go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
this is the georgie and martin one... oh no...
HI @a-mag-a-day IM ABOUT TO BE SO NORMAL. anyway um conflicts of interest: i love jonathan sims head archivist of the magnus institute london more than anyone else in the world barring my cat and my partner.
so let's just. go then, i guess.
I had a half blue in modern pentathlon and another in orienteering from my undergrad days.
I've done a couple of triathlons before, and a few aquathons (see, my favourite part was cycling, and second favourite was swimming, so I wish there was a swimming and cycling one I could do, instead of just swimming and running), but I've never heard of a pentathlon before. Apparently - according to the CBC - it's fencing, swimming, horse riding, and combined running and shooting.
Obviously, we wanted to leave him to his own stupidity and let the Amazon deal with him, but we both knew that it just wouldn’t be worth the paperwork.
ajhdshaghfhg they should have
As I got closer to the shabono, it became clear what was wrong with it. Although each roof was thatched like normal, the stands weren’t made of leaves, but all kinds of different materials instead: long strands of plastic, shards of rusted metal, even oddly shaped hunks of cement.
But the inside was just like the outside, and in the worst possible way. There were no people in there, but that’s not the same thing as it being empty. Instead there were … figures. From a distance, they looked like human beings standing impossibly still, but getting closer quickly revealed the lie. They were just the rough shapes, cobbled together out of a hundred different pieces of garbage: a broken metal clothes horse for a ribcage, a plastic chair leg for an arm, rusted screws for teeth. In some cases, it looked like someone had gone to a lot of effort to match anatomy with construction. I saw one with a broken water cooler where its stomach would be, and another had a pair of old oxygen tanks standing in for lungs.
That's really spooky!
He started convulsing, as grey, liquid concrete began to pour from his mouth, from his nose and his eyes. His limbs went rigid and I could see his body starting to swell with it. I don’t know if it was me or Fernanda screaming, maybe it was both of us, but I know it was her that first spotted that the detritus figures were no longer choosing to stand still. That was the last I ever saw of Dr Nikos Anastas. There was never any question of trying to save him.
Oh that is quite spooky. Did they move? Did they become statues? Tis left to the imagination, for your mind to come up with the scariest possible answer while you try to sleep.
In the end, we crossed paths with a group of real Yanomami tribesmen. They were really friendly and, once they figured out that we were lost, they were very happy to return us to a part of the jungle we knew, near our facility. Of course, we didn’t have a good explanation for what happened to Dr Anastas, so we lost our jobs pretty much immediately. But you know what? That’s fine. I’m done with the jungle. There’s something in there, and I don’t know which scares me more: the thought that it’s more than just the things we left behind; or that that’s all it is, and we can’t escape the ruins of our own future.
that is a GREAT last line. ✨spooky!✨
GEORGIE Oh… Because I think he’s going to destroy himself and anyone who lets him get too close. And I don’t want that to include me. Or Melanie.
Alright, alright. Firstly, do I get where Georgie's coming from? Yes, I do. It's hard, having to step away from someone you love because they're going to get you hurt. Giving up one people is hard, and it's shitty when other people tell you that you need to not do that, different situations, but still, same principle. You decide who to associate yourself with, and it's fine to give up on people.
But... being alone sucks, being given up on sucks. I've been there. I've been given up on. You know what sucks more than the fear that everyone hates you? That fear being realized. And that fear was realized for Jon, he wakes up from a coma and has Georgie basically tell him she wished he was dead - maybe not what she said, but that's an interpretation, and if I know enough about anxiety - I know that interpretation is what Jon believes.
Good for Georgie, I guess, doesn't get her life ruined by a monster, I guess. But I sympathize more with Jon. Justified? Sure, but hey, me being alone was justified too. Does it still hurt? Yeah. Is it still a shitty situation to be in, does it still ache to be written off by someone you trusted? Yeah. Yeah, it probably does.
MARTIN Well, sometimes helping people hurts. GEORGIE Sure, but that doesn’t mean everything painful helps. Sometimes people have problems that will wreck you long before you can make a dent in them. And some people don’t want help; they just want other people suffering with them.
And here's the thing, right. I don't have one singular take on this. There's ✨nuance!✨ Like, yeah, does it suck to be written off by a friend? Yeah! Yeah it does! But then, Martin's all... he's doing this whole... hurt himself for Jon - something that, yeah, isn't helping. He's just hurting himself, he's just putting himself in these dangerous situations because maybe it'll help Jon.
Georgie has every right to leave, to protect herself and Melanie. She can't help Jon. Sure, she's saying it in a vaguely victim blame-y way, most seen in the whole "throwing a grenade and jumping on it" thing, cause he didn't chose this, at least not fairly, but she's right to leave, she's right to say this, she feels that she'll just get herself hurt if she tries to help and I get that.
