assim-eu-sou · 4 months
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if there had to be a wedding at the end of the show this one would've been better tbh
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candy-pants · 2 years
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im3x80 · 6 months
By Lina 3X80
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I invite all the art people to participate in my challenge! Choose 3 fandoms and draw your self-insert characters for them. And have fun!
Use tag #3xMe_challenge
My characters' descriptions under the cut
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In The Umbrella Academy I imagine I would have levitation and telekinesis powers
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In Gotham I would be a journalist looking for sensations in the sketchy alleways
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In Cyberpunk 2077 I would be a street artist living in Japantown
If you want, you can use my template:
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Rewriting the DCLA endings Part 1: Violetta
There's a common theme with every dcla show I've seen: I didn't really like the ending.
I didn't hate any of the endings, and there's a lot of good there too, but... I really could change a lot about them. First off, we got Violetta.
Also note: This MAY be how I will end it in the rewrite of S3. But, in my rewrite I will also change a lot of other things so things will be different in that, too. In this version, all endgames except for one will still be the canon ones (no matter if I like them or not), while in my rewrite there will be different endgames for several more characters.
So, to change the ending, I'm also gonna change some things in previous episodes for it to make sense.
They are going to Sevilla. I don't want Gery nor Clement there and to have them there just because they "need to", feels so annoying. At the same time, they need to be there for the confrontation of their stupid plan to separate Leonetta. So, what I am thinking: They notice some of the kids have sore throats, and might not be able to sing. So, just in case, they want some understudies. They notice Clement knows all the choreography and songs, so he's picked out to join them. Same with Gery, even if she's just Beto's assistant, because "they need a female understudy too" (off topic but the fact that Gery just. Isn't a student at all and yet gets to participate with them... so wild to me). I don't like them there, but they need to be there, and this is the only way I know how to solve it. The whole thing with Leonetta finding out and then getting back together all stays.
At Sevilla, there is NO ONE who assumes Germán and Angie are married, because WHY would that even happen... what... we're removing the "only one bed" trope. I don't think they even have the same hotel room at all, but I'm not gonna do the whole "Germán sleeps in a closet" thing, because... I just don't think he deserves screentime.
So: While I love Fran and Diego getting lost, there is still the plot hole of where tf they slept at night. So, I am thinking, just to fix that: They took a night bus that they THOUGHT was going back to Sevilla, and fell asleep there. But then, as they woke up, they realized the bus went the wrong direction. And this is when they take the boat back like we see in 3x80. Everything else is the same with them.
Now, here's where things are starting to change for real. Violetta and Leon do not try to set up Germán and Angie. Instead, it was just supposed to be a casual dinner, and then Leonetta decided to have some alone time instead (because Violetta didn't feel like being with her dad). And then Germán couldn't come either. Angie was left there... until someone joins her... Pablo :) We don't see Angie and Pablo eating dinner, we only see him come up and ask if he can join her.
When they visit that school in Sevilla, it does not get revealed Germán went there. I feel like that was just some weird thing they decided to do to show "actually him and Violetta were more similar than she thought!! :)" but it does not make sense for his character. Nope, he did not. What they instead do at the school is focusing on remembering Antonio, and MAYBE we get confirmation that the principal at the Sevilla school is Jackie's dad (and then we can get some update on what Jackie is up to)
Now, the ring scene... it might be there just because it is sweet that Leon buys a ring for Violetta, but it's used to nothing more than that!
Everything in the show in Sevilla is the same. Same songs, same performances. Backstage, Angie and Pablo hang out a bit and Pablo mentions something about not dating Brenda, he's not into her like that. Angie kinda smiles at this.
As mentioned earlier... the ring they bought is just Leon buying a ring for Violetta. Violetta does NOT give it to Germán.
So, what happens after the Sevilla show, if Germán has not propsed?
We cut back to Buenos Aires, some time later. I don't know if it's outside the Benson mansion the mansion they were outside in the canon final scene, or if it's outside the Studio, or on another stage... but the Studio teachers are up on stage, and they make a little speech. It is the graduation day. All the students either are up on stage or are standing on the side, ready to get up (if they went up one and one getting diplomas that would be so cute, as you'd have everyone having different reactions as they look at the audience).
They either sing Crecimos Juntos, Ser Mejor, or possibly a medley of a bunch of different songs. I think, however, whatever they sing, it's more of a slow version of it. If they all stand on stage, they perform it live, but if they just go up one and one, the song is played in the background and then, as everyone has gone up on stage, they start singing live.
Angie and Pablo do not end up dating, but they exchange looks as if to say something is there. In my opinion they should have been dating, but now I only fixed the last episodes and they need some more buildup to date again.
It ends with Violetta winking at the camera, as per usual.
So, in the end, the last episode is pretty similar, but with some minor changes at some places and one MAJOR change for one of the things. Stay tuned for the next post.
