#How fucking stupid can you be it dont matter if its fiction.. in fact that's just as super harmful because
themesis · 4 months
  If you dont understand the tcc, think about that mickey mouse 9/11 picture that you reblogged. Lots of people make jokes about 9/11, but that doesn't mean that they dont feel bad for the victims and it doesn't mean that they support what happened. It's the same way with the tcc. A lot of us are making fun of the killers because they're stupid.   And yes, there are occasionally people who condone, but maybe they wouldnt hate humanity so much if people weren't always calling them freaks and telling them to kill themselves. And others are just mentally ill, it doesn't matter what you do, theyre not going to change so you should just leave them alone. Or they're suicidal and fantasize about being killed.   Other reasons people could be in the tcc is because they relate to the people or they're very interested in true crime or they just think they're hot. And none of those are glorifying the actions!!   Anyways, sorry that was so long, I just thought you might be curious. I was shocked too when I first came across the tcc, but then I learned about the killers and started to see them as people instead of monsters. And I never reported anyone, I just scrolled past because theres no reason for me to ruin what someone enjoys just because I dont agree with it. I dont expect you to understand, but you could try to be okay with not understanding. Thank you if you read all of that
hey bestie, not sure if youre aware, but relating to killers and fantasing about being killed is Not Fucking normal, seek help. i consume a lot of true content as ethically as i can, its not that i don't understand anything, its just that a lot of people who use the tag are fucking freaks who ought to look inwards and/or seek help. a lot of them are also minors, which, again, is not a good fucking thing to have 13 year olds fawning over """attractive""" serial killers. im not going to preach to children, but come on bro.
and a lot of you tcc bitches DO glorify killers. a lot of you ARE openly horny about serial killers. i have not once ever seen a True Crime Blog who shares a shred of empathy for the victims, or even mentions them. its always a "funny meme" about how Silly and Quirky some ugly fuck murderer is. you can, to a certain extent, understand and humanise a murderer, but that doesnt include making fucking headcanons and edits of them like theyre some fucking fictional character.
so yeah if you're gonna be horny on main about like, the fucking columbine shooters, i am, without a single ounce of regret, going to call you a freak. especially if you're self aware about.
also anyways the fact that mentioned reporting leads me to believe that you're the op of that stupid Dylan/Eric Would So Wear This shirt post, if so then kill yourself bitch! i don't feel bad! maybe don't have fun off the backs of victims and maybe your fun wouldn't get so ruined so easily.
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thecrazylady10 · 2 years
Tw venting pr*o*shi*pping
Fucking hate it when ppl are like "if you're not with us you're the enemy" no im not playing your fucking game of black and white
Fiction can influence but only those impressionable. To censor everything and be a purist fuck is no way to live and definitely no way to handle shit. And yes people do need to be careful on certain things but also ppl need to realize if you are a fucking minor who makes a "callout post" using someones PRIVATE and specific NSFW blog as a "gotcha" you need to get off the fucking internet and touch grass.
Let me state since some people are too deadbrained for nuance: i hate p*dos i hate ince*st i feel uncomfortable with abuse and ESPECIALLY like none of these IN THE REAL WORLD REAL LIFE
In fiction? As long as its tagged i dont care bc i can block those and avoid those and if people wanna show me i tell them "no" at best and block them at worst
Wanna talk immature? How about not fucking communicating with me abkut being uncomfortable and tell me straight up to stop? I get that if i am being intimidating ok im sorry but i also am honest, i even fucking state "if i overstep a bound LET ME KNOW"
I guess none of that matters when someone is so stuck in seeking violence using a "just cause" for being stupid and Irrational.
Regardless. This proshit and antishit is all a bunch of terminally online garbage and i hope one day people can move from this "us vs them" mentally and face the facts that "just because im on your side doesn't mean i have to act like you and go on holy crusades to destroy the impure heritics"
And if anyone knew the context for this like vent/vague post they would laugh at the irony why i had to make this
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tigerdrop · 2 years
Your statement hit me, and now I have a question. I rarely draw for fun, but I want fame, and to put the thoughts in my mind into a medium.
What do I do
you gotta focus on that last thing as your primary motivator or else it will drive you insane. i know this is literally the same thing i said in that post but i am speaking from experience here, both my own and others, and i am not saying that people who do art for attention or fame are bad or somehow less legitimate than people who do art purely for their own enjoyment
like look man. i also desperately wanted to be noticed and to get acclaim for my work. when i was a kid i wanted so badly to be a famous actor it was embarrassing. i wrote fan screenplays for fucking glee in which i was the new main character and i would act them out on my own and fantasize about being up on stage, on tv, and finally being liked and admired. before i got into this fandom i would also fantasize about writing or drawing something that would become wildly popular, and id have a whole bunch of people making fanart and fanfic and sending me fanmail about how much it meant to them and how good my work was and etc etc
getting into hlvrai gave me a taste of that and it fucking sucked!!!
dont get me wrong. positive attention is great. it makes me really happy that people like my stuff and are willing to tell me so. but heres a little "laundry list" of all the stupid insane bullshit ive had to put up with just b/c i briefly got popular in a moderately big fandom:
regular (and incredibly vicious) harassment by people who genuinely saw my art as morally wrong
expectations that i make only a specific kind of art, and anger/backlash when i ignore that and do what i want
people seeing me not as a human being, but as an impersonal figurehead, or an art machine, or as somebody to approach specifically b/c im popular and they want to hang out with somebody popular
legitimate psychological and sexual abuse by multiple people specifically b/c of the above, traumatizing me in ways that i am still not fully "over"
people scanning my posts for anything even remotely problematic so they can hold it against me
creators of the thing i enjoy (and their friends) deliberately seeking out my artwork to make fun of it/express disgust that i would make it
people maintaining a perpetual burning hatred of me for months, or even years, which is totally impossible to resolve b/c there are people you cannot please no matter what you do and its futile to even try
and posting about it publicly! to the point where i literally cannot engage with the NSFW side of the fandom at all b/c its impossible to avoid people who are willing to decry my entire experience with gender and sexuality as "cringe" or "bad representation", or who enjoy publicly speculating over whether or not im an abuser b/c i like it when the fictional machinima character is mean to me
and all this over having written a fanfic online. do you know how much worse it is for people with even bigger followings? people who get hugely popular and then feel like they cant draw anything if it isnt marketable b/c their entire brand has been distilled into one Thing? people who stop posting art entirely b/c their audience has exerted such a strong influence over what they let themselves draw that it killed their enjoyment?
ive seen a lot of people bemoan the fact that a lot of popular artists have really insular circles and dont talk to anybody outside of them. this is why: the internet has cultivated a massive general audience with such an entitlement to your presence that you end up totally dehumanized. i personally am terrified to talk to people outside of a very small circle b/c experiencing a fleeting amount of popularity exposed me to a lot of very dangerous people and fucked me up big time. (i also have a pretty severe case of avoidant personality disorder which doesnt help.)
fame can fuck up your entire relationship to your art. and i am very lucky that right now, i can just draw/write stuff that makes me happy and i have a manageable audience that seems to enjoy it. and also when i need to i can draw art for commissions without it dominating my hobby
if you feel like you can treat making art as Just A Job, then, yknow, thats your call. some people genuinely dont see it as anything more than a paycheck. its not necessarily a good or bad thing. but way, way more of you are vulnerable to a maladaptive relationship with your own ability to create, and i would rather you heed these warnings and still take pleasure in the human act of creation than end up hating the very things that brought you joy
so like tl;dr if you want fame there is a very good chance it will drive you crazy and theres no nice way around it. but if you focus on just putting things into the world b/c you want to get them out of your head, you have a lot better odds of being satisfied. do with that what u will
sorry for the long post. byebye
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memecucker · 3 years
I haven't seen the post so I have to ask, what was the point of arguing that nazis didn't burn degenerate erotica? (I use the term degenerate jokingly, I myself am a degenerate)
This is the post
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It currently has about 40,000 notes and while some of those are people pointing out the egregious historical revisionism that has the effect of unintentionally defending Nazi book burnings I dont think thats the majority of the notes.
What I find fascinating is how while tumblr is full of historical illiteracy, this post stands out to me as something where you can viscerally feel the ignorance of the OP. 
Like, even with the list of “what they actually burned” its clear the OP is fucking stupid with regards to the history of Nazism. Like I straight up have no fucking idea what they mean by “firsthand accounts of historical atrocities” because when I hear that phrase paired with “Nazism” I think of Holocaust denial.... which was very much not a thing during the 1930s. “Scientific research that supports civil rights” sounds like an incredibly awkwardly phrased half-remembered point about Magnus Hirschfeld but presented in such a way that its clear the moron who is the OP doesnt know much more about the topic than vaguely remembering a one-sentence social media post. And “minority religions’ holy texts” just comes off as a flagrant dilution of the centrality of antisemitism to the Nazi worldview.
The point of the post is to further spread ignorance of the types of books the Nazis burned which yes did include 'degenerate erotica’ because you see if you dont follow the example of the OP and actually research things before opening one’s mouth you’d see that sexual literature was one of the categories explicitly targeted by the Nazis in their book burning campaigns. And as a matter of fact during the 1920s they used mass hysteria about the supposed negative effects of vulgar fiction on young people as a recruiting tool or means of establishing sympathy with conservative members of the populace (who in some cases expressed disagreement with now the Nazis described smut as being essentially “Jewish” but lended their support because they thought the ends justified it)with there being a clear and direct line between the mass hysteria about vulgar and smutty literature with Nazi era policies.
In 1926 the Reichstag passed the Gesetz zur Bewarhung der Jugend vor Schund und Schmutzschriften or “Law to Protect Youth from Trash and Smut Literature” which was passed with right-wing and centrist support and left-wing opposition. In 1935 that law was superseded by new more strict policies and the censorship bodies established to “protect youth” from degenerate fiction were absorbed into the newly founded Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Chamber of Literature) which was itself a branch of the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture). 
The amount of spread that post has gotten as well as the fact that I’ve never seen a defender of it even attempt to address the blatant historical revisionism beyond some lazy attempts of “Oh what?!?!? You think fanfic writers are marginalized!?!? How cringe!” or some vague sentiment of reblogging the post with no disagreement and simply handwaving the people attempting to correct the record as “discourse in the notes” is fucking wild. Personally I think part of it also involves the strange myth people spread that Nazis were the real sexual deviants 
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hustlerose · 3 years
ok heres the rambling i hope u like reading
seriously some of you guys claim to be progressive but youve managed to dredge up the old “video games/ movies/ comics/ magazines/ books/ hoop and stick games are the reason our kids are violent” argument lol. i keep seeing ppl say every piece of art that depicts bad things is unequivocally bad and its so stupid. first of all, you should be able to understand that fictional characters are not real people and their actions don’t take place in the real world. on top of that, you should understand that just because someone made art depicting something bad doesn’t mean theyre bad, and just because someone enjoyed it doesnt mean theyre fucked up and evil and literally condoning blah blah blah. when you say this shit, you sound like a boomer 
at some point you should be mature enough to see a piece of art and engage with it beyond the level of “i’m going to write a callout post for pearl from steven universe”. and more than that, you should accept that art is subjective and other ppl are gonna experience it differently than you 
i’ve been a horror fan for a long time and i love seeing fictional violence. blood, gore, torture, lies, cheats, dirty deeds, sexual assault, extreme emotions, extreme trauma, unreality, and morally gray characters. when handled well, these things can be dramatic, shocking, and emotional and i love it. 
i understand that some ppl would rather avoid these things, and i think content warnings are a good thing. if my friend has an anxiety disorder and epilepsy i’m not gonna force them to marathon all my favorite horror movies with blinking lights. you should be able to pace yourself. but the flip side of that is: some people don’t need those warnings. some people actively seek that stuff out and enjoy it. and just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean it’s not ok for someone else to love it. there are tons of normal level headed ppl who enjoy things that are way more extreme than your average disney channel show, and enjoying those things doesn’t make them problematic or suspicious or whatever, they just have different tastes than you 
example. one of my favorite characters is guts from berserk, one the best manga series of all time. in berserk, guts attempts to sexually assault another character, kills hundreds of people including a child, and serves in a war under a proto-fascist warlord. does the fact that i enjoy berserk mean i condone murdering hundreds of people? no, i wouldnt hurt a dragonfly and im also a tiny baby. does liking berserk mean i cant criticize the parts that are genuinely bad?? also no, the series basically treats casca (our main female lead) as a lamp for half the plot, and the part where guts tries to assault her is framed as an edgy character moment, which is pretty misogynistic if u ask me. again, if any of that turns you off, you dont have to read it. but i did read it, and i got a lot out of it and learned a thing or two about how not to write about women. 
with any piece of art, you should bring your own morals into it, and engage with its ideas. art is not always good or evil, it’s a dialog between you and an author. you NEED to be able to appreciate these things without resorting to insane reactions and in-group/out-group shenanigans 
you know that kid you knew in 9th grade who you could ask “do you listen to [band]” and they would always say yes no matter what band it was, just because they were terrified of the idea that someone else might be different than them in some tiny way? thats some of yall except youve formed a hivemind around it and appropriated a bunch of liberal academic terms lol 
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
The Winter Soldier - Part 15
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: swearing, gun violence. 
