#Hi my name is dibbles
chaosandmarigolds · 11 days
Lil bit of Pre-K angst? comin right up!! (i don't know what im doing lol??? a short little one part of a dibble dabble, mentions of injury, car accidents, drunk driving death,
It was a promise.
He had knelt down to Olivers level, telling him that he would come back to him. He told the sobbing child that nothing would happen to him, he told Oliver that he would be fine.
Why didn't he think about Oliver?
How could he have not thought about Oliver?
How could he have not worried about you?
The call had knocked the wind out of him, he didn't even realize he was the emergency contact on Oliver's list beside you. The mission wasn't even dangerous it was stupid- a conference in a city a few towns over and he had...
"Is this a.. Mister Simon Riley?"
Simon looks up from the file he had been reading over, seeing Kyle and Johnny's eyes look up at him from the sudden stiffening of his posture.
"Mister Riley, unfortunately your wife and son-"
"M-my what?"
If his blood wasn't cold enough it certainly was when he heard your name followed by Oliver's, and he swore that everything began to slow. His feet where moving on their own, leaving Johnny and the team without an answer.
Everything was in slow motion, expect him.
a four-hour drive cut into one and a half. Two police cars tried to chase him on the freeway but he didn't care, easy to lose.
He had to pry the details out of the nurse, yet all she would simply say is that it was a group of teenagers 'pre-gaming' for a party, club hopping- and it was a Friday and fridays are when you take Oliver to his swimming lessons and then go get ice cream at the place down town-
She said you and Oliver were lucky to be alive, not quite stable, and that 'luckily' no one else was hurt.
Simon Riley was many things, he had cried enough times to make anyone pity him. Nor was he religious, for no God would forsake him as cruelly as he had been.
Yet that night, he cried tears and prayed to whatever God there was for a miracle.
(Anyway. that's it <<<3 I hope that works because I'm not super used to writing sad stuff, but it was fun to do! Feed back and comments make my day!)
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waitmyturtles · 7 months
There's a lot to dig into, so let's git it. This episode was more complicated than it actually seemed on the surface -- THANKS, TOP.
@lurkingshan and @respectthepetty came OUTTA the GATES as soon as yesterday's episode dropped, swinging their chanclas at the hypocrisies that larded this episode. Shan read almost every last one of these motherfuckers for filth in her post, naming Atom (there goes my NeoTitle dreams already) for unfairly shaming Boston; Ray, for clearly cheating on Mew; and Sand, for equivocating Ray to Boston -- all while Boston is actually still clearly communicating his preferences to not date, despite people all around him judging him for the sex he has. RTP Senpai points out that Sand is pissed off at Top for stealing Sand's ex-boyfriend -- but that Sand full well knows that while he's sleeping with Ray, Ray was technically still dating Mew. So -- is Sand stealing Mew's boyfriend from Ray? Why, oh yes he is, and Sand ain't holding himself accountable for it, Big Boba Kanaphan Eyes.
Hypocrisy. It was the name of the game of this episode. Or.... was it? It was actually way more complicated than that.
Atom in particular, just like -- where's my chappal -- but let me get back to him in a sec. As the hypocrisies were starting to click in, I saw something else going on in this episode, an opposite to the hypocrisy. I saw some clear revelations, and a learning and leaning into love through the inexperienced eyes of Mew, as compared to the painfully experienced eyes of Yo.
The episode started with Mew waking up at the hostel, unaware of Top's behaviors after Mew passed out at the Halloween party. (Top, by the way, was just -- CHEF'S KISS -- drippingly condescending, hypocritical, and sneaky this episode. Force just laid it awl out. What a performance. More on this in a bit.) Mew parties with Yo, who is like, the friend we need the MOST in this series, and asks her about whether or not he SHOULD like Ray. And Yo has to remind Mew to check himself before he wrecks himself over any sense of obligation he may have to Ray.
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Yo's starting to help Mew's thoughts tickle away from obligation to a reality of his heart. At least -- one reality.
I thought of this scene when we went on the camping trip with Sand and Nick, and we had, I think, the best scene in all of Only Friends so far (cc @wen-kexing-apologist and @lurkingshan who were very, VERY right) -- in Sand and Nick clicking into their moment where they're both single, they both real cute, and why don't we see if something's there? Because that happens among friends, sometimes, and if you don't try, you won't know, right? Especially in a queer friend community that will almost always be smaller than a het community, making love that much harder to find. So you might dibble and dabble with your friends here and there.
And they smooched, and they laughed, and they were like, this doesn't work, and they laughed more, and moved on. And they were just so mad cool about it.
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The way that this particular line of engagement ended with two pairs -- with Sand and Nick finding clarity, and Ray and Mew together at the social services office and communicating, to confirm that Ray and Mew just would not work together -- was a kind of relief that I haven't experienced in Only Friends yet. The slight lift I got from seeing these considerations and interactions reminded me of how I felt when the tide of trauma began to turn in Bed Friend, where the second act of that series was just trauma pummel after trauma pummel -- how much more could Uea take, I wondered. As we saw, in this episode of Only Friends, clarity roll through SandNick and RayMew, I felt relieved that there was some closure, somewhere, among some of these individuals who had tried, even ever so briefly, to pair up.
But -- this being Only Friends, heh -- it was not only relief that I felt in this episode, but we also still saw a lot of sticky toxicity and hypocritical judgements.
Atom couldn't just leave Boston ALONE. As ever, Boston has communicated to his hook-up that he's not a dating guy, not a relationship guy. And Atom doesn't take the hint.
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I love that at this point in the series, at episode 9, we STILL have people judging one-night stands as "awful." What a stark reminder of the ways in which people use judgements against sex to forever condemn those who choose to engage in casual sex.
After episode 6, I wrote a little about the phenomenon of having "feelings" after sex. Many, many people have a biological urge (or even a socially expectant urge) to care/have feelings for for the person they have slept with, whether they had sex after a one-night stand, a friends-with-benefits arrangement, sex in a relationship, etc. Others, like Boston, don't.
Either of these phenomena are okay and utterly normal -- as long as you're accountable to yourself for your feelings, and not placing on anyone else any obligation to respond to those feelings that are only emanating from you, yourself.
In other words: even if Atom had "feelings" for Boston after sex -- what is Boston's responsibility to respond in kind to those feelings?
Boston had the right answer to Atom here. Boston says to Atom: no one (meaning, me, Boston) asked you to care for me. And I'm not here to hold that caring for you. I don't owe you that, Atom. That's not what's assumed when two people have sex as casually as we did.
