#✦ crowley — ⊰wardrobe⊱
fierceyetflawed · 2 months
DAVID TENNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sighs* david tennant–
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bowtiepastabitch · 8 months
Let's talk costuming: Angelic Robes and The Unreliable Narrator
It's two am, I have to be up at six, but this has been fermenting in the back of my head for the past five hours I've spent doing homework and if I don't get it out I shan't sleep.
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The costumes we see representing angelic character in Season Two are VASTLY different from those we see in Season One. (See my post on Aziraphale's Job Robe for an in-depth art history analysis of this individual costume piece.) In season one, the angelic flashback clothing we see is rather humble and uncomplicated. As all things in this show, this serves a very important narrative purpose.
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Let's first compare these gorgeous gorgeous girls to their S1 counterparts, shall we?
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Just look at the collar on that robe! In S1, we're introduced to Aziraphale in a very plain tunic-style robe with an unfinished neckline. Aside from a slight gold decoration and draping on the shoulders, this could easily be mistaken for rather primitive human garb. S2, by comparison, introduces angelic costume as non-ostentatious but still refined with a gold-trimmed gathered neckline and wide sleeves. The fabric itself, on a textile level, is much finer and softer. Overall, the robes give an air of innocence and angelic purity that is lacking from Aziraphale's S1 'fit. Let's look at another example:
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Their Rome costumes are strewn with so many incredible details (check out this incredible post from 2019) but they still retain a bit of that historical ruggedness. Same for these:
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The argument could be made for pure historical compliance, sure, but to claim a lack of anachronisms in this show would be a flat-out lie. No, S1 Crowley and Aziraphale are very distinctively human in their dress. The cloth has a wider weave, the ornamentation is minimal, all around it serves to highlight their fitting-in with humans and the humanization of their characters. They're 'going native,' as it were, no doubt about it.
So why, in S2, is Aziraphale suddenly showing up looking like he just popped out of a renaissance painter's wet dream?
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Simple. Suddenly, Aziraphale isn't an angel among humans acting human, he's an angel being an angel doing angel things. We get to see the rest of the heaven gang in full angelic decadence as well, a bold departure from the starkness of 'modern' heaven. If this is, as many of you lovely folk have speculated, a series of flashbacks from Aziraphale's memory, the design choices designate very clearly Aziraphale's perception of himself as an angel. A perception which, mind you, would likely be influenced by later human ideas of angelic and heavenly aesthetics. As an unreliable narrator, Aziraphale is showing us not his actual wardrobe as an angelic being but his perception of his past self.
Crowley, too, is affected by this shift in dress. Bildad the Shuhite is everything S1 flashback Crowley is not: fashion-forward, smooth-talking, and impeccably well-dressed. We've got three different fabric textures (that's three times as many as any of his biblical S1 robing) and a definable silhouette. He's practically a fashionista.
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If this were all taken as an objective narrative, the shift back to billowing-void peasant Crowley at Golgotha, where we next see her chronologically, would be strange to say the least.
So why is the costuming of the S2 pre-modern flashbacks so much more elaborate? There's three possibilities I can imagine for a change in costume design for any show:
Budget: this is highly unlikely an instant rule-out for me. I've seen what costumers can do on a shoestring budget, and besides the later period costumes make this demonstrably false.
Change in production design team: Technically possible, yes, but if there's one thing Good Omens does well between seasons it's continuity. I mean, they burned the fucking bookshop and then hand-painted tiles to recreate it exactly for the second season. This is not Harry Potter. This isn't it.
An intentional design: Everything, and I mean everything, in this show is intentional. While not everything the wardrobe team does is easily decodable (see Crowley's shapeshifting sunglasses) we've got a pretty comfortable bit of time to figure such things out. This is the only option that makes a lick of sense.
Wonderful, so we've established that this is a narrative choice.
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So if it's a narrative choice, and it's distinct from the stylistic choices of Season One, then someone is lying to us. Or rather, we have an unreliable narrator somewhere along the way.
Most of the buzz on ye olde tumblr focuses on the idea of Aziraphale as narrator and memory-holder for S2, and that would certainly make sense from both a story and design. Of course he would see Angel Crowley as adorable and innocent and angelic (the hair is not helping his case either omg I love her), and of course he would see himself as grandly, exaggeratedly, almost dissonantly angelic at the major turning point in his faith.
