#[ it’s late so this will def be timezoned a few times.. ]
dontyoufeelcalmer · 2 years
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Hii saw ur request were open!! This has been on my mind for a while and I need to spit it out somewhere 💀
Ellie x Fem!Rockstar Reader headcanons? SFW & NSFW!! Reader has a very confident and tempting personality, style and a voice like Taylor Momsen from The Pretty Reckless and is also the face of the band. Maybe Ellie could be a groupie and get lucky enough to be noticed by reader?They start hanging out for a while which turns into them dating and Ellie is all cute and is basically their #1 fan trying to go to any available concert and gives reader song ideas and helps them relax after a set doesn’t go to well, Maybe angst too like reader is always busy that they don’t get to spend enough time with ellie? just ideas!!
I hope u have a good week <3
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Rockstar!Reader 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut under the cut, angsty, TONS OF FLUFF, mentions of a bar
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - HEHEHEH this was really cute and the spicy nsfw section had be screaming the whole time, you're amazing thank you!!!
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You always loved music and loved making it even more
It's what got you where you were, your love for all things having to do with music
You're relatively settled into your new found stardom when you end up at a bar with your band, talking to some random groupies who loved your music
That's when you met a certain girl named Dina who you thought was pretty cool, and ended up hooking up with one of your friends
And then through them you met Ellie, the green eyed girl having caught your eye
She was unironically wearing a band t-shirt of yours and you teased her about it
Totally lost her mind by the way she just didn't show it
Like literally probably screamed into her pillow and Dina couldn't stop laughing
Dina teased Ellie about it the entire night after you'd given her a private social media account to message you on so that you didn't miss her message
And you did, like all the time, you were traveling a lot at the time so messaging her was about all you could really do
You two went from sending cute little texts to full out conversations and hours of late night chat sessions
You'd tell her things you'd never told anyone before
And slowly you began to gain her trust and learn more about her personal life
Ellie really felt something with you, but it was hard because sometimes you'd have trouble responding due to getting busy
It made her question if that's what she wanted in life and a partner
It was your guys first rough moment, but you both came out of it knowing that you wanted each other after a long talk
It was very emotional and you both teared up at least once
Then you became official, and you both couldn't get enough
Back onto more happier stuff for now
She def sends good morning and goodnight texts, mostly when she wakes up, but depending on your timezone she'll get it to you before you're awake
Ellie's a night owl, so if you're elsewhere, and morning hits for you and she's awake, expect a message
Ellie loves when you call her after shows or right before, you're excitement kills her, she finds you so adorable
You'll get all giddy and show her around on the call, she's really just paying attention to you and your voice
Saves every picture you send her, and vice versa
You love it when Ellie sends you things, mostly because she isn't really the type
You'll mail her packages of things that you've found that remind you of her just to surprise her
On a few occasions she's showed up to your band performances just to surprise you
Felt bad when you cried tears of happiness and wouldn't let go after you hugged her
She started traveling with you when she could, especially with the career she chose
So sometimes you guys would see knew places
But thing is, Ellie is a very private person and she doesn't like being the center of attention
So when your relationship is outed and starts to go public you're both pretty nervous and you're always making sure she's okay with everything
It's very new for her, and you're scared she'll leave, which you wouldn't blame her for
But it wasn't easy at first, again you had a rough patch but it was resolved after you both talked about it
You did of course do everything to keep her from the public eye if she didn't want to be seen
You guys mostly hang out wherever you're staying or when you have the time, you stay with her
Speaking of which, Ellie LOVES when you stay with her, whether it be a few days or a few weeks depending on your schedule
She swears you make her life so much better, but of course if you need your time she's not gonna lock you up
Unless you ask
But seriously, she loves it, cherishes every second
Has tons of pictures of you saved and you have no idea
Until one day you're trying to find a picture on her phone and there's an entire fucking folder dedicated to candid pics of you
Probably cried when you found out
She keeps them to remember you when you're gone, she gets lonely
Loves when you ask her to play for you, it makes her feel special
Cause you can play so well, and sing yet you much prefer when she does it
Ellie's like your personal little lullaby machine, and you eat it up every time
You make her feel so loved without even realizing it
And same goes for you, girlie here is your number one always
Every performance she watches it somewhere whether it be online or in person just to text you about it or give you a kiss after
Will NOT miss one, even if she gotta pay for it to be livestreamed and choppy asf she'll figure it out
And if it all goes wrong she'll listen to you rant until your voice stops and you either fall asleep or your throat hurts too much to continue
You've probably ugly cried to her on facetime, and you know what, it was a bonding experience
Really made you both closer
But you have your arguments, nothing ever overly big and bad but you get into a bickerment once in a while
Especially over your time
Ellie hates it when you can't text or don't respond
But she understands that it's not your fault but when she gets upset everything she feels and thinks comes out
It causes turmoil and arguments and you'll ignore her for some time until she either gets over whatever tiff she was in or you'll force her to talk it out
Because apparently she was never taught to process emotions
she worries but it's because she loves you
She tells you that in person though
On a date at your apartment that you keep just for when you're done with traveling and hotels for a few weeks
You guys love each other so fucking much, but you have your bumps and communication is key
But you know where communication is also key
She's so fucking AJFKDJAF;DS
Phone sex, cyber sex, discord sex, all of it babes
She has a locked folder full of yours, and she laughs because you're all hers and fucking look at you
But because of the distance it's the only way you both can be intimate over the long periods of time you're away
Not that you mind her voice is so fucking hot
Imagine her talking all low in a groggy voice telling you to do things to yourself...
Or when she sends you little text messages of what she wants to do to you right before you go out on stage
Sometimes you'll send her little pictures throughout the day just to make her antsy while she words and you sit alone in a hotel room
FUCK, she fucking wants you so bad and it kills her having to do it all where she can't touch, she can only watch
Not that she doesn't like, look at yourself
And knowing that it's all hers REALLY gets her riled up
She can't keep herself off of you
And the sex is better than you're probably imagining, I promise
You can't walk the next day and you're covered head to toe in a reminder of her
She wants to make sure you remember who loves you most and who you belong too if you have to leave a few days after
You'll have a faint memory of your girlfriend everywhere you go, it's her love language <3
Nah I'm kidding, somewhat
But she LOVES to love you when you get back
Fuck, make love, quickies
Anything to make sure she's as close to you and pleasuring you as much as possible
Ellie loves when you're happy, and you're happy when she makes you feel good
And she'd only let you come once you finished her favorite verse
Totally fingers you while asking if you missed her and all that comes out of your mouth are noises or babbles about how amazing she feels
Takes videos of her fucking you to remember the moment
Totally sends them to you at night when you text her about wanting her, just to tease you
Totally sends dirty selfies too
And the angle where it's her neck down from above herself
The amount of pictures you have...
She loves it, don't let her fool you
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saecookie · 4 years
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
Please Spread this love. 2020 has been hard for so SO many of us.
Tagged by @ineffable-yikes and oh god you’re a darling <3. I hope you know that and get a warm and cozy day and all the good things you deserve in your lil corner of the world ! Keep it up, you’re a gem, honestly, and as always, I’m proud of you !
Now let me get into a rant because. BECAUSE. Because I love loving people.
@maddiesup MADDIE ILU. I  cannot express how lucky I feel to be able to just. Kick in your  messages and just ramble or scream or. You know. Ilu ilu.
@gay-impressionist   hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hhhhhhh. Les meilleures soirées de l’univers  rohlalala. Tellement contente de pouvoir te parler je. Je sais pas quoi  dire. <3 <3  
@megabadbunny my love my beauty my darling I am so very gay for you and your bunnies and your face and the light you shine and hhhh I don’t know how we evolved from tumblr once in a while cutie comments to I’M GONNA BONK YOU IN THE HEAD AND You’RE GONNA FEEL BETTER and I really, really love you and you’re so dear to me.
@sparklingwaterbabie can you believe we got to see each other in 2020 ? It seems so far away----. But what an incredible wonderful moment I had with you, I really really had the time of my life. I’ll def never see a kermit the same way :’).
@gingerteaonthetardis  HHHHHHHHHH oh boi. What can I say ? You’re so. Such a wonderful person ?  And I adore you ? And the way you seem to FEEL things and I vibe so  much with it and and and. You’re so bright. I really really really love  to see you around and listen to you talk about things and. Sending you  cute mushroom stickers. You’re forever linked to cute forest stuff in my  mind now. You’re trapped.
@i-lost-a-flip-flop i love you ??? so much ???? what I can I say ??????? I just do ???? Like, it’s so easy to talk and share and open up and. Yeah. I’m really, really so happy I met you (even if it wasn’t strictly in 2020 but you’ve been a soothing presence all throughout this year so YEAH).
