#Ask Robert Baratheon
I feeeeeel like people get so caught up on the idea of *romantic* love that everything Lyanna Stark adjacent devolves to how much Rhaegar or Robert must have desired her and her *gorgeous Helen of Troy beauty* -
When I think the love between Lyanna and her siblings is what makes me the most emotional 🥲. You get the purest, most tragic depictions of love and the *realest* depictions of *her* in reference to her brothers. The maiden that loved to ride horses, the maiden who liked to play fight with her brother, the maiden who cared that her father’s bannermen were treated with respect Vs the face that launched a civil war
For this reason I always feel so *disgruntled* when people try to compare Jon Snow foregoing everything to save Arya to Rhaegar & Lyanna when the clearest comparison is Ned & Lyanna and even Brandon to a degree.
Those two gave up their life and *cherished honor* not for romance, prophecy, or wealth but for their baby sister just like Jon 🥲
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daenystheedreamer · 6 months
all the times when Dany gets scared and says 'she felt like a girl again' screaming crying throwing up she's just a baby still!! you are 15 you are a little girl!!!!
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the way she is mhysa even though she's just a child…. when did she stop being a daughter she was never allowed to just be a daughter she was orphaned from birth she was always a sister a wife a mother she never got to just be a little girl....
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Jon, holding his newborn son from Baratheon!Reader: I will name him after my father. He was a great man. He was the most honorable and respected man of his time who was brutally murdered in the most egregious manner by his enemies because he tried to do the right thing…
Rhaegar, in the afterlife: Oh my son… 🥹
Jon: Eddard ❤️🐺❤️
Rhaegar: 😐
Rhaegar, you gotta raise to be considered a dad, Ned did all your work for you, be grateful.
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fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
"What do you mean by targaryen restoration" may sound chiche but it's exactly what everyone says, dany continuing the targaryen lineage and winning back the family throne 😭
I don't think George created a character like her, made her have 3 dragons for nothing btw
It's just so jarring to me that Dany having children has been labeled "Targaryen restoration", but then that's what I expect from a fandom that thinks Dany should have to answer for the "crimes" of her family. There should not be this level of controversy over a character potentially having children, and definitely not to the point where it's being called "neo-nazi rhetoric". Dany is a character integrally associated with motherhood, she's the Mother of Dragons and "Mhysa" to the freedman, but we're supposed to ignore that cause people on tumblr/reddit/twitter/etc. don't like the Targs 😭
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polka-spots · 7 months
I think Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fore would have been way funnier if Jon Snow was born with the silver hair and purple eyes of the Targs simply because I like to imagine Ned Stark coming up with ever more frantic reasons that Jon Snow looks like That. Imagine him going "oh haha his mum was Lyseni yes mhm don't look too hard at this excuse" or "he's uhhhhhh albino yep" or "he had an accident with some bleach". And Robert just fully accepts the ever worse excuses and thinks that poor little Jon Snow is an albino half Lyseni boy who has very unfortunate accidents all the time with cleaning products.
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melrosing · 4 months
I hate how the show made Cersei "in love" with Robert. "I worshipped him", "i felt something for you once" what?? That man raped and abused her in the books
Not for a moment Cersei was happy with Robert and he wasn't even the man she wanted/expecting to marry
yeah, I think D&D wanted to write about two fundamentally mismatched people whose marriage was always doomed, and it's like.... even in your own show he beats Cersei?? and whilst D&D have always been the absolute worst with their portrayals of consent (or lack of it), I think the nature of Robert and Cersei's relationship in the books is really vital to the overall story about Cersei.
this isn't to argue in favour of that 'without ramsay i would've been a little bird all my life' shit they had Sansa spouting - whatever an individual may take from their experience, abuse is not meant to be 'character-building'. but it does shape a person's outlook, and in Cersei's case it utterly transformed her relationship with gender and sexuality in ways that are crucial to her story and thesis behind it.
