#Afghan Shipping
afghanlogistics01 · 1 year
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Future Outlook and Opportunities
Despite the challenges faced by the Afghan Shipping industry, there are several opportunities for growth and development in the future. These include:
Potential for growth and development in the Afghan shipping industry: With the development of regional transport corridors, expansion of ports and infrastructure, and investment in technology and logistics, the Afghan shipping industry has the potential for significant growth and development in the future.
For more details visit our website: Afghan Shipping
Address: Shar-e-Now, Haji Yaqoob Square, Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact: +93 79 444 4493
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logistan · 2 years
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LOGISTAN was founded in 2003, more than a decade ago, is one of the world’s leading non-asset-based supply chain management companies globally. It is a privately owned Afghan Logistics and Shipping Company which is Headquartered at Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
For more details visit our website: https://logistan.com/about-logistan/
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*rewatches Aggretsuko S4 and gets hit with my strong romantic feelings for Himuro because I love my favorite Afghan Hound CEO so much* ❤️🐶
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fgisolutions · 1 year
Cargo Companies in Afghanistan
Our FGi Solutions is one of the most reputable Cargo Companies in Afghanistan that offers high-standard cargo services for all types of projects to the people. Contact us. https://fgi.af/
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krnaturalphoto · 2 years
Afghan Hound | Trotting Towards Camera | New York
Afghan Hound | Trotting Towards Camera | New York
This photo is of an Afghan Hound whose coat color is black. I thought that was the perfect opportunity to convert the image to black and white to really make the dog stand out. The black and white present I chose to use really created a pop for the dog in the image. The preset rendered almost the entire background white with just a bit of detail remaining. And the dog which was originally black…
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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“Name me a single objective we’ve ever set out to accomplish that we’ve failed on. Name me one, in all of our history. Not one!”
-President Joe Biden, August 16, 2023 
Joe Biden in one of his now accustomed angry “get off my grass” moods dared the press to find just one of his policies/objectives that has not worked. Silence followed.
Perhaps it was polite to say nothing, given even the media knows almost every enacted Biden policy has failed.
Here is a summation of what he should instead apologize for.
Biden in late summer 2021 sought a 20th anniversary celebration of 9/11 and the 2001 subsequent invasion of Afghanistan. He wished to be the landmark president that yanked everyone out of Afghanistan after 20 years in country. But the result was the greatest military humiliation of the United States since the flight from Vietnam in 1975.
Consider the ripples of Biden’s disaster. U.S. deterrence was crippled worldwide. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea almost immediately began to bluster or return to their chronic harassment of U.S. and allied ships and planes. We left thousands of allied Afghans to face Taliban retribution, along with some Western contractors.
Biden abandoned a $1 billion embassy, and a $300 million remodeled Bagram airbase strategically located not far from China and Russia, and easily defensible. Perhaps $50 billion in U.S. weaponry and supplies were abandoned and now find their way into the international terrorist mart.
All our pride flags, our multimillion gender studies programs at Kabul University, and our George Floyd murals did not just come to naught, but were replaced by the Taliban’s anti-homosexual campaigns, burkas, and detestation of any trace of American popular culture.
Vladimir Putin sized up the skedaddle. He collated it with Biden’s unhinged quip that he would not get too excited if Putin just staged a “minor” invasion of Ukraine. He remembered Biden’s earlier request to Putin to modulate Russian hacking to exempt a few humanitarian American institutions. Then Russia concluded of our shaky Commander-in-Chief that he either did not care or could do nothing about another Russian invasion.
The result so far is more than 500,000 dead and wounded in the war, a Verdun-stand-off along with fortified lines, the steady depletion of our munitions and weapon stocks, and a new China/Russia/Iran/North Korean axis, with wink and nod assistance from NATO Turkey.
Biden blew up the Abraham accords, nudged Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States over to the dark side of Iran, China, and Russia. He humiliated the U.S. on the eve of the midterms by callously begging the likes of Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil that he had damned as unclean at home and cut back its production. In Bidenomics, instead of producing oil, the president begs autocracies to export it to us at high prices while he drains the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve for short-term political advantage.
