#Also wanted to make a seperate post for this but too many updates already for today but
flops · 1 year
also painful ear today yeah it was super bad like needle pricking painful bad but i took ibuprofen and it has been fine since than so fingers crossed ?
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Happy Wife, Happy Life.
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Hantengu clones x Fem!Reader [Yandere-Angst-Fluff]
Part one.
Dividers by Saradika
Dividers by Saradika
Synopsis: Another punishment causes her to finally go cold with her 'beloveds'. They finally know what has been bubbling up inside of her after the many harsh punishments given to her.
Warnings: Possessiveness (duh), gaslighting(?), manipulation, coddling, isolation, monophobia, stalking, reader loses her shit at them, ANGST, more suffering! :D
Requested by: luvcOree
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Ps: I didn't notice that my tumblr auto updated and I had saved this on schedule only to find out that I couldn't edit it, so I had to delete the whole thing and rewrite it only to find out later that you could edit the post 😭 so that's why I have to reset to this- I'M SORRY
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Y/N inhaled deeply before timidly asking him the question. "May I go spend some time with my family for today? I promise I'll be home early! I just... want to see them. It's been too long..." To Y/N, this was nothing more than a simple request and perhaps even a reward for having been the obedient wife they wanted and giving them all an equal amount of attention, keeping them all satisfied. To the Hantengus however, this was a question they all dreaded. Their dear wife asking to go outside, even more so to visit someone? What was wrong with staying home? They provide her with everything she needs, get her everything she asks for one way or another. What more does she want? Cowardly as the demon may be, he could not let his dear go. Not the one who he knows believes in his innocence. Not the one he needs. "N.. No... You can't! W-What if you get hurt and.. and I'm not... there?" "But it's just my family! I'll just be there for today and nowhere else! Please, let me go visit them!" But the wife was desperate. She doesn't ask much of neither him or the clones, much less Zohakuten, who she knows is more strict and harsh. Y/N does as she is told, stays home where she is safe and gives them attention.
If they wouldn't let her see them once, then she'll go herself with or without their permission.
Even Urami and Zohakuten on the rare occasions they reveal themselves. Y/N is a good wife, never asks for anything, but this time, she was desperate. She even said that she'll be home before dusk. But the husbands, they disagree. She cannot leave. She'd be out of their sights, vulnerable, in danger. They cannot risk their lovely wife dying, the risk is too grave. "No! You c-cannot go! You'll... You'll get hurt!" What would he do without her? What they do without her? All he would offer is to stay home and spend some time with him which she reluctantly agreed to. Y/N wasn't happy. She could never be happy. Her family! She needs to see them at least once after having left without much of a valid explanation.This morning was no different from the others except for a little bit of harsh weather. Y/N was simply cooking for herself while also being deep in thought. She's been thinking about her family for some time now, especially her sibling. She's been missing her mother and father dearly and it's been eating up at her for too long, she can't take it anymore. After having finished making herself her meal, the woman took a deep, nervous breath and left for the dark room her husbands stayed during daytime.
Walking up the stairs, Y/N was certain that they had already heard her since she was in the kitchen and by the time she arrived, they were all in the darkest corners of the room, or in this case, he was. "Dear?" He was quick to flinch at the mere sound of her voice, but that was just him in general which did not surprise Y/N in the slightest. Hantengu, the main body of the clones, was currently the only one present due to the clones not being seperated. They often stayed merged together with Hantengu to avoid the sun and only revealed themselves at night. This gave Hantengu time to spend with her since his clones would all simply want her attention to themselves (if you like the clones, love him too beuz they're all the same person). "Y.. Yes?" The demon answered timidly to his wife as she entered the room, closing the shōji door behind her.
For the entire day until dark, Y/N was with Hantengu and didn't really do much. She did have some surprisingly pleasant conversations (and with his constant complaining of the evil around him and that he is an innocent demon), cuddled with him the same way she would with the clones, took a day nap and so on. However, while she was a sweet and loving wife towards him, she was waiting for him to leave in search for humans to eat and to find the Blue Spider Lily for his master. Soon, evening would arrive and Hantengu would go out for his hunt and mission leaving Y/N alone until he would return. She watched him shrink and leave through the dark forest of where their shared home is located. When she was sure she was alone, she too would leave. Y/N would pack her delicious sweets for her parents and sibling before then leaving her home.
After almost forty five minutes of travelling by foot, Y/N finally made it to the home of her parents. luckily for her, her sibling was there as well. Running up to the door excitedly, Y/N knocked and waited for one of her family members to open for her. Eventually, all would go as she had hoped. Y/N managed to see her parents after so long, caught up with her sibling and would finally be able to spend some time with them after not having seen them in so long. She laughed, she conversed, she cooked with her father/ mother, played with her sibling like children once more knowing that Hantengu would return at midnight. But that wasn't the case this time.
The clones were beyond furious that their wife was not where they had left her. They were all lucky enough to have returned home early after successfully killing demon slayers and humans, but another unsuccessful scavenge for the Blue Spider Lily. The entire ordeal had left them all irritated as usual and they simply wanted to be comforted by the loving embrace of their betrothed only to find out that she wasn't there. Sekido yelled and threw a fit, as expected from the clone of anger, and in a desperate attempt to have her back, he forcefully fused. The only reasons the others did not have a problem with Sekido's rather daring stunt is of course for none other than Y/N. Once Zohakuten was formed and Urami had revealed himself, both clones immediately went for the search of their beloved wife. They immediately knew where she was anyways and she would return by choice or by force.
"Sweet thing... You've disappointed me."
Both clones watched from afar as Y/N laughed loudly with a person who they assume is their sibling. Neither of them could believe she would ever do such a thing despite having been told that she wasn't allowed to go! Both would soon close in on the home of where she was, but would keep their distance. Zohakuten would hit one of his drums and would command one of his wooden dragon heads to close in and for Y/N to return. He was still quite furious at the fact that she left despite having been told not to and Urami even more so. It wouldn't be long before Y/N noticed a strange piece of wood moving and eventually realise who it was. Soon, she would bid her family farewell and leave as they hoped she would. Without wasting any more time, she went to the forested area where Urami and Zohakuten stood and would timidly approach. Zohakuten gave her a steely glare and simply pointed towards his wooden dragon head while Urami would already begin his scolding. "How dare you leave! You had us all worried sick! Did we not tell you that you could not visit your family? You could've gotten hurt or worse! Do you know how much it would've broken us if you did?" That is all she heard until she arrived home.
Urami carried her inside and placed her down before shrinking back to Hantengu, who began to bawl his eyes out. Zohakuten eyed Hantengu for a moment with pity before returning his intimidating gaze back to her. "How dare you leave me, woman. Have you no shame? I thought you were hurt!" Zohakuten continued to go off angrily at Y/N, blaming her for his anxiety and worry. Being the foul-mouthed boy he is, he cursed in his sentences. "You ungrateful wench! This time, punishment will be longer and harsher! You want to disobey me? Fine! I've been too lenient with your behavior!" Said the boy while dragging her by the wrist to the solitary room. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to-" "Silence! I won't hear it!" The door to her punishment once again opened as Zohakuten then so rudely shoved her into the room, this time without a candle before slamming and locking the door shut. "No... No!" Begging would get her nowhere. Not this time.
"When we tell you something, you listen. You will regret disobeying us."
"My little songbird, I thought we had an agreement!"
"... Perhaps a harsher treatment shall remind you not to disobey us again, dewdrop."
And it starts again.
But she didn't beg this time. Perhaps a few tears, but Y/N didn't beg nor did she scream or cry. It dawned on her that perhaps they truly don't care for her feelings and only their own. Perhaps they are selfish monsters who only want to hurt her for their own amusement. At least, that's what their wife began to think. Y/N dragged her futon to the corner and made herself comfortable (as comfortable as she could get in a cold, dark and solitary room), simply staring up at the ceiling in the pitch black room deep in thought of the husbands she loved so much. Before long, the woman fell asleep with a new hatred for her husbands.
The punishment went on for three days instead of the usual two hours. Three entire days of no social interaction, not a word from them and almost no food or water as well. The clones truly did consider depriving her of human necessities, but Urogi had convinced them to be more merciful on their poor wife, having convinced them that she would learn her lesson.
The end of her punishment had arrived. It was over and the clones couldn't wait to hear her say that she had learned her lesson. That she would be a good wife and admit that she will be home where it's safe. That she'll apologise for her misbehaviour. But no, that's not what happened. The clones were absolutely shocked at her behavior when they finally let her out of the room. She was irritable, scornful and suddenly sharp-tongued almost as if someone had flipped a switch and changed her personality entirely. She didn't even want to be in his same room as them, much less have them look at her. Even Sekido began trying the gentle treatment to get closer to her, but that didn't work. "Dewdrop... What happened to her... This isn't the woman I married..." Aizetsu's sapphire coloured eyes began tearing up as he thought of her disrespectful behavior. Y/N would spout hurtful comments at them and express her hatred towards them as if they had hurt her in some way and Aizetsu, he hated that very much. It made him quite sad.
"How dare she speak to us that way!" Sekido growled angrily while thinking of her new behavior towards them. Karaku and Urogi stayed mostly silent about the situation, thinking of what could've happened for her to act like this (hm, I wonder why). They would all continue to discuss among themselves, trying to figure out a way to get closer to her without being met with scorn. "It doesn't matter if either three of us say it, she won't believe us. She'll just shove us away and continue with this." Urogi argues while looking at Sekido. It is true, any apology from either Karaku or Urogi would sound fake and from Aizetsu would sound merely like something to ease her hard feelings. "He's right, you know..." Karaku mumbles quietly while playing around with his uchiwa. Aizetsu knew Sekido would have a huge problem with apologising since he finds it pathetic for someone such as himself, and considering the emotion he is, he would absolutely refuse due to his pride and brash personality. "I already told you fools, I'm not going to apologise!" "Then how do you want her to trust us again, Sekido? If we want our dear back, we have to apologise." Said the relaxed clone in a rather stern tone. Karaku would be the last clone to ever speak in such a stern and serious tone due to his mischievous behavior, but there were times even he knew when it was needed.
There was no one like you. Not in their demented eyes.
He got up from where he said and got face-to-face with his older self, staring at him with a blank expression. "You do it. You'd be the most convincing out of all of us. That or we risk losing her, because then, we'd have to move to measures that we would all like to avoid for her sake." Sekido knew exactly what Karaku meant, he wasn't stupid. If they let her continue this, she would grow more reckless and rebellious, and they couldn't risk that. The vexed clone huffed reluctantly, acknowledging the fact that what his clone stated was indeed correct. He, out of every clone, is least likely to apologise and admit that he was wrong. It's a rather stupid solution in his eyes, but the one that they've come up with currently and they will act on it.So, with a deep breath and some preparation from his clone brethren, he walks to the room where his lovely wife is to apologise.
"Y/N-" "You again? I told you not to even look at me, you disgusting demon!" Those hurtful comments irked him, yes, but if he wanted to get on her good side again, he would have to swallow his pride and apologise like a mature adult. "What do you want from me? Just looking at your hellish eyes makes me sick! How did I even fall in love with you?" Her crude comments continue to flow freely and uncensored as if he were a mere stranger to her. The woman didn't even give him a chance to speak which led him to approach her in the blink of an eye, gripping her shoulders tightly. "Will you let me speak, woman?" Sekido asked and as usual, his snappy tone seemed to slip through. This did not come off well to the wife, as she merely continued to berate him and his clones. Finally, Sekido lost it and yelled at her, shutting her up for the moment. "LISTEN TO ME. I..."
It was a struggle trying to utter those embarrassing words. A demon doesn't apologise, much less an Upper Moon! How dare she make him seem like a fool! How dare she make him be so- so... so weak! This wasn't how things were supposed to be! But... Sekido will play nice, for now, suck it up and apologise. "I'm... sor... I..." Sekido huffs again while interally cursing at himself for being so pathetic. ["It's just a damn sentence...!"] His monstrous grip tightens, but he remembers to tone it down for her fragile human body. After almost a minute of struggling to get out a simple sentence, Sekido does it. It was the simple thought of Y/N leaving him that pushed him to do so. What would they do without her? Who would calm him down when he would have one of his rage fits? Who would Karaku tell his hunts and mission to? Who would keep Aizetsu from sulking? Who would preen Urogi's wings? Who would love him?
"I'm sorry."
