#As not everyone can handle subtitles
marinsawakening · 2 years
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imagination-mess · 1 year
Reality Show: Pro Heroes Wives (Bakugou Katsuki Edition)
*Implied the Reader is on the heavier side. You can leave it up to your own interpretation of it. *
There is a reality show where pro heroes' wives are on television and paid to be there. It was juicy gossip and pure drama. There are two groups separated from one another. There is always shit hitting the fan.
This week's episode was Pro Hero Dynamight making headlines and fans tweeting on Twitter as the episode was aired. It was
The official account of Pro Hero Dynamight has liked fan edits of his wife with the SWING SWING SWING Audio.
#thegirlsarefighting #season2ofproheroeswives
DynaFan0123 tweeted Not Rika, the fashion designer trying to body shame [Name] during the pool challenge to only get humbled later. EMBARRASSING *Meme attached to tweet*
Earjackfan#01: [Name] left no crumbles behind.
It was clips of Pro Hero Dynamight's wife in a swimsuit swiping the floor of another Pro Hero wife, Rika. It was a battle stick challenge of trying to knock your opponent while standing on a pillar. It gets harder to not slip while wet. There are 3 rounds with a cycle of a fight.
Rika was knocked out of the pillar shamelessly and didn't even last a minute with you. It was embarrassing compared to everyone else who was doing it minimum lasted 3 minutes. You let her swing at you and fake out of falling off to only get smacked harshly to lose balance. It was the look in your eyes that were too similar grin of your husband across your face. She had no chance of winning because you didn't even give her a chance to do after the first round.
The other challenge was to feature the spiciest sauces across the nation. You were chosen for your team because of your relationship with Dynamight. The pro hero has his own restaurant being the number one spot for having the hottest, spiciest dishes that left the food critic having to buy a gallon of milk. He had also released his own line of the spiciest hottest sauces earlier this year.
Rika was again your opponent who was trying to redeem themselves after embarrassing themselves to only do it again. She challenges you to take on the spiciest sauce of wings to handle with grace. She couldn't handle it. She was dying, turning like a tomato, and coughing.
It had become a meme throughout the internet. Rika's reaction to the wings. You serve her a cup of milk with a smile, "Too spicy for you?"
You also mentioned one of Dynamight's sauces, "Crybaby is better than this." "Crybaby Sauce is better than this. It's spicy, but not spicy enough for me. I
You accidentally caused a trend to happen while making the restaurant blow up in popularity. People want to buy that certain sauce to try it themselves.
OfficalChargebolt tweeted: Rika was doomed from the beginning. [Name] is married to a man with a tongue of steel. *Attaches the classic meme of Pro Hero Dynamight's unbothered face next to Pro Hero Shoto and Deku is struggling to handle the spiciest.*
*Attaches another one of the unsatisfied faces of Pro Hero Dynamight with subtitles on, "I am disappointed." meanwhile in the background Pro Hero Deku is having a coughing fit on the ground, and Pro Hero Shoto chugging down a gallon of milk*
OfficalDynamight tweets underneath a thread of a meme, mentioning Crybaby is better the following: *attached link to crybaby sauce.* Leave me alone.
Pro Hero Deku Edition
Pro Hero Shoto Edition
Pro Hero Red Riot Edition
Pro Hero Eraserhead Edition
Pro Hero Hellfire (Touya) Edition
Pro Hero Mindjack Edition
Reality Show: Unmasked Pro Heroes
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gothhabiba · 6 months
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[ID: First image: dark gray poster with illustrated hands snapping a missile in half, in white and red. The heading reads "November 9-10". Bold white text reads “international action to stop arming israel” with a subtitle in red “stop the genocide!” At the bottom is the Workers in Palestine logo. Second image reads: "Across the globe, people are demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, but those in power aren't heeding the call. It's time to ensure they hear us loud and clear. We call on you to join two international days of action on NOVEMBER 9 - 10 TAKE ACTION TO STOP ISRAEL'S WAR MACHINE AND PUT A HALT TO THE ARMS TRADE. Large rallies are important, but we also need to put direct pressure on governments and companies profiting from the arms trade with Israel. As Israel's genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza escalates, and Palestinians are assaulted and threatened across historic Palestine, we once again appeal to all people of conscience, trade unions, workers and students to take meaningful ation to Stop Arming Israel." Third image shows a stylized globe rendered white and gray, with red streams emanating from several countries into so-called Israel. Top text: "Many of the weapons causing mass destruction in Gaza now are made and shipped globally, with profits passing through your countries." Bottom text: "NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL! THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!" Fourth image: text reading “WE ARE CALLING FOR GLOBAL DAYS OF ACTION ON NOVEMBER 9-10 TO STOP ARMING ISRAEL. WE CALL ON: EVERYONE to block all factories making and exporting arms to Israel. UNIONS AND WORKERS to not manufacture, transport or handle weapons and/or surveillance tech destined to Israel and make public statements to that effect. STUDENTS AND EDUCATORS to uncover if your university has contracts or cooperation agreements with weapons companies supplying Israel, call them out and organize to cancel them. For more information on how you can take action, and the most appropriate targets, get in touch with us at [email protected], on X at WorkersInPales1, on instagram at WorkersInPalestine.” At the bottom is the Workers in Palestine logo, below which in large text is “Together, we can end israeli impunity!” End ID]
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skamenglishsubs · 2 months
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 3, Episode 1
Season 3 picks up a short while after the jubilee speech by Wilhelm. Both Wilhelm and Sara have been absent from school for a noticeable amount of time, so maybe a week or two later? The show isn't very diligent in ensuring a perfect timeline, but this would put us in early March perhaps? Anyway, we're off to the castle for a meeting to deal with the fallout of Wilhelm's speech and Sara reporting the video to the police.
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Subtext: The Queen is so pissed she's not even looking at her son, a reversal from the opening to season 2, when Wilhelm was pretty pissed at his mom.
Subtext: This is probably the first time that Wilhelm gets a hint that the Queen is seriously ill.
Cinematography: Same procedure as last season! Every season opens with a fourth wall break where Wilhelm stares in to the camera during the opening titles, defiant as ever.
Culture: For practical reasons the end of season 2 was filmed in April 2022, while the beginning of season 3 was filmed in February 2023. That said, the spring in Sweden can be pretty fickle, and it's not uncommon to have surprise snowfall as late as April. If you want a cinematographic interpretation of this scene, it's supposed to show how cold and unwelcome Simon feels arriving at the royal palace.
Cinematography: In reality, the monarch would be the last one entering a meeting after everyone else has arrived, but having Simon arrive like this makes it look more like he's entering a court of justice or some kind of disciplinary meeting. It's of course not a coincidence that the royal family represented by Jan-Olof is all on one side of the table, while everyone who has been causing them problems is on the other side.
Subtext: Jan-Olof is trying to minimize the video, by using "so-called", and by calling it an intimate video and not a porn video. However, for something to fall under the definition of "revenge porn", it's enough to depict people in an intimate situation, it doesn't have to meet the much higher threshold for when it's considered actual pornography, so he's at least admitting that it was an illegal video.
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Culture: Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen is unfortunately a real organization of actual neo-nazi white supremacists in Sweden, with offshoots in neighbouring countries.
Lost in translation: The subtitles are struggling here, it's "piss person" in one, and "shitty person" in the other. The former is literally what they're saying in Swedish, but the latter is probably the better expression in English.
Also, we've been told that August's stepdad, Rickard, is one of Sweden's best lawyers. What that means is that he is probably a well-known criminal defence lawyer, and has probably been handling the defence in high-profile cases, and if you're defending obviously guilty criminals, you tend to get a lot of shit from the media and people in general, even though what you're doing is necessary for a fair justice system. This sounds like his way of dealing with that.
Culture: It's a pet peeve of mine that no-one seems to know that the name of the Swedish currency in English is kronor, not crowns. Simon is getting 1.2 million kronor, which amounts to about 105,000€ or $115,000.
Subtext: Linda isn't wrong, they're being strong-armed here. They have some sort of legal counsel, and they wouldn't have to pay any trial costs even if they don't win, but they can't afford to match the resources that August's stepdad can bring, and might get nothing in the end.
Culture: We don't know what Årnäs looks like or how large the estate is, but a quick check shows that you can buy a typical manor house and some farmland in Sweden for tens of millions of kronor. However, the amount of land that some of the other guys were boasting about at the Society party in season 1 would be worth several hundreds of millions of kronor, so it's unlikely that Årnäs is as large as that, because August would have a lot more options if his total net worth was in that ballpark.
Culture: Realistically, Simon isn't wrong. Even if August was convicted on all points, he wouldn't be sentenced harshly because of his age, because he's a first-time offender, and because it's a non-violent crime. He would most likely just be fined a large amount of money and ordered to pay damages, so settling isn't that bad.
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Cinematography: The low winter sun creates some lovely golden light, so we know we're in for some sweet love between the boys. Another detail is the difference in how they're dressed and how they're carrying themselves. Wilhelm is tall and proud, he's at home, he's in a suit, he's sure of himself, while Simon is the guest, the intruder, and is almost shrinking away in his oversized purple shirt and jeans. Yes, yes, colour theory, I know.
Subtext: A nice little flashback to season 1 when Wilhelm said the same thing when he visited Simon's place.
Lost in translation: Simon is actually saying "Var det såhär i din dröm?" - "Was it like this in your dream?", which is a reference to the rather steamy dream Wilhelm had at the start of season 2, when he was lying in this exact bed.
Subtext: Absolutely no-one is fooled, everyone knows our two idiot boys were sucking each other's face a minute ago.
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Subtext: Both Linda and the Queen are hearing about their sons' awful behaviour for the first time at this meeting. Linda had no idea Simon had been dealing drugs, and Kristina had no idea Wilhelm threatened August with a gun.
Culture: I have no idea here. There's no real-world example for this in Sweden, you can't put someone into the line of succession by giving them a title. The show is just hand-waving this. Alright. Ok. Fine.
Culture: All adults in the line of succession can be called upon to be acting Head of State, if the monarch is indisposed or on vacation or something. This means that once Wilhelm is 18, he would occasionally have to step in and do the job, even though he's not king yet. If there are no royals available for this, the duty falls to the speaker of the house, Riksdagens Talman.