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
3x80… here I come
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Violetta for the ask game :D
favorite male character: Leon. I really loved him from the start where he is kind of supposed to be not that good of a guy, but he still clearly had a moral compass. favorite female characters: Naty and Fran. they are just sweethearts and I identify with Fran as a soprano soul sister and Naty is just the cutest bean in the world and must be protected. She also deserves a solo. My least favorite character: Uhm, German? Pricilla? Just everyone who is not likable like Tomas prettiest character: This is hard. I love Vilu's style, but the sock with heels just ruins it for me so often. Ludmila's S3 hair was also so pretty. funniest character: Often Naty, especially in S3 favorite season: S3 favorite episode: 3x1-2 and 3x80. The balloon thing was too iconic and I love the gang on tour, plus the finale, just is the Finale. Also the Madrid arc favorite romantic ship: Diecesca. My chaotic hiding lovers, who are hiding for no reason. favorite family ship: Ludm and Vilu. The sister vibes are very fantastic favorite friendship: This is a very tough one. I really actually enjoy Leon and Andres and Leon and Diego. I am a sucker for Male friendships worst ship: Germangie
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fashionshopping · 23 days
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500Pcs Cable Ties 3x60 3x80 3x ... Price 5.00$ CLICK TO BUY
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actuma · 2 years
ACM wil dat aansluittermijn zonnepanelen en laadpaal 12 weken wordt
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De Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) wil groot- en kleinverbruikers zoveel mogelijk duidelijkheid geven over de termijn waarbinnen zij door netbeheerders aangesloten worden op het elektriciteitsnet. In de plannen die de ACM ter consultatie voorlegt moet een netbeheerder een grootverbruiker binnen 40 weken aansluiten als er in een gebied voldoende transportcapaciteit beschikbaar is. Voor kleinverbruikers (tot maximaal 3x80 Ampère) geldt een maximumtermijn van 18 weken. Het verzwaren van een bestaande aansluiting in huis, bijvoorbeeld voor een laadpaal, warmtepomp of zonnepanelen, moet straks binnen 12 weken geregeld zijn. De maximumtermijn van 12 weken moet gaan gelden voor eenvoudige aanpassingen bij kleinverbruikers (consumenten en MKB’ers) waarbij netbeheerders alleen ‘in de meterkast’ werkzaamheden moeten uitvoeren. Bijvoorbeeld het verzwaren van een bestaande aansluiting van 1x35 Ampère naar 3x25 of 3x35 Ampère. Voor nieuwe aansluitingen voor kleinverbruikers (waarvoor bijvoorbeeld graafwerkzaamheden nodig zijn) geldt een maximale aansluittermijn van 18 weken. Voor grootverbruikers (tot 10 MVA) is de aansluittermijn afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van transportcapaciteit. Als er in een gebied voldoende transportcapaciteit beschikbaar is, moet een netbeheerder de nieuwe aansluiting binnen 40 weken realiseren. Bij een tekort aan transportcapaciteit moet de netbeheerder de congestie eerst zo snel mogelijk oplossen en dan de nieuwe aansluitingen realiseren. De nieuwe aansluittermijnen worden vastgelegd in de nieuwe codewijziging voor aansluittermijnen elektriciteit die zij ter consultatie op haar website heeft gepubliceerd. De ACM wil met dit besluit de gewenste duidelijkheid geven aan afnemers én houdt daarbij rekening met de uitdagingen van netbeheerders zoals de schaarse beschikbaarheid van personeel. Netbeheerders moeten daarbij de balans zoeken tussen het verzwaren van netten om transportschaarste op te lossen en het realiseren van nieuwe aansluitingen om beschikbare transportcapaciteit zo optimaal mogelijk te benutten. In de consultatie van de codewijziging vraagt de ACM ook aandacht voor situaties van overmacht, bijvoorbeeld door onvoorziene situaties in een vergunningprocedure. De ACM legt de nieuwe aansluittermijnen vast in de Netcode elektriciteit omdat uit een uitspraak van het Europese Hof in 2021 bleek dat de wetgever de maximale termijn van 18 weken voor alle aansluitingen tot 10 MVA niet in de wet had mogen vastleggen. Volgens het Europese Hof mag de wetgever geen regels vaststellen voor zaken waarvan in Europese wetgeving is vastgelegd dat de nationaal regulerende instantie (in Nederland de ACM) bevoegd is. In de consultatie vraagt de ACM op een aantal onderwerpen specifieke aandacht en reacties van partijen. De consultatie loopt tot 5 oktober 2022. Bron: ACM Read the full article
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assim-eu-sou · 4 months
they’re insane but 😁
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3x3wheels · 7 years
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Rollerblade lighting 3 wheel skates from the 90′s.
