#47 canal
thingstol00kat · 8 months
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Elle Pérez at 47 Canal cont
Incredibly textured prints, can only be darkroom. Details hard to decipher, high contrast, of a subway, fence, backyard, almost as if shot through a cloth
0 notes
possession-swapbody · 1 month
Saliendo de prisión parte 2
Leo Pov:
Últimamente me la he estado pasando recordando mis años en prisión, ya casi han pasado 6 meses desde que salí, pero de lo que más me acuerdo es de mi compañero de celda Marcus, era un tipo brillante, y además buena persona, nunca supe como es que una persona tan agradable había sido capas de cometer tantos asaltos con victimas y terminado en prisión.
El fue sentenciado a una condena de muerte, hace poco, si bien llevaba 3 años en prisión, su abogado conseguía extender parte del juicio para evitar ese destino, pero ya no lo logro más y sería ejecutado en solo una semana, pobre hombre solo tenía 47 años.
Fue entonces que no se si por el aprecio y mi amistad con el, se me ocurrió una tonta idea, iría y le contaría como poder poseer, seria sencillo, solo tenia que llevar a Aron y que el lo posea en lo que le buscamos un cuerpo afuera, Erick trato de convencerme que era una mala idea pero yo confiaba que era solo una preocupación sin motivo.
Erick: Tío te estas arriesgando a que Aron pierda su vida.
Leo: no te preocupes será seguro, solo necesita salir de Aron y entrar en alguien más, y después regresar a Aron hasta que consiga un cuerpo.
Erick: pero terminaran arruinando la vida de alguien.
Leo: Ya lo pensé bien, será fácil, le daré una nueva oportunidad en el cuerpo de alguien que haga más mal que bien, sabes el otro día logré que un cliente que es un tipo que cometió intento de asesinato será liberado por buena conducta y porque la víctima retiro los cargos ya que llego a un "acuerdo" poco ético en mi opinión ya que la soborno.
Erick: pero si tuvo buena conducta es que esta cambiando.
Leo: No lo creo, lo conozco bastante y la verdad se que solo esta manteniendo esa actitud, sabes me contó que lo hacía porque le gusta la adrenalina que surge de esos momentos.
Erick: eso es confidencial, no puedes decir las confesiones de tu cliente.
Leo: por favor no es como si tu lo fueras a difundir.
Erick: estas hablando enserió?!, soy un traje ahora se que no le puedo decir a nadie pero se te puede hacer costumbre.
Leo: bueno ya no digo nada.
Y esa fue la última vez que pude hablar con Erick.
El plan había salido perfecto, Aron y yo nos habíamos vuelto grandes amigos para este punto y cuando regresábamos de u pequeño viaje de fin de semana le pedí que me acompañará a la cárcel a visitar al compañero de mi tío "ya que el quería decirme una de las últimas voluntades de mi tío".
Aron accedió y llegamos, yo ya había informado a Marcus del plan, pues lo estuve visitando por 3 semanas y le platique lo ocurrió entre Erick y yo, llegué y le di los últimos detalles del hechizo en una nota, claro que la nota la metí en un libro de lectura para no tener sospechas, al salir del lugar fingí que no encontraba las llaves se mi moto, eso le dio tiempo suficiente a Marcus para tomar el cuerpo de Aron.
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Tras notar como parecía luchar por el control y tomar poseesion, le dije que teníamos que ir rápido a casa y después debería tomar el cuerpo de alguien más para evitar que Aron sea expulsado de su cuerpo.
Vi como Marcus admiraba su nuevo cuerpo, era raro había un toque en su mirada que no conocía, n osadía si era por que al estar e carcas parte de su personalidad podría no adaptarse a sus gestos, pero era extraño.
Al llegar a casa nos bajamos de la moto pero Saul nuestro vecino de 22 años nos jugo una broma para su canal de internet, nos tiro un globo grande de slime a cada uno, por lo general siempre nos da gracia sus bromas en parte porque nos llevamos muy bien pero esta vez solo complicaba que nos diéramos prisa.
Marcus sugirió entrar a bañarse ya que tenia slime en toda la cara y estaba bajando a su espalda, yo estaba igual pero le dije que estaba bien, que el fuera primero, se metió a la ducha y tardo media hora, pero lo peor es que escuchaba como hacía cosas indebidas con el cuerpo de Aron, me comencé a cuestionar si había cometido un grave error.
Luego de que Marcus saliera del baño, yo entré, tome una du ha y al salir vi a Marcus haciendo la comida, le cuestione si no saldría a buscar un cuerpo para dejar a Aron.
Leo: Sabes la comida puede esperar ya casi pasan las 2 horas, descuida Leo, no pasa nada, tomaré al vecino, después de todo nos retrasados por su culpa.
Leo: bueno esta bien, además el echo que viva cerca es de ayuda para poder comunicarnos.
Marcus, puso la mesa y nos sentamos a comer, la comida estaba muy buena pero el agua de frutas sabia un poco extraño, Marcus lo noto y me dijo que también le sabia raro, quizá era mi impaciencia cuando ya note que faltaban solo 10 minutos pero el cuerpo de Aron no mostraba señales de me inacción ni estímulos, yo para ese momento me sentía débil y en mi mente escuché una voz.
Marcus POV:
Mi vida se volvió un desastre, cometí varios asaltos pero mis nervios me llevaron acabar con la vida de inocentes, no se suponía que eso pasara, lo único bueno fue que conocí a un tipo llamado Leo, se volvió un gran amigo para mí, pero falleció hace 6 meses y como si de un chiste se tratara, hace 3 semanas llego su sobrino a contarme algo impresionante, en realidad era el mismísimo Leo, pero en el cuerpo de su sobrino, me ofreció una salida que yo aceptaría, no quería morir, así que tomaría la vida de un reo que no estuviera convencido con pena de muerte, pero ese reo estaba en otra prisión así que primero ocupaba uno o dos cuerpos en lo que llegábamos al que sería mi cuerpo permanente.
Al llegar a casa de Leo su fastidioso vecino me lleno de slime para un "video", y tuve que tomar una ducha, le agradezco mucho por ello, desde que entré sentí la fuerza y la juventud de este joven motociclista, no me sentía así desde hace muchos años, y ahora vería este cuerpo desnudo antes de dejarlo, seria la experiencia completa, subí al cuarto de este tipo por un cambio de ropa y me llamó la atención el traje que Leo usaba aveces cuando me visitaba, su traje de motorista, era raro que estuviera en esta habitación, sea que Aron y Leo son pareja o son amigos con... una voz interrumpió mis pensamientos al tocar el traje.
Erick: ¿quien eres?
Marcus: disculpa?
Erick: acaso eres el amigo de mi tío?
Marcus: si.
Erick: Ya veo, bueno mira no se si mi tío te dijo pero tienes menos 2 horas deseé que entras para dejar un cuerpo.
Marcus: lo se, no fastidies mocoso.
Erick: Sabes mi tío te describió como alguien agradable pero pareces un pesado.
Marcus: si bueno, sabes antes de sentir este cuerpo planeaba aceptar l oque me ofrecía tu tío, pero este cuerpo es sorprendente, no lo dejare.
Erick: no hagas eso, no vale la pena robar un cuerpo.
Marcus: si lo vale, sabes si acepto lo que ti tío propuso solo acabaré siendo vigilado y aunque estaré "libre", no se compara a un nuevo comienzo.
Erick: Sabes no creo que mi tío este de acuerdo con eso.
Marcus: y no le dirás, basta con ocultarte para que no digas nada.
Escondí el traje que contenía al sobrino de Leo y tome otra ropa, me fui a bañar, pero al desnudarte vi este cuerpo en toda su gloria, estaba en forma y no podía dejar de posar frente al espejo, tome mi nuevo pene con una mano y acariciaba mi pecho con el otro, era tan excitante y caliente, aproveche el ruido del agua para silenciar mis gélidos, al bombear esta gigante polla carnosa, era demasiado sensible y a su vez solo podía bombear más fuerte hasta que eche una voz.
Aron: ¿que pasa?, porque estoy haciendo esto?, no estaba en...
Marcus: muy bien chico, para ahí, te diré algo, tu cuerpo ahora es mío, tu amiguito Leo te vendió, me dio tu cuerpo.
Aron: que?, Leo?, no tengo ningún amigo llamado Leo y el más cercano es el tío fallecido de Erick.
Marcus: bueno con ideando esta situación adivina quien evitaba el cuerpo de Erick.
Aron: no puede ser... uf eso se siente bien.
Notaba como Aron sentía lo que yo, me costaba poder hablar con el y más porque el placer me hacía estar más cerca de correrme, entonces recordé algo y decidí lo mejor para mi.