Cinematography: We're returning to Hillerska after the episode intro at the royal palace, so we're treated to a little montage of what those gosh darn rich kids have been up to in the meanwhile, so here's a horse to remind us that some of them are still riding! This is the only horse we'll be seeing this season, because the show really isn't about Rousseau after all.
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Subtext: Madison is doing Tarot, and she's got Three of Wands reversed and Four of Wands reversed. The first one represents obstacles and lack of progress, and the second one represents home conflict, instability, and lack of support. A bit on the nose, don't you think?
Subtext: It's true, but the show is also calling out itself for the somewhat inconsistent weather we've been seeing due to actual shooting schedules.
Culture: Graduating gymnasiet in Sweden has a bunch of elements that are the same pretty much across the country, and then there are regional differences and individual school differences. I recognize only a few of the things Fredrika rattles off, but it makes sense that a place like Hillerska has a ton of traditions.
Subtext: All the girls have noticed that Felice isn't doing too great, but Madison appears to be the only one that actually cares. Fredrika still hasn't stopped talking about all the crap the third-years are gonna do, because that's apparently more exciting. However, the trucks she's talking about are pretty common, this is what we in Sweden call a Studentflak.
@hanna-kin wrote a long post on Swedish graduation traditions, and I reblogged and added some stuff here: https://www.tumblr.com/skamenglishsubs/684659770007961600/its-that-time-of-the-year-again-and-if-season-2
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Culture: It seems Minou isn't the head of PR for the royal court anymore, this is Farima, and we've actually seen her all the way back in season 1 when she was instructing Wilhelm to smile more in the photographs. Either way, it seems like she's got a promotion, and she's probably not wrong in her assessment. A bunch of old farts would balk at the idea of the monarch being in a same-sex relationship, but a lot of others would see it is proof that the monarchy can change with the times. There were quite a lot of fans in Team Monarchy after all. 👑🌈
Lost in translation: Linda actually says "Du har utegångsförbud", which means curfew. Grounding kids isn't really a thing in Sweden, to us it's some kind of weird thing that only happens in American teen shows, along with detention. What the fuck even is that?
Subtext: Unlike in season 1, Simon now consistently speaks Swedish at home to his mom, further showing us how distant he is from her, and from himself to some extent.
Lost in translation: Linda actually calls Sara a "hemmasittare", which is a Swedish term used for kids who simply refuse to attend school, typically for mental health reasons. What to do about the problem is a hotly debated political issue, and let's leave it at that.
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Subtext: This is how the culture of secrecy and solidarity against outsiders work at schools like this. Everyone is abused, everyone participates in abusing younger students, and everyone is told to shut up about it. Every house guards their "secret" initiations to outsiders, to foster loyalty to each other, to your house, and to the school. It's cult behaviour 101.
Cinematography: The show does it's usual trick with the sound design where all outside noise disappears as Simon and Wilhelm retreat into their little bubble, but there are still people in the frame this time, even though we can't hear them, because this time they're snogging in public. Oh, and everyone needs to update their colour theory, new colours dropped, pink and orange, what does it all mean??!?
Blink and you miss it: The list of activities for the point hunt includes:
Tattoo "Hillerska 4-life" on your arm.
Take a selfie at the back of a police car.
Give someone a buzz cut.
Dance the balloon dance in public.
Sext a teacher.
Get a piercing somewhere.
Blink and you miss it: I love Vincent so much, he's just the worst. Oh, and it looks like he's wearing a $2000 Valentino sweater, but I'm not 100% certain.
Subtext: Neither Ayub nor Rosh agrees with Simon when he says he's gonna reply to idiots online, but unfortunately they're not telling him off, because that would lead to less drama in the season.
Blink and you miss it: Ayub and Rosh are talking about going on a hike to Talludden with their school, Marieberg, which is why we're gonna encounter them out in the woods in the next episode. Spoiler alert!
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Subtext: Wilhelm puts up the first stanza of a poem by Karin Boye called The Shield Maiden. In English, the poem goes: I dreamed about swords last night. I dreamed about battle last night. I dreamed I fought by your side armoured and strong, last night.
Blink and you miss it: Wilhelm's desk has a ton of stuff, but he's also kept the broken frog prince snowglobe, and he's still got Erik's lighter and cigarette case from season 2.
Lost in translation: The comment in Swedish uses the word "bögar", which isn't quite as offensive as "fags". However, it's more offensive than "gays", so I understand why the subtitles went with this choice. It's one of those words that is offensive or not depending on context, and it's certainly offensive in this one.
Subtext: The soundtrack is on point as usual, highlighting the animosity between Wilhelm and August.
Blink and you miss it: Someone ordered a Horse Girl Desk™ from the props department, and they sure delivered all the horsey things! The book is the Swedish edition of Not on a White Horse by Nancy Springer:
From the day twelve-year-old Rhiannon spots a lost white Arabian gelding in the woods near her small Pennsylvania mining town, her life finds a focus as she learns to deal with family problems and decides the direction her life will take.
As you do.
Subtext: As a throwback to season 1, this time it's Sara's turn to make a surprise visit at their dad's. He is surprised and starts cleaning up his place, but he seems to be in better shape than when Simon originally turned up. His place is just messy, there are no signs of drinking and smoking unlike last time we saw him.
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Culture: Who goes to New York to suntan? No-one sane, but sun-starved Scandinavians get a bit of cabin fever after a long dark winter.
Culture: Fake IDs aren't really a thing in Sweden, you're allowed to legally drink at 18, and underage kids are much more likely to have an older friend or sibling or alcoholic parent buy them some booze for a private party instead. Sure, they exist, but equipping your friend group with a bunch of fake IDs to go clubbing is not how it's done.
Subtext: Simon drew a heart on Wilhelm's hand and suggested he get that as a tattoo. Wilhelm objected because he's "not allowed to" as a royal, but here he is, redrawing it on himself, almost as if he's toying with the thought, defying the rules.
Subtext: Simon doesn't know anything about the initiations since he's a lowly external student, and even though they're boyfriends, Wilhelm automatically tries to play it down. He knows it's true though, he doesn't question that, he just doesn't want Simon to know about it because it's humiliating to talk about it.
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Cinematography: A++ Main Villain Entry Walk.
Culture: The Swedish Schools Inspectorate is a very real government agency that has the very real power to shut down schools that are mismanaged in any way, either academically, or socially.
Culture: Just a quick reminder that every single third-year student is 18 or 19 years old at this point in time, and therefore they are legal adults, which means the school has less authority over them. However, since it's a boarding school, they can enact and enforce regulations for boarders, and kick them out from their houses if they disobey the rules, which effectively kicks them out of the school while technically not doing that.
Cinematography: I love the camera angle here where we just about see Vincent giving Wilhelm the evil eye for indirectly causing this.
As a closing note, this season felt a lot less subtexty to me, compared to previous seasons. On the other hand, a recurring theme now is the airing of secrets, of exposing the systems that create toxic environments like this, so in line with the theme, a lot of characters are voicing things that were left unsaid in previous seasons.
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In our first ever Our Flag Means Non-English Fanworks Fest!
Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it.
As we all know, the Our Flag Means Death fandom community is spread across the globe (Awesome map set up by the RenewAsACrew team and filled in by the fans!)
So how about we celebrate how international we are and focus on non-English languages with a fanworks fest that will run from the 7th of February 2024 until the 15th of February!
And by fanworks, I mean:
Meta on translation/subtitling/dubbing choices!
Schedule and rules under the Read More:
7th & 8th of February: Write fic in a non-English language OR translate a fic into a non-English language. (If you want to do the latter and translate someone else's fic, check the fic author's profile to see how they feel about translations!)
9th & 10th of February: Make fanart or a fan comic in a non-English language.
11 & 12th of February: Make an OFMD fanvid to a non-English language song. (Hard mode: Don't use Con's French version of La Vie En Rose. Bonus points if you make a supercut of all the different dubs of Oh Daddy for some multilingual awkwardness)
13th & 14th of February: Write meta on the translation choices made when it comes to dubbing and subbing to a non-English language you speak, OR write about meta about the use of non-English in the show.
For example, here is some meta from a while ago on the German dub and how it handles the formal and informal form of address, and here's one that does the same with French.
15th of February: Catch-up day and also AO3's International Fanworks Day!
This is both a catch-up day for posting fanworks mentioned above OR catching up on commenting on those fanworks! And obviously you can also comment on non-English fanworks that were posted outside of the fest!
All characters and pairings welcome.
All ratings welcome.
All non-English languages welcome - AO3 supports the following languages.
Please post your fanwork to the AO3 Collection (if possible and if you like) to make it easy for everyone to see the fanworks made for the event.
Please use either Ecclesiastical Latin Fest and/or EcclesiasticalLatinFest if you post about it on Tumblr or Twitter or elsewhere to make it easy for everyone to see the fanworks made for the event.
You can use a few sentences of English in your fic here and there, same as English fics often have Jim saying some words or sentences in Spanish.
You can start posting your fanwork when it is the correct day in your timezone.
You can participate if you're a native English speaker, so break out your best secondary school/Duolingo German/French/Spanish! There's no foreign language practise like reading and writing fic.
Don't be a dick.
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pommunist · 27 days
Thoughts on Quackity’s stream
Q saying that he’s doing the stream in english instead of spanish and saying it’s because people were upset that the previous statements were in spanish. Obviously I’d like for him to speak about these important things in the language of his choice, but I feel like he misunderstood that the issue most people had was actually not the language but the lack of subtitles + official translation. And this issue still stands when he speaks english btw.
Now, and I believe that’s all that need to be said about this : Anyone who goes out of their way to spread Q’s personal information and/or uses it to threaten and harass him are proper freaks and I will never stand for that. I’m sorry that he is fearing for his safety, no one deserves to go through that.
I know that there are many people who perceived him stepping down from his position as a way to avoid his responsibilities and I can definitely see where they’re coming from but I personally see it as a good thing. Obviously because safety comes first and if taking a step back can stop him from being put in harm’s way, absolutely a great decision. And also because this may allow people who are more capable of handling this position to be put in charge.
