#I love the muppets
ridiculoser06 · 9 months
“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”
Yeah. Why would she want to change who she is? The makeup only enhances her beauty.
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Kermit introduces guest star Vincent Price on the Muppet Show (1977)
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azziopeia · 1 month
imagine talking shit about me and i’m at home watching the muppets (2011)
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froggylover204 · 1 year
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Don't mind me, I'm just obsessing over this cardigan
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Seeing Welcome Home get so popular reminded me of how obsessed I used to be with the Muppets.
I used to watch episodes of the Muppet Show on YouTube, split into three parts. Sometimes, a part of an episode wouldn’t load and I’d have to skip it, so I’d only get part of the plot. I watched this show for hours as a kid. I had to have been around eleven or twelve, because I got really into the Muppets right around the time the 2011 movie came out (I had the Junior novelization and I read it like eighty times)
Anyway, all this to say, the first introduction I had to Star Wars was actually the Muppet Show. Because while my family did watch the movies occasionally, the prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars tv show were way more popular when I was a kid, as well as a lot of the books and comics. And, I was afraid of Darth Vader as a kid, so I just didn’t watch the movies at all.
For the longest time, I wondered why I had a crush specifically on Mark Hamill, not on Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. Rewatching the episode reminded me of why. Luke and Mark are different people in this episode. And, Mark Hamill is having such a good time overacting his little heart out. And he is being such a goober in his lil sweater vest.
But also, I have a soft spot for C3PO. And it isn’t like he’s great in the movies (I think he’s great in the movies) but he is definitely the star of this episode. He has some of the funniest lines and quips. I never realized it, but I defended C3PO a lot as a kid because he’s so great specifically in this one episode.
The most embarrassing about me as a person is that I got a major crush on Mark Hamill from the Muppet Show, specifically the episode where Mark Hamill plays the absolute goober-iest person (I like to imagine that was just what he was like, but I wouldn’t know, I was not alive in 1980) and where the running joke of the episode is everyone asking Luke who his tailor is.
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godaweful · 2 years
nothing will ever match the humor and chaos of the original muppet show in the 70s. bring it back.
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velcroedcrocs · 1 year
dude im making a muppets cover album what’s ur favorite muppet song
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lottsaegg · 8 months
Muppets most wanted is genuinely something I couldn’t make up in my dreams. Like you’re telling me Ricky Gervais in a lemur costume is something that actually happened??
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azziopeia · 17 days
god i can’t wait to go home and watch the muppets (2011)
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yubriamakesart · 6 months
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"Scrooge said that he would see him—yes, indeed he did. He went the whole length of the expression, and said that he would see him in that extremity first." - Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
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Vincent Price guest stars on The Muppet Show (1977)
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midnight-shy · 1 year
they should make a muppet version of every movie and tv show that’s ever existed, actually
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shelfperson · 17 days
okay but WHYYY is no one talking about louis and daniel WHYYYYYYYYYY is no one talking about the greatest grandpa4grandpa relationship known to man and i don’t even mean romantically i mean in the most basic human platonic level their relationship is FASCINATING.
like louis SAUGHT HIM OUT after FIFTY YEARS he FOUND HIS BOY, this horrible infant who DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING HE TOLD HIM, who saw his raw, decades-old pain and wanted in on it, AND HE GOES BACK FOR HIM BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE’S CHANGED. he can understand now. he can help him find the truth.
and like, they’re both absolutely terrified by each other because they’re both uniquely skilled at getting under each other’s skin and finding that truth (and also because… louis could just up and eat daniel anytime but shhhh…) and it’s because they UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. louis’s interviewing daniel as much as daniel’s interviewing him, just. pulling teeth from each other’s head, trying to pull out all the rot with such violence and cruelty (from both of them!! daniel is a cockwallop!!) but they want to help each other they CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER.
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(the gifs are from @loumands account btw. great work my guy)
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gabbikkins · 1 year
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Kermit my beloved
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hollis-art · 5 months
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more data + the muppets bc i just think he'd have such a good time with them. they'd be best buddies
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pleading-the5th · 11 months
ok i need to find the people obsessed with puppets WHERE ARE YOU BITCHES
im talking The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood, etc WHERE IS THE FANDOM REVEAL YOURSELVES
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