2sw · 7 months
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"What do you care, you don’t even like scary movies." "Well, yeah Dean, our life is a scary movie."
HALLOWEEN 2023 🎃 Sam Winchester × Horror Films 🎃
Evil Dead Rise (2023) // Bloodlust (S2E03) Let the Right One In (2008) // The Rapture (S4E20) Doctor Sleep (2019) // When the Levee Breaks (S4E21) Nope (2022) // Long-Distance Call (S3E14) Suspiria (1977) // Free to Be You and Me (S5E03) Ready or Not (2019) // Fallen Idols (S5E05) Carrie (1976) // American Nightmare (S12E04) Raw (2016) // Caged Heat (S6E10) The VVitch (2015) // Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire (S11E01) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // Trial and Error (S8E14) Thelma (2017) // Meet the New Boss (S7E01) The Shining (1980) // Soul Survivor (S10E03) Scream 3 (2000) // Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire (S11E01) Us (2019) // The Man Who Knew Too Much (S6E22) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) // Inherit the Earth (S15E19) You're Next (2011) // Mint Condition (S14E04)
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twobabkas · 1 year
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gallavich + married
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sunglassesmish · 6 months
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they were both so worried about each other!!!
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poirott · 7 months
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AGATHA CHRISTIE'S POIROT 11x01 "Mrs McGinty's Dead"
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stellaridegifs · 3 months
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every stellaride hug, part ii
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monstermoviedean · 6 months
sweet little dean moment where he's stitching up the deputy and she hisses in pain and he immediately looks up at her face to see if she's okay. it's barely even anything but it just feels so representative of who he is.
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whencallstheheart · 2 months
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marril96 · 4 months
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Criminal Minds 11.01 | The Job
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angelfishofthelord · 2 years
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you point a gun at miette??
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quietwingsinthesky · 24 hours
“I’m calling you Yaz cause we’re friends now.” WOMAN WHO IS SO ABNORMAL. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS DOCTOR. wow you can hardly tell she just had everything she loved and worked for for years ripped away from her in a matter of days :)
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2sw · 4 months
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Supernatural S1E03 Dead in the Water S11E01 Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
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captainchilly · 9 months
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One Castiel Quote per Episode 76/136 → 11.01 “OUT OF THE DARKNESS, INTO THE FIRE”
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seoll3miwrites · 1 month
Doing Time | Criminal Minds
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Chapter 1. Looking at me
Back to Masterlist
In which Hana goes to a job interview at the FBI which is 'totally' where an ex Assassin should work. Chapter Title: Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter
Hana first day was as uneventful as one could be as a BAU candidate, she'd exited the lift to what she hoped was the correct floor and approached the front desk. She was clutching the strap of her small black bag tightly in her hand.
"Hey, is this the BAU?" She asked the young woman at the front who was likely around her age.
"No this is Baskin Robbins how can I help you today" she replied not looking up from her phone. 
"Well can you either get me a ice cream or point me in the right direction otherwise I can go elsewhere"
She look up at her for the first time seemingly impressed someone had actually played along with her. "Not bad, we'll get along just nice. Oh and don't worry you're in the right place. Just through those doors" she pointed towards the glass doors just to the right of the main desk. 
"Perfect thank you so much..." 
"Thank you Gerry, I'm Hana"
"Have a good day Hana" she smiled, waving her off before glancing back down to her phone. 
Hana moved away from the front desk and entered through the glass a look around the large bullpen. There were at least ten main desk scattered around the room, and on the higher platform section there were seemingly three rooms. Hana presumed these were the rooms for the section chief, supervisor and of course the conference room. 
As she was looking around Hana was soon approached by a tall man who was well dressed in a simple smart suit, his badge on display showed the named A. Hotchner; Unit chief. 
"Can I help you?"
"Are you SSA Hotchner?"
"I am, and you are?"
"Oh okay, well I'm Hana Fedorov one of the new candidates ... I got an email saying I have a interview today"
"Of course thank you for coming, but I must let you know that we're currently on a case so it may be a long interview process."
"Not to worry sir, I'm known for my patience." Hana replied to the imposing man. Aaron was younger then she'd pictured, but was definitely someone of authority. He had a simple but smart haircut alongside a clean shaven face, and his wardrobe were all clearly a way to subconsciously make others know he was in control.
