#I just killed some random dragonborn bard
siensapsap · 9 months
Me, starting my second playthrough of BG3, choosing the Darok Urge because I've seen some interesting clips: "I am not gonna spoil this for myself. I might reload sometimes because I want to try to romance Astarion, but that'll be it! I'm gonna do this on my own brainpower!"
Me, right after discovering I killed Alfira: "Nope, nope, nopedy nope. Anyone but her. F8, f8, f8. Google, tell me how to cheese this, or so help me god...
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pawpunkao3 · 19 days
Yknow what since we're doing discourse on Irredeemable Teens I wanna share with yall some thoughts on Penelope Everpetal
Penelope is a wild magic sorcerer. It seems so random. With a name like Everpetal, wouldn't you expect her to have something more elegant, like divine soul sorcery? Storm sorcery, like her best friend Sam? Hell, even draconic sorcery has a certain villainous finesse to it, especially considering that she's working with a dragon. But instead, she gets wild magic. The subclass that new players get told to avoid because half of its features nerf your character. The subclass that has a 0.1% chance of killing you and everyone in a 20ft radius every time you cast a spell.
People like to joke that sorcerers don't work for their magic---I mean, they call the sorcery teacher "just a guy who hangs out with students and talks about how cool their powers are". But that's ignoring the other side of magic---not power, but control. While wizards and bards fought to learn to cast even basic spells, Penelope struggled to reel in her magic. It was a battle that nobody saw, and when she lost it, it would end up humiliating at best, and devastating at worst. Combine that with the fact that she seems spoiled and entitled---maybe the type of person to believe being born with magic made her better than other casters---and it's easy to see the conflict. Her sorcery should have made her glamorous, desirable. Instead, it only burdened her.
Maybe that's why Kalvaxus picked her as his future prom queen.
I imagine he found her in her freshman year. She'd had a surge in class and grown a big beard of blue feathers---not cute. Not pretty. Humiliating. So there she was, behind the school, sobbing and tearing them out in big bloody fistfuls and muttering about how she was going to kill everyone who ever laughed at her because she was the best most powerful sorceress ever, and, well. Kalvaxus normally wouldn't care about some idiot student being sad, but something about her fury intrigued him. It seemed...exploitable.
So he blew a puff of smoke her way and made her sneeze the rest of the feathers out. Told her she was right---she WAS better for being a sorceress, and it wasn't fair that people made fun of her for something she couldn't control. Penelope wouldn't have noticed the contradiction. She was only fourteen, and more than a little dehydrated. All she wanted was for someone to hear her problems and not laugh, and he did just that.
And so Vice Principal Goldenhoard became her special friend (don't tell mom and dad---they wouldn't understand that he really was just her friend, you know SOME teachers would be using her confidence for nefarious purposes. Not him, though. Never him). If she had a bad surge and Sam was busy, he would even let her eat lunch in his office. He made a confession: he wasn't a dragonborn. He was a true dragon, kept in this form by a wicked curse. She agreed that Aguefort was evil for trapping him. He should be principal, really. Maybe (when he suggested it) he should even rule the world.
As Penelope grew older, she and Kalvaxus made an agreement---she would help him rise to power, and he would make sure nobody mocked her and her friends ever again. He introduced her to some new friends---one of the paladin students, a party girl from Hudol, a warlock with a cool car. She started campaigning for prom queen. But there was one little thing: for the plan to work, he needed sacrifices. Nobody important---that stuck-up nerd from the library, the cringy horse girl who made everyone so embarrassed (she forgot how bad it felt to be in her place whenever she surged), a bossy jock. Kalvaxus had her pick out the next one---an annoying activist type, someone nobody really liked, someone who she might even be able to convince to give up her life for the "greater good". Kalvaxus was so proud. They took that brash cleric without a hitch, but it was harder to get her to budge on her best friend. Suddenly her good friend Kalvaxus turned scary---she couldn't back out now. She'd already helped kidnap five girls. Did she want him to turn her in? Besides, when she was queen, everyone would want to be her friend. Who is she to question him when he tells her to sacrifice this one?
Penelope didn't protest when Kalvaxus picked a random freshman as the last sacrifice. She'd already done the worst thing anyone could do.
By the time the Bad Kids charged into that gym, she was too far gone. She'd steeped too long in Kalvaxus's lies for the stain to come out. She genuinely believed that being herself gave her the right to be queen. She'd sacrificed so much for it, after all. Maybe eventually she realized she wasn't going to win. But hey, she came this far. Might as well go down swinging.
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namig42 · 4 months
random OC ask: what would your OC's ideal home be like? this can be as specific as inspirational pictures, or as general as the vibes they would like it to give off.
Let's see... I've got quite a few ocs, though Sahed is my current main, but I'll share all my BG3 characters and a general summary of what they'd love!
My first, my special half orc gal, she grew up always appreciating nature, and she would want that to continue. Some cozy cabin in the middle of the woods near a river where she could fish, forage, and hunt, and be at peace in the solitude of the woods. That sounds perfect for her. She's a simple person with simple desires.
Helena, my sweet, chaotic rogue, loves the feeling of being in the city. She loves the noise and chaos of it all, and there's so much potential for causing chaos in a place that's just bustling with activity. She'd be happiest with a small house somewhere in the Lower City, a bit away from the main happenings of Baldur's Gate, but close enough that she can still hear it from her balcony. Her cozy little house would be full of treasures and tokens that she's nabbed from all over the place from all sorts of people, littering the shelves and cluttering up the place just a tad, though she doesn't mind it.
My sweet, dangerously curious nerd of a monk. She was fond of her life in the Lathander monastery, though she also loves exploring the world. Her ideal life would be one of a nomad, traveling the world, seeing all sorts of things, helping people along the way, and having a home on a sunny hilltop to always return to that's filled with a library of all the books and knowledge she's accumulated over the years. It would be like her treasure trove that she always has to return to in order to appreciate and add to before continuing onto another adventure.
My lovely bhaalspawn bard. Vero is someone who imagines herself with a great deal of poise and sophistication. She wants to be the epitome of a proper noble elf, and so her ideal home would be a regal one with large spaces, tall ceilings, and filled with art and culture. A proper palace. She'd have a large wardrobe as well, mostly of purple and blue silks and highly elaborate dresses with a great deal of jewelry to choose from, and would have a beautiful view of the city she lived in from a balcony somewhere in her palace. I imagine it being quite similar to the Szarr palace actually, except with a deep purple wall paper instead of the red and also none of the vampire lair bits lol
Two things about Sahed: he greatly enjoys solitude and is also very proud of his dragon heritage. So proud that sometimes he's a bit too much of a nerd about dragon culture and lore and wants to emulate the behavior of a true dragon rather than that of the dragonborn. With that in mind, Sahed's perfect home would be a cave somewhere at the peak of a mountain that's surrounded by forest, with a whole trove of gold, jewels, and tomes of forbidden magic, powerful rituals, and the most fascinating of dragon stories inside. Ideally this cave is looming above some powerful village or town that he has taken power over. He'd want the townspeople to provide him tribute and sacrifice in order to appease him from destroying their town or killing their people, but he may do it anyways if he's in the mood.
Velora (Bonus)
Velora, my sweet, naive cleric that just wants some affection and appreciation, is quite simple. Her ideal home is less about the location and more about having a family inside of it with a partner that adores her and sees all of her, not just her acts of service. She'd like to have a few kids as well that she can dote on and raise in a way that she wishes she had growing up. She's more comfortable in smaller towns in forests, so a nice, comfortable house somewhere with a bit of nature and a bit of community would suit her.
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razzberrydazz · 5 months
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Call me Razz!
This blog may contain adult-themed content at times, viewer discretion advised 🔞
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I am here for gender fuckery and silliness and T4T relationships and toxic yuri!
This is NOT a safe space for bio-essentialists, zionists, TERFs, aphobes, or anti-vaxxers! I'm apt to block those who attempt to argue or simply annoy me. I deal with enough draining conversations irl, I'm not here to deal with it on my blog.
Only free range cage-free home grown art and writing and voices here! I like my shitposts all organic made by a real person! Keep that grubby slimy stealing scraping database software away from my work! If I've unknowingly shared 'ai' (ie plagiarism software) art please let me know and I'll take it down!
My Ao3 (some of it is Explicit🔞)
My Bluesky (also may be Explicit🔞)
My tags
My art
My writing
My rambles
Main OCs
Tiffany - originally a D&D NPC in my first homebrew campaign (Heart of Atlantis my beloved), then I grew to love her too much to leave her be.
Tiffany Mereign, ie Tiff, ie Theophania Athaliah Wilhelmina Fen’U-darah Mereign the Third, Queen of Atlantis, formerly Empress of the Atlantean Empire (now dissolved). Sea elf royalty, born on December 27th 1049ce, took the throne with her father as Regent in 1087ce after the assassination of her mother Larethire II. She fully took the crown and throne in 1139-1140ce after killing her father Elias for his numerous crimes.
The D&D campaign Tiff first appeared in took place in 1139-40 where the player character party helped Tiff revive a dead goddess and use her and another dead god's power to kill the usurper king Elias and end a war that threatened their people. Said goddess cursed Tiff to die a thousand deaths (not by her own hand) before she can finally rest, all because Tiff rejected the offer of ascension to godhood.
