sabi-star-blog · 5 months
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Feliz cumple Cenny!!
Me demore un montón QWQ pero espero que hayas pasado un hermoso cumple junto a las personitas que te aman uwu disfruta de un año más de vida!! \>W</
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jglyanoro · 1 year
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Happy birthday Asher >w<
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MASTERPOST PART 6 [you’re here]
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✦•··············•✦•··············•✦ ship children utmv -
Dagloth UTS!Reaper x CTT!Geno /2nd gen
Mippei Error x Ink /2nd gen
Ashes Dust x Ink /2nd gen
Evenstar Dream x Ink /2nd gen
Puddle Blue x Ink /2nd gen
Luna Eros x Ritter /3rd gen - Taken
Risk Gradient x Crescent /3rd gen - Taken
Dian Goth x Stärke /3rd gen - Taken
Ezmia Gradient x Lux /3rd gen - Taken
Tofu Azariel x Cassis /3rd gen - Taken
Kanto Rice x Noir /3rd gen - Taken
Gladness Phantasm x Macabre /3rd gen - Taken
Nishoku Stärke x Lucid /3rd gen - Taken
Samael Ezmia x Tofu /4th gen - Taken
Midnight Ezmia x Tofu /4th gen - Taken
Merhsante Ezmia x Tofu /4th gen
Tuppy Ezmia x Tofu /4th gen
Nancy Spice x Cengold /4th gen - Taken
Noctilūca Luciole x Lilly /4-5th gen
Children of the Moon :
✦•··············•✦•··············•✦ Super Paper Mario oc/children/accidents -
Shiny - Blumiere x Timpani -
??? - Blumiere x Timpani -
Gaiden - Blumiere x Dimentio accident -
Cosmos - Dimentio x Jevil - Taken
Eucharitis - Nastasia x Blumiere accident -
✦•··············•✦•··············•✦ canon ships -
Ezmia x Tofu
Luna x Risk x Dian
Kanto x Java(DesignGlasses by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Midnight x Tyl(AquilaAgate by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Samael x Thuban(AquilaAgate by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Nancy x Altais(AquilaAgate by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
Cosmos x Kaiju
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aloitzel29 · 3 years
¡¡¡¡¡POR FIN!!!!!
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Aquí mi regalo de navidad y año nuevo para dos de las mejores personas de mi mundo. La señorita Yanoro y La señorita Sabi
Solo queria darles un regalo, aunque sea pequeño, como agradecimiento por todo lo que han hecho por mi. No tengo como agradecerles y nunca acabare de pagarles...
Muchas muchas gracias, las quiero y adoro muchisimo.
Asher pertenece a @sabi-star-blog
Cengold pertenece a @jglyanoro
Los trillizos (Masu, Segurito y Dulce) me pertenecen a mi @aloitzel29
Me tarde mucho, losiento
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luz-montse29 · 3 years
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Ayer 2 de Noviembre fue cumpleaños del niño Cengold! Perdon por el retraso xD
Weno.... Se que esto es mas bien triste pero tengo un motivo!... Y el motivo es.... Amm.....
¡Feliz Cumpleaños Cen! Ya tienes un año más! Ya estas viejo....
Palette pertenece a la señorita - Angexci
Goth pertenece a la señorita - nekophy
Y el niño de Cen pertenece a @jglyanoro
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katsuky666 · 4 years
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Cen: Mm! Hug*( abrazo)
Lotus: -99999,hay mi niño no pensé que querías tanto un abrazo QnQ
Cen: nun
Lo hice hace una hora wow,me costo pero al final me salio
FellGoth/Lotus: @nekophy
Cengold: @jglyanoro
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anisanyu108 · 4 years
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@jglyanoro Mi trabajo aquí esta hecho u,w,u espero que le guste el dibujo :D
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miss-strawmisstress · 5 years
4'th part of Hallowee. Fanfiction
The next morning, when everyone was awake, Geno and Goth went into the kitchen to cook. While the two of them were cooking, Pastel, Swirl and Cengold were busy in their newest room. The two older skeletons questioned the young vampire about how he was feeling hungry for blood and the like. Reaper, Dream and Ink were trying to figure out in the living room that there was a way to get Cengold back to being a traditional skeleton. The rest of the family dealt with their own business. Except for Raven, they didn't like this topic. He read books on the history of vampires, their anatomy, their eating habits, and more. He found many things that were startling for him. But all the data was found in just one big old book.