You don't want to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
GEORGIE He doesn’t know what he wants. And from the sound of things, he’s run out of time to figure it out. MARTIN It’s easy to pass judgement from the outside. GEORGIE One more reason to stay on the outside.
AND YEAH, IM A LITTLE ANNOYED AT GEORGIE HERE, because she doesn't know what's going on, she doesn't understand and she doesn't get to pass judgement on what other people are feeling and doing and thinking and deciding as someone who's not involved and doesn't want to be involved. Great for her, she isn't trapped in an evil job and gotten turned into a bloody monster. Yeah, I think Martin's right here, for a given value of right. Right is subjective.
MARTIN A-a-and wh-what, you think Melanie’s worth saving? GEORGIE It’s not about worth, but yeah, she’s actually trying to get well, so I’m going to help her. MARTIN This place isn’t a sickness. GEORGIE No, I think it’s worse. MARTIN Look, we’re all just trying to do the right thing. GEORGIE Maybe. Look, life forces you to make hard decisions, but I can never trust someone who goes around looking for hard decisions to make.
You sure that's what's happening? You sure it's not - I dunno - a lot of intentionally crafted rock and hard place decisions for the purpose of ending the world? You sure it's not magically knowing that your... colleague has a ghost bullet in her, and having to decide between violating her trust or asking her and potentially her actually hurting and/or killing you? Sure it's not someone's trapped in a coffin and you're like well, hey, at least I can do something useful? Get her out? Die trying? It's so easy to pass judgement from the outside, to call it a stupid decision when it wasn't. You know what sort of decision it was? A decision from someone who didn't care whether they lived or died in part because of your actions.
GEORGIE Oh, I was, um… … Huh. No-one, apparently. MELANIE Yeah, this place will do that to you. Come on. GEORGIE Sure.
Well, in conclusion, really cool statement, I have Feelings about the post statement, and I just think that although Georgie has every right to leave and a point in some things that she was saying, she still said it in a really victim blame-y way, and I'm a little annoyed at her perspective on things. Also, Martin's in like season 3 Jon level of monsterhood, I don't know why he thought he wasn't an Avatar in season 5. Was he doing it unconsciously? Is he at season 2 level, actually?
Oh! Tomorrow is Cul-de-Sac, one of my favourite episodes... ever. So, look forward to that :3
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chrislswood · 2 years
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Reposted from @totaltritraining 🥇Medal Monday ….the rewards of hard work and consistency! 🥈Lauren Arber -2nd AG at World Triathlon Aquathon. 👏🏻 💥Fern Gardner -4th in AG/ 9th overall at Abu Dhabi World Triathlon Standard Distance Triathlon 💥Paul Chesworth -12th at Abu Dhabi 💥Coach Kirsty Walker -4th in AG at IM Israel with a marathon PB off the bike! 🤩 💥Efi Papadopoulou - completed her first IM at Israel and finished in 12.32 👏🏻 💥Simon Blacker- completed his IM even after this nose was broken in the swim and had to be clicked back in again! Ouch! 💥Jonathan Davies -5th AG at Escape to Afan MTB duathlon 🏃‍♂️Lewis Whalley -1:29 first half marathon London . Coach Laura Fairhurst athlete’s were out in force at Wilmslow festive 10k 🏃A great return to racing after a few months off for Phil Gartell with 48.49 🏃🏼‍♀️Helen Williams ran a solid 49.19 🏃🏼‍♀️Laura Tysvaer on her 1st 10k chasing Helen in 50.08 🏃‍♂️Jonathan Bowl new 10k PB 43.10 🏃🏼‍♀️Down south Tamsin Evan ran a 10k PB at the Eynsham 10k in 49.31. Working hard on her running over the last 6 months is paying dividends. Well done all! Smashing results! 👏🏻 . . . . . #triathlete #triathlon #swimbikerun #triathlontraining #ironman #running #cycling #run #tri #trilife #ironmantraining #swim #swimming #bike #triathlonlife #training #runner #world #ironmantri #fitness #motivation #cyclinglife #triatlon #triathlonmotivation #the #in #cyclist #swimmer #sport #runnersofinstagram (at Total Tri Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clip_ohNbU8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miniathlete · 2 years
On Tuesday I took part in a Splash (750m OWS) + Dash (5km run) as part of my training for Blenheim Palace.
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The event was at Royal Victoria Docks and was very well organised! Very friendly and non-competitive (well, I was, of course! Ha, ha!). It was great to try the swim with lots of people starting (although by the sounds of it, Blenheim Palace will be one at a time, not a mass start) and to check out my race pace!
