lemonthepotato · 2 months
Collage of enneagram characters I made for an amino post.
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Edit: Replaced Chiaki with Napstablook. She’s an obvious 5 that I typed wrong.
Edit 2: Rarity is likely a 2w1, my apologies. Sera might be E6, I saw a good argument for her. I’ll make a part 3 going into subtypes.
Edit: Massive Update
Edit 2: Not sure if I’ll make the subtypes one. It’s taking so long to find all these different examples. I’ve only gotten to so5. Also Natsuki being E4 was a CRAZY take.
Edit 3: Nicole is a sp7 I just don’t feel like changing it. I was doing an analysis for this acc (coming… whenever) and reading subtype descriptions and nope, not a sp8.
Edit 4: No longer stand by Shion sx4. She’s a sx7. Probably, anyway.
Edit 5: Ok why did I think Adam was an 8? He’s a clear 7, right? Ugh, I give up. If I change my mind on something, I’ll just add it to this.
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blueopinions49 · 7 months
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 2
Healthy Social 2
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Sue Storm (2w1 so/sx)- While id say Ben is closer to the heart of F4 id say sue is the soul of the group. Her view on humanity is formed based on how we all owe something to the other and need to progress and form community.
Kiki Takayama (2w1 so/sp)- Her main struggle in the story is how she is defined in relation to others and what acts of service can she provide to make life better for them. She goes through a bit of crisis mid way in the film and eventually returns to her center at the end.
Clark Kent 2w1 (so/sx)- Similar to Kiki his struggle on he is in relation to others might affect him a bit however, in his better written comics we see a superman who embraces his place as a protect of earth and balances both of his identities.
Unhealthy Social 2
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Makima 2w1 so/sx- Her view of humans as pets and need to be loved comes from a place of wanting to emulate love. However Makima is a great example of 2 who has complete moved to 5 completely. Seeing love and good as a need to control others.
Harmony Cobel 2w1 so/sp- Power over other in the form of control and manipulation. Being fully on board with the severance program believing that it's what's best for others.
Allison Dilaruntis 2w3 so/sx- She's an emotional terrorist...yeah. Great example of a 2 disintegrating to 8 and becoming comfortable in manipulating others and using them in order for what's good for the group (the liars). Basically ruling over the town using blackmail and straight up violence when needed.
Healthy Self Preservation 2
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-Fiona Gallagher (2w3 sp/sx)- While debatable if she is healthy or not her desire to protect herself and her family form all the threats on the outside world. She rejects the need of E2 to take care of others and Instead craves being taken care of.
-Cher Horowitz (2w3 sp/so)- To others she might come off as ditsy and rude however Cher exemplifies an odd and immature type of care. As the movie goes on we see a Cher who actually starts learning to accept and take care of others outside her narrow perspective.
-Alice Cullen (2w1 sp/so)- Her upbringing makes her wanting to be taken care of by Casper. Usually she reserves her caring nature to those around her and herself. However she always does extend an olive branch when it comes to helping others.
Unhealthy Self Preservation 2
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-Amma Crellin (2w3 sp/sx) -A compete rejection of giving as a whole. Her desire to be taken care by someone makes her commit horrible acts and letting herself be hurt. Her frustration with her environment ends up fueling her with rage and resentment.
-Cassie Howard (2w1 sp/sx) - While I thought she was an SX type at first if we pay attention to Cass we can actually see that she is an SP type. One of the things we see of Cassie is that she will not be alone and if her emotional meets aren't met at the moment she will go out of her way to correct them even if it means bad choices.
-Elena Gilbert (2w1 sp/so)- Yeah we have beef...anyways...Her need to preserve herself and those around her can come off at the cost of EVERY other person who she doesn't know. Sometimes being incredibly hypocritical and rude.
Healthy Sexual 2
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-Gloria Delgado-Prichette (2w3 sx/so)- The need to be completed by being loved isn't really her main concern. She has fully integrated to her 8 and become a pilar I her family were others can come for advice and wisdom.