W/c: 2.9k
A/n: I’m double posting for @kalesrebellion​ because she called me out. So here you go babe. Also, I did an embarassing amount of research trying to come up with the basics for the serum. But I concluded that this is fiction and it doesnt really matter. But if you’re ur a science major and this doesnt make sense please dont come for me lol
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There are moments in your life that define you. Moments you look back on after everything and wonder, if you had listened to your gut, maybe it would be different. This was one of those moments. Bucky’s world shattered around him as Natasha’s words rang through his comm. 
“We’ve been compromised, Buck. I’ve been hit. They got Y/n.” Her voice, broken and solemn. 
Dammit, NO.
This isn't how this was supposed to happen. This was an easy job. Only a few Hydra agents resided in this compound. The whole thing felt like a dream. One he was completely and utterly unprepared to handle. How could he let this happen. He should have been there. 
“Dammit. What's your location? I'm coming to you.” He shouted. His blood began to boil and he heard your heavy breathing on the other side. You were running. “Y/n, please come in. Please, doll. Where are you?” Bucky hated how broken he sounded. He knew the rest of the team could hear his begging, but he didnt care. He couldn't. He just needed to get to you. 
“You always were a fighter. Right till the bitter end.” A man’s muffled voice came through his comm. He didn't recognize it as anyone he knew, but there was something familiar about it. A distant memory he couldn't quite piece together. Before he could speak, your voice broke though, a small whisper shattering his heart and sending him into a blind rage. 
“Bucky” You breathed, choking on a cough. 
“Y/n. I’m coming to you, doll. Don't worry, I've got you. I’m going to get you out of this. Don't worry, I’m coming.” He pleaded, but was only met with static, and then finally silence. The rest of the team kept quiet, waiting for any kind of sign of life from you. When none came, Nat spoke up. 
“Guys, we gotta get out of here. They've set off a security alert, this place is going to blow in three minutes.” Her voice was now back to its usual tone, but Bucky knew better. She was scared, he could hear it.  “ There’s no sign of her out here. She’s just… gone.” He could hear that she was running now.
“Bucky, we gotta go.” Steve spoke from beside him. Bucky’s head snapped to his friend, eyes wide and body still frozen. 
“We can't leave. Not without her.” He all but begged. 
“You heard Natasha, she’s on her way.” He paused, “Nat, you got the files?” He spoke into his earpiece, motioning Bucky to follow him to the entrance they had come through. 
“Yeah, I have them. Thanks for asking by the way. I’m great, two more bullet holes in my gut, but yeah, files are more important.” She scoffed, causing Steve to roll his eyes.  “I’m headed to the entrance right now.”
“No, I’m not leaving without Y/n!” Bucky tried to pull away from Steve, but he was stronger. A fact he would never admit to the guy, his head was already big enough. 
“She’s not here Buck. They wouldn't blow the compound with her in it.” He persisted.
Sam’s voice interjected, “Jet’s fired up, you guys better get the fuck outta there. We have less than a minute.” 
Bucky and Steve ran through the dark hallways together until they almost slammed into Nat’s small frame. He gasped when she appeared in the hollow moonlight. Her face was contorted in pain, something he was all too familiar with. Guilt.
“I lost her. I’m so sorry, it was my job to-” She broke off into a sob. Bucky wanted to agree. Yell that if she was a better agent- a better person his girl would be coming home with them. But he couldn't... This was on him. He knew it was a bad idea to bring you on the mission. He deserved all the blame. 
“She’s not dead. Not yet anyways. But we will be if we don't get out of here.” Steve yelled over the alarms blaring in the hallway. 
Bucky and Nat both nodded, and followed Steve across the field. Before they could reach the jet, the warehouse behind them rumbled before letting out an earth shattering explosion, sending the two of them flying into the ground. Without hesitation, Bucky grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her from the ground. He wrapped her arm around his shoulder and all but dragged her body onto the jet. 
“Vision’s been alerted we need medical. He’s been staying at a safe house in Munich. We can be there in thirty minutes.” Steve spoke urgently, rifling through the cabinets of the jet looking for the first aid kit. 
“Seriously guys, it's a flesh wound. I’m- Ah!” Nat screamed in pain as the jet hit a spout of turbulence. 
“Like you were saying.” Wanda smirked, placing her hands carefully on Nats' wound. Her hands glowed a deep red as she tried to relieve the pain. The spy’s face relaxed, but only for a moment before she was back to worried. 
“He’s alive, Buck.” Nat spoke, and when she did, he could hear the fear in her words. 
“Who?” Steve demanded, but Nat’s eyes stayed put on Bucky’s. 
“Tommy. She said his name in the hallway. It was him, Buck. He’s not dead. He’s the one that shot me, the one that took her.” Nat flinched in pain as Wanda's hands fell from her side. 
“That’s not possible.” Bucky shook his head. “Steve found my mission file. I killed him. I remembered it. You just don't walk away from that.” 
“Well, clearly you do.” Nat spoke sarcastically, pointing to the gushing holes in the body. 
“So Tommy’s alive? And he’s Hydra now?” Wanda asked, suddenly realising her hands were not on Nat’s wounds anymore. She placed them back silently apologising. 
“And he’s got Y/n.” Bucky added, his jaw clenched in anger. 
“We’ll get her back.” Steve spoke. He placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder which he quickly shrugged off, pacing back and forth through the small aircraft. 
“I know we will. And i’m going to finish the fucking job and tear that prick in two.” He seethed, mostly to himself. 
He tried to focus on the task at hand. Desperately brainstorming how to get to you, but his mind was spirling. How could he just leave you? How could he have been so stupid? The sound of his name leaving your lips echoed around him, only fuling his growing rage. 
“All our tactical suits have hidden trackers in the sleeves. We will hear it go off, but until then we wait. They cant have gotten far.” Steve started as the jet began its descent. “We're almost at the safe house. We’ll track her from there. In the morning, we’ll head out.”
“Morning? That's too long. She could be-'' Bucky cut himself off, too broken at the thought to finish that sentence. “I’ll find her myself tonight.” He grumbled. 
“Oh no you don’t. We’re a team, Buck. We do this together. Vision will be able to enable her tracker. But we need to work together. We can't lose anybody else to impulse decisions.” Steve scolded. 
He knew his friend was right but it didn't make it any easier to agree. All Bucky wanted to go but get you back. Keep you safe and never let anyone touch you again. He tried to keep his distance before, he really did, but that was out the window now. There wasn't a chance in hell he was leaving your side after this. As for the man that ripped you from his grasp, oh boy… He tried not to make a habit out of fantasizing murder, mostly as it resulted in the Winter Soldier coming out of the shadows, but if that was the case with Tommy, so be it. Only when Bucky stood in a pile or carnage and gore and blood would he finally feel peace again...
“We're coming up on the safe house. Y'all ready to bail?” Sam's voice tore Bucky out of his thoughts, and thankfully so. He was sure it was leading to a very destructive path. 
“Buck, help us get Nat inside. Wanda and Sam - sweep the area, make sure no one has followed us. I’ll fill Vision in on what's happened and see if he can turn on Y/n’s tracker now.” Steve commanded as he hopped out of the jet. 
“Can you stand?” Bucky asked, dipping down to tuck Nats arm around his shoulder, helping her up. She nodded reluctantly, wincing in pain as she moved. 
The safe house was a small cabin in the middle nowhere. Munich was only a few minutes down the road but the thick coverage of trees that surrounded the cabin made it feel secluded and hard to be spotted from above.  If they weren't followed, no one would ever know they were here. 
Bucky helped Nat inside, letting Steve and Wanda take over once they were through the door. Before he could enter, he stopped, taking a moment to gaze upon the sun rising over the mountains. In a few hours, he’d be with you again. He just had to make it until then, and pray to whatever god would still have him, that you were alive. 
“Продолжай копать. Нам надо её найти.” Keep digging. We have to find it. The voice rang in your mind, waking you from the recurring nightmare. Visions of Tommy and that boyish smile that once brought so much happiness.. His voice, the way it used to say your name, now only causing you ache. 
“Wait, rewind there! Вернись. That’s it.” The voice spoke again, echoing around the room. You opened your eyes slowly, taking in your surroundings, but all you were met with was darkness. You could feel movement around you, but the blindfold tied around your eyes masked their faces. 
“I’m positive she told me what was in that serum.” His voice caused your heart to just about leap from your chest. You knew that voice anywhere. 
“You better be right. You're as good as dead to me otherwise.” Another man spoke. 
“No I’m sure. Wait! Right there. Replay that part.” Tommy asserted. 
Suddenly a headache burned through your temples, scorching the inside of your eyes. You screamed in pain as it coarsed though your body until an image appeared in your mind. It replayed over and over, making you dizzy. 
“Whatcha doing?” Tommy cooed, taking a seat on your desk. 
“Just trying to find the right components.” You spoke, not taking your eyes microscope as you examined the petri dish below. 
“Cummon, baby. You've been at this for hours. Come eat something.” You looked up, Tommy stood there with that big goofy smile you loved so much. 
“I’ve almost got it. Just a little longer.” You reassured him, rolling in your chair and picking up another sample and analysing it. 
“What exactly is, it?” he asked, emphasizing the word. 
“If I mix the steroid with-” 
Another shrieking jolt of pain seared through you as the memory disappeared, leaving you trembling. 
“Go back, we almost had it!” Someone yelled from beside you. 
You tried to scream, to beg them to stop, but it was no use. Before you could try again, the same horrible pain erupted through your body, ripping you back to the distant memory. 
“If I mix the steroid with human blood, it does as it's designed.  But taking into account the theory of nuclear transmutation, we can assume given the right element we can use the serum to absorb its surroundings, right?” You spoke, like it was common sense. 
“Sure…” Tommy chuckled. 
“So, strip down the original serum, add radiation to its compound, now it needs the ability to absorb energy… What element do we know has that power?” it wasn't a question, nor did you think Tommy would know the answer so you continued, “Water, and our bodies are basically made of that. So in turn, if we can create the original serum mixed with high levels of radiation, inject the person, granted you're not killed by that high levels of toxicity, we're looking at a new type of Super Soldier. One that could, in theory, mutate around the serum and absorb its surroundings!” You finally finished.
“I have no idea what any of that means… But it sounds cool. Now put the vile down, and eat something.” He laughed, grabbing the sample out of your hands and carefully placing it on the table next to you.
“Thats it!” Someone shouted. “Of course, why didn't we think of this. Call the commander, tell him we found it.” 
You felt your body twist in agony, but soon the memory left, leaving you back in the dark with disembodied voices echoing around you. 
“What do you want me to do with her?” a man asked. 