Her expression immediately went from annoyed and hateful to shocked and confused. Sekido apologising? What possessed him to do such a 'shameful' act? "I... Understand that what we did to you was too far... My dear wife." It was rough at first, but soon, the words flowed out flawlessly. "My dear wife, I apologise for my and Zohakuten's brash behavior. In a moment of desperation I lost my composure and did not realise what the consequences of my actions would lead to." It was pathetic, but better to seem like a fool than lose the one thing you cannot live without. But she wouldn't fall for it a second time. "How dare you..." Sekido was understandably surprised. "You think a simple apology would have me running back into your arms like the many, many times before? Have you forgotten what you did to me, Sekido? Have you forgotten the many tears I cried because of my fear?" No, he did not. Did they really think she was going to forget it all just like that? All the torture, the punishment just because they did not see whatever she did that time fit? "How many times have you lied to me? How many times have you guilt tripped me into thinking it was my fault even though it was yours?!" "Y/N I-"
"DON'T interrupt ME while I'm TALKING!!"
It was practically trauma at that point and the clones had no one to blame but themselves. What did they expect? The pain and fear would've caught up eventually.
"I'm afraid of you... I don't love you anymore. I-I..." But even then, does she truly believe her own words? Is she that naive that she truly can't see what is wrong here?
"You put me alone in a room without a single thing but a futon and a chamberstick. You're insane...! All of you know I hate being alone! I'm afraid of being alone!! Do my endless screams and cries, begging and hitting the door entertain any of you?" Y/N hoped it wasn't true, but at this point, she was smart to know it was. Her fear entertained them. They were after all still demons and a human fearing a demon is the greatest sight and feeling a demon can get. "No-" "Don't lie to me..." He knew he needed to tell the truth eventually. "... Yes." The thick streams of tears continued more and more like a raging river crashing down a dam and flowing freely. "Get away from me..."
They can't lose you.
She was in their arms faster than she could blink. "Dewdrop... I'm sorry... Don't leave us... please." The sight of his betrothed's beautiful face stained with tears was enough to shatter Aizetsu. He didn't mean to push her this far. What kind of husband tortures his wife? Oh, how wrong they were. "Songbird, you can do anything but leave. You can scream and yell at us, hit and stab us, we will take it all with grace, but please, I beg of you don't leave. I swear on my lord's name we will be better!" The all clung onto her as if she were their lifeline. They will beg, scream and cry if they must in order to get her to stay. She cannot leave. "I'll never laugh at your tears again, I'll never make you cry. Sweet thing, don't leave. I will get on my knees if I have to..." The woman can put them all on a leash if it meant that she'd stay. They might have been all high and mighty then, but the moment she even hints at leaving for good, suddenly they're her lapdogs. It would crush them if she were to leave for good. They cannot lose that one good feeling not even they can describe. It wasn't joy or pleasure... What it was? They did not know, but it felt too good to be let go and she was the cause of this. Neither dignity or pride was no longer of importance to them, only Y/N was.
"You can put me on a leash and I'd say 'Thank you'... Do whatever you want, but you will not leave me." The lengths these psychopaths would go for one woman is near insanity. They were all demented and she was the one person keeping them sane. Possessiveness in a human can only go so far, but a demon is a new thing entirely. Considering their power, they will do what they must for their love, for that one person. They cannot leave, who said they could leave? Some may hurt them and prevent them from doing so, others may become their servants. Whatever works is what they will do. That one person is their entire life. They cannot live without that one person.
"Don't leave me, please."
No, she could never. They had gotten her too far in. She was theirs, she was already claimed by them. Y/N was going nowhere and she accepted that. Horrid as their actions may be, these man-eating demons loved her. They love her.
"I won't."
So it all starts again. Y/N goes back to them, rushing into their arms as they had hoped for. Their arms clung onto to her as if she would disappear if they didn't hold her. They hugged her tightly, not daring to let go of her in fear of her disappearing. They all told her how much they loved her, how they would sell their soul for her to be happy. The clones and their wife cuddled together for the entire night, not daring to let go of her. She was constantly met with kisses, small love bites, licks, whatever, as long as it expressed their love and affection to her.
She wouldn't ever leave them. She was theirs and it was written in stone.
Which still begs the question Sekido had asked last time.
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"... Would you like to bear us a child?"
Yes daddy, I would love for you to breed me.
Ps: I added Zohakuten, because he too is a clone. Yes, he does see reader as his wife, but that doesn't mean he engages in those acts with reader. He loves her too, but only in a romantic sense. He has the physical build of a child, yes, but that doesn't mean it's sexual. Just thought I'd clear it up for you snowflakes out there.
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subwaytostardew · 1 month
Update: One year on the tracks!
It's been a year (and a week) since we first started working on this mod! April 25th is when I first started working on this project! Terrible timing since that's literally the day before my birthday and I'm too busy to make anniversary updates the day of. Thank you everyone following this mod despite how slow we chug along!
If you see the first ever post Thylak did over on his main - you will just see my little comments discovering his work and instantly being like
*Fast excited ADHD typing* I GOT IDEAS.
Rest is history....
We've been hard at work trying to get the mod complete enough for a (still unfinished...) release! It won't have everything we have planned (marriage events, Elesa events, platonic route, roommateable Cilan, etc.) because it would take forever otherwise (we keep getting ideas for additions...)
So many ideas. Sometimes we have to dial it back...... The amount of times events had to be cut down for concision... and we still struggle to keep them under 8 minutes...
1.6 broke a lot, so sorry for the delay in updates! (WHY CA WHY!) We've been having to do a lot of backtracking and behind-the-scenes work. (SO MUCH BACKTRACKING) Pretty much every event broke. I have to resprite all the portraits to match the vanilla-size because HD Portraits is still not updated. The schedules need fixing.
But despite all of that, the station bundles are done! We also redid the house exterior for submas because it was ugly. I did not know how to do pixel art a year ago. Nor did I know how to decorate maps. They have a whole new area off to the side of the Railroad now!
We hot potatoed that map so much. First Thylak would work on it. Then I did. Then back to him...
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Still need to get around to adjusting their schedules to switch their coordinates to the new map when they're working on the Railroad. Previously, they were just pacing around in the various empty areas of the Railroad. Now they have trains.
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The house itself was actually two different structures with a seperate clock tower but then we decided it looked better overlapping the bit of roof peeking out. It's much less flat now.
Submas have a mailbox that adheres to Stardew's perspective.
No longer is the house a cardboard cut out with shading and lighting. LOL (I didn't know how to sprite buildings!!! I put all my effort into Emmet's walk cycle!)
Also speaking of mail boxes... since it been a year; I'm sure all ya'll are curious to how we do our modding, story, etc. We encourage you to hit the mail car button and ask away (so many of you already have) But since it's been a year. Go Crazy.
But I will nip the common asks tho.
Some Common Asks.
"Is this mod SVE (Stardew Valley Expanded) Compatible?"
No.... Unfortunately due to the complexity of both mods. (Ours due to railroad being used. And SVE already expanding on a bunch of stuff) It will just be compatible with vanilla and any mods that does not replace or edit the railroad (majorly).
We did move submas's house over to the side so it won't overlap the farm it adds or impede any space that you want to use the Railroad's empty spots of land for, but it's still very much a "play at your own risk" type of thing. I'm not familiar enough with SVE to code compatibility for it (not familiar at all actually... I don't play the game enough! All my time is spent working on the mod! All I do is stare at google docs and type walls of text! I'm not interested in SVE anyways for personal reasons.)
SVE is infamous in the modding scene since it changes pretty much every map and steps on other mods with incompatibility. I don't want to deal with making two seperate events with the coordinates/movements edited for compatibility. It should be compatible with most other expansion mods like Ridgeside Village or East Scarp since they mostly keep to their seperate areas and not edit things unless necessary (like submas do now)! SVE changes too much to gurantee compatibility and for the sake of my sanity I won't provide it. If it works, great. If it doesn't, pick and choose for that save.
So.. SVE and our mod. Incompatible....
"Release Date?"
Unfortunately it is still undetermined! (Due to our busy schedules.)
(For example - I myself work 2 jobs and currently going through a lot of chaotic life stressors.....)
However, we will make a progress post soon about how much left on our list where we are satisfied with moving onto the next stage of our mod which is.
There's actually not much new content planned until we're ready for initial release, we mostly have a lot of behind the scenes cleanup and backtracking. I still have portraits to do (I took a break... switched off to mapping). Event-wise I want Emmet's 10 heart event to be done and a few station/side events we have in the drafts. We'll need more festival dialogue (since... they don't show up unless if I have stuff for year two for some reason). After that, we get into more fun stuff! Patches!
PATCHES! Oh we love a good mod patch! And we have a lot planned. Meaning there's still more ahead on the tracks!
"Are they romancable?"
Yes. Yes they are. HOWEVER! WE DO SEE YOU AROACE COMMUNITY! And we will be making a route that will be planned in the next comming phase to make them platonic relations as well!
It's the first stop on our intinerary! We'll release the platonic route alongside the marriage event update so there's something for everyone.
We are just following vanilla format at the moment as it is easier coding wise. And also a good place to start planning where the branches are going to happen. Making roomates is a bit more complex... I have to make a custom item for "proposal" much like the void pendant.
I think that covers the common asks... OH!
Also! Since we have released the Joltik Adoption aspect as a separate mod as well as a little fun tease (And test run) - before we actually drop Subway to Stardew. So sorry the event didn't work at first! I was testing on the main expansion mod. Should be fixed now!
We recommended that if you find any JOLTIKS. Scurrying around. Causing trouble. (Aka Bugs.) Please send in an ask! Or head over to Nexus to drop a bug report! It will help iron out some things that we may not be aware about before release!
And when we do release we HIGHLY encourage the bug reports cause it's just two of us... <_< and those Joltiks get into everything! (Doesn't help that THYLAK KEEPS THROWING THEM EVERYWHERE! I find them in my paperwork... and Atwood's bedding.... My poor Phantump. He can't catch a wink without a Joltik scurrying all over the place!)
It's just me doing all the coding (All. Of. It.) so I hope you all can continue to be patient while I work on things! Sorry if I miss some things! We probably won't playtest too extensively before the initial release, so please do report any bugs you find then!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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too-many-rooks · 2 months
Writing procrastination game!
Thanks @lastlymatt for tagging me, I got rambly so I’ll put this under a ‘read more’
Tagging @pigandpepper @known-concepts @countessrivers
1.) what’s the name of one of your wips?
My doc names are usually very boring 95% of the time I finish a fic and think it’s ready to post and realise I need a title. How about ‘Yassen Bedroom Visit’?
2.) Describe a Wip in the format of __+__=__
SCORPIA heir Alex + totally normal kidnapping and drugging in the middle of the night get to safety orienteering exercises = childhood trauma
3.) What tags/warnings will one of your Wips need if you share it?
Forced child seperation?
4.) alternative title to a wip?
I don’t really have alternate titles! Titles tend to come pretty late in the process!
5.) which wip are you most likely to update/finish next?
Probably one of my s3 aus I’ve got brewing, there’s a longer thing I posted the first chapter of today but I also have some one shots, one where Yassen gets wounded fighting off Alex’s enemies and Alex basically has to hold him down to say he cares about him, and another where Yassen comes to chat to him in the middle of the night (while Alex is sleeping) and they catch up.
6.) what is one of your wip’s document title, not what it’s name is but what you have it saved as?
Again, extremely boring. Some examples - ‘Tom/House introduction’, ‘stables’, ‘the ball’, ‘heir apparent 1-9’, ‘hunting’ ‘hostage’ ‘orienteering.’
On reflection, these are very badly organised. But, hey Ho.
7.) post any sentence from your WIP?
Okay this took me forever to decide bc I want to share like, all of my sentences, but here’s a sentence from my SCORPIA heir Alex thing where Yassen just tries to take a day off, but is interrupted by Alex sneaking out of school/the country and mountain his school is on
‘Rubbing his eyes with his forefinger and thumb, he blocked out the little blonde headache sat before him, and sighed, already imagining the state of his email inbox when he got back to his laptop, which he’d sworn would stay folded in its case for the rest of the day.
“And how long ago was this? When should I start expecting panicked calls from your father?”‘
8.) a scrapped idea from your WIP?
Not necessarily a scrapped idea but evidently one I forgot about and rediscovered as I was flicking through google docs - originally a pre-season 3 idea (but could work post s3) where Yassen retires, and decides it’s time for Alex to retire too, even if he doesn’t want to. Very “congratulations you are being adopted! Do not resist.” Meme with Yassen that I’ve seen on here, the bit I’d written was him contemplating the least traumatising way to kidnap him, to make sure they’re a happy family unit post-kidnapping
9.) what’s a story you would love to write but have yet to start?