Compare this to Nick's farewell monologue to Boston (right before Boston is about to have a hook-up, oh my god, Nick). Nick had a thing to say about his feelings ("I like you, Boston, and I am sorry for everything I did, and I am going to move on from you"), he said his piece, and he moved on.
At first, I was CRINGING at what was happening, because I thought Nick would make an embarrassingly grand and dramaaaaatic farewell, of a kind that I saw many of my drunk girlfriends make to their exes at bars when I was in my 20s, all with an intent of making their exes feel guilty for the break-ups that had previously happened.
But Nick, in that moment, actually owned his feelings, despite the timing of the conversation. And we saw Boston respond, ready to approach Nick -- and Nick had bounced and moved on with Daddy Dan, right then and there.
What a MIRROR of behavior between Atom ("Boston, you owe me") and Nick ("I thought about this, and I'm going to end it, for your happiness and for mine"). While Boston and his reputation still remain as a kind of bottom standard for people who want to feel superior when they compare themselves to him (ex: Top, Ray, Sand), Boston himself is direct about his feelings, or lack thereof, and Nick demonstrated that he himself has moved on from equivocating about a feeling of like/love that at least, he thinks, is not there anymore. (Which, from Boston's eyes -- we know now is not the case, as Boston continues to give hints of regret.)
I gotta tell y'all something. I was a party girl, like this group of friends, in my 20s. And I was heavily judged for being a ho. The terms slut, ho, whore -- were all used to describe my behavior in dripping judgement that I wasn't, instead, seeking safe and Puritanical monogamy. I was having fun with and in sex, and I was very heavily judged for it. Maybe, in part, it was because some of my friends had a harder time finding sex? Perhaps. But because sex is so EASY to judge, based on the majority popular judgements against sex -- isn't it easier to roll with the tide, than to think outside of the box and to not judge someone for having casual sex?
While Boston's ho reputation precedes him -- it is a reputation based on an unfair, almost Puritanical judgement against sex, and against people who have sex. (Once again: hello, Khai.) I give major applause to the hoes in this episode of Only Friends. All while people around them are judging sex, and judging people like Boston for having sex: Boston and Nick are not hiding anything -- they are not trying to equivocate away their actions. Their own timing isn't right. Nick knows he's about to go and hit that with a new dude. But they both have clarity about what's happening inside of them at their given moments, and they've become better about communicating what's happening inside of them over the course of the series. It's yet to be seen if the timing will work out for Boston and Nick -- but they're inching towards a clearer line of openness than we've seen in the past.
So. While awwwwlllll of this is going on: Top continues to try to infuse himself in Mew's life. Man. THIS GUY.
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Top? Shut the hell up. Condescending foo. And then showing up to invite yourself to accompany Mew's moms? All while Mew doesn't know that you crossed his boundaries the last episode? And that you recorded Ray smooching Sand? Stooping to the very same tactics that got you, Top, caught? AND YOU CALLED A BOOTY CALL? While trying to win back Mew?
And...... amazingly. For Top, it worked. Or at least, it was working for a second. Mew was reconsidering.
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To me -- in my opinion -- Top's behavior seems conniving, sniveling, more about winning than about love. But he also knows that he still has a hook in Mew, and was pulling rapidly on the fishing line.
And Mew... Mew began to follow that fishing line again, showing up to Top's building, and hopping into that elevator, with another person that Top had on his hook. And, good lord, now with Mond (MOND!) in the mix, we're going to have ANOTHER dramatic pile-up next week.
God, for me, while there were these notes of relief in this episode, these moments of clarity among people like Sand, Nick, and Boston, I just, like, wanted to tear MY HAIR OUT when I saw Mew and Boeing both approach Top's door at the same time. What the fuck will happen next.
And while Top will try to convince Mew to stay with him, surely, in episode 10 -- Top will also continue to judge Boston to Mew, I am sure. Top will judge Ray. Top will try to "heal" and "protect" and "take care" of Mew.
Top, leveraging judgement against sex by others to build up his own supposed moral and ethical fabric, "taking care" of Mew and leading Mew to think that Top is still a viable candidate for dating -- Cheum even interprets Top's behavior at the Halloween party as "taking care" of Mew -- will it come crumbling down as Boeing the Ex shows up for a little boing-boing?
Dudes, I have no idea, because Top keeps catching breaks! For people at The Top -- that's so often how it works in society, no?
Like I said: this was a hella complicated episode. We have three more to go. This episode captured in a snapshot a group of gloriously imperfect people making equivocating decisions as they bumble along, minute by minute. SandNick and RayMew got CLARITY. Boston got CLARITY on his feelings for Nick. Cheum is getting CLARITY on her association with the hostel. Atom got CLARITY on where Boston stood. I don't know that we have CLARITY on SandRay yet, but.... I dunno, I'll let the capitalists at GMMTV decide that, ha.
Where we don't have clarity is now with Top and Mew, with Top acting clearly duplicitously, and how Mew is going to manage this latest fall-out. I have no idea if Boeing will serve as competition to Mew, if Boeing will be the lug nut in the polycule we're all dying for -- I have no idea. I just know that Top -- who purports himself to be above all moral judgement, winning the hearts and minds of at least two moms from out of town, wtf -- will face yet another challenge in winning Mew's heart that he likely has a stronger chance of winning, due to his station in life. Top was about to come out on Top in this episode, and I wouldn't be surprised if he hangs on for another playoff win next week. We shall see.
I'm tagging the Ephemerality Squad in permanent fury over the permanence of people judging sex, let's go! @ranchthoughts @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @distant-screaming @thatgirl4815 (THATGIRL WITH THE THEORY THAT BOEING MAY NOT BE THE EX THAT TOP AND SAND SHARE, OH SHIT!) @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @wen-kexing-apologist @clara-maybe-ontheroad @kayatoasted
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waccozzz · 24 days
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concept dib my behated
hes so goofy and for what
i like to think his name is dibble, same with pilot dib. show and movie dib are dibert.
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maddie0101 · 5 months
Saudade; Chapter one
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Summary: Addy grows uneasy upon seeing a stranger lingering around. Her gut is telling her something isn’t right, but she goes home anyways. What’s the worst that can happen? (I suck at summarizing, help.)
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, slight angst, slight fluff? Pinning.
Words: 2,440k
➭ Series Masterlist
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Letting the ball dribble between her feet, the small girl focuses on the goal ahead. Her heavy breaths pick up as her heart rate starts to beat faster and faster against her chest, feeling the exhilarating adrenaline. Pushing her herself to dibble the ball and run as fast as she can, the small brunette glances up, eyeing the goalie infront of her getting into position.