Marcus: mira chico, desaparecerán en cuanto suelte tu espermatozoide, te iras a través del desagüe.
Aron: no entiend-do.
Marcus: al tomar tu cuerpo un alma suplanta y expulsa la otra, sorpresa la otra eres tu y te iras, Leo me dijo que puedo atrapar tu alma en un objeto que te pueda absorber ya que te convertirás en esperma o dejando entrar tu espermatozoide en el de un se vivo, así que escoge.
Aron: me meterás en un anim-mal o una tela?
Sentía como estaba más cerca de correrme.
Marcus: no, te meteré en un humano o en ropa, tu eliges.
Aron: q-quiero a Erick.
Sentía que no quedaba tiempo, tome un fresco vacío que estaba cerca y me corrí en el, fue glorioso y liberador, mi hipótesis fue correcta, el cuerpo al estimulará suelta el alma, las 2 horas es el tiempo natural, pero se puede acelerar con una masturbación o sexo.
Aron quería a Erick, quería su cuerpo, no entendía el porqué, o bueno talvez si, quizá venganza, después de todo le eche la culpa a Leo, y pensándolo bien, no se si Leo pueda echarme a la fuer,a de este cuerpo y regresar nos a la normalidad, tendré que sellarlo, pero enserió quiero eso?, es mi amigo y en prisión fue el único que me apoyo cuando me dieron pena de muerte, seria capaz, entonces vi mi actual reflejo y con todo el pesar de mi corazón tome una decisión, ya solo faltaba el como sellarlo.
Tuve una idea, lo engañaria con tomar el cuerpo del vecino, después...
Aron pov:
Mi visión regresaba y mire a mi anterior cuerpo sonriendo frente mío, no entendía que pasaba, solo recuerdo la desesperación y el placer de estar a punto de ser expulsado de mi cuerpo y luego un vacío, y ahora estaba frente mi viejo yo.
Lo mire y me calmo, me explico que concedió mi petición, me dio el cuerpo de Leo, basto con poner mi alma en forma de semen en su bebida y así mi alma se fundió con su cuerpo, el no sabia que pasaría, dijo que quizá yo seria expulsado en 2 horas o talvez Leo sería expulsado, o quizá no pasaría nada.
Yo camine a un espejo que estaba en la sala y miré mi nueva cara, en secreto estaba enamorado este rostro, en el pasado usaba el traje de motociclista de Erick, porque era como tenerlo conmigo, tocando mi piel, estaba enamorado de él y no podía decir nada, en cierta forma esto era aún más caliente, sentía como mi nuevo pene tocaba con los bóxer que llevaba puestos, y mi cuerpo me dijo que no me juzgarla que podía hacer lo que quisiera, lo mire y me desde en la sala, comencé a masturbarme y a mirar mi pecho, vi como mi anterior cuerpo se ponía duro, mi cuerpo mantenía esa atracción a Erick aunque Marcus lo condujera, no lo sabía con exactitud pero podría segurar eso, le guiño el ojo y el comenzaba a dejar ver que mi viejo pene estaba duro sobresalía de los shorts que llevaba puestos, ver eso me encendió mas, sentía como cada que bombeaba me acercaba mas y mas a correrme pero antes de que eso pasara el corrió a mi anterior habitación y tomó uno de mis trajes de trabajo, y me obligó a correrme en el, no sabia para que pero eso fue tan caliente.
Luego de eso se vistió con ropa limpia y me ordenó hacer lo mismo, yo le seguí y paramos en medio de la carretera, el viendo hacia una montaña solo decía como amaba estar libre al fin.
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4 meses después
Leo pov:
Han pasado mucho desde que estoy atrapado, Erick tenía razón, me advirtió que sacar a Marcus de la cárcel era mala idea y gracias a eso ahora perdí su cuerpo y el me encerró en un traje que usa para presumir su nuevo cuerpo, aunque es agradable ver el mundo de vez en cuando y sentir que le hago compañía a pesar que a su vez el rencor no deje disfrutar de los pocos momentos en que siento lo que Erick sentía cuando lo usaba, aunque Marcus aveces me usa para sus conquistas amorosas y siento placeres que nunca me anime a dejar que Erick viera conmigo en su cuerpo, eso me recordaba que todo lo que Erick hizo y perdió por mi fue en vano, todo lo que se es que Aron lo usa seguido en su día a día para salidas en moto.
Marcus pov:
Tener este cuerpo es genial, han pasado 4 meses y sin duda es una fuente de diversión y placer interminable, me gusta salir mostrando este cuerpo o salir usando trajes, ver las miradas de todos es tan entretenido, aunque Aron parece llevarse bien con el original propietario de su cuerpo, no le he dicho a Leo, pero Erick prefiere que sea Aron quien lo use ya que hay más acción jeje, y digamos que le ha tocado conocerme también, sin duda el se adapto, además que no le queda de otra, no puede hacer nada para evitarlo.
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eardefenders · 2 months
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 3 Transcript
00:00 John: Heyyy there, I’m,uh, I’m, uh, back in your ears! Heh. Uh, thanks for inviting me in. Um, I-I just wanted to add a chunk on before this Q and A just to give you an update on all things Gloria Scott. Uh, thanks so much for the kind words, first off. Uh I-I-I did warn about its angst. Um, and I appreciate i-it’s not always a fun ride when, when those kinds of things happen. Um. But hey! I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Um, glad the masterful sound design was appreciated.
00:32 John: Uhm, yeah I thought I’d, I’d check in now and give you a rundown of it all. Post match interview sort of stuff. Uh, Lionel did recover from the stroke. He is out of hospital, but he will be going back to Australia. Um. He’s-he's obviously cooperating with the government, um, down there. It’s not an easy situation, but he’s handling it with remarkable grace and dignity. Um. Victor is, as well. Can’t quite get the read on things with him at the moment. He’s obviously very, very torn. Uh, we solved the case for him, but, y’know, yeah. H-he’s in a much worse place then he was before. Um. *pause* Such is life. Uh, such is a very complicated life, I should say. He’s helping his dad, with the inquiries. Uh, m-my gut says there’ll be prison time. *sucks teeth* Um, y’know, c-cooperation and evidence and the, yeah, t-the mitigating circumstances might be helpful to Lionel and all, but, uh… *deep breath* ultimately lives were lost. He was complicit. Y’know this is the world we live in.
01:49 John: *sucks teeth* Victor has paused the job search, but uh I-I do believe he’ll be coming back to the UK once, y’know, whatever happens, happens. But, uh, yeah. Tough stuff. Um, glad you all enjoyed Mariana joining in on the adventure. Um, don’t know if she enjoyed it all that much. So far she’s watched corpses get pulled out of the canal and now she’s watched an elderly stroke victim get extradited for murder. So, uh, y’know. *chuckles lightly* Welcome to the world of true crime, Ametxazurra!
02:23 John:Um, Sherlock asked me to apologize, also, actually. Um, yes, to apologize that he wasn’t technically correct in his solving of the case. Um, uh, Hunter did reveal the actual truth. I, I told him people wouldn’t really mind. He got me to apologize anyway, so, uh, yeah. There you go. Um, so he’s been a right mopey bastard, as you can imagine. *clears throat* So, to cheer him up, I carted him off to…an indoor theme park! Heh, yeah, you heard that right. Theme park. But indoors. Well, theme park’s a bit strong to be honest. I-I-It’s like an arcade with an indoor roller coaster. But yeah! Y’know! Uhm, back to Camden, but for a much more enjoyable experience.
03:05 John: These questions were asked, um, before The Gloria Scott episode aired. T-two that I ask Sherlock right at the end are eerily prescient. Um, that’s the right word, I think? Uh, I hope. Welp, you’ll see what I mean. Enjoy!
03:19-3:49 *Intro Music*
03:47 *Arcade Sounds Fade In, we can hear Sherlock exerting himself*
03:50 John: Yoooo, wassup guys! Welcome to the John Watson channel where we talk all things John Watson all the time! Ehh, that’s my impression of a youtuber or real podcaster, hope you enjoyed it. Ah, right, Sherlock, tell the members where we are.
04:01 Sherlock: Indoor theme park! Augh! *through gritted teeth* You little alien bastard! Get back here!
04:09 John: Sherlock is doing some whack-a-mole, ah, or they’re aliens in this place, not moles. Could be alien moles. Who knows. Ah, it’s an indoor theme park in *in a very exaggerated North London accent (genuinely he sounds like an ass here)* North London. That’s North London, sorry. Bit excited. Had about a kilogram of sugar. Haha, I’m looking at all sorts here. Arcade machines, carousels, basketball hoop game thingy, air hockey, bumper cars -dodge’ems, call’em what you will-, and an indoor roller coaster! Hahahaa! It’s wild stuff. Okay, let’s get to some questions over a casual game of air hockey.