Alex sees dead people AU - Ian knows, when he dies his ghost becomes bound to Alex, and helps take care of him/watch over him in the field, Alex bumps into Yassen at Point Blanc and immediately recognises the ghost bound to him as his father, especially as he begs the assassin to stop pretending like he can’t hear him for once and let him see his son, to protect him.
10.) how many WIPs are you actively working on?
Four - regency fic, darker Alex s3 au, two other s3 aus I mentioned earlier. Suprised myself by how much of this longer ‘SCORPIA heir’ Alex thing that I’d put off for a while I’ve actually written. That’s one that I really want to finish before I start posting bc I’m bad at doing work without an immediate emotional reward/it’s a longer than anything I’ve written before and I don’t want to give up on it when it’s half published. I had been delaying it till after s3 but maybe time to get to work (will try and finish regency fic first)
11.) is there a scene your struggling to write now?
Oh I mean so many but the most immediate stumbling block is with the regency fic, chapter after this one they go to a ball and that’s almost basically written and so is a lot of the next two chapters but there’s things I need to thread into this chapter that just don’t want to be threaded - I need Alex to start being a bit more suspicious of Yassen, and remember that whole thing about his uncle being murdered now he’s a bit passed the initial princess diaries revelation moment.
I was thinking like Alex waiting up for him on Christmas Eve or something and falls asleep then is woken by Yassen sneaking back in and Alex noticed he’s got blood on his clothes or something and Yassen just shrugs him off and reacts more strictly/authoritatively than he has before. But the scene is a bit sludgy I my mind atm.
12.) Not a question but a second kudos!
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Infatuation P2
Joe Goldberg x Reader x Love Quinn
Warning: Social media stalking and slight manipulation.
Notes: I’m thinking to myself... Why is this fanfic going on for so long? Then I remember this is only Part 2. I’m also going to use this time to state that I reread a lot of what I write and update older posts. If an update severely changes the story, I will make a seperate post about it!
I close and lock the door behind me, set my bag down, and open my phone.
You didn’t have a Facebook profile, but I easily found your Instagram account while searching through Love’s recently tagged posts.
Your name is Y/N L/N and you’re a writer. Bells are ringing in my ears now... you already feel so familiar.
Your account only has 4 posts. Two of which were posted no less than three years ago of a pet goldfish named Watson, the next being seven months ago of your work space. Your most recent post was a top down photo of one of your many scandalous lunches with Love.
From what I’ve gathered, you seem distant from social media. Your account is public, but you don’t actively engage with it. You stand around and allow other people to interact with you first. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you begin a conversation on your own.
You like the attention, but you don’t want to seem like someone who does... Am I getting you right?
Damn it, this is harder than I thought.
It’s Friday.
Love and I are setting the table as we talk. I pretend not to know which side the fork and spoons go, hoping to get Love to place them for me. Maybe I’m just being childish but I think there’s something sweet about her dedication to something so simple.
“Did Forty tell you about his story?” I ask.
“I know what’s on your mind.” Love states bluntly.
What’s on my mind...? Love is on my mind, dinner is on my mind... and in some universe, Forty is on my mind.
“If you wanted to talk about Y/N, you could of just asked.” She continued.
She’s catching on quick.
“I know what Forty told you.” Love gave me a worried look. Her usual worried look, if I may add. I would say this situation is bothering her, but I have the strange feeling that there’s more behind it. “She’s been through a lot. I know you’re probably curious, but I don’t think you should bring it up.”
“Love, it’s not my place to get involved.” Im lying. It definitely is.
“Just behave. Don’t scare her off.”
So you’re coming over to Love’s place and having dinner with her friends and I. Despite what Love has to say, a couple questions can’t possibly hurt.
No, no. Shut up, Joe, Will. Whatever my name is now. Stop thinking. Love wants me to behave and I will. In Love’s words that means don’t dig deeper.
But that only leads me to be more curious on her position with this secret friend of hers. This is the most public Love has been with you, but it’s still too private for my liking.
The doorbell rings and, before I know it, Love’s longtime LA friends are already making themselves comfortable.
Summer and Lucy are discussing something about flowers in the kitchen while Gabe is admiring the furniture.
I lean on the door frame and watch as Love adds some finishing touches to her lemon squares. She’s smiling down at them, a simple act that makes my heart soar.
The doorbell rings again and I’m reminded of you.
Love begins to untie her apron as she steps towards the front door. I follow further behind and watch her swing open the door.
“Welcome! Come inside.” She says before ushering the new guest in. It’s obviously you, you’re the only one who hasn’t arrived yet.
Love takes your coat and quickly shows you around before starting a conversation with her friends.
There were no introductions. You’ve been around these people before.
Summer and Lucy are now sitting on the sofa and Gabe is admiring the view outside the many windows.
You, on the other hand, are drawn to the lovely aromas in the kitchen.
I subtly follow you. Not to make you feel suspicious, I make my way to the cabinets and get myself a glass.
You watched me walk into the room but you’re keeping quiet.
“Hey. You’re Love’s friend, right? I don’t think we’ve met.” I begin. I know you’re not going to say anything unless I start us off, but I’m hoping things will change in the future.
“Ah, yeah. I am.” You reply. You look nervous. I won’t bite.
“My name’s Will.” I extend my hand. Will you take it?
“I’m Y/N.” You extend your hand too and we shake. Your grip is so incredibly light and your hand easily slid across my skin.
“Oh, Love has mentioned you before. She told me you recently moved back to LA. How’re you adjusting?” Im playing it cool, but I’m internally drawn by whatever lotion you used for those dainty hands.
“It’s easier than I thought... Almost feels like I never left.” You smile as you shift around on your feet.
“I recently moved here myself, though I’ve never lived here before like you.” If I open myself up, I’m hoping you’ll do the same.
“Welcome to the city!” I didn’t expect it, but you’re being playful as you extend your arms in a celebratory manner. You’re quick to retract them and cave in on yourself.
Don’t be embarrassed… I like this side of you.
“So, why’d you leave in the first place?”
“Oh— uh.” Huh. For a moment, I wonder if I overstepped my boundaries just as Love had told me specifically not to do.
I almost began to overthink ways to save the conversation but Love walks into the kitchen instead.
She smiles at the both of us.
“Perfect, you two can help me move things to the dining room.”
Dinner was what I had expected it to be.
Everyone talked but nobody directed themselves at you. I would have almost forgotten you were here if it weren’t for the fact that Love and you would exchange whispers while the others talked.
Should I expect you to always steal Love’s attention from now on? It seems to be a reaccuring theme here.
“Will, you work at Anavrin?” You asked out of the blue. Is the wine opening you up?
Love almost seems surprised aswell.
“Uh, yeah. I work at the bookstore.”
“I remember seeing you there.” You set your fork down. “You like books?”
I smile amusingly. “You can say that.”
Love scoots herself into the conversation. “Will and Forty are working on a story together.”
At the sound of Forty’s name, your eagerness to talk slips away. Something isn’t clicking right, and I can’t help but silently watch you slouch back in your seat. You look drained from the simple mention of Forty, and I’m wondering why.
Gabe, someone I entirely forgot was even here, cuts in aswell. “Yeah? How’s that going?”
“It’s what you’d expect.” I reply playfully. Love rests her hand on my knee expectantly and smiles in my direction, but that doesn’t stop me from seeing her do the same to you.
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siren-theories · 4 years
The question of children
Note: ICYMI here is an updated post with all my analysis/thoughts so far.  DIsclaimer: The following includes spoilers of up to and Including Episode 309 “A voice in the dark”. This post was prompted by the following question:
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Thank you very much for sending that one in.  I have to admit that this is a question I have asked myself many times, mainly driven by the parallels of Ben, Ryn and the story of the Pownall massacre. And Episode 308 has given those thoughts new form as they exchanged vows at the end of Episode 308. After all, children quite often follow such vows in human relationships. But children are quite a hassle for a TV show. Child actors are problematic to work with and once they exist, they often only waste screentime while bringing very little to the plot. And as they grow up, there is the question of time - having child actors more or less forces the show to use time in a linear manner as the child actors grow up. Though Siren already left itself a loophole with Hope and her growth spurts, this is still problematic for a show that has covered a period as short as a few months in three seasons. (I really need to update the timeline post soonish). 
  A). Can they actually have a child together?
We know that Sirens and humans can have children together as evidenced by the whole existence of Helen and the hybrid cult. 
However, we do know that Ryn has struggled with fertility issues before, which was a major plot point of the later half of Season 2. I do believe however that the fertility problems were mostly related to the males of her species. As the tests showed in Episode 213 “The Outpost” there was nothing wrong with Ryn herself 
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(Leave it to the always body-positive Ryn to be proud of such a fact). 
And as soon as they could isolate viable sperm from the male, fertilization of her eggs was no issue at all in Episode 215. Biologically, there should be nothing preventing her and Ben having a Baby.
B). Will they have a child together?
With Ryn was not being in her mating drive during the recent episodes, we probably can rule out any pregnancy as a result of those scenes OP mentioned (unless her change into a human has progressed much further in those episodes, which is possible but IMO very unlikely). However, what happens when her next mating drive occurs? I think this can be safely answered within the context of the previous scenes in the show. There were multiple scenes in Episode 213 where both Ben and Ryn clearly exhibited signs of wanting to have children with each other and one scene in particular where they both had to force themselves not to do so within that episode.
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And in 308 Ryn clearly states her wish for having a family with him, during the kitchen table discussion.
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Ryn: “I will live on Land. With you.” Ben: “On land. You mean, stay human?” Ryn: “Yes. Here. Together. Human.” Ben: “What about Hope?” Ryn: “She can be with us. As a family.” Ben: “I can’t ask you to do that.” Ryn: “It is my choice. When it is time, I will be human with you.”
After figuring IVF works there is also no reason for Ryn to have more pureblood children just for the sake of her species considering there are plenty of willing alternative candidates (this would also be much better for the future genepool of her tribe).
So therefore, I do believe there is a high chance of them having more children, possibly as soon as Ryns mating drive kicks in again. By now you probably already figured out what the persistent qualifier “more” is referring to. I believe that for all intents and purposes they already have a child together - Hope.
C) Hope as their first child
While Ben is not the biological father, this is no hindrance to Hope being their first child. After all, under the law of many first-world nations Ryn would also not be considered the biological mother since she did not conceive Hope, nor did she carry or give birth to Hope.
Siren is no stranger to these constellations - after all, the best father figure in the whole series, Dale Bishop, is Maddie’s stepfather.
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(Sidenote: Contrast how awesome Dale is as a father with Ben’s parents and Maddie’s mother. The show makes the point very early and very often that biological relations are not what determines who your “real” parents are,)
And for all intents and story-telling purposes, Ryn intends for Ben to be Hope’s father. This was signalled multiple times this season, even as early as Episode 305 and seems to be a role Ben wants to take up as well. 
In Episode 305, Ryn returns with Hope to land after her first transformation. And the very first thing she does onscreen is to hand Hope over to Ben in a manner very reminiscient of a mother handing over her child to its father.
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(They look very much like a family in that scene, don’t they?) Then, we had Ben saying that he already views her like his own daughter in the same Episode. (Sidenote: rushing into things is a steeple of their whole relationship so this was in character for them).  
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Ben: “It’s weird man. Feels like she’s mine. I*m going to help raise her.” Ryn of course also expressed the wish for Hope, Ben and herself to be a family in Episode 308:
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Ben: “What about Hope?” Ryn: “She can be with us. As a family.”
And with Hope’s reintroduction in Episode 9, this dynamic was reinforced multiple times - especially and crucially from Hope’s side. And even more important was that Hope’s actions were completely unprompted by Ryn. 
1. Despite Ryn saying in Episode 305 that Hope will not remember her time as a baby, it is shown in Episode 309 that she does remember Ben, signifying the close bond the two already have
Episode 305:
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Ryn: “When we meet again, you will be grown. You will not remember this time with me. So I will remember for us both.”
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Hope keeps glancing at Ryn and Ben Ryn: “She remembers you. From when she was a baby.” 
2. And of course, later in the same episode Hope seeks physical contact with Ben - the image projected here is one of Family again.
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And Ryn is again very happy about her daughter doing this. For whatever reason there seems to exist a strong, reciprocal bond between Hope and Ben already. 