Quickly looking around her to see if any defenders are still on her tail, the small girl's eyes widen as she notices a man standing off to the side by the bleachers, watching her with a creepily.
What the hell? The girl shakes her head, turning her attention back onto the game.
Addison takes in a deep breath, letting her lungs fill with air as she plants her foot back onto the ground. Lifting her leg back to muster as much strength as she can, the small girl shoots—
The ball soars through the air as the goalie pushes her feet off of the ground, reaching for the ball. The small brunette stumbles back as the goalie misses, letting the ball fly into the net.
Instantly, Addison's eyes widen, pure joy flooding through her small body as a loud cheer escapes her lips. I won the game! Oh my—YES!
Celebrating with her teammates as they each come up to her and congratulate her, Addison beams. Her eyes twinkle with pride as she looks over her shoulder, scanning the crowd for one person in particular.
Addy’s lips tug into a smile as her bright blue orbs land on her best friend cheering and giving her a thumbs up from his place in the stands. The small girl's heart soars as she studies the boy, letting her eyes roam over his figure as he stands up in his letterman jacket.
Tearing her bright orbs away from the boy, Addison glances back to the side of the bleachers, making her bright smile fade. Where the hell did creepy dude go? The small girl wonders, her eyebrows furrowing in concern as she walk over to the bench and bends down to pick up her bag.
Addy wasn't scared of the man, she knew he wouldn't do anything with so many people around, but the way he was looking at her...made her feel uneasy. Not necessarily the creepy stalker type, but something in his dark orbs had her feeling like something bad was about to happen. She could feel it in her gut, making her stomach churn.
"Well, well, if it isn't the team captain and the game winner." The familiar voice calls, making the girl roll her eyes playfully, knowing the boy already had his lips pulled into a smirk.
"Mitchell" Addison greeted, her smile beaming as she teased the boy with his full name.
Shaking his head as his lips stayed frozen in a smile, Mitch reached out and wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her into a tight embrace. "You did really good, Addy. " The boy whispers into her hair, sending a small shiver down her spine as they break away.
No—nope. You can't think like that.
"Why, thank you Mitchy." Addison laughs, beginning to walk beside the boy as they head to the parking lot.
"Soo, are you going to celebrate tonight by going to Claire’s party?" Mitch questioned, wiggling his eyebrows as he bumped the small girl's shoulder with his own.
"Katrina asked me to go and I need a wing woman, you know—in case I do something stupid.." The boy smiled as he turned his gaze in-front of them, missing the small brunette's smile fading.
Right...Katrina. Addison sighed, trying to keep her face hidden from her best friend beside her.
"I can't." Addy finally answers, her voice wavering as she tries to put on a fake smile, hiding her real feelings. "I have to help my mom with something and I'm exhausted. You two have fun, though! I'm sure you'll be okay without me." The small brunette sends the boy a smile, ignoring the pang in her heart.
"You sure? Because Katrina wouldn't mind!" Mitch attempted, his eyes snapping over to the girl for a brief moment before continuing to babble.
A small sound coming from behind the two makes the small girl snap her eyes around them. Whipping her head all around to try and find the source, Addison ignores the boy's drowned out babbling as she scans her eyes around the now empty parking lot.
"You okay?" Mitch questions, snapping her out of the uneasy feeling surging through her gut. Turning her attention back onto Mitch's as she adjusts the strap on her shoulder, Addison shifts nervously and sends the boy a soft smile. "Yeah, just exhausted. Sorry."
Quickly getting to her dad's old pickup truck with Mitch hovering closely behind her, Addison squeezes her eyes shut for a brief moment, trying to keep herself calm and focused. Not letting the man from earlier slip her mind.
Whipping her head around nervously to search the area as Mitch takes the bag from her hands, Addison shifts onto her other foot.
Putting the bag into the back of the old pickup, Mitch turns back towards the girl, watching as she shifts nervously. What the hell is going on? Why does she keep looking around?
"Okay, seriously Adds. What's the deal?" Mitch furrows his eyebrows, stepping closer to the girl as his hands fall to rest on his hips.
"Nothing." Addison swallows, nervously shifting in her spot before turning toward the truck. Reaching out her shaky hand, the small brunette swings the door open and climbs in. "I'm good, I promise. Just tired" Addy smiles at the boy, watching as he steps even closer and leans his forearm on the edge of the door, peering down at the girl.
"Okay, just making sure Adds." Mitch presses his lips together, causing the small brunette to shift her gaze from his brown eyes, to his lips. No. Stop it, Addy. The girl internally scolds herself, snapping her eyes back up to meet his dark brown orbs.
"Look, I know you're exhausted—especially from the game, but I would love to have my wing woman tonight. I could stop and get you an iced coffee at the gas station?" Mitch smiles down at the girl, trying to get his best friend to take the bait.
Sure, he knew she was tired, but he needed her there—and something else had him pushing harder than he would normally. Something in the back of his mind, screaming at him to not let her go home.
"I'm sorry, Mitch. You know I would, but I have to help my mom and also do homework." Addy lies, coming up with an extra excuse to not go, still nervously looking around her in worry.
I do not want to third wheel tonight. The girl thinks to herself, shifting in her seat uncomfortably under Mitch's burning gaze.
Still feeling that same uneasy feeling in her gut, Addison lets her hand fall in between the seats, wrapping her small hands around the cold metal her dad had left in the truck for 'emergencies only'. "I'll call you later tonight to see how you're doing. I want to know the details." The small brunette breaks the silence, putting up a front as she sadly shoots the boy a smile, trying to look happy— for his sake.
"Okay" Mitch sighs sadly, watching the girl continuing to shift uncomfortably in her seat and look around the empty parking lot around them. She's worried about something. Her little forehead crinkles up when she's worried.
"Just be careful, okay?" A smile appears on Mitch's lips as he shuts the car door slowly. Watching through glass as Addy rolls the window down, the boy tries to push the uneasy feeling away.
"Will do, Mitchy. I'll call you later. Have fun."
Patting the vehicle as he smiles down at his best friend, Mitch watches silently as she starts the truck up. Something is wrong…
Watching the boy turn and head to his vehicle— parked a few rows back, Addison peers through the rear view mirror and waits till the boy opens his car door.
Lifting the cold metal laying in her shaky hands, Addison keeps the weapon close as she puts the truck into drive. Steering with her thigh, the small brunette reaches beside her grabs the clip, popping the magazine into place.
