#Aquarius rules
suniverseastro · 11 months
In big 6, the most influential Aquarius usually has a small face and pointed chin. Appearance is usually slim, duck and not fat Male Cancer Sun, combined with Leo Mars, is highly intuitive and ready to protect, manipulate, and protect the person they like.
Venus trine/sextile moon brings attraction to both sexes. Usually has a feminine energy and soft voice, similar to a girl's description, likes peace and doesn't like loud, likes to work slowly, doesn't compete, doesn't compete
Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter form good angles with each other… very suitable for teaching and evangelizing
Mercury in Pisces in 8th is usually quiet when studying, others feel they are quite vague but actually their intuition is quite high. They also easily feel pressured when there are tests
Jupiter trine / sextile Venus easily feels and receives the affections of many other people, they feel loved. With a more difficult angle, the person often feels that they are unlucky in love even though there are many people who like them.
Pisces Moon likes to be complimented, introspects, or flirts only with the people they like, doesn't like to go out much, I think because Pisces is influenced by Neptune, the nature of Jupiter manifests in where at home they often search for information sources on their own using the means they have
Sagittarius/Jupiter influencing the sun often likes to go abroad, or like to go everywhere
Women with the Sun in the 1st house are usually very confident, they have a lot of skills and good thinking
In the sysnastry chart, the angles between Venus and Moon/Mercury, Sun/Moon and Mars in opposition, especially perpendicular, are often initially attracted to each other by sexual energy but actually the difficulty of getting along; the harbinger of a relationship will be difficult if there are many opposing angles in the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the sun
The Sun and the rising sign of two people conjuncted can understand each other terribly and help and support each other in study very well, if you add Mercury of the two people in good combination, it feels like they like soulmate
Sagittarius is compatible with Aries (maybe > Leo> Libra, Aquarius>...)
Cancer men can be very unfaithful, it also depends on other important planets in the chart such as the moon, Venus and Mars. I think maybe because the moon is in the state, it is easily affected by other planets
This is a personal observation, if you feel it is inappropriate, please comment in good faith and ignore it <3 My ask box always welcome
Have a nice day
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damianstarbradley · 7 months
being Saturn ruled
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capricorn and Aquarius risings are saturn ruled. you may also resonate with these points if you have saturn conjunct your ascendent. both Capricorn and Aquarius approach life seriously. they take themselves very seriously which can sometimes hold them back from making connections with others. their fear of being alienated and unaccepted by others is a self fulfilling prophecy; they often alienate themselves by cutting people out of their lives too easily. in the case of capricorn, the capricorn sun/moon/rising will often distance themselves from those whose company does not add sufficient value to their lives. this is always a bad thing but this tendency to filter out friends can leave capricorn feeling lonesome. with the Aquarius, they tend to impose their strong opinions on others. they think about what they are going to say while you are speaking instead of listening to you talk. others get the impression that you think you know more than you do.
the key to being saturn ruled is to find an outlet, project or profession that earns them the respect and credibility they crave. capricorn and Aquarius are naturally creative and innovative however they may go overboard in their pursuits for approval. jupiter is in fall in Capricorn and so the energy of Capricorn must be used at a gradual pace; instant gratification is not the saturn way. it is favorable for the capricorn or Aquarius to go the route that makes the most sense to them. capricorn and Aquarius risings strive to be something great so much so that nothing lives up to their expectations. they are far too hard on themselves and have high standards for what qualifies as a life worth living.
the lesson of capricorn and Aquarius is learning their own limitations and boundaries because they can easily push themselves too far and get burnt out. after that they can set realistic goals for themselves. a spiritual pursuit or practice might interest capricorn and Aquarius rising as it can offer them a set of morals, routines and rituals to live by. they would thrive in a group of spiritually aligned peoples who have similar interests and beliefs as themselves so that they dont continue to feel alienated by the world.
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vanisketches · 4 months
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I have the power of God and +10 lesbians on my side.
First big thing of 2024 <3
Genderbend designs fun, I've been having ideas for an Amazon Au for quite some time actually.
Reblogs > Likes
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saturnian-body · 11 months
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belpheg0r-luna · 21 days
Dude i dont care how bad it gets for me deep down i will always be If you need to be mean be mean to me I can take it and put it inside of me girl okayy
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anatheyma · 27 days
What is your sun sign my friend ? 🦌🔎
HI FRIEND! it's sagittarius! :] in fact uh. it's also my rising and venus along with my sun sign 😵‍💫
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I see you like Aquarius.
And I see you like angst.
How wonderful.
So if I combine them as a headcanon prompt, such as oh, say… Lucy (of any age) having extreme night terrors to the point Aquarius summons herself, you would say…?