@smallblueandloud honestly same I just. Really really love having you around. You’re spirited and clever and witted and I can just barge in and scream about my feelings and that’s so precious you have no idea. You’re a comforting presence and a safe person.
@galiifreyrose listen I’m not gonna say anything. You’re safe and musically galaxy brain and I feel like I share so much and you’re a new person to me and I’m not coherent but I don’t care. Yo’ure. Everything. 2020 would not have looked this way without you. I fucking love you so much and timezones and geography have never been so punitive. I. Just. Want to hug you and spend time with you and. Just be with you. (Guess I did say something...)
@effervescentdragon ooooh now I know you’re in your exam and I get to write this. Listen Aki. I’m. Beyond grateful that I’ve been able to meet you. And scream with you. And then vibe and share and talk and discover you and. It’s been a very few month, and a very few eventful month, so I guess there’s still a lot of things to be said and a lot of things we could disagree on, but honestly ? I just feel like we match ? And. You told me once “I don’t care, just talk to me about the emotions”. Well that’s this kind of moment, when I don’t have sentences, just emotions. Full of them. I’m sure you’re killing your exam. I send you all the best hugs you like. (I didn’t even start on how many freaking qualities you’re full of but it’s already getting a bit long and sappy...)
@goneadrift always such a pleasure to see you around honestly <3. It’s been a few years now that we’re mutuals and I couldn’t imagine my dash without you. And your fma viewing gave me LIFE.
@demoiselledefortune always a familiar presence on my dash, it would be v weird without you honestly, and I love seeing all those passionate reblog I don’t understand a thing about, like. Really. There’s a whole aesthetic that I love.
@skyler10fic listen Skyler I  absolutely adore you ok ? You’re such a bright spirit and. I really  vibe with everything you say ? haha. ALL THE HUGS TO YOU.
@elialys I’m ? So grateful ? For you ? I don’t know how to express it ? You’re so smart and talented and a good friend and and and. How are you you ? I wish I was able to TALK MORE but you know, stuff. I’m really grateful for you.
@booksandwoollysocks you’re so precious ? And I can’t wait to post this letter ? hhhhhh I’m really impatient. I love everything about what you blog and your opinions and everything. <3
@yellowsuedeshoes I’m shit at talking and I WILL have to try Destiny at one point because there’s no reason we’re the two europeans connected late at night and not making the most of it. I’m so glad I met you and got to talk to you so much in vc !
@melusine0811 Oh wow how my life changed since you messaged me on tumblr haha ! I’ll never thank you enough to show you gratitude. You’re so brave and so strong and I love being around you and don’t ever think I don’t appreciate you to the moon and back whaveter dumb brain says !
@crazyrose912 meeting you was such luck. You’re lovely and caring and strong and I can’t think of someone more peaceful than you. You really are the calm presence around here for me <3.
@cleverlittlejay you’re a gem and even if I’m shit at talking I really love every little message we exchange and fandom we don’t share and I wish I could just come and hug you !
@emjee I like following you so much because I discover SO MANY THINGS thanks to you and I. Just love seeing people being passionnate and. Yeah. So many hugs your way.
@elwenn-dreaming listen I always love seeing all your lil comments about stuff and posts and good providing of lotr meme and I’m sending you all the strenght I think you need to go through these 2 (maybe +) years because they can be good and I really hope they will be for you, you deserve it !!
@lastbluetardis hfsdgdkjfghdfjgflhg. All the love. And the vibing. And the video games. And the reading. And the sharing. And the feelings. I. You know. Still the “how are we the same age you’re so much more EVERYTHING”/”NO YOU” and I really love you and I wish I could just. Be more with you.
@doctorrosetennant oooooh you’re so sweet and precious and I’m so glad I got to meet you this year and we’re able to get each others back. Honestly this year would have been very different if I hadn’t met you all, really <3.
@timeladyofthesith I know we don’t talk much and everything but. I first met you through your writing and it. Really did something to me. And now I know you a little and you’re such a bright and spirited person and I really admire you ? And your cosplaying is gold ? And you’re so funny ? uuuuh we don’t deserve you.
@tardisinateapot meeting you was a gift and I’m grateful I can exist in your orbit and your wise and funny words and. Thanks for your grounding presence. You’re a gem and I love you <3.
@temporary-dysphoria I discovered your writing this years and WOW. It did something to me. And I’m very, very grateful for that, and thank you for your stories and for all your good content and opinions and I’d send you hugs if I knew if you’re comfortable with them, but without that knowledge let’s just say I wish it’s getting better your way !
@naromoreau (typing your @ I just discovered that I’ve always called you naNomoreau.... SORRY) I also discovered your writing this years and it’s so special and I’m so happy I did. Thank you for all your stories <3 <3.
@chocolatequeennk you’re a gem you’re a treasure I feel so safe and seen with you and I hope I can provide something good too and you make me so happy and just. Seeing you everyday. And your smiles. And the bad days. You’re just. hhhhhhhhhhh <3 <3.
@wildchildamandaa you know what ? Meeting you has been a gift. A real true gift because you’re so kind and soft and gentle and funny and adorable and I just want to hang out more because I’m just. Blown away by how cool and great and nice and strong you are. Iluvmuch.
@pellaaearien mgngngnngngn I really adore you and you being so NICE and I really don’t want it to be in the bad way because I know it can be a struggle but you’re really gentle and kind and generous and. Thanks for being around <3.
@sunnibits WELCOME TO TOLKIEN FANDOM you’re so smart and funny and I don’t really know you but you always me smile >w< !
@xyloophones lrehfdgdfkjg I LOVE YOU ? You’RE SO SPECIAL AND PERFECT AND YOU just. Get it when I’m screaming stuff and. I really really love talking to you and you’re such a warm person to be around. All cozy <3.
Other people I’m grateful for ! @tolkien-understands @turtle-pond-stims @finn-shitposts @hinamie @oreliel-from-valinor @charlottemadison42 @cleowho @letters-to-lgbt-kids @obiwanobi @eccleston @smolshoma1 @narootos and I’m forgetting a ton of people but. YEAH.
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fidespeaks · 3 years
About Fides: An Introduction
Hello, my name is Fides!  It’s very nice to meet you and, however you’ve fond your way onto this blog, I’m happy that you have.  In this post, I hope to cover a few important things before getting started with the meat and potatoes of this blog: namely I’d like to introduce myself and, in the name of transparency, give you as many details about myself and my background as possible while still maintaining relative anonymity.  Some things have been left intentionally vague (i mean. kinda LOL), this is to protect myself.  I hope you’ll understand. 
SO!  Let’s start with the basics...
My name is Fides.  I am in my late twenties and the only information I’ll give regarding my location is that I am currently in the PST timezone and I live on the American west coast.  I currently work as a retail associate, but I have experience in food service & professional animal care as well.  I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in forensic psychology with a minor in philosophy.  I have an avid interest in clinical psychology, criminology / behavioral analysis, social psychology, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, race relations, gender studies, and a lot of other stuff that I spend the majority of my time studying (reading books on the subjects, listening to podcasts, ect).  I have been roleplaying on this hellsite since 2010 and I have seen my share of bullshit, believe me.
As far as gender goes, I an AFAB genderfluid enby.  I prefer they/them pronouns, but I won’t be miffed over she/her or he/him or anything else that you would like to (respectfully) refer to me as.  I don’t mind gendered slang (queen, king, dude, girl, babe, boss bitch, etc) but I ask that you not refer to me as any derogatory sexual terminology typically associated with women (slut, hoe, thot, skank, etc).  I have been out as nonbinary for a little more than a year but have been actively surrounded by enby friends for over a decade.  
Sexuality / orientation wise I am demisexual, biromantic, and polyamorous.  I have been identifying as bi since my early teens and am out to everyone in my life.  I often refer to myself as a lesbian because I am in a lesbian relationship (so if you have issues with enby lesbians, you’re just gonna have to leave or get over it).  I am married & my wife is a trans woman who has been out for a little less than a year and has a masters degree in post civil war reconstruction & the race relations of the time.  We have a child who is around three and told me this morning that their gender is “zombie”.  So... do with that as you will.
I am not neurotypical.  I was professionally diagnosed with ADHD sometime in kindergarten and I have spent long periods of my life both medicated and unmedicated (I am currently medicated).  I also have been diagnosed with C-PTSD and am currently undergoing EMDR treatment with a licensed therapist.  I am a CSA survivor & I display a good number of the symptoms of BPD although I haven’t been officially diagnosed with it.  