Biden deliberately alienated Israel by openly interfering in its domestic politics. He pursued the crackpot Iran Deal while his special Iranian envoy was removed for disclosing classified information.
No one can explain why Biden ignored the Chinese balloon espionage caper, kept mum about the engineered Covid virus that escaped the Wuhan lab, said not a word about a Chinese biolab discovered in rural California, and had his envoys either bow before Chinese leaders or take their insults in silence—other than he is either cognitively challenged or leveraged by his decade-long grifting partnership with his son Hunter.
Yet another Biden’s legacy will be erasing the southern border and with it, U.S. immigration law. Over seven million aliens simply crossed into the U.S. illegally with Biden’s tacit sanction—without audits, background checks, vaccinations, and COVID testing, much less English fluency, skills, or high-school diplomas.
Biden’s only immigration accomplishment was to render the entire illegal sanctuary city movement a cruel joke. Given the flood, mostly rich urban and vacation home dwellers made it very clear that while they fully support millions swarming into poor Latino communities of southern Texas and Arizona, they do not want any illegal aliens fouling their carefully cultivated nests.
Biden is mum about the 100,000 fentanyl deaths from cartel-imported and Chinese-supplied drugs across his open border. He seems to like the idea that Mexican President Obrador periodically mouths off, ordering his vast expatriate community to vote Democratic and against Trump.
Despite all the pseudo-blue collar dissimulation about Old Joe Biden from Scranton, he has little empathy for the working classes. Indeed, he derides them as chumps and dregs, urges miners to learn coding as the world covets their coal, and studiously avoids getting anywhere near the toxic mess in East Palestine, Ohio, or so far the moonscape on Maui.
Bidenomics is a synonym for printing up to $6 billion dollars at precisely the time post-Covid consumer demand was soaring, while previously dormant supply chains were months behind rebooting production and transportation. Biden is on track to increase the national debt more than any one-term president.
In Biden’s weird logic, if he raised the price of energy, gasoline, and key food staples 20-30 percent since his inauguration without a commensurate rise in wages, and then saw the worst inflation in 40 years occasionally decline from record highs one month to the next, then he “beat inflation.”
But the reason why more than 60 percent of the nation has no confidence in Bidenomics is because it destroyed their household budgets. Gas is nearly twice what it was in January 2021. Interest rates have about tripled. Key staple foods are often twice as costly—meat, vegetables, and fruits especially.
Biden has ended through his weaponized Attorney General Merrick Garland the age-old American commitment to equal justice under the law. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, and IRS are hopelessly politically compromised. Many of their bureaucrats serve as retrieval agents for lost Biden family incriminating laptops, diaries, and guns. In sum, Biden criminalized opposing political views.
Biden has unleashed the administrative state for the first time in history to destroy the Republican primary front runner and his likely opponent. His legacy will be the corruption of U.S. jurisprudence and the obliteration of the American reputation for transparent permanent government that should be always above politics, bribery, and corruption.
If in the future, an on-the-make conservative prosecutor in West Virginia, Utah, or Mississippi wishes to make a national name, then he has ample precedent to indict a Democrat President for receiving bad legal advice, questioning the integrity of an election, or using social media to express doubt that the new non-Election-Day balloting was on the up-and-up, or supposedly overvaluing his real estate.
The Biden family’s decade-long family grifting will likely expose Joe Biden as the first president in U.S. history who fitted precisely the Constitution’s definition of impeachment and removal—given his “high crimes and misdemeanors” appear “bribery”-related. If further evidence shows he altered U.S. foreign policy in accordance with the wishes from his benefactors in Ukraine, China, or Romania, then he committed constitutionally-defined “treason” as well.
Defunding the police, and pandemics of exempted looting, shoplifting, smashing, and grabbing, and carjacking merit no administrative attention. Nor does the ongoing systematic destruction of our blue bicoastal cities, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. All that, along with the disasters in East Palestine or Maui are out of sight, out of mind from a day at the beach at Biden’s mysteriously purchased nearly 6,000 square-foot beachfront mansion.
Biden ran on Barack Obama-like 2004 rhetoric (“Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America).”
