ceabu · 2 months
Your gamkar looks pretty red and not pale (no hate, I just don't get why would you call red rom "pale")
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xxkiller-muffinxx · 8 days
Sticks and stones
Part 2/?
Trolls Au fic
The mysterious troll turns out to me more than just any troll
1512 words
Warnings: dad giving excuses, family trauma, limb severing, speaking of trauma, and mild kidnapping
A/N: Once again, please don't be mad. It's only broppy, but also there's plenty of characters in future chapters. Also I realize that it's becoming more and more like the series characters as opposed to the movies, but it's still a fun read I think!
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The room was tense as Branch finished explaining to his present brothers what was happening. Clay was the first to speak up. “Wait huh? Our dad? Barry?”
Floyd frowned softly. “There’s no way, where’s mom? Is she okay?”
“I hate to say it, but this makes sense. He hears we’re all in one place and runs back to us as if nothing happened.” Bruce proclaims, leaning back. Branch sighed, looking for his John. John Dory stood by the door their dad was resting in, seeming nearly empty.
“John,” Branch called out, walking toward him. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” His voice lowered and he lowered his head taking a deep breath. “If he had just been here, maybe I wouldn’t have run away from you guys, maybe I could have taken better care of you guys, maybe Grandma wouldn’t have died. I just-“ He exhaled sharply.
Branch placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. We’re here if you need us. If you can’t go in, it's fine.” He squeezed his shoulder. John smiled down at him reassuringly.
“I’m glad you think so.” John said. Patting Branch’s hand. Branch turned to look at the others, their faces differing in discomfort and anguish.
Poppy walked up to Branch. No longer rocking her big queen gown “How are you feeling Branchifer?” She asked.
Branch looked at her. His eyes wide and his lips pursed, he sighed heavily. “I don’t know actually, I never met the troll, if he’s anything like John I’m not going to be surprised, but even then, he’s someone completely new.” Branch leaned into poppy slightly, yearning for her presence.
She leans her head on his grabbing his hand and squeezing it. “He seems fun, from…the few seconds I did see him,” Branch laughed. Ruffling her hair lovingly. He walks back to his brothers.
Clay shook his head, “can’t believe dad’s even alive. I thought he was a goner as soon as he stepped out of that pod. He leaned forward onto his knees, tapping his foot anxiously.
Bruce “no doubt he’s here for a reason, good or otherwise, he’s similar to John in that aspect.” John glared at Clay for a moment. Then turned back to the door. He had no energy to fight.
Floyd stayed quiet, he knew the least about their parents, he wouldn’t be any help. He did feel the temperature rise in the room and stood up. “Guys. This is new territory for all of us. Let's try not to take it out on eachother.” He said, watching as JD finally took his seat.
Clay nodded. “Yes, you’re right Floyd let’s keep a nice and calm…attitude about this, How about we talk about our feelings yeah?” He said, trying to sound genuine but, it’s not coming off like it.
Bruce groaned. “Yeah… no, I have a family to take care of so…bye.” He stands up, turning around, and leaving. The others simply deflate.
Poppy looked at Branch. “He can’t be that bad right?” She tried making light of the situation, but JD popped in.
“No, he’s worse, he’s a coward, a deadbeat who runs from his problems.” He huffed. Shaking his head. Silence followed, and Clay snorted softly. “So, You?” He mumbled. Floyd slapped his arm, Branch grimaced. JD clenched his fists on his lap.
The door slowly opened revealing the blue haired Troll. “That is no way to talk about your father! Young men.” He said in a groggy voice, his eye bruised but he’s otherwise fine.
Poppy reveled at the crime she committed instantly trying to apologize but Branch stops her. “Good, now that you're awake, we have questions.”
Floyd stood up first. “Where’s mom?”
Then Clay “why now, did you come back?”
Finally JD “why’d you come back? To ruin pir lives some more?
Barry put his hands up “woah woah one at a time, but this’ll answer all of your questions I promise, so sit down.” He demanded, but none of them sat. So he just shook his head and began.
“After we left the troll tree we were walking for miles, and miles, and miles up until the third moon, where we had to rest. We rested for a good long while, say about: 3 months? Yeah, but that place got raided by ear worms so we had to move and keep moving. Until we found a tree similar to the troll tree. So we set up shop there. It was here we thought we found the perfect place for you boys. Big, and perfect just for you, and we planned to go back! But…those plans changed when we had another egg.”
“HUH?” The room erupted.
“What do you mean by another egg?” Branch called out, stepping closer
“You gotta stop asking that question, Bitty B.” Barry rubbed his temples in distress. “I mean what I say.”
Branch pointed at him harshly. “You don’t get to call me that.” He growled.
“…right…moving on!” He clapped his hands to continue the story.
“The egg was small, and it took a while to hatch, so we thought it’d be a bigger troll? But, when she came out she was teensy tiny, itty bitty, and adorable. you would’ve loved her. Anyway, after having her, your mom became paranoid about being stuck in the wilderness with a child. She was going nuts about it! For so long that I eventually just gave in and we decided that we had to stay. We stayed for most of our time away, maybe half a decade. Until eventually, there was an attack.”
Floyd gasped dramatically “was it a Bergen?”
Barry groaned. “No, can I just tell the story?”
“Sorry.” Floyd breathed out softly.
“It was…a bird attack! One of those huge black birds.we barely escaped with our lives. But your sister lost a leg, and that’s when your mother lost it entirely. She took her and stole a funk tribe ship, stealing it away to makeTwig a safe home. She’s been staying there ever since.”
“And that’s why I Need your help. I've been trying to save her myself, but she always stumps me.” Barry said, running a hand through his hair. Tapping his foot and wringing his hands. “I-im sorry I left. Alright?”
JD stood up. “Sorry? Sorry isn’t going to cut it. You think you can tell us some sob story then send us on some quest to save our sister? It doesn’t work like that.” He huffed through his nose. Floyd put a hand out toward him to comfort him but he dodged it.
Clay rolled his eyes. “You act like you didn’t do that to us half a year ago.”
John fumed. Glaring at Clay. “Alright I get it! Okay, but at least you all Knew who Floyd was, is! For all we care, this “Twig”. could just be a Twig!” He slowly turned to Glare at Barry.
Branch stepped forward. “I think that we should talk about this like civil adults.”
Floyd nods in agreement, but JD shakes his head, grabbing his shoulders to pull him closer “You are not my dad. You threw that title away when you walked away from me.” He teared up clenching his fists harder. “I’ll be outside.” He said before leaving the room.
Branch, Floyd, and Clay looked at one another. Floyd hugging himself and Clay laughing softly, as insanity gripped his brain. “I have to talk to Viva. I don’t have time for this.” He got up and walked away. Floyd frowned. “Yeah, no, sorry dad but I just- I’m sorry.” He walked after Clay.
Barry threw his hands up. Walking up to branch “desperate times call for desperate measures” he slowly went down to the floor. “PLEASE. I HAVE TO SAVE MY LITTLE GIRL.” He cried softly, lowering his head into the floor, Branch rolled his eyes.
Branch looked down at his father on his hands and knees. “Alright…. Alright alright. Get up,” Barry got up, his eyes watering right at the corners. “I am happy to see you again, but I don’t think I-“ Poppy yanked him back.
Poppy shook him violently “you should go!” She whispered excitedly. A grin on her face.
Branch shook his head, “Poppy…I thought you said we were taking a break from…adventuring.” He grinned awkwardly and Poppy gripped his shoulders harder.
“Branch, you have a chance to complete your family tree! I wish I had that chance with my mom, but you know she died early in my childhood. Take that chance!”
Branch cringed. About to say no, but Poppy’s big beautiful eyes make him reconsider. “Okay, but only if you come with me.” Poppy grinned.
Barry cheered from a distance. “Alright then! Should we go?”
Barry began walking to the door, Branch reluctantly tagged along, Poppy right beside him, the whole way.
As sun bathed their faces in golden rays, John Dory was standing by in silence. Leaning against the rock behind Branch’s bunker. His eyes narrowed when Poppy waved goodbye to him. He decided to follow them.
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 6 months
You already know I have to drop a little 🗣️ Vex + Ofu. Heavily intruiged :)
((THis is a follow up to this post!))
Vextri, still clutching his injured shoulder, swings the door open.
Hey, []fu? Y[]u get the bandages and sh][t ready?
A voice comes from another room, clearly sounding a little tired.
Yeah... I did... {ome here, I {an help if you want...
The bronzeblood walks in, seeing Ofu sat there, a worried look on his face.
What... what happened? Are you okay? Sit down, and... and...
A bright green tint fills the limeblood's face.
T-take your shirt off, I need to be able to {lean it first...
Vex responds a little dismissively, not as worried as his friend.
]['m fine. S[]me an[]n dec][ded t[] b][te me pretty fuck][n' hard, but ]['ll l][ve.
He lets go of his shoulder, taking off his jacket and then struggling to pull his shirt over his horns.
See? N[]t even that deep. Deep en[]ugh that ][t needs bandag][n', sure, but []nly barely.
Ofuuno flushes even brighter as he looks over the wound, and he fetches a wipe.
Okay... I'm... I'm gonna {lean it up, sorry if this stings...
He starts wiping away at the wound, making sure it's clean as the bronzeblood winces.
I'm sorry! It's... It's going to be alright...
][t's f][ne. Just... get []n w][th ][t.
Eventually, the wound is clean, and the wipe is tossed into the bin.
Okay, so now I need to bandage it...
He picks up the bandages, and begins slowly wrapping up the other troll's shoulder.
So... why did you get bitten?
D[]n't kn[]w. Typ][cal an[]n sh][t, ][ guess. Luck][ly, ][t gave me a chance t[] pr[]perly test my pr[]ject.
Did... did it work?
Sure d][d. Pretty much perfect. []nly th][ng ][ m][ght wanna w[]rk []n ][s the energy eff][c][ency []f the p[]wer cells, but that m][ght be s[]meth][ng t[] get Therus t[] l[][]k ][nt[], see ][f he can f][nd anyth][ng []ut there.
Ofuuno looks at him with a concerned look on his face.
Does that mean you're a{tually sleeping now?
Yeah. Been catch][ng up.
There's a moment of silence before Vextri speaks up again.
[]fu... ][ sh[]uld ap[]l[]g][ze. ][ heard fr[]m s[]me an[]ns that after what happened y[]u were k][nda beat][ng y[]urself up []ver ][t...
You... you what? N-no, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me, I mean, I went way too far there, a-and I shouldn't have brought up what I did...
Well, yeah, but... ][ kn[]w y[]u meant well, and hell, ][t's not l][ke much else c[]ulda g[]tten thr[]ugh t[] me. Y[]u were try][n' t[] help, and ][ just g[]t mad. ]['m s[]rry. ][ g[]t t[][] wrapped up ][n the pr[]ject, and ][ c[]uldn't see that ][t was hurt][n' y[]u.
Vex... {an we... talk about something? I've been... thinking, a lot...
Sure. ]['ll hear y[]u []ut.
Well, uh, when we had that argument... it was really tough for me... it felt like I was gonna lose you, and... and that idea really hurt...
][... ][ c[]uld tell. S[]unds l][ke y[]u were real br[]ken up ab[]ut ][t. Aga][n, ]['m s[]rry, dude.
Vex... I think... I think there's something I need to tell you about.
G[] ahead.
So... for a long, long time now... I've been having pale feelings for you. A-and I hope that doesn't weird you out or anything...
][... ][ see. ][ mean, ][ can't say the ][dea never []ccured t[] me, ][ mean, we've b[]th heard f[]lks th][nk][n' it.
Y-yeah... b-but... gog, should I even be saying this? {an... {an you promise me you won't get mad when I say this?
][ mean, ]['ll try. K][nda hard t[] pr[]mise that s][nce ][ d[]n't kn[]w what y[]u're g[]nna say.
O-okay. W-well, while we weren't talking... I kept thinking, and...
He takes a shaky breath and looks up, making direct eye contact with the bronzeblood.
I... Vex, I'm flushed for you.
Vextri's eyes go wide, and an orange tint creeps onto his face.
[]fu... Y[]u're... Y[]u're fuck][n' w][th me, r][ght?
N-no... I've been thinking about this for a while, and... fu{k, I shouldn't have said anything...
The limeblood goes silent and just focuses on wrapping Vex's wound up.
L[][]k, dude, ][... ][ d[]n't kn[]w what t[] say... ][ mean... ]['ve never th[]ught ab[]ut that, least n[]t any m[]re than ]['ve had t[] the c[]uple t][mes f[]lks had assumed that bef[]re.
Ofu finishes up the bandaging and stands up, starting to walk off.
Well... I should go... hope you enjoy the rest of the night, Vex...
Just as he's about to leave the room, a hand grabs his wrist, stopping him.
[]fu, l[][]k at me.
He turns around, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
][ can't say ]['ve th[]ught ab[]ut ][t, but... That d[]esn't s[]und l][ke the w[]rst th][ng ever. Just... g][ve me a wh][le t[] th][nk ab[]ut ][t, []kay?
You... You don't hate me now?
N[], []fu. ][ d[]n't hate y[]u. ][... ][ c[]uld never hate y[]u. And... ][ kn[]w better than t[] let y[]u g[] s][t and wall[]w ab[]ut th][s. C[]me back ][n here, and... sh][t, ][ dunn[], we c[]uld cuddle unt][l y[]u feel better? ][ kn[]w y[]u l[]ve cuddles.
That... that sounds really ni{e. T-thank you, Vex...
The two sit down on the loungeplank, and Ofu cuddles up close to his now-aware flush crush.
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do you mind if i ask for the receipts on kankri & porrim’s relationship? not bc i disagree lmao just genuinely don’t remember much abt the dancestors
No problem! Okay so I will state ahead of time that their relationship exists for only a few scenes, if you want to see their interactions in video form there’s this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dFIvrML3x0w&list=PLs7M3iWCG1W4cvAUPxSzzTLkDQZzGopyo&index=2&pp=iAQB and what I’ll be copy-pasting from for this post this transcript http://readmspa.org/transcripts/readmspa-transcript-6_007163_Meenahquest__Part_1_transcript_and_walkthrough.html . If you’d like to draw your own conclusions. I also have individual posts about the thing if you’d like those, but I’m a sucker for making intensely long posts at any given opportunity so let’s go through it!
So… How does Porrim feel about Kankri? Well a lot of their fandom interpretation is built around her giving him his sweater because he used to constantly shiver which is worded like this. PORRIM: Also+, he was always shivering. It gets kind o+f chilly o+ut here, and he just wo+uldn't sto+p. No+t that I minded to+o+ much, but he just has this way o+f making such vo+cal and o+stentatio+us displays o+f suffering, like it's so+me kind o+f righteo+us state o+f being. It gets difficult fo+r everyo+ne to+ endure, especially after eo+ns. Hence his nickname, I guess.
(The Nickname being ‘the Insufferable’, a play on his alternative self’s title The Sufferer and everyone finding him annoying.)
So alright, she thinks he’s a whiny bitch who takes pleasure in his own suffering because it lets him be a martyr. But shrug, this is pretty tame in terms of how trolls talk about each other. I only focus on it because it’s not a one off in how she sees him.
But okay, let’s get to the meat and bones of the matter. Their actual conversation. Now first I need to point out that Porrim’s aware even before talking with them that this is important to Kankri.
PORRIM: I think he might be entertaining so+me delusio+n o+f taking him under his wing. PORRIM: Or if no+t his wing, the red fuzzy arm o+f his sweater.
Anyway, she starts by using a nickname that he hates because it’s infantilizing.
PORRIM: Kanny, leave this po+o+r kid alo+ne.
KANKRI: I'd appreciate it if y9u w9uldn't call me that. We've talked a69ut this. That's what y9u call a wiggler. D9 I l99k like a wiggler t9 y9u, P9rrim? N9, I d9n't. It's 6een three sweeps, plus eternity, f9r, excuse me, "fuck's" sake. I think we can safely retire that particular term 9f "endearment". Call me anything 6ut that, even my 9ther nickname. I'm actually 9k with that 9ne.
This isn’t something she didn’t know about. They’ve talked about how he finds it infantilizing and doesn’t view it as a form of endearment. She continues to use it. He than says, ‘at least don’t use the nickname that I find insulting in front of the kid I’m trying to mentor.’
KANKRI: It w9uld 6e nice if y9u'd at least use my pr9per name in fr9nt 9f my studi9us y9ung Alternian descendant. It really kind 9f er9des my credi6ility, and I d9n't need that in the pr9ximity 9f a fresh faced y9ungster wh9 clearly thirsts f9r kn9wledge. Why w9uld y9u want t9 sa69tage a fine y9ung man's educati9n like that? #Fresh #Faced #Y9ungster #Kn9wledge thirst PORRIM: Ro+lling my eyes here. PORRIM: Can yo+u see? Do+ yo+u want me to+ light them up fo+r yo+u?
This is like… A really basic boundary that she’s weirdly hostile to. I honestly judge you a little bit if you see this as ‘someone behaving like a brat’ instead of ‘someone not liking being told no, don’t call me that’ but that applies to a lot of behavior deemed ‘bratty‘. But I’m not going to go on a rant about that right now
. Continuing, Kankri responds to her bullshit by politely telling her to fuck off. She responds by asking Karkat if he even wants to listen to him (he’s silent but his expression says ‘no’) and than says something that could be viewed as hitting on him, which makes Kankri DEEPLY uncomfortable because Karkat’s vaguely related to him (uh, for lay people out there Dancestor is a portmanteau of Descendant and Ancestor, due to timeline shenanigans in universe A Karkat is descended from an alternate universe Kankri and in universe B Kankri’s descended from alternate universe Karkat.) and also he has hang ups. His overtalking than just takes a wild dive into slut shamming for a hot minute. No his digs at her weren’t okay. She’d actually be correct in spitting venom at him for that, I wouldn’t hold it against her. He apologizes, but it’s undercut by him sort of still doing it. I want to make it clear that Kankri is being a douche here and I won’t defend him on that the way I will his other behaviors the only reason I’m not copy pasting that thing is because it’s 3 paragraphs (but I am willing to if you really want to see it.)
Anyway, Kankri than tries to go back to talking at Karkat. Which prompts this.
PORRIM: Yes, critical lecture. I'm sure.
PORRIM: And am I right in being just as sure yo+u are assiduo+usly deco+nstructing every co+nceivable, hypo+thetical fo+rm o+f injustice no+ matter ho+w o+bscure, except tho+se that I happen to+ think are kind o+f impo+rtant? #Yes
… I started making this post thinking I could do it from her perspective, how she feels about him and clearly barely likes the guy but the only thing I can say is, “You’re not being honest here. What you’re doing is obvious. Stop.” She doesn’t like Kankri’s speeches.
LATULA: grl, pl34s3. dont t3ll m3 your3 go1ng full v4nt4s on m3 h3r3. PORRIM: No+, if I were getting my Vantas o+n, we'd o+nly be getting warmed up. But that's really all I have to+ say o+n the matter.
PORRIM: I do+n't think he cares. PORRIM: Hey, there. Karkat? If yo+u do+n't mind my asking… are yo+u even remo+tely interested in the lo+af supplement this guy's serving?
PORRIM: I no+ticed ho+w yo+u cunningly sidestepped an enco+unter with Kankri do+wn there.#Nicely do+ne.
I said it in another post and I’ll say it again: If Kankri suddenly figured out Feminism and added it to his topics tomorrow it wouldn’t matter. Every bit of dialogue she says suggests that this is about making him shut up because she thinks he’s a whiny brat. It’s the first thing she says about him.
The dialogue continuing makes it obvious that Kankri doesn’t get how misogyny manifests in Beforian society. This could be the perfect time to bring up the sexist double standards that come with the slut shaming he did earlier. This could be a good time for world building. Like
KANKRI: I'm s9rry, I just d9n't think there's much there. We aren't like humans, wh9se species 6izarrely en9ugh includes highly specialized r9les f9r 69th sexes in the pr9cess 9f repr9ducti9n, and s9 this naturally had s9cial ramificati9ns f9r the way their civilizati9n ev9lved. 6ut that's n9t h9w it w9rks f9r us, s9 I fail t9 see h9w gender fact9rs int9 the discussi9n in a way that can 6e effectively and rati9nally pr96lematized. Where is the r99m f9r unexamined privilege in the dich9t9my? I d9n't see it.
It drives me a little mad that she insists on this conversation and when Kankri makes it clear that he doesn’t get this and a these basic questions ‘who benefits from the system of misogyny in a culture without sex and where did said system come from?” She gets pissed. My gal. You literally insisted on having him talk about sexism. You were mad and snarky at him for not having this conversation. Now you’re mad at him FOR having this conversation but not getting it. Anyway, because he doesn’t get it and no one wants to explain it to him, he basically says ‘this is a nonissue that you want me to make an issue on par with the other issues I discuss and I think that’s inappropriate.’
KANKRI: …And appr9priating the talking p9ints and awareness-raising tactics f9r du6i9us issues like this is, frankly, fr9wned up9n, t9 put it p9litely. Such appr9priative gestures 9nly serve t9 marginalize and invalidate th9se su6ject t9 seri9us, real life struggles and 9ppressi9n
Porrim says this triggers her, Kankri apologizes asks to find her moirail in a way that’s a bit quadrant shamy, she calls him a brat and leaves.
So. She walks in, calling Kankri by a nickname he finds demeaning in front of someone she knows he wants to respect him, passive aggressively asks Karkat whether even wants to be there to put Kankri down, asks why Kankri isn’t talking about what SHE wants to talk about, gets mad when it’s clear that the reason is he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and leaves.
That’s interaction 1. In interaction 2, Kankri asks Porrim to stop trying to police his talking points and deliberately embarrass him. Something something he’s studying human culture which leads to her calling him childish and than pointing out the grub sauce on his face. PORRIM: Yes it is. Yo+u have a big smudge o+f sauce, right there. Yo+u're a mess, Kanny. Co+me here. KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it! #SEE??? #It's fine
PORRIM: Do+n't wipe it o+ff with yo+ur sleeve! Oh my Go+d. I JUST washed that fo+r yo+u. #Gho+st laundry KANKRI: I d9n't care. I didn't ask y9u t9 wash my sweater. I keep telling y9u, I have n9 interest in 6ef9ran p9ssessi9ns. #9r Alternian #9r Earthly
PORRIM: We aren't o+n Befo+rus anymo+re. I wo+rked hard o+n that sweater, and I'm no+t go+ing to+ stand by while yo+u encrust it in grub sauce
… This is one of those scenes where ymmv hard. You could say Porrim’s doing all this shit out of the goodness of her heart. You could say this makes Kankri spoiled for not respecting everything she’s done for him. (that he didn’t ask for.) Personally though. It makes my skin crawl. I was on a server at one time, I have a bit of a habit of fretting over people I like when they say they’re not eating or sleeping or whatever because I prefer my friends safe and alive you know? Than one of them said, ‘hey, don’t fret over me. It makes me uncomfortable. I can take care of myself.’ So I stopped. Because it doesn’t matter how good my intentions are, if someone doesn’t want you to do something to them, you don’t continue doing it. Porrim didn’t catch that memo. Instead.
PORRIM: Why are yo+u always so+ co+ntrary with me? To+ be ho+nest, I think yo+ur need to+ "rebel" against whatever I suggest is what drives yo+ur dismissal o+f my views mo+re than anything abo+ut the views themselves.
He’s not ‘rebelling’. He’s telling you no. He’s telling you he doesn’t want you to do this. You’re ignoring and dismissing that because you don’t actually care. There’s also the obvious hypocrisy of ‘you’re only dismissing my views because you’re being rebellious’ while she dismisses his viewpoints all the Goddamn time. Including literally one sentence later.
PORRIM: Hurdles? Kanny, yo+u sho+uld serio+usly sto+p o+verthinking this stuff. Even I do+n't kno+w what yo+u're talking abo+ut mo+st o+f the time. KANKRI: L99k, I'm just saying, it's a huge risk 9pening that can 9f dirt n99dles, trying t9 educate pe9ple 9n that su6ject 9n t9p 9f everything else. I just d9n't want t9 distract fr9m all the m9re glaring issues that desperately need the full attenti9n 9f 9ur pe9ple if we are g9ing t9 make any pr9gress as a civilizati9n. PORRIM: Pro+gress as a civilizatio+n? PORRIM: Kankri. Our peo+ple are extinct, and yo+u're wo+rried abo+ut "distracting fro+m the mo+re glaring issues"??
Her social issues still matter for the good of civilization and shouldn’t be dismissed despite them being dead. His don’t. Kay. Anyway mothering someone is cool and all but both parties need to be okay with it and you can’t be a weird authoritarian parent who sees your friend as a bratty child about it or else it’s just a normal toxic relationship.
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tentatechnologies · 1 year
Handing you Spencer prompts on a platter. 🤥🍟🙈🌙👖🌪️ (That one's real fun) and 🖍️
emoji prompts
🤥 LYING — are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
First I have to draw a distinction here, with outright lies vs. partial or carefully-phrased truths. The former Spencer almost never does, not so much as a matter of principle as a matter of dislike. She's blunt to the point of insult and prides herself on that; she is not going to mince words, and if you think she'd be the type, she takes it as a personal insult. This you have to understand about Spencer: if you don't like her, those straightforward and flat and reserved mannerisms, that is a you problem. Full stop. She's shit at outright lies; most of the time she doesn't know where to begin fabricating them. She stammers and fidgets and glances around too much. Her favored method is remaining silent, and usually let some other person do the talking.
(Exception granted if she's trolling. Then she's just fine at making stuff up.)
The latter she's much better at, and in fact get used for the sake of surviving. Spencer has kept a lot of secrets over the years, things she just doesn't want folks knowing. It is much easier to divert their attention by telling them just enough about what they want to know and nothing more, or convincing them that they don't have, or want, to know the answer. If you know her well enough, you can catch these in the way her talk and temper get shorter—if given the chance, she will otherwise like to answer in excruciating detail—but no one knows her that well, by her own design. Nobody gets close enough to figure out the flaws in her story.
🍟 FRIES — do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Both! Uh. That is, cooking is a skill she gets exponentially better at over time, and she's also the "we have food at home" type. Unlike Shiloh, she doesn't like squandering her cash on takeout, but she isn't very good at it initially—and combined with the fact that she almost never has the energy to cook, most of what she makes are frozen foods or two-step recipes. Given the time, energy, and training, Spencer really loves to cook. I mean, she's kind of infamous for cooking on shift with stinger pots and fire-starters—no point in letting all that Salmonid meat go to waste.
Yet more often than not she does end up with takeout, maybe a sit-down restaurant if the payout's alright. As mentioned, at one point Shiloh and her make a tradition of buying each other dinner after a shift, which... they do a lot of runs, you know.
🙈 SEE NO EVIL — what's a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
That's, tricky. It isn't really a matter of different facets so much as a matter of depth. Spencer doesn't vary much—most everyone's going to know the same hard personality traits, the same unromantic attitude. The one distinction you could draw would lie in the fact that she's much rougher on-shift; admittedly, it is an outlet she doesn't want anyone from her ordinary life learning about, but not just because of the difference in personality. It's more about the independence (although Spencer's so much more neutral off-shift that it'd come as a shock to most of her coworkers).
However, there're plenty of smaller things that Spencer doesn't want anyone knowing, and a fair number of them recontextualize the person she is and why. Those are the things masked by depth, stuff that—even if she wanted to tell—she's kept to herself for so long that she just can't fathom what another person would do with it. Spencer was an isolated kid, and it takes her a very long time to grow out of it.
🌙 MOON — what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
She doesn't have one. Wishing implies hope, implies a desire for change. She's fine with her lot in life, she swears; that can't be so hard to believe.
👖 JEANS — what is their go-to outfit?
Her default in-game gear's the full-moon glasses, white layered LS, and red & black squidkid! Spencer was designed with a pretty plain fashion sense—layered shirts, torn jeans, sneakers, that kind of thing. Kinda like, skater girl stuff. For the period during [CLEARANCE REQUIRED] she defaults to shorts and whatever random shirt or tank top she grabs first.
🌪️ TORNADO — what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
I have unfortunate news and that's that the answer to this one's major spoilers. But, it still wasn't actually a significant change: Spencer has stuck as near to her original impulse as development's allowed. Her premise and character had a lot of built-in flexibility, and I liked her in the first place because I could take off and run in whichever direction I wanted. Not to mention that I made her not even six months ago—although I doubt she'll ever change as much as Marlo did over time (benefits of being a better writer this time around) it took much longer than that for any significant changes to emerge for them! If you want a meaty answer for this one, ask about them, lmao.