I think having Ned understand Robert one way for all his life and have to reassess (or fail to) after what he sees Robert do to Cersei, is also a really important beat. we're told that Robert is the good guy in the relationship and Cersei is the bad wife, and then we're forced to look at them both again, and we're challenged to change our minds. and some people just don't manage that.
and then there's D&D who seem uneasy really getting to grips with unpacking all that. like that's why the Robert/Cersei 'our marriage' conversation in S1 falls flat for me, bc this doesn't truly address what was actually going on here.
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laurellerual · 3 months
seen some of your stuff on imaginary westeros and i love i gotta question tho what are your thoughts on edric storm? i always sorta of seen him as king that could of been all robert had to do was a lil aegon the 4th and legitmise edric and maya and stannis would of cracked his teeth and declared for him and renly could of just shunted margery onto him.
Thanks for the compliment anon!
Unfortunately I don't share your enthusiasm about Edric. Like he seems like a good boy I guess, but I don't think the books give us enough information about his character to be able to draw conclusions about what he would be like as king. He is only mentioned a handful of times and for most of these scenes he isn't even present.
I also don't see a scenario where Robert decides to make one of his bastards heir… like he's not that old, he can remarry and have other kids. It seems much more likely to me that, if he had found out about the twincest, he would have simply chosen to marry Margery himself.
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Realistically an AU where Ned and Cat live, a marriage between little Robert and Arya would make sense. But you're talking about the fanarts of a Gendrya shipper so…
My two star-crossed lovers had an elopement, they got married in secret under a heart tree, they consummated the wedding. Because it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Eddard isn't really the type to kill his daughter's love, especially considering that this was almost certainly her plan. And considering he is Robert's son. Lord Stark can't do anything but accept it, He's just happy that his daughter came home alive because he was already starting to have ptsd flashbacks of the Rebellion. The End.
As for your request, I'll put it aside for when I have more time!
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Why do people tend to take sides regarding Robert and Cersei’s marriage when it’s clear it was a mutually abusive relationship and both are awful people?
While Robert and Cersei are awful people I don't agree that their marriage was mutually abusive.
They both disliked, cheated and belittled each other. However, the text makes it clear that Robert beated and raped Cersei. This indicates that they didn't held the same power in their relationship ( which makes sense, Westeros is a sexist culture). He was the abuser and she was his victim. And she killed him after years of enduring his abuse. I believe that the only reason people don't see that is because as you said, Cersei was an awful person herself.
But being the victim of domestic violent doesn't automatically absolves you from having bad traits. I don't think it's fair to hold these victims on a higher standard and expect them to be perfect in order to believe them.
Cersei can be both an awful person and the victim in her marriage. These two are mutually exclusive.
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kingcunny · 5 months
something something robert baratheon having ilusions about lyanna stark even after she died 15 years ago and viserys targaryen being obsessed with aemma arryn 20 years after she died something something them both having ilusions and platonic projections on their lost loved ones
men and their ‘martyred’ wives. a dead woman is the ideal wife! a dead woman cant get angry at you. a dead woman cant grow to despise you. a dead wife doesnt force you to grow or change your behaviors. a dead wife only exists inside your mind. perfect and pure. and she always loves you.
them both trying to find their dead wives in other women. but living women are complicated. living woman have their own thoughts and opinions and internal worlds that exist separate from you. living women exist outside the fantasy.
dead wives are the perfect symbols of everything that couldve been. everything *they* couldve been. everything would be good and right. if only their perfect wives had lived.
