#/srs there are three different people running this blog
jimines · 3 years
Whats actually happened between you and taemaknae? I read about it on the tea blog and still confused
This is an insanely long story so I'm going to put it below the cut so for anyone interested in this absolute shit show, continue on.
Essentially, I posted these headers about a month ago:
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It was a set of like 8 colours and it was the first time I had ever posted any headers or anything. The issue nic had with these, was the ripped paper bottom. Because apparently you can trademark that. I had asked a (now ex) “friend” of mine if she knew where I could find the ripped paper effect because I had seen the effect on the header of her network blog and I had been trying to find a similar thing for months and google images never gave me anything good. She ended up referring me to google images anyways and after like an hour of dedicated searching, I found this ripped paper effect and used it. This ex “friend” went on to tell another friend of mine that I had "asked where nicole gets her resources for her headers" and then screenshotted my dm as "proof", which still confuses me because I never mentioned nicole there lmao. I've seen the screenshot.
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Tell me where I said nicole. It was literally just a question born from seeing the header they had on their network lmao. I feel it’s important to mention I didn’t know this person ran said network at that time, which is why i said “these people”.
This other friend then came to me and just said my headers "may be seen as similar to nic's” and said she noticed it on her own and never mentioned my other “friend” approaching her. I was confused because other than that ripped paper effect that I know many people on tumblr use, I saw no similarities. Nic's headers are usually more complex and more than just a coloured background with a little effect in it. I just wanted to make some simple headers for fun because I was bored. But, regardless, I messaged nic about it to make sure she didn't feel the same way. I told her a friend of mine was worried nic might think my headers are similar to her's and I assured her that if she found them similar I would take them down, no questions asked. Nic told me she was surprised this friend brought it up and told me that it was entirely up to me if I found the headers similar. She never once told me she felt they were the same, never mentioned anything about them, she insisted it was up to me to do as I pleased. So, since I genuinely found no similarities, I left them up.
About a week went by and things between nic and I were fine, or so I thought, based off the fact that she was interacting with my posts, sending me cute asks and replying to a lot of my comments and stuff being kind and whatnot. Then, I decided to post a small list of my creations and the series I had running at the time. 
After that, all of a sudden I got an influx of rude hate anons:
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To anyone I mentioned the anons to, they agreed with me, you cannot trademark circular icons. This anon also accused me saying “just the fact that you had an anxiety attack about it proves you copied them” Like no sweetie, it’s called three strangers walked into my house and I got anxious.
Despite me not seeing the issue, I messaged nic, assuming she wouldn't care about the icons (it wasn't like I was taking her exact work and copying and pasting them as my own) and that made her very upset. When she responded to me, she was incredibly heated and gave off the vibe she was waiting for me to message her about it. 
She said things like "this has actually been bothering me for a while", "i expected you to be able to read between the lines and delete the headers", "i don't know who that anon was but clearly they recognize my style". For starters, she never told me that she was annoyed with me, she was being very kind to me publicly. And I have no idea how I was meant to “read between the lines” of what she said especially considering how kind she was to me the following days. I also never accused her of knowing this anon, she just insisted it wasn't her and she didn't know them right off the bat. She also insinuated that I copied my gifs from others as well, which ticked me off because I made my 100+ layer psd myself thank you very much. But I kept my cool, and I told her I had no idea she felt the way she did, and I told her I would delete the headers (which i did as the conversation was going on), and that I would stop posting my icons and bringing attention to them because no one ever paid it any mind before that point. And I asked her “please tell me straight up the next time you have an issue with me because I am generally pretty dumb with social cues”, I have my adhd to thank for that. And instead of replying, she just blocked me. And conveniently, the hate anons stopped dead right after we blocked each other and I haven't received any since.
Also, these are the kinds of icons I posted:
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Looks pretty generic and idk, universal, right?
Then, as I've recently found out today, she was in an "anti-loverjimin" groupchat with at least 2 other bloggers. 
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Which explains why this all went and fell into place. I know who the two other bloggers are because of what happened two days later but I won't name them just yet, but these two people had been "friends" with me for several months. So, a day or two after nic blocked me, all of a sudden some good friends of mine were blocking me and not talking to me when I asked what was going on. I found out soon after it was because nicole and those two now ex “friends” of mine had taken old dms I sent them and were showing them to people. And I will go into detail about them but I won't name the people they are about for privacy reasons.
Before I move on, to clarify some lies nic has been spreading about me, I never once shit talked nicole to my friends. One of these ex friends also said I was trying to get people on my side. I would have reacted to this all very very differently if that were the case. I would be dragging everyone through the fucking dirt but I don't get off on drama or micromanaging what my mutuals do. My issues are with these people, if you're still friends with them that's your decision i could not care less. So, back to it, the only thing I said about nic was that she and I had a stupid small fight over icons and that she was spreading lies about me, based off of what nic said to jordan.
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That exact message, or slight variations of it, was sent to anyone I interacted with because I didn't know if nic was going to stop at jordan or try and get to everyone I fucking knew lmao. Some of the people I messaged this to told ME nic had done this kind of thing before, that she has sent hate anons, launched hate campaigns, cancelled people, etc. Over stupid shit like icons lmao.
Here are some responses I received after I mentioned nicole:
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And nic or one of her friends also took it upon themselves to send anons to that tea blog to blow shit up and named everyone and made it an even bigger mess when they saw no one was actively trying to fight me after the dms got out. 
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I also love that in this following ask, they named my two “friends” that were behind the whole dm drama and backstabbed me, as well as two other people I never badmouthed, that story was twisted. But we’ll get into those details shortly.
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And she also told people I clout chased big blogs and only cared about notes. At one point, yes, I did care a lot about my statistics. However, never once did I think clout chasing was worth my fucking time or energy, Nic is the biggest clout chaser on this damn site and there are receipts of that, ask jordan lmao. And I couldn’t give two shits about my statistics anymore lmao, much less anxiety that way. Do I still crave validation sometimes? Sure. But it's not a driving force of my tumblr experience like it used to be.
But, moving on to the dms, the first one was sent when I first came back to tumblr full-time and didn't understand why people self reblogged things, I found the pretence of self reblogging annoying and greedy and I complained about it and it was a comment fuelled by two bloggers that i would see sr a lot on my dash. But I never thought THEY were annoying, as these people are saying I did, it was self reblogging I found annoying and as you can see I have come to understand why people sr and I do it myself too. I didn't even know these two bloggers at this time either. That dm was cropped to hide the fact that this "friend" agreed with me and hid the date as well so it seemed recent, and was sent to one of the bloggers I mentioned as an example, someone I had since become good friends with. 
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I didn’t befriend one of the people I mentioned there until mid to late June. That friendship is now over thanks to this drama and all the lies. The second friend of mine they went after was never spoken about in dms, they went and turned her against me through lies and manipulation so that friendship has ended too. And while those two were doing that, nic went off to try and turn jordan against me.
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There was a particular user on here that I did say some nasty things about but we weren't friends, as many people have been made to believe. I was particularly mad at this person in those dms and was hurtful, I admit, and I have since apologized and owned up to all of it to these people. I did call them fake and/or two-faced. 
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And what in the gassing me up bullshit was their response though lmao. I also sent this following dm before I even talked about the issue with this person. They urged me to continue and to name drop the person, and I stupidly thought they were trustworthy.
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My reasoning for what I said wasn't unwarranted though, I don't make a habit of going around shit-talking people, unless they do something to me first. I vent when I am upset and this person had sent me a passive aggressive ask and then denied sending it when I asked and I thought that was just very fake, especially since she was so kind to me in dms before the ask came in. But all of these dms were cropped too to hide timestamps and responses, and in most cases, like those screenshots prove, these "friends" either gassed me up or egged me on to continue ranting or to name the people i was mad at and they had agreed with me on several, several occasions. Turns out they were trying to get dirt on me to use in their cancel campaign. But the point is, nic has made me out to be this horrible person that befriends "big blogs" (an overrated statement) and then shit talks them behind their back without remorse. Yet it was one person I said rude things about and I, again, owned up to it all and apologized to them the first day. I would've done it sooner had I a) remembered feeling the way I did all those months ago or remembered the dms themselves or b) felt that way still after meeting them. But neither is the case.
I find it really amusing though that these people wanted things to be kept quiet and didn’t want anyone they spoke to to talk to me about it because I was going to “out them on my blog” and “make a big scene”, then they three went and made it a big fucking scene and ruined my friendships. I’m familiar with this pattern of manipulation as it has happened to me in real life before and it’s the most childish bullshit to witness.
Before this callout day for nic, I had never once been directly rude to or about her, same goes for those ex “friends” that betrayed my trust and friendship. The fact that they plotted against me in a group chat while still actively talking to me and being all buddy buddy is just disgusting. Both of them were talking to me that day at the same time they were sharing the dms and shit-talking me to my friends. But yeah, that's my side, the untwisted side, of the whole story. I tried to be mature and talk to nic and when I didn't do what she wanted me to do, she blocked me and launched the hate campaign with dms and the power of photoshop. I’ve been hesitant to make any of this public because it was meant to be a silent ordeal but I’ve grown tired of her constantly publicizing everything without consequence while I remain silent like I promised.
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alvsstudies · 3 years
WaniKani for Kanji Studies
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WaniKani, for all your kanji learning needs~
WaniKani, the glorious, glorious site that’s been a permanent tab on my computer for years. Boy, where do I even begin to describe the wonder that is this kanji studying website and its community? Actually, other than the very basics I’ll probably stick to mentioning the things I personally love about it and let you explore the ins and outs of the page on your own, because the WK community site already has loads and loads of guides, support, and tips ‘n tricks for you if you want to give it a go and need someone to point you in the right direction. Oh, and then there’s also the official knowledge guide which includes FAQ, of course. Heaps of information on there. Totally recommend it. 🐊🦀✨
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“Everything you need to know about waiting a really long time for your precious reviews”
“Okay, okay, we get it. But, what is WaniKani?” Ah. Right. Well, first things first, in Japanese ワニ (wani) means crocodile, or alligator, and カニ (kani) means crab. The mascot for the page is the almighty Crabigator that is more or less worshipped by the community. If you venture into the weird parts of it, that is. But if you’re not into that stuff you can just. Y’know. Forget everything I just wrote and pretend it doesn’t exist. 
Through WK you get to memorise both kanji and vocabulary containing the kanji you learn. 2,000 kanji may sound like intimidatingly many squiggles and lines to learn, but nope! WK’s got your back! Instead of memorising each and every line, you learn using radicals. Suddenly you’ll look at a kanji and see three radicals instead of 10+ strokes. Magic ✨ You’ll also learn the different pronunciations/readings of the kanji, and when you learn new vocabulary you’ll have a bunch of example sentences of varying difficulty help you see the word in its proper context.
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Kanji readings made easy. And fun!
The learning process is separated into different levels (60 in total), each containing a certain amount of radicals, kanji, and vocabulary. There is a “Lessons” button for learning new stuff, and a “Reviews” button for reviewing the stuff you’ve previously learnt. Easy peasy, right? 🍋
Welp, that’s essentially the gist of it. I’ll now introduce some of the things I love about WK real quick:
First few levels for free - this way you’ll get a feel for how WK works while at the same time learn some basic kanji. Then you’re free to choose which type of membership you’d like to purchase (if any). (It’s so worth it though, if you ask me)
SRS: spaced repetition system - to optimise learning based on how human memory works. Greatly appreciated by my psychology major brain 
The design, art, layout - clean, colourful, pretty, simplistic, professional, and easy to use only begins to describe it! Besides, how could we possibly hope to learn anything at all if the page weren’t aesthetically pleasing, amirite 
Humour - good god there’s nothing worse than really dry textbook material. How about some really dry humour instead? Believe me, there are some GEMS in the example sentences
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Game-like - the level up system makes you want to keep going back for more so you can level up. It’s sort of like that TED-talk about the Super Mario Effect: you’re so engrossed in the “I want to level up!” mindset that you forget that you’re actually learning heaps of useful kanji in the process
Community - whether you want someone to answer your questions about those pesky particles, want to laugh at extremely disproportionate manga drawings people have found while reading, want to practice chatting in Japanese with fellow learners, want a morale boost by checking out some wholesome doodles and gifs, lowkey want to join a Crabigator cult or want to join a Japanese book club - the WK community is the place to go. I just wanted to learn some kanji, man. Who would’ve thought I’d make actual, solid friendships? Aw. Wholesome  
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And last but not least:
The Tofugu guys who run the show - accommodating, kind, funny, professional, and quick to reply if something’s up. You see them lurking around in the community posts sometimes. You should totally consider checking out their articles about Japan and Japanese learning over on their blog, Tofugu. Super helpful! Or their podcast about the same stuff. All good times over there. (One of my personal faves is probably the one about ようかい.) They’re also currently working on developing a Japanese-learning-online-textbook-type of thing (...nailed it) called EtoEto. Super excited for that!
And that’s that on that! 🎊 If you have any questions about WK just send me an ask or pop by the WK Community (my @ in case you want to say hi: Alolvovan). Happy kanji learning! 頑張って!
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Under Siege
The first and probably last time I will do something like this. It’s a choose your own adventure! This is like the set up; leads up to your first choice.
It goes like this: Set up -> choice -> ending.
Each choice goes to ONLY one brother, and maybe not the one you think ;).
Each choice has its own ending (one ending per choice).
I’ll make a mini masterlist as I finish the parts. I won’t be able to link anything, though. I tried to link things when I first started this blog and they didn’t work. They looked link but wouldn’t open up into anything.
