prosy-days · 2 years
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April 28, 2022 - Day 313
I do like reading books with friends.
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monanarumis · 2 years
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Until our 'I love you's met, we’ve bickered a lot with each other, haven’t we?
選んでくれてありがとう。// 28.4.2022
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riinapitko · 8 months
Arktiset tunteet -näyttely
Pidimme Tohmajärven kirjastolla yhteisnäyttelyn luokkakaverin kanssa.
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Arktiset tunteet
Tervetuloa seuraamaan ripustusta ja jututtamaan meitä 31.3 klo.13.30. Tohmajärven kirjastoon!
Olemme tekemässä yhteisnäyttelyä, jonka nimenä on Arktiset tunteet. Näyttely esittää Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutteita ja tunteita, jotka voivat olla sekavia ja vaikeita lukea. Tekniikat, joita käytimme töissämme ovat, akryyli, öljy, munatempera ja sekatekniikka missä on käytetty akryyliä, öljyä ja tusseja.
Riina Pitko
“Maalaukseni kertovat ilmastonmuutoksesta ja miten se vaikuttaa eläimiin ja niiden elinympäristöön. Esitän työssäni - miten elämä on nyt ja mitä voi tapahtua tulevaisuudessa - kun eläinten pitää sopeutua ja kehittyä elääkseen.”
Maija Laamanen
“Tunteet ovat välillä sekavia. Ne voivat olla positiivisia, negatiivisia, tai ihan hyrskyn myrskyn. Ne kuitenkin tekevät elämästä mielenkiintoisempaa.”
Olemme Outokummun Riverian kuvallisen ilmaisun toisen vuoden opiskelijoita. Näyttely pidetään Tohmajärven kirjastossa 1.4-28.4.2022
Tohmajärven kirjaston näyttelyseinä
Kirkkotie 10a, 82600 Tohmajärvi.
Marja-Riitta Siimala
Lehtori /Riveria /Kuvallinen ilmaisu
+358505020328 /[email protected]
Omat näyttelytyöni:
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badpoet · 1 year
His Letter to Love /Экспериментальный I, 41/
The word for you I have. Only one word which I hide. I'm lost, but I am with you. Forever I will be. Take this key. Come back and see the word in me. Tell me aloud it to hurt my feelings. Look at my eyes and save me from myself. Bring back the light in me by your willingness To love me to death and after all I've done. Take this key to my heart. 28.4.2022
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jordanraymond1995 · 2 years
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Youtube video published 2 months ago today posted onto my patreon page on 3.6.2022-Part.2-A Saticfying Paint Spraying My nan audrey replacement fence panels 1 of 2- filmed 28.4.2022.
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phototagebuch · 2 years
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28.4.2022: Kirschblüten im Abendlicht
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years
Date: 28 April 2022
Duration: 74 minutes at 10:56 PM
Levitation is levitation even when the separation from the ground is just a millimetre. It doesn’t matter if you are saying your prayers in a public speaking voice over a mic or not. Even if it is a barely heard voice in your head, a prayer still a prayer. Unheard by anyone, a silent prayer can change personality.
Last night’s session can be best described as: Wilderness followed by the full routine.
I want to mention that when I conducted my routine, I had to make regular effort to turn my attention to whichever exercise I was at. Despite my best efforts, I may have conducted some exercises more number of times than what I have preset. Also, attention lapses were mainly due to intuitive imagery.
There was something different about the way in which I was turning my attention away from intuitive imagery and into meditation technique. There was no sense of struggle while doing so. None whatsoever. It is most unusual.
I am enjoying my newly found ‘wilderness’. Only yesterday have I given it a name. There is a sense of vastness within those shut eyes when spinal energies start to occupy the lower back of one’s head. Meditation is a blessed habit to form.
Calming the mind and relaxing the body can lead to freeing of energies that are otherwise spent to keep us running. That freed up energy can run like a stream in the spine is a meditation experience that I have been blessed with. The latest experience has been of these energies reaching the bulbous head.
When one looks straight at a wall while standing a few inches away from it, the peripheral vision can create the illusion that the wall is infinite. My sense of meditational vastness, as I understand, is a similar experience. The lower back of my head is receiving energies from the spine occasionally.
When it is not receiving energies, blessed energy is lost from the spine causing strong involuntary trembles. The lower back of my head has probably never been consciously used. And that’s why infusing these spaces with energy is giving me a real sense of vastness. Spiritual direction is presently missing with energies finding room in the head. However, ‘spiritual wilderness’ is aspirational because Peace is thick here.
Paramahansa Yogananda writes about ‘wilderness’. As far as I remember, there is definitely a mention in His book ‘The Second Coming of Christ’. He has written and spoken repeatedly about intuition. And I have read His works in no strict order.