I’m also glad that he’s taking actions against the people who were misusing his funds and who enforced a toxic work environment. We don’t know anything about these people so I won’t talk much about it but I hope they face the consequences of their actions.
Also good that it was clarified that that one problematic person has not been involved with the project, I think everyone is relieved to know that someone unsafe was not a part of it. Although, while he was right to warn people not to spread misinformation (this is true for everything btw do your research !), I don’t like how he said to be mindful about the intentions of people who raised the question, because a lot of them had genuine concern about it being a possibility and this could have been a very serious and dangerous thing if it had been true.
It’s good that he acknowledged that he didn’t properly address the issue of xenophobia against brazilians the first time and apologised for it. However I don’t like how he took the time to address that it was specifically brazilians who were being targeted, but didn’t address that it was mostly his own community who was responsible for it, which led to another wave of hate and bigotry towards brazilian fans on twitter. However I’m not brazilian myself and it’s only up to them wether they choose to accept his apology or not.
He talked about how he is usually a private person regarding these situations and to be honest I’ve always admired the fact that he doesn’t engage publicly with drama. Drama, except this isn’t drama, it goes way beyond what this word means.
Him saying he was ready to handle it privately but that it was made public before that is just so hypocritical to me, because we know from the many admins statements that they had tried to bring attention internally to some of the problems but it was either ignored, or actually impossible from them to have communication with the higher hierarchy. So saying what he said just puts the blame on the admins who came out with their stories for this whole situation taking the proportions it has taken.
And great that he’s saying that there has been some restructuring made within the team, and hopefully these changes will only leave the studios with competent people who are good intentioned towards everyone involved. I won’t like though, I fail to see how asking for everyone’s feedback and taking it into account to make these changes wasn’t an option. Also the fact that this restructuring ended up causing them to massively letting go of all the twitter teams as well as some other admins is still an issue.
Like he can deny that he purposefully put his stories above those of other ccs, say that he does have passion for the project and was involved in its creative development, which I’m not trying to imply he’s lying about btw, but not address the main issue of the admins situation ? Not a word about or for them ? But instead you use your plateform to talk about your role in the lore knowing these are talking points discussed by the admins and community. What good does that do except for your own image ? What do you think your fans are going to do if not go and harass the people who have made these claims ? Meanwhile people will discuss these topics that are so far removed from the main issue and focus less on what the admins went through.
I’m not saying this was intentional, I’m not saying he’s directly guilty of any disgusting behaviour that some of his fans are guilty of, but as an influencer with an audience as large as his is, you have a certain responsibility to try your best to prevent these things happening.
If you think I’m exaggerating, that it couldn’t be that bad, just know that since the stream :
Admins who spoke up are receiving hate again and Léa is getting the worst of it as you can imagine. Like I mentioned before, there has been a resurgence of xenophobic tweets against the brazilian community. French qsmptwt accounts and others who took a stance for the admins are also being insulted/harassed again. Léa, Lumi (Pomme admin) and Shade (Dapper admin) have all had some of their private info leaked. There has even been a call to mass report Nat_Ali’s, the streamer who conducted Lea’s interview, twitch channel.
And because still he didn’t do it and I want to end on a positive note, some thanks are in order
Twitter admins, thank you for making every stream accessible to everyone, allowing us to follow what went on when we could watch and to rewatch the best moments. Thank you for adding your own comments to the clips, and for making all the funny memes, you gave a heart to these accounts. Thank you as well for being the ones to collect fanarts for the museum, for giving many people an opportunity to appreciate the wonderful talent of the community.
Writers, thank you for coming up with such amazing and intriguing stories, and making us pull our hair out theorising about them ! I wish you were given the space and creative freedom to develop them more and make them flourish.
Roleplayers, thank you for having done such a wonderful job giving life to all these characters I hope you know how deeply they are loved by us the viewers. Mentions spéciales : Lumi, merci pour Pomme, merci pour avoir représenté notre pays, notre langue et notre culture pendant tout ce temps, on aurait pas pu rêver d’une meilleure ambassadrice 🍎♥️. Léa merci pour tout ton travail, tes illustrations, tes personnages, et aussi toutes tes refs purement fr ahah. Merci et bravo d’avoir osé parler surtout, on est avec toi 🐰💓.
Thanks to all the builders, devs, artists, translators, sound designers, everyone who has been a star in the qsmp constellation and has worked to make it such a great time for us viewers.
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metfell · 2 years
like whenever java players shit on bedrock i roll my eyes because yes its shit and thats the fucking problem because not everyone can play java not everyone has a pc that can handle minecaft. bedrock is for consoles and a ton of people playing bedrock are kids or people whos bodies are not able to sit upright at a desk using a keyboard and mouse. java players call so many shots in regards to minecraft and who they will listen to. bedrock cant even hold tools in the offhand, and when asked a while back in an interview they laughed like "well what would you need to hold there?"
java players threw a fit when the ability to build on the nether roof- which was a bug originally- was going to be taken away from them, and so the developers kept it in. bedrock doesnt get that kind of reaction. we dont even have a confirmation that the bug causing TEMPLES TO NOT GENERATE IN THE WORLD has been fixed.
we dont have subtitles. we dont have the offhand for anything other than rockets, arrows, totems, and nautilus shells for some reason. we cant elytra from water. java players ive played with have told me parkour is a nightmare on bedrock. our animals will randomly despawn even when put on a lead and nametagged in a closed room. villagers glitch through walls and fences and run off and die. sometimes when flying when the world doesnt load quick enough- which is always- you will get trapped in one spot and be forced to plummet down to the ground, and yes this has happened to me in the end.
but no lets keep adding in new features for sure lets never address the bugs already present in the game because microsoft wants a constant hypetrain for the game forever.
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keeping up with the coalition, episode 1 -- pilot
[Static flits across the screen, interrupted by brief flashes of darkness. When it finally settles, a gloved hand is visible, taking up the screen as it adjusts the camera. It finally pulls away to reveal a man with a truly expressive moustache, sitting on a small couch. He is beaming so brightly his eyes are squeezed shut. At the bottom of the screen, his name appears in bold font: Coran, Advisor of the Altean Throne, Castle Warden – of Fun!]
Coran: Hello, people of Earth!
[His smile becomes slightly more contained as he speaks, and his eyes are finally visible. They are a deep, vivid green.]
Coran: I was talking to one of our paladins, Lance, and he has informed me that a popular way of recording history on Earth is through a type of media called ‘reality television’! He says it’s a constant recording of people’s lives as they live it, with frequent cuts for interviews at key moments. I have decided to make a reality television program of our space adventure, so you all can see how your fellow Terrans are saving the universe!
[He claps his hands once, grin growing once again. His glorious moustache twitches.]
Coran: I hope you all enjoy!
[Chucking. He twists his moustache mischievously.]
Coran: There will be no shortage of entertainment. That, I guarantee.
[The scene cuts to the same couch from before, only this time, a young man sits on it upside-down, long legs kicking in the air. He has the hood of his green army jacket flopped over his eyes. At the bottom of the screen, flashing over his face, his name appears in bold font: Lance, Blue Paladin (and Casanova!).]
Lance: …and then I said to Hunk no way, dude, do you actually think we could build a real-life Wall-E – oh, hey, is the camera recording now?
[He pauses a moment, presumably for confirmation, and then smirks, shooting finger guns at the camera. He is still upside down, and his brown eyes are half hidden by his ridiculous hood.]
Lance: Nice! Now, I’m not sure what this is for, but Coran says that he wants to start keeping records of our time in space, with some live testimonials –
[Something visibly dawns on him. Almost faster than the camera can pick up, he scrambles upright, lunging over the arm of the couch so far that the only part of him visible is his green sock-clad foot, extended to keep him balanced.]
Lance (hollering loudly): Coran! Coran! Did you make us a reality show? For us to star in?
[A pause.]
Coran (faintly, as if far away): Why, yes, lad! It was a truly splendid idea!
[Lance flops backwards onto the couch, laughing, arm over his eyes.]
Lance (yelling, again): Coran, I love ya! You’re the best!
Coran (amused, still faint): Anytime, dear. I love you, too.
[Lance giggles quietly again, and then removes the arm from his eyes to glance at the camera.]
Lance: This, and no part of me is exaggerating, is the greatest thing to happen to me, ever. Well, after Blue. And the birth of my niece and nephew. And meeting Hunk. And also meeting everyone else. And fighting Zarkon that first time. Oh, and –
[He shakes himself.]
Lance: Well, point made. This is going to be awesome. Maybe Coran will let me edit the videos! I bet I’ll get to add fun subtitles and stuff. Oh, God, I can’t wait to hear about how Keith handles it! I bet he’s gonna sit on the couch and be grumpy like an old kitty cat, isn’t he? Man. I have the best ideas in the world. This is gonna be great!
[The next shot opens to the same couch, again, only this time the only thing visible is the very top of someone’s head, along with their very floofy blonde hair,]
The person (deadpan): Are you fucking serious.
[A stomping sound, angry muttering, A freckled hand reaches up to adjust the camera, revealing a grouchy looking girl with large round glasses that take up half her face, making her hazel eyes look huge. She turns away and stomps back to the couch, arms crossed over her chest. She glares at the camera for several minutes, until finally her lips twitch into a smile. At the bottom of the screen flashes bold font, reading: Pidge, Green Paladin and Tech Goddess. Under it, smaller, reads: (sorry, Pidge, camera settings are hard).]
Pidge: I suppose I’ll let that one slide. Although if it happens again, someone is getting hacked to hell.
[She sighs, rolling her eyes playfully as she uncrosses her arms.]
Pidge: So.
Pidge: Lance tells me we’re doing a reality show. Well, not ‘tells’. He gushed about it for hours. He’s convinced this is his key to one day meeting Meryl Streep when we get back to Earth. 
[She smirks.]
Pidge: Well, if we do meet Meryl Streep, I’m gonna tell her that that he unironically uses lines from the Devil Wears Prada in diplomatic missions. That’ll make his face so red he might explode, which is my main goal in life. 
[She shakes her head, face returning to a more serious look.]
Pidge: But on a real note, this is dumb. Who cares about whatever dumb gossip and drama goes on around here? We all know that’s what it’s really about. If it was about historical records, then we would just use mission records. I mean, really. Who cares about all the dumb, frivolous shit?