So as it stands right now, Hope already is their (first) child in my opinion. The writers IMO could not have made that any more clear, especially not with those scenes in 309. 
Assuming she survives the finale (which I very much wish for), I would argue that any other children during the run of the show will be unlikely from a storytelling and logistics perspective. Even should Hope not survive (or have another prolonged period of absence for whatever reason) I do not think there will be another child shown onscreen. In addition to the usual problem with children in tv there is another one in play here: As strapped for screentime as Siren is, I would assume the writers do not intend to introduce further children unless they serve a dramatic purpose. 
D) Children and the Pownall family arc
One such arc where a Baby might prove beneficial for dramatic reasons however is the Pownall family arc.
As I have written at length before, there are parallels between Ryn/Ben and Charles Pownall/his unnamed siren. And the Pownall massacre happened in part because Ben’s ancestor and his siren failed to raise their child together.
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("Seperated from her child, his mermaid lost her mind and went back to the water, never to return. Infected by the song and her abscence, Charles lost his senses. He gathered his crew, trapped the mermaids in a cove and slaughtered them.”)
As such, from a storytelling perspective, It would be very dramatic and enjoyable for Ben to have a child with a Siren and hopefully not mess up raising her. Therefore, should Hope not survive the season the odds of them having (another) child onscreen would increase dramatically in my opinion.
If Hope should indeed die, maybe it will not only be Ben repudiating the mistakes of his ancestor, but maybe also Ryn showing that she is stronger than the unnamed Siren. Maybe she would survive and heal after the loss of a child precisely because she has humans standing by to help her?
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(And yes, I would think that would include Maddie). However, I do think Hope will survive. Anything else would be just too cruel to Ryn and also a bit odd considering how much screentime was invested in Hope’s “creation” in Season 2.
Either way, while a child would add drama, it is also not necessarily a conditio sine qua non for the story of the Pownall family. And IMO Ben’s attachment to Ryn is already strong enough (cf their "wedding vows” in 308). Therefore, a child would not be needed to prompt him to chose Ryn over his family (a choice he also already made in Episode 215 and which you can read more in detail about in the previously linked post).
Do I expect them to have more children onscreen, over the course of the series? Probably not, given the above arguments. 
Do I expect them to have more children in the future (including a hypothetical time period after the series finale)?
After the series ends (and assuming some kind of happy end for them) they would probably increase their family as early (or as often) as Ryn’s mating drive and other factors permit. At this point in the story, they clearly want to have a family together and there would be nothing to stop them from enlargening their already existing family should they so choose. 
So I would tentatively argue that yes, they eventually will have more children.
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johannepetereric · 3 years
In this AU, I must say that the use of feminine titles like “ma’am” or “Miss(us)” instead of “matriarch” are unacceptable should Aichi be nonbinary. However, in rare occasions, they will let it slide. There is a chance of punishment. 
Such as the case with Reversed Naoki, which I am currently drafting.
 Naoki is extremely sus and something’s up, so Aichi will forgive him this time. Please keep this in mind for future reference. Also, I’m going to create A LOT of OC cards (doesn’t matter right now whether or not they’re named) since the Angel Feather deck, passed down through millenia in the Sendou Family,  is made up entirely on OCs. I have a lot of OP Angel Feather units written down in a draft (around 50, maybe? The Sendou Clan made and gathered over 2000 units throughout the generations). Keep this in mind. Also, I randomly decided rn that any Reversed players will be homophobes, transphobia, queerphobes, etc. cuz EBIL MWAHAHAHA!  
The only reason that Misaki WON’T boot out Naoki is because he is already locked in battle with her bestie; and she believes in them. 
Aichi is using Psyqualia in this match because Aichi will be using Cure Cupid (the main Angel Feather for the clan), as I had Naoki request, and they need all the help they can get. Naoki is obviously possessed by something, and using Psyqualia with a deck that has conscious, magical units in it as if this is a Magical Girl show (*ahem* IF *AHEM*) is a surefire way to win. 
Both Naoki and Toshiki (Kaichi start dating this season (as I may or may not have repeatedly said) cuz Aichi is 16 and thus old enough to be considered an adult in the Sendou Family (This is also the legal age on Cray as well (in his AU), which is why it’s ok to copulate and take over the family at so young an age even though Aichi is a minor by Earth standards). So Aichi is Matriarch, even if underdeveloped, and Toshiki-senpai feels more secure in being with this person.) agree that the use of Psyqualia sounds counterintuitive (I decided just after writing “counterproductive” that, although I love the word “counterproductive”, I think whatever “counterintuitive” means is a better word for this than “counterproductive”) to the themes of Aichi and the situation. However, it cannot be helped as the units immediately start acting on their own, so Aichi must use Psyqualia to keep control and calm them down--to predict the outcomes and to adjust strategy.
Misaki counters this by noticing that, by the look on Aichi’s face, the assortment of Angel Feathers looks randomized. “I wouldn’t be surprised if almost every unit in there had some skill, even if it would be completely useless here. Whatever units they had came to their aid, so first-come-first serve. Aichi is stuck with this arrangement until they can get home and fix it to be more concrete and fluid. They might need to shuffle the deck at least several times. It’s happened before.”
Indeed. In this AU, Aichi trains the Cardfight Club with Cure Cupid--and kicks their arses raw with it. Aichi is intense, raw, and unbeatable--at least with this section of the cast. Aichi is making his/their clan(s) proud, and he/they is/are fulfilling the title, honor, and pride of Sendou Matriarch quite well with such proficient and natural use. Even if the cards move themselves to the top of the deck as they see fit. Aichi just rolls with it. Also, I plan to extend to beach arc to be its whole seperate original work--too much changed, at least in plot. Looks like a romance-anime beach episode than a shounen-anime beach episode. Here, Mrs. Sendou is out-of-town and she entrusts Cure Cupid to her son (Aichi is a he for the beach training camp). Aichi...SO MANY shenanigans. Aichi does not really use Royal Paladins here, if at all (SIKE! Just there because it’s even sus-er if Aichi DOESN’T bring that deck along). It’s just rocking the Angel Feathers, being a smug a**hole to Emi, and being seductive (and Kamui x Emi advancement). 
...While giving in and posting some of the original content for the AU as a Collection on ao3 (I didn’t write “f**k it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m uploading these onto here” yet tho I want(ed) to), I realized that I already mentioned Cure Cupid as a character. So those who read the early updates of the blog (well, the original works, anyway) must be aware that Matriarch AU and Cure Cupid AU already exists.
So here’s the update I started before I posted what I did about the beach arc, and I just finished it rn because school starts in 50 minutes (first day back from Winter Break) and I’m bored and it’s itching in my brain to continue writing chappies.
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kaialone · 5 years
Kirby Star Allies Translation: Sound Staff Round-table Discussion
(This contains late-game spoilers for Kirby Star Allies)
On the official website for the Star Allies soundtrack, they recently posted a little "round-table discussion" featuring Shinya Kumazaki (General Director), Hirokazu Ando (Lead Sound), Jun Ishikawa, and Yuuta Ogasawara (both also worked on the sound and music).
It's basically a little "preview" of the sort of discussions from the booklet that is included with the sountrack itself.
If you’re interested in reading my translation, head under the cut.
Note that when they mention the titles of some of the tracks, I translated those myself too, because no official English translations exist as far as I am aware?
And I used the localized names of games and characters here, because I feel more people would know them.
Now, onto the translation itself.
Sound Staff Round-table Discussion
The booklet included with "Kirby Star Allies - The Original Soundtrack" will feature a round-table discussion with the general director and sound staff of the current title.
In commemoration of its release on February 14th of 2019, we are adding a small extra episode to this website, which is not included in the book itself.
Please have a look.
An Anthology Title that Welcomes a New Face
One of the themes of "Star Allies" was to aim for an "anthology" of the iconic Kirby, to act as a milestone for its 25th anniversary. Mr. Ando, who is part of HAL Laboratory's leading sound staff, and Mr. Ishikawa, who has been working with us from the very beginning, what are your thoughts on the musical composition?
This project left an impression that was like "Do you know your roots?", but it did have this strong feeling of creating something fairly straightforward and iconic. Though there was also the intention to make it interesting with things like quirky melodies and sounds, similar to the "Planet Robobot" days.
Altough I was somewhat aware of it, as a composer I don't create melodies or chords with the feeling of it being an anthology like that.
I see. The main theme of "friends" was not to create that either. In taking advantage of each idea, the decision came naturally. (*This will be featured in the Sountrack Booklet) And the new face, Mr. Ogasawara, who has many struggles and build up his career, now ended up participating in a Kirby sound production for the first time. I would image that there was a lot of pressure, but what did you think?
Yes, I did feel a bit more comfortable when I worked on the music for the minigames at first, because those have a different approach, but I really felt the pressure when it came to the main part.
You did already have a career prior to this, but integrating took a lot of time at first, right? Mr. Ando, who is also under my supervision, had a somewhat sour reaction for a while, so I thought "Is this gonna work out?" Your seniors were hard on you, weren't they?
Yes, that's right.
I always felt that it's nice to see teacher-and-pupil relationships like that, though. Like we discussed (*This will be featured in the Sountrack Booklet),"The Wind that Blows on Earthfall", which Mr. Ogasawara was in charge of, eventually reached a degree of perfection that even left his seniors speechless. But, "The Ancient Tower Towara" also ended up becoming a heroic, marvelous song. ...Mr. Ado, Mr. Ishiwaka, do you know this song? Tetteteeen, Terereterereretettetetteen♪ (He hums the melody)
That melody is very Ishikawa-like.
Yes, correct. I was actually thinking of the flute phrase that flows through Meta Knight's stage in the Popstar level.
Oh, I see.
For me, it all started with a tower like that, too.
Mr. Ishikawa, you were in charge of Meta Knight's stage. That was a first for you too, wasn't it? Now that we're talking about this, while I do supervise everyone, we don't discuss these topics among one another that often.
That's right. For the most part, we don't communicate with words, but with sounds and numeric values.
Creating these songs was also the busiest time of the production, so there was less time to talk. It felt like we we're creating them telepathically.
When you enter the 4th scenario, the Space level, it's the first time that there's 3 composers at once. With a promising new star joining, I thought this new development was beautiful as I directed it, and divided it like that. But, I was pretty busy during the development of the main part. Since before its completion, I thought about incorperating elements of something like an anthology title in the free updates. But, without being limited too much by that, I also thought that we should create songs that aren't for anyone else, by utilizing the sound staff's raw creativity.
As part of that, there was a reference to an old song, a short version of "Drawcia Soul" from "Canvas Curse", that made it in. But it's assigned to a "break" situation... Final Boss music as a "break"?
It's like "That's the Kumazaki way". Though if you hadn't said "It's an anthology" earlier, I think I would have said "Why are you using that song for a break?".
That was... because I didn't want to let people relax. (laughs) There's no time to rest, the battles continue. I wanted them to be immersed in such a trance-like state. It's the most difficult mode, which was added with the free updates, so there was also the intention for some of the series' most punchy songs to be featured. And that song seems to be the one that shows Mr. Ishikawa's secret creativity the most, so I had been looking for an opportunity to use it.
Enough Voice Clips for "Seven Generals of Magic"!?
Mr. Ogasawara, earlier we talked a bit about how you, the new face, demonstrated skills that even amazed your seniors, and created a lot of Kirby-like sound effects (*This will be featured in the Sountrack Booklet), but you were also present for the voice actors' recordings, and following the sound effects, you were even asked to incorporate voice clips into the game.
For the voice clips of the bosses, I remember showing the battle with President Haltmann from "Planet Robobot", and explaining "We made made something like this recently". During that time, for Haltmann's voice, the emotion-filled voice clips from the actor were adjusted for the game by Mr. Ando, and incorporated by me and the programmers. It's not just about being the voice of a character, but also adapting it to the scene, and refining it as a part of the game's soundtrack. My intent was to integrate it with the background music, but it went so far that I wanted to make Haltmann's battle music complete with that voice. So this time around, I listened to that, and thought "I want them to fit the scenes just like this", as the the voices of the Three Generals of Magic were put in.
Right. Making voice clips as sound effects in itself was easy by using past works and the like as a reference, but... Since I had never worked with the sounds of so many voices at once before, it was quite difficult to find a balance for their volume and the like, when it came to actually putting them in the game.
They play alongside so many different actions, way beyond what I had in mind. It's amazing. I thought that was pretty brave of you, Mr. Ogasawara. (laughs)
Personally, I wanted to make good use of them, since the voice actors put so much work in their performances...
