#Custom tamagotchi
sperotonin · 2 months
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BEHOLD MY SON SPLART. I painted his enclosure and put him on a bracelet. Splart is a very good boy and and has survived almost a whole 48 hours.
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oldschoolvpq · 11 days
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Put your hands together for the star of the show!
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mi1es · 10 months
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My lite Spamton I can take anywhere
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mawuczi · 1 year
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Latest custom i made for a trade 💖 
Nazotchi deserves all the love, it’s one of my favorite characters and the post office theme is 👌
I wish i could deliver happy packages to people too... i try my best 🥺
1 custom tama slot is open on my k0-fi right now, links are on the “More” page.
Or just search for mawuczi on google, i’m pretty sure i’m the only mawuczi around 👀
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ghostycompanion · 8 months
Back with a new small update
Still planning on doing this even tho the dsmp ended long ago, the programming has sadly not started yet but I cans at what I'm planing to have included in it!!
So Design wise will it be a design like the classic Tamagotchi design of I make it physical
When it comes game play wise so will I make some of wilburs songs, and dsmp fan song that are about Wilbur and ghostbur
If you leave ghostbur to long alone so will he forget everything and you will need to start over
There will be small mini games in it and he Will be able to eat stuff like bread
I might make a small chat bubble for him
Also if/when this happens if it will be physical, would anyone be interested in buy a ghostbur fanzine
Cus I could make prints and stickers too
That's all for this update!!!
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grimrester · 11 months
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ok, i sanded down my poor paint job to redo it and it's much better now! i can finally stop fiddling with it now 🙏
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viridis-bestia · 3 months
I made a bunch of test Uni and Pix Tamagotchi Faceplates! Now notice that 99.9% of these are from Pinterest and I'll do my best to find the Original artists and credit them! ♥
But These were purely made to test out how these would look like and I want to share these with you :> Without any profit!
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rosie-tama · 9 months
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Background for Tamagotchi Meets/ON: Witchy room
FREE download and installation instructions here: https://ko-fi.com/s/704c6312ce
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hellpastel · 1 year
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I didn't really like the mint leopard print so i took of this face plate and made it Cinnamoroll themed, the logo covers his face though XD
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totopopopo · 1 year
As you all know. I work at an elementary school. And for Christmas, a bunch of kids got tamagotchis. Well. One girl fucking FORGOT her tamagotchi at school. And I saw it and was like oh fuck. So I took it home for the weekend and now am saddled with the responsibility of keeping it alive until Monday afternoon when I see her again.
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darkmedolie · 3 months
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i'm making another tamagotchi smart mod yessssss
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chrono-phage · 8 months
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Woopatchi is done!!! This was the first amigurumi I made by just eyeballing a reference image and I am pretty proud of myself 🌟
I am considering typing up the pattern 🤔
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oldschoolvpq · 3 months
Magical Multicolor Morino
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Can you spot the difference? Well, 3 spots, actually...I decided to mix and match the buttons! This is a very easy mod so long as you're comfortable disassembling your precious pets. (I claim no responsibility for any damage that happens to your Tama - or to you - by using the techniques shown!)
First, a look at the inside of the front half of the unit:
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You'll notice there's support bridges filling the empty space between the button holes. These help to hold the buttons steady so you have the proper pressure to actually input commands. Tamagotchi buttons are one color because it's faster and cheaper to manufacture and install a single connected piece with all 3 buttons instead of triple that. Understandable, but we're customizing here!
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Cut your buttons along the lines where the support bridges would fall. Cut them smaller and you risk the button falling through and getting stuck inside the unit; too big and your Tama won't close, or it will but won't work right due to uneven pressure being applied to the screen. That said, it doesn't need to be super exact. I will note you'll want to use sharp scissors and cut decisively - rubber stretches, and if you're not assertive you'll end up with weird shapes at the bottom.
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Do the same with your other buttons, then install as shown. Since you're installing from the back, put the buttons in reverse order that you'd actually like them to be: in my Tama, the A button is yellow while the C button is red.
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Zooming in, you'll notice each button has certain indentations that match the shell's frame. Very convenient, and they're the same on both classic and modern Tamas.
Modern Tama buttons from the Originals have a slightly thinner base that makes them very bouncy to press - highly recommended for the A button! They can be installed in a classic Tama without any additional modifications, but you'll need to mod the modern body a bit to fit old buttons in a new shell. Ask me how I know.
Anyway! Once the buttons are in, reassemble and you're done!
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I added a neon green international P1 back to mine so I could make use of that keyring.
One of these days maybe I'll have time to play with this cute little bug!
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mi1es · 10 months
made some more new items!💚🩷
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Decided to make some more deltarune themed food ( lancer cookie is up next )
And spamtontchi is doing good 👍
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Soon very soon 😈😈😈😈😈🩷💛
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bloomics · 1 month
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leftover stims
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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ghostycompanion · 1 year
This is the official moodboard for
this project
(more things may be added at anytime)
I have started with programming and
the sprites will be revealed soon
I'm really happy for anyone that is following this project
Feel free to leave requests at any time :)
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