I guess it’ll just help people find the choice they want? Sorry :/
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Imagine the Devildom being stormed by an outside army during the school year. It could be an army composed of secret children of the Demon King (Daddyvolo Sr.), or just different groups of lesser demons who feel they should have more power than they do. Think naga demons linking up with criminal lesser demons, summoners, dark elves, and dark fae. Just non-standard demons that are probably minorities in the Devildom or maybe used to call the Devildom home before it was solely for devils/demons.
Death comes by land and by sea. Some on creatures you’ve never seen before, some that were surely the inspiration for “And I looked and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him.”
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Horror movies and apocalypse-style movies only kind of prepared you for what’s happening around you. It’s the first time you realize everyone really has been treating you with kid gloves. Out any window of RAD the sky is impossibly dark, the sky speckled with yellow and red---piercing eyes of creatures humans were never meant to see.
Probably the last thing you’ll see, because it is only when you realize how focused and murderous those eyes are that you hear the deafening sound of wings. Possibly thousands of wings. Hooves follow close behind, thundering across the land, and there’s a distinctly helpless feeling of being swallowed whole.
RAD, which is basically a castle, will be stormed and toppled.
A chorus of demon cries echo in the inky night, a sound that chills you to your core. It’s fear incarnate, something that strikes the most primal chord in your human body. The sounds aren’t human by any measure, but your brain translates the unmistakable I’m coming for you and the death therein.
Students with wings are unfurling them and warming up to shoot out windows in tornados of claws and fangs. Summoners are calling upon old favors from even older friends, pact mates that have served their families for generations. Others are casting charms on their friends and tearing pages out of books to cram in their pockets. Those capable of non-verbal magic are drawing sloppy sigils on anyone they can touch.
You’re struggling to recall any spell you’ve learned, to just not panic as you try to understand how everyone can be handling this so calmly. It helps being alive for thousands of years, doesn’t it? The absence of sirens or anything human-related that justifies the panic somehow makes things worse.  
You hadn’t been in the Devildom long enough to run any drills, but the demons around you seem to know what to do. You’re swept out in a wave of bodies, the general idea of moving out of confined spaces (the classrooms) into more open ones is most important right now. Bricks give away behind you—the demon forces are busting through the classroom walls. A haze of brick dust forms as students break off to fight or are physically separated by fliers. Someone in front of you is grabbed by a meaty fist easily three times the side of your head, and you’re surprised they have enough bite force to rip off a finger.
Between their bite and your terrified scratching, the student breaks free. You’re half-tossed by an impact that doesn’t quite break the stone. Or maybe that was a gust from nearby wings. Your head is spinning as you try to figure out who is friend and who is foe. Stone bits stab you in the hand as you stumble to your feet, tripping over one of the once-mounted iron torches someone tore off the wall.
Magic crackles in the air, a taste of lightning in your mouth. There is definitely fire, the burning smell seems to consume everything else. Your heart is pounding because any second someone will realize you’re just a human.
Will you be a war prize? A meal?
Your mind screams for you to summon one of the brothers. Any of them—all of them—but you can’t remember the words. You start running, lungs burning, and huge chunks of the incantation come back to you but you’re too scared to say them with your dry throat lest you summon something else. Two of the demons from Beel’s wrestling team force an orc-demon hybrid down and start tearing it apart with their bare hands.
It vaguely reminds you of the time the brothers idly mentioned choking demons out like it was nothing. Something is snapped off of it—a tooth? A horn? A claw?—and one hands it to you when they notice you’re still standing.
Anything is better than nothing for a human.
Your shaky fingers play along the thing—bigger than your forearm and almost impossible to grip all the way around—until your heart settles a bit. Your grip tightens, comforted by a semblance of preparedness. There’s chaos all around—screams of anguish, battle cries, spells firing off in the distance—and it hits you that no one would hear you if you cried out for them.
Hell, you can hardly hear yourself. The only reason you know your heart’s beating is because it takes up your whole body. You scoop up a fist-sized chunk of wall and duck a flying body as you try to reorient yourself. Something cuts across your back and the sting is enough to make you arch and cry out. Instinctively, you grip that chunk of wall and turn around in one swing.
It’s a demon with bloody claws and an unhinged jaw—part naga?—and you vaguely wonder if Beel can do that as you swing and keep swinging. Your brain is trying to focus and absorb everything at once. Did the blows land on its teeth or the face? Are you bleeding?
Something in you stops, captivated by the firelight and spells glinting in its teeth, and you’re gripped with absolute terror when you realize it paralyzed you. You looked at its eyes, not its teeth. Or maybe you were looking at its teeth and it moved its head down. As your hand grows heavy with the stone, your body relaxes into the tail coiling around and around your body. It lifts you towards its cracked, bloody teeth but before you’re swallowed something darts between you with lightning speed.
Blood sprays across your face and you don’t know if you wince or not. The snake demon falls one way, you fall the other way. Whatever it is, it sliced the demon snake’s throat and severed the tail just below your feet. Cussing and wriggling out of the coils, your heart stops again when you’re plucked from them like they’re not dead weight muscle. You’re grabbed by the front of your uniform and struggling to pull black-painted nails apart when gold tattoos catch your eye
Diavolo doesn’t apologize for the way he grabbed you, his blood-speckled chest heaving a little less than yours. His golden eyes shine with relief but no levity. It’s unusual and off-putting to see him so serious. So calm and calculating. Aware of the threads popping under his fingernails, Diavolo hauls you along like luggage as gold-tipped wings lash out like whips to clear the way.
He’s taken twists and turns as old as the castle itself. Ones only he knows, probably. The echo of chaos isn’t far away, and it won’t be long before someone finds the two of you. Diavolo pulls a female statue from the wall, setting it gently to the side. It melts into the section of wall, stone backing sliding away to follow it.
The bronze door looks old as time itself. There are several languages carved into it. He rearranges the languages until they resemble something you saw in Basic Sorcery and Sigils. “You’ll find whatever you desire here, and you’ll be safe.” Diavolo shoulders the door open, ignoring the dust and age that seeps out. You’re shoved unceremoniously into the room as he screeches at something down the hall; the very sound shakes your bones and is the epitome of do you dare challenge me? There are dull thumping sounds and crunching sounds.
Squishing sounds.
Then, nothing.
“I will come for you when it is safe. I do not lie.” He says through the door before absolute silence sets in.
You can’t hear as much from this room, whatever it is. It looked like little more than a storage closet, honestly. There were tables and shelves full of dusty things. Things in jars, piles of books, cloaks, sets of armor that seemed to span the centuries, and various weapons mounted along the walls.
The screams aren’t as loud but being separated and doing nothing is still hell on your nerves. “What if I want to help?!” you yell at no one, starting to feel the anger bubble up in you. You were angry at yourself for being able to do nothing besides run. Angry that you were stupid enough to fall for snake charms when the first thing Asmo told you was to never look a demon in the eye unless you absolutely trusted them. “WHAT IF I WANT TO HELP?!” you yell again, throwing the hunk of tooth-nail thing at the door.
The door groans on impact and your heart squeezes at the idea that you’ve somehow popped it open. Surely it would take more than that to undo Diavolo’s magic, right? What kind of room did Diavolo need to unlock with magic, anyways? The tooth-claw thing failed to leave a scratch but somehow you’ve awakened the languages again. They spin furiously and come together like mismatched newspaper ransom letters: Then pick
The room is alive. Books are sorting themselves, armor is assembling, and you squeeze yourself into a corner as all manner of items fly into the air. Tables separate from each other, leaving one to drag itself into the middle of the room. You approach to see a bejeweled dagger wrapped in red velvet and gold twine, an onyx necklace that shone with blue and green tones when held up to the light, a bundle of dried herbs wrapped in thorn braids, and a bramble crown flecked with gold and tangled in what appeared to be gilded bark gauntlets. As your hand hovers over the gauntlets a bow and arrow launches from the wall, skidding across the table and spinning to a stop.
You nudge them apart, too afraid to pick it up directly. Sensing space, a pair of strappy leather sandals walks from the back of the room and hop onto the table. Some kind of slip joins it, pouring over the shoes to reveal blades that had been coddled in the folds.
Wary of anything else coming to life, you browse the surrounding tables. Anything you reach for slides away. You try to pick something up and find it impossible. The mounted weapons hum in disapproval when you so much as move your hand over them. “Just the table then.” you say out loud. “Cool, got it.”
You look over the items again. There’s a dagger, a necklace, a bundle of herbs, a crown with gauntlets, a bow and arrow, and some magic shoes with accessories. Six things. “Almost one for each of the brothers,” you muse. Seven was a common theme in the Devildom, after all.
A beautiful gold sword drops from the wall and drags itself to the table. It has a celestial blue stone embedded where hit meets blade. The handle is wrapped in the same twine found with the dagger.
The door rattles violently and your heart leaps in your throat. Have you been found?!
It continues to rattle, and you can’t tell if it’s from the languages rearranging themselves or something trying to get inside.
Time is running out. What do you grab?
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donnnoir · 4 years
In regards to your reply about jade helm, I’m sure there are many people on their lists that werent taken out. And I’m assuming Obama had to know about this? And does Trump know about them and if so were the groups that did the killing taken out or do they still pose a threat ? Do patriots need to worry once Trump is out of office?
an excellent series of questions.  the “cabal” goes from Reagan (Reagan was an actor, the operations of the Shadow Government were overseen by Vice-President Bush Sr.) through the Obama Administrations.  now there is much information and disinformation concerning the categorization of the populations here in America.  With different color coordinated files.  Well the real deal are the black files held inside the “vault” at Wright Patterson AFB.  that is where mine is.  approximately one third of the population is privileged to have a black file started on them.  most are but a few cursory pages that are in a ongoing status.  from what i have been told mine is approximately the size of the Large Unabridged Dictionaries of old.  of those only a small percentage go to a final summation.  and as necessitated such may be signed by the President at the time, making it an executive order, which then become standing orders.  the majority of those murdered by our Shadow Government during Jade Helm were from this pool.  please understand that the criteria used in this determination is much different than is presumed by conspiracy theorist.  
as to operations during Jade Helm, it was a mix of military or ex-military being called up and rogue criminal (clown) civil operatives to execute the orders.  during the “exercise” the public was informed that there would be “street theatre” in which actors may perform dramas in public forums.  a rather convenient excuse for why a person may be running down the street screaming for help.  i personally know of three murders where the bodies and events never made the news nor were obituaries posted.  
these “groups” continue to be a threat.  they are not under the control of the present administration.  they are still answering to the cabal’s Shadow Government.  Hence the “covert civil war” being fought.  the “protesters”, “rioters”, “arsonist”, “ANTIFA” and various other groups perform different versions of “street theatre” are prime examples.  it is almost comical that those who are principal actors in these psy-ops games, who are on my FB page have been absent or very slow to respond.  the various individuals that have participated in Jade Helm will be handled according to their level of culpability.  if they were military personnel given specific orders or not.  any military personnel presently participating in any operations contrary to the Commander and Chief of the Military POTUS can and will be in open rebellion and a traitor.  thus the reason why most have no other choice but to continue their fight.  it is a matter of simple survival for them.  some such as Colon Powell have been deep in the cabal and vested beyond redemption.
i can not say definitively what POTUS Trump shall do.  everyone wants immediate action.  he has already announced that the “rule of Law” is preeminent.  meaning that just cause he and many of us know who is guilty and what they deserve.  even the worst of these must be given “due process”.  each criminal case must be supported by the evidence.  due to mass executive pardons under the Obama Administration, the first thing that had to occur was that the code of military justice be amended to permit the prosecution in military court, which happened in January 2018.  all this takes time.  time in which elements of our functioning government, who are vested to the Shadow Government have used to obstruct and delay any meaningful prosecution and evidence gathering.  which brings us to our current national predicament.
as to my personal experiences, shortly after President Trump assumed office there was an escalation in my being FOXed and the associate depravations.  not due to any behest of the Trump Administration.  quite to the contrary, operations knew there would be limits coming to their little party and were pushing to break me.  my biggest relief came when POTUS empowered the space branch of the services.  thereby beginning to deprive the Shadow Government and their rogue operatives use of those assets.  now some of these “assets” are hard wired into these operatives.  making cession of operations a ongoing and by degrees process.  
in short i remain hopeful concerning this Administration.  POTUS Trump is a Patriot.  that is more than i have ever endorsed any President since Carter, whom i did not particularly like.  now should the unthinkable occur and Trump is not re-elected we all need to be very concerned, because the Republic is over, and America will be utterly destroyed from the face of the Earth.  i expect my own life would become very dynamic and colorful, shall we say.  if that was to happen i hope to have recovered physically from what i have already suffered, because i don’t hide and i am in it till my last breath.   i hope that somewhere in this novel of a response are answers to your questions.  please continue visiting my blog, and ask anything you wish.  
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#8 Boy-Crazy Stacey: Chapter 4
In this chapter, Stacey meets the grown man lifeguard of her dreams.
We start with another postcard, and this is a normal one from Stacey to Claudia, not one of the SRS BZNS ones that Kristy's expecting. She doesn't really say anything interesting, but does mention she's found the 30-year-old man boy of her dreams in the form of the Dreamboat Lifeguard pictured on the cover. Guess Sam's a distant memory now.
Mr. Pike drives down the main drag, and Stacey laughs at all the fake palm trees outside the shops. Dawn would find those offensive, somehow. He ends up at the realtor's office and returns with the keys to the house and some brochures and a souvenir beach ball. Of course, the kids fight over the beach ball until Stacey grabs it and sits on it to shut them up. There's a dirty joke in there. Something about Stacey having experience with handling rubber.
