#Cuan Sound
dmclemblems · 2 years
@randomnameless replied: you never heard the french narration !
oh boy, is it actually bad?
@2goldensnitches replied: Zelgius is still memetic lol i always get a kick out of him. I also prefer its animation to the fódlan games’
Zelgius may be memetic, but Ranulf is iconic. 😎
my favorite voiced meme from RD tho is “Foooorrrrm up! Surrouuund them aaaall! Don’t let a single one escape!”
#randomnameless#2goldensnitches#also I still stand by that I prefer Shinon's voice in RD to Heroes#before he was in Heroes I was talking a few times about how I wanted his VA to return#and realistically I knew that would've happen bc like... would they rly call back a guy for a character that#they had voice him for only a few quick lines all those years ago#BUT TO ME IN MY HEART THAT IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE HIS ONE TRUE VOICE#kinda like how Jason Adkins is still Ike in my heart bc that's the Ike I grew up with#and it wasn't like what they do with Heroes these days where a single VA might voice#a main character and like five other characters. he only voiced Ike so it was like...#you hear his voice and you can attribute it immediately to one character#I've always preferred the idea of main characters having a VA that didn't voice a bunch of side characters#like maybe one or two like Chris Hackney has since he voices Boey and Cuan#but when he speaks his voice is attributed most to Dimitri which is why I think it's best to keep some VAs to the big guy#also Ike's little accent was cute and it's still weird in 2022 to hear anyone else voicing him fjsakghdhg#I don't dislike Greg Chun and he's a super cool dude. I've been around him a few times on Twitch#bc he just randomly pops into fellow VA's streams and hangs out for a while and responds to people#I'm just stubborn and grew up with Jason Adkins voicing Ike so it's always sounded right to me#speaking of I wonder if they'd keep his lines instead of redubbing them if they ever did a remaster for these guys#like if they even just ported them to the Switch or next gen console#I'd hope they'd keep Adkins and financially it'd be cheaper to... not hire a popular and probably expensive VA to redub#but also then everyone who didn't grow up with Adkins would get to hear Ike's original voice!#this has like nothing to do with this post but this is what happens when I talk abt Tellius or FE4#the tags just become a life of their own and they go on and on and on and on and...#DCB Reply
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moonoftabantha · 11 months
*maybe spoiler*
I just went to Hateno (Hatelia in spanish) specifically to the Lab and i just headcanon that Link couldn’t go alone to HIS AND ZELDA’s HOUSE for the first time without her, so Robbie decided to accompany him for a while and him entering to the livingroom/kitchen he broke there and needed to say how he felt. Btw i know a lot say that botw time lapse is 6 ish years, but i think three.
I have to write in spanish, cause in my head sounds more from the heart:
“Y-yo…No tengo recuerdo de cuando tuve conocimiento o era conciente que había caído completamente rendido a ella, enamorado de la princesa de Hyrule. No se si fue cuando vi sus ojos por primera vez, al principio llenos de amargura al tenerme ahí, estoico, invasivo según ella, siguiendo sus pasos. O si fue después, con el tiempo, con la amistad que se formó.
Lo que si sé y no olvido, es que años después del cataclismo mi corazón latía por su voz, por ella. Supe que la razón estaba de acuerdo con el corazón cuando una tarde, ella regresaba de la escuela de Hatelia, yo llegué de cazar. Ella vestía un vestido suelto y reflejaba lo dorado de todo, la casa, su cabello, su piel.
Solo me vio ya preparado para hacer la cena de esa noche, no se separó de mi, cocinamos juntos todo. La comida no fue nada especial, unas manzanas al horno y vegetales rostizados, y un buen té de escarchina con miel.
Pero fue ahí, cuando hablando del día vi cómo daba el primer sorbo a su té, cerró los ojos, parecía apreciar el aroma, el sabor, la paz que vivíamos. Fue en ese exacto momento que supe que la amaba, que la amo, y que no dejaré de amarla.
No le dije nada. Solo desee que ese momento nunca acabe.
Debí haberla besado, pedirle que se casara conmigo. Hacerla mía y que ella me haga suyo.¡Ese momento, era ahí, esa tarde! Pero, de qué me sirvió ser valiente y ser el héroe de Hyrule cuando me acobardo en momentos como ese.
Estoy arrepentido, de en estos años, en esta nueva era no haberle dicho cuan loco me tiene.
Hubiera… hubiera sido más veloz. Más fuerte. Más inteligente. No dejar que caiga, lograrla alcanzar. O mejor aún no bajar nunca a lo profundo del castillo!
No puede ser, la perdi nuevamente…”
Robbie no pudo hacer mucho, solo lo consoló dándole palmadas en la espalda mientras Link solo sollozaba y se quebraba más y más. Para cuando el espadahin se calmó un poco más ya era oscuro el cielo. Robbie debía avanzar al laboratorio no sin antes preguntarle
“¿Estarás bien, Link?”
Link solo asintió la cabeza.
“Yo confío en ti, todos confiamos en ti, y Zelda regresará a tu lado. Tengo fe.” Dijo el anciano con media sonrisa.
Una vez el Sheikah se marcho, Link se dispuso a descansar esa noche en casa que compartió con su princesa, lloró hasta perder conciencia por el cansancio del cuerpo y añoranza de poder abrazarla una vez más y pronto.
Al alba del día siguiente dio rumbo hacia su destino, nuevamente.
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lebensmoode · 2 months
Gw masih ingat betapa down dan habis-habisan menyalah-nyalahi diri sendiri saat ngajar online di bulan-bulan pertama ketikaaaa para membernya itu gak ada respon, atau bahkan partisipannya berkurang setiap harinya, dari yg tadinya belasan menjadi 5 bahkan 1 (kayak barusan). Gw akan mengecap diri gw gak kompeten, lack of fun, gak berbakat ngajar, gak becus jadi tutor, dll.
But now, look at me flip my hair, put on black glasses, and walk away 😎
I realize that those things are out of my control; their presence, their study excitement, their willingness to improve by asking and speaking. Itu semua bukan tanggung jawab gw dan gw gak perlu merasa bersalah banget. Sebagai orang dewasa yg memilih untuk belajar sesuatu, dalam kasus ini belajar bahasa asing, adalah tanggung jawab masing-masing perihal menjaga konsistensi, niat, semangat, dan keselesaian kelas. Mungkin kontribusi gw untuk menjaga hal-hal tsb harus ada, dengan kasih motivasi, pujian, kata-kata semangat, kelas yg tidak membosankan. Tetapi ada masanya juga ketika gw berpikir gw udah melakukan segalanya yg terbaik yg bisa gw kasih tetapi keadaan juga tidak menjadi lebih baik, dan mereka juga tidak merasa tersemangati, well... haruskah hamba mengubah kelasnya menjadi seminar motivasi golden way?
Ada batas-batas yg gak bisa gw lampaui, atau mungkin memang tidak seharusnya gw lampaui, karena sesimpel itu bukan tanggung jawab gw.
Jujurly si tante ini mah udah capek aja harus "menyuapi" orang-orang dewasa yang pengennya disuap padahal makan aja males. Jadi gw akan memberikan energi lebih banyak ke mereka yang aktif dan niat belajarnya keliatan. Bagi yg males, malu, mager, perlu ditanya bahkan disebutin namanya dulu baru mau ngomong, monmaap. My energy is too precious to be wasted. Sekali dua kali masih oke, kalo terus-terusan ya bayar lebih dong. Double job saya jadinya 😎
I might sound not professional, but you can say that again. Gw malah tidak relate dengan para tutor lain yg extra menjaga kelasnya agar tetap fun supaya membernya milih dia lagi dan dia dapat cuan lebih. Gak, gw gak pernah ngarep sampe sana. Makanya pasrahin aja udah. Membernya balik syukuur, kalo gak yaa syukurin lu hw 😂Bukan tutor teladan memang, jangan dicontoh eaa
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minglana · 1 year
Aragonese orthography: what I would've done differently
Just to preface this post, I am all on board for the new official orthography, and it was basically what I expected, but it's ok to wish for things you never expected to come true.
