blyszczopies · 2 years
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[ID: a gif of an anthro character excitedly cuddling a yellow littlest pet shop cat plush. he has white fur and purple hair and ears. it has two antennae with hearts and their tips and small bad wings. he is wearing a pastel pink sweater and striped knee-high socks. he is swishing his fluffy and glittery rainbow tail. End ID]
artfight attack on lumalion!
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vhscorp · 2 years
C’est parce qu’ils rêvent que les hommes arrivent à supporter les chaines qu’ils ont aux pieds…
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makosinnergy · 6 months
Absinthe; I abstain from Abstinence itself and its complications
This analog is an old one, broken by the time it reaches the truth But we hang it on the wall anyway and miscount the minutes it passes before crayon hands pray themselves away
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elicatkin · 2 years
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elmaxlys · 2 years
Weird dream. Alternated between 1st and 3rd person POV
1st part: I was a guy. Tall, walking around barefoot, not fitted jeans, a large t-shirt. I had a little sister and a dad and that's all. At a very precise hour of the day (very early morning), the ghost of a young lady would appear, open the bathroom door and disappear just as quickly. In the evening it was her father. He was much quicker and I never managed to see him properly. One day I decided to say hello to the girl ghost. I arrived just as she was opening the door. When she saw me, she jolted and moved to close the door but I waved and said hi. She hesitated before waving back.
Idk what happened but some time passed? My sister asked me whether the ghosts were real, I said yes. In fact the young lady was right there with me, but my sister couldn't see her. She had become my girlfriend and wanted to make out and it passed to 3rd person POV this was super embarrassing like no one else could see the ghost so she would grope and kiss me whenever she wanted and I'd get hard and distracted and people looked at me weird.
After that, back to 1st person pov, she dragged me through the door at the ghost hour and I ended up in her world and like. a whole lot of stuff happened I only have vague memory, mostly of the vibe, which I can't really describe. Sometimes the POV switched to hers, but only briefly. Her father was the one opening the door in the evening and he was not happy I was dating his daughter.
2nd part: immersive reading. I was me but also not ? Like I had finished reading the City of Bones (TMI 1) book and wanted to read the 2nd one (City of Ashes). So I took it and started reading except I had misclicked (I read these in ebooks) and ended up reading something called Daphne's Story instead. 1st chapter had Clary's POV, briefly, so I didn't realize it was the wrong book immediately. Then it went on to Daphne's POV. Young girl, brown hair, green eyes. Daughter figure of a guy named James. (it was supposedly the 4th book, despite being a "special issue" kind of book so like there were 2 number 4 idk)
So yeah I'm Daphne and I do stuff and I realize it's the wrong book and I move to switch but I'm still Daphne and I still have that dad with me and I walk in a city and there's a public reading and surprise surprise it's Cassandra Clare reading City of Ashes, the proper one. I ignore her and enter the building. Something happens. POV change, I become the dad. My darling had disappeared after entering the building and weird stuff had been happening in the city so I go looking for her. The last place she's been seen was that one building. I enter it and it's dark and I have a gun and the floor is wet and sometimes sticky and try to make the less noise possible, brief 3rd person POV here. Back to 1st person after I enter a specific room. Two persons were tied up in there. I'm looking at them. There's a woman and a man and my real self goes lmao it's the Team Rocket but my James self is like shit they're dressed like the mafia why are they tied up and do they have any relation to Daphne's disappearance? We talk, Jessie does a whole lot of taunting and I try to keep my calm. We end up being on neutral terms and 3rd person i untie them. 1st person I compliment Jessie on her name saying it's someone I care about's name etc etc and then James introduces himself and my jaw drops and I'm like welp that one is my name. He has a bit of an evil smile and shakes my hand.
Idk what happened after that :(
For the stats, a recap: a boy, name unknown. Then briefly a girl, name possibly Ginny. Then a girl, name Daphne. Then a man, name James.
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hajimedics · 2 years
got to wear my lab coat for today’s chemistry lesson. gender
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poetailurofilica · 2 years
Quiero un amor levadura
que me eleve hasta el cielo
aún cuando el hongo
se coma la dulzura de este infierno
Quiero tu (ps)Leudo-amor
ésa ventana enfocando al cian
recíbeme y arrópame
para escuchar ése latido y corroborar
que vino de un humano real
que existe alguien que salió del vientre
maldito al igual que yo
que vaga por este mundo con las mentiras del "de a dos"
Quiero saber que estas vivo
que vas a poder ver el final conmigo:
no te dejarán otra opción las pesadillas
has de resolver ahora tú, el acertijo.
© Todos los derechos reservados
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nijicoredoodles · 2 years
–Pidan Outfits/Trajes para mis OC's en la caja de entrada 📮✨
Becky [🐞]
R҉̢҇a̵̧̛c̶҇͜h̸̨̕e̵҇͜l҉҇͢ [🍄]
Kitsune [🦊]
Travis [🤡]
El que deseen :] +°·
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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starryjess · 2 years
does the right person exist
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vogagvolcom72 · 2 years
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#2022春夏 ショートパンツ 長時間履いても疲れない 人気商品登場 窮屈感はゼロ モンクレールスーパーコピー 激安 多色選択可。ピアジェ コピーブランド https://vog.agvol.com/piaget-brand/ 高品#商品番号:VOG2022MO-NZK523002#在庫状況: 100#会員価格:10200円 15300円#ブランド:モンクレール MONCLER#更新時間2022-06-26#カテゴリー:ブランド ジーンズ#https://vog.agvol.com/goods-115462.html モンクレールスーパーコピー#vog.agvol.comへようこそ。#▲新規会員登録された方に色々な割引サービスを差し上げます。#▲当店ではご注文日から翌営業日までに当店よりお客様宛てに必ずご注文のお礼メール・ご注文確認メールを送信させて頂いております。#▲当店メールアドレスが届いていないお客様の中には、サーバーにて迷惑メールと判断され、迷惑メールフォルダにメールが届。#▲もし本当に届かなかった場合には[email protected]までご連絡くださいませ。#ブランドコピー https://vog.agvol.com スーパーコピー 激安#www.clubrand.com/pp-23-c0/ ポロ ラルフローレン Polo Ralph Lauren コピー#https://juejuezi.blog.ss-blog.jp/2022-06-07?1654584847#https://mascana64.pixnet.net/blog/post/64483489#https://lainglianglian.exblog.jp/31591212/#モンクレール コピー モンクレールコピー ブランド モンクレールブランド 偽物 通販
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fernand0 · 2 years
Tres floraciones. 
(2022-09-05) (2022-07-03) (2022-07-05) (2022-07-05) (2022-07-08) (2022-07-10) (2022-07-11) (2022-07-11) (2022-07-20) (2022-07-20) (2022-07-26) (2022-08-03) (2022-08-03) (2022-09-01) (2022-09-01) (2022-09-01) (2022-09-05)
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datetimeeveryhour · 2 years
Another hour! May 26, 2022 at 07:01PM
At the time of this post, it was May 26, 2022 at 07:01PM
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elicatkin · 2 years
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body-logs · 1 year
🍎 75Kg
💗体重: 75 Kg 💪筋肉: 58.389 Kg 🐷脂肪: 16.6 Kg 📊脂肪率: 22.14 % 📅 December 26, 2022 at 07:12AM
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mft-toyama · 1 year
@genkitoyama 元気出てるの?
— ぬまを (@numaoooooooooon) Nov 26, 2022
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