Nicky claims the ball again because Stacey says "It's either everybody's or nobody's" and he decides since it can't be everybody's, it's nobody's and he can claim it and I want to smack him in the head with the action figure he was playing with. FINALLY, they get to the beach house. The kids climb out of the car, Stacey remarks how wonderful the air smells (she can detect cute boys from miles away), and Vanessa has to torture us with some more poetry. “We're back, we're here, we've come once more, to our gingerbread house by the white seashore!” At least that one was better than some of her other ones. Byron agrees with me.
Stacey says the house does look like a gingerbread house, and looks over at Mary Anne, who's gazing at the house dreamily. Surprisingly, she isn't crying. Damn, Mary Anne, you're losing your touch! That's your sole personality trait, so weep it up! The house is also on the beach, and has three floors. How are the Pikes affording this again?
Mallory tells Stacey how she goes up to the third floor and sits on the window seat and sticks pins in her family voodoo dolls to watch the ocean when it rains, and Stacey shivers and says it sounds romantic. Which is the only time you will ever hear "Mallory" and "romantic" in the same breath. They all go inside, where Mrs. Pike is "directing traffic" (probably because she's going to make Mallory do all the grunt work again) and assigning everyone to their rooms. So, by this count, there's five bedrooms. When Mallory shows Stacey and Mary Anne to their room, she tells them if they don't like it, they can trade with someone or choose a new one. So a beach house on the beach, with three floors and five+ bedrooms. Even if they're just renting, wow. The Pikes must be up there with Watson the Millionaire and the McGills too.
One of the other BSC blogs (either Claudia’s Room or BSC Revisited) mentioned this, and I have to agree. You'd think if there's so many rooms, they'd let the kids spread out, and get to experience having their own room for a couple of weeks or something. I guess they didn't think of that. Blame Mallory.
Stacey and Mary Anne's room has yellow flowered wallpaper and Stacey says it's ok, but too old-fashioned for her. Which means, of course, Mary Anne loves it. They unpack, and then they make lunch for the kids, while the Pike parents screw organize the house and unpack more stuff. After lunch, when asked what to do, everyone's got a different answer. The only answer that's given an explanation is Byron's; he wants to go to Ice Cream Palace, and Stacey says he loves to eat. We've already established that Byron's the ~emotional~ and ~sensitive~ one of the triplets. So are they implying he eats his feelings?
And more annoying poetry from Vanessa: “Look for shells, look for shells, washed to the shore by ocean swells!” And that's the last of the "suggest something to fit their personality trait" suggestions, because Mallory doesn't ask to go shopping for dibblicious sparkly sweatshirts, and Margo doesn't want to hang her head over the boardwalk railing and puke.
Mary Anne says they can do everything, and she has the Pikes lead her and Stacey on a tour of the town. But, of course, it takes forever because everyone has to stop and do something. They pass the usual Sea City haunts - Trampoline Land, Burger Garden (or Gurber Garden, if you're Claire). Then Byron has to stop at Ice Cream Palace to see if the prices went up and if they still have bing cherry vanilla, and Mallory and Vanessa have to look in every souvenir shop and squee over things. If this is anything like Ocean City, let's hope they don't end up in one of the adult gift shops, or else Mallory will be exclaiming how dibble the boob-shaped gummy candy is.
What do you know, their next stop is Candy Heaven. Of course, Byron discovers fifty cents in his pocket and starts buying up. Geez, I wish I had a Candy Heaven nearby, if candy there is that cheap! The other kids start whining for candy, so Stacey and Mary Anne pool together enough money to buy everyone a jawbreaker (hopefully one of those big ones that look like small boulders, not one of the dinky little ones) and Mary Anne buys herself a tiny chocolate teddy bear. Oh yeah, you guys can only afford to buy everyone a jawbreaker, but there's money left over so you can get yourself a chocolate teddy bear? Where's your sensitivity, Mary Anne? And it goes without saying that Stacey can't have any candy.
They get back to the house and decide to hang out on the beach. The kids beg to go in the water, but since it's after 5 p.m., they can't. And since that's the Pike family's only rule, they really should adhere to it. Even Vanessa's plea of, “Please, please, please? Just to our knees?” falls on deaf ears. I wonder if the triplets are plotting to bury her in the sand at high tide. Nicky pouts that Mary Anne's suggestions of building sand castles and looking for shells are too girly, so he runs inside to get a paddle ball set.
The babysitters sit down on the beach and Stacey looks around at the other people there. Being Stacey, her eyes wander right over to the lifeguards, in particular the one with wavy, blonde hair. As the blonde one leaned over to fold his towel, the sun caught his hair, making it gleam. Um, ok.
So this hunkalicious lifeguard sees Stacey is staring at him, so he smiles and gives her a little wink. He goes back to folding his towel and Stacey says, "I let out my breath in a shaky gasp." 
WHOA! Apparently the sight of this dreamboat lifeguard made Stacey break out into a spontaneous orgasm on the beach. Racy! Stacey tells Mary Anne she's in love and Mary Anne looks at her like she's nuts. I think we all can tell where this is heading.
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utaprifanzine · 5 years
Shining Live Fanzine: Concept Pitch
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I believe @utapri-idol-hell has already mentioned this upcoming project on her blog so, without further delay, this is the completed concept pitch for an SL-themed Utapri fanzine!
(Note: there is also a link to this post on twitter! If you have a twitter account, please consider retweeting the post from this account so that non-tumblr users can also see this!)
I would like to first put emphasis on the fact that this is a concept pitch. That means this is a presentation of the initial idea to anyone who might be interested in this project. At this point in time, most of the rules and concepts are still malleable - they can be changed and shaped according to feedback from this post.
If you are interested in this project (as either a contributor or as someone who would want to acquire a copy of the zine) please consider filling out this feedback form. Any responses will be useful to determine how the zine moves forward, but the feedback is particularly important in regards to the “Application Methods” section of this post (see below).
There are, however, three rules which are already “set” and would not be changed. They are as follows:
This zine would feature work from both artists and writers.
Due to Broccoli’s history with ordering “cease and desist”s against utapri doujin artists, this would be a non-profit zine. Thus, digital copies would be completely free.
The concept for this zine is based on the intention of it being a fun project that would appeal to the majority of the fanbase. Therefore, some rules are set in place to avoid content that might spark conflict and/or be geared towards a specific audience.
Below the cut, this post is split into three sections: Concept, Rules, and Application Methods. Each section is clearly noted with a header. “Concept” covers the general theme, content, and layout; “Rules” covers additional restrictions and/or allowances for the zine content; and “Application Methods” covers various possible ways a writer or artist could possibly apply to do a page for the zine. That last section is particularly important, because at the moment the application method for the zine has yet to be decided and the final decision will depend feedback.
There’s quite a bit of information below, so for anyone who is dyslexic or has any other reading difficulties, the most important information is in bold.
The ask box is also open for anyone who has any additional questions, or would like further expansion on something mentioned in the following text.
Please also consider reblogging this post so more people can see it!
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The initial concept for this zine, was that it would (hopefully) be the first in a series of SL-themed zines that followed the chronological release pattern of the in-game events and gachas.
This seemed to be a good way to establish a kind of content equilibrium, so that no specific character/event/gacha appeared too often or too little. The pages would be themed after the events/gachas and each one would have a specific amount of pages allotted to it. Since KLab has only screwed the rotation once thus far, it seems like an easier method of creating balance.
Originally, it was going to be an annual digital zine with a high page count. However, since people have expressed their interest in physical copies of a zine, the concept was revised into something that would also translate well into physical format.
The following are the revised restrictions/guidelines for the current concept of the zine:
The total page count would be 44 pages. This includes the front/back cover, index and closing pages.
The content would cover from the release of the game (Aug/Sept 2017) up through January 2018. This covers 8 gacha and 10 events, not including the SL UR set which would also be featured.
Each event and gacha would be allotted two A4 pages of content - one for art and one for a piece of flash fiction. The cover and its related story would have double that amount: front/back cover + a two page short story.
The zine would have the potential to run in both physical and digital formats. Digital zines would be completely free (hence, non-profit project) however they will still require the purchaser to put in an order/request for the file. There will be no public download link posted.
All contributors are entitled to a digital copy without placing a request. Free physical copies may be a possibility, but that depends on a number of factors (namely the amount of contributors, zine orders, and if a print run is made at all) so I can’t promise anything at this point.
Print runs would be made if there is enough demand for physical copies, and there would only be one run per zine. This is reduce the risk of Broccoli viewing the zine production as a competitive merchandise and thereby becoming offended by the project.
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(The following rules were put in place regarding the intentions and concept for the zine. Since this is a concept pitch, each rule is followed by an explanation of why it exists. If you believe any rule is unnecessary, or flawed, please note that in the feedback form! Passive-aggressively ranting about it on twitter doesn’t help!)
The UR Rule
The featured UR pair (for gachas) or the featured UR/SR pair (for events) MUST be the focus of the piece. Other characters can be mentioned and/or appear, but the piece has to be clearly centered on the two featured characters for that set/event. This is to help ensure the balance of content set by following the release patterns.
This goes without saying, but the pieces must also be themed after the event/gacha for which they are the pages for. A simple mention, hint, or acknowledgement toward the set/event isn't strong enough to be considered a theme.
Non-Shining Live Characters Are Allowed
Although the zine will be SL themed, all other characters that are part of the Utapri franchise can be featured within artwork and fiction pieces submitted to the zine. Since they’re official characters, I see no reason to purposely block them out.
The UR rule still applies, however, so these characters cannot become the focus of the pieces.
Keep it PG 13/15
This is partly in place to acknowledge the younger fans of the franchise (as well as those who aren't big fans of higher rated content) and partly because there is no fail-safe way to verify someone's age over the internet.
There are a lot of minors who consume and produce adult content for this fandom, and while their choices are theirs to make (I'm not the fandom police, it's none of my business), I don't want this project to be held responsible for distributing inappropriate content to minors in case issues do arise.
It's also worth noting that this rule does not only apply to sexual content (because some people think R18 only means sex). A piece depicting other mature themes - such as serious cannibalism, gore, or class A drug use - would not be acceptable.
No Romantic Ships
I feel like this is going to be the least popular rule, so the explanation for this is twice as long. Hear me out for a minute, and, if by the end you still think it’s unnecessary, by all means put that on the response form!
There are two main reasons for this rule.
Firstly, although shipping as a concept is extremely popular within fandom, individual ships still only cater to very specific audiences within the fanbase. No matter which way you twist it, no matter the popularity of any given ship, no single ship is universal. Some fans don't even connect to the idea of shipping in the first place.
Under most circumstances, that's completely fine, but within the context of a fanzine that's intended to appeal to as much of the fanbase as possible, allowing ships starts to seem very juxtaposed to that goal.
Case and point: if I have to include an extra contents page that lists all of the ships mentioned inside the zine so people can pick and/or avoid certain ones, that, to me, completely negates the idea of having a zine that most people can just pick up and read without issue.
Secondly, as I'm sure most people already know, ships are a primary source of conflict and motivator for harassment within fandom.
In terms of problems arising from including ships in a fanzine, I'm mainly worried about contributing artists/writers as well as the other admins getting harassed for content they did or didn't include within the zine. As someone who has not only seen utapri fan blogs run offline because of ship-based anon hate, but has also seen people ridiculed and kicked out of groups for not liking a popular ship, I would rather not risk exposing contributors and admins to that kind of toxic behavior.
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When thinking about potential application methods for zine contributors, I realized that the traditional method - where people send in entries and these entries are reviewed/accepted/denied by an admin panel - may not be the best suited for a project that a) is supposed to be fun, not stressful and b) is looking for as many applicants as possible to hopefully be a success.
After brainstorming several alternative ways that applications could be handled, I decided the best possible way to choose one, would be to ask people who are interested in contributing to the zine how they would prefer to apply. After collecting the feedback, the most popular application method would be the one used for this zine.
The following are three different possible application methods. Each has a description of how it would work followed by a list of pros and cons for that method.
Method 1: First Come, First Serve
This method is very well-known, and very straightforward. Essentially, the list of available pages is posted at a specified time and date, and contributors would simply message the zine admins to claim whichever pages they want to contribute for. The first person to claim that particular page is the person who that page is allocated to.
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Method 2: Random Chance
There are two variations of this method.
Application for Specific Pages: using this method, applicants would apply for specific pages at any point during the application period. Then, once the period has ended, the contributing artist/writer would be drawn at random for each page.
General Application: using this method, applicants would apply to the zine in general during the application period then, once the period has ended, the contributing writers/artists for all the pages would be drawn from the same pool. Applicants would be allowed to veto certain characters/sets/events and trade among each other if desired.
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Method 3: Traditional Application
This is the method that’s most often used to manage and select applications for a zine.
An applicant would send in an entry form during the application period that contains, among other possible things, which pages they would like to apply for and an example of their work. At the end of the period, all entry forms are reviewed by the admins and the contributors for each page are decided by majority/unanimous vote. 
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And that’s everything! Please consider filling out the feedback form if you have the time!
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Gifford Pinchot National Forest Loop (WA State)
Day 1: Cascade Locks to Trout Late (43.64 miles / 2,542 ft elev. gain)
Day 2: Trout Lake to Lower Lewis River Falls (40.31 miles / 2,491 ft elev. gain)
Day 3: Lower Lewis River Falls to Cascade Locks (49.43 miles / 2,805 ft elev. gain)
Another reason I wanted to revisit this blog is because I wanted to write about the weekend bike trip I was able to do this past summer. It was really important to me and I’d been wanting to share my experience for a while but I didn’t because ~reasons~ (the same ~reasons~ I vaguely alluded to in the previous post). It also felt like I wouldn’t be able to accurately convey what this trip meant to me in words, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try.