This orthography is, in my opinion, very castilianized, and like most Aragonese orthographic models, is based on castilian rules, without taking into account etymology or other closer languages such as Catalan and Occitan.
1.1.3 Letter I
The adverbial pronoun will be written "i/bi". The reinforced variant will be written "ie" (No i veigo; Voi a puyar-ie).
If we look at Catalan, theirs is written "hi" (there are also not as many dialect variants for this so they only have one standard).
1.1.6 Copulative conjuction
It can be written "y" or "e", depending on the dialect (blanco y negro, azul e royo).
Etymologically, it makes more sense to write it "i". This ties in with 1.1.3, since as it stands now, catalan speakers may have a moment of confusion when seeing "i" and it not being a conjuction.
1.2.2 Ch digraph
The phoneme /t∫/ will be represented with <ch> (chacer, chelo, chent, chirar, choven).
In Spanish, Valencian Catalan and Occitan, etymology is followed for these spellings. It's once again a Castilianism, assuming people associate /t∫/ with <ch>. For the Catalan spoken in Aragon, official orthography states that it's written with its etymology in mind (gel(o), gent, girar, joven). Why aren't Aragonese speakers granted the same right?
1.2.12 NY digraph, letter Ñ
The phoneme /ɲ/ is represented with <ny> (sinyal, cabanyera, nyapir, bony), which is the reference spelling, but can also be represented with <ñ> (siñal, cabañera, ñapir, boñ).
This just makes no sense. Why would you have two different spellings represent the same sound, with no etymological guide? (Of course I know this was done to please a certain sector of the Aragonese community but I will criticize it because it's an absolute shame). It's just giving in to more castilianization, and honestly, most speakers/learners were already just using <ny> (unless you learned Aragonese in the 80s and 90s)
1.2.14 QU digraph
I don't have anything to correct, I would have just added <qua> and <quo> instead of <cua> and <cuo>, in cases such as quan instead of cuan.
1.2.22 Letter Z
<z> will represent /θ/ at the end of a word in both adjective and noun (mocez, chicoz, ciudaz) plurals, as well as verbal forms in 2nd person plural (fez, minchaz, trobarez).
This is probably the biggest offender, in my opinion, especially the nouns. If you look at the singular of the examples listed, they all end with t: mocet, chicot, ciudat. If you look at both forms in Catalan, they go xicot->xicots, ciutat->ciutats. Granted, both the 't' and 's' are pronounced, but also, it just makes sense to do these plurals in this way. Meanwhile, again, Aragonese (except Benasquese) does not get this treatment.
All in all, I think this standarization was an amazing thing that should have been done ages ago. I don't mean to take away any importance of this fact with this post, I just wanted to highlight things that could have been done better.
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elpoetamaldito · 2 years
Escritos sin cabeza #1
de estar y ser y al mismo tiempo no existir, sensaciones de vivir y morir, de querer y olvidar. Cada día una nueva abunda en mi, alguna lacera y otra sana, cada día nuevo viene con ella, alguna vez me senté a contemplarlas pero entendí que no importa cuan grande y poderoso sea mi ser, no importa cuan cuidadoso sea en sentirlas, ellas solo saben estar ahí, como una alerta a la espera de el momento preciso para sonar. Entonces, por que luchar por sentir o no, así que dejé que el viento me llevara con ellas y flui y al final, sentí de verdad.
Of being and being and at the same time not existing, sensations of living and dying, of loving and forgetting. Each day a new one abounds in me, some wounded and another healthy, each new day comes with it, once I sat down to contemplate them but I understood that no matter how great and powerful my being is, no matter how careful I am in feeling them, they only They know how to be there, like an alert waiting for the right moment to sound. So, why fight to feel or not, so I let the wind take me with them and I flowed and in the end, I really felt.
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ukdamo · 7 months
A Legend of Strangford Lough
John Vinycomb
When fairies lived in this old land,
And kelpies held the streams,
Such nights were seen and music heard
As come to me in dreams.
To the lone peasant’s fond belief,
In legend wild and gory,
Of sprite benign and goblin dam’d,
Is due to this wondrous story:
How the rude savage glories most
In terrors weird and fearful,
While timid souls take up the tale
With sadd’ning hearts and tearful.
They saw in fairy-haunted earth
The elfins sport and play;
They heard unearthly music float
Between the night and the day,
And feared, if seen, to be bewitched,
Or carried under ground,
To dance by night in fairyland
To magic music’s sound.
They feared the moonlight’s baleful sheen
By lonely moor or river;
They feared the dreaded weird banshee
That wails for mortals over.
But more they feared the Sweet Merroe
That haunts the lonely shore,
For he who hears th’ enchanting strain
Is lost for evermore.
And who is there that has not heard
Of sirens of the sea,
The mirrow dread of Strangford Lough,
The Mermaid of Mahee?
The sea-maid there would of times haunt,
At evening’s silent close,
With tuneful harp and songs so sweet,
When from the waves she rose.
Her golden locks in freedom float
Around her lovely form;
Her beauteous face, with eyes so blue,
Deride the coming storm.
She thrills the air with melodie,
So sweet, so clear, so high,
That the lone fisher turns to hear,
And listen with a sigh.
For well he know he may not stay,
His earthly lot is over;
Follow he must beneath the waves
The Mermaid, as her lover.
And tales are told how many a one,
Lost in Loch Cuan’s tide,
Had heard the Mermaid’s charmed strain,
And fied with her to bide,
In coral caves beneath the waves,
Or sport by pearly strand;
Transformed by fairy sea-maid’s power
To Merman jovial band.
And once, ‘tis said, a holy monk,
On Mahee sacred soil,
Was lost to sight for many a day,
No more a priest to toil.
For he, beguiled by character’s strains,
Swiftly dived in after,
Nor had he thought of brethren,
Or Abbot’s hearty laughter.
For, married to a Mer-Mayden
At bottom of the sea,
He lived and frolic’d with the best,
Forgot was Isle Mahee.
Till once again her heard the chime
Of Matins sweetly sound,
And blessed himself – before he knew,
Transported was to ground.
Beside his round tower’s lofty pile
He knelt him down to pray,
And bade the brethren – this believe –
To swear by Saint Mochae.
And now in after years come back,
With mind distressed and hazy,
Told how he’d lived beneath the sea,
The brethren cried, “He’s crazy.”
The Abbot frowned with look severe,
Thought sadly of the man –
And maiden’s eye – then slowly said,
“We’ll put him under ban.”
Said he, “You’ll live and dream your dreams
Within your prison cell,
High in the round tower’s topmost round,
And ring the service bell.”
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coba4dofficial · 1 year
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Slot Gacor Gampang Menang CQ9 Gaming
Berikutnya agen slot terpercaya Pragmatic juga bekerja sama dengan CQ9 Gaming. Situs Slot online gacor CQ9 gaming asik dimainkan karena desain dan artwork yang diusung begitu ciamik. Tentu saja lengkap dengan sound effect nan yahut sebagai penunjangnya. Sejauh pengalaman Slot Gacor juga winrate serta RTP dari game slot gacor ini tergolong tinggi. Dan yang lebih menggiurkan adalah jackpot selalu tersedia besar-besaran untuk dimenangkan.