And you also wrote a list of the sound effects, with instructions for the programmers, along the lines of "please have them play with a timing like this".
Yes. In that case, I made several lists for the Three Generals of Magic.
Since you were so particular about the specific finer details, Tanifuji, the programmer in charge of Three Generals of Magic, eventually started calling you "Death Ogasawara". (laughs) When they were about half finished with the first one, the blue General, you dropped another huge list for the red General on them. And as they were working on implementing that one, the dread for when it would be the yellow General's turn is what lead to you being called "Death Ogasawara"... (laughs)
Well... I did make seperate lists in several steps, because I thought it would be nice to be just slightly ahead. And then the programmer who was implementing them, Mr. Tanifuji, had some nightmares where it was like "There's actually Seven Generals of Magic now...!" (laughs)
You just keep putting them in, but the work won't end, and another list will show up.
I made so many variants, it really must have felt like it was "The Seven Generals of Magic".
But as a result, they don't feel like simple programmed patterns, even if you replay many times. Like the character's personalities were completed through these enhanced battle voice clips... Considering it was your first time, I think you did a good job, Mr. Ogasawara.
Surprising Sound Effects with Familiar Objects
The sound effects, and not just the voice clips, are completely different depending on wether you're watching a demonstration, or you're actually playing. For example, the Friend Train makes a "chooo choo" sound, but it uses different wave forms when it loudly plays on the "Friend Train" screen and when you press the button to jump. I thought it would be alright to use the same wave form for the sound and only use different values, but that didn't work out. Though, both of them are just me blowing into empty nutrition drink bottles, by myself, in the middle of night. (laughs)
Right. A similar sound may be used, but it's actually different sound material each respective time. Could you tell everyone about what some particular differences are?
In scenes where letters appear with audible sound effects, a sense of distortion was absolutely necessary. So I'd distort the wave form and put it in, have it play, see that it was not enough distortion and go back, change the distortion, and put it back in. And then it'd be too disorted, so I'd try again... With nothing but that distortion method, it took me about half a day of trial and error. In the end, the distortions and all the familiar sounds that play when you press buttons were made individually. In short, I know I said it before, but the way you hear the sound changes depending on wether you are hearing it while watching, or you're playing yourself. Even with sounds that are similar, there are cases where you need to change the wave form level, rather than just fiddling with the numeric values.
I understand. Everyone, please do try to listen for those differences for yourself when you play. Either way, I think it would be fun to play again if you think about how the "choo choo" is actually Mr. Ishikawa blowing into nutrition drink bottles.
The curling sound was me beating an empty can with my fist. (laughs)
That's Ice's friend ability Ice Curling, right? The "plonk" sound when it hits a wall.
I dug up an empty can from the trash. (laughs)
There's some things where you can try and try again to adjust them, and some things where it's some well thought-out recordings with nearby staff members or tools. The same is true for voices.
The Calories of the Entire Staff Combined?! The Voice of Void Termina
It's not just voice actors, some of the voice clips made use the voices of development staff members who understand the game well, too. One of them is the final form of Void Termina, or rather, what appears to be the voice from the 4th form. But, Void Termina was considered a mysterious being that can be anyone. And do you remember how because of that, someone said "let's put in multiple voices", rather than a single one?
It was around three people, if I recall correctly...
Yes, it was the voices of four people. You, Mr. Ando, being a regular with in-game voice clips, Mr. Ogasawara with his comparatively younger voice, as well as Mrs. Todo, the director of "Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, because we wanted a woman's voice, too. And me. We wanted to try out a cry made by mixing voice lines from the four of us.
By the way, what did we say? I can't remember.
It was "Irohanihoheto, Kirby".
(Translator's note: "Irohanihoheto" is a quote of the Japanese poem "Iroha". Notably, an edited quote from the poem also exists as an unused audio clip in Kirby 64.)
Oh, right.
We each uttered those same words, "Irohanihoheto, Kirby...", all recording seperately. When I told you, you said "Oh, we're going with that". (laughs)
But during the recording, I wasn't really sure what sort of guy would be saying it. Because I can't draw, you see.
That's true.
And I don't know about Mr. Ishikawa, but I personally don't know the story completely. Ah, but I did know that it would be something that would show up at the end like that.
You say that, but I thought I had explained it properly from the start...
Truth to be told, I didn't really understand the explanation, so...
So, the recorded voices were to appear in the game afterwards, so they had various mixing and effects applied to them, right?
That's right. I wonder if as a result, it did manage to not be anyone's voice, but a mysterious being. With Void Termina's demon form and angel form before that, the workload for the staff members involved piled up, too. My recorded screams for King Dedede's voice didn't need to be altered that much by comparison. But what can I even say about that voice...? This development had one impass after the other, and it's like that voice is filled with all the energy and calories that my whole body had used up by the time it was over...
But seriously, during that recording I really did go over my limit so much that even now I think I'm about to collapse. The thought of at least someone out there enjoying it in the end lifted spirits, including those of the sound staff. But, it got to a point where you'd wonder if we had all gone a bit crazy, because this whole development devolved into something like an all-out war of the HAL Laboratory staff.
That's the end of that?! Surpassing Limits
There were long hardships, but I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to talk so frankly about the mood during the development, thanks to this round-table discussion that Okada, the soundtrack producer, organized.
We normally never talk this much. We should celebrate this.
Yes, a celebration for this discussion. Though, I've talked with you many times, Mr. Ishikawa. A lot of times were while supervising, but we also had countless bizarre talks in the cafeteria at night...
Mr. Ogasawara, what did you think, looking back like this?
So many things were hard at first, like the BGM, the sound effects, the voice clips, and discussing those here. But I also feel sort of relieved.
I'm very glad to see a promising young man be so successful in this one. Development was difficult, but you did not let the pressure get to you, and truly worked hard until the end. Now then, what about you, Mr. Ando?
This one has a lot of truly grand songs. I've never made final boss class songs with such an amazing, huge orchestra-style before. But, I guess you could say "It's an anthology, so when there's special songs like that, many people will be happy, right?" Putting in more and more will eventually become kinda tough.
I was impressed when you said to me "We're doing this much? Isn't it enough already?", in the middle of the work on this. But, even as you said this, you were working incredibly fast, Mr. Ando. There were times where, even if you had been asked for huge songs with difficult themes, you would just show up surprisingly quickly, with your arms wide open, saying "I did it!"
Yeah, I did make a lot. And that's the end of that.
(laughs) True... I think we probably won't cram so many songs into a Kirby title again. There are many more episodes like this that we can't show here, but are featured in the booklet that's included with the soundtrack. If you happen to be interested, by all means, pick it up. We would appreciate it.
And that's it for this translation.
I hope you found this interesting and/or helpful?
I don't have a ton of experience with translating quotes of real people (as opposed to in-story text), so my apologies if it sounds a bit unnatural at times.
Either way, thank you for taking your time to read this!
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Dragon Age: Origins Proportions and Update Mods You Might Need
If your anything like me and started playing the Dragon Age series no more than 3 months ago, you are probably as clueless as I was when it came to mods. Or just the concept that you could customize your game so freely.
Or maybe you weren’t. I don’t know your life.
So, for those who are discovering the DA series 10 years after its creation and need some help with choosing mods, I am here to help.
Sort of like some unwanted superhero. But not Captain Marvel... no one likes her. Not even Marvel.
*cough*comic cancelled how many times?*cough*
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Human Proportions
If you ever played the vanilla DA:O game you will know that the female body is, odly proportioned to say the least. Her shoulders look like they could clothes line someone without her moving. I wish that was just a bad joke. Luckily for us coming to the DA party late, a kind soul fixed this problem for us and even made the female body a bit curvier. But not like walrus curves, actual curves.
I apologize if that offended anyone...kind of.
The seductress body has larger upper arms (to mimic an active player), a reduced shoulder span, and a more pronounced arch in the lower back for the appearance of a tushie! My personal favorite.
The sensual body is a bit thicker all around with less of an arch in her lower back and larger bust.
Dwarf Proportions
Much like their female human counterparts, the dwarf female suffer from some form of body mis-proportion (I don’t think that is a word. Whoops.). They have excessively long arms. Excessively. And if you like that look, cool beans. If you don’t, just click on the title “Dwarf Proportions” and it will take you to a mod that fixes that little problem. If you find it a problem. I really don’t know what I can say that won’t offend anyone here so yeah.
Elf Update
For elves there are actually two seperate mods that will fix their odd proportions. The Elf Update and the Elf Proportions .
The Elf Proportions keeps the vanilla look of the elves while fixing the proportions. Pretty basic mod.
The Elf Update changes the elves to look like the elves from DA:2.
I am pretty positive these two will conflict with each other seeing as they are changing the same files, so just choose one please.
Personally, the Elf Update is the one I use, it makes the elves look distinctly elf like, and there are a few Zevran morphs that require it, so keep that in mind if you chose to customize him.
Quanari Update
So, back story time (because I am a female and have absolutely no problem ranting slightly off topic), when I saw Sten I did not know he was a qunari. I started playing DA:O after DA:2, so I was used to the qunari looking like...qunari, I don’t know. Imagine my shock when I searched his fanwiki and he was a qunari!
Not so long story short, this update will make Sten look more like the DA:2 qunari. Now, for those who want to play parallel to the lore of DA while also redesigning the game, there is a mod in Nexus Mods called “A Year With Sten” that will gradually change sten from a redesigned vanilla version of Sten, to a DA:2 qunari. Keep in mind you do need the Qunari Update for “A Year With Sten” to work properly.
4GB Patch
So, this probably should have been the first thing I posted in this...post. But lazy me had already started typing and I did not feel like retyping all of this, or copy and pasting it. Too much work, just too much.
Anwho, the 4GB Patch will increase the memory on your game, which if you decide to heavily mod your game, you’ll need. Trust me.
CharGenMorph Compiler
And last, but most certainly not least. This awesome application allows you to download multiple character creation mods and morphs without them conflicting too much. Essentially, the application will dig through your DA:O override folder for all  chargenmorphcfg.xml files and compile it into one. For more info, just read the description on its Nexus page, I am sure I am not doing the description justice, just keep in mind that this is a life saver.
So that is all for this post. Enjoy this Cullen gif (not mine obviously). Because I have thing for templar boys apparently... or not. Alistair was barely a templar boy.
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If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment? Reblog? If there are any broken links please let a girl know. Commenting is great, tell me some of your favorite mods, tell me I am a life saver, or call a huge piece of poop with no life (it’s not like you would be lying anyhow).
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pizsospa · 6 years
Schneeplestein ARG
So this blog @schneeplestein made by @crazions​ caught my attention some day and it looked very interesting and I decided to follow it. Since they there have been a bunch of posts in what looks to be like an ego ARG (Alternate Reality Game) which also involves 2 other blogs. (It might not really be that but I will call it that anyway)
I like code solving and I love ARGs so i took the time to read through all of the story and decode what I can to combine it all in one post for anyone interested... Note that this thing has ended
Also note that I’ll only really go about the “hidden” material, not story, and I don’t want to repost any logs so I highly encourage anyone interested to go take a look at the original blog first. Some great work has been put into it and it deserves to be appreciated!
NOTE!! After I finished this post I did find out someone else made something and I don’t want to change anything in what I solved and take credit for stuff I haven’t done so I will just leave BIG LINK to this doc file by @3ksal that contains a lot, some stuff which I would have never been able to do
(Its a bit long so... everything is under read more)
TO SET THINGS DOWN FIRST! I might have been a bit too late to investigate all of this since I started this basically few posts before it offically ended. Some stuff seems to have changed and I have missed it :( So we start off with Henrik’s blog posting a text post containing a nice big link.
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This link leads to a Vimeo upload with a placeholder text title, black and white patter and seems to contain morse code and someone speaking, all distorted. (I don’t know if there is anything behind that speech, I’m not good at all with such stuff. I also tried to solve the morse code, really tried, downloaded the video to slow it down but I just really have trouble with making out audio so... sad but I gave up on it) Besides that there is one QR-code displayed 2 times! That code is a Imgur link which will lead to this
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A nice edited hospital hallway gif with some text, one of which is a code and the other another Imgur link to that
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(thanks for no double coding)So we have a key and a code which I put into AES 128bit decoder (I know the creators seems to like that) and got..
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A blog @97-110-116-105 . Now I found this blog way before I saw this so it was kinda useless to solve and the blog already had some posts on it. From what it looks like it belongs to Anti, so I’ll just call it Anti’s blog.
