#I searched everywhere for info like this when I was a beginner but all I found were lists of things to purchase
tenofmuses · 3 months
Free Witchcraft Resources for Beginners
A couple months ago I made a post shouting out the fact that witchcraft doesn’t require any money to get started (or to be practiced, for that matter), and I had a few people ask me about what they can do that’s free, especially as a beginner, so I wrote up this post. I was lost and broke when I was getting started with my craft, and it was really difficult to find tips for beginners that weren’t just “buy these things!” I’m hoping this will be useful for people who are looking for a place to begin.
So. You’re interested in witchcraft and would like to find out more. Maybe you keep seeing those “crystals/herbs/books/etc. beginner witches should have” posts, and you’re frustrated, because you want to begin your practice, but don’t have the money for those supplies. I was once in that spot, and even now that I’m five years into my practice, I have rarely purchased any of the supplies witchtok deems to be fundamental. Here are some places you can begin instead. Let’s get started!
Info continues below.
By foundations, I’m referring to things that aren’t explicitly witchcraft, but that I have found very beneficial within my own practice.
1. Before anything, I recommend asking yourself a simple question: why do I want to practice witchcraft, and what do I hope to get out of it? You may not know for sure yet, and your answer will likely change over time, but having some intentions going in can be helpful when you’re in the early stages of research. When I was starting out, I felt very overwhelmed by the amount of info out there, so if you have a bit of an idea of what you’re specifically interested in, that can be helpful to get you going.
2. Meditation: not all witches meditate, but a lot of the skills you develop through meditation can be helpful within witchcraft. You can try out secular meditation (apps like Balance and Headspace, as well as Insight Timer—the former has a mix of secular and spiritual meditations), or you can find a witchcraft-specific guided meditation on YouTube. For neurodivergent folks out there, I recommend looking into active meditation, which I’ve found to be quite beneficial for myself.
For me, it’s always important to remain grounded when I’m doing any spiritual practice, and meditation is a good skill you can work on to help with that. I also find that having a background in meditation can be really helpful later down the line when/if you are attempting visualization and/or astral projection, witch’s flight, and so forth.
3. Journaling: another thing that isn’t specifically witchcraft-related, but is an important skill to harness, on my opinion. To me, it’s crucial to be in touch with what I’m feeling (especially when it comes to doing spellwork), and journaling is one great way to do that. If you’re stuck and don’t know where to begin, look up witchcraft (or general) journal prompts on here or somewhere else. A lot of the ones that come up will be shadow work, which can be intense, so only do what feels comfortable for you.
I’d also like to note that automatic writing/drawing is an entirely free option if you’re interested in communing with spirits or deities. Essentially it involves getting into a trance-like state (usually in a dark room only lit by candlelight or similar—this is to avoid distractions) with a piece of paper and pen, and you write or draw everything that comes to your head without thinking about it. And then you go back and see what sort of messages you may be receiving. It’s a bit hard to explain and I’m not very experienced in it myself, but it’s something worth looking into if it sounds interesting to you!
4. Look at what you have, instead of what you don’t: a lot of beginner witch resources will list specific items that you should have, without really explaining why. And without that knowledge of how/why having an item is important, you might find your Must Have crystal sitting unused on a shelf somewhere. So instead of focusing on the items you want or feel like you should have, look at what you do have. Are there plants or herbs in your house/yard that you feel drawn to? Do you have a collection of cool rocks and stones? How do these items make you feel?
For me, a large part of my craft is my belief in Animism (the belief that all living things have innate spiritual qualities, like a soul, spirit, or specific energy) and this can play into the way you interact with the natural world if it’s a belief you also subscribe to. Try and feel the presence of a plant to see if it gives you any specific feeling. It does? Great! Now you have a correspondance for that plant. And it’s even better than the correspondances you’ll get in a book because it’s based on your own personal connection and intuition. That’s what is most important.
5. When in doubt, use your intuition. You might find a source that says cinnamon should be used for protection. Another will say it should be used for abundance spells. What matters the most is what you think about an herb/plant/stone/colour, or whatever else you may utilize. I recommend to start keeping a list of what you associate these things with. It can take awhile to build up a personalized list, but once you have one, it’ll be a lot more useful than what a correspondances book says to do.
6. Scour your pantry and get cooking: are you wanting to try out a spell but you haven’t bought the ingredients? Look in your pantry. You may be surprised by how many commonly used witchcraft herbs you find in there. And if you have been starting to associate certain herbs or spices with specific feelings or energies, that’s a great way to get started with creating your own spell.
You can do a spell in many ways, but when I was starting out, one of my favourite ways was to incorporate a certain herb or spice into food I made. Say you’re making a soup and maybe you want a bit of protection, so you add some ground pepper with the intention of that pepper protecting you as you stir it into the soup. Same goes for any other ingredient you’d like to use. A little intention goes a long way!
7. Dedicate your actions, time, or energy: if you’re interested at all in working with deities, ancestors, and other spirits but don’t have the time/space to build an altar—or maybe you aren’t sure how involved you want to be with this part of witchcraft—you can devote an action to the entity. This can be simple. For example, when I worked with Apollo, I would use taking my meds and vitamins as an act of devotion to him. This is an offering. And offerings can be anything you want them to be. They don’t have to be expensive or fancy!
It’s also important to note that you do not need to work with deities or spirits to be a witch. You don’t even have to believe in them. Many witches are atheists or don’t work with any deities at all. But for those who are interested, simple offerings can be a good place to start.
8. Practice energy work: in my view, energy work is the most important skill to learn for your craft, since so many things build off of it. And with energy work, you don’t need to spend any amount of money on it. All you need is yourself, your intuition, and anything else—I mean that quite literally, you can practice feeling the energy of other people, pets, trees, buildings, foods, socks, your favourite pen, and whatever else you think of!
Once you get to know the energy of the things around you, you can more effectively utilize them as tools within your practice (this builds off of the intuition point I made earlier).
For example, as a child I lived in a house that was surrounded by cedar trees. It was a place where I felt very safe. To this day, when I see or smell a cedar tree, I feel safe and protected. You can read this any way you’d like—to me it’s both a spiritual and psychological phenomenon—but this is one example of sensing energy.
As a witch, you can practice that skill and use it to get to know the tools you’d like to use within your own craft (the things that connect to you personally, not what you’re told you should connect with). This isn’t an easy skill by any means, so if it doesn’t come naturally to you, that’s perfectly okay!
For more on this subject, I recommend two books: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Kimmerer (more on animism in particular) and Psychic Witch by May Auryn (lots of exercises to practice working with and sensing energy).
Where to Go for Learning
After you’ve thought a bit about some of the above, or skipped it altogether if it doesn’t suit you, you’re probably wanting some good resources that will actually tell you how to do the witchcraft thing. But before that, I want to reiterate again that this is your practice, and you should only do what you are interested in. So take what you want and leave what you don’t.
I’m going to point you in three primary directions for learning good information: books, podcasts, and YouTube.
But first, I want to issue a massive disclaimer for the YouTube information (and some books, for that matter). You should not have one sole source for your information. Books that have bibliographies are always the most trustworthy sources. And even though I trust the information coming from the YouTubers I’ll mention—especially because I’ve read similar information in several witchcraft books—don’t take their word at face-value. Be critical of what you’re told. Believe what you believe. This is a skill you’ll learn over time. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it will get easier to discern what’s good info vs. bad info, over time.
Before you get started, I highly recommend watching this helpful video by HearthWitch with info on how to vet your witchcraft sources: link.
In my view, books are the Best source of information, period. Anyone can publish an article or video online, but not everyone can publish a book. So there tends to be a bit more reliable info in witchcraft books.
As far as knowing what book you should begin with, there are lots of lists out there for beginners, and I recommend just looking at one of those lists and picking what sounds interesting to you. Take what you like and leave what you don’t.
Most of the YouTubers I’ve listed below have videos recommending books for beginners.
If you’re interested in British folk witchcraft, I started out with Folk Witchcraft by Roger J. Horne and it was a brilliant beginners guide that I recommend to anyone who is interested in that branch of witchcraft.
As always, while you read witchcraft books, be critical of the information you are presented with. Unfortunately, lots of witchcraft books (especially the classic ones) can be rooted in concepts like bioessentialism, colonialism, and racism. My recommendation is to not take any author’s word as gospel and to use your critical thinking skills when reading witchcraft books.
Where I live, books are EXPENSIVE. And when you’re just starting out in your practice, you might not have the money or ability to go out and buy a book just yet. Maybe you’re still unsure if witchcraft is right for you. Or maybe you’re in the “broom closet.” Whatever the reason, here are some free places to find books.
1. The public library: a bit obvious, but a great resource to look at, because you never know what your library might have. Libraries are the best. And entirely free!
