#Hetabang 2020
ekinoksin · 4 years
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here’s my part for Hetabang 2020, which i had the honour of working on with ever so kind and understanding @nyhne ! 
these are pieces of concept art for the AU we developed as a part of this project! wish i had the chance to experiment with Viennese cafes that Roshon explored on their fic Six Pieces of Orchestra and Heart as part of their part of the project.
i am well aware some parts of these pieces seems inconsistent- when i first started working on these i thought by not polishing the sketch lines/soft brush textures i could achieve a more watercolor-like effect. yeah, it,,, didnt end up like that haha.
also, i am sorry for being so late at posting these, personal things happened and i needed to take some time.
619 notes · View notes
hetabang · 4 years
So the PDF won’t cooperate for any of us so I put it all onto a doc! I will also be emailing this out for those who do not see this post. Thank you everyone who participated. You truly made this turn out amazing and your work is appreciated and loved by us all.
- Mod Lluvia
53 notes · View notes
katemarley · 4 years
fanfiction: fugue in a minor
Fandom: Hetalia Pairing: SpAus (Austria/Spain) Characters: Austria, Spain, Belgium, Augsburg, Swabia, Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire, Saxony Rating: E
Summary: 23 October 1520. Spain and Austria get married. The Imperial Estates and their guests while away the evening with music and courtly dances, celebrating both the union and Charles V’s crowning as “elected Roman emperor” in Aachen Cathedral. But what is expected of the newlyweds? And what is in for them on their wedding night?
This story has been written for Hetabang 2020. It’s a collaboration project with @aph--lietuva who was my Beta and who created wonderful art for this story that you can find on her tumblr. With her permission, I also inserted her art into this tumblr post. It’s been a pleasure working with you! ❤︎
Also available on AO3 (see the link in my profile).
This story also is the sequel to “Prelude in A Minor” that you can also find on AO3 and that I have been talking about, but not written, for almost four years, oops... xD Both stories can be read independently from each other.
Preliminary notes: Augusta – Augsburg: brown hair, green eyes, elegant low bun Hilde/Hildegard – Swabia (Reichskreis/Imperial Circle, Reichsritterschaft/Imperial Knighthood): blond locks, green eyes, some resemblance to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Léa – Burgundy: our canon Belgium before she came to be called Belgium
Austria turned slowly. He was wearing a cumbersome ceremonial robe that was far heavier than his usual formal attire. It had been made especially for today in order to dress him in the latest fashion and he didn’t want to rip any fabric by accident—and definitely not before the wedding.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” said Burgundy, not sounding sorry at all as she pried him from the clutches of a dozen courtiers. He didn’t mind—courtly talk was stressful because it contained a dozen pitfalls, and Léa was a straightforward woman. Also, in a moment like this, he’d much rather be with someone comforting and familiar rather than navigate the sea of faces and names of humans he had probably only met once but was to remember regardless. Usually, he had no problem with that; he was actually very skilled at the diplomatic game. But right now, his head was too full of other thoughts.
“I need some moments alone with my consort, my partner.” Burgundy gave off an air of sovereignty as she spoke to her court who all accepted without question that this was business for the immortals to tend to. Roderich sighed in relief and let her steal him away into their bedroom.
She was fussing at his outfit, straightening it and picking imaginary lint off the velvet before making him sit down on a chair in front of the dresser. She took a brush and took off his black beret to run it softly through his hair, obviously just to have something to do while they talked.
“Liefsteling, I think we should have a little chat before you and Antonio exchange rings.”
“Didn’t we talk about all I need to know already?” Austria frowned. He was unable to keep in all his pent-up frustration and around her, he wasn’t too scrupulous to show it. “You and Charles want to strengthen the unity of the empire, so I am to marry Spain. I understand that. I don’t like it and you know I don’t like Charles, but I can see your point that marriage is a useful device to strengthen the empire.” He huffed indignantly. Sometimes, it was annoying to be “a sensible lad”, as Charles had once dubbed him, but he knew too well how these things worked to waste his time on rebelling. She let him pour it all out with a patient smile.
Finally, he quieted down and added more demurely: “I just wish it wasn’t me, and I wish I didn’t have to marry another male personification. It seems … indecent.”
“I know, dear. It’s a bit … unorthodox.” Burgundy touched his arm and squeezed it in an attempt to comfort him. A smile played on her lips that already showed her intent to lighten Roderich’s mood. “Well, listen to you complaining! You get to marry Europe’s newcomer, a surprise uncovered from Al Andalus. A shiny, new, mysterious knight, a devout catholic, and dare I say … a fair countenance. I’m sure many of the ladies here envy you. But it seemed more important to strengthen relations between two important parts of the empire that are further away from each other, rather than between him and me.” She sighed wistfully, but a bit theatrically.
“Burgundy, if you talk like that I’d swear you want to wed him!” He feigned indignance. “I wish you were the one to marry him,” he added glumly. “And the ladies can have him, for all I care.”
“Now! To think you’d give me away that easily. I’d want my husband to be jealous and fight for me!” She then stopped the theatrics and, with a soft smile, put her arm around him, just like an older sister would do. “I am a little jealous to give you away … I’m going to miss our library talks.” Roderich’s smile softened and he touched her hand.
“There is another thing I must discuss…” She seemed to hesitate. “Remember our wedding night and what we left unfulfilled?” 
“Ah.” Austria tensed. “So this is what we’re talking about.”
“It is indeed.” Burgundy paused. “We didn’t complete our union that night and while we did later, it did affect us. Charles and I believe it is vital to strengthen the union of Spain and Austria as much as possible, and for that…” Her arm around Austria tensed. He could feel the topic was uncomfortable for her.
“And for that, the marriage needs to be consummated,” Austria said flatly. “That doesn’t exactly come as a surprise, Léa.”
“Yes, but it’s not the only thing we discussed…”
Roderich now felt his cheeks redden “What? The insolence!” He sighed. “That imprudent man was actually discussing the technicalities of a coupling between two men with you? ”
“He only wants to ensure that the strength of the union…”
“Don’t defend him!” Austria snapped. Léa flinched.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a quieter tone. “It’s just that he has no idea how things actually work at my place. I don’t like how little interest he takes, and now he focuses on the anatomy of the personification rather than on the resources of the land…” He sighed. The duality of beings like them further complicated everything.
Spain and him were “mere manifestations of the political body shaping them”, Charles had told him not long ago. Manifestations of the body politic—not men. That meant the laws of the Church regarding marriages between humans didn’t apply to them. Archbishop Hermann of Cologne had agreed and had added that the biblical example for a country was to be the heavenly Jerusalem, which further expands itself to gain as much territory as possible and to help the spread of Christianity all over the world. To strengthen their holy empire like this was to behave exactly as the Bible dedicated. 
“The fact that we’re human personifications really is convenient to the likes of him: Whether they consider us human or not ultimately depends on what’s more convenient to them. Two men couldn’t marry, but the human-shaped, but not human, personifications of Spain and Austria can. It doesn’t matter to him that our anatomy is exactly the same as that of two male human beings.”
“I know. I agree with you, I’ve seen kings and bishops use scripture as a justification rather than as a guide many times. As a woman, I have often felt what it was like to be an exception to the rule”, said Burgundy firmly, reminding him of her own position. “However, there’s another message those cowards have made me the messenger of” She stopped brushing his hair, seemingly looking for the right words.
“Yes?” Austria waited. He had no intention to help her with this.
“The king and bishop believe that because this is already infringing on normal matrimony, everything else should mimic a normal marriage as closely as possible.” She interrupted herself, She looked at Austria as if she was hoping that he would understand it. He did but he was going to have her say it. 
“Well, you know. Have the position of the wife be taken by the—by the—more gallant one of the two.” Even her silver tongue couldn’t phrase this more delicately.
Austria was speechless. Charles—this morally rigid, exceedingly religious person—not only insisted two men marry for political reasons, as an unpleasant but ultimately bearable formality. No, he had also insisted these two men actually consummate their marriage and had elaborate thoughts on the mechanics of it. Austria was seriously tempted to rush off, grab Charles by the ruff and give him a piece of his mind. Including the rhetorical question what he thought their private parts looked like.
Burgundy saw the face he was making and spat out the rest. “And only the accepted position, all else is fornication. So you’re to lay on your back.” She let out a small whimper and looked faint. Austria realized that he shouldn’t direct his anger at her. She had always been his friend.