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
I don’t know why House Stark makes Targs fanatics foam at the mouth when the Lannisters have been that family’s biggest nightmare throughout their reign, and Aerys was incredibly jealous of Tywin and felt upstaged by him. The Lannisters putting in all the hard work to bring down that cursed dynasty since they set foot on Westerosi soil and their effort doesn’t even get appreciated. And thanks to Cersei, Rhaenyra’s and Daemon’s descendants no longer sat on the Iron Throne (because let’s not forget that Robert is their direct descendant and his paternal grandmother is Rhaelle Targaryen).
i have to say, i haven't paid much mind to targnation-starkdom diplomatic relations in order to make a qualified assessment about this. i was under the impression that targ stans were mostly neutral about the starks as a whole? the only one they really seemed to hate was sansa
and, honestly, a lot of that is due to their inability to identify that daenerys and house stark MAY end up having differing, incompatible objectives, otherwise, yes, they would be absolutely foaming at the mouth. but from what i've observed, they mostly just can't fathom why anyone "decent" could ever possibly align themselves against god empress dany christgaryen, so in their fantasies, dany & the starks mostly end up being friends
the sansa opposition is a direct influence of the show, because, for some reason, d&d decided to pile all the possible stark/north dissatisfaction with daenerys on top of her and make her the odd one out
as for the second part of your post, i, for one always found it pretty cool how the targaryens' (+valyrians') doom was entwined with house lannister in one way or the other, but there's no current evidence that this was some long-form historical plan of theirs passed from generation to generation. they have been opportunistic and sometimes even ruthless in their advancement, but i'd say they settled for the nuclear option only as a last resort. tywin's betrayal of aerys came after long years of deranged behaviour and when he was more-or-less losing the war anyway, whereas cersei endured a lot at robert's hands before she decided to hurry his death along. her motives were entirely personal, not ideological i.e. some parasocial historical beef with daemyra :))
also, since i've already started ranting, i wish we could nuance the discussion of robert's death a little bit, because people are a little too eager to point the regicide finger at cersei, IMO. yes, she told lancel to spike robert's wine, but lancel didn't hold the king down and waterboard him with alcohol against his will. even if robert didn't know it was strongwine, he knew it was WINE and he kept drinking it while intentionally and purposelessly placing himself in a dangerous situation. he surely must have felt it was heady, yet he kept drinking it and did nothing to modify his behaviour - basically the equivalent of a medieval DYI. robert was fully in charge of his decisions and his bodily integrity and he chose to do the stupid thing anyway. he wasn't murdered. he did this to himself.
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vivacissimx · 1 year
Hello, a thing I have been wondering for a long time is what would have happened if Robert found the truth about Jon during AGOT. Like when Jon is already in the Night's Watch and already taken his vows. Have a lovely day.
Ned did not feign surprise; Robert's hatred of the Targaryens was a madness in him. He remembered the angry words they had exchanged when Tywin Lannister had presented Robert with the corpses of Rhaegar's wife and children as a token of fealty. Ned had named that murder; Robert called it war. When he had protested that the young prince and princess were no more than babes, his new-made king had replied, "I see no babes. Only dragonspawn."
[Robert's] voice had grown so loud that his horse whinnied nervously beneath him. The king jerked the reins hard, quieting the animal, and pointed an angry finger at Ned. "I will kill every Targaryen I can get my hands on, until they are as dead as their dragons, and then I will piss on their graves." Ned knew better than to defy him when the wrath was on him. If the years had not quenched Robert's thirst for revenge, no words of his would help.
"Treachery was a coin the Targaryens knew well," Robert said. The anger was building in him again. "Lannister paid them back in kind. It was no less than they deserved. I shall not trouble my sleep over it."
AGOT, Eddard II
"Robert, I ask you, what did we rise against Aerys Targaryen for, if not to put an end to the murder of children?"
"To put an end to Targaryens!" the king growled.
-AGOT, Eddard VIII
"Rhaegar… Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have [Cersei]." The king drained his cup.
-AGOT, Eddard X
Robert could be merciful. Ser Barristan was scarcely the only man he had pardoned. Grand Maester Pycelle, Varys the Spider, Lord Balon Greyjoy; each had been counted an enemy to Robert once, and each had been welcomed into friendship and allowed to retain honors and office for a pledge of fealty. So long as a man was brave and honest, Robert would treat him with all the honor and respect due a valiant enemy.