2. Library apps like Libby or Overdrive: especially helpful if you don’t want to bring home a physical witchcraft book, or if your branch doesn’t have any copies of what you’re looking for. You can also get some audiobooks on there.
3. Archive.org: aka the web archive. Entirely free and entirely legal, this works as an online library service where you can check out a book for a bit of time right from your computer. Sometimes you can download PDFs as well. I’ve found a lot of my favourite witchcraft books on there, so if you have a specific title in mind, search it there.
First, as a bit of a caveat before recommending you to watch YouTube videos on witchcraft: in my view, books are the best source of information for any witch, as they are able to contain a large degree of nuanced and research-informed information. But books aren’t a simple solution for everyone, and I’ve learned a lot from informed YouTubers over the years (in fact, like many witches, I was first exposed to witchcraft via Harmony Nice on YouTube!).
I’m including a list here of witch YouTubers that I personally recommend because I have found that their content aligns with information I have read in books and other research-informed sources over the years, and because I find them to be generally reliable.
I want to note here that this list is rather biased, as I tend to watch witchcraft YouTubers whose practices mirror my own in some ways. So most of these practitioners have practices informed by European folk witchcraft, and are not very diverse as a result. If any practitioners have further recommendations to add on, especially for practitioners of colour and practices that are different from mine, please do so!
My recommendations:
ChaoticWitchAunt: folk witchcraft, specifically in the Italian tradition, some great beginner content, info on working with saints and spirits.
TheWitchOfWonderlust: death magic, spellwork, great beginner content, lots of excellent info on working with spirits.
HearthWitch: truly a well of information on British witchcraft, beginner videos on any topic you can think of, q&a livestreams, and there’s even a video on vetting witchcraft sources that I really recommend for beginners.
The Redheaded Witch: folk witchcraft and folklore, spirit and ancestor work, daily witchcraft ideas, some beginner videos.
TheGreenWitch: such an excellent resource for herbal/green witchcraft, videos on spellwork, ingredients, tools, and more.
Mintfaery: lots of beginner information, videos on working with the fae, nature witchcraft, and lots of fun witchy days in the life.
Ella Harrison: German folk witchcraft, great beginner resources, including some more niche traditional craft topics like witch’s ladders.
The Norse Witch: info on Norse witchcraft and Heathenry, Norse paganism, and some content about astrology.
simplywitched: lots of great everyday witchcraft content, pagan witchcraft, more vlog style.
Warrior Witch Nike: witchy book reviews, paganism, deity work, some astrology content.
Mhara Starling: the place to go for anyone interested in Welsh witchcraft and folk magic related to Wales.
Alwyn Oak: lots of witch’s guides, especially relating to sabbats (those popularized in Wicca), forest witchcraft, gorgeous videos.
Ivy The Occultist: chaos magick and lots of interviews with practitioners from a variety of paths/backgrounds.
Shadow Harvest: personal day in the life witchy content, some videos looking at working with dark goddesses and deity work in general.
Note: some of these YouTubers have written their own witchcraft books geared towards beginners, so if you enjoy their videos and want to learn more, check those out.
The Astrology Podcast: not specifically witchcraft, but if you want to learn about astrology in detail, this is an excellent place to begin. Link goes to YouTube.
Books and Broomsticks: all kinds of good info, especially pertaining to folk magic, witch guests invited on to share more about their own practice. Link goes to Spotify.
Southern Bramble: A Podcast of Crooked Ways: a variety of witchcraft related topics, interviews, and discussions, often revolving around folk magic and traditional craft—interviews show different traditions. Link goes to Spotify.
New World Witchery - The Search for American Traditional Witchcraft: what it says on the tin; various topics and conversations through an American traditional/folk magic lens by the author of the (amazing) book with the same name. Link goes to Spotify.
Salty Witches Podcast by Cat & Cauldron: traditional witchcraft through a modern lens, another podcast that has a wide variety of topics covered. Link goes to Spotify.
As always, if anyone has any additional (free!) resources to add onto these ones, please do so.
Good luck to all of the beginner witches who are embarking on their spiritual journeys, and I hope some of these tips have been helpful! :)
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nyerus · 4 years
Hey I originally followed you for YOI stuff and since that seems to be on haitus, I have seen you and a lot of people rebloing stuff about a different anime or manga (i think) with different mlm relationships? I think they're two diff shows and I've heard about mdzs before. But lately youve been reblogging stuff from a manga tagged tgcf and it looks pretty cool--so i was wondering how I could get into it and what its about? Does it have actual gay charas?
Hello! I’m sorry for the late response! This morphed from a simple answer into a beginner guide of sorts, so I hope you don’t mind! I know there’s like 500000 guides out there, but I figured I’d give it a shot too! ❤
So the stuff you’ve been seeing everywhere is indeed MDZS or related to it–including on my own blog! (I promise when YOI comes back from war, I’ll be all over that again ;o;!!!)
So these works are all by the same author, Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù (MXTX) and they are separate danmei (i.e. Chinese BL) novels, though they share a lot of similarities between them:
MDZS (Mó Dào Zǔ Shī) – Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
TGCF (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) – Heaven Official’s Blessing
SVSSS – Scum Villian’s Self-Saving System
All of them are complete and fan translated, and I’ll answer your last question first: yes, they have actual gay characters! In the novels, the main couples end up canonically married! \o/ In some of the adaptations, their romantic relationships are also maintained (e.g. the manhuas (Chinese graphic novel)), though censorship is present.
Links will be added below this post! Grab some popcorn, this is long!
MDZS《魔道祖师》is definitely the most popular work by MXTX, as it has the most adaptations. You’ve almost certainly been seeing gifs and photosets from its donghua (Chinese animation) or live action the most. However, it has a manhua and audio drama (in both Chinese and Japanese) as well!
Synopsis: Reviled as the infamous Yiling Laozu, Wei Wuxian harnessed the forbidden dark power of demonic cultivation. Once the cultivation world decided he was too dangerous to leave alone, he was hunted down, and a terrible battle ensued that cost Wei Wuxian his life—and the lives of many others. 13 years later, he is resurrected under mysterious circumstances into the body of the pariah Mo Xuanyu. Now with this second chance at life (and while hiding his real identity), Wei Wuxian has to uncover the truth about a powerful malevolent spirit. It may just be the key to revealing a series of heinous secrets hidden from the cultivation world for years. And while the world may still hate him for crimes he didn’t commit, there’s one person who’s on his side—the illustrious Hanguang-jun, Lan Wangji—and is willing to stand by him against all odds. The two have a long and complex history, and Wei Wuxian is unsure of Lan Wangji’s motivations for helping him. But it couldn’t be more simple: respect and love.
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Scene from the donghua.
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Still from the live action, called “Chén Qíng Lìng”/“CQL”/”The Untamed.”
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Panel from the manhua.
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Art from the Chinese audio drama.
The great thing about MDZS is that you can really pick your poison in terms of what adaptation you want to get started with. If you are absolutely brand-new to the danmei scene, then starting with the donghua or manhua may be your best bet (both are ongoing). The novel of course is the most beloved, being the source, but all the adaptations have their own charms! They’re all worth checking out, and will keep you busy for quite a while.
Now, for TGCF《天官赐福》—that’s where my photosets are coming from: the ongoing manhua that started in October. There’s a donghua planned for late this year, and a live action in talks (info about that is largely unknown, but is slated for production sometime after the donghua release). TGCF actually has the same deal structure as MDZS apparently, so we’ll be getting an audio drama as well if that’s true.
Synopsis: Talented and virtuous, Crown Prince Xie Lian first ascended to the heavens when he was only 17. Once the darling of the earth and heavens for his boundless skill and purity of heart, he ended up falling from grace—not once, but twice! Subsequently, he became the laughing stock of the three realms. Spending almost 800 years roaming the earth and collecting scraps, he becomes known as the pitiful “rubbish god” and “god of misfortune.” No one could have expected Xie Lian to ascend for a third time, but fate seems to have something in store for this disgraced yet compassionate immortal. Thankfully, he is not alone, as the widely-feared ghost king, Hua Cheng, seems to have a special interest in helping him. The two of them embark on a series of adventures that unravel the secrets of their world, and of themselves.
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Panel from the manhua.
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Scene from the Donghua PV.
The novel for TGCF is a great place to start, especially considering how the manhua is still in it’s early stages (just starting it’s 2nd arc as of writing this post). The novel is long, incredibly well-written, and well-translated. The manhua is absolutely stunning, and follows the novel very closely thus far.
The underrated sibling of the three, SVSSS《人渣反派自救系統 》has only the novel to interact with for right now. A donghua is planned for this year. There was a manhua, but it was cancelled due to some problems with the publisher afaik. Word on the street is that they’re searching for a new team for it, so we’ll continue to pray!!!