The actual story starts of with Henrik telling us his blog has seem to got all posts deleted and he has memory problems. He finds out he has some logs laying around and starts posting them along with general text posts about his situation and answered asks. After the link the first suspicious post there is this one. Some zalgo and some binary which translates to: 
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Someone clearly mocking Schneep On his post “a small update” is also the first time google doc links is added under the word “God”. More links like this are on some other posts later too
Some time later Schneep’s blog posts a second post similar to his very first one, it contains a Vimeo vid uploaded by the same user who uploaded the first one. It’s a glitched out distorted old ad for Camel cigarettes and wouldn’t you know? There is another QR-code in it! This time it links to a private page on Anti’s tumblr.
It shows us a morse code and a hexadecimal one.
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First and foremost: I haven’t solved this. The hexadecimal code brings ”aGFwcGllc3RiaXJ0aGRheS5jYXJyZC5jw==“ which def looks like AES again but I can’t make out the key. I’m sure its in the morse code from the post plus from the video description and title but different decoders give me different answers and it just looks like a lot of random letters. Might be an anagram (that contains the word fun) but idk...
Sometime later regarding the story you might have noticed a 3rd blog from Chase that is also part of the story. It doesn’t have any hidden codes on it like the others. He interacts with some of Henrik’s posts and later even posts a convo between them!
But after some time we get a post of him on the floor along with a google doc that sounds like someone had shot him.
(Small post to note with a google doc link, I just like the writing)
Sort of hidden in some text posts throughout is a whole seperate website! (it is linked on 2 different posts) 
NOTE that there was a countdown! 
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Taking a look at the header you can clearly tell it was counting down to Henrik’s birthday. I only found this on said date so i didn’t get to see this live, only when you click on the link it appears for half a second. And of corse... more aes code...
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A sweet little message! Doesn’t mean much so back onto what the website showed after the countdown:
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A german “welcome” greets us and you can have a dialogue with someone (sounds like Anti imo). 
You will reach an end and depending on if the one you’re talking to liked your answers or not you will be guided to a blank page or to a site on Schneep’s blog.
Sneaky little creator has changed the picture on this page and I wouldn’t doubt it didn’t change before I saw it too, I only got to see 2 images though. First time visting I got this
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Probably a picture of infusion bags hanging? highly saturated with filters on top. Changing levels of the picture in the right top corner you can see some binary but...
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The picture is small... and it was way too hard to read no matter how I changed filters so what/if that means anything is still out there and hopefully not too important.
The changed picture is this now:
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This is all that was to the extra site if the picture doesn’t change again. (I checked the source code too but since it seems to be made with the help of a website tool i doubt you can even hide anything in there)
Anti’s blog starts off with this
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I fairly simply Cipher that really doesn’t mean anything(or does it?). It translates to: I REMEMBER IT LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY
In general he laughs around at the other’s misery and mocks them.Here he links to some imgur post 
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(”DO YOU WANT HIM TO DIE?”) Doesn’t look like there is something hidden in it, but I have to appreciate the work, it looks really cool imo
In another post he tags it something weird looking but the “?=“ definitely told me it should be a youtube video link. I have tried to solve this and the “https://youtube.com/watch?=v” is sure but the rest of the link is hard to do. I have put it through Caesar Cipher decoder and decoded it by hand a few times, but the link doesn’t seem to work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i73ddxye4c I don’t know if it’s on my part and I actually did do something wrong, the video was deleted or lil Anti just played a trick all along. 
Second post that links to another imgur site:
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Looks like Henrik’s workplace with all these logs, a phone with broken screen, sticky notes and empty coffee cup and yet again!
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Another code...There is one across all and then even damn morse code on the red one, really doesn’t make it easier to read with the 3d effect on top. I like to think I typed it off right and that “XILDM” was the key but it didn’t work. Plus the morse code is hard to read and I’m not sure in which order it should be so.... this is still open to be solved.
The last suspicious thing he posts is an audio post that sounds like an old clock ticking (?) getting louder. The name of it is yet another code and the picture a QR-code! The QR-code just leads to this, a google search for “does space have a sound” I thought for sure that would be the key to the code to solve it but no. I even thought ‘Maybe the key is the answer’ or the zalgo tag but no, don’t know what this one means.
All in all... I really enjoyed this!! I’m really sad to leave a bunch of things unsolved but I am not the brightest person for this. I haven’t seen anything like this in the community and outside it only a few that aren’t that interesting. While many will do a lot of code solving like this one, this also had more story and so much extra work put into it. Seriously, Google docs, the logs that were actual scanned papers, photographs, polaroids, The videos, A whole other website, The amazingly edited gifs and 3 whole blogs. A lot was put into this and I really like it, kudos to the creator, it was a really neat project! :)
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slytherhell · 6 years
Send these to your favorite Authors and let them blab! What is your total word count on AO3? How often do you write? Do you have a routine for writing? What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing? Do you have a favorite fic of yours? Your fic with the most kudos? Anything you don’t like about your writing? Now something you do like! Send it to some of your favorite Authors to spread some love
Total word count on AO3 : 60634 ( and this is with the 3/4 of my fics still not updated since being posted. i’m not sure how it’s this much already, the word count, that is. the most amount of words i’ve written - for a total fic - was about 5k words; then it went up to 16k+ after the food fair entry . just think of how big my total word count could be when i get my writing muse back! )
How often I write: I used to update regularly, back in about 2015. Every day, I would have a new chapter for my fics (on Wattpad, because that was my first main writing platform, but Wattpad’s dead now so we’re here.) 
In fact, I used to have a full writing plan; I had about ten hp fics on my account. I picked out the top ones I had the most muse for - which was three, two drarry and one wolfstar - and told myself I would update those fics whenever I felt inspired to. 
In the end, I ended up updating those fics three times every week for a good two months, and I had about 24ish chapters for the drarry fics, and close to 20ish chapters for the wolfstar ( I started that fic at a later time than the other two. )  
I kept this pattern up, and made sure that everyday after school, I would clear a writing space for myself on my bed so I could write. That helped me a lot and I had so many creative juices...it was insane how much I wrote.
Now, however, I write only whenever I feel inspired to and have enough time + energy ( aka, when I don’t pass out from exhausation and not working on too many things in school - I had and still have a lot of /art/ projects. )
I try my best to write all of my ideas down, but I usually don’t have much inspiration to turn them into longer fics, or anything beyond a simple idea, so most of those get chucked and forgotten.
The ones I do manage to keep around, I usually scribble down the idea on a piece of paper, and write a starter line and/or paragraph to see how it would look if I were to continue it as an actual fic, then determine what I do with it when I get home.
There’s no true definition as to how much I write. I would just say I write depending on my current mood and situation.
Writing Routine: 
It used to start in either a swivel chair in the corner of my room, or at the wooden dining room table with a hot mug of fruit-flavored tea. ( It now varies from sitting upright on my bed with music blasting out of my headphones, on the living room couch with the low murmur of the t.v. in the background, or laid sprawled out on the floor with a Kubz Scouts video in the background. )
I try to take a few minutes to write the beginning paragraph on paper, or at least attempt to outline the story ( this usually lasts for about five minutes because I CANNOT sit still, and I’ll fidget a lot if I’m required to sit still for a while. ) 
I’ll usually look up fics of the similarity to whatever I’m writing, and get further story inspiration from them ( I’ll usually keep those fics up in a seperate tab to read back over when I need help and/or a burst of writing  inspiration )
If it’s something I‘m not quite sure about, or something I’m not properly educated on, I ALWAYS do a good bit of research before even remotely writing about it. ( This is something I do NOT skip over, like at all. )
I’m almost always blasting music or video audio through my headphones whenever I write ( I search and listen to music when I write, depending on the theme and the feel of the story. If I’m writing fluff, you’ll probably catch me listening to beautiful piano music. If it’s a dark story - gods, I love dark stories - I’ll be listening to dark music, be it dark piano versions of songs, ambient horror music. And lastly, if I’m writing something emotional, I’ll usually stop by songs that made me cry and sad as child, or that cause me to zone out of reality in present day. )
I try to set a timer whenever I write. ( While it intimidates me, it also pushes me to write more because me eyes are constantly flicker over to the timer, and the closer I see it move down to zero, the faster I write and edit. I kick in about a good twenty words at the very start of the countdown. )
( And unless you wanna hear me rant about how much I get off task and procrasinate writing whenever I can’t figure out how to make a scene work or something of the sort, then this is pretty much it. Oh, and I do a few read-overs and editing when I’m done with the first rough draft. )
Kinks in Fics:
I really like a good ‘ol leather kink in a fic ( specifically when the second half of the pairing, *cough, cough* draco in a drarry fic* is pulling on and stretching on leather gloves, and I blame @mzuul for that because the minute I saw her Draco Malfoy Bad Boy series art, that kink was developed and I’ve loved it since. ) 
Another one, this is gonna sound really gross + suprising for those that know me, but watersport kink. ( This was first developed when I read my very first fanfictions, and I found a few good drarry fics with this in them so this kink is here to stay )
Hair pulling kink. ( It started out with reading fics fics where Draco would either accidentally or deliberately tug on Harry’s hair, and Harry ended up loving it - but now, I read fics were both Draco and Harry have this kink because it’s actually really good. )
Praise Kink ( Started out with only Harry, but I also like fics where Draco has this kink. I blame @goldentruth813 entirely )
Hung! Harry ( Hung! Like! A Horntail! - this, this fic, is all i’m going to say..) 
Parseltongue Kink ( When! Draco! has! this! and! Harry! somehow! still! keeps! his! ability! to! speak! Parseltongue! and uGH,, THIS IS SO GOOD. ) 
Tropes in Fics:
Legitimate! Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Sectumsempra angst
Bi Harry
Pansy is a lesbian
Draco finding out how the Durshleys treated Harry and becoming absolutely lIVID at the news
Dark! Drarry
BAMF! Harry
BAMF! Draco
When they cross paths after a few years and get to know each other + proper character developement + when they clash and they have their ups and downs, causing people to wonder how they’re even comptaible but in the end, they make it work and are able to settle down with each other and enjoy the rest of their lives.
Long-haired! Draco
Bearded! Harry
Raising a kid together ( tEDDY-! )
Sassy! (Canon) Harry
Flustered! Draco
When they’re equally sassy and equally ruthless + being able to get their shit done, and staying on top of their game
When their kids become friends and that forces them to become friends as well and hang out with each other more often
When their kids wants their dads (Draco and Harry) to end up together and make it happen
when it’s hella fluffy
when it’s hella aNGSTY ( haha, chaotic neutural )
Top! Harry!
Bottom! Draco ( I can see them both as either or both being versatile but I really love when Harry tops )
Realistic first times 
Their friends setting them up ( I love when Draco, Pansy and Blaise are best friends in fics like this !! )
The constant switch of calling each other by first and last names, depending on the(ir) mood
When they are eQUALS
When their relationship is real and raw that you can pratically feel it
hURT AND COMFORT ( real heavy on the hurt, just a bit on the comfort bc not drarry all fics have to have happy endings )
Anything involving them both working on a case together
Auror! Harry x Unspeakable! ( or even Healer! ) Draco
Jealous! Draco x (Still) Oblivious! Harry
Oblivious! Draco x Jealous! Harry
Protective! Harry ( Protective! Draco as well )
Beauxbatons! Draco x Hogwarts/Gryffindor! Harry
Multilingual! Draco
French speaking! Draco
Wandless magic ( for both )
POC! Harry ( This is my number one things in fics...I just love POC! Harry
Proper mention and represenation of Harry and/or Draco’s PTSD; following the war
Power couple! Drarry
Drarry ( OTP )
+ a few hundred more ( for all of them, but the kinks in general ) , but you’re probably gonna have to ask off anon bc i don’t wanna lose to remainder of friends i still have left on this site, over this post. ( i keep forgetting that not all drarry accounts follow me - i have some rpers, general artists, people following me with their main acounts + multifandom blogs and i feel like every time i get started up about anything drarry, they just...regret their decision to have followed me xD but you can kinda get the gist of my kinks, right? )
Favorite Fic ( of mine ) : While I constantly dog on my own writing skills, I actually do have some of my fics that I love. But my most favorite?  I’d have to say ‘(Fuck A) Silver Lining’
It’s a Draco Malfoy redemption fic I began writing earlier this year ( and yes, it was inspired/influenced by the P!ATD song. )
I mean, I haven’t updated it since I posted it - I began writing it on old Wattpad before I left that hellsite, then I later posted it to my ao3.