Secara garis besar CQ9 gaming menyediakan 2 klasifikasi produk judi online, sportsbook dan judi live casino. Termasuk di dalamnya game tembak ikan. Nah, bosku yang sudah join bersama Slot Gacor disini bisa menikmati semua game slot gacor terbaik dari provider CQ9.
Slot Gacor Gampang Menang PGsoft
PGsoft atau Pocket Game Soft ialah satu di antara agen slot online terbaik dan game casino yang namanya sudah menyebar hingga 4 benua di dunia. Perusahaan iGaming ini sekarang memegang 3 lisensi, tepatnya dari UK, Gibraltar, dan Malta. Ditemani 2 sertifikasi dari lembaga akreditasi internasional BMM dan GA.
Dari brand satu ini bosku bakal menjumpai 78 game judi slot terbaik dengan tema berbeda-beda. FIY bosku, member di agen slot resmi Pragmatic sempat ada yang ketiban duren waktu main slot gacor terbaru PGsoft loh. Dapat jackpot Rp. 400 juta! Bayangkan bosku, bakal berapa keranjang duren? Dari situ, tentu game slot gacor satu ini sangat-sangat layak masuk di daftar favorit untuk dimainkan. Siapa tahu bosku orang terhoki berikutnya, mainkan sekarang deh.
Slot Gacor Gampang Menang YGGDrasil
Punya nama official situs YGGDrasil Gaming, pengembang game judi slot coba4d gacor terbaik dan judi online ini resmi berdiri tahun 2013. Meski tergolong muda, namun banyak penghargaan telah diraih. Tahun 2021 perusahaan yang punya 9 lisensi ini baru saja memenangkan penghargaan Daftar Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Terpercaya of The Year dari International Gaming Award. Sementara di ajang IGA 2020, TGGDrasil menyabet gelar Innovator of The Year (Supplier). Tahun-tahun sebelumnya juga banyak award lainnya.
Bagi agen slot terlengkap Pragmatic, game slot gacor terbaru dari brand tersebut memang recommended untuk dipilih. Bukan tanpa alasan. Secara statistik, persentase return ke player sangat tinggi. Faktor penentunya adalah keberadaan bonus jackpot yang bejibun. So, para JP hunters selamat mengeksekusi game ini.
Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Playson
Playson merupakan provider agen slot online terpercaya yang berkantor pusat di Silema, Republic of Malta. Dalam menjalankan bisnis, perusahaan judi online ini secara resmi memegang lisensi dari Gambling Commission UK. Masih banyak lagi lisensi serta sertifikat akreditasi lainnya. Yang jelas Playson termasuk sebagai provider terkemuka di daratan Eropa.
Masuk ke benua Asia, Indonesia rupanya tak luput dari incaran Playson. Hadir dengan game-game slot gacor terbaru bekelas dengan winrate tinggi. Situs Slot gacor terpercaya Playson mengadopsi formula Random Number Generators oleh sebab itu bosku bisa yakin kalau fair-play sangatlah dikedepankan. Beberapa game slot gacor besutan Playson antara lain, Solar Temple, Solar King, Book of Gold: Multichance, dan Diving Dragon.
Slot Gacor Gampang Menang Booming Games
Berorientasi ke pasaran situs slot online gacor terpercaya secara khusus dan Casino online pada umumnya, Booming Games telah menciptakan segudang game high end. Bicara kelebihannya dari aspek judi, tingkat RTP dari game-gamenya pun tinggi. Bosku tidak hanya mendapat pengalaman bermain menyenangkan tapi juga cuan yang berlimpah.
20 Rekomendasi Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini Dengan RTP Tertinggi Malam Ini
Slot gacor hari ini dan rtp live tertinggi dari situs slot gacor terpercaya Slot Gacor membantu bettor untuk mendapatkan kemenangan lebih mudah dalam game situs slot gacor hari ini. Kesempatan menang yang Besar bisa bettor dapatkan ketika menjalani proses bermain game dengan baik di situs berkualitas. Sarana game Slot Gacor bisa memberikan bocoran game slot paling gacor. sehingga memperbesar peluang menang Bettor bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan kemenangan dalam game situs slot gacor hari ini di situs Slot Gacor.
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Slot Gacor Hari Ini Pragmatic Play
Slot Gacor Hari Ini Joker123
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Slot Gacor Hari Ini CQ9
Slot Gacor Hari Ini PG Soft
Slot Gacor Hari Ini Microgaming
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Slot Gacor Hari Ini Play’n GO
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Slot Gacor Hari Ini Gamatron
Situs slot gacor adalah game pertama yang akan Slot Gacor rekomendasikan. Dimana memang game yang satu ini sendiri sangatlah mudah dan bisa dimainkan siapa saja. Tentu saja sebelum bermain bettor juga dapat memainkan slot gacor hari ini di situs slot gacor. Adapun rekomendasi game slot yang selalu masuk dalam daftar info slot gacor hari ini biasanya adalah seperti diatas.
Game Slot Gacor Hari Ini Khusus Provider Pragmatic Play Malam Ini Dari banyaknya pilihan provider yang dapat bettor temukan di dalam situs slot gacor hari ini, ada beberapa game terbaik yang gacor dan menguntungkan. Bettor bisa memilih game slot gacor bocoran dari game slot gacor termasuk dalam provider Pragmatic Play. Dengan main dalam game slot yang gacor tersebut, bettor tentu akan mudah untuk untung besar. Bocoran game slot gacor hari ini Slot Gacor yang cocok bettor mainkan, seperti :
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⭐ Pola slot gacor auto spin 100x bet 0.1 bocoran admin situs slot gacor ⭐ Pola slot gacor auto spin 50x bet 0.5 bocoran admin situs slot gacor ⭐ Pola slot gacor centang double chance bocoran admin situs slot gacor ⭐ Pola slot gacor beli free spin admin situs slot gacor Dengan pola yang konsisten tersebut, bettor bisa mendapatkan peluang yang menguntungkan dan hasil lebih besar. Dengan game yang tepat dan pola gacor, kamu akan mudah untuk menang dalam situs Slot Gacor.
Bocoran Jam Hoki Situs Slot Gacor Pragmatic Play Slot Gacor Selain game gacor dan polanya yang tepat, kombinasi untuk bermain dalam jam yang hoki perlu bettor pertimbangkan. Bettor dapat bermain dalam hoki yang tepat untuk memperoleh kesempatan menang besar. Ada beberapa jam hoki dalam bermain game situs slot gacor hari ini dari provider Pragmatic Play, seperti :
⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Senin, pagi (05:00 –07:00 WIB), siang (13:00 –14:00 WIB), malam (19:00 –21:00 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Selasa, pagi (05:30 –07:30 WIB), siang (13:00 –14:00 WIB), malam (19:00 –21:00 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Rabu, pagi (05:00 –07:00 WIB), siang (13:30 –14:30 WIB), malam (19:30 –21:30 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Kamis, pagi (05:00 –07:00 WIB), siang (13:00 –14:00 WIB), malam (19:30 –21:30 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Jumat, pagi (05:30 –07:00 WIB), siang (13:30 –14:00 WIB), malam (19:00 –21:00 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Sabtu, pagi (05:00 –07:00 WIB), siang (13:30 –14:00 WIB), malam (19:30 –21:00 WIB) ⭐ Jam slot gacor hari Minggu, pagi (05:00 –07:30 WIB), siang (13:00 –14:30 WIB), malam (19:00 –21:00 WIB) Dengan jam hoki tersebut, kesempatan untuk menang di dalam game bocoran slot gacor hari ini Slot Gacor tentu mudah bettor wujudkan dan mendapatkan hasil melimpah.
