#Character: Sharon Graham
i-wanna-hug · 1 year
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blue moon, now i'm no longer alone~
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psykersomatic · 2 years
FNV Companions play Project Zomboid
A/N: Forewarning - i’m not good at zomboid and have a far from comprehensive understanding of the game. This is based off my experience of it. Spoiler warning for Project Zomboid Lore. Also,,,just suspend your disbelief for a moment and pretend that a game like Zomboid could be run on a typical fallout terminal.
Some companions are left out because I don’t know enough about them to write them well, apologies in advance. 
Special thanks to my good friend, who wants to be credited as ‘Creative Bounce-Wall’
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Base Game Companions:
Not a huge fan of the game's solo experience and only plays with other people. Life’s hard enough, and if he’s trying to unwind on a weekend or on his days off, he’s really only looking to have a good time. Project zomboid isn’t his speed of game at all.  Despite this, he loves to roleplay (as a doctor, surprise.) makes very good use of the empty notebooks, has a lore-compliant full ‘7 days of our lives’ soap opera going on between his character and a few others. Could (and probably should) put it in a book and sell it, how good it is. 
DO NOT ask him to clear out buildings. His murdering skills IRL do not translate to zomboid. Lost 10 characters trying to clear out one neighbourhood block on Muldraugh and is still a bit upset about it. Establish a base, grab some materials, THEN invite Arcade to join. He’ll keep the place organised, level up his stats and keep everyone else alive. Despite this,he has yet to make it to winter, poor thing. He also turns jumpscare volume down. Once, he screamed so loud that he awoke the whole mormon fort. 
General: He spawn in Muldraugh, and ONLY Muldraugh. It’s comfortable, has tons of loot, and, most importantly, he knows the place like the back of his hand. Respawn is OFF. Once burned, twice shy. Canned goods set to abundant, Melee weapons, Medical and Literature set to common. All clothing is unlocked at the start, but only so he can wear medical gear.Otherwise, standard apocalypse settings. 
Character(s): For the way he likes to play, you’d think he’d choose less negative traits.
Career set to Doctor (of course) Starts in muldraugh and works his way up to the medical centre above the neighbourhood with high fences next to the grocery store (you’ll know it when you see it). Lives upstairs, turns the downstairs into a makeshift hospital. His character is fixated on finding a cure, or at least a way to slow down the virus from spreading, which eventually evolves into staying alive while the world goes to hell around him. There’s a whole character arc that’s constantly developing, and he puts a lot of care and love into his character. The first time a long-term character died, he didn’t touch the game for two weeks. 
-Negative Traits: Short Sighted/Unfit/High thirst/Restless sleeper/Conspicuous/Slow Learner/Slow Reader/Hard of Hearing/Pacifist
-Positive traits: Cat’s Eyes/Dextrous/Outdoorsman/Nutritionist/Lucky/Former Scout/Adrenaline Junkie/Herbalist/Strong
-Mods: True actions:Dancing and True actions act 2.Lying/ Zuper cart carts and trolleys/Snow is water/Players on map/Expanded helicopter event/Smoker + Le gourmet Revolution patch
Like Arcade, it took a while for him to get into Project Zomboid. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, just that it’s a little complicated. He played the tutorial six times before he felt ready to actually play the game (no shade ofc).Eventually found his groove, and hasn’t deviated since. Really enjoys the punishing aspect of the game, only roleplays to the extent of going along with other people’s  characters. Doesn’t pay attention to the lore. More or less just plays the game as himself. Gets put into the designated mercenary role if playing with others, and is given a dedicated safe room with full amenities and services, in exchange for clearing out requested buildings. Surprisingly hasn’t died as many times as everyone else. Currently on a quest to clear out Louisville, and god help anyone who gets in his way. 
General: Initially spawned in March Ridge and didn’t have a good time. Once he conquered that area, he moved on to greater challenges. Fuck being a badass, this guy is death incarnate. Doesn’t matter what settings he’s playing on, he’ll have 10 in all stats before you know it. His only real request is to increase how many hours an in-game day is from 1 to 4.
Character(s): Death incarnate, all black everything. Pulled a giga-brain move and chose Security Guard as a career instead of veteran. His only recurring habit is to make a memorial for Carla and his unborn child (a grave filled in, with a box of mostly sentimental supplies no one is allowed to touch). 
Negative Traits: Illiterate(LMAO)/High Thirst/Slow Healer/Slow Learner /Underweight/Smoker/Sunday Driver
Positive Traits: Adrenaline Junkie/Hunter/Thick Skinned/Athletic/Strong
Mods: Improvised Backpacks/Brita’s Weapons Mod + Armour Mod/Mediaeval Weapons Mod/Scrap Weapons/Adrenaline-Panic Counters Tiredness
”You can be a smoker, but can’t be an alcoholic in this game? Fuck this shit.”
Jk but she’s raiding Liquorty-split first. Don’t call her along if you’re not planning on swinging by there. Enjoys roleplaying, but not to the same extent as Arcade.Mostly dicks around with joke characters, her favourite being Long Johnson, who’s proficient in long blunt weapons. Doesn’t break the immersion of other players, though. Capitalises on Boone's Bloodlust and follows behind him like a vulture, scavenging all the loot he ignores to sell at exorbitant prices. Doesn’t pay too much attention to the lore, only to the extent of making relevant conversation with whatever roleplayer ends up in her shop. Main clientele base consists of the hardcore builders.
General: Spawned in Riverside and legitimately thought her game was broken until she came across Boone. More than a little upset that there’s no Merchant career, or any NPC’s, but quickly found a way to make it all work in her favour. Enjoys a challenge, but doesn’t want things too intense. Respawns are off, infection mortality takes 1-2 weeks to kick in, and infection can only be spread via saliva. No loot respawns, so that her monopoly will remain unchallenged. 
Character(s): Tried on a few personas, but her favourite has to be Long Johnson, former saleswoman for outdoor fishing supplies, proficient in spears and phallic puns. Goal number one is to stay alive. Goa number two is to get stupid rich, so she can stay alive. Career set to Park Ranger
Negative Traits: Unfit/Very Underweight/Smoker/Sleepyhead/High Thirst/Athsmatic/Prone to Illness
Positive Traits:Speed Demon/Gardener/Inconspicuous/Lucky/Strong/Organised/Handy
Mods: Better Sorting/Improvised Backpacks/Brita’s Weapons Mod + Armour Mod/Mediaeval Weapons Mod/Scrap Weapons/ Zuper cart carts and trolleys/Recycle and Reuse almost anything
An actual masochist. The more she gets punished, the more she enjoys it. Gt gifted the game and literally did not stop playing for two days straight. The thing that peeled her away from the screen was Raul threatening to smash the holotape.  Has a set preset for her canon fodder character, whenever she needs to clear out an area she really has no business even approaching, but really only uses them to further her character’s plot, of course. Master of roleplaying. She and Arcade Get Into It. Unlike him, who has one dedicated character, she has a rotating cast of characters. Her favourite is an absolute fucking meme, and she will not let go of it no matter how Arcade feels. She's the only one who's made it to winter during solo play on default Apocalypse settings. Got pretty spoiled while playing with Arcade, and now sets Canned Goods and Medical supplies to abundant. First one to perfect the fence lunge strat, and a master of peeling hordes until they're all dead. Another motherfucker who needs to commit her character’s deeds to paper and publish it. All of her characters keep journals. She’ll forget about them, come across a corpse that died in an…interesting way and bring herself to tears with shit she forgot she wrote. Buries all her characters, and all the zombies in her area too. Really really enjoys playing ‘A really CD DA’, and is the only one who can really get anywhere with it (swear i’m not just showing my ass here). 
General: Muldraugh is the only valid spawn point, it has EVERYTHING. An added bonus is the objectively best base is less than a day's walk. The warehouse is even on the way there. (It’s the cabin in the woods with a well, up the street from the food stand and across from the warehouse, it's so safe).