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Stealthily climbing over her fence, Addison tip toes around her back yard, keeping her small hands trained on the weapon laying in her small and shaky hands.
Opening the back door slowly, the girl winces as yelling and screaming echo throughout her house. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening.
A sudden gunshot goes off, followed by a scream, making the girl flinch as her eyes grow wide in fear. Mom? Addison blinks, inching towards the doorway.
Tiptoeing to peer over the side of the kitchen wall, the small brunette's heart shatters into a million pieces. There laying on the cold floor, her mother chokes on her own blood, squirming around in agony as the crimson liquid pools around her body. Oh my god.
Feeling the pure heart break and rage surging through her shaky form, Addison turns her gaze to glare at the back of the man's head, watching silently as he peeks out of the window on the door. He's waiting for me to come home...
Letting the cold metal raise in her small shaky hands, the small brunette takes a deep breath before letting her finger squeeze the trigger. A gunshot rings through the small brunette's ears, making her flinch back as she fires the gun.
Snapping her fear-filled orbs back open, Addy's eyes widen at the man laying on the ground with a bullet wound in his head. Oh my god. I just killed somebody...
Not thinking straight as she moves to go try to help her mother, Addison freezes as a click pops from behind her, making her freeze in place as her heartbroken gaze looks up from her mother that, now took her last breath.
"Didn't think there were two of us now, did you?" The man laughs, gritting his teeth as he stalks closer to the shaking girl.
Flinching as the man stands inches away from her face, the girl peers directly down the dark barrel of the weapon, feeling her heart beating rapidly throughout her chest as the mixture of emotions and adrenaline cause her body to tremble. Squeezing her tear-filled eyes shut, Addison chokes back a sob.
Then out of no where, a gunshot goes off, making the girl flinch as a whimper escapes her throat. Oh my.. The small brunette chokes back another sob, thinking this was the end.
Feeling no pain, Addy furrows her eyebrows in confusion and cracks an eye open. Warm liquid rushes down the horrified girl's face as she spins around quickly to see her father standing in the doorway, with the barrel of his gun smoking.
"Dad?" The small girl cries, choking back a sob as she looks back from her father to the ground. Flinching back as she notices creepy man now laying on the ground with his brains splattered all over the carpet, Addison stumbles over her feet as she tries to move towards her father.
"Baby, are you okay?" Her father asks, rushing up to the girl's side, pulling her into a tight embrace. Shaking her head as tears roll down her cheeks, the adrenaline and mixture of emotions making her body tremble, Addy clings onto her father's shirt and sobs.
"Who are they? What did they want?" The small girl sniffled, tearing her gaze away from her father's shirt to glance back at her mother "T-They killed mom. Oh my god."
"Addy, look at me." Her father orders, putting his phone away as sirens fill the night air off into the distance. "Everything is about to change—Nobody can know that you're alive."
"What? Why?" The girl questions in shock, her head shaking violently as her dad cups her tear ridden cheeks.
"I'll explain later, but we can't let anyone else see you alive. Come on." The man ushers, pulling his daughter up to stand as he then reaches to the side and grabs a hoodie off of the coat rack.
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Taking her last look at her childhood home, Addison quickly gets into the car, slipping the hoodie over her head as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars surround the now crime scene.
Letting the tears freely roll down her cheeks as she watches her dad quickly exchange some words with a few police officers and then head back into the house with the officers right behind him, Addy chokes back a sob when she sees her best friend push through the crowd.
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"What's going on?" Mitch questions, ignoring Katrina as she tries to catch up with him. Trying to push through the barricades, a police officer yells out "Hey, kid! Stay back!"
Mitch's worried gaze flickers around the house, looking for any sign of his best friend before landing on medics— rolling a body out. "What happened?!" The boy's voice wavers, horror flickering over his features as he tries to push through the barriers again.
"Kid you're going to have to step back." The police officer shouts over the numerous people, now trying to get through to see what is going on.
"What happened? Who is that?" Mitch kept trying as tears rolled down his cheeks, watching as another body bag was rolled out with what looked to be a smaller person inside. No. Not Addy, please don't be Addy.
"Everyone inside the house was killed, I'm sorry."
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Addison watches from afar as her best friend tries to fight and get past the policeman, her heart shattering into pieces as her dad suddenly opens the door.
"Dad?" Addy's voice cracks, watching as the man sets the bag down and plops down into the seat beside her. "W-what's going on?"
"You're dead, Addy." Her father answers softly, starting up the vehicle. "You died along with your mother, okay?—That's what the news is going to tell everyone. Irene is going to make it look believable, funeral-"
"Why?" Addy questions, her head shaking violently.
"Because Addy, I'm not just a cop." The man reveals, turning towards his daughter. "I'm a CIA agent, and you are in danger. I had to throw them off of your trail. Nobody can know that you're alive. You can't be in contact with anyone you know. And as far as they will know, you were murdered alongside your mother."
"CIA?" Addison questions In disbelief, her tear ridden blue orbs widening.
"Special ops." The older Hurley confirms, continuing to keep his eyes on the road ahead. "I train assassins."
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Author’s Note:
⌖ Hi guys! So I am fairly new to the whole writing world…so I do apologize if it isn’t up to par. But, I have gotten a lot better since I had first started writing on Wattpad. I hope you come to love Addison and my story! I will try to update and post chapters as soon as I get them written, but I am working a lot more for the holidays rn. (My free time is somewhat rare)
⌖ Also, I’m sorry for the first chapter being a bit depressing. It sets my story up though, I promise it will get better/happier.
⌖ If you would like to be tagged for chapters please lmk! ☻
⌖ Anyways, enough of my rambling…I hope this isn’t as bad as I think it is, but again..I hope y’all enjoy!
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➭ Next Chapter
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angelimhere · 5 months
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Hiii it’s me! showing signs of life, I'll be uploading content more often from now on.
I was inspired and wanted to do some conceptual art in the style of Top cat, this time it was the redesign of one of my old Ocs "James Pável Cambridge".
Top cat AU:
Name character: “James”
Age: “In the Au 28”
Gender: Male
Nationality: British//Spain
Voice Actor: Mark Hildreth (USA)
Personality: Confident, Serius,Kind (currently), reserved, Analytical.
Friends: (In this Au), The gang, Officer Dibble, Trixie and others
Frenemies: Top cat
Enemies: Lou Strickland ( Previously he was their boss), Mr.Big and his gang
Ocupation: Scientist, librarian
Later I will give more details of it in this AU.
