#(wrote this post a month or two ago and just found it in my drafts)
thevioletcaptain · 1 year
do fandom people realize that gleefully firing off mean little zingers at the socially accepted online target of the week for clicks is functionally identical to the way high school bullies use cruelty for clout, or do they lack that level of self awareness?
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septembersghost · 5 months
my queue was supposed to run out tonight (11/19) - i'm nothing if not someone who clings to dates and anniversaries, and exactly a month ago, i realized i had enough posts stowed in it to last until today. of all the days. kismet. you know when it's time to go. but i ended up adding some posts from my (still copious) drafts, and no matter how i finagled it, it was impossible to make them all fit by the time today ended. so it gets a little bit of extra time. maybe, in honor of this blog's existence, that's fitting.
you all know this, i've said it, typically in gratitude, many times already. this blog was never meant to last. i came back in november 2020 expecting a couple of months, maybe to be here until the new year. i told very few people, anticipating the goodbye, not wanting to cause anyone undue anguish when i had to vanish again. something i didn't expect was the sheer (admittedly devasting) emotion that would tie itself to those two weeks when i started interacting again, nor that it would have any outreach or impact, but somehow it did. then time kept spinning on, extending itself, gossamer threads unfurling each day. my following kept growing, far beyond what i could have anticipated, greater than i'd ever established on any of my previous blogs. moving around is unfortunately a pattern at this point, every time for reasons that felt quietly catastrophic. not being able to pay bills for a while. angel's death and the ensuing difficult circumstances. so here, i kept anxiously imagining why i'd eventually have to leave, how to plan for it. poverty issues. the homelessness we were facing through the entirety of a couple of years until last august (and my dad having to be the saving grace). worsening health issues. i never knew, i couldn't predict it, i just worried about it. often tried to brace for it. maybe i got too comfortable this year, because this was when i started to think it wouldn't happen, that i really could stay. little did i know. and the reasons...are not reasons i ever fathomed, why would i have? how could i have? i wish it weren't so. (i wish a lot of things.)
i thought sometimes about the words i would leave you with, none of which are suitable now. i almost wrote nothing, yet found that feeling wrong, couldn't leave without something about parting.
thus it turns out i'm leaving before it's strictly necessary, before it's the fear of personal catastrophe coming to fruition, not knowing what i'll do or where i'll metaphorically go, as that is the downside of chronic illness and isolation narrowing this to my sole outlet. (lyrics keep running through my mind, there are always lyrics stuck in my head. no matter where i go, there'll be memories that tug at my sleeve, but there will also be more to question, yet more to believe...teach me to be more adaptive...help me say goodbye). my body is in such a fragile state right now (my mind not far behind) that maybe what i need to do is rest. just rest for a while.
this blog was never meant to grow the way it did, to take asks and have conversations like i did, that was a somewhat new (sometimes scary! often fun) experience for me. it's one that will never be replicated. to my loyal and lovely anons, i'm so sorry that i had to cut you off unexpectedly and couldn't reinstate communication - i know that you weren't able to reach out to me as soon as i did that, and that certainly wasn't your fault, it was a response to the tenor of this website. i apologize for the hundreds of messages i never had the chance to answer. i'm appreciative of the things you shared with me and all the times we got to talk.
i sincerely hope some of you learn to be kinder and wiser and less reactionary and more willing to learn and to listen rather than to attack those who have never wronged you and who do not deserve that. i'm being too nice, but i hope you learn that misusing your supposed social justice to do harm and foment hatred and stew in ignorant cruelty makes any principles you purport to have utterly void. my hope for that is low at the moment, but it's still got to be there. waiting to be found.
to those of you who have never been anything but kind, you are true treasures, the lights in the darkness, the loving and compassionate embodiment of human spirit. some of you have (quite literally) helped keep my mom and me alive, and i can never repay that or do enough in this life to quantify it. some of you have been here for me every single day, to listen and laugh and cry and understand. i don't think i would've bothered to fight through these past three years had i not had your presences in my life. i wouldn't have had as much of a reason. there are times when i still haven't felt like i had a reason, i struggle through so many varied griefs, but then i continued to wake up, and would come on here and find something joyful or beautiful or affirming that someone had sent or posted, and it gave me an anchor. there are passions and interests i shared or discovered here that were so uplifting and enlightening, and i will carry them in my heart always. being here to find those was such a blessing. being here with you to indulge in them was such a blessing. thank you. i pray your continued paths have more of that ahead. look at all the things you've done for me. there are certain things that once you have no time can wear away.
you know that line from the wizard of oz?: hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable. maybe that isn't true, maybe our hearts being broken is proof of something. there are people who hurt me on such a profound level who i know weren't affected by it at all, but i refuse to define my sensitivity as a negative. my softness (too soft for all of it, indeed) does not quite provide me with a weapon, but it doesn't crumple. hearts can be broken repeatedly and still beat, which i've thought about a lot lately. shattered souls just make a new mosaic. it's a different picture than it was before, but the color and light persists. and in the remains of that, a handful of people have shown me depths of caring and resilience that i wouldn't have gotten to hold onto otherwise, which is an extraordinary thing. the precious rarities have to mean something more, don't they? i would think so. i believe it. or i'm trying. i keep trying with all my might.
maybe i stayed too long at the fair. maybe this is a consequence of overplaying my hand, gambling a little too much with time to where it had to teach me something. maybe i needed the reminder that sometimes we have to fight to retain our spirits, and other times we have to retreat. maybe i needed a reminder that all that extra time was a miracle. i don't take it for granted.
whether we've spoken directly, be that consistently or in scattered flurries, whether we've interacted in very personal ways or simply in liked hearts on the dash, i hope there was goodness and light in it. i hope there's a memory i leave here that's sweet. (as long as i'm borrowing phrases, i hope you'll think of me fondly sometimes.) i hope there was something warm and enriching here. i hope you know what you've been and meant to me. i said so many times that this blog was my cozy haunted house - the ghosts will linger here forever, and i know they'll never mind if you want to step in and visit.
with all my heart, i love so many of you so dearly. i am so lucky to have your friendships. please move gently through life. please hold onto the things that illuminate it for you, and provide that where you can. please do your best to repair even the smallest of tears in the world. you are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
there must be lights burning brighter somewhere.
something yet remains. i remain. and i do my best to be brave.
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quotidian-oblivion · 17 days
I think... i think those are all the posts in my drafts that needed to be posted
Well, there's this one poem that i wrote ages ago but i have no IDEA what its about or where it came from because it was months ago but anyway
So! Hi guys! As you can see, i'm back from my hibernation. With a few new changes!
I am now going to post edits along with fics! Though not regularly, but i have like 15 plans in my docs. Looking forward to thattt. Here's a link to my youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@QuotidianVoid?si=NjSDZAsI2myvUq4L I haven't posted anything on it yet, BUT I WILL!
I won't be looking at every notification on tumblr because I found that it made a bit of an impact on my mental health, so I'm terribly sorry if I missed your post. Just... just send it to me please if I haven't replied to you.