This was something else: poison in the dark, a knife thrust to the soul. This he could never forgive, no more than he had forgiven Rhaegar. He will kill them all, Ned realized.
-AGOT, Eddard XII
If Robert Baratheon had found out about Jon being the child of Rhaegar & Lyanna, the child Lyanna died after giving birth to, and that Ned had hid Jon from him all these years: he would throw Ned into a cell and order Jon killed.
Robert is not rational when it comes to the Targaryen family. Lyanna was someone he viewed as his property & revenge for her belonged to him, a thought that was in many ways his greatest fantasy & only comfort. There is a point of no return for Robert, where his anger overcomes all reason, where even Ned his closest childhood friend seems to fear him. Ned knew better than to defy him when the wrath was on him. It would be a personal betrayal, for Ned to have done this. This he could never forgive.
He wouldn't see Jon as the boy Ned raised for 14 years, would he? He'd see Rhaegar, Rhaegar "winning," Rhaegar's victory. Rhaegar's children were babies yet Robert says their deaths were deserved and doesn't even consider them children. Over a decade later, they still rouse his anger. They were extensions of Rhaegar so they had to die. Why is Jon different? To Aegon, to Rhaenys, to Daenerys who Robert actively has a hit on; would have gladly killed before if he'd been able? What makes him different than the other dragonspawn?
There is no difference. Every night for fifteen years spent dreaming of killing Rhaegar. The Night's Watch would protest, his councilors might argue otherwise, but ultimately nothing and nobody would be able to deny Robert his sole desire of revenge.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
What would've happened if Cersei and Jaime only had daughters?
To be completely honest, I think Robert goes hard in the PAINT for his daughters to inherit after him. Joffrey (Jocelyn, perhaps) will almost definitely be a handful the realm is not prepared to deal with because if we think a son of Robert, Cersei, and Jaime was going to be insane that's nothing compared to what an oldest girl and heir presumptive is going to be like. She's not likely to be as strong willed and kind as Myrcella because Mycrella is like that due to the abusive behavior of her parents and older brother; more like, we'd have a sort of mini-Cersei who believes other women are weak, that might makes right, and that as the heir presumptive she is worth more than all others around her. She's not likely to be quite as violent as Joffrey but Saera Targaryen did just fine torturing the court fool instead of innocent cats, so it's likely our Jocelyn Baratheon is going to act similarly.
At the same time - if Tommen comes out a girl, Cersei is going to start getting desperate to have a boy. Maybe she and Jaime get riskier and start fucking more often, where they're more likely to get caught. Maybe Cersei switches to other men and if Jaime gets wind of that (if the main series is anything to go by) he is going to react badly. While all this is going on, Jon Arryn and Robert are discussing succession. I'm saying it again but I think Robert is stubborn enough in the same way Balon and Stannis are, and would push his daughter to be named Crown Princess over Stannis or Renly, and that brings up all the issues that Rhaenyra (and Rhaena and Daenerys the First and Rhaenys) would bring up, the main issue of which is: CAN THE IRON THRONE PASS TO A WOMAN???
Slight historical detour here: Despite Maester Munkin's bitch ass opinions (if you recall, when debating whether Baela or Rhaena should be Aegon III's heir, Munkin simply says that a woman can't sit the Iron Throne because even though there is no other option but the dragon twins, because as Rhaenys says, men would rather put the realm to the torch than let a woman rule over them), and yet after the Dance there is a point where the Crown's heir is a woman despite male relatives being alive. Aerys I acknowledges Aelora (daughter of his next closest sibling, Rhaegel) as his heir but when Aelora dies, he doesn't then acknowledge Daenora as his heir (even though she's Rhaegel's youngest) but Maekar as his heir. And mind you, little Maegor is put forth not as Daenora's heir but as Aerion's heir instead (and then dismissed on account of being a literal infant). So women can be heirs potentially, if the King feels like it, but they can't inherit nor can their children. You can see where the problem is here, lol, lmao.
