#(unlike Mia)
yuridotcom · 2 years
the wednesday show??? oh mein gott??? it was so good??? the plot twist was amazing and I can almost forgive the shitty love triangle between wednesday and the 2 boys because of it
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elbiotipo · 3 months
I absolutely despise the "you're a US Army Soldier who is looking for his Missing Child and has a Dead Wife" setting Fallout 4 imposes into you, but I roleplay taking little items from my house like the board games, the toys and such, marking them as essential and carry them with me. It just feels like something I would do if I was in that situation.
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lifeonmvrs · 4 months
preparing for valentine’s day >:3 i present to you ace attorney + bad puns valentine’s day cards!!
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[Image Description: a half-body digital drawing of mia fey from ace attorney. she’s crossing her arms and smiling with her head slightly tilted to the left and two little hearts by her side. her hair is wavier than canon. on the left, there’s some text reading “You’re drop-dead gorgeous! From: [colon] To: [colon]” in comic sans. the background is a solid turquoise.
the second picture is of a postcard and greeting card of the drawing as redbubble products. they are showed in a frame that resembles the structure of an instagram post with the user lifeonmvrs. it has a title reading “already available :3 [cat face emoticon]” and in smaller text one that reads “link in bio [heart emoticon]”. the third picture is the same but the products this time are a pin and a sticker. /end ID]
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aquafinnie · 8 days
That’s not my Neighbor Stimboard!
Biggest stimboard i’ve made! Well, kinda, its all the small ones i made just put together. If you want the separate ones they’re on my tiktok! (same user as here)
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Oh Connor never change.
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lesbian-cowpoke · 5 months
DC before cry for justice: the arrowfam is STILL far too happy... what if we... KILLED A CHILD
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ask-missparker · 2 months
The Red & Purple Duo
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I created cUZ helloooo I love playing around with dynamics. As we know Mia got her hubby Nikolai and Ethan got his wifey Liane…so let's put theses ladies up to the test.
Friends: Amelia Morse-Parker & Liane Felton
Sum it up -> Mia was supposed to go on a simple mission to get insight on this rich man, Ivan Trask, but her usual players had work to do. Melissa was stuck with beating a systemic grid and Nikolai was on the field in mother Russia with Marlene. She decided she wanted to go in alone as an undercover, Widowed Wife, but Hill knew she needed backup. Which lead her to this very moment..
She flipped around the sheets of paper sitting in front of her as her gaze fell back and forth onto the sliver dollar laced gun. She bit her bottom lip and squealed under her breath, taking the gun in hand.
"Liane. Agent Liane..of uh, SHIELD." Said the blonde pointing the gun then standing up from the chair, "Oh? Is that right? You think this is funny?"
She pointed the gun back and forth talking with the wall as if it was a bad guy. "H-how's this for a comedy? Huh?..h-you-you..i'mma gonna tear you in half and-" She stuttered trying to find the right words to say.
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Suddenly the door behind her slammed shut as she screamed in fear facing the short brunette who was dressed in a black jeans, a navy blue t-shirt and ruby red necklace. She had a deadpan look on her face completely done with her bullshit as she huffed holding back an eye roll.
"AR-are you-? I'm armed here." She explained holding the gun sitting back down.
She removed the gun out of her hand and replied, "Don't be."
"Why did you have it out in the first place? Not very smart leaving your gun out.."
"I WANTED-I wanted to see how long you'll last."
"What? H-how did I do?"
"Less than 7 minutes. Somewhat better than I expected. Where did we spend our honeymoon?"
Amelia wasn't trilled with this whole plan. She would've gone with Ward or Daisy, if Nikolai wasn't available, they were busy dealing with missions for Coulson. Something about a gas fire. Again, she wished she could've done this alone. But she wasn't allowed.
Liane hummed, "God..is everything a test with you, Parker? Lighten up! Or in my case, you need a little fire to fix this."
"Funny." She said pointing to the papers, "Honeymoon? Where?"
"Bail. It was gorgeous! I was wearing a sundress and-"
"Where we did we meet?"