I might still occassionally disappear and reappear for my mental health
And finally! We have two (soon to be three) new friends! In total, I have to add five people to the family tumblrweed
So thats @igotthisaccountunderduress @st4r-fire
And the new people are @its-stairs-time and @foineswoine who are me and @mispeltnostalgia's irl friends. Stairs is also the DM of the DND campaign I'm in and we're just gonna be blathering and rumbling about DND from time to time. There's another irl fwen! And she'll be popping by soon with her brilliant posts (you'll see ;))
Love you lots /p and am so so so honored and melty gooey in the knowledge that you guys still remembered me and tagged me in things ^^
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
What's your process for writing a fic?
generally kind of in this order
get sudden fic idea
hastily write it down on my giant idea document
if i daydream about the fic idea frequently enough to know i want to write it someday, i flesh it out on a separate document, adding details/ideas
then I'll loosely plan the fic. basically i just need to know my beginning and end. I'll fill in the middle later
let the idea sit on the back burner for a long time until im confident enough to write it
depending on the fic, I'll either plan it in detail (sewing sentiments) or wing it until i get a decent enough storyline going and then plan the rest later (perfectly platonic unless. i didn't actually have an ending planned until like a month ago)
then I'll write the first chapter. generally i tend to write my chapters in order, but not always. with sewing sentiments, i wrote them all in order. with ppu, i wrote extremely sporadically. i just wrote chapters without a number in mind and found spots to fit them in later. like the first chapter i wrote for the story was chapter TWENTY TWO lmfao
i used to just publish my fic chapters right when they were done without having a buffer, but now i let them sit for a while. i like to go back and edit them myself since i rarely use a beta. I'll usually reread a chapter and edit 2-3 times before it's ready. then, the day i decide to post, i give it one last reread to make sure it's okay 👍🏻
i dont really have much of a process when it comes to writing fic except for just throwing some ideas on a page and trying to include them. for ppu all i had to go off of was a document full of bullet points of ideas i wanted to incorporate. for most of my fics, i kind of just jot ideas down and find somewhere to put them. if it's a more serious scene/chapter/story, then I'll write out a really detailed plan of how i want things to go. it's like an extremely rough draft
for example here was my plan document for chapters 1-24 of ppu. IT'S REALLY NOT THAT DETAILED
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thank you for the ask :>
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bebethsas · 8 months
*giglgles* here’s a rant I’ve had sitting in my drafts for a bit now. I think now is the perfect time to post it. Enjoy Beth’s impassioned ramblings from ~1 month ago (and sorry in advance, I know that this is LONG):
“Chrissy…this is for you.”
I am on the floor. I am dead. I am lying on my stomach, staring off into the middle distance with a look that can only be described as stunned disbelief, or just straight-up stunned. They would have been a f*cking powderkeg, wouldn’t they?
Dear mother of god, the way he says that, so softly, so reverently, I…
If they’d been given just a smidge more time, they (yes, they) would have loved each other so *fiercely*.
They would have been goddamn explosive. They would have (accidentally) rocked the school to its foundations and razed the HS to the ground (more like, they exist, and the high school tears itself apart because of their relationship’s existence). There is no doubt in my mind that if there was a sliver of a chance for one of them to bring the other back from the dead, they’d do it.
Like, the kind of love where you claw through brick and cinderblock with your bare hands to reach them, and you don’t notice until long afterwards that you’ve torn like…six of your nails, and your hands are bleeding. And sure, you have to keep your hands wrapped in bandages for the next couple of weeks while they heal, but who cares??? What does it matter?? They’re alive, you found them, they’re here. Like the minute one of them is in danger, the other person doesn’t hesitate, they just leap.
Like, yo Bangles, you wanna talk Eternal Flame? That’s an eternal flame. Like, a flame that keeps burning over centuries kind of “Eternal” flame; like the Olympic fire that they’re supposed to keep burning forever and ever (it doesn’t, but shhhhh), like a candle in a sea of darkness that against all odds never, ever goes out. That’s the kind of love I mean here.
Like, saying ‘I’ll find you in the next life,’ and then they do, kind of eternal flame.
Like, “death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it a little while,” kind of un-douseable flame. Not an uncontrollable wildfire, or even a small campfire. Just, this strong yet persevering little candle that provides comfort, joy, and light. Doesn’t hurt nobody, isn’t insatiably hungry or all-consuming, it just…is.
They are an example of true love, and no one can convince me otherwise. And I mean actual true love, like 2 puzzle pieces that naturally click together. It’s like they were made for each other, but it was an *accident*.
It’s not like a deity took a soul, split it in half, and then zotted these 2 halves down onto earth and went ‘here, now go find each other.’ It’s more like they created one soul, and then created another soul, and by sheer coincidence or serendipity or chance or whatever, these two line up perfectly, with no imperfections or jagged bits in the way.
They are Agatha and Oliver (I will elaborate on another post, christ this post got fuckin long).
Jesus christ how can I be so damn shook over one line, that it’s making me spiral and pull out analogies and references that are *deeply* buried in my brain??
I’m gonna end up writing a gottdamn thesis on (the way I view) their relationship, aren’t I?
…yes. Yes, I probably am.
  Anyway, that’s the tale of when I first saw the scene, and had to have a bit of a lie-down for a while, because thoughts were spiraling.
...ok, I wrote tags for this, then realized that I should probably put them in the body of the post too. So:
#no joke those 2 seconds of “Chrissy...this is for you” used to make me literally so weak, that I had to dramatically lean on furniture to stay upright. #the emotion #the goddamn EMOTION
#and Chrissy is such a sweetheart, #and Eddie was so kind and gentle with her...
#you know, you just KNOW, that she would have loved him with the fierceness of a lioness
#because when you’re sad, and scared, and lonely, and feel like none of your supposed ‘loved ones’ can or will listen--or even care (let alone ask) about how you’re doing
#and you are doing EVERYTHING you can just to continue on, #with seemingly ZERO support #to have someone come along and *help* you, #no questions asked, #no returned favors needed or asked for
#to have someone instantly *know* that you’re going through it, #respect your need for privacy, #and treat you so gently and reverently, #like you’re worthy of being loved???
(and again, not comment on the fact that you’re *clearly* going through it, because they respect that it’s probably not any of their business, and you probably don’t *want* to talk about it, and even though you *should* talk about it, they’re not going to push you)
#yeah. #even if they weren’t interested in you romantically, it’s too late #they have your heart now and forever
#genuinely kind people are not easy to find #don’t get me wrong they *exist*, #they’re not *rare*, #they’re just hella hard to FIND
#so once you DO find one?? #yeah you’re glomming onto that person like a barnacle and refusing to let go
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pinktom · 6 months
hi! you've mentioned a few times that the current version of Lover's Spit is a re-write of a previous version. Sadly I wasn't around for said previous version so I can't tell how much has changed (though, rest assured, I absolutely adore the fic as it is)
So what I was wondering is how did you go about writing it again? I have a couple unpublished fics that I'm not happy with in their current forms (my writing style has changed, I've learnt about writing tricks to make it flow better, learnt proper dialogue punctuation...) but I find re-writing to be a very difficult and tedious exercise which puts me off doing it. I'm guessing that I just haven't found a good way to do it, which is a shame because the fics are good, they just need to be made better before I can be comfortable publishing them.