Character(s): (these are the traits for her main character, though it varies depending on what character she’s playing at the moment)
Negative Traits: Deaf (laugh all you want, it's free points) Unfit/Smoker/Slow Reader/Slow Learner/High Thirst/Prone to illness/Cowardly
Positive Traits: Eagle Eyed/ Strong/ Fast Healer/Adrenaline Junkie /Runner /Graceful /Inconspicuous/Cat's Eyes
Mods: Brita’s Weapons Mod + Armour Mod/Mediaeval Weapons Mod/Scrap Weapons/Scrap Armour/True actions/More traits/Weapon Condition indicator/Sapph’s cooking/Skill recovery Journal (she tries to get Arcade to use this one, but he won’t fr some godforsaken reason)/ Just throw them out the window/
Curse the soul who made it possible for this robot to interface with this software. ED-E sees the whole venture not as a way to interact with his companions in a meaningful, perhaps revolutionary way, but as a means to fuck with them even more. The main victim of his devious schemes is Arcade, of course. Machines might be able to forget, but ED-E has Arcade’s condescending remark burned into his hardware. In hindsight, it was less than wise to get on a debatably sentient machine’s bad side. Software being his native form of communication, ED-E was easily able to woo the application into doing his bidding causing game-breaking bugs, corrupting save files and overall making things unbearable in ways that targeted Arcade, and Arcade alone. When forced to play fair, he goes out of his way to attract as many zombies as possible and lead them directly to where Arcade’s clinic is. 
"Forget being an enclave spy bot, 'ED-E', as you call him, is a malevolent piece of software and should be terminated immediately" - Arcade Gannon
General: His one goal is to find Arcade and make him as miserable as possible, and the only thing really stopping him is the godforsaken lag from too many uglies in one area.  He's left some surprise hordes other characters have stumbled across (much to his amusement).
Character(s): Default character. Unemployed. Death comes in many forms, after all. 
Negative Traits: Claustrophobic/Agoraphobic/Cowardly/Slow Healer/Short Sighted/Overweight/Conspicuous
Positive Traits: Sprinter, Athletic, Strong, Thick Skin, Adrenaline Junkie 
Mods: None. None needed.
DLC Companions:
Joshua Graham ||WARNING, VERY OOC||
Step one: Clain holy grace church. 
Step two: Raid police station
Not really a fan of video games and wouldn’t play if it weren’t for the begging, pleading and bribing of others. Really only does it for the benefit of others, and doesn’t enjoy it much. Really mellowed out after the events of Honest Hearts. Touching a game, much less Project Zomboid would be inconceivable before. Doesn’t really ‘get’ the game, but is surprisingly competent. Good, even. Thinks there’s more enjoyment to be had away from a terminal screen, and doesn’t mind that others play so long as they don’t neglect their responsibilities. Understands enough of the game to know how things work, and will suggest solutions if someone should ever become stuck somehow. Encourages the dead horses who play to transcribe the entire mormon Bible into the game, as memorization practice. 
Gameplay: Spawned in muldraugh only because it was the first option, really. Default settings.
Character(s): His one (and only character) is more or less himself, sans burns. No real dimension to them, and he only plays if someone needs help clearing out a building or wants to show him something they’re proud of. Career set to veteran. If he could be convinced, and if there was a public server with a good amount of players, he could start delivering sermons, as a way to reach more people. Actually serves to deepen the roleplay experience for some. Will do Bible study with those who are genuinely interested.
Negative Traits: Sunday driver/Slow Reader/Unlucky/Slow Reader/Weak Stomach/Thin Skinned/Slow Healer/Restless Sleeper/Sleepyhead/High Thirst
Positive Traits: Dextrous/First Aider/Eagle Eyed/Athletic/Strong
Mods: None, but will play with whatever anyone else plays.
Ulysses || WARNING, VERY OOC||
Never enjoyed the game and overall ignored the lore until he discovered the debug menu and cheats, then he became very interested. He’s a major fan of the horror genre and setting, but detests horror games; real life is strenuous enough, and a game like Zomboid is not relaxing to him. The realism and overall environment, however, piqued his analytical nature. He created a sandbox world with no zombies just so that he could absorb the world and the lore uninterrupted. Through this, he came to love the game not for what it was, but what it could be molded to be. Ulysses is a man who enjoys writing as much as he does reading, and Zomboid serves as a beta testing ground his characters deeds and thoughts before he commits then to paper. To Ulysses, Zomboid is a visual, interactive writing tool. If there's a gamebreaking bug discovered, expect him to have patched it a week later. The dev team has reached out and offered him a position, but he had yet to reply (he just wants to finish his book first tbh) In this regard, His greatest ally is ED-E. The bot's antics serve as free bug testing for just about every aspect of the game. They haven't interacted at all, but so long as ED-E doesn't fuck with Ulysses specifically, the world will know peace.
Author of some of the most immersive and comprehensive mods in the workshop. Forum users have to assume Ulysses is always watching, always looking for an aspect to improve. While mostly focused on immersion, he's made a few joke ones (shocker, I know). Equal distribution between mechanic and location mods. His personal favourites are the 'Corpses as fertilizer' mod, the 'Back Alley Surgeon mod - which relies on his NPC mods - as well as his Expanded Cannibals and Improved Isolation Hallucinations.
General: Overall gameplay depends on what character he’s puppeting around. Spawns depend on who, or what map he’s playing on, though the most frequent location is in Rosewood. Debug menu is up, and God Mode is toggled on. Settings may vary, but the staples are Sandbox mode with respawn turned off, Weapons set to abundant, Nighttime sprinters, Low population, Water/Electricity Shutoff in 0-2 months and helicopter events set to Often. 
Character(s): Ulysses has several, numbering in the dozens. All are unique and serve a purpose in his overall plot. Each character has their own preset
Negative Traits: Depends on the character, but Slow Reader gives him time to write and edit a few paragraphs.
Positive Traits: Depends on the character, but dexterous is almost always a must. 
Mods: Authentic Z/Superior Survivors/4-colour Bic pen/Cannibalism/Assisted Suicide/The Only Cure/True action (all versions)/Expanded Helicopter Events/Skill Recovery Journal
He uses more mods on a rotating basis, depending on what setting he has in mind. 
(I’m sorry if this feels like a copout, he’s just complex. Please don’t crucify me.)
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
Michael Sheen: ‘I find it very hard to accept actors playing Welsh characters when they aren’t Welsh’
Has he taken the concept of authentic casting to a whole new level? Ahead of his latest BBC drama Best Interests, the star explains all
Michael Sheen has had it with the Prince of Wales. Not the man, but the title. “I think it’s ridiculous,” he says. “It’s just silly. I see no reason why the title should continue. Certainly not with someone who’s not Welsh.” 
“That’s not the majority view,” he adds, with resignation. “So, whatever the majority of people want, I’m sure will continue.” 
The star of Frost/Nixon and proud son of Port Talbot is chatting via video from a bucolic spot close to his hometown (a deer has just wandered into view), but even at a distance, it’s not hard to see that Sheen is a man ofstrong convictions.
He has spoken in the past about the opportunity to retire the title after the death of Elizabeth II, as a gesture to “put some of the wrongs of the past right”. In 2020, he returned the OBE he was “honoured” to have received in 2009 when he felt it would make him a hypocrite to give a lecture about how the English king Edward I “put a stranglehold on Wales” at the turn of the 14th century. 
When we chat, he’s about to begin shooting his TV directing debut The Way – co-created with playwright James Graham and documentary-maker Adam Curtis, about a family caught in a civil uprising, set in and around Port Talbot. The BBC project is the first from the production company that he set up with Sherlock producer Bethan Jones to focus on telling Welsh stories because, “You can shout about how bad it is, but if you want to see something be different then do it, you know?”
The 54-year-old is one of the actors of his generation, a stage star in his twenties (The Telegraph’s Charles Spencer called him “outrageously charismatic”) who went on to create unforgettable screen portraits of Tony Blair (The Queen, The Deal), Chris Tarrant (Quiz) and Brian Clough (The Damned United), alongside his David Frost in Peter Morgan’s play and film about the 1977 interviews that brought down the US president. Recently, Sheen has gained a whole new tranche of fans playing a very arch angel opposite David Tennant’s insouciant demon in Amazon’s Good Omens – not technically gay characters according to the Terry Pratchett-Neil Gaiman source novel, but seemingly in love.