-Sakura Haruno (2w1 sx/so)- Her health levels are very subjective due to the fact that her whole development is centered around Sasuke and well you guys know the rest. However id argue she leans more ti healthy due to her eventually detaching her desires from him and developing into her self.
-Rebekah Mikaelson (2w3 sx/sp)- The most 8 looking enneagram two in this post and we adore her for it. Rebekah has been emotionally neglected by her family allot and her only desire in this lifetime is to have a child and regain her humanity. And. by the end of the show we see a fully realized Rebekah with a family, happy and stable.
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Unhealthy Sexual 2
-Maria (2w3 sx/sp)- Her only purpose in existence is to be attached to James and being a subconscious part of him. She is forever stuck in that place never truly getting to attach to someone who will value her and love her.
-Wendy (2w3 sx/so)- Fear of not being love by Jennifer makes her insecurities take over and eventually using the red crayon society against her. Even when she is exiled she returns to the rose garden orphanage to commit her last mistake. Most of her wrong doings come from an immature mind and lack of understanding of consequences.
-The Other Mother (2w1 sx/sp)- A craving for others to not join her in the limited space her makes her violent and angry. Also she eats children
P.S I should've used Annie Wilks for unhealthy SX2...
P.S part 2 I should've been more serious in some parts but I haven't posted in an official post in a while and college has been hell the last few weeks.
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assertive types are very “I have to learn from experience” people. You can’t tell an assertive type anything. They have to hit a wall and learn for themselves before they incorporate anything into their internal knowledge system. It is important to let all humans be free to make their own mistakes but it is especially important for assertive triad people
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fnec · 2 years
do u guys ever like discover ur type in another typology system and then just feel so cool and smart adding it into every bio u have like
"Hah oh yeah I'm a ILE ENTP (NeTi) [S]L/O/aI FEVL PBNV(4324) 7w8 739 sp/so sang-chol ph-phsa-ch "🧍🏾‍♀️
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innammoratta · 10 months
Enneagram Meems - prt 2
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journalofanoldsoul · 10 months
Enneagram Types (Part 1)
The Enneagram system consists of nine core types, and each type can have a dominant wing, which is one of the adjacent types on the Enneagram diagram. The wing adds additional nuances and characteristics to the core type.
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Here's a description of each Enneagram type, including their core motivations, fears, desires, and typical behaviors, along with information about their wings:
Type 1 - The Reformer: Core Motivation: Ones strive to be good, moral, and virtuous. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and seek to improve themselves and the world around them.
Core Fear: Ones fear being corrupt, immoral, or flawed. They strive for perfection and can be highly critical of themselves and others.
Core Desire: Ones desire to have integrity and to be right. They long for a sense of balance and order.
Typical Behaviors: Ones are responsible, principled, and have a strong work ethic. They tend to be self-disciplined, organized, and strive for excellence.
Wing 9 (1w9): The Idealist
Nines tend to soften the rigidity of Ones and bring a more peaceful and easygoing approach to their perfectionistic tendencies. They may be more patient, accepting, and able to see multiple perspectives.
Wing 2 (1w2): The Advocate
Twos add a caring and nurturing element to Ones. They may be more focused on helping others and may strive for perfection in service to others. They may also struggle with boundaries and a need for external validation.
Type 2 - The Helper: Core Motivation: Twos seek to be loved, wanted, and needed. They strive to be helpful and to win the affection and approval of others.
Core Fear: Twos fear being unwanted, unloved, or rejected. They may worry about being seen as selfish or needy.
Core Desire: Twos desire to be appreciated, valued, and loved. They long for connection and meaningful relationships.
Typical Behaviors: Twos are caring, generous, and empathetic. They often put others' needs before their own and seek to be supportive and helpful.
Wing 1 (2w1): The Servant
Ones bring a sense of responsibility and a focus on ethics and doing what is right to Twos. They may have higher standards and may feel a sense of duty in their helpfulness.