So I wanted to know, how did you completely re-write what you had already written? Please be as detailed as you want in your answer, I love this type of stuff lol
I can't wait for the next installment of Lover's Spit, and I hope your writing is going well xx
First of all, I’m honored you’d ask for my humble opinion here, and I wish you all the best of luck with your rewrites. ❤️
I also cannot tell you how uncanny your question is. A few months ago, I toyed with the idea of re-posting the original Lover’s Spit for exactly this purpose—so that other fic writers could read it, instructively, as I used so very many fics over the years. (I'm still on the fence about whether it's a stupid idea, lol.)
Reflecting back on the experience, I think I have some potentially useful tips.
Writing is a masochistic hobby. The first four chapters of Lover’s Spit threatened all three of my brain cells, and it wasn’t really very fun for me to write them. Having a ‘big picture’ is, paradoxically, what kept me grounded during that time, and this is my first piece of advice.
I’d recommend looking at a single unfinished piece you wrote, and deciding, from a bird’s eye view, what the point of the story is. What is your objective, really? Then look at how you can reframe all of the existing scenes into a cohesive picture. 
This way your attention is probably less focused on flexing all of the new techniques (still, slay & flaunt it 💅🏻) and more on telling an entertaining story with heart.
When we drafted the original story, there was no intentional objective. It was just for fun. This go around, I did go in with a very specific objective: to explore how real life intersects with the internet. 
So every time I rewrote certain scenes, I wasn’t just retelling the scene with better words. I was attempting to focus the scene (via imagery, dialogue, diction) on that clear, concise objective. For example, the current version of Lover’s Spit begins slower, and lingers more, really to emphasize how boring normal life can be. The internet scenes, by contrast, are shorter, whippier, and don’t take up much real estate. I also include more descriptive lines about the town, throughout the story, and spend far more time in Harry’s head, chewing kind of tediously through his character development. I wanted to intentionally set an ultra high contrast on IRL and internet life, and many scenes look completely different because of it.
Along those lines: You may feel more enthusiastic if you add one or two more details that are new and refreshing, that really excite you. It doesn’t need to be ultra tangible either. For the Lover’s Spit rewrite, I challenged myself to add more mystery and anticipation, particularly where it concerns what’s going on in Tom’s head. This made rewriting certain scenes tricky, but more fun, because I had to be more inventive but I also got to indulge in the character-building aspect of it, which I enjoy.
And also, I learned how to embrace bitter work, to grin and bear it, because the payoff is worth it. I can look at forty word passages that took me an entire Saturday afternoon. I'm a grown woman, I work full-time, I like to party. That shit hurts! But because I have an objective—a point to get across, to share with people—I really feel it's worth it to sacrifice the time and endure the tedium.
But all that said, I will also say there's no shame in leaving projects on the back burner. If it's not fun for you to write, it may not be the best investment of your time, or perhaps not the right time to tell the story. I was actually about your age when I wrote the first Lover's Spit (I was 22), and I'm glad I took my time to return, because I wasn't mature enough to tell the story I knew deep down I wanted to tell.
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hollygl125 · 5 months
On rabbit holes and fanfic (in my own life):
*This is a note I wrote for AO3/FFN, but I’ve been meaning for a while to write a post on how I—a member of the Oregon Trail generation—wound up signing up for Tumblr in January 2022, and this kind of hints at that, so I thought I might as well share it here, too.*
What follows is a TMI note on why I can’t make any promises on when the next chapter of this story will be up; please read or don’t, as pleases you.  I would like to state first, though, what I also state at the bottom of this note: thank you so, so, so very much for reading; your kind support means more than I can tell you.
So, I’m, ah… not very good at all this.
Two years ago now, as I was doing a “CSI as love story” rewatch and falling far, far, far down the GSR rabbit hole, I was also falling deep into ADHD burnout and overwhelming anxiety (without, at the time, realizing that I had either ADHD or a lifetime of anxiety).  By the time spring 2022 rolled around, I was lacking executive functioning abilities for even basic tasks, while my mind sought solace or dopamine or whatever it was with—you guessed it—these two lovely science nerds.
I read hundreds and hundreds of GSR fics, without managing to leave a single, solitary comment/review.  (I wanted to comment!  I couldn’t!  I’m not saying commenting would have killed me, but I just couldn’t do it; I wouldn’t have been able to continue reading if it were required, and obsessing over these two science nerds was basically all my mind could handle.  So when I tell you that I get that commenting can be too much sometimes, I get it.  I should also note my eternal gratitude to all the amazing GSR fic writers who—unknowingly—helped me during this time.)
I occasionally questioned whether I might try writing something about these science nerds, but I always dismissed that pretty quickly.  I’d never willingly undertaken a creative writing project in my life (unless you count my last dog’s Instagram).  For added context, until 2022, I had last (and first, for that matter) previously read fan fiction in the mid-2000s, when my favourites on The West Wing were taking their own sweet time.  So in January 2022, while desperate for more GSR content, I was like, “Is fanfic still a thing?  Is there GSR fanfic?”  I literally started by googling “GSR fan fiction.”  I’d never even heard of AO3 or FFN; I think the fic for The West Wing had been on Yahoo! Groups.
But I had all these romantic scenarios and headcanons and such constantly running through my head, and I was getting tired of having to recreate the dialogue for them every night as I fell asleep.  So eventually, in late June 2022, I thought maybe I should try writing something down—at some point in the future, once I’d had more time to prepare.  Naturally the next day my brain was like, no, now, now, we’re doing this now.  I had no conscious say in the matter.  I wasn’t sure whether I was going to post anything, but apparently I was going to write it.
I had a lot of fun writing out so many of my thoughts and feeling and hopes and dreams for our two lovely science nerds, and pretty soon I had a draft for this series of stories (although it was only a fraction of what I have now written).  I started posting the first story in September 2022.  Luckily I got to participate in a (also luckily, not very mentally taxing) overseas professional placement for several months at the end of 2022, and this was a welcome distraction from *everything else* about my life.
When I got home in winter 2023, the anxiety returned in full force.  I got an ADHD diagnosis, but neither that nor the anxiety are effectively managed yet.  And, truth be told, posting these stories gives me a lot of anxiety.  It’s sort of been a weekly cycle of posting, feeling very anxious about it for several days, talking myself back to a place of peace, getting ready to post again, posting again, rinse, repeat.  Sometimes I’ve found myself feeling too anxious to post, and the chapter/story in question has been pushed back by a week.
So I wasn’t exactly feeling great about the posting process, but I was still determined to proceed.  I had a posting schedule that would have seen me finish posting this story by the end of November (last month) then post the remaining four shorter stories over the next couple months.  (A few of them are synced to dates/times of year: the winter holidays and February, i.e., the anniversary of the AAFS conference.) But then, with the last chapter I posted, I was just too anxious/unhappy.  This may have been because I’d slightly accelerated my posting schedule and hadn’t left myself enough time to process everything; I’m not sure.  But I found myself looking at Tumblr gifs of our two lovely science nerds and feeling sad and resentful, not happy, and I realized that, if I continued on as I was doing at the time, I was going to destroy both my deep love of the characters and my own happy place.