"Uh..recorded store? Ugh, why did it have to be a record store? Who picked that location? Romanoff?"
"Felton. Focus. Which side of the car you in?"
"Whatever side you say I get. Cause I love to drive shotgun! And your the passage princess."
Liane stood up with a giggle then sat down, deciding to lean against the table and bop her nose with her long purple nails. She was rambling on and on about something as well. Amelia just rolled her eyes, "Liane. It would be nice if you stick to the script."
She giggled bopping her nose and teasing her with a smile, "Lovey dovey car with you brought me for my birthday! And we did all the shopping we can and.."
"Well, I'm gonna die. We're gonna walk in and five seconds later just straight up dead.." Amelia added, pushing the blonde's hand away from her.
"We're gonna die cause I didn't remember the name of your childhood dog? That's not how this works. I should know my parents were married for a long time."
"And they hated each other. I saw the reports. You have no idea how this works!"
"I know how this works, okay? They're not gonna tie me up to some freaking chair and ask me the name of your childhood doggie! I mean come on..you seem like you never had one."
"You have to know a good crunch of the facts! Married people do that from the smallest thing to the biggest one."
"No they don't! They do this! We're not gonna die because we're not gonna in there with some lame story on how we met and how we are like two people in love. No, they are gonna walk in there and see you are some overcontroling OCD spor freaking and I'm too much of a flake to tell the difference. And we got together way too early for our liking. So we're stuck together now!"
"Mhm hmm."
"And I left a really good design job for this. As I was dishing tables and painting nails at a salon now like in my favorite movie. And the wedding was tiny. I wanted some big and landfill of glamour items but you wanted something smaller."
"Big weddings are too much money..as if I would spend a lot of time planning one."
"And I know you spelt with one of the grooms-Ohh maybe it was a bridesmaids? That would be a good cover story!"
"Well, I was marrying you, so I must've been very drunk. And blacked out the next day."
The two were standing up at this point as they were talking to one another.
Liane crossed her arms with a squeal and thought, "It was Patrick or Daphne wasn't it? They would love to have that over my head."
Amelia scoffed and looked up at her, "Daphne and Patrick must be nice people. Listening to me as I had to be stuck with you. They cared when I talked about going to the pound to pick up my first ever dog...uh.."
"Snuffles! Hehe I remembered and you didn't. And I am a good partner for you to have during this mission. I know a lot about events and everything."
"I doubt it. But sure."
"We got this wired down. It aint on the paper, just you and me faking this whole gig."
"God helps us all."
"No one can fake this kinda hate you have for me. D-do you hate me?"
"Ain't telling."
She half smile then her faced returned to a deadpanned look. Liane could tell was hiding something, she knew her husband was gone a mission god knows where and wasn't able to say anything about it. She giggled to herself. But she didn't saying anything to Mia about it unless brought up later.
Here is the original source, I got the idea from!