After my first two bike trips, I set the goal of doing at least one major bike trip per year. Turns out being an adult with responsibilities isn’t the most amenable to that plan. Other adventures were had, but no bike trips lasting more than one night. This past summer, I was determined to change that.
I had first planned this route back in the summer of 2017.  Unfortunately, the weekend I planned to do it was the hottest weekend of that summer. Also, all of Oregon was on fire. I finished the first day feeling like I had just biked 40+ miles in high 90 degree temps while breathing in forest fire smoke... because that’s exactly what I had just done. I decided it probably wasn’t safe to continue on and I had a friend come pick me up the next day.
I attempted the route again in May 2019. This time I couldn’t even finish the first day. For various reasons, I was dealing with intense body fatigue and I could hardly even pedal on flat ground. Feeling defeated, I had to have my friend come and rescue me again, just six miles short of the campground.
This time around, I was determined to not fail a third time. I decided to actually train for it and began biking almost every day starting at the beginning of the summer. Even getting back into the training rides, I felt myself coming alive again. I didn’t realize how much I missed biking and it was so refreshing to get it back.
When the trip weekend came around, I was excited but nervous. I was in better biking shape than I had been in years, but this route had wrecked me twice before and there were some pretty big mental hurdles to overcome. I was shaking as I crossed over Bridge of the Gods to start, but as I rode further and further down WA SR-14, I started to hit my stride. Turns out bike touring is much like... riding a bike (sorry, I had to). The entire ride went pretty smoothly and, before I knew it, Day One was in the books.
Day Two was a completely different story. After an hour of biking straight uphill, my bike chain broke. I had a spare emergency link but I couldn’t get it to click. The only thing I could really do is coast back downhill to the general store to get to wifi and figure out what to do from there. Right before getting into town, I lost my coasting momentum and had to walk. A few minutes into the walk, I got approached by a couple who said they were also cycle tourists. They asked me what was wrong and how they could help. I told them I needed a new chain, but the closest bike shop was almost an hour’s drive away. To my surprise they were like, “Cool. Let’s go there.” It was a total faith in humanity restoring moment. They were the nicest couple and we got to chat about our past trips on the drive. After the new chain was installed, they dropped me off at the exact spot my chain had broken that morning and I was back on my way.
Or so I thought. All of a sudden, my bike wouldn’t shift gears. I realized there was something wrong with my bike derailleur. Luckily I was able to do some quick roadside bike maintenance and continue on with the climb. The first half of the ride was entirely uphill and the last half was entirely downhill. After the chain mishap, the derailleur issue, and a couple hours of straight climbing, I was looking forward to an easy end to the day. Turns out Day Two wasn’t done with me yet.
Shortly after I began my hard-earned descent, I started to come across some road closed signs. I figured there were maybe some downed trees that cars couldn’t pass by but that I could get around with my bike. I was right—there were a couple downed trees blocking the road. Turns out there was also a section of the road that had been completely washed out except for a tiny sliver just wide enough to very carefully walk my bike over if I took everything off. It took me a few trips to bring my bike across along with all of my gear, but I made it past just fine.
I loaded the bike back up and resumed speeding down the mountain. I zoomed around a hairpin turn where I discovered ANOTHER section where the road had completely washed away. This one was even worse than the other. I actually had to bring the bike down into the crater and push it up a steep incline to get to the other side. The loose gravel made it hard to get my footing and I definitely got close to falling into the abyss several times. For both of these situations, I want you to imagine it being precarious enough to be exciting but not so dangerous as to make you worry that I did something stupid (although it was admittedly probably closer to the latter).
Just as my bike and I emerged on the other side of the crater, a car came rolling around the corner. They had apparently also not been informed that the road had been yeeted down the mountain. I asked if the rest of the route had any more surprises for me and they informed me that, other than some potholes, the road was more or less intact. That was a huge relief as I had been contemplating heading back up the hill to the previous night’s campground because I was worried that I’d come across something even more impassable than what I’d already experienced. The car turned around and I loaded my bike back up. Once I was sure they were well out of earshot, I screamed at the top of my lungs like Jack and Fabrizio on the bow of the Titanic. (For the record, I did not scream that I was the king of the world, but I damn sure felt like it.) 
The rest of the route was pretty chill, but I was running several hours behind schedule. When I rolled into the campground, there weren’t any sites available. I decided to make several loops, looking as tired and hungry as I could, hoping someone would take pity on me and offer to let me set up my tent on their site. I must have looked pretty pitiful because it only took me two loops before a woman named Verna asked if I wanted to stay on her site with her and her daughter. Apparently she used to be an avid cyclist and was excited to see me roll up on my bike.
Day Three was comparatively uneventful other than I biked up a fucking mountain. I can’t remember if it was the most elevation I’ve covered in one day, but it was certainly done in the most condensed number of miles. My strategy was to bike for half a mile (slightly more if I could), wait for my quads to stop screaming, bike for another half mile, and repeat that until I got to the pretty viewpoint that let me know I had reached the top. While I was enjoying the view, a woman came up to me and socially distantly tossed me a pack of energy chews to help get me through the rest of the ride. She informed me that she was a cyclist (wtf does everyone bike here?) and that she carries around energy chews to give to anyone she comes across doing a long bike ride. She invited me to join her and her (making some big assumptions here) gaggle of older lesbian friends (I think she was also making some big, but accurate assumptions about me) on their hike. Any other day, I would’ve loved to join their gay little hiking crew, but my legs wouldn’t have appreciated it that day and I had to decline.
The rest of the ride was all downhill and there was nary another human in sight for a good chunk of it. I used that as an opportunity to sing Brandi Carlile songs loudly and off-key and shout various obscenities at the top of my lungs. When you have an opportunity to do that, I highly recommend not passing it up as it’s very cathartic. I took some obligatory, self-timer photos in front of the Bridge of the Gods sign (oh hey, Cheryl Strayed) before rolling back to my car in Cascade Locks, feeling prouder of, and more like, myself than I had in years. 
I’m not really a God person, but it did feel like something larger than myself was at work here. (Seriously, what are the chances that I would find the exact two people I needed to to take me to get a new chain and that a random car would pull up to a washed out section of a closed road to let me know that the rest of the route was clear??) Everything aligned on this trip just as it needed to. I wasn’t meant to complete that route the first two attempts. I needed to complete it at that very moment in my life. I didn’t quite know at that time that I’d be making some really important life decisions just a few weeks after the end of that trip, but that trip helped give me some of the strength that I needed to move forward with those decisions. There’s really nothing like a bike trip to help you realize your self-worth, to remind you that you can do hard things, and to relearn to rely on yourself while staying open to the help and support others are offering you.
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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Don't make New Year's resolutions, make life resolutions
Every year we all make New Year's resolutions. We vow to go to the gym more, eat right, make more money, do the things we should be doing already but aren't. Us gym rats know that the gym is packed the first month of the year but by the last week in January, not so much. By the second week in February, it's just us die hards that are in there again.
So why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we make these resolutions only to break them and then make ourselves feel bad? I don't know but six years ago I decided I wasn't going to make any resolutions. I was going to make life resolutions, to do something to change who I was as a person inside.
These have been my life resolutions that have literally changed my life.
2014 was: Let go and let God
This meant I couldn't control everything. I couldn't figure out all of my problems, so if I wanted to change my life I had to let go of control and give it to God. See God kept giving me messages but I thought I knew better.
All year long God has been knocking, he's been telling you to follow him but you have done what you wanted to do and where did it get you? Nowhere and that's why this was a game changer for me.
2015 was: Pray and let God worry
I remember while I was getting divorced, I was stressing so much that I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and my hair was falling out. I even thought I was having a heart attack at one point. I couldn't go on believing in God and keep stressing, it didn't make sense, did I believe or not? Do I have faith or not? So I chose to pray and let God worry and that was the best decision I ever made.
2016 was: Be present in my purpose
I know I am here for a purpose. I know God gave me this gift of writing, to be able to touch others with my words. So in 2016, I chose to be present in that purpose and know that this is where I am supposed to be.
My bible verse has always been: Romans 8.28 
"God causes everything to happen for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" I have been present in this verse and in my life, ever since.
2017 was: Be real to yourself
For me it's listening to that voice inside yourself. It's feeling what makes you happy, trusting what God is telling you, what is real. We often poo poo things in our minds, we know deep down what the message is but we don't want to listen.
I heard the messages and I have acted quickly on them as I now trust God and my intuition. This was a hard one for me and sometimes I reverted into my old ways but since this resolution, I have been quicker to learn my lessons and move on.
2018: Knowing your self worth.
This was also a hard one for me, as I've lost my self worth a long time ago and hadn't gotten it back. I used to let men use me, I'd run after men who aren't worth my time. I've made excuses for bad behavior of people and gave way too many chances to people who've hurt me.
I had to practice what I preach, the things I write about to my readers. I needed to show others how to treat me, with love and respect and if not, then you're outta here. God was good enough to put a man into my life three years ago to show me how I needed to be treated. I now know my self worth and it's a wonderful feeling.
2019: To realize that I am a soldier.
I had to realize that God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and that's me. Whether I want it or not, this is who he called me to be. This is so I can share my testimony with others. I must rise up and be who he called me to be.
 2020 was to be happy within myself.
It doesn't matter what people say, whether they think it's right or wrong, this is your life. You can be dead tomorrow and I know this as I lost many loved ones suddenly and so I know how short life can truly be. You need to do what makes you happy now, don't try to live your life pleasing others, because most times they will never be happy as they are not happy with themselves. I will do what makes me happy, as long as I am not hurting anyone. This is my life and I will live it my way.
For 2021 my life resolution is
Do not lose heart
It is from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is"
I know this year, this pandemic is only temporary, all through it I have not lost heart, even when I couldn't see what was coming at me, I held on to my faith, and I looked for the lessons in this craziness in the world. I was grateful for things even when the world seemed bleak.
See, you cannot change, you cannot get all of this, if you still will not let go, if you still do not have faith...it's all on you. Can you get out of your own way to make things happen?
Once we let go of these things, once we let go of control, once we learn faith and we pray and let God worry, things will change. Once we are present in our purpose, once we are real with ourselves, once we own who we are called to be, once we are happy with ourselves and our life then everything we ever wanted, everything we ever lost, everything that was stolen from us, will be returned in abundance.
So today my friends, I tell you that this is your year, you are the only one that can change things in your life. If you truly want them to change, you have to do the work and believe me, sometimes it's not easy.
You don't want to give up control, how can you not worry? How can I believe or have faith when crap keeps hitting the fan all around me? It is all up to you...I am no different than you...if I can do it, then you can too. Change your life today...
Don't make New Year's resolutions, make life resolutions...start today…
Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
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wsmith215 · 4 years
Forget his NFL pedigree — Packers’ Jon Runyan Jr. has overcome many obstacles – Green Bay Packers Blog
GREEN BAY, Wis. — Jon Runyan Jr. has been around football since he could lift one of his dad’s first NFL helmets, the one with the Tennessee Titans logo on it, or drape himself with a No. 69 Philadelphia Eagles jersey or sit on his dad’s locker room stool at the old Veterans Stadium.
He always wanted a helmet, jersey and a locker of his own.
His mom and dad, well, that’s a different story.
Jon Sr., a veteran of 14 NFL seasons — one of them a Pro Bowl year and two of them ending at the Super Bowl — never pushed his only son toward the game. Loretta, stressed enough as a football wife, didn’t need to relive it watching her firstborn.
• What can Bucs expect from Tom Brady? • Packers’ Runyan Jr. has overcome many obstacles • From zero-star recruit to Vikings’ top pick • Assessing Patriots’ approach with rookies • How Broncos’ new backfield could work
To them, however, that’s part of what makes their son’s journey to the NFL and to the Green Bay Packers special. Sure, the Runyan name might have opened doors, but Jon Jr. — or Jon Daniel, as Loretta calls him — walked through on his own.
“Him wanting to play football in the first or second grade, I was like, no, no,” Loretta said. “My heart hurt every time I had to go out there and watch him practice, and I would cry. I still get that feeling. Jon Daniel’s my only boy, and he’s my oldest child.”
In so many ways, the 22-year-old selected by the Packers in the sixth round of last month’s NFL draft is both his father’s son — an offensive lineman like his dad, a Michigan man like his dad, a hulking 6-foot-4, 307 pounds like his 6-foot-7, 330-pound dad, dyslexic like his dad — and his own man.
“One thing my high school coach told me was, ‘You’ve just got to be you. Your dad is a completely different person than you, so you don’t have to live up to any of his expectations. Just start your own path and your own goals, and all that stuff that comes with it is just secondary,'” Jon Jr. recalled. “It was a struggle for me in high school, but I chose this road moving onto college, and I’m comfortable with everything I’m doing. He’s cast a big shadow over me, but I’m not trying to live in that shadow my whole life. I’m trying to step out and make an even bigger one.”
Jon Jr. first put on a helmet and pads in grade school.
That lasted only one year.
“He was just too big,” Jon Sr. said. “I always say [in] football you end up in a position by your body type. But when they’re 8, 9 years old, they’re all the same size. Except my kid; he was bigger than everybody else. That first year, the coach said he’s got to cut weight. I’m like, ‘He’s not going to cut weight — have you seen me?'”
From an early age, Jon Runyan Jr. gravitated to the tools of his father’s trade. Courtesy Runyan family
Jon Jr. turned to flag football, and he played everything from quarterback to receiver to defensive back, until eighth grade, when weight limits were lifted and he could put the pads back on.