04:40 *Audio Cut, sounds of air hockey being played*
04:41 Sherlock: Have that! *puck hit sound* And that!
04:44 John: ‘Have that and that’? What are you, a musketeer? Hahahaaaa! *sound of a puck entering the goal* First point Watson! Heyheyheeeey, ahhhh. And now for the first question. Uh, Tonkster aka Resetoaster asks, “To John and Sherlock, if you go to Subway -the fast food I should clarify- what do you usually order?”
05:03 Sherlock: *with exertion* You’re *sound of the puck being hit* distracting me! Ah!
05:06 John: Ah, you wouldn’t be saying that if you were winning.
05:07 Sherlock: I’m not winning *puck hit sound* precisely because of it.
05:11 John: Alright, fine. I’ll answer. Uh, I like the turkey club. Is that-Ow! That hit my finger. *hisses in pain*- I think there’s a turkey one. Um, I like that one on plain-ish bread. I don’t think their fancy breads are all that good. Uh, and then I’ll have a southwest sauce- Wham! Haha! *sound of puck entering goal*
05:23 Sherlock: Oh, bugger.
05:26 John: Subway order?
05:26 Sherlock: Never been.
05:27 John: Great.
05:27 *audio cuts. Sounds of automatic rifle fire going off*
05:29 John: Reloading. Cover me!
05:29 Sherlock: Covering.
05:30 John: Incoming at your two o’clock.
05:31 Sherlock: On it!
05:32 *sounds of two loud gunshots*
05:33 John: Yesss, Sherlock. Right, through the lobby. Okay, let’s see how this goes. Bellaxbear01 asks “If you guys want another pet, what animal would it be? Another dog, another cat, or maybe a fish?”
05:47 Sherlock: I like fish. *sound of gunshots* Very much. Reloading.
05:50 John: *pleased* Oh, hahah! I like fish too!
05:52 Sherlock: Really?
05:53 John: Yeah! Tropical?
05:54 Sherlock: Tropical or temperate.
05:56 John: Well that’s good to know. Yeah, worth maybe one day looking into that? Oo! Getting shot at here. Uh, Amelie5 asks “Do you have a favorite case you’ve solved so far?
06:05 *sounds of a big gun being fired*
06:07 Sherlock: A good question at bloody last. Die you bastards! *big boom*
06:12 John: Oh wowhaowhaooow! *sounds of I guess dirt falling, maybe bodies???* *with a smile in his voice* Oh, you made him blow up! Ha! Ahh, I know the feeling. Poor sod.
06:18 Sherlock: I rather enjoyed the Red Headed League.
06:22 John: Yep, that was a good’un. -Oh, duck down! That’s a machine gun.- Did you like the Red Headed League because of the case or because it proved me wrong about it being boring?
06:27 Sherlock: Mmm, both.
06:28 John: Great, well-oh I’m dead. *sound of man yelling, presumably John’s character dying in the game* Balls.
06:31 *audio cut. Ambient arcade sounds with something fizzing at the forefront*
06:34 John: What is that?
06:35 Sherlock: *struggling to speak* opp ing andy.
06:37 John: Opping Andy?
06:38 Sherlock: *still struggling to speak, but clearly annoyed* Op-opping. Andy.
06:41 John: Ohhhh, popping candy. Right. Well, RangerPip asks any specific reason you started smoking a pipe?
06:49 Sherlock: *unintellible gargling and consonant sounds*
06:54 John: Right, well, if you understood that RangerPip, well done you, haheh. *pause* *in a considering tone* Hunnh. He may or may not be choking.
07:03 *audio cut, loud music and bumper car sounds*
07:04 John: Ah!
07:04 Sherlock: Ahahaha!
07:05 John: Hahahah, left! Left! Left!
07:08 Both: Ah! *sound of impact*
07:09 John: Oh my god, my ribs! Argh, right! Let’s get up some more speed and smash into these kids-uh, I mean! These, um, big burly blokes.
07:17 Sherlock: Here we go.
07:20 John: Yesss, Sherlock, we are at some speed now, baby! Hahahah, right! Question from Raylein, “Does Archie get human food? And if he does, who feeds it to him?”
07:30 John: Ah yeah I do feed him, I-
07:30 Sherlock: Yes.
07:33 John: Wait.
07:34 Sherlock: What?
07:35 John: You’re feeding him as well?
07:36 Sherlock: I am, yes!
07:38 John: Well, that explains a lot. Uh, yeah Raylein, I don’t really like animal products going to waste so I just, um, I chuck him all sorts. Ope, here we go. Come here you little shits.
07:44 Sherlock: Ahhhhhhhh!
07:45 John: *sound of impact* Ah hahah!
07:48 *audio cut, it’s much quieter now, but they’re still at the arcade*
07:49 John: *remorsefully* I just didn’t think they’d cry and tell their mums is all.
07:51 Sherlock: That’s what children do. *accusingly* You told me to smash into them.
07:55 John: I did not say that.
07:57 Sherlock: Can I get the SD card out of your microphone and check?
08:00 John: No.
08:01 Sherlock: See.
08:02 John: Andrew says, “Question for Sherlock: Do you have any piercings? And, if you don’t, do you want any? And, if you do, which ones do you want?”
08:10 Sherlock: *sucks in a deep breath* Ear piercing. I haven’t used it for some time.
08:14 John: Why not?
08:15 Sherlock: Was that asked in the Discord?
08:17 John: What?
08:18 Sherlock: That. Just then.  The ‘Why not?’
08:21 John: …No.
08:22 Sherlock: *takes a breath* Well then. I needn’t answer it. This is a time for members.
08:26 John: Right. Great. Lovely. Ok, MushPit says “Your deductive skills, was it talent you were born with or a skill that you developed and perfected over time?”
08:34 Sherlock: I assume MushPit is asking me, not you?
08:37 John: Ah ha ha, very funny.
08:40 Sherlock: My senses have always been, um-
08:43 John: Overcalibrated?
08:44 Sherlock: Yes, quite. Sooo, I’ve always observed a lot. When I found it difficult to tune out of my surroundings, I decided to analyze them. Then it became rather addictive. Yes, it became a skill, but I feel it much stronger then a skill. It feels like a byproduct of my very existence. I cannot unlearn it. IIII cannot wind it down or soften it. It occupies me as much as I do it. I fear that I  cannot stop it. Even if it kills me. Even if it drains everything from me and I can never truly find it to know myself, to know my surroundings without the necessity…uh, no, the-the requisite to my very self. To t-try to understand everything-
09:33 John: The rollercoaster’s ready.
09:34 Sherlock: Oh.
09:35 John: Uh, we- we can finish if you want? Uh, y’know we can go on it later?
09:40 *audio cut, we can hear the roller coaster going and John and Sherlock on it. John keeps saying ‘Woohoo! Wheee!’ and Sherlock is saying joyfully ‘Bloody fantastic! Absolutely bloody fantastic!’ Both of them also keep laughing in between their exclamations*
09:48 *audio cut. We’re outside. London traffic can be heard.*
09:53 John: Oh that was good! Wasn’t it?
09:54 Sherlock: *pleased* Superb.
09:56 John: Not a bad idea, is it? A theme park, indoors? I mean we were a little old for it, but hey, y’know, there’s no age limit on enjoyment! Well, I mean you can’t go jumping into a soft play or anything like that, but yeah. Yeah. Now we are walking near Chalk Farm. Not actually a farm of chalk, of course. It’s just a nice place between Bellsides Park and the Northern end of Camden town. How’s that q and a session for you, mate?
10:16 Sherlock: Is that question on the Discord?
10:17 John: Right, ok. This is not a thing. You can still have normal chats with me inbetween members questions.
10:25 Sherlock: Noted.
10:26 John: Well it’s a question for me now anyway. Um, has your mother finally listened to the podcast? And if yes, what does she think of it? Uh, yes, has she listened? She has! She didn’t like the sound of my bomb. That makes two of us, there. Eheh. Uh, and she sent me further messages about Mariana. And! She will occasionally point out when I’ve been rude to people on the show. *clicks tongue* She also asked me if the Austrian man’s face was okay, so she has at least, definitely finished one adventure. And, no. His face is not. Ok. Mum. Uhh, so- hunh, this is weird.
10:59 Sherlock: What’s that?
11:01 John: Two questions here, next to each other. Uh, I-I’m not making this up. First one, Ramt or-or Ramtonk, “t-the flowers on my orchids are gone, but the plants themselves are thriving. Uhh, they’re watered as they should be and get optimal sunlight. Will the flowers ever come back?”