I think Jon Arryn is going to continue pushing for a male heir but at the same time, Jon has his female line backup heir ready in Harry Hardyng and the Vale has been ruled by an heiress turned Ruling Lady before in Jeyne Arryn. If Robert pushes for it, there's certainly a chance Jon agrees that from now on the Iron Throne will follow Andal law, wherein a daughter comes before an uncle. Indeed, Stannis also sticks by Andal law (he tells Renly directly that Renly would be heir over Shireen, because it's assumed Shireen would be his heir. After that, he makes sure to tell his men directly that Shireen is the new heir. Stannis, at least, also feels that Andal law should prevail so it's not a far stretch that Robert would agree and fight Jon Arryn over this). That makes the marriage match for Jocelyn Baratheon 100% more important because her husband's family must be aware that they may have to help fight for her claim AND it gives Dorne a potential in to push for absolute primogeniture.
This ripples out to Dany and Viserys in Essos. If Dany can make an actual claim to inherit something (because right now, her claim is tenuous at best under Targaryen rule! Women are not allowed to sit the throne!!) because the Throne is now a bit more egalitarian AND she has dragons? I do think she catches Varys' attention a little earlier in that scenario.
(if Robert really wants to he can engage Joffrey to Robb. You'd run into the same issues with Corlys/Laenor/Lucerys though since there haven't been enough prince-consorts to explain what an heir would do if he's consort, vs an heiress like Myriah was required to give up her seat to her younger brother. This would mean an earlier - and likely longer - conversation with Ned about betrothals. If Robert really wants his heir to marry a Stark, he can tell Ned that Robb can marry Jocelyn and either his second born inherits or Bran can inherit and Robb gives up his claim to Lord of Winterfell and set the precedent one way or the other. Then he'd do well to look at Dorne and the Reach for Myrcella and Tommen because he needs to shore up support while the girls are still young if he wants to avoid another gender based civil war. Otherwise, looking to the Reach, the Marches, and Dorne is an excellent idea to head off any rebellion issues. Most of the Blackfyre supporters were in the Marches and the Reach which makes sense because the Marches have a continuous geographic & ethnic based beef with Dorne, and the Reach is filled with shitty fantasy catholics. If he gets most of them on his side like Daeron II tried to, he can get in front of any rebellions coming from Stannis or Renly loyalists early).
Of course....the problem is that the children aren't actually Robert's. So while he's going ham on making sure his daughter is inheriting, Stannis and Jon are still getting suspcious as to why all three kids look golden haired, and Jaime and Cersei are still sneaking around...what happens then? Mess, is what happens, hahahaha.
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Rhaenyra 🤝 Doe : being owners of the “I will never be a son” plot line
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Also, if worlds were to somehow merge and if these two characters met:
Rhaenyra: It's hilarious to think that I've killed a wild boar before, and your father was brutally slaughtered by one 🤣
Doe: Oh, yeah, hilarious. Much like how your daddy married your best friend.
Rhaenyra: ...
(All jokes aside, I really love Rhaenyra, and now Doe has a special place in my heart. Love me some firstborn family trauma angels 💖)
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alannybunnue · 1 year
reader appearing in Game of Thrones era is gonna be like a hallelujah for the guys that didn't get her last time. it's like their second chance. And the youngins too, they've heard so much about Reader and they've always assumed that it would take another hundred years for her to show up but nope. she's her with her baby (theon).
she's the one who raises Theon in Winterfell. Im pretty sure that guy had pride and self-worth/self-esteem issues in the OG series. Well reader's here and she looks at those in the eye and just says "No".
Man, her time at Winterfell's gonna be awkward as hell— Like Ned was pretty chill back in the day, but Lyanna's a pretty sure subject and Ned used to have a little puppy crush on the reader so interacting with Cat is um.... yeah awkward. Reader WISHES she were in Dorne instead.