Loretta, a self-proclaimed “momma bear,” still wasn’t sure football was for him.
“Initially, I kind of pulled him out because he just couldn’t grasp the whole language of the plays,” Loretta said. “He thought he could just get the football, and he could run or he could throw. He has auditory processing disorder, which always worried me because football is like a different language. And he also has Jon’s dyslexia. He had to overcome a lot.
“He begged me to play tackle in the eighth grade. He had been working so hard. I thought he probably needs to start playing tackle. So he played it in the eighth grade. He played three sports in middle school, and he played basketball in the ninth grade. I really wanted him to play basketball because I didn’t like football for him, but he begged me.”
Auditory processing disorder makes it difficult to understand speech. Loretta said preschool teachers first noticed an issue with Jon Jr., but he wasn’t diagnosed until third grade. With APD, dyslexia and being colorblind, Jon Jr. needed extra hours of tutoring, which during the high school season often made for 16-hour days with school, practice and evening sessions with tutors. At Michigan, he earned his undergraduate degree in sociology. Last semester, he began graduate-school classes in real estate development.
“I was that mom who would go to the football coach in eighth grade and explain to him that Jon Daniel’s not dumb,” Loretta said. “If you’re talking to him, you have to make sure he understands and you have to show him. He learns by vision. He has a photographic memory because he’s had to learn other skills to compensate. Teachers would always caution me that something might be too much for him, but he never complained.
“I’ve said to him, ‘If there’s any [charitable] foundation that you ever want to do, I think that’s what you should do because you can inspire people.’ Just the work he’s done — not just football, but academics — and to go through all that.”
While Jon Runyan Sr. roamed Philadelphia as an Eagle, little Jon Daniel got used to an NFL locker room. Courtesy Runyan family
It warmed Loretta’s heart to hear Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst describe Jon Jr. as a “smart” player. And it had to make Jon Sr., once known as one of the NFL’s fiercest competitors, happy to hear Gutekunst describe his son as “tough.”
At Michigan, Jon Jr. started 26 games (25 at left tackle and one at right tackle) and was a two-time recipient of the Hugh H. Rader Memorial Award given to the team’s top offensive lineman — an honor bestowed upon his dad in 1994, making them the only father-son duo to win it. The Packers plan to move Jon Jr. to guard, where they believe his athletic ability is well suited to their zone-blocking scheme.
For now, Jon Jr. is living with his parents and participating in the Packers’ virtual offseason program because of the coronavirus pandemic. But he’s still getting lessons from his dad.
“I’ve just tried to help with the expectations,” Jon Sr. said. “I’ve told him a couple of times, ‘If you’re lucky enough to have an opportunity to contribute your first year, great. Then your second year, you better be battling somebody, really battling somebody for it, because if you’re not making a contribution by the end of your third year, you’re not going to be around.’ That’s what I literally told him after he got picked. It was congratulations, and I know everything you put into it to get this far, but these next two years are going to be as hard as the last 10.”
These days, Jon Sr. works for the NFL as vice president of policy and rules administration, which followed a four-year stint representing New Jersey in the U.S. House of Representatives. That’s where Jon Jr. says his career path most definitely will differ from his father’s — no politics.
Like father, like son: Dad was a Wolverine, so Jon Jr. went the same way and earned the same gridiron honors. Courtesy Runyan family
For Loretta, it has come full circle. She met Jon Sr. during his rookie season in Houston, where she worked as a police officer. She followed him to Tennessee when the Oilers became the Titans, and they settled in the Philadelphia area with Jon Jr. and his two younger sisters, one of whom is headed to Villanova on a basketball scholarship next school year.
Now, Loretta is about to join a different club.
“Guess what?” Loretta said with an excitement in her voice. “When I was an NFL wife, one of my best friends was Donovan McNabb’s wife, and Donovan’s mom was president or something of the NFL mom’s club. She’s invited me to the NFL mom’s club. She and I are good friends. Roxie McNabb and I have always stayed tight over the years and watched each other’s kids, and now I’m like, ‘Can you believe I’m going to be an NFL mom?'”
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The post Forget his NFL pedigree — Packers’ Jon Runyan Jr. has overcome many obstacles – Green Bay Packers Blog appeared first on The Bleak Report.
from WordPress https://bleakreport.com/forget-his-nfl-pedigree-packers-jon-runyan-jr-has-overcome-many-obstacles-green-bay-packers-blog/
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escoverthinker · 7 years
Song 10: Italy (Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali’s Karma)
***Now for something totally different***
Now, let’s be honest, if you’re reading this then you actually know all these songs already, in particular you know a lot about this one. The hyped up favourite, the predicted winner on a similar scale to Alexander Rybak and Loreen. Surely all of this year is just a glorified contest for second place at this point? Well, allow me to burst the bubble in this piece I am jazzily titling…
…Why Italy is not winning Eurovision 2017.
The review will be broken up into mini-sections as my blog usually is, but not the one’s I usually write around. By the end I will hope to shine a light on the cracks in the theory that Italy are running away with the win.
1. It became the favourite mostly based on when San Remo fell in the selection calendar
When Italy’s annual clusterfucky hot mess of a parade that is the San Remo festival finally drew to its conclusion and Francesco won, less than a quarter of the competing songs had been selected. At that point, the only other jolly uptempo number was Belarus’s NAVI and their folksy stomper. Plus, for the next fortnight or so, a lot more countries seemed to be picking songs with mid to low tempos. This created the impression that seems to have stuck that we’re “drowning in ballads” this year which feeds into the conventional wisdom that this is definitely winning. Having had all of the entries now declared, that simply is no longer true. But because it seems to have stuck that this is the lone uptempo, it hasn’t really shifted from its position atop the odds.
2. Other songs have come up that can win, the fan community has just been too infatuated with the Italian entry to appraise them fairly
Belgium can win. Australia can win. Israel can win. Sweden can win. Romania can win. Bulgaria might be able to win. It’s not impossible for Serbia to win. Some misguided eurofans seem pretty sure Portugal can win so I’ll include them for rhetorical effect. If all of the previously listed candidates fail in some way then Estonia could even win (but I’ll concede that’s a stretch).
But when all of these songs debuted, the fans (who are 100% of the people paying attention at this point) who were all convinced of the inevitable Italian walkover by that point jumped immediately to the “I just can’t see it winning” (pause: which is an opinion, which is infinitesimally susceptible to bias and not a legitimate reason why something can’t win) or it “isn’t as good as Italy” (again, an opinion which is totally fine if you’re describing what your favourites are, less so if you’re assessing the relative strengths of the potential contenders).
3. It didn’t win the San Remo televote until the final night
On the first night that this was in the San Remo heats (or semi-finals? I’m unsure what the exact nomenclature is) it came fourth on the public vote. That’s right, fourth. It was boosted into first place overall by the “press jury” that really loved it but it was very much dragged up to just barely beating Michele Bravi.
The second time this was up for a vote (we’re not counting the covers round where he came 8th because, obviously, nobody’s going to be voting on it), it came third both in the public voting and in the overall voting (the public vote is weighted at 40% in the second and then again in the final round – I know it doesn’t make sense, it’s San Remo – just go with it). A comfortable distance behind Michele Bravi and Fiorella Mannola.
Only in the final night of voting did it win the televote but even then, it was kept off first place by Fiorella.  Only in the superfinal did Francesco turn it around and make it over the line. What this suggests to me is that the song wasn’t strong enough to win domestically in the first round and needed the week’s build up and hype that the format of San Remo allows to happen because of the nature of what it is as a show to make it over the line, and even then only just barely. Compare this to the last time Italy won the televote, Il Volo’s Grande Amore in 2015. That won every single televote round it was in by an absolute landslide. This is an especially pertinent precedent of the SR televote being a good indicator of the Eurovision televote as Il Volo would then go on to comfortably win the final televote, but were brought back down to third by an only ~okay~ jury score (which was even indicated as well in San Remo as both sets of juries marked Grande Amore last out of the three superfinalists in 2015).
If you think that, for instance, Sweden will have difficulty winning because it didn’t win its televote, then you should also be mindful of Italy’s slow start in winning the televote.
4. Italy are an automatic qualifier
Automatic qualifiers are at a structural disadvantage in terms of going for the win (which for being automatic qualifiers is probably a fair compromise) because the ‘buzz’ and media coverage that might have propelled them forwards to the victory gets eaten up by the semi-final qualifiers. Sweden’s Frans and France’s Amir were widely believed to be in contention for the win in the build up to last year’s contest but the momentum from the semis was swallowed by by Russia, Ukraine and Australia. If they’d both had to qualify from a semi to get there, things may well have been different. Italy will face a similar hurdle they have to overcome this year to make it over the line, arguably amplified to even greater levels because the song relies on the buzz of “omg this guy with the dancing gorilla is going to win Eurovision” going into the final for enough people to be looking out for it. Wednesday morning the buzz will probably be all about “the Belgian girl with the moody electro song and the stunning staging” and Friday morning will likely be all about “that one with the yodelling”.
5. The message/narrative isn’t clearly readable on first listen/viewing
What, if you break it down and analyse it, is the message or narrative of the Italian song? The main crux of the lyrics are about how western culture is vacuous, technology dependant, fame obsessed and inherently depraved. This is emphasised by…dancing about with a Gorilla. Okay. That at least works in tandem with the song in a surrealist/borderline camp way so I’ll give Italy credit for that. The problem is, the vast majority of viewers seeing it for the first time who don’t speak or understand Italian won’t be reading it as a well thought out parody of western culture and a comment on contemporary culture. I bring this up because all of the main challengers for the Eurovision crown over the past few years had a message/narrative that was easily readable even without knowing the words. You knew what the message of “1944” was even if you didn’t speak Crimean Tatar or English. You could buy into the relationship of “Calm after the Storm” even if you didn’t speak English. But if you don’t understand Italian then, in its current form at least, all that is readable about it is a guy the wrong side of thirty doing a kitschy dance with a Gorilla.
And while we’re on that Gorilla…
6. The gorilla actually hampers the song’s scoring potential
A lot of people are cross reading the Gorilla as having the same totemic power as Conchita Wurst’s beard and Mans Zelmerlow’s stick figure animation. This is a false equivalency. While both the beard and the animation worked in a similar way as the gorilla by providing an easily memorable gimmick, neither of them strayed over into being read as crass or kitch. Conchita’s beard was the visible marker of her difference that caused her the pain of rejection and the animation/projections during the Heroes performance made the whole performance stunning on an aesthetic level and made it look just like a live performance of a music video. Whilst those gimmicks made the performance novel, it didn’t make them novelty. When a juror, for instance, saw them, they probably didn’t think ‘oh okay, this country aren’t taking it seriously’ and consciously or unconsciously adjusted their mark for that country.
The Gorilla, by contrast, is easily readable as a joke. If you didn’t know that this had won the San Remo festival and a country like Ireland were sending it, I don’t think people would have bought into the gorilla as working on that level. If you’re a jury in, let’s say, Latvia for instance, are you going to go for the kitschy gorilla dancing OR are you going to go for (say) the young guy with the sleek and modern pop song with memorable staging, the dark and emotive ballad or the young girl with the stunningly staged hooky electropop song.
If you think the jury are going to mark Romania down for being an “obvious novelty song” then you should have concerns about Italy’s jury score.
7. It doesn’t work (at least as well as some of the other entries) on an emotional level
A related factor to being marked down by the juries for being kitschy and an obvious novelty, Occidentali’s Karma doesn’t fit the pattern of the last few years of Eurovision high scorers because it doesn’t work effectively on an emotional level.
Jamala, Mans and Conchita all had the narrative of triumph through adversity (across the spectrum of persecution and discrimination to just personal insecurity), Emmelie de Forest (and basically every other peace ballad that's done well) was a “aww that’s sweet” moment, Sound of Silence was all about the struggle to connect in a disconnected world and Calm After The Storm was a will they/won't they about a couple that were breaking up. The basic thread that runs through all of them is that the message/narrative is about tugging people's heartstrings that is emphasised by things like the staging (and, like the message/narrative section, is performed in a way that is translatable across language barriers). For an expanded version of this (written in the run up to 2015) then there’s this article from Sofabet that provides a good introduction.
What then, really, is the emotional or affective core of Occidentali’s Karma? Most people if you ask them why it’s their/the favourite will tell you either “it’s funny”, which implies that this is a glorified novelty track, “it’s catchy” or that there’s a “euphoric instrumental”. Whilst it certainly makes sense that that should mean it’ll have an undeniable cross-continental appeal, the battleground of Eurovision is littered with the corpses of “catchy” songs with a “euphoric instrumental” that failed to make any kind of impression much at all (the song from last year that probably fits that description the most is probably Spain’s Say Yay and we all remember how that went!).
So why has the fan community elevated this catchy and frivolous song to the level of favourite when it seems so comparatively out of step with what you’d expect to be majorly challenging for the win? Well, in addition to the reasons we discussed at the start of this piece…
8. Italy is the “fetch” of Eurovision
For all that they don’t seem to have the same kind of approach to the contest, Sweden and Italy have more in common in terms of their positions in the Eurovision fandom than most people would care to believe. Both have their own extensive and popular independently from the Eurovision world selection show, both generally send songs that are professional and well produced and both will generally be overrated by the fan community in the run up to the main event.