FAQ Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Situs Slot Gacor Terbaru Ingin bermain slot gacor dengan RTP Tertinggi namun bingung?? Ingin mencoba aplikasi-aplikasi yang memberikan bocoran slot terpopuler tapi gak tau mencoba dimana?? Tidak perlu khawatir karena hanya di Slot Gacor bettor bisa mendapatkan informasi terjitu dan terakurat karena member Slot Gacor bermain dan mengalaminya secara langsung loh!
Apa Itu Slot Gacor? Slot gacor merupakan game yang di adaptasi dari game dingdong casino Mesin Slot yang sebelumnya memiliki dikenal juga dengan nama bandit tangan satu. Slot kian populer dimainkan karena kemudahan game ini untuk dimainkan tidak ada perbedaan antara pemain slot veteran dengan pemain slot pemula.
Mengenal Apa itu RTP dan Berapa rata-rata RTP Slot Gacor? RTP atau return to player adalah sebutan para pemain slot untuk sebuah game slot gacor yang saat ini sedang siap memberikan kemenangan terbesar. Permainan slot yang diberikan rata-rata memiliki RTP di atas 95% jauh lebih besar di bandingkan dengan situs judi slot gacor lainya.
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thequirkycoach · 2 years
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Lobster pots and fishing gear at the harbour on Easedale Island where the ferry departs for Luing. Great views out to that island (famous for its eponymous cattle) and towards Mull. Spent a lovely day exploring the ‘Slate Isles’ in Western #Scotland. #The Highlands #visitscotland #easedaleisland #lovescotland #quirkytravel (at Cuan Sound) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1756mqC4_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arievrahman · 2 years
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Healing murah meriah di Tasikmalaya, yang pastinya gak bikin bocor rekening: berendam air hangat di Cipanas, kaki Gunung Galunggung. Tempat ini cuma berjarak sekitar satu jam kurang dari pusat kota Tasikmalaya, cukup sepi di pagi hari, dan biaya masuknya cuma 20.000 Rupiah, ditambah parkir dan retribusi masuk ke objek wisata. Sounds good for a healing idea, right? Selain healing ke tempat-tempat yang dekat dengan rumah, gue juga punya banyak kiat-kiat healing supaya gak bikin bocor rekening, kalau seandainya kamu ingin healing dengan traveling yang agak jauhan. Ke luar negeri misalnya, Singaparna, eh Singapura. Selengkapnya akan gue bahas malam nanti di Ngegym Finansial bersama @ruangmenyala @ocbc_nisp di Financial Fitness Classes: Healing, Haruskah Bikin Bocor Rekening? Di sini gue juga akan share sedikit mengenai komponen biaya ketika traveling, serta panduan membuat budget traveling supaya lebih hemat, gak boros, dan makin cuan. Acaranya gratis, cuma tinggal registrasi di https://bit.ly/DaftarFFC14Juli dan kamu sudah bisa ikutan kelasnya, so see you on board guys! Mari kita healing bareng 👋🏼 (at Cipanas Galunggung) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-L3d8v1s2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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compass-sea-school · 3 years
Day 7 - Oban to Craobh Marina
Day 7 – Oban to Craobh Marina
Having managed to reserve a berth in Craobh Marina for the night we set sail around lunchtime for a leisurely trip south down the coast. Departing the North Pier Pontoons and out into Oban Bay it is essential that you keep a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 to hear the departures and arrivals of the commercial passenger vessels to and from the islands who dock at the Railway Quay. Negotiating…
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inkybirdy · 2 years
Would Link have been able to meet Ganon at all in the perfect au? They met because Maz had to move to Satori mountain right?
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they likely would've only met a couple of times as kids in the perfect au, but would get the opportunity to be proper friends (and sweethearts) likely in their mid teens!
have a drabble, for fun -
“You’re being ridiculous.” “I am not.” “Just go talk to him. Ask him to dance, or something.”  “Shut up, Nabooru.” 
His cousin gives him an unconvinced kind of look before she wanders away, and Ganon’s eyes are drawn back toward the bonfire again. At sixteen he’s only visited Kakariko village a few times, only met the legendary swordsman’s son as often, and he feels… foolish. 
He shares one of his father’s names, technically, but the fairies called him Cuan - little wolf - and Ganon has been unable to stop from openly staring at him all evening. His hair is soft and long and woven out of moonlight, his ruby eyes have an arresting hold about them, his skin is freckled and looks soft, and his hands are delicate and dexterous like any fairy-taught gardener’s should be. His laugh is gentle, and his golden necklace and bracelets are glinting in the firelight and jingling as he dances around with his mother and Ganon is losing his mind. 
There is absolutely no better thought in Ganon’s head, at the moment, than marching up to the little wolf and grabbing his hand and insisting that he doesn’t dance with or look at anybody else for the rest of the night. Ganon wants to make him laugh, jealously guard his attention, and run his fingers through his hair and kiss him to see if his lips and cheeks are as soft as they look, and it’s agonizing. 
He doesn’t, though. Instead, he stands rigid on the outer edge of the bonfire circle, not paying attention to whatever his mother was trying to tell him about the history of the village and stubbornly only half-listening to his cousin’s teasing. He only hopes his blushing isn’t too obvious in the dimness of the night, worrying at his bottom lip and fists clenched at his sides. 
Unfortunately, Ganon can feel the not-so-little-wolf looking at him. Even if he doesn’t dare turn his head over towards where his mother is delightedly talking and drinking with the hero and his husband, Link’s gaze is as piercing as it has always been. He’s holding his husband in his lap, resting a scruffy chin on his shoulder, and appraising Ganon with the same serenity and awareness that he does everything. 
When Ganon eventually can’t stand it any longer and sneaks a glance out of the corner of his eye, Link smirks at him, and he’s pretty sure that if the gods were loving they’d just let him burn to ash right there. 
Unfazed by Ganon’s obviously stricken state, not even bothering to move from his cuddling, the hero lets out a short and insistent whistle. Ganon doesn’t even have the chance to beg for mercy. 
Nobody seems to pay the whistling any mind except for Cuan, who stops in his tracks with his graceful ears flicking and looks over toward the sound. A smile and a tilt of Link’s head beckons his son to him, and Cuan is there in an instant. 
Another nod, toward Ganon this time, and now Cuan is looking over at him directly. Somehow even more heat rushes to Ganon’s face, he swallows hard and tenses up even more than he already had. 
Link’s son just smiles at him, though, in a gentle and amused kind of way. For all Ganon figures, he may as well have reached into his chest and pulled out his heart - dramatic teenagerdom or not, Ganon figures it’s already in the palm of his hand. 
Cuan’s steps are too soft to hear, he moves as easily as a breeze, and by the time Ganon blinks again they’re face to face. “Hi.” Cuan’s voice lilts a little bit in a giggle, and Ganon feels lightheaded. “Hi.” “D’you wanna dance?” “Uhm--” I wanna scream and maybe die, actually, thank you for asking, “-- Uh. Sure.” 
Ganon barely realizes that he’s agreed before Cuan’s holding his hands and pulling him along. At first he’s pretty sure he can hear his cousin laughing, behind him - but soon enough the little wolf is twirling and pressing into his hold, and humming along with the music, and Ganon can’t bother to listen to anything else. 
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conhivemindcent · 4 years
This is going to be more of a discussion post about Quan and his name. Sorry for the lack of art, I’ll try to bust some out later. Also, it’s half midnight, and formatted on a phone, so sorry for that.
I think Quan has 2 distinct origins to his name - Cian and Cu Chulainn. And how does one find this out? His wife and weapon.
Like many names in Genealogy of the Holy War, Cian and Cu Chulainn are both Irish in origin.
So, firstly, let’s talk about Ethniu, or as you may know her, Ethlyn. was the mother of Lugh, one of the most famous figures of Irish mythology. Keep him in mind.