Ooo that's so good! I wonder if her spirits can sense that? Like they can sense when she's in danger so it makes sense
The first time it happens is only a couple months after Layla dies. Aquarius didn't have that strong of a bond with Lucy yet, but she still faintly feels it. She doesn't show up that time
The second time, Aquarius summons herself to see what is going on. Before she can do anything tho, the staff comes in and takes care of Lucy
The third time, Aquarius wakes Lucy before the staff and holds a sobbing Lucy in her arms until she falls back to sleep
That quickly becomes their system. The staff peaks in to see if Aquarius is there and Aquarius hold's Lucy until she's calmed down
As Lucy gets older, Aquarius makes sure to tell Lucy that she's not doing it because she cares about her. It's simply because any self respecting spirit would check on their master
Lucy just thanks her for taking care of her. Aquarius usually responds with an awkward pat on Lucy's head before leaving
It gets to the point where Aquarius always frees herself up at night just in case Lucy has an episode
No dates past 9pm. Ever.
Every time Lucy gets a new spirit Aquarius briefs them on Lucy's night terrors and also tells them that ONLY she will be summoning herself
Aquarius likes taking care of Lucy (even tho she'll never admit it) so this feels like the only time she can get away with it without sacrificing her rep
Now that Lucy is surrounded by friends Aquarius worries that Lucy wont need her anymore.
She never voices it but somehow Lucy knows and makes sure to tell Aquarius how much she appreciates her
Aquarius just responds by halfheartedly insulting her
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radsplain · 6 months
Fun astrology fact for the radfem/gc girlies: Saturn going into Pisces for the first time in 27 years will predictably see the beginning of the fall of trans ideology in the mainstream consciousness over the next 2-3 years that it’s going to be in the sign. Expect slow but sure change in the larger societal themes the sign of Pisces rules, as Saturn’s effects can last 3-5 years in whatever sign it’s entering/leaving. But we’ve already started to see inklings of this happening for the past few years that it’s been in Aquarius. Expect this energy to start picking up even more rapidly in the next few!
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
Some random Capricorn/Saturn notes
Because I'm taking a hell water shower again
🎆I find it funny no one points out that Capricorn rules over bones (therefore Saturn as well), and Capricorn is traditional rules by the 10th house. Therefore it makes sense Capricorns tend to just be in a higher place or change structures on a societal level a lot. They practically the "bones" of society
🎆Further more Saturn is where we start feeling the most change in our societies not just individually (like the first couple of planets)
🎆Cap 12th (maybe even 7th)housers probably wanted braces or to break a bone.
🎇Let me explain: Its mostly due to the attention people got for having braces and/or broken bones. As well as wanting to fit in with others
🎆Cap in the 12th protects you in ways that people don't speak on enough. Yes I know Scorpio provides protection there, and that's more on a metaphysical/ psychological way. Capricorn gives physical protection, most from bodily harm that should've taken you off the census.
🎇Its the way i should've had a broken neck, ribs, braces, and even not being here for me. I've fallen on my neck (with all my weight on it) from over 6 feet (gymnastics tings) and just had a cramp, I'm jumped off my roof (because my parents told me to stop climbing on shit) and didn't get scratched. I have more wild stories and I think the point is gotten.
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🎆Saturn's degree and the corresponding sign AND planet can show what you need to grow the most in. Also what you won't bend the most for.
🎇14° Saturn (house doesn't really matter here)- You would look where Taurus and Venus are placed in your chart. You need to be more open to relationships (mainly non platonic ones), and you are more stubborn with *wherever house Taurus/ Venus is placed in*
🎆I would implore my folks with a mom who has a Saturn ruled moon (Aquarius/Capricorn) to check y'all synastry chart. It would help a lot with how to better connect with them and how to mother yourself.
🎇Because a bitch believes in equity check where your father's Saturn house is the same as where your Capricorn is.
🎆 I just know the folks who got Saturn ruled parents (either Sun, Moon or Rising) had to deal with them being the most unconventional folks ever. They the type to talk about things other parents don't want to and teach about social justice themes way before they get popular.
🎇You also might have older parents. Parents with an age gap. Parents who were very socially active in your life (or people think they are very active due to their social appearance)
🎆Someone gonna be mad I said this and don't care. Capricorns are about equity and Aquarius is about equality.
🎇If you don't know the difference between the two, I'll spell it out. Equity is everyone is equal regardless of social standing, gender, sex etc etc. Equality is everyone has equal (the same) opportunities regardless of gender, sex, social standing.
Because equity means there's no difference in how people are treated and that everyone is the same, it makes a lot more sense that Capricorn and Saturn would be more linked to it. With equality being everyone can have the same things (it of course fluctuates because that's life) and everyone gets the same amount, it makes sense that Aquarius and Uranus play a larger role in that.
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🎆 Look for where Capricorn is placed to see your work ethic.
🎇5th house- You work through the creative inspiration you get. Also kids (even short term relationships) are themes of your work/ boost it.
