femsolid · 5 months
The documentary showed footage of Depardieu on a trip to North Korea in 2018 to mark the secretive state’s 70th anniversary. The actor, who had travelled to Pyongyang with a TV crew and knew he was being filmed, made obscene comments to women, and about women, repeatedly sexually harassed a female translator and made sexual comments about a child at an equestrian centre whom he saw riding a horse. On Friday, the footage was described by the leftwing member of the European parliament Manon Aubry as “vile”.
So to be more precise since I've seen the footage and I speak french, big trigger warning, Depardieu is looking at a 10 years old korean girl riding a horse and explains that "women love riding horses because they rub their clitoris on it, they cum a lot, the women who ride horses are big whores". Talking about the girl he says "if the horse starts running she'll cum" and the young girl turns towards him and he laughs "yeah, that's right my little girl, keep it up, see how she's rubbing it?". He tells another korean woman (I think she's his interpretor) 'why aren't you riding? It feels good!" before looking her up and down making grunting noises. He later tells her "I want to become a horse to rub against your pussy, you'll scream "my pussy!"". Obviously the north korean people around him can't understand what he's saying and the interpretor is very uncomfortable and confused. Then he's sitting to take pictures with some people, including a korean woman, and he says "go ahead, take the picture while I touch your ass, and your little mussel that must be very hairy and already smelling like a mare." At the hospital a nurse is next to him and he makes grunting noises again. He gives his weight to the interpretor before grabbing her shoulder, she steps back but he presses on and says "that's because I don't have an erection, I weigh more with an erection". Then he's at the airport with the interpretor and he tells her in french "you're gonna go take your shower and you'll be thinking of me", she doesn't understand so he mimicks taking a shower singing and she laughs. He looks at the documentary crew and starts laughing at her and says "her little pussy" before leaving and she's left confused as to what happened. Then his interpretor tries to explain to him the architecture and tells him in french that it's all made of wood, he responds "yes, wood, like my cock" but she doesn't understand, he adds "I've got a wooden plank in my boxers right now, but..." then he looks at the documentary crew and laughs at the fact that she didn't understand again. I mean it's endless, literally any time a woman is around he talks about her genitals and what he wants to do to her using absolutely revolting language that's hard to translate in english. And the poor interpretor, she's so sweet and polite, she took the time to learn french only to be confused by a litany of misogynistic slurs and degradation by a man who tries to humiliate her on purpose.
Depardieu is currently under investigations for multiple rapes, so he wrote an open letter stating that he had never abused a woman in his life, that it would be "like kicking my mother in the stomach", yes again the "I'm not sexist I love my mom" mantra. Yet we have here several instances of sexual harassement that took place in a matter of weeks and on camera without any shame.
Yann Moix, the author of the documentary was happy with it and wanted to do another one, but in the end the documentary never came out and the footage we're seeing has been published without his consent, which made him angry. But hey, you might remember Yann Moix because he made headlines too in 2019:
Moix, the author of several prize-winning novels, added that women in their 50s were “invisible” to him. “I prefer younger women’s bodies, that’s all. End of. The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all,” he said, adding that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. “It’s perhaps sad and reductive for the women I go out with but the Asian type is sufficiently rich, large and infinite for me not to be ashamed.”
So, a man who has a fetish on asian girls, probably a user of prostitution, went to an asian dictatorship with a fellow rapist where they sexually harassed women and girls. I also remember Yann Moix saying on TV that Michael Jackson could not possibly have raped a kid because he was a kid himself (in his head or something).
Back to Depardieu:
The documentary also interviewed the actress Charlotte Arnould, who went to the police five years ago, accusing Depardieu of rape and sexual assault on two occasions at his home in Paris in 2018, when she was 22 and Depardieu, a friend of her father, was 70. Depardieu was placed under formal investigation for alleged rape and sexual assault in the case in December 2020. Depardieu’s lawyers have denied all allegations against him. Arnould told the documentary that she had been anorexic at the time of the alleged attack and it had been “absolute horror”. In Thursday’s documentary, the actress Sarah Brooks, who appeared in a TV series with Depardieu in 2015, alleged that one day, while the actors were standing for a photo, he had repeatedly forced his hand into her shorts, despite her repeatedly pushing him off. When she protested to those TV crew around her that Depardieu had put his hands in her shorts, she claims the star replied: “I thought you wanted to succeed in cinema,” and everyone laughed.