“Cowards, the both of them. In treating you as a country, they are indeed forgetting you’re a lady. Your nature is far too delicate for such crass messages.” He stood up and took her hands gently. He didn’t want to fight with her.
She embraced him, held him for a moment and then stepped back.
“I have something for you.” She opened a chest with a key from her belt and produced a box. “Open it, I’d like for you to wear it today.” Roderich did so and found an ornate golden chain with the Golden Fleece in it.
“Your order…” Roderich smiled at her. 
“When you united with me, you obtained the right to be a part of the Order of the Golden Fleece. When you’re out there, I’m with you.” Roderich felt a tightness around his chest as he recognised the curls on top of the ram shaping the letter B for Burgundy. 
He wasn’t in this alone.
She placed the chain around his neck with an air of ceremony and made sure it lay evenly over his shoulders. She smiled at him and kissed his forehead, after which she traced the sign of the cross on it with her finger. After the tender gesture, she rather forcefully put the beret back on his head and chuckled. “There, you’re ready!”   
Oh, he wasn’t ready. Far from it, but it was happening now.
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The procession departed from the house he shared with Burgundy in Aachen. Usually, the bride was led to the house of her new husband, but Spain did not have a house there. Out of convenience, they were using the cathedral, which had already been prepared for the coronation of Charles V, and the city hall for the festivities after that. In the procession, all the nuptial gifts Austria had received were carried along and displayed. Some of them were made of strange, exotic-looking gold brought from the new world that gleamed ostentatiously in the afternoon sun. Roderich could feel the presence of Spain through everything surrounding him. Even the new coat had been paid for by him.
The marriage itself was overwhelming in terms of pompously clad courtiers and country personifications, but rather underwhelming in terms of anything else. Roderich’s feelings were a mixture of nervousness because so many people watched him and carefully veiled anger at being one of the two pawns in Charles’s and Burgundy’s political plans.
The truly annoying thing was that he saw the logic behind their actions. He just didn’t like how they affected him.
They were met by the second procession coming from the opposite direction with Spain at its centre. Roderich sought out his eyes, but he was still mostly obscured by the crowd. Both processions reached the cathedral and filled the front part of the space. The nave and choir were reserved for mass, after all, and weddings were worldly affairs. So, leaving the late Gothic choir unoccupied, everyone gathered in the octagonal Palatine Chapel at the very front of the church, leaving the centre open for the couple and the priest.
Roderich’s eyes had to adjust to the relative darkness of the church in contrast with the bright afternoon outside. Two young boys were made to hold long torches over Spain’s and his head and above them, a plethora of little candles were lit in the giant octagonal candelabra. For a moment, he was captivated by the little lights and a realisation dawned upon him: The small structures on the chandelier represented gates. It was a direct depiction of Heavenly Jerusalem. The architecture mimicked the octagonal shape of the chandelier and thus that of Jerusalem as well. The words of the archbishop about the biblical duties of a country echoed through his head. He realized that his duty was literally hanging over his head.
As his gaze war already turned upwards, he saw that the upper gallery was filling with people as well, all of them waiting while a small shadow was passing in front of them. The figure walking around the upper gallery barely reached over the coiled cast-iron balustrades when he finally halted and stepped into the light. The Holy Roman Empire wore the Imperial Regalia and made a gesture of blessing. He was their witness, as it was his empire they were fortifying. The ancient child climbed onto the bare marble throne that had once belonged to their forefather in order to oversee the wedding. Roderich would have laughed at the image of Karl der Kleine playing at being Karl der Große, had he not felt a chill run down his spine at the image of Karl on his throne. Among everyone here, he was the one that belonged there. His spirit had been there when these walls had been built and through his presence, through his breath, the spirit of history slowly filled the space.
When the priest asked them to say their vows, Austria obliged, speaking flatly and without emotion. Spain’s intonation was much livelier, but from what little he had learned about the other country in the past months, that was the way they were: One who usually remained calm unless you crossed him one too many times; and another who seemed to be ever vigorous.
The priest produced a small dish on which Spain put a piece of gold, a piece of silver and a ring. 
Roderich extended his hand meekly for Antonio to put on the ring, but then noticed something. The ring was of a German type. He wondered if this was Spain being thoughtful or him purchasing one at the last minute. Spain held up the ring and clicked it open to be two separate rings. To Roderich’s surprise, they were gimmel rings …
Spain explained in a hushed voice: “Because we are both men, I felt I couldn’t just put a ring on you. We should both wear one. I liked these because of what they say.” He was referring to the words around the band, which he read out in horribly accented German: was Gott zusammen fueget soll der Mensch nicht schneiden. They were a purplish ruby and an emerald. Antonio carefully put the half with the emerald on Roderich’s left ring finger and then handed him the ruby to do the same. This was thoughtful of Antonio—had he come up with this himself or was this the council of Karl advising him? Austria was very aware of the new weight around his finger and his resolve to remain cold started to waver.
When the priest asked them to kiss, Austria’s first impulse was to do it as unemotionally as he had made his vows. Then his eyes caught the pleading look in Spain’s, and his resolve faltered.
Spain was a pawn as well. He didn’t deserve Austria’s coldness. If anyone, it was Charles who deserved coldness.
They settled for a chaste but tender kiss. There was relief in Spain’s eyes when they separated, and Austria was glad his softer side had got the best of him.
They didn’t deserve to be pawns.
They were in this together.
They were then taken to the altar to kneel and be blessed. Austria stole a glance to Spain halfway who had his eyes shut tightly and was fervently praying. Thoughts were drowning out Roderich’s own prayers as well as the words of the priest. Worries about everything—about whether God could really approve of their union, about how his life was going to change after this, even about the impending consummation. They all seemed to lump together in an all-encompassing buzzing noise in his head.
He barely registered the “Amen”.
Then they were hoisted back on their feet and, with much loud music and cheering, led out of the church for another procession to the city hall that had been readied for further festivities. For a moment, Roderich stood there like a deer facing a hunter. Then, almost as if it was the most natural thing ever, Spain took his hand and pulled him into the cacophony of the crowd, but the act did make Austria’s thoughts quieten down.
Remember, Austria thought to himself.
They were in this together.
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Austria turned to the speaker. He had recognised her voice instantly.
Augsburg bowed, albeit not very low. She was an imperial city, much smaller than him in terms of her land and yet so much wealthier.
“Augsburg.” Austria bowed on his part, anxious not to incline his head lower than she had. He could at least keep up appearances, if nothing else.
It was her who took his hand for the basse danse—almost imperceptible, but the transgression was there. She swept her eyes over the people that had gathered inside Aachen’s town hall: Most of them were members of the high nobility and imperial estates who wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to show themselves for Charles’s crowning and the establishment of the Austro-Spanish union alike. There were guests from other kingdoms, too, moving in the slow and elegant sequence of steps so characteristic for this dance. Not all of those people had come to Austria and Spain’s wedding ceremony itself.
It makes them uncomfortable, Austria thought. But who was he to complain? It made him uncomfortable, too.
“Lovely, isn’t it?” Augsburg said with the attitude of a self-satisfied host. “Don’t you think the banquet was quite decent, too?”
Hand movements, steps, hand movements—they all came naturally to Austria. He didn’t need to think with his brain when he danced. His feet had memorised the steps, going through the motions without his conscious thought.
“One could almost think it was your marriage,” Austria replied in the politest tone he could muster.
Stop it, Aunt Augusta, this isn’t your marriage.
Augsburg understood him very well. She pulled them aside before they were to change partners, giving him her piece of mind. Someone like Augusta didn’t even need to raise her eyebrow. One look was enough.
“Oh, I much prefer to be the merchant who pays for all of this,” she said bluntly. “I pay; you do my bidding. That’s how things work these days, dearie. It’s the same for your Charles and my Jakob Fugger.”
He’s not my Charles. Austria bit down on his lips. It would have been unwise to wear his heart on his sleeve in front of her. You never knew what she might do with a delicate piece of information such as this. How she might profit from it. For this seemed to be what the world of merchants was all about: Profit; personal gain.
“You’ve become cold,” he said eventually. The irony wasn’t lost on him: Augsburg seemed cold because she focused on monetary gain; Charles seemed cold because he focused on political gain; and Austria acted cold because he did what needed to be done.
Still, marrying someone he barely knew felt daunting. So did the uncertainty of  how other people thought about his marriage: Did they perceive it the way Charles had presented it to everyone—as a political union only? Were they secretly disgusted because both personifications who had exchanged vows inhabited male human bodies? Did they expect them to consummate their marriage?