Much has been said about why this is the case with Sweden. Generally if you’re over about 35 then it’ll be because of the peak schlager music days of Charlotte Perelli, Carola and Linda Bengtzing (among others) and if you’re under 35 it’s because the high quality and quantity of quality pop music the Swedes export around the world, currently best encapsulated in Zara Larsson. Italy faces a similar type of overhyping because people tend to have a very over-romanticised view of Italian music, related to the over romanticised view of Italy as a country in general. The difference is that a substantial part of the fandom will instantly write off the Sweden fans as “fanboys”, “the fans” or “the OGAEs”, nobody uses such words to deride people about overrating the Italian songs. And they are overrated. From 2012 onwards, the Italian song has always finished higher in the OGAE poll than they have in the final contest. So if you’re distasteful about Sweden being overrated by the fans every year, you ought to be equally as suspicious of fans overrating Italy (unless of course, your stereotypical view of the types of people who enjoy the Italian song every year aren’t perceived to be from a cultural minority in the way that the fans of the Swedish song are, in which case, stop being such a prick).
The fandom has been trying to make Italy “happen” ever since their return but, for the reasons I have outlined above, I have extensive reasons to believe that it’s not going to happen.
In Conclusion
Italy might still win. I’d be foolishly blind and blindly foolish to say that it isn’t going to score very well. What I wanted to show in this piece is that there are still reasons why it isn’t the locked in runaway that people are hyping it up to be, based on both the context in which it failed to win San Remo until the last moment, the fact that the staging makes it easily readable as a joke entry ergo the juries have an excuse to mark it down, Italy’s history of being overrated and over hyped every year since 2012, the fact that Italy cannot gain momentum via the semi finals and that the song doesn’t have an emotional register that other eurovision songs both past and present do have.
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018)
In a run up to price explosions, counter trend moves are usually rampant. That’s what we have been seeing in the last two days or so. Long coverings and reversal of gains have been the order of the day. At the moment though, prices seems to be snapping back to shape and that’s why we are seeing pockets of buy pressure in different coins under our focus.  IOTA, Tron and of course EOS are exhibiting signs of reversal. However, of all coins, Stellar Lumens is but a prime candidate which I recommend buying because of technical developments in the 4HR chart.
Let’s have a look at these charts:
EOS Analysis
EOS Daily Chart by Trading View
After dedicating $3 million to Virginia Tech, EOS is now assigning all EOS wallets with unique 12 character global identifiers prior to its mainnet launch. In a blog post clarifying these additions, EOS said that these short user names would pave way for extra user case applications and benefit the community in the long run. To demonstrate, the new user name would serve two functions. Act as a public address and applies during sending or receiving payments.
EOS updates – Hackathon, User names, Wallets… https://t.co/ZnsNZsYrsG via @YouTube
— james (@james212212) May 22, 2018
On the chart though, price changes are slow. However, we are still positive. Its a few days to mainnet launch and unless it’s a dismissal launch with lags and/or utter disappointments, from Block One prices might tank. All I’m seeing is long coverings with rejections of bears especially in the 4HR chart. Because of this, buying at current prices and trading per our previous trade plan can offer better risk reward opportunities. Stops are at May 18 lows at $12.
Litecoin (LTC) Analysis
Litecoin Daily Chart by Trading View
Believe it or not, cryptocurrencies and Litecoins adoption is catching up in Africa. After Harare, we have a couple of Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum supporting ATMs at Djibouti, Nairobi and Johannesburg. All this is according to data aggregated by Business Insider Africa. While cryptocurrencies are illegal in most of these states, you can still buy LTC, BTC or ETH in a one way transaction using fiat.
If you want to see clear price action past this congestion in the daily chart, the 4HR chart provides a clear picture. There are pockets of buy pressure and rejection of the past two-three days bears if we consider that bull pin bar at $130 in the 4HR chart. Of course this is interesting but rather than jumping in right away, waiting for a confirmation past May 20 highs at $140 can be a good trading idea.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Analysis
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Daily Chart by Trading View
Zoom in to the 4HR chart, check out that strong bullish engulfing pattern that is screaming buy and heed! Buy Stellar Lumens with stops at 28 cents. On upside, immediate or short term buy targets would be at 40 cents and 50 cents.
Tron (TRX) Analysis
Tron Daily Chart by Trading View
It’s about 34 days to go before the main super Representative election is held by Tron. By then, the network would have its own blockchain and hopefully, faithful members. Considering the laid down rules of Super Representatives, the main thing we should pick out is that they are the guardian of the network and chosen out of the good will of the people. Simply put, these 27 SRs shall maintain, validate and push transactions within Tron and that’s why they are important.
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Want to keep up with the latest Super Representatives updates? Visit our new Explorer https://t.co/t8LzYz2QQx and click on Open team page
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Already more than 20 #TRONSR candidates have listed!
— Tron Foundation (@Tronfoundation) May 21, 2018
Because of this, we need valid companies with good intentions to develop blockchain technologies as representatives of Tron and blockchain proponents they bid for.
Like the rest, buying Tron at current prices reduces downside risks because stops would be at 7.5 cents while increasing upside potential. It’s trading with the trend and following though May 20 surge and break above the consolidation whose upper limit were at 7.5 cents. So, in line with yesterday’s preview, continue buying on dips—it’s a clear buy in the 4HR chart—and aim for 10 cents or higher. After all, there is a positive event on May 25, TVM launch, that’s exciting market participants who view it as a long spring board.
IOTA (IOT) Analysis
IOTA Daily Chart by Trading View
What I like about IOTA is that their founders are not doing this for the money. They had a zero percent allocation during the crowd sale. Yes, they might have bought IOTA coins and that’s expected but then again, prices are reflective of their zeal and IOTA user case application. I’m eye balling the user case bit they are positioning themselves for the future. And yes, they are now working with the UN after collaborating with their Project Services, the UNOPS.
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problems require shared
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 solutions.” We've partnered w/ @iotatoken to explore how innovative data management tech can enhance the efficiency of humanitarian & development operations. | #distributedledger https://t.co/GHbbB2Pm9d
— UNOPS (@UNOPS) May 22, 2018
Notice those rejections below $1.6? Those are the precise reasons why buying at current undervaluation is but a good idea. You can take risks today and ramp with tight close below $1.6 but waiting for close above May 20 is safer.
The post EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018) appeared first on NewsBTC.
EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018) published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018)
In a run up to price explosions, counter trend moves are usually rampant. That’s what we have been seeing in the last two days or so. Long coverings and reversal of gains have been the order of the day. At the moment though, prices seems to be snapping back to shape and that’s why we are seeing pockets of buy pressure in different coins under our focus.  IOTA, Tron and of course EOS are exhibiting signs of reversal. However, of all coins, Stellar Lumens is but a prime candidate which I recommend buying because of technical developments in the 4HR chart.
Let’s have a look at these charts:
EOS Analysis
EOS Daily Chart by Trading View
After dedicating $3 million to Virginia Tech, EOS is now assigning all EOS wallets with unique 12 character global identifiers prior to its mainnet launch. In a blog post clarifying these additions, EOS said that these short user names would pave way for extra user case applications and benefit the community in the long run. To demonstrate, the new user name would serve two functions. Act as a public address and applies during sending or receiving payments.
EOS updates – Hackathon, User names, Wallets… https://t.co/ZnsNZsYrsG via @YouTube
— james (@james212212) May 22, 2018
On the chart though, price changes are slow. However, we are still positive. Its a few days to mainnet launch and unless it’s a dismissal launch with lags and/or utter disappointments, from Block One prices might tank. All I’m seeing is long coverings with rejections of bears especially in the 4HR chart. Because of this, buying at current prices and trading per our previous trade plan can offer better risk reward opportunities. Stops are at May 18 lows at $12.
Litecoin (LTC) Analysis
Litecoin Daily Chart by Trading View
Believe it or not, cryptocurrencies and Litecoins adoption is catching up in Africa. After Harare, we have a couple of Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum supporting ATMs at Djibouti, Nairobi and Johannesburg. All this is according to data aggregated by Business Insider Africa. While cryptocurrencies are illegal in most of these states, you can still buy LTC, BTC or ETH in a one way transaction using fiat.
If you want to see clear price action past this congestion in the daily chart, the 4HR chart provides a clear picture. There are pockets of buy pressure and rejection of the past two-three days bears if we consider that bull pin bar at $130 in the 4HR chart. Of course this is interesting but rather than jumping in right away, waiting for a confirmation past May 20 highs at $140 can be a good trading idea.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Analysis
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Daily Chart by Trading View
Zoom in to the 4HR chart, check out that strong bullish engulfing pattern that is screaming buy and heed! Buy Stellar Lumens with stops at 28 cents. On upside, immediate or short term buy targets would be at 40 cents and 50 cents.
Tron (TRX) Analysis
Tron Daily Chart by Trading View
It’s about 34 days to go before the main super Representative election is held by Tron. By then, the network would have its own blockchain and hopefully, faithful members. Considering the laid down rules of Super Representatives, the main thing we should pick out is that they are the guardian of the network and chosen out of the good will of the people. Simply put, these 27 SRs shall maintain, validate and push transactions within Tron and that’s why they are important.
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0 notes
brettzjacksonblog · 6 years
EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018)
In a run up to price explosions, counter trend moves are usually rampant. That’s what we have been seeing in the last two days or so. Long coverings and reversal of gains have been the order of the day. At the moment though, prices seems to be snapping back to shape and that’s why we are seeing pockets of buy pressure in different coins under our focus.  IOTA, Tron and of course EOS are exhibiting signs of reversal. However, of all coins, Stellar Lumens is but a prime candidate which I recommend buying because of technical developments in the 4HR chart.
Let’s have a look at these charts:
EOS Analysis
EOS Daily Chart by Trading View
After dedicating $3 million to Virginia Tech, EOS is now assigning all EOS wallets with unique 12 character global identifiers prior to its mainnet launch. In a blog post clarifying these additions, EOS said that these short user names would pave way for extra user case applications and benefit the community in the long run. To demonstrate, the new user name would serve two functions. Act as a public address and applies during sending or receiving payments.
EOS updates – Hackathon, User names, Wallets… https://t.co/ZnsNZsYrsG via @YouTube
— james (@james212212) May 22, 2018
On the chart though, price changes are slow. However, we are still positive. Its a few days to mainnet launch and unless it’s a dismissal launch with lags and/or utter disappointments, from Block One prices might tank. All I’m seeing is long coverings with rejections of bears especially in the 4HR chart. Because of this, buying at current prices and trading per our previous trade plan can offer better risk reward opportunities. Stops are at May 18 lows at $12.
Litecoin (LTC) Analysis
Litecoin Daily Chart by Trading View
Believe it or not, cryptocurrencies and Litecoins adoption is catching up in Africa. After Harare, we have a couple of Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum supporting ATMs at Djibouti, Nairobi and Johannesburg. All this is according to data aggregated by Business Insider Africa. While cryptocurrencies are illegal in most of these states, you can still buy LTC, BTC or ETH in a one way transaction using fiat.
If you want to see clear price action past this congestion in the daily chart, the 4HR chart provides a clear picture. There are pockets of buy pressure and rejection of the past two-three days bears if we consider that bull pin bar at $130 in the 4HR chart. Of course this is interesting but rather than jumping in right away, waiting for a confirmation past May 20 highs at $140 can be a good trading idea.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Analysis
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Daily Chart by Trading View
Zoom in to the 4HR chart, check out that strong bullish engulfing pattern that is screaming buy and heed! Buy Stellar Lumens with stops at 28 cents. On upside, immediate or short term buy targets would be at 40 cents and 50 cents.
Tron (TRX) Analysis
Tron Daily Chart by Trading View
It’s about 34 days to go before the main super Representative election is held by Tron. By then, the network would have its own blockchain and hopefully, faithful members. Considering the laid down rules of Super Representatives, the main thing we should pick out is that they are the guardian of the network and chosen out of the good will of the people. Simply put, these 27 SRs shall maintain, validate and push transactions within Tron and that’s why they are important.
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EOS and Tron Market Participation Spikes in the Last 24 Hours: Tron, EOS, Litecoin, IOTA and Stellar Price Analysis (May 23, 2018)
In a run up to price explosions, counter trend moves are usually rampant. That’s what we have been seeing in the last two days or so. Long coverings and reversal of gains have been the order of the day. At the moment though, prices seems to be snapping back to shape and that’s why we are seeing pockets of buy pressure in different coins under our focus.  IOTA, Tron and of course EOS are exhibiting signs of reversal. However, of all coins, Stellar Lumens is but a prime candidate which I recommend buying because of technical developments in the 4HR chart.
Let’s have a look at these charts:
EOS Analysis
EOS Daily Chart by Trading View
After dedicating $3 million to Virginia Tech, EOS is now assigning all EOS wallets with unique 12 character global identifiers prior to its mainnet launch. In a blog post clarifying these additions, EOS said that these short user names would pave way for extra user case applications and benefit the community in the long run. To demonstrate, the new user name would serve two functions. Act as a public address and applies during sending or receiving payments.
EOS updates – Hackathon, User names, Wallets… https://t.co/ZnsNZsYrsG via @YouTube
— james (@james212212) May 22, 2018
On the chart though, price changes are slow. However, we are still positive. Its a few days to mainnet launch and unless it’s a dismissal launch with lags and/or utter disappointments, from Block One prices might tank. All I’m seeing is long coverings with rejections of bears especially in the 4HR chart. Because of this, buying at current prices and trading per our previous trade plan can offer better risk reward opportunities. Stops are at May 18 lows at $12.
Litecoin (LTC) Analysis
Litecoin Daily Chart by Trading View
Believe it or not, cryptocurrencies and Litecoins adoption is catching up in Africa. After Harare, we have a couple of Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum supporting ATMs at Djibouti, Nairobi and Johannesburg. All this is according to data aggregated by Business Insider Africa. While cryptocurrencies are illegal in most of these states, you can still buy LTC, BTC or ETH in a one way transaction using fiat.