🖍️ CRAYON — what advice would you give to them?
Life's longer than you think it is.
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guardianofrivendell · 3 years
Uh, so I'mma request something because I really like your writing and want more of your wonderful Aragorn fics in my life. So, I was thinking some headcannons about what it would be like to date/be in a relationship with Aragorn before, during and/or after the fellowship? Thanks man, and take as long as you need!💕
A/N: I am STRUGGLING with sleepover requests, my own series (PS and DAKT) and some new stuff so I turned to my stack of ‘normal’ requests to try and write something different. Et voilà!
@katethewriter I took a lot longer than I should have with these and I’m so sorry! I’m leaning more towards the Hobbit era lately (I’m really turning into a Dwarf simp here), and I’m neglecting the fellowship members. Unforgivable! 
I interpreted this as how your relationship would develop while on the quest to destroy the ring and you’re not actually together at the start of it. Also maybe slightly OOC Aragorn. 
A/N 2: It has some nsfw hints (not much), I couldn’t help myself and it’s very unlike Aragorn I think but I’m not sorry. Also this turned out really long, I am sorry for that. 
A/N 3: Just like my other headcanons, this doesn’t make much sense so best to simply ignore this. I really don’t know what this is... :) 
Being In a Relationship With Aragorn On The Quest Would Go Like This:
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Aragorn had met you in some seedy pub 
Not his first choice to take shelter from the weather but after days and days of endless rain and trudging through mud it was almost nice to be there
at least he was able to dry his clothes and have a warm meal 
he was surprised to see someone like you there 
surprised but concerned too 
for your wellbeing that is 
every single person in that bar had his eyes on you the minute you moved
Aragorn had too but for entirely different reasons
at least that’s what he told himself
so the minute one of those drunk lads laid a hand on you he was on his feet
knight in shining armor ranger clothes
before he got to you, you had floored and knocked out your assailant, threatening the others they would suffer the same fate if they tried something similar
Aragorn stood frozen in place, completely mesmerized by you
and maybe a tad bit aroused too
the life of a ranger is very lonely after all
you winked at him and left the bar shortly after
Aragorn couldn’t get you out of his head 
but what were the odds he would ever run into you again
he even returned to that godawful place a few times
a guy can hope right
you can imagine his surprise when he saw you in Rivendell
attending the secret council
he was jaw on the floor surprised
he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you
on the outside he was the cool ranger of the north, bringer of Hobbits, inventor of the Sexy But Still Rough Around The Edges Stare™
while on the inside he was  f r e a k i n g  o u t 
because there you were, finally within reach 
but then Frodo had to sacrifice himself 
and Aragorn could not not go with him 
he absolutely lost it when you volunteered as well
there was no way you were going to put your life on the line like that
you scoffed at his remark
wait did he said that out loud?
“I can handle myself just fine.”
Oh he knew that
Flashes of the bar fight filled his mind
it filled something else too 😏
so Aragorn had set himself a second goal  
besides getting Frodo and the ring to Mordor he now vowed to keep you safe as well
and to make you his by the time you would arrive at Mordor
but we all know how smooth that will go do we 
the first few days and weeks it went reasonably well 
you have to read that as ‘he didn’t embarass himself in front of you’
because there was no progress at all on any other front
you seemed to prefer the company of the Hobbits over him or any other member of the fellowship
he tried to make conversation with you every time you walked near him 
A+ for effort
when the Crebain flew over his instinct was to make sure Frodo (and Sam because those two were attached at the hip) was out of sight
after that he searched for you, but Legolas had already pulled you under the bushes with him
surely the feeling in his stomach was the fault of the Lembas bread
because Aragorn doesn’t get jealous
but then the same thing happened in Moria
you weren’t a fan of the dark and claustrophobic mines so he let you walk up front with Gandalf and Frodo near the light of Gandalf’s staff 
with him right behind you of course 
when the Orcs and Troll attacked, he tried to stay near you 
keep an extra eye out for you, driving the Orcs away who were trying to get to you
it was you together with Legolas who defeated the troll, high fiving each other over a job well done
okay fine maybe Aragorn did get jealous this time
like he had done his best to protect you but did you notice?
then when Gandalf fell you surprisingly turned to him for comfort
leaving Legolas, Gimli and Boromir to comfort the Hobbits
take that Leaf Boi
even though it felt really good to hold you, he knew you couldn’t stay there
so he ordered everyone to get going, taking the lead
and then Lothlorien happened
a forest that was both magical and romantic
perfect setting for a love confession right
when he finally got you alone he chickened out at the last moment
because OF cOUrsE
luckily for him you did not
you almost knocked him over in your attempt to kiss him  
he eagerly reciprocated the kiss though
no complaints there
but he also explained that even though he wanted this, the quest and Frodo had to come first
which you respected and understood, but you were also willing to test his resolve 👀
you didn’t tell the others 
but they didn’t need an explanation, it’s not like you two were subtle
he held your hand whenever he could 
Gimli couldn’t help but commenting on it, Aragorn explaining it was to prevent you from falling or tripping
“Lad, you’re sitting down in a boat...”
cue roaring laughter and flushed cheeks on Aragorn
although the fellowship supported your relationship they couldn’t help but tease Aragorn relentlessly
lots of sneaky forehead kisses
during the rest of the quest Aragorn did his best to keep you out of harm’s way 
to your own frustration of course, you weren’t helpless or as fragile as he made you seem
you fought alongside Boromir when Uglúk shot him 
they took Merry and Pippin and dragged you away from Boromir’s body
the one time Aragorn wasn’t at your side and you got kidnapped
you weren’t going to hear the end of this 
needless to say Aragorn was indeed beside himself with worry 
he couldn’t get a break 
first Frodo gone, then Boromir shot and now it seemed he failed his promise to himself
enter brooding Aragorn
but he knew you were brave and could take care of yourself - you had repeated that countless times - so he was sure he was going to find you 
after three days of running with a dartling Elf and a wheezing Dwarf they bumped into Éomer and his horse gang
before he could ask Éomer if he saw you or the Hobbits, one of his riders jumped off their horse and made a beeline for him 
Legolas notched an arrow and Gimli raised his axe but you simply shoved them aside and threw your arms around Aragorn
relieved kisses 
the hug lasted several minutes until Legolas cleared his throat
oh right... audience
you shared a horse with Aragorn on the way to Edoras
while with King Théoden Aragorn kept an arm around your waist or a hand on the small of your back the entire time
as if he had to make sure you were still there
Éowyn who?
The Battle of Helm’s Deep was torture for Aragorn
he wanted to stay with you but you both knew you would be too distracted by each other 
it took him a while to find you after the battle was won 
few years of his life were lost in panic
but of course you were alright, already helping with the wounded
now it was his turn to sweep you off your feet
quite literally too 
as the quest progressed, it became clear to Aragorn that he had to take up his rightful place as the King of Gondor when the time came 
so during the victory feast after Helm’s Deep he took you outside for a walk
cue comments and whistling from Gimli 
but Aragorn only wanted to talk to you 
to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into if you stayed with him 
were you ready to be the spouse of a King?
of course he made it seem as if he was going to ditch you 
because that man is angst embodied 
everything to keep you safe right?
luckily as soon as it was clear that no, he wasn’t going to ditch you and yes, this was kind of a hastily thrown together proposal in a way, you kissed him saying that as long as you were at his side you were ready for anything
as long as you were together
Aragorn taglist: @katethewriter @lovemusic26alwaysblog @sokkasdarling @snailcoveredcottage
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @myrin1234 @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @sokkasdarling @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @leethology @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @emmapotato8 @kirenia15 @vicmackeybullshxt @moarfandomtrash
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dapper-chicken · 4 years
Ok so. Carmen Sandeigo season 3.
I mean. It was alright?? I don’t know, I have mixed feelings with this season, and not because it was only five episodes long - I mean, yeah, that part was a let down, but I heard they had issues with budget cuts, so I get it. It just felt like some parts were?? Off?? Idk, here are some of my takes as a writing minor. Spoilers ahead.
- Did something change?? With the writers?? Something about the characters just felt a little skewed, and at some points it felt like they were parodies of their established character. 
- Like, if Zach was kinda one dimensional before he definitely was this season. There was no attempt to give him any kind of personality aside from Dumb Funny Side Character Man. 
- I was sad Julia got sidelined this season, but I think it was a necessary step for her to be able to later be involved with Carmen without ACME holding her back - since she’s putting an art/history degree to use now, it’s very likely Carmen will have to rob the place she works at later on. And, fingers crossed, maybe we can get some JULIA BECOMING A PART OF TEAM RED BAY-BE
- I really appreciated Devineaux coming to his own conclusion about Carmen, that was some good characterization. 
- What was the deal?? With the dialogue?? That’s that only part of the writing I have any problem with. A lot of the lines where Carmen and VILE are doing their usual banter just felt really stiff, and some just didn’t make any sense at all. It felt like they were trying way too hard with some of it, especially with the line “School is going to be cool” being said in a completely serious context was just. Such dogshit writing. 
- Speaking of Sonia (Was that her name??? I don’t remember??) I actually really wasn’t a fan. Like, her character had SO much potential. Her parallels with Carmen and what she could do for the story were so great but. I think it was a combination of bad character writing and bad voice acting that just made the character really stale. A lot of the lines were said with just not the right tone, (i.e. the ‘School is going to be cool’ line, but to be fair there was no saving that line). Idk, I feel like they just threw that character away with how they wrote her. Like, when she saved Carmen on the plane, It was because it was a line she wouldn’t cross, like Carmen said, but it was really kind of out of the blue I guess?? I wish Sonia would’ve been told more about why Carmen was there so she could get a full grasp of what she was getting herself into, and her connection with Carmen would’ve been established more. 
- We stan Shadow-san getting that familial redemption. That episode was the best in the season imo. And NOT just because My Boy was in it (I’ll get to that later). Shadow-san was actually really good this season, I really enjoyed the found family dynamic he has with Carmen and being able to reconcile with his brother. 
- I was surprised at how Halloween based this season was. I see it now that a user pointed it out that it was a way for the writers to use masks as a literal and figurative driving force in the plot, which was actually Really Good so kudos to them.
- Countess Cleo seemed a bit out of character this season. Like, with the scene where they dig into candy she’s straight up eating cheap Halloween candy. Which is. Kind of against everything her character stand for. Indulging in excess fits, but indulging in something that, in her eyes, would be so lower class was really surprising. 
- Also can I talk about the faculty for a sec? I know a lot of people enjoyed the faculty getting really into Halloween but for some reason I didn’t get into it. I feel like a lot of it made the faculty into a kind of comedic relief, which took away from a lot of the threat they’re supposed to have. They didn’t feel intimidating this season, they just felt like they were… There (all except for Roundabout). The dressing up and goofing around felt out of character too. I know it humanizes them a lot, but I feel like an international evil empire isn’t going to put up Halloween decorations, and if they were its going to be Top Of The Line Shit. I feel like going full clown was a little much even for Maelstrom. I feel like they could have gotten the same idea across and it might have even been better if they just gave him a single clown nose on top of his usual attire. It would have made for some (in my opinion) better visual humor. Then again, I have to keep reminding myself that this show is directed at a younger audience and I really shouldn’t be as critical as I am about it given that fact, but they set a really high bar for themselves with season 1. 
- You know now that I think about it the faculty being given some comic relief this season would have been fine if they didn’t drive Zach’s character into the ground for it at the same time. Like, they’re milking Zach for all the not great comic relief they can, and are at the same time trying to do it with the faculty, which just makes everything feel a little campy.
- You know what was great comic relief????
- Oh my god. Oh m y go d. This. This guy. When I tell you I laughed at all of Neal and Mime Bombs scenes I am not joking. The dynamic between these two was golden. Just. *Chefs kiss*. 
- Mime Bombs visual humor was fucking outstanding. The miming at the closed window, pretending to untie the boat, just everything he did was so FUCKING GOOD.
- And can we talk about Neal??? Personally I wasn’t a Slime Bomb shipper, but these two were written so well together that I’m actually starting to reconsider. Neal is just so great. He makes every character he’s with all the better, and just has such a great dynamic. 
- FUCK I loved this episode. 
- I love how they made Mime Bomb kinda fugly so they wouldn’t have to deal with the thirst this time around, but y’all FAILED LMAO. 
- I Can And Will Smooch The Mime What About It.
- I like that they didn’t find Carmen’s mom yet. It’s not great how they stop looking after the first episode, but I feel like finding her mom in just 5 episodes would have felt so incredibly rushed. 
- Women wrestling. WOMEN WRESTLING . 
- The final episode was good. You knew Carmen was gonna get out of it somehow but it felt like a nice final episode. It left some good cliffhangers and felt like a nice tie to what was an entirely too short season. Can’t wait to see how ACME handles Gray. 
- I was disappointed some of the OG cast in VILE didn’t get screen time, but it was, again, only 5 episodes, so there really wasn’t anything they could do about it. 
- I am not a fan of The Troll. Like, his character is needed, because eventually VILE would need a natural counter to Player, cause that’s just how things need to play out, but I think he’s going to be a victim of writing. Like, his introduction establishes his ties to internet culture with that glasses drop meme and that in of itself is going to kill this character. Like, I’m so scared he’s going to fall victim to what every show tries to do, and that’s the ‘What’s up fellow cool kids’ (And by that I mean reference internet humor and trends, which will ultimately do nothing but date the show). Like, The Troll has SO MUCH POTENTIAL. WE’VE NEEDED AN EVIL COUNTER TO PLAYER FOR A WHILE NOW BUT DON’T MAKE THAT COUNTER PART A GUY WHO TALKS LIKE HE’S FROM R/INCELS. 
- With all that being said, I really do still care for the show. I was lowkey disappointed with this season but I look forward to seeing what they do in the future and still hold a lot of love for this show in my heart. Fingers crossed for another season!!!
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indefiniteimagines · 4 years
Not Even For A Minute || Poussey Washington Imagine *Requested*
Summary: Poussey has a crush on the reader and thinks she doesn’t like her back, but she does.
Pairing: Poussey Washington x Reader
Warnings: Fem!reader, lewd language/comments, language, reader doesn’t have a preferred sexual orientation, use of R slur, angst, fluff
A/N: Holy shit! This is my first piece of writing in actually only a couple of months, but I’m claiming years because I am officially back like I was in high school. I’m so sorry if this is not my best, I am EXTREMELY rusty, so take it easy on me for now :) 
It was dinner time at Lichfield and it was only my second meal in my new home. My new home filled with almost 200 other women. For the next 5 years, I will see the inside of this cafeteria 3 times a day, 21 times a week, 1,095 times a year and a whopping 5,473 times in total. You’re probably wondering why that matters, but it matters.
I take my tray and do a quick search for a place to sit. I find a spot at the very end of one of the middle tables. It was the only seat with no one in a two foot radius of me. I sit down and look at the food in front of me. My first dinner includes spaghetti, two mini oranges, a salad, and a brownie. It’s not horrible when you think about it. It’s a pretty standard meal. Well it would be without the questionable odor coming from the meatballs. I close my eyes and sigh. 
“Maybe she’s deaf.”
“She ain’t deaf.”
“She can’t hear you if she’s deaf, dummy.”
“Fine, then you try, Angie.”
I was so deep in my own world that I almost didn’t notice the cherry tomato that hit me in my head. 
“Hey, girl!”
I opened my eyes and looked to my left.
“Are you talking to me?” I asked with a hint of a nervous tone.
“Uh yeah, have been for the last 5 hours. You retarded or something?”
“5 hours ago? No that can’t be right. Remember, we was in the laundry room 5 hours ago, Tucky.”
“Jesus, Angie! I was being snide.”
“You mean sarcastic?”
“Snide means sarcastic.”
“Then why not just say sarcastic?”
I watched as “Tucky” closed her eyes and tilted her head in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, but did you guys need something?”
Tucky’s eyes snapped open, “Uh, yeah. Why’re you sitting here?” She took her bottom lip into her mouth as she waited for my response.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was sitting here.”
“She never said that,” Angie said while flashing her pearly browns.
“I’m confused.”
“Wow maybe she really is retarded,” Angie said.
“Tucky” nodded at Angie, “I think you’re right, Ang. Here, I’ll break it down real slow like for you: You don’t belong here.”
“Look, I don’t want any trouble. Just let me finish my dinner and I’ll never sit with you again.” I tried to reason with the little troll, but she just wasn’t having it. 
She nodded her head while picking up her milk carton. She then poured it all over my food. “Seems to me like you’re done.”
All I could do was stare with my mouth open. 
“Why did you do that?!”
“BECAUSE YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!” She screamed as she stood up and let one of her fist hit the metal table.
“Dogget! You’re done! Empty your tray.” A CO finally intervened from the next row over. Dogget and her Meth Mates got up from the table and walked out. 
All I could do was sit there with my head hanging low as I let a few tears escape. I’m not usually this weepy, but in my defense, all I wanted was that little brownie...which was now swimming in a pool of used milk. 
*A few tables over*
“Fuck was that about?” Poussey asked her family as she nodded her head over to the other table; finally arriving with her tray. 
“Mmmm, Meth Mouth and her cult were fuckin’ with one of the newbies,” Janae replied in the middle of finishing her bite.
Poussey hovered over her chair to get a good look at the bothered inmate and sat back down while shaking her head. 
After having a mini pity party for myself, I got up and dumped my spoiled tray before leaving the cafeteria. I go back to my temporary bunk and buried myself under my blanket. 
“Cheer up, Kid. You’ll be out of here sooner than you know.”
I gave a pitiful grin to the nice older woman.
“I like your eyeshadow.”
“Duh,” she said as she threw me a wink.  
I let out a sigh, got comfortable and laid in my bed until morning.
I finally fell asleep, but only for 2 hours. At the ass crack of dawn, I was woken up by the morning announcement, which had absolutely no enthusiasm. “Good morning, ladies. Try to seize the day. The world is your oyster.”
“You’d think she’d quit if she hates her job so much.” That was the first time I heard the redhead with the horrible bed head speak.
“Bell is about as enthusiastic as a wet bag of hair, but she’s one of the good ones.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said groggily.  
“You joining us for breakfast?”
I drifted back to sleep before I could hear her response. I woke up in what seemed like an hour, but was only 30 minutes. For the slightest second I forgot where I was. I opened my eyes and was met with DeMarco standing right in front of me.
“Well good morning sleepyhead! Nice of you to join the living.”
“What? What time is it?”
“You see a clock in here? What I do know is that you got 10 minutes left for breakfast. You better hurry.”
I hop down off my bunk and start to change.
“You don’t talk much, do you?”
I gave her a shrug as I zipped up my jacket and headed for breakfast. I arrived in the cafeteria and was able to get my food right away since there was no line. Some tables are still filled, but some are also empty. I scan the room and pick the table farthest away from Doggett and her followers. I was in the middle of eating my eggs when Angie walked by and sneezed on my tray. 
“Oops, ‘scuse me,” she said with a shit eating grin.
“God damnit,” I whisper to myself while trying not to deck this bitch.
“You shouldn’t say the Lord’s name in vain like that.”
I look up at her through hooded eyes, “Walk the fuck away.” My voice was low and I kind of scared myself.
“Oooo, devil eyes. Hey! She’s got devil eyes,” she says louder than the first time, except now she’s giggling and pointing at me while backing away. Doggett sucks her bottom lip at me while flipping her hood and getting up to walk out. I can feel people starring so I do a very quick observation and then stand up to leave. 
“Empty your tray,” the guard at the door told me. “Get some coffee while you’re at it. It’ll help you stay full until lunch.”
 I look up at his name that’s stitched into his shirt. Ohhhh, so this is O’Neil. I heard some of the girls talking about his scandalous relationship with CO Bell. Good for them. I turned around and went to dump my tray before following the advice and going for the coffee. 
“Yo, why they always fucking with her?” Poussey asked the table as she watched in disapproval as Y/N dumped her tray.
“Why do you care?” Taystee asked while rolling her eyes.
“For real? You ain’t notice that ever since China got out, Prince Charming over here been lookin’ for a new helpless, basket case? I mean, shit.”
“Aye don’t talk about Brook like that. Not cool, Cindy.”
“ “Cindy”? Bitch, fuck you think you is? My mama? Ugh, check ya tone.”
“Whatever man. I’m just tired of seeing Meth Madness fuck with people like they run the place.”
“Again, why do you care?”
“Shit just ain’t right, is all.”
“Mmmhmm,” Taystee replied as they got up from the table.
I turn around after filling my mug and notice that it’s just me, the inmates that clean up and the CO’s supervising them. I carry my warm mug through the halls and I notice there’s not as many people crowding them as there were last night. 
“Inmate! Where you are supposed to be?”
“Uhm, I’m not really sure.”
“Wrong answer!”
“Don’t get smart with me. Jefferson! Tell inmate...Y/L/N where she’s supposed to be.”
“Well, since it’s after lunch, we’re supposed to be headed to our work detail. Not whatever you was doing, apparently.”
The tall guard with the creepy mustache looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.
“Thank you, Jefferson.”
“I don’t have a work detail yet.”
He closed his eyes and sighed. When he opens them he looked back at Jefferson, “you work in the library, right?”
“Take her with you.”
She sucked her teeth, “Man, what do I say when someone asks why she’s there? No offense, but I ain’t taking no shots just because she’s somewhere she’s not supposed to be.”
“What’s a shot?”
“Jesus fuck. Will you both get out of my goddamn sight?” 
He snatched my mug; Jefferson and I gave each other a look and started towards the library. When we got there it was almost empty.
“You know, the labels are there to help the books be put back in their respectful place, not to look cute. I mean, damn.” I notice Jefferson chuckle at the girl we hear before seeing. She’s talking to a pair of inmates who are whispering to each other before tossing another book down and scurrying off. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she calls after them, but to no avail. She sighs to herself before returning back to work. 
“Hey, P! Whatchu up to?”
“Practically cleaning up behind bitches. I mean, why is it so hard to put a book back in its original spot? Jane Eyre belongs in literature, not SAT Prep,” she called back.
“Truly first world problems,” Jefferson said unamused.
“Yooo, you ever heard of “Oedipus”? It’s mad crazy. Like this one part where the main dude...” she kept talking as she rounded the corner to finally come face to face with us.
“...who’s this?”
“Our puppy dog for the day,” Jefferson said as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh alright then. Well I’m working over here in history. Y’all can start in fiction. It’s a fuckin mess over there.”
“Um, then why don’t we all work in fiction?”
“Did you not hear me say it’s a fuckin mess? Have fun.”
I walked away, smiling to myself. I didn’t think anyone here would care for books like I did.
After the work day was over, I separated from the two friends and went back to my temporary bunk until dinner. The next day I followed Jefferson back into the library.
“Oh, puppy dog is back.”
Jefferson turned her head to me, “Don’t you know when you gettin your work detail yet?“
“Sorry, still no.”
“As much as I’m sure you love the view you get, I’m gettin tired of you following me.”
“I can ask someone if I can work somewhere else.”
“T-ha! And make me look like a problem? I think not.”
“Nah, we could use the extra help in here since bitches can’t put shit back where it’s supposed to go. Hate to break it to y’all, but foreign language is even worse than fiction was.”
“My god. Can’t you help us over here instead of doing whatever it is the fuck you doin?”
“Uh no.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m President of the Library.”
“Says who!?”
“Suzanne,” she said as a matter of fact while leaning forward to show us her ID that read “President Washington: Library”.
“Aw damn. It’s official and everything. Man, that’s some bull shit,” Jefferson said as she walked away.
All I did was look at the Presidential badge and smile.
“Since you don’t complain like some people, just know you’re first in line for Vice President. Just don’t tell Taystee,” she told me on the sly.
“Ohh, got it.”
“I’m Poussey, by the way,” she said extending her hand.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah you too.”
She has a beautiful smile.
Towards the end of the work day, I found myself near Poussey’s section. Since our work for the time being is pretty much done, I start to browse the shelves when I spot a book dear to my heart, “Alice in Wonderland”. I get a mini rush of serotonin and pop a squat up against one of the shelves. I lose track of time, until I realize I no longer see anyone. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”. You are right about that, Mr. Carroll.
“Hello?” I’m immediately startled. I start to shuffle to my feet and by the time I stand, I’m met with someone else.
“Whoa, shit. My bad. I didn’t think anyone else was in here.” Shit, I must’ve I said that out loud.
“Sorry, I guess I lost track of time.”
“It’s cool. So you haven’t been assigned a work duty yet, huh?”
I shook my head.
“I, uh, I must admit that this is the best job. Call me bias, but it’s the truth.”
“Thanks,” I say with a slight smile.
“You’re the one Pennsatucky and her crew keep messing with.”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“Y’all got beef on the outside or something?”
“No, but I found it’s better to not provoke a methed out mental case.”
“Not wrong there. Well, I’ll see you around. Oh and be careful with Alice, she’s my favorite.”
The next few days were the same. I would follow Taystee into the library and listen to her and Poussey be absolute clowns. Poussey and I got to be closer since we were usually the last two to leave. We talked about how much time we have, our family, and she even told me about the Vee drama. During my stint of unpaid work in the library, I was finally able to change out of the highlighter jumpsuit and into a khaki set.
After an hour or so into a shift, I found myself distracted with my favorite book, “In Five Years”.
“Oh uh, that goes on the second to last shelf right behind you.”
“Huh? Oh yeah. It was actually already in the right spot, but it’s one of my favorites,” I tell her as I put the book back.
“What’s it about?”
“This woman named Dannie-“
We both looked towards the door and saw and the same pasty CO that sent me here.
“With me.”
I gave Poussey a grin and walked towards the CO,
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer me and just kept walking. I followed him to a warehouse that smelled of Clorox and musty water.
“Janitorial. Your job assignment. Morello will fill you in on what to do.”
“Oh yeah I can do that. No problem.”
The first couple of hours involved cleaning the halls, but I moved on to the Spanish bathrooms. Poussey was right, the library was the best job to have.
*A few weeks later at dinner
“I don’t know why you’d let Edward Scissorhands cut your hair and not me.”
“Because Danita only charges me a bag of Doritos. Not two cokes. Plus, she don’t even ask for the Cool Ranch flavor!”
“Beggars can’t be choosers. I do two cokes worth of work, Child.”
I laughed at Taystee and Sophia having their little banter in the food line. I walked with them to the table and sat down.
“...but then the dragon realized the little ghost girl was friendly, even though she was cold as ice. Fire and ice, that would never work!”
“Why not? What happened to opposites attract?” I ask sort of challengingly. 
“Mommy said ice is used to put out fires. Well, technically water is used to put out fires but ice is just water in solid form. So the fire would go out!”
“But do you know what happens when fire and ice mix?”
“The world goes dark?”
“No. They make steam,” I gave Poussey a “subtle” smirk.
“Mommy says steam is for showers, crab legs and “fun times”.
“I miss making steam with a fine gentleman with a curve on that dick.”
We all laughed along at what Cindy said and I agreed with her.
“There are just some things your fingers can’t accomplish,” I said jokingly while being serious. She pointed her fork at me, “I like her.”
Poussey was noticeably quiet throughout the rest of dinner. Only chiming in to seem interested. She didn’t even finish her tray before she was dipping out.
“Wait I’ll come with you.”
“Nah, stay and eat. I’ll catch you later.”
“Uh oh. Trouble is Lezzy Paradise?”
I almost didn’t hear Cindy as I kept watching Poussey leave the cafeteria.
“Stop it.”
Taystee rolled her eyes and shook her head.
For the next few days, it was hard to get ahold of Poussey. Since we knew each other’s schedules, it was easy for her to avoid me.
Meals were no better. She made sure to get there early so by the time I was sitting down, she was done.
“Aye, you need to fix that,” Janae told me with her eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know what the problem is.”
“I know you are not that dumb,” Boo said as she sat across from me.
“She’s kicking her own ass because she broke the #1 rule of being interested in pussy...” she continued.
I looked at her as I was waiting for her to continue.
“Never fall in love with a straight girl!”
“Love? What-When did I say I was straight-”
“The other night when that one was talkin bout curved dick and you chimed in basically foamin at the mouth at the thought,” Taystee said.
“Noooo, I was joking.”
“Yeah well, apparently she don’t know that.” I looked at Janae and sighed.
I had to wait until the weekend to see her. It was pouring rain and there was a leak in the library and the cleaning warehouse had a slight flood, so neither of us had work.
