stimmybruno · 2 years
i’m cleaning out my drafts then dipping from tumblr fr :)
i will forever be remembered as that dude who wrote the banger post abt luisa madrigal and the stereotypes her character broke (this one)
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stimmybruno · 2 years
félix being shorter than pepa is an amazing detail in encanto.
for a long time there has been this idea that in a heterosexual relationship, the man must be taller than the woman. and in general men have always been ridiculed or shunned for displaying typically “feminine” or woman-like features, and this is very prominent in regards to height. short men have been seen as lesser, as not “manly” bcus women are typically viewed as being shorter than men and small in general - short men are more often than not the centre of a joke due to not fitting in to this stereotype/expectation of needing to be tall.
masculinity has always been defined as being the tall macho tough guy. being tall has always connoted masculinity. men who fail to adhere to this or men who just aren’t masculine (even though it is out of their control) are often ridiculed. it’s basic toxic masculinity.
this is something media and the word in general has ingrained in us. that men should be tall. and that the taller u are, the more masculine u are.
but félix is shorter than pepa, by a lot.
and the difference is between this and other media with shorter men, is that it isn’t made a big deal out of. there isn’t this whole play on the fact that félix is shorter.
“oh félix ur shorter than ur wife u must feel so bad and embarrassed abt that”. “félix ur so short for a man haha”. there is none of that, not even a hint. félix isn’t ridiculed for his height. there are no short jokes. there is nothing claiming that this height difference takes anything away from félix’s masculinity or manhood or general character. it isn’t even mentioned. attention is never drawn to it.
félix doesn’t become a joke over his height. he is just short.
it isn’t mentioned. it isn’t played upon. it’s just a natural fact.
that’s one of the things i love so dearly abt encanto, is that so many subtle stereotypes were broken but not in a way where it becomes a joke. nor is it only used to attract audiences from these broken stereotypes. encanto shows realism in the characters. they have real features. they aren’t built upon stereotypes and societies impossible expectations. they are varied and different and real. and it isn’t used as bait to get audiences who may relate to watch (if it was they would’ve drawn attention to félix’s height). it’s simply reflecting the real world, naturally.
it just is - bcus that’s what the world looks like. it’s real and it’s natural and it reflects reality. and there is nothing more to it.
félix is shorter than pepa, so what?
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stimmybruno · 2 years
i feel like i’m being stalked by pikachu man /lhj
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stimmybruno · 2 years
don’t use psychotic as an insult.
there are REAL people with this condition who struggle daily, it can be absolutely terrifying and it affects every aspect of their lives.
these people are not evil, bad or dangerous. don’t stigmatise psychosis even further.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
The Malpractice Towards Individuals With Fibromyalgia
For context, I’ve recently obtained an injury to my Achilles’ tendon, we are now pretty sure it’s Achilles tendinitis. And I went to A&E Thursday night after calling 111 and them recommending it.
I was asked the general questions, and obviously the “Do you have any health conditions?” I’m diagnosed with fibromyalgia and so I told them that. They asked me “Well don’t you think this pain you’re experiencing is fibromyalgia?”
Now, I understand why that was asked. But it is definitely not pain due to my fibromyalgia. There are other physical symptoms that don’t a-line with my fibro. And anyways, it’s not the same type of pain I experience. So, I told them that.
I then spent the next 7 hours waiting to see a doctor and once I was called in, she asked me the same question, “Well don’t you think it’s fibromyalgia?” I told her no and explained why. She then did a physical examination, and once she touched my Achilles’ tendon, I had shouted out in pain. She then asked me the questions that were aiming to figure out whether I’ve done something that would affect my Achilles’ tendon. “Have you done any exercise recently?” “Any strenuous activity?” I told her about a shift at work I had, which was a lot more strenuous than usual. She then looked confused and said that it didn’t make sense. I was fully aware it didn’t really make sense, I hadn’t done anything Achilles’ tendon injuries usually occur from. And so she said “No it must just be fibromyalgia.”
At this point I was shocked. It is painfully obvious that I have somehow injured my Achilles’ tendon but because I have fibromyalgia it was put down to that. Even though it isn’t.
It’s shocking, and arguably malpractice.
The thing is, this happens a lot with people who have fibromyalgia. Doctors will brush off injuries and symptoms and say it’s down to fibromyalgia, when it obviously isn’t. It happens with my mum frequently (who has fibromyalgia too).
But I wasn’t listened to. When I told them it isn’t fibromyalgia, because it doesn’t make sense for it to be, I was ignored.
When you have fibromyalgia and experience an injury or pain that isn’t fibromyalgia related, doctors are so desperate to put it down to it. It’s not right. And it’s malpractice.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
If youve been considering using a mobility aid but feel like youre not 'disabled enough,' or fear the societal reprecussions, THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO USE ONE ANYWAY
You dont need to prove to anyone that youre disabled or explain why you need an aid.
There is no shame in using an aid, even if people try to make you feel that way. It sucks to be stared at and get rude and invasive comments, but it also sucks to be in pain all the time and not be able to get around easily.
It doesnt matter if your disability hasnt been recognized by a doctor. It doesnt matter if youve been told that you arent 'medically required' to use an aid or shouldnt have to use one. You know your body better than anyone, so listen to it and trust yourself.
Just because you might not always need to use an aid, doesnt mean you should never use one in times that you need it.
Theres no such thing as being 'not disabled enough' to use a mobility aid. If it helps, it helps, and theres no reason not to use it. Youre not creating a bad image for disabled people or taking away resources from others.
Unfortunately many abled people already have a bad image of disabled people, which is never the fault of disabled people. They will look down on us and accuse you of faking or overplaying your symptoms no matter who you are or what you do. So do whats best for you, because youre not gonna change what they think by forcing yourself to not use an aid when you need one.
