#Fit At 47
chenthil-fitness · 2 years
Bending my back, Slowly and steadily.
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chenthil · 2 years
Chakrasana / Wheel Pose. Need to get the arms straighter.
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afterartist · 1 month
Rise my beloved >>>>
Also sunset scene for Yall (feel free to use however (with credit)
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qtubbo · 3 months
Tubbo suggests that he adopts Ramon so he can have create, I love Fit’s face of realization that yeah technically that would work, though why was his first thought marriage???
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the-random-phan · 1 year
For my "Danny universe hops to TMA and Elias hires him on the spot" AU
At first glance, Michael Distortion probably looks a lot like a ghost...
(Set at the end of MAG 47, "The New Door")
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Bonus after the fact;
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ellenchain · 4 months
47 and Lucas have to undercover in a symphonic orchestra. Which instrument do they choose as cover?
oh wow you always have the best questions!!
That's really difficult to say?
Because Lucas is still the guitar guy for me, but in an orchestra there are (usually) no guitars. Maybe a string instrument, like violin or cello (nice and sad).
47 seems to like drums (after all, he plays very well), maybe he would take a timpani or anything rattling (we remember Santa Fortuna) - something that doesn't play too often so he can concentrate on his mission.
But I'm not sure, because I imagine they can play all the instruments well. But which are their favourite ones? Who knows, what would you say??
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tacticalhimbo · 24 days
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How long, LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire?
— Psalms 89:46 ; Hitman Absolution (Attack of the Saints Trailer)
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lucas-grey · 6 months
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In honour of my Papa I wear his favourite christmas socks today with different christmas duckies on them. And I think it is a funny coincidence, because these socks could also be perfect Hitman socks 😁
I miss my Papa so much today, but I am still excited for christmas and I will have a very calm celebration with my Mama and brother ☺️
I wish everyone who celebrates today a festive time and everyone else a calm and happy day 🎄💕
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smokewars · 1 year
4-47 & 4-48
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humblemooncat · 11 months
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Please click Azem's crystal to listen to Ki'to's finished personal playlist.
Finally, a project older than my Tumblr account is finished. orz
This playlist is an in-depth look at Ki'to's emotional journey through the MSQ (up to 6.0)
I didn't hit on every single story beat, but part of that is because certain things absorbed his focus more than others. For example, all of the Heavensward section is darker and more self-centered as that was when he was first inducted into his Dark Knighthood and where a lot of initial wounds began or were prodded and put under a microscope.
Thus, why this is labeled his emotional journey.
I genuinely hope you all enjoy this. It took me months to curate everything since I wanted the lyrics to do him justice.
I started this in October of last year iirc, just when I had finished ARR and made it past the bloody banquet cutscenes. I had been listening to another playlist and Revenge, And a Little More happened to play. It fit very well with how he had been feeling, and I decided I wanted to put together a playlist for him from there.
As I played through his story, I added songs that fit what he felt, and after a while the playlist hit 50+ songs. It simply needed to be sorted through and put in chronological order. A daunting task that I hadn't taken up until a couple days ago. And thus I'm finally able to release it.
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Enjoy this look into my pride and joy of a Main, as well as my ever-shifting music taste. You have my thanks if you decide to listen to even a few songs. <3
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I also have a little game for those who listen and get curious!
As I mentioned in an earlier post, instead of writing little blurbs about each song and its meaning, I want to know what you want to hear about!
Send me an ask with one of the songs off of his playlist, and I will give you a snapshot of his journey from where that song represents.
These will be much like the playlist drabbles I did a while ago. Writing's not my focus, but I do like to do it from time to time. :3c
I will always take these by the way, so even if you stumble upon this way down the line and don't see the specific song under the tag #playlist drabbles, send it in and I'll be happy to do it until every last song's been covered. <3
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new-haven-psych-ward · 10 months
Kamen Rider Geats episode 47 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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it’s really disheartening to be in a team that claims to be a family where everyone treats each other equally and despite our losses in the sport we’ll still be together and close, but then there’s you. you’re weird and for that sole reason everyone decided you’re not part of that. you stand out massively and they still manage to miss and ignore you. constantly. they only remember you if it’s an absolute must or if you’re the joke they’re laughing about. you’re not part of the family. only the normal people.
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rudolphsb9 · 3 months
I was originally going to write an entire rant about the treatment Skip Woods gives to his female characters across both his outings in the Hitman franchise. I started going through Hitman (2007) with the intention of studying how Nika was portrayed as a character with the sole purpose of ranting about problems I saw in the way Woods handles women, female leads in particular (to be frank, there are few other female characters of note in either film; Diana is grandfathered in as an important character, but as I've ranted about before and will do so again, Katia's mother doesn't get the grace of a canonical name despite haunting most of H:A47). But, as I was doing that, I realized how similar the films are overall, at least in how they set themselves up.
One of the big points for me was the similarity between Katia and Nika, not in minute details but in overall character sketch: a woman in a bad position in life who is in need of rescue and (perhaps by necessity of genre convention) sexy. But not just any kind of sexy, she also has to be exotic. Nika is a Russian sex slave, a stereotype that may have flown in 2007 but needed necessary updating for 2015. So, Katia's mother is Sri Lankan Tamil. (She's initially implied to be mixed, which would slot her into the But Not Too Foreign trope where acceptable love interest territory lies, but when the story shifts gears to sibling team up mode and John is revealed to be a straight up antagonist, Katia is directly stated to be the product of mad science. It's highly probable that but for necessary modifications, she is a direct clone of her own mother--"You are the reflection of the woman I loved.")