Rana - Ranarox La'Rouge, originally started as a Haunted One Bard/Rogue PC in a Curse of Strahd campaign, then got repurposed and fleshed out as my Dark Urge/Durge OC for Baldur's Gate 3. Raised in a circus and wooed by every pretty face they see, Rana does everything in their power to fend off the Red that swirls around their vision that brings the Urge to kill. If their eyes turn red and you are within melee range, it is already too late for you to run away.
Ina - (Belongs to my friend Poe, I just happen to be obsessed with her and am the leader of Ina's fanclub) Ina the Kobold is a chaos entity, a zealous oath of glory paladin devoted to a deified Hatsune Miku. She came into existence after my friend rolled up a completely randomized character for a D&D game, and quickly speared her way into my heart with her wacky antics and hilarious zeal for murder.
A little known tidbit about Ina is that she's a sleeper agent, Ina is not her full name. Her true name is Ignition, which is the trigger word to temporarily switch her from chaotic stupid kobold to calculated smart dragonborn. Her Ignition alter ego is scarily competent compared to Ina. She was created in a secret magical experiment and hatched from an irradiated dragonborn egg. Ignition voluntarily switches back into Ina the minute whatever mission or danger she was dealing with is complete, as Ina takes far less mental energy to exist as.
She is made as a contingency plan for Tiffany, so that in the case she as the queen ever goes off the rails and goes against her own morals, Ina will be there to kill her and bring her back to her senses.
Erinyes - My demonsona as it were, a self insert that morphed kind of into their own entity. They're a cheese-loving fury demon called Erin-yes. I often use them as a chaotic mini-me, and a personification of my silliness and rage. Sometimes I'll shove them into things with varied success. In D&D they'd be a tiefling or cambion as a player character, but as an NPC they've appeared as a literal erinyes devil that tried to sell cheese to the players and tormented them at various points.
Claire - My rage-filled mixed-drow religiously traumatized cleric. She was raised in a cult to a goddess that stole the name of other gods - Adrestia Andraste, the Lady in White, a homebrew drow goddess of death and war and motherhood. Claire's drow mother was the high priestess, and in order to become the next high priestess, Claire had to kill her mother in a ritual battle. She walked over enchanted coals, was baptized in holy fire, and slayed a dragon to become the next high priestess of the cult; doing so made her fireproof to everything but her own goddess's flames. On her back they etched an intricate tattoo that brands her as her goddess's chosen, which also allows her goddess to cause her searing pain when she does something she doesn't like. A proverbial shock collar.
Claire is bitter and jaded and tries to escape the cult many times, and eventually discovers the truth of her goddess's identity theft and devotes herself to the goddess's sister Lotte (the victim of the identity theft) instead. Lotte is a drow goddess of fate, death, and magic, and gives Claire the power to mend and tear the weave of magic. Claire is a chosen of both goddesses, one willingly, one unwillingly, and her mission is to break her ties to the Lady in White for good.
Frownless - Ah my favorite eldritch edgelord. Frownless, also called The Frownless or Freddie the Frownless, is a shapeshifter known as a shadowless - he doesn't cast a shadow on the ground. Shadowless are akin to eldritch changelings that are descendants of fallen angels exiled to a demiplane. They appear as orange-tinged red haired elvish people with four yellow eyes.
Frownless in particular is a notable specimen as he got exiled for killing his cousin in a fit of rage, then made a name for himself as an assassin and overall nuisance. He actually was hired by Tiff's father to kill her but he failed miserably and ended up working for her in a weird toxic relationship instead. He tried dropping a chandelier on her and missed. He loves catfishing people since he's a shapeshifter. I love using him as a punching bag. He ends up Tiff's drug dealer at various points and brings out the worst in her.
OT - My old self insert that morphed into their own entity. This one in particular became tied to their dragon age dalish elf iteration as my main Inquisitor Lavellan. OT is a dalish mage Inquisitor and lover of Josephine Montilyet. Originally I named her Overtaker as a funny play on Undertaker, and then I shortened it to OT for brevity, and even made it stand for different names involving the initials O and T. I even used her the first time I every played D&D in a oneshot where she ended up dying via magic item enchanted to cast power word kill!
I have a lot of OCs but only a few I routinely use, which as of making this post consist of the above. Other OCs include Lyn, Vrei'Dara, Billie, Domi, Inanna, Dela, Johanna, Jorster, Francis, Lotte, Minaeve, Jamboree, Riff, Kestrel, Grimshaw, Veronica, Atlantea, and many others.
Others TBA
Anyways enjoy my blog I guess? I'm so wordy at times, I know this is a whole ass wall of text to scroll through. You get an appreciative pat on the shoulder for reading through all this.
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crysdrawsthings · 10 months
CrysPlaysBG3 - Meet the Druids
Playing with - Jheraar or Jhe, Dark Urge dragonborn sorcerer.
Enjoy the rest of notes by THIS LINK
A lot of people for better or worse continue to take a lot of interest in Jhe's squid problem. Including, but not limited to: very nice and completely normal swamp granny, dapper and rather "horny" rhyming gent and a rather radical in her approach druid.
Jhe meanwhile continue to engage in random acts of kindness, usually towards stray animals, as well as random acts of violence, usually towards people trying to kill her and, as turns out, bards. Jhe must have some deep bard-related issues.
You can make friends with a talking mirror by offering to smash it to pieces!
Skratch have been pet: 6 times.
For the last three days Jhe have been carrying a pickle jar with a tadpole inside of it in her backpack. Normal and totally not weirdo behavior.
I love all the funny magic items laying around, oh my goodness. So much good stuff! Got Wyll a lovely shield, some bracers for Jhe, Lae'Zel is still sporting a giant flaming sword, because why not...
Speaking about flaming, I am SO excited to meet Karlach! Heard a lot of good stuff about her ;u;
Gale is charming, you can't change my mind, wizard boi is charming. Love how he is SO offended if you drop the Evil Book. Insulted. Fuming even.
Lae'Zel comment on how she will be only welcome among her kin at the Astral Plane if she bring a mindflayer head. Baby. Angy teenager.
💖Wyll 💖 🫶
Can I also say that having Wyll, Lae'Zel and Shadowheart in party at the same time leads to some hilarious banter at times? Poor Wyll is desperately trying to flirt and it just met with huge nope.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
after playing morrowind (im not finished i am just too exhausted to play rn) i am just overwhelmed with the desire to take a hammer to skyrim, rip it up, and build smth new
i dont hate the setting of skyrim. i dont hate the main ideas behind it. i just think it was done dirty by oversimplification of the plot progression. the way it is structured and written feels like it presumed the player is a lazy moron incapable of thinking things through or making choices. there is rarely ever 2 ways to solve a problem. not to mention it is mostly annoying dungeon crawling with little justification. just go to this nordic tomb and get this thing. only exceptions are thieves guild and dark brotherhood missions only because it would make less than 0 sense. but the mages college? main story? BARDS COLLEGE? dungeon crawling baby hope you arent fucking sick of draugar by now bc you’ll be seeing a bunch of them. most of the time in morrowind i wasn’t in random dungeons or caves. people sent me to track down other people, solve problems for them. you can wipe out a mine or you can extort money from the owner. you can talk your way out of problems. in some sections you can kill ppl annoying you who wont name you horator.
some suggestions i have to make skyrim feel more alive and complex (under the cut bc i wrote too much) based on now other elder scrolls games so i know these things arent impossible or never occurred to anyone at bethesda:
>reputation and disposition should come back. why are these random ppl answering all my questions? if im a nobody except named dragonborn by some monks in a monastery no one really does to, why does anyone give a shit i say stop the civil war?
>much like the nerevarine, people don’t believe you are dragonborn right off the bat. hell, even if they DO, that doesn’t make you THE dragonborn. many dragonborns have exists. you claiming to be one more so makes you a potential problem for politics--the empire could be weary of you trying to drum up support to overthrow the empire, something they DONT NEED. the monks meanwhile ask you to do a VARIETY of spiritual tasks before they will begin training you. gather artifacts not just in tombs. go to various locations around the world. after every shout they teach you they don’t just give you a tutorial but then set you on a clear task to use it. maybe i need to go find a fox that is an avatar of lorkhan, or travel to that tree to speak to kyne. and even after they name you dragonborn, see above, not everyone is going to agree with their judgement or necessarily care. but also if you DO prove yourself, you could gain a lot of respect and reputation around various factions. this would also incentivize exploring instead of just fast traveling to your next dungeon.
>a dragon cult that isn’t undead as an overworld faction. im sick and tired of all dragons being mindless killing machines with few exceptions. im sick of all the dragon cultists being basically zombies and liches. if theyre a real threat, they should have a bigger presence. dragons taking over towns and small settlements where there are acting priests or priests in training. cultists taking people captive. draugar waking from their tombs and wandering into town to kill people. make them a third player in the ‘civil war’. maybe some dragons ruling these towns dont even kill you on sight--to them you are a weak little baby dragon who poses no threat. the soul of a human in a weak, fragile body who does not understand what true power you could attain, a pitiful creature who doesn’t even know flight or the full extent of their knowledge. they are sentient beings with their own culture and ideas after all. and the cultists could have a very real motivations for joining like being fed up with both the empire AND stormcloaks, or not wanting to be the next helgen.