So I told myself that I didn’t have to keep posting now—that, as much as I was determined to have the complete series of stories posted, I could do it in months or in a year or some other time when no one was left to read it; honestly, that thought made me feel a lot better.  But then I decided maybe I didn’t have to wait quite so long—that I could try posting once per month or something like that.  On the upside, I tell myself, this should also leave time for me to respond to comments more promptly and to go engage with other writers’ stories.  (I managed to go back and read and comment on a handful of stories this summer.  Commenting still gives me a lot of anxiety; at one point I felt like I almost gave myself a panic attack.  But I’m going to try to work at it.)  As of this morning, I have responded to all comments on these stories, including to comments by guests/people who aren’t logged in (unless I thought the comment was from a bot!).
I can’t promise when the next chapter will be posted.  My goal is for next month, but it really depends on how I feel after posting this one and how I feel next month.  I do hope you’ll come back to read it, though!
If you’ve read this far—both in this series and in this note—thank you so very much!  You certainly didn’t need to know all the information in this note, but I needed to share it, if you get what I mean.
Thank you so, so, so very much for reading and for your kind kudos, comments, follows, faves, and reviews.  Supportive comments/reviews always, always, always make my day.  Your support for this series of stories is truly what has allowed me to get even this far in posting these stories, and I appreciate it all more than I can tell you. 💛💛💛
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retronamic · 2 years
Arcane Women's S/O Topping for the First Time
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BOO! I'm back from my somewhat hiatus well not really cuz I'm still doing finals that was the reason my ass was M.I.A for almost a month now. I'll try to post at least twice this month, it's not a definite though but I'll try. Anyways I had this in my drafts and instead of studying I wrote this :))))) ENJOY!!!
Afab! Reader
Г Vi |
- You've been in a relationship with Vi for the longest time now, and with the numerous times you guys have been intimate Vi has always been the one to top. It's not that you don't like it, I mean who would complain about having their brawler girlfriend kneading and sucking at their tits all while their forcing themselves between your legs.
- But sometimes you wanted to know what it was like to make your girlfriend's face heat up for once, have her gripping the sheets for once. So when you told Vi that you wanted to be the one on top tonight, her reaction was everything you could've hoped for.
- You swore you could see hearts forming in her eyes. She trusted you and had no problem giving you the reigns for tonight, hell if you want y'all could make this a regular thing.
- Let's just say the minute you climbed on top of her, you could see why Vi loved doing this so much. You're heart squeezed so tight when Vi's eyes looked up at you. You would've done anything she asked of you in that moment (so this was the effect you had on Vi huh...good to know)
- You were nervous in the beginning but with some encouraging mewls and whimpers from Vi, soon those nerves subsides and the next thing you knew, your face was buried in between her legs and a strong grip on your hair guided you to where she needed you most.
- "Aaah r-right t-there (Y/N), good girl. F-fuck just a little more to the l- Ngghhh. If I-I had known you were this fucking good I would've made you top a long time ago baby".
Г Sevika |
- In the beginning of your relationship, you and Sevika had an unspoken agreement of Sevika being the one to top. I mean everything about her screamed dominant. From her position in Silco's gang, down to the way she walked, it was one of the many things that you found attractive about her.
- Another thing you found attractive was how she would do almost anything to please you. Given that she is stubborn, hard ass woman, the way she practically folded anytime you batted your eyes at her made your heart swell. (I personally believe Sevika has simp tendencies she just doesn't show it)
- Though you could see the reluctance in her face, a few nips at her jaw and she leaned back into the mattress and told you to show her what you got. Not being one to back away from a challenge, you gave your girlfriend a look to match her smug ass smirk.
- It didn't take less than a few minutes for Sevika to be stifling her moans. She's not much of a moaner, so imagine the reaction you had to the sound she had when you started sucking and licking at her clit.
- "F-Fuck doll, didn't know t-that mouth of yours was good for something other than smart talking me. Aaaah god looks like you're having the time of your life huh hun?" You moaned into her cunt sending vibrations up her spine. "Nnnghh, b-better savor this cause this is a one time special for you".
Г Mel |
- Mel was a perfectionist to say the least, she liked to be the one in control of the situation, and the same thing went for her sex life. You never really complained since, one, it was what she was most comfortable with, and two, the sex was fucking great.
- Needless to say you were somewhat weary to ask her for a change in plans tonight. Her reaction to her request was one you expected, surprised and confusion. You explained to her that you wanted to be the one in the driver's seat this time, and though the sudden request probably threw her off, she agreed.
- Mel was tense in the beginning, submitting wasn't easy for her, some of her mother's teachings still translated into her adult life, especially with something as vulnerable as sex. You did your best to ease her into it with some kisses on her neck. You traced your hands along her body a bit and seems like that did the trick.
- Her quiet demeanor soon boiled down to breathless moans as you both tried to match the pace of each others hips. Her hands gripped onto your hips pulling you closer, the feeling of
- "Mmmm (Y/N)~ J-Just a lil f-faster. Aaah t-there right there p-please please I'm close". I mean you weren't one to ever really deny her, even if you are on top. "Nnngghh (Y/N)! F-Fuck please please don't slow down on me darling just a little more please~"
Г Grayson |
- Grayson was undoubtedly one of the best lovers you've had (even if she was the only lover you've had). Anytime you were intimate, she never failed to leave you breathless. You swore that woman was magic probably, she knew exactly how to make your legs quiver and have you whining for her let you cum.
- Now you decided it was Grayson’s turn, you thought it was time the neighbors heard someone else’s name being moaned out. You relayed your wishes to Grayson, and being a partner who was open to being more adventurous and also the fact that she would practically do anything you asked, she said yes.
- Though in your head you expected it to be easy but when the realization sunk in that you were the one who would have to pleasure Grayson, the nerves surely kicked in. Grayson could tell you were hesitant to make the first move so she did it for you. She took your hands and guided them to her breasts and let you knead them. She let out some mewls to make you know that you were doing good, and it was like the nerves washed away. 
- Your hands were not longer on her tits but rather holding her hips in place while you were nestled in between her legs. Every sound that came out of her made you completely ignore how much your jaw hurt, cause getting this woman to the brink of an orgasm was all you wanted. 
- “T-There d-darling~ T-That’s it, my your doing so well that’s it such a g-go... Ngghh mmmmmmhm.” You would never forget how her head fell back onto the pillows and how her hand came to rest of your head, gently combing through your hair as you tried to push your tongue pass her entrance. “D-Darling I-I-I’m almost there, just a little further, thank god you suggested this mmhm~” 
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Well I went over my study break time, but it was worth it. Enjoy and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALL ;)))
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futuremrsdrcullen · 2 years
Hiii me again! Sworry I’m just so obsessed with your Carlisle insert reader series. I found it maybe two weeks ago and I was like wooo this is going to take me a month to read! I finished it in 4 days 🙈 literally stayed up to like 3 in the morning reading, I just couldn’t put it down!!! I know it takes a while to write and I want to thank you for putting your best effort and love into it. Can’t thank you enough cause it’s fantastic, literally the best I’ve EVER read. So thank you again. It deserves way more love. But anyways! I had another blurb idea I thought I’d share. I was thinking of someone basically where the reader just stares at him, admiring his beauty. His hair, his eyes, his skin, just in awe at the beautiful, compassionate, gentle, yet dangerous creature in front or next to her. Eventually he snaps her out of her trance and she says something sweet to him, maybe points out what she loves about him. Just an idea!