Tennant and he have a natural chemistry on and off screen, Sheen says, adding that “he stops me being too grumpy”. He is a little on the grumpy side. In one exchange, in which I suggest he is a supporter of Welsh independence, he responds hotly: “Show me where it says that. I don’t believe I’ve ever said that.” Sam Mendes compared Sheen to fellow Welsh stars Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton – “fiery, mercurial, unpredictable”. 
But he shares a warm screen chemistry with Sharon Horgan in Jack Thorne’s moving new four-part drama Best Interests. They play the parents of a child with cerebral palsy, the adorable Marnie (played by Dublin actor Niamh Moriarty), who suffers a seizure that leaves her without brain function. The couple find themselves on opposite sides of an unbearable decision: whether or not to switch off their daughter’s life support. Very few will make it through the drama without tears, but the issues it raises will be familiar to all who have followed recent legal battles over 12-year-old Archie Battersbee and baby Alfie Evans. 
Best Interests is “heartbreaking” at times, he admits, which makes the humour that he and Horgan bring to it all the more important. They hadn’t worked together before. “That relationship had to do a lot of heavy lifting. Sharon and I didn’t know each other very well … but straight from the off, we had a very similar sense of humour and made each other laugh.” Moriarty’s is a break-out performance – one scene involving make-up beautifully captures the parent-child relationship. She has cerebral palsy that affects her legs, a condition called spastic diplegia, but she’s not the only disabled actor in the piece. 
Bafta-winner Lenny Rush, 14, who in real-life has a condition that affects his growth, is brilliant as George, who sets his cap at Marnie. Mat Fraser, who plays a legal advocate in Best Interests and portrayed Shakespeare’s Richard III in 2017, has a thalidomide impairment, which likely gave him an insight into Richard’s sense of “my deformity”. 
Thorne, who experienced a chronic medical condition in his twenties, has said in the past that disabled people have been “utterly and totally” failed by the TV industry. In Best Interests, one parent of a child with a disability states baldly that people “hate” disabled people. “I think people can feel very uncomfortable around people with disabilities,” Sheen says. “A lot of the time it’s just to do with ignorance about, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t know, what should I do?’ It can make interaction quite awkward at times, and it can bring out people’s fears.”
The fact that there were several people with disabilities working on the project, he says, was striking because it brought home how rarely he had seen it before. It leads into a discussion of how far actors can credibly play identities they don’t personally inhabit. Sheen has thought about it: “You know, seeing people playing Welsh characters who are not Welsh, I find, it’s very hard for me to accept that. Not particularly on a point of principle, but just knowing that that’s not the case.
“That’s a very different end of the spectrum, but a part like Richard III is such a great character to play, it would be sad to think that that character, you know, is no longer available or appropriate for actors to play who don’t have disabilities, but that’s because I’m just not used to it yet, I suppose. Because I fully accept that I’m  not going to be playing Othello any time soon.
“Again, it’s not particularly a point of principle, but personally, I haven’t seen many actors who have come from quite privileged backgrounds being particularly compelling as people from working-class backgrounds. If you haven’t experienced something, you know, the extreme example is, well, if you haven’t murdered someone, can you play a murderer?”
In 2021, it was reported that Sheen intended to be a “not-for-profit” actor, after selling his own properties to ensure the Homeless World Cup that he had organised in Cardiff in 2019 went ahead when funders withdrew. So, what is a not-for-profit actor?
“There’s no such thing,” he says. “In that interview, I talked about how the ideal I was aiming towards was working like a not-for-profit company. When I put the money into the Homeless World Cup, since then I only owe money, so in terms of profits, there are no profits. I put as much of the money I make as I possibly can into either funding and supporting what other people are doing that I believe in, or starting up projects myself.” 
It’s a measure of Sheen’s confidence that he knows the parts will keep coming. He has become a father again in his 50s; he and his partner, 28-year-old Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, have two young daughters. “My knees creak a lot more,” he says. “It’s a lot harder to get up and down off the floor when you’re playing with the baby.” 
Sheen also has a grown-up daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, 24, from an earlier relationship with British actress Kate Beckinsale. “When my eldest daughter was born, I was still trying to make my way in my career and having to make harder choices about whether to work away from home and how much time to be away and all that stuff,” he says. “This time around, that’s not as difficult as I’m more established as an actor. Physically, it’s hard. But the one thing that is always the same is, you know, poo doesn’t smell any better.”
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swooning-skulls · 1 month
--- character list
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blue - currently interested | red - not taking requests | green - no romance | pink - yandere allowed
i will occasionally write characters not on this list, that doesn't mean they will be requestable.
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{...live action...}
BULLET TRAIN: Lemon, Tangerine, The Father, The Wolf
COMMUNITY: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Shirley Bennett, Ben Chang, Dean Craig Pelton
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: ---coming soon
YOU: Joe Goldberg, Peach Salinger, Guinevere Beck, Candace Stone, Love Quinn, Forty Quinn, Delilah Alves
YELLOWJACKETS: ---coming soon
FALLOUT: Lucy MacLean, Norman MacLean, Chet, Maximus, Thaddeus, Cooper Howard, Lee Moldaver, Bud Askins, Henry "Hank" McLean, Betty Pearson
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A.N.) depending on the continuity, i may decline romantic requests for scooby-doo characters since they're not adults in all continuities.
SCOOBY-DOO (all except hbo velma): Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Scoobert "Scooby-Doo" Doobert, Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Thorn, Luna, Dusk, Vincent van Ghoul
G1 MONSTER HIGH: Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Deuce Gorgon, Clawd Wolf, Toralei Stripe, Scarah Screams, Abbey Bominable, Spectra Vondergeist, Operetta, Venus McFlytrap, C.A. Cupid, Nefera de Nile, Mr. D'eath, G. Reaper, Ms. Kindergrubber, Mr. Rotter, Mr. Where
G3 MONSTER HIGH: ---coming soon
SONIC BOOM: ---coming soon
LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS: ---coming soon
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{...video games...}
MARIO FRANCHISE: Mario, Luigi, Pauline, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Princess Rosalina, Yoshi, Bridette, Bowser, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, Vivian, Goombella, Madame Flurrie, Lady Bow
FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: Courier 6, Arcade Gannon, Craig Boone, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada, Sharon Cassidy, Veronica Santangelo, ED-E, Rex, Christine Royce, Dean Domino, Joshua Graham, Benny 'Gecko', Legate Lanius, Robert House, Ulysses (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 3: The Lone Wanderer, Butch Deloria, Charon, Clover, Cross, Dogmeat, Fawkes, Jericho, RL-3 (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 4: Nate, Nora, Codsworth, Cait, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Dogmeat, John Handcock, Nick Valentine, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Old Longfellow, Porter Gage (MORE COMING SOON)
COD: COLD WAR: Bell, Russell Adler, Lawrence Sims, Frank Woods, Alex Mason, Dimitri Belikov, Perseus, Vikhor "Stich" Kuzmin
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: ---coming soon
APEX LEGENDS: ---coming soon
OVERWATCH: Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Sojourn, Mercy, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Mei, Brigitte, Echo, Lucio, Pharah, Zarya, D.Va, Baptiste, Bastion, Doomfist, Moria, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, Roadhog, Junkrat, Wrecking Ball, Hanzo, Ashe, B.O.B., Symmetra, Lifeweaver, Zenyatta, Orisa, Illari , Venture
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Fallout Opinion Survey- Results!
Thank you so much to all those who took part! We had 421 usable responses in total :D
One quick note- the nature of the data this time around means that most of the auto-generated charts are usable as they are, which does mean this post will be very image-heavy. I’d be very appreciative if someone who knows how to write image descriptions for charts could add them on!
Without further ado, let’s get into the results...