Wing 3 (2w3): The Host/Hostess
Threes add an achievement-oriented and goal-focused aspect to Twos. They may strive to be the best at helping and seek recognition and validation for their efforts.
Type 3 - The Achiever: Core Motivation: Threes seek to be successful, admired, and accomplished. They strive for excellence and are highly driven to achieve their goals.
Core Fear: Threes fear failure, being seen as incompetent, or worthless. They may worry about not measuring up to others' expectations.
Core Desire: Threes desire recognition, approval, and validation for their achievements. They long to be seen as successful and competent.
Typical Behaviors: Threes are ambitious, hardworking, and image-conscious. They often excel in their chosen fields and are focused on presenting a positive image to others.
Wing 2 (3w2): The Charmer
Twos bring a nurturing and helpful dimension to Threes. They may be more focused on building relationships and connecting with others in their pursuit of success.
Wing 4 (3w4): The Professional
Fours add a unique and individualistic flair to Threes. They may strive to stand out and be recognized for their uniqueness, bringing creativity and depth to their achievements.
Type 4 - The Individualist: Core Motivation: Fours seek to be authentic, special, and unique. They desire to express their individuality and connect with their innermost emotions.
Core Fear: Fours fear being ordinary, mundane, or without significance. They may feel a deep sense of longing and struggle with feelings of emptiness.
Core Desire: Fours desire to be seen and understood for their authentic selves. They long for deep, meaningful connections and to express their innermost emotions.
Typical Behaviors: Fours are creative, introspective, and often express themselves through art, music, or personal styles. They value authenticity and tend to have a rich emotional inner world.
Wing 3 (4w3): The Aristocrat
Threes add a focus on success and achievement to Fours. They may strive to stand out in their unique way and desire recognition for their individuality.
Wing 5 (4w5): The Bohemian
Fives bring an intellectual and introspective element to Fours. They may be more withdrawn and focused on gaining knowledge and understanding their complex emotions.
Type 5 - The Investigator: Core Motivation: Fives seek knowledge, understanding, and independence. They strive to conserve their energy and protect their inner resources.
Core Fear: Fives fear being overwhelmed, invaded, or inadequate. They may worry about not having enough resources or knowledge to cope with the demands of the world.
Core Desire: Fives desire to be competent, self-sufficient, and capable. They long for space and privacy to explore their interests and pursue intellectual pursuits.
Typical Behaviors: Fives are observant, analytical, and tend to withdraw into their inner worlds. They often have a thirst for knowledge and may have a few close, trusted relationships.
Wing 4 (5w4): The Iconoclast
Fours add an emotional depth and a unique perspective to Fives. They may have a more artistic or expressive approach to their intellectual pursuits.
Wing 6 (5w6): The Problem Solver
Sixes bring a practical and skeptical dimension to Fives. They may seek security and may be more cautious and attentive to potential risks.
Remember that individuals may vary within each type, and the wings offer additional dimensions to their core motivations. The Enneagram system is a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, helping individuals understand their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Stay tune for Enneagram Types (Part 2)
xoxo J.
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enneagramgoodvibes · 6 months
It doesn’t matter if it’s actually you’re enneagram type, if it’s what you feel like right now, then it’s what your pain point is, and you should work through it. If you’re still that type after, great, if you’re not, now you’re healthier and can keep looking.
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kryptoniteastrology · 8 months
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"I want love in the rain, I want it even more in the sunshine"
Cancer Sun in 8th, Taurus Moon in 6th House, Sagittarius Rising, Cancer Mercury in 8th, Leo Venus 9th, Virgo Mars 10th, ENFJ, 2w3
Requested by @cloudhearts66
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 2 summarised!!