11:19 Sherlock: *pleasantly surprised* Hhha!
11:20 John: Right? Yeah and the second one from Batonks the Graveyard Ghost says, “Question for John, do you have any funny memories from your childhood that you’d like to share with us?”
11:30 Sherlock: Yes, that is quite remarkable.
11:32 John: Well! I’ll let the adventure of The Gloria Scott answer those questions! So, ah, everybody, thanks so much for these. I hope you enjoyed the answers. Sorry it’s been so short, but I’ve just noticed that that’s our bus!! We’re gonna miss it! Go! Go! Go!
11:46 Sherlock: *frustrated sigh* For goodness sake!
11:47-12:17 *Outro Music Plays*
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loremori · 3 months
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Martin Freeman (47/366)
Sherlock 2010–2017
Writer & Creator Mark Gatiss Steven Moffat
*Modernized version of the Conan Doyle characters.
T3.E2 The Sign of Three (2014) Directed Colm McCarthy
I complain a lot about the third season, but this episode is my third favorite episode of the entire series. (Shocked, well no that shocked). It has very low points, but some very high and very funny ones too. The most important thing: the place is so beautiful! My congratulations to the production and those in charge of the cinematography.
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"18th Century Goldney House and Gardens are nestled in the heart of beautiful Clifton Village and set within its own walled gardens. The secret garden includes a gothic tower, grotto, bastion, a rotunda and ornamental canal and Orangery".
**I can't find the author of this illustration. I attach the link to the page where I found it: https://bbcsherlockftw.tumblr.com/post/80055403074 ***The whole situation is an emotional mess, but at least they look good while they're at it.
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te-de-mandarina · 1 year
Hoy, hace 47 años se emitió un comunicado en todas las estaciones de radio y canales de televisión de Argentina anunciando que desde esa fecha en adelante el país estaba bajo un "Proceso de reorganización nacional" y recomendando a todos los habitantes (y cito) "Extremar el cuidado en evitar acciones y actitudes individuales o de grupo que puedan exigir la intervención drástica del personal en operaciones"
Lo que realmente se dio ese 24 de marzo de 1976 fue un golpe de estado, una dictadura que desapareció y mató a miles de personas. Por que no fueron solo 30.000
Las fuerzas armadas destituyeron de su puesto a Isabelita, la presidenta a cargo en el momento, y la junta militar tomó el poder completo a la fuerza.
Se impuso en el país cierta religión, modelo económico e ideología y si no estabas de acuerdo, te mataban. Asi de fácil.
Los milicos decian estar en guerra contra la "subversión"
Si eras peronista eras subversivo, si eras comunista eras subversivo, si eras militante eras subversivo. Tambien si eras amigo o familiar, si denunciabas una desaparición, si estabas en un centro de estudiantes, si te gustaba cierta musica, si tenías ciertos libros en tu casa o el pelo largo siendo hombre, eras subversivo y por lo tanto, tenias que desaparecer.
¿Que le paso a mi hijx, a mi nietx, a mi hermanx, a mi amigx?
"no esta ni muerto ni vivo. Esta desparecido"
Eso decía el general Jorge Rafael Videla sobre toda la gente que él mismo y todas las personas implicadas en esta dictadura mandaban a secuestrar, interrogar, torturar, matar, violar y desparecer.
Porque todos los implicados son responsables. La policía es responsable, las fuerzas armadas son responsables, la iglesia católica y los medios que protegían a los asesinos son responsables. Y todos deberian ser enjuiciados y condenados. A perpetua.
Mas tarde la junta militar intentó justificar los crimenes que cometieron diciendo que fue "la unica respuesta posible"
"La consecuencia de esa acción de gobierno solo podia ser una: la guerra" Decía Galtieri, miembro de la junta militar en los juicios.
¿En que mundo "la única respuesta posible" a cualquier situación es realizar un golpe de estado? ¿Desaparecer de mas de treinta mil personas? ¿Secuestrar a mujeres embarazadas y entregarle sus bebés a otra familia? ¿Matar y torturar a estudiantes de secundaria por pedir que baje el precio del boleto de colectivo?
Estos no fueron casos aislados, no fueron "excesos". Fue un plan sistemático de desaparición y terrorismo de estado que no se limita a un par de personas individuales. Ni siquiera se limita nada más a Argentina, Fue parte del Plan Cóndor, que atacó con golpes de estado a gran parte de Latinoamérica.
Es importante seguir hablando de esto, no dejemos que nadie se olvide de lo que paso en nuestro pais hace menos de cincuenta años. Hay que seguir buscando la verdad y nunca dejar de marchar cada 24 de marzo, para acompañar a las abuelas y madres de plaza de mayo. Por ellas, sus hijos y nietos, los pibes de malvinas, las víctimas de la noche de los lapices, y por todos y cada uno de los mas de 30.000 desaparecidos.
Por la memoria, la verdad y la justicia.
Si naciste entre el 1975 y el 1983 y tenés dudas sobre tu identidad, Contacta a las abuelas de plaza de Mayo, Podrías ser uno de los nietos que siguen buscando.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Electrum vase from the Kul-Oba kurgan, depicting Scythians 4th C. BCE. Of possible Greek manufacture for Scythian trade. Hermitage Museum.
"Nowhere are men seen so dull-witted (I say not this of the Scythian nation) as in the lands by Euxine Pontus, against which Darius led his army. For we cannot show that any nation on the hither side of the Pontus has aught of cleverness, nor do we know (not reckoning the Scythian nation and Anacharsis) of any notable man born there. But the Scythian race has in that matter which of all human affairs is of greatest import made the cleverest discovery that we know; I praise not the Scythians in all respects, but in this greatest matter they have so devised that none who attacks them can escape, and none can catch them if they desire not to be found. For when men have no stablished cities or fortresses, but all are house-bearers and mounted archers, living not by tilling the soil but by cattle-rearing and carrying their dwellings on wagons, how should these not be invincible and unapproachable?
This invention they have made in a land which suits their purpose and has rivers which are their allies; for their country is level and grassy and well watered and rivers run through it not greatly fewer than the canals of Egypt."
-Herodotus, The Histories: Book 4, Chapter 46-47
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justanagenderperson · 8 months
Can I ask a fluff romantic Fic of Agent 47 x gender neutral reader, where the reader is recovering from an ear injury and the reader was doubting that their injury would burden 47? I love your work, keep it up!
YES U CAN ASK I WILL WRITE RAAAAHHHHH THX FOR THE RQ!!! Sorry it's short, I haven't written in a bit. Also ty have kith-
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GN!Reader x Agent 47
TWs: Romance⁉️⁉️😳, Ear injury, Established Relationship, Demeaning Thoughts, Fluff, I'm not a doctor so sorry if any of the medical stuff is wrong
[Very sorry if this isn't what you wanted I tried my best but I'm a little rusty]
To put it plainly this sucked.
You're acutely aware of the silicone plug nestled within your right ear. Your nose felt slightly stuffy and all in all you felt like shit, just because you decided to visit your boyfriend with no ear protection. It was a foolish oversight on your part really, your boyfriend hadn't sensed you coming in- his usually heightened senses probably still recovering from the new introduction of serum running through his veins-. Due to this, you stepped in right as he fired his silverballer- not at you of course- however the loud noise of the shot was enough to rupture your ear. You didn't even know what happened until he rushed over to your side lightly yet tentatively holding your face, a look of worry flashing in the hitman's normally calm, cold eyes as he assessed the damage.
All while you were processing what was happening 47 made a vow to never injure you like that ever again. Even if it was accidental, he still felt extremely guilty. This brings you to the present with your head tilted sideways against 47's lap as he squirts the antibiotic drops into your ear canal. You nervously fidget with your hands moving uncomfortably at the cold liquid invading your ear as your mind is plagued with horrible, horrible, thoughts, 'What if he thinks you to be too much and leaves you?' And 'What if he's just tolerating you and this is the last straw?' You're drawn out of your thoughts at the sound of a cap being twisted ontop the bottle. Ah. He must be done. You sit up propping yourself up against the couch.
You realize 47 has been staring at you feeling holes burning in the side of your head, "Is something wrong?" He finally asks. You look at your boyfriend slightly surprised. He had always been especially good at reading people but still, it somehow managed to catch you off guard, "I uh, no-" A suspicious raise of the eyebrow from the hitman, "-...I mean yeah..." You finally spit out averting your gaze, finding the floor to be a way more interesting view than his majestic blue eyes, 'Maybe he finally got sick of you?' You're startled out of your train of thought once again as a hand comes to rest upon your shoulder. Your eyes flicker towards the culprit only to feel the tension leave your body, "What is it?" The agent asks in a soft yet low voice.