I snuck my way to her bunk only to discover her to not be there.
“There’s only one place she’d go...” Janae told me.
I made my way down and opened the door.
She was right.
“...there was another before you, but she got out. There’s a time machine in the laundry room. That was their place. That’s where she goes to think.”
“How’d you find me?”
“Your bunkie.”
“What do you want?”
“What’s going on? Why are you being so weird?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said standing up.
“Are we not friends anymore?”
“Friends,” she said with a sarcastic chuckle.
“Can we please sit?” I gestured to the inside of her hiding spot. She backed up slightly to let me further in to the time machine and we both sat down. Neither of us said anything for a while until I did,
“I’m not gay...”
She nodded her head with a sad smile on her face.
“...but I’m not straight either. I’m just me. I’ve dated guys, I’ve had experiences with girls-”
“Experiences? But you’ve never dated a girl?”
“No, but for the past few weeks, I’ve really wanted to,” I said with a slight smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because of this. I didn’t want to say something stupid and mess this up. And because I’ve never dated a girl before, but I have dated guys, I didn’t want you to think I was using you. I thought that because I don’t identify as anything, you wouldn’t like me back.”
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Look, I got my heart broken not too long ago by a girl that promised me forever. She didn’t identify as anything either and she ended up falling in love with a dude when she got out. We were both in a dark place when we met and getting to know each other and eventually falling in love helped. I could’ve given up on love and fate, but I haven’t yet. Look, maybe this-..this connection that we have, challenges what you thought you were. And maybe I'm gonna get my heart broken in a thousand different pieces again. But those are maybes. You can't live your life according to maybes.”
The next few months were bliss. Poussey and I have connected on a level I didn’t know was attainable. 
Today is Valentine’s Day and right now we’re back in the time machine. We’re both laying down, holding each other and looking up at the ceiling. 
“It’s about a woman named Dannie who’s this a high-powered corporate lawyer. She’s one of those types who has everything planned out. The story has a lot of twists and turns because her five year plan goes differently than she thought.”
“So why is it your favorite if it’s so inconsistent? For a woman who knows what she wants “Dannie” sure seems okay with settling.”
“It’s my favorite because it mirrors me. It mirrors us. In five years I saw myself at some job a teenager would have with my only responsibility being my phone bill.”
“What do you see now?”
“I see me with our dog, Keith, holding signs with your dad on your release day. Then I see us heading to our apartment where you can see it for the first time in person. Then we’ll go to our jobs, pay rent, and hound our parents for travel money.”
“I’m in your future?”
“You are my future.”
She gave me a kiss when there was a bang on the cardboard door, “Hey kids! They’re doing interviews in the bunks,” Boo informed us.
When we got to her dorm, there were a few guards asking ladies questions about love.
“Does anyone else want to be asked questions?”
“Yeah, I do,” Poussey said while raising her hand.
I feel Taystee put her elbow on my shoulder, “What the hell?” The rest of the family comes around.
“Okay Washington, what is love?”
“Love. It’s just chilling, you know? Kicking it with somebody, talking, making mad stupid jokes. And, like, not even wanting to go to sleep, ‘cause then you might be without ‘em for a minute,” she looked at me, “And you don’t want that.”
•taglist: @mina672
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chickensarentcheap · 3 years
Never Gonna Be Alone: Chapter Six
Title: Subway trolls and pancakes
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y , @innerpaperexpertcloud , @alievans007 , @tragiclyhip​
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They stop at the closest bodega for a cup of take out coffee and a carton of chocolate milk, then hand in hand navigate the snowy sidewalks on their brief jaunt to the subway. Tanner is excited about their morning out. Words rapidly leaving his lips as all his pent up thoughts come spilling out; sentences running together and often making little to no sense as several different topics messily mix together. But Tyler lets him get it out. Tanner often very quiet and shy and finding himself lost in the chaos of their home; unable to get a word in edgewise at times and then finding himself growing more and more frustrated. It always leads to a meltdown; tears and screaming hyperventilating and sometimes even the odd destructive episode. The latter hasn’t happened in a long time; both his parents and Tanner himself recognizing the triggers and the warning signs and able to calm him down before things escalate that far. It’s been a journey to say the least; learning how to both handle and help a kid like Tanner. Specialists and fellow parents of children with Autism and autistic adults themselves have been extremely helpful; they’ve found the strategies that aid him the best and in turn, help him thrive. Music therapy and appointments disguised as play, sensory items that provide him with the ‘break’ that he needs when overwhelmed, deep pressure applied with hugs and weighted blankets and vests. It’s a whole new world that has been both overwhelming and rewarding. Tanner isn’t the only one that’s being helped. It’s an adjustment for the entire family and everyone has had to make changes and sacrifices. But it’s also been a positive thing. What could have broken a marriage has actually made it stronger; working as a team and discovering just how strong and determined the other is and witnessing what lengths they’ll go to help their family thrive under even the most difficult of circumstances.
Tanner is a gift. An extra special one. In a way that his siblings aren’t. He’s opened their eyes to an entirely different existence, bringing out the depths of their patience and compassion. He’s beautiful and intelligent; the depths of his knowledge and information stored away inside that little brain simply profound. And talented; cooking and baking, drawing, playing the guitar and singing. But he DOES struggle. Anything social is a challenge for him; extreme difficulty in making friends, becoming extremely shy and withdrawn and even scared if a stranger approaches him for even the smallest of chit chat. And his fears and triggers are numerous; thunderstorms, needles, too much noise and conversation going on around him at once, the sudden and sharp clattering of dishes, the seams inside clothes. Things that most people would never even notice, are extremely heightened for him. And while most are easily recognized and identifiable and the entire family goes out of their way to accommodate him when possible, new issues seem to arise every day.
But the subway is one of his favourite places. The dark tunnels don’t faze him, nor does the crowd of people during the more busy times. And when the noises become too much he knows to simply put on a pair of sounds cancelling headphones and then concentrate on something else; whether it be a book he’s brought along of a sketch pad or even games and videos on one of his parents’ phones.
This morning he’s in his glory; kneeling on the seat beside Tyler, nose pressed against the window as he stares out into the darkness. The subway is quiet; people choosing to stay in after the snowstorm or already flooding earlier trains in hopes of beating the masses that will flock to malls and boutiques to complete their Christmas shopping. While extremely advanced intellectually speaking, he’s a lot younger in other ways; social skills and emotional maturity putting him around the level of a five or six year old. The difference is most apparent when he’s with his twin; TJ becoming older and wiser with each passing day while Tanner struggles to get to the level at Declan -or even Brooklyn and Takota- functions at. And he’s much smaller than his older brother as well; gifted with his mother’s height and slender body and some of her petite features. But there’s never any problem recognizing the Rake in him. The facial expressions and mannerisms and that Australian accent that he’s developed; much thicker and stronger than any of his siblings.
“Dad?” Tanner pipes up from beside him, one hand tightly gripping the top of the seat while the other keeps a firm hold on his chocolate milk; stomach pressed against the back of the seat, his father’s arm wrapped tightly around his middle.
“Do you think the subway trolls are real? Do you think they exist?”
“Subway trolls??”
“Remember the subway trolls? TJ talked about them during the summer. When we came here to visit Ovi. About how there’s trolls living down here. Do you think it’s true? Do you think there’s really trolls down here?”
“Something tells me that’s something your brother made up: to freak Takota out. He had nightmares for three weeks after that.”
“Everytime we come on the subway, I try looking for trolls. But it’s dark and the train is fast and I can’t really see ANYTHING. But it could be true, yeah? There really could be trolls. They could exist.”
“Trolls aren’t real. It’s just something that people made up. A long time ago. They just exist in movies and books. Like in The Lord of The Rings.”
A look of visible disgust appears on Tanner’s face. “Those are Orcs. NOT trolls.”
“Same thing.”
“No, dad. They’re not. You need to read the books again. Orcs and trolls are NOT the same. I mean, they’ve evil, but orcs aren’t much stronger than humans. Trolls have superhuman strength. Plus, they’re HUGE. Orcs are just the size of normal people. Even mummy knows this stuff.”
“That’s because mummy is a nerd.”
“She’s not a nerd! She’s very smart. In a lot of different things. She even speaks three languages. You only speak one.”
“I speak two. English and profanity.”
“Swearing is NOT a language.”
“You’re right, it’s not. It’s an art form.”
“You do have A LOT of swears in your vocabulary. It’s pretty impressive; that you know that many bad words. You know twenty different ways to say the F word. That’s cool. You’re smart in your way and mumma is smart in hers. Is that why you fell in love with her? ‘Cause of how smart she is?”
“It was one of the reasons.”
“I wanna meet a girl one day. Like mum. Mum is super cute and tiny and really funny. She makes me laugh a lot. And she’s got a really nice, kind smile and pretty eyes.”
“Yeah, she does. She’s pretty special, huh?”
“She is,” Tanner smiles.. “You’re a lucky guy, daddy. She loves you a whole bunch. I see it in her eyes, you know. They get all sparkly and shiny when she sees you. Like yesterday when you got home. As soon as you got out of the cab, her entire face changed. Her cheeks got rosy and she had a huge smile and her eyes were shiny. Like she was going to cry but not crying eyes at the same time. I want to meet a girl like mummy. Then I’d be lucky too.”
“You would,” Tyler agrees. “You’d be the luckiest guy on the face of the earth.”
“I’ll ask mummy about the trolls. When we get home. She might know. She lived here before. Maybe she’s seen one. That would be so freaking awesome.”
“Something tells me that mummy hasn’t seen a subway troll. Something also tells me they don’t exist.”
“Why you say that?”
“Have you ever seen one? I’ve never seen one.”
“Just because we don’t see things, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I haven’t seen a lot of things, but I know they’re real.”
“That’s a very good point, actually.”
A sudden pout appears on Tanner’s face; entire body stiffening. “I don’t like this part of the ride. It gets really noisy and extra dark here. Can I sit on your lap now? You make me feel safe.”
Nodding, he places the backpack sitting on his lap between his feet. It contains everything the ten year old could need during the time out; headphones, weighted lap pad, various fidget items, an extra sweater that’s a size too small but Tanner enjoys wearing because it’s ‘tight and feels like a hug’. Scooping his son off the seat next to him and settles him on his thighs; Tanner wrapping both arms around his neck and sliding his body forward in order to have that comfort of body against body. And he slips his hand up the back of the little one’s jacket, hoodie, and t-shirt; giving him that press of a warm, soothing palm against his bare skin.
“I don’t like this part, daddy,” Tanner whimpers, and tightens the hold on his dad’s neck. “It’s scary.”
“It’s okay, mate. I got you. You’re fine. Close your eyes; I’ll tell you when it’s over.”
“Alright,” he squeezes his eyes shut as tight as he can. “I trust you.”
“I won’t let anything happen to you. Ever.”
“I know you won’t. But it’s still scary.”
“Nothing to be scared of,” Tyler assures him, and presses his lips to his temple; the end of his nose resting against the side of Tanner’s head as he speaks to him in a low, quiet voice. “Nothing can hurt you. Ever.”
“Not when you’re here. You won’t let anything hurt me.”
“Anything or anyone. You’re alright, mate. Just breathe. It’s almost over. Just a couple more minutes. Why don’t you tell me about some of your dreams? The ones you were writing about? Tell me some of them and I’ll read the rest. I want to hear about them.”
“Okay,” Tanner takes a deep, shaky breath, but keeps his eyes screwed shut as he launches into a recap of one of his many dreams.
Tyler’s not sure how many of these dreams are actually real; they’re vivid and often far beyond Tanner’s level of maturity. And he often wonders if it’s just tales the ten year old has conjured up in his own mind; a very detailed and colourful imagination that is often underused AND under appreciated. But he never questions their validity or ‘tunes out’ when his son is sharing his stories; letting him indulge in that little fantasy world of his where things probably seem a lot easier to handle and cope with. And it gives Tanner a sense of confidence and pride in himself; knowing how well he can both tell a tale and how well received it is by the one person he’s always so eager to please and make proud of him.
Today the dreams are about dragons and sea life. Two very distinct ‘dreams’; the first consisting of Tanner being the brave and noble knight that saves the princess and an entire kingdom from an untimely demise. The second he’s an underwater explorer; making friends with all the marine creatures and building a completely self-sustaining and livable underwater habitat for both humans and sea life. And he sees the way people around them react to both Tanner’s story telling and the gentle and calm way Tyler deals with him; the smiles and the comments about how ‘cute it is’ and even the praises of ‘it’s nice to see a daddy out with the little ones’.
“Is it done yet?” Tanner inquires, as the last of his final tale leaves his lips. “Are we past the scary part?”
“Yup. All done.”
“Good,” he heaves a sigh of relief. “But can I still stay here? Can I still stay on your lap?”
“You can stay there as long as you want, Nug.”
“I love you daddy. Thank you.”
“No worries, mate. I love you too.” He removes the hand from underneath Tanner’s clothing and briefly lays it on the back of his head; placing a kiss to his cheek before wrapping his arm around his waist. Even THAT’s been a learning process; expressing emotion and talking about feelings and showing affection. He’d grown up not being allowed to do any of those things; his father only beating him more savagely if he cried or begged for him to stop or if he cried over the loss of his mother. Meeting and marrying someone that craves both giving and receiving affection had been a real eye opener; showing him just how badly the old man had screwed him up both physically and mentally.
“I gotta ask you something.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know what she wants for Christmas. She says ‘nothing’ EVERY year.”
“I already got that all figured out. This is about something else.”
“Okay. What is the something else?”
“When I was gone, did mummy seem sad?”
“Mummy is always sad when you go away. She misses you.”
“But did she seem extra sad, maybe? Did it seem like she was having a hard time with me being gone? A harder time than usual?”
“Maybe a little. I mean, she was really sad. She did cry a few times. And locked herself in the pantry once. But that’s ‘cause Millie was being mean and driving her nuts. I pushed tissues under the door; so mummy could wipe her face and blow her nose. We all get snotty when we cry.”
“I’m glad you help mommy out. Especially when she’s sad. You’ve always been good at that; helping take care of her. What about at night? Anything go on at night? Maybe you were supposed to be sleeping and you heard some things? Maybe mummy really upset and crying hard extra hard or…?”
“I snuggled with her a couple nights. On the couch. Because she said she said she couldn’t sleep and that she was feeling lonely. I went down to get a snack. I know I shouldn’t have; that I’m not allowed downstairs by myself in the middle of the night. I’m sorry, daddy. I was hungry though and mummy wasn’t in your room and I went looking for her. She was eating ice cream out of the container and watching Sex and the City. Are you mad? That I went downstairs by myself?”
“No, mate. I’m not. You went looking for mum, right?”
“Yeah, because I was hungry and I knew she would make me a snack. She always makes me an English muffin. Toasted. With a piece of cheese and two slices of tomato on it. With pepper sprinkled on top. And when I couldn’t find her upstairs, I got worried. So I went looking for her. We had snacks and she let me have some ice cream and then we snuggled on the couch watching Sponge Bob. I stayed up until she fell asleep, and then I went and got the big blanket of your bed and your pillow and took them downstairs and tucked mommy in. Then I went back to bed. Once I knew she was really fast asleep and comfortable. I gave her a goodnight kiss. Three, actually. Two on the lips, one of the forehead. Like you do. You always kiss her on the forehead.”
“You are a good son, Nug. A great son. That loves his mumma very much.”
“She’s the best mummy in the whole world. If I could pick mummies, I’d pick her above everyone else. Because she loves me no matter what. She doesn’t care that I’m different. That my brain doesn’t work like everyone else’s. She just loves me. No questions asked. Just like I love her no matter what. Even when she gets mad and yells. But I don’t like when she cries. It makes my heart hurt.”
“Was she crying a lot? While I was gone? More than she’s ever cried before?”
“I guess. TJ and I could hear her the first couple of nights. Crying in the bedroom. We were going to see if she was okay, but we didn’t want to get in trouble. Takota and Brookie went in though and slept with her. She seemed okay in the morning. She likes when we come in to cuddle. She doesn’t like the big bed all to herself.”
“Did she say anything to you? About me being gone?”
“Not to me. But I heard her talking to Desi. He came over every night to check on her and make sure she didn’t need anything. I heard her saying how worried she was about you. That she was scared something would happen and she’d never see you again. That she’d already almost lost you twice before and that she couldn’t take it a third time. Desi tried to talk her down; told her everything would be okay and that you’d be home before she knew it.”
“That was it? The whole thing you heard?”
“Most of it. She also said that she’s never loved anyone the way that she loves you. That you couldn’t ever possibly understand how much she does. That you saved her. In every way someone can be saved.”
“She said that?”
Tanner nods, then reaches inside Tyler’s jacket and pulls out the wool beanie he’d put in one of the pockets for safe keeping. “Will you help me when my glasses fog up?” he asks, and he yanks the hat down onto his head. “They always fog up when we go out in the cold.”
“I will help you.”
“And over the really high snowbanks?”
“I’m going to toss you in those. Have to call someone to dig you out.”
“Daddy…” he crosses his arms over his chest and stares at him pointedly. “...that’s not very nice.”
“I would never do that to you. TJ, yeah. You? Never.”
“You know…” Tanner scrambles off his lap as the train begins its final approach to their station, then curls all of his fingers around three of his father’s “...if I got to pick daddies, I’d pick you.”
Tyler smiles down at his son. “You would, would you?”
Tanner nods. “In a heartbeat.”
Breakfast is a success. A small diner in Battery Park that Tanner had found online three years ago; spending hours online searching for the best pancake spots in New York City and reading all of the reviews and browsing all the menus. He’s very detail oriented. Choosing places to eat and shop on not just popularity and the items being offered, but on the way the food appears in pictures; a keen eye for attractive colour palettes and neat and tidy -and appealing- presentation. He’d put so much research and time into it that Tyler hadn’t had the heart to tell him that maybe somewhere closer to home would be a better fit; no ‘scary’ trips on the subway meant less crowds and noise and almost assured no sensory meltdowns which in turn, would mean an extremely hard day for Tanner. Once something is ‘set off’, he remains on edge and anxious for hours; the mere stress of his brain going into overload causing him to be destructive and aggressive. The latter is always directed at himself; yanking his hair out, banging his head off walls, scratching himself until he bleeds. And while it’s always a worry that something will spark the behaviour, they’ve become better at recognizing the warning signs; identifying triggers and able to remove him from a situation before it becomes too much for him to bear.
The morning had gone well. Tanner had been talkative and cheerful; uncharacteristically engaging with the waitress and carrying on conversations -albeit brief, as too much chatter and eye contact make him extremely uncomfortable- with fellow diners. He’d only had difficulties twice. Needing his weighted lap pad and some fidget toys when the wait for food was longer than expected, and a flight to his father’s lap when a larger group of diners came in and their voices were needlessly loud and obnoxious. A tight as possible embrace and encouraging and comforting words whispered had quickly soothed him, but he’d still insisted on staying perched on his dad’s thighs while he finished the remains of his breakfast.
After a quick trip to the Cartier store -a little something for mummy as a form of both apology and an excuse to spoil her- and to pick up some novels to read at Tanner’s favourite used book store, they returned home and onto the final ‘event’ of the morning; time spent at the private park. It’s cold and the wind brutal, but Tanner is in his element; loving the way he can ‘crash’ into the snowbank at the bottom of the slide, tend to building his own snowman without interference from his well meaning but way too hyper younger siblings, and time on the swings. And while he has two of his own hanging from the ceiling in his bedroom, he prefers being outside; leaning as far back as he can and staring up at the sky. It’s gray and dreary today, but he’s in his glory; catching snowflakes on his tongue and giggling the entire time.
That laugh -one he’d inherited from his mother- is more than enough to tolerate the frigid temperatures; a hot cup of coffee and the hat and gloves Esme had both nagged him about taking along -and had resorted to shoving into the pockets of his coat before he stepped out the door- enough to stave off the chill. And he’s leaning back against the wrought iron fence and sipping the strong brew -two shots of espresso helping to fight off the lingering exhaustion from jet lag- when the gate to the park swings open. It’s a highly controlled and private area. Only those who live in Gramercy Park have access; given keys when they take up residence. And while he isn’t necessarily worried about the stranger joining them, that old inkling of hyper-vigilance never fails to make an appearance when he spots an unfamiliar face. It’s the years spent on the job; burning bridges and stepping on toes and making a lot of enemies along the way. Revenge is par for the course; dirtbags sticking up for other dirtbags and seeking vengeance for fellow drug lords, rapists, murders, child predators. The list is vast and seemingly endless; he’s gone up against the lowest of the low and somehow lived to tell about.
The worry is always there; that someone will come looking for him and then use his greatest weaknesses to destroy him. It’s why he’s extra careful now; willing to do anything in his power to keep his family safe. Five years ago had been bad enough; if word got back to the wrong people that it was his business employing the mercenaries sent to clean up messes, the result wouldn’t be pretty. Far more devastating and widespread than what happened at the hands of Mahajan and Asif’s remaining people. And while he highly doubts that the woman and child stepping through the gate pose a threat, his brain immediately tends to think of the worst. Especially when one of his children -arguably the most vulnerable of them all- is with him. But he manages a polite smile in the woman’s direction, then shuffles his weight from foot to foot when she approaches; an attempt to keep warm and his discomfort at the idea of having to be social. It was one of the things that sold on him buying the brownstone; no one bothered with him and likewise didn’t seem to give a shit that he mostly stuck to himself.
“It’s amazing how they can stand being out like this,” she comments, as she sidles up next to him.
It’s way too close his own comfort; the sleeve of her fur lined coat brushing against him. He sidesteps; putting just enough space between them to let her know she’s invading his space, yet enough to come across a complete asshole. She’s new to the area; a face he hadn’t seen last Christmas or during the month they’d spent in the Big Apple over the past summer. Tall and slender; shoulder length blond hair sticking the bottom of the black and gray knit beanie and too much make up on her face.
“My daughter LOVES the snow,” she continues, nodding in the direction of the little girl attempting to make conversation with Tanner. It can go either of three ways; Tanner acknowledging her presence and actually speaking in return, completely ignoring her and acting as if she doesn’t even exist, or he’ll be so anxious that he’ll flee to his father’s side for comfort. “It’s why she took moving here so well; used to the weather in Utah I guess. I’m Natalie,” she offered a slender hand encased in a lambskin glove.
“Tyler. You just moved here?”
“Couple weeks ago. Took a job with Goldman Sachs. I’ve always wanted to live here, mind you. A dream going back to my childhood; Central Park, Broadway shoes, shopping at Bergdorfs. A lot of stuff on my to do list. Your accent; you’re a long way from home.”
“Our second place is here. Kids love coming to stay. Especially during the winter. They love having a white Christmas.”
“Must be a change. Going from somewhere hot and sunny to this. Why go from the ocean and the sand to snow and slush? And most of all, why New York City?”
“My wife spent some time here. Fell in love with it. Always wanted to get back. And our oldest lives here. In Queens. He’s in his first year of med school.”
“You have a kid old enough to have done four years of undergrad and is now in med school?”
Tyler nods. There’s no need for specifics. No reason to tell a complete stranger about Ovi and his background and how he’d wound up going from Mumbai to Colorado and then onto Australia. That part of their lives is firmly rooted in the past; Dhaka, Asif, Mahajan Senior. And it’s not something either of them enjoy revisiting. The years have gone by excruciatingly slow; leaving mountains of mental and physical issues behind. “I’ve got grandkids too.”
“Two of them. Boy and a girl. Three and eight months.”
“You’re a grandpa?”
“As much as I hate being called that, yeah. I am.”
“Makes you feel old? Being called that?”
“Just thinking about it makes me feel old.” He takes a swig of coffee; watching as Tanner abandons his snowman and his new playmate in favour of returning to the swings. The ten year old is doing better than expected; not growing agitated or anxious when the little girl immediately follows him and once more attempts to make conversation.
“How old is he?”
“Ten. Eleven next month.”
“He’s shy. Or he’s already playing hard to get when it comes to girls.”
“He has Autism. Aspergers. It’s one of the things he struggles with; making friends.”
“I’m sorry, it must be hard. It must be…”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I mean, look at him. He’s healthy. He’s happy for the most part. He’s beautiful. He’s a good kid. A REALLY good kid. We’re lucky to have him.”
“And are those your only two? The med student and him? Quite the age gap.”
“Actually, I have six more at home.”
Natalie’s eyes widen. “You have eight kids?”
“I do. Well, technically the oldest one isn’t mine. Not by blood. We took him in when he was fifteen. But I do have six more at home.”
“All biological?”
Tyler nods.
“All with the same mother?”
“Every last one of them.”
“I don’t know whether you’re crazy or brave. Or a mix of both.”
“Guess that’s up for debate. It’s a pretty full house.”
“God help the woman who got pregnant SEVEN times.”
“It was actually only five times. We have two sets of twins. Ten and five.”
“Wow,” Natalie laughs. “That’s quite the brood. You don’t see that very often these days; big families like that.”
“Once we started, we couldn’t stop I guess. We were supposed to be done at four, but…”
“Things happened.”
“That’s one way of putting it. You said you just moved here?”
“Number thirty-three. You?”
“The one right on the corner? With the two dogs? A shepherd and a…”
“Australian shepherd. Mac and Saju. Two major pains in the ass.”
“They love to stand on the couch. Look out the front window. My daughter always waves to them. She keeps hoping one day they’ll be outside. So she can meet them.”
“They’re standing on the couch because they like to spy on the neighbours. And growl and bark at the squirrels. They’re used to koalas and kangaroos. Not squirrels. They’re not the brightest, but they’re loyal.”
“I walked by the other day and when I saw all the kids out front, I thought it might be a daycare. That was a nanny with them? Cute little thing with dark hair. Didn’t look old enough to be their mom.”
“That IS their mom,” he confirms. “My wife is very tiny and cute. And I agree; she does NOT look old enough to have that many kids.”
“It would be nice to meet some of the other families around here. There aren't many with young kids, so it was a relief to see people at the park. My daughter’s always looking for new friends.”
“Well, she’s got a lot to choose from at our house, that’s for sure. I don’t think the wife would mind if you popped by. She’s the social butterfly. Complete opposite of me.”
“I don’t know, you seem to be holding your own in this conversation. A little gruff at times and straight to the point, but…”
“This is me on my best behaviour. It doesn’t get any better.”
A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. “I think it’s perfectly fine how it is.”
Smirking, he downs the remains of his coffee and tosses it in the nearby trash. It’s a line that’s been crossed. Not appreciating little smiles and flirtatious comments and the insistent way she keeps stepping even closer to him; not realizing that he grows more agitated and uncomfortable each time he moves away. It’s annoying; unwanted attention even AFTER you’ve told someone that you’re married. Most women -and some men- seem to take it as a challenge; an extra thrilling chase to land someone that’s declared themselves unavailable. And maybe it’s worked for them before; landing a guy that claims to be happily married and getting him to abandon all his morals and betray the one person he’s supposed to love more than life itself. But that sure as hell ISN’T him. He doesn’t need or want anyone else. Perfectly content to spend the rest of his existence with just one person; happy to wake up to the same face every day, kiss the same lips and make love to the same body , and hear the same voice and laugh.
“Daddy!” Tanner calls as he bounds through the snow; wrapping both arms around one of Tyler’s thighs. “Can we go now? I’m getting cold. And I miss mum.”
“Yeah, we can go. I bet she misses you too.”
“Hey there, cutie.” Natalie smiles, and crouches down to the little boy’s level.
“No,” Tanner shakes his head and slides behind Tyler, hiding himself behind his father’s legs. “Please don’t.”
“He doesn’t like eye contact. Not with people he doesn’t know. Scares him. It’s okay, Nug.” Reaching behind his body, he lays a hand on the back of Tanner’s head and gently pushes; encouraging him to come out of hiding. “Don’t be nervous. I’m right here. Nothing’s going to happen. Just people trying to meet you. Wanting to be friends.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all. Just someone being nice. Can you come on out? At least say hi? There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure. Come on…” he lifts one leg, allowing Tanner to slip between them. “...can you just say hi? I won’t ask for more than that.”
Tanner nods, both arms once more wrapping around his father’s thigh; body leaning into him, needing that comfort and support. “Hi.”
"I’m not trying to scare you, I promise,” Natalie says. “Just trying to make friends. What’s your name?”
Tanner glances up at his dad. Looking for reassurance. And permission.
“It’s okay. You can tell her.”
He looks back at the woman in front of him. “Tanner.”
“How old are you?”