[The video cuts abruptly to security footage of two people in the briefing room, hunched over a table with dozens on dozens of files open. The people are too far for the camera to make out any dialogue. The video stays steady for a moment, a static view of the entire room at large, before shifting slightly to focus more on the ceiling. Barely visible, in the top right corner, is a hunched blob, hanging from the rafters. Perhaps a nest, of some sort?
Ever so slowly, the camera zooms in on the blob, and it becomes startlingly clear that the blob is Pidge, hanging upside down, one hand extended towards to the two figures below, holding a listening device, the other hand frantically typing things on a tablet.]
[The video flips back to Pidge, who is scowling intensely. Her ears are red.]
Pidge: That is not me.
[There’s a long, long pause. Three minutes, at least. The entire time, Pidge’s face only gets redder. She sniffs derisively, attempting to look prim and pompous.]
Pidge: Alteans can shapeshift, you know. And Allura loves gossip! That’s probably her.
[The screen flashes with the word REWIND, all-caps and bolded. It plays back to the security video, a still picture of the room at large, except this time there are two flashing red circles: one around Pidge, hunched from the rafters, and one around a woman with thick white hair floofing around her head. Then the video returns to Pidge, for whom the redness has spread to cover her cheeks and nose as well as her ears. Finally she throws her hands up in frustration, cracking under the self-imposed pressure.]
Pidge (shouting): Fine! Maybe I like gossip a little. And don’t show that stupid video again, I swear to God. 
[She sighs, rubbing a hand down her face.]
Pidge: Yeah, yeah. Fine. I guess this won’t be the end of the world. Probably. it might – and I mean might  – be fun. A little. 
[The couch, again, and this time it opens to a young man, broad-shouldered, an orange bandana around his forehead and a screwdriver between his teeth. He has some sort of device in his hands. He squints, twisting a wire carefully, and –
The device explodes, a cloud of black smoke filling the room. When it finally clears, there is soot settled all over the room, coating the couch and the young man sitting on it. He sighs deeply, hanging his head. When he finally looks at the camera again, he’s smiling, although exasperated, and the screwdriver is no longer in his teeth. His name and title flash on the screen the same way as the others: Hunk, Yellow Paladin, Engineer of the Eons.]
Hunk: Well. I would absolutely love to say that’s a rare occurrence, but unfortunately I am an intensely curious person and the universe just loves to punish me for it.
[He glances up at the ceiling.]
Hunk: Uh, I’m kidding. Please don’t smite me.
[There’s a moment of anticipatory silence, presumably in wait of a smiting, but none is forthcoming.]
Hunk: Well, that’s a relief. Lance says one day I’m going to challenge a higher power that actually exists and get my ass kicked for it. I’ve yet to see that happen, and I’ve challenged a lot of higher powers. But Lance has a lot of good predictions, so jury’s still out. He has promised to back me up if I ever do get targeted by some god, though, which is nice of him. Gotta love the guy. 
[He clears his throat.]
Hunk: Anyways. Speaking of Lance. He tells me we’re doing a reality show?
[He snorts, shaking his head in amusement.]
Hunk: That oughtta be fun. I’ve been struggling getting the tea on Keith or Shiro, so this will be an excellent opportunity. And I don’t even have to snoop!
[He tilts his head in consideration.]
Hunk: Well, I might anyway. I’ve noticed that Keith has a helluva sweet tooth. I bet I could lower his resolve with some chocolate cake, he seems like a chocolate cake kinda guy. 
Hunk: Eh. We’ll see. I haven’t found any real chocolate up here yet, but I’ll convince Pidge to test some concoctions of mine. Has she gone yet? Yeah? Oh, who’s next? Is it Allura? I bet it’s Allura. She’s been frothing at the mouth ever since Lance spread the word about this thing – 
[The next video starts with a screech so high and loud it actually shakes the camera. Seconds later, a woman comes barrelling into the room, so quickly she’s a blur, white hair flowing behind her. She hops on the couch, and then keeps hopping, clapping her hands excitedly. Midair, text appears at the bottom of the screen: Allura, Princess of Altea, Queen of our Hearts.]
Allura: Oh, it is finally my turn! Finally finally finally! I have been waiting, for what must have been years! 
[There is a chorus of squeaking noises, and then four mice scamper up Allura’s arms, settling in her hair. Their presence only makes Allura beam wider, and she reaches up to pet them as she speaks.]
Allura: I am so excited.
[She laughs softly. The sound is somehow reminiscent of a gentle wind blowing through a flower meadow.]
Allura: Although I’m sure that’s obvious. I just love Terran culture! Everything is so strange on your planet. I cannot hear enough. Once a movement we all sit in the common room as one and watch an Earth movie from Pidge’s laptop, and it is most delightful! The music is so fun. Altean films never had music; it’s an excellent idea.
[Her brightness seems to dim slightly, and her smile turns sad.]
Allura: Of course I do miss Altean movies. Perhaps I shall suggest one on our next movie night. Pidge is very curious of our culture. 
[She shakes herself, smile turning grand once more. The mice squeak softly, nuzzling her head.]
Allura: Moving on! I can scarcely wait for this show to continue on. Coran has assured me that the videos will be available for us to watch if we so choose.
[She smirks.]
Allura: I can assure you all that I will be making constant use of that promise. I must know what’s going on with my paladins, you know. It’s my duty as a princess!
[The next camera cut reveals a young man with a… retro haircut and a fun red jacket, scowling deeply. His boot taps rapidly on the tiled floor, in time with his bouncing leg. Every so often he huffs, glancing at the camera before rolling his eyes and glancing away. The text at the bottom of the screen reads: Keith, Red Paladin, Ninja Sword Guy.]
Keith: Alright, fine. I guess I’m speaking first. Are we really doing, deadass, a reality show? Fuckin’ – like Dance Moms, or something?
[Faint laughter rings through the room, and the camera points to the hallway, where Hunk is poking his head in.]
Hunk: You know what Dance Moms is?
Keith: I grew up with Shiro, Hunk. Believe me when I tell you that I know of every reality show in existence. 
[He shudders.]
Keith: Especially ANTM. I get nightmares about that damn show.
[Hunk snorts disbelievingly.]
Hunk: All Shiro, huh?
[Keith hesitates.]
Keith: Well. I mean. Tracking Blue’s freaky energy only took so much time, okay? And the dumbass shack had cable, sometimes. And in no way is it my fault that Keeping Up With The Kardashians is funny! Oh, fuck off, Hunk, stop laughing! This is my interview! You had yours already!
[The camera slowly pulls away from the hallway where Hunk is retreating, waving a teasing hand behind his back. When the camera settles back on Keith again, he’s scowling, but he somehow looks significantly more amused.]
Keith: Not a second of alone time in this damn place, I swear to God. 
[He huffs, looking down at his dorky gloves, twisting his hands together. When he speaks again, it’s very quiet.]
Keith: I guess I don’t mind it too much, though. It’s kind of nice – ish! – having other people around who aren’t the world’s most annoying assholes. 
[He rolls his eyes again.]
Keith: Well, not counting Lance. And Shiro! Those two, I swear! You know, I bet they’re behind this. Lance especially – he never shuts up about being famous – but don’t let Shiro fool you, either. That man would cut off his other arm for some decent drama, and you can tell him I said that. Heh. 
[The video opens, to the final time, to the couch, with one last young man sitting upon it. He looks serenely forward, legs crossed and hands resting on his knees. He smiles slightly when he realises the camera is rolling, sending it a dorky little wave. The text at the bottom of the screen reads: Shiro, Black Paladin, Sensei Splinter of Space.]
[He squints slightly, as if examining something small, and then chuckles.]
Shiro: Coran let Lance have access to the editing privileges, huh? I wonder what titles he’s chosen for everyone else. 
[He shakes his head.]
Shiro: I can’t wait to see. I’m actually pretty excited about this. It’s not something people would know about me, but I’ve indulged in the occasional reality shows. Not often, though.
[There’s a muffled voice off-screen, and the longer it goes on the higher Shiro’s eyebrow raises, and the sharper his jaw juts out.]
Shiro (deadpan): Keith said what. Oh, that little brat. 
[His expression clears up suddenly, annoyance turning rapidly into a look so smug it rivals Lance’s from earlier.]
Shiro: Well, if we’re spilling secrets, then buckle the hell up. You know those dumbass little go-go boots? He’ll tell anyone who listens that they were a rare vintage find, they’re antiques, they’re worth hundreds of dollars blah blah blah. He’ll compare ‘em to his fuckin’ Jordans that Adam bought him a couple years ago. 
[He laughs evilly.]
Shiro: Well he’s a liar. There’s this dorky little eighties anime that he was obsessed with when he was a kid, right? He came across some leather that was material ready – do not ask me how, apparently some kid named Taylor gave it to him at the Garrison, between you and me those two had a crush on each other or at least Keith did – and he spent four straight days piecing those shoes together by hand to match his favourite character!
[He laughs, and this time it’s much fonder.]
Shiro: That damn kid. Once he gets something in his head…God, I love that kid. Brat. 
[He sighs, shaking his head.]
Shiro: All the kids, really. The universe…it’s in good hands, guys. I can’t wait for you all to get to know the people who are saving it. 
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elliesfavorite · 10 months
ellie appreciating you with her hands. <3
requests are open!
Ellie hated patrol.
Partially because of the immense amount of infected, and partially because she has to endure Dina's dramatic bickering for hours. If she had no self control, she would have scraped out her eardrums with her pocket knife by now.
"-and I really feel like we'd get back together. But- every time we break up and get back, it feels different." Dina sighed and untied Japan from a broken water pipe. "Maybe we should stop trying. I don't know. Guys are a lot more difficult."
Ellie laughed. It's not that she'd know how different it'd be, since she's not into the whole 'man' thing. Her feelings are conflicted, however, a part of her wanting to lie about it. It would be better, she thinks; it wouldn't give room for anyone to give her shit about it.
She smirked. "Yeah," she says, rubbing the pads of her fingers on the metal ball of her eyebrow. "Tell me about it."