Ethniu is also famous for being the daughter of Balor, a cyclops who led the Fomorians. But why talk about her?
Lugh’s father and Ethniu’s partner was called Cian.
Now, moving onto Lugh’s son and reincarnation- Cu Chulainn. Personally, I think you should watch Overly Sarcastic Production’s video on Cu Chulainn, but for the short of it:
Cu Chulainn - Hound of Chulainn - cursed his life to be glorious but short, got sent to train with Scathach alongside Ferdiad since his love interest’s dad didn’t like it and wanted him dead (classic), fought Aife aka Scathach’s rival/twin sister, took down a huge army nearly alone and dies in combat. Cool. Again, watch OSP’s explanation -it’s better and funnier
Anyway, Cu Chulainn famously wields the Gae Bolg, a spear that is kinda scary. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the character named Chulainn doesn’t wield the Gae Bolg.
So, we have Cian and Cu. Mashing then together, we get Cuan. Now here’s the haziest part: I think the translators decided Cuan was too hard to say so to make it easier, they replaced the C with a Q, since it sounded similar and was easier to pronounce.
And that’s Quan.
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morihaus · 3 years
⚡️ cuan!!!
1. i’ve said this before but cuan’s family are close followers of peryite, which in my mind sorta makes them physicians, knowing what causes what diseases, what ways are best to treat them, etc. i’ve imagined cuan making deliveries to bothela at the hag’s cure :) which may or may not be an excuse to snoop around and get into trouble
2. at certain points he will assume the role of bretic nobility as a disguise- mostly for the embassy quest but at other times too bc a reachfolk, a falmer, and a giant are a conspicuous group of people. he assumes the persona of Theobold Montclair which was custom made to sound stupid, peyzae pretends to be his blind court wizard elf and hjulde is just his giant bodyguard
3. cuan believes in the legend of red eagle and is pretty sure he’s gonna come back from the dead to lead his people once they liberate the reach- as a result he is Very against people trying to like, follow the legend just to plunder his tomb and probably has to dispatch a few people like that. i think he tracks down the magic sword for himself just so other people can’t get it
4. atm i have it so that he’s already up to eventful shit even before the main questline begins. like, the forsworn conspiracy stuff happens a good month or two before helgen does, and this dragonborn thing drops into his lap in the middle of the guerilla war for the reach. i think dragons might have to become a personal problem before he even pursues it- peyzae or hjulde had to kind of nudge him into following his, ugh, DESTINY as the chosen one or whatever.
5. in case it has been lost to the ether (or my oc page) cuan is a translesbian :) he chose the name cuan bc wolves are cool
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mainkatamainrasa · 4 years
Kadang bingung sendiri gitu. Ini wabah tuh butuh sinkronisasi pemerintah sama rakyat tapi di lapangan susah banget direalisasiin. Di satu waktu orang2 menuntut pemerintah supaya nomorsatuin nyawa daripada cuan (inget kan waktu zaman awal corona presiden gembor2 pariwisata tapi diprotes sama rang-orang katanya kebijakannya terlalu cuan oriented mengabaikan nyawa blablabla) tapi giliran nyawanya jadi main oriented, justru warga pada protes kenapa pergerakan ekonomi mereka dibatasi, mereka susah nyari cuan, gada pemasukan buat hidup blablabla.
Bahkan waktu ada post grebekan di salah satu warkop di kota rantauku, aparat yg grebek warkop jadi yang dibully. Kek wow terkejut terheran-heran gitu kok jadi gini. Yang salah menurutku ya warkopnya
1. Buka lebih dari jam 9 malem
2. Ngebiarin pembeli nongki dan gapake masker
3. Bergerombol
Padahal kan mereka udah mending masih boleh beroperasi tapi harus sistem bungkus gitu gabole dine-in. Tapi malah aparatnya yang diprotes sampe pemerintahnya yang lebih lucu 😂😂😂
Alasannya gini "ya kalo mau warga nurut psbb ya penuhi dulu kebutuhan pokoknya. psbb tapi kebutuhan warga ga terpenuhi ya wajar kalo pada bandel" hahahahahhaha. Lucu gitu. Kayak out of topic. Itu masalahnya orang pada gerombol, pada ga pake masker tapi kenapa dibahasnya sampe sembako. Huhu
Ada yang komen "wes gausa psbb psbb an. Benke wae herd immunity. Ben Alam sing nyeleksi. Percuma psbb pemerintah gaiso cukupi kebutuhan wargae" it sounds like wow. Ditengah gencar2nya perlawanan herd immunity karna ga sesuai nilai2 kemanusiaan, oknum ini malah pengen herd immunity. Mungkin dia ngerasa immunitynya tinggi makanya bilang gitu :(
Ada jugaa yang komen "wes ta gausah psbb. cukup dibatasi aktivitas sing usia 50+, sing nduwe penyakit bawaan. Toh, penyakit iki Wes akeh sing iso dowarasno. Sing imune iseh duwur yo ojo dibatesi golek duwite" wow baca ini kek pengen nyentil ginjal oragnya. Dia ga sadar apa si kalo orang immunitas baik (orang muda) itu berpotensi jadi carrier. Dampaknya emang ga langsung tapi berkontribusi sama penyebaran ke yang usia lanut ga si -_-. Kedua, dia ga sadar apa kalo tenaga medis dah mulai chaos ngadepin wabah ini. Dan yang perlu digarisbawahi, wabah ini bukan wabah entengan yang bisa dianggap "Wes akeh sing diwarasno" hey, tingkat kematian indo di Asia tenggara jadi salah satu yg tertingg, jadi belum bisa mengamini opini "Wes akeh sing iso diwarasno". Haduh capek baca komennya.
Untungnya masih banyak Komen pro-psbb dan pro-pemerintah, cuma yg jadi top Komen tuh komen2 macem yang kusebutin tadi. Kezel jadinya.
Kesimpulannya apa?
1. Kebijakan pemerintah yang terkesan tidak tegas bukan serta merta salah juga. Di setiap keputusan itu pasti mereka mempertimbangkan kebutuhan warga juga. Kalo mereka cuan oriented, ya keliatan karena warganya terlalu "ngandelin" pemerintah buat hidup mereka makanya mereka butuh modal. Aku liatnya gitu.
Ajuan psbb banyak ditolak padahal kasus udah banyak juga mungkin jg grgr perekonomian daerah itu, bisa ga mem-back up kebutuhan warganya. Ini oponiku si.
Jadi ya jangan salahkan pemerintah kalo mereka kurang tegas karena aspirasi yg didengerin itu banyak. Ga kebayang aja Indonesia seluas ini, termasuk penduduk padat di dunia dan pemerintah harus mem-backup kebutuhan warganya :"
2. Jangan terlalu ngandelin bantuan pemerintah. Ini suer yang aku liat sih. Keuangan Kita ga kaya2 amat, masyarakat kita banyak. Dari sekarang harus punya prinsip "berdikari" gasuka ngerepotin orang kalo bisa sendiri, jangan tuman suka minta tolong buat hal2 yang remeh kalo Kita bisa sendiri. Ini bisa jadi mental yang bagus untuk ga selalu ketergantungan sama orang. Orang2 kebanyakan masih suka minta tolong dengan dalih "manusia adalah makhluk sosial" padahal mah aslinya emang males aja, pengen enaknya.
Contoh buat urusan ngambilin barang deh yang sepele, pasti banyak yang minta tolong ambilin. Padahal ngambilnya cuma butuh berdiri maju 2 langkah mundur 2 langkah. Hadeh. Ini kurang2in. Bisa jadi mental break down menurutku.