“I’m not cold, dearie,” Augsburg interrupted his train of thoughts. Her voice was warmer and darker now; a tone he remembered from his childhood. “I’m only trying to achieve the best for my people, as we all do—or should be doing, at the very least.”
That was undoubtedly true. It was the truth at the very core of all country personifications: You are the land—or, in Augsburg’s case, the city. Do what is best for the land and those who call it their home.
You could go against that, but not for very long. It drove you insane. There had been examples of that, too…
Swabia had told him to be the land, time and time again. When she had vanished, everybody had thought her dead. Then she had returned, telling everyone she would always be there as long as there was one soul who remembered her name and called themselves Swabian. Histrionics, they had thought, and yet…
Perhaps there was some grain of truth in it. Perhaps the key was to believe in it yourself.
“You look far too serious, darling,” Augsburg said into his thoughts. “Cheer up, it’s your wedding day!” She patted his cheek in an almost motherly gesture. “It’s all new to you now, but you’ll get used to being his husband.”
“Will I?” he said flatly. His anger was still there, bubbling under the surface. “Will I ever?”
She ignored his despondent answer and studied Spain from across the room before leaning in with a conspiratory grin. “So, what do you think: Is he or isn’t he?”
Austria was confused. “Is he what?”
She answered as if she was discussing the latest court scandal. “Moorish, of course! He spent so much time under Muslim occupation. Perhaps he obtained some Moorish blood or strange habits! Hmm, his skin is pale, but his curls are dark! If he’d grow a beard, he’d look the part.”
She had achieved her aim. Roderich had been fighting the Ottoman Turks at his eastern border for a while now, and he was thoroughly scandalized.
“I sure hope you’re joking!”
“Oh, well, it doesn’t matter, as long as he has no more Muslim tendencies. Take a piece of advice from someone who’s been around for one and a half millennia,” she told him, glancing meaningfully at Spain’s back once she had spotted him among the dancers. “You could have had it worse. At least he’s handsome.”
“He plays the vihuela.” Austria hadn’t even intended to give her this piece of information; it had simply slipped out.
“Does he?” Now Augsburg did raise an eyebrow. “That’s even better. I may know less than you about arranged marriages between rulers unless we’re only talking about ceremonies, but I believe it’s always useful to have some common ground.” She glanced at Spain again. “And like I said, he’s nicely shaped.” Her hands made curving motions, forming two semicircles.
“What?” Austria looked at her in puzzlement.
It took a few seconds until the penny dropped.
“Augusta!” Austria hissed, blushing furiously. “How very indecent!”
“You’re the one who’s going to see it without all those layers of clothing,” Augsburg deadpanned. “Most likely, in any case.” She shrugged. “Unless Charles told you not to make inquiries in that direction. But if I were you, I’d still try to squeeze it, no matter what Charles says. I feel tempted to do it even now.”
“Please don’t!” Austria felt very hot all of a sudden. Until now, he had pushed thoughts about the technical side of consummating a marriage out of his mind. Trust Augusta not to let me get away with it. Augsburg’s words planted mental images in his head that he really didn’t want to think about just now.
“Hmm...” Augsburg threw a calculating glance in Spain’s general direction. “No, I won’t squeeze it. But tempted I am.”
They joined the basse danse again. At some point, Spain gave a little yelp, looking around himself in puzzlement. Austria was entirely unsurprised to spot Augusta quite close to him, looking just as surprised about the sound as anyone else.
Austria sighed.
She was a good actor, he had to give her that.
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Third time’s the charm, Roderich thought, turning toward the person who had uttered his name in a mixture between a hiss and a rough whisper.
Swabia took him by the arm—not a very comfortable experience from an old warrior with an iron grip. Austria winced.
“Sorry,” Swabia said casually, not sounding sorry at all. Austria inwardly rolled his eyes. Why was half his family like this?
She dragged him in a corner suitably far away from spying eyes and ears. Only then she released her grip. Austria rubbed his protesting upper arm.
“Listen to me, boy,” she said urgently. Her voice was dark, almost masculine. When Austria had been little, he had thought she was a man, and she had done nothing to discourage that notion. Then the Duchy of Swabia had been no more, and for all people knew, she had vanished from the face of the Earth. It was only when she had reappeared a few decades ago, from Heaven knew where, that she had been open about being a woman.
“What is it, Hilde?” He couldn’t help it; he sounded unnerved.
“I do realise that everyone wants you to do or be something for them today,” Swabia said gruffly, “but that is precisely the reason why we need to talk. What do you know about bedding ceremonies?”
“Oh no,” Austria groaned. “They wouldn’t, would they.” His tone was too flat to count as a question. They would, he knew that. Or at least certain people would.
“I discouraged them from actually witnessing the consummation,” Swabia said in the tone of the long-suffering. “But Burgundy will guide Spain and I will guide you to your chamber.”
Austria smacked his head against the nearest wall. He did it with caution, so as not to accidentally hurt himself, but the message was clear. As soon as he leaned back, Swabia patted his back not very gently. He suspected it would take several minutes until it recovered from this onslaught.
“We’re going to leave as soon as we’ve finished escorting you,” she reassured him. “I, for my part, have no intention whatsoever to watch the actual consummation, whether it actually takes place or not.” Her voice sounded affronted at the mere suggestion, one clear indication, Austria thought, that someone had indeed suggested she stay and watch.
“But others might have fewer qualms,” Austria said. Swabia had always appreciated straightforwardness, a no-bullshit attitude and, last but not least, people who thought for themselves. That was one thing that hadn’t changed between before and after.
“Precisely,” she said darkly. “Don’t look at him, but you know who I mean.”
Bavaria, thought Austria. Out loud, he said: “He has always been a bully.”
“He has been a bully towards you from the very moment Redbeard and I decided to make you a duchy independent from him,” Swabia specified. “Which, even though it is all water under the bridge now, it is a major reason why I feel responsible to protect you from him in a moment when you will be vulnerable.”
Austria’s heart softened. Thinking back, she had always had an impressive ability to put herself in other people’s shoes—oh well, nothing special there; think like the enemy was one of the first things Bavaria himself had taught him. But Swabia had always had a motherly streak towards him, Austria—and that made all the difference, even though he hadn’t realised it when he was little.
“In any case,” Swabia swiftly returned to the matters at hand, “Bavaria will probably try to sneak up on you. If you don’t want that—and I’m sure you don’t—I urgently advise you not to start anything until he has made the attempt. I don’t know, sing some merry songs instead. Play a nice board game with your husband, for all I care. But see to it that there will be nothing for Bavaria to see. Alright?”
“Alright,” said Austria, “but how can I be sure that he won’t come back for another attempt?”
“I will see to that,” Swabia said gloomily. Austria had to pull himself together so as not to take an involuntary step back. She could be menacing when she set her mind to it.
An old warrior, they said. Better with the sword than with the head. But that wasn’t true; Austria knew it wasn’t. In order to be as good with the sword as her, you had to be a quick thinker, too. The difference was that she was no schemer at all—nothing like Augusta. But she was no schemer because she had an aversion to scheming, not because she was fundamentally unable to think in such a way.
“Thank you.” He gave her a genuine smile. She smiled back, in her own firm and earnest way, insofar as you could smile earnestly. 
“You will remain in the corridor?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, I will keep my distance.”
“I did not worry. In fact, I’m glad it will be you who stays there.”
As the festivities progressed, Swabia came over once again—this time for everyone to be seen—took Austria gently by the hand—the hand, not the arm—and guided him away. He did not see Burgundy approach Spain, but they arrived in front of Spain and his chamber at the same time.
“Have fun, boys!” Burgundy said with a cat-like smile before she left them alone.
Swabia exchanged a meaningful glance with Austria. Then she nodded at them both and went away. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor—still a soldier’s steps despite the elegant dress she was wearing.
“Who is she?” whispered Spain in Italian as soon as the footsteps had died away.
“Swabia.” My guardian angel, he thought. And she is still here.
“The one who—” Spain craned his neck as if he could catch another glimpse of her that way.
“Who what?” Austria pretended not to know what Spain was asking about.
“Who spent her time in that mountain—you know, the same that Emperor Frederick II went to?”
“The Kyffhäuser, you mean,” Austria said.
 “And said she had returned because it was a time of need for her children?” Spain continued, still craning his neck to see what was not to be seen anymore.
Oh dear, my husband is naïve. Roderich sighed.