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topcatofficial · 2 months
my ideal modern day top cat reboot (not just tc and/or the gang serving as side characters in an ensemble cast in a hanna-barbera crossover cartoon) would be like,
tc and benny are the same as they always are (selfish hedonistic get-rich-quick schemer and his naive childhood bff enabler)
dibble is a private investigator (like he's always wanted to be) who is tc's other childhood friend (boyfriend) whose investigations somehow always end up intersecting with tc's schemes even when he's not actively investigating tc. i cant decide if i want him to stay human or not tho (dog dibble au my beloved miss u baby)
trans lesbian choo choo my beloved. weird and emotional, and constantly talks about her girlfriend lola glamour (theyre so t4t)
non-committal flirty serial monogamist gold digger fancy fancy, based on a mix of his cartoon personality and comic personality. like if fujiko mine were a catboy, who will sometimes betray the gang but they barely really hold it against him. tc doesnt, anyway
oblivious math wiz brain who is probably nonbinary but he's got finances to go over so he doesnt really care about that right now.
former-hellcat butch biker lesbian spook *giggles* i cant decide whether i want spook to be a she/her lesbian or a he/him lesbian, but very top cat begins/comic based characterization
roxy from the scrapped reboot finally gets to join the gang :) she can have jellystone brain's personality since he's not using it. she also has something extremely gay going on with spook
then side characters would be like,
myra and sheldon live in the city and periodically get involved in tc shenanigans! myra is very much so a neurotic worrywart who is constantly freaking out over the ways her twin brother's schemes can backfire. sheldon didnt really have a solid characterization in his book so maybe he can have jellystone fancy's personality?
kitty glitter from top cat and the beverly hills cats can be recurring because i like her <3 to me shes so lupin-iii-sadgirl coded
lola glamour gets to appear now and then and gets to be so annoyingly sappy pda with choo choo. has a lot of mentions and cameos though cuz shes still a star and shes dating choo choo who adores her childhood best friend turned lover <3 <3 <3
dibbles ex-wife periodically shows up and tc hates her soooooo much which is ironic because theyre kind of parallels. foils. the same but different. i would emphasize them being so similar and in fact that she reminded him of tc is why he married her and she does not like that one bit. self indulgent but i really dont care <3
i think they should have two kids (fred and daniel, based on comic dibble's names) just because i think it'd be funny as fuck. am i making him even more like zenigata? sure but my justification is dibble is a little league coach and camp counselor which is stereotypically things dads do to connect with their kids :P
jazz and beau can be recurring antagonists with their own gang that being dark parallels to tc's gang. teehee.
trixie from the first movie can be a recurring character too but only if shes an irredeemable antagonist in jazz's gang. the rest of jazz's gang consists of pantera from top cat begins, rocky from the comics, and skratch gets to exist separate from spook.
i guess griswald could be recurring since he had two eps and in the comics there was a recurring antagonist who was a bulldog but i dont care enough about griswald to expand on that idea
- oh wait he can be the actual cop since dibble is a PI now. duh. he literally became a police dog in one ep so it works.
cop cat from the comics can be griswald's partner although i think he needs a better name than "cop cat" ... maybe fuse him with officer prowler so he gets a cooler name. idk
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amplifyme · 15 days
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by @xxsksxxx. Thanks, friend! ❤️
Edited to add that @randomfoggytiger just tagged me too. Killing two birds with one stone here. Or something like that.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
76 in total, but only 57 of those are my own fics. The rest belong to two BATB writers who are no longer with us but whose works needed to be available on AO3.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,360,745 total. 587,663 of those are actually mine.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files, Beauty and the Beast (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire book series.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
These Scars We Wear
The Calling
Beggar's Banquet
Blessed Be (The Third Night)
Pas de deux
All of these are set in the ASOIAF universe.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep! There was a stretch of about six years when I disconnected from all my fandoms and didn't respond to anything. Those days are past now and I make sure I always respond to any comment I get.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pass You By (TXF)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Possibility of Being (BATB)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to be be a Smut Queen back in my OG TXF days. Not sure what's meant by "what kind"? Um, the kind that makes one hot and bothered? Het? Vanilla? I'll stop there.
I quit writing the more explicit stuff 'cuz I got bored with it. These days I'm more interested in the cerebral side of things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I have a hard enough time keeping a single set of characters in line. Can't imagine trying to do it for more than one 'verse at a time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Someone from The Nanny fandom (who knew?) pilfered one of my TXF fics, changed the character names, and posted it. Weirdness.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several. More than happy to give the go-ahead to requests like that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I wrote Doors with a fellow TXF writer named Alanna Baker. It was fun but I don't know that I'd want to do it again. I'm much more of a loner when it comes to writing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Can't pick one and you can't make me. My favorites are the three I write for: Mulder and Scully, Vincent and Diana, Sandor and Sansa.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sticks and Stones, a TXF casefile I started a really, really long time ago. I also have a BATB WIP I've been messing with for the past year or so but I don't know if it will ever see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, pacing, tone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Will actually sitting down and writing be considered a proper answer? If so, that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did a few lines in Italian in one of my BATB fics but that's it. I can barely write in English, let alone another language! 😄
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Beauty and the Beast.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'll give you one from each fandom.
TXF: Kintsugi. Not my most popular, but this one was effortless and there's nothing I'd go back and change. My take on Season 7 (aka The Season of Secret Sex).
BATB: The Possibility of Being (see above for the link). This entire project was a love letter not only to Vincent and Diana, but to my writing mentor, Nan Dibble.
ASOIAF (SanSan): These Scars We Wear. Link is above. Another love letter. This one to Sandor Clegane and his Little Bird. Because they deserve a happily ever after.
I figure this one has already made the rounds so I'm not going to tag anyone. Please consider playing if you've haven't been tagged and want to join in. It's fun!
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sellkii · 16 days
Hi! If you want to play along, list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿)
1. Johnny Clegg (listening to his music and reading abt his humanitarian work and just thinking about him makes me smile)
2. my bird (dibbly is his name and taking care of him is my life's work and l love spending time with him)
3. making art
4. watching queer cinema
5. my pocket pals obviously
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da-floof · 1 year
Hogwart’s Legacy models-extra student files.(SPOILERS!)
So I got a hold of a copy of Hogwarts Legacy and using F-Model (now deleted because my system kept picking it up as Ransomware and shut off access to my files) 
Anyway trying to get an actual completed model using it was a fucking disaster (They all seem to have been built using a modified version of the character creator and are broken down into heads-arms etc all scattered) BUT I did get the names of the student models heads-some of which are rather interesting.