As stated above, I am American.  My mother’s side of the family is white as fuck my father’s side of the family is latinx & native american.  I am extremely white passing and was raised by my conservative christian mother & step-father, so while I do consider myself of color, I also am hyper aware of the fact that to the outside world I always have been and always will be white as fuck.  I try to use this to the best of my abilities to fight against racism and implicit bias when I see it and am, as I said, fully aware of my privilege. I will always concede to BIPOC when it comes to matters of race, but I also do not pretend that that voice and group are a monolith and I always do my best to make sure I have collected a multitude of opinions regarding a subject before formulating my own.  Plus, I think that white saviorism is one of the worst behaviors any sort of leftist or progressive white or white passing person can engage in and part of this blog (as you will see) will def touch upon that.  
Uh... what else?  I consider myself pretty far left.  I grew up christian (lutheran) and am now some weird flavor of agnostic existentialist.  I believe that capitalism is cultivating a hellish apocalyptic landscape and needs to be stopped at all costs (I’m a socialist ig lol).  I think that everyone suffers from implicit biases that cause them to act poorly and while they need to be educated the way that we do it currently in the rpc and the community at large are disgusting, counter productive, largely a waste of time, and extremely unhealthy.  I dislike both antishippers and proshippers equally and.... uh. 
That pretty much lays out most of my background and both my privileges and lack thereof.  Next time (ON DRAGON BALL Z) I will think I’m gonna talk about and discuss privilege and ladders of it and how it stacks and the like because I think that’s pretty important to why I made this post beyond just introducing myself.  Or... first I’m going to make a post about what I kind of want to do with this blog and why I’ve made it and THEN I’ll start talking about the interesting stuff to lay the groundwork for what I really want to do and talk about here so...
Thank you to everyone who basically read this really boring summary of myself and my life!  I look forward to talking more with y’all. <3
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leavetwn · 3 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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lizzenilssen · 5 years
Is that KRISTINE FROSETH on campus? Oh no, that’s ELIZABETH NILSSEN-LEVIN. From QUEENS, NYC, the 21 year old has come to study FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES (major) & CLASSIC LITERATURE (minor). Rumor has it she is OPTIMISTIC and PRO-ACTIVE, but GULLIBLE and INCONSISTENT, which is why she is known as THE FLIGHT RISK. She resides in BROADVIEW RESIDENCE HALL and can’t wait to graduate.
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hi!   i wanna introduce us both lizze and i so i’m ailie (she/her), i’m 20yrs old aaaaaand study circus!! gmt -3 timezone (south america ayyyyy) and this is my sweet dotter  lizze.
elizabeth, or lizze, lizzie, liz, eli, what-the-fuck-ever, was born in new york, lived her entire life at the same two-bedroom apartment with only her father and their two cats, pebble and susie - clearly both named by lizze as a child.
her mother bailed on them when lizze was about five, out to pursue a bigshot career on TV, that quickly flunked and ended up with her doing bad late-night commercials that were better off when forgotten. “levin” is   her   last name, and altho it’s on lizze’s ID, she rarely ever goes by it. yes, also, that’s a jewish last name, even if all lizze knows about that religion is food.
her father, a working class auto mechanic rooted on his habits, took on the role of single parent nearly seamlessly - at least in lizze’s POV. he didn’t always get it right the first try, but what parent does? what he did, however, was nurture lizze with stories, and projects, and fantasies about the future.
all throughout her life, lizze wasn’t either here nor there in social settings. she’s not an introvert per se, but definitely not an extrovert. just... in that limbo where one can participate to an extent and enjoy her own company and recharge, also to an extent.
her grades however were, as a constant, above the average, to the point of graduating high school in the honor board. how? she’s not even sure. plus, being part of the debate team, the chess club, the feminist book-and-debate club (which she co-founded), the swim team (shortlived dream), drama club and dance classes outside, along with charity work.
to be fair, she also had just about three actual friends. after trying -and failing- to be a “popular” girl, lizze found her place among the simple peasants of the kingdom of public school of queens, nyc. with so many activities, she knew so many people, but didn’t really get to be that close to many.
during summers, she was a counselor in kids camps, and during schooltime would work part-time at the fro-yo near school.
when she graduated, she had been accepted into a few colleges, offering her percentages of scholarships, and she chose Monarch U., first going into it with a BIOSCIENCE MAJOR, which she changed after just two months and too much caffeine.
she then decided to... really, like, look at what she liked, truly liked, and decided on a major and a minor that seemed could keep her mind focused and not bail at the first sign of discomfort.
all in all, however, lizze is a sweet, mom-friend type of girl that has more books than will to live in the mornings, goes to morning classes in her tweety PJs and oversized tees of long-lost exes because oversized shirts, and knows all the lines to mamma mia and every disney movie ever. she works two jobs, one out of need (york’s) and another out of, well, need but also pleasure (the darkroom), studies film & media and classic literature, and takes pictures of every cute animal she sees on the street, meaning all her snapchat and insta stories are super WholesomeTM.
definitely one of those “awkward but charming” people that aren’t even aware they’re getting hit on, and when they realize it’s just... fatally embarrassing. serial blusher. bad dad jokes and puns all the way.
aaaaaaaaaaaand member of the theatre club!
smol facts#
hopeless romantic in spite of hating the compulsive cishetmonogamy normatives
played sega games all her childhood and still does, likes other videogames but nothing like oldschoolin’ it
quit smoking but ~vapes. weed user af.
is super afraid of moths, the sound of crickets unsettles her, has so many potted plants.
she has a nikon camera that’s practically always with her
#compulsivejournaling, #moleskin, #pastelhighlighters, #calligraphy
her favorite movie is american beauty, yes she knows that’s a cliché
is #past pretending to be cold and detached, but also how does one Not Run TF Away From Attachments? yes, a commitmentphobe to a new fckn’ degree
sagittarius sun, pisces moon, gemini rising & venus ~
def not straight, so she wants to say bisexual? but also she’s ????????
-------------------------------------- •
so like, that’s lizze! if you would like to plot, pls like this and i’ll dm you!
i definitely would love connections, whether already uni or before-MU connections!!
(best friend/s, bf/exes, #wecouldvehaditalls, friend/s!!!!!, academic competition, person-that-lives-across-the-hall, anythin!!)
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dcntez · 5 years
     good night , fam whassup ? i’m chrissy ( she/her ), but yall can call me bob the builder which is p much who i am rn ... i'm sorry for takin a while to post this but i had to build a bookshelf i bought myself w was ... p bad but i managed to be succesful so i mean ... i guess . anyways i’m 20 n from the gmt-3 timezone n im here to introduce u to my trash child dante ! hes kinda bad yall but pls love him anyway ? also like this if u wanna plot n i will slide into ur dms for some connections ? ok this is it so heres a lil bit on dante !!
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❛ welcome to new york, dante fitzwilliam. your resemblance to noah centineo is absolutely uncanny. by the looks of your maserati alfieri, we’re thinking you’ll fit right in. according to tmz, you just had your twenty - second birthday bash. your chances of making it in the city are dicey since you’re impetuous, but being venturesome gives you an advantage. ( cismale & he & him ) 
k so dante is born to like ... hollywood royalty ? his dad was like a technological mogul when technology was p much just getting started so like ?? kinda our elon musk rn or like steve jobs a few yrs ago ? n his mum was a major actress idk like prob angelina jolie or smth like that so when they got married it was a HUGE deal . so it was p much like royalty wedding n they were the like ... the it couple for a while there @ the 90s
they had 3 children , n dante was the youngest one so he was rly kinda spoiled like crazy , his mom specially had a real soft spot for him n he could do no wrong in her eyes which like kinda caused a rift between him n his older siblings ? prob bc they felt kinda like their parents played favorites ? but dante was mainly ok w that ?