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candy-pants · 2 years
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3x51 // 3x80
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Kaamelott (2005-2009), 2x37 | 3x80 (L'Escorte II | Sous Les Verrous II)
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wait shoot ignore that last ask i sent whoops. i mean 9 and 10 for your violetta rewrite and 15 and 17 for sunshine and moonshine <3
9. How did you get inspired to write this?
There has been so much of this show that I wished would've gone down differently. Storylines, some plots... some endgames...
Many people love the last episode. They say it's a mostly perfect ending (cause most agree, the wedding was not the best). But I didn't feel much of anything. When I watched 1x80? Cried. When I watched 2x80? Cried (though not as much). When I watched 3x80? Meh.
I was fine with most endgames except germangie, but I just wished it all could have looked differently. So what did I have to do to make it end up in my vision? Well, rewrite the show.
Other reasons I wanted to rewrite the show: - I was curious what would have happened if Angie told the truth right away. Told Violetta the second she met her. How would the story change? - What would happen if Diego did not kissed Violetta against her consent? How would the story change? - I see Leonetta in season 3. I can fix it. I can fix them. - Diecesca will still happen, but it will happen the way I want it to. - Esmeralda and Jade need some good writing. - What would happen if Luca, Braco and Napo, as well as Lara stayed around? - There are some ships I wish would be endgame. And I will make them endgame. - Yes, this is an excuse for me to make everything slightly gayer as well.
10. Did you plan to write something that you ended up not writing later? Why?
Okay, so there's a lot because it happens so many times that I have a plan and spontaneously decide "No! What if this happens instead?"
I was planning on giving some more focus on Violetta's diary and it having sort of a symbolism with how she's feeling, as well as who's the most important person in her life at them moment. She was supposed to change her combination on the diary lock to the letters of someone's name or initials. For example, 12-22 is L-V (Leon Vargas) and 6-18-1 is F-R-A (Francesca, Vilu didn't know her last name at the time so she took her three first letters). I also planned on people reading her diary or reading a page of it when she left it open.
I had this idea after the fact that, when I was a child, I was very fixated on this idea I had where I thought it would be romantic if Leon read Violetta's diary (I was 11 and I was new into shipping and couldn't quite handle it), and I was also very fixated on the time in season 2 when Diego picked up her diary on the floor, read one page and then closed it, and I was so enraged how he could READ SOMEONE'S PRIVATE DIARY!!!!!!!!! (the double standards there huh?)
And while some of this diary stuff is present in the beginning, I simply... didn't care a lot about it anymore to continue. So much else was going on.
15. Favorite character to write for?
Well, Ámbar. In the show I was so obsessed with her home life and her relationship with Sharon, and I make all the excuses ever to write about that. It's so fun to write about her thought process and her reflections and everything!
17. Favorite ship to write for?
Ambilia, hands down. But Jam as well, especially now after last chapter hehe...
It's so funny, because right now it's the hardest to write for Lumón and Simbar, which are both ships that are gonna be present. I want it to make sense and be executed good, and it should be easy because I do love both ships and can write for them usually quite well, but not right now apparently.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Second week of current stuff...
July 4
I woke up around 10AM, I think.
One of the first things we did was hand off dad’s meds to the facility he was at. Felt better knowing where he was and where he was going for care.
Got some ice cream and made today’s HF dinner. Southwest stuffed zucchini boats. This was pretty tasty, if a bit more finicky to assemble. Scorched the rice a bit, however.
After a bit of chatting and dishes, I did today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 single leg bridges with EC (20/20). Pretty manageable work.
Second, Day 7 of the 1′CC. 1′ half jacks. One go, 70 reps. This was pretty brisk but manageable.
Last, Day 7 of the XTP. This made me question doubling up yesterday. More arm work. Also got a bit of indigestion from the exertion. My numbers were:
Bilateral hammer curls: 20-16-12-8-8
Lateral raises (1x5lb plate/hand, this half of the set): 10-8-6-4-4
Spent some time writing some outlines and notes for a fic. Then spent rest of night chatting and playing more KH. Got to bed later than I ideal, Riku was being a pain.
July 5
I woke around noon-ish.
After getting more information about dad, I took a shower and did some exercise earlier than usual.
First, today’s DD. 2′ high knees with EC. I counted 290 reps by the end and observed that the knees really struggled to get high after the first minute.
Second, Day 8 of the 1′CC. 1′ side jacks. One go, 38 reps. This is one of those exercises that’s hard to really book it - because it takes a bit more time to complete the action vs how long it takes to get fatigued.
Last, Day 8 of the XTP. I suppose this is one of those active rest days. 3x80 side leg raises. I chose to rest for 30″ in between sets. I didn’t need the support, but then I did allow the foot to drop frequently.
The next several hours was spent dealing with Dad’s hospitalization stuff (alongside bro and grandma). We picked him up from the crisis unit and was put on a runaround getting his belongings from the ER. Then we took him to a voluntary inpatient facility that the crisis unit referred him to, ~40 mile trip one way. Exhausting.