At lunchtime, everyone cheerfully sat down at the table, ready to eat. Geno and Goth served, and almost everyone started eating except Cengold. Somehow he had no appetite for human food anymore. Unintentionally, he pushed the plate aside.
Goth noticed it as Palette too, but Palette was faster at the question.
"What's wrong?" Worry can be heared in his voice as he looked his son's reaction. Nobody understood the thing, but Raven.
"He is vampire. If he eating human food is like poison to his body" Raven start speak up, and everyone look at him.
Cengold frown in fear.
"What.. I can eat then?" He asked slowly.
"The only thing that can feed you from today is blood alone. No matter where, when, how you get it. I read in an old book, if you think I'll give it to you to study." The reply come from Raven.
When they heard that, everyone's blood froze. It was most shocking, especially to Goth. That his beloved son can no longer live as he once did. Palette simply stood up and left the table.
He walked in his bedroom and step to the window. Even to he never showed it to nobody, but deeply inside this all was a horrid shadow on his soul. He started cry. For his son. In silence. Palette changed, since Cengold died, then turned into a demon. The father no wanted seen it.
Goth looked at the door of their's bedroom. He knew to Palette is suffering. And he no know how to help, because helping someone when he also suffer, is impossible.
But, he for sure open the door, and his soul crushing at the sight of a crying Palette on the floor. Goth walks to his love, and hug him tight.
Palette cannot stop tears anymore. Everything was a full mess, and throe to him now. He return the hug and weep for one full hours.
Meanwhile, In the kitchen, where now just Pastel and Cengold have, some loud noises can be heared.
Pastel yell to his brother.
"Are you crazy?! How do you think to leave! There is solve, we just have to find! Don't be stupid Cen!!" The elder skeleton was mad at the youngest, and no without reasons.
Cengold came up with the thing to leave the family forever.
"And what's the great solution?!! Come on, smartarse, tell me if you know that!! " Cengold almost scream in anger, neaby to attack Pastel. Even to the newby demon try hold himself from that.
Pastel had no words suddenly. This kinda got him. He realized to there is no solve. But no wanted give up so easy. "You will stay, and we will find the solve."
Cengold grow with half red eyesockets."Idiot! You are in dreamland. Didn't you heard Raven? I can't take just blood by now! And then, what if I will kill you all?! I'm a danger for you guys now!"
"You said to you can control! And you had a promise to ke when we first met! Just because you became a blood-sucker, you'll give up?! Then you're a coward!!" Pastel stubbornly try to keep Cen back. But his words just worst it.
Cengold In a fraction of a second, he struck his brother with great force to the ground and growled at his older brother with dark red glowing eyes. Then controlled b the feel of thrist, Cen grabbed Pastel's throat and keep him down, fangs already grew, ready fo the first repast.
Pastel yell, and gulp, try to push away the young vampire, useless. His power is nothing now.
Reaper heard the yell and teleports in the kitchen, for a moment he horrified. He summoned his scythe and put the edge of the scythe behind Cengold's back tightly against the boy's throat. This forced the young man to back down.
While Ink splashed the vamp-skeleton with a lot of black tint, what soon got the shape of a crass chain around Cen's body.
After that, the adult skeletons bringed Cengold in a dark room and locked the door, leave him with the chairs.
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berlink-uwu · 4 years
Hola a quien este leyendo esto, tal vez no me conozcan muchos o no les importe lo que escribiré a continuación pero aquí lo dejare.
Yo el 1 de enero del 2019 empece en Tumblr, yo ya conocía tumblr pero no me animaba a probarlo hasta este año, empece bastante bajo,no tenia NADA y no tenia a nadie, poco a poco con base los meses empece a crecer y he logrado muchas cosas, amistades,odio, logros, personas y muchas cosas que en tan solo un año nunca pensé ganar, tendré tan poco contenido pero yo si supe como llevarlo a cabo que aun me falta un montón de cosas que enseñar y que miren, soy lenta para todo pero me tomo tiempo para que lo puedan ver, agradezco mucho a todas las personas que me han apoyado durante este lapso de año, a empezar un año y una década con todos ustedes! a pesar de que poco a poco personas se vayan siempre vendrán unas nuevas
así como yo empece en enero..otras personas lo pueden llegar hacer y mucho mas!! Gracias por todo!!