so he grew up like a typically entitled rich boy ? 0 life struggles , awesome life n just rly couldnt give a shit abt anything other than himself n has been p happy w/ that ? i hate him already wow but yeah like he rly never had to work for his money n never rly appreciated his life style ? its just like a given to him , he’s rly rich , period lmao
ok so while his older sibings went to college n started working on their dads company w? him, dante rly wasnt interested in academics ? he was a p good student @ school , but nothing above that n he rly didnt care abt it , so , as usual , his parents allowed him to pursue his own path in life n didnt force him to go to college , which he appreciated v much
but like ... it turned out his path in life was p much ... doing nothing ? hes just a rich boy doing rich boy things lmao but he does have an instagram n hes like ... kinda famous ? listen ... hes like paris jackson yall . thats literally it
also like , another way he got a lot of tabloid attention was dating a Lot of famous ppl ? so , u know ... he’s That guy . hes such a serial dater like his relationships r always super short n intense n just end up in chaos n like , a lot of media attention ? n thats mostly how he got like real famous ? jakjialk he does some modelling too but hes not super passionate abt it ? he just does it whenever his pubicist gets an offer from a campain that tickles his fancy its kinda a side job tbh
honestly is he not the biggest trash bag u have ever met ??? if hes not ... who have u been meeting in ur life omg
ok so now for some personality aspects of his ? w/ all the bad things i said like ... hes a great person to be around ? he’s super outgoing n looooves having a good time n entertaining the ppl around him ? if ur like in his circle of friends ur guaranteed to always have fun ? hes always coming up w crazy wild plans n is the first to say yes for legit Anything u wanna do ? hes so fun n out there its kinda great
but like that adventurousness n his outgoingness mixed w how out of touch w actual reality he rly is can make it kinda hard to relate to him unless u live that same life style ? like i can def see ppl getting tired of his shit real fast when they have like commitments n such bc he doesnt take it srsly at all ? n he like .... kinda loves to play the victim ?? like ... does the most stupid things n just ... ‘why is this happening to me i didnt do anything at all !!!’ pls dante stop
he’s also mostly a super chill guy personaity wise ? like hes not a v aggressive person or a hothead in any ways ? its v rare that he gets heated n even then hes not rly known to blow up @ ppl ?
ok so idk if that was any good at all bc its late n my brain is kinda shutting down ? but also here r some ideas for plots that might interest u ? or not ? bc they r kinda dumb like ... anyways
exes : mostly bad terms bc hes a drama queen like ... if u date him its bound to have a dramatic ending ?
family friends : prob knows this person for a long time , maybe both their parents were friends so they kinda grew together ?
best friends : prob do a lot of fuckin up together like ... im think abt it n its givin me a headache
good influence ; somebodys gotta try right ?
model pals : maybe they r always working @ the same shoots n become friends bc of it ?
cheating things maybe ? hes an asshole yall sooo
ANGST THINGS !!! honestly all things angst
also like ... i have some plot ideas based on songs but its late n im too lazy rn to type them all down so if ur interested we can always talk abt it when we’re plotting ?
 ok so this is definitely the end its 2 in the morning i might pass out in like 2 seconds but hey !!! hit me up so we can plot some connections !!! ok bye
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nsyongjin-blog · 5 years
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    helloo ! i’m kay and super duper excited to be here ! a quick summary, i’m 19, go by she/her pronouns and reside in the gmt+3 timezone ~ you should def add me on dis.cord @ kay#5119 and if you prefer tw.tter, my handle is @ icarvsfell ! i’m going to be roleplaying as this loud mess CHAE YONGJIN, who specializes in executive operations & asset recruitment. you can find his bio HERE, and some connection ideas under the cut before i make a proper page. before i ramble abt him under the cut, i’d love to plot so so much, so pls hit me up and of course, if you give the like button a clickity click ♡, i’ll be the one to jump into your ims ! i truly can’t wait (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
— his dad is a nis agent, and yongjin’s conception is completely an accident. his mother dies at childbirth and his dad is suddenly responsible for the baby. not wanting to let go of his job and future, he gives yongjin to her sister, an eccentric aunt who is a writer and stays at home for the most time.
— yongjin grows up really spoiled. he is the sole attention of his aunt who loves him and dotes on him 24/7. he does gymnastics, fencing — anything he wants, he gets. he grows up as a very mischievous and energetic child, and studies hard until he gets into a good university as a communications major. him & his aunt celebrate together, smiles on their faces.
— his father only comes by every few months, and yongjin has no idea what the man does, and knows very little about his mother. it all combines and he blows up one day, demanding answers and getting none. it infuriates him and he closes himself in his room and ignores everyone for a day.
— and then, everything takes a bad turn. when he’s out grocery shopping with his aunt, a masked man opens fire towards them, and they both get shot. yongjin doesn’t remember getting shot himself, but he remembers his aunt dying in his arms and then opening his eyes in an hospital with his dad on his bedside. the man is solemn, keeping something from him that yongjin has no idea what.
— his dad also disappears soon after that and yongjin fights through university because he promised his aunt that he would get his degree. he has no idea what he will do afterwards, still surrounded by immense grief. a couple of days before the graduation, one of his professors give him a pamphlet about nis training programs, and it suddenly gives him a purpose. a goal to help others suddenly becomes a solution to everything, and yongjin signs up immediately.
— training is challenging to say the least, but his background in sports help out with the physical part of training. the rest is more challenging, but yongjin gets through, and decides to specialize in asset training & executive operations.
— personality wise: he is very loud, talkative, loves to have fun and spend time with friends. he can be (read: is) a handful, and doesn’t have a proper filter in situations he probably should. because he doesn’t have any family members he is in contact with, he puts extra care into friendships and would do absolutely everything for them. other than that, teamwork is tricky because while he puts the mission at the forefront, if there is someone he’s annoyed with, yongjin will be purposely difficult with them. very stubborn if he wants to be, there are times he pokes his nose in situations he shouldn’t. 
          — - PLOT IDEAS !
— old friends, anyone from seoul around that time tbh! we can def build on this. — college friends, he majored in communications at seoul national university, so it would be interesting — trained together, aprox. ten to seven and a half years ago — partner in crime, someone yongjin got along with really well, and maybe still does? they are amazing at missions together on the field, good Pals, and someone yongjin trusts a lot to cover his back on the field. — mission gone wrong, a lot of room for things to go wrong, maybe they both witnessed something awful, or maybe because they don’t get along well, they messed something up on the field.  — mentee for his mentorship, he could have trained ur junior agent muse maybe!
           — - RELATIONSHIP IDEAS !
— best friends — friends — fwbs — one night stands — co-workers — annoyances — enemies — messy relationships
          — - SENTENCE IDEAS !
— “don’t give me that look! it wasn’t my fault!” — “do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?” — “what about a compromise? i’ll kill them first, and if it turns out they were friendly, i’ll apologize.” — “i saw that. you just checked me out.” — “it’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.” — “you think i’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?” — “there’s been some real friction in our friend group lately. i suggest an orgy to save our friendships.” — “all nighter, you and me. first one to fall sleep buys the other dinner.” — “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” — “keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.” — “i recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision i have elected to ignore it” — “it must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” — “to the night you’ll never remember!” — “you have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. not that that’s going to stop us, but at least i’ll have all the facts.” — “your clothes. get rid of them. they’re hideous.” — “do you have a cat too? let’s do a playdate for ours.”
     this is very rambly but i think this is it for now !!!! i would LOVE to establish connections and plots, so hit me up or like i said above, hit that LIKE button and i will slide into your dms ! cant wait to get started ♡
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olivcrisms-blog · 7 years
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hiya everyone !! i’m lilac, she/her, 19, and hail from the desolate timezone known as aest (rip). just a lil bit about me - first up ,what’s my my fave band… what’s a 5sos. i also like twd and peanut butter cups, in that order. anyways, enough with my lame ass, below i’d like to introduce you to my lil bean, oliver !
♦ * ⋅ ⋆ — looks like「the ROSE COLORED GLASS」or as most would call HIM, OLIVER ELKS, has just enrolled at gmu! some would say the NINETEEN year old looks a lot like ASHTON IRWIN. truthfully, they can be AWKWARD, but also WHIMSICAL. more than anything though, i wanna know WHAT MADE HIM SO OPTIMISTIC? i heard HIS GRANDPARENTS RAISED HIM WITH LOVE AND TOO MANY FAIRYTALES. i also heard that they sometimes KNIT SWEATERS FOR DOGS. wonder if i have any classes with ‘em. [cismale]
alright below i’m just going to throw around a bit of info about oliver !! nothing too complicated (or interesting lmao), but oliver is a recently revived muse of mine so i apologise if everything isn’t sorted out yet. :) okay now to the fact mobile
oliver is of a dying breed, the chivalrous gentleman. defs a boy-next-door type, he was raised with impeccable manners and respect and with too much empathy bottled up in one human tbh 
this is partly due to oliver just being a sensitive person to begin with, but also bc of the traumas of his childhood
tw: death & bullying - oliver was always the smallest kid in class, had a weird last name, and an easy target for bullies. he was bullied constantly, to which his parents constantly reaffirmed him and told him they loved him always. but still, he got picked on a lot. things only got worse when his parents passed away when he was 7 years old in a tragic accident caused by a gas leak. oliver lived with his grandparents after that on the outside of town.
