#And it fucking hurts
gay-otlc · 9 months
This is kind of a very specific post but shana tovah to every Jew who had a loved one die this past year, and have to observe the High Holy Days without them for the first time. I'm so sorry, it's a shitty situation to be in, but I hope you have a good holiday.
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lavender-femme · 2 years
Your fat mutuals see when you almost exclusively reblog thin bodies
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honeypleasejustkillme · 11 months
i don’t think, i KNOW i’ve never loved someone as much as i love him
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amethystina · 1 year
If The Gentle Light had continued, what, do you think, would Yo Han's immediate thoughts/feelings have been upon seeing Ga On again?
Well. I mean. I don't really think — I know. Because I'm sometimes forced to write down the Yo Han bits that just won't leave me the fuck alone. Usually just short snippets, often ones that aren't even connected, but yeah. If I don't, they'll keep looping inside my head, slowly driving me insane.
So anon can have some Yo Han POV, as a treat:
Yo Han took another sauntering step forward, gaze wandering over Kim Ga On's terrace. Pots, plants, and various tools littered the space, but it was by no means cluttered or disorganized. Everything had its proper place, either tucked away in practical plastic crates or arranged in neat little rows. Even the plants were positioned with great care, lining the otherwise empty space — enveloping it, turning it into something more than just a terrace.
Like a small oasis of life — delicate yet vibrant — right there in the heart of Seoul.
Yo Han shook his head and walked over to the shelf placed against one of the walls, plants of all shapes and sizes crowding together inside it.
How very like Ga On, to surround himself with so much life.
And to be so desperate for something to care for that he hoarded these frail little plants, showering them with the love and affection he couldn't find an outlet for elsewhere. It seemed that Kim Ga On might very well cease to exist if he wasn't allowed to care for and nurture the living and breathing things around him, the need going beyond instinct into outright compulsion.
That innocence and selflessness was a weakness — a big, blinking target, so easy to exploit — but, at the same time, so breathtakingly beautiful it only added to Ga On's radiance.
Yo Han was frustrated by how much he adored it.
He reached out and slowly ran his finger along the leaf of one of the nearby plants. Yo Han was no expert, but it looked paler than it probably should have — closer to yellow than green. He frowned, his gaze flicking between the plants in front of him.
Almost every single one of them looked the same.
Discolored, with drooping leaves, some even edged with dry, crusty browns.
A small flicker of discomfort — of dawning realization — was all the warning Yo Han got before his chest clenched. He had no time to brace himself, the bloom of concern fierce enough to almost knock the breath out of him.
The implication was all too clear.
Kim Ga On might be withering away faster than Yo Han had anticipated.
Though I guess that's technically BEFORE he sees Ga On? So here's the one when he actually turns around and sees him for the first time in months:
Yo Han had pictured the moment many times over. He'd wondered — maybe even fantasized — what it would be like to see Ga On again after so many months apart. But none of those scenarios, each studied and evaluated down to the smallest detail, could prepare Yo Han for what he actually found when he turned around.
Not even once, at any point during his musings, had Yo Han thought that the first thing he would feel was a sharp, painful pang of guilt.
The eyes meeting his — those soft doe-eyes, usually so bright and vibrant — were flat and empty. They looked too big on Ga On's face, too black and bottomless against the paleness of his skin. As if there was nothing but a gaping emptiness behind them.
There was no spark. No light.
The world seemed to shift, just a fraction, but still enough to make Yo Han's stomach drop. The curl of dread was paralyzing.
He'd always known he was fated to eventually smother that gentle, fragile light, but he hadn't expected it to happen like this.
Not this soon.
He wasn't ready for that loss yet. He honestly never would be.
And so, for once, Yo Han didn't know what to do — or even how to react. The longer he stood there, staring into those blank eyes, the more the guilt grew. He could feel it seeping into his veins, slowly taking hold.
It hurt to breathe.
A pain which didn't ease even when something finally did shift inside Ga On's eyes. Because what Yo Han saw wasn't life, excitement, or even hope, but the heart-wrenching hunger of a desperate, half-starved creature, so weak it was a miracle it could even function.
The emptiness in Ga On's eyes suddenly made sense.
He was empty. And Yo Han could see the hunger growing — the near-frantic need to fill that cold, hollow space. And he knew exactly what had caused it.
Exactly what Ga On needed in order to fill that void inside of him.
If Yo Han had wanted to make Ga On less dependent on him, he'd failed.
... I guess the short answer would be: "... oh fuck."?
Bear in mind that I currently have no plans (or time) to write another chapter from Yo Han's POV, but yeah. I hope you enjoy the snippets?
Also, to be entirely honest with you all, it fucking hurts to write Yo Han's POV, especially these emotional scenes x'D Like, I feel for Ga On when I write about him and his struggles, I definitely do. But Yo Han is too similar to me in how he deals with and processes emotions so I'm, like, in agony when I write stuff like this because I can relate to it too much.
So some of my stubbornness not to write his POV is honestly sheer self-preservation at this point x'D
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agayworthfightingfor · 2 months
i hate how invisible the inability to move is
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secretlyofthefeywild · 3 months
so tired of toxic positivity,, everything is NOT going to be alright and im allowed to be upset abt it
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lowlyroach · 10 months
617) See Sea
Waves rocking raft
The storm cracks the sky
Lightning followed by
The slap of thunder
Body vibrates with ease
Torrential downpour weeps into the wood
Rotation around a whirlpool
Infinite spiral
Unreachable epicenters
Never altered my course, of course
Instead, I tore the sail down as an offering
Queasy, I vomit the contents of myself below
Try to pour every ounce into the
Reflective pool of fear
Salty surrender
I drink myself
To fill what never becomes full
Starvational absence
Desperation akin to madness
Delusional rhapsody
I consider the dive to the bottom
Pressurized collapse
I strike out in fury
Bid my reflection vanish
Sit in the pour
Hurricane hypnotized
I closed my eyes
I got stuck in yours
Lost in their storm
I am so puny in your pupils
Waves, do nothing but wave
Can I ever reach land when
All I do is beg to drown
What a captivating cruise
What an incandescent blue
What light is left for me without you?
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bass-alien · 2 years
I just want to be someone’s favorite, I just want to be enough
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pealeii · 3 months
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notawisewriter · 11 months
I told my mom I'll unalive myself and she'll regret then...she said I give myself much more importance than I deserve.
haha, life's going great.
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boomerang109 · 1 year
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this-geek · 11 months
I feel like it is correct to say that Aziraphale fell first but Crowley fell harder
It's also safe to say I am dead inside after that finale
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rinwhore · 2 years
kakucho's birthday was unknown and it got me thinking that we'll never ever be able celebrate his day. Never. No Kaku Day nor Kaku Month. No. Nothing. Nada.
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nymphaforesta · 2 years
been having a stiff neck since yesterday and I can't move or do anything<333 isn't that nice!!!!
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vandalizeme · 1 year
In my humble and delusional opinion, enough alcohol can in fact solve anything.
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