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ahora van algunas etiquetadas que después de días le pondré “seguir leyendo"
Personas que quiero mucho:
@ariscastleart @kireirios @m4dumy @wonchis-blog thecatarts-blog1 @stalkerstuffy @samy275 @mickycute nightmoondark @la-yoihinto @corderitonegrouwu @butterscotch-124 zoepostsshits-deactivated201909 @nyallethekittycat19 @fantasyripgirl @lilmari-arts @koru-666 @floppy712 @anisanyu108 @meryfoxblog @guaymashen-deshoko  @thelavenderowl alfa-artz 
personas que deseo conocer mas adelante:
@belenbunny @shine-la-ninfa-magica @atomicrial @therosechanuwu @slowlysara24 @ten-kussu @sabi-star-blog @izumi-lov3 @alexa-la-queso matcha-kitt3n @denissuwu @dogy-orange @nekochan508 @queendrawing @xl-perjess-lx @pao-chan-art @overlordmil @kmi-art @liasnivy @maleee12 @id-kash7w7 @candy-blogs @cybermakerhandsshepherd maria-ster @foxtelito @mushythefurry @thekillermarti @kyami-chu (igual te quiero -w-) avri-hp, mickey-candy @la-que-no-duerme @endlessly-night qwq, shurikimy @mekiume, conekotoons, cengold 00pie00 patatalba-alba-1212, rakkuun-ego ros-doodles, koafree @srita-blesey @art-fanatic12 dechitofancy  y muchos mas que no puedo mencionar porque hablan ingles TnT
personas que me han apoyado mucho o han estado este 2019 
dannazv33, Amor7w7r02 @lorenar7w7r, joviacdemon,demon-ld, kaela134, frencygalanty0w0 @dragomega01, anxico045 , katsumi-haru, polar-cold, antoniauwo  
valshans-blogworld, tostaditacongalea demon-ld, kiomy-linos, anijamthecat, nimimo, tristasi, fabichansblog,​ eliote-l​ xgirl-blog​, chinga-tu-gefa​
no es larga pero me faltaron UN MONTÓN por mencionar pero seria bastante extenso, no lo vean como favoritismo si no lo que yo he visto... ademas no se permite etiquetar mas de 50 y rebloguear seria extenso asi que
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glaciar508 · 4 years
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Cengold se unió al mame uwu @cengold
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la-yoihinto · 5 years
Dibujos que hice mientras me quitaron mi tableta qwq
Pos si, no he podido hacer mucho, solo estas cagadas x,d
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Un o uns napstatton, de hecho, esta fué la que me gustó más xd
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Un frisk con la cara tapada porque me salió mal
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Yuyyy.... estos dos bebus :3, losiento si no son así del todo pero no tenía refercias qwq perdonenme la vida @cengold y @sabi-star-blog
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Y por ultimo este ojo hecho con pluma :3
Y eso fué todo, nopuedo hacer más por ahora, así que yo me despido rapidito
Bye bye
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sabi-star-blog · 2 years
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¡¡¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS CEN!!! Eres un niñi precioso y mereces pasar un día super especial!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ Asher y toda tu familia te aman demasiado y te mandan muchos muchos abracitos!!! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ @jglyanoro
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jglyanoro · 2 years
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Ando experimentando
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meryhoneyyy · 4 years
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@cengold usted que hace por aca!? :00000
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aloitzel29 · 3 years
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Perdon por la tardanza >~<, hacia el pastel así que ah... perdón, jejeje pero aquí estamos para festejarle a este hermoso niño, que espero que este feliz con su mami, sus hermanitos, su esposo e hijos.♡♡♡
Cengold by @jglyanoro @cengold
Art by su servilleta @aloitzel29
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luz-montse29 · 4 years
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Puess.... No tengo mucho que decir, solo que es un pequeño dibujo de Cengold en un tamal :3
Como tal este es mi primer intento de un dibujo digital y pos no creo que haya quedado muy mal >:D
Cengold pertenece a @jglyanoro (espero y sea de tu agrado :3)
Merezco un premio por el hermoso fondo!
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