the events from above didn’t harden him, they softened him ??? like, his mind became nearly expunged of everything negative and retained an optimistic outlook of the world (sometimes, to a fault). he can be a lil too trusting or naive, but his intentions are always pure. the bad things that happen sorta just fly right over his head now. most of the time this is a blessing, but sometimes it’s hard to be real with him bc he’s too busy just trying to put a positive spin on something that should be accepted for what it is y’know?
relating to the above, a lot of insecurities and harrows from his childhood have gone unresolved bc he just refuses to talk about it,,, like, if something’s not good, he just won’t acknowledge it. it’s part of the reason he’s taken to drinking a lil too much, and partying more than he should (part of this was bc he was late in his teenage rebellion, also due to the fact he just finds them,,, fun. he loves being happy and watching others being happy too).
also fun facts oliver’s dad was australian and so when he was 15, he spent a summer with his australian family bc he hadn’t seen them since his parents’ funeral basicaly and he kinda nevilled ™/archied ™… he went over as this tiny morsel of a kid and returned not only bigger physically, but his features had filled out more and his ears sat right and his teeth suited his face and basically… he got hot.  but the best thing that happened to him over that summer was he finally became a lil more confident !! 
he’s also a pure ROMANTIC. he watched too much disney as a kid and both his parents and grandparents had the most touching love stories. oliver has always wanted this. bc of this he has a tendency to ‘catch feels’ waaaay too quickly, but he’s not here for any of that ‘netflix and chill’ stuff. he panics when it comes to that sort of thing tbh, it’s actually sorta adorable lmao.
on that note, his sexuality has been something he hasn’t actively thought about, and he doesn’t like to label himself. he could fall in love with anyone really, it all depends on what type of person they are to oliver and such. but yeah, it’s not something he talks about v often, if at all. he’s not a labels sort of person 
he’s a psych major at gmu bc he wants to spend his life helping people (would have been a doctor or vet, however he’s scared of operations and things of that nature). he works part time at a pet store, lugging dog food and the like. he has a pet fish, but not an actual pet, which is something he laments on every day.
he takes photos of everything. he’s obsessed with capturing every moment, and bc of this, his instagram is LIT (and yours would be too, he’d happily spend 30 mins helping you getting that perfect shot). he also loves the outdoors and plays a lot of sports, however he competed in swimming carnivals since he was a kid. (he also plays guitar on the dl, but that’s not common knowledge)
don’t feed this man sugar, he’ll be hyped for days
as oliver grew up with his grandparents (who are quite a bit older bc oliver’s parents had him later in life via ivf), he has a lot of quirks he’s inherited from them. he literally loves knitting ?? it’s such a calming thing for him, and he’d happily knit you a scarf or something if you asked. he’s also quite a good gardener and sometimes he may just wear a flower behind his ear or whatever and like agiuhagsdaf he’s my sunbeam
he kinda wants to travel and see the world, but he needs to stay for his family ??
this boy has 19 years of baggage manifested inside him. it takes a lot to get him angry, but if you happen to be the lucky one that does,,, oh boy. oh boy.
how do you end these things ?? halp. nah i’ll just end it here bye
sike i’m not done rambling, i also i have a few wanted plots !! (this can be added to the 3 pre-existing relationships if it works !!)
a person who friendzoned oliver in high school, lmao 
maybe someone who really wants to sleep with oliver (bc who are we kidding, he’s hot) but oliver is just really not digging it ?? like just imagine him being all “um no thankyou i don’t want to have the sex, let’s play uno instead !! :D”
a toxic friendship or relationship !! oliver keeps seeing the good in this person and hopes this person would change, but they keep hurting him, and everyone knows the two are on the road to misery but oliver doesn’t want to give up on them ??? just angst and gdjsdnfs
also here are oliver’s bio/headcanons/stats and plots pages, but defs hmu if you wanna plot !! i have so much muse and my whole heart to give (to the highest bidder, preferably) and both oliver and i would just love to have you !!
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nikiforoov · 7 years
Hi friend!! I love your blog and I really respect your polite tone when answering asks, even if you disagree. You're able to see things from others perspective, which is a very admirable trait!! I have a question though, which country do you live in? You're Finnish, right? Because I live in Denmark, only an hour time difference; yet you don't seem to be online at "regular" hours? I usually go to bed really late, but you're an hour ahead. Queue or different sleep schedule? Bc work or...? 1.
2. I mean, lots of people live in other countries. Maybe you do too? If so, why did you move? Or why a different sleep schedule? Or am I totally wrong? XD Anyway, that's just curiosity. I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of you, and I usually scroll the blog before bed. Thus this question. -I promise I won't tell the tabloids, you admirable "celebrity." ☆~(ゝ。∂)Again, I love your blog and have a nice day wherever you are!!
hello my almost-neighbor and thank you!! ♥ yep, i’m finnish and live in finland, my sleep schedule is just really fucked up! it’s partly bc the morning classes at uni don’t usually require attendance and i work mainly in the evenings, so it’s way too easy to stay up really late without any consequences.... my queue usually runs from 5am to 1pm and that’s pretty much when i sleep :D i really think i should move to a timezone that would match my sleep schedule, bc i’ve tried to fix it so many times but it never lasts more than a few days lmao
i’m super glad you like my blog!! ♥♥♥ i’m most def not any kind of celebrity tho haha :’D thank you for promising not to let the tabloids know of my ridiculous sleep schedule! it’d be hugely embarrassing as i’m supposed to be a responsible adult and everything lmao ♥
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steelmistsrp · 7 years
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Congratulations && welcome, Royan !!  You have been accepted for the role of The Informant: Axel Ladrian.  Please be sure to make a separate blog for your character &&send it into the main within 48 hours !!  Once that is submitted we will invite you to join the OOC blog && an option to join our skype chat if you should so choose !! Any triggers you (and other applicants) have submitted have been added to our trigger list.  Please be sure to read our Welcome Checklist as you begin to get started.  The Follow List && OOC page will also be updated for you once your blog has been submitted.  Thanks again for you application && we look forward to writing with you !!
Royan, you’re a rockstar.  Axel is the perfect trash child.  High quality trash, even. Recycling if you will.  While all of us are already familiar with your writing style && what you’re capable of, you’ve once again blown us away.  Even though you’re not that familiar with the verse you’ve managed to fit him into the world perfect.  We can’t wait to see what fun or horrible shenanigans this little guy gets up to, and we’re thrilled to have you join the game.  Thanks && Welcome !!
Name: Royan Age: 21 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: CST Activity Level: 6-7
Skeleton Name: The Informant Character’s Full Name: Axel Thierry Ladrian
Axel - It means “My Father Is Peace” and I got a kick out of it because farthest thing from the truth. His father wasn’t peace, his father was stress and despair and a death passed over by everyone that wasn’t his immediate family. Thierry - So, in honesty, I just love the name Thierry but I also googled what it meant and it means “Ruler Of The People” and it’s just so not the Informant that it had me cackling. He is the furthest thing from the Ruler of the People. Maybe he could be more prominent in the trash people but def not anyone else lol.
Faceclaim: Michael B Jordan Gender and Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bi til they Die and probably after that too tbh Age and DOB: 24: Born in 527, on a particularly cold night on the 13th of Spokial Education Level:  While he would have liked to just drop out of school entirely so he could help his father work, he was forced to go to Primary and Secondary school. When he wasn’t at school, he was out getting into trouble or trying to steal to suport his family. He knew he wasn’t going to pursue higher education further after Secondary school - the streets teach him more than a classroom ever could.
The phrase “Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck” has been a bitter thought in Axel’s head for his entire life for there’s never been any justice for him or his family. When he was young, Axel didn’t quite understand why his family was struggling to make ends meet when the others with the Ladrian name lived a life of luxuary. After all, isn’t the last name Ladrian synonymous with industrial success? It wasn’t until he was older than while having certain names in this city granted power, having the last name Ladrian was as useful as metalfire without the needle.
He grew up with the memory of his father, Elard, being gone when he woke and barely coming home in time to read to him in bed. He treasured those few, rare moments with his father though, waiting patiently for him to sit by his bed with a book in his hand, no matter how many times his mother had told him to sleep. And, his father never disappointed in coming in to read to him. It didn’t matter how late it was or how early Elard had to get up, he coaxed his son into sleep with tales of old. The older Axel got, the bitterer he became but his father refused to let Axel even so much as look to the factories for a job, insisting that he should focus on his studies and try and aim to be something better.