The Basics:
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Favourite DLC:
Dead Money- 115 (...nice) Old World Blues- 94 Far Harbor- 76 Lonesome Road- 53 Nuka World- 27 Point Lookout- 17 Honest Hearts- 11 The Pitt- 9 Mothership Zeta- 7 Automatron- 3 Operation Anchorage- 3 Broken Steel- 2 Vault-Tec Workshop- 1
Favourite faction:
Followers of the Apocalypse- 146 Railroad- 62 Minutemen- 45 NCR- 23 Kings- 22 Brotherhood of Steel (all chapters combined)- 20 Yes Man/Wildcard Courier- 18 Great Khans- 14 Enclave- 10 Caesar's Legion- 8 Raiders (76, Nuka World and general combined)- 8 Institute- 6 Chairmen- 5 Unity- 4 Atom Cats- 3 Mr House- 3 Boomers- 3 Freeside- 2 Responders- 2 Children of Atom- 2 Ghoul settlements in general- 2 Hubologists- 2 Tunnel Snakes- 2 And the list of those with one vote each: The Family, Think Tank, Reaver Movement, Ciphers, Broken Hills, Powder Gangers, Reilly's Rangers, Acadia, Goodneighbor, Underworld, White Glove Society, Omertas, Jacobstown, post-Legion Ulysses, Cult of the Mothman, 80s, and talking Deathclaws from Fallout 2
Favourite companion:
Arcade Gannon- 75 Nick Valentine- 53 Hancock- 39 Veronica- 38 Deacon- 30 ED-E- 26 Raul- 23 Boone- 22 MacCready- 13 Christine Royce- 12 Dogmeat (all)- 11 Fawkes- 10 Preston Garvey- 10 Charon- 9 Rex- 9 Butch Deloria- 8 Goris- 8 Cait- 7 Danse- 7 Piper- 7 Lily- 6 Marcus- 6 Rose of Sharon Cassidy- 6 Curie- 5 Porter Gage- 4 Dean Domino- 4 X6-88- 3 Strong- 3 Ulysses- 3 RL-3- 3 Ian- 2 Dog/God- 2 Codsworth- 2 Joshua Graham- 2 Old Longfellow- 2 Lenny- 2 Ada- 2 And the 'list of ones': Tycho, Katja, Follows-Chalk, Sydney
The Lore:
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(other titles specifically mentioned in the final question: Metro and Doom)
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Characters headcanoned as synths: The Sole Survivor (by far the most common theory), Sturges, Deacon, Preston Garvey, the Lone Wanderer in Broken Steel, James/Dad, Dogmeat, Three Dog, Parker Quinn, Charon, Courier Six, Tinker Tom, Zeke, Arthur Maxson, Father/older Shaun, Piper, Travis Miles, Mysterious Stranger, Caesar ('cause funny'), Joshua Graham, most Children of Atom, Desdemona, Myrna, Marcy Long, Mr Burke, Vault 76 Overseer, Trashcan Carla, Cricket, many BoS and Enclave members, Reaver Movement members, Redeye, Moira Brown, Dr Zimmer, Ranger Ghost, most birds, Arcade Gannon, Elijah, Lizzie Wyatt, Kellogg, Mama Murphy, Nat Wright, and Sierra Petrovita
(please note I'm not all that familiar with Fallout 4 lore, if any of the FO4 peeps here are canon synths then I didn't know about it lol)
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Fan theories/headcanons from the final question that cropped up repeatedly (in approximate order of popularity):
Vault-Tec started the Great War
Alien involvement with the pre-war US government and/or the Great War
Horses are still around
Talking Deathclaws are still around
Occult/eldritch influence (e.g. the Dunwich building) is widespread
Charon is a survivor of Vault 92
Deacon is a founder of the Railroad and his 'real' backstory was another lie
Veronica and Christine reunite
Sarah Lyons is alive
Gen 3 synths and ghouls still need to eat, drink, sleep and so on
Ghouls only turn feral in specific circumstances (suggestions include prolonged isolation and relying too heavily on radiation instead of food as a source of energy) and it is not inevitable
International travel and immigration continues
Danse and Harkness were sent to the Capital Wasteland by the Railroad together
X person is actually multiple people- suggested for Deacon, Legate Lanius and Vulpes Inculta
The US is the either the only place that was nuked or the only place that hasn't rebuilt and recovered, and the rest of the world is just ignoring them and carrying on as normal
Cass is the Chosen One's daughter
Mama Murphy is the Chosen One
No-Bark Noonan is the Chosen One (lots of Chosen One theories popping up lol)
All subsequent Dogmeats in the series are named after the legend of the original Dogmeat
Father is not really Shaun
MacCready is lying about Duncan being ill (or one person even suggested Duncan existing)
Yes Man overthrows the Courier after being upgraded
The real Lone Wanderer died at the end of the vanilla game even if Broken Steel is installed, and the Broken Steel LW is a synth
Deacon once worked for the Institute
Deacon deliberately leads people to theorise that he is the Lone Wanderer to throw them off
Deacon is or was once a ghoul (also plenty of Deacon theories)
The Mysterious Stranger is a time traveller who protects the various PCs to maintain the timeline
Appalachia was turned into a barren wasteland by the nuclear trigger-happiness of the Vault 76 Dwellers (possibly interesting aside: my brother, who buys into this one, has gone as far as to theorise that the original Great War used very low-yield weapons and wasn't that severe on the environmental level (as far as literal nuclear war goes, that is), and it was the Vault 76ers nuking the hell out of Appalachia that triggered a continent-wide nuclear winter and sent the ecology of the wasteland into the state it's in in all subsequent games)
Glory is not a synth
The (in-game) reason for lore clashes and retcons is that the plot of each game is a retelling  of the story as it's passed around in the wasteland, so some details have been embellished or mixed up
I’ll be coming back to the theories from the final question at some point, but aside from that, that's a wrap! There isn't really much potential for me to play around with the data here like with the OC surveys, so this was more just me presenting the data as it came in without commentary. Still, I hope this is somehow interesting/insightful!
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andrevasims · 2 years
1980s Horror Film Character Names
I totally forgot I’d started making this last year! I think I never posted it because I wanted to find more names, but there’s already a decent amount and I don’t feel like being that tedious about names right now lol.
It’s first & last names (separated for mix & match potential) of characters from iconic late 1970s & 1980s horror movies. I think I started looking for cheesier B-movies to pull from, but yeah it’s been a whole year so I forget.
First Names
Alice Allen Allison Ally Amy Angela Annie Arnie Artie Axel Barry Bill Billy Bobby Brady Brenda Brent Brett Brooke Buddy Burt Buzz Carol Anne Carter Casey Charley Charlie Chili Christine Chuck Cindy Courtney Craig Cynthia Dana Darcy Debbie Demi Dennis Diane Donna Doug Doyle Duane Elaine Ellie Emma Ernie Ferdy Foster Gary Gene George Gerald Ginny Glen Hal Hank Helen Jack Jackie Jake Jason Jeff Jennifer Jerry Jesse Jimmy Joanne Jodi Joe Joey John Johnny Judd Judy Kate Katherine Kathy Katie Kelly Ken Kenny Kim Kimberly Kristen Larry Laurie Lea Leigh Lenny Leroy Linda Lisa Liz Lynn Marci Marcia Marcie Mark Mary Lou Masen Max Meg Megan Mel Melissa Mike Molly Monica Nancy Ned Neil Nick Nicki Nikki Patti Patty Paul Paula Peter Phoebe Polly Rachel Ralph Reilly Rennie Richie Rick Ricky Rob Rod Roland Ronnie Roy Ruby Rudolf Rudy Russ Sally Sandy Sara Sarah Shane Sharon Sheila Shelly Sissy Steve Steven Susie Suzie Tad Taryn Teddy Terri Tina Toby Tom Jesse Tommy Tracy Trish Valerie Vic Vickie Vicky Warren Wendy Wes Will
Last Names
Andrews Angelo Badger Baker Barnes Barrington Bates Baxter Beringer Brand Brewster Bringsley Brown Burke Burns Cabot Camber Carrington Cassidy Caulfield Challis Clarke Cole Cologne Corben Corvino Costic Crusel Cunningham Daigler Dandrige Daniels Darnell Darrinco Deagle Dier Doyle Duke Dumpkin Duncan Essmont Evans Field Franklin Freeling Frye Futterman Garris Garth Geiger Graham Gray Grimbridge Guilder Halavex Hammond Hanniger Hardy Harper Hawes Holland Hopkins Jachson Jarvis Jessup Junkins Kemp Kessler Kincaid Kopecky Kupfer Lane Lantz LeBay Lynch Lynn Macauley Maloney McBride McFadden McGregor McNichol Meeker Meisel Mercer Morgan Mott Nagle Nessler Newby Palmer Parker Parks Parsley Pataki Peltzer Penmark Perry Pervier Powers Priswell Repperton Richards Shote Spool Stanton Stark Statler Stavinski Steele Stevens Strauber Strode Sykes Taylor Thomas Thompson Thorn Toomey Trenton Vanders Venable Walsh Warner Weatherall Webber White
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nightingaelic · 2 years
I got a question, who do you think out of all 3/New Vegas/4 companions would make the best to worst roomates? Like from the ones who become your best bro to the ones who are horrible yet contribute to chores/rent in some way while still being bad.... This might be in some form of modern Au or the fallout universe
(excluding the bots/soggos/super mutants)
excluding the bots/doggos/super mutants
But why? 😊
Here's my tier list, brought to you by Tiermaker. Detailed explanations below the cut, starting from the bottom.