—> Thanks for reading. That’s what I got! Comment down below with ideas and reblog your thoughts 
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel  @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh@sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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mishervellous · 2 years
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do yourself a favor and go read Your Question Has Been Received by @celestialmickey!! it’s perfection 😌
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mariocki · 1 year
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Roger Delgado practices diplomacy as the unnamed ambassador of an equally unspecified Central American Republic, in Man in a Suitcase: Burden of Proof (1.15, ITC, 1968)
#fave spotting#roger delgado#man in a suitcase#classic doctor who#the master#delgado!master#burden of proof#itc#1968#classic tv#a relatively small role for Roger; his character exists really only to show an official from the fictional South American country the#episode deals with who is not corrupt (unlike Wolfe Morris and his associates) or a foreign national (John Gregson's English ex pat who's#loyalties are inscrutable). he expresses some outrage at Larry Taylor being violent‚ he offers Nicola Pagett some fatherly advice#and then he exits the episode never to be seen again. it's a small role but a nice change of pace for Rog‚ as he gets to play kindly#diplomat as opposed to villain (or villainous diplomat). the episode itself is.. complex... in its attitudes. perhaps the episode of MiaS#which has aged the least well. it's hard to say‚ but the colonial attitudes are pretty obvious and there's some deeper problematic stuff#going on. most disturbingly‚ said fictional S American country apparently has some kind of ethnic caste system in place#(something obliquely referenced in dialogue is Wolfe belonging to a lower social group bc of his ethnic heritage) but it's the two most#villainous characters who belong to this (? again potentially fictional?) racial group‚ and who are subject to (?? fictional??) racial#slurs‚ something which is never really commented on or resolved by the supposed 'good' characters (it's worth noting none of this involves#McGill‚ who isn't in any of those scenes). it's a troubling bit of.. meta racism??? and definitely the inference is related to skin tone#(both Morris and Larry Taylor being notably darker than Pagett‚ who it is suggested belongs to the higher social class)#it's an uncomfortable aspect of a script which takes a genuinely good plot and then wrings it through some weird‚ pretty offensive places#ok i did a bit more digging and the country may be fictional but the slur is apparently real and has been historically used against latin#and filipino ppl so yikes i guess this episode is just generally fucked up. huh. that's a damn shame. stupid 60s tv always ruining stuff#with utterly pointless bigotry. sigh. consider this a tw i guess#apologies for prev tags‚ South American should read Central American; not certain whether the country is actually named in dialogue briefly#but Pixley provides no details alas
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
wilbur in florida and I think dreambur meetup should happen just as a bday gift from the universe to me
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starsmuserainbow · 9 months
Yet another char creator (/dollmaker/dressup thingie) bc I can't help myself
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Might be obvious who's who if you know my muses, but, just in case:
First row, Starfire and Blackfire. Second row, Cat, Mia, and Lightning.
Did some minor edits (and Mia's hair color) to fit some colors to my liking.
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elbiotipo · 10 months
Not really excited about Cities Skylines 2 (design choices and I can't run it anyways) but actually I love the fact that they put an option for southern hemisphere cities, at last, representation
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enbyleighlines · 11 months
Wait wait idea time!
Unlikely friends Soren and Mia…
Specifically I am thinking about my witchfest (modern with magic) Tellius AU that continues to take up primary residence in my brain.
(Rambly thoughts below)
At first they only hang out because they’re both friends with Ike. Soren is Ike’s best friend, and Mia was part of the same co-ed baseball team in middle school, alongside Ike, Boyd, and Nephenee.
At first Soren only barely tolerates her. She’s less bearable than Nephenee, true, but at least she’s not as bad as Boyd. Soren and Boyd really don’t get along. And Mia is similar to Boyd: big-mouthed, thick-headed, overly competitive, all too eager to share their (often incorrect) opinions… all things that annoy Soren.
Worse than Boyd, even, is that Mia actually attempts to bond with Soren— in her rough-and-tumble teasing as a form of affection way. And Soren immediately mistrusts anyone who attempts to curry favor with him.
But unlike Boyd, Mia has her moments of… uncanny intuition. Soren doesn’t know what to make of it at first. She seems oblivious to anyone and anything that doesn’t involve her (highly limited) interests, and yet without warning she will occasionally read a person so accurately that even Soren (keenly observant for trauma reasons) finds himself begrudgingly impressed.
It starts with Nephenee. She’s a shy girl who keeps to herself. Mia is determined to be friends with her, but Nephenee is a hard nut to crack. Eventually, however, Mia’s persistence pays off.
And then enters Calil. She’s an upperclassman, super popular and fashion-forward. It’s by happenstance that she decides that Nephenee will become her personal project— transforming a country bumpkin into a princess. Nephenee’s protests fall on deaf ears, and soon enough Nephenee stops protesting at all.
Soren only has to see the two girls interact once to understand: Nephenee fancies Calil. Hmm, he thinks, and then files it away in the recesses of his brain. Nephenee is like him. She is also crushing on a same-gender friend.
Not that Nephenee herself seems to realize. Oh well. Soren supposes that she will figure it out eventually. It’s not his problem.