The rest of the ride to Jackson was quiet. Only the sounds of birds in the Spring whistled in the air along with the fresh breeze that carried the smell of cedar and grass. It was still early, a few hours after noon, with the sun a couple inches from the horizon and still emitting a beautiful pink hue.
Anyone with eyes could tell Ellie was excited to arrive home. All she wanted right now was food, a bed with clean sheets, and you. It wasn't arguable that she wanted you there the most. Her love for you is treasured in the deepest areas of her heart, yet she cannot speak of it, because everyone thinks you are only a friend, a roommate, as Dina put it. She loathes that part of it all. She loathes that she cannot give affection to you at dances or anywhere public. She always ends up staring at straight couples, giving them looks, and cursing under her breath when they kiss, show too much skin, and grope each other inappropriately. If that is allowed, why am I not?
As the giant wooden doors shut behind them, Dina hops off her horse and takes the reins. Ellie climbs off Shimmer and hands her reins to Dina.
"Put her up for me, yeah?" Dina rolls her eyes.
She passes the reins to her left hand and flattens her right, then holds the tip of her fingers to her forehead and juts them out like a Soldier's salute. "Got it, boss."
You knew Ellie would be back very soon. And time was running out.
You anxiously stirred the canned Alfredo sauce that you had poured into a pot moments before. The stove hissed and shuttered. This thing may be a little too old.
Abandoning the sauce, you scan the Cookbook laying on the counter. Leafing through the pages, the subtitles catch your eye: Sweets and Pastries... Condiments and Spices... Pasta and Sauces.
"Bingo," you mutter to yourself. You advert your gaze back to the pot, and just your luck, the sauce seems to be a little darker than usual... and there's smoke billowing out of it.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You hastily turn off the heat and grab the pot by the handle, then dramatically throw it into the sink, turning on the cold water through the faucet. You wait a couple seconds before removing it and putting it back on the stove.
The pang of the pot hitting the stove muffles the creak of the front door opening and shutting. You stand there for a minute, staring at the browned residue in the interior of the pot, wondering how you could screw up something so badly.
Just as you were about to turn around, two strong arms grab you by the waist and gently pull you closer. Your anxiety spikes for only a moment, before you hear a voice you couldn't ignore.
"Hey, babe."
You turn around and are welcomed with a look of pure adoration. Her closed smile brings out the most secret feature on her face that only you see the most - her dimples. You can't help but place the palm of your hand on her cheek and rub the dip of skin with the pad of your thumb.
"Hey." You return the smile. "I tried to make dinner, but I kind of.. fucked it up."
Ellie's eyes turn from your own to behind you, where the pot remains, hissing tauntingly.
She thinks it's kind of cute, how you tried to do something nice for her. She thinks every little thing you do is adorable.
"It's okay," She whispers, using her fingers you loved oh-so-dearly to push a strand of hair away from your face. She stares at your own eyes, her pupils dilating more and more with every movement you make.
Suddenly, she backs away. Her facial expression turns solemn, almost tearful, like she's just been hit with the most gut-wrenching news she could ever receive. She twists the rings on her fingers a few times before speaking.
"I think we should talk." Her gaze meets your own, and it's almost as if she can read through your irises and pinpoint exactly what you're thinking. "No, not like that. I mean, I just really feel like we.. shouldn't be this secret."
You involuntarily yet subtly cock your head. "What do you mean?"
"I just," there's a few seconds of silence, her anxiety wafting in the air so thickly you could almost feel it. "I just want to be able to tell people that I love you."
Ellie stands there while you two bathe in silence for a moment. The sunlight is fading now, the open window letting in a cool air in contrast to the red and yellow hues of the sunset.
You knew Ellie was scared to tell anyone, even her friends. You both knew about that girl who got outed by a couple teenage boys who were raised the wrong way; they had fed her to Clickers out on her last patrol.
"You can," you practically whisper, approaching her and grabbing her tatted hand gently. "You can tell everyone. Everyone is scared of you, Ellie. And they should be."
"But I'm just a girl," she breathes. Her height over you makes her look down to meet your eyes as you walk closer, chests almost touching in the tight proximity. "Not a threat."
Your gaze drops from her eyes to her lips. Doing this still makes you nervous, like a giddy teenager; it just feels like you're doing it again for the first time.
She places her hands on your hips. Your breath hitches and her breathing quickens, and you move closer to her. And closer. Closer.
Before you touch, she puts her finger to your lips.
"What are you doing?" She says with a smirk. Her voice went rough, quiet - just like when she gets when she's annoyed or hurt - but this is in a completely different context.
The question hangs unanswered in the air for a beat. You immediately feel small, vulnerable, under her strong gaze. She knows what gets you, and it only makes you more curious.
"What do you think?"
You give her a challenging glare. She returns it, accepting your challenge, and waiting for who makes the first move. She waits for you. You wait for her.
It all happens so fast.
Your lips connect in such aggression that she has you flung against the kitchen counter, 5 feet away from where you were originally. Her calloused fingers find their way under your shirt, massaging the stretch marks and scars that you call imperfection. She calls them perfection.
Her cold rings drag against your skin as the kiss deepens. She gains her control by biting your bottom lip, enough to make you gasp in a way to allow her past your teeth. The metal ball on her tongue rubs against the roof of your mouth, making you moan in thought as you think about what she could do with that.
You easily submit to her. She knows she has you, because she's pulling your pajama shirt over your head and throwing it off to an unknown location to pick it up later.
Ellie pulls away for air, and you whine, leaning in to find her lips again to no avail. "Breathe, baby," she murmurs. You pull yourself up to sit on the counter and lean your head back against the cupboards. With your neck exposed, Ellie attacks it, biting and sucking on tender skin like her life depended on it. You moan at the pleasurable pain and expose your neck more to her, allowing her to move lower to your clavicle, toying with the fabric on your back and unhooking it to reveal your chest.
All of her movement stops. She does nothing but stare at you chest, mouth agape, practically drooling on herself as she reaches to touch you.
"You're so fucking beautiful," she keens, latching her lips onto your left and sucking generously while massaging the other. She copies the same motion on the right while you grind against the air, desperate for her to speed it up. You grab her by the shirt and pull her closer.
"Take it off," you say, slurring your words, still stuck in a thick haze that Ellie has put you in. Only Ellie.
She complies, retracting her lips from your chest and lifting her shirt over her head. You have barely any time to look at her before she picks you up Bridal style to your room. Or the spare room; you never really used it anymore.
She roughly lets you fall on the bed and wastes no time to climb on top of you, straddling your hips and using her hands to pin your shoulders down. She has you under her strong control, and you almost moan just thinking about it. She puts her lips against your ear.
"Do you want me?"
You nod feverishly, groaning, practically unable to use your words anymore.
"Good girl," she growls, roughly placing her right knee between your legs. You immediately grind against it, moaning as you finally receive some friction on where you needed it the most.
She moves her head down to your stomach, licking and kissing the scars and stretch marks, giving them each a bit of her attention to give a subtle reminder.
Ellie moves her knee away from your thighs, and you whine pathetically. She scoots back and toys with the button of your jeans, looking up at you as a silent question. You meet her eyes, nodding for her to continue while she unbuttons your pants and unzips the fly. She pulls them off of you like if you were to break at any moment.
She wastes no time to remove your underwear, hooking her finger underneath the band on your thigh and slowly pulling it down your legs.
Something in her switches. Her irises narrow and seem almost animalistic as she gives the first touches to your folds, feeling how wet you've gotten from the past few minutes.
"Fuck." Your body is shaking at this point, twitching with every drag she gives against your clit. "Please, please, Ellie..."
"Please what, babe?" She smiles at her one-ended question, knowing exactly what you want. She presses harder against your clit when you don't answer.
"Shit! Shit, please just.." You're heaving now, the tight coil in your stomach is so close yet so far. "..just more. More, please."
Ellie says nothing but pulls her hands away. She goes to pull off her rings but something stops her, and she hesitates. What occurs to her may be a little far-fetched, but she thinks, what if I don't take them off?
Pushing them back up her ring and middle fingers, she lifts her middle and pushes inside of you, slowly. The drag of the metal ring on your spot make your back arch as one long-kept moan is drawn out of you.
"Yeah?" She breathes, tauntingly. Each pump of her finger draws so many sounds from you that sound like songs to her ears. She cannot get enough of it. "You like that?"
She slows down to add her ring finger. While she pushes them in, she lowers herself so her face is level to your folds. You look down at her, just to see she is already looking at you hungrily, wanting to taste you more than anything. You reach over to her hair and pet her softly, dragging your thumb on her eyebrow piercing and massaging it gently against her skin.
She moves from your hand to lick around your clit, dragging the metal ball on her tongue around your sensitive bud like she couldn't get enough.
You try your best to grind against her fingers and tongue, chasing that far away pleasure that creeps oh-so much closer, but Ellie sees it. She removes her fingers and climbs up to straddle your hips again.
"You're that fucking desperate, huh?" She laughs. She raises her fingers to your face, resting her palm on your bottom jaw and prodding your mouth with her ring and middle. "Open up."
And you comply, opening your mouth to allow her fingers inside. You swirl your tongue around her, tasting yourself and cleaning her from your wetness. Ellie watches closely and you keep eye contact with her through it all.
"Fuck," she gasps, removing her fingers from your mouth and resting her thumb on your lips. "You're such a fucking whore, aren't you?"
You moan at her words, grinding on her weight as she's sat on top of you. She's still in her bra and jeans, and you're completely exposed. The contrast between you and her makes you feel smaller, like she has full control of you; and she does.
She sits up to go to the next room without a word. Panic rises in your chest, thinking you did something wrong, until she returns with a strap around her waist.
You knew she had this, and she made subtle jokes about it, but you never thought you'd see it in person. It's a good size, and a comedically bright purple. She sees your smile when you look at it, and she poses slightly as if to say, 'funny, right?'
She climbs on top of you and connects your lips together. The kiss is quick, passionate, and just enough to disconnect from your previous mood shift. She moves her hand south to guide the end of the strap to where it needs to be, and she rubs it against you to lubricate it. It drags along your clit perfectly as you grasp Ellie's shoulders harshly.
"God.. Ellie," You moan, moving your grip from her shoulders to the sheets below you.
She hums, content in your sounds and puts her face in between your chest. Using her hand to guide herself, she slowly pushes in.