When there was an accident at the factory, and he caught wind of his father’s death, Axel and his family was not only devastated but also scared. They didn’t know what to do and despite trying to get compensation for their father’s death, they were only laughed at by the richer Ladrians. Needless to say, it infuriated Axel and that paired with the memories of his father working hismelf to the bone made him swear to never work in a factory. He couldn’t afford to leave his family behind so he had to find another way to make money. One night out, after drinking himself silly, he ended up getting into a fight with someone on behalf on a woman. In truth, he had just needed someone to take his rage out but the woman had seen it as a show of bravery and gall so she got him in contact with the Burning Word as a reward.
Once it was explained to him how much he could make off the drug trade, it was an easy choice. Using his luck-infused chromimum metalmind, he was a natural at selling the metalfire, selling the drugs without a care to the morality of it. He never touched his own product, seeing using as a waste when he could be making money off of it. Life got easier and some of the lines on his mother’s face lessened. He was able to provide for his family in a way his father never could have even if Elard might have looked down upon the trade. Better dealing than dead though, right?
As his proficiency on dealing grew, so did his ability as a Spinner - which made his bust even bitterer. He should have known not to go out that day while actively storing but he had been given a huge opportunity to make more than a few Doxins. So, he risked his entire operation and when the constable turned it on him, he tried to fight and run. Naturally, it didn’t work out for him but they could add non-compliance to his rap sheet. He sat in that jail cell for 24 hours, seething in silence as everything burned down around him. He couldn’t call anyone for help, knowing full well that he’d be left to rot. His employers might have given him a chance but he had squandered it and was going to be left with the ruins.
When he sat across the Paragon, eyes burning with distaste, he had been surprised by her offer to let him loose if he worked for her. Most denied the deal, too afraid to even cross the Burning Word but Axel had always toed the gap of danger and he’d easily breach the gap if it meant his family’s survival. He had accepted her deal and was released almost instantly, his arrest being erased from any files. He walked home that day, chin up, jaw tense, fists clenched and feeling more like a caged animal than ever. And like a rabid, newly released animal, he made sure to pick a fight with someone bigger, taking his frustration out with every punch he threw.
Living a double life now with not a word to anyone, Axel is more dedicated to storing luck and fortune than ever. He takes his metalmind with him everywhere, considering it the only thing keeping him from ending up dead in the water.
A product of the crime and streets of Octant 4, Axel is a fighter through and through. In his work, he’s gathered a gang of loyal friends who assist him in the selling of his wares, always diligent in turning the profits back in to the Corrupter. Despite his antagonistic nature, he’s sure to never step on the feet of anyone who could truly harm his whole operation. Strong and almost feral, he lives a life of debauchery and danger but he makes sure to never take it home with him, trying to give his family a false sense of security. He’s nothing if not resourceful, finding a way to use the city, people and luck to his goals. His flaws lie in the bitterness that grows in his heart, leaving him cold and resentful to all those with a better life. Axel holds no resemblances to the affluent Ladrians, almost preying on his unsuspecting cousins when they come wandering the streets. He might follow the Pathism religion but he only believes in luck and fortune, worshipping it as much as he can. If there’s ever a situation now that jeopardizes his spinning, he’ll make sure to escape the situation quickly before it lands him in even more trouble.
Astrology: Aries Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Element: Fire Westerosi House: House Baratheon Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Extra Content (OPTIONAL): https://www.pinterest.com/reginleit/ch-axel-ladrian/
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penumbra-rp · 5 years
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Congratulations Aman, you have been accepted for the role of Alastor Moody!
This does mean that he has unreasonable standards for the world, sometimes. He can expect it to be…better than it is. He feels the presence of the younger order members a lot and considers it a personal failure that they’re involved. The ‘adults’ should be handling this on their own.
Admin Ash: Aman, it was all about the details when it came to your application. The fact that you didn’t shy away from Alastor’s disabilities ( the lost sight in one of his eyes and his utilizing a cane to get around after his leg amputation ), the fact that he’s so close with his little niece to allow her to interview him for her school project, the way that you carefully selected traits that showcased both the positive and negative points of his personality, even the pleasantly surprising music minor he took in school! All these things and more added something to our rough and gruff Moody that made him all the more human, all the more intriguing, and those special touches are why we can easily leave him in your capable hands. I, for one, am rooting for Order Dad Moody try to fix the world to his vision of ‘better.’ 
Please check out our checklist for joining Penumbra.
01. Out of Character
NAME: Aman
AGE: 24
YOUR BIRTHDAY: 9/11.. Why do you need this
02. In Character
CHARACTER: Alastor Moody
FACECLAIM: Charlie Hunnam
PERSONALITY: Let’s go with 6 personality traits, and throw some negatives and positives into both of them.
He’s not one to linger over decisions. He decides where he aligns very quickly and sticks with it unless something contrary smacks him upside the head. This includes but is not limited to how he feels about people, his alcohol of choice, and what fruit to toss in his bag for a backup snack later.
He’s a creature of habit. A lot of decisions he’s made are because they work (or because they’ve worked once).. Or even the other way around. He ate shrimp and got food poisoning once? Alright, forget shrimp, who needs it anyway.
He can usually fit things into neat boxes. We’ve got good, bad. Any shades of gray are tossed right into the bad. Better safe than sorry, after all.
Once he commits to something, he’s gonna do it. Doesn’t matter if it seems impossible, he’ll figure out a way. This can and definitely does lead him into some messy situations, especially because he’ll sidestep some rules to do it.
He’ll often butt heads with people who feel differently than him. It is very possible for him to argue for hours over something. He likes to think that eventually, enough reason will make someone change their mind. So yeah, he’s the old dude that gets into facebook arguments with the person who posted an anti-vaxx article. And then he’ll spend the next hour grumbling about it to everyone around him.
He’s not easily won over by the ups and downs of mass media. Whatever the hell Amazon did now is gonna have no sway on whether or not that HDMI cable is getting delivered to his place.
He can be a very strong pillar in times of doubt. He might not be the warmest, but he definitely is there to remind you you’re doing the right thing. Or call you out when you’re being a shit.
He gets energy from being around people. It helps him keep his head straight when he’s with company he enjoys. A lot of his friendships are built on mutual respect and bickering.  His sense of humor has grown a little twisted over the years.
That being said, he picks and chooses who he trusts very carefully. People fit in very specific roles and tend to learn about him accordingly. It’s very possible that those he works with might not know about his sexuality or that he adopted a dog last year. He tries to keep talk of work out of his romantic relationships, which has definitely led to a weird encounter or two when they stumble across his guns.
He can be pretty candid in situations and knows how to deal with the consequences of his actions/words… or at least he thinks he does.
He can be a bit of a thrill seeker. He’s spent a lot of his younger years with various adventure sports and enjoys the outdoors. Mountain biking, hiking, ziplining, skydiving, paragliding, and outdoor climbing have been a thing.
He’s been in a shit mood about his injuries fucking up his ability to do some of what he’s used to. He has definitely had to reassess his limits, but… he definitely gets a rush out of pushing himself to his limits.
The rush can come inside a city, too. He isn’t the type to sit still and is always poking his nose into something.
He can be very single-minded and has a tendency to hyperfixate. Often times, his cases take the spotlight (at the moment, it’s about The Dungeon). It can be hard for him to pull away even when work is over. He’ll spend his free time doing research, recon, lining up clues. This leads to a lot of falling asleep at his desk and then waking up with a bad neck.
Sometimes he’ll sidestep his own care while doing it. His leg, for example, definitely needs some attention every day. He’ll eat rushed meals just so he can get done faster.
The obsessions can def go somewhere else. He’ll get a crockpot and spend 3 weeks trying out different recipes and make more servings than can fit in his tupperware.
He has a lot of miscellaneous knowledge of random things.
His niece dragged him out to watch Captain America: Civil War a couple years back when he was visiting (shut up). Since then, Captain America is his fav superhero (fuck off, he’s never gonna say this out loud). He likes a man who knows his good from his bad and sticks up for his ideals. Doesn’t matter what the government says, what the red tape is. You should know where you stand.
This does mean that he has unreasonable standards for the world, sometimes. He can expect it to be… Better than it is. He feels the presence of the younger order members a lot and considers it a personal failure that they’re involved. The ‘adults’ should be handling this on their own.
He tends to hold himself to a higher standard, often involving pushing himself beyond his limits. He struggled a lot with losing his leg, since he still wants to do everything he could before.
Irene Moody likes to blame her gray hair on Alastor. Honestly? She might not be wrong. A healthy baby boy should not have found himself in as much trouble as her son did. But where there’s a will, there’s a way– he’s a Moody, after all. The young Alastor collected bruises, scabs, and scraped knees like most boys collected comic books. Hell, she’d even bought a stack of them in the hopes that he’d sit down. It’d worked for the month that it took him to read through them all, and then he was jumping off beds with the sheets tied off as a cape.