Synopsis: Shen Yuan is an avid reader of the web novel Proud Immortal Demon Way. The novel revolves around the protagonist Luo Binghe, a kind child who is tormented endlessly by his Shizun (teacher/mentor) Shen Qingqiu, until he turns into a powerful demon lord and exacts his violent revenge. While initially a fan of the story, Shen Yuan hates the unsatisfactory ending. Upon dying suddenly, he finds himself transmigrated into the novel, at the behest of The System—a sci-fi interface which gives him missions and directives. Unfortunately, he ends up in the place of the cruel Shen Qingqiu out of all people! This new Shen Qingqiu now has to use his knowledge of the novel to navigate around the plot, within the restrictions that The System has implemented. He has to find a way to ensure a better ending, if he wants to keep this second chance at life. His plan for doing this is to be as kind and encouraging as possible to the innocent Luo Binghe, who quickly takes a shine to this new Shen Qingqiu. Even after forced to the dark side, and despite the tension between them after this, Luo Binghe won’t let anyone else touch his beloved Shizun.
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Cover of the Thai release of the novel.
SVSSS only really has the novel to interact with as of right now. There’s currently an excellent re-translation in progress by tumblr user Faelicy! If you want to get started now, however, you can read what she’s done so far and then swap over to the old translation afterward.
• ALL three novels are intended for an R-18+ audience ONLY. Other adaptations are safe for minors over 16 years of age.
• Please be aware that the novels may contain potentially triggering content. Feel free to ask me for content warnings if you need them.
• All three of these are totally different from one another and only share common themes typical of the wuxia/xianxia genres.
• The original Chinese raws of MDZS and SVSSS are no longer available for purchase on JJWXC (publishing site). You can find print versions on Taobao. TGCF, however, is still available!
• If you’d like more info on anything, please reach out to me! I’m happy to help.
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to CindyLouWho2′s periodic roundup of news, tutorials and studies from the world of ecommerce, content marketing & social media. This is my first time posting this news here on my new Tumblr account, so please let me know how the format is working out; I want to make it as readable as possible. I am working on making the links a little more obvious; I may have to change templates to do that. 
Sorry it is so long this time. I am working on getting it back down to a post once every 10 days at most, but it might take me til May to get back on track. 
Google core algorithm update started March 12; early winners & losers here and here, among other info about the update.
Also, Google accidentally de-indexed some pages last week, & they are still working on fixing it.
Etsy phone support finally available to everyone (if you speak English, of course).
Amazon no longer requires Marketplace sellers to keep their prices elsewhere the same or higher as on Amazon.
Worldpay, one of Etsy’s payment providers, sold to FIS for $35 billion.  (Etsy also uses Ayden for some of their payment processing.)  
Last week, Etsy sent emails to non-US sellers, telling them that their refunds for the overcharging that has been going on since October 2018 will be issued by the end of the day, June 30th (or earlier). It doesn’t mention when they will stop overcharging, though. 
Etsy held Investor Day on March . You can view the slides that went along with the presentations, and there is a short summary of the search info discussed here. CEO Josh Silverman then did an interview with CNBC (video only), which is summarized here. 
There was an Etsy podcast on search questions (links to recording, and transcription), but it didn’t have any new info. 
They’ve also released their spring & summer trends report, with a podcast & transcript, as well as a lengthy pdf file with keyword data (I will be summarizing that separately). 
Rand Fishkin (founder of Moz) is doing a series of 10-minute Whiteboard Friday presentations on learning SEO basics, with both video & transcripts included in the links.  Remember, some of these things do not apply to Etsy shops, but can apply to your website, depending on the coding.
Part 1, SEO strategy;  It assumes some knowledge of marketing terms, but the SEO part is definitely intro-level
Part 2, keyword research.  Long tail: “20% of all searches that Google receives each day they have never seen before.”
Part 3: satisfy searcher needs. 
Part 4:  optimizing through keywords & other elements.
And Moz’s Beginners Guide to SEO is finally fully updated. (Some parts are more technical, so stick to the on-page stuff if you are really new to this.) 
Chrome now offering the ability to select privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo as your browser default. This should increase DDG’s slice of traffic if Google continues this.
Google released its Webspam report for 2018. 
Hmm, wonder why I would come across SEO tips for Tumblr this edition?  🤔
(includes blogging & emails)
19 call-to-action phrases you should be using on social media (infographic)
10 tips for more clicks on your social media posts
US social media expansion has plateaued, but podcasts’ popularity continues to grow. 23% of US homes have a “smart speaker” (Alexa etc.); 56% have a tablet. Smartphone ownership has also levelled off. 
Related - most Americans dislike/do not trust social media.
3 tips for great social media content (infographic), & 4 more tips for writing social media posts.
Email marketing stats that show its impact. If you don’t already have an email list, it is time to start one. After all these years, it still works!
Instagram beta-testing checkout within the app; US brands only for the moment.
Facebook was storing your passwords in plain text & many employees had access.  “My Facebook insider said access logs showed some 2,000 engineers or developers made approximately nine million internal queries for data elements that contained plain text user passwords.”
Did you know you can remove your last name from your public Facebook profile? (Plus 12 other Facebook facts & tricks)
Create great pins on Pinterest.
Pinterest files for IPO; admits that Google changes last year hurt it. 
Backgrounder on short video sharing site TikTok.
Twitter Analytics has an events page that tips you off to annual events you may want to tweet about/around, under the Events tab in your Analytics.
Beginners’ guide to cost per click (CPC) ads - includes Google, Facebook, & Instagram.
Facebook & Instagram ad costs have rocketed since the site-wide outages on March 13.
Facebook’s advice on optimizing your Facebook ads.
Google fined by EU for blocking other ads. 
Ecommerce reports in Google Analytics (for websites, not Etsy shops). 
5 Instagram analytics tips.
Microsoft considers competing with Shopify.
eBay states it uses artificial intelligence (AI) pretty much everywhere on its site, as do most big sites.
eBay adds Google Pay as a payment option.
Half of US households will belong to Amazon Prime this year.  “Amazon Household, a program that allows different members of a single household, including teens, to have their own log-in for shopping and viewing of Prime content, was specifically cited by eMarketer as a factor driving adoption.”
Shopify is ending its MailChimp integration; interesting article here. “Mailchimp wrote a blog post stating that it asked Shopify to remove the Mailchimp integration from the Shopify marketplace. Mailchimp’s reasoning behind the move was due to the new term requiring partners to send back any data collected “on behalf of the merchant” back to Shopify. According to Joni Deus, director of partnerships at Mailchimp, that data (in Mailchimp’s eyes) doesn’t belong to Shopify.”
This is seen as a battle for data, a lot of which flows through APIs (APIs are how third party tools integrate with websites, like Etsy & label providers such as Shippo & Pirate Ship).
Square improves a bunch of ecommerce tools including social media integrations.  They bought Weebly a year ago, & are using that to make changes to Square Online Store and Square for Retail.
Tone is key to good customer service. I like the bit about answering apparently stupid questions - making the customer feel stupid (even if 99% of readers would agree the question was stupid) is usually not a good approach. But it can be hard to weed out negative tone. Other good quotes: “Directing the conversation away from the negative aspects and focusing instead on the proposed solution helps customers accept the situation and reduces the odds that they will be upset.” and “It almost doesn’t matter how good the news is; if it comes after “actually,” I feel like I was somehow wrong about something.”
Figuring out what motivates your customers.
Ecommerce customer service 101. 
Facial recognition software is scraping the photos you post online to improve their software. “Despite IBM’s assurances that Flickr users can opt out of the database, NBC News discovered that it’s almost impossible to get photos removed. … There may, however, be legal recourse in some jurisdictions thanks to the rise of privacy laws acknowledging the unique value of photos of people’s faces. Under Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, photos are considered “sensitive personal information” if they are used to confirm an individual’s identity. Residents of Europe who don’t want their data included can ask IBM to delete it. If IBM doesn’t comply, they can complain to their country’s data protection authority, which, if the particular photos fall under the definition of “sensitive personal information,” can levy fines against companies that violate the law.
In the U.S., some states have laws that could be relevant. Under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, for example, it can be a violation to capture, store and share biometric information without a person’s written consent. According to the act, biometric information includes fingerprints, iris scans and face geometry.”
Cookie warnings are getting really complicated in some jurisdictions. 
Microsoft killed Clippy again.
American drunk shopping continues to increase.
Posted April 8, 2019. 
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ronaldsmcrae86 · 3 years
What is Content Marketing? (An Easy Primer for Beginners)
Have you been Googling “what is content marketing” and keep finding lightweight fluff or, worse, ultimate guides packed with so much info that reading them is like drinking through a water hose? If so, this simple, thorough primer is just what you need.
How does this sound?
A marketing channel that…
Stands the test of time. You can do it for years without the channel going out of style or your work becoming less effective.
