you look so beautiful.” Harriet bobs a curtsey, “Harriet, if you will, m’lady.” “Harriet.” Lysandra smiles, “It suits you.” Aelin smiles as she notices her little girl, her Lyria, getting two wooden daggers and a sword from the shelf. “Lyria,” Aelin calls. The girl turns around sheepishly. “What are you doing?” Lyria walks over to Harriet handing her the sword, “Just winning a fight,” she says batting her eyelashes at her mother. Gods above, this child has inherited far too much of her own insufferable swagger, especially for a girl of eight. “Not in that beautiful dress you won’t,” Rowan roars entering the room and scooping Lyria up onto his shoulders. “How about we get you two some armour?” The girls faces light up as they say in unison, “Really?”
Aelin and Lysandra laugh at their girls. “They were never going to be girly were they?” Lysandra sighs. “Thank the gods for that!” Aelin turns to Lysandra, “And you’ve had that hope for all of five minutes, now?” Aelin grins. “A girl can dream.” Lysandra smiles back.
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The Ashryver Cousins - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
Nearly a decade after Erawan and Maeve were defeated Erilea is still being rebuilt in more ways than one. The physical rebuild is well underway. Orynth and Rifthold bustling capitals while Perranth, Caraverre and Arran thriving cities. Under Manon's care the Wastes are blooming again, a utopia for witches of all clans. The Northern Torre has been worth its weight in gold tending to the mental state of the continent. Everyone is still adjusting to the loss of the ‘gods’ but a belief in each other and a better world has bloomed into a continent wide religion.
Heads of silver and gold streak around the statue chasing a little red robin. The robin weaves through the figures of pure white marble and pitch black onyx spiralling towards the sky, evading the children at every turn. A flash of light and a white fledgling hawk chases after the robin. The hawk's talons stretch out for the robin. The robin dives. The hawks talons closing around air. Another flash of light and the robin becomes a grey speckled hawk to rival its hunter. Now matched in speed they weave in and out, circling each other in a dance. But the white hawk has the advantage. The two silver headed children still chasing the birds create wind currents to aid the white hawk's pursuit. As the white hawk again reaches out for the other, bright light flashes and a child tumbles from the sky. The girl is completely naked and laughing hysterically sprawled on the ground. “Okay, okay,” she laughs, “you win! You got me!” The silver haired twins run over throwing their cloaks to cover their friends nakedness. “Harry, what are you doing?” “Whatever do you mean, boys?” Harry drawls feigning ignorance. “Why are you a girl? You’re a boy.” They say incredulously. “Well, right now I’m a girl so…” she sticks out her tongue in defiance just as the twins older sister lands next to her and grabs her excitedly. “I’ve always wanted a sister and you’re even better,” she grins down at her friend, “let's go find you a pretty dress to wear. Hmm...” she pauses to think, “Harriet!” The shifter grins at her female name and hops up from the ground wrapping herself in one of the twins cloaks and tossing the other back. The twins look at each other and groan as the girls skip towards the castle, “Girls.” Then the green-eyed twin draws his wooden sword from its sheath and aims it at his turquoise-eyed brothers chest, “Let’s go find Dad.” The other boy nods and they run towards the Lion’s Gate in search of Rowan.
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The Westfall Family Grows - A Post Kingdom of Ash Fanfic
The birth had been easy since she had been surrounded by her most trusted healers. Healers from the new Torre Cesme in Rifthold proudly trained by Yrene herself. Magically gifted healers and those without a drop of power come from all over to be taught by Yrene, Hero of Erilea, and she accepted them all.
But as she held her newborn babe in her arms there was nothing else, no one else. She was lost in the beautiful bronze eyes of her baby girl, the very same eyes she looked up into as Chaol brushed a tear from her cheek. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and as their eyes met once more she could she the joy there. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at Yrene. The fierce love that she beheld in his face made her heart skip a beat. Even after nearly a year she was still amazed by her husband. His gaze softened as she passed the child - their child - to him. His bronze eyes bright though now rimmed in silver as he shed the same tears he had brushed from her cheek just a moment ago. The babe gurgled happily as her father held her and Chaol smiled back at his daughter. He turned back to Yrene the babe still gurgling, “What will we name her?”
Yrene hummed, thinking, while gazing at their child, “I think I would like to name her Yafa,” she looks up at Chaol, “after the first Towers woman to learn at the Torre.”
Chaol smiled softly, “Yafa Westfall,” he whispers, “she’s perfect.”
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