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40. Jericho
Asshole who will trap you in the kitchen when you can't escape and start going on and on about how the #MeToo movement went way out of control.
39-38. Dog/God
This guy desperately needs therapy, and by god, he's going to make it your problem. Doesn't shower.
37. Clover
Clingy in the worst way, to the point of possessiveness, and has no other friends for a variety of reasons. Also needs therapy.
36. Sergeant RL-3
Annoying nationalist who is probably the reason you keep getting ads on your YouTube account encouraging you to donate to conservative think tanks or join the National Guard. At least he does the dishes.
35. Joshua Graham
Pulls out lectures about redemption and changing your ways every time you forget to turn a light off or leave the door unlocked. Insanely judgmental for a guy who believes in loving thy neighbor.
34. Rose of Sharon Cassidy
Rarely sober, and often trying to encourage you to join her in inebriation. Will hold your hair back when you puke, and will make you late and hungover for work.
33. Strong
Judgmental of any change in his environment, be it furniture, climate, or guests, and unafraid of voicing that disgruntlement immediately. Totally willing to share any of his food in the fridge, even if half of it is expired.
32. Dean Domino
Elitist mild talent who will drag you to open mic nights just so he can show off how much more accomplished he is than you. Will pick up the tab on dining out rather than do dishes when it's his turn. Doesn't take 'no' for an answer, or at least doesn't take it well. Does have great fashion advice.
31. Porter Gage
Cleanliness standards do not match yours, but he's got a knack for repairs and will fix anything in your living space that breaks, including minor welding projects. Needs to be reminded to shower. Unwilling to take a stance on anything from politics to which side of the toilet paper roll should be facing out, and will dump the blame on you if anyone has any complaints.
30. Cait
Fiercely protective of you once she's warmed up to you, but fiercely defends her own personal space, too. Cleanliness standards don't match yours, and occasionally needs to be reminded to shower. Often aggressively drunk and cries a lot over small things, but makes up for it by having your back whenever you're having a bad day, especially if that means kicking someone's ass. Also needs therapy, but she at least acknowledges it.
29. Mayor John Hancock
Laid back, new best friend material, provided you're willing to overlook some big character flaws. Shares everything he has in the fridge, cupboards, closets, provided you ask first - heaven help you if you don't. Invites friends over for wild parties without giving you advance warning. They're good parties, but they're always on bad nights for you, and the aftermath mess never gets cleaned up fast enough. Knows every drug dealer within 50 miles on a first-name basis.
28. Robert Joseph MacCready
Cleanliness standards are not the same as yours, but it's more of a neatness problem than a general hygiene problem. Will tidy up if asked to, but you're always going to have to ask him to. Shy, slow to trust other people, and insists on paying you back immediately every time you pick up the tab on something. Shares custody of his son with his ex-wife, and you can tell he's a great dad even if he isn't a great roommate. Good cook.
27. Deacon
A total mystery, in both good and bad ways. Knows all the best places in the area to drink. Disappears for up to a week at a time and refuses to tell you where he's been when he finally returns. Eats primarily breakfast cereal. Does not have any social media that you know of, but knows about news and trending topics well before you do. Eclectic fashion sense. Pays rent in cash. You don't even know how old he is. Your friends speculate about his identity to no end.
26. Butch DeLoria
Knows how to cut hair, and he'll do yours for free. Likes to complain for fun using vivid recreations of interactions he's had, which can be entertaining as hell or horribly annoying. Takes over doing the laundry entirely because he's worried about his clothes getting damaged, or maybe he just finds the work soothing. On good terms with his mom, even though she's going through a rough patch. Not a fan of your other friends, no matter who you introduce him to.
25. Christine Royce
You know she has a social life, but she seems determined not to share it with you. She's even more tight-lipped about her family life, so much so that you think maybe she's cut ties. What she lacks in openness she makes up for in organization skills and thoughtfulness - the fridge and cupboards are clean, her things are neat, and she'll make late-night breakfast food if you're feeling hungry after an evening out. Has night terrors, but won't talk about them outside of her therapist's office.
24. Follows-Chalk
Avid camper who likes to take long trips into the wilderness and return with the best pictures you've ever seen of national park landmarks. Self-sufficient when doing chores, but seems a little clueless about social etiquette, even if he's eager to make friends. Willing to talk to just about anyone he meets, including scary bikers in dive bars, transient people outside grocery stores, even postal workers who are just trying to deliver your mail. Remembers all of their names. Gives the best birthday presents.
23. Charon
Ex-military who seems to regret it, even if it got him out of a bad living situation. Quiet, well-read, and a little scary when he needs to be if the neighbors or landlord are being unreasonable. Glued to your side if you go out anywhere because he refuses to mingle with anyone he doesn't already know. Doesn't drink, but if you catch him after 2 a.m., he'll talk for hours about anything from hitchhiking to deep sea exploration to the Cold War. Mysterious past, and after you part ways, a mysterious future.
22. Old Longfellow
The foul-mouthed, devil-may-care grandfather you and your friends never had. Doesn't want to be bothered unless it's an emergency, but it's fun to bother him anyway and see what new insults he'll invent just to tell you to fuck off. Can de-bone a fish, peel a crustacean, and rustle up a chowder faster than any line cook you've ever met, and he gets a discount from every stand at the farmer's market for unknown reasons. Lost his wife a while back, and it's clear he really loved her and respected her. Can out-drink you and everyone you know. Disappears every year for deer hunting season.
21. Craig Boone
Another ex-military who still lives like his superiors are around the corner and are going to critique how he made his bed and cleaned the bathroom. Doesn't really regret his service, but doesn't NOT regret it - you can't get a good reading on his feelings, and it's complicated by the fact that whatever he did was pretty classified. Doesn't seem to associate with many of his former division, at any rate. Makes great stir fry, knows all the best pair workout routines to lose fat and build muscle, and has lots of non-specific stories about traveling around the world. His last break-up was very painful and he WILL bring it up. Might have PTSD, but he's in denial about it.
20. Piper Wright
Easily consumed by her latest writing project and may forget to feed herself or go outside. When she does remember to go outside, she disappears for long stretches of time and comes back with the craziest stories, which are great material for re-telling at parties. Nosy as all hell, and doesn't have many friends as a result, so she's appreciative of those who stick around anyway and tosses you the latest neighborhood gossip if you ask for it. Primary caretaker for her little sister, who's still in middle school and got you into watching the Owl House.