Provides a compounding positive return on investment that improves as it ages. You put in $100, and by the end of year three, it’s made $10,000.
Helps you attract, convert, and retain customers. It does triple duty without triple the work or investment.
If it sounds too good to be true, I have good news.
It’s not. This marketing channel exists.
It’s not just for online influencers. It’s almost free to kick off and run. And you don’t have to do anything illegal to start it.
It’s content marketing.
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is a strategic marketing channel that drives user and customer acquisition and retention through the consistent development and distribution of digital content.
All types of businesses use content marketing, from individual consultants and solopreneurs, to large media and ecommerce companies.
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Why Is Content Marketing Important?
Many marketing teams new to the content marketing process will publish a few articles, track their performance for a few weeks, and then throw up their hands in frustration when Google Analytics shows that they didn’t make any sales.
“We tried content marketing and it didn’t work” they’ll say, and then move onto the next channel experiment to find their golden ticket to marketing nirvana.
But the truth is, they didn’t give content marketing a fair shake.
Content Marketing Acts as the Engine for All Other Marketing Efforts
The majority of content-driven sales won’t show up as “last touch” conversions. That’s because content marketing rarely gets the credit for the sales it has a big hand in driving.
Not sure what I mean?
Consider the following customer journey scenario:
You’re traveling to Europe for business, and when you arrive at your destination, you need to be on your A-game, as you’re meeting a potential customer that would be career-making if you were to land their business.
The problem? Between the dehydration, jet lag, bloating, and headaches, you never feel good when you fly.
But because this is such an important business trip, and you know it’s extra important to stay healthy while you’re traveling, you try to find solutions on Google.
You type in “healthy travel tips” and find this article with 12 strategies to stay healthy and feel better before, during, and after your flight.
After reading the blog post, you continue planning your trip. The next day, you’re browsing Facebook or LinkedIn and you see an ad for a health supplement to support your body while traveling.
When you click on the ad, you’re brought to the same site you visited the day before.
When you go to leave the page, a form slides in offering you a 10% discount in exchange for your email. You enter your email address and then go back to browsing social media.
The next day, you open your inbox and find an email with your coupon code for 10% off the drink mix. You use the coupon at checkout and feel prepared for the long flight ahead of you.
Now, when the company’s marketing team reviews their metrics, your purchase will likely be attributed to email marketing. That’s because you bought the product from the follow-up email they sent you.
However, without good content marketing, you never would have been retargeted on Facebook or LinkedIn with the advertisement that led you to become a subscriber to their email list.
In other words:
A content marketing campaign is often a customer’s first interaction with you.
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What are the Benefits of Content Marketing?
Of the many marketing channels available to digital marketers, content marketing is one of the channels with the widest-reaching benefits, because it enables many other channels to be more effective.
A successful content marketing program will also benefit all stages of the marketing funnel.
Here’s how:
1. Drives Sales Conversions
As with any inbound marketing channel, the main purpose of any content marketing effort is to drive sales and conversions.
Some content closer to the bottom of the marketing funnel, such as sales pages and landing pages, will drive direct conversions, but the majority of content captures users at the awareness and interest stages of the funnel, so they assist in driving sales, as mentioned in the earlier scenario.
2. Increases Website Traffic
With a few exceptions, you can’t convert people who never land on your website.
Experienced marketers look to content marketing to drive traffic to their websites and grow their customer base.
The best part about content marketing is that the traffic a good content strategy can drive is targeted and qualified.
You create valuable content that is highly relevant to your products or business, and your new visitors are seeking that content, so they’re more likely to be warmer leads.
The warmer the lead, the more likely the lead will become a new customer.
3. Improves Brand Awareness
Say you were to launch a new yoga gear brand from scratch. You have no traffic, no customers, and no brand awareness. Nobody knows who you are.
But then, you begin publishing consistent content that’s high quality. And your ideal customers — beginner yogis and yoga enthusiasts — start to see your brand name when they’re searching for yoga content.
On YouTube, the 5-Minute Morning Yoga video content you developed is popping up when they’re searching for guided yoga videos.
On Google, the content you developed about the different poses, and the benefits and types of yoga begins to show up in their search results.
They begin to see your brandmark on the infographic you developed that’s been shared on social media.
As you create and publish more relevant content, your target audience begins seeing your brand everywhere — you build brand awareness.
That’s because content marketing is extremely powerful in building brand awareness online. So powerful, a whopping 81% of survey respondents in a recent CMI report touted content marketing’s effectiveness in boosting brand awareness.
In short, it works.
4. Enables Other Marketing Channels
Because content marketing is effective in driving traffic and brand awareness, a solid content marketing strategy can enable and drive a return on investment for other marketing channels.
For example, when you attract visitors to your website via an informative, valuable piece of engaging content, you can then capture their email address, thereby activating your email marketing strategy.
If you don’t capture their email address, you may be able to retarget them with a social media marketing or PPC advertisement, driving them back to your website to convert later.
5. Acts as a Backlink Magnet
Whether valid or not, backlinks are still often viewed as the holy grail of digital marketing.
“If we had more backlinks, we’d be able to rank for this search term, have a better domain authority, and be more trustworthy.”
“If we had more backlinks, we’d be able to attract more partners, affiliates, and influencers.”
But “link building” should not be used as a verb. It’s not something you should go out and do.
After all, the sites that are willing to link to your article because you reached out to them and asked them to, or in exchange for a monetary reward or reciprocal action, are probably not the type of websites you want links from.
Those who write for or operate the websites that you want links from — the media sites, popular bloggers, and influencers — link to the best, most relevant content, because they don’t want to waste their audience’s attention on anything else.
When you publish the best content on the internet about your topic, you’re building a backlink magnet. Backlinks will come to you. You won’t have to seek them.
6. Builds Your Email List
Aside from content marketing, email marketing is the channel well known for having one of the highest return on investments available.
It makes sense too.
A list of people who wanted to hear from you enough to give you their email address are far more likely to convert than anybody else — besides maybe your mom.
Content marketing provides ample opportunity not only to drive qualified traffic from whom to capture emails, as mentioned above, but also to incentivize visitors to subscribe to your email list.
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What are the Different Types of Content Marketing?
When many people think of content marketing, they think mainly of written content, such as blog posts. While this is the most widely-known content type, there are different mediums through which to deliver content, including audio, visual, written, and video.
1. Written Content
Written content is the most widely known form of content, and is what you’re consuming right now as you read this guide. This includes:
Blogging (articles and posts)
Swipe files
Case studies
Written content is the most popular form of content for good reason: it allows you to target relevant keywords in hopes of ranking on the first page in search results for that search term.
For example, the SEO (search engine optimization) friendly Happiest Baby website, which sells products to help newborns sleep, ranks #1 for the popular search term “baby sleep schedule”:
This undoubtedly brings in plenty of traffic.
It’ll happen eventually, but Google’s not yet savvy enough to identify these keywords in audio or video content beyond listing data, so when you’re creating a good content strategy, written content is where most content marketers start.
2. Audio Content
Most of us consume audio content regularly, in the car on our way to work, on the treadmill, or in the kitchen cooking.
Examples of content in audio format include:
Radio shows
If you’re a regular listener of podcasts, you probably feel like you know the show host somewhat personally. That’s because it’s hard not to feel friendly with somebody when you hear their voice talking about something that matters to you every day!
Audio content allows you to connect with your audience more personally. Many marketers supplement their audio content with written content like a blog post or transcript to help rank for relevant keywords.
3. Video Content
When you think of search engines, you probably think of Google, Bing, and Yahoo, right?
But believe it or not, YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world. Every time you watch something online, you’re consuming video content. Video content exists on:
Instagram (IGTV, Instagram Story, and feed videos)
Facebook (Facebook Watch, Facebook Live)
Recorded webinars
Digital course sites (Skillshare, Creative Live, Lynda.com, etc.)
As our friends over at Ahrefs prove, video content can be highly effective in educating, converting, and building brand awareness:
4. Visual Content
Another common type of content marketing is visual.
Content marketing examples of visual content include:
Slide decks
Memes, etc.
High-quality visual content often is developed to supplement and enhance written or video content, though it can also be consumed by itself.
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What is Content Marketing? A Marketing Force Multiplier
Abraham Lincoln has been quoted as saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Applied to marketing, high-quality content marketing is like sharpening your axe.
It makes all of your other marketing more effective.
It’s sustainable, strategic, and provides long-term growth.
It provides an unreal return on investment.
And it’s completely organic. It’s one of the only marketing channels you don’t have to “pay to play.”
Bottom line?
If you’re ready to increase your traffic, improve your brand awareness, grow your email list, and make more sales; you should start building a great content marketing strategy today.