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So I’ve barely started the game and as such I can’t confirm every name on the first list. However a few things stand out.
Hector Weasley was seen in the previews for the game-he became Hector Jenkins. whether or not the model is different I know longer have the capability of knowing. (BTW if someone wants to advise me on a different way of accessing the model files please let me know)
Aesorpe Sharp YOUNG Is the next eyebrow raiser on the list-from watching playthroughs I have yet to see Sharpe looking anything but his older self. again I can’t access the model now but If someone else wants to give this a try go right on ahead.
Eric WEASLEY Is another annoyance-possible brother we have yet to see?
It’s a possibility that Garreth had a brother or two but they got cut (Hectors name change is a strong indication) and Ominis could be in the same boat however the idle dialogue is something they forgot to remove.
there's also several names that I can’t find on the wiki-the weird way that some of the students are labelled as a student and others are not (Leander, Everett) is another annoyance as they could simply be town based NPCS and until I stumble across them in game I wont know. However the HP Wiki has no information on:
Aasim pyre
Arthur siggs
Christopher Burton
Eric Lowe
Ernie Lark EDIT: Travelling musician.
Isko Abril EDIT :town person
Otto Dibble and Owen Wynn EDIT : ditto is a town person EDIT 2: Owen exists the wiki-just doesn’t mention him for some reason…
And HERE’S the next part of the mystery:
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Amelia Larson-possible brother to Andrew Larson who’s practically a background character despite being a named student.
Diasy Abril EDIT: town person
Indira Wolf: EDIT shopkeep
Priscella Wakefiled (mentioned but house unknown) EDIT: ingame model confirmed. WIKI MODS WAT U DOIN!?
Grace Waldergrave: EDIT Grace Pinch Smedley original name? (bath Smedley who?)
Hilda Loddington (The wiki and game mentions a Hilda-this may be her) EDIT: Model exists in game.
So-I’ve now had a cup of tea after writing this list and every horrible damning explanation of what happened to these students has whizzed through my mind-I have a few theory's.
A. These are the names of characters who will appear in DLC.
B. These characters exist but are simply not named yet. 
c. whhoollee lotta cut content.
Along with Quidditch and the companion system answer C seems unfortunately the most likely.  
I could say a lot my how disappointed I am if C. truly is the answer but what can you do?
If you know of any errors or other information you've heard in dialogue PLEASE let me know.
Big edit: So it seems like It was merely the wiki people being slow-practically ALL these models exist in game-excuse me I’m going to go and see if I can get the wiki people to keep a better record.
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 months
[ Speedster of the Galaxy ]
Mantis smiled when Pietro stated he would be okay with Groot painting his face, saying he would just pretend to be asleep. “That’s really sweet. I know looking over a child is probably not what you expected or wanted when you joined the team, but Groot is good. He is very curious and friendly, he is always making up constellations. We raise him together.” And that made her happy. Mantis was glad she could help give Groot the light-hearted, happy childhood she couldn’t have.
“He likes it!” Mantis echoed Pietro’s words as Mr. Dibbles devoured the dandelion. She beamed, laughing and clapping cheerfully. Dandelions were delicious, so it was no wonder he liked them so much. She looked at Pietro as he explained why Rocket brought up Ego, and while a part of her did feel a little upset that Rocket revealed things about herself, she knew he meant well and wanted to give Pietro context to help him understand Mantis a little better. “Oh, you are not boneheaded. You meant no harm by it. It was an honest mistake.”
A sudden laughter bubbled up out of her when Pietro said Rocket mentioned that the Guardians had seen each other’s butts. Placing a hand over her abdomen, Mantis laughed harder as she realized they probably looked like a combination between a group of outcasts and a cult. But what made it funnier was how unbothered Pietro seemed by it. “Yes, we do feel a little too comfortable around each other. Some of us more than others. I mean, Drax walks around shirtless all the time,” she remarked. “When you travel the galaxy, at some point you treat everything like it is natural. Life in space requires you to have your guard up, so we let it down around each other.”
She smiled as Pietro tried to translate the name of Groot’s species. “Do not worry, your Latin is fine. It is actually my first language. I grew up speaking it. It was the language Ego spoke, although he spoke all languages; he was millions of years old and therefore had plenty of time to learn. It is an ancient tongue, far more ancient than people think. Ego means ‘I’ or 'me’, so I always had to refer to myself in third person. Instead of 'I’ or 'me’, I would say 'Mantis’ or 'this one’. Only Ego was allowed to have a sense of self.” Mantis said, her tone matter-of-fact. She wrung her hands a little. “If you ever wish to improve your Latin, you can let me know. I will be happy to help you.”
Mantis laughed once again, amused, as Mr. Dibbles tried to get to the other dandelions. His tenacity was worthy of respect. “He is so cute!” She nodded when Pietro asked if she was sure she was okay with the turtle eating her plants. “Of course! People usually need patience to grow their plants, so they feel bad when something happens to them because they had to invest time and effort.” Mantis touched the dandelions with her hand, and the other plants curled around it, begged for her touch. Her antennae started to glow with a dim light. “But I can simply do this.” Just like that, more dandelions grew, blooming just as bright, just as yellow, and Mantis plucked them, gleefully offering Pietro the bouquet, a feast for his turtle. “It is easy.” Despite the light of her antennae fading away, her face still lit up, happy to help this hungry little being. She blinked when Pietro asked if she would like to hold Mr. Dibbles after he was clean. “Oh, but… do you really trust me with him? You are so protective of him already.” Given that Pietro had lost his freedom on his home planet and the closeness with his sister, Mantis didn’t want him to feel like his turtle would be taken from him. However, she smiled, wondering what Mr. Dibbles’ actual colors looked like. “But I must admit, perhaps it would be nice. He is adorable.”