19. Raul Alfonso Tejada
Keeps to himself, unless there's some kind of tangible project he can tackle that brings him into the shared living spaces. Adopts random furniture on the street and brings the pieces home to refurbish, then sell online. Fixed one broken washing machine on a whim and somehow got hired as the building handyman, which knocks some money off your rent. Addicted to reality television. Refuses to join any of your group chats, and half of your other friends don't even think he's real.
18-15. All of the Dogs
Basic dog roommates. Give walks and food, receive unconditional love and protection. Rex still doesn't like people with hats.
14. Paladin Danse
Current military service member, and proud of it. Still, not afraid to call others in his line of work on their bullshit. Doesn't really get the whole roommate bonding thing unless it's done on a local sports team or in a camp obstacle course, but he knows how to be civil and keep his living spaces neat and clean. Gym rat who will try to rope you into going too, so much so that he's willing to lie and say you're in a relationship to get you on his own membership pass. Always looks great in photos, and half your friends want to seduce him.
13. Nick Valentine
Witty, low-maintenance guy who's easy to befriend. Runs a private investigation business online and will occasionally have clients over in the living room, in varying degrees of distress. Always lets you know ahead of time, is always understanding if it isn't a good time for you to deal with that, and will move his operations to the local coffee shop if asked. Insomniac. Owns multiple sets of the same outfit, but is still a snappy dresser. Buys donuts if there's a sale. Suspicious of anyone you bring home.
12. Arcade Israel Gannon
Anxious, but manages it. Doesn't set out to be friends, and it might take a bit of poking before he decides to give you a shot and get to know you better. Shy, occasionally judgmental, and needs to be convinced to give others the benefit of the doubt. Hates ordering out and prefers to cook for himself, and he'll happily share if it's a new recipe he's trying out. Physically incapable of sleeping in. Well-read to the point of getting annoyed at random strangers online because he knows they're wrong, but refuses to comment and correct them and would rather stew.
11. Codsworth
Polite, neat, model roommate to brag about to your friends. Does cleaning chores for fun, often right before you had planned to do them. Clingy, worries about you when you go out, texts to check in way too much. Permanent designated driver, and viciously guards the best macaroni and cheese recipe you've ever had. Loves Downton Abbey and Bridgerton.
10. Curie
Still figuring herself out, and she's happy to enlist you in the process as her new best friend. You think she might be home-schooled with how little she knows about the wide world, but she embraces each new experience fully, with the enthusiasm of a duck in a puddle. Suggests trying a new restaurant every time you order food, tips delivery drivers way more than normal, and insists on doing the dishes as soon as they're dirtied. Dances like nobody's watching while she's vacuuming.
9. Veronica Santangelo
Set out to share a living space in order to get away from her family and a recent failed relationship. Honest and open about all of that, and about how she's hopeful she can move on. Participates in a local boxing club and roller derby team, and most of her wardrobe consists of sweatshirts and yoga pants. Content to lounge, eat popcorn in front of cheesy romantic comedies, pick out the worst dialogue with you, and run it into the ground over the next week. Also loves to go fancy clothes shopping, and books reservations at an upscale restaurant once every few months in order to justify the money she drops on Depop.
8. Star Paladin Cross
Legacy buzz cut lesbian who may or may not have military service under her belt. Either way, she's fit as fuck and hasn't slowed down her social life just because she's getting older. Well-known in the local community as a Pride event organizer and activist, tends a box garden outside one of the nearby churches, and jogs every morning to stay in shape and say hi to everyone she cares about. Often has guests over unannounced, but they're all upstanding members of the community and usually come with a bag of produce to stuff in your fridge.
7. Waking Cloud
Older than the rest of your friend group, but she's perfectly happy being out of the loop on the latest fad. Sweet and caring. Has three grown children who drop by now and then to catch up with her and get to know you over tea. Certified doula who disappears overnight occasionally on an assignment, but she always texts to let you know she's okay. Great cook. Demanding cleaning schedule. Will mom the shit out of you.
6. ED-E
Doesn't say much, and doesn't need to. Television addict who can spend hours binging every new show on Netflix. Works for the local post office and is on good terms with just about everybody you know. Insists on carrying all your bags if you go shopping together. Can't cook for shit, but can do all the other chores better than almost any other roommate you've had.
5. Ada
Kind, practical, and solution-oriented. Just as willing to listen to you vent as she is to unclog the sink. Interested in tech that can make your lives easier, which led to her purchasing a high-end security system and a Roomba. You're a little worried that the upgraded tech is spying on you, but you're also pretty sure that she's tinkered with it to the point that it's no longer connected to any corporate networks. You're unsure of the legality surrounding that, so you stay out of it. Loves to travel for sightseeing and watches MythBusters on repeat.
4. X6-88
Strong, silent type. Answered the ad with three months' rent ready to go, plus the security deposit just in case. A little socially awkward, but in a way that makes people give him a second glance. Follows a strict diet and won't deviate, even for special occasions. Organized to the point of eyebrow-raising. Will eventually open up about his control-freak beginnings, and grow more and more loyal in his friendship as he shares. Wears a lot of black sweaters, and looks damn good in them. Can't stand pet fur though, and he'll go through a lint roller a week if you come in with a dog or a cat.
3. Fawkes
Works night shift as a security guard, so his days are largely free. Volunteers at the local library and reads every book under the sun. Always has the best YouTube recommendations for you, and pulls the best recipes to try out off of TikTok. Mildly clumsy and may break some dishes, but he'll apologize and replace them if it happens. Bleeding heart animal lover who will temporarily adopt any strays he finds, which is usually adorable but can be stressful.
2. Preston Garvey
Stays out of your business, unless you ask for his help, in which case he throws his everything into backing you up. Volunteers at the local homeless shelter and food pantry, and still makes time to join you for movie night with pizza and the latest Marvel release.
1. Lily Bowen
Your new grandma. Literally everyone in town loves her. Will make you breakfast in bed on weekends and chicken noodle soup when you're sick. Bakes constantly. Makes the best cookies. Turns cleaning chores and grocery shopping into a game, and runs a book club and knitting circle out of your living room. All her grandma friends love you too, and they keep trying to set you up with their grandchildren.
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wasteiandbaby · 3 months
Key Symbols
Strikethrough = Taken Character
Italics = Reserved Character
Bold = Most Wanted
We are an indeed an OC friendly server for anyone wishing to know, originals can be found listed in the roster within the server.
Arthur Maxson
Aspirant Dane
Initiate Clarke
Knight Lucia
Knight Maximus
Knight Rhys
Knight-Captain Larsen
Lancer Captain Kells
Paladin Brandis
Scribe Haylen
Aurelius of Phoenix
Gaius Magnus
Legate Lanius
Vulpes Inculta
Mama Murphy
Ronnie Shaw
Carrie Boyd
Cassandra Moore
Chief Hanlon
Colonel Royez
Corporal Betsy
General Lee Oliver
James Hsu
Lieutenant Gorobets
Major Dhatri
Ranger Ghost
Sergeant Bitter-Root
Lizzie Wyath
Mags Black
Sierra Petrovita
William Black
Courier Six
Lone Wanderer
Sole Survivor
Arcade Gannon
Butch DeLoria
Christine Royce
Craig Boone
Dean Domino
John Hancock
Joshua Graham
Lily Bowen
Nick Valentine
Paladin Danse
Piper Wright
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Raul Tejada
Robert MacCready
Rose Of Sharon Cassidy
Star Paladin Cross
Veronica Santangelo
Conrad Kellogg
Dr. Allie Filmore
Dr. Clayton Holdren
Dr. Justin Ayo
Dr. Madison Li
Father / Shaun
Dr. Stanley Carrington
Drummer Boy
High Rise
Old Man Stockton
Ricky Dalton
Tinker Tom
Benny Gecko
Cooper Howard
Dr. Amari
Kent Connolly
Lucy MacLean
Mr. House
The King
Waking Cloud
Yes Man
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timetravelbypen · 2 years
Okay so another thing the Chibnall era did that’s pretty awesome actually: showcased some awesome ride-or-die platonic relationships between men and women.