It’s a good thing his mother is a nurse because the boy found himself back in the hospital on a monthly basis. His father claims that they could have bought a yacht with how many bills piled up, but as a writer, he’s always been a man of hyperboles. Alastor never quite minded the hospital atmosphere when he was younger. He’d lay back on his bed with his eyes open to all the possibilities in the white walls.
Their cozy little apartment was never quiet, between the two kids squabbling over toys, the radio cranked up to full volume in the kitchen, and the TV buzzing in the living room. His father was possibly the only person in the family who could keep an inside voice for longer than an hour. Alastor likes to think that things have calmed down since then, but their yearly Christmas gatherings show otherwise.
With a sister 3 years his elder, Alastor’s the baby of the family but was never quite treated like it. In fact, he complains that he got all of the problems with being the youngest with none of the benefits. Marie would argue back that he never actually fetched anything she asked him to so he’s not allowed to complain.  The pair would argue over everything, only ever aligning on the decision to get pizza for dinner. Leaving them alone always led to markers to the wall, ruined cushions, shredded bedsheets and, if their parents were unlucky, a food fight. Prank wars were not uncommon in the Moody household.
As a child, he picked up on concepts quickly, but would have a hard time keeping focus. His grades fluctuated as he danced from subject to subject. When he looks back, all he remembers are his red hot ears, ringing, and unable to process the long lectures from his father. Once they began, they never quite stopped. He began to dread the updating of the progress sheets that were fixed to the fridge, with more frowny stickers than smiling ones.
Alastor his report card once. He’d lied and said it’s delayed while forging his mother’s signature. For the month after, he held his breath around his parents, waiting for it to come around and smack him in the face. Miraculously enough, it never did. His sister likes to blackmail him with it even now.
At age ten, he discovered the Hardy Boys. Despite all his indecision, he latched onto the concept of becoming a detective and never looked back. The boy collected memorabilia and had about 3 different magnifying glasses. Grabbing his dad’s glasses from the other room became the mystery of the missing spectacles. Figuring out what to wear became the Closet Case. There was an unfortunate year where he insisted on wearing a detective hat at all times. He’s tried to consolidate and burn all the evidence, but a few pictures keep coming out of the woodwork… another mystery.
The kid never quite managed straight As, but he excelled where he applied himself. A little elbow grease and some late nights set him up for an admission at Hogwarts. Hit parents never quite got off his back about his performance, however, slipping away to college made it easy to unsavory hide the bits and pieces. He quickly picked a major in criminology and settled into it.
The music minor wasn’t planned. In truth, it was him foolishly following a crush into a entry level piano class. He fell in love that year. With piano, with music theory II, with the history of rock 101.
Before he knew it, his college years were over and he was thrust into a job in law enforcement. With his sights set on detective and an unwavering determination, he muscled his way into the role within a few years.  They blur together quickly as he hops from case to case, head bent down, crease between his eyebrows and small frown on his face. His days and nights are spent wrapped up in his newest obsession.
Never one to turn down a good adrenaline rush, Alastor took to adventure sports quickly. At first, it was simply a few good hikes and some mountain biking, but outdoor rock climbing, hang gliding, and bungee jumping quickly became favorites. He’d poke and prod people into trying things out.
Alastor’s the type of person who’s cut out for being a detective. He’s the type who can’t sit still when he knows he can be doing something. It’s probably why he keeps going back. The first accident involved losing his eye. The second, breaking his nose. The third, his leg’s amputation. Plenty of scars and bruises litter the spaces in between. Each time, he was put on desk duty and each time, he found a way to remind his peers that he’s still up for the job.  The loss of his leg’s still fresh but the invitation to join Operation Auror is one that he’s meant for.
Misc Headcanons/Thoughts
His colleagues are pretty smh because he keeps getting hurt and coming right back. There’s a betting pool somewhere about wtf Moody’s gonna end up getting himself into next.
He’s actually a bit of a klutz since losing his eye.
He adopted his dog, so he didn’t name her. But he really wants a dog named Jovi
His sister lives in America and his parents spend most of their time there
He has a really nice sound system set up in his place
He can play piano, guitar and is currently learning the flute
He has a bad habit of biting his nails
i. How do you feel about your current occupation?
“Alright, kid,” Alastor starts gruffly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, looking down at his niece. A flicker of regret flashes across the ten year old’s face as she sits in front of him, worksheet in hand. He grins and gets going before she has a chance to pick someone else to interview. “Let’s get one thing straight. If I didn’t like this job, I wouldn’t be doing it. You’re gonna be hearing this damn debate your whole life.” He puts on a voice as he continues, pulling a face as he mocks the voices that he remembers looking up to as a child. “Do something you love so you’ll be happy. No, you don’t need happiness in work, just stability. Blah, blah, blah. It’s all bull. Do what works for you. You’re the only one who knows what you need… This job, though? With what I’ve got going on’d, it’d drive a guy crazy if he didn’t live for it. ”
ii. What song would you say describes yourself?
“Ah…” He trails off, scratching his beard as he thinks over it. “Ya ever heard of Akimbo? It’s by Stradeus. This beat that gets me every damn time, you can feel it in your bones. Actually, hey Google.” Alastor leans back, squinting a little to see if it lights up in response. “Play Akimbo.” He nods and sits up a little more as the music fills the room. “You can just feel the tension build in this song. It just keeps going, and going, like when you know you’re onto something.” He holds up a hand, listening, forcing his niece to sit through the rest. “And right there in the middle, it backs off, for maybe just a second to breathe. Everything’s just still, pulling itself back together, then we’re going hard again.” His fingers strum against his thigh along with the music as he squints down at his niece’s page. “What’s next.”
iii. Does reputation matter to you?
“I mean I’ve done plenty and people better damn well respect that. But you’re not gonna find me tripping over my feet trying to kiss ass for approval, if that’s what you’re asking.” He’s been told it might make things easier, sometimes, especially with all the damn red tape in the department. Alastor, mind your own business. Don’t be so rude. Be careful about how you approach them. But then, maybe in the end it just comes down to the question of how well you’re willing to compromise yourself just to take the easy way out.
iv. What is your relationship with your parents like?
Alastor doesn’t answer this question immediately. Like any relationship, it’s changed over the years, and peeling back the layers is a process that could take a couple hours in it of itself. His parents have always pushed him to be his best, whether that be in grades or etiquette. He’s taken some of the lessons, shunted others, but there’s no denying that he wouldn’t be the man he is today if not for them. But none of that is a conversation for their grandkid. “Not bad. They in your hair, kid? Get overbearing sometimes, don’t they?” he asks, deflecting any further questions.
v. What languages can you speak?
“I had to learn French in high school, but that’s a bit rusty. Damn French people get annoyed when we use English and then get snarky when we use broken French. Can’t win unless you figure out how to dislodge the sticks from their asses. Anyway, I picked up some German a couple years back when I was working on a case. Mmm, that’s about it.” He pauses, then frowns, as he thinks about the ex who taught him some Arabic, but that was only enough to figure out when her parents were talking about him.
vi. If your home was on fire and you could only save one item, what would you choose?
“We’re going to use the term 'item’ loosely and say Luna.” He gives a small nod towards the dog asleep on the rug by the… fireplace. He frowns. “Oi, that wasn’t a hint, was it? Go put out the fire and turn on the heater.” He responds to her hesitation by picking up his cane and knocking her legs gently.  He has to smother a smile as she grumbles and gets up. “Go. I’ll wait.”
vii. Which Hogwarts University faculty did you study at? The Gryffindor School of Applied Science, the Ravenclaw School of Humanities, the Slytherin School of Social Science, or the Hufflepuff School of Art?
“Slytherin, criminology. Want to know the secret, though?” He leans in a little, smiling playfully, and doesn’t wait for an affirmation before going on. “There’s a bit of puff in there. Did a minor in music. See, now get what I mean about the what you love, what makes money debate? I’ve heard everyone talk shit about the other twenty times over.”
vix. What is your social media username?
“AlastorMoody. Luckily I’ve got a unique name, so it wasn’t taken. Not gonna lie, if I had to come up with some nonsense, I wouldn’t have made one.” He might enjoy the avenue for arguing with people online, but any butchering of his name leaves him cringing. His unique name has opened up to more ridiculous puns than he knows how to respond to. Alastor shakes off the thought and continues. “Let me know if you take a look, there are definitely a few articles I’ve linked to that I think you should read.”