I have to say, I was pleased with my swim time, as I expected slower. I hope that I can achieve this at BP - c16 mins. It always takes me one or two hundred meters to get my breath and get into my stroke. I think I need to warm up and get my heart rate up before the swim.
It was also good to see how quick I can get the wetsuit off, what it feels like to be in a wet tri-suit and how it feels to run with no socks. I have to say, I'm feeling that bit more prepared for my first Tri now.
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scandsocialmedia · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://mariusz-czarnecki.pl/aquathon-czyli-polski-hackathon-o-wodzie/
Aquathon czyli polski hackathon o wodzie 11-12.06.2022!
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Czy wiedzieliście, że Polska ma bardzo małe zasoby wody pitnej? Natomiast na całym globie znajduje się tylko 1% wody słodkiej zdatnej do picia! Dlatego liczy się każda kropla woda – musimy zrobić wszystko, aby jej nie zabrakło.
  Każdy z nas wie, że woda jest niezbędna do życia całej planety. Dlatego powinniśmy ją bezwzględnie chronić, by nie zabrakło jej do codziennego funkcjonowania – ale jak jest w praktyce? Niestety w ostatnich latach coraz częściej mówi się o kryzysie wodnym, który powoli dotyka każdego z nas.
  Dlatego powstał Aquathon! 
Aquathon to jedyny w Polsce edukacyjny hackathon poświęcony problemom oszczędzania wody, który łączy technologie i innowacje. Dobre zarządzanie naszymi zasobami jest szczególnym wyzwaniem, dlatego w tym roku uczestnicy hackathonu będą mieli za zadanie stworzyć projekt związany z zarządzaniem wodą w kryzysie.
Jeżeli masz pomysł jak zabezpieczyć nasze zasoby, to koniecznie dołącz do tego wyjątkowego wyzwania. Aquathon odbędzie się w drugi weekend czerwca (11-12.06.2022). Rejestracja na wydarzenie jest zupełnie darmowa. Zwycięski projekt otrzyma 10 000 PLN. Pomagać uczestnikom Aquathonu będą doświadczeni mentorzy oraz eksperci.
Zapraszamy każdego!
Aby wziąć udział w Aquathonie nie musisz potrafić programować! Hackathon otwarty jest dla każdego. Organizatorzy czekają zarówno na reprezentantów IT, programistów, grafików, UX-owców, aktywistów, specjalistów w dziedzinach marketingu, zarządzania czy projektowania oraz na każdego, kto ma chęć, aby coś zmienić!
Nie zastanawiaj się dłużej i zarejestruj się już teraz!
  Koniecznie zajrzyj na stronę internetową Aquathonui dowiedz się więcej na temat konferencji.
  Śledź także profile na Facebook, LikedIn, Twitter, aby być na bieżąco ze wszystkimi informacjami związanymi z wydarzeniem!
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crossdreamers · 4 years
All you need to know about testosterone in women
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Kirsti Miller har a great thread on the role of testosterone in women:
//Young women generally have about 10% of the testosterone men have, but by the age of 40, they have roughly half. After menopause, some women can have higher testosterone levels than men of the same age.
T is a natural hormone, but it has also been abused in the past for doping female athletes, notably in former East Bloc countries. It is not legal to do this,but can be quite difficult to detect, as natural hormone levels can differ significantly from person to person.
Women who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have much higher testosterone levels than other women do. They can develop menstrual irregularities and facial hair and acne. This affects about one in every 10 young women.
Testosterone is necessary for the survival of both men and women and a shortage of it can cause memory problems, spatial disorientation and a lack of interest in sex in everyone.
Mary Decker-Slaney, world champion long-distance runner from the early 80s had a testosterone level that was much higher than the 6:1 ratio allowed by the IAAF. With age, women's testosterone levels increase significantly, while those of men drop. 
In female athletes, testosterone rises in anticipation of competition more in women than it does in men, researchers say.
Young women who have high testosterone levels have lean bodies, high energy levels and a flat strong abdomen. They do not necessarily look particularly masculine.
Men's testicles produce testosterone, but the testosterone production in women is divided between their ovaries and their adrenal glands.
When women develop higher testosterone levels, they can become more masculine, but they can also be at increased risk of diabetes, breast cancer and heart disease if they are overweight. 
Testosterone generally decreases fat mass, but also increases insulin resistance, which could lead to weight gain. In short, it does different things to different women.
Optimal testosterone levels vary incredibly widely from one man to another, and from woman to woman. The testosterone levels in one person can also differ widely when measured at different times.//
She has also an interesting thread on testosterone and athletes:
//Fun FACT: Where did the @WorldAthletics get the 5 nmol/L cutoff from? The medical profession has never defined being female by the level of testosterone in your blood and whether you're sensitive to sex hormones or not.//
More here.