“I don't care. убить её?” Kill her? You froze at his words. Even if you could move, your hands were tied down to the chair. Gentally you wiggle your fingers, careful not to draw any attention to yourself. Not that you would be able to tell. The ring that Shuri had made you was still there. If you timed in right, and you still had Wanda’s borrowed power, you could use it to untie yourself and hopefully get the fuck out of this hell hole. 
“Kill her?” Tommy choked. “You didn't say anything about killin’ her?” 
“You should be thankful. The girl’s been sharing a bed with the same man who killed you once before. In fact, I’m so pleased with your work developing this memory decoder that I’ll give you the honour.” The man spoke, shuffling around the room. “Here, tell me when you're done having your fun.” A few heavy footsteps later, and you finally heard the door close. The silence was deafening, but eventually, Tommy let out a deep breath and took a step towards you, ripping your blind fold off. 
You squinted as you tried to acclimate your eyes to the lighting of the room. It was small and dark, but a few dim lights hung above you illuminating Tommy's features. Once upon a time you would have described them as strong and rugged. Now they seemed to loom over you, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, softer than you expected. You quickly clocked the pistol in his left hand and tried to suppress a scoff. 
“Am I okay?” You gawked at him. “You just dug through my head like a sand pit. No- no I’m not okay you shit head!” You screamed. 
Tommy chuckled, using the gun to scratch the back of his neck. “Touché…” He spoke, pulling up a stool and plopping himself down on it infront of you. “I missed that attitude baby. Really, these past couple years have been hell without you. These guys are really scary, but I told em- I said, my girl will know what to do. And you did, baby. I never doubted you.” His voice was like honey. Thick and sickenly sweet. 
“What are you talking about?! I thought you were dead!? I mourned you, asshole. And you've been alive this whole time, working against me?” You couldn't believe how cavalier he was being about this. Tommy only shrugged, fuling the rage inside you. 
“Nah, it's not like that. I was dead, really I was. But then Hydra came and BOOM I was back. They promised me that they’d keep me safe, as long as I could help em get that serum you were always talkin’ bout. Said they wanted to give it time in your system, make sure it didn't kill ya.” He started, narrowing his eyes slowly, “You grieved me? That's a funny way of putting it. Cause from what I saw in that head of yours, you were pretty chummy with that Soldier.”  
You couldn't stifle the scoff that erupted in your mouth. “You're kidding right? Jesus, Tom. They brainwashed me. And I don't need to explain myself. You're sick, you know that?  How could you do this? Do you have any idea what they're going to use that serum for?” You fired the questions off like explosives into his chest, but he didn't even flinch. 
“I don't really care. They told me if I gave em’ your little recipe, they’d let me go.” He shrugged. 
“And so what? Now you're going to kill me?” 
“No… Maybe. I haven't really decided yet.” He looked down at the pistol like it was the first time he really noticed it was there. Contemplating your death like he was deciding between his morning coffee. 
“I would get going on that if I were you.” You lifted your hands, wiggling your wingers playfully “Really, Tommy, you're not cut out for this line of work.” You spat, jumping from your seat and landing a hard kick to his gut, sending him flying back. The gun ricocheted off the ground and hit the wall, but before he could react, you grabbed it. In one swift move you turned the safety off and placed your finger on the trigger. 
“Cummon baby, let's talk about this.” He raised his hands in surrender. “You wouldn't shoot me.” 
You cocked a brow, “You sound really confident in that statement. Especially for a boy who was debating my death a moment ago.” You argued. 
“Dont take it personally, baby. Anything you can do, I can do better. Remember?” You smirked. 
A/n: Another Cliff hanger? Yes. Do I know how to wrote anything else? No... My bad lol. I hope your enjoyed this one as much as I did writing it! As always, @cutie1365​ is the bomb dot com for editing this for me. Tommy sucks, we both agree. I hope he gets whats coming to him... please leave some love and reblog if you read it! 
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
Lol and now its time for me to actually address some things. This isnt going to be a huge call out post because quite frankly im not the type to want to have fucking internet beef with people.
But this needs to be said. All of this shit happened because Cort ( @pogue-writings )stated her opinion in regards to not liking Jiara, Kaylee ( @socialwriter ) also did the same fucking thing. But neither of them were disrespecting snyone in any way shape or form. If you took offense and got bothered by opinions regarding fictional characters thats your thing, i get it, it happens. I get irritated when people dont like the ships i do, its normal. Not everyone likes the same shit.
But whats not fucking normal or okay is for people to make posts VAGUEING ONE ANOTHER, not just one person, a plethora of people going back and forth making these posts to talk shit. So dont think im over here calling out Dea ( @maybankiara ) and saying shes a horrible person because I’m not. That is one person who made one post that in my honest to God opinion was blown out of proportion by other people (NOT kaylee nor cort) egging shit on, especially anons.
If people respond to you vagueing them, thats on you. I dont care about the situation at hand, vagueing people is childish. Especially when you’re genuinely talking shit just to talk shit, it accomplishes nothing and you just look like a tool. This doesnt just apply to one person-no its a common thing that happens in this fandom and it needs to stop.
And sure things blow out of proportion but to go into someones inbox and openly talk shit about other blogs/people on this site is fucking disgusting. It’s childish and it contributes to the negative and toxic culture that is already present. Then if you respond to thise kinds of asks where anons BLATANTLY state a blogs name and you don’t @ them you’re also childish. Idc if that bothers you to read but its the truth, talking shit on people openly but not wanting to @ them just boggles my mind. Ive seen this shit happen across multiple accounts today and in the past when conflicts arise on the dash.
Then to people who are really still trying to cause problems after all is said and SHOULD BE DONE, youre not solving things, your approach to the situation is showing that you want to create more problems rather than solving them. Cut that shit out. If you don’t know how to properly mediate a situation don’t try to. Youre allowed to have your friends backs but honestly truly CORT AND KAYLEE DID NOT DISRESPECT ANYONE so dont send other blogs hate about them or send them hate.
So for them to recieve hate and smart ass remarks is fucking childish. Youre upset for someone not liking the same ship as you, and calling it out for its underlying issues and refusing to acknowledge the fact that said issues exist just make you ignorant. Also calling a member of the lgbtq+ community homophobic or biphobic is fucking disgusting especially when issues like internalized homophobia are huge deals in these communities.
And that goes along the same lines for Dea, dont send her hate. I dont give a fuck whos right or whos wrong to you in this situation, sending people hate is fucking stupid. Not everyone is going to agree on certain matters and thats OKAY but dont cast judgements on people for what they chose to like and dislike.
And finally: Don’t come at me sideways unless you’re actually educated wnough to back up your arguments because I am not the one two or three. If you want to have a conversation like two civil humans and adults then we can do so.
But cut the bullshit out.
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perap · 3 years
Ngl hearing your Avery headcanons would be neat!
ok perap. you are going to talk about avery. you can be normal when you talk about him. you can do this.
ok first thing i wanna say is that, much like half the pokemon fandom on this website, i too have absorbed him into my personality day one of the dlc. he literally hits all the marks on character traits/tropes that i love and im so happy he exists and i can(have) write(n) actual essays about him. this also means i project on him like a bitch bc i both want to be him (ok. maybe i want him to be like me, i mean, hes already got the family disappointment part down so.) and want to date him (also like half the fandom). btw fun fact as of the time of writing this i have officially thought about him for exactly 200 days in a row :)
welp. off to an absolutely terrible start on the whole being-normal-about-him thing huh
ok anyways actual stuff abt him now!!!1!!
a while back i mentioned he was was demiromantic but i want to specify that he is bi-demi and if there is ANY TIME anyone tries to complain abt me making him a special snowflake i will add another label. dont test me. hes also ace (acery) bc i have this thing thats like gaydar except its ace-dar.. ace-ar? idk but i have that for fictional characters and his ace frequencies id received from him were through the roof. totally not because im aspec and i like him or anything and also that ive typoed his name like 30 times already. also he is touch starved and doesnt know ANYTHING abt romance bc he is dumb :)
this is a good time to say that it comes as a surprise to literally no one that i unironically and unapologetically ship him w klara bc im like that and i have to ship the best friends. YES they become friends after they get arrested at the wendys. it takes a while tho and even longer for them to start dating bc hes demi and also i l o v e slow burns. like they really dont like each other during ioas storyline but reluctantly work together anyways bc they find a couple of kids more threatening than each other, apparently. and shenanigans ensue. THATS HONESTLY what originally drew me in to their characters and god bless honey and mustards souls for putting up w them both at the same time because. god they are stupid. disaster assholes. dgtuusgudftzu. like i said this before but they legit have a jessie and james dynamic except way more petty and rude to each other and WHEN i saw OTHER PEOPLE on THE TUMBLRWEBZ say that EXACT THING about them i lost my fucking mind bc!!! THATS THEM!!! AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHEN I SEE OTHER PEOPLE W THE SAME HCS AS ME AND I JUST!!! GO CRAZY GO STUPID YA KNOW!!!!
but ya in my au they get married in like 2030 because i said. spoilers.
ok but abt the shenanigans thing, they are both just inherently prone to slapstick (his powers especially open up so many opportunities for stupid gags) and i just REALLY love how expressive they are and i like imagining how animated and eccentric avery can be... like thats just my love for the style of old cartoons creeping its way into my interests sydjsysjs
ok other random things: he is a germaphobe and doesnt want to touch anything ever, i mean hes got those stupid gloves on which would help but it doesnt even matter bc he just... uses his powers for everything so its like. he has negative muscle mass in his arms before he gets jacked ofc AFGSHSHVJ bc he doesnt ever have to do anything with them.
also hes afraid of bugs bc psychic and that makes him an easy target for klara to fuck w him :}
OHHH... did u kno? (i posted it before so maybe) avery secretly has another power... each of his tails is filled with immense love, and when touched, if he likes you, that love and happiness will be transferred to you... its true...! but ONLY if he likes you. if he doesnt, well he wont curse you or anything like that cuz he cant (he wishes he could tho) but he will forcibly move you 10 feet away from his person... vertically.
hmm.. more about him being a fox... he wasnt even supposed to stay as a ninetales but foxes are my favorite animal so i got attached to the idea bc its rly indulgent... and also? i think it works so much better for his lore that he isnt a psychic type but the stuff abt his family lineage and how his powers work with the igi lore surrounding the furries is a WHOLE other can of worms and im not about to make this post a biography and lore essay lmao.
speaking of his family stuff... the big change to his arc in igi is that he doesnt become a gym leader... and this is entirely due to the fact i may have read way too much into his character and came to my own conclusions about where his arc was headed. i was honestly satisfied with the fact it was left open-ended at the conclusion of ioas storyline cuz that meant i could interpret his future however i wanted and still have some merit but... they really did just vaporize all my character development id made for him with the release of the second dlc. i mean, i expected it, but i was still let down. guess its no ones fault but my own for feeling betrayed! and i am the ONLY person on this planet who was adamantly against him being a gym leader and i will probably be called a fake fan and a loser for not supporting his "dream" but... once again with the worms and not wanting to go into it all here.
THAT WASNT THE FIRST TIME ID ~ALLEGEDLY~ MISINTERPRETED HIS CHARACTER THO... i... i made the man TOO SMART... i gave him TOO MANY iq points and i fucking lost it when i realized... fucking.. ok... i had figured, after getting fired or whatever from being a gym trainer, he had maybe somewhat tried to not levitate people, or at least acknowledge that he probably shouldnt have been doing that... not because hes concerned for other peoples personal space or safety... oh no, it was because he just didnt wanna get kicked out from the dojo like he did from the gym. and then the fucking. twilight wings episode came out where he was just casually harassing that poor man and i was like GOD i really gave him TOO MANY BRAINCELLS HUH. FUCK he is an IDIOT he is SO STUPID...
ok. ya know what? ill say my reasons for why i accidentally made him Think Thoughts for once. i will end this off with an angsty thing. as a treat. because i like angst and i like hurting him :o) ya see, after hed lost his position as gym trainer, his family (parents? grandparents?? whoever) were Not happy with him... they basically ~banished~ (OoOoh scary) him until he could prove he was capable of holding the title of gym leader. and i thought maybe that would smack at least enough sense into him to not repeat the same mistake that got him into this mess in the first place... though i cant make any promises considering hes a jerk and his attitude gets in the way of all logic and reasoning. so yes there is a lot more edgie stuff where that came from cuz its igi and thats how it is :o)
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
The choice is yours.