“Ten. Almost eleven.”
“I hear you have a lot of brothers and sisters.”
He nods. “I have a twin. He’s older than I am. His name’s Tyler. Like daddy.”
“And is he as handsome? As you and daddy?”
“I don’t know. I guess. He’s really tall. And strong. Like daddy. He’s almost taller than mummy already!”
“Well your mum’s pretty tiny,” Tyler reasons, and straightens out Tanner’s scarf and hat; pulling the beanie down over the tops of his ears. “Speaking of mum, want to go see her?”
“Yeah,” Tanner nods enthusiastically. “I wanna see her. I miss her. I want to give her a hug. And her goodies. We got mum her favourites,” he addresses Natalie. “Mummy loves croissants. From a certain place. So daddy and I took the subway to get them. And he got her something really nice. From a really expensive jewellery store. There was lots of sparkly stuff in there. Mummy likes sparkly stuff but never lets daddy buy her any. She says he spoils her too much.”
Natalie smiles. I’m sure your mom deserves to be spoiled.”
“Oh, she definitely does. She’s the best mummy. And the prettiest. She puts up with a lot. Especially from Millie. That’s my oldest sister. She’s a bitch.”
Tyler frowns. “Tanner….”
“I’m just sayin’. Millie is really mean. She’s almost a teenager. That’s why. They get mean at that age. Girls. That’s what daddy says.”
“And on that note,” Tyler chuckles. “I think we should go home. You’re gonna wanna pee soon, aren’t ya.”
“Yeah. And you can’t drop your pants and go in the bushes here. Wayyyy too cold. I got snow in my boot. My sock is wet. I can’t walk in wet socks.”
“You could if you wanted to. It’s like a hundred feet away.”
“Naw. I don’t like it. The feeling. My foot is cold. And wet. My sock is too squishy.”
“You’re demanding.” Scooping Tanner up with one hand, he settles him on his hip, then reaches for the bags he’d hung earlier on the rungs of the fence. “Ready to go? Go and see and mummy?”
“Ready, Freddy. I’m hungry.”
“Me too.”
“You’re ALWAYS hungry. Giants eat a lot. Bye” ! Tanner waves a mitten in farewell in Natalie’s direction. “I like your hat, by the way. I like the panda bear pin on it. It’s sparkly. And I like panda bears.”
“Well, I like your glasses. You’re awful cute, you know that.”
“Cute like daddy, smart like mummy,” Tanner declares, as he curls an arm around his dad’s neck. “Bye new friend!”
“Bye, kiddo. You be good. Although something tells me you always are.”
Tanner giggles. “You’ll change your mind once you get to know me. I can be really annoying.”
“Something tells me you’re more cute than annoying.”
“Just you wait,” he singsongs, and then gives one final wave before being carried out the gate.
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vanikolya · 4 years
helping you sleep - nordic 5
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norway / lukas
you don't even have to ask, he's immediately willing to help you get back to sleep
definitely plays with your hair and just talks to you
like he says the most random stuff that doesn't even concern you but his voice is just really calming
"i was talking with some of the trolls today..."
will not and i repeat will not go to sleep before he knows you're sleeping too
even if that means he has to wait a while to make sure you're properly asleep and won't wake up when he stops talking
cuddles you but won't admit it
not because he doesn't love you but because if denmark hears about that?? it's the end for norway and his peaceful way of life
sometimes sings. you have to ask him nicely though. though he prefers to just tell you about his day or how much he loves you, it's easier to talk than think of a song to sing
kisses your forehead when you finally fall asleep and tells you "sweet dreams" and all that fluffy stuff
again will not admit that
do not tell denmark
soft norway is confidential norway
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denmark / mathias
gets you hot chocolate, warm milk, that kind of stuff, to try and get you to be more sleepy
will cuddle and is proud to admit it
very good cuddler to be honest
at first is loud
then he's like "???? oh yeah i'm getting u to sleep it's quiet time"
ceo of counting sheep over here
think prussia counting sheep in his husky whisper voice from that one drama cd but picture it as denmark instead
will deadass ask you if you're asleep
stops counting, quietly "hey you asleep yet?"
doesn't leave you if you are. the cuddling is too comfortable and it's night anyway so why not
will flex to the rest of the nordics about how good he is at helping you sleep
you don't mind because he isn't even lying about it to be honest
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iceland / emil
if there's something on your mind? he'll stay up with you to talk about it until you can stop worrying and go to sleep
cuddles if you ask
tsun vibes "a-alright but only because it's you. and promise not to tell the others."
what if you just can't sleep in general?
hot chocolate, blankets, house lights off, sit outside and watch the lights
while you probably wont fall asleep watching them, hopefully sitting out in the dark to watch them will make you feel sleepier
but if you have to sleep, you can't stay up, you have to be up in the morning for something important?
he'll sing to you
time will be set aside tomorrow to talk about whatever was keeping you up
fuck it, eskimo kisses
this boy's smile though when he sees you finally sleeping peacefully
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sweden / berwald
ok we all know this boi is really soft as fuck
he loves you v much and won’t hesitate to try and help you sleep
quiet cuddles that make you feel safe even if you didn’t feel unsafe before
but like on another note, the cuddles when you wake up from a nightmare are r e a l l y nice
like woah that fear went from 100 to like 0 in an instant
if you ask him to talk or anything he doesn’t really say much, just about his day or funny/dumb stuff the other nordics (mostly mathias) did
his soft smiles when he looks at you all cuddled up and sleepy ;u;
they’re hard to notice but they’re definitely there
hums quietly for you and it’s actually surprisingly relaxing
definitely kisses your forehead 
basically this man is not scary unless he wants to beᵀᴹ
even though he doesn’t talk to you much, a lot of the time just being cuddled and warm and feeling safe is enough to get you to sleep
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finland / tino
like mathias, he gives you warm drinks you like to make you feel sleepier
blankets, blankets, blankets blankets blankets
has multiple old finnish lullabies to sing to you, just say the word
combs his fingers through your hair slowly/calmingly
will also kiss you goodnight
treats you like a baby?? but like not in a demeaning way, just really caring and super gentle mama bear vibes
infinite cuddles
bedtime stories? bedtime stories.
talks about the stuff you have to look forward to in the morning
“you should sleep, so we can have a nice breakfast together in the morning, yeah?”
nose kisses and butterfly kisses
although sometimes the butterfly kisses wake you up so they’re more of a morning thing
he’s just very soft and gentle with you, please protect him at all costs he’s too precious
58 notes · View notes
Edie & Liam
aleeunayzhun: anyone else think the ‘monster’ addition was totally unnecessary and has taken away from what was a mildly intriguing ARG concept beforehand?
aleeunayzhun: 🙄 back on the trail for a new rabbithole to fall down
level26: Yeah, axed it for me
aleeunayzhun: the paranormal route can be alright if it’s done right but usually it ain’t and then it’s a cop-out, PM definitely didn’t think where they were going with this
aleeunayzhun: the ones that rely on the real world but twist it are always scarier to me, no one ever has the balls to stick with it, to not throw in some bullshit ghost jumpscares to get the idiots with
level26: creepypasta is where it ends up with barely no exceptions
aleeunayzhun: mhmm
aleeunayzhun: and no one has shanked their mate over anything on there in time
level26: got a few I’ll volunteer if the next 🐇 is more of this or promo again
aleeunayzhun: If one more shitty band thinks throwing out some binary or morse code makes them any less shit, I’ll join you
level26: dednah tfel neve t'nia ylbaborp yeht
aleeunayzhun: imij erew yeht hsiw yeht
level26: 👅💔🍆💔🎸💔
aleeunayzhun: 💔 they reckon hot groupies hang about on reddit
level26: trolls are their groupies, they can only be fuelled by edgy r/hate 🤘
aleeunayzhun: awh, r/hate is only a degree away from r/love after-all
level26: just like that, a plotline that’d be less crap than [whatever this ARG we’re slagging off is called]
aleeunayzhun: not gonna start my annoying beg promo in here quite yet but how hard was that, really
level26: us both being spam bots is still a better twist than the monster did it
aleeunayzhun: Привет, дорогая, хочешь увидеть мои сексуальные фотки? Hажмите ссылку СЕЙЧАС! [‘Hello dear, do you want to see my sexy pictures? Click the link NOW!’ And a link to god knows what lmao]
level26: NO soundcloud rapper link?! 💀 what an r/cockblock
aleeunayzhun: how’d you guess 😏
level26: my paranormal powers kicked in, clicking that link must’ve leveled me up
aleeunayzhun: advert for communism? 🤔🤫
level26: find me and my sick beats on r/motherrussia
aleeunayzhun: MK Ultra is definitely taken by about 1000 other shit DJs
aleeunayzhun: and is the poorly executed plot of several other ARGs I’ve also given up on
level26: KM Extra is my personal fave shit DJ, really doing something
aleeunayzhun: the fact I genuinely know who that is 😷😷
level26: I noclipped into his set at [somewhere she would have heard of even if she’s not been] talk about an eldritch location
aleeunayzhun: you must’ve felt like the only player in a crowd of NPCs 🧟‍♀️🧠💀🧟‍♂
level26: close enough to the review I would’ve left
aleeunayzhun: I’ll leave it
aleeunayzhun: I know the coordinates
level26: I’ll 👀 out for it
level26: you on moscow standard time or one of the other 10?
aleeunayzhun: I’m the Russian spy, I hack you, comrade
level26: ❤️ tôi cũng cam kết với chính nghĩa cộng sản ❤️ [with some link to the Communist Party of Vietnam because we’re saying we’re as committed to communism]
aleeunayzhun: [links to the Communist Party of Ireland to be like obvs we have both worked out we’re actually from here
level26: cracked the code, like, full props to KM Extra
aleeunayzhun: Only in Dubo would that shit fly
level26: they’d eat his head off outside the pale, yeah, galway’d be having none of it
aleeunayzhun: what they got but a bunch of rocks though
level26: easy pick for the murder weapon
aleeunayzhun: you’d never get far enough in the guinness factory to drown someone in a vat 💔
level26: could do if you got a job as manager and closed for essential maintenance
aleeunayzhun: 💡
aleeunayzhun: won’t do no harm to the taste
level26: iron boost if he’s bleeding heavily when he goes in
aleeunayzhun: delicious and nutritious
level26: ARG coming soon from guinness
aleeunayzhun: bastards better give credit
level26: they can have it, we’re not short of ideas
aleeunayzhun: and you ain’t heard nothing yet
aleeunayzhun: not making it that easy for the wannabe PMs with none of their own
aleeunayzhun: 🔐the real ones
level26: fair play, given enough freebies out in this thread
aleeunayzhun: 🤐
aleeunayzhun: [later on though definitely some way to contact her privately but in a way that you’ve got to work it out of course]
level26: [at least then we can switch to y’all’s names ‘cause I can’t think of a username for the life of me lol]
Edie: [You can add it later and change it, it’s fine lol]
Liam: 🔓
Edie: 1 🔑 for 1 💎
Edie: Suitably impressed
Liam: if I knew anywhere that loaded a 💎 into the gun I’d be off but what’s impressive about a swollen and green ear
Edie: Impressive, no; but good footage for the game? Absolutely
Liam: I’d do it here to have time to mess about with all the lighting and angles
Edie: you’re 🎥
Edie: not enough have actual artistic merit so fair play
Liam: but thinking about it, recording the conveyor belt of a trainee stabbing holes in screaming babies ears all day could have some merit to it, maybe I should get myself up
Edie: you can buy anything and everything from bezos
Edie: live your dreams
Liam: putting my dreams on tape would be worse than the monster reveal
Liam: cheapest jumpscares and effects
Edie: not to mention outing yourself to the whole thread, not just me
Liam: how many teachers would crawl out the woodwork if there was a mass reveal
Edie: to offer you the school’s stellar mental health services
Edie: the one nurse phoning it in
Liam: find my dad lurking on the thread too, that’d be a trip
Edie: unexpectedly wholesome
Edie: I’ll start hiding caches where my dad hides his stashes
Edie: unintentional rhyme
Liam: bars 🎼
Edie: @ KM Extra
Liam: Fachtna to his ma who thinks he’s a saint
Edie: Oof
Edie: ARG concept no. ? the horror of the Irish language
Liam: my ma would be 😱 if I went and hugged her for not doing me that wrong
Edie: not the audience we aim to 😱 really
Liam: too easy
Edie: almost as easy as your name to spell and say
Edie: you even from here 👽
Liam: wouldn’t take enough working out to set you as a test, records are basically lying about
Edie: nothing relating to school is a challenge
Liam: just getting that nurse to give a shit
Edie: if she reckons she’s 👀 it all…
Liam: front row of our intended audience
Edie: splash zone
Liam: she’s never off her phone, spy like you won’t have no problem hacking it
Edie: her nudes = actual monstrosity
Liam: dunno what Mr Doyle sees in her
Edie: yeah, he’s such a looker himself, like
Liam: his wife used to be pretty fit
Edie: don’t matter when she explains how and why people cheat
Edie: psychobabble gets ‘em off every time
Liam: if they taught psychology nobody’d be off each other or learning anything then
Edie: sounds like any other standard schoolday
Liam: that's what they’re getting up to in your class, is it
Edie: as cliche as the monster, yeah
Liam: 🔥🏫
Edie: hear hear
Edie: got to make the endless fire drills worth it one day
Liam: can’t miss me standing in line or not
Edie: then I won’t
Liam: next false alarm I pull
Edie: + 💎
Liam: + 👀
Liam: dont have to hate every cliche
Edie: not the good ones
Edie: all about how you use or misuse them
Liam: can you overuse eye contact
Edie: I can
Liam: I can make a kubrick stare work however many takes you wanna do
Edie: you don’t think I’m a one-take 🌟
Liam: I’ve not shot you
Edie: 🤯🔫
Liam: I’m not a one-take 📷📹
Edie: is that a brag for not suffering from premature ejaculation?
Liam: do you need that reassurance
Edie: I don’t know
Liam: I’ll think about other unsexy shit if your eyes start getting to me too much
Edie: Ha, yeah right
Edie: just don’t think about the 🔥
Liam: 🚒 buzzkill
Edie: 🚓 cockblock
Liam: 🚑 scene stealers
Edie: 🛸 out of here
Liam: before you can get stuck there as a 👻
Edie: Purgatory is preferable to that place forever
Liam: stay alive and it’s simple to get out of 🏫
Edie: I’ll leave my bag behind
Edie: 1st rule and only, really
Liam: don’t really need a pile of textbooks
Edie: I doubt that’s what you carry
Edie: I know I don’t
Liam: I can get more of what I do and I bet you could too
Edie: Bars
Liam: 😏
Edie: You’ve promo’d him a lot if you ain’t him
Edie: KM, like
Edie: bit sus
Liam: you said you know who he is, you know I ain’t
Liam: maybe I love him or some gay shit
Edie: none of his tracks sound like love songs
Liam: guess he don’t love me back
Edie: Oh honey
Edie: lock him in when you set the fire
Liam: he can keep spitting out those fuck yous til the end
Edie: dedication ✊
Liam: and +++ for morale
Edie: what a lad
Liam: love triangle is a cliche too far, take a deep breath or something
Edie: bit possessive
Liam: directors are dicks
Edie: and the heartbroken
Liam: yeah, couldn’t be kind to you if I wanted
Edie: I’ll survive
Edie: you’ve given me the heads up, I’ll give you the 👀
Liam: respect killing me with your 👀 and taking him for yourself
Edie: who could blame me
Liam: my ma as I’m dead, like
Edie: true
Edie: i’ll avoid her at the tescos
Liam: 🛒 dash
Edie: got a selection of my own
Edie: [picture because the random crap you would have in the barns lmao]
Liam: [a picture of one he stole at some point that’s on fire or been blown up or whatever]
Edie: 👏
Edie: what else can we 💥
Liam: got any barns you don’t use
Liam: or 🚜 stuff
Edie: loads
Edie: if you’re lucky, I’ll leave another 🔑
Liam: got another ear to put a 💎 in, luck’s gonna run out beyond it
Edie: sounds like some gay shit, you should
Liam: 👌
Liam: [pics when we’ve done this because of course we have, casually raiding either your mother or sister’s jewellery stashes here like]
Edie: Oh
Edie: actually looks kinda sick
Edie: you’re welcome then
Liam: I’ll send the footage when I’ve edited it
Edie: I look forward to it
Edie: I can’t give you any clues
Liam: what makes you think I need em
Edie: [idk how to differentiate but clearly the clue to where you live needs to be much harder to find and then decode lmao]
Liam: [awkward when he blatantly already knows where you live]
Edie: [do not even need to do the work, whoops]
Liam: [convincingly pretend you are though please]
Edie: [thank god he’s not a murderer even if he is a stalker, just giving out this info willynilly]
Liam: [not your stalker, it’s FINE]
Edie: [oh dear oh dear]
Edie: I’ll know when you work it out
Liam: yeah, I’ll show up 📷📹🌾
Liam: or send a 📦💣 if you wanna take things slow
Edie: you decide
Edie: I’ll shake all the packages extra hard
Liam: cancel the real 🐇 I thought about
Edie: animal cruelty is lamer than bed wetting
Liam: never even tipped a 🐄
Edie: they’ll appreciate it
Edie: anyway, if you did, punishment is letting them kick you in the face so you lose in the end
Liam: head injury’s a win if I get caught for the 🔥🏫 or being seen staring in your window
Edie: 😍🤤 just serial killer things
Liam: pretend I didn’t say KM’s gonna be my 1st victim
Edie: I’ll never feel special otherwise
Liam: you don’t feel special knowing I cracked your code
Edie: if anything, it makes you look smart and me not smart enough
Liam: you’re smart enough that I wanted to
Edie: I’m not going to ruin it with a cliche jumpscare now
Liam: me either, you’re smart enough too to see me coming
Edie: and you’re tall, so I hear
Liam: dunno where from, my dad’s not
Edie: he’s definitely your dad?
Edie: I may as well accuse your ma because I’m already avoiding her for the whole killing you thing
Liam: don't act like it which probably means he is
Edie: ha, real talk
Edie: I think you might be taller than mine
Edie: he’s 6’2
Liam: ha, I am
Edie: you’re the tallest person in school, possibly town
Edie: definite 👽
Liam: taking their time parking the ufo and picking me up, typical dad
Edie: did they forget ET or leave him here on purpose
Edie: he was fucking annoying
Liam: if I looked that much like a ballsack I’d understand
Edie: 😂
Edie: least you’d get to get fucked up with baby Drew Barrymore
Liam: baileys on cereal does taste sick, always down for that
Edie: yum
Edie: what do your fingers look like
Liam: [a video of his hands from lots of angles like hello]
Edie: hot
Edie: you can call me Elliot
Liam: or just call you instead of home
Edie: 😎 so smooth
Liam: what’s my ma gonna say, get back, talking to you is smarter
Edie: I’ve got time to set up the voice distorter so you’re not disappointed by the lack of crEEEEeeeEPpPPpyyyyYy vibes
Liam: and I’ll have loads of time to hear how you sound without it when I stake your house out
Edie: I’ll be sure to be loud
Edie: and not chat total inane shit with my family
Liam: you got your own room
Edie: technically not
Edie: but there are other rooms and places to crash in, when I wanna be alone
Liam: there’s my excuse to zoom in creeEEPpILY close 👀 when you’re not
Edie: very awkward and even ruder if you confused me for my sister
Edie: no one’s done that for ages
Liam: how were they ever doing it
Edie: we’re both the white ones, they just didn’t know which was which
Liam: can’t be a hard code to crack, not gonna be confusing you for anyone
Edie: good
Edie: it was pretty annoying
Edie: and I’m already your second victim as it is
Liam: partner in crime, or groupie to mine if you’re not getting actively involved, but still standing at the end
Edie: hope you’re writing some of these down
Edie: ‘cos I’m not gonna be your groupie
Edie: got my own scores to settle, own havoc to wreak
Liam: don’t need to write down I don’t want you to die, I’ll remember
Edie: it rhymed though
Edie: I’ll steal your lines then
Liam: write as many songs about me as you want, be your groupie til I get 🛸✌️
Edie: [send your music links because you ain’t]
Edie: give me a sec to do yours but pretend any of these are about you
Liam: this is you
Liam: serious
Edie: yeah
Edie: if I was gonna lie I’d have done that a few steps ago
Liam: I’m gonna lie they’re all about me
Edie: that’s what serious meant
Liam: it meant I’m impressed and you’re downplaying how smart you are
Edie: you can be my hypeman and overplay it
Liam: [does by uploading this edited ear piercing escapade with whatever song of hers we like and fits the vibe playing in it, giving her credit because we’re not a heathen and also putting on his stories that he’s listening to these tracks and hyping them how you can]
Edie: [so 😍 over this but trying to be chill somehow and somewhat even though we’re extra af anyway]
Edie: maybe I do wanna be your groupie
Edie: what do you want from me
Edie: like, I owe you and I want to give you something too, ‘cos
Edie: talking to you IS interesting
Edie: and not just because I could be talking to my ma or someone else really boring instead just ‘cos you are
Liam: [for real though her views would definitely go up cos the vibe is he knows loads of people through his sister but also through his weird vids and the raves and stuff he goes to now too so]
Liam: all I want’s to keep talking to you, for as long as you’re into it
Liam: people don’t unless we’re off our faces, like
Edie: my notifications are popping off rn
Edie: I know what you mean though, everyone’s too scared to say or do anything when they don’t have something to blame it on, like being stupid or weird or whatever the fuck actually matters
Edie: more than being bored and alone
Liam: dunno what they’re more scared of, what they wanna ask or how I’m gonna answer, least I know what the topic’ll be
Liam: every convo I have is a loop
Edie: all anyone ever cares about and knows is the headlines
Edie: as if there aren’t countless hours minutes seconds before and after the big events they all 👀 and 👂
Liam: work out sweet for you as a headliner
Edie: Getting them to talk about what I’m doing instead of whatever my parents and the rest of the fucking fam did or do is the goal
Liam: with me hyping you up, no bother, keep knocking out hits and I’ll promo em with no trace of binary or morse code
Edie: and you make films
Edie: I wasn’t sure if you were pissing about at first
Edie: every other person in that thread is an aspiring filmmaker so
Liam: did put me off for a while
Edie: Yours aren’t going to be bad Blair Witch ripoffs though
Edie: I can say that much without seeing
Edie: even the stuff you’ve sent today is dope
Liam: do you wanna see
Edie: yes
Liam: [link her cos I doubt all the weird shit is just there chilling on your insta or whatever]
Edie: [just casually watching all of this nbd]
Liam: siht ekil kool annog weiver ruoy
Liam: или, может быть, это
Edie: hoặc tôi có thể làm như thế này [‘or I could do it like this’]
Edie: si ffuts ruoy kniht i looc woh edih annaw tnod i tub
Liam: ba mhó an spraoi é a cheilt agus a lorg go pearsanta [hide and seek would be more fun in person]
Edie: If you’ve worked out where I live like you say
Edie: be fair and count to 100
Liam: you reckon you made it that easy do you
Liam: be cool if you added some 00s to that and gave me a fair chance
Edie: no, you could still be anyone
Liam: someone to be scared of, yeah I probably am
Edie: Do you want me to be scared of you
Liam: nah
Edie: Good because I’m not and I never promised I was a 🌟 so
Liam: 🤩 with or without promises
Edie: How have I never spoke to you before
Edie: so weird
Liam: I wouldn’t have known what to say to a girl like you
Edie: You seem like you’re coping fine to me
Liam: from behind a keyboard I can cope with anything
Edie: You’re not afraid of me either
Liam: not yet
Edie: What do you think I’m like?
Liam: smart, creative, nice to talk to and look at
Edie: then you’ve got nothing to be afraid of
Liam: I’ve got nothing, that’s bang on
Edie: I’m not trying to take anything from you
Edie: but I could throw those compliments back to you x 10000
Liam: you don’t like possessive, I ain’t gonna tell you what to do
Edie: I didn’t say that
Edie: you could claim better than a soundcloud DJ though
Liam: been waiting to hear that compliment specifically
Edie: 😏
Edie: You look like you’d be a fuckboy
Edie: that’s what I thought
Edie: you’re that good-looking
Liam: if I was the game’d be making you think I wasn’t, which is kinda where we are
Edie: True
Edie: so I’m that dumb or you’re that good, what are we going for?
Liam: you’re smart enough to play dumb, I don’t think I can aim for god tier puppet mastery of anyone’s emotions
Edie: I can see the appeal of that
Edie: closing you eyes to thing you don’t wanna see, to see the things you do
Edie: but mine are wide open
Liam: I ain’t mad, there’d be no appeal to yours being closed, unless you drop bars in your sleep too
Edie: you’re gonna find which window is mine and find out, yeah
Liam: wake you up before you name drop KM as it’s MY thing
Edie: that’s your man, I can respect it
Liam: exclusivity is a + for you then, I’m taking notes
Edie: I don’t really know
Edie: everyone’s lame
Liam: I’ve been there, yeah
Edie: I can’t fake enthusiasm for the sake of it
Liam: it’s a shite idea, doable or not
Edie: I don’t intend to
Edie: 🤞
Liam: can’t think why you’d have to
Edie: I won’t make you promise
Liam: what’ll you make me do
Edie: I want you to show
Edie: and be real and not just go ghost after this
Edie: but I don’t know if you will and I know you might
Liam: be a short afterlife, we don’t get american summers
Edie: we both got the capabilities, but I can promise not to stalk you if you like
Edie: if you want to stick to usernames and anonymity
Liam: not working out where you are to prove I can and a face in the window haunting wouldn’t even impress any dads lurking on the thread
Edie: Alright but I’d be more inclined to keep a secret if you asked opposed to all the dads
Liam: I wouldn’t wanna keep anything we do secret
Edie: Yeah?
Liam: if this is a scam I’m falling for everyone’ll see why and if it’s not I’m gonna document everything
Edie: I won’t ask for your credit card details even once
Edie: This is… different
Edie: isn’t it
Liam: you can have my ma’s, you’re avoiding her and the big tescos
Liam: I don’t know what this is, I wasn’t expecting you at the end of any of those links
Edie: It IS the least she could do
Edie: If I had a guess, you weren’t it
Edie: Even though you mentioned Dubo, it isn’t that small of a town
Liam: ha, how livid you’d be if I was another american coming here for the culture
Edie: not close enough to st patrick’s that I was worried
Liam: how did you feel
Edie: I thought no way it was you at first
Edie: and then I couldn’t believe it was you
Edie: and then that I should’ve known you sooner
Edie: what about you?
Liam: I still can’t believe it’s you, I would’ve tried to chat to you sooner if I knew this is how it’d go
Edie: I’m glad we are now
Edie: and I’ve not fucked it up
Liam: if the small world’s not fucked it up, you won’t
Edie: like you said, be shit if you were in America
Liam: be crap if you were anyone else from school, like you said
Edie: If it was anyone else from school
Edie: this convo would be well over by now
Liam: it’s the longest I’ve had for years
Edie: It’s all so surface level, right
Edie: fuck that
Edie: I wanna know more about you, I don’t care if I shouldn’t just say that
Liam: what do you wanna know
Edie: Hmm
Edie: Do I only get the one question?
Edie: Because I’ll think more carefully if so
Liam: nah, there’s no limit on it
Edie: Cool
Edie: so how was your day, and what were you doing just before you went on the forum?
Liam: [send her a video of some rave or whatever you were at because it’s summer bitches]
Liam: + 3-4 hours sleeping
Edie: Lucky
Edie: where’d you sleep and where’s the weirdest place you’ve got + 3-4 hours sleep before?