“For all I know, Frederick II died in Castel Fiorentino in 1250,” he said drily. “For all I know, she has never been gone. Probably kept her head down because her children wanted so many different things. But as soon as aforesaid children think it best to unite, she’s there again, as head of their league. Head of the Swabian Circle now, too.”
“I hear grudging respect,” said Spain.
“At some point when I was little, I used to look up to her,” Austria explained. “She was the leading power of the empire back then. I wanted to be like her. Wanted to earn the empire’s crown.”
“So you did.”
“So I did,” Austria repeated sourly. “And look what good it is doing me. I’m nothing but a pawn in a game too big for me to play. She has never been a pawn.”
“Oh no,” Spain said earnestly. “She has always been a knight.” He paused. “So are you. And so am I.”
There was a small silence before Spain opened the door.
“Shall we go in?”
The room was pleasant and warm. Roderich noticed he’d been gifted a marriage chest. He had no time to look at it, though. Instead, he was looking for the right words to say.   
For the first time after their wedding ceremony, Austria looked directly into his husband’s eyes. Play a nice board game with your husband, for all I care.
Then, to his dismay, Spain stepped closer to him and leaned in, inclining his head for a kiss.
“No! Wait.” Roderich’s voice came out more shrill than he had intended. He stepped back and tried to compose himself.
“May I challenge you to a game of chess?”
Shock and hurt manifested in Spain’s eyes. Austria could read him like an open book.
Oh. So this is important to you, Austria thought. Who would have thought.
“But…” Spain whimpered.
“I do not intend to eschew my marital duties,” Austria reassured him in his most formal tone. “I do, however, intend to postpone them for some more minutes or, as it may be, hours.”
Spain looked at him in confusion.
“You will see why.”
Spain thought about that.
“Chess it is, then,” he decided in the end.
They had barely lit all the candles in the room, taken off their shoes and laid out the chessboard in the middle of their four-poster when a long-haired blonde barged into their chamber.
“Austria!” he barked.
“You know, Saxony, there is such a thing as a door,” Austria said gently, placing his first pawn to e4 on the board. “The concept might seem novel to you, but it is for knocking.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit!” The blond man’s blue eyes bored into Austria’s purple ones. “I’m here to warn you! Your brother wants to be an asshole once again and spy on you…”
“Spy on me playing chess with my husband?” Austria asked sweetly.
Saxony visibly deflated.
“I should have expected you to know.”
“No harm done. But, Saxony—” Austria paused.
“Next time you intend to warn someone of potential bedding ceremonies, do knock before you barge in. You might, you know … cause the exact thing you aim to prevent.”
“Sorry, Austria.” Saxony hung his head.
“Chin up,” Austria said jovially. “Like I said, no harm done.”
There was silence after Saxony had trudged out of the room.
“So this is why you suggested a game of chess,” Spain said eventually, moving one of his own pawns to e5.
“Exactly.” In a split-second decision, Austria moved a second pawn to f4. Spain whistled.
“Classic! Did you read Francesch Vicent’s book on chess?”
Austria gave him his best enigmatic smile.
They hadn’t played for long when the door clicked open one more time, and Augsburg put her head inside.
“Chess?” she asked in disapproval. “How boring!”
“It is a very interesting game!” insisted Spain.
Augsburg pouted.
“Your butt is far more interesting to me, young man. One should have thought seeing it was included in the price I paid for this wedding, but this seems not to be so. Good evening, gentlemen.”
With that, her head vanished, and the door clicked shut. Spain stared after her, open-mouthed.
“What was that?”
“The question is: Who was that, dear Antonio,” said Austria patiently. “The answer is: Meet Aunt Augusta, the moneybag who pays for everything you have seen so far, except for the fixed interior of this building. Then again, you have already met her or, rather, met her thumb and forefinger when she pinched your behind earlier this evening.”
“That was her?” Spain stared at the door.
“I’m afraid so.”
With that, Austria returned his focus to the game.
“Do you really think this is appropriate—”
Everyone was surprised when they first heard the child’s voice that sounded so very old. Austria’s first thought now was bafflement.
“Let me down!” the voice clamoured. “Let me down this instant! I don’t want—”
Then their camber door was kicked open with a bang, revealing Bavaria with a struggling Holy Roman Empire in one of his arms.
Something within Austria’s mind clicked. He stalked towards Bavaria in his stockings, putting his hands on his hips.
“What do you even think you’re doing?” he hissed. White-hot anger coursed through his veins.
“Roderich!” Bavaria said in what he had clearly attempted to be a jovial tone. It slipped. “We just…”
“We?” hissed Austria. “We?” His voice rose. “You dragged little Karl here against his will and you have the nerve to suggest he was in any way involved in the idea of seeing his guardian in a compromising situation?” Austria was still growing and only wore socks, but somehow, he managed to tower over Bavaria regardless.
“Erm…” Bavaria did one sensible thing and put Holy Rome to the ground. Austria grabbed him by the collar, still seething with anger.
“Roderich?” the young, old voice said calmly. “Theodor?”
Both countries looked at him.
“I think we should all calm down now, and then Theodor and I will return to the festivities. Is that not a good idea, Theodor?”
“Yes,” Bavaria said glumly. Then Holy Rome took his hand and guided him away.  Austria closed the door after them—with deliberate care. Antagonising Karl was never a good idea. It made you seem childish.
“Alright.” Austria let out a long sigh. “After this, I think they will leave us alone at last.”
Then he saw the look in Spain’s eyes. There was a flicker of reverence in them as well as a distinct spark of—interest? Austria’s stomach did a tiny flip.
“So…” Spain was brushing his hand alongside the nape of his neck; a clear, if somewhat clumsy, sign of nervousness.
“So.” Austria was nervous, too. He tried not to show it; tied to muster the stoic bravery he always associated with Swabia.
“I rather think there will be no more disturbances now, and … I think we both know what is expected of us.” Damn. He was sure Swabia’s voice would not have been quavering.
“Have you ever done this before? I mean, with…” He didn’t know how to continue the sentence. With another man? But were they men? They weren’t human beings; that he was sure of. But their bodies were built like those of two male human beings, and the fact that the church itself had made it official today that human law did not apply to them… To him, it seemed like cheating. It appeared that kings and popes would always decide what they were on the basis of what was most convenient to them.
He looked on the chessboard. Were they pawns in this game of kings?
Spain followed his gaze. He picked up the chessboard from the bed and placed it carefully on the floor.
“You’re thinking too much.” Even Spain’s voice was gentle.
“I always do.” Austria looked away, on the cushions of the large four-poster. So, he thought once more. This was when…
“Will you let me guide you?” Spain said in the same quiet voice he had used before. “Because I actually have done this before.”
“You?” Austria’s head whipped up. He stared at Spain incredulously. “I thought…” He didn’t know how to continue. “Religion…”
For a split second, Spain appeared to be flustered but then answered with an aloofness that seemed almost like he was overcompensating:
“I know what the authorities say on the matter, and in the beginning, I was confused, too. But … it’s not really all that different, you know.” He shrugged. “I’m not a theologian, so I might miss a few points, but if the bishop approves of it, I can’t find fault with it either. Especially when it’s about our kind, who don’t have children the human way anyway.”
“Hm.” Austria thought. “That seems to be the main point, doesn’t it?”
Spain didn’t reply. Austria didn’t know if Spain really thought what he suspected—what he would have thought in Spain’s stead, in any case: Think like that if it makes you feel better about it.
He would try to, anyway.
“What do I need to do?”
“Stop looking like you’re going to face down an enemy, for starters.” Spain smiled as he was inching closer to him.
“I’m trying to.” Austria relaxed his features. Perhaps thinking How would Swabia handle this? wasn’t a good approach in every situation.
“First of all, I’m going to kiss you,” Spain declared. There was an edge to his voice Austria couldn’t quite place. “Then … just follow my lead. And push me away if you want me to stop, okay?”
Austria nodded.
Then a gentle, calloused hand cupped his chin and warm, slightly chapped lips captured his lower lip.
This really was no different to being with a woman, Austria thought involuntarily. At least so far.
He opened his mouth to let Spain in when his tongue demanded it. Spain was a good kisser, at the least; Austria had to give him that. He made an involuntary, small sound at the back of his throat and could feel Spain smile against his lips before he started to kiss Austria’s cheek.
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“That is a fine coat you’re wearing but it’s in my way.” Spain deftly pushed the fur-lined  coat down Austria’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. He kissed down Austria’s neck where the wide necked undershirt left him ample room for kisses. While kissing he got at the laces and points that held Austria’s doublet closed down his side and carefully started undoing them. 