Guzmán x Nadia/Lu
Request by @adeena221843 : Hey.i hope u are well, ur writing is very creative so I was wondering if u could write a sad fan fiction of lu and Guzman where she tells him that if he truly loves nadia to go for her because if he truly loved lu there wouldn’t be a choice.💚💙💚💙💚
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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Guzmán wasn’t sure when things had changed. He couldnt pin point the exact moment where his feelings fell and landed in the palms of another girl. Him and Lu had always been together. They’d practically been destined for each other since the first date they’d had. Their families knew each other, they were of the same social standing, and everyone knew them as the central couple of the school. Guzmán had never realised that it would change. And he’d always assumed that he loved Lu. In fact, he did love Lu. But he only realised that he’d never been in love with her when he started to fall in love with Nadia. And that felt like his whole world flipping on its head. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, he’d fallen deep in love with her - and it was something that he could never say he’d felt with Lu.
“Guzmán, are you listening to me?” Lu sighs, “Or is there any point in asking?”
“Sorry, no, I was listening,” He nods, “Something about tonight, right?”
Lu rolls her eyes, “Dont worry about it, I’ll just meet you there.”
“Hey, I’m sorry,” He reaches over and squeezes her hand, “Just got a bit distracted.”
“Have you decided what you’re wearing tonight?” She asks him, brushing her thumb over the back of his hand.
“No, not yet,” He says, “Do you want to pick something out?”
Her lips curl up into a smile and he laughs, pulling her up with him as they go to look through his clothes. That was the way it was with them. Easy. Right?
It always had been. He had no reason to not love Lu. Surely? Things weren’t perfect. She had her flaws but so did he. They both thought about themselves a little bit too much sometimes and could be a little bit judgemental before intending to be. But they’d always just worked together. How could they not be together? She’d been with him through so much, that wouldn’t change just because of Nadia. Surely not?
- - - - - -
Lu wasn’t sure at what point she’d lost Guzmán. She wasn’t sure at what point she’d stopped being his everything and instead become just another something. Had she ever really been his everything? It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried. She’d stuck with him through all of his mess ups, all of his troubles and his darkest times. Because, at the end of the day, he’d always kiss her, wrap his arms around her and silently confess that he loved her. That was the way it went. She was supposed to be patient, you always have to be in a relationship. But she wasn’t sure at what point she’d started carrying the weight for two on only her shoulders. When did he slip away from her?
When Nadia had first joined Las Encinas, Lu knew that she was competition. She knew she’d have to keep check on her spot at top of the class, make sure she was still in the running to get the top grades at all times. She had to be wary of that. Maybe even of Nadia rapidly becoming a favourite in the class. But never had she expected that she’d lose Guzmán to her. Without having anything to blame Nadia for. Nadia had been nothing but a good person and that’s what made it all worse. If it had been Carla, and she’d slept with Guzmán or something ridiculous, Lu could yell at her and tell her they’d never be friends again. It would end in a screaming match with Guzmán and it would be over. But Nadia? It wasn’t like that. She wasn’t just a girl that had caught his eye and turned his head. She was a girl that had unknowingly taken his heart in her hands and made him into a better person in so many ways. Because he wanted to be a better person to prove he was good enough for her. With Lu, he always knew he was good enough. He always knew that the person he was had always been enough for her. For Nadia, he wanted to be more. And that’s when she knew that he loved her.
“Here,” Guzmán speaks up as he walks over to her in the club and hands her the drink she’d asked for.
“Thank you,” She smiles, taking the glass as she takes a small sip, “Guzmán, can I ask you a question?”
As she asks, his eyes trail to the door to where Nadia and Omar had just walked in together. She looked so much more bold than she did at school, so much more relaxed and confident. It still baffled him that she managed both so well - the introvert and the developing extrovert.
“Yeah, sure,” Guzmán turns his attention back to Lu, “What did you want to ask?”
She has a knowing smile on her face, “When did you first fall for her?”
It makes him practically freeze on his feet. His heart skip a little beat as even it was shocked by the abrupt asking.
“Wh-what did you-“
“It’s okay, Guzmán,” She shakes her head, “I just want to know when you first realised.”
“It’s not like that Lu,” Guzmán confirms, “It’s not just like I suddenly loved her, I’m confused.”
She takes his hand and leads him over to the side of the room, where they were accompanied by the floor length windows exposing a view of the empty club. Of course it was empty, it was hardly even the evening yet.
“I’m not expecting you to find any excuses for it, or any reasons why I’m wrong, anything,” Lu shakes her head, “Just tell me what you’ve been feeling.”
Guzmán swallows and begins spilling whatever came to mind first, “I didn’t plan it. I don’t think I’m even certain that it’s happened the way it has. You’ve been nothing but good to me Lu, and you constantly prove that. But there’s just something telling me that... something I can’t explain...”
“That means you feel some way about her too,” Lu finishes for him, “What feeling?”
“I don’t know Lu,” His voice breaks a little, “I’ve tried so hard to push it aside and convince myself that I’m just being stupid for even thinking that I see her like that. I mean, god, I’ve got you! And that should easily be enough. But it’s like I see her and...”
“She makes you want to be a better person, Guzmán,” Lu states so simply that it feels like a dagger, “I just make you feel content.”
“I didn’t plan for any of this. I promise you. I just don’t know what I want and I don’t want anyone to get hurt in the process of that,” Guzmán is shaking a little as he speaks, meaning every single word he spoke to her - but perhaps not even believing it himself when he says he didn’t know what he wanted.
“Okay, I’m going to make this simple for you a Guzmán and I want you to trust me. Me and you have been together for however many years. If you felt the way that I feel about you, if you loved me with every inch of your being...” She lets out a shaky breath as she’s trying to keep composure, “There would be anyone or anything in the world that could turn your head, and there certainly wouldn’t be a choice.”
“Lu...” Guzmán whispers, feeling as though all energy had just been drawn from his veins and transferred to how confident and composed she remained.
“So, I want you to go over to Nadia and tell her exactly how you feel,” Lu confirms, “Because if she’s the one that you feel that way about, that owns your heart, that makes you feel all of the ways that I tried to make you feel, that you want to be better for... fuck, she’s the luckiest girl in the world.”
Guzmán can’t think of anything better than to wrap his arms around Lu, holding her so tight in the understanding that it would likely be the last time. There’d be no return from this. He wouldn’t just have to apologise like he did when they normally argued. She’d realised that she’d been holding onto a hand that hadn’t been there. Waiting for the beat of a heart that was beating for someone else.
“Now go,” Lu encourages as she pulls away from him, “Youve left it long enough without telling her how you feel and you know I spent far too long on my makeup to mess it up crying over you. Go after her!”
She hits his arm encouragingly as Nadia walks outside. And Guzmán feels a racing tug at his heart to go after her footsteps and catch up with her like some scene out of a movie.
“Go, Guzmán!” Lu laughs a little, waiting for his feet to hurry off after her.
Lu takes in a deep breath, flicks her hair over her shoulder, takes a sip of her drink, and pats away any lasting tears. She holds her shoulders back and walks down to join the rest of the group. She couldn’t let her heart break for a boy that never held it strong enough in the first place.
- - - - - -
When Guzmán catches up to Nadia, everything that Lu said echoes in his mind. She’s stood by the road and he walks around until he’s stood in front of her with all of his attention in those eyes.
“Things are over with Lu,” He confirms, news they’d both been waiting to hear for a long time.
“Aren’t you still confused over what you want, Guzmán?” Nadia questions, closing herself off from him with folded arms.
“Even questioning things in the first place was proof enough that I’ve always known what I wanted,” Guzmán states, “It’s you, Nadia. It’s always been you.”
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theskyexists · 4 years
the amazing she-ra 5
i am LOVING this first episode. they’re TRULY the underdogs now. people are hiding with magic. they live in tents. they’ve lost their edge. they’re actually leaning into the horrors of war now
Shadowweaver says OOC stupid things but it doesn’t matter because the princesses shut it down satisfactorily. Adora is weighed down by responsibility in a cool way.
Catra is staking out the enemy and weaseling her way in. (yessss)
‘You don’t need to say it! I know. I made that choice. I’m living with the consequences.’ I LOVE THIS ADORA
I LOVE THIS WRITING. Catra and Glimmer are THE greatest pair ever. Glimmer is smart enough to poke right through Catra’s defenses - and NOW they’re in the same situation - Glimmer says so - and immediately the prison wall fades away - and they’re both invited for dinner. THAT DELICIOUS WRITING
i do love how shadowweaver has been this snarky aunt for two seasons now.
Hord Prime shows us Adora in danger and Catra is like; FUCK YOU ADORA’S MINE (TO DESTROY) !!!!
I love Hord Prime’s wonderfully manipulative dinner. And I love glimmer quietly crying and I love Catra being like HRMMMM I DONT LIKE THIS. the subtle animations are so great - the close-ups
the way Catra speaks to Hord Prime - the way she’s really fuckin scared and the way Hord Prime says ‘little sister’. The way they make him seem unbeatable. I LVOE IT.
jezus but how few people really live in etheria ?
the propaganda and the tech to boost prime’s image everywhere....ugh it’s delicious. im also happy Entrapta is back and on the good side instead of helping Catra be a bitch to Adora. and im glad the princesses are wary of her.
hahahaah awww Bo came to give adora breakfast and then he panics when she’s lying on the floor. I ALSO LOVE BO AND ADORA TOGETHER BEST
goddamnit Bo YAH! finally somebody who effectively protects someone from the masses. fuck off micah!
Love the princesses acting on their own - love Scorpia mediating, love mermista stepping up, love Entrapta using her .....intelligence
I love how Hord Prime manipulating Glimmer is used to show us more about his empire.
‘i only want to bring peace’ - but also i destroyed all these worlds. how is that...how is that even surface compatible?? like no attempt is made to align those two things.
wait....the heart of etheria will destroy the universe? why??? why is that the assumption. and why...does Hord Prime want that? i....
the comedy of the princesses doing a mission alone is GREAT
IM SO HAPPY THE PRINCESSES GOT TO HIT ENTRAPTA WHERE IT HURTS. now THIS is the right level of comedy versus hurt
the way scorpia rolled to cover frosta in her bulk!
i love how adora is like - HAH sleep is great actually! wow!!
because of the underlying grievances that we EXPERIENCED as audience, this friendship moment actually LANDS
I REINSTATE MY HOORAY!!! (hahahaha god i love scorpia). oh my god Micah saying he trusts glimmer’s friends to save her - fuckin hell - heart squeeze
LOOK AT THAT SHIT. LOOK AT IT!!! Glimmer being angry at Catra - but then recanting and showing vulnerability. Catra showing vulnerability by acquiescing. GOD!!!
‘why did you do it?’ OH GOD ARRGHGHHG THATS SO FUCKING PAINFUL. why does Catra scratch Adora? Because she doesn’t understand - seems to not make the effort to understand!! because she’s never understood that everybody always hurt her - she never fucking saw when it was right in front of her. THat’s even worse in a way than being hurt.
god the fuckin scale. the planet getting bombarded from space....jezus christ.
theres a hallway with light and dark at the end - its implied she goes into the dark - BECAUSE SHE INTENDS TO HIDE FROM WHO FOLLOWS HER
wow she instantly realises he’s hordak. ha!
Catra is being so open with Glimmer. She’s REALLY REALLY! off balance
they have a talking ritual!!!! THEYRE BONDING ABOUT ADORA BEING A DORK!!!!
Catra realises that nothing she was doing on Etheria had any value to her!!!! I LOVE THIS SEASON SO MUCH
I love how Adora gets to be such a badass dork this season!!!! Bo and Adora + Glimmer and Catra are the BEST COMBINATION
godDAMN they made these clones creepy. damn i LOVE Hord Prime!!!
she pushes her onto the bed and kneels before her, holding her hands. DUDES. MY DUDES!!!! catra is they gayest cat in existence
‘do one good thing in your life!’ - oh OUCH god, you can feel the whole weight of all the hurt and injustice she’s experienced in ‘dont talk to me like you know me!’