It has taken me years of practice and many generously bestowed meditational blessings to arrive at the possibility that for every person out there, their spiritual wilderness will come when they are in the middle of their intuitive phase of meditation.
Spiritual wilderness lies at midpoint within the intuitive sphere. Seriously, folk need to begin blogging their meditations in order to facilitate an exchange of notes. People need to meditate.
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precit · 2 years
dlhé chvíľe krátené krátkym duom slov narýchlo s rýchlou ženou nakrátko
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rbf451 · 2 years
BC’s ig story 28.4.2022
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serendistudy · 2 years
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28.4.2022 | thursday
i haven't posted in a while, i've been super busy with courses and thesis writing. i'm happy to say that i have actually got a lot of stuff done in these past few weeks! i passed japanese, completed all the assignments for the research methods course and completed all thesis interviews and also managed to properly start the thesis writing process. it's been much sunnier lately, even if it's still kinda cold. i hope everyone is having a nice spring so far and getting to enjoy some sunshine!
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qasem-braigeth · 2 years
الدرب القديم أصبح محظوراً
لا أجراس على الأبواب
نافذتكِ مغلقة
وذاكرتي هباء!!
أنسكب كحقول تنتظر الحصاد في غنج النّضج.!
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Had to spend today literally working from bed because my cramps were so painful. Still managed to get a fair amount done though, and fixed a big huge problem with my code that came up.
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mariocki · 2 years
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Nigel Kneale centenary (28.4.1922 - 28.4.2022)
"I suppose my happiest relationship has been with the director I worked with many times, Rudolph Cartier. We had a lot in common mentally and we got on well, so it was a great pleasure in those days to work on shows where we both knew we were taking risks, and Rudi was ready to take fearful chances technically. I think he was the only person in the BBC who would have attempted or succeeded in bringing off those early Quatermass shows at that time. The director had to carry an awful lot of responsibility. Now, much more is taken by the additional invented personnel, and of course the technical wizardry that surrounds any show. The personal load is less."
"I suppose children did watch and occasionally I'm approached by someone who says 'I remember the first Quatermass and I was three years old and I hid behind the sofa...' and that stuff, and my answer is: 'You shouldn't have been watching, you should have been in bed,' because we did warn. We did our best to see that small people didn't watch them because we knew that we were exciting, or trying to excite, veins of unease in the viewers - and whereas an adult can cope, a small immature mind can't cope with suggestions of that kind. Even background music can give nightmares."
"[On the success of Quatermass:] I suppose it's a help in probably the wrong way. Because what it tends to bring me is people who say, 'Can we do another Quatermass?' or something like that. Also, you get typed. You have a successful career up to a certain point, then you say, 'I want to break away and do something different.' But they go, 'No, do what you've done before. We can sell that, we know we can sell it.' It takes a lot of determination to fight that off."
#nigel kneale#remembrance#centenary#quatermass#the quatermass experiment#quatermass ii#quatermass and the pit#nineteen eighty four#the year of the sex olympics#beasts#the crunch#the stone tape#the woman in black#kinvig#the witches#the road#wuthering heights#look back in anger#a truly unique voice in the history of british tv and‚ with no hyperbole‚ one of the most important writers in terms of shaping#modern television drama. a towering creative presence and a fiercely intelligent mind#nigel was also somewhat awkward; outspoken and generally quite grumpy‚ he made no secret of his contempt for much of the tv sci fi#that followed him (he had a low opinion of Doctor Who and absolutely detested Blake's 7..)#he could be difficult to work with and more than once soured professional relationships that might have furthered his career#notably he hated working with Hammer on the Quatermass films‚ turned down numerous film projects#and infamously had his name removed from the credits of Halloween 3 after producers demanded more graphic violence was inserted#even his career with the bbc was fractious‚ with the much belated fourth Quatermass serial (variously known as The Quatermass#Conclusion or simply Quatermass) sat in development hell for years before Kneale took it to ITV (where he wasn't much happier)#but for all his prickliness and hard headedness in business‚ he was a devoted family man and became wife Judith Kerr's biggest champion as#his work slowed down and her writing for children took off. beloved by many‚ and perhaps one of the greatest influences on pop culture of#any one man (the tentacles of Quatermass have snuck right through the 20th century into every manner of film music tv art..)
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saphynias · 2 years
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aleksigalaxy · 2 years
Hii!! I’m selling one ticket to the electric callboy (with blind channel and one morning left) gig in PRAGUE 28.4.2022
One ticket for the electric callboy (with blind channel and one morning left) gig in KRAKOW 29.4.2022
I can’t go anymore and really don’t want these tickets to go to waste so if you’re interested message me!! ☺️
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