She subconsciously shook her head in order to stop herself from profiling further, she'd heard rumours in the academy about how the BAU wasn't all that fond on profiling their team mates; especially their bosses.
"So erm where should I wait?" 
"Just outside are some seats, the other candidates should be there as-well" Hotchner said before pointing towards the glass entrance doors. 
"Ok, thanks" she smiled brightly at the tall man before making her way out the doors he had pointed to. She immediately saw the line of candidates either sat or standing down the hallway, and as much as she'd deny it; Hana was a little intimidated. These people were older than she was by a significant amount in terms of experience both in life and on the field. In reality she had just as much experience too but she couldn't tell anyone what that experience is let alone the FBI. 
Taking a deep breath as her father taught her, she stepped down the hallway and found a spare seat next to another woman. She took another deep breath, once she sat and placed her bag down in front of her legs. 
"Nervous?" The woman next to her asked, causing Hana to turn towards her before answering.
"Just a little, I think I'm youngest one here..." She joked as she scanned.
"I'm just glad I'm not the oldest",at this both women turned to look at each other smiling softly, before falling into quiet laughs. "I'm Tara by the way"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Hana"
"Hmm both double a, sounds like fate"
"Maybe I'm not a huge believer in that"
"Well either way, I should get your number in case we never see each other after this. You seem a lot of fun"
"I'd like that", It was shame the BAU was one looking for one spot, it would've been nice for Hana and Tara to be teammates.
At that moment, Agent Hotchner came back out from the bullpen and approached the group again. "Can I have everyone's attention, please." 
Everyone, including Hana and Tara, promptly turned their full attention towards the imposing figure stood by the glass doors.
"The BAU is working an active case, so this interview process may take some time." He explained before continuing,  "Does anyone need to return to their field office?"
After that majority of the group either shook their head or verbally responded no. Pleased with this response Hotchner turned towards Tara, "Good. Dr. Lewis, we'll start with you."
At this Tara quickly stood before she responded a simple "Absolutely." and moved to follow him through the glass doors, but not before turning back to Hana and waving bye. 
After Tara left spent the next thirty minutes in the same seat reading through her past few messages on her phone. Most were from either her phone provider or random promotional offers that she opted to ignore. The one that she focused on was a message from a unknown number, likely from a burner phone. It simply read 'Been missing the Black Lion, are you ever coming back to play?' and Hana knew exactly who it had come from.
She had no intention of returning to her past she hadn't done a job since she was 17 and that was almost 8 years ago. After she'd been brought in and given a second chance, how could she throw it all away for people she hadn't seen in years. Also, those were the worst fucking years of her life. So fuck that.
With a sigh, Hana made the decision to quickly block the number and close her messages. Opting instead to play one of the random games she had on her phone, it wasn't very productive but it would at least pass the time and relax her.
Eventually she saw Tara come back through and make her way back over. "Hey!"
"Hey, how it go?"
"I think it went well. He said I had a good amount of experience"
"Oh really? That's sounds good"
There's no way Hana was getting this job.
"Yeah but who knows I was the first one interviewed anything can happen." She smiled softly at Hana. It was clear she was doing this to make her feel better but Hana knew that Tara was incredibly happy with how her interview went. 
"Agent Fedorov" She quickly moved her head towards Hotchner at the end of the hall who had called her name. "You're next, if you'd just follow me"
"Okay... sure" Hana stood to follow him making sure she didn't leave anything behind. As she walked through the bullpen she noticed it was full of activity with people moving between the desks and speaking rapidly to each other. Whatever case the BAU were on was high profile that much was clear.
When Hotchner approached the door to his office he held the door open for her. As she stepped in first she couldn't help but analyse the room and in turn the man was interviewing her. The office was incredibly well kept and clearly belonged to someone in control, but there was also a single frame on the desk that although facing away from her, was clearly some form of family photo so he wasn't a complete robot. 
"You can take a seat" He began as he took his own seat behind the desk. Once Hana a took one of the chairs opposite he continued, "I must say first of all you're not like the other candidates we have lined up" 
"Yes but also, your past history is curious" He flipped open a file that was on his desk. "It seems there's no record of you before age 17. Why is that?" 