Core type- Passion: pride. E2s are dependent on the approval of the people around them, they need others to like them. Once they do, they gain more and more pride. Fixation: flattery. They gain acceptance and approval by giving the same attention they want, to the people around them. Trap: freedom. While they want to be free of this need of approval, or may even act like they are. They aren’t and it feels like it’s impossible to not care about this acceptance. Defence mechanism: repression. In order to avoid seeming needy and keeping their self image of being helpful and caring, e2s will use repression. This repression means hiding the feelings and needs that would be deemed unacceptable by others. Virtue: humility. E2s need the humility of realising their essence isn’t special, as humility overcomes their pride in external acceptance and approval. Key traits: Strategic helpfulness to create indispensability, seductiveness, emotionality and emotional sensitivity, romanticism, hedonism and compensatory overindulgence.
Subtypes- Self preservation [sp]: The sp2 tries to gain attention by being cute and youthful. Sp2s are very dependent on others, they don’t want to take responsibility for themselves, which goes along with their childlike behaviour. To avoid independency and growing up they indulge in things like parties, shopping and drinking as long as it distracts them from responsibility. Sexual [sx]: Sx2s want attention from one special person. They need love, and once this is achieved they can fuel their pride. Their ‘helping’ is often more focused towards emotional support, promising and giving. Through this they strive to be truly special to this person, who would then do anything for them, or so they believe. Social [so]: So2s are more leader type people. They strive to gain attention by being powerful, special, knowledgeable and then gain trust and influence over groups and people. Being good performers, it's easy for them to be nice for the sake of having people owe them and be able to freely ask for favours and such.
Contradictions- ISTP, INTP, ESTP, ENTP, INTJ, ISTJ, ENTJ, ESTJ, INFP, ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ The primary contradiction here lies in the fact that e2s value emotions most of all, both those of others and their own. This obviously doesn’t mean thinking types don't value emotion, but their logic overshadows it, this works the opposite in the case of e2. The type is also a cognitively extraverted type, this means that even Fe aux INFJ and ISFJ can't be e2s. Types you might want to look into in if you are on this list are e3, e4, e7 and e9
Compatible types- self preservation: ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP sexual: ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP social: ESFJ, ENFJ
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deliaistyping · 7 months
tumblr dot com is the place where each Enneagram type comes to be the most insufferable version of ourselves
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funkymbtifiction · 9 months
Suits: Donna Paulsen [ENFJ 2w3]
MBTI Type: ENFJ Donna is a warm but assertive presence in the office, and excellent at anticipating and meeting other people’s needs. She enjoys having a powerful position as someone who knows what comes next and gets there before anyone else. She is also forthcoming about her expectations, her feelings, and easily insulted if someone demeans her or implies that her motivations are emotional.…
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View On WordPress
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lemonthepotato · 5 months
It hurts
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blueopinions49 · 10 months
Amy Dunne’s Typology
So hey guys I am still working on my unhealthy/healthy typology series and I started think of Amy Dunn’s typology. Personally I had her typed as an INFJ 3w2 sx/so however Ive been thinking about some technicalities. 
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Technicality #1- Can an Introverted Types be an E3?
Well yes/no I personally think introverted types can’t be soc 3 since it interferes too much with the core desire of the E3 plus soc 3 method of gaining attention. However when it comes to sx 3 and sp 3 things get a bit more confusing. The sx 3 accommodates itself to the image of desire of the world or the ideal self. Personally I think sx 3 its Amy’s most accurate typing (we’ll talk about other possibilities later) and I do agree that Amy’s FiNe could fit very well with the sx 3 desire. INFJ is in a weird spot with sx 3 because of its use of Fe (and Amy seems to rely on her NiFe allot)  in its structure. For example Daernys Targaryen is another example of an INFJ that sticks to her NiFe and is a soc 2. Sp 3 I think could also fit with introverted types since the sp 3 denies vanity and rejects in the order for hard earned work and don't cling onto extroversion in any capacity. 
Technicality #2- Is ENFJ Amy Dunn a better and more accurate typing? 