I mean yes every single couple on the show was used to parallel 13 and Yaz, but amongst the core cast, there were some solid male-female *friendships* and that’s not really something you see often. The fact that Dan and Graham were specifically Dad- and Granddad-shaped helps, but any other show would have paired up Ryan and Yaz (or, honestly, Ryan and the Doctor, which probably would’ve been some great representation along entirely different axes but Mandip Gill was the one who said “this appears to be a thing and I’m going for it” and we salute you ma’am).
A lot of other shows DEFINITELY would’ve paired up Ryan and Yaz forcibly once the Thasmin shipping fandom got loud (pour one out for both Sharon and Peggy Carter, for instance, all sense of character development and agency sacrificed just to get in the way of the Stucky shippers...).
But no. Ryan and Yaz are mates. Yaz and all these other guys are FRIENDS. And these are friendships that are HUGELY, life-or-death level important. These are friends you would go to the ends of the earth for - and they HAVE, and it’s zero percent romantic but the love is so very strong.
And I think that’s awesome.
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majestativa · 2 years
A progressively-edited post about my muses, because why not?
Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Al-Khansae, Andrée Chedid, Anna Akhmatova, Anne Carson, Antonia Pozzi
Blaga Dimitrova, Brenda Venus
Carmen M. Pursifull, Claribel Alegría, Clarice Lispector, Constance Merritt
Dacia Maraini, Daniela Crăsnaru, Diane di Parma, Dora Maar
Edith Södergran, Eira Stenberg, Excilia Saldaña
Florbela Espanca, Frida Kahlo, Forough Farrokhzad
Georgina Herrera, Gertrud Kolmar, Gioconda Belli, Guadalupe Amor, Gwendolyn MacEwen
Halina Poświatowska, Hélène Cixous, Hilda Hilst
Ingeborg Bachmann
Jorie Graham, Joyce Mansour, Juana de Ibarbourou, June Jordan
Kerstin Söderholm
Lia Sturua, Liliana Ursu, Lillian Olson, Linda Pastan, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Lourdes Vázquez
Marina Tsvetaeva, May Ziadeh, Maya Angelou, Mina Loy
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Nazik Al-Malaika, Nina Berberova, Nina Cassian
Olga Orozco, Olga Sedakova
Remedios Varo, Renate Druks, Rita Dove, Rosario Castellanos
Sandra Cisneros, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, Sheri-D Wilson, Sheryl St. Germain, Siham Bouhlal, Simin Behbahani, Simone Weil, Stella Díaz Varín, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Sylvia Plath
Unica Zürn
Valentina Saraçini, Valzhyna Mort, Virginia Woolf, Vivian Hansen
Warsan Shire
Zakiyya Malallah
Movies’ Actors/Directors/Performers:
Agnès Varda, Anjelica Huston, Anna Magnani, Audrey Hepburn
Bettie Paige
Dalia Mostafa, Dita Von Teese
Elizabeth Taylor
Faten Hamama
Gemma Chan, Ghada Adel
Haifa Wehbe, Hanan Tork, Hande Erçel, Hema Malini
Jaime Pressly, Joanne Woodward
Kareena Kapoor, Katie Holmes, Keira Knightley, Kim Basinger
Lekaa Elkhamissi, Lucy Lawless, Lucy Liu
Madhuri Dixit, Magda al Sabbahi, Mariam Fakhr-Eddine, Marilyn Manroe, Marlene Dietrich, Megan Fox, Melike İpek Yalova, Menna Shalabi, Meryl Streep, Mia Goth, Michelle Pfeiffer
Nelly Karim, Nicole Kidman
Ola Ghanem
Penelope Cruz
Rachel Weisz, Rita Hayworth, Rooney Mara
Shadia, Sherihan
Thalia, Theda Bara, Tuba Büyüküstün
Vanessa Hudgens
Aaliyah, Asmahan
Chelsea Wolf, Colleen Duffy (Devil Doll)
Elsieanne Caplette (Elsiane)
FKA Twigs, Floor Jansen
Lana Del Rey (Post-Sylvia-Plath Era)
Maria Callas
Sevdaliza, Shana Halligan (Bitter:Sweet), Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation), Simone Simons (Epica)
Tarja Turunen, Taylor Swift (Since Reputation Era)
Warda Al-Jazairia
Antigone, Artemis
Desdemona, Durga
Electra, Ereshkigal, Eve
Kahina, Kali
Magdalene, Medea, Medusa, Messalina, Morticia Addams
Shahmaran, Scheherazade
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litcityblues · 1 year
Doctor Whoquest Part One: Whittaker, Season 1
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Doctor Who turns sixty this year and since we jumped back onto HBO Max last month, I decided I would spend the year attempting to do a deep dive on all the 'Nu-Who' Doctors starting with the most recent one (13, played by Jodie Whittaker) and working backward to the one who started it all (9, played by Christopher Eccleston.)
If this seems like an ass-backwards way to do this, well, you're probably right. But in general, I'm thinking the order will run something like this:
Whittaker Season 1
Capaldi Season 1
Smith Season 1
Tennant Season 1
Eccleston Season 1
Whittaker Season 2
Capaldi Season 2
Smith Season 2
Tennant Season 2
Whittaker Season 3
Capaldi Season 3
Smith Season 3
I know this doesn't get me through the entirety of 'Nu-Who' so I'll probably have to throw some extra posts for Smith Specials, the Tennant Specials, and Tennant Season 3 along the way, but that's the general order of events I'm aiming for.
So, let's kick things off with what's technically Series 11 of Nu-Who and the debut season of 13, played by Jodie Whittaker.
I had seen the first couple of episodes ('The Woman Who Fell To Earth' and 'The Ghost Monument') when they first debuted, so I knew what to expect there. Whittaker's gender was completely irrelevant to me. I know a lot of people lost their minds about it, but I'm unbothered. They laid the groundwork for it in the latter stages of Capaldi's era and with the Doctor getting a fresh set of regenerations at the end of Smith's era, there were some hints that 'all bets were off.' So, this shouldn't have been a galloping shock to anyone.
Whittaker is a genuinely good actress. (Go watch 'Broadchurch' if you haven't already and come talk to me.) What's important to me with the Doctor, as a role is a balancing act all actors seem to have to do with this role: how to make the Doctor still seem like the Doctor while putting their own spin on it and Whittaker nails it. Her portrayal of the Doctor feels like the Doctor and it's an unusual and different place for the show to go. If you've been on the air in one form or another for six decades at a certain point, you're going to have to take some chances and try some different things to grow the character and evolve the show a bit. It doesn't feel forced, it doesn't feel preachy and it doesn't bother me a lick.
There are some interesting/bright spots with this season worth shouting out. For a start, the Doctor has multiple companions. That's a different look from prior seasons, though the challenge then becomes making sure each character gets their moments throughout the season. I think they do a fairly credible job of that- which is understandable, as they have to establish the new Doctor and the new Companions over the course of the season.
The Companions themselves are fine. I got no quibbles-- Graham (Bradley Walsh) and Ryan (Tosin Cole) have some family issues to work through, as Ryan loses his Nan, Graham's wife, Grace (Sharon D. Clarke) in the first episodes. Yaz (Mandip Gill), if anything feels like a bit of a third wheel now and again-- but they also sort of take turns feeling like that, to be honest. It balance is out in the end.
Three Episodes I Liked:
'The Woman Who Fell To Earth'/'The Ghost Monument': Whittaker rockets off to a strong debut with this two-parter. The introduction of everyone in the first part, the ending of the first part on a cliffhanger and the resolution in the second part establish a much different tone for the show. Things seem more colorful and weirdly, almost bigger budget in a way? It feels like a step up in quality and I like it.
'Demons Of The Punjab': While I appreciate 'Rosa' for going someplace Doctor Who usually doesn't go, I think in terms of history and the exploration of historical trauma and how it can mark subsequent generations is far better encapsulated here. Ms. Marvel did an excellent job of mining similar themes over on Disney Plus, to the benefit, I think, of an American audience (maybe less so a British one more familiar with the history.) Nu-Who does a nice job here as well.