>i actually liked morrowind’s dialogue system ngl. i understand the limitations of a fully verse voice cast, but they already reuse voices and dialogue. i wish we could just ask more conversation topics and get more varied answers. weird responses from npcs made interacting with characters more memorable and enjoyable than a basic stupid fetch quest. caius being like “uhhh you’re starting to scare me” when i questioned him about my weird dreams made it feel like we were actually having a conversation and i was asking questions not just “this is scripted dialogue and i am basically a story prop with no thoughts or feelings” like i often get in skyrim (with a few exceptions)
>more weird shit. frankly we just need more weird shit in skyrim. i wanna see funny in jokes or weird things that add depth. there is no scamp serving drinks or a sheogorath cultist that only meows. no woman on the side of the road who fell in love with the rogue that robbed her and begs me to reunite them. i want more intentionally weird things. no necrophiliac saying “im not a necrophiliac BUT what is the punishment if you were one lol”. no town based off of lovecraft’s work in the middle of nowhere. the elder scrolls series used to have SO MANY weird things in it and frankly those were the best parts.
>the blades should be introduced later. I think, as annoying as it might be, you should only be contacted by Delphine when you have enough reputation in the world. she’s supposed to be a cautious woman. why leave a note like that in a random tomb and then have you do a test AFTER revealing she’s a blade basically. she holds the key to moving forward, only after you do various tasks for her that you then realize only after the fact was gathering up various blades members who are in hiding. i know the network is being hunted down, but i think there should be more than like. 2. give us some people pretending to be crazy skooma junkies, or people who have integrated themselves into various jarls’ courts. she seems like a random innkeeper with a penchant for archaeology and might have secrets of the dragons you’re looking for, asking you to deliver mail in exchange for some information, but in reality you’re contacting her allies she hasn’t been able to speak with out of fear because by this point she thinks you won’t be killed by the thalmor very easily or are a plant for them.
>breaking into the thalmor embassy should just be redone or have multiple ways of going about it tbh. i can also be the most stealthy person alive literally invisible yet the thalmor just fucking know i am a spy and they have captured my accomplice so it doesnt matter if i hack and slash my way out of there or not. so it just feels like a lazy way of trying to be interesting while giving you basically nothing they couldnt have done another way. all you learn is esbern is alive and the thalmor have manipulated ulfric against his will for their own agenda and dont know shit about dragons. why would they EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE DRAGONS I DONT GET IT. it doesnt make the thamlor seem more intimidating, doesn’t teach us anything about their goals, nothing.
>furthermore the blades’ motivations and history should be told more clearly. after the septims they basically refused to directly serve the emperor apparently. but their spy network was still there for 170 years???? they still served in the army???? why do the thalmor wanna hunt them down if they don’t seem to like the current empire either. i know its to fuck over the empire and tie them in like previous games but the blades were already a cool intelligence gathering faction living covertly among the people to monitor various powers for the benefit of the empire and emperor. if they are a threat to the thalmor still, why have them have a fall from grace prior to this? why are they even still working for the empire? if anything they should have been using this dynasty’s imperial family as puppet rulers after the whole oblivion gates thing. see above: even if the thalmor have been hunting them i find it hard to believe there are only fucking 2 left. the blades were pervasive in the empire. most having been wiped out doesnt leave only 2 left. there should be more. enough to give them weight.
>redo the mages guild entirely. and most faction guild questlines but ESPECIALLY mages guild. bring back needing a staff. rising in ranks bc you had to do things for the guild and work at it and level up your skills. how am i archmage when i know like 5 spells? what??? i also think there should be more outposts for the college across skyrim. “but the nords hate magic” well having more mages around would certainly show that more wouldn’t it???? have there be tension still. random mages hating being assigned outside the college bc nords are assholes. preferring places close to the border or solitude where they are less in the heartland of nord pride. there being shut down mages guild buildings in some areas left abandoned.
>bigger guilds. bigger towns. i dont need daggerfall sized cities but at least oblivion or morrowind sizes. yknow. just bigger. i feel like we were allowed stuff like guild outposts bc of the town sizes. whiterun does not feel like a hub of trade. its rarely even mentioned despite it being a key point of the civil war both sides want for that reason.
>more settlements and places. vvardenfell is smaller than skyrim. why is there more shit to do. more places to be with more variety and interest. fix that too
>civil war needs to be redone in the fact there is frankly nothing to do. use the camps and outposts. have us clear out bandits to make a new base. negotiate trade. escort caravans that carry supply. take out smuggling operations. spy on the other side using their armor. we have bits of this with taking out agents and stealing papers but i want More. also ideally have different play-styles incorporated into it like you can be an archer, or steal and gather intelligence, or even just different ways to solve the same problems. maybe you threaten someone selling supplies to the other side, or kill them, or destroy their business, or convince them not to. you burn enemy fields so their troops have less food in a really fucked up battle system, or you can refuse those orders if you find them morally repugnant and either get punished for it or have to find a work around through another commanding officer who gives you an alternative. consciously make the choice to just follow orders or think through your actions and refuse. war is ugly and some sides will do anything to win. wouldnt it be interesting to fight dirty one playthrough and the next choose to try and only fight fair and just?
>i know some characters must die because the plot has demanded it. but frankly i feel it is overused sometimes. mages guild, companions, etc. you are promoted bc everyone else died or whatever. can i save them even if i like them as characters? no. nothing i can do can change that for them, even if them being alive could very well be possible and interesting. exception to this is the woman abt to be murdered in markarth when you walk in. why CANT i save skjor if i am fast enough. why cant my choices effect if the arch mage dies or not. it doesnt matter what i do or how fast i do it, they die, so whats the point of trying to do it different ways or try harder. see above for how you always get caught along with your accomplice when breaking into the embassy. it just robs the player of agency. their choices, performance, play style, and skills don’t matter. they will always be arbitrarily rewarded or punished in the linear narrative the devs have decided to make things as simple as possible bc every day people cant make choices and think things through or accept consequences of their actions they might have to live with. they cant want to craft their own narrative, it needs to be as simple as possible, people only like simple things.
if i think of more i can add more but most of these things have core issues behind them that i think if addressed could fix large swaths of issues.
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Thank you so much for the tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater 💖💖💖
Top 10 Skyrim characters:
Miraak. He had to be numer one. I am, after all, writing a fic with him. I absolutely love the idea of another Dovahkiin, especially the first of that kind. I remember being so, so excited to play the Dragonborn dlc. Also, as @bougainvillea-and-saltwater said, THE POTENTIAL of this character is amazing. I do wish he was a bit more detailed and we had more options than to kill him, but hey, that's what fanfiction is for 😄
Marcurio - maybe I'm biased because he's also in my fic, but I love this man so much! He's so funny and sassy and he's an amazing mage!! I also live his comments and banter so much!!
Durnehviir - my fave dragon :') I love his design and his tragic backstory and the fact that he just wants to fly over Tamriel again and bask in it's beauty.
Teldryn Sero - another one from my fic. I am thinking about my headcannons, but also, they are in my story for a reason, and that's because they're amazing characters that I want to see and write more of!
Delphine - I know she's not the most popular, but I really like her character and I think she is one of the more complex skyrim npcs. I also get it, she is scared that dragons will turn on everyone. Even Paarthurnax said that it takes enormous effort and lots of meditation to tame is soul that wants to dominate everything.
Sheogorath - the most fun Daedric Prince. I love him so much, and I think he is very complex. Yes, he is fun and quirky, but he also represents depression, mania and other inner battles that some face. He can get downright scary and unpredictable and I wouldn't want to be a worshipper of the mad god.
Erik the Slayer - very wholesome I adore eager characters who are thirsty for adventure but are at the beginning of their journey, I also love the fact that he was inspired by a real life fan that sadly passed away
Deep-In-His-Cups - fave random encounter and ldb's drinking buddy apparently!
Jorn - I have a weakness for cute bards, ok?!
I'm tagging @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @ghostfacedbat @friend-of-giants @milfmorrowind only if you want to, of course, no pressure!
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steel-and-fire · 6 months
💯 and 🖤?
- @cosmosoracle
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Hmmm...that's an interesting one...let me think..I'll try to make them as completely random as possible.
1. Ferenir used to like sleeping on his side, but ever since the horns happened, it's not exactly comfortable even with a huge pillow. So now, he sleeps on his stomach when alone, and if he sleeps with someone else, he likes to cuddle and spoon them from nearly above. It actually isn't even uncommon for him to sleep with his partner in a front hugging position.
2. He drinks a lot of milk still, it's his favorite breakfast when he can get some. He has an increased need for calcium... maybe? Or he just likes it. There is a lot of things about him that he can't quite tell if it's the dragon blood affecting him, or it's just how he is.
3. He really enjoys listening to songs and music. He finds it beautiful, and it's one of his favorite forms of entertainment. Not even for the typical night out, but even when working or relaxing, if it is possible. Of course, he doesn't have a bard with him singing for him or something, but if someone is singing close by, he will always appreciate it a lot.
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Oh, boy, I think I'll let Ferenir answer that himself
"I..have, yes.", the dragonborn answered with a harsher, more melancholic expression. "I am not talking about monsters, mindless beasts of destruction with no sentience. I am talking about sentient species. I have killed, yes. I have been on the militia of my village since young. I learned to kill to defend the ones I loved.