Austria’s hands were much more clumsy as he tried to open Spain’s belt that held his sayo gathered at the waist. It was an action dangerously close to the codpiece that peeked from between Spain’s skirts. The kissing had made him light-headed; he refused to accept thinking of himself as aroused yet.
Spain was progressing rapidly and now moved to the laces that tied his doublet to his hoses, it wouldn’t be long or he’d be in his shirt. Austria believed it his duty to do the same, but it was hard to think with Spain’s lips and hair touching his skin, and he had to get Spain to remove his coat and say first before he could get at any laces himself…
Spain sat back and laughed.
“We should have changed into our nightshirts before we started this, shouldn’t we?”
“Probably,” Austria said breathlessly. His mouth twitched upwards, too. “I always underestimate the time it takes to change out of ceremonial clothing.”
Spain flashed back a grin.
“Especially when you’re dead tired after some tedious reception, isn’t it?” He chucked off his own heavy coat and then pulled off the sayo over his head, leaving him in just his jubón and very short breeches and stockings, a state of undress that was already quite scandalous. Austria watched him before he realised that now would be a good time to start unfastening what Spain hadn’t unfastened yet. He took off his doublet and was left in just his undershirt and his breeches.
There was just one problem: The moment he untied the codpiece that was closing his breeches, Spain would see that… Well, that the kissing hadn’t quite left Austria unaffected. And wasn’t that too early…
Meanwhile, Spain had loosened his jubón from the shorts and undid just as many laces as needed to hastily pull it off. He accidentally pulled his linen undershirt along and got a bit stuck. With a little determination he had freed himself and stretched, his upper body was now completely bare. Austria stared. Where he was soft and a little skinny, Spain’s body was covered in hard planes of muscle. He suddenly felt self-conscious about his own body.
Then, Spain pulled loose his garter bands and loosened his codpiece and pushed down everything he wore on the lower half of his body. It was tight so he had to work it down a bit before being able to pull it off. The man was stark naked now. Without conscious thought, Austria’s eyes were drawn to his half-hard cock.
“But you didn’t even…” Austria had no idea how he wanted to finish this sentence.
“It’s basically been like this since we entered the bedroom,” Spain admitted frankly. “But it got a little harder when you put your brother in his place.”
“But … why?” That probably ranked pretty high on a list of most stupid questions ever uttered, Austria realised, so he clarified: “I mean … it’s not as if we had much of a choice…”
“Simple,” Spain said. “You look good. You’re graceful when you dance, among other things. I knew kissing you would feel good, too, and it does.”
“You’re the one who looks good.” Austria knew he was simply stating a fact. “I, on the other hand…” He pulled his wide linen shirt, over his head, leaving himself shirtless. He was trying not to think too much about how he looked.
Then he caught Spain’s stare.
He blinked.
“You know the saying,” murmured Spain, walking over to Austria’s side of the bed. “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” He raked his eyes over Austria’s, as Austria thought himself, rather scrawny chest. Spain’s broad, warm hands followed, and that did feel good…
Then Spain had managed to untie Austria’s knee breeches. He pulled them down.
“Oh.” Spain stared at Austria’s cock—a rather unbecoming thing, Austria thought; pale with some angry red at the tip.
“And here I was actually worried your body might not react, no matter what I do.”
Was that before or after you kissed me breathless? Austria wanted to quip, but then Spain was on his knees and—alright, that was something he had experienced before too, but Spain had swallowed him whole, and…
He cried out and swore in German, in words he would otherwise have denied he even knew. So much for keeping this to ‘the approved position’ Burgundy had demanded of him this was definitely fornication. He liked that idea, yes there were so many things he had to comply with about this marriage. But there were parts of it that no one could control except for the two of them, no matter how much others might want to.
Spain pushed him on the bed, getting rid of Austria’s breeches and socks while he was at it, never stopping with his mouth…
Rational thought escaped Austria, and that was probably just as fine because he wasn’t keen on evaluating the sounds he made anyway.
Then one of Spain’s hands held down his hips. Cold air hit his cock as Spain sat on his knees, raking his eyes over Austria while he was stroking himself.
Austria stared. He hadn’t felt so aroused in a long time.
“Want to touch me?” Spain asked. Austria nodded. He ran his hands over the muscles on Spain’s chest before he let one hand dip down into Spain’s soft flank. His other hand wrapped around Spain’s cock.
It was a new sensation to hold a cock that wasn’t his own, but Austria knew how he liked to be touched … if he twisted his hand just like this … Spain’s hips bucked under his hands.
“Okay, okay, you’re making me come!” Spain pushed his hand off. “Not yet.”
Oh yes… So far, it had been easy. But that had just been Spain’s way of making the whole thing more bearable, hadn’t it?
Austria rolled on his stomach. Better get it over with…
Broad hands started to knead his … backside, for want of a more becoming term. He felt a puff of air between his cheeks, and then…
He didn’t know if he had bucked or flinched. In any case, he hadn’t been prepared for Spain’s tongue … there.
At first, the sensations were just confusing. Then Spain’s tongue started to work him for real, darting in and out and caressing his inner walls. He started to pant again.
“Hmm…” Spain hummed against his arse. Austria’s hips bucked out of their own volition. “And I didn’t even need to tell you to relax.” The puffs of air against his hole made him buck his hips again. 
“That’s good,” Spain continued. “I’m going to work you open now,” he explained. “That might get a bit uncomfortable. You need to tell me if it gets too much, alright?”
“Yes,” said Austria. It was hard to think through his arousal, but he had understood. On the other hand, he had no intention whatsoever to tell Spain that anything was too much. Grit your teeth…
Spain leaned away from him, taking something from his clothes. Austria looked after him.
“Olive oil,” Spain explained as he opened the jar. “The very best.”
Then Spain started, using his tongue and an oil-coated finger to stretch Austria from the inside… It didn’t feel good, but it was also not the horrible feeling Austria had expected: A mixture of pleasure—yes, it was still there—and the uncomfortable sensation of being stretched in a place that hadn’t been made for stretching all that much. Austria’s hips still bucked when Spain inserted two oily fingers and his tongue, moving them in and out, but his moans were now half pain, half pleasure.
“I think you’re ready,” Spain said eventually.
Am I? thought Austria. He wasn’t ready at all; not mentally, at the least.
Something warm and spongy that had also been coated in oil nudged his arse, and then he had to bite his lips hard not to cry out in pain because that was definitely bigger than…
“Oh, shit,” Spain swore. A number of Spanish expletives followed as he rolled them both to the side, arms flailing. At least it distracted Austria from the unpleasant feeling.
“What…?” he started to ask.
“Damn. Sorry. I almost lost control… Did I hurt you?”
“Not much,” Austria said, more or less truthfully. “Is there something I can do to help?”
“I’d better … hold my legs still. Can you, uh, move against me?”
Austria understood immediately. He tugged one of Spain’s arms across his chest.
“Alright. Hold me.”
Spain did, muscles quivering from the effort not to move while Austria pushed his ass against him again and again, panting in the effort of moving.
“This doesn’t work,” he concluded. “On your back.”
Spain did as he was told. Austria took the jar from Spain’s hand, rubbing more oil on his dick and between his ass cheeks. Then he sat on him, face to his legs because Spain really didn’t need to see the grimace he pulled. He gave himself no time to think about the fact that suddenly it seemed to be him, not Spain, who controlled the situation. Instead, he used his weight to push Spain’s dick inside of him in slow thrusts that strained his leg muscles
When he was almost inside, Spain’s hips jerked upward, knocking the wind out of Austria’s lungs.
“You can turn me around now,” Austria panted as soon as he was sure his voice wouldn’t come out an octave too high. Spain did so, trying to hold his dick inside of Austria as it was. It wasn’t really possible because Austria could feel every little movement, and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation at all.
In the end, they were on their sides again, Spain’s arm once again slung across Austria’s chest.
“You’re so tight,” Spain panted. “Too tight. Can you try to relax?”
Austria did his best. He thought about Spain’s hands on him; the moment he had touched Spain; Spain’s lips around him… That had felt good.
“Better,” Spain grunted. He rocked his hips, keeping Austria in place with his arm.
It actually was better. The stretch was still unpleasant, but the oil did its job quite nicely now, and the pace Spain set suited Austria well: Not too fast, but not too slow either; not too hard and not too soft. He felt his cock that had become softer in the past minutes harden once again.