You cry out, biting your fist to muffle your sounds. She thrusts again, drags it out, then in again, and out.. and it feels amazing, how your bodies are connected in such a way that allows you to feel good like this. You think you could cherish this forever.
Ellie snaps you out of your daze to grab your wrist and pull it away from your mouth. "Don't hide. I wanna hear you cry for me," She growls. "Wanna hear your pathetic little sounds, baby."
With that, she speeds up her pace. Each drag of her strap against you feels so good, to where you can't think of anything except for "Ellie, Ellie, Ellie..."
The wet sounds of you and her fill the room, reminding you that she is in control, and she is making you feel this way. And its so goddamn hot in here.
She moves her hand from your wrist and puts it around your neck, holding you in place, exactly where she wants you. You're reduced to a whimpering, whining mess, with tears tracking down your cheeks and that coil in your gut is tightening more and more.
"Ellie, please," you beg, crying out, "I'm so close."
"Then come for me," She sighs, breathless. Beads of sweat collected around her temples. "Let me hear you.”
You don't know what happened next.
She continued her thrusts through your high, only stopping when you were physically able to tap her twice on her side. She collapsed on top of you, gaining her breath and rolled off of you on her back.
After a moment, she reached down and unhooked the strap from the loops of her jeans, and discarded them across the room.
She reaches out to you and pulls you closer, wordlessly looking in your eyes as a silent I love you. And you love her, and you hope you spend the rest of your time together.
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Why You Should Watch Romantic Killer
This is the new anime series that premiered on Netflix a few days ago! Before you inevitably cancel your subscriptions, give this show a go! Trust me, it'll all be worth it! (I'm personally riding on my sibling's Netflix, so I got to watch it officially!)
Edit: I think it’s important to mention since it’s in the very nature of the show that nobody is actually forced to fall in love with Anzu or vice-versa. It’s all purely consensual in terms of that even though the wacky circumstances are not.
I even made gifs for this post just to convince you, reader of this post!
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A high schooler named Anzu Hoshino is living the life. She has games, chocolate, and a cat named Momohiki. One day, her life is turned upside down by the devil-- I mean wizard, Riri. Riri confiscates her three most prized possessions with the ultimate ultimatum: Fall in love or live life without your most cherished commodities. Living in this awful world, Anzu swears to not fall in love out of pure spite for this arrangement and for Riri, but unfortunately, Riri has plans in store that might make things harder than they seem. (source: me)
For such a nonsensical story, it fricking works. I like it. As someone who's aroace, I feel this. I really do. I don't object romance, but I sure am not looking for it, and I would be pissed and spiteful too if my belongings were taken.
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Anzu is so much fun. She has got to be my favourite reverse harem protagonist of all time. Her reactions to everything are absolutely priceless, and I love how they incorporate random references. I never thought I'd see Kazuo Umezu face incorporated into a fricking romcom! Characters like her and Bakarina make the genre worth watching (even if Bakarina is too... baka at times). I want everyone to experience this anime without me giving too much away.
The side characters are good in their own right. Sure, Riri is annoying, but that's kind of the point. They canonically don't have a gender so the "they/them" pronouns were used in the subtitles I'm pretty sure. Tsukasa is pretty cold, and I felt indifferent about him until I found out his reasoning for being like that in the last few episodes, and let me just say, whatever you're expecting, it's probably not going to be that. I've never seen a show handle that type of situation for men quite like this RANDOM ROMCOM did. It puts its male characters into situations where they don't need to be strong, and they aren't criticized for it. That right there is positive masculinity. I like it. It diverts the idea of traditional macho masculinity, especially those of archetypes in dating sims. The characters and their dynamics actually seem pretty natural for such an unnatural situation and setting.
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Yooo, that soundtrack fricking fits. I like it. Sure, it doesn't stand out, but with the absurdity of this series, I'd be lying if I didn't laugh when a certain string track came on. I don't even think that was the point (I think it's supposed to be when the audience swoons).
That ending theme fricking slaps harder than it needs to. I watched the opening once. Look, that opening skip button is so tempting. I only watched the ending once, but it was the background music for the voice actor interviews, so I got to know it better.
Voice acting
YOOOO, THIS IS THE PART I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT. Sure, they hired your local "ikemen" to play the "ikemen" characters, but can we talk about Rieri for a second? She makes this show good. Her and Mikako Komatsu apparently auditioned in a pair, and you can see, hear, and feel that chemistry. It is absolutely fantastic. Not many anime have had me laughing out loud, but I kid you not, I laughed a few times watching this. And yes, Umehara and Gakuto did sound good. I will give them credit where it's due. They did fulfill the ikemen part really well. Almost too well.
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You know what? Even though the art was pretty mediocre, I'm going to give it a pass. It's hard to make a coloured manga. And it's hard to make an anime look good. Plus, they probably spent all of the budget on Anzu's face to the point where the guys look mediocre at best and can only be given "ikemen status" based on their voices alone.
I get why this anime might be a bit mixed in the aroace community, but I think we should enjoy media as it's handed to us. And what was handed to us is a genuinely good show that requires zero brain cells until the last half! Zero brain cells? That's me too!
Unlike most of the shows that I watch, I will rewatch this. Without a doubt. I'm rewatching it as we speak. Even for specific moments that made me laugh.
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recklessracoon · 4 months
I thought I'd share my Saiki K playlist. It's just a bunch of songs I like that I think fit him rough arranged by where I feel like they fall on his character arc. Justifications for my selections under the cut.
I Am a Rock by Simon & Garfunkel: This song really strikes me as affirmations of a deeply lonely person trying to convince themselves that they're better off this way. A good fit for Saiki at the start of the series when he's closed himself off from other people.
The Beast by Spectacle-P: It's about a someone who's been lonely for so long that they've forgotten how lonely they are being offered love but being too proud and full of fear to accept it. I'd quote some of the translated lyrics but I'd just end up putting most of the song here I think. Please watch the subtitled video on youtube and tell me if don't think this isn't a good fit for Saiki.
Nothing at All: Reminds me of early series Saiki's tirades about how much being a psychic sucks where he just describes the symptoms of depression.
Loveless by Steampianist: Honestly I don't remember why I put this on here. Probably because of the feelings of alienation it conveys and how it seems to be about the ace experience of not being able to experience love in the way that society tells you should.
Are You Satisfied by Marina: I think this ones pretty self-explanatory. If I was better at drawing I'd like to make an animatic about the Saiki brothers using this song.
Star of Show: I'll admit this ones a bit more of a stretch and honestly it's mostly on here because I like listening to it when plotting out my fanfic but also "I'm not a freak/I'm not an act/I'm not a deity's performance!" kind of fits with his issues about how his powers affect people's perception of him.
404 by Pinocchio-P: It's about feeling unable to connect to people and like your true-self will be rejected. I also think the little alien guy in the music video for it looks a lot like Kusuo. I actually forgot how good a fit this was until I went and looked at the lyrics again and yup past me was correct in putting it on this playlist.
A Hundred Years Unresolved: It's lonely sounding and I came to associate it with Saiki because like listening to it when I play the Regentquest segment of See You in the Dark. No deeper reason then that.
Oh No! by Marina: Kusuo is the sort of guy to go "I know exactly what I want and who I want to be." You know, like a liar.
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense: I'm not sure how to explain it but I feel like the theme of falseness that runs through the song fits him. It's also worth mentioning that this song is also on my Kuusuke playlist that I'm not sharing here because it isn't as good and frankly it's kind of shameful that I even have a playlist for that guy.
I Am Not a Robot by Marina: Kusuo is vulnerable and lovable even if he doesn't believe that about himself.
God-ish by Pinocchio-P: I'm not sure how well this one fits because frankly this is one of the Pinocchio-P songs I don't feel like I have as solid a handle on the meaning of. I mostly chose it because of the name and because it seems to be a pretty cynical song.
Fear and Loathing by Marina: "Now I see, I see it for the first time / There is no crime in being kind / Not everyone is out to screw you over / Maybe, yeah just maybe, they just want to get to know you" I feel like this is fairly self-explanatory
arms by Christina Perri: I listened to my Pandora stations for the first time in ages recently (well back in August, apparently), heard this and thought "Kubosai song?!" though frankly it would also work well for Nensai or other Saiki ships or even platonically if you ignore some the more romantic lyrics. Though I think it's best suited to the first two listed. Anyway I think this fits Saiki's relationship issues pretty well.
Soap by The Oh Hellos: It's a very hopeful song about how people need other people and you are not unlovable. So I think you can imagine why I thought it was a good song to end the playlist with.
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howdomaddie · 1 month
on sora’s time in the sleeping worlds and coming to terms with other’s pain
so, i have recently been rewatching the kingdom hearts series through a youtube channel i follow that’s played through all the games, and i just finished dream drop distance in that rewatch. the player had quite a bit to say about the overall plot of that game, and that seems to fall in line with how i’ve seen a lot more people than i thought view DDD as well--that it’s not that great? i totally get being frustrated with the real organization shenanigans because the planned time travel was a bit much but…idk, i’ve never really been into KH for the villains and their schemes. DDD has always kind of been one of my favorites, so as i was rewatching this playthrough of it, i was thinking over why it gets the flack it does, and why i still think it’s good beyond that.
i’ve always loved riku’s arc, and i loved sora in DDD, but i was honestly “meh” on it until this current rewatch, when i was thinking over it all again, and remembering what had happened most recently to him. and now i think i’ve cracked it--i figured out a nice little piece for why sora’s arc works even if it’s subtle.
and…bear with me here…but it’s partially because of re:coded
STAY WITH ME, I PROMISE I HAVE A POINT!!! it’s below the cut since this will be long, but hear me out: sora in DDD is going through the same things that data sora did in re:coded, and proving that he will always come to the same conclusion about how to handle the pain the others in his heart have gone through (maybe someone’s discussed all of this before, so sorry if i’m just rehashing a well-known point, but…wanted to share my thoughts, haha)
okay. so, in order to really talk about this, let’s revisit what are probably the most important sections of re:coded, and what they do well on a story-telling level.
in the last quarter or so of re:coded, data sora is brought back to help mickey and co find the meaning of the second message that’s appeared in jiminy’s journal: “Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it.” data sora ends up arriving at an illusion of castle oblivion, and is goaded along by a data version of roxas to go deeper into the castle. this data roxas taunts him about how he’ll never remember the people data sora encounters in each part of the castle, poking and prodding him along through all the revisited worlds.
in one of the earliest rooms (destiny islands i think), data sora has a conversation with the data version of riku that has been helping us so far. data riku shows him a vision of riku and kairi from the events of KH1, with the warning that it’s something data riku wants data sora to see and feel. afterwards, data riku asks what data sora would have done if he’d known this. and data sora answers immediately:
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[ ID: an image of data sora from kingdom hearts re:coded. he has a determined expression on his face, and his clenching his fist as a show of conviction. the subtitles read: I would’ve helped you, of course. Both of you! I’d’ve figured out how to undo the hurt. End ID. ]
data riku seems pleased with this outcome, and he eventually goes on to say: “Just follow your heart, and you can change the lives of not one, but many.” as data sora goes deeper into this version of castle oblivion, he only comes across more pain in his heart as he forgets the people he meets. he may forget the people themselves, but the doesn’t forget that he met someone as he goes through the castle.