And it stayed that way for very long. I always fight when attacked, only to defend myself and others, and kill for that reason. But...it isn't always black and white.
A vivid memory comes to mind, one that often finds its way to my thoughts..of when me and my then party defended a person of importance from what we believed assassins. And in that belief, we killed them, only to afterwards learn that they were bounty hunters, and the person we protected had been framed and given a bounty from the state.
We still had to defend him, but if we had a conversation, death could have been prevented. We didnt do wrong...but they didn't have to die.
I...have long since tried not to kill, unless really necessary." He takes out his hammer and places it on his hands. "I rarely use blades anymore, and I prefer to incapacitate and Injure my opponents. I came to realize that I only have to push them out of my way, I don't have to kill them, not unless they force my hand beyond the first mercy..it, at least, has prevented more regrets so far."
He sheathed the weapon on his belt again with a sigh. The second question, was somehow, more difficult. With closed eyes, he let his voice out with a tone that didn't seek to hide nor cower, despite its heaviness.
"And yes. I broke someone's trust, and I'm very sure, her heart too. Someone who gave me care, love and support, despite her own problems and challenges. I was in a much darker place than I am now, and I don't use that as an excuse. It was entirely my fault. And worse than everything, I don't think I conveyed that well enough when we last spoke...
I wish so much that I could tell her how sorry I am, how much regret I carry, and how much I think of her every day...But every damn mage I find tells me that they can't message a person they don't know or don't know where they are. So that's been a brick in the ocean.."
He opened his golden eyes, his gaze moving to the horizon, to the clouds, painted by the sunset in various vibrant colors, with a nostalgic look on his face.
"I can only hope that when our paths cross again, I will be able to see her well, and apologize in earnest..."
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I would like to introduce my Dungeons and Dragons character Tenrek!
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She is a Dragonborn Fighter who likes to swipe the most random of things. Like a claw full of a kid’s ashes and the head of an enemy that stabbed her one time!
She never backs down from a fight and is very headstrong. She absolutely hates it when somebody runs from battle. Especially an enemy, she will chase them down in bloodlust calling them cowards until they have been killed. She will only take orders from those she considers family, those being Lavenza the Halfling Bard/Sorcerer and Sinister Shade the Tiefling Monk/Rouge.
She loves meat and will trust anyone who gives her such! An old family friend once made her breakfast that was just entirely meat when they saw each other after a long time.
She also had become somewhat of an adoptive mother to two young Cobolds who have been named Ruby and Lapis. Both love to cause mischief and play!
I may post more about Tenrek in the future, some being her backstory but I think this is good for now!
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bonkusdonkus · 2 years
So I have a bad habit of coming up with crazy ideas for characters that will probably never fit into any campaign I’m in. I just can’t stop myself!
That’s one of the funnest things about D&D for me, just brainstorming wacky ideas. This is a game that encourages you to do some creative gymnastics while you play, and dang it if I don’t get carried away sometimes.
(I’m also pretty sure I’m not alone either, if what I’ve seen other people in the community say holds any weight, lol.)
So I’m an attempt to get some of these guys out of my brain, I’m gonna vomit some random character ideas I’ve had here. They could be player characters, NPCs, villains, whatever, these are just an assortment of random thoughts I’ve had rolling around in my head. Feel free to steal any ya like, or use them for inspiration for your own ideas or whatever. Or don’t! You do you!
An ancient Dragon has become deeply disillusioned with the world in their old age. They’ve seen how broken it is, and seen how little those with the power to do something about it actually care. They ponder this tragedy, they wonder, and think, and ruminate on it, and somewhere amid all their pondering they slowly begin to lose their grasp on reality, slipping into a fiery haze of fantasy and madness. They transform themselves into a mortal, forgetting their true form, and set out into the world as a noble knight, determined to right all wrongs!
A sentient weapon formed a powerful bond of friendship with their wielder, forged in the fires of battle. But one day, their companion was murdered. But not in battle, like a warrior, no. It was a shameful, treacherous murder. Perhaps they were poisoned, or killed in their sleep. Regardless, the weapon is furious and heartbroken that it could do nothing but watch as it’s friend died, and has sworn to bring the killer ( or killers) to justice. But the only way it can do that, is to possess the empty corpse of their friend.
A powerful Devil (cambion, secubus/incubus, Rakshasa, whatever, take your pick,) disguised themselves as a mortal to seduce a mortal whose alignment can really only be described as Stupid Good, and corrupt them, for kicks and giggles. Just to blow off some steam, ya know? Being a Devil is tough work after all, what’s the point if you can’t toy with some mortals from time to time? But then it uh… Kinda backfired. Because they went and caught for feelings for the dope, and suddenly find themselves being dragged kicking and screaming into a redemption arc, because not even a devil is immune to himbo energy. (Bonus points if some of their old fiendish “colleagues” kidnap their lover, and now they have to go on an adventure to save them, trying to figure out this whole “being a decent person” thing along the way.)
Three Kobold friends all share a dream of being famous bards, one is an amazing musician, one is an incredible dancer, and the last one has a phenomenal singing voice. There’s only one little problem: All of them are extremely shy in one way or another. So, to collectively achieve their dream, and overcome their various insecurities, they hatch (heh) a cunning plan: To work together and become the most famous bard the world has ever seen!… By stacking on top of each other and wearing a robe/trench coat/big fancy clothes to fool people into thinking their a single Dragonborn, with the dancer on the bottom, the musician in the middle, and the singer on top. Truly, a flawless plan.
A mad wizard, in an attempt to sow chaos in an innocent farming community, Used True Polymorph on a dairy cow to turn it into a massive red Dragon! But uh, it kinda backfired. Because instead of going on a rampage like the wizard expected, now that Bessie had sentience she was much more interested in having a chat with the nice farmers who raised her. And their neighbors. And their neighbors neighbors. And their neighbors neighbors neighbors. Basically, instead of creating a dangerous beast, the wizard created the town chatterbox and gossip monger. Perfectly harmless, but a bit of a blabber mouth.
Because of a clerical error in the contract, instead of binding their Warlock into their service, the Patron accidentally magically married them instead. Now, they’re both bound together in unwilling, seemingly unbreakable holy matrimony. Oops! Now the two of them have to work together to break their accidental bond, bickering and bitching the whole time. (Bonus points if they actually do fall in love at some point along the way. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a good enemies to friends to lovers story!)
Kenku twins who both want to cure the Kenku curse, but have diametrically opposed methods. The first is a cleric, and hopes that through faithful service and a worship, they can convince their god to help them find a cure, or just outright remove it. The second is a wizard or artificer, and despises the gods for abandoning them to the curse. They seek to cure the curse through science and magic, believing that the gods can’t be trusted, and that the Kenku must heal themselves, not rely on fickle celestial beings. Though the twins love each other dearly, they’re ideological differences mean they are often often at odds with each other.
A band of pirates follow a treasure map they stole to a tiny abandoned island in the middle of nowhere. They dig in the marked spot, and find a huge chest! But when they open it, instead of a treasure, they find a very confused and very lonely Warforged made entirely out of precious stones!
Adoption is an admirable thing. Not only are you growing your family, you’re reaching to those in need, giving them a loving home. Now, in a world where there are so many different races, interspecies adoption is not unheard of, albeit a little uncommon. That being said, many adventurer or ex-adventurer couples choose to adopt, having found many youngsters in need on their journeys. Though, they tend to bring home some uh…Exotic new family members. Just ask the Lingthrow family, which consists of three Minotaurs, two young dragons, eight Gnolls, four tieflings, an Aasimar, four separate kinds of devil, three orcs, a goblin, two kobolds, a quatl, three Warforged of various designs, two Tabaxi twins, an enlightened horse, five Dragonborn, and two very, very proud retired adventurer parents.
A Kobold Paladin has become utterly convinced that if they do enough good deeds and fight enough evil, they will turn into a Golden Dragon. As cute as that is, no one really takes the little guy too seriously. After all, they’re chasing a fairy tale. Obviously Kobolds can’t turn into dragons… Right?
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dani-dear · 2 years
oc profile
Got tagged by @untaintedtea for this! ;u; thank u for the interest dfgdfg. Not everything is super set in stone (but i mean...one can always be flexible with ocs, there r aspects that'll never change and some that just depend on the mood huehuehuehue) but for now this is what i got!!! c: i uh,,, i actually don't know who to tag for this, but if anyone wants to take this template HAVE AT IT!!! and @ me so we can pretend im cool and tagged u....
