#enneagram type 4
paradoxical-plutonian · 3 months
It would be wrong to say I am grieving. Grieving feels like such an active process, a constant yearning. Instead, I feel passive acceptance in a world washed of color.
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annemarieyeretzian · 4 months
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Ashton Greymoore – Type 4(w3): The Enthusiast
Fours are self-aware and sensitive. They are creative, honest, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. They can withhold themselves from others due to feeling defective and vulnerable; they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with self-indulgence and self-pity.  Fours maintain their identity by seeing themselves as fundamentally different from others. They often see themselves as uniquely talented, possessing special, one-of-a-kind gifts, but also as uniquely disadvantaged and flawed. Enneagram 4w3s want a strong and well-defined sense of identity. They fear being or feeling insignificant. And while they often feel different from others, they don’t want to be alone: they may feel self-conscious or socially awkward, but they deeply wish to connect with people who understand them and their feelings (if such validation remains out of reach, fours begin to build their identity around how unlike everyone else they are).
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journalofanoldsoul · 11 months
Enneagram Types (Part 1)
The Enneagram system consists of nine core types, and each type can have a dominant wing, which is one of the adjacent types on the Enneagram diagram. The wing adds additional nuances and characteristics to the core type.
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Here's a description of each Enneagram type, including their core motivations, fears, desires, and typical behaviors, along with information about their wings:
Type 1 - The Reformer: Core Motivation: Ones strive to be good, moral, and virtuous. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and seek to improve themselves and the world around them.
Core Fear: Ones fear being corrupt, immoral, or flawed. They strive for perfection and can be highly critical of themselves and others.
Core Desire: Ones desire to have integrity and to be right. They long for a sense of balance and order.
Typical Behaviors: Ones are responsible, principled, and have a strong work ethic. They tend to be self-disciplined, organized, and strive for excellence.
Wing 9 (1w9): The Idealist
Nines tend to soften the rigidity of Ones and bring a more peaceful and easygoing approach to their perfectionistic tendencies. They may be more patient, accepting, and able to see multiple perspectives.
Wing 2 (1w2): The Advocate
Twos add a caring and nurturing element to Ones. They may be more focused on helping others and may strive for perfection in service to others. They may also struggle with boundaries and a need for external validation.
Type 2 - The Helper: Core Motivation: Twos seek to be loved, wanted, and needed. They strive to be helpful and to win the affection and approval of others.
Core Fear: Twos fear being unwanted, unloved, or rejected. They may worry about being seen as selfish or needy.
Core Desire: Twos desire to be appreciated, valued, and loved. They long for connection and meaningful relationships.
Typical Behaviors: Twos are caring, generous, and empathetic. They often put others' needs before their own and seek to be supportive and helpful.
Wing 1 (2w1): The Servant
Ones bring a sense of responsibility and a focus on ethics and doing what is right to Twos. They may have higher standards and may feel a sense of duty in their helpfulness.
Wing 3 (2w3): The Host/Hostess
Threes add an achievement-oriented and goal-focused aspect to Twos. They may strive to be the best at helping and seek recognition and validation for their efforts.
Type 3 - The Achiever: Core Motivation: Threes seek to be successful, admired, and accomplished. They strive for excellence and are highly driven to achieve their goals.
Core Fear: Threes fear failure, being seen as incompetent, or worthless. They may worry about not measuring up to others' expectations.
Core Desire: Threes desire recognition, approval, and validation for their achievements. They long to be seen as successful and competent.
Typical Behaviors: Threes are ambitious, hardworking, and image-conscious. They often excel in their chosen fields and are focused on presenting a positive image to others.
Wing 2 (3w2): The Charmer
Twos bring a nurturing and helpful dimension to Threes. They may be more focused on building relationships and connecting with others in their pursuit of success.
Wing 4 (3w4): The Professional
Fours add a unique and individualistic flair to Threes. They may strive to stand out and be recognized for their uniqueness, bringing creativity and depth to their achievements.
Type 4 - The Individualist: Core Motivation: Fours seek to be authentic, special, and unique. They desire to express their individuality and connect with their innermost emotions.
Core Fear: Fours fear being ordinary, mundane, or without significance. They may feel a deep sense of longing and struggle with feelings of emptiness.
Core Desire: Fours desire to be seen and understood for their authentic selves. They long for deep, meaningful connections and to express their innermost emotions.
Typical Behaviors: Fours are creative, introspective, and often express themselves through art, music, or personal styles. They value authenticity and tend to have a rich emotional inner world.
Wing 3 (4w3): The Aristocrat
Threes add a focus on success and achievement to Fours. They may strive to stand out in their unique way and desire recognition for their individuality.
Wing 5 (4w5): The Bohemian
Fives bring an intellectual and introspective element to Fours. They may be more withdrawn and focused on gaining knowledge and understanding their complex emotions.
Type 5 - The Investigator: Core Motivation: Fives seek knowledge, understanding, and independence. They strive to conserve their energy and protect their inner resources.
Core Fear: Fives fear being overwhelmed, invaded, or inadequate. They may worry about not having enough resources or knowledge to cope with the demands of the world.
Core Desire: Fives desire to be competent, self-sufficient, and capable. They long for space and privacy to explore their interests and pursue intellectual pursuits.
Typical Behaviors: Fives are observant, analytical, and tend to withdraw into their inner worlds. They often have a thirst for knowledge and may have a few close, trusted relationships.
Wing 4 (5w4): The Iconoclast
Fours add an emotional depth and a unique perspective to Fives. They may have a more artistic or expressive approach to their intellectual pursuits.
Wing 6 (5w6): The Problem Solver
Sixes bring a practical and skeptical dimension to Fives. They may seek security and may be more cautious and attentive to potential risks.
Remember that individuals may vary within each type, and the wings offer additional dimensions to their core motivations. The Enneagram system is a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, helping individuals understand their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Stay tune for Enneagram Types (Part 2)
xoxo J.
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enneagrambaddies · 4 months
affirmations for each enneagram type
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melanchollicnecessary · 4 months
So often, I wish the art would make me. Sometimes I don’t want to make the art. The way I lay it out and give it a voice and make it warm and cared for and seen. I wish my art could do that for me.
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(via Enneagram Comparisons | Type Two and Type Four)
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topperscumslut · 11 months
type 5s are mistyped as 4w5 so often omg, just let them be 5s plz
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snoogkies · 4 months
“You wanna be different so bad, I bet you think you’re NoT lIkE oThEr GiRlS!”
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fishwithoneeye · 6 months
Considering the fact that I might actually be a self preservation type 4, not a social type 4… I feel enlightened.
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a-photo-of-a-ghost · 2 years
Noel Gruber is the DEFINITION of an enneagram type four. He is the most type four person I’ve ever seen in my life
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Why do I torture myself with nostalgia? Why do I allow my past to be a potent perfume, forever staining my skin with its scent?
Dream Reflections: April 21, 2023
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Enneagram Type 4
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sensitivesublime · 1 year
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outlawssweetheart · 2 years
ME. 🙋🏽‍♀️
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antinatalistwhump · 1 year
I read about pain like it feeds me. I imagine myself in their shoes and feel a sickening bliss.
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(via Enneagram Comparisons - Type Four and Type Seven)
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