It’s my favorite because I really got to explore and go more in depth with Draco’s character, unlike J.K. R*wling.
And I basically filled in all the pieces that led up to the part of Draco’s life  we witness ( well, y’all, bc I never read it, ha ) in C*rsed Ch*ld 
I basically combined in every post-war Draco headcanon I ever thought of into one whole fic and while it takes you into his mind and shows you just how much the war has changed him, it is actually wholesome. I mean, we’ve got angst, hurt/comfort, finding love, and I even had a few scenes that were so fluffy and pure that I was crying as I wrote - which is why I haven’t updated. Other than dealing with shit irl, this story gets me really emotional and I just love it so much..
Fic with most Kudos:
‘just the right addition’ with 65 kudos.
summary :
harry has a leather kink. but draco didn't know that when he showed up on the field in a leather jacket, and suede leather gloves.
What I don’t like about my writing: 
I really don’t like how I transition from scene to scene in my fics. I feel like they’re extremely sloppy and really ruin the story; especially if I had a really good idea/path for the story. ( I also don’t like how I constantly compare my writing, then try and force to change my writing style so it sounds half as good as the author’s writing style of the story that I’m reading )
What I DO like about my writing:
Um, I really like how I start most of my fics off with dialogue. I like how I have a lot on the page, but it still blends in well to get its point across. And also, if it’s a one shot, I like how I have a beginning, middle, and end for the story.
Beginning: Introducing the prompt, and what’s going on with it
Middle: What the characters actions lead to, kinda showing you where it’s going to be heading soon
End : the general idea of the ending/aftermath of it + something like an epilogue, wraps things up in a way.
Thank you so much for sending me this, anon!!
Again, thank you so much, and I hope you’re well!
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socenukisoro · 3 years
Dota map 672 f ai
  DOTA MAP 672 F AI >> DOWNLOAD LINK vk.cc/c7jKeU
  DOTA MAP 672 F AI >> READ ONLINE bit.do/fSmfG
            Dota 6.72 Map Download - Dota Allstars 6.72 Official Map "has just been released! " After waiting for several months ., IceFrog give us some new content. Dota 6.74c AI (Hope) Map Released Download & Changelogs. Dota 6.83d ai Map..Simple and Best. Смотреть позже. AI maps (map with computer players / bots). -osden -pe -airepick Only the chosen players (notified by a message) can use the commands. Usually these are Player 1 and Player 6. Use -AIrepick XX command. Single Player Mode: The Dota Ai Maps are really popular and many many players want to have it, because you can test things on your own. The Bots really behave like normal Dota players and make Dota Ai to a fun and challenging game! This is perfect to test new heroes, new builds or just to have Dota 6.77 AI Map Released Download & Update news : The DotA 6.77 has just been released today, and while not the official map, the new DotA 6.77 AI also released. This map was the creator of the previous unofficial DotA 6.76 AI map. Check out the download link below! Dota 6.72 Map Download - Dota-Allstars 6.72 Official Map has just released! After several months waiting, IceFrog give us some cool new contents. We got one new heroes, Rubick the Grand Magus and one new item, Veil of Discord. Map DotA 6.83d AI PMV 1.42 English version update and download - DotA v6.83dAI PMV 1.42 EN.w3x Personal modified version Getdota map Dota v6.83d AI beta 1.5m changelog: - Fixed picture Wrath Master of A & disappear Bug - Bug ZeroWareZ - Warcraft III: DotA Map. Universal MapHack. DotA 6.77 AI v1.1.7 Fun 2.7c | Latest FUN Map. How to activate fun mode : Type -fun for fun heroes and taverns Fun command is seperated to game mode (ex. -apneng) For more commands : You can see other commands while in-game Map Download Dota v6.72 w3x 672 Map Changelogs - Dota 6.72. Already been released and available link for download can be found below. Read some changelogs too to make your dota games on this map more exciting. Happy Gaming guys. Download link Dota 6.72 DotA 6.72 Changelogs. Lamentablemente Icefrog no sigue el desarrollo de DOTA Allstars, pero eso no impidió que algunos usuarios sigan con el desarrollo de este mapa, como es el caso de DracoL1ch que continuó mejorando el mapa y ahora esta en la versión 6.85k de DOTA, pero este mapa solo se puede jugar en RGC
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10-10woulduseagain · 4 years
Memento Mori From a Learning Youngster
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Gosh... has it already been a year? It feels like just yesterday when I was in the Philippines and doing homework. Since I was on vacation I had to bring my school work, and I was also still adjusting. I cannot remember.. somewhere around 12 am to 6 am in that time I was browsing around to check if anyone updated. To my joy I saw that Mark updated. A weird channel named Unus Annus, with one of my favourite youtubers in a white suit and with someone I've never seen before. I was there and watched the first video the moment it came, and I fell in love with it. From the moment it was delivered I felt so many feelings. Wondering how that’ll work out and wondering how it’s going to work.
As the days went on I just remember so much... this entire year doesn’t even feel that long. In the beginning It felt like such a long time away... now here it is.
I am going to miss those times where I was staying up very late past midnight, watching the videos I had missed the previous days. I remember biking and just laughing so very hard, because of your hilariousness. I am going to miss half asleep on some videos, and I won’t lie, some were a bit boring at first but I do regret not being fully interested. I will miss getting that joyful notification everyday around 12:00 p.m. (special “besides-Ethan-posting-late”), and that stressful notification when I am very behind and it keeps piling. I am going to miss those times when I had so many videos to catch up on I had something to do that day. I had something to watch and I had the thought “I have to watch this because this is temporary”. In fact even up till now I have been preparing myself for the end, almost accepting, but the lower that clock gets the more I feel so emotional. I have truly grew on your relationship. Honestly at first I was expecting Jack(septiceye) and was a bit disappointed seeing it wasn’t, but as it kept going I began to realise how well your chemistry works. I have truly learned to feel more attached with Ethan, and I will really feel somewhat of a temporary emptiness once the channel goes. 
There are so many people here that I’ve never really taken the time to write or say anything or do anything for Unus Annus. I believe that you will stay true to your word and you’d read all of those and... this (and my other two posts) will cover for everything I wish I could have done. For all the art I wish i’ve made for you, for all the opportunities to make music for you, to do the weird “jump-in-freezing-cold-water” challenge, bleachus annus, and all the rest. This year you two have made me feel the best. Even those times when I wanted to watch something else I watched you because not only of the panic, but the care I have so much for you two. I have always dreamed of meeting you (mark, and now than) for the longest time... you have been apart of my life and I want to just let you know how much you matter to me. And in your name, no matter how hard, I have been inspired to keep on going and to keep staying positive. I will really miss you when this channel is gone. I haven’t really appreciated it as much as I should have when I was upset. I wish I had. Because even without me knowing it your little personality traits and quirks and vocabulary has influenced me. But even if it is too late to watch them all, I won’t ever forget what this channel has done for and to me. I learned so, so much. That ranges from “don’t get pepper sprayed” and how to commit tax-fraud, to how to let go of things and how to properly cope with good thoughts..
Your songs in the channel have always made me smile and happy.. I won’t forget those either.
So this is goodbye Mark, Ethan, Amy, Evan, the editors, Chica, Spencer, Bodi and to the guy who has to go warehouse shopping I dont wanna get his name wrong so I wont risk it, to Momiplier, the guests/professionals that had helped in videos, and to everyone else. 
We will always remember, and we will always miss you. But do not worry, for we will be happy it had happened... even if we shed a few tears.
Love you all oh so much... one day I will see you both. Either at the same time or seperate, I will.
Thank you for the year, Unus Annus. Memento Mori.
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Alright so a lady said she called the insurance company and they said they wont cover a thing.
This is true. Many insurance companies do not covet flood damage. This is because insurance companies are greedy.
American Modern, my insurance company and one I use personally does.
Now if you dont want to change your entire insurance that is understandable. However everyone should have flood insurance which is sold seperate.
Googling flood insurance is more help than this website when PURCHASING but it explains flood insurance like the 30 day waiting period that covers
So people in Michigan like this lady are sold out of luck.
Flood insurance is usually $100 or less per year.
We have designed a flood insurance policy that will cost $1000 for 2020 IF you have been flooded already such as Houston and such as this lady. Then it will go down to $29 per year. Tree will post the link and more information after i post. First i will ramble on.
In New Mexico it is the law if we are in a flood zone we must have flood insurance if we have a mortgage. Some banks require it in other states. I live within a miles of the Rio Grande River and thus I am required flood insurance and every year when my insurance updated, i would get a letter from Wells Fargo who is dumb and they would say that i needed flood insurance. Because they didn't read the premium notification that it is included in American Modern. The first year i called myself. The second i called the local insurance office I got the insurance from, went in and explained the problem. She said she would cuss them out. Next year same again. So i called and she said "again?!" She gets really mad. And whatever she said worked because they never sent me another letter.
So I know about having it...
Now y'all check your insurance and see if you have flood covered I'll pay every one $5 regarding insurance today.
Renters should have insurance also and Tree has a website for y'all for $5 - 79 per year.
Yes per year. I pay $1000 about and nothing happens! So why charge so much?!!? Lets not be so greedy!! I only cover $92,000 on my house. Not millions. It's a trailer in town on a small plot of land. I paid $82k and now it's worth as a regular home because Facebook moved to town $160k but because it's mine and celebrity ststus it's worth, $800k substantially. So i don't cover all that but i do have other insurance policies up to $1M that i don't pay the policy for they in the CIA database and because i own the insurance company that i use, i get $1M of free coverage per home I cover with that company. Which then harms our pocket book when things happen and I have to use the policy and make a claim.
So now, the point is. Y'all need insurance for now in case something should occur. For emergency areas or disaster areas where people were uncovered we will be proactive and use our hundreds of Billions of dollars collected on insurance premiums to help Y'all out for this year. The website will list who will be covered retroactively. Meaning you didn't have,insurance but pay a high premium and we will,pay whatever it is to restore your home or buy you a new one.
Premium will be $1000 to $5000 for what is labeled as flood insurance. So a little house like mine to a big mansion.
It is high but if my house was damaged it would cost 20k to repair or at least $5k So i would save $4k and we will include damage already done like plumbing and electrical. So if you had damage to those prior to flooding we will repair. Floors will probably be covered on flood damage I do assume. Furniture replacements of low average cost so about $1500 for a couch, loveseat and chair. $200 for TV. And so on.
If you have proof you had a monster of a TV then you can post pictures and get 100% replacement value. Otherwise you'll get the $200 which can buy a 47" LED non smart on sale.
Reciepts of furniture and so on will give you full replacement cost. Otherwise its average low cost... Good quality still. Talking like a discount furniture store. Or online furniture purchase.
So talking receipts because "but Sabrina! Its a flood and you're telling me to save paper and the ink fades!"
No, baby, take a photo of your receipt and upload it to the cloud in s special labeled folder titled "receipts" then you'll always have them.
So say you pay $5000 for a TV 10 years ago. So,that T.V. today will may be cost about $1500 so you get the replacement cost. Not the $5000 you paid but what it cost to replace it. So you'll get the same exact thing at the store. But say it was plasma. And they don't sell that any more. So its the same size and smart capable and LED which is better than what you had but cheaper. So don't freak out. You'll get enough money to buy again what you bought.
Insurance can be kind of confusing but it's today's prices for yesteryear's items
They keep up to date on prices. There's teams dedicated to knowing,exactly what items,cost. They would,win killings on the Price is Right. In fact they're banned from participating.
So get y'all $5 to LOOK at your current premiums and how much they are and what it covers.
If you have insurance and you need flood $5 to get that ASAP.
$5 for renters to check out insurance and $5 to buy.
Same for homeowners without insurance.
American Home and Geico will now offer 15% less automatically to what they usually charge. So it's on an auto 15% less for the next year no coupon or announcements. So until May 20, 2021 the charge will be 15% less than They would usually charge. For your safety and convenience.
American Home doesn't do commercials so its already cheaper. Lower overhead cost. Just by $10 - 200 per year.
Also for the retroactive flood. We will do payment arrangements. So like me i don't have $1000. So you pay $50 until you get to $1000 (Or $5k whatever it is) but we won't work on your house or give you money until your premium is full. Except when on EBT AND Medicaid. Show proof of income. We will check with social security to see if you've lied and if not we can omit your premium and deductible from your pay out. So say its a $2000 premium with $500 deductible and you're out of work. Social security can tell us that and then we can give you the $1,500,000 MINUS 2500.