And like Obama, he used that ecumenical sophistry to gain office only to divide further the U.S. No sooner than he was elected, we began hearing from the great unifier eerie screaming harangues about “semi-fascists” and “ultra-MAGA” dangerous zealots, replete with red-and black Phantom of the Opera backdrops.
What followed the unifying rhetoric was often amnesties and exemptions for violent offenders during the 120 days of rioting, looting, killing, and attacks on police officers in summer 2020.  In contrast, his administration lied when it alleged that numerous officers had died at the hands of the January 6 rioters. In addition, the Biden administration mandated long-term incarceration of many who committed no illegal act other than acting like buffoons and “illegally parading.”
The message was exemptions for torching a federal courthouse, a police precinct, or historic church or attempting to break into the White House grounds to get a president and his family—but long prison terms for wearing cow horns, a fur vest, and trespassing peacefully like a lost fool in the Capitol.
Finally, Biden’s most glaring failure was simply being unpresidential. He snaps at reporters, and shouts at importune times. He can no longer read off a big-print teleprompter. Even before a global audience, he cannot kick his lifelong creepy habit of turkey-gobbling on children necks, blowing into their ears and hair of young girls, and squeezing women far too long and far too hard.
His frailty redefined American presidential campaigning as basement seclusion and outsourcing propaganda to the media. And his disabilities only intensified during his presidency. Biden begins his day late and quits early. He has recalibrated the presidency as a 5-hour, 3-day a week job.
If Trump was the great exaggerator, Biden is our foremost liar. Little in his biography can be fully believed. He lies about everything from his train rides to the death of his son to his relationship with Biden-family foreign collaborators, to vaccinations to the economy. Anytime Biden mentions places visited, miles flown, or rails ridden, he is likely lying.
Biden continues with impunity because the media feels that a mentally challenged fabulist is preferable to Donald Trump and so contextualizes or ignores his falsehoods. Never has a U.S. president fallen and stumbled or gotten lost on stage so frequently—or been a single small trip away from incapacity.
So, yes, Biden’s initiatives have succeeded only in the sense of becoming successfully enacted—and therefore nearly destroying the country.
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wistfulcynic · 7 months
the inn is a metaphor
They are terrible at running an inn. 
In the beginning. 
They don’t know the first goddamn thing about the hospitality industry. Or carpentry, plumbing, invoicing, logistics. Anything, really. They know nothing. 
They learn. 
There’s a lot of trial, even more error. But by the first time the Revenge returns for a visit they have something. A roof that doesn’t leak. Un-rotted floorboards. Nooks and crannies free from feral beasts of any kind. Zero spiders. Twin armchairs in front of the fire and a bed just big enough for the two of them. It’s a start. 
The Revenge comes bearing gifts. Wee John has knitted them some afghans and Frenchie sewed an enormous quilt, which takes pride of place on the bed. They’ve towed in another ship as well, a wreck whose timber they all pitch in to rebuild into an extension and some outbuildings. Roach helps them plant a kitchen garden and a medicinal one. 
Jackie gives them business advice and contacts for her old suppliers. Lucius has a guestbook for them, with marginalia he drew himself. Some of it at least is appropriate for guests to see. The rest…
“Are you planning to have guests who’ll faint at the sight of a cock?” Lucius inquires innocently. “Because I’ll be honest with you, that seems unlikely.” 
The idea of guests of any kind is still a long way off, but they’re getting there. They can envision it now, and not just as a wild fantasy they spin each other at night as they lie entwined with sweat cooling on their skin. They have actual plans, concrete ones, and a decent understanding of how to realise them. 
They get to work. 
Jackie’s contacts prove invaluable. Soon they have a liquor supplier, deals with local butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers, and even a reliable fisherman to give them first dibs on his haul. 
(It’s not Pop-Pop.) 
A few survivors of Zheng’s old crew hire on as housekeeping and kitchen staff. The soup is phenomenal. Ed learns how to make it and how to cook a fish without burning it. They have fresh-smelling towels, expertly folded. They have guest rooms, and soon they have guests. 