And let's remind ourselves that Depardieu admitted to raping girls during his youth. Yes he literally said so to a TIME reporter in 1978 "I had plenty of rapes, too many to count." Asked if he had participated in rapes, Depardieu said yes. "But it was absolutely normal in those circumstances," he added. Depardieu later denied making the statements and threatened a libel suit against TIME and any news organization that reprinted them. "It is perhaps accurate to say that I had sexual experiences at an early age," the actor said in a statement. "But rape -- never. I respect women too much." The statements were on tape so he definitely said that and that's why his threats were ignored. And in any case, he said the same thing to french men's magazine Lui: he said he participated in gang rapes: "we raped a lot of girls with my buddies, but I would always go last because I was the youngest. The girl would say "go on, let's end this I can't take this any longer."" This has all been known since the 70s. While in the USA they tried to boycott him after that, nothing happened in France. He was born in 1948 so he's been raping women and girls for around 60 years and is only now being investigated for a couple of them.
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sissa-arrows · 4 months
There's currently a French actor (Gérard Depardieu) who was accused by more than a dozen women of SA throughout the years, and was even filmed in a recent documentary talking sexually about an 11 year old child. Not to mention all his other misogynist comments previous years. And now other actors and politicians are standing by him because "he did good work" and "by attacking him you are attacking art". Right, because that's all it takes to be forgiven. Even Macron defended him, not suprisingly.
This reminds me in my country men only "care" about SA when foreigners do it (read: non-white foreigners, because when German expat men were found to be running child SA rings between themselves no one talked about it), and will do everything in their power to defend eachother when it's them who are the assailants. It's so vile, like not even a week ago there was an article about a woman who was SA in an Uber, and men on social media went WE NEED TO BAN THESE RAPIST FOREIGNERS BAN EMIGRATION PROTECT OUR WOMEN then when another article mentioned it was a local suddenly they go quiet and don't speak about it further. Hm.
I have nothing to add about Depardieu (I will make a post about him but France is crossing all the limits so I have so many posts to make about so many subjects).
But it reminded me something. Yesterday a man killed his ex wife and their four children. The police knew that he was a threat and that he was violent. The far right did NOT say anything. You know why? Because all the recent crime of men killing their wife/ex wife were done by white men the latest was even done by a cop… the SECOND the guy’s id leaked and they realized he was black they ALL jumped on it. Started saying Black and Brown men are a threat to women and all. When they thought he was white crickets… nothing.
There’s a “feminist” white supremacist association. White women claiming the only threat against women are black and brown men. One of the members got violently beat up… by a white man. Cricket and they keep saying white men are not a problem and all.
They don’t care about women or children they care about blaming Black and Brown men. Had a Black or Brown actor said something like Depardieu did they would be ripping him a new one (rightfully). Depardieu sexualized a 9-10 years old little girl, talking about “her pussy” and calling her a “slut” but Macron is supporting him and saying he admire him and the people who claim to protect women and children are signing letters of support for him.
And I mentioned the far right but it’s throughout all of the political spectrum. A candidate in a leftist party in France received soooooo much hate because he is North African. It was a mess. In the middle of all that hate the party posted a communique saying that they received complain about sexual harassment from the guy’s ex. So they decided to cut him off and to replace him with a white candidate. Now replacing him with a white candidate is fishy as fuck but cutting him off is not. I mean either he is guilty and we avoiding electing a piece of shit or he is innocent and not being elected is not the end of his life. So I think the choice was right (but he should have been replaced by an other person of color). The party was like “we support women so we can’t let that happen even if he hasn’t had a trial yet better to kick him out”. Like I said it’s fair. Fast forward a couple months later. One of the member of that party is accused of beating his wife. He ADMITS it’s true. He goes on trial say it was just a couple slaps. Get judged guilty. The party refused to kick him out. He is still a member of this party. When we said that he should be kicked out they said “justice will do the job not us” and then when he was judged guilty of slapping his ex wife they said “well Justice punished him we’re not going to do more” Guess what? He is white.
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philoursmars · 3 months
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Carnaval !
Une assez longue série sur une expo du MuCEM, à Marseille : "le monde à l'Envers"
les 2 premiers : char de défilé "Le Roi de l'Emprunt Grec" (Nice)
les 2 suivants : char de défilé "Free Pussy Riot" (Cologne, Allemagne) avec un ours de la justice, le sombre Poutine qu'adore Depardieu en Obélix
costume de danseur de samba (Rio de Janeiro)
masques divers
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le-mec-libre · 4 months
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detournementsmineurs · 7 months
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"Fanny Ardant - Naisance d'une Passion" documentaire de William Karel (2022), octobre 2023.