Your mouth opens and then closes before you shake your head, "I...I just..." Looking back up you see your boyfriend listening intently- no judgemental stare or gaze- just your boyfriend. You deeply intake a breath, "Am I...in your way...?" The hitman tenses up as if he wasn't expecting such a question. You knew it. But before you can let your imagination run wild he speaks again, "No, why would you think that?" He asks reaching his hand out to gently grab yours he brushes his thumb over the inside of your palm in what you think is meant to be a comforting gesture but only proves to cause bees to buzz in your stomach jabbing aggressively at the inside. He's pitying you, I mean you must look pathetic. Your spacing out must've been apparent because his grip gets firmer,
"I love you." You look at him, "I love you." He says again. You stare into his eyes for any signs of deceit yet find none however as much as you want to believe him- a small part of you refuses to cave- you nod slowly unsure of yourself. He must realize this because suddenly without warning he hugs you wrapping around you in a protective embrace. You tense for a moment before returning the gesture. You close your eyes simply drinking in the moment. The smell of his natural scent mixed in with the hint of his cologne soothes you. You don't know how long the two of you stay like that simply holding one another but it's warm, comforting. You finally find yourself beginning to believe his words even if just a little as you and him enjoy each other's company.
[Hope u enjoyed!^^ reminder to eat, hydrate, and SLEEP!]
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dootznbootz · 3 months
I wanted to ask you a deep question about a what if scenario, what do you think would've happened if the suitors successfully killed Telemachus and how would it affect the overall plot, most importantly, Odysseus and Penelope?
Thank you for the ask! Oh, no... :')
Ofc, I'm not Homer so I don't know everything but holy shit. I DO think Athena may have possibly stepped in, or if he was still killed, she would have helped Penelope. (all of them being her faves) If I were to use as an AU in my writing, I'll have to explain somethings :'D
If I were to do this as an AU in my works, I'd probably have her seek refuge with the Naiads, as that already happens in my fics. Odysseus has a shitton of canals in the castle as the reason WHY he partially went to Sparta during Helen's suitors is to get supplies as I plan to have Ithaca and some of the islands he rules over get hit by a minor quake the fucked up the castle. (he already had plans in motion, just needed supplies.) When he met Penelope and learned how she basically needed access to Water always, he sent NEW blueprints/plans back as he wanted to make her happy and give her what she needed. His thoughtfulness eases Icarius and Periboea's worries about him and her going to live on a "rock".
More to it but yeah. It's built in a way where it'd be impossible to go through if you're not a naiad or naiad born as you'd drown...Penelope and Telemachus HAVE found some suitor's bodies in these areas, as the islands don't have MANY Naiad born (especially not at marriageable age. Some naiads, seeing how happy Penelope is and having watched her and Odysseus act, thought "...That sounds nice. Wonder if I could get that." so there are SOME young naiads born eventually on Ithaca)
The pool/canal that's basically in their chamber, needs a special puzzle solved so therefore not even naiad born could get through. (She wasn't completely cooped up. She snuck out through this way to the caves.)
Even then, I plan for her to mention to the beggar that once Telemachus can inherit the throne safely, she'll probably be a Naiad full time as to not get married again. So if Telemachus was killed, she'd do that.
Possibly try to get control over the island in some ways as the suitors will obviously be pissed as "where's the queen?"
When Odysseus comes it's obviously a very...hard moment for them. Odysseus obviously never got to truly meet what his son grew up to be even for that short while... :'D And they'd probably kind of do the same as the Odyssey.
Afterward though? I might rewrite some things and make it so that they're 46-47 instead of 45 when they reunite but idk for sure. An heir is needed though (and even then I do kind of plan to have them have a child afterward as holy shit, the drama??? The mixture of joy and pain each family member has???ksdl SO MUCH FUN TO THINK ABOUT. :'D )
Odysseus and Penelope, being aspec and just straight up not wanting others won't hear anything about concubines just like they did before. He does what he said before Telemachus was born: "I'm ripped up from that Boar, I am to blame. Even if I had others it's not likely. Leave us alone."
If they can't have an heir they'd probably talk about stealing a child... Like they talked about before Telemachus happened. :P
Look, they're basically obsessed with each other and also fucked up as hell sometimes. Odysseus killed Astyanax, I think he'd steal a baby so he wouldn't have to be with any other.
Also with Odysseus' trauma from the rapes? He has PTSD and Penelope is really the only one he feels safe around with it. War PTSD is something else entirely but Penelope, the only person he's ever wanted, makes him feel safe. Her reassuring him that she loves him and doesn't blame him, is what helps him alongside time :')
They eventually have an heir but also... Telemachus is constantly on both of their minds. Especially Penelope's as she raised him. :')
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hetadoujinarchive · 1 year
List of Dj’s on This Page
[Btw I will block you if you look like a p/rn bot]
[Last updated mid June]
[Currently organized in this order: GerIta, SuFin, RoChu, FrUK, Other Ships, Non Ship]
A Day On The Planet (85 pgs; dark)
Becoming Friends (17 pgs; dark, gun; nudity but nothing shown)
Beginning's Tone/Hajimari no Onshoku (27 pgs; dark)
BMMB Winter Comiket Issue (5 pgs; cute)
Canal Grande (14 pgs; somber; censored nsfw)
Catharsis When The Country Awakes (74 pgs; dark)
Cherry Boy Blues (21 pgs; dark)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59 pgs; only the gerita one is sad)
Dream Draws A Dream (33 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Eternita (32 pgs; neutral-somber)
Gift (25 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Goodbye My Little Girl (53 pgs; dark)
Hiraite Musunde Isshuukan/Red Shoelaces (28 pgs; light)
I-Logik (32 pgs; light)
I Won’t Let You Call Me Gattino (32 pgs; comedy)
La Sposa de Adria (51 pgs; somber)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 1 (59 pgs; bit dark)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 2 (49 pgs; dark)
Lettera D’Amore (37 pgs; cute)
Life Is So Beautiful (30 pgs; dark, tw)
Little Sheep/Counting Sheep (44 pgs; dark)
Marriage Press Conference (34 pgs; comedy)
Messenger Of Happiness (39 pgs; bit somber)
Night Watch (48 pgs; dark; censored nsfw)
Oggi Sposi (19 pgs; comedy)
Passato Ed Ora (32 pgs; dark)
Passwort Sirup (14 pgs; dark)
Playing House/Futari Gokko (120 pgs; dark, war)
Siamo Felici (24 pgs; comedy)
Sweet Home (30 pgs; dark)
The Defeat Of A Certain Man (60 pgs; drama; censored nsfw)
The Windowsill That Loved Him (30 pgs; sweet)
What If (12 pgs; dark)
Ai Suru Hito (27; light)
Diamond, Diamond, Diamond (30; mostly light)
Good Night, Good Dreams (14; cute)
Happy School Days (14; cute)
Kemuri wa Doko e Iku no Kara/Where Does The Smoke Go (22; dark, smoking)
Oh Family (18; cute)
Pihatonttu (75; cute)
Second Stage (20; somber)
Bloom Of Flower (18; dark)
Da Small Town (39; light drama)
Drowned Prince/Oboreta Ou (24; neutral)
Eternal Happiness (28; light drama; censored nsfw)
Guo Jie/Border (28; somber/neutral)
Little Song Maker (15; comedy)
Deus Ex Machine (25; neutralish)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59; only the gerita part is sad) 
Drive Me Crazy (58; light drama; censored)
Fairy In My Mind (43; light; censored)
My Dearest, The British Empire (19; light)
Shiki/Fuyu (45, dark)
Yoru no Mori, Anata to Futari (37, darkish?)