Liam: [send her some of the blooper-esque stuff you cut out to make it look more fun than it is, cos we know you’re usually bored]
Liam: home, I can’t 💤 in random xD places but I could call your dad short and maybe have him in a fight
Edie: that’s hot
Edie: he could’ve been there and you coulda tested that theory
Edie: but I wanna be there when you do
Liam: you’d have a shite view from the stage with lights blinding you, can’t let on how talented you are while we’re there
Edie: 😶
Edie: he’s not old so it’s not on a par with animal abuse lameness
Liam: and if I get carried away you can stop me
Edie: can I
Edie: + skill points
Liam: 🎶 works on monsters
Edie: have to find a way to get you home before the 💤 hits
Edie: so cute 🥺
Liam: mine or yours
Edie: 😳
Edie: I’ll protect you while you sleep, see if you can at mine
Liam: I can’t if you’re 👀
Edie: that might be a problem
Liam: how long can you not blink for
Edie: [send a vid of an attempt]
Liam: can I keep this
Edie: ‘course
Edie: use it if you can
Liam: when you write a song about me it’ll need a vid
Edie: I’ve started
Edie: I think by the time you find me, it’ll be done
Liam: people who don’t know you are gonna think I edited your eyes that colour
Edie: hashtag they’re real 😏
Liam: the girl who said she had an operation as a kid’s the real you
Edie: 😂
Edie: they were going rouge and I’ve repressed those memories
Liam: what were you doing before you logged on
Edie: not at a rave, sadly
Edie: I was masterminding a sabotage though, trying to anyway
Liam: don’t leave it there giving me no details
Edie: it isn’t even bad ARG plot worthy
Edie: but my sister has her gross boyfriend over and I need to ruin their fun, obviously, because they are unbearable
Edie: easiest way to do that is make them babysit the twins because there’s nothing fun about 9 year olds
Edie: so I convinced ma to go out on a date, but I still need to get my brother out the way and he’s a massive nerd who never goes anywhere so I’m stumped
Liam: we could have fun with it, gotta be a route to go down that’s not just ripping off the shining again
Liam: a nerd how, he’s on mastermind and his subject is _
Edie: 🪓 is just a prop, honest
Edie: bones, not in a cool way
Edie: History, all that old shit
Liam: [obviously find some kind of obscure af exhibit or book signing or something that he’d potentially be interested in and send her the deets because sleuthing is what you do boy]
Edie: OMG but genuinely
Edie: you are too good at this, I’ll have to keep you around
Liam: stashed with the 🪓
Edie: if you fit
Edie: He’ll actually go to this, for sure
Edie: 🐓🚫
Liam: keep what you figure’s useful and chop off the rest 🧩🧟
Edie: 😋
Edie: what an offer
Edie: and I do need to keep busy so I can’t be asked to step in
Edie: not that I’d say yes
Liam: busy like with a 🧭
Edie: go on
Liam: [god knows what scavenger hunt he’s sending you on gal that he apparently just has ready at the drop of a hat but here we are]
Edie: [live your best nerd lives]
Liam: [really hope these clues aren’t something he was gonna torment your sister with, because no thank you]
Edie: [lmao i hope it wouldn’t translate so easy ‘cos imagine]
Liam: [it definitely wouldn’t but a hardcore blag happening here regardless, I like to think you were actually coming up with this for her while you were pretending to work out her address that you already know]
Edie: [that’s a solid shout ‘cos yeah that is a thing lol]
Edie: [definitely sending you the demo of this song at the end as a prize because we’re beyond 😍 now]
Liam: [likewise even though he’s trying to downplay how 😍 he is to himself rn because it’s so weird that she’s Rio’s sister and that he actually also likes her in her own right so we’re fully !?]
Liam: [nevertheless trying to think of something creepy but cool he could send to her house so she knows he knows where it is and that we think this demo is amazing obviously, maybe it’s lots of other people’s shit musical endeavours like KM that we’ve set on fire and otherwise destroyed in creative ways like you’ve slayed the competition gal since cds and tapes are back baby idk]
Edie: [I wonder if I can find something like that to post hmm to pinterest I go]
Liam: [love the visual of you just sneakily dropping off a massive box of melted plastic without anyone seeing you]
Edie: [you’re clearly good lmao, I was thinking we could do a convo with Billie between this and the next one though]
Liam: [good idea boo, I’m up for that]
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maiolica-admirer · 3 years
Things mentioned in this drabble are direct references to @strickjagger​ and stuff from last April which is a horrifying amount of time ago.
✈ - An eye-opening memory
Yesterday had been surprisingly exciting in ways that didn’t involve anybody suffering bodily harm which was rather refreshing given the events of previous months, after all who could say no to kicking a door in and giving your former superior a heart attack without a single sword being drawn? She certainly would not and it felt like a just reward earned after everything particularly with the shriek, oh now that is something she will be treasuring for a very long time like a party trick waiting for it’s prime moment to be brought out. With part one of her self-declared mission now completed, the next step was dragging his sorry ass back to Arcadia where he can do something more useful than moping around for weeks on end poking around Facebook for his lost lady love akin to a widow and dumped teenager rolled into one wretched mess of depression. The display was utterly revolting and truly she was doing both him and the world at large a grand favour here by intervening.
At first there were a few delays before anything could get moving partly because she decided before anything was settled on he had to go get himself scrubbed up and free of his stubbly wares while she would abuse the opportunity to enjoy the quaint scenery with a spot of tea in peace. A standard had been set after all having made sure to freshen up a bit with proper food, a shower, clean clothes and enough make up to hide the wretched state that was her condition underneath so quite frankly he should have the basic decency to do the same before setting foot outside. Of course there was a bit of enjoyment at bossing him around like this and with being unlikely to get an opportunity she would never get again, well why not? The next hold up was the particulars of transportation which needed to both balance getting there the fastest while remaining lighter on the wallet thanks to limited funds. These are narrowed down to a road trip causing dramatic groan at the idea of having to spend hours in his company while in close confines for an extended period just to make very clear her dislike at the idea. After that all that was left to do was getting hold of a suitable car that could be conveniently ditched afterwards without giving any wrong ideas to any who found it. She only got more annoyed when her suggestion of hotwiring something was shot down and ceremoniously flipped him off out of petty spite.
With supplies belatedly gathered, coffee to go, something to drive that was a disgusting aqua coloured thing and through flagrant complaining about her (Formerly) broken fetlock they came to a deal that he would take the day shifts and her the nights. There was some gleeful snarking about his habit of vehicles and cliffs which earned a look over the steering wheel and she merely grinned right back while toasting with the disposable cup. So it went on like that with loose banter fired between about innocent topics, a slightly annotated version of recent events now there was no risk of being heard, some reminiscing of older times interspersed with more than a few choice words for bad driving by other parties. The white lines are not optional you idiotic fleshbags stay in your damn lane!
On day two by midday it featured a rather bored Nomura which a very dangerous prospect because basic decency and social decorum tends to go out the window if she has no way to vent her frustrations and had lost interest in talking for the time. The silence becomes a rather ominous thing for the driver who has acquired a crease in his brow because if she is not resting, certain from how she keeps grumbling something, it means she must be plotting something and it is quickly confirmed when there is the unmistakable feeling of the closest pocket being rummaged in.
“Do you mind?” He utters taking his eye off the road a second to glare.
“Not at all,” is the innocent answer while she sits comfortably back in her seat with her prize swiftly being broken into with a few taps because pin codes mean nothing. Getting an annoyed scoff back, he knows trying to take it back will only make it more tempting to hoard thus he is left only to secretly hope she will only stick to the photos and video collection and not find anything potentially compromising or worse, blackmail material.
For a time at least his passenger in question seems content enough to only poke around at what could fall under the first category from how the expressions vary from smirks to mildly grossed out (Not hard to guess what the cause was there) to an aww and even the sound of pure mocking laughter which was something to be grateful for even if there is little doubt she is sending a few to herself to enjoy later. Sadly, all good things come to an end and always far too soon, the loud humming suggests investigations have begun for anything else that could catch her wavering interest while a finger flickers this way and that. Suspicions are quickly confirmed with the following remark.
“When was the last time you bothered to clear out your damn voicemail?”
“Not recently enough apparently, if you insist on looking please don’t delete anything.”
“A tempting idea but sure, there is a disgusting amount of your precious lady love in here anyway.”
“… Shut up, Nomura.”
She flashes a vicious grin his way without any shame whatsoever then proceeds to hold the phone close to that side of her face after pitching the volume a touch lower for that ironic privacy vibe while checking what tempting things that have been left ready to be found. The dates are as erratic as the time sent with the more mundane often during the day from who she presumes are his former school colleagues, one from her even which comes as a surprise given it is bragging about getting a gift through customs (A sword if she recalls correctly) and a few coded ones she had little interest in deciphering. Then there was a few with the good Doctor that skirted just close enough to flirty they were stopped pretty quickly with a near shriek and another finger shown his direction for the chuckle her undue suffering caused. It was strange how the newer ones still marked with her name simply mentioning coffee? Hm, something to prod about given they’d been left for listening to over and over while being depressive.
Then there was one sitting there right at the top that hadn’t been listened to once that just screamed click me.  
“Awww did you and our favourite German asshole have a little spat?”
“A falling out you could say yes, he tried to throw me to the wolves but as you can tell none of them managed to bite.”
“Shame, probably most excitement you had in ages after we were down a troll tantrum thrower. Alright let’s see what our mystery message is because you’re too chicken shit to find out yourself.”
The final message opens with the sounds of heavy breathing of somebody had been running hard but had to keep going, the bangs and clatters of metal being hit or something large being thrown around. Sometimes the faint echoes of what sounded like screaming muffled by a doorway interrupted by a familiar voice sounding utterly defeated yet comforted by the knowing a last testament will be heard.
“You were right, Stricklander. Does knowing that make you happy? Ah well, it turns out we were as disposable to him as we were to one another it seems no matter our plans or great feats we have overcome for a moment of glory none of it meant a thing in the end. Some of us tried to buy as much time as we could what little it was but I can’t say for sure how many managed to make it out… I won’t but I’ve chosen my grave and I think you’d like it-” There is a pause with the sound of movement, of someone yelling in their own tongue before being cut off mid-sentence by a Reaper carved of stone.
“You were truly one of the best of us, mein freund. If you never believed a single thing I’ve said in our long years together please accept that I… I don’t have very much time left. Ah listen to me of all changelings being sentimental on my very own deathbed! Alas I cannot quite pull the same tricks as you being her favourite while we were the abandoned children of the night. If we truly have souls may we meet in the next life and know you still owe me a good bottle of r----”
The message cuts out into static before petering out into nothingness. Silence overcomes the car.
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[S] Riecre: Interrogate
Haha none of yall r gonna get this but do i care? no! i wrote all 1300 words of this tonight, so suffer. if u want context dm me 👀
Your name is RIECRE MAARDR and you have just come into possession of one of, if not THE deadliest secret you could have: Uldima killed Kiidna and lied about it. There’s apparently a purpleblood going around and snooping on people’s dreams, and star just so happened to come across the dream of one Uldima Cabbhy, your… friend? Travel partner? Your status with him is unknown to you and irrelevant at this point. The dream-snooper, as she has often done before, posted about it on grumblr. You read the post, trolled her about it, and discovered that it was true: Uldima murdered Kiidna, a goldblood whose ghost you and your friends are looking for. You know that if this gets out, it’ll spell a lot of trouble for everyone in your vicinity. Kaevus, your friend and the juggernaut of this journey, is… not in such an amazing emotional state. He was previously depressed after Kiidna’s death, and seems to be pulling himself out of that hole now that there’s a chance he could see Kiidna again, but… learning who killed the goldblood would most likely set him off, and since he’s an indigoblood and stronger than everyone in your friend group by no small margin, you wouldn’t be able to stop him. Now you have to make sure this stays a secret. Gog knows that’s impossible. What do you do now?
==> Interrogate the accomplice Well he’s not an accomplice so to speak, but he was involved in the dream. You’re sure of it. The grumblr post said “someone complaining about something” at Uldima’s hive, which means it could only be his brother Penuld.
envelope Nocturne [EN] has begun trolling obsoleteGuardian! EN: hey assh⟲le
EN: we need t⟲ talk
OG: 🄿 Woah, hey, I’m always one for a pitch come-on but I’m kinda busy right now. 🄼
EN: gr⟲ss y⟲u kn⟲w that's n⟲t what i meant
OG: 🅁 Sure, sweetie. Anyways, what do you need? I’m getting my claws done soon, so make it quick. 🅈 EN: sigh EN: this is s⟲mething that needs t⟲ be said in pers⟲n, where are y⟲u OG: 🄽 Oh that serious, huh? Well, I could always squeeze you into my schedule if you’ve finally realized your burning and passionate hatred for me. 🅅
OG: 🄽 Meet me here in half an hour. 🄳
-- obsoleteGuardian has dropped a pin! --
EN: g⟲d y⟲u're disgusting
envelopeNocturne has ceased trolling obsoleteGuardian!
Blugh. You hate this guy. Even more so now that you know he’s the reason someone is dead. But now, you’ve got business to do. You shoot a quick message to Aniops, who you’re sharing a hive with now, to ask if you can use her motorbike. She initially declines, but you push her, saying it’s important. You obviously can’t tell her about what you know, she’s too close to Kaevus, but she eventually cedes and you head out to the hivestem’s lot. Revving the engines, you make your way through the city. You’ve got a jadeblood to press.
When you arrive at the cafe, Penuld is already sitting at an outside table. He’s wearing a slightly less gogawful outfit today, and his hands are folded on the table, to show off his new acrylic nails. He smirks as he sees you, and you glare at him as you sit down.
“So, come to profess your undying hatred for me, huh?” He leans on his hands and looks into your eyes. It would be unnerving if you weren’t so full of contempt.
“I never said that, you made that inference of your own accord, asshole.” You’re not gonna let him keep flirting like this. “Not a bad inference, though, no? You did seem like you truly hated me,” he says. “Oh I hate you alright,” you say, trying to end this thread of the conversation. “I hate you on a moral level. No, I’m actually here to ask you some questions about Kiidna.”
This makes his eyes go wide. “Kiidna? You’re still looking for him? I was under the impression that the search had pretty much gone under.”
“Maybe for you, but not for everyone else,” you say. He rolls his eyes. “Wouldn’t these types of questions be better directed towards, say, your hivemate or Kaevus?” It’s your turn to smirk. “Some questions, yes, but not these questions.” You lean in close, and he does the same. His expression is hard to read, but his eyebrows are raised. Barely above a whisper, you let him know what you know. “Why did you want him dead?”
His face contorts and he pulls away. His arms fall to be folded on the table, and he narrows his eyes at you. “What exactly are you talking about, Maardr.” He delivers the line flatly, and calls you by your castename to try and sound intimidating. It doesn’t work. “Oh, I just mean,” you start. “What were you ranting about that evening, that Uldima took as an invitation for murder? It must have been oh, say, half a sweep ago?”
He grits his fangs. “How do you know that.” You smile. “Oh, I have my sources, we all do. I’ll ask again, though, why did you want him dead?” He crosses his arms. “Why should I tell you?”
“Think about it this way. There are three possible outcomes to someone else besides you two knowing.” You put up three fingers. “One, that person tells Kaevus, he goes on a rampage, we all die.” Penuld scoffs. “He wouldn’t just go off like that.” You raise an eyebrow. “Really? Once I told him I was being harassed by some ceruleans at work and I had to call Celdae to get him to calm down.” You continue. “Two, you kill that person once you know they know and you live with the secret until you eventually find Kiidna, he says ‘Hey those two killed me’ and you specifically get targeted by Kaevus. Three, you don’t kill that person, they help you keep the secret and get Kiidna to keep it a secret too. I’m getting closer to finding a lead so I could realistically find him, warn him that we’re all here, and convince him not to haunt you. He doesn’t know me, so he wouldn’t know I was biased.”
He nods his head upwards. “Clever, you found a way to bargain for your life.” You feign being shocked. “What, were you going to kill me? I thought I was too fun to poke fun at.” He’s not smiling but he laughs condescendingly. Dropping the melodramatics, you look him dead in the eyes. “But in order to sway your not-so-dearly departed friend, I need the scoop. Why. Did. You. Want. Him. Dead.”
He does one of his classic scoffs and eyerolls. “Ugh, you really wanna know?” He tightens his crossed arms. “I was flushed for Kaevus. I had a big fat crush on him, and Kiidna was getting in the way of that.”
“You had him killed over quadrants?” Your jaw drops. “Hey, I never ‘had him killed’. I mentioned once that I wished he was dead, and Uldima misinterpreted that to mean ‘he should be killed’,” he retorts
“So it’s your wacko brother that was the problem?”
He bares his fangs. “Hey, don’t talk shit about my brother. He got messed up a bit in the head by our old cavern system, okay? And besides, we already had this conversation, the two of us, perigees ago. I forgive him.”
“Well no one else did!” you shout.
“Pipe down, Maardr,” he says. “Look, you know now, okay? You know my stupid mistake I made when I was seven sweeps old that got a guy killed, alright? Now hold up your end of the bargain, and go convince that ghost to not hold it over me. I’ve got a hot date to get to” He stands up.
You cross your arms. “You sicken me, Penuld.”
He’s already sashaying off as if nothing even happened.
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What I love about your Muses and You
A positivity post by me (Lena) with some commentary by my muses
You do an incredible job with all kinds of characters, and I love that you do a good balance of good and evil, but you also know how to find that gray area. I think working in that gray shady area is a lot of fun and you really pull it off. You come up with some wild plot arcs and you always find a way to keep people guessing (personally am thrilled about the polyamorous relationship. Nice one!)
Louie: yeah Lou’s been a real cool dude. A R T man. I may not be skilled, but he was always fun to learn with. Someday I’ll learn more. Ashley: Belle like is literally saving my ass with this job. Seriously my favorite person at the moment.
man I’ve always loved writing with you. We always clicked well with that, and I’ve loved all the characters you brought into the rp. I was so so so excited to see that you were coming back and that you wanted to bring RIKU! I couldn’t believe it! I loved it when we wrote horse buddies back in the day, and I’ve loved every other opportunity we’ve had to do stuff. I’m so so glad you’re back to writing with us.
Sora: =DDD RIKuUUUUU. I missed him so muuuuch. Roxas: yo who the f is this Riku guy?
You have always been the backstory queen, and I tip my hat to you. You do the level of research that always blows my mind. I just do not have the time or the energy for it, but you have all these lists, giant ass family trees, you know the works. It’s really impressive, and one can see the dedication that you put into your characters.
Louie: so Elena’s like a sick Crown PrincesS? That’s dope! When you gonna take back the kingdom man? Queen it uuup!
Finn: Adella’s always been nice to me when I would visit Ariel. She’s really talented.
Wilbur: (imagine a happier time) mum’s great! She’s always there if I need her to be, and while she won’t buy me everything I bloody want, she knows what I really need.
honestly such a great person and great rper. I think the most memorable thing for me lately has been Ashley popping in occasionally when she thought I might be upset or bothered by something and checking in. Talking things out and venting together. She’s honestly such a great listening ear, I think we’re really lucky to have her in this rp. I may be slightly biased toward Ashlee T. and Ollie, but all her babes have nuance and I love them. Ashley: Ashlee!!! One of the only people in this world that matter!!! <3 We made it through some nightmares. Things look up from here babe. Wilbur: duuude Ollie I didn’t realize you were adopted too and it’s the coolest fact I got to know about you. It’s awesome to have someone to relate with.
I feel like we used to have a harder time connecting writing wise and things were awkward, and I’m so happy to say it doesn’t feel that way at all anymore. The things we’ve written have been so fun, and I feel like (correct me if I’m wrong), but I feel like bringing Chickaroo together allowed for us to start having more conversation and plotting and just. It opened doors in some way. I think it’s awesome because I love your writing and I love getting to connect with your babes more. As you know, Al has my heart now because he just does, and Barrel has also managed to steal my heart. But all of your babes are so great, and I’m glad that we’ve managed to connect better. I look forward to more time spent writing hilarious things like Dipper and Roxas at the bar, or Al teaching Arthur about the internet.
Louie: yo Al’s like the chillest boss I’ve ever had. He’s also the only boss I’ve ever had but still! Cool dude!
Roxas: Dipper’s a nice guy. I hope I can get to know him more.
Sora: Dipper is Mabel’s TWIN BROTHER =DDDD that’s SO cool!!!
Wilbur: duuude. Barrel is like the person I didn’t expect to ever care about in a billion years, but if anyone did anything to him...like...die.
I feel like we also used to not really vibe and were awkward with each other, and I’m super glad that’s changed because you’re literally so cool and you send such fun stuff and we just have a great time! I love Nyx, you know that I have an appreciation of Arista from afar, and Haley is just...great. All your babes are. I’m so happy we’ve finally made that writing connection because it’s been so fun to talk to you and get your perspective on things. Ahh it’s great. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future.
Ashley: Haley was like...almost cool. It’s a shame she’s such a goodie goodie two shoes.
Dot: Haley’s a good dragon? What the hell? She seems okay, but I’m still not sorry I shot her in the foot. She totally deserved it.
Clarion: Nyx has been my constant companion for some time now. I’m so grateful for her presence.
Bee my big bro, my wife, my partner in ridiculous here too. You’re such a great joy to write with, and I love the way you tell your stories. I’m still so impressed by your take with Hera, and how she is as a sorceress. That’s so damn cool! And of course you’ve got the lovely Marie who’s charming and vain and I love that about her. Marie is a gift, your writing’s a gift and I’m grateful you’re in the rp. Not to mention you and Chloe are our resident British experts and that’s great. Thank you for joining the rp and for bringing the perspective you bring. Look forward to more crazy storylines with you.
Louie: yo nerd! Just kidding, wassup Huey? You’re the best big bro a guy could have. Keep it real, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Fflewddur: Marie! My beautiful wife! Love of my life! The world must envy me for having the most amazing wife in the entire world.
Sora: Kristoff! Best roomie ever !!! =DDDD hope you don’t mind if my best pal Riku stays with us. Thnx dude <3 <3 <3
I mean where do I begin. We’ve had such great stories and ridiculous teen hijinks and theatrics. It’s been such a good time. And of course, there are few people I’d be sure about doing a big plot like the one we’ve got going with Ashley and Roo, but we’ve managed it, and I think it’s been a really really fun story to tell. So thanks for taking that leap with me and letting us tell a ridiculous story together. It’s been awesome. Glad to have you in the rp.
Ashley: well, you’re an alright guy I guess Roo.
we’ve only really had a little bit of time to write together before with Dash, but it was super fun, and even just observing, I’ve loved seeing your characters on the dash and seeing where they’re at. Hatter’s awesome too. It’s great to have him around in the rp, and especially with such a different take than we’ve had in the past. Love the werewolf storyline, love to see it.
I feel like you’re a person after my own heart. Mitte often makes me think of my old Shego muse, and that just makes me happy because I just love the chaos that she brings. I love all of your babes of course, but that just makes her a bit more #1 in my heart. You’re also so chill to plot with and to come up with these crazy schemes. I mean remember how we sort of pitched Mitte turning on a bit of a whim and now here she is? It’s literally so good and you went with it and I just...ugh. I truly love it and seeing the growth. All your babes tell such awesome stories, and this just tells me I need to find a way to plot with you more when time/work allows. Keep up the good work. You’re kicking ass.
Anthony: what a brat. As long as this girl doesn’t cause me any more trouble though I suppose she’s tolerable. 
We haven’t been able to interact much writing wise, but I hope to change that someday soon/when time/work allows. Charlotte is honestly such a great character, and I think it’s awesome to see her and Tiana around, I think it’s the first time in a long time...if we’ve ever managed that before? I don’t know. It’s seriously so cool and I love reading your stuff together, and just Charlotte’s stuff in general. Keep cool and carry on writing a great babe. 
I wish I had things my muses could say but I don’t think I’ve had the chance to interact with Charlotte. Just Judy before ;-; Forgive me. I still think you’re swell.
Boy do I love that you swooped in with your kids. Phineas, Tiana and Aquata are such dynamic characters. It blows my mind, truly. I love them all. I love how ready you are to plot and to throw out great ideas. Phineas has the kind of chaos energy that I love (obviously, as Louie is my chaos energy). You’re so chill with me trolling your babes on twitter, and a joy to write with. Thank you for coming back as well. I’m glad we’ve gotten the chance to write together. <3
Louie: duuuude we gotta do something crazy again soon? Operation dumbass commence? Jk jk Operation Too Cool For School.
Wilbur: what is with that twitter lady tho? Too old to be arguing with teens on twitter don’t you think?
Ahhh i mean we’ve done so many fun things and continue to do. With so many connections and stuff it’s hard not to! I’m so glad you rejoined as I have and that we got to bring these characters into the rp that vibe (and/or fight each other). To each their own. Our kids have an energy what can you do? I think your characters are all awesome, and I love seeing them on the dash. I love writing with them. Two besties, no wait THREE now with Kairi, isn’t that just wild? I love that best friend energy our babes have. Support it, thanks for writing all kinds of good things with me. You’re a gem.
Finn: I love you Ariel. You’re the best of friends. I’m so lucky to know you =]
Ashley: Ashle B!!! Babe you are a rockstar. You’ve kind of been the glue of our friendship I think. I love you babe. Stay true to you and kick some ass in college!
Wilbur: (in happier times) DADDD!!! Best dad to ever dad, person that gets me cool things. Coolest of dads. You rock.
Sora: ????!!! KAIRI???!!???
Hannah Hannah Bo Bannah Fee Fi Fo Fannah HANNAH...I couldn’t resist. You’ve been so great to talk to and write with and honestly it’s been so great to love our babes together and talk about BTS together and talk kpop in general. I’m so so so glad that we’ve gotten to know each other more over these last few months and stuff. You’ve really been so great, and our plots and characters are such a good time. So glad you got my brother, and my best friend. It’s awesome to have and to write with you.
Louie: TAEEEEEEE. Bro. my dude. Sorry I make memes outta you all the time. But in my defense...your face is kinda funny. Love u dude =]
Sora: Mabel!!! My GIRLFRIEND =DDDD you’re great! I love spending time with you and looking at hot boys! Speaking of...I have a friend you might think is hot…
Finn: Tae! Thanks for being so nice to me and allowing me to open myself up and get to know you. I’m so lucky that Nemo introduced us. You’re a really great friend =]
JABYYYYYYYYYY. Man we always had muses that vibed and our writing just clicked and that always brought me joy. I’m so glad you came back, because your characters are great, the stories you tell are great, and I really really missed having you around. I know we’ve both been busy lately with our own work stuff, but I definitely want the chance to connect some muses again, because I love your babes and you and I’ve been so happy to see you. Let’s figure something out someday when my schedule stuff evens out a bit better.
you haven’t been in the rp long, but boy have you made an impact already. Lachlan is amazing!! Truly an icon and I’m so glad that you brought him in. And so glad that you’re here. We’re all lucky to have you. I really think you’re bringing in such a unique take and writing and it’s just awesome to see and to see Launchpad driving around, and driving people a little wild on twitter. It’s beautiful.
Louie: soooooo did you really nearly kill my bro?
We also don’t really have any interactions right now but that is a-okay because you are living a life doing the real life hero work. Truly I’m amazed by you, and I think we’re all lucky you’re around. I hope you take care of yourself and that you do get to enjoy that time to just write and love your characters. They’re all truly fantastic and I love seeing where you take them. Especially Georgette. I think her journey has absolutely captivated me.
man you are awesome to plot with. The pirate au was such a good time, just brainstorming some ridiculous ideas. And your ladies are so truly dynamic and powerful and I am so excited to see where you take them. I don’t think we really have had much interaction besides the au, but I look forward to a day where life is less stressful and we can do some more stuff. That’d be great. <3 Keep doing you, you’re killing it.
Man I love your characters so much. Greg is such an icon on the board and otherwise. And I love pushing your characters buttons almost as much as I love agreeing with them. They’re just such joys to have around. Lol well I’m sure Roscoe would argue about that and be all Roscoe, but I’m glad to have him around. It’s been great talking to you and having debates over milk being a capitalist scam. I am glad you’re in the rp, and I continue to look forward to seeing what new things you and your characters bring.
This go around of me rejoining the rp I feel like we’ve gotten a lot closer and that makes me really happy. =] It all started with a Jimin, how did it end up like this? It was only a...just kidding. I know exactly why. Nemo and your brilliant writing and his connecting with Louie drew me into this BTS zone and then before I knew it there was Finn and Lunch Squad and and and. The list really does go on because we’ve just come up with some really ridiculous and fun stories and it’s been great. Thank you for bringing Olaf and teaching me a lot more about aromanticism, for Atta and that sister bond that I am stoked about (reminds me we gotta do another thing for them that yes). I’m so glad we’ve connected more and that you are in the rp <3
Louie: Neeeeeeeeeeemo I have a crisis of boy things! CRISIS. WEE OO WEE OO chop chop and help me out. Also I’ve got cookies.
Finn: Nemo, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten in so short a time. You’re one of my very best friends. I love you lots.
Finn: Hyung, you’re so warm and kind. I’m so lucky I know you.
Dot: did you drink water today Atta? You better not be going anywhere crazy without ME.