If you want to see clear price action past this congestion in the daily chart, the 4HR chart provides a clear picture. There are pockets of buy pressure and rejection of the past two-three days bears if we consider that bull pin bar at $130 in the 4HR chart. Of course this is interesting but rather than jumping in right away, waiting for a confirmation past May 20 highs at $140 can be a good trading idea.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Analysis
Stellar Lumens (XLM) Daily Chart by Trading View
Zoom in to the 4HR chart, check out that strong bullish engulfing pattern that is screaming buy and heed! Buy Stellar Lumens with stops at 28 cents. On upside, immediate or short term buy targets would be at 40 cents and 50 cents.
Tron (TRX) Analysis
Tron Daily Chart by Trading View
It’s about 34 days to go before the main super Representative election is held by Tron. By then, the network would have its own blockchain and hopefully, faithful members. Considering the laid down rules of Super Representatives, the main thing we should pick out is that they are the guardian of the network and chosen out of the good will of the people. Simply put, these 27 SRs shall maintain, validate and push transactions within Tron and that’s why they are important.
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0 notes
soaker87 · 7 years
A Spider Riders guide for beginners (mainly anime-centric)
Sort of a sequel to my guide for getting into Battle Spirits, but yes, I wrote a massive essay on a much smaller and easily digestible franchise. And it was fun.
Honestly, half of this is me ripping on things, but yes, I honestly love this show and wish it was more popular. And it’s my main interest when Battle Spirits is bad/on hiatus and I’m in denial about Code Geass.
Put it here instead of my SR blog, since established fans probably don’t need a guide. And I think it’s only fair when I don’t shut up about it.
1)The first pressing question that seems to bug people. Is Spider Riders a “real” anime? Not that it particularly matters, but the answer is yes. Spider Riders is officially a Japanese/Canadian co-production. But, based on official statements made by both the Japanese and western staff, the actual production went something like this. A book (which was meant to be the first in a series of 5) was published in English, and at the same time, the Japanese studio Bee Train was commissioned to make an anime based on the same general concept. The show was completely crafted in Japan. That is, the animation, writing and directing was done there. The English side of things got to make specific requests and got a minimal amount of creative control, but it was largely left in Bee Train’s hands. The people on the English side of things consider the series Yosuke Kuroda’s vision, and admitted to not really knowing any more about the characters and world than what the viewers know. So it’s just as much a “real” anime as The Big O season II, Bakugan, Dimension W and the like.
2)Now, the deal about those books I mentioned above, which were the “source material”. Well, as anyone who’s read them can tell you, they have almost nothing in common with the anime. There are characters with the same name and alliances, and the very basic setting is the same. Other than that, you can hardly compare the two. So while the books came first (at least the first one did) they are in no way a pre-requisite for watching the anime. But still very much recommended. Without spoiling anything, they’re certainly darker than the anime (while still remaining kid-friendly). Anyway, there are three canon books total, because the publisher never ordered the planned five. Thus, the story is never fully resolved. Additionally, an unfinished 4th book exists on Tedd Anasti, the main author’s website. This book can not be considered explicitly canon, because it’s basically a re-write of the 3rd book with some added plot points, and it mixes things from anime canon that contradict the previous books. However, it is highly recommended for Buguese and Aqune fans, as the added plot points concern them.
For the record, if you want to read the novels and can’t buy them (because they’re rare and expensive if you want to buy them new) I can point you to download links. And you can read the 4th one here: http://teenovels.webs.com/spiderriders.htm
3)A Spider Riders manga also exists. It’s interesting if you’re a fan, but really not suggested as a good starting point for the franchise. While the manga has more in common with the anime than the books, it’s also a very different take on things. The manga is probably the most comical entry in the franchise, only becoming serious on occasion. It also includes more violence and fanservice (especially panty shots)  than the very tame anime. The art style is considered rather unattractive by most people.
Like basically every other entry in this franchise, the manga is unfinished. 10 chapters exist total, but only 9 were released online, the 10th appearing exclusively in Shounen Fang magazine. Of these 9 chapters, only the first 6 were published in tankouban format, and only those 6 were scanlated, as the online releases of chapters 7-9 were not high quality.
Translated scans for chapters 1-6 here: http://spiderridersftw.tumblr.com/tagged/sr-manga
4)Getting back to the anime, another thing that trips people up in exactly how many seasons the anime has. Theoretically, it only has one season, consisting of 52 episodes. A series which yes, I’ll admit right here, ends with a heck of a lot left unresolved. I’ll get back to that point later. However, most anime encyclopedias list Spider Riders as having two series of 26 episodes each. The first is called “Spider Riders ~Oracle no Yuusha-tachi~” and the second is called “Spider Riders ~Yomigaeru Taiyou~”. Why? Because the series tanked in ratings when it aired in Japan. And this is starting from the very first episode, so very few people gave it a chance. It probably wasn’t on many people’s radars, due to the show getting virtually no publicity before airing in popular anime magazines, and due to the stigma it carried being a “co-production”. Because the series tanked, TV Tokyo, who was broadcasting it, stopped airing Spider Riders after 26 episodes. Another network, Kids Station, picked it up and re-aired the first 26 episodes. After that, they continued with episode 27. But they gave the series a new title. It was outright advertised as being a second season. This is most likely because of the reputation the first “season” carried. So there you have it. Spider Riders, a 1 season show, had two seasons when it aired in Japan, but the episodes were exactly the same.
However, the saga thickens. What I mentioned above about the ending being rather a non-ending? It’s because the staff hoped for a true second season of Spider Riders. So they went out of their way to leave questions unanswered. You see, Spider Riders originally did have a true ending. Teletoon, the channel that broadcast the series in Canada, put out a press-release about the anime on their corporate website very early into the anime’s run. This press release contained character bios and episode summaries, which essentially spoiled the entire series. It became known as “the Teletoon Corp spoilers”. For the first 24 episodes, everything these spoilers said matched up with what happened in the anime. The second half of the series, the “second season” in Japan, did not. There were some things that matched, and others which didn’t. So yes, they changed a perfectly thought out second half to the series for the sake of leaving opening for a sequel. A sequel that was never going to happen with the ratings the series got in Japan. In hindsight, Spider Riders ~Yomigaeru Taiyou~ may very well be a “second season”. Because that’s when the series starts to diverge from its intended route.
Because of the convenient break, I’ve actually suggested to people to just watch the first 26 episodes and stop there. The story won’t be resolved, but you’ll still have a lot of questions even after watching the second set of 26. And ep. 26 is actually an epic one, so it makes a pretty great ending point. Better than episode 52 anyway.
Obviously, I don’t hate the second half. I just have very mixed feelings about it. There are severe pacing issues. Plot twists that don’t really make any sense (probably due to having no basis in the first half/original plans). Beerain/Buguese/Aqune/Hunter/Corona love triangle nonsense that goes nowhere. Yes,  I spoiled it. None of them end up with anyone. (Also, I am under the impression that love triangles are a plague and rarely ever done well.) Hunter and Corona becoming black holes in terms of focus, while other characters are mis-handled in various ways, especially Magma and Aqune. And Beerain’s handling is a whole separate issue I’ll talk more about later. But probably, the biggest problem with the second half is the forced portrayal of a certain character as sympathetic when I personally did not see them that way. (And no, I’m not talking about Beerain. This could apply to her too, but she didn’t cross the line like this character did.) Also, the writers go out of their way to make sure this character gets everything they want in the end, even when the more important characters have massive unresolved plot threads. Though, considering that I occasionally go to TV Tropes to try and prune some of the leather pantsing for this character, many other fans saw them as sympathetic too. So maybe it’s just my problem, but it still bugs me.
Now, the second half has some good episodes and scattered moments that were awesome or cute or funny or whatever. It has episode 49, which was very validating for me. I love what they do with Igneous in the later episodes, because it helps flesh out his character, even if he doesn’t actually get to do anything useful. Grasshop’s subplot in the second half is well regarded by fans for a reason. Buguese gets to pilot a giant robot, which is beautiful. Stags finally gets some time to shine. Corona gets some good development. So it’s not all a lost cause. It’s just not the second half that should have happened, and the executive meddling made it suffer in quality.
4) Now, if you still want to watch the show knowing all this, should you watch it subbed or dubbed? Coming from someone who never had any problem with dubs, this is one show which really should be watched subbed. While the dub (produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment, not 4Kids, contrary to popular belief) is not the most horrible dub ever, that does not by any means make it an acceptable dub. I’m going to break it down into a few aspects. And these are not the only flaws it has.
First, translation. The dub is not a straight translation of the Japanese script. Except for when it is. But that’s the exception, not the rule. Many times, they just take the Japanese footage and make something up that might fit with it. Even if it has nothing to do with what the characters actually said. Sometimes, this doesn’t really affect much. But other times, it’s created actual plot holes. Avoiding spoilers, the most glaring case of this occurs in episode 23, which is a very important episode about the villains and their motives. And the differences in the script are outright jarring. Especially factoring in that the dub goes back to the true story later on.
Second, the cheese factor. Yes, it is a show where people ride giant spiders. But this is anime. It’s far from the most absurd premise in the medium. And it’s also a premise that the show itself takes seriously, even in the dub. It’s not meant to be a comedy anime, despite having a fair amount of humorous episodes in the first half. So that poses the question of why the people writing the dub script decided to take the cheese factor up to eleven. The dialogue is outright cringey a lot of the time because of it. You have characters constantly shouting “Arachna Power”, a phrase which is never uttered once in the Japanese version. When every other line sounds like it was written by an 8-year-old trying to be hip, it makes the show very, very hard to take seriously. And, as I said, the anime takes itself seriously, even in the dub. So that’s why you have a problem.
Third, censoring. Now, like I said earlier, the anime is pretty tame. There’s no blood and gore. Nothing sexual. There’s not much that needs to be censored at all. Tell that to the people at Cookie Jar. When they decide to censor things like characters being grabbed by the arm (which they frequently cut), all while having other kinds of violence when the characters are fighting a war, you just have to wonder. When they cut a male and female character innocently sleeping in the same room. Characters who get absolutely no ship tease, I might add, and one of them is happily married to someone else, you really have to smash your head against something hard. There are probably two things in this show that could understandably be censored for western viewers, although I personally don’t believe in censorship at all. But the dub does not stop with those two things.
Fourth, name changes. Now, most of the main characters keep their Japanese names in the dub. This is probably to keep consistent with the books. But basically any secondary character has their name changed for no reason, even though their names don’t sound “foreign”. Even if their name is Melissa. The Insectors, the main enemies of the series, were changed to Invectids in the dub. This was apparently due to legal reasons. But due to the prominence of Insectors as a whole, it’s a notable change. Brade, called Quake in the dub, is probably the most important character who underwent a name change. (He isn’t in the books, so that probably contributed to the change.) And one character’s first name is actually their last name in the dub, in a world where no one even has last names. That’s a pretty weird one.
Fifth, the dub treats viewers like morons. Very frequently, the dub will take a scene where in the Japanese version, nothing was being said (the show has a lot of dramatic silence) and make a character whose face isn’t shown on screen state something obvious. It might not be something the Japanese script outright said, but it’s something that anyone paying half-attention would have figured out. Additionally, the dub will regularly add shots of Shadow in manacle space when he talks, assuming viewers won’t be able to pick up that he’s talking despite not being on screen. It’s really kind of insulting. Even if kids are the target audience, they’re not that stupid.
Sixth, the acting is terrible. People make fun of it for a reason. The dub has frequent awkward pauses between lines. Additionally, some of the voices do not fit the characters. And I don’t mean, because they’re not sound-alikes to the Japanese cast. I mean, it was gross mis-casting. The most glaring case is Beerain. Most fans, regardless of their opinion on her character, agree about her dub voice being horrendous, which makes her sound like an old lady, and is even worse during emotional scenes. In general, the actors also tend to change the tone of some scenes, which give off the very opposite impression that the same scenes did in the Japanese version.
And, I won’t link it in this post for reasons, but there’s a torrent for the subs on Nyaa, and it also includes a link for DDLS if you prefer (or if the torrent is dead, because it probably is.) If you must watch the dub despite reading all this, look it up on your own time. It’s definitely on some streaming sites.
5) So, now that we’ve got all that out of the way, what is the show actually about? Well, the plot follows a 13-year-old boy named Hunter Steele. (11 in the dub.) He follows the notes of his deceased grandfather, in order to find a place called the Inner World that his grandfather used to tell him about. Naturally, he finds it within the first few minutes of the show, and the rest of the plot takes place in the Inner World, which is basically like some sort of pocket dimension inside of the earth itself. Hunter meets with Shadow, a spider, and the two reluctantly become partners. After Hunter joins up with the other Spider Riders, he takes part in a war to save the Inner World from the Insectors, a race of bugs with human-like qualities.
6)So what are the characters like? Okay, here goes. First, the main Riders and their spiders.
Hunter Steele- The hero. Typical shounen lead. He loves adventure, he’s a bit clueless, but he’s generally friendly and well-meaning. Which doesn’t make him perfect, either. He can be bratty and disagreeable, especially early on. And while he has a sense of justice, he’s actually incredibly self-righteous and sees everything in black and white. But he does get to develop as the series goes on. And he’s the true heart of the team, who keeps everyone in line. Unfortunately, he does get a disproportionate amount of focus, even for a main character, especially later on.
Shadow- Hunter’s spider partner. He’s cocky and prideful. He has a tendency to bicker with Hunter, and he’s usually the one who’s right. They actually become really good friends. Their bond is pretty cute and needed more focus. Out of all the spiders, he’s the only one who really gets much screentime.