HAHAHAHAHAHAH BO losing his mind and Adora being a hilarious himbo is SO GOOD
‘im alway going to be your friend’  - ‘i’ll never say sorry to anybody’ GODDD
‘all i do is hurt people, there’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me’ - a reasonable assumption based on your behaviour except for the fact that Adora has been trying to reach you for 4 FUCKING seasons with hand outstretched
the animation in this goddamn season is CRAZY and INCREDIBLE
I ADORE Catra the self Martyr i ADORE that she’s going to go through the wringer still in Hord Prime’s hands.
well i guess that was pretty good with Adora. wish they had made that a little bit longer
i love entrapta. she’s such a perfect element to throw into the mix. and her connections with AI’s are great
that scorpia and swift wind talk is so beautiful. they are also the PERFECT pair. ‘gosh have you ever noticed how many moons we have here? it’s weird.’ HAHAHAHA
they’re visiting a planet that’s been conquered by Prime...
I love how they made Entrapta flirty with her tech ahahahaha
i love how Adora is like: oh??? you’re coming to me??? for emotional advice??? uhhhhhh ok haha nice
i love swift wind’s drunk history retelling of what’s going on on Etheria - especially his impression of shadowweaver and his batman micah
Bo sure is very bad at forgiveness himself lol
‘well im NOT! running awayy that is. i AM smart’ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! i love you adora
Adora spewing all her bullshit about Catra to total strangers ahahaha
this was SUCH amazing teamwork!!!
jezus christ !! that was good!!! i take it back - it was a stupid interruption (they could have just had Bo respond ‘eh’ at an attempt at apology from glimmer....maybe) but they made the final apology INCREDIBLE
‘i can’t just leave her...’ the voice acting in this is sO GOOD
Catra made her whole plan to keep Adora away from Prime based on the assumption that if Glimmer was in Prime’s hands, then Adora would come to rescue her no matter the danger. So she saved Glimmer. But SHE FAILED TO REALISE THAT ADORA WOULD DO THE SAME FOR HER AHAHAHAHAHAHAA
the amazing thing about these highly tech advanced societies is that none of them have invented security cameras
glimmer getting some ptsd flashes
I KNEW that the heart of etheria was built by the First Ones to fight Hordak. Makes Mara’s decision a bit more ---- hMMMM not as great. Because Hordak has killed countless worlds since!
the hive mind lol. jezus Prime is so terrible.
oh my god the very concepts of Prime when behind a fictional buffer are so archtypically delicious. Catra’s glowy green eyes and full bow. hohhohhohho. that uniform also looks great
so Prime could do this to everyone but he chose to surround himself with clones. goddamn.
oh damn that lean-in, those hands on her neck. hmmmhm. gay
she FLINCHES when Prime lays a hand on her shoulder. DAMN. love it
‘you will give me she-ra’ ---- isn’t that what she’s been offering all along? lol
brainwashed Catra is really sexy and disturbing hahahahahaha
this fight is so well choreographed. Catra letting herself almost fall, Adora gathering her into her arms, the scratch across the back, the damn knee into the midriff (OUCH), the dangling her in turn.
‘i always hated that guy in particular - and also all the other guys i hit on the way in.’ LOLOLOLOL
‘you’re such an idiot!’
‘yeah! i know!’
‘im going to take you home’
Adora watches Catra probably die and fall off into a endless pit. JUMPS IN AFTER HER ONE SECOND LATER
Prime really did miscalculate lol - his ship’s been destroyed by one stab at a server.
all the fucking crying is so good
‘I kNOW YOU ALL HATE ME!” ‘I NEVER HATED YOU’ ‘Then you’re dumber than I thought’ HAHAHAHAHA i love how Catra cannot accept Adora’s friendship because she cannot forgive herself. but Adora never fucking gets it because she has the emotional intelligence of a crab!!!! the problem is that Adora is the exact shape of Catra’s heart - which is one big open wound. And if she presses - all she does is cause hurt
Catra is so adorable looking god.....
SPINERELLA AND NETOSSA KISSED!!!!!!!! awwwwwww they’ve been so cute for so long and they only got more and more screentime and Awwwww
Not-Hordak and ‘dehydrated protein slaw’ AhAHAHAHA
how did they find us? UHHH THERES A CHIP IN CATRA’S SPINE????
their first impulse is to hold each other at the ship shaking.
SHE-RA CAN LITERALLY FLY THROUGH SPACE - well. make matter from light, breathe in a vacuum, jumpt from one asteroid to another....
Catra is very lucky that her biggest likely hater is already on her side: glimmer
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPINERELLAAAA. what a fuckin bait and punch goddamn! making them so cute and then foreshadowing it perfectly and then BAM
catra is so effortlessly cool sitting in the window sill
i am actually loving that they have a not-Hordak with them. it humanises those clones a lot
this prince has farsight but they NEVER thought to recruit him BEFORE???
FUCKIN - I LOVE how spinerella and netossa have gotten so much more screentime - relevant to the plot and also revealing their characters. i wish we’d got this from the start!
well now i ship perfuma and scorpia lolololol
HAHAHAHAHA i LOVE this Seahawk and Mermista hiding behind a bar because of ex victims skjsfajfklds
Prince Peekabloo has an AMAZING design, but also he must be a fake. IT MUST BE DOUBLE TROUBLE. double trouble has TASTE
MERMISTA LOOKS SO COOL IN THAT OUTFIT - but also especially chipped and in shadows. they do love chipping people’s love interests
SCORPIA SACRIFICING HERSELF TO SAVE PERFUMA. jezus christ so much love interest drama suddenly wow
‘happy anniversary’ that is HEARTBREAKING
what a great ending to a very silly episode. that’s the balance. a last message from the last soldier standing...
‘WHY DOES SPACE HATE ME SO MUCH!?!?!’ hahahahaah
Catra’s fingers shake......
‘take it from somebody who’s defeated you guys, like, a lot’ AAHAHAHA
chipping everyboddy so they’re like zombies was a great story idea.
catra upset at her signs of upset. CUTE
why the FUCK is Adora’s hair out of her spacesuit ahahahahahahaha. IM SO GLAD THAT BO AGREES WITH ME ON THE ADORABLENESS OF CATRAS HELMET HAHAHAHAHAA
catra is happy to see adora laugh again.... : ‘)
I LOVE how Catra is like, WHAT THE FUCK at having lost to these people
Entrapta trying to deal with Wrong-Hordak in existential crisis is a hilarious premise
oh wow! a first ones colony! very cool! this whole planet works against intruders and plays tricks on them. i do like how first ones are definitely like, still imperial shitlords like subtly. i love how Wrong-Hordak has a realisation arc in the background.
CATRA IS PETTING A CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
catra is working on not lashing out :’) <= literally adora and also me
Melog is so ADORABLE and imprinted on Catra and LOVES ADORA and AGHGHGHG
I love how Adora can make her eyes glow on command
Castaspella was blushing at Shadowweaver being so close lolololol. wow this is the first time Castaspella has been interesting. ‘and stop me, if i take the power for myself’ i love aunty shadowweaver.
AAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH WHAT HAHAAHHAAAAHA Catra notices she’s holding Adora’s hand and goes ARGGH and doesn’t just take her hand back but throws it away ahhaahaha. Adora doesn’t even respond. that was so hilarious for some reason.
‘is what i would have said before i joined you. go team’ hahahaa
‘you’re wearing hooded cloaks. that’s highly suspicious’ AHAHAHAHAHA fucking meta
I LOVE HOW ADORA IS THE ‘oh god my fuckin friends blowing our cover great’ person here
Spinerella and Netossa are so BADASS and i love their fight. it’s so deliciously painful and cool hehehehehe
so the only person im fighting here is!.....my own wife...
spinerella is so op lololol - why did she barely do anything for them when they were still fighting hordak
wrong hordak is so fucking cute ahahahahaha
goddamn that reunion was touching and funny at the same time. and i can actually believe that Prime is having trouble with this slippery team of magic users
I love Netossa’s analysis of the princesses weaknesses. Adora: can’t act to save her life. also extreme hair envy with she-ra
BUT GLIMMER: crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris AHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA
PERFUMA DON”T BE A BITCH TO CATRA. (even though yeah Catra did treat Scorpia bad) she’s right you need to fuckin go for the neck (this episode is gonna show us that you need to damage the chip AND get through to scorpia and it’s going to take catra and perfuma ofc)
awwwww glimmer and bo.... bo is really worried about his dad :’( . this is the first time ive found myself shipping bo and glimmer.....the way he sighs into her arms, turns his face into her neck. Yes....
perfuma is really getting on my nerves here. ‘we dont throw tanks at our friends’ uhhhh shes trying to kill you. just let perfuma get electrocuted adora
AH THEY FINALLY GIVE AN ORIGIN STORY FOR ‘GRAYSKULL’! ha! i do love how they keep elaborating on the First Ones as tyrants as well
hmm perfuma was right i guess. i didnt really like that development. urgh god perfuma is so grating lol..
i wonder how shadowweaver and catra are gonna....deal with each other....
hah. shadowweaver tries to weasel in with Adora again. but Adora won’t stand for it again....
Melog literally acts out Catra’s emotions and jumps adora playfully. hehehehe
shadowweaver is such a fucking bitch. i wonder if we’ll ever get her to admit guilt or apologise
no adora. you have to fucking defend catra to shadowweaver. THAT is what you have to do now that you can!
shadowweaver preying on Adora and Catra again goddddd. let this be an episode in which they finally shuck her off. Adora fucking THINK, the only reason you could transform in the first place was BECAUSE of Catra.
Melog lies half on top of Adora while Catra watches her.... god fuckin hell Melog being an extension of Catra’s feelings is so fucking AMAZING
holy FUCK that confrontation. (i love how every confrontation between adora and catra starts in roughhousing - their language is extremely physical). this is the softer version of catra’s and adora’s dynamic. Catra loves Adora and she wants Adora to choose HER, LIFE WITH HER. ‘what do you want?’ (WHAT ABOUT ME??) But Adora always chooses some higher hero purpose over her. and she doesn’t want to watch Adora die....
‘i dont have to watch it happen...’
god fuckin hell this season.
shadowweaver BELIEVES that she did the right things - of course. and that’s fascinating. and I love that Adora finally totally truly was like: YOU RUIN PEOPLE AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. fuck yeah!
so when was the moment that Adora couldn’t become she-ra anymore? think it’s when she lost track of Catra....
I love Melog - I love how Catra cannot hide from her feelings anymore - at all.
the way glimmer asks adora ‘are you scared?’ ugh MY HEART
i love martyrs. i fucking LOVE martyrs.
oh my god hallucination Catra touching foreheads with Adora.....
EVERYTIME Glimmer just straight up shows Catra affection? that’s some good shit. i thought we were gonna have Glimmer going after Catra for her mother’s death at one point but no....not at all. and i dont mind it
the fights this season have been SO! GOOD!
i love how they’ve set up that Glimmer is a fucking POWERHOUSE. she can turn the tide of battle in a blink!
naturally they pit Micah against Glimmer. jfc this poor family....
there is something important about Prime not remembering Mara....
catra has such a soft heart really. she still, after everything, loves shadowweaver. god....