Everyones symptoms are different, just because you dont have it the worst doesnt mean you shouldnt be able to use an aid if it helps. Comparing yourself to others isnt helpful.
You can use multiple different mobility aids. Some days you may need to use a wheelchair, but if some days youre fine with using a walker, thats cool too! Shop around for different types of aid, do research, and find out whats best for you. Maybe you started off with a cane but are now realizing that crutches would be better for you. If the aid you previously used isnt working for you anymore, or only works some days, dont hesitate to look at other options!
If you have to worry that youre 'faking it,' youre probably not faking it.
You dont have to cater to abled people. You dont have to try to appear able bodied just because thats what society expects. Even if youre able to hide your disability, youre actively contributing to and creating problems that youll eventually have to address.
Dont wait until youre in unbearable pain to use a mobility aid. Youll only cause more unneccesary harm to your body.
Not using a mobility aid when you need one is not 'overcoming disability' and its not 'inspirational,' its literally damaging.
Using a mobility aid is not 'tragic,' youre not 'giving in to your disability,' youre not weak. The fact that things that help disabled people function better actually exist is something to be celebrated! So why not take advantage of these awesome devices?
The long and short of it is: if using a mobility aid helps you function better and experience less pain and physical health symptoms, then you are well within your rights to use one. Your body will thank you for it.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
one of the worst things abt chronic fatigue and chronic pain is the boredom. rendered incapable of doing anything and the pain and fatigue is so taxing that your brain can't handle doing engaging things. your brain gets tired. too tired to think sometimes. but you're still aware. so then comes the boredom. just yearning for any kind of activity but being denied it because you just don't have the space for it. the worst thing abt pain and fatigue is that it's banal.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
“just take some paracetamol”
Patient: *has a bunch of different symptoms without a clear cause*
Doctors on medical shows: right I’m ordering every single test or scan available, I want a specialist from every department paged to take a look at this case and I want this group of interns looking into every possible rare disease that this patient might have. We won’t let this patient leave until we’ve gone above and beyond to help them. Let’s go people!
Doctors in real life: lol idk the three basic blood tests I did came back normal so it’s probably just in your head or something.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
camilo??! hi kid!! it’s your tío :)
this miiight be one of my new favorites
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uhm, no pressure tags! (and if any of yall dont wanna be tagged just lemme know) @kazoosandfannypacks @cielo-estrellado-rebloguear @accidental-spice @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811 @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork​ @laughingphoenixleader​ @effiethebookworm​   and anyone else!! consider yourself tagged 
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stimmybruno · 2 years
hi we just finished watching encanto and
mm hyperfixiation feels
we have alot of headcanons and just theorys so yeah
anyways uhh i lost the picture of skateboarding rats but i have this
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Two Rats - 1884
Vincent van Gogh
always pleased to meet a fellow rat enthusiast ^_^
aw haha!! i’m glad you enjoyed it :)!!
:0 RATS SKATEBOARDING :0 i must see this
:0 THATS SO CUTE thank you so much!!
ooo fellow rat enthusiast, very nice to meet you too :))))
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stimmybruno · 2 years
I can’t find it now but that post going around about being autistic and feeling dirty … I take that and offer you, being autistic and:
feeling the sensation of something being on your teeth regardless how much you brush them
feeling your fingernails move around at the end of your fingers
feeling your bones. I can’t describe it further but. bones
skin is simultaneously too dry and too sweaty in a way that showers cannot fix
feeling every place your clothes touch your body and HATING IT but also cannot be unclothed in case skin touches other skin
hyper-awareness of everything going on in your body
no wonder I experience sensory overload so often when my brain seems so eager to draw my attention to every single piece of sensory input
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stimmybruno · 2 years
hola tio bruno! i’m a mirabel who’s a little! m 4 :) nice to meet you
hi kid!! it’s lovely to see you too!! wow you’re 4??! what a big kid you are wow!! you can always send me a message little sobrina, i’d love to talk more!! :)
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stimmybruno · 2 years
i made a discord server???? :000
it’s been a wip for a while aaaand i think it would be pretty cool if you joined!!
it’s for systems and irls!!
here’s a link!!
if you need an updated link just pm me :)
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stimmybruno · 2 years
of course it’s alright and that looks great kid!!!!
this miiight be one of my new favorites
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uhm, no pressure tags! (and if any of yall dont wanna be tagged just lemme know) @kazoosandfannypacks @cielo-estrellado-rebloguear @accidental-spice @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811 @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork​ @laughingphoenixleader​ @effiethebookworm​   and anyone else!! consider yourself tagged 
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stimmybruno · 2 years
:0 camilo! hi!
this miiight be one of my new favorites
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uhm, no pressure tags! (and if any of yall dont wanna be tagged just lemme know) @kazoosandfannypacks @cielo-estrellado-rebloguear @accidental-spice @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811 @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork​ @laughingphoenixleader​ @effiethebookworm​   and anyone else!! consider yourself tagged 
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stimmybruno · 2 years
ah thank you for tagging me that’s so cool!!!
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this makes me look so young gagahaghahaha!!!!
i’ll tag: @evil-autism and anyone else who’d like to do this!!!
this miiight be one of my new favorites
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uhm, no pressure tags! (and if any of yall dont wanna be tagged just lemme know) @kazoosandfannypacks @cielo-estrellado-rebloguear @accidental-spice @authorofemotion @bookdragon1811 @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork​ @laughingphoenixleader​ @effiethebookworm​   and anyone else!! consider yourself tagged 
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stimmybruno · 2 years
oh wow :') this is so sweet!! :') thank you so much @evil-autism !!!
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Tío Bruno and young Mirabel.🦋🥺
(ig : allieeecakes)
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