You’ve just joined but I’m so stoked we’re already talking and talking about TORTALL of all things. Like WOW! I didn’t think anyone out there appreciated those books the way I did. It is so nice to be wrong, and to have a source to discuss my fave childhood books. It’s also exciting to have Eilonwy, and I’m excited to interact with her. <3 
I know life keeps you pretty busy, but you push through and you bring your babes and keep steady with all of that and I think that’s really admirable. You’ve got the older gentleman muse energy and I respect that. I think it’s great that you have your niche. I myself have the teens as we know. I’m sorry we haven’t had much chance to interact, but I hope to improve that in the future. Especially with Seamus. That’s my rich uncle. I wanna do something about that when life gets less hectic. Either way, you’ve got great babes and you’re doing a great job. Take care of yourself lovely.
Louie: soooooo gonna buy me a motorcycle Uncle Seamus?
man you’ve got a great bunch of characters and they’re all so different and dynamic and I love that. Ratigan is complex, and he was especially good fun in the pirate event I have to say. Truly loved the take we had on the ship and everything. He’s so great. I also love seeing Eric on the dash, and am excited to interact more with him cause I think he’s just groovy. They’re all groovy. I can’t think of any whimsical things to say but you’re doing awesome and your babes are great. Take care lovely.
I have not had a chance to interact with you or your Tod yet, but I look forward to the day where I can. Tod’s a great character, and it’s exciting to see that he’s come back. I know I saw him connecting with some of the other Swynlakers and I think that’s even better. Love a character with history, and Tod definitely has that. I hope you take care of yourself, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of Tod in the future.
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spc4eva · 3 years
Mandokar: Chapter Three
Summary: Sena must conquer her first battle to fully understand what it is to be Mandalorian and not a princess. The First Trial looms on the horizon, but the galaxy is not a kind place.
Word Count: 15,610
Rating: M (18+) for the end duckies
Trigger Warnings !! :  Latter part of the chapter has brief details of sexual assault (not to the main characters) please use caution.
Author Notes:  Remember that Jedi and Nobility tend to have 'English' accents. Whereas Outer Rim and regular blue collar people tend to have 'American' accents. Definitely something people would notice.
Crossposted on AO3
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"What's going on with you and Aya?" Xivi asked during their routine practice. The girls were hanging upside down on the pullup bars seeing who could last longer. It was always Sena, but Xivi still tried to best her.
A month had passed since Aya began her minor infractions toward Sena. She'd been a lot more careful, especially to make a point not to use her full strength against her in combatives when they were stuck together, but there were times that the girl could've pulled her punches more. Rather than give her any satisfaction, she dealt with each blow and started to humiliate Aya when she had the opportunity to. Want to throw hard punches? Fine, Sena could dance around her like a squirrel beneath a clumsy troll. She could also strike just as hard, despite her size. The first time she'd planted a full on blow on Aya, she thought the girl was going to snitch. However, Aya kept her trap shut, thus Sena did as well.
On top of that, Aya continued to be annoying. Bumping her, tripping her, pulling her plait - anything she could do to get under her skin. Papa's words echoed through her head, words she had never heeded back in Genmaris. Be the bigger person. Never acknowledge those who bother you, in which case you'll hold the power, not them. So, she practiced her patience, each grinding, aggravating fiber of it and realized she did have power over Aya. Satisfaction would be derived from Sena throwing a fit and she had decided she wouldn't give her that luxury.
"Eh, she's still mad at me or something," Sena shrugged, trying to play it off and diminish the twinge of anxiety she felt each day wondering what Aya would try to do.
"Over inviting her to practice with us, still?" Xivi's voice hitched and she shook her head. "You should challenge her to a duel."
Sena snorted. "And lose?"
"Fair point," Xivi grumbled, almost forgetting that Sena would fail miserably at a hand to hand fight with the girl. "Well, if she keeps doing it, I'll fight her."
"Thanks, but it's not that bad."
"We're all vod . You didn't do anything wrong and if you did, she should challenge you for her honor, not skulk around and take her frustrations out on you. What happened to her buir sucks, but it's not like you shoved that in her face. She's being a shabuir because she's jealous of you."
Jealous? Sena blinked a few times. Was it really jealousy? She had just assumed that Aya was just hanging onto a grudge because she was hurting. Turning over a new leaf, Sena had not wanted to alienate her further by bringing this issue to the adults. "What makes you say that?"
"Because you're better at things than her. You're faster, smarter, and the teachers know that. Aya was never going to make a great hunter. Not before you got here and not since you've arrived. Then you show up, fast enough to keep up with Djarin, you have the teachers praising you, and y'know, it's history from there. I think she has a crush on Din, which is probably why she hasn't stopped."
"On that kriffing buckethead?" Sena chortled, watching as her friend swung her legs back down and touched the ground. What was there to like about Din Djarin? He barely talked and any brushes she had with him were curt. "I won again."
"We knew this was going to happen," Xivi grumbled, holding her head. "And why not? He's the top of the class."
Sena leapt down, sporting an elegant flip before sticking the landing like a loth-cat. Maybe there was attraction in mysteriousness, but Sena still thought he was annoying and not a good sport. They could’ve had a better rivalry if he didn’t act like he had a stick up his butt half the time.
"Show off," Xivi poked.
"But why do you say it like that? He barely talks to anyone, let alone me," Sena pointed out.
"Yeah, I know, but obviously Aya doesn't have a lot of brain cells or she would've realized you and Djarin are rivals," Xivi reasoned. "And he does talk to you more than most people."
" Lek , to be rude, not to profess his love for me."
" Vod of few words. Except for youuuu ," Xivi sang, clasping her hands together as she pretended to swoon.
" Ne'johaa ! You know it's not like that!" Sena hissed, cheeks burning beneath her bucket. "What about you and Kedth? You think I'm blind?" She tried to round the conversation on her friend, keenly aware that Xivi had been sitting next to the boy in class and doting on him. Sometimes he joined them for Mando'a studying and practice.
"I do like Kedth, but at least I'll admit it," Xivi snickered, hands planted on her hips as she made a silly, but mocking noise.
"I don't even know him! He's just all broody and quiet," Sena complained, trying to convince Xivi. While she enjoyed her rivalry with Din, because it kept her on her toes, she didn't know much more about him. In fact, she knew less about him than any of her other peers which she'd seen outside of class and trained with - with the exception of Aya.
"The two tops of the class, sitting in a tree, M-U-R-C-Y-"
Sena headbutted Xivi, taking her down to the ground where the girls scrambled in the grass, rolling around like playing pogs. A bit of giggling and squealing ensued as they fought for dominance, which was short-lived when Sena clamped onto her back and attempted to put her into a headlock. Xivi sat up and bashed her into the ground, winding her, before seizing the opportunity to throw her off. Tackling her down, Xivi restrained her, clucking in disappointment.
"You suck at combatives. You'll definitely lose if you fight Aya," Xivi told her as if it were glaringly obvious. "You should get your Ori'vod to teach you better."
"All Paz has to do is poke me and I'll break," Sena laughed.
"More like breathe on you."
"Alright, alright," she squirmed at the insults. Now this was just turning into a roast session. If it had been anyone other than Xivi, she might have taken offense. But from the first day, the two had clicked like a cartridge in a firearm, two bolts to be fired one after another. Finally, she was released and could sit up, frowning at all the grass stuck in her armor. Xivi stood up and wrenched her up to her feet, patting her off. "I'll get you back later. You know that I can sneak up on anyone in the Tribe and they'll never see it coming."
" Jai'galaar ," she brushed the shriek-hawk eyes on Sena's pauldron, painted in white. "Almost like you fly around when you're sneaking."
"One day we'll both fly. Once we get our jetpacks," Sena reminded her. Their Rising Phoenix drills weren't until next year, but everyone was still excited to start them and put all their theories and lessons into practice.
Returning home for the night, she was surprised to find that Paz wasn't lingering around. Instead, it was just her buir , set over the table with a simple dinner. Over the weeks, her tongue had become desensitized toward the spiciness, though nothing had been as hot as the first night where they'd intentionally over done the heat for a laugh. Now, she sort of liked the burn and the way it would clear her sinuses right up.
" Su'cuy buir ," she greeted, pulling her helmet off and going over to the sink to wash her hands. "Where's Ori'vod ?"
"Our for recon this week," Hux replied, waiting patiently for her to sit down with him.
"Oh he must be thrilled," she snickered, aware that Paz wasn't a fan of having to do stealth missions or having to navigate through landscapes and shoot azimuths. "Where did they go? It's not too hard to navigate around here. Unless you're trying to find a load of banthas instead of nerfs."
"Off plant. What are your plans for the weekend?" Hux inquired conversationally.
"Probably train with Xivi." Plans were loose and formed mostly on whim. Prior weekends mingled with a few other peers, but usually it was the same. Hang out, get some work done, talk about their academics, maybe shoot a little banter, but everyone was keen on keeping up with their work and not falling behind. Even young Terri was around often.
"Set in stone?"
" Nayc . Why?"
Hux creased a tempered smile at her, one that set her skin on fire and stood her hair on end. "Well, if you've got a little free time for your buir , I think I might have a few kal'e laying around."
"I'm free. All weekend. Never been freer," Sena informed him, her attempt to not seem hasty thwarted. Xivi wouldn't be upset if she wanted to spend time with her buir . She'd gotten to train with Paz often, trying to get better at her hand to hand combat, but Hux was almost always busy. Often he was gone on hunts to support the Tribe. Since being on the Kote , she hadn't been given another chance to show her buir how far she had come or train with him again. Now he was offering to play with knives with her. They hadn't done much knife combat in class yet, so getting ahead on this would be ideal.
" Jate . 0600 tomorrow morning. How are your classes going?"
The food was surprisingly savory today, mixed with root vegetables and rice. "Academics are easy still. I have learned quite a bit about land nav, which I also like. At least one Vizsla will have a brain cell devoted to reconnaissance."
Hux snorted into his ale, spewing a little. Clearing his throat, he spoke, "Nidak tells me you've been having a little trouble with one of your vod ."
Her spoon froze and she very carefully lifted her head to look at him. Nibak had noticed? How much did she know? Nibak hadn't mentioned anything to her. "We don't get along, but it's alright. When it comes down to the wire, we're still vod ."
"Cut the princess diplomacy out," Hux's voice was hard and stern, drawing her eyes back up. She hadn’t heard this side of him since Anaxes when he had spoken to papa. It was cold, all beskar and blaster fire, and unyielding. "If this vod is insulting you, then you must face her. Ignoring her shows weakness."
" Buir , I can't fight her. She's twice my size. I thought if I was the bigger person she'd stop eventually." But it had been a month. How much longer should she wait before it turned into something that ended up getting her hurt?
"You make Clan Vizsla seem weak by tolerating it. What will you do when you begin hunting and face foes much larger than yourself? You will always be small. Did that stop you when you fought the stormtrooper?"
Her face was heating, eyes glaring down at her food at her buir 's scolding. "But I can't fight her with a knife. If I ask her to duel, then I'll have to do it hand to hand."
"Then do it. What is the worst that happens? You fail, but defended your honor?"
These words hung over the dinner table, pressing a heavy weight on her shoulders, going against what her papa had taught her. Fight? Of course she would if it came down to that, but wouldn't it be a dishonor to lose outright? "Ok," she whispered, washing down the lump in her throat with the mulled juice. "I'll challenge her on Monday."
" Jate ," Hux sat back, lightening considerably. "When you do it, make certain that others can see. Throw your glove at her feet and demand a fight. She can do it there or at a later time. The decision is up to the opponent.
"Do not doubt yourself. Paz tells me you are a better fighter than you give yourself credit for. Confidence helps in fights. If you think you are going to lose, you'll lose before the battle has even begun."
That was easier said than done. For all the skill she had, it could be overwhelmed in an instant if she wasn't careful. Aya was much stronger than her and it'd only take one good throw for Sena to be indisposed for too long. If she fought, she'd have to rely on every ounce of her agility to tire the pink buckethead out. She must've been glaring at her food still, because Hux let out a small sigh.
"You are doing well, ad'ika . You have the promise of a great hunter, but the path is not easy and there will be those who think you weak. If you let those people walk all over you, you shall suffer in the long term. Being a hunter is not only a physical skill, but one regarding respect. You cannot let Aya hold her dominance over you and ignore it."
The more she thought about it, the more she realized she'd let it go on for too long. Trying to be the bigger person, thinking herself so smug in the fact that she ignored Aya... Only to be shocked that it was quite the opposite. Aya was making the fool out of her and Sena hadn't even realized it. Maybe that's why Xivi had brought it up, trying to get Sena to pick a fight without outright telling her that she needed to. Xivi was trying to be a good friend and she appreciated her vod's tactful approach, but her buir had laid it out to bear. Fight Aya or disgrace the aliit further. There was only one choice.
Complicated. Why is everything so opposite here? she wondered quietly, enjoying the rest of the evening with her buir , settling on the couch to watch some holovids and relax. He wasn't papa, but Hux filled the shoes as best as he could. Not once had he made her feel unwelcome and since the adoption ceremony, had called and treated her as his daughter. To outsiders, the affection shared between the both of them over the course of such a brief time might seem odd, but Sena didn't think so. He wasn't like papa at all, but he was the only father she had now and Sena wasn't willing to let him go.
She fell asleep against his shoulder, only waking up when she felt herself being set down in bed. "Alarm clock-" she mumbled.
"I'll wake you up tomorrow, cyar'ika . Go to sleep."
‘Wake you up’ in Mandalorian is never a gentle term. Even if your buir tucks you in and gives you a keldable kiss goodnight, not waking up on your own came with risks. Sena woke up to the sound of an alarm blaring in her room, the high pitched squeal resounding from her buir's vambrace. The noise was as wretched and piercing as nails on a chalkboard. She toppled out of bed, hearing his muffled chortling through his modulator as he stepped out of the room and she groaned into the carpet.
" Vaar'tur !"
"Dank farrik-" she rubbed her ears, which were still ringing, cursing Hux's name beneath her breath. Cursing was developing into a rather bad habit for her, but then again everyone cursed here. Over the weeks, she'd learned how to dress swiftly, how to deftly attach her armor, and lace up her boots with a single, good yank. Tucking her ears away, she plaited her hair and threw her helmet on, blaster in its holster, and trotting out, barely having time to react as he threw her a piece of fruit for breakfast.
Eating fast also came with Mandalorian territory and this meant forsaking all her courtesy lessons. Rubbing the juice off her chin, tossed the core in the trash and ran out the door after her buir. "Where are we going?"
He had a duffle bag over his shoulder, striding out behind the house and toward the plains which were blushed with the sunrise. Slanting shades of amber and pink wrapped the hills in a warm, lovely embrace. She saw it every morning, but had always admired the beauty of nature, even if it was opposite of Anaxes. She wished she could smell it, but resolved to filling her diaphragm with air before wooshing out a wistful sigh, chased quickly with a grin.
"Meeting up with Fos," he retorted.
"Fos-" Before she could ask the next question, she saw the unpolished armor of the mando in question, flanked closely by his ad ; Din Djarin. Groaning quietly, she kept close to her buir, leveling a narrowed glare at the boy. Great. Couldn't even have a weekend together, it had to be with them. She didn’t know Fos very well, but it was obvious that her buir respected him from the subtle posture and leveling of his helmet as the two squared off in an acknowledging greeting.
With a thud, he set down the bag and began opening it, unfurling blankets filled with various daggers, knives, and blades. Her eyes grew round like golden suns beneath her helmet, ogling the arsenal as if it had been made in Manda for just her. A few were for practice, hewn of wood and balanced properly to simulate a regular blade. Until this point, there’d been little blade combat, only getting to use practice ones once since her arrival. “Pick the ones you want.”
Unable to resist, she tilted her helmet toward Din. “You heard him, ladies first.”
Din just leered at her silently, stiff and unmoving.
Fos chuckled, “Definitely your ad .”
She took it as a compliment, straightening slightly, but decided to spare Din and also wanted to pick first. Bending down, she swiped up the two largest, which weren’t quite swords, but also were too slender, curved, and angled to be dirks. One was longer than the other, the smallest half the length. “Shoto and tanto,” Hux told her, making her grin widely beneath her helmet. She already had names in mind if she was allowed to keep them. “Take a practice dagger as well.” Obeying, she took one, holding her prizes as she waited for Din to select his weapons.
He contemplated a little longer than her, which made her chew her lip, wondering if she’d been premature and if there was a cooler weapon than the two blades she took. Eventually, he settled with a long vibro-blade which reminded her of Paz’s Bantha-Sticker. Rather than pit the two kids together, the broke off and her buir began to explain the weapons that she had chosen.
“The shoto and tanto are good weapons for kyramud , which you will make one day when you are a hunter. See the curve of the blades and only one side which is sharpened? … These are made for slicing and while they can penetrate the skin in a stab, they are not used in the same manner as a double edged blade. There are variants on grips, which you know the standard, but showed interest in the reverse grip or icepick grip. For these weapons, a reverse grip would be useful as you can deflect blows with the flat of the blade rather than the edge. It is going to take a considerable amount of practice to know both grips, but it’ll suit your abilities quite well as you’ve proven before that you have talent with assassinations. Image what you could do in close combat with these?”
She leaned into every word, clinging like a life raft in an ocean, as Hux continued to teach her about the purpose, applications, pros and cons of the weapons. Since they were blades, she still had to be careful about positions she put herself in. Given her acrobatic abilities, in tight areas, she would win. A blaster was more difficult to maneuver and if she got the jump, her enemies would almost always fall from a swift addition of a second smile. Eventually, they moved on to apply the grips, the standard coming easily as she’d used knives before and the icepick requiring a bit more finesse. Fortunately, only one side was sharpened, so she wasn’t too worried about cutting herself.
Rotating through different forms, strengthening exercises, and strikes the day listed on and they broke for lunch in the grass. For once, Djarin came and sat beside her as she picked at the grass.
“What did your buir mean you have talent with assassinations?”
Ah, so it wasn’t to have a normal conversation, he’d overheard Hux and was curious. Either way, she supposed he wasn’t being a little shit. “When my aliit found me the Empire was attacking my home. My ori’vod got a little lost-” she chuckled lightly, realizing now he didn’t have the more stellar sense of direction. “-and cornered. I snuck up on a stormtrooper and cut his throat, buying Paz enough time to shoot the others. Wasn’t the most graceful thing, but I’d managed to go unnoticed and launch myself at one like a feral loth-cat. Got right in between the helmet and chestplate.” She marked on her own neck where she’d plunged the blade, skin prickling with a twinge of adrenaline at the memory.
“ You managed to sneak up on a stormtrooper?” he was disbelieving, as if her story had been made up to make herself sound cooler than she was.
Beneath her bucket, she frowned and narrowed her eyes at the boy. “ Yes , I did,” she sneered back haughtily. “You asked what my buir was referring to. That’s it. I know how to use a knife somewhat already.”
Returning to his brooding, she rolled her eyes and set her chin on top of her knees as she gazed out amongst the moors, rolling like green ocean waves. “I’ve not killed anyone yet,” Din muttered, gloves plunging into the grass, tearing handfuls out at the admission.
Oh. That’s what it was about? “It’s nothing to boast about,” she shrugged, but knew she was wrong there. Mandalorians prized battle prowess and the ability to neutralize targets. Sena already had her first kill and it hadn’t been with a blaster, it had been up close and personal. “Anyways, who’s keeping count. Unless… you want to, in which case I’m already winning.” Her trademark, dopey grin unfurled beneath her bucket as the boy jolted up and snapped his visor toward her.
“That’s not fair. You had a headstart-”
“ Not fair ? You’ve been training way longer than I have. Should be easy for you to beat me as soon as we’re allowed to hunt,” she countered airly, puffing her chest up and being as indignant as she could to ruffle his feathers. “I’m only ahead by one.” A macabre game, but one that would happen either way. They’d kill people. Her intention wasn’t to be sociopathic and purposely go looking for folks to murder. No, it would lighten the burden of those they did kill, making it easier to cope with the fact that their hands would spill so much blood. And it amused her that she was technically already beating Din.
“You’ll be ahead by one for a while ,” he pointed out, their training still slated for at least a couple more years before the covert would even consider taking them off planet.
“Fine, if you don’t want to play-”
“I’ll play,” he interrupted tartly.
“Well, as of right now you’re losing,” she announced gleefully.
“You said-”
“Still winning,” she boasted. “Plus, knife kills are way harder. Blaster just takes a trigger pull, does the rest of the job for you. What I did requires finesse, talent, and grace.” Now she was just milking it, seeing how far she could go before Djarin got irritated and just left.
“Considering you can’t use most firearms…” he drew his rebuttal out, making her scoff at him.
“ Hey! One day when I’m bigger I will be able to!”
“Bigger?” he gave her a one over, as if that were out of the question and she’d be as big as a Jawa her entire life.
“ Ne'johaa , Djarin!” she squeaked, giving him a shove that unbalanced him and made him fall over in the grass. “I just have to grow up. I won’t be this tiny all my life.”
Sitting up, he returned the shove, easily sending her flopping to the ground. Quickly, the pushing devolved into an all out brawl, the pair toppling in the grass and scuffling as the adults did nothing but watch on with amusement. “You’ll always be smaller than me!” he grunted between parrying her strikes. There were no rules right now, so anything was fair game. She wasn’t play fighting with Xivi, she wanted to pummel Djarin into the ground.
He flung her off by driving his boot into her belt, jetting his leg up to propel her over his head. Sena adjusted quickly, able to turn in the air to land on her knees. A glove locked around her wrist, but she wasn’t willing to be dragged up so quickly again. She bunched the strength in her knees and headbutted Din’s bucket hard enough that her teeth rattled. Both sprung to their feet, Djarin threw the first open palmed strike, which she ducked beneath. She’d only get a few good chances to land a decent blow and his guard was much better than anyone else she had faced until this point.
Coiled like a serpent, she bided her time, turning blows rather than letting the entire shock of parrying hit her small frame. Paz had taught her that, telling her that parrying would hurt her more than glancing or diverting. Since she was light on her feet, she shouldn’t ever need to parry unless she was injured or cornered. Strike, strike, turn, strike. Then she saw it, the small opening which she could dive through. Jolting for it, she realized in horror that it had been a trick to bring her closer and she didn’t have the time to evade as Din leaned into his feint. Her palm still met his chest, driving a puff of air through his vocoder, but he caught her by the same wrist and threw her right to the ground.
The battle was lost, the impact squeezing every ounce of air from her lungs as she gasped like a fish out of water. Taking the dominant mounting position, he raised his hand in a strike, waiting for her to tap out. She squirmed a few times, but knew she had been beat. “ Fine! ” she relented, glad that he wasn’t putting his full weight on her.
What he did next absolutely surprised her, getting up from the ground and offering her a hand up. She accepted, easily wrenched up to her feet, able to hear the fluttering of her heart in her ears, breathing hard, but elated from the thrill of the battle. Her pride was a little wounded, but it wasn't as if she thought she would win. Din had years of training on her. Despite that, the fact he was top of the class made her want to best him to prove to her buir that she was an asset to Clan Vizsla, not some soft little princess. He was the biggest hurdle to leap, because Paz was way too far off from her capabilities. All her brother had to do was bear hug her and she couldn't lift a finger. Djarin was bigger than her (as were most people) but at least she had the confidence to stand toe to toe with him.
Lunch ended and they picked back up on their lessons for the remainder of the day. She learned quite a bit, but also knew that her skill would require repetition. Nothing could be earned in an instant. Silently, she was debating when she would slot the time after classes to keep her blade training, contemplating doing it after the sun had set and her work with Xivi was finished. After dinner she usually just had her tea, but Paz and Hux wouldn't bother her if she went outside in the back to practice. She could still get plenty of sleep and squeeze in a couple of hours to hone herself. Out of everything she'd done until this point - aside from running and obstacle courses - playing with the knives was her favorite.
"Keep those and maybe one day you'll be able to forge them of beskar," Hux told her, handing her the sheathes for them.
The shoto and tanto were made of durasteel, strong enough to rend some armor, but also requiring sharpening and care. They could be fractured or chipped more easily than beskar. Taking her new toys with her to bed, she took paint to the holsters and wrote their names on them in Mando'a runes; the shoto was Cu'Sith and the tanto Pog-Sticker. The girl was so excited, that she fell asleep with them in her arms, tucked into bed, forgetting to set her alarm again, dreaming about running through the forests of Genmaris.
Shrill screeches thrust her out of bed again, her buir huffing in mild disappointment as she didn't tangle herself in her blankets and fall out of bed. Either way, his icy eyes gave her a hard look before he left the room and she groused underneath her breath. Her disdain was short lived as she dressed up and scampered out of her room, catching the fruit, and scarfing it down before trotting after Hux. She wished every weekend was like this, with the exception of Din Djarin and instead being replaced with her brother. She had found comfortable positions to strap her blades onto her, equipped on her belt, where they would remain permanently. None of the other vod in her class had such amazing kal'e .
By this point, Sena had decided that she wanted to live and breathe everything about knives and blades. Her inability to use a good amount of firearms while she was still so slight led to her predisposition to ask an unrelentless amount of questions. Hux had her work with some throwing knives, the vibro-blades vibrating with power between her fingers as she tried to learn how to toss them, rotating the handle to her pads, and aiming to plunk it into the center of the targets. She wasn't any good at it, which was sort of aggravating, seeing that she wanted to be good at it, but Hux reminded her that perfection took lots and lots of practice.
When school came on Monday, she found herself still so overhyped with her amazing weekend, that the thought that she had to challenge Aya was in the back of her mind. Look at these cool new weapons! No one else had a shoto or tanto! She made certain to show her friends, but was careful not to say the name of her shoto, as it was an animal indigenous to Anaxes. Standing outside at lunch, Kedth, Xivi, Terri, and Oyiin were clustered around her, showing off their own vibro-blades, which all looked like little toothpicks in comparison to her awesome new swords.
"And what are you going to do with those, vaar'ika ?" Aya couldn't contain herself from butting in, drawn in by the comradery of the group - one that she did not share with them. Spiteful and teasing in her tone, the others tilted her helmets up and Sena knew why. By this point, it was no secret that Aya had been picking on her, though Xivi was the only one who had brought it up until the point. The others kept their mouths shut, knowing it wasn't their place to try and tell Sena how to approach the situation.
"Stick pigs," Sena answered darkly, holding her tanto in an icepick grip. "Want to be the first?"
Everyone was astonished by her uncharacteristically menacing words. Sena was typically lighthearted and goofy, mild mannered, and helpful when she could be. She did have a bit of a temper when it came to friendly rivalries with her peers, but she'd always chosen diplomacy over threats until this point. Buir had been right - cut the princess shit out.
Aya was just as taken aback, eventually finding her words as she barked a laugh in an attempt to brush it off. "Got something to say to me, Vizsla?"
" Lek , I do," she shoved her tanto back into its sheath with a loud click, sauntering forward with her shoulders thrown back. Reaching for her right glove, she pulled it off in the slowest, most methodical manner she could - one single finger at a time - before throwing it down at Aya's feet. "I challenge you to a duel for insulting the honor of Clan Vizsla. Name the time and date." Despite the calm voice, her heart was beating erratically and she could have sworn everyone could hear her heavy mouth breathing. She was going to lose, but she couldn't let that show.
Flabbergasted that Sena had finally snapped, Aya's visor just tilted down at the glove. Finally, she laughed again. "Today after class. Out by the obstacle course."
" Koor ," taking her glove, she returned amongst her friends, face billeting with heat beneath her helmet as she tried not to feel absolutely sick. The beat down was coming and even her buir 's words about being more confident didn't change the fact that she was half Aya's size.
Xivi slapped her on the back reassuringly. "Kick her shebs today. Maybe she'll get her head out of there."
"Just tire her out. She might be bigger than you, but she's got no stamina. You could run circles for hours," Kedth added, squeezing her pauldron. "'Bout time. Xivi and I were talking about catching Aya after class one day. Glad you challenged her."
"You were?" Sena blinked a few times, some of her nerves slipping away.
" Lek ! She's been insulting you when you did nothing wrong," Kedth hissed, crossing his arms over his chestplate. "We're all vod . We help each other out. She's been pushing Terri around too."
Terri nodded slowly. "I think she just likes to push those that are a lot smaller than her. Hut'uun. "
She had not been aware of that, but felt her frown deepen beneath her helmet. Beating on Sena was one thing because they were closer in age, but Terri? Terri was 10! All the pity she'd once felt for Aya was gone. Even if there were churning emotions that estranged her from the rest of the group, that didn't give her the right to take it out on the smallest in her class. Empathy could only go so far and the rest of the vod were getting fed up with the behavior. At least, this way, Sena could save Aya the embarrassment of getting her shebs kicked by multiple people.