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Le monstre re·trouvera toujours sa forêt
L'identité est abstraite, tout le monde a besoin de représentations pour se comprendre. Le cinéma est aussi là pour ça : voir pour se voir. Il permet de construire, à travers les yeux d'autres, son propre regard. Tu y captes les dynamiques extérieures que reflètent les corps dans la société (origines, genre, âge, etc). Petit à petit, tu piges les privilèges des autres puis les tiens te sautent au visage. Tu apprends aussi où vont tes désirs et de quoi ils sont faits. Tu découvres qui tu es dans le regard des autres, en essayant de pas y conformer trop ton miroir intérieur. À toi maintenant d'en faire un usage réfléchi, de représenter les tiens et les tiennes.
Chez Park Chan-Wook, l'homosexualité est montrée comme échappatoire à la perversité masculine des riches dans Mademoiselle (2016). Les réalisateurs sud-coréens qui s'exportent évoquent souvent la lutte des classes par celle d'en bas. Romantisation de la pauvreté ou tuto ? En salle, devant Parasite (2019), il suffisait de voir qui rigolait pendant que les bourges en prenaient plein la gueule dans ce film humide (Bong Joo-ho prend la palme d'or à Cannes avec), pour savoir qui n'avait pas de résidence secondaire. Être pauvre ou instable, c'est déjà être à part. Dans Decision to Leave (2020), un flic déménage en pensant tout laisser derrière lui mais l'amour d'une suspecte étrangère le rattrape. La solitude face au sentiment amoureux dans ce quasi-road trip - où l'intrigue ne se passe jamais à un seul endroit/temporalité à la fois - met le spectateur dans une situation de rejet. Puis il y a toutes ces scènes de voyeurisme à la jumelle, avec l'excuse du travail, qui scelle l'amour des protagonistes. On ne sait pas vraiment à quel moment elle se sait regardée. Pourtant, c'est ce regard qui les lie, dans deux solitudes voulues qui se rejoignent. La honte se mêle à leurs désirs d'indépendance, honte de se trouver enfin, au mépris (adieu Jean-Luc) des conventions sociales et des parcours professionnels. Se sentir différent, c'est aussi la solitude tout court, l'impression d'être à part. Comme pour l'héroïne de Rien à Foutre (2020), à qui il manque l'ambition que voudrait lui imposer la logique patriarco-capitaliste. Pourtant l'étrangeté de ces héros apparait tard dans les âges de la vie. Pourquoi ? Surement parce que ces gens ont encore le droit à une intimité partagée hétéro-normée. Iels ont la possibilité d'imaginer et se créer un espace à deux ou plus qui reprend des topos binaires ; comme la séquence de drague alcoolisée qu'Exarchopoulos partage avec Egloff dans une esthétique comme éclairée frontalement avec un flash de portable empruntée par Marre et Lecoustre aux gonzos porn du début de notre siècle. Cette intimité est refusée à Marillier dans Grave (2016) où ses envies différentes (et sanglantes pour l'allégorie) l'ostracisent avant que ses parents lui expliquent. Les hétéros ne sont bons qu'à crever plein de souvenirs dégoulinants dont plus personne ne sait plus quoi faire. C'est au milieu de la maladie et des mensonges routiniers que le terrible Vortex (2021) de Noe prend vie. L'amour qui se prolonge est forcément un drame, Argento aurait dû laisser Lebrun remplir leur appartement parisien de gaz. Ils amassent des souvenirs à deux, le montage en split-screen ajoute à la réflexion de ce qu'il restera de leur vie commune. Et leur gamin junkie parait en comparaison bien moins chaotique que ses vieux. C'est lui qui est tatoué, père séparé, accro, bizarre en somme, pourtant il n'y a plus que lui pour faire les cartons. Stable en fait, ce héros caché et peu sûr de lui c'est nous, les monstres qui vont devoir prendre les choses en main car on a arrêté de rêver il y a longtemps.