(Holy shit no wonder Noah feels he’s “less” than Basch, given that belief that the second twin should be killed. And ugh yeah, I wish they could include some of the deleted scenes. That’s why I consider them canon for Mantis + I add stuff from the comics like her plant manipulation, astral projection - though my headcanon is that she’s only able to astral project post-IW, after she was in contact with Thanos’ mind - and she also has precognitive abilities in the comics. I’m still not sure how to integrate that into her MCU self. Maybe as a result of that one thread where she calms Stephen’s fractured mind, since he guards the Time Stone? :o If you’re cool with that of course, since that’s your Stephen. I want to relate it to the Time Stone somehow since it would be logical. Also, happy belated birthday, Silence! <3)
{ Well, all I know of Mantis I learned from IW and EG, and I can say that all the abilities you’ve given her seem to fit her well and all seem equally appropriate for her, whether they’re canon MCU or comic or otherwise. But then, you already knew what a fan I was of your Mantis, so... ;) And I love the idea of her gaining precognitive abilities from delving into Stephen’s dumpster fire of a mind! Go for it! I think it’s a very creative idea in the first place that she sort of gains new abilities or unlocks different potentials she has after interacting with other people’s minds. It makes a lot of sense that someone as empathic as Mantis wouldn’t be able to encounter other minds, especially ones that are very powerful or that have their own unique abilities, without coming away a bit changed. Very creative, I love it. And thank you! I feel so old, lol. XD }__
Did he seem like someone who didn’t like being around children? Pietro wondered as Mantis seemed to start apologizing in a way for Groot adding an unexpected child presence on the ship and among the Guardians. “I don’t mind him at all,” he said, shaking his head. “I like children. I used to play with the children in Sokovia. They liked me because I could run and get wayward balls and toys and things that got away from them and bring them back really fast.” His smile faded a bit then. “Too bad that by the time I got really fast... Sokovia didn’t exist anymore. But I hope wherever they are, they are safe and happy.”
Pietro chose not to argue with Mantis when she said he wasn’t boneheaded. If he was being honest, he felt awfully boneheaded so far, and he hadn’t even been on the ship for very long at all. But Rocket had also told him not to share as much and to keep things to himself so as not to upset Mantis, so he decided to focus on Mr. Dibbles instead. “I think you have made a friend for life,” he said, smiling. “He definitely likes these flowers. He made that one disappear pretty fast,” he said, watching the turtle with a chuckle. “He may be slow on his feet, but he is fast eater. Who says turtles need to be slow at everything?”
He had to admit that he was a little jealous of just how comfortable all the guardians were with each other. He wished he could have had the same with the Avengers, or with anyone, really. Well, besides Wanda, but he wasn’t with her anymore, and that was making him feel like he didn’t belong anywhere or with anyone. Never in his life had he felt more displaced and alone, but instead of wallowing in a bad mood, he was trying to let the Guardians bond cheer him up, even if he couldn’t be a part of it. “Is nice. To be that comfortable. I am happy for you all,” he said with a smile that was perhaps just a little bit sad. “Is good to be able to let your guard down sometimes, especially when your work is really stressful. So for you guys, home is not a place, it’s people. Is very nice.” His home used to be Wanda, but she had Vision now and was moving on from him.
“Oh yeah? Well you speak very good English for it not being your first language. Mine still needs work. Not many people speak my languages, though, so I try to speak English. Wanda is better at it than I am, though.” He really needed to stop mentioning Wanda. She wasn’t with him anymore, and he needed to find a way to move on without her. That was something he never thought he would have to do, and didn’t want to do, but right now he didn’t have much of a choice. At Mantis’ offer of helping him to learn better Latin, Pietro smiled again. “That would be cool. I would like that. But only if you were comfortable doing that. I don’t want to upset you again. You are very nice person and I don’t want to make you nervous or sad or anything like that. I can be a difficult student because learning from books has always been hard for me, but I would like to try if you are up for it.”
“Hey!” Pietro exclaimed with childlike excitement as Mantis made more dandelions grow. “That is really cool!” He’d never known anyone else with Mantis’ abilities before, at least with regard to plants. It seemed to him to be a really useful skill, being able to make plants grow much faster than they would naturally. “To be honest, now that I’ve got him up here in space, I am little bit worried about having enough food for him. But if you can make these grow, maybe he will be okay until I can get some supplies and things for him, yeah?”
Mr. Dibbles was absolutely delighted by the sudden appearance of more dandelions. Did it make sense? No. But also did he care? No, he was a turtle. Unexplained dandelions were just as delicious as ones that made sense to him. If a turtle’s eyes could light up, Mr. Dibbles’ definitely did at the sight of an entire bouquet of dandelions in his human’s hand. Maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad to stay here after all. If he could just get all this crusty mud off. Mud was okay, but once it dried, it got weirdly itchy and constructing, and Mr. Dibbles wasn’t having it.
“Of course I trust you with him. I can show you how to hold him so is no problem. You are so gentle with living things, and you were so nice to him just now, that I know he is safe with you,” Pietro said, trying to encourage Mantis. “I’m sure he would be happy to have more friends and not always be stuck with me all the time. Especially friends that understand his dining choices,” he added with a chuckle. “But okay, I should go and help him get clean now. You can help, if you want, but otherwise I’ll get him clean and then tomorrow you can hold him. Okay?”
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sarroora · 1 year
*walks into the room with a stack of papers*
*adjusts glasses*
*clears throat* I would like to politely ask you today for your opinions on a few of my headcanons. Thank you for your patience and I love you /platonic
-T.C. likes shiny things
-Benny likes to roll places rather than run
-My boy Choo Choo can make a train whistle sound
-Spook depises guns and their use from his time working for Mr. Big
-Fancy-Fancy's Italian. %100. You can't change my mind on this
-Brain LOVES candy and anything sweet
-Dibble likes Chinese food and really likes shrimp
Thank you very much and ily /platonic
Hit me dude I’m always ready for TC headcanons coz we don’t have enough of ‘em ~~~
Add to Choo Choo’s that he was literally named after a train coz he was born in/under one
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aria-greenhoodie · 2 years
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permanentmess · 2 years
The Case of Mr. Dibbles
A/N: I made this up on the spot just now with an idea I had earlier. I thought it was cute enough to share haha. I’ve been having a lot of dreams with Pietro in them lately, and I’m back on my major Quicksilver kick so...
I experimented with First person as well, sorry if you don’t normally read x reader fics that way.
Warnings: None! Just fluff. Reader is a teleporter btw. Canon is absolutely skewed here.
Word Count: 477
Slivers of orange and yellow light are filtering their way through the apartment windows, illuminating the wall next to the couch. I'm leaning against a pillow on the couch while Pietro is spread out over the rest of my body, tucked just behind where my legs are curled up. Wisps of his bleached hair are tickling my skin, so I run my hands through the softness to keep it at bay. 13 Going On 30 is playing quietly from the TV. Just a lazy day for us. Just beautiful.
