#Ask Answering Crowley
So what are your phobias?
Ooh, you’re a stubborn one. Still want to know, ey? There’s no way you’re going to use it against me in some way if I tell you, so if you really want to know… I’m deathly afraid of people sending me £1000 on a daily basis. Despite being an immortal, infernal being, living on Earth still requires PAYING TAXES.
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stvrmaker · 2 months
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Following in @lemmiart ‘s footsteps, I drew the thing in my book 🥺 My friend said this was blasphemous but I plan on dying with this book in my arms, and it makes me happy so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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p4nishers · 10 months
oh my god. it just hit me. the time they met in eden, the first time in crowley's mind, he asked aziraphale a question and instead of smiting him or ignoring him, he answered. for the first time in his demonic existence, someone answered a question for him without any thought, like he deserved to hear the answer. no wonder he immediately fell in love huh
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tartppola · 4 months
3. Tell us about a complicated relationship your OC has with another character? :3
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we used to be best buddies, but now we're not, i wish you could tell me whyyyyyyy
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mimisempai · 2 months
Hi! So I saw some gifs where someone had lightened Crowley’s eyes beneath his glasses during the scene where he’s blowing the paint stain off Aziraphale’s jacket, and I was stunned. The eyes he’s giving Aziraphale as he does it need to be shown to the world, and I was hoping with your talent you might do it some justice to make them just a bit easier to see? The gif is fairly low quality, but people need to see that look in slowwww motion!
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Thank you for all you do! I love following your Tumblr!
Hello! First, I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I tried to do my best, to highlight as much as possible without making it look monstrous lol then I slowed down so we have plenty of time to see that you're absolutely right. This look must be shown to the world!
Hope this is to your taste!
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nau-the-duke · 3 months
FIRST AZIRACROW POST, HELL YEAH. Let's pretend it's still Valentine's Day, thank you
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This was supposedly just a coloured traditional sketch, but things got out of hand. I need to study Aziraphale 'cause he doesn't have the Sheen-ish vibe I'd like
Close-up's only because I love eyes
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actual-changeling · 5 months
Where is the evidence that Crowley is verbally, emotionally and physically abused by Hell? We ASSUME he has been tortured at some point but it has never been made clear. He says "my lot do not send rude notes" but he never elaborates on any actual punishment so I'm just wondering.
The evidence is a) in the subtext and b) in the scriptbook itself! The subtext is worthy of its own post because it's a lot and it will get very elaborate very quick, so let's focus on textual evidence for now.
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We KNOW that Crowley got pulled down to hell so they could punish him for breaking the rules, and it is repeated over and over again how hell tortures both people and other demons. They don't just give him paperwork—they hurt him. The demon talking to Beelzebub got his tongue ripped out, Shax threatened to rearrange his organs (and that was not an empty threat judging by how she pulverized one of the Erics), and hell is full of screams and despair.
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We SAW how hell tortures the damned (-> Spinnetime), and that is well. Proper torture. So whatever they do to punish demons will also be physical and mental torture. Demons hurt and kill each other on the daily, we see that with Beez, Hastur, and Shax, among others.
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Another example:
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They dissolved one of their own just to test the holy water, do you really think they have reservations about torturing someone? Do you really think Crowley would be absolutely terrified for his life and would rather be destroyed than go back if they did not abuse him?
It's all right there on the screen, just because there's no Neil Gaiman voice-over detailing everything they do to him doesn't mean it's not canon.
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dingledraw · 3 months
i've decided i'm going to live for her instead!
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Good! (Just be careful with the woman who hangs around with her👀)
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crowleyholmes · 8 months
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The Fall
"I only ever asked questions..."
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katiefrog217 · 1 month
Does Crowley Snake have to unhinge his jaw to show affection to Azirabirb?
This is somewhat irrelevant to the ask, but I'm going to hit you with a snake fact while I'm here:
It is a common misconception that snakes unhinge their jaws to swallow larger prey. Rather, the bones of their lower jaw aren't fused and are connected by a very elastic ligament that allows their jaws to open wider than would normally be allowed!
Now onto the actual point of the ask: if I'm reading this correct, you could be implying that Crowley could be doing some silly nom-nom stuff for affection, but to that I'd have to say no.
In my mind, Snake Crowley shows affection to Azirabirb by wrapping around him, holding him with his wings, and allowing Azirabirb to touch his back and head (snakes can be incredibly shy about having their faces touched, and anywhere near their spine).
Thank you for the ask! Have a little doodle! :DD
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i-donthaveanygoodidea · 2 months
If you're taking art requests/suggestions, I think wing grooming or them flying together is always really awesome to see ♥️
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I wanted to do more but I'm pretty sure I'm on the edge of a creative burn out so I'm taking my time
I have more ideas, just not the energy to execute them so...
Hopefully I'll update this post with more sketches
Reblogs are good for the tumblr ecosystem 🐸
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so. something tells me you might’ve done something to Hastur back in your universe. spill.
Who, me? To Hastur? Besides periodically stealing his dessert at the food court, I’m completely innocent. Just because I did the whole don’t end the world please thing doesn’t mean I’m always a problem, does it? The worst thing I’ve been up to lately is hosting an angel that looks like me on my sofa. Hardly anything to get your knickers in a twist over, I’d say.