3. Bergerak jangan mager. Pemerintah dah kasih kelonggaran buat beberapa sektor buat tetap beroperasi, kayak kebutuhan pokok misalnya. Makan, minum, obat. Sebisa mungkin harus banting setir kalo pengen tetep berpenghasilan. "Kamu gerak tuh bisa bikin duit" ini prinsipku banget. Setiap anggota tubuh manusia itu bisa ngasilin duit asal mau gerak aja.
Bisa lah klo lagi ga kerja jual2 jajan, promosi, nganterin. Itu bisa ngasilin duit. Apalagi musim ramadhan. Bisnis cathering pasti bisa dimanfaatkan harusnya. Terima jasa antar makanan sahur anti ribet seharusnya bisa. (Ini based on yang aku liat di sekelilingku)
3. Nabung nabung nabung. Biaya darurat itu penting. Sesusah apa hidup harus bisa punya yang namanya tabungan, biaya darurat. Harus ngepasin pemasukan sama pengeluaran. Kalo pengeluaran dikit cari tambahan biaya, tekan biaya hidup dan gengsinya. Pokoknya kalo masalah duit harus jangka panjang oriented.
Yang Aku simpulin tuh: Cara bertahan hidup di musim pandemi ini adalah banting setir atau gunain biaya darurat. Udah itu aja. Bantuan pemerintah gausa dimasukin dulu, biasain ngandelin diri sendiri.
4. Belajar teknologi. Ini tuh tantangan global. Mau ga mau, suka ga suka. Zaman dah milenial gabisa Kita stagnant pada cara2 lama yang manual. Tua muda harus mau belajar teknologi. Harusnya ga ada istilah usia buat belajar sih. Bisa nanya yang lebih muda, atau kalo males bisa ngandelin yang muda. Contoh: gaboleh nongki, makan di tempat. Berarti bisa bikin usaha antar jemput, pake aplikasi dll. Intinya hidup harus terus belajar. (Ini ambisiku buat masa tua selain jadi hot mama HAHAHAHAH LUL)
5. Suudzon.
Loh? Gimana gimana.
Maksudku suudzon tuh perlu biar kita lebih kerja keras, lebih getol dan ngoyo. Contoh gini. Bersuudzon lah bahwa ketika suatu hari ads musibah, pemerintah bakal lelet dan ga merata dalam bagiin bantuan bahan pokok.
Kalo dah mikir gini, pasti di otak mikirnya "Ayo makanya kerja. Pemerintah gabisa diandelin. Harus punta tabungan buat hidup. Kalo ga Kita sendiri siapa yng bisa diandelin" aku gatau ini work di orang lain atau engga. Tapi kalo di aku work sangat.
Dah capek ah ngomel2 mele. Cuma mau nyalurin uneg2. Gaminta semua orang setuju juga sama statement ini. Semoga bermanfaat.
Stay safe dan tetap disiplin. Kunci penyelesaian wabah ini adalah disiplin dan sinergi yg harmonis rakyat sama pemerintahnya.
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suckaysuamigos200 · 4 years
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son una tribu híbrida entre cuervo y urraca viven en un bosque oscuro y suelen dedicarse a asustar a mixels y nixels pero ellos en el fondo son mixels de paz y solo atacan cuando hay nixels o mixels groseros (como zorch y Mixadel entre otros) (de izquierda a derecha) Edaven - es el mas joven de la tribu el quiere asustar como el resto de los Crowagpie pero todos lo toman como algo tierno es de naturaleza curiosa tiene un grasnido muy agudo que husa para espantar a cualquier intruso Allagpie - es el lider de la tribu suele ser serio y oscura suele escribir poemas sobre su vida pero el no es malo solo no suele hablar con otros mixels que no sean de su tribu suele usar sus plumas oscuras para camuflarse en el oscuro bosque Ravoe - ella es la mas inteligente y superficial de la tribu le gusta mucho escuchar musica suave y cantar tiene una gran voz para hisnotizar mixels y nixels y tiene una habilidad para hacer que los demas de su tribu vean lo que ella ve cuan sus ojos se ponen rojos. They are a hybrid tribe between raven and magpie, they live in a dark forest and tend to scare mixels and nixels, but deep down they are peace mixels and only attack when there are rude nixels or mixels (like zorch and Mixadel among others) (from left to right) Edaven - he is the youngest of the tribe he wants to scare like the rest of the Crowagpie but everyone takes him as something cute he is curious in nature he has a very high pitched sound that he uses to scare away any intruder Allagpie - he is the leader of the tribe, he is usually serious and dark, he usually writes poems about his life but he is not bad, he just does not usually talk with other mixels that are not from his tribe, he usually uses his dark feathers to camouflage himself in the dark forest Ravoe - she is the most intelligent and superficial of the tribe, she likes to listen to soft music and singing, has a great voice to hisnotize mixels and nixels and has an ability to make others of her tribe see what she sees when her eyes are they turn red.
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psychosistr · 5 years
The Third Caballero- Chapter 6
Summary: A desperate duck makes his daring escape from a vicious pirate crew, but soon finds himself with nowhere to go. Perhaps the strange screaming/singing red bird will have an idea?
Notes: Brief rewind to see how the duck Panchito and José met in the mansion found his way there.
-First Chapter-
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A small row boat rapidly paddled its way towards the beaches just outside of Heroica Veracruz, Mexico. Hot on its trail was a much larger ship, an angry looking crew of various birds and dogs yelling obscenities at the lone boat in Spanish.
As the row boat finally reached the sand, its only occupant, a duck dressed in only a dirty old sweater, stumbled out onto the soft ground and took off running. “¡Nunca voy a volver!” The duck yelled in a strong voice. “You hear me?! Nunca! NEVER!!”
The other ship docked close to the beach and several of its occupants clambered down into the shallows to chase after the fleeing duck. They followed him further inland, even as he ran from the beach and across the open plains where the sand slowly gave way to grassy ground. Some of them even pulled out their guns and began firing at him.
“Waaah!” The duck gave a startled cry as he tried to dodge the bullets while staying far enough ahead of his attackers. “Think, man, think!” He muttered to himself while running, keeping his eyes on the horizon for any signs that he was getting closer to a city. “Aha! Perfect!” He grinned when he spotted a river leading away from the beach and towards some denser foliage the further inland it went.
Changing his path, he ran towards the river and ducked under a grouping of trees with low-hanging branches. For good measure, he made sure to grab on to a more flexible branch along the way, hold onto it for a second, and let go just right so that it would smack into the faces of his closest pursuers when they started catching up to him.
“OOOOWW!” One wolf dressed in a navy blue and dark green captain’s uniform with a black hat got hit in the snout and howled as he was thrown back alongside a hen and a male blue jay. He growled and got to his feet, looking like he was ready to run on all fours to catch up if he needed to. “¡Ese pato es carne muerta! FIND HIM!!”
After the hen and the blue jay got to their feet, they answered in unison. “¡Sí, capitán!”
They resumed their chase with the rest of their crew, looking through the dense trees and bushes for any signs of the missing duck. They searched every tree, every patch of undergrowth, and every twisting bend along the river. Still, even with such a large group, they did not spot a single white feather amongst the browns and greens of the landscape.
After a few minutes of searching, a whistle caught their attention. “Over here, tono sordos piratas!!” They all turned to see the duck they were chasing standing on a tree branch by the river.
The wolf growled angrily and drew the sword from the scabbard on his belt. “You DARE insult the star of the seas?!!!” He pointed his sword at the duck dramatically. “¡Destruyelo!”
There was a resounding shout of affirmation from the crew as they all charged at the duck at once. Unfortunately, their over-eagerness ended up being their downfall.