It’s an adjustment, having new people in their space. Some of the guests are gawkers, eager for a piece of Blackbeard and the Gentleman Pirate. They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, namely those particular assholes. But other guests are much more pleasant. Locals looking for a bit of a mini-break, people from nearby islands wanting a getaway, even the occasional European who doesn’t know who they are. 
The guests are mostly happy with their stay. There’s excellent soup and decent fish, fresh linens and great views. The walls could be a bit thicker, perhaps, for everyone’s comfort, but the hosts are always most apologetic in the morning and offer copious marmalade in exchange for good reviews. 
The Revenge returns frequently, each time with some new trinkets and finery for their former co-captains. In exchange, they host bonfires on the beach with music and dancing and wine, until they all fall asleep together in a pile, so like the old days on the ship that Stede watches them in the soft light of the embers with tears in his eyes. 
“All right, love?” Ed asks him. He slips an arm around Stede’s waist. Stede tugs him in until Ed’s head is nestled against his shoulder. He strokes Ed’s hair. Ed sighs and snuggles closer. 
“I’m all right,” Stede says. “A bit nostalgic is all.” 
“You miss it.” 
“I miss the crew. I wish they could visit more often. I suppose I miss the sea, though of course it’s right there in front of us. But I’m happy, Ed. I have no regrets.” 
“Really?” The whisper of doubt in Ed’s voice has Stede pulling back to look down at his dear face. 
“Yes really! Do you doubt it?” 
“Kind of.” Ed shrugs. “It’s easier for me, I think. I was ready to be done with it, Stede. Desperate to do anything else but be Blackbeard. But you—you had just got started. You could be out there now with the crew, pirating away. You could be famous. You could—” 
“Ed Teach, you listen to me.” Stede’s got his Captain Voice on now and the sound of it has Ed’s stomach turning cartwheels, his dick leaping to attention. “I don’t care about any of that. I only wanted to be a pirate for the freedom. To escape my old life. But I have a life now that I would never want to escape. Do you know why?” 
Ed shakes his head. 
“Because I chose it. I chose you. I love you and I would be happy anywhere you were.” He cups Ed’s cheek in his palm and kisses his forehead, his nose, his lips. Ed moans and presses closer but Stede pulls back, just far enough to whisper, “You make Stede happy.” 
They spend that night alone in the inn, no guests, far enough from the beach that when they serve breakfast to the crew the next morning not a single smirk or smart remark is sent their way. 
They wave goodbye to their friends that evening and stand together on their porch to watch the ship sail off into the sunset. Stede turns to Ed with a smile. “New guests checking in tomorrow,” he says. “We should probably fix the creak in the door hinge of Room 1.” 
“I’ll do it,” says Ed, “if you polish the candlesticks. Fuckin’ polish makes my nose itch.” 
“Deal,” says Stede. He turns to head inside. “What’ll we have for dinner?” 
“Got a nice turbot we could roast.” 
“Ooh, fab.” 
The inn’s front door closes behind them. 
It’s still a bit rickety, their inn. It’s old, it creaks, it springs leaks from time to time. It’s hard work, keeping it going. But they are devoted to the task. Whatever it takes, they will see their inn thrive. 
It’s what makes them happy. 
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s-u-w-i · 1 year
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And here goes the last batch! 😌 Thanks everyone for bearing with me and sorry to everyone whose requests I didn’t manage to do, there is too many dog breed in the world! Originals again for purchase (also I’ll keep you updated about the postcards and booklet!) ✨
Afghan Hound, Australian Cattle Dog and Xoloitzcuintle left! And there are still a few left in some of the previous bunches, so check it out! 30USD is the minimal price (shipping included). All the earnings will be sent to a charity, partly to help abandoned people and partly to abandoned dogs. 🐕 Anyone eager to adopt one of the dogs message me here or at [email protected]
Thank you!   
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aromanticbuck · 5 months
Crochet Commissions!
For those who don't know me, I'm Alex (she/they), and I started the year off with Covid. Because I had to take two weeks off work, I'm really hurting for money right now, so I'm opening up a limited number of slots for crochet commissions to try to fill in that financial gap.
ALL of the materials I use are machine washer/dryer safe
Pictures of my recent work and prices are below. Including: stuffed animals, dice bags, holiday stockings, blankets. As well as: shipping info, custom request info.