Plus pailleté, Mandinco nous chante Kate Bush qui se planque dans la forêt. Comme la chanteuse, son héroïne s'y cache pour ne plus être stigmatisée et même pourchassée. Fétichisation des porteuses de chapeau ? On se demande toujours qui fuit et dans son Paradis Sale (2022), il n'y a que des femmes pour reproduire les rapports de force sociaux et corporels de notre bonne vieille planète bleue si lointaine. La civilisation s'est barrée ailleurs faire des maisons en béton effet drapé pour continuer d'exister. Dans ce western, les pointées-du-doigt sont les seules à mériter la caméra qui les suit dans un road-trip acidulé. Elles sont condamnées, excommuniées et vivent leur sexualité où l'expérience fait spiritualité. Tout boue. Et à tout âge : l'adolescence suintante d'une jeune fille confronte ses désirs au monde extérieur que lui montre sa mère. Kate s'en fout, elle veut baiser la mère et la fille et repartir. Les autres tableaux font des portraits qui en resteront là, sur le bord de la route de leurs haineuses banalités, enfermées et robotiques. Ne restera au final que la narration enchevêtrée dans les souvenirs de cette jeune adulte qui se branle sous le plancher. Essaie aussi de te procurer Amours & Métamorphoses (2014). Yariv y reprend les mythes d'Ovide autour du genre et de la sensualité. Tout y beau et tu veux déjà l'affiche de Brigade_Cynophile dans ton salon. Je ne me souviens pas qu'elle y parle de Lycaon, que Zeus transforme en loup mais les Twilight et compagnie font résonner encore dans nos cœurs d'inadaptés ces humains poilus bavant à la lune. Hurlements (1981) de Joe Dante est ressorti en 4k restaurée cet été. C'est l'histoire d'une journaliste qui fouille le traumatisme d'un viol vécu avec un loup-garou dans un sex-shop. Son enquête se poursuit dans la secte pro-sexe d'un psy, où se consomme quantifiablement le charnel en échappant un peu le modèle du couple nucléaire normalisé. La nature animale du désir est au centre de cette thérapie, avec plusieurs pistes de lecture. La figure du monstre se joue encore en dehors de la société et les effets spéciaux, prodigieux de l'époque et sans effet de montage, montrent la transformation sans pudeur. Comme le prouvent ces films, les corps vont alors être aussi déterminants pour le regard de la société, au-delà de la sexualité. Le cinéma sait aussi montrer les violences qui en découlent et donne des hypothèses cathartiques pour la dépasser. Avec Jackass 4.5 (2022), par exemple, on joue l'ambiguïté homo-érotique moins frontale où la diversité des enveloppes charnelles ne sont montrées que pour l'effet humoristique adolescent et peut-être au nom d'une diversité bafouée. Le harcèlement y est quasi-documentaire. Je vous conseille un très beau texte de Marguerin sur ce sujet qui redore le blason de Mickael Youn (Les Lois Fondamentales de la Biologie, 2017, page 240 dans Anthologie Douteuses chez Rotulux Press, 2021).
Pour s'éloigner encore de ces cases où on range les sexualités, dans un flou traumatique Robuste (2021) de Meyer, observe les corps qui ne rentrent pas dans les diktats contemporains. "On peut être difforme et beau quand même" dit le vieux "Georges" Depardieu à la jeune lutteuse/garde du corps Lukumuena en regardant des poissons-lanterne dans un aquarium de bourgeois. Plans serrés pour ne jamais vraiment voir leur gras. Leur monstruosité c'est que personne ne peut vraiment les aimer. Ils sont tout en antithèse dans leur rapport au monde comme avec celui-ci. Leur sexualité est montrée timidement car ce sont des amours à sens unique où on ne se dit rien. Relecture traumatique de la fan que la réalisatrice a aussi été, avec une scène gênante ; on y voit une femme éblouie par l'idée qu'elle se fait du héros, bien loin la réalité du vécu difficile du héros incompris, riche et borderline. Le poids de la société se sent aussi avec l'outing montré dans Tremblements (2019). C'est aux personnes concernées de laisser voir leur manière d'aimer et de se découvrir. Il a heureusement une relecture de l'Histoire dans le cinéma actuel. Le XIXe est montré avec sa culture queer censurée mais plus oubliée ou à demi-mot, avec First Cow (2019) ou Tabou (1999) par exemple. Ce ne sont pas des utopies, mais des souvenirs fiévreux qui donnent envie de les réapproprier. Et on peut aussi trouver son bonheur sans honte ni censure dans l'histoire du Cinéma avec Les Marguerites (1966) par exemple où un couple de femmes michtonne les riches et fait des bêtises avec la nourriture. Libérateur et beau. Par contre si t'as cru que j'allais parler du Rocky Horror, c'est micro-baisé !