The post What is Content Marketing? (An Easy Primer for Beginners) appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/what-is-content-marketing/
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
19 Signs You’re In Love With 19 Canvas Painting Ideas Diy | 19 Canvas Painting Ideas Diy
While best of us are sitting at home as non-essential personnel, abounding accept appear up with means to aculate the adroitness flowing. Some are acquirements how to photograph wildlife, some aptitude on their new adulation for macro, and some alike testing out artefact photography for the aboriginal time. One columnist absitively to ysis out some DIY options for products saving herself some money while she had the time on her hands. 
Nicole Smith is a fashion, lifestyle, and bartering columnist in San Diego, CA. She has been in the bold for about ten years alive with top clay agencies such as LA Models and No Ties Model Management. Her admired applicant was Beauty Bakerie. So she is no drifter to photography or what agencies are attractive for. 
She came aloft the abstraction for her artefact photography flatlay lath while browsing on Pinterest. “I capital to acquisition a way to drag my photography and I kept acquainted that all of them had these attractive flatlay boards. I started to see breadth I could get my calmly on one but best ranged from $150 to $200, which is account it aback your affairs a custom lath but I had some added time on my hands” Smith wrote. 
Thus, the chase began. She looked everywhere for DIYs, articles, and blogs that showed how to accomplish the board when she realized that she would have to amount it out. After hours of attractive at art and home adornment videos on YouTube she realized what was bare to actualize her own boards. 
All calm the amount of her DIY food came to $150 with the lath and acrylic actuality the best expensive. Smith explains that you do
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The post 19 Signs You’re In Love With 19 Canvas Painting Ideas Diy | 19 Canvas Painting Ideas Diy appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/19-signs-youre-in-love-with-19-canvas-painting-ideas-diy-19-canvas-painting-ideas-diy/
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daydreamer0078 · 4 years
Blogging vs Youtube - Which is Best Platform to Start ?
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Blogging vs Youtube - Which is the Best Platform to Start?
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Blogging and Youtube have become the most powerful ways to earn money online. Nowadays, youngsters and people want to share their skills, creativity, and knowledge through youtube and blogging platforms. The numbers on these platforms have been increasing day by day. Youngsters want to create their own brand and get fame through these platforms. To Distinguish youtube and blogging, Youtube is a video platform where you can share your ideas and knowledge by videos and upload it on youtube. Whereas, Blogging is where you share information and ideas in written and message form in your site. However, to tell, why these platforms have become successful because it gives you an opportunity to share your skills and particular knowledge. It depends on what you're interested in. There are no restrictions and rules imposed on you sharing the ideas. As days pass by, people are more interested in acquiring knowledge through online. If they are concerned about anything, they have a facility to search and figured it out on google. It's their preference, and some people like to watch videos and other people like to see the information. Every person has a particular interest and they can share through youtube or blogging. But, that's where the problem starts. They will get confused about which one to start with. Although, there has been confusion about what people should start with. Is it Youtube or Blogging? To answer all your questions and clear all your doubts. I will be sharing you which is the best platform to start! PATIENCE CONSISTENCY COMMITMENT HARDWORK First of all, let us talk What is Blogging? Blogging is where you can share the information and ideas about anything you know. In other words, let's assume you searched a question on google " How to Lose weight "You will see a ton of links and among them, you will click on the first link and you are gonna see the information about how to lose weight. So, the information you are seeing on a site is called " BLOG" I hope you got that, there are different kinds of blogs out there on google. For example, News blogs, Fashion blogs, Health Blogs, How to topic blogs, Movie blogs and etc. You need to choose a topic for your blog. That's all you should want in the beginning. Select a niche you're familiar which helps you to write much content about it. It isn't easy to create a blog . You have to invest money to create a blog.   What is Youtube? Youtube is a video-sharing platform where you can upload videos, watch videos, like, share and comment on the videos. There's no much difference between youtube and blogging. Blogging is in message form. while youtube is in the form of digital video. For instance, if you want to know about "How to Install Photoshop in your Pc". You can search on youtube and watch videos. You can also find this on the blogs. It's your preference There are different kinds of youtube channels. There are channels where you can find about technology, make-up tutorials, howto tutorials, Health, games streaming, entertainment, and etc. How to Start a Youtube Channel  
So, now let's talk about what are differences b/w Youtube and Blogging. 1.Startup Blogging : To Create a Blog,  you need to spend money to buy hosting and domain for a blog. If you don't know what is Hosting and Domain. I will suggest you to look out How to Start a blog To explain in simple words, A domain is something you see before .com or.in. Hosting is a service that provides the technologies and services needed for the website to be viewed on the Internet. Without Hosting service, you cannot able to see your site on google. Youtube: Creating a youtube channel is a simple process. All you need to have is a Gmail account. If you created a Gmail account, you can simply create a channel. No money is needed to invest in starting a youtube channel. Summary:  Blogging requires an investment of money. While youtube doesn't! 2.Monetization Blogging : There are tons of blogs making millions of million per month. Huffington Post– is the top 1 earning blog with $41.6 million per month as according to Forbes list. If you write useful and provide valuable information to the users. You will definitely make money in huge. But, Earning money in blogging is a slow process. You need to have great patience in blogging. It may take you 6 months to 1 year. But, it is damn sure that you'll earn money one day if you've worked hard and put a lot of effort. Earning money isn't an easy process in any job. To talk about earning in blogging, You need to know SEO - Search Engine Optimization first. If you perform some SEO tactics and succeed in bringing your site in Higher Google search results. You'll make money in huge amounts. That's for sure. One of the common sources of income in blogging is ADSENSE. When you've reached a certain extent, you can apply Adsense for advertisements for your site. Not only AdSense, but there are also a lot of options and alternatives for you in blogging such as : Media.Net Info Links Affiliate Marketing ( Amazon, CJ, Click Bank ) Sponsorship ( after your blog got a lot of success ) Youtube: Earning on Youtube is similar to blogging. There's no much difference when it comes to working hard and having patience. There are tons of youtube channels making millions of millions per month. Earning money is a slow process everywhere. You could not get money overnight. That's impossible. There are some rare cases where some videos from youtube beginners became trending in an overnight. It depends on your topic. But, that one scenario doesn't mean your channel became successful. Those are only temporary. After a week, does your video still trending? Okay or after a month, are you still getting the same amount of views for that same video? No, it won't. To get a stable income and increasing income, all you need to do is just working hard on your videos. You need to put a lot of effort into providing great value to your content and making your video more beautiful enough. Similarly, ADSENSE is also one of the common sources of income on youtube. But, there are restrictions imposed on the youtube channel. The Adsense says you will not get approved unless you have 1,000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. Don't think it's easy! You may get views but, what about gaining subscribers. That's a tough and working process. There are also other options for earning income : SponsorShips Affiliate Marketing Summary: The earning process on both platforms is slow. But, Blogging has a lot of options in earning money while comparing to Youtube   3.Correction Blogging : Correction means if you've done a mistake in terms of grammatical errors or sentence formation or anything. You can re-edit and correct the sentence in blogging. It's easy to edit, after you've published an article, later you noticed that you made a grammatical mistake in a somewhere. Then, you can come to Blogger or Wordpress and edit the sentence or word and update it without issues. Not only, correction. But, you can change whatever you want. If you want to add some more information like images. You can do even after you published it. Youtube: Oh shit ! you gotta be kidding me. Once you've published a video on your channel. You can't do anything. You might have made a mistake in the editing part of the video. After you published, you cannot dispose of it. It's impossible. You cannot re-edit the video as you can do in blogging. But, there are some options like changing the music of the video, trimming videos and etc. Summary:  You can alter the information in blogging, while you can't touch anything in the video on youtube. 4. Preference Blogging : The blog is a site where you can see the information in the message or written form. Some people may like to read all the information. Those people like to prefer blogging or a blog. Youtube: Youtube is a platform where you can watch videos. Some people may like to get knowledge by reading the stuff. But, there are some people too who would like to watch videos over reading stuff. Those people prefer youtube over blogging. Summary: There are different kinds of people. Some like Youtube and Other like Blog. 5. Courage Blogging : The reason why I'm bringing out Courage point because you don't need to show off your face or voice when it comes to blogging. There are people who don't like to show their face to the world or even voice over in the videos. They prefer blogging over youtube where you have to show face and put your voice. Youtube: Initially, when you're thinking about starting a youtube channel. You need to think if you want to show your face to the world. If you would like to do that so, you can prefer youtube too. Whereas, in blogging, you don't need to show off your face. Summary:  Not showing your face in blogging doesn't mean you don't have to show your face. After your blog got successful, you may get invited to the blogging community to share your ideas or speeches. You need to have courage everywhere. While in youtube, the subscribers can recognize you.   Although, these are the differences that will face b/w youtube and blogging. You can prefer whatever you liked. Keeping every point in your mind. Decide what you should start with. Both platforms have particular benefits and different options unless when it comes to some mentions. There are similarities in Blogging and Youtube which I would like to mention :  