When they were only a few feet from the tree, the duck smirked and watched as they all fell into a tiger-pit-trap concealed by a layer of leaves and vines. It wasn’t very deep, but it was deep enough that it would take several minutes for all of them to get out.
“¡Adiós y buen viaje, capitán!” The duck gave a two finger salute to the captain before grabbing a vine and swinging away to another tree, laughing as he heard the angered wolf howl in rage at his retreating figure.
The duck continued running along the riverside until he found a small cottage a few miles away in the middle of nowhere. A quick glance around told him that no one was there. Noticing some laundry hanging on the drying lines outside, he hesitated for a moment before taking a jacket and a hat off of the clothesline.
“This’ll make it harder for them to spot me in town.” He reasoned while pulling a few gold coins from the sleeve of his sweater and leaving them on the cottage’s doorstep by way of apology.
Now that he had a half-way decent disguise and enough room to breathe, he continued at a slightly more relaxed pace. Eventually, he finally found his way to some roads and followed those instead, hoping they would lead him towards a town or that he could at least hitch a ride.
Unfortunately for him, hours went by with no cars in sight and storm clouds began to form overhead. At the first drop of rain hitting his bill, the duck glanced around and spotted the only thing he could take cover beneath- a highway overpass.
Moving quickly but still getting a little wet from the budding downpour, the duck sighed heavily and sat down on the hard concrete behind one of the pillars.
“Well,” He began while bringing his knees close to his chest. “This is some mess you’ve gotten yourself into..” He reached under the neckline of his sweater and pulled out a golden necklace with a gold and purple pendant on the end. Turning the pendant over so he could see the back, he read the inscription out loud to himself. “Fortune favors the brave. See you in Duckburg.” He turned it back over and looked at the purple glass with a frown. “Seriously, that’s all you give me to go on? No name, no instructions, no phone number- just ‘See you in Duckburg’?” He leaned his head back against the pillar with a groan. “How am I even supposed to GET to Duckburg? That’s all the way in America! Maybe I should have tried harder to start a mutiny and steal the ship…” He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling tired and strained from both his daring escape and his confusion regarding his future. “Hey..” He said with a sigh. “If anyone out there’s listening..can you give me a sign? What am I supposed to do here? Where can I go? How..How can I get to Duckburg…?” His voice cracked slightly on the last question, emotions welling up in his chest that felt so painful he nearly sobbed. After a minute, when nothing happened, he opened his eyes with a deep frown. “Yeah…that’s what I thought would happen…”
“AAAAH!” Then, to his startled surprise, something red and fluffy peered out at him from behind the pillar in front of him. It looked like some sort of short red bird in a white long-sleeved shirt with a blue stripe across the bottom and across each sleeve. For a moment after its first jarring scream, it just stared at him quietly with a weird smile on its yellow beak, before disappearing behind the pillar.
“What the-?” He began to ask when the bird suddenly walked out from behind the pillar he was leaning against. His head whipped around and he stared at the strange bird with wide eyes. “How did you-?!”
The bird didn’t give him an answer, instead it started to sing a strange song that had a lot of “ari” “ya” “pa” and “cuan” sounds to it while walking vertically up the pillar. It disappeared from his sight for a moment before reappearing on the next note of its song behind his shoulder. He turned his head to look at it, but it ducked down then reappeared behind his opposite shoulder, repeating the process a few times before he vanished from sight completely but his song was still very clearly heard around the duck.
Then, he felt and saw something rustling under his closed jacket and opened it to see the bird leap out while holding his unclasped necklace in its hands. “Wha-?! Hey! Give that back!”
He tried to snatch the necklace back from the bird, but it was fast for its size and scurried away by running backwards while still facing him. The duck shot to his feet and chased after the bird, trying to take back his necklace but the odd bird just kept singing and disappearing or shuffling away only to appear a few feet further head.
He followed the bird out into the rain during the chase, ignoring the way his clothes got soaked in a desperate attempt to reclaim what was his. At one point, though, he slipped on the wet pavement of the road and, when he scrambled to get up thinking the bird would get away, he was surprised to see it waiting for him while it sang.
“Huh?” He blinked, confused by the weird bird’s actions. When he started going after the bird again, it ran just like it had before. But, to test the theory forming in his mind, he stopped and was surprised to see that the bird stopped too. When he tried to turn around and go in the opposite direction, the bird suddenly appeared in front of him and screamed until, startled, he turned back around to see it standing in the same spot from before “Are you..trying to take me somewhere..?”
The bird stopped singing for a moment and smiled at him, tapping a finger to its beak with a nod of its head before scurrying up to him and holding out the hand with the necklace in it. It said some high-speed gibberish that the duck couldn’t really understand after he took back his necklace and secured it around his neck once more.
“Huh?” He tilted his head in confusion. “Sorry, I don’t-” The bird jumped up and grabbed him by the hand, tugging him along down the road. The bird was shorter than him, meaning he ended up slouching a bit to keep up with its pace, and it was surprisingly strong, so he wasn’t able to get away. “Oh, great.” He muttered. “A crazy little bird wants me to follow it..” Then, he blinked in surprise as a thought occurred to him. “Ohhh..” At an insistent tug on his hand followed by a barrage of chatter, he finally relented and allowed the little bird to pull him along. “Okay, okay- I can take a hint. Just wish they could’ve given me a more subtle sign…” He muttered the last part under his breath as he followed the odd little bird’s lead.
He didn’t know where he was going, but, he figured, it was better than sitting under an overpass doing nothing.
The red bird eventually led the duck to an old mansion along the coast. It was a more than a little gaudy thanks to the large dollar sign on the front and it looked like it had been abandoned for years judging by the state of disarray both the building and the grounds were in.
“What a dump..” The duck said while looking through the bars of the gate surrounding the property. “Hey, why did you bring me he..re..?” His questions trailed off when he turned his head to look down at the red bird, but, to his surprise, it was nowhere to be seen. “Aaaaand he’s gone. Great..”
The duck pushed open the gate and headed for the front door. “Might as well get out of the rain.” Being under the cover provided by the front entrance helped him feel a bit better, but, as he looked at the door, he started to feel a sense of familiarity.
“Huh..weird..have I been here before..?” He reached for the door knob, but hesitated and drew his hand back briefly. “There’s no way it’s unlocked.” He hesitated for a moment more, glancing around to make sure no one else was there, then slowly reached for the door knob and turned it. To his surprise, it opened with ease. “Wow..guess they don’t care about looters..”
He walked in and took a look around the interior of the mansion- it was dusty, but not unbearably so. “Hello?” He called while looking around. “Anyone here?” The only noise he heard in response was the continued rain fall from outside, so he closed the door behind himself and walked further in.
As he took his time exploring the mansion, he came across several different pictures hanging on the walls. He saw several ducks and even a few geese in the images and he assumed they were related. The more images he saw, the more that sense of familiarity and nostalgia he experienced at the door grew.
“Why does this place feel so..familiar..?” He asked himself with a troubled frown when he stopped at an end table in the hall covered in old knick-knacks. He picked up an old, dusty teddy bear that looked like something a child had forgotten behind one of the picture frames and looked it over in his hand. The longer he gazed at it, the more images began to flash through his mind.
“Smiling bears..” He sang softly under his breath, an image of a friendly grizzly bear with a smiling face flashing through his mind. “Golden wings..” Next he saw a golden headband with wings on the side of it, sitting on the head of someone whose face he couldn’t remember. “Things I almost remember. And a song someone sings..” He could hear a tune in his head as he sang, so familiar but he could never remember the words. “Once upon a December…”
He set the bear down and closed his eyes. He walked through the mansion like that, his body guiding him as a warm feeling welled up within his chest. A soft blue glow surrounded him and, with his eyes closed, his mind conjured up moving silhouettes of people in various colors. Before long, it was like he was at a party, surrounded by these unseen, faceless people who all felt so familiar to him. Some of the silhouettes’ shapes matched the images he’d seen- a red duck figure with a hat, a green one with combed-back hair that somehow felt pretentious even without a face, a pink female duck with a bow on her head- and he felt comforted by their presence.