L'autre coup, après le tournage d'un clip cheaposse, un type 6-7 me demande de définir le terme queer. Il a dit qu'il était en période de découverte et voulait ce terme pour lui alors qu'il se disait "normal", comme en opposition - ew - mais avait déjà embrasser un pote. Les queers sont normaux aussi. Iels n'ont juste pas choisis de se faire exclure par ce genre de discours essayant trop maladroitement de ne pas juger. Une fois encore, c'était mon ex-belle-mère qui m'avait demandé. Et s'était empressée de chercher sur google avant la fin de ma réponse, elle croyait pas que ça vienne d'une insulte. Être queer c'est être en minorité risible, se faire juger avec ou sans les mots alors qu'on essaie juste d'aimer (les autres et même avoir l'outrecuidance de se laisser un peu de kiff pour soi-même). Être queer c'est chercher une représentation au cinéma, même quand elle est censurée. C'est donc choisir, parfois sans le vouloir, le mauvais goût des masses comme refuge. Être queer c'est se trouver un espace pour les sien·ne·s là où les autres ne veulent pas regarder. Et puis souvent, les hétéros nous piquent nos endroits/mots quand ces lieux/termes deviennent instagramables, tant mieux : c'est le moment de se casser pour se retrouver un petit coin à nous. Aimer, ailleurs, encore.
Identités Queer / Monstruosités, zine carriola, octobre 2022
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chien-fantome · 2 months
Mon programme politique si je viens aux affaires...
ARCHIVES 📁 Dieudonné et Guillaume Depardieu interviewé par Karl Zéro pour leurs candidature à la présidentielle 2002
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lejournaldupeintre · 4 months
Depardieu accusations expose divide in France over sexism
When people attack Gérard Depardieu in this way, they are attacking art!” Five days after the publication in Le Figaro of an open letter in support of the actor, under investigation for rape and sexual assault, 600 artists have signed a “counter-open letter” to “express [their] disagreement with this idea.” The text, published by the Cerveaux non disponibles collective on Friday, December 29, and…
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micmacplanet · 4 months
chasse à l’homme..
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tweetmedia · 4 months
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actus du moment
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ivovynckier · 11 months
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Gérard Depardieu now regrets his Russian citizenship and asks "la France profonde" to forgive him. Note: he still lives in Belgium to avoid taxes.
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coraorvat · 1 year
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Based on my gaming experience, so might need some explaining: right after the Disco Elysium Jamais Vu update, when I first discovered that Kim can get different icon and jacket, there weren't yet any clear instructions how exactly to make it happen. The only two discussions I found online on the subject said that it's connected to Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket* achievement (implying Pissf****t one), but how precisely to get it was unclear and ‘possibly bugged, you might need to try several times’ yadda yadda (and after encountering the Pigs bug it didn’t sound that far-fetched).
Without going into many details my stubborn ass had to do three whole runs (not counting multiple reloads and replays) before finally figuring out you simply have to finish entire game in a hard-core mode (no need to bother with piss jacket at all). So when I FINALLY, after several weeks, on the verge of desperation hurried down and saw Kim in the new jacket, me and Harry both practically weeped from joy~ *to the point I was genuinely surprised there's no dialogue to aknowledge the change (and after all of the self-imposed sufferring I kinda needed one, so...here we are)
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medya-press · 2 years
Dünyaca ünlü oyuncu Gerard Depardieu, İstanbul'da
Dünyaca ünlü oyuncu Gerard Depardieu, İstanbul’da
Gérard Depardieu’nun geçtiğimiz yıllarda adı açıklanmayan 22 yaşındaki bir aktrisin kendisini cinsel tacizle suçlamasından sonra soruşturma geçirdiği belirtildi. Fransız ve dünya sinemasının en önemli isimlerinden birisi olan Depardieu’ya karşı suçlamanın ağustos ayının sonunda yapılırken, taciz olayının Paris’in merkezinde 7 ve 13 Ağustos tarihlerinde bir evde gerçekleştiği iddia…
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unetealombre · 2 years
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The top 8 books to read in July 2022
The top 8 books to read in July 2022
Here are The top 8 books I plan to read in June 2022 Click on the covers to know more 📚 CURRENTLY READING 📚      📚 Upgrade, by Blake Crouch Science-fiction Expected publication: July 12th 2022 by Ballantine Books Received for review through Netgalley Yes, I am finally discovering Blake Crouch! So far (10%) read, I love it and the plot sounds very promising. “‘You are the next step in human…
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detournementsmineurs · 11 months
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Michèle Baumgartner et Gérard Depardieu dans “La Femme d'à Côté” de François Truffaut (1981), mai 2023.
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