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name: Miranon alias[es]: Quaril out of necessity. and i guess it's not an alias, but "Mimi" is a nickname that he's had for forever. Only people that call him that are his family and whatever previous lovers he's had. (and me and my gf, bc mimi is cute and shorter than Miranon) gender: male age: I wanna say around 70 years old, given Altmer lifespans birthdate: 4E 131 roughly?? place of birth: The Summerset Isles hometown: Alinor spoken language[s]: Altmeri and Tamrielic (had to look that up but basically Common Tongue sdfdfg) sexual preference: bisexual occupation: Previously a Thalmor soldier, largely at the urging of his family. After his desertion, mimi becomes a bard, then an instructor at Solitude's Bards College, then takes a year long break as a traveling bard, and then back to being an instructor again when he returns to Solitude. he teaches young bards singing, how to be charismatic when u perform, and survival skills (like how to fight, which would come in handy when you're traveling on ur lonesome).
eye color: greens hair color: auburn height: 6'/182.88cm scars: Most noticeable one is the one right in the middle of his face that goes straight across his nose.
color: shades of maroon and greens. and cream. hair color: auburn lol, he doesn’t do anything with it song: he tends to lean towards any of the singable songs. his favorites may be The Dragonborn Comes, The Coldharbour Compact, and Stagger and Sway (the last 2 being from ESO which I've never played lmao, but let's pretend that ppl still sing those in TES:V timeline) food: fish of all kinds, so long as they're well seasoned. or even over-seasoned. and paired with bread. Oh and he also loves hearty stews. That's a more recent development for him. drink: since coming to Skyrim, he's really taken to ale and mead lol
passed university: definitely, though his family had considered it a miracle at the time, since he didn’t much care for it. (he was more of a party boi) had sex: yes had sex in public: yes, mostly in his younger years whdjwjjf gotten pregnant: no kissed a boy: yes kissed a girl: yes gotten tattoos: no gotten piercings: no been in love: yes stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes
a virgin: no a cuddler: YES a kisser: YES scared easily: no jealous easily: no dominant: yes submissive: yes in love: yes c: single: no C:
have they harmed themselves: nnno? or maybe yes in the sense of drinking a lot pre-desertion of the Thalmor. thought of suicide: no attempted suicide: no wanted to kill someone: yes have / had a job: yes have any fears: getting recognized, captured, and dragged back to the Summerset Isles mostly. and the general fear of losing those closest to him. and draugr.
sibling[s]: a twin sister named Siriana. they were pretty close and she’s the only one from his old life that knows where he is. they exchange letters from time to time. parent[s]: Neneth (mother) and Runarion (father), both alive, presumably. mimi became more and more distant from his parents during his years as a Thalmor soldier, which other Thalmor were aware of. though he doesn't hold them in the highest regard, he does hope his desertion hasn't impacted his parents too terribly (beyond any humiliation in social circles anyway). children: none significant other: @illrae's Foro c: pets: no, though he's not against the idea
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deathandsaints · 3 years
Skyrim Headcanons
 Dawnguard   I think Harkon knew more about the LDB than he let on. If you look around Castle Volkihar you will find that Harkon seems to be a collector of Dragon Cult paraphenalia and even has a mounted dragon skull in the ruined part of the castle.   Now, we all know that Harkon is about amassing power, it's the reason he pledged himself, Valerica and Serana to Molag Bal and why he became obsessed with the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy but what if the Dragon Cult had been one of the first grabs at power. I'm not suggesting that he was a Dragonborn, after all, the Merethic Era already had Miraak and St. Alessia.
Perhaps he tried to join the Dragon Cult but got upset that he would not have ultimate power because of Alduin.
   Fast forward to the 4th era and a Dragonborn appears just as Alduin returns to eat the world, perhaps even the Last Dragonborn. By now, he's obsessed with the Tyranny of the Sun and becoming a dread lord, but of course like all power hungry despots he only sees that part, not the part about the blood of Coldharbor blinding the eye of the Dragon or Light mixing with the Darkness, so he sees the LDB as his key to obtaining power... and THAT is why he offers to embrace them when they return with Serana.    It is not out of some thanks; he doesn't give a shit about Serana. But he does care about power and probably hoped that in the process of the Embrace, he would gain a little of the LDB's power.He doesn't and from there is using them as a pawn.    Now, I know the question here is, "why not just kill them outright"? Think back to the quest for Molag Bal in Oblivion. It wasn't about killing, it was about subjugation, and for a man who aspires to that level of dominance, it's a better tactic to use someone than to just kill them.
   The reason Serana is not the best fighter is because A. she is classed as a mage in the guidebook and B. She’s a Bard.  Dragonborn    I’ve seen it suggested that the moth on Miraak’s belt alludes to him being a former priest of Dibella, but I think maybe before he was recruited into the Dragon Cult, he was studying to be a Moth Priest.      Seeking the knowledge of the Elder Scrolls for whatever reason he had makes for a much more logical leap into worship of the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate than "I like to fuck so I'm gonna follow a book nerd with a booty hole for an eye." Aside from that, while worship of Bellr might have been possible, he’s Atmoran and Dibella worship began in Cyrodiil. Because of his time in Apocrypha, Miraak’s blood probably tastes like ink. It’s still red because ink can be virtually any colour but if a vampire were to feed on him, it would taste like ink. He also smells like old books for a while after leaving Apocrypha, no matter how many times he bathes. The “Cultists” that accost the LDB upon leaving High Hrothgar were not sent by Miraak but instead were sent by Hermaeus Mora and having the two Dovahkiins fight was his plan all along. Random    Wilhelm killed Narfi’s sister and is also the one who made the contract with the Dark Brotherhood to kill him. While I am not sure on motive, my guess is Reyda rejected the innkeeper so he murdered her and Narfi was a loose string that might get him discovered.    While Babette was born a Breton, she is a Telboth vampire.    If the LDB is a vampire (and completed Dawnguard for clan Volkihar), Brynjolf almost certainly went to Castle Volkihar to look for them. Despite their shock that a mortal would dare show their face in the castle, they would admire his bravery and do their best to help, partly because the act endeared him to them and partly because they are the Dread Lord of Clan Volkihar and a far better leader than Harkon ever was.    Of all of the court, Feran Sadri would probably be the one to tease Brynjolf and pick up on the feelings he has for the LDB.
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dnd today was a fucking rollercoaster holy shit
session started out with our orc paladin (Shel) crying because we had just found out that our friend (One) who we had crossed the continent to reunite with had been killed
our dragonborn ranger (Goratrin) and tiefling bard (Francesca) decided to go to the library together to see if they could learn more about our main quest, but given that both Shel and my human rogue (Kaedr) are borderline illiterate/can't be bothered, we instead went to the market district to buy an emerald for a magic tattoo
Shel goes up to a random person to get directions, then turns back to see Kaedr eagerly looking around at the distracted crowd, hands twitching, like "oh man, oh I gotta steal something, oh fuck, these people are so pickpocketable" and pushes him along towards the jewelers
at the first store Kaedr gets profiled by the guy working there for looking suspicious (which, ok, fair, he does tend to roll up to public places dressed in all black leather armor, bow and quiver of arrows on his back, etc.) and the guy tries to get us to pay him extra so that he'll show us the emerald, so Shel goes full Karen (i.e. 28 on intimidation) and the man ends up crying and drops the price from 1100 gold to 1025 and says he can hold it until sundown for us, asks for a name so we can get it back, the first generic name that comes to my mind happens to be the DM's name and he just rolls with it
we visit a couple more stores, at each one Shel is having normal people conversations with the people working there while Kaedr is straight-up just casing the joint, looking around at the display cases, the locks, the number and type of guards, pretty much anywhere other than Shel's very disapproving face
at the third store the people working there price-match the first place for us, with the offer of going 5 gold lower if we went back to the first store and spat on the floor (Kaedr was fully going to take that deal but Shel said no)
as they were getting the emerald out of the display case, there was a second where nobody was watching Kaedr and he had the opportunity to steal some stuff but he's surprisingly bad at sleight of hand, so instead very sadly watched as they locked the box back up, though fully intending to return at night
anyway we met back up with Francesca and Goratrin and went back to the tavern where we'd left our various animal companions -- namely, Shel's magical steed August, Kaedr's regular ol' dog Autolycus, a friendly demon named Kyle 2 originally summoned by One who takes the form of a goose, and four dragon eggs we stole (well, we found them in a wagon, after killing all the people who were guarding it) (I swear they tried to kill us first)
as we're all saying hello to our animals, one of the eggs starts to hatch! out comes an adorable, slimy little blue dragon! Goratrin goes "'sup, bro" and they have a short conversation and are vibing together with Francesca
meanwhile, Shel takes Kyle 2 aside and sits him down on August's back, and thus starts one of the saddest scenes of the campaign
Shel: "So you know we came to the city to look for One"
Kyle 2: very excited honking; this is new information to him! he misses One!
Shel: "Now this isn't the end. We're not going to give up."
Kyle 2: soft, confused honk
Shel: "We just found out... she didn't make it."
Kyle 2: silence
Kyle 2 bows his head, and vanishes
we see little webbed foot prints in the dirt start to walk away
Shel: "I love you" (rolls a 22 on persuasion)
the footsteps stop, turn slightly, then keep walking away and we hear wings flap as the footsteps disappear and Kyle 2 flies away
Shel starts sobbing and slumps to the ground against the wagon
Kaedr doesn't know how to interact with people, so he just sits next to Shel.
Shel: "This wasn't supposed to happen. Remember when we first met One? She didn't know anything. She had the whole world in front of her. This isn't what was supposed to happen!"
Kaedr: "I've found that things rarely happen the way we think they're supposed to."
Shel: "That doesn't make me feel better"
Kaedr, also crying a little, hesitantly hugs Shel. She hugs him back, pulling him onto her lap, partly because he's very small compared to her and partly so he can't up and walk away from Shel, and they just kind of sit there crying for a while
Francesca and Goratrin come over and Shel stands up, still holding Kaedr (fully bridal carrying him now), as Francesca promises to Shel that we will find One and bring her back to us. This is not the end.