People marked on SMS:BrightGady and their homes will be rejected for insurance coverage on retroactive. Find the ass hole idiot that damaged your home on purpose and collect from them.
We are only covering INNOCENT HUMANS. So if you got DNA4U to prove that you are, you KNOW you can get the retroactive coverage. If you don't have DNA4U then you can try and see.
There is no hotline available to call and whine you're an alien or terrorist that can't get coverage
After a person is approved, obviously of course, phone numbers will be available.
As for the flood -- PREVIOUS damage about a year ago was done to the dams. But this overage and failure was due to simply too much rain water.
So I apologize on the behalf of myself and tree. And we will do this insurance for y'all although it is not our fault, we just apologize that there's inconsiderate ass holes that have not died of COVID yet. And this occurred.
Hopefully family heirlooms or special items to the heart which are not replaceable are magically protected by love. And you'll be able to find them to be in a good condition, surviving the floods.
Im sorry for the pain of the floods..
Chicago and Houston and some other places globally. And also Australia and the Amazon Rain Forest Fire Victims can apply for retroactive insurance.
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clevercatchphrase · 6 years
2017 in review, and goals for 2018
If I had to describe 2017 in one word it would be... monotonous. Sure, there were plenty of ups and downs, but for the most part, especially the latter 6 months, I just felt like I was going through the motions, holding my nose to the grind stone, doing work and paying off student loans. 2017 blew by me, and I remember thinking each month passed by with unusal quickness. There's a strange sense of disociation with that, like I wasn't really connected to reality for most of the year, and instead watched it pass me by from a seperate temporal window. In a weird way it may have been a bit of a godsend as well. I hear 2017 was hard for a lot of people, but feeling so disonnected from the year may have protected me and cushioned the blow in a sense.
I lost a family member this year in early june. I knew it was coming ever since january as I hated having to watch them deteriorate and get worse and worse until they finally passed. The three months leading up to it and the three months after were particularly hard and left me feeling unable to write or draw or do anything productive. I still miss them terribly. I always will. But I hope I won't let it immobilize me as much this year as it did last year.
Anyway, Let's review my goals for last year and see what I've accomplished. I’ve a lot to say, so for brevity’s sake I’ve put it all under the cut.
GOALS FOR 2017 1) Finish my 50 billion fan fictions so I can get back to drawing Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. HAHAHAHAHA. The depression I got halfway through the year throughly put a halt on this. I haven't even finished one of the fics I've started in 2016. I got close, seeing as i participated in NaNoWriMo this year to try and force myself to finish, but I still need to revise and edit all that I've written and the motivation is non existant. GOD, I have so many stories too, all of them still undertale fan fiction because I'm still not over that game. I'll list them all when I share my goals for this year later below. 2)Draw in 2 pages of my sketch book each week so I'll finish a sketch book in a year. I was SO CLOSE with this one! I filled out 95 pages! But you know what i discovered in august? I realized that my 100 page sketch book.... was actually 150 pages! Oh well! I drew more this year than I thought i would! Just because i didn't hit 100 pages, doesn't mean I didn't accomplish something! 3) Finish 14 out of the remaining 27 lessons on my duolingo course I went fucking above and beyond with this one. I hit this goal back in may, and then I completely finished up the danish duolingo course by november. I also passed my 1095 day streak which translates to doing duolingo daily for OVER 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. I still practice daily to build my vocabulary, and I know I can't speak it for the life of me, or follow along with fast speakers, but give me a few minutes and I can probably read it for you. Funny how that works, where I can understand danish if it's written out, but ask me to translate from english to danish and I struggle like a butterfly in a tumble dryer. 4) Become passibly fluent in ASL I have this box of 600 ASL flash cards, and this year I practiced two of them a day until I got through the entire box. I certainly learned a bunch of new words but I wouldn't say I was fluent yet. I certainly don't know all the grammar rules yet. I HAVE been able to sign with people at my job, though I do rely heavily on fingerspelling still. Most everyone I talked with seemed to know I was trying and they seemed really excited that I could understand them if they were patient with me. I put more of my focus on Danish last year, but now that I'm done with Danish, maybe I can focust more on ASL. My sister told me about this site similar to duolingo called "memrise" that actually has an ASL course, so you can bet I'll be looking into that. 5) Read the entire dictionary I did this! I kept two spiral note books and wrote down any words I thought were cool or interesting! I haven't gone back and re-read the words I wrote down, but maybe I will this year! It was exhausting. It was weird. I still can't believe I spent about 200 hours last year doing this. 6) Read one new book every month Much like my sketch book goal, I almost completed this one. I kept it up every month until October, and then I just... stopped. I read more than I thought this year, though I ended up usually waiting until the last week of each month to read, and I also cheated by counting the dictionary as one of the things I read (hey, it's a book, ain't it?) I also re-read old books that I know I like, so not entirely 10 new books were read this year. Reading 1 new book a month isn't one of my goals this year, but I hope to read more new stuff reguardless, 7) Actually use the tutorials and references I reblog Seeing as I barely did any digitial art this year, I can't say I did this one. 8) Do more art streams I think my goal was to stream once a month. I clearly didn't do this. I DID stream in 2017, I just didn't tell anyone. Idk why, I just... went live for people to see but didn't let anyone know I did. I also only streamed like... twice? sigh... So... out of the 8 goals I set, I would say I accomplished close to half. I read the dictionary, I finished my danish language course (which I'm counting as two completed goals) and combining the "read 1 new book a month" and "draw 100 pages in a sketch book" I'll count that as one completed goal. I went through all my ASL cards, though I'm not fluent, OH! I also wanted to pay off 6k loan that I had. I want to count this one as a success because I DID FUCKING PAY OVER 6 THOUSAND DOLLARS IN LOANS THIS YEAR. I got a surprise loan I had no idea about in june that was 1500 dollars, which threw me off. I managed to pay it off in 2 months, BUT IF THAT LOAN HAD NEVER EXISTED I TOTALLY WOULD HAVE FINISHED PAYING OFF THE 6K ONE. I've got a little over a thousand left to pay on the 6k loan now, which I will complete by the end of January. I'm so close to being under 10k in debt... GOALS FOR 2018 1)Go from being 5 figures in student loan debt down to 4 figures in debt (pay off 2 out of 4 loans) If everything goes according to Keikaku I'll achieve this by the end of June. This has to factor in things like updating my car registration in april, oil changes, tune ups, tire rotation, gas and food expenses, but as long as I don't get fired I should be fine! 2) Stretch Daily Not exercise. I never exercise. But it would be nice to increase my flexibility. 3) STOP TOUCHING YOUR GODDAMN FACE/ find an effective acne treatment I also want to try washing my face daily. Im fucking 25. I shouldn't have this many pimples. 4) Do another song comic I made A lyrictale for Undertale at the end of 2015 in ten days. I want to make another. I already have it scripted, now I just need to do it. 5) Do at least one art stream a month. Hey, maybe I can stream the next song comic I do. Sure, it'd spoil the song and story for everyone, but doesn't that sound fun? 6)Practice ASL I just started looking into Memrise and their ASL courses. They actually have A LOT, AND! THEY HAVE SIGN LANGUAGE COURSES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES! This year is gonna be fun. (Also, the only reason I want to learn ASL because of Undertale. I'll let you figure out how they are connected) 7) Sew 4 stuffed animals I started sewwing a Hobbes plush in the middle of last year. His body is finished. I just never did the head. The other three stuffed animals I want to make I will keep a secret because I love to keep people guessing. 8) Make two AMVs There are two songs I want to put to Avatar; The Last Airbender, and Avatar; The Legend of Korra. I have about half the footage... I just... need to rewatch the shows and put the clips together. Hey, maybe after I find all the clips I can do a stream of that as well. 9) Last but not least, finish my many, MANY Undertale Fan Fics. a. You Monster (34 out of 37 chapters are written, but only 29 are posted) b. Finish the "Of Two Minds" series (it's explicit don't look) c. Color Theory (A chasriel one shot) d. Something Left Behind (Terrible AU Idea #647) e. Let's Get Real (Self insert, joke, parody thing that will also be explicit) f. Game Day! (something about soccer games with Mettaton along the same vain as Field Trip!) g. Would You Like Fries With That (Nicepants because there's not enough of it in the world) h. Science Fair! (something with Undyne and school projects along the same vain as Field Trip!) i. One that is so horribly dark and fucked that I won't even describe it here. Welp! Those are my goals for 2018! What are your goals for 2018? Whatever they are, I wish you success and improvement, health and wealth! Stay safe this year! I love you all~
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goongha · 7 years
edit: I removed the comment because I felt awkward making it seem like this was directed at anyone specific. This post is intended for everyone.
1. LEZHIN WORKS SO SLOW?! there’s already over 30 episodes and the english is not even half of it?!
The Korean version of The Baker on the First Floor debuted on Lezhin on August 28th, 2016 with the first six chapters.
The English version debuted on December 26th, 2016 with the first eight chapters and has since updated weekly with one exception due to the holidays (US) and the New Year.
Lezhin has said on their official tumblr blog that there are a set number of BL comics they release per month. I have a strong inkling that this was one of them. If you poke around the Korean site you will see that there are literally thousands of webcomics, we’re lucky they chose BOTFF as one of the fraction that they have chosen to translate!
They have stated that their English website works on a completely different time table than their Korean website, so I wouldn’t expect the English site to keep up with the Korean version.
Finally, translations take time, I know we all want the best and most accurate translations possible to gleen exactly what kind of story our lovely manwha GyaGa is trying to tell us. Rushing through a translation leads to mistranslations and confusion. Additionally, Lezhin has also stated the following in regards to the popular webcomic K*lling St*lking, and the same holds true for BOTFF.
“Although we would very much like to be on the same schedule as the Korean site, we actually started releasing the English version of K*lling St*lking *after* it had already been in the Korean market. Also, we want to bring our readers the best possible copies of each episode we can - which can take some time, what with the translating, the typesetting, etc…” (source , speaking in regards to KS)
Please be patient! The translators are working to bring us multiple (as in dozens or more) webcomics to enjoy every single week, certain comics every single day. Between actually translating, clarifying, and typesetting, we must be patient! Lezhin translators are human beings who work hard for us, we should appreciate them!
Lezhin is not slow, I don’t believe it was never intentioned that BOTFF keep up with the Korean version, as frustrating as that may be for some (myself included, I’m excited too!!)
2. Should the yet-to-be-released chapters be translated for free?
Lezhin has explicitly asked people not to do this multiple times, once in their Customer Support section in a post titled “Policy on Copyright Infringement and Account Restrictions”, which states,
“Hello. This is Lezhin Comics. As you may all know, copyright infringement is a serious crime as well as an act that directly negates the efforts of the creators. Recently, there have been many incidents where some users have misappropriated our creators’ contents to promote their own websites.Such misappropriation may encourage more unlawful actions and consequently damage the livelihood of our creators and the quality of their work even further. We are currently monitoring these unlawful actions and restricting the use of the accounts associatioed with such activity. We will continue to do so indefinitely. We urge everybody to read our creators’ comics at Lezhin Comics and not on other unauthorized websites. We wish to provide our creators with the most stable environment and conditions for them to produce the best work possible. Thank you. “
and once as a reply to this post, which states,
“We’re doing our best to take down illegal uploads but please stop reading/uploading the comics illegally. We appreciate that these comics are getting the love that they deserve. However, reading them illegally is hurting the artists and we’re trying to prevent that from happening so please work with us and read the comics on Lezhin Comics (www.lezhin.com/en)! “
The problem with early/free translation is not the translator themselves, or you (general you, not you, the person), who buy the Korean raw and then read a translation seperately, but those who will read free translations, but won’t buy any of the webcomics. Once an unauthorized translation is out in the world, anyone can read it or repost it on free sites.
So to reiterate, providing raws of unreleased chapters can lead to account suspension or restriction and will prevent you from enjoying the many webcomics Lezhin has to offer! Do so at your own risk.
Anyways, this post turned out to be a lot longer than I intended, and again, I don’t mean to call this person out specifically but I felt that this is something that I wanted to address, and I hope everyone has a better understanding about Lezhin, how it works and why it’s generally not a good idea to repost these comics with early translation, even though its very tempting to do so.
I’m so excited to keep reading BOTFF and I hope everyone else is too! Patience is key here, I think it will be worth it!
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