For further questions or to request a commission: message me here or email me at [email protected]
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When I did my poll, most people voted for stuffed animals, and I recently finished a few that I can show my skills with. The blue penguin is my latest finished piece, with the purple penguin the first thing I ever crocheted side-by-side for comparison of how much I've learned in the last ~7 months. The mouse is technically unfinished because the eyes aren't embroidered yet, but I made it in about a day and a half, for timeline purposes.
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I also just finished the above dice bag octopus about an hour ago for my roommate, which took about three hours of non-stop work (I turned on a movie and got through the stitches pretty quick). I can make them in any color you want, with either the plastic safety eyes or embroidered eyes. Most of these can be entirely customizable, just let me know what you're thinking and I'll see what I can do!
Dice bags: $10 + $5 domestic (US) shipping Stuffed animals: $15 + $5 domestic (US) shipping optional crinkle filling (washer/dryer safe): + $2 (stuffed animals only)
10 slots total (4 REMAINING)
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I don't have any pictures of any of the hats or scarves I've made because it's been a few years, but I made some stockings for the apartment for Christmas last month, and that's one of my most recent projects. The green one was the last one I made, and probably the most accurate to what my capabilities are now.
If you'd like a stocking for Christmas 2024, let me know! I have an unlimited number of slots for them as the holiday is far enough away that the time crunch isn't so rough.
Hats: $20 + $5 domestic (US) shipping Scarves: $30 + $5 domestic (US) shipping Holiday stocking: $24 + $5 domestic (US) shipping
5 total wearable (hats/scarves) slots
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The least popular item in my poll was the blankets, which I understand. And I'm only going to open one slot for them at a time because they take so long and so much yarn to make. The wave pattern (both blankets pictured above) is my favorite to do, but I have patterns for most simple designs, or I can likely easily google it and put it together for you. Prices are based on the time and materials these take to make, but because they're so much more expensive than the smaller items above, domestic (US) shipping is free.
Baby blanket (top left): $50 Throw blanket/afghan: $100 Full size (length shown in bottom picture): $200
1 blanket slot (0 REMAINING)
Custom requests:
If there's a pattern you've found on Etsy/Pinterest/etc that you want made, contact me by using the contact information above. We can discuss prices or my ability to accomplish that for you. ***patterns must be CROCHET patterns as I do not knit (yet)*** 5 custom slots total
International shipping:
Let me know when you request a commission where you are located, as shipping prices vary wildly from country to country. I'll go over the actual cost with you before you commit to the commission and make sure the price works for both of us.
Current open slots:
Stuffed animals and dice bags: 1. [FILLED] 2. [FILLED] 3. [FILLED] 4. [FILLED] 5. [FILLED] 6. [FILLED] 7. [OPEN] 8. [OPEN] 9. [OPEN] 10. [OPEN]
Wearables: 1. [OPEN] 2. [OPEN] 3. [OPEN] 4. [OPEN] 5. [OPEN]
Stockings: [NO LIMIT]
Blankets: 1. [FILLED]
Custom requests: 1. [OPEN] 2. [OPEN] 3. [OPEN] 4. [OPEN] 5. [OPEN]
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sumerianlanguage · 5 months
Not a vocabulary ask 😅 but I was wondering if lapis lazuli had a special significance for the Sumerians? I remember reading a translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the stone pops up in relation to the divine a bit. Or is it simply that lapis lazuli was the gemstone they prized the most?
Hello! Lapis lazuli features frequently in Sumerian literature and appears in many Mesopotamian archaeological sites.
The lapis used in Mesopotamia is one of the clearest pieces of evidence for long-distance trade in that era, given that Mesopotamian lapis comes from mines in what is now northeastern Afghanistan; Afghan lapis has been found as far as Egypt and Mycenae(1,2) but by far the most has been excavated in Mesopotamia.(3) And the decline in frequency of lapis objects in Mesopotamian sites starting in the early second millennium BCE coincides with the breakdown of these networks,(1) contemporaneous with the decline of the Indus Valley civilization that was a major trading partner of Sumer and later Akkad.