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cupcakecoterie · 3 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
So, yeah, my dice are utterly terrifying, or else all the luck I lack elsewhere ends up going into random dice. Not that what happened is necessarily lucky...
See, @hyperewok1 had Remi go to the Shrine of Pelor in Egref to have a specific magical item created for Alisaie, to allow her aasimar-granted wings to last longer, at least for flight. They were aiming for about an hour. However, since this was a slightly unusual circumstance (and some phenomenal text RP), I made a couple of mechanics about how it might go a little bit above and beyond. So I rolled percentile dice: on a 25, 50, or 75, she’d be able to have an hour total, as in if she ended the effect after ten minutes, she could re-engage it and have 50 minutes left. But if I rolled a 100...
GUESS WHAT I ROLLED. (I swear, my fucking dice...)
So Remi told Alisaie what the circlet she’d had made was supposed to do; Alisaie went speechless and very smoochy, and was encouraged to try them out. She activated her wings, had a second of nothing but, “...ow...”, and then BAM. Physical wings, like unto a deva or an angel. Thankfully she was wearing a largely backless dress at the time.
For all it was not what anyone expected, it was some phenomenal RP all told as everyone went their own shades of “What the FUCK” and tried to determine the best way to proceed. Alisaie’s keeping the wings (she does love to fly, and it’s probably nice to have something that Antimagic Field or Dispel Magic won’t touch) and is currently figuring out ways around wardrobe issues, seating arrangements, sleeping arrangements and use of Disguise Self when she has to be more inconspicuous than literal wings allow. Remi’s going to have words with Ziriel, and probably the individual who crafted the thing in the first place.
...But later, because wedding reception. A pair of very unexpected wings wasn’t going to fuck with their wedding.
......Honestly, everything else kind of did that anyway.
Hazel’s Quickflight cousins were hosting the reception at their restaurant, The Farmer in the Dale, and wound up more or less pummelling Hazel, Clarity, Darvin and (because Darvin drew her in to deflect some of the questions) Ava. Clarity put it best: “It’s ... like ... a halfling gelatinous cube...”
Remi’s parents more or less cornered Kreia Bendis (the brass dragon who runs Alama-Ver, its capital Al-Zorhai, and the Brass Arrows) about her denying Alisaie her rightful place with the Brass Arrows as punishment for someone else’s misdeeds. Corri Crestwind is a force to be reckoned with, and after the rest of the Five Claws joined in, Kreia Bendis gave up and decided, since they were all part of the same group and were going to have to hunt together if they were hunting in Alama-Ver territory anyway, asked what Clarity and Barnabus had helped kill before inducting Alisaie, Barnabus and Clarity into the Brass Arrows. Clarity and Barnabus were a little confused, but there you have it.
Vieve Alled, the silver dragon who runs Eun-Bac (home of the People and the Silver Vault, capital city Damyl), told them that they’d be given a task by whatever hunting pack of the People they ran into on the outskirts, which if successfully undertaken would guarantee them entry into the section of the Silver Vault of their choice. She figured it’d be faster than making them go all the way up to Damyl and then back down to perform the necessary task. She also warned them that she would house them when they finally reached Damyl, and that no one leaves her table at their shared meal without telling three things about themselves. Ava worried about this until people effectively reminded her of how interesting her life has actually been to someone who isn’t living it.
Remi made a joking remark about how she wanted a cut of the profits from that play about her and Alisaie. Never make joking remarks around Cal Etielle; that particular copper dragon takes the weirdest things seriously and left mid-reception to shake said cut out of somebody. Succeeded, too, so now there’s a significant but as-yet uncounted amount of platinum in Remi’s possession.
Cal Etielle also made a toast to the couple. So did Darvin; it was very moving.
The Crestwinds, bakers by trade, made a glorious wedding cake, intricately iced to reflect the lives of the happy couple to date. Corri also baked Remi some chocolate chip cookies (Remi’s favourite).
Kreia Bendis propositioned Hazel, who’d been giving Kreia Bendis looks of, “You’re hot but TERRIFYING!!!” for basically ever. Hazel meeped a lot and went to ask Clarity what to do about this. See, their relationship is a little complicated because Clarity’s asexual and Hazel’s ... not ... and they’re striking a balance to allow Hazel’s physical desires to be met while still keeping ... romantically monogamous, if that makes sense. (I mean, it does to me, but Clarity has the same outlook as I do in that regard.)
Side note: off-screen, Clarity said that’d be complicated for her because they would probably have to work with Kreia Bendis on and off and knowing that would be stressful for Clarity, so not so much. Clarity also demanded an apology from Kreia Bendis, who said, more or less, “I’m not psychic - I just asked a question. Message received but I don’t owe you a damn thing”. Both sides have points so it’s honestly just interesting.
Reception went well in spite of (or maybe in some ways because of) the weird shit, and Remi and Alisaie went for their two-night stay at one of Egref’s luxury resort hotels.
The next in-game day, and thus the next session, is going to be all about shopping and bits and pieces because we’re missing a @miaaoi (belated Canada Day outing) and a @lindira (literally 4th of July) and anyway, dice bullshit means that Alisaie needs to sort out her wardrobe. Again.
Don’t we just have the most fun?
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intheseautumnhands · 3 years
Sorting Hat Chats: Oxventures
Hey look, I finally actually got a sorting post written! .... and it's one that I'm pretty sure interests absolutely nobody else, because I don't think anyone else in the Sorting Hat Chats community is into Oxventures, and also the reverse. But the brainwanderings will go where they wish and they don't ask me for permission, and I've been marathoning (and sleeping to) a lot of Oxventures lately, so let's go.
Just in case anyone does choose to take a look, I'll do a brief sum up of both system and canon, so that no one's lost. System first, because I have some other thoughts about canon I want to mention. The full rundown of the basics is here, but just so we're all on the same page:
Your Primary house is your motivations, values, and why you do what you do. 
Lion Primaries do it this way because their gut tells them it's right.
Bird Primaries do it this way because the system they've put together to guide them tells them this is what's right.
Badger Primaries do it this way because it's the best thing for the community as a whole, or for the most people.
Snake Primaries do it this way because it's the best thing for the people they prioritize.
Your Secondary house is how you approach the world, the methods that come most easily and naturally to you.
Lion Secondaries charge. They attack problems head-on and directly, and they're in their comfort zone when they are their authentic selves.
Bird Secondaries plan. They collect tools, skills, and information, and they're in their comfort zone when they're prepared for the situation.
Badger Secondaries toil. They put their nose to the grindstone or they build connections to get things done, and they're in their comfort zone when things call for steady, consistent work.
Snake Secondaries improvise. They're adaptive and quick on their feet, and they're in their comfort zone when they have the wiggle room to go with what comes to them.
Other terminology may come up as well. I will try and link to posts that explain it better if I end up using anything.
Oxventures is the D&D Actual Play show done by the youtube gaming channels Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, DMed by Johnny Chiodini from the tabletop game channel Dicebreaker. They've been going since fall 2017, first in-person and now streamed. It is an extremely fun show with a group of very entertaining players that have been basically learning to play as it goes. If you're into D&D shows and not too bothered by a very hand-wavey approach to rules, I greatly recommend it.
There are, however, some things that make it difficult to sort. It's a comedy show, and while I don't think this is true for every comedy, in general, it's very easy for characterization to occasionally get passed over for a laugh. It's sometimes hard to tell what jokes are being thrown around OOC versus IC. And the D&D format means there is no going back and editing anything; characterization is developed on the fly, and there's already been discussion that talked about how some of the characters changed as they were being played. Also, it's action-driven -- you don't always get a lot of information on what's going through people's head, so motivation can be hard to pin down.
So it's a little difficult and I've gotten wobbly on a lot of them. Which makes it a great choice for my first sorting!
(...To be fair, it's my first sorting post. I've been watching this system and sorting things to myself for -- *checks when I first mentioned it* wait hold on five years? Really? Okay, cool. Excuse me while I sit and have a mental montage to How Far We've Come as I remember all the fine-tuning it's been through in that time.
Anyway, I've been sorting things to myself for five years, so I'm not new to this, I'm just new to trying to explain my whys, so I hope this comes out understandable. I'm sorry for the rambling, because we're already 750 words in and I haven't even started.)
Corazón de Ballena, human pirate rogue  Corazón, oh Corazón, what... do I even do with you. He's clearly not a Badger -- fairness and other people's needs are not his priority. Between the obvious Jack Sparrow riff and the "pirate seeking glory" thing, my instinct is to say a Lion Primary, probably a Gloryhound Lion in specific. I could see a Bird Primary, just because there is something extremely constructed-feeling about Corazón -- I think his truth would look very Snake-like, prioritizing himself and the people he chooses, but I could see it.
But I'm going to lean into a full Snake Primary, I think. While he doesn't care about most people, he does care very much about the people who do matter to him -- see his whole complicated relationship with his father, even after his father tried to kill him; see his burning down a guy's house because he's mean to Prudence; to some extent, see his attempt to help end his old crew's curse. He puts people above anything else, but only the people he chooses to (or where can't help it, in his father's case) I think he'd almost like people to believe that he's Burned and doesn't care about anyone else, but he very much is not, though he doesn't seem to let new people into the circle often or easily, either. I could still very much see a Gloryhound Lion, but in the end I think if asked to put the party first or fame and fortune first -- he would complain, he would never let them hear the end of it, but he would also choose the party every single time.