I knew it had been months since I had felt this peaceful. With the recent missions and universe-killing threats that had been happening lately, I was soaking up every quiet and calm moment I could get with Pietro, and thankfully his apartment was the perfect little sanctuary. Usually, we stayed at the compound, but it had been….chaotic to say the least. 
“Babe.” It was so quiet and raspy, I almost didn’t hear him say it. I look down just as he’s turning to see my face more clearly.
“We should get a pet together.”
I contemplated it for a second. It couldn’t hurt to get one. It could always come with us to the compound when we needed to head back. “Alright, what kind?”
“A turtle.” I laugh at the juxtaposition of it all. Him, a speedster, and me, a teleporter, with one of the slowest creatures. We may as well have bought a sloth. 
“I like it, let’s go to the pet store tomorrow,” I tell him and give him a quick kiss before I move to be laying down on the couch, wrapping my body around his. 
The next day
Nobody told me turtles could be so damn expensive. 
But the grin on Pietro’s face through the whole experience was worth every penny he had spent. I would’ve bought him an entire farm myself if it made him happy.
As he was setting up the tank in the kitchen I asked him, “So, do you have a name for him yet?” 
“Hmm, I’m thinking Mr. Dibbles.”
“As in, Cheesy Dibbles from Penguins of Madagascar?” He freezes for a second and looks away, genuinely pondering it. I narrow my eyes playfully. “Do you watch that show?”
“Sometimes, when I watch Tommy and BIlly. It just may be. I thought I made it up and now I’m disappointed.” He pauses. “Do you watch that show?” 
“Like, when I was younger. But otherwise, only with Tommy and Billy.” He finally goes back to setting up the tank while I look at the newly named Mr. Dibbles, chomping on some shredded carrots we gave him, and then at Pietro. His mouth was pulled into a tiny smile, humming an oldie song that was playing on the radio as he assembled our pet’s new home
My own little family. 
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topcatofficial · 2 months
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my top cat ocs (theyre all charlie dibble's kids)
fred dibble and daniel dibble are kids of dibble and his wife (who are divorced in my land of make believe)
fred being a boy scout is based on dibble being a camp counselor in one comic story, while daniel being in junior league is based on dibble being a little league coach in another story. both their names & their haircolors are also based on the comics :P
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winona is an orphan dibble takes in after his divorce. in a 60s based setting, legally she's dibbles' ward - but in a modern setting dibble and tc are both her adoptive dads. teehee?
fred and daniel only exist exclusively and solely because i think itd be funny for dibble to deal with kids on top of a divorce. winona exists because i often think about tc being sad about not being able to keep the baby in tc minds the baby. so. baby as a treats for him.
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amplifyme · 9 months
So I had to drag my ass off the couch and to my desk to share this. I know most of y'all won't give a damn. I don't care. This excerpt of a piece of Beauty and The Beast fanfic was written by my mentor, Nan Dibble. Look her up sometime. Her book "Plot" (under the pen name Ansen Dibell) is still a standard in writing classes all over the world. She also wrote two pro BATB novels, as well as several others in the sci-fi genre. She dabbled in the Buffyverse, too.
Nan could write Vincent like no other BATB writer in the fandom. Hers is the one I compare all others to, most especially my own. And she took a character we all-season fans had caught only wonderful glimpses of in S3 and expertly filled in all the missing pieces of Diana Bennett, Vincent's second love, an NYPD detective. This is from the story Inside Out from her Acquainted With the Night series. (Drop me a message if you want a link to it).
All you need to know is that Vincent is a fully functioning empath, the half-lion warrior-scholar heir apparent of a community living in the tunnels below New York City. As he and Diana grow closer, he unconsciously awakens that same latent gift in her (with a kiss, naturally) and it almost kills her. After a three month separation enforced by Vincent, he's taken her down to the deepest levels of the tunnels to keep her out of danger and teach her how to build the barriers she'll need to keep her empathetic abilities from overwhelming her in the world Above. Diana starts us out here:
"What I'm getting at is, we're different. You and me. And things are gonna get real mixed up if you're doing what you think I want when I really don't care, and I'm doing what I think you want when you'd really like something else but you're too polite to say so. What I mean is, we gotta say what we mean here. Be who we are. Agree that different is OK, no apologies, no empty politeness.”
            He met her eyes then, his own grave and very still. After a long minute, he returned his attention to his mug. “You ask something... very difficult.”
            “So it'll be difficult, then. I'll try. Will you?”
            Medium silence. Then, with a judicious finality, he set his mug back on the tray. “Yes.”
            A small word, but one with implications she suspected they'd never be fully done exploring. A word that committed them both, but especially him, to an honesty she'd enforced against all comers and he'd spent his life publicly ducking for the sake of peace. For the sake of acceptance. And stuffing the hard truths away for the Other to gnaw at.
            Softly, he added, “One of the things I love about you is that you force me beyond myself.”
            The comment startled her worse than the one about time. She felt the blush rising in her cheeks. She wasn't used to blunt compliments, matter-of-fact avowals of love. They caught her flat-footed, not knowing what to say.
            Smiling slightly, eyes downcast, he said, “And your honesty. Forthrightness. And that you are lovely in your bones, so that there is a grace in your least movement, arising as it does out of such stillness. And that even in fear and uncertainty, you are endlessly brave, endlessly kind... May I say such things to you sometimes, Diana? Even though you would rather I did not? For they are true. And I like to say them.”
            Her burning face felt about the same shade as her hair. But fair was fair. Couldn't open that door and then gripe about what came through. “Then I'll try to get used to it. `Lovely bones': my God!”
            “An image from a poem,” he admitted. “By Theodore Roethke. `She moved in circles, and those circles moved...' I have thought of it often. And was sad to know I might never say it to you. You do not like love spoken, as I do. Keeping the silence is sometimes difficult. And a sadness to me.”
            Now it was she who had to take a couple of minutes to collect herself. Then she said, “After that, `You smell real nice' comes out sounding pretty dumb.”
            He glanced up, surprised. “You like that? About me?”
            “Crazy about it. Especially when you'd come through the skylight, been rained on a little. Wonderful, the smell of it in your hair. Or after the bathing pool. It was things like that I missed. So much, sometimes, I didn't think I could stand it. And your voice. Your being there. Everything. Dammit.” She knuckled her eyes.
            The prickly moonlight feeling had started up again, firefly sparks glimmering delicately between them.
            He said, “I have found that one does not love in general, but in the particulars. Moments. As now. I am accustomed... to having only words. But there are other eloquences.”
I mean, c'mon! This is so romantic it makes me want to curl up in a ball and weep. I'm such a sap. 🥹
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