Then Spain’s hand brushed down Austria’s chest, gripped his cock, and—oh, that was more like it.
Spain’s mouth started to pepper kisses on his neck. Austria understood what he wanted, turning his head until Spain could kiss him. The kiss was open-mouthed and clumsy. Spain moaned into it as his hips moved harder and faster. At last, Austria’s hips started to jerk out of their own volition, torn between the thrusts from behind, the hand around his cock and the tongue in his mouth.
Suddenly, Spain brushed something inside of him that sent a shock of arousal through him. He cried out. Spain’s hand that had only held his cock before twisted up and down. Before Austria had registered what was happening, sticky wetness hit his stomach. Then Spain brushed the same spot as before, and another spurt of come followed the first.
Spain pumped Austria’s cock in a frenzy while his hips jerked up fast and erratically. Spots started to dance before Austria’s eyes. Then Spain’s hips stilled, and Austria felt hot fluid inside of him.
So this was penetrative sex between men, Austria thought with the part of his brain that never seemed to shut off. He pumped air between his lungs in long gasps until the spots in front of his eyes vanished.
The next things he registered were how sensitive the skin on his thighs felt—again, something that was not entirely new—and that he felt unable to move his legs even an inch.
“Austria?” Spain asked in a small voice.
“Hmm?” He couldn’t bring himself to say more.
“Are you … I mean, did I hurt you?” Spain sounded worried.
You mean, when didn’t you hurt me, a malicious part of Austria wanted to quip. He reined it in and settled for the truth.
“It stung when you spread me and it did hurt in the beginning,” he admitted. “But I don’t mind that you were chasing your own release at the end, which is what I think you are referring to.”
“I’m sorry.” Spain sounded sincere. “It gets easier if you do it more often.” There was an unspoken question in that statement, but Austria chose to ignore it for the time being. He had done his duty—the marriage had been consummated—but he didn’t know yet what he wanted for the future.
“Still,” Spain said. Austria felt the bed dip as he stood. He heard him move, but couldn’t bring himself to lift his head. “It was your first time. I should have been gentler.” Spain’s upper body entered Austria’s field of vision, holding a wet piece of cloth. “Allow me to clean you up, too?”
“Please.” Austria realised his own switch back to a formal tone. It seemed to have an effect on Spain: The way he cleaned him up was meticulous and efficient. Austria noted he had warmed the piece of cloth with his body—an act of care he appreciated.
“Tell me,” Austria asked, “if we hadn’t been ordered to consummate our marriage properly, would you have done all you did tonight?”
“No,” Spain answered at once. “I wanted you to enjoy it. I’d probably have stroked us off together, and that’s it. And you can keep caressing each other while you do that…” His voice trailed off. “Look, I think you’re clever and brave and beautiful, and I want to touch you. I’d want it if we weren’t married. But I’m worried I thwarted my own chances before I had any because we were doing what others expected of us.”
“Don’t be cross with me, but I believe I’m unable to think about that just now.” Austria only realised how true this was as he said it: He was exhausted; his legs felt like jelly; and he needed a good night’s sleep anyway after the dances, the chess match and Swabia’s and his own valiant efforts to thwart all spectators.
“Don’t misunderstand me,” he hurried to say as he saw the disappointment on Spain’s face. “If I say I need to think about it, I don’t mean no. I mean that I need to think about it, but I’m about to fall asleep. So … come to bed with me?”
Spain nodded. Then he doused the candles and went to bed, putting the blankets over them both as well as he could. Austria made a point of taking Spain’s hand.
It had been a long day, and he really needed to think. He also needed his legs to work again, but he assumed that problem would have solved itself by tomorrow.
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artsymely · 4 years
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Hello everyone!! I would finally love to present a wonderful comic that I made with @muscari-fae​ and Sketchy Pixel! (You can find them on instagram!!). This was for Hetabang, and I am very happy that we finished the comic! @hetabang
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pristinebeat · 4 years
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He was met with a pouting man with his hands on his hips, the journal in his left hand as it rested against his hip. He had curly brown hair, much like Antonio’s own hair, but his own hair was messier curls. The other man also seemed to have a stray curl that strayed on the right side of his head. Beneath heavily scowling eyebrows, his eyes were as bright as the sun; golden, passionate, full of life. What really stood out to him, was the fact that the male was not wearing clothes he was used to seeing around town and such, but a toga that hung loosely over his body. What? - - - - - - Here’s my half for @hetabang A huge thank you to my partner, @ccswede99 <3 
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arachnoidmater · 4 years
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My part for @hetabang! @wandschrankheld and I wrote a series of letters based on the failed Russian-American telegraph line, then they illustrated while I wrote a few out and set up scene on what would be Russia's writing desk. The book is a collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson poems I imagine America sent Russia, and the paper is from some old books I have.
The writing is not very readable here, being both in pencil and an awkward hand as I tried to imitate an 1860s America, so you can read the letters we wrote here! Check out the art here and here!
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aph-yoohoos · 4 years
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This started as something small for ceilion but became an 8 hour project really quickly. Happy belated birthday by like.........a lot..... @snorikefjell
I guess im here now
Oh god
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lying-monsters · 4 years
Made of Thunder and Dependencies
My contribution for Hetabang 2020: The eighties in America come in with rock music, with big names and bigger dreams. Gilbert wants to be a rockstar, Feliciano wants to become an artist, and Ludwig just wants to make his brother proud, no matter what it takes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23370421
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noxxy-boxxy · 4 years
Hetabang time!
So, it’s finally te time to upload this! I’ve been waiting for this moment lmao
I wrote this and my amazing partner did a drawing of the last scene, but they haven’t posted it yet so imma wait till they do and tag them! 
Edit: Here is the artwork! 
https://aph-florida-shitposts.tumblr.com/post/616694960857710592/they-my-peice-for-the-hetabang-art-thing It’s made by @aph-florida-shitposts The artis amazing and everyone should go and check it out, period.
The meeting ended sooner that day. Thank God. 
Gilbert grabbed his laptop and his briefcase, stretching his neck until it popped. It was Friday, finally, and that meant a lot of things. It meant beer, a nice dinner, some of that leftover cake, and the best part:
"Gilbert! Buongiorno!" 
He could invite him for dinner. He could finally invite Italy for dinner and ask him that thing. 
"Hey, little Italy! Guten morgen!" He smiled, his heart almost doing a cartwheel when Feliciano kissed his cheeks. "What are you doing here? You're going to miss your flight." Even after saying that, Feliciano sat on the table, and Gilbert did the same, not interested If he missed his own. 
"I was looking for you." Said the Italian, and God, if he didn't die at that moment, he really had to be a tough one. His pale face took a very slight shade of pink, invisible to Italy. 
"Oh, so you were searching for me?" Gilbert said, his speech still perfect, his tone normal, but his face warming. Slow but steady. 
"Yes, I wanted to ask you something." Gilbert arched an eyebrow, blinking once or twice. 
«Keep it cool.» He thought, panicking internally. "Oh, yeah, whatever you want, little Italy. I'm all ears." And, to be honest, he didn't expect that much, but surely he didn't see that one coming.
"Can you help me with my paperwork?" 
Oh God, Italy was lucky he liked him. He wouldn't waste his weekend explaining paperwork to anybody, but him. He was the only exception. 
But now, he surely was going to be talking about boring numbers, when they could be having a delicious dinner and a delicious dessert. Amazing. 
"Come with me. We can stay together at my house and I can explain to you how I do my paperwork." He smiled, petting the Italian's head. "Then, we can have dinner together. I'll make some homemade pasta for you and we can have cake at the end." And that was the exact way to convince Italy. Gilbert smiled softly, seeing Italy jump from one place to another while he sang some song. "Okay, okay. Chill, Kleine. Don't hurt yourself." Italy stopped and grabbed his hand, tangling his fingers with his own. 
"I would love that, Gilbert!" He smiled widely, so beautifully. "Oh, Gil, you're red. Is something wrong?" 
"Uh, nothing..."
They were kneading the dough, and Gilbert was amazed at the way Italy did it. His movements were perfectly fluent, his voice hummed a soft song, his eyes half-open. He stopped for a second, pinching the dough slightly. 
"It's ready to stretch and cut." Prussia nodded, and then, they began to stretch the dough, making it thinner. Over, and over, and over again, until Feliciano felt like it was perfect. Then, they passed it through the cutter, making perfect spaghetti. 