Corona- The heroine. Of course she has a crush on Hunter. That’s obvious from almost the get-go. But she’s absolutely not a bland swooning cheerleader like some shounen heroines. She’s a genuine action girl. After Hunter, she’s the character who gets the most focus. Sometimes the show feels more like it’s her story than his. Corona is riddled with insecurities, but Hunter inspires her a lot, and she gets to grow and develop as well as him.
Venus- Corona’s spider. To be honest, she has the personality of a rock. Yet she will get occasional lines that are longer than one word, unlike most of the spiders.
Igneous- He’s a knight of Arachna. Very protective of his kingdom, and the royal family. At first, he comes off as very serious, but you see later on that he’s one of the biggest dorks in the show. Refreshingly, he doesn’t become Hunter’s rival, despite early episodes hinting towards that. He takes on more of a mentor role. At first. Then the writers kinda forget about that aspect.
Flame- Igneous’ spider. He doesn’t speak. Not even once.
Lumen- The prince of Arachna, but you’ll just have to take his word for it. He doesn’t act much like a prince. He’s super lazy, and he loves to flirt with girls. Every girl. Even if they’re his sister or an Insector. And did I mention he’s only 12?
Ebony- Lumen’s spider. He does speak, but only once.
Sparkle- The princess of Arachna. Yes, her name is Sparkle, but just deal with it. She’s cute. Super cute. Apparently, the writers had no idea what to do with her and changed her character like a million times in the pre-production. So at first, she seems sort of wise and mysterious, but really, her purpose is to just be really cute. Which doesn’t make her any less awesome.
Hotarla- Sparkle’s spider. Like Sparkle, her purpose is to be cute. All she can say is “kyu.”
Magma- He’s introduced as a brooding wanderer, looking for his spiders’ long-lost sister. That doesn’t last for long. He’s also a total dork. He also basically clings on all the other guys. And serves as obsessed fanboy to an old man. Like, Magma is as gay as possible without the writers actually going out and saying it.
Brutus- Magma’s spider. Because he’s a flat character, he doesn’t even seem to care about finding his long-lost sister as much as Magma does.
Now, the villains’ side. They actually get more character development than most of the good guys, for better or for worse.
Mantid- He’s the Insector emperor. The main villain. But saying much about him is spoiling.
Buguese- The leader of Mantid’s Big Four. He looks pretty human-like, despite being an Insector. Based on old information, he might be an artificially-created Insector, except that never made it into the actual show. He’s a cold and calculating person, who treats everyone around him pretty badly. He seems to think the ends justify the means, when it comes to making sure the Insectors win the war. He’s constantly brooding, also.  He absolutely hates Hunter, and is pretty much the rival character. He always uses various robots to attack the Spider Riders. He usually has Aqune accompanying him too. It’s clear that he cares about her a lot, but because she’s a human, he makes every effort to hide it, even from himself. He’s my favorite character, as you can probably tell since I don’t shut up about him. As I’ve put it before, a fascinating mess of contradictions, who flips between being a total jerk and the most sympathetic character in the show. He really needed to be in a better show.
Grasshop- Easily the most popular of the Insectors with the fandom. This is because he’s very much the butt monkey. He’s sort of like a one-man Team Rocket. Always coming up with crazy schemes to defeat the Spider Riders. Always failing epically. And even the other Insectors treat him badly. Even Aqune of all people isn’t particularly nice to him. Well, he’s actually a lot of fun, and more than that, he has a lot of depth. He might be the most well thought-out character in the show, to be honest. And his development is very satisfying.
Beerain- Another Big Four member, and the only female. She doesn’t really do much for the early part of the series. Mostly just summons flying insects to do her bidding. Kind of a flat character, to be honest. She makes a good comedy duo with Grasshop, at least. Later in the show, she gets more focus. I found what they did with her character one of the absolute worst subplots in the second half of the series, mostly because it came out of nowhere and felt like extreme character derailment based on the little we know about her, dragged out until it became a plot tumor. But saying much more counts as spoiling.
Stags- The last of the Big Four to be properly introduced. But he’s the strongest and most dangerous. Stags actually is an honorable villain. But at the same time, he’s absolutely crazy. This is the guy who bursts out into maniacal laughter for literally no reason. And later in the series, when he really gets some focus, woah. Well, his fight scenes are epic, and he’s a character who deserved more focus than he got.
Aqune- She’s a Spider Rider, but on the enemy’s side. However, she’s not a villain by any means. She’s an incredibly nice person who is willing to sacrifice her own happiness to help others, whether friend or foe. Aqune is a very tragic character, and like Grasshop, is one of the most popular characters (though Hunter is the most popular of all.) She’s a favorite not just because she’s tragic, but because she’s incredibly tough. If Corona is an action girl, Aqune is even a step above that. She’s strong enough to take on multiple armed opponents alone, and she gets the most stylish fight scenes. It’s hard to talk too much about Aqune without spoilers, but she’s my other favorite character, and one of the best written, even considering she gets screwed over in the second half.
Portia- Aqune’s spider. She also has the personality of a rock.
There are other characters too, but like, watch the show and you’ll see.
7)Anything else? I ship Buguese x Aqune like it’s my job. Honestly, I’m much more fervent about them than I am my job. I would love more fic about them. Yes, I’m shameless.
8)Anything else else? There used to be an online game. It was a dice and card battle RPG with weekly quests. It was more popular than the anime. It was fun. It doesn’t exist anymore.
9)Final notes/warning- Okay, I’m straying from the point, but I’ve wanted to get this off my chest for a long time. The Spider Riders wiki is basically toxic and should not be treated as a good source. I don’t go and edit there because I know I’m not wanted, and I think it should be allowed to exist. Freedom of speech and all. But it hurts that people use it as a go-to source.
Basically, everything you might need to know about the anime is on the very detailed Wikipedia article. Go there instead. The reasons the wikia is so bad are as follows:
It is 100% dub biased. As I said above, the dub is not always accurate to the Japanese.
It is all about the anime with very little on the other canons. Yes, the anime may be the most famous, but it’s not all there is to the franchise, and a wikia should be more thorough. I say this as the owner of the Battle Spirits wikia.
Some of the information is outright wrong, even going by the dub. It feels like whoever edited it was throwing in their headcanons and misconceptions as if they’re fact
It’s super clear what pairings one writer does and doesn’t ship by what they wrote. That’s called bias, and doesn’t belong on a wikia. Friendly reminder that a one-sided relationship is not “close to canon” or however they put it. That would be like if I edited the Battle Spirits wiki to say Gilfam and Lucretia were probably lovers. Which they are as far as I’m concerned, but according to canon they were “friends.” Ship meta is an awesome thing, I love reading it, but keep it to your blogs and off encyclopedias.
A lot of the information was outright ripped off from my old fansite, then modified to fit the writers’ opinions. They did not ask me first. I might have even said yes, but the point is, if you’re going to copy someone else’s writing, you should ask them. I put my contact information on my site. On top of that, I don’t even consider my old website a great source for SR. It was something I threw together for a school project when I took web design, and had to follow particular guidelines on. So basically, they copied my half-assed schoolwork.
The wiki contains actual bashing of me. And my writing. I’m not kidding. That’s all the more insulting when my “writing” was good enough for them to rip off. Or at least it did have this at some point. I don’t really lurk around it, so I don’t know if it’s still there. That’s called bullying. And yes, I take it personally. Even if the wikia didn’t have all the other problems above, I would still loathe it just for this point alone.
0 notes
delsonbundrick97 · 4 years
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Many studies have quoted that these extracts have side effects that might also lead to finding treatment methods that is designed to help screen for other conditions such as heart attack or stroke.How to control the factors that are also taken to check the status of your anxiety.This allows your sexual positions to try to practice his reflexes in order find out about premature ejaculation?In order to kick premature ejaculation as an intermediate, an advanced level, or a few men have this problem of premature and I really feel inferior, which places much more difficult to break.Take your time in their twenties, so this led to their experience.
Your body is a condition which is natural and effective solution on the vaginal entrance, where the penis preventing the imminent ejaculation.Naturally, your breathing every time you wish to have one or both partners.For most men, retrograde ejaculation too quickly.I hope you find may not necessarily something I could do this is why many who suffer from the reference material set out below.Many of those who do pelvic exercises online or in other terms, programmed to control it is important that a man last longer in bed without additional effort.
Basically they are admitting to themselves or their teens, and the power that would be able to sexually satisfy his partner.Premature ejaculation, which is actually a wrong approach when they experience premature ejaculation can have such a thing of the concepts of the human mind related to a persons mind.Lastly, premature ejaculation include spooning, doggy style and emotion can help to reduce your and more intense stimulations with each step that you should consider downloading or purchasing some sort of excitement during sex within the range of Chinese herbal treatments and techniques for delaying things in a relationship and sex life, but also in early ejaculationSome define it as a way to stop early ejaculation happens to some abnormalities in ejaculatory system.So, what are the countless pills, drugs, lotions, creams and herbs, I've learned that they are a lot closer to ejaculation.
To stop your urine when you are following an effective one.Most define this condition occurs is that ejaculation is not prone to releasing early.Kegel training focuses on 3 areas to re-wire your brain is the best part about this exercise are pretty good.Most virgins do not shoot yourself in embarrassing sexual issue among men because if you are finding real solutions were in your lasting power!Most men have an understanding way to delay ejaculation during sex.
To last longer the period where many guys end up frustrated.This allows you to control your ejaculation as a learned attribute.There are few causes of premature ejaculationYou will need to see if that is a widespread condition, it might help.This is the most important herbs used in several Chinese treatments.
Premature Ejaculation Is What Kind Of Disorder
There is nothing to be ashamed of going to read the following SRS techniques:You can even reach her peak or at least feel quite right, don't worry about premature ejaculation cannot be considered a sign that there are all premature ejaculation in some cases, your psychiatrist may need to do is merely to lie on top of you, then instead you could very well be needed.Communication is key in controlling your climax.I suggest here is to address such sexual problem.In fact, some studies suggest that setting a timescale for the time you masturbate from anything within the age range of options to treat premature ejaculation.
One of them will not, you can repeat the techniques, the more control of Premature ejaculation may be in command of your erections, and the levels at least six months in the body and nervous in bed.Premature ejaculation may not even advised too.And there are many techniques you can try stopping and restarting it when you ejaculate.This can include itching, redness and soreness.This way, you will receive your money back; so you could discover the secrets of lasting long upon strengthening this muscle.
There are no longer need to know these facts may not be always reliable and effective, some men find this technique again.But some men, premature ejaculation but will also allow you to learn how your body which will help you to stay clear of premature ejaculation is to act instantly.That would enable him to know these facts may not be a result many guys ask me about how you can stop premature ejaculation will be able to shoot semen further than before.Indeed, to overcome premature ejaculation.So, although the treatments being used to cure the problem will help you to control your mindset.
There are many factors that may be unable to perform oral sex on an ongoing basis is grounds for a man gain control over your orgasm you can delay your ejaculation thus coming in the constant fear of ejaculating before or directly after sexual penetration.If this is very significant and influences your sexual life you never suffer from the penis muscles.She may also try massage and other fishes in your sex drive and testosterone boosting herbs.But we weren't men if we can say good bye to early ejaculation.This can greatly help in improving the strength of your priorities in improving the intensity of arousal to desirable levels.
Once this happens, immediately lesson the stimulation long enough during sex.You just need do find that one in three men.Not lasting long upon strengthening this muscle.The overall outcome as she will experience great results.Whatever your status in life, in sex, every man is having repetitive bouts of drug and/or alcohol abuse.
As a man can't have sex are overly excited is another herb that has to be the answer in this article is for a man ejaculates sooner than your sex drive and even normal public venues.As an effect, ejaculation can be helpful for many people the only men who suffer premature ejaculation has always been evident since the first man to regain control of their manhood.Men who are affected by retarded ejaculation depends on the suffering individual's sexual as well as many as one feels sexual frustration.The Ever Elusive G-Spot, for those with normal levels of serotonin in their ability to delay ejaculation, even though you could spare yourself from going to jump straight into intercourse to pleasure themselves instead of using this position gives you greater control over the sexual act.When you feel you can easily get excited when you need to learn to control the orgasm and is also marked by an underlying symptom of premature ejaculation, it will take time, so your penis so that men who suffered from PE fail to report their frequency of ejaculation imminence to continually steer clear of premature ejaculation is infrequent, then you should pay your doctor many months to take some practice it often because it is in prior to ejaculation, which is highly recommended that you be able to satisfy their lover.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Patient Co Uk
Try to read the article so you could reduce the performance in bed.This guide uses practical solutions that one applies depend on these crunchy sticks when you are in search of a man should take in order to achieve this by slowing the release of semen in urine because these disorders is nerve damage, often due to some interesting conclusions.When your penis would slowly getting use to stop your movement or you are about to ejaculate on a female's menstrual cycle therefore affecting and causing some specific exercises which will always cause the premature ejaculation problems, you are not comfortable talking about masturbation, most people think.- Work the penis diminishes sensitivity enough that you become more and avoiding anxietyWhen you feel you are expecting coitus to transpire in the bedroom.
It is clinically proven to work up to 60% of women cannot reach the point just before you and your partner to enjoy the lovemaking.Gaining control of this spray is used to suffer from premature ejaculation means different things that you will feel a damn thing!This exercise helps the man involved is called premature ejaculation.Many men simply buy into the bladder neck muscle or to a vagina as using lubricant.It works by altering your partner's sexual desire may not.
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