For Secondary: Corazón would really want people to think he's a Snake. If he could read the descriptions and pick his own, I'm pretty sure he'd say he was a Snake. Adaptable, cunning, deceitful -- and it's not that he's not these things, but the way it manifests itself feels much more like a rapid-fire Bird Secondary. He's analytical, he learned magic entirely from books, and I haven't actually counted, but I would bet you that he makes more investigation rolls than anyone else. While his quickly thought up plans do work, they often tend to rely on things he already knows -- disguise self and minor illusion come up often, hiding and evading, etc. He seems to be one of the party that gets the most non-combat use out of his various magical abilities. It's a very quick and jack-of-many-trades style of Bird, but it's still very Bird.
Dob, half-orc bard  Dob is quite possibly the loudest loyalist primary... just, that I have ever seen, ever. To start with, I'm just going to drop this quote here: "I know there's good in you, jailor I just met!"
How about the way that he's first introduced as a bard who goes from town to town playing the lullaby his lost sister used to sing to him, searching for her. Or his habit of, to quote TV Tropes, "engaging in random acts of adoption". Or the time he tried to learn spells to apologize to the dead orphans. Or how he still managed to forgive the skeletons that killed the orphans. Or the time he forgave the cult that almost got them all killed. Or giving the cultists (from a different cult) relationship advice. Or the time he ended up listening to the jailor's marriage woes. Or....
Look, I could keep going but I think we've got enough examples. So: Badger or Snake? On the one hand he definitely seems to worry about saving his particular people first when there's danger... but, there's a level of guilt about innocent people who have died on his watch, and that habit of taking in random people on multiple adventures, that really makes me lean towards a Badger Primary. Dob seems to genuinely care about everyone they cross as a default, and of all of them, he's the first I can see coming to the aid of an enemy who he has no prior positive experiences with.
As for a Secondary, Dob is the master of quick plans, quicker lies, and steamrolling NPCs into going along with things. The entire party ends up thinking on their feet more often than not, but he seems to do his best work that way, as a Snake Secondary often does. Sometimes he goes so fast that he forgets something and makes a mistake -- which is how "don't be a Dob" has become a thing -- but his impulsive ideas actually work out more often than it doesn't, and he's also very good at connecting with a wide variety of people. On the page for Snake/Slytherin Secondaries, the SHC site says, 
"Slytherins will adapt to their own best advantage without thinking about it. They’ll walk into a situation and things will work out to their benefit without them quite knowing what happened or what they did to influence it." 
-- and doesn't that just fit with Dob's ridiculous amounts of luck?
He does seem to spend a fair amount of time in his neutral state, or at least adapting in a non-conscious kind of way. There is something generally blunt about Dob a lot of the time, enough that I considered Lion pretty heavily -- but in the end, he works best when he's running on the fly and making shit up, in a way that feels extremely Snake to me. And he's not only so good at lying, but so quick to default to it, that Lion doesn't feel accurate.
Egbert the Careless, dragonborn paladin Poor Egbert, the worst paladin. While his original order really seems to prioritize a very classic Paragon Lion Primary, Egbert barely seems to have a model of one -- it's more of a performance, which is being chipped steadily away by the rest of the party. He tries, but I can't see a genuine Lion Primary from his background killing people so casually. Or hitting an old man with a cursed mace over and over until he turns into a seal. And then keeping the seal as a pet. Or just... saying "maybe crime is good!" because he likes the food at the crime den. He's trying, but he's really not good at it. So the question remains: what is he?
I think it's hard to place him because, one, he really want to be that Lion. And second, whatever he is, I think the values that motivation is set on are... kind of in flux? I don't think he's super burned; I think he might be lightly charred at best. But: if he's a Bird, he's in the process of losing the truth of "whatever the Order of the Dragon Door says is right" to something that comes more from the party and probably more genuinely. If he's a Badger, he's in the process of changing communities. If he's a Snake, the Order is getting pushed more and more out of his inner circle, replaced by the party.
I was leaning Badger, but the more I think about it, I think that's the remnants of the attempt to play Lion. I think Egbert's a Snake Primary who is starting to shed his old skin. (There's like three layers of bad joke in that, and I'm sorry.) The Lion priorities made that Snake look a little more Badger-y, but he does so, so many things that just don't strike me as caring deep down about need. Like the thing where he turned an old man into a seal. I just keep looking at that incident and I either need to completely ignore that incident -- which is hard, when Seal Gaiman is still hanging around -- or go with something else. His reaction to Dana's bigotry in Snow Mercy does feel a little more Badger-y to me... but that could still be that Lion Performance flavoring, and/or a symptom of how the party as a whole gets pissed about anti-tiefling sentiment coming out in sympathy of another maligned race. I also feel like a Badger would be working a little more actively on atonement and stop getting distracted.
He is, however, a very loud Lion Secondary. While the party as a whole does a lot of ploys that involve deceit or talking their way into things, Egbert is rarely the one doing that part. He doesn't bother with subtlety, or with doing any of the many things he can as a paladin, which is how we got the whole glorious "you've been able to teleport for how long?" moment. He does sometimes manage to make connections that move the story along, and he always does it by being himself.
But most of all, I can't think of a better word to describe how Egbert attacks a situation than charging. I'm just going to quote again from the site: 
"their problems are met head on rather than subverted, negotiated, or cajoled. They have an efficiency so direct it’s almost combative." 
And that seems like Egbert to a T.
Merilwen, wood elf druid Merilwen is a Badger Primary whose version of "people" is "animals, my community, and also I guess these four now". She doesn't really seem to care about what would traditionally be considered "people", and Ellen (who plays her) has spoken about how Merilwen's morals towards non-animals is pretty much entirely influenced by the party --  but with the things she cares about she strikes me as extremely Badger. She's absolutely ready to throw down everything for the party, but when they're not in danger from it, she will also absolutely fight the rest of them for an animal -- see that incident where she talked everyone out of fighting the Owlbear. "Animals are hurt" or "you hurt my friends" is the fastest way to bring out her viscous side.
She could also maybe be a Snake who includes all animals in her circle, but: one, I very much feel like she'd choose whether to prioritize her friends or an animal over who needs her more. Two, the way she interacts with her family and her community in Elf Hazard seems very Badger to me. Her worry about not being able to see her family again, her unwillingness to disappoint them and decision to take a new name to make them happy, even after the danger is past. Things like Merilwen's Meat-Grinder also strike me this way -- specifically, her willingness to do massive damage to save the party and subsequent discomfort with having done it, even though she doesn't care that much about the people who were hurt even after having done it. "Fair and loyal" seems like a good way to sum up her morality in general. Her being so close to Dob and understanding each other so well also adds to this (even if a lot of that likely has to do with Ellen and Luke (who plays Dob) being so close as much as anything, but if I try to separate out things that are OOC-influence I will be here forever).
I'm torn between the foundational Secondaries for her: Bird, or Badger. There is something about her likelihood to fall back on "I turn into a [cat/bear/octopus]" as a plan that feels a little Bird-like to me -- that fallback on the favored, most well-used, best-understood tools, even in situations where it takes a little forcing to make them fit. On the other hand, she seems to be the one most likely to see a job that's not being done as part of the plan, and go fill that role. She's certainly steady, trustworthy, quiet, and consistent. I don't think she has a problem with shortcuts on many things, but could see her raising objections about things she actively cares about. She also often solves things by connecting with animals, which fits when you consider her people/community largely being animal-based. I'm still a little back and forth on this, but in the end, I'm going to lean towards a Badger Secondary.
Prudence, tiefling warlock I'm having a hard time putting my finger on Prudence. I think this is partly Jane's play style -- I feel like she's the least likely to go into what's going on in Prudence's head or why she's doing things, and she doesn't really have a driving goal we're aware of except "do things to make Cthulhu pleased", but that's mostly along the way. She's not a Badger. I would lean towards not a Lion; I guess it's possibly she's a Lion whose gut morality is about hedonism, "I should have what I want", or something like that, but I really don't get the impression that she has much of an internal morality overall. "Some things are just wrong and you can't talk your way out of it" (to quote the Lion/Gryffindor Primary page) absolutely does not sound like something Prudence would ever thing.
So again we're between the decided Primaries: Bird or Snake? I could see her being a Bird, but I have no idea what her truth is at this point. Still, I want to lean towards Snake Primary, specifically one that was burnt. We're going into how-IC-was-this-anyway territory here again, but there's a moment early on, in Brawl of the Wild, where Jane is narrating Prudence hurling herself in front of two of the others and stops mid-narration to ask "wait, why am I doing that" -- it feels incredibly like a Snake who's found themselves unburning while they weren't paying attention and now is trying to figure out how this happened. She's also pretty open with how fond she is of the party, pleased as punch when Corazón burns down the house of a guy who's an asshole to her, even more pleased when Egbert seems corruptible, seems genuinely happy that the group has gotten more lax about killing, and of course there's "You'll never leave me, Corazón, I'll kill you first" and hugging the Egbert-statue after he's been kidnapped when no one can see her.
But more than the party, what makes me lean towards Snake is her relationship with her warlock patron. There's nothing cold, nothing business-like, it's not even worshipful: Cthulhu-dad is kind of a joke, but... it's also not? Even if the actual fatherly-ness of it can be read as joking, she still genuinely seems to have warm, loving feelings for him, and that particular set-up really strikes me a loyalist thing.