Spent time chatting, doing dishes, and gaming, before bed. I did get to bed before 3AM, this time.
July 6
I woke up around noon again.
Spent some time making notes for my psych appointment today. It went well enough.
Tanked my entire day gaming and watching YouTube. I think I was just too fucking tired to do anything else today. Got to bed later than yesterday.
July 7
I woke up a bit after 11AM and one of the first things I did today was exercise.
First, yesterday’s DD. 10 sky diver push-ups with EC. A bit tough, but manageable.
Second, today’s DD. 50 plank leg raises with EC (25/25). Just about doable.
Third, Day 9 of the 1′CC. 1′ jumping Ts. One go, 70 reps. A fairly brisk pace but the number was very manageable by my personal bests.
Fourth, Day 10 of the 1′CC. 1′ toe tap hops. One go, 115 reps. That was definitely more intensive a pace - but I think in general it’s easier to speed up reps here than with jacks (those more ROM being demanded to cover).
(After some gaming and phone calls...)
Last, Day 9 of the XTP. Arm work. My numbers were:
Alt bicep curls: 38-34-28-24-20
Alt shoulder presses: 30-24-20-20-18
I barely managed to squeeze all of that in before getting summoned to visit dad at the inpatient facility (despite not wanting to go). But I’m glad it was taken care of.
Spent rest of day gaming and chatting. I’m so fucking tired.
I did get to bed a bit earlier than yesterday.
July 8
I woke up after noon.
Spent time playing Gemcraft and watching Youtube before doing today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 50 prone reverse flies with EC. Made my life harder by eating food shortly before doing this. But I did my best.
Second, Day 11 of the 1′CC. 1′ hops on the spot. One go, 138 reps.
Last, Day 10 of the XTP. Leg work, mostly. These were my numbers:
Forward lunges (alt): 38-30-24-20-20
Squat into shoulder presses (these were pretty awkward at first): 14-13-13-10-10
I then did some dishes, updated some logs, chatted, and did some fic writing.
Went to bed late, feeling stressed out and tired.
July 9
I got up just before noon today.
One of the first things I did today was figuring what happened to my order of roach motels and playing Gemcraft. Then I went into my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 side plank rotations with EC (20/20).
Second, Day 12 of the 1′CC. 1′ sid-to-side jumps. One go, 76 reps.
Last, Day 11 of the XTP. Arm work. My arms felt like noodles for a good while. Numbers:
Hammer curls: 22-18-14-10-10
Upright rows: 16-11-9-9-7
Spent rest of night chatting, watching YouTube, writing, and doing dishes. Did get to bed earlier than yesterday. But still really late.
July 10
I woke up after noon.
One of the first things I did today was make today’s HF dinner. Baja barramundi with yellow rice. I think it would’ve been better if I was more on top of cooking everything thoroughly. Did think the cumin overwhelmed the fish. But ah well. I might give barramundi another chance down the line, but maybe in a different context (and better practices, my side). I blame headache and being overly cautious about the rice (scorched it last time...) :P
Watched a bit of YouTube and chatted before heading out to dad’s facility. I waited in the lobby while bro met him and handed off some clothes. I played a bit of Theatrhythm to pass the time.
Got home, did some dishes and caught up with my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 butterfly dips with EC. This was a bit of a challenge, but doable
Last, Day 12 of the XTP. Tendon strength stuff. Challenging, but still would consider it fitting the “active rest“ paradigm
Spent rest of night chatting, writing, and browsing Tumblr. Got bed later than yesterday,
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petapeng · 5 years
Home Gym Workout since 19.02.2019 (8 days):
Resistance Bands 60cm Chest Press: 3x65=195x (+15💪🏻) Resistance Bands 60cm Rows: 3x80=240x (+45💪🏻) Push-up Incline: 3x35=105x Bench Sit-up: 50x Bench Back Extension w/2x8kg Db: +55=55x MTB: 2km Resistance Bands 60cm Chest Press: 3x65=195x Resistance Bands 60cm Rows: 3x75=225x Bench Sit-up: 50x Bench Back Extension w/2x8kg Db: 55x Bench Sit-up w/2x8kg Db: 61x MTB: 13km Push-up Incline: 35x Bench Sit-up: 50x Bench Back Extension w/2x8kg Db: 55x Push-up Incline: 3x35=105x Bench Sit-up w/2x8kg Db: 61x Resistance Bands 60cm Chest Press: 3x70=210x (+15💪🏻) Resistance Bands 60cm Rows: 3x80=240x
⚪️ Petapeng Self Motivation 🏁🏁🏁
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fashionshopping · 4 months
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100Pcs 3X80/3X100/4X100/4X200 ... Price 0.46$ CLICK TO BUY
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