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fleabite531 · 7 years
JVP Netanyahu demo and Official New Friend
Wednesday. Chilled day with Y. He was working from home. I was lazing about and got snuggles during his breaks. Then I headed into SF for Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) demo protesting Trump’s meeting that day with Netanyahu and their shared values of racism, wall-building and hate-mongering. Was cool to be with other Jewish progressives, though a little disappointed there was only about 40-50 there. It was a 2 hour demo and I was only there for last bit so there might have been more attending in total as folks were coming and going. I liked the connection between zionism and to USA rhetoric and policies on migration and borders, which was expressed in chants and handmade placards.
After the demo a couple of Bay Area friends I had originally connected with from Gaza (from my trip in 2003) met me and I really enjoyed how easy and grounded in affection these relationships are. Partly I think it might be that usa (partic west coast?) culture is more emotionally demonstrative anyway, so i might just be experiencing that and feeling it as “ooo these people like me, its safe for me to open up to them too”. But regardless I’m starting to really value these other reasons for being in bay area besides Y, and this works well as both Y and I like spending time with other people too when we’re together.
I had this waffle/diner food craving, and as this was my last opportunity for it for a while, we headed to Mel’s. Mel’s is both fun, and cliched/OTT, but I’m a tourist and I kinda enjoy the OTT so I love sitting in a Happy Days set! We even used the booth side jukebox! Excitingly someone joined us who I’ve only before met with when I’ve been also meeting her partner who is an old friend of mine. We both agreed that meeting without him made us now Official Friends. She was also excited to be in SF itself, as she does the common Easy Bay resident thing of hardly ever coming over into the city.
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Waffley goodness. And hell yes did I add the extra butter as well as the warmed maple syrup!
Official Friends! And both excited by our food!
Y joined us, and then a bit later New Official Friend, Y and I decided to go for Mexican food in the Mission – hey its my last night! I’m totes allowed 2 suppers! Then we went for a wander and ended up at the top of Dolores Park enjoying the view over the city before grabbing Indian deserts on our way to the last BART back to the East Bay. For I still needed to pack and then get up at 6am for my flight home!
Bus ticket drama
At SFO I was probably over excited by the TSA dog – so cute, though it looked pretty skinny. Luckily the excitement was not reciprocated so I got through security uneventfully, though the same was not true about getting from Edinburgh airport back to Glasgow…
So I’d managed to lose my purse containing my return bus ticket and debit card at Reykjavik airport on the way out. Pop quiz: a) I did the responsible thing and phoned lost property about it as soon as i realised, or b) I procrastinated making the scary phone call and then decided I’d just see them when I transited on my way back home only to find out that the lost property office was only open at 8:30am, was after my 4am-7am transit time? Ooops! Of course I had a chain of backup plans in case my purse wasn’t even in the airport:
1) pick up return bus ticket with bank card in iceland. 2) use debit card stored in chrome to buy bus ticket online and choose sms ticket option 3) use Y’s credit card to buy bus ticket online 4) convert $20 at edin airport (and take on chin the double commission whammy of both converting a small amount and an airport booth – I just need £11:60 for the bus ticket…) 5) once am in uk and time is more respectable (i landed 9am) start calling round friends to either buy me a bus ticket online / rescue me from airport 6) hitchhike – lots of Glasgow folks use Edinburgh airport and I was due to land at peak time (9am)
Ok, fine, so I couldn’t get my bus ticket or debit card… i just drop to option 2. After all I’ve used my card online so often I never even have to look at the CVC anymore. It turns out that my memory of that 3 digits is perfect unless its 5am and I’m on dodgy airport wifi with no way to just look at the back of the goddamned card! Fine, I’ll use Y’s credit card – he’d given me one that was about to expire anyway in case options 1 or 2 fell through. Except it turns out the citylink website doesn’t accept non uk billing addresses. Argh! More time passes and I’m like, bugger this, I need coffee[0] and then realised i could get citylink tickets on megabus website too. So off I go but now I’m struggling with the verified by visa password and Y is busy.
However the coffee was def working – some more googling and it turns out you can buy bus tickets at edinburgh airport’s tourist information booth! They’re bound to accept card payments, and Y’s given me his pin so i’m sorted! There are buses at 9:30 and 10:00 and I’m desperate to just get to my own bed by this time.
[09:00] Luckily our flight lands a bit early and I race through immigration and to the booth (in post coffee alertness at Reykjavik I’d pre-memorised the route from the online airport map)
[09:15] Possibly over sharing I tell the v friendly “welcome to scotland” person that i’ve just arrived back from travel abroad and so don’t have cash yet and so want to buy the bus ticket using my credit card and am hoping to make the 09:30 bus. She says she’s going to make sure she can give me the ticket before taking my money and then has to boot the computer an go through the complex online system. “I don’t think we have to waste time filling in your phone number and email address. I’ll just tick that you refused to give them to me”
[09:18] The printer is jammed and after several minutes she gives up trying to fix the feed and goes to another machine which thank the universe spits out the ticket.
[09:23] I put Y’s credit card into their card reader, but instead of asking for the pin, it says “payment accepted. signature required” and directs me to remove the card. So she prints the receipt and asks me to sign it. I squiggle “Praveen Kumar”[1] and hand it back.
[09:24] She flicks over the card (d’oh! of course she was going to do that! i’d forgotten that was even a thing. when was last time you signed for a card payment???) and the signature panel is blank… “Do you have any other ID with you?” Me, feigning calmness but running lateness “Oh no, I don’t have an other ID with me!”
Lets recap : 1) I’ve told her I’ve just landed off an international flight. 2) As far as she’s concerned she’s addressing a white female with an English accent. 3) The card is for an American bank with an Indian male name.
“Well I think you’ve been kept waiting long enough trying to get it printed. Turn right and then right again to get to the bus stop”
I LOVE BEING BACK IN SCOTLAND!!!! And I am very appreciative that I have bucketloads of white privilege which I am benefitting from – doubt this would have been so easy had Praveen Kumar been trying to use a card with a white chick’s name on :(
Friday – Spontaneous outing to The Lost Boys at amusement park
I arrived home at about 11am. Obviously first thing I did was put the kettle on. Ah tea, now things seem more reasonable. Ok, so I’ve had maybe 6 hours sleep since Wednesday, and I should probably change my clothes, but all I need to do today is stay awake til 8ish, go to the bank to get cash out across the counter, and get a few groceries in for the weekend. Then I’ll sleep like a baby and wake up some time tomorrow, go to the LGBTQ boxing club, and my timezone should be all fixed ready for 12 hour shift on Sunday. By 4:30pm I’ve done bank and shop chores and have cash and am planning a quiet evening and then sleeeeeeeep.
And then, this being Glasgow, a friend invites me to a Glasgow Film Festival screening of The Lost Boys in a secret location, buses leaving from the GFT in 90 mins. So much for the early night plan! Accompanied by motorbikes revelling as they rev their engines to full blast we are transported to M&Ds amusement park. We bump into another friend and play on the rides opened up specially for the occasion, the park packed with excited adults in vampire/hunter dress-up squirting holy-water-pistols at each other on the big wheel and maximal audience participation through a favourite teenage movie. Much glee!
Walking home from the bus, much sleep deprived but very content with how lucky I am to come back to Glasgow, where being “cool” means showing your exuberance, participating to the max. Not sneering, but rather thrilling at and cheering on others’ dorkiness and throwing themselves into the spirit of whatever hijinks is going on.
    eg from http://www.medizeninc.com/index.php/menu/
[0] food and drink seems to feature a lot in today’s blog… To add more, as wow air doesn’t give any food on the flight I’d packed another really good picnic; hard boiled eggs, oranges, humus and veg wrap (didn’t taste good on the flight though – i know taste buds are supposed to be different on flights), smoked tofu and jerky. This time didn’t have the conveniently under 100mls water-tight containers i had last time, and the liquor store seemed confused about why i’d want a *small* bottle of alcohol (merkans and their super-sizing!) so decided to buy booze in duty-free as obvs you can carry that onto the plane. Except then I realised once aboard that i wasn’t sure if i’d be allowed to carry it onto my second flight if i took it out of the heat sealed duty free bag and opened it. so i relied on snoozing and copious pre downloaded star trek to get me through instead. I’d turned down a pal’s offer of a “medicated” jelly bean which given the TSA doggie (such cute eyes!) was lucky!
[1] Name changed to another Indian male name for privacy reasons.
Homecoming – Last day in SF bay area (JVP netanyahu demo, and /official/ new friend). Bus ticket drama. Glasgow returning – spontaneous outing to The Lost Boys at amusement park. JVP Netanyahu demo and Official New Friend Wednesday. Chilled day with Y. He was working from home.
0 notes