Honestly so glad you love them. It makes me so happy to see just how much people are enjoying the things I'm creating, and the fact that you are enjoying them so much that you are asking for more means more to me than I can put in to words.
When I got this ask I got really excited to write it and I wrote the first draft in like hour. I spent a few more hours editing and trying to figure out what part I'd written that was bugging me. Sent it to my editor who said it was perfect.
So now I'm just going to post it in hopes that it isn't awful lol.
As always I do not own Twilight or its Characters all right go to S.Meyer.
~ Claire <3
Blurb Title: Golden
Word Count: 625
No warning just super heartfelt fluffy. Rot your teeth out fluff. Kinda fade to black smut but not really. But kinda. I do that a lot lol.
It was the completely mundane things he did that would catch me off guard. I was so used to him; I was used to what he was, and how that affected his movements. But it was the moments when he seemed the most human that always got to me.
When I got out of the shower, I didn't exactly know where he had gone. I followed the only sounds I could hear in the house and eventually found him in the kitchen, handwashing the few dishes Bella and I used the night before. The radio behind him played his favorite station and a soft Jazz song filled the room. I completely froze in my tracks, if he noticed me he didn't look up. He hummed along to the music and I let myself take in the sight of him.
There was light trickling in from the windows and he looked golden, but also just so incredibly human. The light in his hair, in his eyes, even dancing along his skin, was so beautifully golden. Of course I knew the dangers of our closeness but I never even worried about my safety.
Because I knew this is who he really was. He was golden, inside and out.
The first song ended and the next began as I watched him. His eyes floated up to meet mine. It took my breath away. Even now, when our eyes met, it felt like the first time. He softened, like he felt it too; the rush of butterflies, the sparks of electricity between us. A part of my soul leaped out of me to reach the part of his that did the same. It felt right.
"Y/n?..." His voice- soft with concern but also amusement- pulled me out of my daze. "Are you alright, Dove?"
"Oh…yeah. I just got lost in thought." I practically skipped across the room to meet his outstretched hand. It didn't even bother me that it was wet. He kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful." I whispered.
"I think I should be the one saying that to you."
"Yeah yeah, you tell me all the time." I took a second to contemplate my words as he drained the water from the sink. "You're golden… Your hair, your eyes, even the light reflecting off of your skin is golden."
I could see right through his calm chuckles to the confusion that still lingered there. I continued, "It's more than just physical too. You're compassionate and caring and you put our family above anything else. You make me feel more loved than anyone else has. You have all of this power and yet you're still the kindest person I know. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you. You're just…. Golden." My face flushed when I realized I said all of that out loud. 
He grinned at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. It made all of the embarrassment from rambling wash away. 
He always kissed me like it could be the last kiss we would ever share. And every kiss made me forget the world around me. To me, he was the only thing that mattered and in turn, he made me feel like I was the only thing that mattered to him.
He lifted me with ease and set me on the counter, breaking away from my lips just to place his on my neck. "You deserve to be worshiped. And I plan on showing you how much I love you-" He kissed my neck again. "-need you, by doing just that." He practically breathed the words into my ear and I felt a shiver run over my skin. 
Then his lips were on mine again. 
Taglist: @jakanddexter67 @a-not-so-poetic-poet @bridge597 @cestlavie03 @gaymazinglula @short-potato
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 months
You said in a post that you were ok with asking about wrighting stuff so here I go-
How would someone go about improving their wrighting? Are there any exorcises to do that will help get better? People have told me that my wrighting is good but rarely tell me what I should do to improve on things im not good at and make the things I am good at even better
As for improvement, there are two main factors: practice and feedback.
For practice:
Make it a habit. Obviously, writing every single day is unrealistic. But it should be something you can get into a routine of doing if you enjoy writing! Some writers work on/update their projects sporadically, some churn out 50k words in a month, some focus on one project or smaller projects-- there's no way for me to tell you what works best for you personally, so developing a routine is a good way to teach you what does. The more often you write, the quicker you'll likely improve.
That said, if you're writing and find yourself stuck on a scene, don't be afraid to step away from it. If you have an idea for a scene that comes after what you're working on, there's no shame in giving yourself a little annotation or placeholder, and then just writing a scene that'll come later. Often, the transition comes as you work on the next scene!
I have favorite writing exercises I like to do when my writing feels stale. To me, it's the same as stretching your body to make sure you keep your body active and engaged, or warming up before going on a run; I do writing exercises that I never intend to necessarily "put" anywhere in my longer WIPs (or sometimes they turn into oneshots!). A few exercises I love:
Write your idea in a different genre, with a different point of view, or different tense than you're used to writing in. The drawback: sometimes it's hard to switch back. I typically write in past tense, but did an exercise in writing present tense a few months ago. When I went back to working on my WIP, I found myself switching and making constant tense changes by accident that I had to edit out later.
The classic "drabble." Take one idea and break it down as abstractly as you can. Then, write a story that is 100 words exactly. This is a fun one to test how clearly you can get your idea across concisely and eloquently.
My personal favorite is a sentence structure exercise. If your syntax sounds flat, grab a book and flip to a random page, and pick a random paragraph. Then, break up the sentences you read into chunks/clauses, and try to rewrite the sentence/paragraph you originally wrote in this new sentence structure. Obviously, don't copy phrases from the source material you're looking at to practice with, but trying to rewrite your style in a new voice often lets you branch out into writing in ways you'd never thought to try before! I'll give you an example of this exercise, actually, and walk through the steps as I'm working through it myself:
If you're writing a first draft, ignore this step, but sometimes I like to do this while editing. Pick a sentence (or a few) that you're not happy with. Here's the original sentence I wrote: “So why do we start the day with basic berry bowls?” The Lamb asked Narinder when they reached the cooking pot.
Pick a book and pick a sentence or two. "It's what Mom wants," his sister said again, and all three of them knew the depth and complexity of their mother's wishes, their mother's whimsy. (Source: Half Spent by Alice McDermott)
Break the sentence into chunks. This is a compound-complex sentence with an independent clause, a conjunction followed by another independent clause, then a dependent clause. "It's what Mom wants" is a declarative sentence spoken in dialogue. his sister said again is an action phrase. and all three of them knew the depth and complexity of their mother's wishes begins with a conjuction and goes on to describe internal reactions to the action phrase. their mother's whimsy is a dependent clause that makes use of repetition to emphasize the traits of a particular character. You don't have to get this specific when breaking down syntax, and you certainly don't have to write all this out, I'm explaining all the technical stuff for the sake of the example! So, we have: "Declarative dialogue" (subject) (verb phrase) (conjunction) (other subject) (verb) (objects) (repetition of object).
Now let's restructure the sentence I originally wrote, imitating the syntax from the example! "We start the day with basic berry bowls," the Lamb told Narinder, as if he didn't know what he had eaten over the past three years for every breakfast, every single morning.
The revised sentence doesn't have much narrative similarity with the sentence I'd used as a reference, but it reads with roughly the same syntax. If I fall into a habit of writing dialogue that reads all the same way, like this-- "Dialogue dialogue dialogue." Character said as they did some sort of action. -- then I can practice this exercise and get my flow back.