Time passes. Calil moves away, leaving Nephenee heartbroken for reasons she doesn’t understand. Mia takes it upon herself to cheer Nephenee up, inviting her out on various “adventures” around the small farming town where they all live. Its the sort of thing Mia would enjoy, not Nephenee, but surprisingly, it helps.
Soren points this out to Mia one day after school, as they all hang out in the Greil family’s backyard (the prime hangout spot for Ike and his friends.) He tells her that he’s surprised her hare-brained plan actually worked.
Mia takes his statement of fact as an affectionate tease. “Well I had to do something,” she says. “I heard the first heartbreak is the worst.”
It is then that Soren realizes he is not the only one who noticed Nephenee’s crush.
Soren is astounded. Romance is far from Mia’s limited scope of interests. Even as a teenager, she wrinkles her nose at romcoms and has, for as long as Soren has known her, never shown any romantic interest in anyone. On his mental list of girls who are potential threats (as in, those who could theoretically steal Ike’s heart and thus destroy Soren’s fragile fantasy of them someday falling in love), Mia lands down at the bottom, just above Nephenee.
Time passes. Soren almost forgets that time Mia correctly identified another person’s feelings.
Elincia comes to visit one summer, as she often does. Soren simmers with silent loathing. Elincia is an old friend to Ike, her father a friend of Ike’s father, and she is everything Soren is not: kind, friendly, beautiful, a girl. It is clear Elincia has feelings for Ike.
Ike, as always, remains oblivious. He treasures Elincia’s friendship. He allows her to hang on his arm.
Soren simmers, but it all remains hidden. He is cordial with Elincia, or at least as cordial as Soren is with anyone who isn’t Ike or his family. He swallows his jealousy. He does not stare with abject longing when Elincia touches his arm.
It is Mia, of all people, who sees through it all.
At one moment, when the jealousy becomes too thick to choke back, Soren finds a deserted spot for himself.
Mia finds him, sits beside him.
“Oof,” she says. “Hang in there, Soren. Elincia will be going back home tomorrow.”
And Soren realizes. Nephenee is not the only person Mia has seen. And Soren does not like being seen. Defensive, he tells her to go away, to mind her own business, that he doesn’t know what she is talking about.
Somehow, Mia can see he means it. She walks away.
When Elincia leaves and he is thinking more clearly, Soren confronts Mia. He admits her assumptions may have been correct, and asks her how long she’s suspected.
“Oh, I just knew,” she says. “It’s funny, I don’t care about romance at all. I really don’t get it. I’ve never felt that way for another person, and I don’t think I want to. But I can tell when other people do. I don’t know how, and I can’t explain it. It’s just like— oh, I don’t know. A gut feeling, maybe?”
“Huh,” Soren says. And that is that.
And somehow they become friends… sort of. They talk and text, sometimes, even without Ike being in the picture. It’s strange. Mia mostly teases him a lot.
But sometimes (and only sometimes) Soren will tease her back.
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thedeadthree · 1 year
hiii :D ❤💘🍰 for lilia & lucinde?
MIA HI DEAR ! i hope ur doing well hun! the infamous dears truly have a vice grip on me rn ty ty so much !!!!!!! 🌸✨💕
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
the darling lila is a maverick (an unorthodox or independent-minded person), rather astute (having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage), and alluring (powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.) !
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
lizzie lovelace a pop princess caliber face in music, and a former romantic partner of her fathers along with jazzy, together make the dynamic duo that keep lila centered and the first people who hear anything and everything before anyone else on her life. jazzy was actually the first person she met in middle school following her relocation to new york from new orleans (and before that ! paris! her parents loved to move places on whims sajnxka) and save for the BOTB have been inseparable ever since ! she was then introduced to rowan through jazzy and the trio with lizzie have been her anchor since as well! her partner in crime and the go to to cure her bad days! she can be a lot but they truly have her best interest at heart something she didnt have from her parents and for that they mean the world!
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
her birthday is april 19th, 1997 and she is 26! lilia is an aries sun, a libra moon and a leo rising! i would say the card i most align with her is the death card in reversal at her best and upright at her worst. mars would be her ruling planet and her ruling number would be 1! she veeery identifies closely with a very much amount of the traits belonging to her sun and moon and rising ! especially her moon and rising but also a lot of her sun sign as well!