No Plagiarism Plagiarism is nothing but copying or stealing other's information or ideas without getting reservation of copyrights. There are tons and tons of people who are just copying other's work and uploading in their channels for view's sake. In the same way, some authors in blog are copying other's information without giving credit to them. This will give you nothing but a penalty. Google always explores everything. If it finds out anything suspicious, it will report you for plagiarising other's work as your own. YOUTUBE:  Youtube will automatically find out if your video is copied or replicated. If your video is matched with an already existing video. You will be reported against their guidelines. If you got 3 reports. Then, you will be banned from youtube and you can no longer upload content in your channel. Oops, do you think your channel still be there? Nope, your channel also gets deleted. There are some cases where you're using other's work for a fair purpose. You can mention Copyright Disclaimer. Youtube may cooperate with you. BLOGGING:  If you're using other's content or information. You should give credit to them at the end of their content in some instances like images. You probably use other's images for fair purposes. You can credit at the bottom or source them. But, I would suggest you to take only images from free royalty sites like Unsplash, pixabay or even can buy photos. However, if you failed to mention them. Adsense will stop advertisement services in your blog for plagiarizing other's work without acknowledgment. You have to pay for that. Although, do not plagiarize the content of others.   Patience, Consistency, Commitment, and Hardwork - How to Pull out on these platforms? : MUST READ Let it be Youtube or Blogging. Patience, commitment and hard work play a great prominent role in achieving success. You could not get success if you're lazy AF to beat your work every day. You need to put a lot of effort and bring out all your creativity in the work for effective success. You have to become an inspiration to everyone and make people to get inspired by your work. Better be unique with your working style and way of providing information. You have to be friendly with the audience to build up relations with them. People would like to be with you if you provide enough information to them without making them bore. You have to very active when it comes to publishing your content. Consistency is an important thing you need to have on these platforms. Let it be 2 videos or 2 articles. You don't need to write the long amount of words in an article to get in higher google search rankings or make long duration videos. All you need to have is quality. Quality plays a vital role than quantity. Even if you have a less matter about a particular topic. Make sure you add quality to the information with attractive images and examples. Feel like you're talking to them directly. Don't talk or write like you have to. Add humor between the information. That would be easy to gain an audience to your blog or channel. It may take you a year or even more. But, Never ever give up on what you're doing. You need to pull off every work you're providing to the audience. With this, you can achieve success gradually. Keep this in mind, Process of slow success is the greatest success rather than achieving success overnight ;)   Although, I hope you pulled out everything till now. To wrap up this article. I would like to recommend you to explore: How to Start a Youtube Channel How to Start a Blog   You might be interested in these articles, Have a look at them Why You Should Choose Business over Job – Best Career? Advanced Technology Changes in 2020 that will blow your Mind 7 Ways to Make Money Online 12 Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers 5 Best Photo Editing Apps for Android and iOS – Edit like a Pro 5 Best Video Editing apps Read the full article
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Local Business Optimization For Beginners
As of writing this, most of us are quarantined due to the Corona Virus outbreak.
While there is nothing more important than staying safe, we can’t deny that local businesses are hurting because of social distancing.
So what can you do in the meantime?
Optimizing your local business’ online presence is one of the most important things you can do right now. While foot traffic may be slow, you can still make up some of that traffic through online mediums.
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 So I’m going to share with you some SEO local business optimization tips that will help you mitigate the impact of social distancing.
The tips I’m giving here will not only help during these tough times but will have you set for when the world begins to normalize.
Make Sure You Local Citations are Consistent
A lot of businesses have a big problem with consistent local citations. That means that wherever your business’ name, phone, and address is listed, it needs to be the same.
This is known as NAP Consistency (NAP is an acronym for Name, Address, Phone), and it’s an important ranking factor for your business.
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What happens is that maybe you changed locations or you got a new phone number. Maybe you updated your info on your Facebook page, but other directories have your old phone number.
Think about how much that can affect you as a restaurant. Especially right now, that people will want to order food as they’re working from home. If they are calling the wrong number, or they think you’re far from them, you may be missing out on a lot of potential orders.
What can you do to fix your inconsistent citations?
The first thing is to know if and where it’s wrong.
We have a free local SEO audit tool you can use to find inaccurate listings.
After you’ve pinpointed where your business information is inaccurate you now have to go to each of the websites and correct the information. This may require creating accounts or claiming your business.
The process for each of these listing websites are going to be different. If you feel overwhelmed after seeing the results, contact us so we can help you get it fixed fast.
Optimize Google My Business
Google has its own listing where you if you register, you show up in Google Maps. It’s called Google My Business.
The thing with this system is that your business may be listed already, but you are not managing it. That’s a huge opportunity you are missing.
So first, you need to claim your Google My Business listing. Just follow the instructions. Eventually, Google will mail you a postcard with a code. When you write in that code, your listing is verified and you’re set.
Once you are in fill out everything, and we mean everything they have that applies to you.
Again, make sure your name, address and phone number are the same as everywhere your site is listed on. Be very picky about this. Make it exactly the same down to the hyphens.
Get More Reviews
People love businesses with great reviews. And Google does too.
Having lots of great reviews does two things:
It builds trust with your customers
It builds trust with Google
In case you are not confident that reviews are important to your business, 97% of customers read reviews before buying locally. So unless your customers are the 3%, you need people to leave reviews. And while you’re at it, answer those reviews.
How can I get people to leave more reviews?
Google My Business has a button that generates a link you can share with your customers. When your customers click on that link, it’ll take them to the review form easily.
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How you use that link is up to you. Some businesses ask for the review in exchange for a coupon, others do a campaign. You know what’s best for you.
Keyword Research
We’ve talked about how to spy on your competition using Ubbersuggest. But this keyword research tip comes from a different angle.
In this case, we’re going to use Yelp and Thumbtack.
This tip is all about leveraging keyword suggestions so you can create content for those keywords.
All you do is type in the broad category of your business. For example, a dentist.
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And see how the autocomplete bar shows you other things that people are looking for in this category. It could be services they’re looking for or something you don’t expect.
The other website we can use for keyword research is Thumbtack, a search engine for professional service providers.
Again, type in the category of your industry or service, and see the autocomplete suggestions.
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How to Structure Your Website
One of the most important tools for your local SEO efforts is your website.
Your website is the keystone of your online presence. And if you’re going to have a great website, you need great content that is focused around keywords and locations.
Based on the keyword research you did, you need to determine what keywords deserve a specific page (section) on your website.
So, once you decide, make sure you create a specific landing page for each location you serve.
The structure goes like this:
Keyword 1 + City 1
Keyword 1 + City 2
Keyword 1 + City 3
Keyword 2 + City 1
Keyword 2 + City 2
Keyword 2 + City 3
And so on…
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For example, and for the sake of brevity, let’s say a Mortgage Broker has these two services:
New Home Mortgage
And if you’re in Michigan, let’s say you serve Troy, Birmingham and Clawson.
So you would need to create these sections
Refinance + Troy
Refinance + Birmingham
Refinance + Clawson
New Home Mortgage + Troy
New Home Mortgage + Birmingham
New Home Mortgage + Clawson
You get the idea.
This part of optimizing your website can get overwhelming. So don’t worry if you think this is too much. That’s why there are professionals who do this for you.
But if you are going to do it yourself, just make sure that the content you put in there is unique, useful and worth it.
Don’t just create a section because “you’re supposed to.” If you are not sure you can produce unique content for each section, it’s better to keep your website with fewer sections, but certain that all of them are great.
It’s a scary time but we can either retreat and hide or we can adapt and get stronger. If you business isn’t leveraging the internet for business, now is a good time to invest the time and/or money.
It’s simple to get your business optimized to show up in Google. Make sure your NAP is consistent across the WWW to boost Google’s confidence in your Google My Business listing.
Completely fill in your GMB listing and generate the special link for your customers to leave reviews.
On your website you want to spy on your competitors, use Yelp and Thumbtack for local keywords, and finally update your website structure to capture those keywords.
What industry are you in and what tactics do you use to get business from online mediums?
The post Local Business Optimization For Beginners appeared first on Joseph Paul Digital Agency.
