sweetatropia · 4 years
Climate change should be marketed differently
Most people really don’t care about saving the earth. All they care about is themselves and their bubble - and that’s what you need to target, you need to show them how it will change their lives. You need to engage with their fear and make them realise it’s coming for us all and they’re included in that. People don’t give a shit about animal and fauna die off, even other people are dying, they need to know how it’ll affect them.
Three points I want to mention:
- It won’t happen in our life time - For many of us now it will and it is happening now. We are already being affected by extreme weather; flooding droughts, etc. It’s getting more common. Next will be crop and livestock die-off; all processed foods and beverages would be affected by this also, think barley in beer. Coronavirus is a good example to use for how people react when they fear there will be food/drink/product shortages; they become animalistic, horde and only look out for themselves - all this whilst knowing it is temporary and there is no disruption in supply chains. Now imagine if it was worldwide crop failure and there was going to me mass affect and disruption on and to the supply chain. I imagine it would be much worse and I imagine many people would starve as a result of other peoples greed alone. When it’s all done and over and you’re slowly starving to death - remember you had a chance to prevent this.
- We can colonise other planets - Most likely not in our lifetime or before we experienced the worst of it. Even if we did; it would be a pay your way deal. Only the super wealthy could afford it and most likely because they had a part in funding it. Think 2012. The rest of us would be left on earth to continue until the end essentially. Whatever that may be, but we’d be doomed to it. Or we could make a change now.
- It’s natural process of the earth - Now this is probably my favourite because I also believe this is a natural process of the earth, a cycle between hot and cold. Although for the record I do believe we are definitely speeding up the process. Anyway; so earth has experienced many ice ages, even after periods of heat. Yes it has been to do with dust clouding the atmosphere, with mass eruptions etc. But what if it’s also to do with the oceans; as climate increases during the summer the ocean absorbs more and more heat over time. In winter; releasing more and more heat. So what if an ice age is a kind of equilibrium restorer. As temperatures rise and rise, that means the ocean would release more and more heat on a global scale; possibly releasing so much it cools the earth to a point, ‘flicking a switch’, and bringing about an ice age. Then the earth would, once again and over time, warm to a healthy climate. Moral of the story; human life would most likely not survive an ice age, dependent on severity. If not for the cold, then for the starvation mass crop and livestock die-off would cause as a result of said ice age.
So instead of ‘Save the World’ it should be ‘Save Yourselves’. Save yourselves by, not only changing the way you live your life but, targeting your attention to mass corporation destroying and polluting the environment for monetary gain. Because all they will use that wealth for is to save themselves when shit hits the fan and I guarantee you; they will not give a rats ass about helping you. Waste can be handled more efficiently, companies should pay to help restore environments they damage, we should switch to renewable energy; like you could literally never have to pay an electric bill again if you went solar. It’s not hard and there is an easy solution but it requires ‘the many’ working together to hold ‘the few’ accountable and stop the greed. If the whole population of, would be, affected people worked together for change; then it would be a reality.
Your actions will determine your fate.
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sweetatropia · 4 years
I value complete truth within myself. I am very self aware, I have met my shadow self and incorporated it into my being. I accept who I am and I love myself, I have security in myself. Change is normal for me. I’ve built my life up from the ashes countless times, each time being better than the last. Constantly learning about myself and the world around me as I do. I would walk through fire to save myself; should I have to, for my own growth, I would and I would do it spectacularly. Growth is very important to me. I want to become the best version of myself. Not only that; I want to help other people become the best version of themselves. I want to watch the world bloom.
I have a very strong intuition. People say Plutonian’s can gaze into your soul, and I would have to agree with that. I can see someones true self, I can sense their essence - I have a deep feeling of this. Upon meeting people I can quickly and accurately gauge them, this is backed by me speaking of what I believe and it being correct. I can more often than not tell when someone is lying, sensing their true intent. I can understand why someone would have reacted the way they did, and how they felt in that situation. I can see what lies beneath the surface, seeing what someone is trying to hide. I feel people can sense that about me and it makes some uncomfortable.
I’ve noticed I can have a strange affect on people. Good or bad dependent on whether they are true to themselves and open to change. This affect is mostly subconscious. I am a paradox, a mystery - sometimes even to myself. Therefore people will create the picture they want to see, only the picture’s paint is a projection of that person and what they feel about themselves. When around people that don’t/can’t accept themselves truly, the way they act and their intent will become how they see and interpret me. This can be challenging. As it is hard to make someone see something they don’t want to see.