...Anyway. One last tip for practicing: please take regular breaks. It's tempting to get into the Writing Zone and go at it for five hours straight, only to realize afterwards that you're severely dehydrated and have skipped two meals and you're about to piss your pants like a racehorse if you take a step with a centimeter too long of a stride. This is especially important if you're writing on a computer; give your eyes a screen break! PLEASE.
And read!!! Not just other fanfics, but published stories as well!
For feedback:
Yeah, it's intimidating, but ask people for constructive criticism. Get a writing buddy who will cheer you on and be their hype buddy as well. (This may or may not be why like 75% of my friends I met through the cult of the lamb fandom are also fic writers: I see someone write with me and we are kids playing with barbies and I am inviting everyone to play our fun little game of pretend.) Work through edits with them and forgive yourself for not being perfect. Remember that you are doing this for your own enjoyment and it should not stress you out too much. It is okay to be frustrated with your own work, though, as it can be grounds for improvement!
Get a beta reader if you'd like to help you catch any errors. I know people who find them tremendously helpful, and I also know people who prefer not to have one because they feel it adds unnecessary pressure to a hobby that is for their enjoyment. It's up to you! I don't have an official beta reader but, uh, @surfdudeboy might as well be at this point.
If you find yourself having to explain your work (especially before you show it), that's probably a sign that you need to communicate more clearly in your work.
Take critique gracefully and respectfully when you receive it (as long as whomever is giving you genuine constructive criticism isn't being outright unkind). Thank them for their time but don't treat all reviews as if they have equal merit.
Also, learning how to critique and give feedback to other people's writing will make you a stronger writer as well, because you're practicing how to recognize what works and what doesn't work, and how to identify why a piece of writing has a particular effect.
Think of writers you admire or writers whose style inspires you. Think about what you appreciate about their works, and see if you can try it out. It's also worth a shot to go to them and ask for writing tips.
Look! You're already doing this step well, because you reached out for advice! Hooray!
It's okay to make mistakes. You are allowed to love your work and be proud of it, as the writer you are now, while also seeking to improve.
Don't feel pressured to remove the parts of your writing that make it yours.
If you're working on a long-form project, indulge in some shorter projects along the way as well. Writing isn't an ultramarathon, it's a few miles max a day. While in the depths of the "enemies" stage of The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God, I suddenly had a massive craving to write the fluffiest cuddliest bullshit and later on some unabashed poetic yearning ( <- thanks to Sara for the hammer of a brainworm that made me write that poem). Keep your eye on the prize for the longer project, but don't burn yourself out trying to stick to one thing and one thing only!
Finally, leave yourself little notes while you write about your own symbolism, about your characters, and about your writing process. Watch your growth, so that when you doubt you've come as far as you have, you know where to go to prove your mean thoughts wrong.
Happy writing, and best wishes! You've GOT THIS <3 !!!!
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mariacallous · 8 months
Gregory Winter, 54, was arrested in September 2022, after posting an outraged social-media comment about the Russian army’s atrocities in Bucha and Irpin. “Everything we already knew about from Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Syria has been repeated in Ukraine,” Winter wrote. “This is the end of ‘the Russian civilization.’ No one is ever going to fall for Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Everybody will know that this is just a cover for Aleppo, Grozny, and Bucha.” Winter is now on trial for spreading “fake news” about the Russian military. His lawyers think he has a high chance of being sent to a prison colony, but Winter, who is diabetic, doesn’t think he would survive in those conditions. To prepare for the worst, he is trying to find new homes for the nine cats he has rescued from the streets over the years. Here’s the story of Gregory Winter and his cats, as told by the independent Russian media The New Tab.
Gregory Winter is a human rights activist from Cherepovets, a city in the Vologda region of northern Russia. Formerly the head of a local branch of the NGO For Human Rights, Winter is known for his outspoken, sometimes provocative presence in the local media. He is used to the wrath of the Russian authorities, too, having been jailed in the past, and threatened with physical violence for campaigning to preserve his region’s forests from logging.
Gregory also has a passion for animal welfare. He grew up with parents who were constantly bringing home cats and dogs from the street, caring for sick animals, and trying to get them back on their feet. When he found himself living alone as an adult, Gregory started doing the same. About 20 years ago, he already had 12 cats living in his apartment. “You can’t just walk past a cat who’s been tormented by sadists and lies dying in the street,” he told The New Tab. “So the number of my animals rarely got smaller. It would only happen when a sick animal had to be euthanized.”
Winter only adopts new animals if he is sure that they won’t make it without human help. This is what happened with his cat Vasya, who had been dropped off at a dog shelter in a plastic bag. For six months, Gregory spoon-fed the emaciated cat. When Vasya got back on his feet, he unexpectedly turned into a fierce “godfather” to the rest of Winter’s gang of felines.
Another cat, named Susu, had her hind leg torn off by someone who then left her to die in the foyer of an apartment building. By some miracle, the vets managed to reattach her limb, but the traumatized cat spent three years hiding under Winter’s desk, without ever coming near him.
Susu might never have become attached to Winter if the Russian authorities didn’t arrest him and put him in jail. In 2020, he was charged with spreading misinformation about COVID-19. (The human rights organization Agora has pointed out that the new Russian law against COVID-related misinformation was frequently instrumentalized to persecute the government’s critics.) In jail, Winter was brutally beaten. Meanwhile, his friends were caring for his cats.
The cats proved to be so attached to Winter that two of them died: one before he was released, and the other not long afterwards.
In September 2022, Winter became a criminal suspect once again, this time for a social-media comment about the Russian army’s atrocities in Ukraine. After some time in custody, Winter was put under house arrest. He is certain, however, that this will only last for a couple of months — until the next court hearing, to be precise. His lawyers think his chance of getting a prison sentence very high.
Winter has no close family members in the area. His adult son lives abroad, and because he is subject to being drafted into the Russian army, Winter would never even think of asking him to come to Russia for his cats. He is also pessimistic about his own chances of surviving in prison: “I have a complicated form of diabetes,” Winter says, “and if they put me in prison, I’ll never get out. They don’t have any medications there. One way or another, I must figure out the fate of my cats.”
The cat named Susu has already been adopted by a family from Yaroslavl, but Gregory’s other cats don’t seem to interest anyone in Cherepovets. Their owner hopes that Russians from other regions might come forward to adopt them. “There are only nine cats at the moment,” he says,
and all of them are sweet, well-trained, and unfussy with food. I’m asking people who love animals to help me. My friends will bring the cats to Moscow, St. Petersburg, or to other cities in Central Russia. Some of the cats can do well in a suburban home. My cat Baldie is an excellent mouser. Vasya can be an excellent working cat, he has just the right temper for guarding a house.
If you can help with an adoption of one or more of Gregory Winter’s cats, please send a message to The New Tab on Telegram.
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mikaharuka · 1 year
2022 Writerly Year Review
I was tagged for this by @0nelittlebirdtoldme; I in turn tag the amazing @kayedium-writes, @udaberriwrites, @mrsmungus, @magma-saarebas19 and @sliebman10.