'The Tsuranga Conundrum': It was a toss-up between this and the finale, ('The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos') and I think I went with this one because it just moves along a breakneck pace and they've got to figure out what's going on and how to fix it and who the passengers are and what the threat is and how to get themselves out of danger. The gang is very much dropped into the middle of a big bag of danger and they've got to figure it out. What's not to like?
Two Episodes I Didn't Like:
'Kerblam!' This felt... familiar. And that's not bad, per say, it just... didn't work for me.
'Resolution': Star Wars finally seems to be stretching beyond the sandy confines of Tattooine with shows like Andor and Dear Lord does Nu-Who need to do that with the Daleks and to a lesser degree the Cybermen. It wasn't even a particularly fresh twist on the Daleks, either.
One Episode To Consider:
'Rosa': I don't know how to feel about this one. On the one hand, good job for tackling America. Dr. Who tends to be somewhat hit or miss on the front, but this worked out okay. I think the writers set themselves one hell of a mountain to climb with this episode and I think they might have pulled it off. I don't know if you could fully illustrate the levels of racism present in the Civil Rights era south from the daily indignities to the large, in-your-face ugliness effectively in one episode of television, but I applaud them for trying. I just don't know if they quite stuck the landing as effectively as they could have.
Overall: It was a solid debut season for Whittaker. I think Doctor Who is unique in the fact that views on Doctors can change in retrospect with the passage of time. Whittaker inhabits the role and makes it her own. I can't say it really knocked my socks off (though I was surprised to see Chris Noth show up in 'Arachnids In The UK') but it was good. Solid. A solid beginning. My Grade: 7/10
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reysfinn · 2 years
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Sharon Stonem [ portrayed by Kaya Scodelario ] Simon Stonem [ portrayed by Fionn Whitehead ] Isaac “Seven” Stonem [ portrayed by Jackson A Dunn ] Graham Stonem [ portrayed by James McAvoy ]
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
The Platinum Chip
The Platinum Chip by Switchblade95
It has been a month since the Battle of Jaku City and as far as Ochako Uraraka is concerned it could not get any worse. She saw her teacher maimed, another teacher brutally murdered and her best friend disappear into a hellscape world that was on the verge of collaspe and outside of a letter has not been heard from since. Now on a mission of her own little did she know that things were about to get a whole lot worse.
Words: 1829, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Fallout: New Vegas
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Hadou Nejire, Asui Tsuyu, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Vulpes Inculta, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, NCR Character(s), Caesar | Edward Sallow, Joshua Graham (Fallout), Legion Character(s) (Fallout), Mr. House (Fallout), Benny (Fallout), Yes Man (Fallout), Sensei | All For One
Additional Tags: Crossover, Action/Adventure
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44053141
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kinetic-elaboration · 11 months
July 18: My So-Called Life 1x18 Weekend
I don't have a ton to say about Weekend other than stuff I've probably said a thousand times before... I love this episode, but the kids' story line is way better than the adults'. I just have so much affection for Patty. Trying so hard Patty. I want her to plan my vacation, and I want her to have better people in her life than oblivious Graham, annoying Neal, and... well actually Cheryl I didn't mind.
Mostly it just makes me sad when people are mean to her and abandon her.
I thought it was interesting that Graham gave Cheryl his sweater and this is played up as a big deal because what it actually showed me was, honestly, Graham has no awareness of how his own actions may read. He doesn't see that as a sign of affection, as it might be construed in other circumstances, and he doesn't see fixing Hallie's car that way either. He was not on the edge of an affair, I will maintain this forever. Really the only question for me is how that woman from the pilot got as close as she did to sleeping with him. She must have put in a lot of work.
Anyway. The teen storyline is just great. Just a fun use of all the characters and legitimately funny, and a nice break after the last episode and before the finale. I love that Rickie is so comfortable at Mr. Katimski's house. He says 'you too' before he hangs up the phone with him and I really wonder what he's saying. Not I love you, that would be weird, but like maybe something like have fun or have a good weekend or something like that? Idk. It just feels so domestic and home-y and I love that for him. I also love that Rickie is like finally getting what he wanted: not just a stable home environment but also just some rest? He doesn't love the drama. He is exhausted from so much Rayanne. He wants the quiet anniversary party with the oregano seasoning. He wants to give excuses to Rayanne and hang out with Angela at her house. Which, like, same, this seems like a pretty fun lounging around weekend to me.
Because I do actually legit ship Brian and Rayanne a little bit, their interactions were fun for me. Brian on top this time lol.
Rayanne is definitely burning some bridges at this point but the thing is she does attract people to her. Brian, Sharon of course, Danielle. She's one of those people who is simultaneously a mess and also very magnetic. Her conversation with Danielle was interesting... She sees everything around her in slow motion and she just needs something to happen. A sign of immaturity? Of something... diagnosable? To me it's just so very her in a nutshell. She cannot be still. She cannot just be with herself. I'm sure in some ways being handcuffed for over 24 hours really sucked, her nightmare in some ways, and in that sense I can see why she'd try to run as soon as she's free, even if that is a very jerk move. She's so over the top in this episode (calling herself Raygun?), so obviously faking...everything, except that conversation with Danielle, it's like red flags everywhere of the place she's in.
The moment when Angela sees Danielle and Rayanne sleeping together was very touching. Like sisters, except Rayanne isn't her family, she's not even in Angela's life anymore. But Angela still knows her so well, as the last bit with the key showed.
I was really obsessed this watch through with this line about the hardware store not being open until Monday. What sort of hardware store isn't open on weekends? What sort of stores are not open on weekends other than like maybe Sunday in the blue law sense? But Saturday? Does this whole suburb of Pittsburgh just shut down for 2 days every week? Do people who need wire shears have to take time off work, like vacation hours, to go run their errands? Why is the Pleasure Center still open? I have so many questions.
Also I think we were really robbed a scene of Brian and Sharon at the Pleasure Center.
Or Brian and Rayanne. Just for fun.
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wearelondonhq · 1 year
mw fcs and characters 30+?
hello, love! how about pamela isley, dinah lance, helena bertinelli (dc comics), emma frost, jean grey, ororo munroe, (marvel comics), hela odinsdottir, jennifer walters, peggy carter, sharon carter, agatha harkness, gamora, carol danvers, maggie lang, mantis, queen ramonda, okoye, nakia, the dora milaje (marvel cinematic universe), alicent hightower, laena velaryon, mysaria, rhaenys targaryen, aemma arryn (house of the dragon), marlene (the last of us), rosalie hale, victoria, esme cullen, leah clearwater (twilight), grace augustine (avatar), glenn rhee, negan (the walking dead), daemon targaryen, harwin strong, laenor velaryon, otto hightower, viserys i targaryen (house of the dragon), luke skywalker, han solo (star wars), scott lang, nate richards/iron lad, bruce banner, wong, peter quill, drax, darren cross/modok, howard stark, clint barton, t'challa, erik stevens/killmonger, norman osborn (marvel), arthur curry, barry allen (dc comics), tommy miller, bill, frank (the last of us), edward cullen, carlisle cullen, james, jasper hale, emmett cullen, laurent (twilight), ron weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, arthur weasley, dean thomas, seamus finnigan, bill weasley, viktor krum, cedric diggory, rodolphus lestrange, lucius malfoy (harry potter), joe goldberg, delilah alves, kate, forty quinn, candace stone (you), seong gi-hun, cho sang-woo (squid game), dewey riley (scream)? as for fc's, just to name a few - how about marisol nichols, michael b jordan, blake lively, gong-yoo, trevante rhodes, aldis hodge, sandra oh, jodie comer, park hae soo, dev patel, aiden turner, aja naomi king, viola davis, idris elba, jaime chung, jessica lucas, matt czuchry, danai gurira, jonathan majors, gugu mbatha-raw, alfred enoch, ruth wilson, lily james, kat graham or arden cho, just to name a few? in truth, we would anyone and everyone you might want to bring us so come and bring us your absolute favorites!
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Broadway Birthday: Sierra Boggess (May 20th)
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