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answrs · 7 years
‘The Trouble with Mers’
note: the more I searched this the worse it got, and even harder to fix. some quotes and links will be thrown in below (and one in the text). we'll claim magic shenanigans and size for the lack of very quick orange sushi.
also, it’s google search info. I did skip over all the reddit/google answers links but they made up the majority of what popped up :T so take it all with a handful of salt (*badum *tss*). it’s just using what random info i found at 5am and jumps from there.
also note!!!: this is not prompted by any particular fic or au or even fandom, I was just thinking about the trope and decided to consult the googles. made it into a msa thing because that was honestly the first thing that came to mind, but as it’s a trope, it’s present everywhere (seriously, name me two fandoms that don’t have at least one mermaid au somewhere in them)
something always niggles at me when a story has a human befriend a mermaid from the ocean (or rescue one from an aquarium/lab) and then keeps them totally fine for days in their tub, leading to a number of humorous shenanigans. there’s even dumping waterbottles on them when they have to be moved, but uh. very rarely (if ever? I can’t actually recall any atm) are these mers from a lake or river. there really aren't many fish (or at least rarely the ones that mers are based on/made of) that can survive in both fresh and saltwater, and even then, they need to be acclimatized to the switch. and with lots of other variables in play too, there's a reason saltwater tanks are not recommended for beginners.
anyway, small snippet of something here under the cut. idek anymore, it's 830am writing this and I have yet to go to bed. please don’t take it too seriously.
arthur is turned into a mer somehow on a case (as he is). maybe a spell rebound or something, doesn't matter. He can still breathe air, but it's hard to do and hurts and he's drying out fast and needs water.
cue frantic running to the nearest place they can and throwing him into the tub, already half filled up with water. he's relieved at the sudden plunge that wets his gills, but suddenly starts convulsing as he tries to breathe through them.
he's a saltwater fish.
...fish which have only minutes in freshwater before their cells rupture (among other bad things). the best (or, honestly, worst) case scenario, most captive/pet species can last 7-10 minutes, the majority of it being a confused, horrible, painful death.*
luckily he can still breathe air somewhat, so lewis grabs him out before the delicate side and throat gills/tissues are damaged beyond repair, wrapping him in the hotel towels in a desperate bid to stop the hypersaturation.
“The fish won't swell, its cells will. The skin cells and Gills rupture and it dies. [...] The death is something between water toxicity, suffocation, and chemical burns.”
mystery and vivi on a frantic trip to the van to grab all the salt they have (which is barely a fraction of what it was before, now Lewis is back as a ghost), in a desperate bid to try and jerry-rig a mix to hold him over. meanwhile lewis is panicking on the phone with the nearest fish and pet stores. just some poor owner freaking out because it's late and his big tank just shattered and his very important large fish doesn't have enough water for the makeshift holding pool. or something to that effect, whatever works.
they end up buying out the nearest two pet stores of their (admittedly very small amount of) packaged saltwater. (the fish warehouse would have had plenty, but they asked too many questions. they know their fish facts and lew's cover that he refuses to add specifics to sounds, well, rather fishy (*badum tss*)... they do want to come help, though, the poor animal(s) shouldn't have to suffer regardless how shady their owner is. they even offer to hold his “pet” for him until its tank is fixed, which, obviously, bad idea. they probably think he’s keeping some illegal exotic(s) or some such thing, but still want to help.)
arthur in pain finally lifted from the wet tile (far too little salt and not enough time to dissolve what they did have meant pretty much no makeshift water for him, apart from maybe some small towels soaked in the saltiest water they could make to put on his gills) to a shallow kiddie pool (they can't risk any leaking out through the tub’s drain), and there's just enough water to submerge his gills if he flattens himself to the bottom. it's too small for him to curl up in, his spine can't bend like those mermaids in the cartoons, so his tail is almost completely hanging out the side. it's hooked over the tub’s lip so the weight doesn't crush the flimsy plastic and spill even more of the precious water. every few minutes vivi and mystery have to struggle to lift him up by his torso to re-wet the long appendage, arthur too exhausted and overwhelmed and in pain to stay aware of much.
thankfully with the money from arthur's patents they're able to get a wading pool or other would-be-huge-tank-if-the-fish-in-question-wasn't-say-human-size-with-an-even-bigger-tail-on-top is set up by lance, filters and recyclers and temp control and everything. they're close enough to home artie only suffers for an hour or two trying to squeeze his torso in the repurposed equipment case without too much water splashing out. wet towels help to get his neck and tail, but they can only do so much.
the worst part, even before they finally get him stable, is anything after that first ‘make-your-own-saltwater’ attempt lewis hasn't actually been able to really touch the blond, too much residual salt covering his body. (especially with the added stuff to try and level out the imbalance caused by the fresh water.)
lewis is obviously distraught, especially when the others are sleeping and he's keeping watch, unable to reach down to the bottom of the tank to shake the cursed fish out of a nightmare, even hug him for more than a moment of comfort. it hurts arthur worse to see lew trying to ignore the burning just to help him. he feels guilty he's hurting the ghost more, even indirectly, and shies away from the contact he and lewis both desperately want.
(if this was a musical now would be the time for a sad duet with them both lamenting being so close yet worlds away, hands touching through the glass dividing them with longing looks and parallel/synced phrases and everything.)
* interesting side note tacked on a few days later, this is apparently actually used as a quick treatment for some infections in larger fish, but the assorted variables must match their other tank exactly, and they generally shouldn’t stay in there for long. it’s also possible/absolutely needed in some !fresh water! fish cases to slowly acclimate said animal to salt in the water if they need to be in for longer**. but just dumping a clownfish into a goldfish tank is not a good idea at all. **now I think about it, I had to very slowly add small amounts of dissolved salt to fritz’s hospital tank day by day to try and help his fin rot. didn’t even think about that. but eh, whatever.
https://www.cuteness.com/article/do-saltwater-fish-die-freshwater (perfect site name for content. 11/10.)
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ladyboysinfo-blog · 5 years
Searching For Eastern Grownup Transgendered Grownup Site? Try LadyBoy Gold!
LadyboyGold is a tranny site concentrating on shemale, ladyboy, tranny sex, ladyboy porn, girl, Asian shemale, ladyboy films from Thailand. LadyboyGold.corn web website, also, includes incentive accessibility to 5 various other ladyboy themed sites from this service.
Ladyboy Gold assures to offer you the sexiest Asian Ladyboys in the entire world. What's, even more, there is no rejecting that there are some damn great shemales that elegance this website. Pretty limited butt amazing containers, womanly faces along with some amazingly wonderful pricks is specifically what there are on these chicks.
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The Tgirls regarding this site are associated with the Asian impact, and also I likewise have constantly been repeating myself in asserting there is normally no wiping out these appealing trannies for having the numerous symptomatic, ladylike appearance how they recognized simple suggestions to supply a couple of ladies that are equitably well set up programs their commitment to providing to united states of America one of the most effective. Today, before we tell you simply what you can get enable, we allow you to understand just exactly how to discover information technology.
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LadyboyGold centers know simply those of ladyboy styles from Thai. The info incorporates a great deal of blowjob activity as well as likewise hardcore sex along with solo design play as well as self-pleasure plus some softcore job with a little bit of off electronic camera. Typically, it's an unbelievably livening up ladyboy collection: high def Quantity Video clips and likewise High Res Photos, Nice Download Options.
 A considerable amount of the movie has been in high def with 1280 by 720 level, in addition to also have Mp4 for much more equally as high as time overhaul with WMV in the extra mid-range ones. All of these are full scene videos install with portable files in improvement to in web internet browser flash streaming as different alternatives.
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The content below keeps upgrading the web material days also right back to the year 2007; consequently, there's a substantial record here. have numerous both flick scenes and image galleries ladyboy surgery in a well-balanced collection. Additionally, a lot of formats tends to have at least a number of both types of shoots.
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Different other Excellent Stuff consists of:
Participant's area layout is solid with a different image and also flick areas along with particular specific niche components, content descriptions/dates, layout index, stats/bios, plus individual first-class rankings
Company reward internet websites consisted of with registration, and additionally, they are all furthermore ladyboy themed. They addition straight connected using the LadyboyGold part's array.
There are several added internet material locations like ladyboygold club hotspot information, beginners, behind the scenes material, news, and so on
Through linked with the several years, the videos have ended up a lot extra broadened making use of the bulk gotten in touch with later ones being around 15 to 25 minutes. A section linked with a trademark name brand-new individuals may be quick exceptionally. They can be a bit virtually everywhere, and it% u2019s strange to have a 20 mins activity image imitated by a 3 or 4-minute cut.
Some Video Format Variations, Older Motion Picture are Common Def.
 There could be extra flick layout options. Back right into the chronicles, there are nonhigh def video clips available simply in basic top quality levels.
 Revenues LadyboyGold does numerous points well consisting of quality/options, web content information, updates, while the amount of material. The site can stand well on its own yet the variable to consider of 5 extra motivations is a respectable included likewise given that these are generally all likewise ladyboy themed. You pick to acquire some selection because high as options as well as also high product quality as the older web content from years right back is ruling out that solid as existing updates.
0 notes
Descova App Review
Introducing Descova App
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What to Sell in 2019: Just how to Discover an Item Particular Niche and also Start Selling Online (Component 5)
Turning Quarrel right into Comfort Food
In the 2008 housing breast, I was given up as engineer as well as quickly developed health concerns that result in a new instructions in my life as well as an opportunity to make use of the growth of gluten-free foods demand.