Other Ships:
Fubin 2 (Gakuen PruHun; 20; light; censored)
Gap Moe (PruHun; 30; comedy)
Omoide Jenga (PruHun; 27; dark)
Always By Your Side (Giripan; 33; light drama)
Neko Netsu (Giripan; 22; dark, war)
Do You Remember Me? (RusPrus; 78; somber; censored)
My Name Is Your Night (RusPrus; 57; somber; censored)
Diamante (LietPol, RusAme, etc; 59; only the gerita part is sad)
Koi To Wa Donna Mono Kashira/What Is It Like To Be In Love? (AusHun; 18; light drama)
Million Lies (DenNor; 72; dark, violence)
The Nation And The Maiden (FraJoan; 33; dark)
A Happy Friendship Day (Hungary & Poland; 14; light)
Cradle Voice/Yurikago no Koe (Italy & Austria; 14; light)
Dreaming (Child America &Canada; 17; light)
Fubin 1 (Gakuen England, Japan; 14; comedy; censored nsfw)
Heart Ni Hyoutai (Russia; hints of LietBel and RusLiet; 14; somber; censored)
Hide, Hide, Hide! (Child America & Canada; 29; cute)
I Am Here, It Is A Very Wonderful Day/Sayonara Sankaku, Matakite Shikaku (Belarus; hints of LietBel; 47; dark)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (censored v) (Japan & China; 28; war)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (uncensored v) (Japan & China; 28; dark, blood, war)
My Dearest, The British Empire (tech FrUK bnr; 19; light)
Nihonchi (axis vs ame & uk; tech gerita & itapan bnr; 25; comedy)
Passwort Sirup (hints of hretaly/gerita; 14; dark)
Summer Apparition/Natsu no Mamono (axis; 14; somber yet wholesome)
The Golden Age of Sea and Sky (Turkey & Greece; 25; neutral)
There Is No End (nordics; 27; dark)
The Sound Of A Heart Falling/Shinzou No Orihiru No (Belarus & Russia; 17; dark, tw)
Tomato! Tomato! Tomato! (tech spamano bnr; 20; cute)
World Wide Love (main cast, mcdonald, miku, shinatty; 21; comedy)
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overland-defender · 8 months
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04/06/2022 - Day 1
The location for the group to meet was just a stones throw from Pegasus bridge located in Bénouville. Here we met some familiar faces from a previous BF4x4 tour we did a few years ago. As always an introduction and agenda was shared where most of this tour will be spent in the Calvados (Normandy) area. Today's agenda Pegasus Bridge Memorial Ranville War Cemetery Colleville-Montgomery - The Hillman Fortress Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery Arromanches-les-Bains - The Mulberry Harbour/Port Winston
Memorial Pegasus  As you would've guessed our first stop was indeed Pegasus bridge memorial/museum, now i'd imagine most would know this but the original captured bridge has been relocated away from the canal and the one you drive/walk over is a replica. The site is dedicated to the men of the British 6th Airborne Division who were the first Allied troops to arrive in Normandy on the night of the 5th/6th of June 1944 where a small detachment of the 6th British Airborne Division surprised the German garrison guarding the bridges. The BF4x4 guides arranged for a guided tour to walk us through step by step how the assault unfolded and we were even lucky enough to meet a veteran - Well worth a visit.
Ranville War Cemetery
1.4 kilometres down the ride (3 minute drive) is the Ranville War Cemetery. Ranville was the first village to be liberated in France when the bridge over the Caen Canal was captured intact in the early hours of 6th June by troops of the 6th Airborne Division, who were landed nearby by parachute or glider. Many of the division's casualties are buried in Ranville War Cemetery.
The cemetery contains around 2,236 Commonwealth burials of WW2, 90 of them unfortunately are unidentified and 323 German graves. The churchyard also contains 47 Commonwealth burials, one of which is unidentified, and one German grave.
One grave of interest was of Private Emile Corteil, he was from Watford in Hertfordshire and served with A Company, 9th (Essex) Parachute Battalion. Corteil was the dog handler for the company, and his dog was called Glen. Both parachuted into France with their company on D Day, Emile was killed on D Day aged 19 years; Glen was also killed and the two were found lying together.
Colleville-Montgomery - The Hillman Fortress
From Ranville we head 7.5km northwest to The Hillman Fortress which sits south of the town Collevill-Montgomery. The Hillman Fortress was a command post among the German coastal defences on the Normandy beaches which was built between 1942 and 1944.
The 1st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment liberated the site on the 6th of June 1944 but took longer than expected. The delay in taking the bunker complex has been cited as a reason for the Allies not completing their major D-Day objective of taking Caen. We were fortunate to experience a camp reenactment, this entailed enthusiasts dressing up as allies and Germans with decommissioned weapons and WW2 vehicles. 1940's radio's playing war speeches and also the Jive music like 'Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy' by The Andrews Sisters. It's honestly awesome to be amongst it and i'm sure many have got bitten by the reenactment bug. Once we had completed many laps of the camp and the fortress we has a spot to eat in the back of the 110 mainly cheese, ham and baguette (continental lunch) before heading off to our next destination of the day.
Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery
Whilst in convoy heading west over the CB radio Keith informs us that we will be stopping off at another war cemetery, but this contains mostly Canadians. Many of those buried were of the 3rd Canadian Division who died either on 6th June or during the early days of the advance towards Caen, when the Division engaged the German 716th Division and the 21st Panzer Divisions. As you look around any war cemetery it is hard to really comprehend that each headstone represents a lost life and though i'm stating the obvious it's just an overwhelming experience.
Arromanches-les-Bains - The Mulberry Harbour/Port Winston
And just when you thought the day was drawing to an end, when arriving at our accommodation for the next couple of nights which is the very nice Chateau de Bellefontaine. The guys at BF4x4 explained after checking in and freshening up we have a table booked at La Marine which overlooks Gold beach, where the remains of the Mulberry Harbour/Port Winston lie. It was part of mission overlord, where the objectives at Gold Beach were to - Secure a beachhead - Move west to capture Arromanches  - Establish contact with the American forces at Omaha - Capture Bayeux and the small port at Port-en-Bessin - Link up with the Canadian forces at Juno to the east
The forces attacking Gold beach faced the German 352nd Infantry Division and German 716th Infantry Division and there were around 350 ally fatalities.
Mulberry "B" (British) was the harbour assembled on Gold Beach at Arromanches for use by the British/Canadian forces. The harbour was decommissioned 6 months after D-Day as the Allies were able to use the recently captured Antwerp port. The harbour was operated by 20 Royal Engineers under the command of Lt. Col. G C B Shaddick.
That will be enough about the history, the food at La Marine was fantastic and the on the house calvados shot (cider brandy) definitely opened up the airways. Based on Day 1... tomorrow is going to be another epic day.
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thingstol00kat · 8 months
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Elle Pérez at 47 Canal
Gorgeous huge collages with photos, text, quotes, book pages, printouts, etc
0 notes
mariacallous · 8 months
As France grapples with soaring temperatures and ever more ruinous droughts, a full-blown water war is unfolding in the country, with heavy clashes, injuries, and arrests.
Tensions are running high over the use of giant artificial reservoirs for irrigation, which some farmers rely on to cope with water scarcity but which critics say are making the problem worse, accelerating the depletion of limited groundwater resources for the benefit of only a handful of big producers.
It’s one of many conflicts over water access breaking out with growing frequency all over the world, as climate change dries soils, increases temperatures and makes crops thirstier, and reduces the annual snowpacks that traditionally replenished freshwater flows. Water diversion in China is stoking regional ire. In Central Asia, access to scarce water resources is exacerbating cross-border tensions. Climate change and upstream dams, as well as poor water management, are drying out Iraq and Iran. Egypt and Ethiopia have been at odds for years over an upstream Nile River dam that threatens downstream countries. Western U.S. states are bickering over the dwindling resources of the once-mighty Colorado River, while in Germany and Chile, contentious access to water is fueling domestic strife.
“Water is a common good. No one can claim it as their own,” said Julien Le Guet, a spokesperson for Bassines Non Merci (Basins No Thanks), an activist group. This month, Le Guet and several other defendants went on trial over various unauthorized demonstrations against the construction of a new mega-reservoir in Sainte-Soline, in western France.
A rally held in March, in particular, turned into a violent confrontation with the police that left 47 officers and 200 demonstrators wounded. Some local farmers also denounced damage to their crops and the pipes linking their fields to the new basin. Fresh protests took place at another construction site nearby and in Paris over the last few weeks, with more actions planned in the near future.
Estimates vary between 100 and several hundred retention basins in France, giant plastic-lined craters spanning 20 acres on average that are filled by pumping groundwater in winter for use during the scalding summer months. And their number, whatever it is, is growing. The project in the Deux-Sèvres region (which includes Sainte-Soline), led by a private cooperative of local farmers, entails the construction of 16 new reservoirs that would store more than 6 million cubic meters of water—the equivalent of 1,600 Olympic swimming pools. Another 30 reservoirs are due to be built in the nearby Vienne region.
Supporters say that as the weather gets hotter and drier—2023 had the hottest summer on record globally—the basins are an indispensable life insurance for farmers and a way to reduce the pressure on water resources when they are at their lowest. France has recently been experiencing its worst droughts ever; in July, more than two-thirds of its natural groundwater reserves were below normal levels.
“Irrigating without basins means to continue pumping groundwater, even when there’s less of it,” said Laurent Devaux of Coordination Rurale, a farmers’ union.