"Perfect." Said Prussia, bringing a tray with flour. "It's ready to cook." Italy nodded, looking incredibly happy. They both went to the kitchen, where the water in the pot was already boiling. Italy added some salt, and then, the pasta. 
"It should be ready in two or three minutes. Could you check the sauce?" Gilbert nodded, and went to another pot, opening it and grabbing some sauce with a spoon. He tasted it, the flavor lingering in his mouth. It was absolutely... 
"Delicious." He said, smiling widely. "It's delicious." Feliciano smiled, looking at him, small little face so adorable. He wanted to take a picture, no jokes. Gilbert covered the pot, seeing how his hand trembled, feeling his throat tightening. «Everything is going to be okay.» He had to say to himself. 
And he really hoped it would be. 
"Well, I think it's ready to drain." He nodded, getting closer. Italy was holding a fork, where one string of pasta sat. "Could you taste it, Gil?" And he extended his hand, offering him not the fork, but the food. He had to stop a second, trying to gain control of his face, to avoid that God damned red. He got even closer, eating the spaghetti from his hand. 
"It's ready." He said, tasting it. It had the right amount of salt, and it wasn't incredibly soft, but a little bit chewy. It was perfect.
Italy drained it and put it in the same pot with the sauce. he moved it around with a pair of tweezers, and then, it was perfectly ready to eat. 
"Let's go. I'm hungry." Italy smiled, grabbing a bottle of wine and a bottle of beer. Prussia nodded, grabbing the pot. 
"So, did you understand that thing about your paperwork?" Italy nodded, smiling and grabbing his glass of wine. 
"Yes, thanks." He smiled, taking a sip of wine. "You're a very good teacher, Gil." 
"Oh, ask West or America, they'll probably have something else to say." He laughed. "I am a good teacher, indeed," he started, grabbing his bottle. "but I am not going soft on anyone. You're just a special case. Usually, I would be more strict and rude with any other. Only for you." And Gilbert smiled softly, booping the Italian's nose, making him laugh.
"I like you a lot, Gil!" He smiled, and Gilbert definitely felt something jump in his chest. 
"Ah, yea, ja." He mumbled, looking away. "Actually, little Italy... Feliciano" He whispered, taking a big breath. "I like you too. I like you a lot." And Italy didn't even flinch. 
"Yeah! Me too, Gil! You're an amazing friend!" Oh, no. 
"No, dearest. I mean, uh, I like you, like, more than a friend. I like you a lot more." 
"Like a best friend, then! You're my best friend!" And Gilbert rolled his eyes, but Italy kept talking before he could explain himself. "I wouldn't change you as my best friend for anything in the world! You'll always be the best friend I could ever have, and I hope nothing ruins our friendship!" For God's sake, Gilbert thought, almost speaking again. 
"You... Wouldn't want me to be anything more than... Your best friend? Only... That?" He said, his voice normal, but something was cracking. "Not even-"
"Always friends!" Italy interrupted him. 
Then, he understood. Italy was understanding what he really wanted to say, but he surely didn't want to reject him. He just wanted him to... Catch the cue. He only wanted him as a friend. 
He only wanted him as a friend. 
"O-oh, yeah. Always... F-friends." He whispered, forcing that painful sensation at the back of his throat. Not yet. "I should take you to the airport so you can go back, Italy. You're going to miss your flight." He said, getting up and grabbing his keys and his helmet. He went to the garage, putting the key at the contact on his motorcycle. "Move, Italy! We don't have all the time in the world!" His words sounded a lot ruder and mean, like if he was tired or angry. Obviously, Italy got scared, and just followed the orders. The garage door opened with the controller, and they went out. Suddenly, Italy had to hold himself again Gilbert, because hell, they were going 100 kph, and it was just rising. They arrived at the airport in 3 minutes, when usually it would take 15. 
"Let’s go." And as soon as they were on the ground they were running. Or well, he was almost running. Gilbert was just walking. Incredibly quickly. Gilbert had to buy the tickets for him because obviously, the people spoke German.
"Here. Have this." Italy grabbed the tickets with one hand, while he grabbed his document and passport from his briefcase with the other. 
"Is everything alright, Gil?" He literally had to take a step back when Prussia looked at him. His eyes were glowing. 
"I don't allow my own brother to call me by my name, Italy. You don't have that privilege either." He deadpanned. 
But... Italy wasn't dumb. At least, not when it came to feelings. Even if Prussia was "angry", he saw sadness. In his face, those eyes were not glowing, they were shining.
"Gilbert..." He whispered, trying to put a hand on his shoulder, but at that second, his flight was announced. Prussia didn't even say goodbye, he just left. 
His eyes were shining, yes. And he swore, he saw a tear leaving his left eye. 
«Is he sad?"
Gilbert went back to his house calmly. He entered and started washing the dishes. The leftover spaghetti was poured in a container and stored in the fridge, with the forgotten cake. Then, he went to the table, grabbing his bottle of beer. It was half full, but in a second, he drank the rest. The wine was stored in the fridge, and the glass... He literally spent half an hour looking at it, trying to go back in time, when he bought that glassware, the moment when he grabbed it from the counter, just some hours ago. That moment, when they were still friends. 
His knuckles turned white, and in a quick movement, he threw the glass against the floor, turning it to just useless shards. Panting, he kneeled at its side, slowly picking up the pieces, just hissing when one of them cut his finger. 
Wine stung, but the tears falling were even more painful. 
The meeting was in Berlin that day. Ironically.
"He didn't come today..." Whispered Italy, looking at the German's seat, unoccupied. In his place, Germany entered, even when he was, technically, on vacation. Apparently, though, he was not there for the meeting, because he wore just civilian clothes. 
"Italy." He said, looking at him. "Can we talk? Please?" Italy nodded, concerned. He looked slightly sad but he looked mad too. Something surely had to be going around the Germanic countries. "What happened last Sunday, Italy? When I came back, Prussia was devastated. And I mean, really, sad."
"I knew he was sad. We were just talking, and in a second he was suddenly really mad but really sad. I swear I saw him crying."
"What were you two talking about? Do you remember what you said or what he said the moment when he changed?" 
"We were talking about our friendship! I told him I liked him, and he told me he liked me too, but, like, more than a friend! Then I thought, well he wants to be my best friend, and then it went down really quick and he was like that in a second." 
Germany observed him for a second, and then he arched an eyebrow. 
I mean. He thought he was the clueless one, but even he would have understood that. 
"So. Let's set things clear. You said something like 'I like you', then he said 'I like you too.' Then you started talking about friends, but he said 'I like you more than a friend.' Then you started talking about best friends. Then, he was suddenly angry. Is that what happened?”
"¡Si Capitano!" Said Italy, smiling widely. And oh God, he thought he was the clueless one. 
"Italy, my dear friend." He started, taking a deep breath. He needed France. "Let's say, a man and a woman are together. And he says 'I like you more than a friend.' What would you think he's meaning?"
"He loves her!" Italy said, smiling. And he smiled and smiled until he didn't. "He... He loves... Her." Slowly, he whispered. 
"And what if he does things for her he wouldn't do in normal situations? Like, cooking for her, or allowing her to call him by his name, or taking the time to explain to her something slowly, when everyone would say he's a devil when he's teaching. Or calling her with endearments, when he doesn't do that. What would you think? Does he want to be her friend?" And Italy slowly came into realization. 
"Oh my God, I messed it up. I ruined everything. I wasted his time. I fell really low. I-" And Germany had to touch his arm, to prevent him from missing the line. "I have to go and talk to him." And he almost ran away, just in the for Ludwig to grab him and bring him back. 
"Do you have any idea of what you’re going to say, at least?" Italy arched his eyebrow, opening his mouth, but Ludwig spoke first. "He liked you even when we were dating, but he never said anything. He liked you since the beginning. And I can't risk you going there and messing it up even more because I haven't seen him this sad since 1945. He doesn't deserve so much pain, and I won't let you go there unless you know exactly what to say." He took a deep breath. "Do you like him? Not like a friend. Not like a best friend." And Italy, slowly, nodded, making him smile. "Give me a pen. I have to give you the address. He's not in Berlin, so you'll have to go now unless you want to miss the train that goes to Hamburg." Italy grabbed a pen, and Germany didn't even waste time on paper, writing it directly onto his skin. "Do you understand it?" Italy nodded, and flew, running to the train station, buying a ticket to Hamburg, and getting on the train in record time. He just hoped that there was still time for him.
He made it to Hamburg, and then, he started going around, trying to remember each street. He reached a big building of apartments and looked at the key in his hand. The door opened, incredibly, and then he started walking, trying to reach the apartment number 19. The door made a little sound when unlocked, and then he went in. 