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[ ID: four images from kingdom hearts re:coded. data sora looks sad and pensive as he says this to data roxas, placing a hand over his heart: “It’s like you said; everyone I met I can’t remember. But still, I’m frustrated that I’ve forgotten them. I feel moments of loneliness. You said there would be no hurt feelings, but I AM hurting. When the memories are gone, they just leave a hole. And having that longing inside me hurts.” End ID. ]
data roxas eventually confronts data sora about what he’s come to terms with in the castle: that some of that pain he’s feeling is what helps him connect with others, to truly empathize with them. data roxas sees this as a sign that data sora passed his test, to see if he could come to terms with the pain in the hearts he’s most closely connected to.
data namine soon confirms that the real sora carries around a lot of pain that isn’t his own inside his heart--and that he’s found a way to face the suffering all of this disparate parts of himself had to endure. he’s already equipped to face it and help those he’s met that have been lost.
something that i think i’ve come to appreciate more is that as he’s gotten older, sora has ended up becoming really emotionally intelligent. he’s an extremely empathetic character, and kind of always has been. after all, he gave a piece of himself to someone to fix their broken heart when he was still an infant.
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[ ID: an image from kingdom hearts birth by sleep. a four year old sora looks upset as he holds ventus’s heart in his hands and asks, “Are you sad?” ]
we all know that his empathy and ability to connect emotionally to others is kind of sora’s whole “thing”--his friends are his power! but it makes sense that sora’s able to face the pain and suffering characters like xion and ven went through because he is such an open and caring person.
anyway, there’s another thing from re:coded that struck me as i was thinking over what sora goes through in DDD, and i think it’s critical. it’s the instructions namine gives for how to handle the pain of others that sora is holding onto.
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[ ID: three screenshots of data namine and data sora from kingdom hearts re:coded. data namine explains to data sora: “There’s only one way to deal with that [pain]; you face it head-on and then you accept it. And if it happens that the hurt is too great for you to bear it alone, well, then you turn to a friend close to your heart.” End ID. ]
this is less a “do this thing for the first time” to me--it’s data namine reinforcing something that data sora (and the real sora, obviously) already knows very well. there is strength to be found in the bonds you share, and that if you need it, you can always rely on the friends you’ve made. this was made apparently through the entire series but this serves as a reminder that yes, sora has been doing the best thing he can. he has remained true to his heart, and is willing to rely on those he cares about. we know that being alone and only relying on yourself is not the best thing to do in the series--it’s part of what drives riku to darkness in KH1--so that’s why this is a reassurance that sora already knows how to face this sort of pain.
so. WHAT on earth does this have to do with dream drop distance, you might be asking. well, part of that is inspired by this lets player i was rewatching (it’s dan form playframe, by the way, in case you’re wondering): he liked the general themes being played with at the end of re:coded, but was upset it was not happening to actual sora. and that stuck with me as i got to DDD in my rewatch, and that’s how i viewed sora’s stuff in that game.
anyway. let’s dive (ha) in, shall we?
at the end of re:coded, king mickey writes that letter in a bottle that gets to sora in the post credits of KH2 to explain what they discovered in the data version of jiminy’s journal. sora knows now that he’s the thread that will save people like roxas and xion and aqua, and he knows what data namine was wanting him to eventually face.
at the start of DDD, sora is aware that he needs to face the pain of others that is currently residing in his heart and find a way to save those that have been lost. he is primed with that knowledge, and likely wants to face it the way data sora did.
why do i think this? well…i think that the mark of mastery exam in DDD was really a chance for sora and riku to come to terms with what is still somewhat holding them back in their hearts, and do perform some true introspection.
we know how riku’s arc goes: he finally realizes that he does have the power to protect what matters to him, and that darkness in his heart is not something to fear. it does not make him any less worthy to wield a keyblade, nor does it keep him from being a keyblade master.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of riku and sora. sora’s arm is slung over riku’s shoulder and he is beaming. riku doesn’t seem to believe what he’s saying: “Really? I’m a Keyblade Master?” ]
but what about sora? outside of Overall Series Plot happening to him in this game and the contrived reason he isn’t also named a master, what does sora come to realize? well, it’s what data namine wanted for him: to face the pain inside him head on, and to rely on those close to his heart when he couldn’t do it alone.
what do i mean by this? let’s go world by world to see.
starting with hunchback, since we visit traverse town twice:
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora, who is looking at the camera. he appears thoughtful as he says of quasimodo: “He can’t let his heart be a prison.” ]
sora realizes that quasimodo is putting up walls in his heart that keep him from being hurt--walls that, in turn, are becoming something of a “prison”. they’re what keep quasimodo safe, but also keep him disconnected from others and is an excuse for why he doesn’t leave notre dame cathedral. 
at the end of sora’s time in this world, quasimodo has opened himself to others, and decides to not keep his fears from holding him back. as sora processes this information, of course, we have the villains telling him that his own heart is now a prison for someone else--ventus.
i don’t think this is true for sora and ven’s situation, and that the organization is just trying to make sora question himself. sora welcomed ven into his heart willingly to keep ven safe--it’s been a very long time, yes, and sora will eventually need to help ven return to his body, but sora’s heart isn’t exactly a prison. he just doesn’t really know that he still has ven with him, since he probably didn’t know what happened with ven when he was little.
so this is something sora still has to come to terms with: is his heart a prison for someone else? how does he set them free?
after hunchback, we have the grid and prankster’s paradise, and these should be easy enough to figure out.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora and quorra. sora is holding quorra back from attacking, and quorra says to sora of rinzler (originally sora’s friend tron), “He’s a program, Sora. Programs don’t have hearts.” End ID. ]
the grid for sora is all about his relationship to tron and making rinzler remember who he truly is. quorra is pretty quick to throw in the towel on sora’s attempts to reach his friend’s heart, but sora keeps trying--and eventually, he does manage to have a breakthrough. he helps tron fight off his reprogramming, and remember their friendship. he’s able to touch tron’s heart and remind him of what’s important--he just has to give tron the time he needs, and eventually help reprogram him.
my, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts three of sora, xion, and axel. sora has his hand on xion’s keyblade, and is persuading her not to hurt her friend axel--trying to remind her of who she really is. ]
there’s one quote from the jeff bridges character that i feel is important to note here: “That’s the thing about programs. Mess with the code just a little, and their whole nature and memory can change.”
sora’s time in the grid helps him understand a bit more of what “copies” of him can be going through, and honestly is an important part of why he is able to help xion and roxas in 3 (at least to me). xion’s suffering is tied to how the organization used and abused her, and them tampering with her memories is why she starts off on their side in 3. but sora, good boy that he is, manages to break through to her with a little help from roxas--just like he needed the right thing to reprogram rinzler and help him remember that he was tron all along.
as for prankster’s paradise…
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora and xemnas confronting each other. sora looks determined as he exclaims, “But if Pinocchio could be given one (a heart)--shouldn’t you be able to have a heart inside you, too?” End ID. ]
the fact that nobodies do actually have hearts is confirmed towards the end of the game, but it’s clear sora has already figured it out on his own. i’ll touch on it a little more later on, but sora knows that roxas has his own heart, living on inside his own--it’s a reminder of how roxas still exists, and how much of his own person he is outside of sora.
xemnas is still putting on the show here that nobodies are beings without hearts, and sora knows that is blatantly untrue--why else would roxas feel the things he did if that was the case?
the other three worlds--traverse town, the country of musketeers, and the symphony of sorcery--do the same thing that data namine did in re:coded. they reinforce the things sora already knows about connecting with others, and relying on their strength when he can’t do things alone.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora talking to neku in traverse town. when talking about neku denying that he said he needed shiki, sora says, “What? Why? You said you need her. That’s a good thing.” End ID. ]
sora says it directly to neku in the revisit to traverse town: it’s good that neku admitted to needing shiki around. sora has always trusted in people to rely on him and to return the favor, so he sees none of the shame that neku feels in admitting that he needs other people.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of mickey and donald. mickey looks to the camera as he says, “Goofy’s right. As a team, we can do anything!” End ID. ]
the recurring musketeer motto of “All for one, and one for all!” when sora joins mickey, donald, and goofy in protecting princess minnie is another reminder of all this: sora knows the true value of teamwork with his party members, and how important donald and goofy are to him. they are his friends for life, and they’ll be at his side the way he’s at theirs. he reassures them the way they reassure him and always have.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora, looking wistful as he talks about riku: “Don’t worry. I’ve got a friend out there who will help. He’s always picking up the slack for me.” End ID. ]
sora’s belief in riku is something that’s shown throughout the entire game, and the symphony of sorcery is just one example in truth--but sora has never doubted riku or even kairi and the others. even if he can’t see riku, even if his friends are a million miles away, sora knows that they have his back.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora in traverse town, looking happy and patting his chest as he says of riku, “Don’t worry. He’s with me--even when it might seem like he’s not.” End ID. ]
for the Overall Series Plot happening in DDD, this is very good for sora to remember--riku becomes a dream eater to protect sora in this game, so it’s quite literal. (i think it’s also important to remember this when thinking about the ending of kh3, and where sora has found himself. he still has people who love and care for him, even if they’re a million worlds apart from each other.)
and so, now we come to the heart of the matter. has sora ended up in the same place as data sora? can he accept the pain the different pieces of him went through, and help them? as of kh3’s ending we know he’s helped them, but what about DDD?