Well idk tbh. I could def understand Fe dom Amy being more accurate in some ways however I still think her being an Ni dom makes more sense to me. What are your guy’s thoughts?
Technicality # 3- Could she just be a 5w4 sx/so 
Nope, this is another great example of detachment between subtype and enneagram structure. An E5 is an E5 weather it is a sx,sp or soc their desire dont change just their approach and Amy has only one thing in common with E5 and thats being a competency type. Also rejection type...I think this is just another case of confirmation bias. 
Technicality #4- Could she be a 1w2 sx/so or a 2w3 sx/so 
1w2 sx/so- Its interesting ig but I think it crumbles down a bit after a bit of thinking since she isn't expressive of her anger like an E1, she doesn't struggle with her wrath, and id argue that she doesn't have any form of anger. But idk it feels like a very random typing imo. 
2w3 sx/so- I see where this is coming from but why? not every crazy partner in media is an sx 2...Amy dunno being a positive type is also very very strange to me. 
- I want to know your guy’s thoughts on this I could see myself changing her typing from INFJ 3w2 sx/so to ENFJ 3w2 sx/so. But thus far I still think INFJ sx 3 isnt very outlandish and it is kinda of possible. 
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4 and 6: Both Envy types
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This is a symbol from Sufi enneagram, which far predates Naranjo enneagram. It shows that 6 is the Envy type, NOT 4. However, later enneagram removed Envy from the 6 personality and attributed all Envy in the human psyche to 4. This should explain why so many 6s mistype as 4s.
In this post I will explain how 4s and 6s differently experience Envy. 4s experience Envy just as all types do, but a whole psychological complex based around Envy is 6, not 4.
4s are envious of people from a position of competing for attention. If they feel they have worked extremely hard to project a meaningful image of themselves and their story, and then you strut in and you appear to be more worthy of attention from their desired people than them... the 4 can become very insecure and envious of you. They will usually react by trying to peacock flamboyantly, trying to prove they are better, more worthy of attention than you, in their personal way (4 -> 2 response, displaying immense Pride in their image or ideal that they want to be recognized for, displaying how much more special, more worthy of attention they and their vision / story are).
6s are envious of people because they suppress so many of their desired behaviors and their very Faith in themselves, due to fear. They are always comparing themselves to others due to Doubting their own intuitions about what to embody. Doubt makes 6s lack Faith in their own abilities and intuitions and feel hopelessly incompetent. When they see people who don't suppress themselves as much, people who appear to have Faith in themselves and behave with the boldness the 6 secretly wants to embody, and most of all, people who are competent in the way the 6 wants to be competent, they can feel very envious and frustrated. Sometimes this Envy can manifest as hero-worship and trying to copy you as if you are an ideal set for them on TV, secretly hoping they will eventually surpass you. Sometimes Envy manifests as the 6 directly competing with you (both are 6 -> 3 responses).
Since 4 and 6 both disintegrate into an Image type that is competitive for attention, they get confused a lot. The way to distinguish between 4 and 6, is to distinguish between 2 and 3.
6 is disintegrating into a Competency, Attachment image type (3). 4 is disintegrating into an Optimist, Rejection image type (2).
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disneymbti · 1 year
Hi Sarah! I loved your blog and your typing fits the characters to a T...can you please type Marinette Dupain Cheng for me from Miraculous Ladybug😍🐞
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFJ [The Protagonist]
ENFJs are high-energy people who dislike spending too much time alone. They take initiative and tend to talk more than they listen.
They usually trust their intuition and focus on the future. They are good at analyzing complex ideas. 
Protagonists are motivated by feelings and values. They work to avoid conflict and are very diplomatic.
They like to make lists and schedules, preferring to follow a plan. They are hard-working and responsible.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 2w3 [The Host]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two wing threes fear being unwanted or worthless. They usually avoid this by building personal connections with others and working hard to meet the needs of the community.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people.
Hosts tend to suppress their own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts.
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innammoratta · 2 years
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Enneagram Memes
Part Two
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