«It has to be Ludwig's private department.» He thought to himself. Some books were easy to recognize for him because he saw them in his library. A jacket was on the sofa, he recognized it as Gilbert's. And there was a bed for a dog on the floor. 
He walked to the bedroom, and entered, finding him sleeping peacefully. 
«He's here...» He thought, slowly getting closer to him. He sat down on the bed, and at that moment, he woke up.
"What the fuck, Italy?" He almost screamed, going back. "What are you doing here? Get out!" Now he was screaming. 
"No!" Italy responded, but Gilbert didn't listen. He grabbed his arm, dragging him to the door, without paying attention to anything he would say. And when they were almost out, he stopped for a second. 
"What did you said?" 
"I'm sorry," Italy whispered, squirming in his place. "Prussia, my hand hurts..." And he left him to go. He dragged some tears left In his eyes, saying that again. "I'm sorry. I didn't know, I didn't understand at that moment. Please, forgive me." And his face was suddenly red, his eyes shiny again. 
"It's not fair, I try to get out, and you drag me back, you probably don't even mean what I think you're meaning. And I thought West was bad when it came to feelings." Italy grabbed his hand, pressing it. 
"I like you too." He said, feeling Prussia's hand tremble. "I like you. Not like a friend. Not like a best friend. I like you a lot. I just thought you weren't meaning it like that, or I was just a little tipsy and I wasn't thinking, but I'm sorry. For making you cry and for hurting you." And when he looked at his face, he was crying. "I'm sorry..." He whispered one last time, slowly touching his nose, and kissing him. 
It was something slow. Almost as if he was afraid of scaring him. He was suddenly so weak, so small. For a second he was a child again.
His hands just hung at his sides at the beginning, but then he slid them, right to his shoulders. They separated, looking at each other for a second. Then, Gilbert spoke. 
"I like you, Feliciano." 
"Me too, Prussia." Italy smiled. 
"Call me by my name. Please." But Italy didn't, because, of course, he had to kiss him again.
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feynavaley · 5 years
Are you going to participate in the Hetabang? :D
Thanks for the question! Your interest is appreciated. 😊
However, I have decided not to take part in the event. I initially reblogged the promos and everything because I was interested and I was actually considering it, but that was when I still thought it would be a format closer to a Big Bang, just with a lower word count. I thought writers would have to work at their fanfics and submit them, and the artists would be paired with the already fleshed-out (if not completely finished) works. That was something I could consider doing, depending on the deadlines and other guidelines that had yet to be specified.
Instead, writers and artists will be paired up beforehand and will have to develop their works together. I’m afraid that’s beyond my skills – and available time, too, as cooperating like that with another person would require a lot of additional time between talking and planning. 😅 Besides, I had a look at the guidelines and application form and I realized even more how much I am unsuited for something like this, haha. There are so many things I’m not willing to compromise on when it comes to fanfiction… It wouldn’t be fair to my potential partner.
But, I know they already have a lot of applications! I’m sure my contribution won’t be missed. 😊
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mandelene · 5 years
MANDIE THERE'S GOING TO BE A FUCKING HETABANG 2020 LMAOOOOO. Bring back Hetalia 2k20 indeed x)
I'm happy, anon, truly, but Hetabang also means interacting with people, and that's a skill I do not currently possess.
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hetabang · 4 years
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Drawing for hetabang!!
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cynnied-art · 4 years
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Oferlufu, Amur Mult
It was a week from the end of the world, and France headed out to see England for the last time. He took his black umbrella out of the umbrella stand by the door and looked one last time at the apartment he had been living in since the beginning of the twentieth century. 
That was the corner where the couch was when he surrendered to Germany; that was the kitchen where he first entertained Prussia after the fall of the Berlin wall; that was the TV that he and Belgium had watched the Netherlands flood on. 
England was here, too. Had been here. He was a spirit that couldn’t be exorcised.
It’s Hetabang time everybody! These are all the illustrations I made in companion with the lovely Xinette’s fic. It’s wonderfully hopeful even if it is set at the end of the world. Cause when the end is nigh, why not spend it with the only person you just can’t quit?
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kanin-223 · 4 years
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This took forever and I'm glad I finally finished! Stay safe!
I made this for @hetabang!
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aph-yoohoos · 4 years
My Hetabang project with @teenytonnie​!
The story written by them and the drawing done by me!
Berwald walked out of the local animal shelter, a small dark teal pet carrier securely in his arms. There was an animal in there - a small white dog, to be specific - and he wanted to be extra careful carrying the new pet to his car. Before he got either of them inside, though, Berwald lifted the carrier to take a peek at the puppy inside. The fluffy dog wagged her tail happily at the sight of him - she wasn't scared at all, to Berwald’s surprise, quite the opposite, really, which is what made her stand out to him. She was a dog that would be able to live with him without being in constant fear, like seemingly any other animal in the shelter would be. That comforted Berwald - one less person to worry about his standoffish looks.
The tall Swedish man opened the door to the backseat and placed the carrier inside, fastening the seat belt over it. Maybe it was unnecessary, but perhaps it would keep the puppy from being jostled around too much while the car was moving. After getting in the driver's seat and buckling his own seatbelt, Berwald began making the drive back home where he resided with his wife (well, really his husband), Tino. He was the love of his life. And hopefully, he would be just as overjoyed as Berwald was with the new surprise. 
During the car ride, Berwald would often hear the dog moving around inside the carrier in the back seat - the sound of dog nails against plastic, mostly- which only made him all the more thankful he thought to put the seatbelt on back there. Luckily, the animal shelter was about a five minute drive from Berwald and Tino's house, and so the ride home was shortand, for the most part, smooth. The puppy hadn’t whined much and from the little peeks that Berwald took, she seemed excited for what came next. After parking the car in his driveway, he retrieved the carrier from the back seat and tucked it under his arm. 
This will be a nice surprise for Tino, Berwald thought as he walked up the sidewalk leading to his front door. Putting the pet carrier down, Berwald fished his pockets for his house keys before unlocking the door to his house, scooping up the crate again and stepping into the front hall. Tino was there in a few seconds to greet him. 
"Hi, Berwald! How was your drive?" Tino glanced down at what Berwald was carrying in his arms. "What's in the crate?"
Berwald, as usual, didn't respond much in terms of words, instead kneeling to set the carrier down. He then unlatched the door and opened it, and, discovering she was free, the puppy ran out and immediately went to investigate Tino. This involved trying to jump up his leg. Tino laughed, not seeming to mind, having gasped in surprise when he saw the small and fluffy dog bound towards him. Picking her up, he asked almost with tears in his eyes, "You got us a puppy?"
To which Berwald nodded. 
Picking up the puppy, Tino gave her a hug before he embraced Berwald, too, careful to keep the dog out of the way as he did so. 
"Thank you so much! That was so sweet of you, love!" Not that Tino could expect anything much different from Berwald. They pulled away from one another, Tino still holding the dog in his arms. 
"What do you want to name her?" Berwald asked, knowing immediately that Tino would probably come up with something strange - asking that question sealed the puppy's fate to whatever weird name Tino would pull out of the depths of his mind. 
Tino gave his response a long, hard thought though, even holding the dog - who was wagging her tail a thousand miles per hour since Berwald picked her up from the shelter- in front of him as he carefully considered his answer. "Hmm… I'm thinking Hanatamago."
This surprised Berwald, and he agreed, thinking of how sweet and simple the name was.There it is. Hanatamago was the name that so perfectly screamed Tino, and the name that would stick to that little dog forever.
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nyhne · 4 years
APH - Six Pieces for Orchestra and Heart [PruAus]
Read it on Ao3 | FF
Second Viennese School disciple Roderich gets invited by his mentor Arnold Schönberg to submit a piece to be performed at a concert in early 1900s Vienna, but as soon as he receives the good news, he loses all inspiration. Luckily, the coffee house he frequents has a new waiter fresh from Berlin, and to Roderich's headache-or perhaps good fortune-the Berliner refuses to leave him alone.
Historical Hetalia piece roughly based on the Skandalkonzert of 1913. Written for the Hetabang 2020 event, with accompanying illustrations by the wonderful and wonderfully patient @ekinoksin on Tumblr. <3 My first complete fic in a long, long while. Still a bit rusty, but it was fun to work on Hetalia again and I hope it spurs me to get back to some other projects. I hope you enjoy. 
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