Who is Kirsti Miller? “World Aquathon Champion & Dual-International-Hall-Of-Fame-Athlete, Educator within sport regarding diversity, Prison Governor.” And yes, she is a transgender woman.
Photo:  LeoPatrizi
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jblance-blog1 · 6 years
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Coming up this Sunday! The Merced Gateway Sport Fest will feature a Sprint Distance Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon, Aqua Bike, Kids Tri, 3.0 Mile Run and Kids 1-Mile Run. Truly a day filled with events to satisfy everyone! See you all on Sunday, October 14, at Merced College, in Merced! Check here for the deets: https://onyourmarkevents.com/all-events/merced-gateway-sport-fest/ @mercedcollegeaquatics @mercedcollege #mercedCA #triathlon #duathlon #aquathon #cycling #swimming #running (at Merced, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo29MPVFnSd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15zmz30rky0b2
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As a part of the #trythe5 in Mackay we will proudly be supporting this Sunday's Kids Aquathon at the Bluewater Lagoon with @tri_activ8 There is still time to join in the fun so register now for this free event! ▪ ▪ #theproducecrate #kids #healthykids #activekids #mackay #mackaypride #mackayregion #healthychoices #activemackay #letsshapeup #shapeupmackay #healthandfitness #fitness #fun #getinvolved #aquathon #moveyourbody #fitnessisfun #health #wellbeing #eatwell #nourish #nutrition #nutrients #fitfam #goodvibes #positivevibes (at Mackay, Queensland)
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armpocket-blog · 7 years
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Armpocket was front and center at the 2017 Aquathon in Singapore! What a fun event! #aquathon #singapore #aqua
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robinsonwp-blog · 7 years
USA Triathlon Announces National Championships Calendar for 2018
USA Triathlon Announces National Championships Calendar for 2018
Below is the official post by USA Triathlon for the upcoming year National Championships for Multi-sport events. There are some interesting changings from this year’s events. Making long distance a Multi-sport Festival is good for a lot of reasons, bring more athletes together at one time making it a fun weekend. At the same time when they were held on different weekends in different months,…
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balancedimagestudio · 7 years
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Found this stuck in the "scheduled to post" box. Sorry @gentle_ash @charmcshane @tamsyn_mv -----------------------------------------The first 3 women across the line in the #australiaday #aquathon @gentle_ash @charmcshane @tamsyn_mv ⠀ #welovethegong #visitwollongong @bisphoto #balancedimagestudio #sportsphotography #sportsphotographer @cellarbrations @spearmancycles @gongwizards @triaustralia
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heatherrjohnson · 7 years
Otillo: Another crazy two-sport event
Swim, run, repeat at these new multisport events
We’ve got run-bike-run (my favorite), swim-run, swim-bike, and, of course, swim-bike-run, and now we have swim-run-swim-run…and so on.
A Feb. 15 Triathlete magazine feature profiles Ötillö, a newly popular endurance sport where teams of two swim and run between and over 26 islands near Sweden. Grand total the teams swim more than 10K and run about 40K—consider it a long-distance, multi-Aquathon.
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Nossa agência está apoiando esse evento... #aquathon #vidasaudavel #gratidão
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downloadarmy · 2 years
The Coolangatta Gold
Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother’s shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father’s desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise…
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UAE National Day Aquathon
On the occasion of the UAE National Day Lilly in Year 7 and her brother Jad decided to use their enthusiasm for sports by doing an aquathon to raise money for Al Jalila Foundation’s Little Wings Project.  Well done on this philanthropic initiative to help children.
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jblance-blog1 · 6 years
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Coming up this Sunday! The Merced Gateway Sport Fest will feature a Sprint Distance Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon, Aqua Bike, Kids Tri, 3.0 Mile Run and Kids 1-Mile Run. Truly a day filled with events to satisfy everyone! See you all on Sunday, October 14, at Merced College, in Merced! Check here for the deets: https://onyourmarkevents.com/all-events/merced-gateway-sport-fest/ @mercedcollegeaquatics @mercedcollege #mercedCA #triathlon #duathlon #aquathon #cycling #swimming #running (at Merced College) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bor1pUjlIvX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ncsz3frn4ft7
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thebullitimes · 4 years
Finishing touches for Australia Day at Wollongong Harbour precinct
Finishing touches for Australia Day at Wollongong Harbour precinct
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THE finishing touches are being put on the fun-filled plans for this Sunday’s Australia Day celebrations around Wollongong Harbour.
The annual event kicks off at 8am with the Aquathon, and will conclude with a light show over Belmore Basin at 9pm.
Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said the day is an opportunity to enjoy live music, events and activities.
“This year we’ve got some great…
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