EVERY SINGLE LINE IS SO GOOD, so well-acted. the ‘im ready’ the way she says ‘catra’ like she can’t take anything anymore
i couldn’t write anything for the whole rest of that i was just covering my mouth with my hands
The fuckiN KISS! the look of PURE LOVE on ADoRA”S FACE
which in the back of my head - they cannot actually cut that in any way - it’s impossible to cut
adora with those blue eyes in the blaze, the magic is beautiful adora excising prime from hordak’s mind (WOW), adora and catra touching foreheads and the slight PURR you can hear, adult bo and glimmer (lookin so nice), adult catra (LOOKING SO HANDSOME in her prom-y outfit,) Glimmer chasing Catra, just, GOD, THE UTENA FUCKING REFERENCE, the way they say they love each other, my GOD, Scorpia being like woah perfuma you look nice, MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD THEM GOING TO SPREAD MAGIC TO THE UNIVERSE GOD!!!!!!
every single thing in this season was worth 4 seasons of enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, frustrating and meh. WOAH! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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trickstarbrave · 4 years
people in fandom cant even have disagreements like yeah sure jan i really do believe the children in the situation are the stupid irrational ones and youre writing 100% harmless and perfectly tagged stuff they have sought out to personally attack you, the reasonable adult who is 100% not petty and wonderful and smart and knows fiction from reality
instead of doing anything you simply plug your ears and go “FICTION HAS NO IMPACT” instead of actually considering why you think maybe your stuff is or is not as harmful in the long run, politely tell minors you’re sorry they saw your porn but really should not be reading it at all and can come to this discussion when they can consent to this stuff, and actually listen when ppl tell you things are not tagged perfectly. you could say “i think my stuff is tagged perfectly and might not be appropriate for victims and may be triggering but i try to not romanticize abuse and try to look at my own work critically”. 
no instead everything is for pure selfish pleasure in which case i wonder why you all bother putting it up on a website at all if criticism saying your subject matter is weird and harmful is that fucking insulting to you. whats next someone is told their short story where a main character dismembers a body for simply the pure thrill of it and showing the author knows how to write is beyond criticism? people are not allowed to say its gross and kinda fucked up esp when it lacks context or portrays a killer as bad? 
and dont even start with “ugh its cancel culture/outrage culture/purity police” if you cannot tell the difference between criticism of your work and weirdo subject matter and harassment over stuff that isnt yknow pure smut with harmful elements to it and are too determined instead to say everyone is a baby faced baby crying and shouldnt even be old enough to have a tumblr then that does in fact say stuff about you you’d rather not hear. you’re the irrational one. and if you dont want anyone who might dislike your stuff looking at it then if its that harmless and stupid and means nothing, then maybe you shouldn’t upload it. because at this point any criticism or arguments for or against it are meaningless. it means personal enjoyment to you? well it doesnt to this person, and thats all that matters, your arguments about why its a good story don’t matter, all you can do is say their dislike either doesn’t effect you or it does. who cares. 
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 4 (Cont)
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The gremlin challenges Tsubasa, a Symphogear, whose entire shtick is to sing to channel power, to sing.
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It dawns on her, however, that Tsubasa is part Greninja. Tsubasa used Shadow-Weaving! It’s super effective.
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“tell me, you jellyfish looking weirdo...”
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“hey- hey, time out. are you gonna do what i think you’re gonna do. this is gonna like, kill you. you know that, right? that you will literally die? you do understand you can just retreat now or- or just take hibiki away, right? i even told you that was the whole point of this... uh... oh shit.”
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“tsubasa please i will literally lend you my remaining brain cell to stop you from this really stupid mistake”
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Dad has entered the server.
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“oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. o- ryoko. stop breathing on me. this isnt helping my anxiety over my adopted daughter figure literally preparing to kill herself over my commands.”
“sorry babe its just the asthma, forgot my inhaler”
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“i cannot FUCKING believe of ALL the opponents i had to fight i had to fight the DUMBEST one on the goddamn block, you idiot, you absolute dunce, RETHINK THIS”
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“just used up my last brain cell for this attack, pal. you’re through.”
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The gremlin could not begin to comprehend Tsubasa’s intense love for incredibly well-built redheaded women.
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Hibiki can, though.
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“SO......... MUCH........... SAUCE...................”
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The gremlin retreats after getting her licks. This scene subtly implied something; the Nehushtan armor she wears regenerates over time, which means no matter how much damage it sustains, it will always return in one piece. The same can’t be said for the user, though.
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Hibiki runs to Tsubasa, checking if she’s okay, totally oblivious to the gravity of what just happened.
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“i came just as i could and ive brought happy meals for everyone”
Genjuro asks if Tsubasa is okay.
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I dunno man, this is a pretty tough judgement call here. I mean, is she okay? Pain is a pretty subjective experience, after all.
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“oh my god i get it. i get the joke she implied. she wanted to jam. she’s jammed! cause it- it looks like jam! no, wait, its more like sauce...”
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It dawns on Hibiki that people actually do die during this job.
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Tsubasa, as it turns out, survived her Swan Song. It makes sense that she would because she was naturally receptive to her relic, Ame-No-Habakiri. Still, the injury comes with great gravity. She’s benched for the next season, and it’s likely she’s gonna miss the playoffs.
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Stuck on a respirator on the edge of life, Tsubasa will probably look back at this and go, “Gosh, I was such a wild child. Haha. Almost dying and all.”
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Hibiki wraps her single braincell around the idea of death. Most main characters aren’t familiar with the concept of death, you see, because most don’t die. But this is Season One Symphogear. Flirting with death is common.
Ogawa comes in to comfort her.
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“dumbass had her opponent bound and the gremlin still escaped anyway”
Ogawa then explains shit we already know. Thanks, Ogawa.
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“in summation: i get where you’re coming from, but stop fucking saying ‘im gonna replace kanade’, please, im begging you”
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Hibiki FINALLY gets it, and naturally upon realizing, feels really bad for it. A real right and true asshole.
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“oh thank god i was worried not even that was going to get to you”
Meanwhile, in Tsubasa’s mind...
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“ah fuck me. im trapped in metaphor limbo. see, im falling because i clipped my wing, cause i nearly died, you know, like icarus and shit”
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“hold up my gay senses are tingling”
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Her senses confirmed. Kanade is in her mind, in probably the most romantic metaphor possible. There is absolutely no way to interpret all of this platonically.
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Tsubasa is literally submerged in a sea of her own emotions...
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Involving Kanade, and how she strives to be like her and honor her memory.
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Tsubasa, in her Symphogear Brand Medical Cocoon for the Dumb and Beaten Down, quietly slumbers in her semi-comatose state as she wrestles the water metaphors of her own sexual identity.
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The poor thing just misses her girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Hibiki sits and thinks more than usual. In a flashback, Genjuro muses about how The Gremlin wanted to kidnap Hibiki.
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“i dunno maybe The Gremlin’s super lonely or shit”
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“i mean if thats the case ill just adopt her too”
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Since Tsubasa is away, Hibiki has to pick up the quota for teenage angst in the 2nd Division. Unfortunately, she has very big shoes to fill, but Hibiki isn’t one for slacking in the misery department. She blames herself for everything.
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“im really going to fire the therapist we have around here for being pretty damn useless”
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“can i be the therapist?”
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“ryoko i am absolutely begging you to filter your bad ideas given the several teenage crises we’re dealing with right now”
Hibiki then yells out, for what is possibly the third time, out of the blue:
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The flashback ends.
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And speaking of girlfriends.
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“there is no force on this planet stopping me from having some quality fucking time with my girlfriend damnit”
Miku points out Hibiki has been pretty lonely. Says she heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another she was messin’ ‘round.
Unfortunately, Miku is a goddamned chad.
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Immediate handholding. Make no mistake. Behind those soft-spoken eyes lies an absolute master.
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“o-oh, my hand, you’re holding it, so smoothly”
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“hibiki, you’re my sunshine. i want to soak up your rays so hard that every piece of flesh of my body is horribly mutilated from skin cancer.”
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“jesus christ miku at least use sunscreen in your metaphors”
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“ill use them just for you, hibiki. just for you.”
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Their relationship is interesting. When one of them is sad, the other sorta acts as an angst vacuum. You’ll see them flip flop with their points of misery with each other, but when together, those problems always melt away.
Of course, emphasis on being together. Season 1 is the worst with keep them away from each other.
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“Just Be Yourself!” Miku Kohinata, Symphogear, 2012.
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“fuck me, you’re right. im the protagonist. i cant just eat shit here the whole time. i gotta do protagonist things!”
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“was that an invitation?”
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“another time. but now... let’s just catch up.”
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And so, they laugh together about how the recorded footage of the meteor shower was all black. Truly the greatest couple of all time.
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It is this realization of being her own self, coupled with her renewed gay energy, and new perspective on what she must do, that causes everything to go uphill for her from here. Take note.
Here is where a God is truly born.
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Tachibana Hibiki.
The end of this episode cuts to a specific dojo.
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Genjuro’s dojo.
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“i dont fuck around with training, even though i probably should have trained you sooner. you sure about this?”
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“dadman either you do this or i will most definitely die next time”
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Part of their training involves watching action movies, because Genjuro is so unreal that he should frankly be a fictional character in the very universe he exists in.
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Fucking adorable.
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“im so conflicted its so clear she’s part of /fit/ now but i cant help but imagine her washboard abs”
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Hibiki balls even harder at karaoke now, due to her Symphogear training, and not because she’s secretly Aoi Yuki playing a recolored version of Madoka.
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Her significant other is mildly terrified at the superhuman that is slowly unfolding her powers before her eyes.
In the end, things all reach their logical conclusion.
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Hibiki becomes a Tekken character, just like Genjuro.
Of course... Miku pushes the fact very subtly that she would never hide anything from Hibiki...
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Turmoil brews in the worst way... soon...
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Chat: Jo + Gray romcoms
(for lexy)
Jo> She likes pointless fluff movies. I’m being told I have to watch Friends With Benefits next after I finish the last 20 mins of the first half of this series
Jo> :l
Jo> *actually doesnt mind that movie just finds it hysterical Jo does*
Grey> Is Friends with Benefits the one with Mila Kunis?
Jo> Yep
Grey> Who’s the male lead in that?
Jo> Justin Timberlake
Grey> Ah
Jo> It’s kind of hilarious that Jo likes that movie
Grey> Because of how she is about relationships?
Jo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_CVAI_twO0 and then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6M-V4oHso first 20 seconds just… kind of amazingly hilarious.
Jo> She’s somewhere between or actually boh main characters at once
Jo> (Also the Train in the background of the first cracks me up)
Jo> Yeeeep
Grey> You linked me the sex scene? LOL *signs in*
Jo> Its the end of the crappy romcom movie that the girl wanted to watch and the guy spent the entire time paying out.
Jo> Yes
Jo> Because
Jo> First 20 seconds is magic
Jo> …hell the entire thing is magic
Jo> And hilariously like if Jo were a guy and a girl at the same time
Jo> honest to god
Grey> “I sneeze sometimes after I come” *drink everywhere*
Jo> Wait for it
Jo> “When women start to scream it can me misconstrued”
Grey> *dead*
Grey> So much for just once
Jo> LOL Yeeeep.
Jo> Can you see kind of where I get my amusement from?
Grey> Yep
Jo> “Grab my hair.” “Kiss my neck”
Grey> *dies at butt part*
Jo> *nodnod*
Grey> Oh my god
Grey> Oh man mom walking in at the end
Jo> Lol yep
Jo> I find so much fucking amusement from that movie and the fact it’s number 3 on Jo’s fave ‘romcom’s
Grey> What are the first two?
Jo> Pretty Woman and Miss Congeniality
Grey> Awwwww Miss Congeniality. "So her top favorites are about a hooker finding a sugar daddy, a tomboy becoming a barbie doll and two friends fucking?“ Gray that’s not… no.
Jo> "Got a problem with that?” Gray. Darling. No… …though he has a point but no…
Grey> “Other than your taste in movies is shit. No.” He’s got the air of implying about him.
Jo> “…I’m just glad it was top three then, I’m sure you’d find the next two just as shit…” Jo is well aware the implication and I am snickering my head off
Grey> “And what are those, Legally Blonde and The House Bunny?” *pets her*
Jo> “…no. Clueless and a tie between 500 Days of Summer and Runaway Bride….