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[ ID: three screenshots from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora and xion. sora asks who xion is, but trails off before he finishes asking. in the final shot, sora sheds a tear over xion. End ID. ]
sora does come face to face with namine and xion, and while he doesn’t connect with them, really, he does seem to feel their pain.
the most apparent interaction that leaves its mark is, of course, when he faces roxas.
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[ ID: screenshots from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora speaking to roxas, saying, “Roxas, you’re you. We’re not the same. I wanted to tell you that.” End ID. ]
because sora is fully aware that roxas has his own heart, sora can firmly insist that roxas is his own person. roxas respects this, and opens his heart to sora, to share the truly terrible things that happened to him. and sora faces it, the way he needs to.
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts dream drop distance of sora, where sora looks angry and upset about what happened to roxas. He clenches his fist, and asks, “Did they cause all this pain?” End ID. ]
sora has faced at least roxas’s pain and suffering, at least. and he’s ready to do the same for the others in his heart--or, at least, that’s what i believe.
when riku encounters ansem the wise in sora’s heart at the end of the game, what ansem says is something i think kind of ties everything together:
“That is a statement to the love in his heart for other people, and the bonds that tie them together. Perhaps…he has the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those connected to him--to recreate people we thought were lost to us forever. [ … ] Sora has a heart like that--uncorrupted, willing to see the good before the bad. When he sees the heart in something, it then becomes real. When a connection seems broken, he may have the power to mend it. [ … ] He has touched countless hearts, he has accepted them, and he has saved them. [ … ] All Sora needs to do is be himself and follow wherever it is that his heart takes him. It is the best and only way.”
after the opening section of kh3 in olympus colosseum, what’s the thing that sets sora off on his journey?
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[ ID: a screenshot from kingdom hearts three of sora, donald, goofy, and jiminy cricket in the gummi ship cockpit. sora looks determined as he says, “The others are following Aqua’s heart, so I’ll follow Roxas’s heart!”  End ID. ]
his desire for roxas to truly be his own person. so many people move mountains to make this a reality not just for roxas, but for xion and namine too--all because sora understood that roxas had his own heart, memories, and history. he saw roxas’s suffering and still pushed through to make sure his nobody got the life he deserved.
sora faced what he could, and did everything in his power to undo the suffering the people connected to him were feeling--and when he couldn’t do it himself, he let others help him. just the way namine (and her creation, data namine) wanted.
im sorry this is so long and kind of rambly--but i feel like i finally get sora in DDD outside of the organization’s plans for him, and that the off hand comment from this lets play i’m rewatching actually ended up being true. if you made it this far down in this silly post thanks for reading, hope you're having a good day ;u;
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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I’m back from my hiatus!!
Hey everyone, I’m very happy to be back after my exams! This means I’ll have more time to work on translations and share more content with everyone! But first off, you can check out my card that I’ve updated here with all my social media handles and the place where you can register to watch my subtitled shows and streams!
Enjoy on the ride :D
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The Curious Creation Of the Ghoul Nest
**Not really an incorrect quote so much as mindless fluff I’m writing to make myself feel better cus this week sucks**
Amongst each generation of Ghouls it has became tradition that, on the first night back from tour, on very cold nights, or just when the general stress level gets a bit too high, everyone helps form a massive nest in the Ghoul common room for cuddling safety purposes. This how Copia’s Ghouls handle the tradition.
Dewdrop and Rain are responsible for gathering every blanket, towel, pillow, cushion, and plushie they can get their sneaky little hands on and ferrying the mountain of soft things to the common room. At this point folks know not to bother the piles of blankets with legs they may encounter toddling through the halls.
Swiss and Sunshine are on snack duty (Mountain used to try and help but he and Sunny would often get into friendly food fights and Aether got tired of needing to move the fridge to sweep out the Cheeto graveyard that usually resulted) the type of snacks that the Multis prepare changes based on season and general mood of the group but Cheetos and puppy chow are always in the mix.
Mountain is now permanently in charge of movie selection. He spends a pretty decent amount of time outside the nesting evenings carefully screening and curating a little stack of options that he presents to the group for a vote on the night of. All the DVDs in the common room have neatly written notes tucked into their case that list general movie vibe, song quality rating, and subtitle options for the film.
Cumulus and Cirrus are in charge of scooting all the softest couches and chairs into a general nest shape in front of the fireplace, and then forming the actual nest with Dew, Rain, and their army of plushies. It’s a delicate process of making sure the nest is close enough to the fire in the colder months, within the perfect cross breeze in the warmer months ,and has enough surfaces within reaching distance for drinks, snacks, and remotes. The nest is always made big enough for everyone to cuddle sleep safely while still being able to stretch a bit.
Aether has, according to him, the most difficult task; Dragging Copia away from his paperwork for the night. The first time the nesting occurred during Copia’s reign he refused to leave, stating that there was far too much work to be done. Aether then arrived in the common room a few minutes later with the blustering Cardinal slung over his shoulder. At this point Copia knows not to try to get anything done after 6pm the day a tour ends or when he looks up from his work to find Aether standing beside his chair with his arms crossed. He only pretends to bluster a little bit for show before “giving up” and helping Aether retrieve drinks and pizza.
Once everyone has been gathered, all the food is ready, and the movie roster for the night has been determined, everyone climbs into the nest and gets comfortable and the evening of relaxation can begin. Ghouls are shuffled around as they fall asleep (Copia usually winds up in the middle of the pile) and everyone has a well deserved restful nights sleep.
Bonus: the other Papas
Nine time out of ten when these nesting nights occur one or more of the former Papas will just so happen to be “passing by” and eventually wind up in the cuddle pile.
Primo has long since abandoned any attempt to deny why he’s there and typically shows up with extra pillows and a massive thermos of tea to share. He love it when the movies for the night include anything Disney because they’re fun to sing along with.
Secondo will usually walk into the common room “by accident” claiming he was looking for another room or sleepwalking and will then pretend to watch the movie while scooting closer and closer to the nest until a ghoul pulls him the rest of the way in. The fact that he always has a bottle of something to share is entirely coincidental and no, he has no idea how thoes new movies wound up on the shelf.
Terzo will dramatically sweep into the room under the pretext of needing to bother Copia with something or looking for his brothers only to drop a large bag of chocolates onto one of the tables and wriggle into the pile, blanket in tow, without another word. No matter where he enters the nest he will inevitably wind up next to Copia in the very middle of the cuddle pile.
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simplylove101 · 6 months
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2023 Horror Challenge: [66/?]
↳“Evil loves children. And children love evil.” When Evil Lurks (2023) dir. Demián Rugna
Plot: In a remote village, two brothers find a demon-infected man just about to give birth to evil itself. They decide to get rid of the man but merely succeed in spreading the chaos.
Starring: Ezequiel Rodriguez, Demián Salomon, Luis Ziembrowski, Silvia Sabater & Marcelo Michinaux
Man, oh man. That movie was... something. Originally my Halloween watch was gonna be just Talk to Me (which is next in the movie marathon) and I'm so glad this ended up being available just in time so I could watch it tonight too. I've been seeing the hype for this movie grow online with many saying it's the best horror movie of the year. With that high of praise, how could I not be curious about it? Well, as far as I'm concerned I think it's deserving of that title. We'll see where I stand after the next watch since that's also been called the best of 2023 by many too. This movie was absolutely brutal and bleak but very, very effective in a way that is yes, disturbing, but had me feeling lots of other things as well. It takes a minute to get going but once it does, I could feel the dread everywhere. It felt like a very fresh take on possession and I kinda love that the lore is already very much established. Meanwhile, gore fans will be happy cuz there's plenty of it but I don't think they overdid it. But they do some major cross lines that had me gasping. Just totally wild. And man, that ending. Not forgetting this one any time soon. Really glad it lived up to the hype! Might not be for everyone but this Argentinian gem deserves the love it's getting so if you can handle gore and yes, subtitles (*gives judgy eyes to lazy people*), then check it out!
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unorthodox-oblivion · 2 months
I'll tell you about my day then you tell me yours?
I tried foundation today, my friend is a makeup artist and influencer and she gifted me foundation but i never wear it so for her i tried it and i think it looks good but ugh im not a full coverage girl. i don't even wear concealer but we have a special event tomorrow so I'll wear it so she can see it on me lol. also im drinking a mango juice + tequila drink right now and it's great but i should've used Cachaça but i forgot i had it. this tequila is very good and expensive though, someone got it as a gift for my dad. do you drink alcohol? if so what do you prefer?
I'm not much of a makeup girl. I hardly ever wear it and I definitely do not know what I'm doing when it comes to wearing it. But it can be fun and I'm happy you had a good time trying it and think it looks good. You don't have to succumb to the pressure of wearing it, though. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy.
I hope your special event is good, tomorrow! I'm sure it will be!
Oooooh you have Cachaça??? What kind? I do drink alcohol, on occasion. Not ironically, tequila has ALWAYS been my favorite drink and I can handle it well. I don't mix it with anything, though. I'm more of a "shots" kinda gal than a fruity drink gal. I do love a good Moscow Mule if I'm going for drinks (but that's vodka). I do enjoy beer, as well. Honestly, if there's alcohol in it, I'll probably drink it. But fruity things that aren't lemon/lime are not for me.
My day was alright. Got some minor, but good news. Had lunch out with my favorite coworkers (instead of either taking lunch from home or buying and eating at work) and my day mostly consisted of recutting a video so we could have three shorter, 9x16 versions of it and subtitling them for social media and a long ass meeting about how we can optimize our workflow and now I've been tasked with organizing all the projects at work before ingest, considering all the requirements for each project (not a burden, I love organization and as the most organized person there, I will definitely be good at making life easier for everyone else by keeping things tidy).
Got to play with my boss' kid too and I'm her favorite "daddy's work auntie" too. It was fun, she didn't wanna let go of my hand when we all left.
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