In terms of associations, lapis lazuli's main connotation was wealth - possession of a lapis object was only available to the very wealthiest in Sumer, or for use in temples. Most objects from the Sumerian era made of lapis are small, like the eyes inlaid in larger sculptures, or small amulets or trinkets.(1) This is because "lapis lazuli was shipped from Iran to Meso­potamia in the form of small blocks or semi-processed masses."(2) So references to large lapis objects, like Inanna's lapis lazuli chariot that she offers to Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh, show their fantastical nature, beyond the scope of what one could actually see in contemporaneous Mesopotamia. Who could be richer than a goddess?
The Bull of Heaven, also featured in Tablet VI, has horns "each [of which] was thirty pounds of pure lapis lazuli / and their cases were two fingers thick" (VI.161-62, Helle (2021) translation), an unimaginable bounty, while also showing the other major symbolism of lapis - the sky. Its blue was associated with the heavens, and the flecks of gold often referred to in literature as embedded in the lapis were the sunlight that shines through it.(1) So it's only appropriate for a heavenly bull to have humongous lapis horns.
For more on lapis in ancient Mesopotamia, see (1) Moorey 1994: 85-91; for how lapis was mined in ancient Afghanistan, including photos & maps, see (2) Tosi & Piperino 1973; and for more on the lapis trade, see (3) Hermann 1968.
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afghanlogistics01 · 2 years
Are you looking for Shipping & Logistics Companies in Kabul, Afghanistan? - Logistan
  We at Logistan are proud of the diversity of shipping we can send to Afghanistan. We offer shipping services to people and businesses all over the world. You may rely on our dependable, knowledgeable team to collaborate with you to make sure that your freight and cargo arrive in Afghanistan on schedule and in good condition. 
Our staff members are very skilled in navigating cross-border restrictions and offering customers the most pragmatic and economical solutions. Whether it is the transportation of humanitarian aid, ordinary Afghan commercial cargo, or project freight for Afghanistan's reconstruction, we are prepared to handle any logistical needs.
 Best Shipping Companies in Afghanistan
We offer all logistical services to our clients at affordable prices, including paperwork, land cargo, air cargo, and freight forwarding companies in Afghanistan. With our own fleet of trucks, Logistan offers cargo transportation and freight services to virtually any location in Afghanistan. We at Logistan are proud to be able to provide dependable and economical freight shipping to Afghanistan. You can rely on Logistan whether you're seeking for container shipment to Afghanistan, air Shipping Companies in Afghanistan, ocean shipping to Afghanistan, or any other international freight shipping alternatives.We are the Top List of Logistics Companies in Afghanistan.
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Our company is supported by a group of energetic, devoted, and young employees that make sure that shipments are delivered on schedule and to the complete satisfaction of our customers. Our main office is located in Kabul, and we also have branches there as well as in Mazar, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Shirkhan Bandar, and Hairaton, to name a few.
Excellent Logistics Companies in Afghanistan
Logistan offer all Logistics Companies in Afghanistan to our clients at cost-effective rates, including freight forwarding, logistics companies in afghanistan paperwork, warehousing, insurance, security escort, and land/air cargo.
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Our Range of Services:
Air Freight Forwarding
Inbound & Outbound
Door to Door
Door to Airport
Sea Freight Forwarding
LCL, Full containers, General Cargo
Inbound & Outbound
Multi-modal Transport
Overland Trucking Transportation
Reefer Trailers, Trailers,
Low Bed, Heavy Lift
Equipment provision
‎Low Bed in different configurations
‎Cranes (starting from 10 up to 80 tons)
Customs Clearance & Documentations
General Cargo Customs Clearance
Tax Exemption (Maafinama)
Imports/Export paperwork
Additional General services in Afghanistan:
Consolidation Service from Afghanistan to worldwide
Warehousing & Distribution Facilities in Afghanistan
Transit Container / Cargo Service
Air & Sea Freight Service
In-land Transportation of General & Containerized cargoes
Break-Bulk Cargo moving to Afghanistan
Arranging Transit Permit
Custom Clearance at Cross Border Points.