For many years, I've utilized my design abilities to evaluate and also create a bread Descova App product that is gluten-free, vegan, tastes actually excellent and also has remarkable structure like home cooking should.
We utilize half the components of various other popular commercial brand names, with twice the preference!
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6. Recognize and also offer particular niche segments.
Particular niche sections typically mean success for ecommerce.
Take, for instance, Berkey Water.
Berkey Water is a water purification system unlike anything else on the market. You can place radioactive sludge in it as well as it would certainly take out drinkable water for you.
It is that great.
As well as since it is that excellent, it has particular niche markets which are significantly faithful to the brand name.
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Plenty of other shopping sections enjoy the Berkey Water filter, too, but their success has actually long been hinged on markets looking for the outright best in water filtration.
As well as the love that these segments have for the product is proven in their testimonials:
10 Concepts For Niche Products To Sell Online:
Distinct beaded pendants.
Hand-made ice cream.
Natural leather iPad situations.
Bluetooth cordless speakers.
Baby clothing.
Mason jar pour caps.
Fidget spinners.
Organic beard oil.
Bow ties.
Wood apparel.
Specific Niche Crafting Over Generations
The need to honor my papa as well as other farmers that provide seasonal organic food was the primary inspiration behind beginning CORKY'S NUTS.
Maturing on our walnut farm, I observed the care and passion my daddy took into expanding his walnuts.
It appeared only all-natural for me to develop a company which permits people to experience what fresh natural walnuts taste like just after harvest, instead of walnuts that rest on store shelves for unidentified amount of times.
-- Nicole Facciuto. Founder, CORKY'S NUTS
7. Place company possibilities definitely almost everywhere.
If the above ideas aren't reverberating, right here are a few methods to discover great service ideas in your daily life.
Beginning taking individuals seriously when they offer you compliments. What is it that individuals inform you you're fantastic at? Maybe friends and family can't get sufficient of your online evaluations. This is specifically just how Spearmint Love began. Founder Shari Lott was a once-time baby garments blog owner and also customer. Quickly, she understood she was obtaining even more website traffic as well as praise than many of the brands she advertised. So, she made a decision to start calling wholesale orders and also offering the products herself. Today, Spearmint Love is a hugely effective brand, and Sheri is a popular trend-spotter in the sector.
Start snooping around websites like ebay.com, Amazon.com and also Etsy. You'll be surprised at the basic things being marketed online, including vintage Descova App items discovered at a second hand shop, celebration lights, dog toys, tablecloths, decorative pillows as well as wedding celebration style. Check out a website like GolfEtail which uses eBay as an added sales channel to substantially boost overall brand revenue.
Consider a brand-new spin for old products. Also just giving something a brand-new paint job can transform a $5 item into a $50 gem. Look into the angle Bread & & Jam took on basic products you 'd likely discover anywhere, transforming them right into cherished pieces.
Think about impulse purchases or things people buy frequently. This could include items like scent, candle lights, uniqueness and also DVDs. NatoMounts, for example, offers phone owners for automobiles---- which concerning 80% of their target market buys from their phone (yet ideally not in the vehicle!).
Continue to find out exactly how to examine your list of service ideas to better recognize what is sensible, viable and also market-ready.
Descova App Review & Summary
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Descova App Rate & Evaluation
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0 notes
thekoreanlass · 5 years
BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan/Beyond The Scene), composed of members RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V & Jungkook, has been making huge waves not just in the Hallyu scene but also in the international stage. As of current, they have been breaking their own personal records through their comeback with mini album ‘Map of the Soul: Persona‘ and their title song ‘Boy with Luv‘ and is also continuously gaining a growing fanbase as their popularity spread around the world.
Through the influence that they bring to new and old fans alike, ARMY around the world become all interested in anything related to BTS, including the places that they go to.
Because of BTS, many places in South Korea that were seldom explored by locals and tourist alike are now being visited so often that you can likely call the tour a ‘BTS Tour’ on its own due to the number of outdoor filming locations that they use in their activities that are aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.
Having this topic at hand, I will be sharing with you some of the filming locations that you already saw from their ‘Spring Day‘ MV. Many more locations will be shared in the near future but it’s ‘Spring Day’ for today since it’s one of my favorite songs. 🙂
Let’s begin the tour!
Iryeong Station
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V is the first member to appear during the opening of the ‘Spring Day’ MV. He’s seen standing in a snowy railway station all bundled up to fight the cold winter as he waits for the train to arrive. The train station signage read ‘Iryeong’, pertaining to the ‘Iryeong Station‘ in Yangju, Gyeonggi.
Iryeong Station, where this scene was shot, is actually a closed platform that has not been functioning since 2004. It is occasionally being used only for freight trains (or trains transporting goods).
Address: 327, Samsang-ri, Jangheung-myeon, Yangju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
How to get there: Seoul City Center via cab to Iryeong Station is about 40min of travel time.
Jumunjin Beach
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Jumunjin Beach, located in Gangneung, Gangwon-do, is both the location for the ‘You Never Walk Alone’ album jacket & also some Jimin’s cuts in the ‘Spring Day’ MV.
The album jacket and MV itself are so aesthetically pleasing that at one point it also feels like a legit promotional video about other beautiful places in Korea. BTS made it so beautiful that fans kept coming to the place to get the feel of being at the same place where BTS filmed!
Aside from the serene sea and the white sand beach though, one iconic location that a lot of ARMY always look for is the ‘bus stop’ by Jumunjin Beach they used to shoot the album jacket for ‘You Never Walk Alone’. This bus stop is actually not a real one, but the city of Gangneung recreated the bus stop for fans that kept coming in search of it.
This is the bus stop that Gangneung City recreated for BTS fans in search of the place
(c) Gangwon Province
website: http://gangwon.com.my/you-never-walk-alone-bts-bus-stop-set-up-on-jumunjin-beach/
(c) Gangwon Province
Address: 210, Jumunbuk-ro, Jumunjin-eup, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
How to go there: Take a bus from Seoul Nambu Bus Terminal to Jumunjin Intercity Bus Terminal. From there, take a taxi for approx. 5 min.
Fact: This is the same beach where one of the scenes in drama ‘Goblin’ was filmed. So, going here is like hitting two birds with one stone if you’re also fan of the drama.
Sihwaho Lake
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Sihwaho Lake located in Gyeonggi Province is another location for one of the scenes in the MV. It is shown at the latter part of the MV when the boys are finally together. They run towards the middle of the place and Jimin let’s go of the shoes he had been carrying with him by Jumunjin Beach. The members then watch the beautiful scene in front of them as the sun sets down behind the tree where the shoes where left at.
This tourist attraction is actually surrounded by cities of Ansan, Siheung & Hwaseong and it is actually a haven for migratory birds during winter. In addition, Sihwaho Lake is in fact formed as a result of land reclamation. The reclaimed wetlands and the man-made body of water is south of Incheon. That’s why it is said that the name of the lake came from the ‘si’ of Siheung & ‘hwa’ of Hwaseong,
Address: 1031-8, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (Sihwaho Lake Reed Marsh Park)
PS: the lake is partly reclaimed land so if you’re going to try and find it on google maps you’ll only see water everywhere. However, I believe the place is near the tidal power plant built nearby.
Also, I’ve researched the longest for this location because I found another information about this setting in the MV. A Korean fan apparently went to the said filming location, but she had referenced it as ‘Woo Eum Island’ and when I tried digging a bit more about the place I only saw pictures with the ‘outcast tree’ in the MV and found that it’s located in Hwaseong. It would be difficult to find more info about the island though since pictures only mostly come up (the others are in korean text and I’m still a beginner). I feel though that I’m probably looking at two similar places because Sihwaho is around Hwaseong too, but I don’t know. Haha.
Check out the fan’s Vlog though. Maybe it will help you if you want to go there. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS4cGV9a0rU
I can’t find more information but I think this scene with Jungkook was also shot here. That dilapidated merry go round must have been installed as prop only.
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For the rest of the settings in the MV, like the scene with them sitting on a mountain of clothes, them on a train, them at the Omelas, them going down the stairs while Jin is capturing the moment, etc, were all shot mainly at a studio with CG making the settings look like a real place with a beautiful view and a magical effect on the ‘Spring Day’ MV.
Here are some other captures I took from the MV:
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Thank you for reading! Making this post took a little bit longer as I want to try doing my best in providing you the closest to the real information. Any comments you have on the contents of the post are welcomed, so be sure to drop one!
I’ll post more places about BTS filming locations so do watch out!
(c) Gangwon | VisitKorea | Spring Day MV
[Travel] BTS ‘Spring Day’ MV Filming Locations BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan/Beyond The Scene), composed of members RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V & Jungkook…
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