Hana wondered if this how suspects felt in the interrogation room. "I was living in Russia for the first 16 years of my life, I was taken to the US after escaping a pretty bad situation." 
"Do you have any records of your time Russia?"
"My father was off the grid, he hated the government so he refused to be on record" She let out a sigh before continuing, "It also meant he didn't want me on record. I mean I was homeschooled for most of my life" 
"Well considering I must say I'm impressed by what you've achieved since." He flipped to another page as he continued, "You graduated at the top of your class at the academy and is currently one of our youngest agents active in the field" 
"I was told to aim for greatness" 
"Well with these credentials you could go on to do great things, so why join the BAU?" 
Hana clenched her fists tightly as she thought of an answer, "I've seen a lot of bad things happen so I'm not ignorant to the type of people you guys deal with, and I wanna help be the reason those types are put away for good" 
"You think you have what it takes? This job can be hard for most, let alone someone fresh from the academy"
"I know I do." She steeled her face making sure to show how serious she was, she could see that he was watching her carefully trying form some type of profile. 
Yet before he could continue someone knocks on the door before entering. "We're ready to deliver the profile" 
"Thanks, We'll be right there Rossi" Agent Rossi nodded before heading back out into the bullpen. "I want you to hear the profile too, all the candidates actually"
"Okay" Hana stood and followed Hotchner out into the main bullpen where she could all the other candidates crowded round the BAU as they stood waiting for the pair to join them. After spotting Tara in the crowd, Hana quickly made her way over and stood next to her. As she found her place Agent Morgan began the briefing 
"The unsub that we're looking for is a contract killer who is doubling back to kill his former customers." 
"This man is highly skilled and well-trained." continued Morgan "Under no circumstances should he be engaged without back-up."
"So is this a case of organised crime tying up loose ends?" Tara questioned bringing Hana's attention back to the room instead of the ringing in her ear.
"Organised crime's got nothing to do with this, 
At least not in the traditional sense. " Agent Rossi answered before Dr Reid continued. 
"In 2013, the bureau took down the silk road network " Hana had heard of this, the dark web was almost unusable during those months. Most people like her had to kick it old school. "Our initial assumption was that it was an encrypted online market for illegal drugs, which it was, but upon further inspection, we were stunned at the breadth of goods and services being traded online. Weapons, child porn, even hit men." 
Hotchner then chimed in, "And the payment scheme was escrow based, in which the buyer would put down half as a deposit and the other half when the seller delivered." 
By this point Hana was going through head of all her previous 'acquaintances', immediately striking off anyone she knew was either dead or incarcerated. 
"We've now confirmed that all 3 victims hired the unsub over the past year through a similar escrow system."
"So why is he killing his old clients?"
"Hit men don't leave a message unless you pay them to." Rossi answered quickly, "The exception is to leave a warning for customers or competitors."
"This unsub suffered some sort of injury to his jaw or voice, most likely as a result of something these customers did. The pulcinella mask is his statement on revenge and justice" Dr Reid continued once again, Hana was impressed with how rapid fire and precise these guys were giving this profile. 
"Betray the oath between customer and contractor and you pay the price. Now, normally a man with this kind of defect would attract attention." Reid continued to explain "The fact that he hasn't indicates that he has deep pockets and a network of resources at his disposal."
"Share this profile with your local divisions and with law enforcement." Hotch ended the briefing speaking directly to everyone in the room. "Search for escrow payments to match the unsub to his clients. One of those clients will be his next target."
At that everyone dispersed in various directions, while Hana followed quickly behind Hotchner as he made his way back to his office.
Next Chapter
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poirott · 2 years
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Hercule Poirot vs. the countryside
Look at it, Hastings. Not a building in sight. Not a restaurant, not a theatre, not an art gallery. A wasteland. AGATHA CHRISTIE'S POIROT (1989-2013)
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stellaridegifs · 3 months
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stellaride face kisses — kelly’s version, part ii
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monstermoviedean · 6 months
i love that dean is being positively insane about this baby. they said "how can we show dean is 'back to normal'" and the answer was make him freak out over protecting this baby
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