Then, his mind conjured up two silhouettes of red and green, one on either side of him, which wrapped their arms around him tenderly. “Someone holds me safe and warm.” The green one moved in front of him with a spin and energy exploded outwards from its hands, lighting up the darkness with stars across the ceiling. “Comets race through a stellar storm.” Within the stars, he saw copies of the red and green ones that were currently holding him fighting alongside a blue figure against something large and monstrous. “Heroes fighting valiantly, within my memory.”
The figures in the stars fought and clashed with the frightening monster, a rainbow of colors erupting from them as they faced off with it. The battle grew further and further from his vision, as if it was leaving his mind and the duck held his head in his hands as if he were in pain- desperately trying to bring the images back as both the ones above and the ones around him flickered in and out of focus.
“Far away, long ago…Glowing dim as an ember,” The silhouettes began to fade and tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes. “Things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember!”
The red and green figures solidified again and grabbed his hands to pull them away from his face, looking so kind and caring as they gazed at him even without visible faces. They pulled him into their arms, the warmth and comfort helping him focus again.
“Someone holds me safe and warm. Comets race through a stellar storm.” He relaxed and tilted his head up to where the stars were flickering in and out of focus above him, the battling silhouettes barely visible in the distance. “Heroes fighting valiantly, within my memory.”
He “looked” back out at the many silhouettes scattered throughout the area around him. They parted for him, forming a path down a hallway that the red and green silhouettes still holding onto him led him down by the hands. He willingly followed them, feeling as if he’d walked this very path several times before.
“Far away, long ago…Glowing dim as an ember,” He saw more colors and silhouettes- a tall golden woman, three smaller ones in purple, orange, and yellow- the closer he got to his destination. “Things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember!”
They stopped at a door that the duck opened himself, feeling the knob in his hand enough to know it was real. As he walked in with the red and green figures still holding onto his arms, he saw a small group of different silhouettes waiting for him inside:
One was a golden duck with a top hat, standing on the left side of something across the room in front of him. Another was a light blue duck with bobbed hair, standing on the right side of that same something across the room. And, on the floor between the two, were three tiny silhouettes in red, blue, and green.
He made his way towards the group, the pair that led him inside slowly letting go of him. “And a song,” First the red one released him, pressing its head against his as if giving him a kiss before vanishing. “Someone sings,” Next the green one let go, taking his hand and giving it a kiss before vanishing as well. “Once upon a December…” He walked to where the other figures were waiting for him, feeling as if they were smiling at him and the tenderness and love he felt from them made tears fall from his closed eyes again.
He opened his eyes at last, the remaining silhouettes vanishing as he did so.
When he looked up, he realized he was in a bedroom now. He was standing next to a dresser adorned with miniature diecast boat figurines and, in front of him, between where the two figures were standing, was a large framed portrait.
In the picture, he saw an older male duck wearing a top hat and dressed in a red coat. On the other side was a much younger female duck wearing a brown jacket and a light blue scarf. And, in the center between them, was a male duck that looked to be about the same age as the female duck, dressed in a blue sailor suit.
“Who..is that..?” He mumbled to himself while walking closer to it. “Looks..familiar..” Unfortunately, he wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking and inadvertently stepped on a small ship that had gotten knocked off of the dresser at some point. “Waaaah!” He let out a startled noise as he tripped, knocking over the dresser and causing a loud crash to ring out through the room. “Uh oh..” He quickly got up and tried to move the dresser back into place, but accidentally set it down on his foot. “Yeowch!” He jumped backwards on one foot, his hands reaching down to hold the injured one as he jumped around. This led to him slipping on the spot of water that had formed due to his wet clothes when he fell earlier and now caused him to fall backwards, knocking him into the painting and sending it off-kilter. “Oh no!” He scrambled to catch it, barely keeping it from hitting the floor, but, when he tried to turn and stick it back on the wall, he accidentally knocked a vase off of a nearby end table by the bed. “Oh, come on!” He complained after he got the painting hung up.
Deciding it would be best for him (and the furniture) to clear the floor of any further tripping hazards, he knelt down and began picking up the boat figurines and other knick-knacks that fell off of the dresser when he knocked it over earlier.
While he was busy working on collecting the small objects, the door was suddenly kicked open behind him.
“No se mueva! Don’t move!” An unfamiliar voice called out to him and he froze in fear.
Oh no! They’d found him! They’d found him and they were here to drag him back or kill him or-!
“Turn around.” A different voice said.
His pulse was hammering loudly in his veins as he did what was asked of him. Stiffly, he turned around and raised his hands to show he was unarmed but kept his eyes closed, too nervous to see what fate awaited him. He was shaking, he knew he was, but he couldn’t help it-!
“Abre tus ojos.” The first voice he’d heard said. “Come on, look at us.”
“……” Swallowing down his nerves, the duck cautiously did as he was told and opened his eyes just a sliver. The first thing he saw, however, was a gun pointed directly at him and he panicked. “!!” He tried to take a step away so he could run, but his foot landed on one of the boat figurines still on the floor (the original one that tripped him the first time, he’d realize later), and he slipped. His back and head hit the wall behind him and he felt his hat slip over his face, the impact leaving his ears ringing.
Distantly, he could hear the other people talking, but he couldn’t understand a word they were saying. In a daze, he managed to get to his feet, rubbing at the sore spot on his head.
When he opened his eyes again, he saw the two people he’d heard earlier staring at him. One of them, the one with the gun, was a rooster dressed in an odd furry hat. The other was a green parrot in a more casual outfit and wielding…an umbrella? Okay, that was a bit odd.
What was even weirder was that they were staring at him as if they’d seen a ghost. He raised an eyebrow at the weird looks they were giving him, and was about to ask why they were staring, when the rooster suddenly shouted in excitement and ran over to him.
“Donald!” The rooster yelled with tears glistening in his eyes. “¡Mi amigo!” He wrapped the duck in his arms and held him tight, making the mallard’s heart skip and his face flush under his feathers. “AAAAAAH!” He let go just enough to look down into the shorter bird’s eyes and started speaking so fast that the duck could hardly keep up with him. “Where have you been?! We’ve been looking everywhere for you! We got Xandra and the girls to help, and your uncle sent submarines, and me and Zé traveled all over and-!”
More than a little confused by that point, the duck frowned and asked the first question he could think of. “Who’s Donald?” The rooster went silent and, as he looked between his face and the parrot’s, the confused and concerned duck felt like he’d just witnessed their hearts shattering to pieces before his eyes.
He didn’t know why, but the sadness in those eyes pulled on his heartstrings so hard that it hurt.
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End Notes: I swear, I won’t do parodies of ALL the songs in Anastasia, it just felt appropriate to do one or two since the Legend of the Caballeros show was an occasional musical, too x3
Translation Notes:
“¡Nunca voy a volver!” - "I will never come back!"
¡Ese pato es carne muerta! - That duck is dead meat!
“¡Sí, capitán!” - "Yes captain!"
“Over here, tono sordos piratas!!” - “Over here, tone deaf pirates !!
“¡Destruyelo!” - “Destroy him!”
“¡Adiós y buen viaje, capitán!” - "Goodbye and good riddance, captain!" (this one was a bit of a joke, as buen viaje can translate to either “good trip” like what you’d wish someone when they go sailing, or to “good riddance”)
(Everything else at the end was already translated in the previous chapter)
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