(That gives us an all-loyalist party, but honestly, considering they're not the most moral people around and how quickly they all bond... that kind of works?)
Bird Secondary -- her plans tend to be the most practical, she has her favored methods for handling things, and her interest in all things magic strikes me as very Bird-with-a-favorite-thing. Her Bird seems pretty good at reading people, too, particularly knowing the party's strengths -- which is often chaos and making things up. She's not quite a rapid-fire as Corazón, but she's pretty good on her feet if need be... it's just that her lack of interest in what's morally right means the plan she usually pulls out is "eldritch blast". To be fair, it usually works.
Corazón: Snake Primary/Bird Secondary (possible Snake performance)
Dob: Badger Primary/Snake Secondary (possible Badger model)
Egbert: Snake Primary (attempting to model the Order and possibly Shattershield's Lion Primary, which comes off weirdly Badger-ish in the end)/Lion Secondary
Merilwen: Badger Primary (whose "people" are animals, the elf community she grew up in, and now the Oxventurers)/Badger Secondary
Prudence: Unburning Snake Primary/Bird Secondary
Very recently they've begun an Oxventure spin-off series, playing Blades in the Dark instead. We're only two episodes in, and since part of the plan is to rotate who's in each episode, most of them are only in one -- and since we've gotten so little of the new group, and so much can change as the players learn their characters and find their feet, I can't confidently sort them right now. But I think it'd be interesting to share some initial impressions and see how they hold up down the line. Spoilers for both episodes if anyone's behind, I'll put Lillith and Barnaby last just to be sure.
Edvard: If Edvard the inventor is not a Bird Secondary, I will eat my hat. I could see him going the way of the traditional SHC impulsive scientists who do things For Science, and ending up in Lion/Bird territory, or going towards Bird/Bird; at the moment I don't think he'll be a loyalist, but we'll see!
Zillah: I think we know less about Zillah than anyone else at this point, but we do know that, one, she's doing crime to get money for her family, and two, she seems pretty level-headed. I'm thinking maybe a Lion Secondary, leaning away from Bird Primary but at this point could see anything else.
Kasamir: Between his class/playbook being about having his fingers in a lot of crime pies, Johnny saying he's not really good at anything besides crime, and his slight mentor-y vibe in episode one, I'm getting Badger Secondary or Bird Secondary vibes -- leaning Badger right now, but we'll see. (I'm also getting Mozzie-from-White-Collar-but-more-physical vibes, but I cannot find the sorting that Moz used to be under, unfortunately. I want to say either Badger/Bird or Bird/Badger.) He doesn't strike me as a Lion Primary at this point, but we'll see.
Lillith: I was going to say Bird Secondary because she's leaning so hard into the intellectual, but so far she has tried to solve problems by befriending a ghost girl and convincing the workers to start a union so.... I'm feeling some Badger/Lion or Lion/Badger vibes coming off her at this point. She might slide into a more Bird-y role in the future, or it might end up looking more like a model.
Barnaby: Despite having gotten through two episodes now basically saving the day by being himself, I don't get Lion Secondary vibes from him -- actually, I'm thinking he could end up a Badger Secondary, just extremely far on the Courtier Badger side of the scale, and one that’s very full of himself. Not sure on that yet, though. Primary: no idea, but probably not Badger.
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Rings,amulets and misunderstandings: Rayya x Lydia
A one shot starring my male dragonborn an Orc-Nord named Alpin Blair and two of his housecarl Lydia and his steward Rayya. - Summary: Alpin and Rayya are in Windhelm for business and negotiations about allowing Argonian's into the city, the same time a traveling bazaar is in the area, The Dovahkiin can't help but notice his Steward sneaking glances at an amulet of Mara in one of the stands. 
"Are you getting that for someone?" Alpin's voice caused Rayya to jump in surprise as she turned to look at the 6'7" man in all his steel plated armored glory, he loomed over her short frame intimidating any and all passersby, she couldn't see his eyes but knew he was looking at her amused, the redguard felt her cheeks burn when she realized she hasn't answered his question. 
"N--No my thane, I was looking for...*grabs random potion.*  This!" Alpin looks at the yellow-green bottle. "Rattles Anti-inflammatory balm?" the half nord read out loud sounding worried, Rayya grimaces in disgust and nearly dropping the bottle before putting it back on the stall the clerk looked at her unimpressed then blanched at something behind her.
Alpin took his helmet off so he could get a better look around the temporary market place, which also gave people a nice view of his orc heritage, his bottom fangs, He adjusted the mourner's cap on his head as his gray eyes eventually found their way back to his steward and the shivering elven clerk who pointed at Alpin terrified. "a-a Vam...a-va-vamp!" he stuttered out before the dragonborn frowned.
"A vampire? no, you're way off..." the clerk brows furrowed not understanding if this nord's not a vampire then what is he? Alpin answered "these are orc teeth my da's an orc." the orc-nord explained the clerk noticed the shape of Alpin's eyes, pointy ears and greenish tint to his pale skin. He seem to calm down but was still intimidated by the half-man towering size, and quickly went back to work, as the thane and steward talked. 
"Come now, whose the lucky man or lady you have eyes for? you can tell me." 
"It's no one my thane I was just browsing, seeing if any thing-"
"Is it Lydia?"
Poor Rayya if it were possible to blush and blanch all at once, the Redguard woman was certainly accomplishing it, she flinched expecting Alpin to be angry she expected to be stripped of her job and sent back to Hammerfell or killed where she stood! But to her confusion Alpin was talking to the clerk asking how much that amulet of Mara was? Confusing Rayya even more when he bought it and held it out to her. "Consider this my engagement gift." He said a small smile pulling at his lips the redguard was speechless as her dark eyes stared down at the amulet. 
Alpin frowned at her reluctance. "What?...Did you what to buy this yourself or get her something else? Lydia likes the color green... I think I saw some dresses that would-" Rayya croaky voice suddenly cut him off. "No! I mean...I don't---" she started heaving causing Alpin to ask if the clerks had any water but the redguard finally got control and sputtered out.
"My Thane... I-isn't Lydia your wife?" the orc-nord looked at her flabbergasted he blinked one then twice before bursting out laughing. "No, Lydia's not my wife, whatever gave you that idea?"  Alpin asked wiping a tear from his eye. Rayya was stunned when she heard this.
"B-b-but back at Falkreath I saw you at Lod’s making her a ring!"
"Oh that...Lydia has the same finger size as Dravynea that's my wife, it supposed be a surprise for our wedding anniversary."
"oh, so then you two aren't..."
"Nope, never have been, So do you still want this amulet or not?"
Rayya swallowed and took the amulet of Mara from Alpin then curiously asked where he saw those dresses?
A few days later back in Whiterun...
Dravynea and the other women were in the Bannered mare were giving Lydia a mead & wine filled pep-talk trying to help her gather some courage telling Rayya she in love with her! thought the redheaded nord was to shy to even form a proper sentence around the redguard beauty she fallen for! 
Just then there was a knock at the front door Hulda rolled her eyes shouting. "Go away Mikael! I told you it's ladies only today!" the knocking persisted the inn keeper huffed and nodded at Aela who frowned and answered the door ready to give the annoying bard a piece of her mind! the huntress's eyes widened before a touched smile graced her lips.
In walked Olfina Gray-Mane both women were smiling as they moved aside to to reveal Alpin dressed in tavern clothes escorting a green veiled woman in a beautiful dress made of silks that was a lovely emerald green, complimenting the redguard woman's chestnut colored skin she almost resembled a bride as they made their way over to Lydia who eyes widen when she realized who the woman was. "R-Rayya?...um oh I you um, look nice?" the nord woman's face looked like a red mountain flower as she gave her crush a once over feeling her hear thumping in her chest.  
Rayya was wear make-up instead of war paint that was probably Olfina's doing as Alpin wouldn't know how to put make-up on a lady to save his life! The dress was gorgeous and it was green Lydia's favorite color... was this surprise for her? the redhead's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest-plate with how fast it was beating! Then Rayya slowly moved the bouquet she had away from her neck showing Lydia an amulet of Mara!
"that's a... *Points at amulet* 
"Yes I wanted to get one, but I thought you were already spoken for."
"But I'm not marr-"
"I know that now, So do you feel the same?"
Lydia stared at Rayya before letting out a tiny. "I do.." before passing out, when Lydia woke up she saw blurry figures standing over. "Looks like she coming to!" a familiar voice stated as Lydia's vision cleared, she saw Jarl Balgruuf starring down at her concerned along with Dravynea,Alpin and...Lydia's face turned crimson when she realized she was laying on Rayya's lap!
She sat up only for her thane's wife to push her back down."Don't get up so fast that was nasty fall you took!" the dunmer chided using healing hands on the young nord woman's head. "Rayya?" Lydia asked still groggy "Yes love?" Rayya asked looking down at the redhead. "Did we get engaged?" this caused everyone with earshot to chuckle. "Yes, yes we did." The redguard woman confirmed Lydia smiled like a dope. "Yay!, H-Hey-Hey Rayya? I luv youuu!" the nord woman slurred. "Me too dear." Rayya gives Lydia kiss on the forehead.  
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