"If you get the opening, give her a good one right here," Oyiin tilted his head up and pointed to the base of his jaw. "You know how to plant your strikes. That will take her down."
For the remainder of lunch, her friends gave her pointers, which considerably bolstered her confidence. They thought she could win! It was true that Aya was out of shape in comparison to her, so maybe she could just wear her down to the point where one good hit would render the fight. According to the rules of a duel, there was only a loss if one of them was rendered unconscious or forfeited. This meant that bones could be broken and the fight could still continue. Word spread like wildfire, though the mandos in Paz's class were still out on their recon.
By the time class ended and Sena was pumping herself up for the fight, all of her classmates had mustered out by the course. But not only just them. Thak, Nibak, Fos, Hux, Bhone, the Armorer, the Smith, and Rhenx were also in attendance along with Lolli and a few of the children, including Zim. In a moment, all the confidence she had shattered into a million pieces as she comprehended how important this fight actually was. Half of her had been expecting that it was just going to be her 10 peers watching, not their teachers and parents.
"Hey, good luck today," Djarin stopped her before she headed down the hill, giving her a hard look. Those were the nicest words she'd heard from him.
"Gonna kriffing need it," she snorted, wringing her hands together before approaching where she was gonna get her shit kicked in.
Her buir motioned for her to come over, her chest tightening as she trotted up to Hux and gazed up with wide, horrified eyes. He crouched down in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "No matter what happens today, you defended the clan's honor," he reminded her, bumping her helmet with his. "You are not a hut'uun ."
He had to have felt her shaking, the palpable fear rolling off of her, thankful for her bucket to hide her paling face and sagging ears. Removing her weapon belt, she handed it off to him and approached Aya who was waiting between the small crowd that was gathered. Towering over her like a mountain to a hill, Sena stepped up to the plate.
"Can still withdraw your offer, naar'ika ," Aya offered smugly.
"Scared?" Sena spat back indignantly.
"I'm not pulling my punches today," she growled.
They both turned around, walked three paces, faced each other and the fight began. The words of encouragement and tactics her friends had given her were running through her mind. She'd taken down a stormtrooper. Aya wasn't as big as that soldier. Anything was fair game. Patience was not her opponent's virtue and it was obvious the pink buckethead wanted to throttle her into the ground. Light and limber on her feet, Sena darted around her, dodging punches and open palmed strikes like a dragonfly in the wind - impossible to catch, illusive, and swift. There were noises around them, cheers, comments, and taunts. But she heard nothing.
Only the calm buzz in her ears, the hyperfocus as she predicted Aya's clumsy moves. Strength might be on her side, but she did not practice. The months leading up until this point were Sena's advantage as well as the wrath which propelled the other girl forward. Seeing only red when there was much more to observe. The minute plants of Sena's toes as she glided on the grass, once rolling out of the way, another time evading a grab as if she were made of mist. Aya was getting slower, expending too much energy in trying to catch a ghost and each movement Sena observed and calculated. They were done in sloppy rotations, harping upon the forms they would use in class. There was no independent thinking or tactful readjustment. Aya was only using what she had learned, rather than fighting with instinct.
The moment came, the desperation creeping into Aya's weary muscles as she charged at Sena. Bunching her muscles, the Anaxian was coiled like a nexu ready to pounce - and she did. Vaulting, she sprung over Aya as she tried to throw herself down to meet Sena's crouching form. Her left boot planted on the pink bucket like it was a swaying tree branch in Genmaris. The impact unbalanced her opponent, causing her to fall; Sena flipping gracefully like she had after dropping from the pull up bars with Xivi on multiple occasions. Sticking the landing like a loth-cat hopping down from its perch, she rounded and drove with breakneck haste. Aya was stumbling to her feet, a hand placed on her knee as she panted. Her helmet tilted up and Sena saw the exact location Oyiin had told her about.
Sena threw her first punch.
Her fist cracked back after connecting with the exposed jaw of Aya. Pain exploded in her knuckles, but she didn't pull back. Swaying, Aya dropped like a stone, thumping onto the ground, groaning and still choking for air. " Ori'jagyc, " Sena declared, turning around, aware that she had won. She had kriffing won. How the hell was that possible? Her eyes went down to Zim as he squealed in delight, pointing and babbling loudly to Lolli. "Zim’ika, wha-" her words were strangled out of her throat as a bicep curled around her from behind. Lifted entirely off the ground, she kicked futilely as her vision began blurring immediately.
Shouting ensued and she was dropped to the ground, her chest heaving as she drank in the air, confused as to what had just happened. Hux was bent over her, snarling in Mando'a and she saw why. Craning her head, Aya had been thrown to the ground again as she sobbed loudly, being reprimanded by Thak who had peeled her off of Sena.
"You have lost! Attacking an opponent from behind in a duel is cowardly!" he was snarling, the rage that Paz once warned her about, bubbling over. It was true. She had never seen her teacher this furious before, his words lancing into the air with vindication enough for all the spirits in Manda to hear "How dare you! You insult the honor of the Tribe and our ways!"
But rather than listen to him continue to berate her, she felt her attention drawn back up to her buir . " Kandosii! Kandosii !" her repeated, just loud enough for her to hear, but with fervor and insistence. The earnesty and depth of his words tethering her back to reality, grounding her. "I'm so proud, cyar'ika. So proud."
Tears formed in the corners of her eyes at his praise, nodding into his helmet as he squeezed her shoulders. Silently, she let them slip down, her heart still beating rapidly, blinded by the water in her eyes as he continued to mutter to her.
"You will make a great hunter, cyar'ika, " he insisted, bringing her up to her feet, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Everyone had remained, much to her chagrin, and she hoped they hadn't heard her sniffling. She hadn't been crying because she was upset or hurt by Aya's last grab, but because she was utterly overwhelmed by her emotions. Between the shock of her win to her buir 's congratulations, she had brought honor to Clan Vizsla and it almost made her heart explode with pride. For the first time in her life, Sena felt as if she truly belonged. Surrounded by all her vod , by her adopted father, and finally having purpose, she was soaking her face with tears beneath her bucket. Sena had never wanted to be a princess and get married and waste her life away in a gilded cage. She had wanted this. Acknowledging that it had cost all of Anaxes for this to happen - hurt.
"We knew it! We knew you could beat her!" Xivi bowled into her, drawing her out of her buir 's grasp and squeezing the life out of her.
"That was Kandosii! " Terri squealed. "The way you flipped over her! And how you were so evasive! I didn't know you were so agile!"
"She can do all sorts of tricks," Xivi gushed. "I think there's a nexu under that bucket, not a Sephi."
"Nice strike!" Oyiin had trotted over, pretending to plant the punch that had won the fight. "Told ya it'd knock her out."
"Thanks. Thanks all of you," Sena told them with her hoarse, choked up voice. "I honestly thought I was going to lose."
"What?! Why would you think that?" Terri squeaked in astonishment.
"Because she was so much bigger than me-" And Sena had been afraid, so afraid that she'd be broken beneath Aya's strength.
"Size isn't everything," Kedth reminded her. "You just proved that. You brought a lot of honor to Clan Vizsla today. Too bad your ori'vod wasn't here to watch that."
Sena wished Paz had been there, but shrugged her shoulders and grinned beneath her helmet. "There will be many more battles in the future he can witness. Maybe next time I'll actually get to use my kal'e ."
"Djarin's got to watch out now. Sena's gonna be vu'traat . Gonna give everyone a run for their credits," Oyiin jested, eliciting a braw bit of laughter.
"She trains like vu'traat ," Xivi admitted grudgingly. "How many hours a day do you train after school?"
"Until bed, but that's because I had a lot of catching up to do and I'm still smaller than everyone," Sena told them sheepishly. Her win had been a fluke in her mind. Any of her friends could easily best her because they were in much better shape than Aya was. Din had proven that just over the weekend and she wasn't bloated headed enough to think that Aya was a huge accomplishment - though she was preening in the fact that she had actually done it.
She lingered with her friends a bit longer before returning home, where Hux taught her how to make uj'alayi . Instead of normal dinner, they had the cake to celebrate, her buir pointing out what she had done correctly during her fight. Still riding the high from the fight, she went out at dusk to practice her kal'e. Moonlight slanted over the moors, casting a long shadow in front of Sena as she went through her forms; slashing, turning her grips, maintaining proper spacing of her legs.
Slicing moonbeams with durasteel, she bathed in the glow, the wind in the grass tickling the calves of her boots. Turning swiftly, she paused when she saw the ethereal starlight glancing down on unpainted beskar. Lowering her shoto and tanto, she stood like a solemn sentinel in the night, wondering why he was there. Rather than get any answer, only the wind sighing through the grass murmured a repy, punctuated by a nerf's moo.
Peace shattered by the cattle, Din took a step toward her and stuck his hand out. "Want to see something?"
She cocked her head at the invitation, staring at his hand, wondering what it meant. Finally, she sheathed her weapons and took it. Pulling her away from the covert, over the soft rolling hills, and far from the protection of their people they ran. Past the crowds of cattle and toward the moon's face they went. Sena should have been more nervous about going so far away, about getting in trouble with her buir for straying. But she was with a vod , nothing could go wrong, could it? He was top of the class.
Cresting a large hill, she glanced down toward a pool that reflected the stars on a mirror smooth surface. Sliding down the steep sides, they approached the edge of the pond, which shimmered a pale milky white as if it were filled with star dust and moonlight. There was a single tree off to the side, shading part of the water, branches spindling out like knobby fingers flecked with verdant leaves. This was the first tree she'd seen in months.
"I come here sometimes," Din told her, letting go of her hand. "You're from Naboo, so I thought you might like to see water again."
While the water was a welcome sight, she was more enthralled with the tree. No words escaped her lips as her breath pelted against the inside of her helmet. She began walking toward it, her feet quickening until she was running. Colliding with the trunk, she pressed her steel cheek against it and shuddered, wishing that she could feel the kiss of the wood on her face. When her chest had stopped heaving, she glanced up and located the nearest branch. Bunching her muscles, she jumped, gripped the branch and swung herself up and over. Landing neatly on top of it, she began to climb higher and higher, reaching for the moon. At the summit, she stood to her full height, grinning widely beneath her helmet.
Sucking in a deep breath, she let out a howl into the air, like those ones that Cu'Sith would make in the woods. Djarin froze beneath the shadow of the tree, having observed her weave her way up.
His petite vod was baying like some kind of wild animal, the moonlight turning her long dark braid nearly white as it basked her. She had conquered the tree, just as she had defeated Aya. In the way she had fought and the way she had slipped up the tree with feral grace and dexterity unlike any human he'd watched. Din didn't know what a Sephi was other than the fact that they had pointed ears. He'd heard of Naboo, because Gungans lived there and people liked to joke about them. Whatever the Sephi were, they did not move like humans - Senaar did not move like a human.
She howled again, making him flinch. This was his hideaway. His place to calm down and practice if he couldn't sleep. After watching her fight Aya, without so much as being touched, he'd decided he would show her. Now, he was glad that he had, her joy palpable even from where he stood down below. After the third cry, she began to maneuver down and made his heart jump up into his throat when she hung from a high branch, swung back, and then launched herself. The height was enough to break a man's knees upon impact. Senaar listed downward, before colliding with the ground. There was no grunt of pain, nor cracking of bone. Palm against the grass, her legs absorbed the shock of the impact and she remained for a brief moment before standing; unharmed.
"Thank you," she told him, still breathless and his readers picking up on the pure bliss in her modulated voice. "You don't know what this meant to me. To see a tree again, after-" her tone cracked and she glanced back, staring at it.
After whatever that had happened to her had brought her here amongst the Tribe. Din knew the answer, because he'd noticed it in her. The other children in their class had been raised Mandalorian. After hearing her tell the story about killing a stormtrooper, he knew that they were more alike than he cared to admit. War had taken their homes from him and so he had wanted to share this little space away from the rest of the covert.
"You earned it today, vod ," he shrugged, trying not to seem as if he cared too much. The last thing he needed was his rival to think there was more to this than a casual favor between kindred souls.
"We should head back. It's late," Sena pointed out, visor still tilted in the direction of the tree as if she were afraid it would get up and walk away. She offered her hand to him, just as he had done upon entreating her to trust him.
Din's heart fluttered a little before he took it.
"Pack up your arsenal," Paz ordered his vod'ika , shining his helmet and the new beskar cuirass that he had set on the table in front of him. They had to look damn good today. It was an important day for her and as her mentor, it would also be pertinent that he looked just as stellar. His eyes trailed fondly toward Senaar, a smile creasing the corners of his lips as she went through her blades. The kriffing brat had so many now. Mostly because their buir kept giving her more, arming her to the teeth. Even if she'd been too small to use rifles and shotguns a few years ago, she'd grown into her skin and hiked up a few inches. Naturally, as an Anaxian, she was light boned and slender, but she was of a more average human height, growing like a weed overnight.
She had repainted her helmet, taking the same dark sherwood green as their buir , framing her visor with shimmering gold paint. Marked upon the crown were golden teardrops, reminiscent of her people's Goddess Marks. Now, her vambraces were also of beskar, inky green and gold, adorned with a hidden blade on the inside of her forearms. Buttons for the Kote , a whipcord launcher, and poison darts. A pistol on her bandolier, framed by her shoto and tanto. Leather had since been replaced with durasteel, painted like her helmet and embroidered with more tears. Her pauldrons had golden Jai'gaalar eyes, which winked at Paz.
His vod'ika was growing up. The young man could've shed a tear for how far she had come and how impressive he thought she was now. All fangs and claws, with kriffing knives tucked in nearly every crany imaginable. She was obsessed , giving each one a stupid name, mostly ending in '-Sticker'. Around her thigh was a band of throwing knives and a ragged, slightly fringed cloak of pine green. While similar to their buir' s, she had told him her inspiration was Anaxes and the forest surrounding Genmaris - an homage to a planet and people that no longer existed.
"Think I've got it all," she told him, her voice not half as squeaky as it had been when they’d met outside the palace gardens.
"Check again. I'm not coming back here because you forgot some kriffing tiny kal ," Paz snorted, loading his heavy blaster and standing up to begin strapping on his armor. " Buir has given us the Kote to do this. I've got the fobs for your hunt."
"That knife wasn't tiny last time! I literally forgot Pog-Sticker," she snarked, crooking a finger in his direction, patting the tanto fondly.
"I don't know how you forgot that one, it's basically your left arm," Paz retorted, bickering with the 16 year old.
"Well if someone didn't insist I take my belt off for hand to hand combat practice-" she returned with just as much bite as him, causing him to roll his eyes at her.
It was all in good nature. Neither of them were often authentically pissy with each other. Sibling banter. To them it was endearing, even if it just seemed like a bunch of hissing. "Will you two shut up? Get out of the house. I need some peace and quiet from you!" Hux poked his head out of his room to grouse at the both of them.
"Why? Have a lady friend coming over?" Sena went right for the kill, Paz trying to hide his chortling behind his hand.
" GET OUT !" Hux thundered, closing his door before his children devolved into malice filled laughter in the karyai .
They both picked up their travel packs, saddling them over their shoulders before heading for the door. Sunlight was quickly filtered by their visors, the village humming with activity as various students in Sena's class were preparing to go out for their First Trial. Each was shadowed by an older mando, be that their buir or an ori'vod like Paz. Fortunately for them, they didn't have to share a ship since Hux owned the Kote . On their way to the landing area, they passed Din and Fos. Paz chuckled as Sena flipped off her friend, which caused Djarin to just stare forlornly, wondering what in Caraya's Soul he had done to deserve that. Sena was just a brat and now had a terrible habit of flipping off all her friends, to include Paz as well.
"So when are the two of you exchanging riduurok ?" he teased, aware that she was sensitive about any subject that encouraged romance.
Sena sputtered underneath her helmet at the suggestion. "Zim’ika will have a heart attack if I marry anyone other than him. Y'know, I promised," she answered, deflecting entirely. The kid loved her to death, the moment he’d set eyes on her bucket, deciding that Sena would forever be the female of his dreams. Paz thought it was amusing, because while it was cute now, Sena had no idea what trouble she was in for when he was actually an adult.
"Come now!" Paz bellowed, hooking an arm around his sister's shoulders and drawing her in as they walked. "You're getting to that age now. The birds and bees-"
She groaned loudly, trying to worm out of his grasp, but he was much too strong and had mastered the ability to keep her from slipping his hold like an eel. "Stooooop. I already hear it enough from Xivi. Not you too!"
"Xivi is clever, that's why. You must've given a few of your brain cells to her over the years," Paz rumbled, pressing his vambrace to lower the dock to the Kote .
"I'm a Vizsla. Everyone knows we each only have one," she retorted glibly, her stupid smile audible in her voice.
"And to think you were so bright-eyed and bushy tailed when you got here," he feigned wist, shaking his head as he clucked.
"You corrupted me, ori'vod . It's all your fault," she blamed as they started up the platform.
Dropping his arm from around Sena's shoulders, the both of them turning to see who'd called their names. At the base of the gangplank stood Hyvhast, one of Paz's peers, in muddy brown armor highlighted by stripes of moss green. " Oya! " he bid with a wave, wishing them a triumphant hunt. Paz was aware that there were ulterior motives, his vod having expressed interest in his little sister. Growling quietly under his breath, he slammed the door shut in his friend’s face.
Humming to herself, Sena trotted off to toss her bag onto a bunk in the crew quarters. Paz used the captain's quarters since he was in charge in their buir 's stead. He was a full hunter now, having passed his Second Trial. Keeping a close eye on his vod'ika , he'd watched her improvement and growing into her own skin. Every Mandalorian was different, which had been hard for her to accept in the beginning. Smaller than her peers, weaker strength wise, to the point where she wasn't allowed to shoot anything more than a pistol on the range - he'd known it had been difficult to swallow at first. Still light boned like a shriek-hawk, she'd passed the most worrying bit of her training.
Understanding where her talents laid, Senaar had dug her heels in and became the unofficial blades specialist of the Tribe. Her love of kal'e the subject of loving teasing amongst the Tribe. Jokes included that any child she had would be born holding daggers. Even if she was disinterested, she was coming of age and becoming the fixation of many available bachelors. Once she passed her First Trial, she would be open for hunting - or as non-Mandalorians considered it - courting. Ironically, none of them knew the exotic creature beneath the helmet, aside from the fact that she was 'Sephi'. She was precious and Paz was keen on protecting her from any unwarranted advances or overinsistent suitors. Most were his age, which made him even more disdainful over the fact that they were interested in at 16 year old like that. But aside from Djarin, she was top of her class and favored by Elder Rhenx the Alor .
He might've teased her about her relationship with her rival and peer, but Paz decided he liked the quiet Djarin better than half the hunters that were asking for his blessing when they returned from the Trial. The other teen was hyper focused and talented and absolutely atrocious at expressing how he felt. Paz had long suspected that Din might like his sister, but the idiot hadn't done anything aside from ask Paz for some hand to hand combat lessons, trying to glean Vizsla life a little better. He knew that Djarin wasn't expecting the copious amount of yelling that occurred in their karyai or the verbal assault he faced from the grouchy head of the clan or from Sena, whose favorite thing to do, was complain about everything . Apparently, she was much more mild mannered in class.
Sena's blatant disinterest in suitors pleased him and Paz might've had something to do with that, telling her she had ages to get married and settle down. She wanted to be a hunter. Her head wasn't filled with romance, it was filled with blood lust. Again, he might've... uhm, helped with that, but he was her ori'vod . To him, no one was worthy of the princess beneath the beskar'gam . Plus, he doubted most of the Tribe could actually handle living with her and were just attracted to her prowess.
"Paaaaaaazzzzz," she shouted for him in the cockpit, her voice echoing throughout the ship.
Leaving the captain's quarters behind, he climbed into the cockpit to see her sitting in the pilot's seat. Her helmet was cocked on the edge of the dash, dark lashes framing vibrant eyes on copper tan skin.
"Where's the Guild we're going to? Planet?"
Ah, right. He'd forgotten that he had stowed the inactive fobs. They would need to check in with the Guild before officially being sent off. To keep from too many members of the Tribe showing up at the same Guild, they had coordinated who would get which planet. "Dadrus."
"Solid," she muttered, starting up the ship, flipping a few switches, before her gloves settled on the controls and they squeaked from the tightening of her fingers. Taking the Kote off the ground, she began moving to get them out of atmo. "Any idea what these bounties are?"
He shook his head. "They're handed out randomly as not to show favoritism toward a specific group," he informed her, plopping down in the co-pilot seat. His job was to step in if needed, but Sena had to fly the ship, navigate them to the right planet, pick up the job, do the job, hand it in, and then return back to the covert with her reward. "Depending on the bounties, they pay more if you bring them in alive. Sometimes they don't care, but we'll throw them into carbonite either way."
Bounties were quite popular right now amidst the war for the galaxy. None of that was their business, but plenty of others had bets levied and people they needed to find. They wouldn't be bothered by the Empire as long as they flashed their fobs and mentioned being on Guild business. Paz hated encountering them, his blood rushing at the thought of what they had done to Anaxes. There was no doubt that Sena felt the same way and wouldn't be opposed to gifting more stormtroopers with second smiles on their gorgets. Such a beautiful planet and culture, erased, because they wouldn't submit to the Empire's will. Were there any other survivors aside from Sena?
Leaving the grassy moors of Vorp'ya, they broke atmo and Sena began plugging in coordinates. She listed through the hyperlanes, mapping the correct coordinates to start for the other Outer Rim planet, frowning at the calculations coming back. It would take them four days to reach Dadrus at the quickest the Kote could move. She attempted to find a swiffer route, to map between lanes, but couldn't pull any quicker numbers.
"Fuck," she grumbled.
"It'll be four days then," he shrugged, wondering why she was so bitter about it. Dadrus wasn't right next to them and it wasn't uncommon that hyperspace might take a few days.
"I made a bet," she continued grumpily.
"With whom?"
Sparing a glance back from her molten gold eyes, he knew. Her rival: Djarin.
"What did you bet?" Paz was actually impressed, but that quickly faded.
"Nothing more than bragging rights," she groaned as if that were the worst thing in the galaxy. Out of all the kriffing things they could have bet, it was just that? Maybe Din thought it was worth it, because Sena had such a huge amount of pride that losing would get under her skin for months - maybe even years.
Idiot, Paz complained silently. "Who knows how long of a trip he's got to make it his destination. Four days isn't that long."
"In addition to wherever we have to go to collect the bounty and then return it to Dadrus. Then we've got four days to return to Vorp'ya," she reminded him astutely. "At the very least, I expect we're going to be out 10 days."
"Then we'll just have to keep ourselves busy, won't we, vod'ika ?"
Punching the hyperdrive with the petulance of a Foundling on the brink of a tantrum, she muttered to herself.
"What, spending some bonding time with your ori'vod that grim of a prospect?" Paz pouted.
The angsty look she threw at him made him laugh. "It might be depending on what the hell you're going to tease me about."
"I'll lay off about Djarin," he promised, but crossed his fingers behind his back. "Come back down to the karyai . I've got a surprise."
Highly suspicious, his little sister followed him out of the cockpit as the ship chugged onward using auto-pilot. Plopping down cross legged onto a pillowed seat at the table, she folded her arms and waited expectantly. Cracking open the cooler, he pulled out growlers of ne'tra gal. She arched a dark brow at him. "Before the mission?"
"We've got four days," Paz pointed out, placing them on the table and retrieving a set of cups. "Let's play a game."
"Of course there's a catch," she narrowed her eyes at him, drawing the offered cup over toward her. "So, what's this game?" Taking a dagger out, she used the hilt to pop the cap off of the growler in front of her, the ale hissed slightly, frothing but not touching the rim of the container.
"Truth or dare," he challenged, opening his growler. " Ni dinu. "
"I've already opened it!"
"Looks like you're playing," Paz shrugged nonchalantly.
" Shebs ," she muttered, pouring herself a cup. "What are the rules then?"
"Truth, you ask a question. If you refuse to answer it, then you have to finish your cup. Dare, you have to do the dare. Again, if you refuse it then you have to finish your cup."
"Then why wouldn't I just do dare everytime?" Sena pointed out.
Paz laughed, but did not elaborate. "Start then."
"I dare you to open the dock."
Sena just leered at him, her bright eyes blinking slowly. "WHAT THE KRIFF! How am I supposed to do that?!" she roared, seizing her cup as she began to chug it.
"You said dare," Paz chortled in his minor victory.
"You're the worst."
"I pick... truth."
"So what's going on with you and Voomri?" she piped, her voice becoming sickly sweet as she inquired about a female mando that Paz, most certainly, did not like. Not that this mattered, because Voomri would spare every moment she had doting on him, all but hanging on him in an attempt to start the hunting cycle with him.
Paz growled, picking up his cup and draining it. "Your turn."
"You know where this is going, vod'ika ."
"I dare you to go for a swim in hyperspace."
The game continued like this, the both of them too stubborn to answer questions or relent in their impossible dares. Smacking his sister much sooner than him, she sagged over the table, a hand on her brow as she propped up her face, eying the other half of her ale dubiously. "Truth," she groaned.
Squirming delightedly in his seat, he placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward to grin at her. "Do you like Djarin?"
She gave him a venomous glare, picking up her drink, considering it for another moment. "Like how? Can I ask questions?"
"Enough to date."
"Why are you going to pummel him if I say yes?" she retorted snidely.
"Answer the question."
"I don't like anyone that way. I'm not interested in relationships like that currently," Sena answered honestly. "He's my friend, so yes, I like him. Not to the extent you're worried about. Although, I give you full permission to kick his shebs because it would be funny."
"Dare," he decided, pleased with the answer he had gotten.
The absolutely malicious glint in her eyes, lighting them like fire, made his stomach twist disconcertingly. "I dare you to run laps around the Kote . 3 of them, in full beskar'gam ."
This was the first dare that either of them could actually participate in and if Paz opted for a drink, he'd be labeled the loser. Curling his lip, he pushed himself up to his feet, swaying slightly, before considering his ale again. He did not want to run at this moment. No, his stomach complained at the idea. Hissing a few expletives beneath his breath he began his laps, the carbonation in the ale making him burp a few times, bile rising in the back of his throat. He finished the laps, the ship wasn't too big, but it still unsettled his insides.
Offering him the prettiest and smuggest smile she could manage, she said, "Truth," again.
"Do you think Djarin likes you? In the aforementioned manner," Paz hissed, holding his rebelling stomach.
Her brows pushed together and she frowned deeply. "How the kriff would I know? He's the quietest person in my class."
"But if you had to guess?"
"Maybe? I really can't say for certain. I've never really thought about it."
"You haven't thought about it?" Paz's voice hitched.
" Lek , I'm not hormone riddled. You humans age differently than Anaxians," she snorted, picking up her ale and taking a few mild swigs.
"What do you mean?"
"Anaxians don't reach maturity until their second decade of life. If you... ahem, catch my drift," she blushed slightly at admitting such a thing to her brother.
Paz's gums flapped and he felt incredibly uncomfortable in that moment. "Didn't need to know that... Really didn't need to know that-" he muttered loud enough for her to hear. Now he couldn't get the images out of his mind, standing up abruptly, picking up his growler and stomping away. He locked himself in the captain's quarters, bringing the ale to his lips as he felt even more disgusted with himself. It had all been in good fun until he realized even he had been sizing up his sister, considering the expansion of their clan. Running his hand over his face, he flopped back onto the bed and groaned.
Dadrus was an unimpressive, dustball planet. One of the first she'd been to since becoming Mandalorian and not at all her type of place, which would've been green, blanketed in trees, and with mild weather. Instead, the air was arid, made her skin parched even beneath her helmet, and the suns glared at her as if she had slapped its girl's ass in the cantina and got away with it. It was a small livable area on the gas giant and an even smaller outpost village that sat nestled between the amber and gold canyons. The Guild establishment was settled in a nook in the center of the town, the only thing worth traveling to on Dadrus. Otherwise, the planet might've been empty save for a few souls who were looking not to get captured for some sort of war crime. Place like this, the Empire would never bother with.