Total number of completed works: Let's go with 4 - technically it's 2, and the other 2 are works that can stand alone and have been put on hiatus for now, but could theoretically be picked up later on.
Total number of WIPs worked on this year: Hmm... let's go with 2 on this one. Technically I started writing Apricity last year on my own, but I didn't start posting until this year and I ended up throwing out most of what I wrote last year anyways. The other work is the 5+1 elemental interlude, Mahabhuta, that I started just as 2022 was coming to a close.
WIPs neglected this year: None, actually. Mostly because I don't intentionally take on projects only to never work on them. I had draft notes for WIPS from years ago in my Google Drive, but I never intended to publish them - those are just bonuses if I feel like going back.
Fandoms I've written in: Only two - Fire Emblem Three Houses (for Ferdibert, specifically) and Twilight/Life and Death (for my Winter Light verse)
Total word count: The 81k or so words I have on Apricity's first 14 chapters so far.
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected? Seeing as I totally forgot about my fics and didn't start writing again until August of this year, I'd say I did about what I expected, writing-wise.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Posting my long-fic to AO3 in the first place. I'd only done a few oneshots years ago in a different fandom (FE3H), so this was a total shot in the dark for me.
Do you have any goals for the new year? Write at least 500 words every day (so far a success on day 2). Get at least 1 chapter/month on Apricity, but also finish all of Mahabhuta (the 5+1 smut/elemental interlude piece), start this other 7-chapter long-fic that focuses on another character, and random one-shot bits that strike me here and there.
Biggest disappointment? That I couldn't write faster than 1 chapter a month. Part of that is my grad student life, but a good part of that is me contending with my ADHD brain, so...
Biggest surprise? That people actually liked my weird niche? Like... I threw out 98% of canon and went with this unusual Eastern-take and new lore, history, character dynamics and backstories... and somehow people actually like it? This is really strange and weird and doesn't have any ties to the fandom beyond the superficial 2% that I kept?? Especially people who write in and have tastes in totally different niches than what I'm writing? I'm flattered, but also shocked, and also grateful for the support!
Most popular story of the year? Naturally the long-fic, Apricity. Pretty much the only thing I published this year, so...
What's your own favorite story of the year? See above.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Uh... I don't think I can call out much here. My long-fic from this year and the few one-shots from long ago seem just fine to me?
Most fun story to write: Seeing as I'm totally lost in Winter Light brain rot, I'd say anything related to that universe and not just Apricity. Right now, I'm already 2k into Mahabhuta and find that surprisingly easier to write (I did that much in two days, for real!)
Most unintentionally telling story: Err... same as above.
My favorite part of fandom this year: Because of my niche, I don't really have a 'place' in the Twilight fandom in the traditional sense. But of course not - I freaking threw out everything that made that story. The only thing I kept were the names and appearances and very superficial pieces... so I can't really say that I'm part of that fandom even though I technically am. As a result, I found my space in multi-fandom spaces like on Reddit or Discord or now, on Tumblr, and I'm so very grateful for all the lovely, talented writers who've not only supported me, but also have shown me stuff totally out of my usual fare that I've grown to love quite a bit!
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hey there love! I just wanna ask if u will be posting anything other than the two request per month?…. Maybe the next chapter to impressions👀… (Ps…. I'm dying to read that Draco fic…u have officially stolen my mind and heart with that one😭)…oh and DON'T forget to take care of urself if u have a busy schedule.... Lots of love!! ❤❤❤
HELLO! BOI OH BOI ISN'T TODAY YOUR LUCKY DAY ( i say day as it's already 3am). I actually wrote the second part, but lost the draft, spent a whole month crying over it, and another writing it again and a week ago I found my old draft. Naturally, COLLEGE IS A B**** and I FINALLY got the time to edit it- so here ya go Imperfections P2
Sobs, thank you so much, I love Draco so much and I am so glad you like my work! 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 
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Fanfic Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @tails89 <3 tagging @princecharmingwinks @nutellarghh @greyhavenisback
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.) 
How often do you write? 
Lately it’s been nearly every day, but there have been months-long stretches where I won’t write anything, either because life is being a pain in the ass or because I was too focused on a different kind of creative project like sewing or knitting. Honestly, the huntlow brainrot is a big contributing factor to this summer writing burst — I’ve outlined 20+ stories since May, and have posted 7 of them so far. It feels really good.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Mostly I just need a quiet, comfy, clean setting to write in. Chores done, no big to-do items to distract me or make me feel anxious. No loud noises or flashing lights. I usually prop up my laptop on some pillows on my bed, put on my headphones, and play some soft lyric-less music. Some of my favorite tracks to write to are from tabletop audio.
What’s your favorite tropes/pairing?
I absolutely live for mutual pining and oblivious idiots in love. The more blushing, slow burn sexual and romantic tension, oh and oh no he’s hot moments, and adorable confessions, the better. Also, happy endings. I need my ship to get together and be happy in fluffy domestic bliss by the end.
My current fixation is Hunter/Willow from The Owl House. My longest-standing pairing I’ve been writing fic on and off for about a decade now is Sterek from Teen Wolf. My first big pairing I ever wrote for that will always hold a special place in my heart is Eleven/Amy from Doctor Who.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Oh that’s difficult. See, I won’t write a fic if I don’t 100% adore the concept, but that being said, I definitely have ones I favor more than others. So I’ll do one two for each of the pairings I just listed.
My actual favorite of all my huntlow fics hasn’t been posted yet (it’s a multi-chapter college AU and it’s still in the works) but of the ones I’ve posted so far, I think A Guard By Any Other Name and Task Failed Successfully are my favorites.
My favorite Sterek fic is between Error 404: Brain Cell Not Found and Hearts Like Wildflowers (though this could change, because I’ve still got about 30 WIPs for them sitting in my queue waiting to be written and posted)
And then for Eleven/Amy, I think I’d have to say that my favorite was the most recent one, posted over three years ago: You Keep My Secrets Hope To Die (Promises Swear Them To The Sky) which had literally been sitting in my drafts since season 5 or 6 of Doctor Who. (So, you see, I do eventually get around to finishing all my WIPs, sometimes it just takes me a while lol)
Your fic with the most kudos?
Error 404: Brain Cell Not Found with 1283 kudos
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Sometimes I get too in my head about making it sound perfect and spend far more time editing and re-editing the same few lines instead of actually making progress writing the damn thing. I also tend to overthink and feel the need to over-explain certain concepts, worried that if I leave something too vague or open-ended, it’ll get misinterpreted. Also, I have a tendency to get a little too flowery and pretentiously descriptive sometimes, I have a habit of writing stream of consciousness run-on sentences that look like they’re just one big paragraph, and I probably definitely over-use em-dashes lol
Now something you do like?
I’ve been told that I’m really good at capturing a character’s voice, which is a really lovely thing to hear consistently across different fandoms and ships because I pride myself on really getting to know the characters I’m writing for, to the point where I’d feel confident answering questions like “what is their favorite xyz, what would they do in this situation?” I’m also always so incredibly pleased every time I get a comment from someone telling me that my fic was so cute and/or funny that it made them laugh out loud in public or made them flail and screech. I love inciting that level of joy in people ☺️♥️
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
(I just found this in my drafts. I haven't read the answers properly, but I saw down the bottom that I'm talking about releasing a new WIP which is Save Me, and it's been out for over 2 weeks now. Also, I can see that I said that ychiits was the 15th most commented on. It's actually now the 11th (!!!), So if some answers seem off, it's just because it's at least 2-3 weeks old, but I can't be bothered reading through and updating).