If Crowley is narrating, then it calls into question why he would choose to remember himself this way. It holds a sort of nostalgic sadness, a memory of a joyful innocence permanently lost to God's cruelty. When we see Aziraphale in angelic splendor later, we're reminded again of what Crowley has lost. It echoes the aesthetic of his former angel self, the gathering and gold trim and bright white fabric, but also introduces a much more elaborate silhouette that reflects the shift toward heaven's new high-and-mighty attitude.
Finally, I'd like to point out that by contrast Season One focuses heavily on themes of humanity rather than ethereality. Narrated by God, no less, who probably has thoughts on their assimilation. While I think we can assume God to be a more reliable narrator than Crowley or Aziraphale, it's not out of the question that She would have her own story to spin about our Ineffable Idiots' shared history.
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Ultimately, I think it's safe to say that whatever's going on in costume design is a Clue to the story we're being told in S2 and the one we will be told in S3.
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marauderswolf22 · 4 months
the urge to stop all my crochet projects and make my favorite characters in their best outfits as litlle dolls >>>
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gemma-nye · 11 months
Just seen the new GO season 2 clip and if there’s one thing I live for it’s wild and baseless speculation:
I’m going off the script scrap Neil hath bestowed unto us, praise be, which I’ve seen theorised to show that Crowley has to take over the bookshop by himself for a day.
All I’m saying is that an episode where Aziraphale is on an exciting, maybe perilous, adventure while Crowley has to look after the bookshop would really warm my cockles.
I’m imagining a series of sitcom-esque disasters befalling the shop that escalate from a smashed vase (easily miracled away, but oh no Aziraphale will notice that), and ends with a smash cut to Crowley having a fist fight with a Jehovah’s Witness who picked the Wrong Door to knock on.
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lilimonstera · 5 months
rewatching staged and I got jump scared by this shirt
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fearandhatred · 4 months
one thing about me is that if i were david tennant and looked THAT good playing crowley. let's just say i would not stop playing crowley for the rest of my life
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gay-enchilada · 6 months
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My 1967(ish) Crowley cosplay at LA Comic Con. To the other Good Omens cosplayers I saw, you all looked amazing!
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lichqueenlibrarian · 8 months
I see your “Crowley miracles all his clothes” and raise you “Crowley expects his wardrobe to contain stylish but evil clothing and so it does”
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moonyinpisces · 7 months
anime girl aziraphale is what he looks like in my head at all times anyway
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clairedelune-13 · 8 months
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immortalsins · 9 months
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first freehand machine embroidery in over a year lmao | 31/08/23
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birdsandshauna · 10 months
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mentally im still here, so
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superconfusedcoryn · 10 months
Im honestly scared what Good Omens Season 2 will do for my fashion choices.
My fashion choices after S1 were extremely hot and nice, but since then i became like 50% more gay and 70% more unhinged
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Amidst all of my other feelings about season 2, I am strangely obsessed with the arm bands or whatever Crowley is wearing on his upper arms in the scene where he talks to Jim about gravity in episode 3. He has his jacket off and they keep catching the light and I want them...
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magpienoises · 8 months
All right, Good Omens cosplayers and people just obsessed with costume details, I need your aid!
Crowley's modern day pants: what color are they? Or are they different pairs? I've been obsessing over this detail and noticed at times they seem dark grey. Others, an almost black blue. Another, they seem black.
Dark grey makes the most sense to me, given his character, but I'd love some input on it. :) Thanks in advance!
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hikarry · 7 months
I don't think I've ever identified so much with a character as I do Crowley
It's like...he gets it. He gets the trauma and we have the same coping mechanisms (doesn't mean it's healthy. Cause it's not, but alas). It's like having my own self thrown at me in a David Tennant skin
Not only to mention he was the first genderfluid character I ever met and, as a gay lil genderfluid myself, he rocked my whole world
He is just it, isn't he? He feels so real, so alive. He's not plastic like a lot of characters in new shows. Crowley actually feels like a person. Or as much as a person a demon can feel like
Watching him makes me feel less alone, like there are other people out there exactly like me and that's okay
Also, his haircut looks great on me tbh
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