Jo> ” She knows how bad those are, but theyre better than Legally Blonde and House Bunny at least. (What’s Your Number, Stardust, Legally Blonde, You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle round out the top ten though)
Grey> “*snickering*” Yeah. The House Bunny is shit but Legally Blonde isn’t bad imo. It’s got Matt Davis in it for one so…
Jo> “…oh go ahead. Say it.” Lol yeah House Bunny is. Legally Blonde’s pretty alright - the second is dreadful though.
Grey> “Say what that you have horrible picks and clearly just want some guy to swoop in a rescue you?” Second one doesnt exist in my mind. Because I like the first one too much to admit it.
Jo> “You just don’t like romantic comedies and most of those involve free thinking, independent women who can survive all on their own without a man…sorta.” LOL I cried my way through it. In pain.
Grey> “Except they all end up with a guy and the whole plot of them is either "fucks a dude and keeps fucking him” or “discovers she’s ladylike after all”.“ I saw it on tv once, attempted to watch then switched the channel 5 minutes in because it was hurting
Jo> "Pretty Woman is about how you aren’t just your job - that there is more to a person than just that; Miss Congeniality is about doing the right thing, and that everyone can be more than what their intial appearance might suggest; FoB is about how… sometimes worrying about the labels of things can ruin something that’s working and that …getting over that shit’s for the best…” It’s dreadful..
Grey> “Uh huh.” Yeah I dont know what charm the first one has that the second one is missing but you can definitely tell it’s missing it. Same with Miss Congeniality, first movie is cute second movie makes you want to tear out your eyes
Jo> (Oh god, I just realised the girl in Friends with Benefits at the start is going to go see Pretty Woman at the cinema as some romcom weeklong thing and her then bf dumps her out front and she’s already missed the boots)
Grey> *DEAD*
Jo> “…shut up, alright. God, a girl is allowed to like pointless fluff sometimes!” LOL So so true. The same goes for Bring It On. *crying at this movie again now*
Jo> (“You know I love this movie! If a prostitute and a ruthless businessman who fall in love, then anyone can. *wistful sigh/tone*” *dying*)
Grey> “I would think you get enough of that with the runt.” Oh my god that’s hilarious
Jo> “…I think your brother knows better than to..freak me out with that sort of thing. Reality, fiction, don’t cross the streams..much.” I know. I forgot it and now Im dead.
Grey> “So he’s not constantly trying to bring you flowers or jewelry or anyt of that other crap? I’m surprised he has so much restraint.” No wonder Jo likes the movie
Jo> “No, he’s not. Seems you don’t know him quite as well as you think…” Oh yeah. … http://youtu.be/GvBNVJjhj4Q?t=11s Just… start o the film is pretty much this. And yep. It totally does.
Grey> “Or he doesn’t like you as much as he says he does.” I feel bad for Justin’s character cause that bitch crazy
Grey> “Next time just shit on my face cause that’s the same thing” no it isnt lady
Jo> Wait for the explanation of Mila’s character
Grey> WOW Andy’s a dick
Jo> LOL Yuuuuup
Grey> *spit take at Justin*
Jo> Just wait
Jo> It gets more
Jo> “Or maybe he likes me as much as he says he does and doesn’t want me to feel uncomfortable or pressured and is making sure I’m okay with things.” I KNOW RIGHT?! AND THATS JUST THE FIRST THREE MINUTES OF THE MOVIE
Grey> “If he liked you as much as he said, he’d get you flowers. Because that’s what Grey does, flowers and chocolate and bubble baths with candles and rose petals and all the other lame shit because that’s what he does, he does the lame "romantic” crap and he likes doing that. So he either doesnt actually care that much or he’s completely terrified of you and is too scared to even approach the matter"
Grey> That’s hilarious
Grey> Especially Justin’s just completely lunatic of the girlfriend. Like Mina’s guy was just lazy and a jerk but Justin’s girl was fucking monkeynuts crazy
Jo> “He would not - he might want to, but right now? He wouldn’t. I prefer non-materialistic things anyway so…” I know. She’s amazing. She keeps calling too. I seriously recommend it if you have a few hours to spare or fill or are bored sometime because that movie is just great. Better than No Strings (the Portman/Kutcher one)
Grey> “If he wouldnt its because you’re scaring him. But hey if you’re cool with him being too scared to say what he wants then….” It does look a lot funnier than Natalie’s
Jo> “I am not /scaring/ him. He knows he can say whatever he likes to me or bring up stuff…. …” It is. I’ve seen both several times, Friends With is much better. The original Coke to Nat’s new.
Grey> “Sure he does. That’s why he didn’t tell you he loved you for the longest time. Because he’s totally not afraid to talk to you.” I feel like I should just watch both then Black Swan to mindfuck myself but I can’t right now lol
Jo> “He does, and… that’s none of your business, and it wasn’t 'the longest time’, was barely three months after..” LOL Oh god that would be dreadful.
Grey> “Uh huh. And he hasnt really said it again has he?” Yep it would
Jo> “He has too. …a few times.” Brainfuck indeed.
Grey> “And I bet you know exactly how many because it doesnt happen a lot.” Completely
Jo> “…your point being? People don’t have to say they love one another all the time, I’m sure you could count on one hand the number of times you’ve said it.”
Grey> “Because I’m a arrogant asshole monster who doesn’t really give two shits to get emotional about things. Does that sound like Grey to you?”
Jo> “…no. Sounds a little like me though, so instead - how often has Anna said it to you, huh? Just because he doesn’t say it often doesn’t mean he doesn’t know he can ask about things or talk about stuff.”
Grey> “More than five times less than twenty. He’s stupid though, how would you know he knew he could ask if he doesnt feel like he could say it? Doesnt matter now I guess with that collar on you he’ll be too freaked out to do much of anything”
Jo> “..Oh. ….Because he knows me? Because neither of us is going to judge or fly off the handle? Because I haven’t gone running yet? ….shut up, fuck you.”
Grey> “If he knows you he knows that your terrified of getting attached and won’t bring it up for fear of driving you away. I’m just stating facts.”
Jo> “Otherwise known as caring and respecting a loved ones boundaries. And you say that like we’re not attached, because we are, so shove off. …you’re being a dick with the truth.”
Grey> “Otherwise known as being spineless. Wait until he wants to get married then see how attached you are. Better than just being a dick right?”
Jo> “There’s a difference - one is being respectful, the other has no basis other than fear for it. …. ………. Let’s not talk about that, ever, again. Oh shut up..”
Grey> “So how do you know he’s doing it out of respect instead of fear? Just wait.”
Jo> “Because, I just do. …And I said again…”
Grey> “Uh huh. You’re going to run when you see that little box.”
Jo> “…. ….I’m not going to run..” Mental commentary: “I’m going to politely say I need time to think, excuse myself and go hide under the covers. The fastest will be a brisk walk. Yes. No running. It’d be fine.”
Grey> “Yes you are. Watching him bend his knee and go into his pocket for it is just going to scare you so badly you’re going to take off running like a scared deer.” Awwww poor Jo
Jo> “No. I’m… I have more restraint than that even if that /isn’t/ my response.” Think she’d feel bad for it but..unless she suggests it she’ll probably freak.
Grey> “You’re right, cause he’s probably going to do it in public. You wouldnt want to make a scene. All those eyes on you expecting to say yes especially his when he looks so happy and expectant.” He wouldnt ask. I mean like… probably never unless they actually had a kid. Because he knows it wouldnt work
Jo> ( http://youtu.be/VIirTZQWJBg?t=30s *crying* Guess Jo has a penis where her vaginas supposed to be)
Grey> (SO DEAD. Oh Woody Harrelson you are always hilarious)
Jo> “…shut up. How do you know the answer would be no? Or that I wouldn’t be the one askin’? Everyone’s always calling me the boy of us…” Cue gray laughing head off. And yeah, no - I’d figured he probably wouldn’t, what’s sad is a marriage would work but proposing the idea wouldnt. (IKR? He’s a gay sports writer)
Grey> “Because you don’t do commitment? You… ask him… *laughing*” *nods* He’d figure they couldnt therefore wouldnt ask unless its a kid in which case he’d feel like “this is a family now” and ask. (He’s hilarious. I lost it)
Jo> “I do sometimes. …. *tries not to laugh as well* Yeah, okay shut up..” Yep - which I think he might be able to get a yes if he didn’t say it was cause she was preg or had had a baby, mde the family comment instead. (LOL Yeeep)
Grey> “Fine. That was funny enough I’ll shut up. *still laughing*” *nods* I think his approach would be something like “I’d like for us to be a family. And I want to be officially part of that family.” Plus that way if something happens to Jo the kids stay with him. (Armpit girl? Do I even want to know…)
Jo> ( http://youtu.be/GJucbfuvh-A armpit girl)
Grey> (Oh Justin baby what is it with you and crazy broads)
Jo> “Glad you enjoyed it… *fails at holding back a giggle* Okay seriously, I’m not that bad.. or I’m not the worst, so shuddup.” Yeah, that would actually probably work. (Yeeeep)
Grey> “Not the worst? Right okay compared to like me or something.” And of course Grey would have the sense enough not to try to make a big affair of it, nor would he want to
Jo> “There are worse people out there without going straight to you, Gray.” Yep yep - big affair woul get a no.
Jo> (Oh god, I forgot the guy in this has a stutter when he was nervous)
Grey> “*indignantly* Are not. I’m the worst. End of discussion.” *slaps Gray for wanting to look like the horrible monster again* I think the closest he’d come to that was asking if she wanted her mother there or any close friends. (So dead)
Jo> “Sure thing, I just meant there were people between the two of us on the worse scale is all.” *snickers at him* lol true true. Knowing Jo she’d not want much, or until after. (Yeeep)
Grey> “Nope. You’re close enough to me there’s no one left between us.” *nods* Jesse go to bed jo harvelle gray chat complete Aug 21st, 2012
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elvesofnoldor · 5 years
im losing my entire fucking mind and i dont know anything abt myself anymore and why? why? all cause one day in undergrad, out of nowhere, i went “hey am i a woman?” like i was asking myself what flavour of cheesecake i wanted for dessert. That was like, right after i felt comfortable with the fact that im a lesbian. And the answer should have been simple and short: “yeah duh you dumb fucking bitch, why did you ask? why do you think asking this is fucking productive? forget about it!” But no, i decided to engage with the question and it opened a fucking pandora’s box, and this question latched onto me like a fucking parasite, because this question allows me to think about another crucial question im always afraid to ask myself: am i truly attracted to men? With lesbianism, i can answer this question with ease by saying, no, these flimsy “crushes” i have on like two or three boys when i was a child/teen were result of compulsory heterosexuality, boom, that’s it. simple! not to mention, i know that lesbians can experience attraction to men in the past and even had past relationship with men and still be lesbians, sometimes sexuality isn’t solid as a brick, and none of that should have mattered! 
 so yeah, lesbianism is the answer i LIKE, yet part of me is not satisfied with this answer! of course! why not! since when am i ever satisfied with anything EVER?  over time, i started to want a “man’s body” when i see a cis dude with bare chest in picture, and it seems like i started to identify more and more with...masculinity and manhood...in general? even fictional men? at times? i dont fucking know! its a huge mess! and confusing! and my memories are all blurry and false and twisted by my current perception. sure i think i always kind of aspire to “androgynous looks”, but i like being a lesbian! At first, i was like, maybe im a non binary lesbian cause oh baby i know im not bisexual-- i dont want to be with men, but i want to be with women and that’s a certainty. And i know i had one real crush in life--sure it brought me nothing but misery but i know i had one true crush and it was a girl, a friend, from my high school-- whereas my possible feelings abt real boys or fictional men are very flimsy in comparison. still, part of me started to think that perhaps i can only process these feelings i might have for other men/boys in the past if i can...idk see myself as another man? i dont fucking know! Literally, it’s the most unproductive thing to think about! More importantly, i did not fall in love with any real man nor do i want to fall in love with any man! but i still kept questioning myself about this, cause i kept having these strong feelings abt,  FICTIONAL MALE CHARACTERS. And idk, part of me was like, “maybe you’d be comfortable with your attraction to men if you...are a man?”, and yeah i actually engage with this line of fucking thinking. its so fucking embarrassing that MEN THAT ARE NOT REAL can have such ridiculous heavy impact on me, it’s fucking ridiculous and i hate it!!! Every time i started to get invested in some stupid story that doesn’t matter cause it’s a fucking fictional story, there is like, this ONE MAN, one fucking bitch, that i felt very strongly about and it didn’t feel entirely platonic. i knew i was not straight since a teen and it took me FOREVER to even seriously consider that im a lesbian even though i dread the thought of being with men for the longest time, precisely because i keep having these weird strong feelings about fictional men every once a while!!!! 