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hikarry · 6 months
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Oh shit, here we go again
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thedemon-crowley · 9 months
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indigovigilance · 8 months
This has been eating at my brain for 5 minutes, but why does aziraphale wear reading glasses sometimes. Is it for aesthetic? Is it their eyesight? Help
Hi @electronicturtlepaper, thanks for the ask! I gave this some thought, and I propose four reasons that Aziraphale wears reading glasses:
Aziraphale imagines himself having a 50-year old human body
He likes doing things the human way
They are integral to his enjoyment of art
He uses them to communicate with Crowley
Expanded arguments and evidence, as always, below the cut:
Aziraphale likes to imagine that he is a 50-year old human.
I think there's a little bit of a tendency to think of the ineffables as being superhuman. They are, but not the way Superman or Wonderwoman are. We get the best illustration of this in S1E6 when Crowley is driving through the M-25 inferno:
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Crowley has something no other demons have, an imagination. Right now, he's imagining that he is just fine, and that a ton of burning metal, rubber and leather is a fully functioning car.
We know from this Season 1 scene that Crowley's imagination manifests reality; in this particular instance, it is to defy the laws of physics, to keep his body from discorporating and his car from falling apart.
Even though the way it's being used feels "super," we can see how the mechanic of "imagination manifests reality" could be used in the exact opposite way by someone who likes to think of themselves as a homely, affable pillar of the community that has owned the bookshop on the corner for as long as anyone can remember. We see other ways this manifests, like not being able to keep up with Gabriel while jogging:
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He could think of himself as a battle-ready soldier, but he doesn't. He thinks of himself as someone who likes culture, good food, and fine clothes; cardio doesn't really play into that, so his corporeal form manifests accordingly. By the same token, he's an avid reader, and as far as his Whickber Street neighbors are concerned, has spent all day, every day reading books for the past no-one-knows-how-long; how would he not need reading glasses?
By sheer power of imagination, Aziraphale has manifested himself into needing corrected vision.
Aziraphale Likes Doing Things the Human Way
Keep in mind that this is the angel who absolutely did not fool Nefertiti with a single caraway seed and three cowrie shells, but he sure did put his whole entire soul into learning prestidigitation from the best human magicians of their day, and took French lessons so that he could ask his aunt's gardener for a pen.
Wearing reading glasses to read is part and parcel to a 50-year-old man running a bookshop. Miracling himself some Lasik eye surgery would be cheating, just like using a miracle to make the farthing vanish in a sleight of hand trick. In order to do something the human way, all the normal human handicaps must apply, including myopia.
Aziraphale's Enjoyment of Art is Enhanced by Wearing Glasses
I also think that Aziraphale considers wearing eyeglasses to be an integral part of the human experience of the joy of literature; reading a novel without peering at the page through silica lenses framed by metal wire would be like eating sushi without dipping it in soy sauce. The experience would be incomplete.
But, then again, look at this dork:
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He's wearing his glasses to listen to music. Clearly this isn't necessary or even helpful (but as someone who has taken off their glasses so they can listen better to somebody, I can assure you it's very human). So this tells us that Aziraphale's glasses are, among other things, his "I'm enjoying art right now" accessory.
This is further reinforced in the following beat, when he's opened the door, and he's not wearing his glasses anymore:
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So sometime between turning off the gramophone and opening the door for Gabriel, he took off his glasses to signal that he has quit shastakovich.exe and is returning to "normal adult responsibilities" mode.
Aziraphale Uses His Glasses To Communicate
...and we know exactly who he learned this from: @goodomensgifs credited for this wonderful gifset, hereafter incorporated by reference because my computer is so mad at me rn and can't handle loading gifs.
Crowley uses his glasses to communicate his emotions a lot. He uses them to show vulnerability. He uses them to show contentment. He uses them to threaten. He uses them to show that he is wounded and defensive. He uses them to demonstrate that he is or is not willing to talk. Aziraphale has learned from the best.
The first time we see Aziraphale leverage his lenses this way in Season 2 is when Crowley returns to the shop after their fight about Gabriel. When he's alone, waiting for Crowley to return, Aziraphale isn't wearing his glasses:
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but quickly puts them on when Crowley walks in the door:
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Quite a few analysts have published metas on equivocation (@cobragardens and @ao3cassandraic, maybe we should start using an #equivocation tag? Because this is becoming a recurring topic), which I incorporate here by reference. Crowley and Aziraphale have had to learn to communicate without saying a lot of things out loud, and glasses are playing a role in that.
By putting on his glasses, Aziraphale has just put up a big "I'm feeling hurt and defensive" sign; at the same time, Crowley takes his glasses off, to signal that he's ready to talk. Aziraphale peers through his glasses while he's pretending to ignore Crowley, reinforcing that his glasses are assisting him in demonstrating his umbrage.
Aziraphale finally takes his glasses off to tell Crowley that his "you were right" wasn't a good enough apology:
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At this point in the conversation, the angel is allowing himself to be more vulnerable and show just how upset he is.
This evidence is taken from limited samples, but it fits with the general dynamic of the characters observed elsewhere.
Thanks for the great prompt, I never would have done this exploration otherwise but it was very rewarding.
Good Omentober!
If you liked this, you may like:
Clothes + Equivocation = Romance by @cobragardens
The Colors of Crowley by @cobragardens
The Golden Lion by @cobragardens
Angel Pinky Rings by yours truly, @indigovigilance
...and any fan is welcome to drop an analysis request in my askbox!
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mimisempai · 10 months
Why do ducks have ears?
Google : Hearing is an essential sense to ducks when it comes to communicating with each other. Waterfowls communicate with various vocalizations, including mating and alerting sounds. They rely on their ears to maintain contact with their mates and young ones.
Crowley : That's how they hear other ducks.
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And never forget :
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Waiting for your next ask funny anon :D
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