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback? All of them! I am SO SO SO blessed by the number of comments and feedback I get. Like... I don't even know how to explain it. Actually, I DO! If you sort all 42,000+ Larry fics by comments... my fic, which I started uploading less than 4 months ago and has only been finished for a month, is 15th. The fifteenth most commented-on Larry fic EVER. INSANE!! Like, that's so crazy, and I'm so, so thankful! But out of everything, there are two types I've obsessed with. The first are Tiktok videos about my fic. In a few days, two people (with large platforms) have reviewed it, and it's so amazing listening and watching people talk about it! It's so surreal.
The second are comments I got really early on. Two in particular stick out and I'll post them here:
But honestly, the fact anyone goes out of their way to interact at all means so, so much to me and there was no way I'd have gotten the fic done (or moved on to the next two WIPs if it wasn't for that).
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change? This is a weird way to write this question. I'm going to assume they mean process as opposed to style. I have a lot of coping techniques to fall back on when writing based on my mood. Best case scenario, I'm in a good mood, I know exactly what I want to say, I'm focused, and it all just comes out.
Worst case, nothing is working, and I spend the whole time procrastinating and answering questions like this in long detail.
Overall, yes. I'm a pretty big planner because that's what works for me (and I like weaving things through my fics, and that's hard to do on the run). I work out the goal of each chapter before writing it. Sometimes that's easy and it's literally just a sentence and everything flows.
The more stuck I get, the more I write out what the goal of the chapter is. And then break it down into scenes. So by the end, I might have 1000 words of notes about what needs to be included in the 6000-word chapter.
I'm very... immersive and try to get into characters' heads. One example of this is I have a notebook for each fic that fits the character's personality. So, like.. (okay this is weird), for my current WIP YMAEWK, Harry is a singer so the notebook I have for the fic is a leather bound one because I feel like it suits the fic/characters. Then another fic coming out has a teacher in it so the notebook I use for that is quite plain and gives off highschool teacher vibes.
And yeah, just a really big plotter. And when I struggle, I come back to the plot.
Okay, that was a lot.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Lol, so I have a burner ao3 account where I post things that I don't want to be associated with my actual account. Mainly just for pure smut so I get better at writing it. I wrote an outrageous one-shot that I was embarrassed to post even though it wasn't associated with me at all. Every few days I get an email saying it's gotten kudos and every time I'm like.. you have to be kidding me.
In general though, all of them. The fact they have readers is crazy. I'm surprised by the PA fic because people already seem invested which is great.
I'm really interested to see how a new WIP I'm releasing in two days is going to be received because the premise is so different to anything I've done.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
I thought I had posted this a month ago, but I just found it in my drafts. So here are my thoughts after first watching To My Star, which I wrote on Sept 4th. I think I meant to edit it and then never did, so it's not entirely coherent. Since I know to much now to change anything but typos, I will just present it as is.
I really liked To My Star. It felt really weird, but weird in a way that made it better, somehow? I don't know, maybe it's because I was sleep deprived watching it, but it felt like finding a random indie movie on netflix (back when they had lots of random indie movies to choose) or in an college town video store, and watching it without having any idea where it was going. It felt low budget, not in BL way, but in a weird indie movie way. Even though the storyline was pretty classic BL. Maybe because the characters were older? And the actors were ( ) or at least looked older.
Maybe I've just been watching a lot of high school or university set BL so watching jaded adults felt different. Old Fashion Cupcake had real adults, but the plot was completely coherent, and didn't have that strange things happening feeling that this one did.
I think the COVID shooting restrictions of having very few extras also contributed to the weird little indie movie vibe.
Plus the plot didn't fully make sense though, somehow, even though it did actually. I don't know how to describe it. The supporting characters were all odd, but also all felt like adults. Like, it made sense why the restaurant owner did what he did, and yet it somehow felt like it came out of left field. But I liked his arc in that, and his regret that never really got resolved. (I know there's a season two that might change all that).
And the leads both had these backstories that were never really explained.
Maybe it felt like I weird indie because in some ways the external plot kept happening to them? They were kind of hiding in their house, and people kept blackmailing them or whatever (this is not an accurate description).
Probably part of it was that Seo Joon was such a consistently odd character, but in a way that felt like a real person. I don't know if was intentional, but it seemed like he had ADHD. I don't know any famous actors, but I would bet that there are some like him. And he became more normal as the movie went on, but that felt more like him relaxing as he grew more comfortable with Ji Woo.
It was similar to the grumpy sunshine dynamic from Semantic Error, but Seo Joon was so weird that it felt very different.
I was in an odd mood when I put it on, and as soon as it began I felt better. I tend to like celebrity hiding out stories, as long as I like the celebrity. Anyway, I was hooked as soon as Seo Joon got in the car and started demanding things. Although he was so (understandably) grumpy there that I was confused when we met Ji Woo - wait, which one of these grumps is going to be the sunshine?
Early in I thought that this would become a comfort rewatch, and I still think that's true. There was a point in the middle where I was particularly confused about the plot. And the dead fish kisses made me nervous. I was trying to recall if this was the show that absoluteBL said had a bunch of dead fish kisses before a good one at the very end. And it was! Which, I had been confused by the dead fishes because Son Woo Hyun looks like an actor who knows how to kiss on camera; he's older, he has lot of acting experience, and he was unrestrained in the rest of his acting. But he pulled through for me in the end.
Anyway, the sum of that all is by the end I was reassured again, and returned to my initial impression that this will become a good comfort rewatch.
The chemistry didn't blow me away, but it was sufficient. It fit the show and the characters.
And Son Woo Hyun was excellent as Seon Joon. He was believably charismatic as an movies star, his hyper behavior felt real, all emotions he quickly cycled through. Even that serious scenes, with the other movie star or with Ji Woo, he felt both believably serious and still the same character.
I'm looking forward to watching the second season. For a show like Blueming or Semantic Error, or I Told Sunset About You, part of what makes them such great shows is their structure. It felt like it told a cohesive story within a framework. So a sequel for those risks feeling unnecessary and disconnected, and taking a way from the perfection of the original. Filling in blanks that needed to be left empty for the story to breath, to makes sense.
But I don't think structure was the strong point of To My Star. And there were plot threads left, not dangling exactly, but that could sustain more plot. Mostly I just liked the characters, so I'd be happy to hang out with them again in whatever form of plot happens around them.
It also helps that they're older characters, I think. This wasn't really a coming of age tale for either of them. I think those are harder to follow up on, because the whole focus shifts and so it can feel disconnected from the first.
Wow, reading back on that, it's fascinating to see how so many of the parts I felt were missing were addressed in the sequel. And amazing to see how much I still agree with what I said then. Although I think the chemistry I was unsure about in TMS was developed in TMS2. Which could well be an intentional storytelling choice. And I was right - it did become a comfort re-watch.
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