makes no mistake i explored more rational options. during this time i made a rant abt it on here--i didnt want to! i tried not to make personal posts cause i dont want to bother strangers! but idk i guess my attention seeking whore ass just have to put my personal feelings out there eventually or i will die? anyways, a very nice mutual talked to me abt it, he was a trans man and as it turns out we shared a lot of similar experiences in regards to gender, and you’d think--hey maybe that helped? but no it fucking didn’t. it was nobody’s fault but it didn’t help, cause i clung on my womanhood for no apparent productive reason. i was still confused and, well, like a normal person i was like, let’s have human interaction! let’s actually explore my attraction to women! you don’t want to be with men so forget about them! forget what you might feel abt them! explore what you KNOW! explore certainty! so i did and ofc it ended up in shit, cause a girl who has a girlfriend (it was a closed relationship btw) asked me if i wanted to “hang out” on a dating app for wlws called HER and i genuinely thought it was a date? didnt know she has a girlfriend until AFTER we met. i wasn’t actually even surprised that she didn’t actually want to date me, because im ugly! im not attractive! im not even attracted to myself lol! plus she was very nice and cool and i was just happy that i made a friend with a fellow lesbian. but after that, i lost motivation to use that dating app, because one minor set-up and failure is all it takes for me to give up, its always like that with me. because im weak and pathetic, its always been like this. 
yeah at one point i basically said im non binary on my bio, but  i rather tell ppl im a lesbian and be done with it since im not entirely sure abt being non binary. Also, I know that non gender-conforming lesbians are everywhere, cis lesbians who are uncomfortable with gender identity exist! butches exist! they are here and they deal with it and they find community. but i don’t identify with...being butch? it was very nice to see gender non conforming, tom-boyish or butchy women out there, they  gave me hope, they are my heroes but i just dont feel like...they are me? i dont feel like feminine women either, im attracted to feminine women but i dont identify with their look and their femininity. like i said, this is a huge fucking mess. 
And now i have finally fucking done it, huh, dorian fucking p*vus, a gay male character. The clownery of it all! how the fuck, do i explain to ANYONE that i, a lesbian, have feeling that isn’t entirely platonic about a fictional gay man? yeah thats right thats why i romance him! i lied! ok! i fucking lied, it was cause i want to fuck him! ok! yeah, i know, ridiculous. i feel like im disrespecting him, that im , idk, fetishizing him, but i am not! i can’t be! i love him so much it hurts? it shouldnt be like that. i really shouldn’t. i cant make sense of this, its driving me nuts. still, this whole ordeal eventually got me thinking abt my gender, yet again, and it pushed me over the edge and i even told my dad that i want to transition this summer, that i am a man because i thought maybe i’d be much happier and less repressed if i can just accept that i like men-- if i can explore this possibility. i know i will NEVER accept liking man as a woman, and i know i already kinda have some sort of identification with manhood and masculinity, so why not! i was coming up with solutions! but i didnt even fall in love with a real man, and i was considering this serious level of transition in my life that requires time, money, and the process concerns health risk??? for what??? i was looking up all these info about transition, for WHAT? i gotta be out of my fucking mind! the most ridiculous thing is that while i always like a number of female characters, i would never feel as strongly about any of them in particular as i would, for that one fucking man. Even merrill, like, i love her and i genuinely feel like i want to be with a girl like her int he future but i dont feel as strongly about her as i would for dorian, for some, fucking, reason. 
i headcanon the lavellan i used to romance dorian as a trans man, cause i was thinking, perhaps this would put things into perspective. and yeah, i wanna fuck dorian, but also i want to envision what my future CAN be using my lavellan as a proxy. things were simpler with my lavellan. he was handsome and had no body image issue, he was fit, transition was easy for him cause magic and he virtually spent no money on it, he was passing, his family and community fully supported him, he had a lovely girlfriend before he knew he was trans. sure, he has problems and issues to deal with but none are the ones i gotta deal with. he is not me, but he has what i wanted and what i wish i had: beauty, confidence, a girlfriend, easy FTM transition, and he is a man so he’s legally allowed to fuck dorian. but i did not transition, and im still a cis woman with long hair, and ppl looks at me and they probably still thinks im straight, im not straight but i AM a ugly cis woman and i dont think transition’d help cause i might just become a even uglier man lol. And if i dont become a beautiful, stunning man, then i dont want to become a man at all cause if things dont turn out perfectly for me, i dont want to do them and its always like that for me and its why im a fucking failure on everything right now. so many trans people are not passing, but they deal with it, not me tho! i can’t, cause im a pathetic baby!!!  i cant deal with any minor inconvenience in my fucking life i guess!!!! And i cant help but to feel weird about having a trans man as one of my ocs. maybe i should make him cis instead? im so exhausted,  i cant help but to feel that my trans mutuals want to just pull the trigger on me and unfollow me cause you all are silently judging me for having a trans oc when im still technically, cis. well judge me in my fucking face you fucking cowardly fucks! Am i cis? well idk, probably, maybe im just a hysterical crazy bitch of a cisgender^tm woman who is constantly uncomfortable with her gender, maybe thats all there is. who knows, all i know is that im burnt out, that i don’t know anything anymore and it was all a huge fucking mess that things dont matter. this is causing me nothing but pain and confusion and i dont want to be wrong myself. ftm transition is not, “oh geez lets just explore a option” kind of deal, its kinda fucking serious  and its stressing me out. i dont know what i want, who i am, anything and i can’t afford to be wrong so i dont know!!!!! i just dont know!!!!!!!! i talked abt with a therapist actually but all therapist do is to LIE lie AND LIE and tell me things i already know, “you need to be careful with about transitioning! it’s a big decision” who pays you to say this garbage to me? “you are capable and beautiful and you can do this! believe in yourself!” as if ppl saying this shit is enough???? as if i still need to go see a fucking therapist if i am magically ok after i talk to somebody and they tell me lies that sound validating????i know they dont believe in what they said anyways. “you are ok! you are fine, you have no problem” BITCH I WISH I AM OK, BUT AM I OK? IM FUCKING NOT AND YOU ARE $60 RICHER THAN AN YOU ARE AN HOUR AGO! FUK YOU! LIES LIES LIES!!!!! men lie too, i put on some bad eyeliner and some random creepy dude came and told me im beautiful! beautiful my ass! im fucking ugly and i know it, you really think im fucking stupid you fuck? am i just being a special snowflake? are the things that i know for certainty actually certainty??? nothing about me feels real anymore, and maybe im just being dramatic but  my self perception is non existent and i feel like im just lying to myself even though i thought i was being truthful and ppl keep telling me lies and nothing helps. im living on lies and it is festering 
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moomingitz · 5 years
No matter how you think Chris is "mischaracterized", people are within their rights, AND CORRECT, for interpreting him that way. No matter how well intentioned Chris' character may have meant to be, this is how he comes across, and no one is wrong for this interpretation, just as you are not wrong for yours. Bella from Twilight wasn't meant to come across as the pretentious spoiled little snot she is either, but regardless of intention, that's the impression she gives.
No, they aren’t correct, considering there’s several things in Sonic X that shows that Chris really is down to earth and actually pretty selfless as a person. But because you guys keep fixating on a controversial moment and refuse to live it down, that must mean he’s always like that in general! Not sorry, but allot of fans really do demonize and the mischaracterize the shit out of him! Last time I checked, Chris wasn’t Veruca fucking Salt, or a homophobic stereotype who’s out to rape Sonic or some master manipulator out to drive a wedge between some stupid alien furries. Sonic and his friends especially would never beat up or murder their friend, simply because you don’t like him as a character! Just because you interpret it that way does not make it absolute fact, especially when the show says otherwise, and it’s honestly in really bad taste and OOC to especially characterize Sonic and his friends in that light. It’s really fucking disturbing to seriously believe that a child(fictional or not) actually deserves to be abused or even die just because they annoy you, made an ass out of themselves, or they “get in the way” of your BroTP or ship! I think it says allot about the Sonic fandom with how vitriolic they act over something that’s portrayed as a 12 year old child, who’s no worse than any child who’s mostly a victim of bad parenting(or lack of parenting in general). The punishment does not fit the “crime”; if you can even call it one! I honestly would not trust these type of fans or people to be around actual children, no matter how much people want to tell me that “it’s just a fictional character”.
I may dislike Amy’s Sonic X incarnation, but I won’t ignore her good points in the show and only portray her as what I dislike about this version of her, unlike you guys constantly do with Chris. When she’s not around Sonic she’s actually alright. Hell, one of my favorite episodes in Sonic X is actually ep. 9, a Sonamy focused episode. Honestly, if her crush on Sonic was written more like in was that episode for the rest of the show it would not have bothered me as it did later on. She was still okay when away from Sonic, but once her crush on him would come up is when it would grind my gears. Sonic himself seems to be a crutch from keeping most characters from not reaching their full potential, for some reason.
Also, the whole Twilight thing doesn’t work with me, because not only is it some of the most entertainingly so bad it’s good things I’ve ever seen(this is what people would not quit pissing and moaning about? I’ve been missing out.), but I always felt sympathetic towards the series’ fans more than anything. I saw far more people who were extremely downright rude and fucking nasty towards fans, and were the most obnoxious people online at the time. Constantly hijacking conversations and trying to change any subject into about how they hated Twilight and how vampires shouldn’t sparkle and shit as if they owned the concept of them. I saw more insufferably vocal haters of the franchise than I ever saw of so-called rabid fans of it. So I don’t feel any empathy or sympathetic towards people who were all angry and hated the Twilight series, considering how they treated and viewed even fans of the series, especially since Bella and all the characters are just dumb and clueless if anything.
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murdocsagaypirate · 6 years
im freaking out about the lore again ughh what if,its really all in 2D's head? i mean,every instrument can be done using the comp and such. i think its almost impossible to survive such a crash,(on d-day or before that)he could easily break his neck or die. Or Murdoc,Noodle and Russel could be people he knew irl (normal)but in his imagination they became like this bc of their personality/likes. (or maybe they are dead,and he has multiple personalities that are represented in the band as others?)
So like. the idea that Murdoc, Noodle, and Russel are exaggerated version of people 2D knew before going into the coma he is in currently (as the theory goes) matches up with the numerous references to the Wizard of Oz. 
This theory is starting to fuck with me  little too, but mainly because it’s disruptive to the whole fucking point of Gorillaz. We KNOW the band is real because we’ve interacted with them. They can’t be figments of 2D’s mind because that would mean WE are figments of 2D’s mind.. and like. we aren’t. at least I dont think I am..
If it wasn’t for the fact that a MAJOR point of Gorillaz is the fact that they... "are real” and the only way for the story to WORK is to treat them as though they aren’t fiction.... the plot twist that they are in fact fiction with in their own fiction... sounds interesting... but... idk. its... kind of stupid. and falls apart with the smallest bit of scrutiny. 
Where did the interviews and music come from? 2D alone? But he’s in a coma/a sleep? The music only exists in his head? Why can we hear it? We exist in his head? So the nature of my reality is the same as the nature of Noodle and Russel’s reality? So what’s the point? If 2D wakes up, both you and I and the characters stop excising, so really there’s no plot twist, we wouldn’t even be able to fathom that twist, it’s like saying “this plot is part of an alternate reality” like, well duh, of course it is, but it doesn’t matter if a different reality will never effect the plot...... god what the fuck as I saying. anyway, no, I don’t think “The Now Now is literally a dream” makes a bit of sense no matter how many pieces of evidence seem to somehow weirdly support it....... 
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