The bell on the cantina door tinkled pitifully as the Mandalorians entered. One dark green, shadowed by an impassive and impossibly large dark blue figure. All activity guttered to a halt, heads turning anxiously to look at the pair that were marked with the same Jai'galaar eyes on their pauldrons. Didn't get visitors often, let alone two Mandalorians. Usually they traveled alone, not in pairs. None of them knew that the two were just teenagers, because it was in the way they walked; tall, erect as if they were about to snap to attention, and with feral prowess indicating their years of training. From the visors, eyes then followed to the weapons. The female had an arsenal of knives and blades, whereas the male saddled himself with a heavy blaster and a few other smaller firearms.
He nudged her, motioning toward the back of the room where Jace nearly spat out his spotchka. They were going toward him. Well, he was the official leader for the Guild on Dadrus, so he shouldn't have been too surprised that they'd be bounty hunters looking for pucks. Draining the rest of his cup in his anxiety, he motioned for the bartending droid to bring a double - stat. Interlacing his fingers on the table to keep them from shaking, he listened to the dull metallic ring of each boot's footfall before the Mandalorians were standing at the end of his table.
The female reached into a pouch, all but slamming the unactivated fobs in front of him. "We're here for work," he wasn't expecting the accent. It was crisp, clear, and definitely not from round these parts. Outer Rim folks all had a certain accent, hers was cultured and smooth like velvet, despite the shift in it from the modulator. Jace leaned forward, earning an aggressive leer from the bigger mando. Was nice to hear such a pretty accent, but he wasn't looking to get throttled by the blue guy.
Swiping the fobs, Jace flipped through them and nodded his thanks at the droid who brought over his second spotchka. "These are all claimed," he muttered. "Where did you get these?"
The female glanced over at the male, her head tilted, maybe confused?
"Do you have any other work?" the male's voice was deep like rolling thunder.
"I have a few," Jace sat back and considered them. A pair like this could really be used for anything, not just a small fry job. "Tell you what, mandos, I'm in a gracious mood today. I've got one puck if you're willing to take it, but it's on Tatooine and deals with the Hutts."
"What does it pay?" the female inquired, his heart clenching at the sound of her voice again.
"Well. As long as you bring the bounty in warm. Leaking? That'll be fine. But alive," Jace picked up his spotchka and took a deep swig, eying the green mando while he did so. He saw an obsidian braid swaying and wondered what might be underneath that helmet.
"We'll take it," she didn't deliberate with her partner, holding out a black glove expectantly.
Jace found the puck in his stash and activated it, taking the three fobs they'd had that were no longer any good. Those were pitiful bounties anyways for a set of Mandalorians. They'd be better suited for walking amongst the Hutts and not being bothered. Jabba would probably entertain them, since he liked Mandalorians. Plopping it in her hand, Jace smiled fondly, "Happy hunting."
"Why are all these kriffing planets hot as fuck?" Sena complained loudly to her brother as they stepped off the dock into the hangar of Mos Espa. Visor adjusting rapidly to the light to cut the difference from the darkness of the Kote , she glared at anything and everything around her. She liked warm planets, not scalding ones. Despite there being a habitable zone in Tatooine, it was hotter than the devil's armpit and wearing full armor was not comfortable. Dadrus had also been slightly unpleasant, but now she was beginning to think that it was absolute paradise when held next to Tatooine. Plus, the Guild Master had been kind of cute. Ugh, she'd literally just told her brother she wasn't interested in anyone that way and now some random human had garnered her interest?
"The Outer Rim isn't known for being the most favorable place to live," Paz reminded her, but also groused quietly at how hot it was. Tatooine left much to be desired aside from the climate, to include the absolute rabble that littered the planet. They were Mandalorian and wouldn't be bothered, but he disliked the atmosphere here, the casual slavery, and the disdain toward life as if it were something to be taken for granted. This wasn't exactly the place he'd wanted Sena to go for her first hunt, but she'd snatched the puck up before he could stop her and he wasn't going to argue with her in the cantina on Dadrus. Not in front of other people. Any gripes could be taken behind closed doors unless they were life threatening.
"Should be easy. Pick up the quarry, shove him into cryo, then double back," she reasoned, spotting the mechanic who governed the bay they had landed in. "Hey!"
The old man froze beneath the shadow of the Mandalorians, dropping the wrench in his hand and paling. Bending down, Sena picked it up and offered it back to him, the small bit of courtesy confusing him. "W-welcome to Mos Espa," he greeted, taking the wrench and rubbing the accumulated sand off on his coveralls. "What can I help you with today?"
"We're just docking for the day. How much will that cost us?" Sena asked, gesturing back to the Kote.
"If you leave before morning, won't cost you more than 200 credits. "
That seemed like a lot, but then again Sena hadn't really bought anything off planet before. Their allowance was 1,000 for fuel, food, docking and other miscellaneous necessities. If this bounty went without a hitch, then they would be getting a lot more for the scum bag in Hutt palace. Hearing the word palace again was odd, but this place was nothing like her old home.
"Here's half now," she fished the credits out and put them into the mechanic's hand before locking up the Kote with a few buttons on her vambrace. Thinking that it was hot from within the shelter of the hangar, she was immediately dismayed the moment she walked into the sandy streets and felt the sunlight billeting off her dark armor. Sweat pooled beneath her flight suit, against the back of her neck, and rolled down into unpleasant crannies. Holding the fob in her hand, she followed the quiet pinging while her head remained on a swivel.
Everything was earth toned. Despite being a miserable planet, there was actually quite a bit of activity. Folks of multiple races meandered the streets in robed attire, a wave of gritty activity as they plucked along on daily activity. Her eyes noticed the people with collars, eyes cast down, going about their business though they were considerably more demure than most other locals. Slaves. Her lips curled beneath her helmet in disdain, recalling what papa had once told her about those who used slaves rather than paying people for honest work. They were despicable. No one, not even pilfering Jawas, deserved to be treated like a disposable object.
Paz had mentioned that Tatooine was a shitty planet and with each step, she continued to wade into the trash and find things she didn't like about it. From the old durasteel domes that were stained from whipping sandstorms, marred by scars of the sunlight stripping it of its dignity. Everything here was for purpose, not appearance. With water a high commodity, people would typically resort to sonic showers to clean things, which was sort of gross in her opinion. At least, Vorp'ya had its rainy seasons and was never truly parched like Tatooine. Grass had to grow in for the nerfs to graze on, their population growing ever larger.
They cut their way through the crowd like butter, folks shuffling out of their way as if so much as touching the Mandalorians would burn them. Sena wasn't taken aback by this, people were terrified of Mandalorians and eyed the arsenal of weapons each of them were decorated with. Did it make her feel lonely? No, she had the whole Tribe back on Vorp'ya, her friends, her vod, her best friends. There was nothing to be desired and she had a job to do to prove her worth to the Tribe. She wouldn't let her aliit or the Elders down.
The Hutt palace wasn't exactly what she'd call a castle. A big, cylindrical dome with a few black rings toward the top which were windows set inward, strong enough to withstand the storms. While it was quite large, she thought it had a phallic shape to it and was unimpressive and nondescript. No, compared to Genmaris Castle it was a lewd joke, more akin to a run down outpost in the forest than a place where important people should dwell. Through her academics, Sena knew that the Hutt Clan was not a force to be reckoned with lightly. They were slavers and crime lords, with no qualms in dispatching anyone they disliked. Fortunately, they were fond of Mandalorians and their success in retrieving bounties, so Sena was hopeful that they wouldn't run into too many issues.
Beep... Beep... Beep...
Inside the palace. Well, she'd been expecting it, eying the pair of Niktos by the door who gave the two of them brief glares before jerking their heads in approval and letting them through. Smoke buffeted their helmets upon entrance, the haze a swirling combination of whatever the patrons were dragging between lips and a machine near the jazz playing band. Lively music filled the air, but did not disperse the blatant profligacy that filled the cantina chamber to the brim. Slaves were everywhere, identifiable from the metal shock collars around their throats. Servers ferried drinks between tables, some playing sabacc, others engaged in deep conversations, and eyes immediately distinguishing the mandos through the murk, almost as if they weren't truly there, and their eyes were playing tricks on them.
Upon a stone plinth was the ugliest creature that Sena ever had the luxury of laying eyes on. Once that title had belonged to Rathas, but now she'd decided that Jabba the Hutt was a much more suitable champion. A big, lumpy mass of molted green, brown, and tan with piercing orange eyes, slitted pupils blown as he picked up a tiny, live, and miserable creature which squealed for dear life before disappearing into the sticky maw of the Hutt. A shiver lanced down her back, a pair of scantily clad slaves tethered to him by chains. They looked absolutely petrified, as if they might be the next thing to disappear into his gullet.
There were dancing platforms where various female slaves swayed to the music and gripping poles. Clearly, they weren't doing it for pleasure, their collars a little smaller as not to impede them from their work. Lecherous eyes trailed them, some of the customers and guests muttering about what they wanted to do to them and if maybe Jabba would let them if they paid. The absolute filth being translated through her helmet made her want to vomit.
Paz brushed her arm, reminding her to keep moving, and not get distracted. Steadying herself, she placed her palm on Cu'Sith's pommel and felt her heartbeat ease back down to normal. While she wanted to murder everyone in this room, aside from the slaves, and paint a beautifully macabre mosiac with crimson (and whatever other colors of blood there might be) - she knew they couldn't. Not only were they vastly outnumbered, but killing anyone in here without permission would mean turning the Hutt Clan against them and the Tribe. Too much of a risk to free a few slaves. They weren't there to be heroes.
Approaching Jabba, he turned his repugnant eyes toward them, his impressively wide mouth curving up in what could only be described as a slimy smile. A protocol droid stood beside him as he spoke, translating the Huttense, "Welcome Mandalorians. Jabba is most pleased to see you amongst his ranks today. He asks what he can help you with today? Are you looking for work?"
Sena drew out her tracking fob. "We have a quarry that has led us here," she informed him curtly, keeping voice under control and thankful for the modulator to cut the edge off of her bitterness in having to deal with this monster. Pressing the identification button, the silhouette of their charge sputtered in a crystalline holographic view; a Twi'lek male in his early 30s.
Jabba considered it and then wobbled the top of his slug-ness. He didn't really have a neck which could discern what was his head and what was his body, but she supposed it was as much of a nod as she would get. "Jabba says that your quarry is here in one of the back rooms. You are permitted to collect him as long as no one is disturbed."
Sena put the fob back into her pouch and gave a discreet nod, unwilling to thank the creature. Turning away, she trotted along through the back halls and toward the rows of chamber doors. This area was akin to a hotel, where bounty hunters could stay whilst in Jabba's care. Lighting was subpar, yellow like piss, and casting a sickly glow against the rusted walls. Down the hall, she stopped where the fob indicated, glancing to see if there was anyone nearby. A few scampering slaves, who ducked away and ignored them, a passing Nikto, but no one who had any interest in bothering them.
From her pocket, she removed a lock pick, giving Paz the signal to let her handle this on her own. Sena could use her stealth to her advantage, but Paz wasn't gifted in the same talents. He'd trundle right in and give her away. He would post outside whilst she took care of business inside. Didn't take long for her to find the right combination. She'd practiced on Paz's door just to annoy him by putting random bugs in his bed. He hated bugs.
Slipping in like a shadow, she pinned herself to a wall and slowly removed her kal'e from her belt. The lights were off except for one on the nightstand, allowing for her to drink in the surroundings before deciding what she would do. Her head cocked, a strange slapping and wet noise garnering her attention. Creeping forward, her feet rolled heel to toe to prevent any noise. Her light weight allowed for an even more soundless approach as she cut the corner slightly and her stomach dropped into her feet.
Caged in the corner was a young woman who was barely clinging to life as her captor gripped her by her slave collar. Head bent back at an uncomfortable angle, Sena could only watch on in horror as he pummeled into her, each wet slap punctuated by a terrible whimper from the woman’s mouth. The animalistic grunts, the absolute disregard for the slave’s deteriorating health, her skin marked by bruises and lesions, slicked with sweat and blood.
Finally finding her feet, she stepped forward, each rolling of her heel to toes silent. Not that the bastard would have even heard her, fixated in his conquering. She raised the pommel and collided with the back of his head.
The Guild Master had said leaking was fine. Her lip was peeled back in a wolfish snarl that the quarry couldn't see, groaning as blood trickled down the back of his head. A hiss escaped the door for a second time and Paz stomped in to see what the commotion was. Immediately, he went rigid, observing the barely breathing form of the slave as Sena bent over her, chewing her lip as she tried to decide what to do. Maker, she was bleeding everywhere.  
"She's not going to make it," he told her.
"Why? Why would anyone do this? What sort of sick pleasure do they get from this?" her voice was hoarse, but crackled with unbridled fury. "Can you hear me? Hello?"
The slave girl's eyes fluttered open for just the briefest of moments, unfocused, pupils blown as she let out the faintest cry of shock. Of course. Two Mandalorians were hunched over her while she was bleeding to death. Gritting her teeth, Sena placed her arms under the slave and lifted her, taking her over to the bed instead of the damp corner she'd been bludgeoned in. Setting her down, dismayed by how much the human weighed, she pulled the blankets up and tenderly wiped away the spittle and other fluids from her face. Continuing to clean up what she could, she sat in the chair beside the female and waited, observing each rattled breath until the slave opened her eyes again.
"What... are you doing?" she asked weakly.
"I'll stay here with you," Sena promised, clutching her knees to keep her hands from shaking as the scenes replayed in her head over and over again. Primal, animalistic, and disgusting.
"P-p-please. Can you finish it? It hurts... so bad... it hurts..."
" Vod , I'll do it-" Paz stepped up.
The slave whimpered at the sight of him and Sena snapped her head up. "Take him out of here. I'll help her. She's afraid of you."
Paz's shoulders sagged slightly, gripping the quarry by the cuffs and dragging his limp body out of the room. When the door snapped shut again, Sena turned back to the young woman and let out a shuddering breath. "Is there... anyone you want me to tell about you? Family? A friend?"
"I've always been a slave. N-n-no one," she answered quietly, closing her eyes against and shuddering. "Be-before you do... Can I see your face? S-so I know?" Know who saved her and put her out of her misery. That was her request.
The question shocked her, shaken to her core by the question to see her face. Aside from her aliit , no one had seen her since she left Genmaris. No living thing could see it or she'd have to kill them. Drawing her blade, she knew what she had to do. Sena was discreet, hiding it on the outside of her thigh as she reached up with a trembling hand and disengaged the seal of her helmet. Setting it down, her eyes rapidly adjusted to the dim room, glowing faintly in the reflection of the lamp.
Eyes widening, the slave sputtered slightly at what she saw, the tanned countenance of a young female. Then she softened, resigned to her death, a faint smile creasing her frothing lips. A secret she would take with her to the grave and the only luxury and honor she'd been spared in her entire life. "Th-thank yo-you," the slave muttered as Sena bent down, almost in the way a mother would crane to her child to kiss their brow before bed time.
Smoothing the mess of hair from the female's face, Sena's eyes burned as she maneuvered the blade carefully, out of sight and mind. "Go to a better place. You will be safe there and no one will harm you, mesh'la ," she promised, sliding the blade up into the girl's ribcage. Her lids snapped back, before a long winded sigh parted her mouth and she eased down into an eternal slumber. Dragging the pads of her fingers down, Sena closed the slave's eyes and withdrew her tanto, wiping the blood off on her pants. Taking her helmet, she placed it back on and cleared her throat, finding it constricting on her as she stared at the girl - who might've been sleeping peacefully if not for the dark scarlet stain in the fabric where her heart had been pierced.
I will remember you, Sena promised, spinning on her heel and storming out of the room to find Paz waiting. The quarry was coming to, eyes still rolling into the back of his head. She'd probably given him a concussion.
" Vod ?" Paz was even toned, entreating her to see how she was faring.
"Let's return to the ship."
The silence between them was thick enough to cut and Paz was worried. While talking outside the privacy of the Kote or their covert was not necessary, he saw the stiffness in her shoulders and the fists she balled her gloves into. He'd only caught what had happened at the end, but had been able to see quite clearly that she had found the quarry torturing the slave. Kriffing Tatooine. Absolute hellhole of a place. This was why he had been worried about coming here. It was no place for a 16 year old and now she'd seen too much.
Sena paid the mechanic in the hangar, following Paz closely as he dragged the charge who was starting to become more lucid. He was about to thrust the bastard into cryo when his sister caught his arm. "No. I'm not done with him," she informed him, preventing him from sealing the Twi'lek in carbonite. Any normal person might've been sickened by the suggestion, the idea that she was going to torture him as he'd tortured the slave. But Mandalorians often abided by the rules of an eye for an eye. The quarry needed to be alive, but they'd never said he couldn't be scarred.
He left her, heading up to the cockpit just as she secured the trembling Twi'lek to a chair and pulled out one of her knives. Just as he closed the door to the cockpit, he heard the first guttural scream, silenced quickly by some article being stuffed into his mouth. The creature deserved it. He deserved every lasting mark that Sena would place on him. Being a master of blades had always encroached on this territory - Paz just wondered how long it would be before she actually wielded them in this manner. He'd been hoping she would be older, but he couldn't change fate. No, he just worried about what his vod'ika had seen.
Shabuir - motherfucker Buir - parent Vod - comrade/brother/sister Lek - Yeah Ne'johaa! - shut up! Shebs - ass Murcyur - kiss Ori'vod - big sibling Su'cuy - Hi Kal - blade Kal'e - blades (i made the plural up) Nayc - No Jate - Good Ad'ika - daughter/son (affectionate) Aliit - Clan Cyar'ika - darling, sweetheart Vaar'tur! - Morning! Ad - son/daughter Kyramud - assassin Vaar'ika - pipsqueak Koor - Deal Hut'uun - coward (a very heavy weighted insult in Mandalorian) Ori'jagyc - bully; one who picks on someone smaller than themselves Kandosii! - Well done Vu'traat - special forces Riduurok - marriage vows Oya - Stay alive ! Cheers ! Ni dinu - Take it or leave it
End Author Note: Dear Readers, absolutely all my resolve has vanished and I am now hopelessly writing a romance fic. Heck. 
My original intention was to really drag out growing up, but I like the vein I've traveled down more. The biggest point to take away from this is that Din is very inexperienced (and he's reserved) whereas Sena is very outgoing and popular (with the addition that she's not in an Anaxian's adolescent form yet, so relationships of a sexual nature are still weird to her). 
We've got that awkward in between phase in tandem with Sena's distaste for what happened on Tatooine. Our poor little bird isn't gonna be ready for an intimate relationship for a while and Din is hopeless anyways since he doesn't talk.Anyways, I'm really excited to publish the next chapter in a week. There will be a lot of timeskips before getting to present time of Season 1.
Additionally, Paz will eventually also have a love interest in a few chapters. I couldn't forget him completely when Din and Sena's ship sails. 
Tags will change once those chapters are published.Publishing day will be Sunday - no specific timeframe.
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
An angst+hurt/comfort fic where Douxie remembers a bad experience that happened in Camelot, and Claire talks him through it? (Like, Maybe about how Douxie got the scar on his hand?
This definetly got way out of hand, lmao! I hope you like it. :) Cross posted onto ao3 and can be found with the link. If you’ve sent me an ask I promise I’m getting to it. My box exploded with notifs today so I’m playing catch up.
Their training session had been going well, Douxie was impressed by how quickly Claire was able to pick up on new spells and magical abilities. Today Douxie had decided to take a leaf out of Merlin’s book so they were training in the forest instead of Trollmarket. One of his mentor’s earliest lessons was that you’d have no control over where the battle took place, so be prepared for any possible outcome of a battle ground. Douxie laughed as he countered Claire’s shadow magic with his own, his shield of magic blocking her attacks. The deflected magic took down some of the nearby trees, causing them to crash onto the floor. “Arugh!” The young witch-in-training groaned as she continued to fail to get a single hit in. “How are you so good?!” She yelled, firing a blast of magic with every word. Douxie leapt out of the way of each attack while began chanting for another spell. One of Claire’s bursts of magic barely skimmed the top of his head, destroying the tree Douxie was hiding behind. He winced in sympathy for the tree then flipped over the stump shouting,
“Years of training fair Claire! Telo lumen!” His offensive spell worked like a charm, bolts of lightening erupted from his right hand, scaring Claire into portaling a little further away. Douxie began chanting another spell, something that would trap Claire into a bubble of magic. She beat him to it though, eyes flashing purple and black she threw a wave of shadows in his direction too fast for Douxie to deflect. Douxie was thrown across the woods and landed on the ground, rolling until his back hit a rather large stone. Douxie coughed as he regained his balance.
“Teach!” Claire shouted, concern laced in her voice. She portaled next to him. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” She asked, helping him stand back up. Douxie nodded as he blinked his eyes back into focus. His balance still seemed to be off, so he relied on her for support.
“Of course Claire. It’ll take more than a spunky little witch to take me down!” He exclaimed, striking a victorious pose on the rock. Claire didn’t look convinced,
“I’m not too sure what I even did. I was just so angry and annoyed that I couldn’t get a hit on you and it just sort of… happened.” Douxie nodded, sliding back down to sit an recuperate his strength.
“Magic is emotion Claire, once you learn how to channel the energy you’ll become a formidable opponent.” Claire nodded then sat on the grass next to him. The two sat in silence, then she frowned,
“How’d you get that?” She asked Douxie, pointing at his wrist. Looking down Douxie saw what she was looking at. His original arcane must’ve fallen off his wrist during their sparring session, exposing his scar. Douxie winced then pulled his sleeve down covering the ugliness of the mark.
“Training mishap,” he said unconvincingly. At Claire’s look of disbelief he insisted, “it happened over a century ago Claire, I’m fine.” Douxie stood up, still a little wobbly from Claire’s shadow magic.
“Maybe you should stay the night at Jim’s. You know, just in case I accidentally did something… Morgana-like,” Claire said as they made their way back into town. Shaking his head Douxie protested,
“Claire it was just a little bit of shadow magic. Nothing I haven’t seen before, a good night’s rest and I’ll be right as rain.” As he spoke he felt a wave of weak energy rush through him and he stumbled forward a few steps. Claire made a sort of tsking sound then she said,
“If you don’t want to stay with Jim then you’re staying with me. No arguing, no ‘but I’m a mysterious master wizard with diabolical plans.’ Got it Douxie?” She asked. Knowing a lost battle when he saw one Douxie caved. Nodding he begrudgingly agreed,
“Alright fine, but I’m telling you, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Douxie shivered as a cold breeze blew through the street. He pulled his sweatshirt around him a little bit tighter as he followed Claire up the steps to her house. As helpful as always, Claire showed him the way to the guest room and dragged in a few extra blankets.
“It gets a little chilly in here,” she explained as she threw the heavy quilts over the bed. Douxie sunk into the mattress, suddenly exhausted from the long day of training. He caught himself absentmindely tracing the pattern of the scar wrapped around his hand. Claire nodded at the actions, “are you sure you’ll be alright?” She asked, obviously hesitant to leave him by himself. Douxie nodded and gave her a cheeky smile,
“I’ll be fine Claire. Thanks for letting me stay the night.” The shadow witch nodded,
“What sort of friend would I be if I left you on your own? Goodnight Douxie,” she said flipping the lights off. Douxie nodded in the darkness as he whispered,
“Goodnight Claire.” As soon as his head hit the pillow his mind warped into a land of nightmares…
Douxie was around five centuries old at this point, still training with Merlin. They were training in the field today, Merlin wanted to give Douxie some real-life experience. “Now Douxie,” Merlin began, “you must understand… you just aren’t ready for larger spells yet. Keep practicing what you know. Once you’ve mastered your current level I shall teach you -” he cut himself off and summoned a miniature dragon made out of green flames. Douxie stared at the beast in awe as it patted it’s feet and curled up in a circle, resting in the palm of Merlin’s hand. “Spells and magic beyond what you believe is real.” Douxie accidentally ran into Merlin’s outstretched arm and his mentor dragged him behind a rather large rock.
“Master, what is it?” Douxie asked, trying to peer over the stone. Merlin shoved his head down, forcing him to hide.
“Trolls, gumm gumms. We must’ve traveled further into the forest than I had originally planned,” Merlin said as a familiar expression grew on his face. Douxie recognised it as Merlin’s planning-face.
“How many are there?” Douxie asked eagerly, he knew the dangers of the gumm gumms, but he was itching for a fight. “We can take them!” Merlin shoved his overeager head back behind the rock.
“Stay here Hisirdoux,” Merlin ordered. Douxie groaned inwardly, benched during a fight… again. It wasn’t exactly doing wonders for his self-esteem. Nevertheless, he listened to his mentor and stayed out of sight. After a few minutes of failed negotiation Douxie heard the telltale sounds of combat raging, with Merlin at the center of it.
“Master Merlin!” He called out, jumping up from his hiding place in time to see his mentor blasted into a rather thick tree trunk. Merlin slid onto the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head. The three gumm gumms turned and faced Douxie, fists balled and ready to throw. Douxie sprinted across the clearing and slid in front of his mentor, summoning a protective barrier of magic around them. “Merlin what do I do?” He asked, struggling to keep his shield up. In response Merlin’s head just leaned to the right, falling the rest of the way to the ground. “Right Hisirdoux, you’re on your own.” The gumm gumms multiplied while he was distracted, now reaching numbers of six or seven instead of three. “Damn it all!” Douxie exclaimed. He took his shield down and fired a massive wave of magic at the gumm gumms. Enemy distracted, Douxie dragged his mentor behind the tree trunk and returned to his defensive post.
“Run Hisirdoux,” Merlin’s voice mumbled from behind the tree. Douxie shook his head as he summoned another offensive blast of magic, taking out two of their enemies.
“You wouldn’t leave me!” He shouted, catching some of the other gumm gumms in freeze traps. He had no choice but to return to the defensive side of things. With his shield up Douxie tried to get Merlin to wake but the bastard of an old man kept muttering something about two spells at once, and a warning. Douxie’s eyes widened in realization - he could perform two spells at once. He’d been practicing his portals, and with the help of his arcane wrist band he could perform a few blasts while doing so. 
Decision made he charged up his magic he kicked Merlin into the portal first. Douxie could feel the strain the double spell performance was having on his body, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was to make sure he and Merlin got back to Camelot safely. Shouting an incantation Douxie launched bolts of lightning at the gumm gumms. As he used more of his magic the young wizard-in-training felt his magic grow weaker. Soon after the gumm gumms were all destroyed he felt a hand wrap around his ankles and pull him through the portal just as his world turned to black.
Waking up in a cold sweat Douxie grabbed at his scarred hand, the nightmare still haunted him even though he was awake. “Doux?” A soft voice asked, knocking on the door. He shivered and pulled the quilts tighter around him, suddenly grateful for the extra warmth. “Oh Douxie, it’s alright,” Claire said as she sunk into the chair next to the bed. She ran a hand through his hair trying to calm him down. “You’re okay Douxie,” Claire promised as he gripped her hand tighter with his scarred one. Douxie took a shaky breath then apologized,
“I uh, sorry about this.” He knew Claire had a lot on her plate already. She shouldn’t have to worry about a master wizard who suffered from ptsd and panic attacks. Claire didn’t stop the calming circles she was tracing on his back.
“You don’t need to apologize for having nightmares Douxie. After Jim went into the Darklands he had night terrors almost every time he closed his eyes. Do you want to talk about it?” Claire asked hesitantly. Douxie frowned,
“It was years ago. Shouldn’t bother me as much anymore.” The two fell into a comfortable silence then Douxie found himself tracing his scar again. “Merlin and I were training in the woods outside of Camelot. He wanted to give me some real-world experience or something I guess. We traveled too far and ended up in gumm gumm territory. Merlin got knocked out and well… I had to defend us both.” Claire hummed, then nodded to encourage him to continue. Douxie sighed, “we were overpowered but I couldn’t let Merlin down. I uh… it was the first time I casted two spells at once. You need years upon years of training to cast multiple spells but what other choice did I have? In the middle of the fight I used my magic to summon a portal back to the castle and used it to fight off the remaining gumm gumms.” Douxie shrugged, “I guess I passed out because I ended up waking up to having a new scar on my hand and one of Merlin’s infamous lectures of me being a foolish apprentice.
“You’re safe now though. No gumm gumms, no Morgana, no Arcane Order. The guardians of Arcadia will call us if they need any help tonight. You just rest,” Claire urged him as he settled back into the bed. Douxie gave her a small smile,
“Since when did you get so wise?” Claire chuckled,
“Since I had an amazing teacher. Sleep, Douxie. We’ll be here when you wake up in the morning. Douxie nodded and this time when he closed his eyes, he knew Claire would be there to keep the nightmares at bay.
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