The real chaos starts when the Robert and his fam go to Winterfell after Jon Arryn's death tho. Bobby B didn't marry Cersei cuz Lyanna's still kickin but the psych damage she went through in the Rebellion makes her into someone like Cersei. Reader's not having a good time, she's like: "i should've taken Theon and jumped under the waves while I still could" BUT SHE PERSEVERES IT'S FOR THEON OF COURSE SHE DOES. Reader's going through her Mom/Big Sister arc this Era and it gives her strength she never had previously
All for Theon 💖
Actually, as much as it would be awkward, it's not, because is not the only one who's got a crush on the girl...Catelyn does too 😌
Now to the story
15 years had passed since the Rebellion ended and Robert Baratheon was named King of the 7 Kingdoms.
The Demigoddess since then, returned to the Iron Islands to stay away from everything, but she still wanted to be on Land. Her father allowed if she remained with the Greyjoys and the ironborn. She would also exchange letters with an old friend from Dorne, Elia Martell, who was hostage with the pearl back at the rebellion.
She kept her promise for 6 years, when the Greyjoy's rebellion happened and Theon Greyjoy was taken as hostage by the Starks, the princess went after him.
The pearl saw the young boy as her own child, and couldn't leave him alone in foreigner lands. Even if she knew that it meant to go against her father.
So, to keep everyone from committing war for her another time, she convinced Ned Stark to keep her away from prying eyes and in exchange she would be responsible for Theon. Ned reluctantly accepted, for he and his wife both had feelings for Sea princess and his sister, who was now Queen, hated her.
The Demigoddess spended the next few years taking care of not just Theon, but also all the other kids in Winterfell, she had a heart for all of them, without exception.
But the true problem was when Robert discovered that his once beloved was residing in Winterfell, far away from her father, and Ned never told him.
That angered the man, who was married to a cheap version of the real deal that the Demigoddess was, he immediately went to visit Winterfell.
The Starks immediately knew that she needed to be hidden before Robert arrived.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Robert visit Lyanna in the crypts and talk about her with Ned. Barbrey visits crypts with Theon and talk about Brandon. They both talk about how they love Lyanna and Brandon. Robert believe that Rhaegar has taken away Lyanna from him while Barbrey believe that Brandon was marrying Cat for his father.
Bwaha, that's a brilliant (and deeply awkward and embarrassing) parallel!
Turning vengeful and obsessive over thwarted "love" is such an asoiaf trope. Both even have strong opinions on the kind of burial certain Starks should get. (Lyanna under a tree, Ned fed to the dogs.)
I wonder if we'll get a third crypt visit, where the specter of past longing unfulfilled looms over a present day Stark maiden's marriage to a bastard.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
It’s hilarious to see TG claiming that Aemond threw Aegon under the bus in HOTD during the Driftmark episode to protect his mother from Viserys’ wrath. He wouldn’t do anything to Alicent. Once again, he would just told her to stop spreading unfounded rumors. She bring up the bastard thing the day Joffrey was born, IN THE PREVIOUS EPISODE, and Viserys calmly told her a story about his black mare. And this wasn’t the first time she told him about Rhaenyra’s sons being bastards.
Alicent: I have raised this matter before and you forbade me to speak of it, so I held my tongue. To have one child like that is a mistake, to have three is an insult, to the throne, to you, to House Velaryon and the match you battled so hard to make for her. Not to mention decency itself.
Viserys: The consequences of an allegation like the one you toy at would be dire. Do not speak of this again.
Y’all try so hard to make Viserys more abusive than Aegon IV, Robert Baratheon or Aerys II so Alicent can be the most victimized victim that’s ever been victimed in the history of victims, but that’s NOT gonna work. Nice try though!
I haven't checked any TG stuff this past few weeks, I admit, and Twitter has thus far not brought up anything like this. I have no idea what you're referring to. I will say that they didn't have a fully consensual, innocuous sex life--Viserys and Alicent--but yeah, Viserys didn't perform those acts of abuse you mention. Not that would ever make the settings feel safe for someone, but yeah. I wouldn't league him with the likes of Aegon IV, Aerys II, or Robert.
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