There are other points I observed, too, mostly in setup (the details of deviation allow for the films to run different courses in their second halves). The prologue of the program that produced 47, the placements of any flashbacks (they taper out by the half-way point), the entire plot of "initial hit kick starting the action, followed by find the girl (whether that was an original goal or not), followed by kidnap the girl and deliver to her a series of key revelations, followed by drag her along to help on the mission". I don't watch enough movies (action movies in general or Woods' work in specific) to know whether this is scènes à faire or if H:A47 is really just Hitman (2007) with a different coat of paint. But I also don't think it's a bad thing. Lots of creatives have pet themes that make it into almost all their work.
The similarities also make it really easy to see where I think one version did better than the other. The prologue and flashbacks 47 has to getting tattooed from Hitman (2007) are something I prefer over H:A47, for example. Instead of the clinical sterility of medical exams, we get glimpses into the actual training the boys were given, including the implication that they were the ones responsible for shooting any of their number who tried to escape. 47 fixates on the tattoo because it caused him a lot of pain. There's a similar moment in H:A47 but instead 47 is asked if it hurt, and says yes. Coupled with the fact that in the 2015 version of the prologue, we do see 19 get his number, and the machine doing the stamping... gets it done in a couple of seconds and 19 doesn't even flinch. In the 2007 version somebody is using an actual tattoo gun, forcing him to keep a steady hand and 47 to hold as still as possible to not mess up the lines. To quote Dan Olsen: "inference is dramatically inferior to being shown."
(As a random aside, the monks in the 2007 version go completely unexplained. I think they were only included because in the second game 47 briefly converts to Catholicism and lives in a monastery. I have a web of theories about how the movies and games play off each other; this and 47's wearing the stripe tie from Blood Money for the first act are on that pin board.)
On the other end, I think Katia is an improvement, character wise, over Nika, and that boils down to one specific change. Katia is 47's little sister, a product of the same experiments that produced 47 himself. Because Katia also has Agent abilities, this handily allows her to participate freely in the action, in part because 47 spends the second half forcing/teaching Katia to use her abilities for combat until she can manage without prodding. Nika, for her part, acts in her storyline in spite of 47. She's told over and over again to stay put and not wander off or interfere, and she wanders off and interferes (though she does only interfere once; 47 scared her straight after that). Nika's primary story function is... teaching 47 to love? It's unclear, and her method half the time is to attempt to seduce him which, given his explicit rejection of the idea, counts as assault. Making Katia 47's sister eliminates the need for any weird "romance" dynamic involving 47 himself, and makes them much more equal in their interactions.
I want to make another point of comparison, too, and this is going to bring in ideas from the games. It's 47's relationship to his own name, which has clearly changed as time goes on. In Blood Money (which I'm certain influenced Hitman (2007)), 47 states "Names are for friends, so I don't need one." In Hitman (2007), he tells Nika "The place I was raised, they didn't give us names, they gave us numbers. Mine was 47." Both of these statements imply that he doesn't view 47 as a proper name but as something imposed on him (there's an argument to be made that in the 2007 film, the Organization used numbers as a means to strip their orphan charges of identity to keep them in line and foster loyalty).
However, in H:A47, he has this exchange:
Sanders: "So why don't we start with your name." 47: "47." Sanders: "That's... not a name." 47: "No, but it is mine."
Additionally in the prologue sequence of Hitman (2016), he has this exchange:
47: "I believe they called me... 47." Diana: "That's not a name." 47: "So make it one."
The acceptance of "47" as a name in its own right implies a version of the character more at peace with his clonehood and circumstances. In H:A47 especially, there are implications that the clones had a sort of subculture, or cultural identity among themselves (47 outright states that while each clone gets barcoded at birth, they only get the corresponding number stamped on them "when [they] become Agents", and if that's not a rite of passage I'm a wheel of cheese). One could surmise that their numerical identifiers were given appropriate significance, and I have nothing to go on here but I do think they lined up in numerical order for everything that required them to assemble in an orderly fashion (which is everything they could have been required to do at the lab).
The point I'm trying to make here is that as the Hitman franchise has progressed, the character of 47 has changed his relationship with the fact that his name is 47 (and everything that implies). Here I'm not going to say one or the other is bad, but I do think it's interesting and worth further study.
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qtubbo · 3 months
Sunny: Ramon be adopted by his Uncle mhm
Tubbo: What does that mean?
Tubbo: I’m not Ramon’s uncle!
Tubbo to Ramon: You’re my homie, you’re my bro
Tubbo to Sunny: we’ve got a very different relationship than that
Sunny: And you’re adopting him? *Ramon starts dancing*
Tubbo: YEAHH that’s my bro, that’s my bro
He had to make it very clear that ramon is his BROTHER he ain’t this kids uncle, im surprised Sunny didn’t know though they’re both pretty open about it.
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Image ID: A digital drawing of Travis Matagot from Campaign: Skyjacks pointing a gun at the viewer, smoke trailing from the barrel. His hair is drenched and blowing in the wind, part of it plastered to his face and torso. The ribbon that was tying it together in a half updo is partly undone and one side of the ribbon is also blowing in the wind. His skin is ghostly white and he has several cuts, his nose is bleeding, and the knuckles on both his hands are bruised and bloody. There is a large bloodstain on the front of his waistcoat and he has some blood in his hair. He is standing in the pouring rain, and in the background is cobblestones leading to a set of stairs with plant life bordering it and overgrowing the steps in some places. There is pools of blood both on the stairs and the cobblestones. There are words a little up and to the right of him that say, “You lied to me.” End ID.
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headcutoff102 · 7 months
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