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
lucinde known by her stage name "lucy less" (formerly lucinde lawless to match sevens but she shortened it following their breakup :') ) is felicific (relating to or promoting increased happiness), captivating (capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.), and wistful (having  or  showing  a  feeling  of  vague  or  regretful  longing) !!!!!
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
seven. seven always will be and still is in spite of the way things ended. she still carries a torch for him these years following and from a distance wishes him well. (if you hear sobbing its me!) the close second and she tells him he's the first would be her brother! he too has a band of his own and is the drummer for an experimental noise rock outfit. OF COURSE there's rowan the remedy to all her bad days wizard in making her smile the best thing since sliced bread and her best friend. and iris who shes been friends with since they were in pre-k, devyn, orion (she had a "secret" crush on him that he probably knew but didn't tell her to save her from the embarrasment that he knew kjsndak), and of course the fans of her band MALWARES (formerly error 404 i just thought it sounded cute!) !
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
lucys birthday is november 11th, 1997 and she is 26! shes a scorpio sun, sagittarius moon and aquarius rising! the world is the card in tarot that i think i love the most for her. and her ruling planet would be pluto and her ruling number would be 2! on stage she is the archetypal scorpio and off there is so much of her sign she relates to! along with her moon and rising as well that she closely relates!
#🎠: mia#alfheim-elves#i will for sure be making a piece to introduce the side characters for the dears ! they mean the world to me as well!#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK DEAR YOUR A TREASURE! this was so cute to do!#astrology asks my favorite asks in the world on par with music ones AHH the astology nerd in me was SHRIEKING <3#oc: lilia laurent#oc: lucinde lau#leg.txt#leg.asks#leg.ocs#there are a couple things with their signs that arent quite right but i wanted their signs to closely reflect them as people !#sjhdhncjh so this was almost done and then i went to undo something and the whole post was erased but ! we are good now <3#technology smites leg AGAIN jjajsknak 🥀🥴#there is a fic i plan to write with lila realizing her feelings were real feelings for G and shes on the phone with liz and jaz and its AHH#like her having the thought she had been on a MISSION to be unlike her parents only to not be any different and the weight of her actions#liz BEE lines to lila its a whole thing and i am very looking forward to writing it <3#leg says kjsnkjan manifesting that the writing gods are merciful and i can write it!#lucys brother is also VERY into astrology and is wholly convinced she and seven are cosmically meant to be ksjmskja#but is also very VERY bitter he broke her heart so in equal parts is rooting for them and like 🥀😠 adskmlskjasn#and of course i cant thank enough ash for the loveliest banners ever 🥀✨😭 TY !!!!!#changed my mind lizzie was a romantic partner of her dads before he met her mom and has been a friend of the family since <3#they sort of dropped lilia on her because lilia ADORED liz and she became a mother figure soon after :)#they could go party with their friends and liz was like ?? but lilia needed SOMEONE to be there for her so she took that mantle ! 🥀❣️
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danthropologie · 1 year
not to kill ur delusions because they keep me floating but that tweet is super fake and the guy even admits to trolling in the comments, and another thing is that helmut mentioned that they managed to find a "sweet spot" with the car (adrian newey geniousness) that allows them to adapt the car to both drivers now. idek how, but, newey i guess. and checo confirmed he felt very comfortable and fast in the car.
also im guessing the daniel footage must be old because im pretty sure corey posted stuff about their weekend and daniel was deifnitely still in LA
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no you're totally fine!! maybe i'm just THAT delusional but it doesn't really kill anything for me tbh. the tweet seemed super fake to begin with, even the person that sent it acknowledged that, but even with it being fake, i still stand by everything i said- i still believe that daniel has a clause, that checo has a clause, and that red bull wouldn't hesitate to start making those clauses realities if things start moving in a certain direction lmao
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galpalaven · 2 years
The shame I feel that the first book I have devoured in literal years was some smutty romance book I found on tiktok
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