The problem, critics say, is that the reservoirs are siphoning precious groundwater for the benefit of a small minority. Just 7 percent of French farmland is equipped with irrigation canals, and only some of the irrigated farms around the reservoirs are actually connected to them. The basin in Sainte-Soline will be directly linked to barely 12 farms out of a total of 185 in the area. According to Le Guet, of all the irrigated farms in the region concerned by the Deux-Sèvres project, the ones that will be connected to the new basins use twice as much water on average as the others.
“This is not just a conflict between certain farmers and environmentalist groups,” said Laurence Marandola, a spokesperson for the Confédération Paysanne farmers’ union, which opposes the basins. “All of us farmers need water,” she said.
And there is less and less of it. Due to the combined effects of global warming and over-pumping, Europe’s groundwater resources have been steadily declining in recent decades, with a yearly loss of some 84 gigatons of water (roughly the equivalent of Lake Ontario) since the turn of the century—just like what’s happening elsewhere in the world, from much of the U.S. to the Middle East.
Critics, including conservationists, small farmers, and scientists, slam the reservoirs as a particularly wasteful method of storing water. Keeping it out in the open, rather than underground, means that some of it evaporates and the remaining part heats up, filling with toxic bacteria, said Christian Amblard, an honorary research director at France’s National Center for Scientific Research. “You’ve got, at the same time, a loss of quantity and quality. It makes no sense,” he said.
Finally, these reservoirs are accused of perpetuating what critics call an unsustainable agricultural model that consumes too much water and accelerates global warming. More than 60 percent of Europe’s arable land is used to feed livestock—which, globally, is responsible for over 30 percent of the world’s emissions of methane—a powerful greenhouse gas. The crops that are grown for animal feed include corn, which occupies one-third of all irrigated land in France and demands lots of water in the summer—hence the need for solutions such as the reservoirs.
“The mega-basins are delaying a transition to a responsible, resilient, and water-efficient agriculture,” Amblard said.
That transition would entail, among other things, working to make soils more capable of retaining water and pivoting away from meat and dairy production, according to experts. With up to 15 billion euros in public aid doled out to the French agriculture sector every year, the necessary financial resources shouldn’t be hard to find, Amblard said. “The agricultural sector is one of the few where the ecological transition can be carried out without leaving anyone by the wayside,” he said.
So far, though, successive French governments have shown little appetite for that, handsomely subsidizing the reservoirs instead—which current French Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau praised as “virtuous.” Taxpayers will foot 70 percent of the 76-million-euro bill for the ones planned in the Deux-Sèvres. If farmers have an outsized political and financial influence in the European Union as a whole, in France they are a political power unto themselves.
French authorities have also been cracking down hard on the anti-basins movement. Police have come under heavy criticism for their handling of the Sainte-Soline protest, with the Human Rights League, a French nongovernmental organization, denouncing the indiscriminate firing of rubber bullets and the hindering of first-aid workers by the security forces in a bid to “prevent access to the basin’s site, whatever the human cost.”
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has described some of those taking part in the protests as “eco-terrorists” and has taken steps to dissolve Les Soulèvements de la Terre (Earth’s Uprisings), a vocal, and sometimes violent, environmental group.
“We are increasingly the target of legal actions, investigations, and surveillance,” Le Guet said. “Over the last year, court summons have been raining down,” he said, adding that the movement will continue to hamper new basin construction, nonetheless.
The debate looming in France is a familiar one from the American West to the headwaters of the Nile. The basins “are being politicized and isolated from their context, with the farmers who back them being unfairly designated as villains,” Devaux said.
But “there simply isn’t enough water in the underground reserves to carry on like this, extracting these amounts of water for agriculture,” Marandola said. “And what is done with the water that’s taken should be decided in a democratic way, for every single drop.”
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itsgeecheebitch · 5 months
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
CHAPTER: 46/47
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
RATING: Explicit
MAIN PAIR: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
SEC PAIR: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
SERIES: The Fall Part 1 of 4
   It was like the gates of heaven opened up and you heard the angels sing. You wondered if this was how true awe felt like as you gazed upon the walls of water that surrounded you and your friends on all sides. The city state of Altissa was like something out of a fairy tale, with light blue and ivory buildings, clear canals in place of hard concrete roads, and the scent of baked bread following you wherever you went. But your awe was short lived. As much as you wanted to enjoy being in a foreign land, you couldn't escape the yoke of guilt that had your heart in a chokehold.
     You promised yourself that you would reveal everything to Gladiolus once you reached Altissa during the boat ride. But now that you were here, you felt like a chicken who just got its head choked off, your anxiety reaching its limit. You breathed around the panic-induced noose around your throat, your anxiety retreating but never truly leaving.
      The thought to postpone the conversation with Gladiolus tickled the back of your skull. It wouldn’t be bad to give it another day, right? The five of you weren't even in Altissa for more than fifteen minutes, and with the mission looming over your heads, it would probably be a good idea to keep your lips sealed until after Noctis gained Leviathan's blessing. You nodded to yourself, making another silent oath you swore this time not to break. Gladiolus didn't deserve to have the weight of your infidelity on his shoulders while he tried to evacuate the city. This was for his benefit and not yours.
       Feeling a little looser, but not at all completely relaxed, you traversed the pristine sidewalk of the fairy tale city. Your group's first destination was the first secretary of Accordo’s office, madam Camellia Claustra. Without her enthusiastic support, there was no way Noctis and Lunafreya would be able to commune with the water goddess. The fate of the mission rested upon her decision and whether or not the prince could successfully sway her to their side.
      You welcomed the pressure of the mission like a welcoming embrace, hoping it would replace the shadow of your transgressions that haunted every corner of your mind. You would've been successful if Gladiolus hadn't suddenly pulled away from the group, saying he had an errand to run and would meet up with everyone at the hotel they pre booked in advance.
     Anxiety punched you in the gut, causing the impact to reverberate through your muscles. Gladiolus hadn't mentioned having to run an errand during the boat ride. He only just recently revealed his reason for parting from the group before. And this time couldn't have been for training purposes. What if he sensed your betrayal? What if he finally put your long silences and distance together and came to the inevitable conclusion? Terror clawed up your throat, making your esophagus burn like it had just been scratched from the inside. You weren't ready for him to find out yet. 
     The rest of your group moved on without him, meanwhile you were silently falling apart behind them. Your anxiety hadn't quelled even once you arrived at the secretary’s office. You paced the polished maple wood floors, dread riding on your back, causing a restless energy to zing through your limbs like a ball flying off the walls. 
     Noctis had disappeared into the secretary's office while you and your friends waited in the adjoined sitting room. The only sound in the air was your pacing footsteps. There was no concealing your nervousness. It was palpable, almost tangible in its intensity, as though you could touch it and grab it. Your ceaseless pacing seemed to catch your friends' attention since Prompto asked, “you okay?”
     Nerves leaped off your shoulders as you looked at him, as though you forgot you were with company. Your throat refused to comply when you tried to swallow, your tongue as dry as the lands you hailed from. “Y-yeah.” You stuttered. “Just a little nervous.” 
      “Don't be, Noct's got this!” He flashed you one of his cheerful smiles. You gave him a weak one in response, one that was weighed down by the chaos you hid behind it. 
      “He may not look as such, but Noct is well versed in the game of politics, such was his education from birth.” Your adopted brother added from his position against the wall. “Have faith in our prince, he'll see this through.”
       You nodded your head, wringing your hands as you did. Their encouraging words did nothing to soothe your frayed nerves. They were completely in the dark, ignorant to what was truly occupying your every thought. You stopped your pacing to look at them, a bottomless sadness made your chest feel empty. You wondered how they would react once it all came out. Once they found out about your infidelity. 
        They would surely hate you. You would lose your boyfriend and your friends all in a single day. The inevitability of it all made you want to crumble to your knees and wail for all of Altissa to hear. In the back of your mind, you heard dream Ardyn’s words of warning, his foretelling of events to come. Your arms froze over with goosebumps as you remembered. ‘Even if you don’t, who is to say your friendships won’t suffer as a consequence?  Do you really think they would keep you in their little boy’s club if you become an inconvenience?’ 
        You bit the inside of your bottom lip, he was right. Everything he said in your dream was true. Despite being friends with the boys for years you still didn’t enjoy the same bond they had with each other. They would choose Gladiolus.Your eyes misted with tears and you rubbed them to keep your tears at bay. Who knew the riff in your friendship would be caused by your own hands, not your overestimated incompetence in battle, or uselessness after three or four heals, but a choice that was completely avoidable. 
       Just like what your dream foretold, your friendship would suffer as a consequence and you would no longer be a welcomed guest in their club. Fifteen minutes of dreadful silence passed when Noctis returned to the waiting room, a triumphant smile on his face that let you know he succeeded in his task. Your smile was weak as your friends celebrated, with pats on Noctis’ shoulder and words of praise.