I’ve had to leave people whom I care about deeply due to this. Some could not be true to themselves, feeling they are imprisoned by who they are; not knowing that acceptance is the key to that cell. Over time this leads to denial of their ultimate self and more often than not also narcissism. I haven’t worked out how to be a light to these people yet; without causing detriment to myself anyway, but I’ll learn. What I have learnt is; I cannot help people who are not receptive to helping themselves and although sad, I need to let them go.
Confronting your shadow self can be an arduous and painful journey but the outcome will always be worth it. Complete truth and acceptance of yourself if the key to change. Only you have the power to change yourself. Believe in yourself.
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sweetatropia · 4 years
Is hope a loss
It’s a paradox. Still wanting things to work, but knowing that they will never be. I have crystalline knowledge of a situation when I trust my intuition. Even if red flags are present; if I want it I will pursue it with the willpower of a thousand suns, at risk of self-destruction I will persevere. Why is this. I know if I truly believe, I will achieve the desired goal. But at what cost. What am I missing, what haven’t I learnt from it yet. I’ve learnt to be true to myself and my value, to forgive and trust again, to let go. But I still cling onto hope sometimes, maybe through that I’m preventing myself from fully letting go. Hope becomes a loss, although I’m not sure I truly believe that.
In saying that; hope is the greatest demon of all, hope will have you hooked. If everything is planned out already, all endings are established - hope is obsolete. If what will be will be, hope is a rope; maybe more a snare. It will keep you trapped in a situation. Therefore hope does become a loss - as when the hope dies, the loss becomes present. Thats what I’m missing. Hope is futile, it achieves nothing. Hope is lazy and must become action. Hope is sitting around pining for something, fearing action - as that could result in disappointment. The fear of action must be destroyed. If you want something, go out and try to get it. Regardless of the outcome you will have grown, you will learn what you need to learn.
I believe everything in this life happens for a reason. I believe everything that has happened to me is to mould me into the person I must become. I don’t have any regrets as such because I learn from my failures; I learn to never repeat them and through doing that a regret becomes a rule. I should replace my hope with trust. Trust that what is meant to be will be and what is meant to be will be magnificent.
To be as free as the wind is not without burden. As the wind comes and goes, it does so without attachment. This could be considered a weakness but the wind accepts the burden; building on its strength by doing so and thus further establishing its freedom. It’s a paradox.
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sweetatropia · 4 years
As promised, my Birth Chart
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sweetatropia · 4 years
Here it goes
So I’ve actually decided to do this now, to write. After feeling for so long I should but not being sure what to say - this is it. I’m spilling my thoughts.
It’s going to be anonymous though, as I’m not about that hype yet.
Im going to start it on this - I’m very spiritually aware. From a young age I was interested in demonology and the occult; it’s always fascinated me and I’ve always been drawn to it. Although it is my curiosity to truly know what I have experienced, that draws me to it. I learn through researching my experiences. Something happens and it strikes a bookmark in my mind, I then look it up and gain a greater understanding. I have done this for as long as I can remember; building on my knowledge and essentially growing my spiritual self.
I’ve known for a while that I am ruled by the planet Pluto. My Ascendent is Scorpio, with Pluto in retrograde at a conjunction of 4º15. There are other factors too, I’ll post my chart below. Anyway, I had never really paid attention to my Jupiter until recently; my Jupiter is located in my first house also in retrograde, but within Sagittarius. Hades meets Zeus?
I have within the last year been very drawn to balance. Without realising the Jupiter aspect in my First House. I always struggled with who I served; being the light or the dark. I then realised I serve myself and that I can draw on power from both the light and dark for what is necessary. It sometimes feels like the typical Angel and Devil each on one shoulder - but without the arguments.
I’m still learning about all of this. About who I truly am, what I’m supposed to be doing here. I get the sense I have a destiny of sorts; I’m supposed to make a change here. To break the wheel. To be a glowing example of change. I just don’t know how yet, I don’t know what it is exactly I’m supposed to do. I just have to follow my intuition until I find it.
I’ve always had the feeling I had to write about my experiences, I’ve felt this for a very long time. Although, I never knew what to write about and to be truthful I didn’t want people I know to read what I had written; most likely due to fear of judgement. But I’m going to get around that, test the waters I guess.
So welcome to me learning about me and also other things. Strap in and enjoy the ride.
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