Tracking of shipments using satellite phones and Satellite Tracking Facility
Movement of Sensitive Cargo under APPF Escort
Handling of Special Project
Specialized in handling of Special Equipment
For more details visit our website: Logistics Companies in Afghanistan
Contact: +93 79 444 4493
Address: Shar-e-Now, Haji Yaqoob Square, Kabul, Afghanistan
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logistan · 2 years
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Afghan Shipping is a leading Freight Forwarding Companies in Afghanistan. We specialize in inbound Afghan Shipping from Asia to Afghanistan. Logistan is a domestic and international List Of Logistics, Shipping Companies in Kabul, Afghanistan that focuses on Afghan Logistics delivering absolute reliable services.
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The Afghan Hound CEO And His Foxy Businesswoman 🐶♥️🦊
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Self ship art of Himuro x Vixen (my Aggretsuko s/i) because I love this Afghan Hound from Aggretsuko so much.
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fgisolutions · 1 year
Shipping to Afghanistan
Need assistance with Shipping to Afghanistan? Contact FGi Solutions! We are an ISO 9001: 2015 certified company that offers robust logistical solutions to all clients. For any queries, give us a phone call at +93 787 900008! https://fgisolutions.wordpress.com/2022/12/05/benefits-of-heavy-equipment-rental-companies/
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steampunkforever · 2 months
Every now and then I play a game in my head called "How would you win 9/11?" Not in the Mark Wahlberg sort of way but from the perspective of "if I were not a neocon ghoul, how would I handle this and avoid/postpone the sandbox forever war?"
Hard mode: Bin Laden has to still escape the battle of Tora Bora alive.
Extreme mode: you still have to invade Iraq at the behest of Reagan Era advisors still mad about Iran 30 years ago.
Easy mode I would just play the PR machine hard with the launch of Enduring Freedom. Like Panama, I'd hit hard and all at once with a coordinated force. The American people would need blood quick, and looking like a strong president is imperative for your first term, especially after such a hit to the American Ego.
Definitely approving the Ranger battalion's deployment to Tora Bora is the best path here, but the key is to pull out just as fast as we went in once we get our guy. Keep it feeling fresh, like Panama or Desert Storm. Afghanistan frankly has very little advantages for any army (according to most imperialist conquests of the area) so leave the government to the people that live there. The important part is that Americans feel that NYC has been avenged.
Hard mode means you don't get Bin Laden til 2011 as per current day, and therefore need to do a bit more cleanup during enduring freedom. Frankly my methodology here isn't much different than the current US anti-terror doctrine of airstrikes and deploying elite squads for night raids.
When you're fighting an asymmetrical war, using small units and remote explosions to hit key points (putting the "terrorism" in "counterterrorism") and match guerrilla fighters both costs less and beats the bad publicity of shipping corpses not old enough to drink home in flag wrapped caskets.
A low-impact campaign (read: less of a full on occupation) like this with US logistical support (and the input of people who're actually experts in Afghan geopolitics) would hopefully allow the US to avoid the protracted war with the insurgency that lasted literally 20 years and ended with the Taliban stronger than ever. Give it a couple years, call it a success, and hunt down the big guy until you get him in 2011.
Extreme mode isn't ideal (We shouldn't have been in iraq) but putting Bremer in control was really the nail in the coffin. I would demote him to janitor and find someone who understood the situation instead. Why build a highway next to an existing road? The obvious way to rebuild a country you bombed into fine gravel is to take advantage of the infrastructure you left behind.
I personally would've avoided treating Ba'athism like we could just denazify iraq, and rather pull key leadership and left the rest relatively intact so as to better rebuild the country. Allowing the military to remain standing (and in fact work as a method of reconstruction) and set up a client state that could keep Iran on its toes, sort of like how Iraq was before Desert Storm. Which still wouldn't be ideal but at least we'd significantly lower the chances of outright spawning ISIS through American cultural and administrative incompetence. There are no good imperialist wars but there are ways to not completely bungle it too.
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crochetmelovely · 5 months
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The newest custom order is done and off to it's forever home! Always fun to make custom blankets. And I always appreciate the extra business! 💫🥹😊
Check out the tiktok here!
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