       Out of the three of them Noctis would be the least forgiving. The two of you weren’t necessarily close, at least in comparison to you and Prompto or even your adopted brother. You considered Noctis a friend and you were sure he considered you one as well. But your connection was flimsy in comparison to the familial bond he had with Gladiolus. He would surely be the first to discard you and not look back. A putrid taste singed the back of your throat at the thought of being the subject of his contempt. The thought of his deep blue eyes cut you before it could even happen. 
       After going over some of the plan, you and the boys journeyed over to the hotel. It was much more opulent than the Leville in Lestallum, with a ghostly white exterior, high archways, and a collection of square and arching windows. Its reflection rippled over the crystal clear water of the canal as you entered. Geometric shapes decorated the wooden floors of the lobby where you checked in. 
      Riding the elevator to the third floor, you separated from the boys to go to the room you shared with Gladiolus, possibly for the last time. An unrelenting knot tightened your throat as you wondered if your boyfriend was inside, waiting to have a talk with you. Your stomach twisted with unease, the door creaking open as you entered. Much to your relief the room was deadly silent and Gladiolus was nowhere to be found. 
       Something scarlet red caught your attention and you looked at the bed. Sitting on top of the plush blanket was a long evening gown. It spilled over the white comforter like blood, leading your eyes to the pair of silver heels on the floor. You approached the bed, your chest tightening when you touched the dress and found it was velvety soft and silky smooth. It was no doubt expensive and definitely not a welcome gift from the hotel.
       That only left Gladiolus. A pang shot through the muscles holding your chest together. The feeling worsened when you noticed a folded piece of paper on top of the dress. When you opened it and read it you felt worse than dirt. Gladiolus wanted you to put on the dress and meet him downstairs in the lobby by 7pm. You looked at the clock hanging on the wall, the hands pointing at 6 pm. That only gave you an hour to prepare. 
       You weren’t sure what Gladiolus had planned, but whatever it was you were sure it would only plant the knife in your chest six inches deeper. Throwing on the dress, you painted your face as best you could with the little make up you brought with you. You were on the elevator riding down to the lobby with five minutes to spare. 
       You spotted Gladiolus immediately once the elevator door opened. He was leaning against the wall, his broad muscled form concealed behind a black suit. His shoes were polished and shone under the fluorescent light, his hair combed smooth and flowed down his neck. The sound of your heels clacking against the floor caught his attention and he smiled the moment he met your eyes. 
         You squeezed your hand with the other and forced yourself not to look down at the floor. This would be the last time you would be on the receiving end of one of those smiles. The last time you would be able to appreciate his beauty, his love, his intelligence, everything you took for granted. 
          Once you were close enough, he handed a bouquet of roses to you. Crimson like the color of overflowing wine and white like the sight of freshly fallen snow. You accepted the flowers and gave him a smile you hoped didn't look as forced as it felt.
         “Thank you.” You muttered. “What is all of this for?”
         “There's a five star restaurant here”, he nodded his head towards the opulent looking door beside him. It towered over the other doors in the lobby and was fashioned in intricate carvings of gold and silver. “Thought it would be good to check it out. It's been a while since I did something like this for you. We may be here for only a short while but you deserve to experience what this city has to offer.”
           Tears filled your eyes without your consent. You tried to blink them away but they overflowed down your cheeks anyway. Gladiolus stiffened. His eyes slightly widened with panic and worry. “What’s wrong?”
           Everything. The fact that you cheated, that you betrayed a good man who didn’t deserve your disloyalty. The fact you would lose your place in the group before the mission was over. Instead of saying what was on your mind, you sniffled and gently wiped the tears from under your eyes. “I just…been feeling overwhelmed lately.” You said. “I just want everything to stop already.”
          Circling his arms around your waist, he brought you into his warm and safe embrace. The beat of his heart played a gentle tune in your ear, his deep voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke. “This’ll all be over soon.” He promised. “ Noct will gain all of his ancestors' blessings along with the gods, he'll reclaim Lucis from the Nifs and he and Lunafreya will get married and everything will go back to normal.” He pulled away from you a bit to look down at your tear-streaked face. His lips quirked in a half smile as he delivered the finishing blow, “maybe after all of this we could get married, I wouldn't mind tying the knot in a city like this”.
         Your chest shattered into a million pieces, leaving your heart beating and abandoned on the floor. Did he just propose to you? Horror froze your face in a state of shock. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to do. He essentially promised to marry you and you were planning on breaking up with him. Without knowing what else to do, you plastered a weepy smile on your face and let him kiss you. It felt like the weight of the world was crushing your shoulders, shoving you deep into the pits of the earth. 
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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US military aircraft accident in the Mediterranean
The Pentagon insists that the mysterious "accident" happened during a routine training flight.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/12/2023 - 12:11am Aeronautical Accidents, Military
An unspecified American military aircraft crashed on Friday (10/11) at night in the eastern Mediterranean, the U.S. European Command announced on Saturday. Washington recently sent two groups of aircraft carriers to the region as a deterrent in the midst of the ongoing Israeli war in the Gaza Strip.
The U.S. military aircraft was on a training flight on Friday night, when it “suffered an accident and crashed,” EUCOM said in a brief statement. The Pentagon did not provide any additional information about the type of aircraft, how many people were on board or whether the incident occurred by land or by sea.
“However, we can say with certainty that the out of the aircraft was purely related to training and there is no evidence of hostile activity,” EUCOM added. "Out of respect for the affected families, we will not disclose more information about the personnel involved at this time."
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In addition to several air bases in the region, the U.S. military also has the Boarded Attack Group (CSG) USS Gerald R. Ford operating in the eastern Mediterranean. The second attack group, led by USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has also been in the area recently, but has since passed through the Suez Canal to the Middle East to better "deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts to extend this war after Hamas' attack on Israel."
In another accident last year, an F/A-18 Super Hornet embarked on the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman “exploded when he fell into the sea” due to “unexpected weather conditions” during a refueling mission in the Mediterranean. The jet sank hundreds of meters into the seabed, but was recovered a month later.
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Fragments of the Buddhist monastery at Miran (Xinjiang) 3rd-5th C. CE by Titasa (Tita/Titus?) & other unknown artists. More images (and sources) on my blog, link at bottom.
I'm not 100% sure what nations the people in the photos belong to. They lived in Loulan (aka Kroraina). They used the Indo-European Gandhari language in their writing. They wrote in Kharosthi script which was also (at least partially) used by the Saka of Khotan, Kushan Empire, Sogdians, and Bactrians. Some suspect the artist (or one of the artists) may have been a traveler from the Roman Empire because of his art style and the name "Titasa".
"The Miran murals, now housed in the National Museum of New Delhi, are too delicate to travel (see frontispiece) but Stein found thousands of other items at the many desert ruins at the ancient town of Cadota, north of present-day Niya. These included Gandhari documents in Kharosthi script (cats. 27, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47) 74, 75, 76, 77, 89, 141): administrative records, letters and legal documents, some sent by the king of Kroraina to the ruler of Cadota. They offer a unique glimpse into the concerns of these oasis settlements, especially when placed in context of the archaeology. Stein explains how the sites had been abandoned over time and thus cleared of any items of intrinsic value, but ‘...the manifold other relics, however humble, which had safely rested in the sand buried dwellings and their deposits of rubbish... all help to bring vividly before our eyes details of ancient civilisation that without the preserving force of the desert would have been lost for ever.'
Miran, Cadota and the other towns of Kroraina seem to have been largely deserted by the fifth century. Defeated by the Northern Wei in 445 and with a warming climate making the route through the Lop Desert to Dunhuang no longer viable, people started moved out. The irrigation canals silted up and the dwindling population was unable to provide enough labour to continue to make the land sustainable.
Although not an ocean of emptiness, the analogy of an ocean for this area is a useful one.” The peoples and cultures moved like currents some, like the Gulf Stream, travelling great distances while retaining distinct characteristics, influencing the lands they passed by. Others were merged into more powerful currents, or soon settled on the ocean floor to nourish local cultures. The Yuezhi/ Kushan and the Xiongnu were examples of the first — powerful swirling currents whose origins and many sub-currents are difficult to map. The Hephthalites, who controlled Khotan, Kroraina and Gaochang as well as Gandhara and Northern India by the fifth century, were another powerful current. They exemplify the difficulties of Central Asian scholarship. Even though they ruled a considerable area for over two centuries, had their own language and script and minted their own coins, historians are still trying to piece together a coherent pictures of the nature of the people, their language, social structure, beliefs and art."
-The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith by Susan Whitfield
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