🎇9th house- You can find better strength in your abilities in religious, academic and/or foreign places. You come off more loose with work and prefer groups to individual projects
🎆Saturn ruled folks 🤝 not getting even, getting better
🎆Go head and argue with a Saturn ruled person and watch how they pull up facts you didn't know existed or talk you in to the ground.
🎆Where Capricorn is transiting in your chart is where you can experience strengthening.
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🎆Cap ruled folks tend to have stronger bones. (Unless your Saturn is going through it)
🎆Idk why Capricorn isn't seen as a creative sign, its both cardinal and earth. It deals with structure and restriction. I wouldn't be surprised of a lot of contemporary and ballet dances (shit dancers in general) have prominent Capricorn placements.
🎆Sometimes your Capricorn friends see shit in you that you don't, and you should listen because they do be right. (It can hurt, and they still ain't wrong).
🎆Speaking of seeing stuff, Capricorns can inherently tell when something is happening, they have a knack for pattern watching.
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🎆For the love of God, please stop putting boring ass colors for Caps. Have you seen Saturn, it has fucking rings. Its multicolored. Why is that one shade of dirty grey you get when you mix all the paints what y'all refer to when making Cap mood boards?
🎆I truly believe Pluto in Cap (gen alpha) will make the changes Pluto in Sag (gen z) talks about.
🎇Sag is still a mutable sign, meaning it begins a process (not completes or goes through with it) while Capricorn is a cardinal (its action oriented, still doesn't complete just puts actions to words). Of course that means Pluto in Aqua will be the ones to actually finish up the ideas/changes etc (they didn't start nor make most of the progress, they wrapped it up and implemented it societally)
🎆People with their chart ruler in Capricorn might find it harder to relate to most people, even if they understand there is a feeling of loneliness due to the responsibility of the planet.
🎆We drag Leos and Sun ruled folks about being proud, have you not met Capricorns tho? I'm pretty sure Capricorn is where you are the most proud (socially) while Leo is the most proud (internally).
🎇Internal means being proud of self. Socially is being proud of how it makes you look/changes things on a grand scale.
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🎆You might be very knowledgeable in the house theme of where Capricorn lies.
🎇Yes this has everything to do with the fact you only gain knowledge through wisdom and research. Yes Capricorns tend to do their research (a lot) if they interested in how something works. Yes that means they have a lot of life experience in the theme as well (which is what wisdom is).
🎆We only see Capricorns as wise because they mastered the art of "well I ain't doing that again". They also learn by watching others which is "I won't fuck around and find out" energy they have.
🎆Mythical beings (n friends) I associate with Saturn and/or Capricorn: Unicorns, Tree Nymphs, Satyrs, Werewolves (maybe wereanimals on a greater scale), Gnomes, the Swamp Creature/ Creature of the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein (not the doctor), The Mummy (mainly the 1950s movie version), Sasquatch, Trickster Coyote, Anansi, Brer Rabbit, Shape Shifters, Nure- Onna, Nāga/Nāgī
Ight im done. My headache medicine kicking in and I'm about to stop typing in english that's understandable because of it.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my bio. Ko-fi: nymphdreams 🧸)
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saturndivine · 2 years
The most interesting thing about the Aquarius God-Complex, is the fact that they are moved to help people because they see their potential by seeing how weak they are currently. They are aware things can be better and will strive for it, but may look down on others for not keeping up. Just that constant juxtaposition of enlightenment & disgust plays out in the aquarian head.
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lylahammar · 1 year
astrology really is like football teams for gay ppl like I don't even care about astrology that much comparatively but I see a streamer or someone say they're an aquarius and I get the urge to paint the aquarius zigzags on my cheeks like the black lines that people do for football games and wave an eridan homestuck flag
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mythicdeeds · 2 years
Air Signs in their Ruling Planets 🌬️
♊ Gemini Mercury people have the vocabulary of a tumblr post telling you what words you could rather use to make your writing sound more profesional and deep, as well as a penchant for Urban Dictionary, so that any weird phrase you use can be answered in record time without doing any searching beforehand.
♎ Libra Venus is a rare placement to have, given their idealistic opinions and softness of touch. As the planet which cultivates loving feelings in people and takes action in long term relationships, this placement promises gentle feelings and distant attachment. A pleasure to be around.
♒ Aquarius Uranus placements are also idealistic in their own, unique way when dealing with thoughts about the future of a generation of career and what kind of change they would implement in order for progress and promising events to take place. In a nutshell, they want to make a difference.
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roseemars · 3 months
Happy Aquarius season, it’s my season hehehe. 🗡️🩸
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etherealfishyfeelings · 2 months
in my unprofessional astrological opinion, the use of uranus, neptune and pluto as co-rulers has made people really misunderstand not only Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio but also the nature of mars, saturn and jupiter. and it hurts me
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Justice for mars/ares, honestly.
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belpheg0r-luna · 1 month
Collecting fellow moon in aquarius people like im starving and they're the only life source
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
"Capricorn is a masculine sign" it's a earth sign and it's feminine??? 🤨
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